ryuka-takane · 11 months
Mun post: I'll be keeping this side blog, but if within 2 weeks I don't interact/have any interaction, I'll update the status to being on extended hiatus until further notice.
I finally figured out a way to give Ryuka a realistic avatar image, without using someone else's likeness, so I'd rather not delete the whole blog if possible.
If anybody out there is looking to RP for AiB, let me know. Read rules and Ryuka's bio first, please!
Mun Post: I'm going to leave this page up for maybe another couple of weeks, but I've been steadily losing interest in the idea of AiB RP in general.
Lack of interaction is the main culprit, and brainrot for other fandoms is the other. In order from most brainrot to least right now is 1) Baldur's Gate 3 [Astarion--I am not immune to pretty vampiric elves], 2) Tokyo Revengers [Sanzu], 3) One Piece [pretty much everybody at this point, besides the genuinely bad guys].
Honestly, if there's nothing here within that 2 weeks, I'll be deleting this side blog and just sticking with my main for now. Maybe I'll come back to this someday, maybe not.
It's just not fun, nor is it encouraging, when you put your stuff out there and get nothing as a result.
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ryuka-takane · 11 months
Mun Post: I'm going to leave this page up for maybe another couple of weeks, but I've been steadily losing interest in the idea of AiB RP in general.
Lack of interaction is the main culprit, and brainrot for other fandoms is the other. In order from most brainrot to least right now is 1) Baldur's Gate 3 [Astarion--I am not immune to pretty vampiric elves], 2) Tokyo Revengers [Sanzu], 3) One Piece [pretty much everybody at this point, besides the genuinely bad guys].
Honestly, if there's nothing here within that 2 weeks, I'll be deleting this side blog and just sticking with my main for now. Maybe I'll come back to this someday, maybe not.
It's just not fun, nor is it encouraging, when you put your stuff out there and get nothing as a result.
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Mun Post: This blog is officially on extended hiatus. Unfortunately, I'm not good at reaching out to ask people to start threads, and I have had zero interactions since starting this RP blog anyway. It's discouraging, to say the least.
On top of that, I have been hyperfixating on Tokyo Revengers (for Sanzu, Hanma, and Wakasa in particular), and now, One Piece again (Buggy has won me over, and yes, I'm talking about the anime/manga Buggy).
While it would be fun to RP, with zero interactions, I have no motivation to even try. I even downloaded an app and just write with bots these days, because it seems like that's all there is for me to do.
Truth be told, I kind of feel like it was pointless for me to bother making this blog in the first place, and like I wasted my time and got my hopes up for no reason. I'm considering deleting this blog and just sticking to my main blog.
Feel free to reach out with prompts or ideas if you'd like to, I'm still open to the idea of writing, I just don't feel confident in trying now since I've done outreach already and got nothing, and none of my open starters have gotten interaction, either.
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Hey, a little advice: A lot of people usually don't reply to open starters that long (no matter how great they are). I would recommend privately messaging some people you would like to start a thread with.
((Thank you for the advice, anon! I'm still trying to work up the courage to reach out to people I'm interested in writing with, however, I have severe anxiety and suffer from RSD, which is currently standing very much in my way of things. That's why I've tried the starters.
I'm truthfully considering giving up writing, but I'm not in the best head space right now to make final decisions about it. If I can get past the anxiety, I may reach out to a few RP blogs I've wanted to interact with. But for now, I think I may just take a hiatus.))
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
MUN post: I'll be disappearing for a little while. Personal life stuff has me extraordinarily down today, and I can hardly function. I'm not doing well mentally at all.
As for my starters: Honestly, I post them because I have severe anxiety. In the real world, it's bordering agoraphobia. I get scared to reach out to blogs, because I worry I won't live up to expectations, or they'll just turn me away (I also have RSD, and when I've been turned away in the past, usualy by way of just being ghosted, I've gone through intrusive thoughts that make me think I've been laughed at and talked down about for ever having reached out at all), and this is meant to be a fun outlet. Right now, reaching out causes me to panic. So, I'm trying open starters for now.
I don't know if I'll keep this blog going. I'm starting to get highly discouraged. I'll make a decision at a later date, when I'm not already struggling mentally. Thanks for understanding.
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Open AiB Rp Starter
How did she end up in this mess to begin with?
Ryuka's blue and black cat-eared hoodie had blood speckled all over it now, from other players being killed all around her. On this particular night, she had participated in a rather frustrating Spades game, in which participants were forced to maneuver through various deadly traps in order to reach their goal-the exit of an old, abandoned maze-all the while trying not to be shot at by "hunters." She was limping away from the now quiet, darkened game venue, having cleared the game, but certainly not emerging unscathed.
A bullet had grazed her left arm, and her own blood was soaking the fabric of her hoodie because of it. If only that panicking girl hadn't knocked into her while she had been attempting to round a corner, perhaps she would have been able to dodge the bullet.
Her caramel colored eyes scanned her surroundings, taking note of the amount of players that hadn't survived. They had entered with sixteen, and only five remained, all from The Beach. As she shuffled into one of the vehicles with two others, one being the driver, she noticed that eyes were on her. They've seen that I'm injured, she thought, a slight sense of worry building up within. Was she done for? All because of a small wound?
Certainly, it bled a decent amount. But it wasn't enough to kill her, let alone impair her abilities.
Shrugging off the stranger's gaze, she allowed herself to relax throughout the drive back to the so-called Utopia.
Upon arrival, she had intended to immediately retire to her room; she would cleanse and dress the wound herself, just in case.
However, as she trudged the halls to her room, a firm grip around the exact injury she was on her way to treat elicited something between a hiss and a growl, stopping her in her tracks.
"What the fuck!?" She exclaimed, voice cracking a bit as she turned to face the nuisance that had just caused her more pain than she had already been in. "Let go of me!"
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Open AiB Starter/Chishiya specific
"That blonde guy...you know, the one with the white hoodie?"
She knew the one. He was typically alone, and when he wasn't, the tall woman in a blue bikini was with him. A girlfriend, perhaps? Taller than him, but who was Ryuka to judge? Some men liked that.
"Yeah, I've seen him around. What about him?" She asked the young party-goer. The girl placed a firm hand on Ryuka's shoulder, and squeezed.
"Steer clear of that creep. He's on Niragi's shitlist; you start hanging around him, you'll be a target, too."
It was an awkward interaction that she had dealt with a week ago, but she couldn't seem to help herself. The mysterious male had her attention, his sideways glances at her recent presence drawing her in. She wanted to know what he was up to, if he was up to anything. Of course, her social anxiety made it impossible to approach him.
Sure, she had gotten plenty of opportunities. There had been a couple games she had participated in with him, and having been at The Beach for a week now, she had crossed paths with him while making her way to the lobby, commons area, or pool. In fact, she was almost certain she'd seen him lounging about on the roof before, when she spared a skyward glance while outside. But speak to him? Never.
Which was why she found herself twiddling her thumbs and trying not to choke from the dryness in her throat as she approached him from behind. Why she had bothered to follow him, she couldn't be sure. Everyone had told her not to, that he would simply shrug her off, ignore her. That he probably didn't even know her name. But he sparked curiosity within her. She needed to at least try speaking with him.
Clearing her throat, she picked up her pace, and reached out to tap his shoulder.
"Hey, you're, uh...You're Chishiya, right?"
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
MUN: Part two of Ryuka's choice of attire! I also shared a couple cute, goth style bathing suits a few days back, as reference for what she wears around The Beach.
Part 2 of Ryuka's basic wardrobe! (Ones where the midriff is showing, she would wear an undershirt that covered her midriff)
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
MUN: From my main blog (posted as a reference for people reading my fic). Part one of "Ryuka's choice of attire. This is the type of stuff she wears when she's not secluded to The Beach. Part two coming up!
Mad because I tried to post this already and it didn't...but here's Ryuka's basic wardrobe. There'll be a second post since one doesn't fit all the pics.
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
MUN post: May be writing another open starter today, I currently have two already posted! 😊 If I do, it won't be until a little while later in the day, as I'm currently in the midst of some Tokyo Rev brainrot, and honestly, I'm super tired, because I didn't get much sleep at all last night and have been doing yard work for two days straight in hot weather.
Keep an eye out, and if a starter interests you, feel free to interact! Just please review my rules first, as well. 😊
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Reblog if you are an Alice In Borderland Roleplay blog
Leave in the tags if you are a canon or OC character and you'll be added to this list
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Open AiB Starter (Kuina, Chishiya, or both preferred)
"Did you hear? That girl the militants keep calling 'rockstar' got in a fight with Niragi!" A small female squeaked, her surrounding friends gasping.
"Wait, really!? I thought that was just a joke, you know, since she's got that smart-mouth that pisses him off!" A woman wearing a green string bikini replied. Beside her, the first girl shook her head rapidly.
"No, it's real," she went on in a slightly more hushed tone. "Apparently, he was talking down about Chishiya again when it happened."
A man with a yellow button up and floral swim trunks nodded along. "I heard she didn't even hesitate, just marched straight up and clocked him. People are saying it was a solid uppercut. Then, he grabbed her hair and was taunting her, and she went for one of the militants' knives. Chopped off her hair to get free, but he tackled her and got some hits in."
The woman in the green string bikini held a hand to her heart in shock.
"Is she dead?" She asked with worry.
The man shook his head.
"Nah, but they took the knife back, and Niragi was saying something about waiting 'till the time is right to off her." The first girl hung her head.
"Why would she risk her own life to defend that creepy blonde, anyway? I heard he's a real jerk, doesn't care about anyone but himself..." she then clicked her tongue. "And she had such pretty, long hair. What a shame."
While the group sat around, mumbling on and on about the altercation and lamenting about the loss of such a trivial thing as hair, Ryuka padded by, heading to her usual relaxation spot: the courtyard. It was indeed true; she had used the knife to cut herself free, her hair now uneven as parts fell to the middle of her back, while other strands only fell below her shoulder. Her pale flesh was painted with fresh bruises, one on her right cheekbone, while another could clearly be seen on her left jawline. Her back had one large, reddened mark from where she had hit the ground, and a scratch near her right eye was being hidden by her sideswept bangs, but the cut along her bottom lip was beyond being hidden.
Yeah, Niragi had gotten several good hits in...but Ryuka had done more than a mere uppercut. Perhaps it had been a bit unfair, but she had made sure to land several punches to his gut, and a knee to the groin, too, before he got the best of her. His lackeys could have acted, but they knew better than to interfere with prey he would make his own, and she was more than aware of the fact that he had indeed claimed her life for himself. Oh, she dared him to come at her on his own. Next time, she'd be more prepared.
She settled on a decorative, metal bench, heaving a sigh and allowing a hiss to escape her lips when she leaned back, the bruising between her shoulder blades sending a pulsating pain through her. Even she was beginning to wonder why she had snapped at hearing Niragi talking down about the quiet, hoodie clad male. They weren't close. So why bother? And how convenient, how typical, that someone other than her own internal voice should bring it up aloud while she attempted to settle down. She just hadn't expected that the person approaching her was someone she already knew.
"If you're planning to ask me about the fight, don't," she grumbled, her eyes closed. "It was just an impulse move."
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
MUN Post: For the sake of reference, these are Ryuka's bathing suits of choice, regarding when things are written to take place at The Beach. I'll also share a couple OOC posts later of her regular attire choices for times written outside of The Beach, whether pre-Borderlands, during games in the Borderlands, or post-Borderlands.
Also about to post another open starter, one that is preferably open to Kuina RP blogs, or Chishiya RP blogs...or both! 😊
Anywho, in the meantime...Ryuka's swimwear references!
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
MUN post: I may add several new starters, open for interaction from anybody, today. I've been stuck in a depressive episode since May 1st, more and more stressful nonsense has been coming up in my life, and I need a healthy outlet before I lose my mind. 😅 RP used to be that for me years ago, so, I'm hoping I can make it an outlet again.
My ask box is open, and so are my messages! I have severe social anxiety, so reaching out is a struggle for me, but posting open starters and such is doable for me atm, and I'll answer any starter asks or general asks happily. ❤️ Rules for interaction are pinned on my blog. 😊
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Open AiB RP Starter
The Beach was growing quiet, as night tipped into the early hours of morning. Residents too drunk or high to keep partying had finally retired to their hotel rooms, some with company, some without. Others were exhausted from participating in games, and had given up on the idea of partying at all upon their return. Ryuka was thankful for it, the silence settling throughout, as it finally gave her a chance to leave the confines of her own room.
Bass guitar slung over her shoulder by a strap, Ryuka roamed the halls, walking on tip-toe to keep her steps soft. She made her way out into the empty courtyard, a sigh of content leaving her as she sat on a bench, a gentle breeze rushing over her.
Her chestnut and crimson streaked hair moved with the soft wind, settling like a frame around her face as she shifted her bass into playing position. Everyone that should be asleep is, so...this shouldn't cause a fuss for anyone. I'll play quietly...and I'll only hum. Positioning her fingers, she began to pluck a tune, humming along a melody. It may have been unfamiliar to most; People I Don't Like by UPSAHL didn't seem like something that would be well known in Japan, but that only made it easier to avoid being approached if someone did happen to be awake nearby. Nobody would bother her over an unfamiliar tune.
Or, so she thought.
Hearing a faint shuffling of footsteps, she halted her playing, but kept her eyes fixed on the musical instrument in her hands. Without even a hint of fear in her voice, she addressed the currently nameless, faceless figure approaching from behind.
"Can I help you?"
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Mun post: I'm working on coming back and mustering up the courage to try starting an RP. Divorce is hard. It's even harder when there's a lot more going on behind it, and a baby is involved.
I've updated my rules, given my change in marital status. They're mostly the same. Just a few little tweaks to them.
Keep an eye out for a starter post, or something of the like. ❤️
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Ooc/Mun post: So, just wanted to note that I see that I'm getting more followers, and I'm very much stoked about it! I haven't prepared any starters yet, but if anybody would like to interact and has a prompt in mind, feel free to shoot me a message or an ask; my ask box is now open thanks to @niragi-of-bitches helping me take notice that it was closed to begin with!
I may not be super fast right now if I get any prompts; I am currently mourning a dear family pet who passed only two nights ago, but I am trying to put my focus elsewhere, so prompts are VERY much welcome right now. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
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