jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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Nina shrugged. She supposed she felt a bit better having said stuff out loud but still. Everything was just… one disaster after another, too quickly, too much at once. “Yeah… yeah, I know.” Nina said. She knew that she shouldn’t think that way but it wasn’t easy. “Honestly, let’s just talk about something else. Anything.”
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“Okay.” Nodding his head. Although, he didn’t really have anything positive to say right now which was kind of what he needed. “I need a way to make things up to Madeline. Any suggestions?” 
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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“um…” She laughed and nodded. There were just some things that she did not need or want to know about. This included strangers sex lives. “Me too. So, how about the first round it on me?” 
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“It was a joke.” No, it actually wasn’t but he was trying to save her from having that pop back up in her thoughts. “Yeah? Hey! Get them in!”
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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Had she really just heard him discussing his and Madeline’s sex sofa stories? Oh, fuck. “Uh,” bringing his hand to rub at the back of his neck. “Nah, it was nothing.” Figuring it was for the best to just act like it hadn’t happened. “Although I think I’m going to need a shot after that.” He joked. 
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[ @secretsummerstarters​ ]
“Oh my goodness…” Bridget came to a complete stop as she heard the comment from the table she had been approaching. “I feel as if I am interrupting a very private conversation.” 
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
“For fun, of course. Especially when you mix it with some orange juice.” Pouring herself a glass, she sat back and took a sip. “No, no celebrating.” If she were being honest she was trying to avoid thinking about the little box she found in Fritz’ stuff. “Just enjoying life.”
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"Mixing is for the weak." Now that was a joke as he offered her a brief smile to show he didn't mean it. Fuck, he wasn't ashamed to admit he liked a good cocktail. "Are you bullshitting or is that what you're doing?” He wondered. 
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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Cassie definitely had been feeling a little less weighed down lately, though she didn’t know why and didn’t know how long it would last but she wasn’t going to over-question it. It might last, it might not, but she supposed that was life. “Well, that’s better than every time I’ve asked you before, so I’ll take it.” She chuckled.
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“It is.” He nodded because he either normally bullshitted and acted like he was better than he was or... he was that messed up he couldn’t hide it so this was definitely an improvement. “You wanna’ make the most of my good mood? I’ve got nothing on for the next couple of hours.”
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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Nina sighed, moving to lean into him as he held his arm out. Definitely felt more comforting but she just didn’t know what to do or say about all these things she was feeling. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s us.” She repeated, nodding as she told herself to believe it. She glanced up at him and shrugged. “They all nearly died… hell, I nearly died…” And she was still suffering some effects from that. “Everything keeps happening so quickly… and I’m just scared.” She shrugged, leaning back again and having another swig of her drink.
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He welcomed her into his embrace, letting his arm wrap around her but only loosely because he didn't want to invade her personal space or anything. "Yep. We're going to be okay." Jackson wasn't saying it for himself but more for her because he knew how shit all this was, he wasn't in her position no but he felt like he had a pretty good idea. “You can’t think like that. Alright? They didn’t die. No one’s dying.” Please, don’t let anyone else fucking die. “Me too.” Not prepared to completely bullshit her when the situation obviously was scary as he let his thumb rub over her arm. “If there’s anything I can do just tell me.”
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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“Hm?” She shifted her attention and forced a smile. “No. Not yet, anyway.” She stated, turning to gaze back over the road. “Never know in this town…”
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“Yeah... You could say that and people wouldn’t think much of it. Let’s hope we didn’t jinx ourselves into that coming true though.” Offering a slight smile as he looked towards the graveyard then returned his gaze to her. “You alright?”
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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Nina kept telling herself to focus on the fact that Nina was alive, the babies were finally here and healthy… but she still worried. It all still happened. Her wife had killed someone and covered it up. Attacker or not, she could go to prison, and nobody believed Nina’s stupid try to take the blame. She was worried that the babies wouldn’t bond with her or she wouldn’t bond with them, she was worried that she was doing everything wrong, and that she was too fucked up, and on and on and on. “Maybe.” She shrugged, when he said it was going to be okay. She wasn’t sure whether or not she could believe it. “Yeah? That’s good?”
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It was all well and truly fucked if they allowed themselves to be honest with each other but he didn’t want to have that attitude around her. He knew what had really happened and hadn’t said shit either so it wasn’t just her but it was her that he was worried about. “Come on.” Jackson shifted his weight slightly so he could move closer to her, holding out his arm so she could come in for an embrace if she wanted too. “It’s us. It might take us a while but we always figure our shit out in the end and this is going to be no different. Alright?” They had surely gotten through the worst of it? emma was okay, the babies were okay and now... Well, yeah there were still some big fucking problems but they’d handle it. 
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
“Very well,” she replied, sitting down and pouring herself a glass. “You know you don’t have to be celebrating to have champagne, right?”
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“Why else would anyone put themselves through drinking it?” Taking a slow sip of his beer as she sat down. “So... your not celebrating then?” 
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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“Most likely.” Emma did her best to chuckle lightly but she wasn’t feeling it. Not really. “Damn, I’m sure Nina will forgive me sooner or later.” The redhead tried again to joke around but again she just wasn’t feeling it. Yes, Jackson and her hadn’t exactly gotten along at first but she actually cared about him as well. Honestly she was glad that he had this habit it did make her feel less alone whenever she would send Nina home to get some actual rest or her mother. “Honestly..” She took a deep breath and let it go. “I want to see my babies. I haven’t been able to yet, Jackson and all I want to do is see them.”
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“What she doesn't know she can't be pissed about." Referring to the nurse as he offered her a brief smile that he wasn't really feeling either. It wasn't supposed to be like this for them, if he could change it then he would but he didn't know how. "I'll never admit to this out loud but I think she would too." He joked but again he knew it had fallen flat, it was kind of supposed to right now. Jackson knew he shouldn't be doing this but he didn't want her to be alone, he hadn't exactly spoken to Nina about it but he had a feeling she wouldn't want Emma alone either. "Hey, you will." A firm nod. "They just want to make sure it's safe and that you're okay first." 
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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Madeline thought about it for a moment. “Totally at a one hundred percent to being dumped.” The blonde teased lightly, with a small chuckle that followed. Jackson had saved her as well, she had overdosed and yes Dylan had found her. But it was Jackson that brought her back to life in a way that no one else could. And honestly she liked to think that she saved him as well. He was her rock and the reason why she had stopped taking those pills. Granted she had her brother as well but Jackson meant everything and so much more to her. “Okay, that is true you wouldn’t and I don’t want to do that to you. So how about we don’t break up which saves you the begging and asking for forgiveness and we just go to dinner tonight instead and afterwards go back to your place? Watch some Netflix or something.” She returned the smile that she saved for him. Just for his eyes much like the rest of her body was.
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"Oh, fuck. I'm in bigger trouble than I thought." He teased slightly in return, allowing his smile to grow for her. No one had known the mess he had actually been in mentally before Madeline had come into his life. No one. He had been drowning and she was the breath of fresh air and he never wanted to let her go. It may not always be perfect with them but who even wanted perfect? He was happy with what they had, it was real and she somehow still saw something in him that was worth keeping around. "You don't want to do that to me because you know your the one who will have to help me up?" Jackson teased again, a chuckle escaping him this time. "I’m much happier with that plan. Yeah. Do you want to meet me at my place and we’ll go from there?” Not that he had any intention of going anywhere just yet anyway but he already had an idea of what he was going to do for their date. “Have I told you how much I’ve missed you?” He leaned in slowly and pressed a delicate kiss to the side of her mouth, he couldn’t help it when he was around her. 
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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“Your not about to whisper something creepy like you see dead people, are you?” Jackson put the breaks on his wheelchair, not bothering to try and maneuver the chair properly so he was practically parked in front of her. 
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She was sitting on a bench across the road from the cemetery, gazing evenly across the road towards the grave stones that could just be seen over the wall. Molly was angry. She wasn’t aware of much around her, didn’t even realise anybody sat down beside her. Just continued to stare levelly across the road at the cemetery, the rage bubbling under the surface.
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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“If the nurse finds me in here outside of visiting hours again she’s going to fucking murder me. My blood will be on your hands. Just so you know.” The two of them didn’t exactly get off to the best of starts but in his opinion they had come along way since then. He hadn’t admitted it out loud but he cared a lot about her and he’d do just about anything for her... Including making a habit out of sneaking into her room so she wasn’t alone. “How are you feeling?”
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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Nina looked over at him with a little smile. She was feeling… all sorts of anxiousness lately, but he always seemed to be able to make her feel better. “You know it’ll always be our thing.” She chuckled, sighing as she sat down and did make a face as she reached for the bottle, shrugging. Nina looked back at him again. “I’m… I’m fine, I’m just… y’know, I’m worried. But that seems to be my general state these days, so.” Nina made a face, knocking back a swig. “You?”
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“Yeah.” Jackson nodded, he knew everything had gone to shit around them lately but he wanted to make sure he was there for her as much as possible. They didn’t actually have to drink but he just figured... It might make her smile and take her mind off things for a little while. “I know but I’m at your service. I’m all yours today but please don’t ask me to get up... Now I’m down here I don’t think I can.” He chuckled, although he was for the most part being serious. “It’s going to be okay.” It had to be. “I’m okay.”
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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“Well, I feel very special.” She smiled, nudging him a little.”Eh, I’ve been a bit busy… but yeah. I’m good… like, real good this time.” She chuckled. As opposed to faking it. “What about you?”
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“You should. You know me... I want to hide from everyone.” He teased, bringing his hand to her shoulder to give it a gentle squeeze. “Yeah?” A smile because that’s what he wanted to hear... He’d been worried about her for a while but he wasn’t going to pry. He hated it when people did that to him. “I’m good too! I wouldn’t say real good but borderline which is like walking on sunshine for me.” 
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