#send asks to continue the story and interact with things :3
plumpstuck · 2 years
John: Introduce yourself.
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==>  Your name is JOHN EGBERT.  You've always been a bit on the THICKER side, even before your father developed an obsession with baking and the like.  Not you nor anyone else would ever describe you as FAT, but you were more than known to be on the PLUMPER side of the scale.
==>  However, having grow up in an environment surrounded by baked goods with little to stop you from indulging... needless to say, indulge you did.  In addition to your round starting frame, you had put on at least a bit of weight under the coddling care of your dear dad.  The consumption of cake to an excess has put its mental toll on you— the moment your taste-buds grew sick of the over-exposure, you had discovered that it wasn't just your taste-buds that changed.  As subtly aware as you were to your climbing weight, you didn’t do anything to stop it, and you perhaps did even less so to prevent it from increasing in pace.  Your method of coping with this predicament was passive denial and aversion to the subject.
==>  Now, you've moved out of the old family house and are on your own.  You could have sworn that these stubborn pants fit nice and snug when you'd waved your farewells to your father.  He sent you off with plenty of snacks for the road— you tried to decline, but he insisted.  You weren't just going to shoot down your teary-eyed father's generous offer, and the pastries did look tantalizingly sweet.  It took little more fuss for you to resign your refusing position with his eyes wide with pride and care.  Before you knew it, he had your broad arms full of boxes and bags of his latest baked creations.
==> ... but that was months before today.  Today, you press your lips into a thin line of frustration, trying— and failing— to hitch the unforgiving denim up to acceptable levels.  As you breathe out a hefty sigh, you wince as your soft post-starter-belly inches forwards and buds over the pinching waistband.
John’s breath was caught in his chest as he alternated between wrestling with the garment and taking much-needed moments to just breathe. Those moments were necessary altogether with his growing frustration, tied altogether by his tiredness.
He started off devoting more of his time tugging to hopefully rake the hard material up his thighs with mere moments of recollection littered in-between. By the time he had concluded such winded efforts, he had spent more time heaving and teary-eyed from those efforts than he had actually spent on those minor stubborn attempts to continue.  ‘Concluded’ is a word that tactfully avoids the truth of the situation— John hadn’t successfully finished the mundane task of getting dressed at all.  His vain attempt to clothe himself was punctuated by the bounce of his tummy as he dropped the two flaps of fabric.  Although inanimate, the gentle jiggle of his doughy lower roll of fat as he threw down the fabric in defeat seemed almost smug at his futile attempt to contain it.
A final sigh left those lips of his, now reddened and plump from the anxious fidget of digging his prominent front teeth into the sensitive there flesh of his lower lip. John slumped backwards, exasperated as he kicked the worn and useless pants off of his legs— pudgy and thick enough to be considered, as much as he'd deny it himself, fat.
"God dammit," he heaved through his chest with his face flushed dark, "Those fit last time I tried them on…"
He dabbed at the damp spots cornering his eyes, glimmering with the light caught from an open sliver of his window blinds. As his heavy chest and belly rose and fell with his weighty breathing, John tried his best to focus on anything other than his figure— a responsibility he took on by occupying his eyes with a particular meaningless spot on the popcorn ceiling.
The frames upon the bridge of his nose were slick with sweat of toil, so much that they began to slip. He lazily let his head droop to the side, soft cheek pressed into the plush of the pillow as he fell tired.
John woke from his slumber with heavy eyelids and an empty growl gnawing at his hefty middle, his trimmed nails tracing against the flesh as his idle hand kneaded at the angry mass.
==> What are you going to do now?
💙 ==>
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spider-stark · 2 years
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Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - Thinking he has no chance with y/n as himself, Peter begins approaching them as Spider-Man.
friendly reminder - the best way to support writers on Tumblr is to reblog their work or comment <3:)
// masterlist // send me your thoughts //
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Two months. 
That was how long it had been since Peter first indulged in his ridiculous idea of talking to you under the guise of Spider-Man. Of course he hadn’t meant for it to last this long, promising himself that it was just to help him build his confidence–maybe even learn a bit about what kind of things you liked–so that he could actually ask you out as himself. Unfortunately, though, things hadn’t gone quite as he had planned. 
Spider-Man offered him a type of courage that he just wasn’t able to muster as Peter Parker. Under the cover of his mask he was able to come across as easy-going and flirtatious, never failing to leave your cheeks a deep crimson from the playful banter. Yet, when he did manage to speak to you as plain ole’ Peter, all of that was suddenly lost on him, leaving him a complete and total bumbling mess. As far as he was concerned, Peter Parker had no chance to be what any girl wanted, especially you. But Spider-Man was a different story.
And so he continued to exploit Spider-Man, using the masked hero as a means to continue getting closer to you, pretending to be oblivious to the fact that he wouldn’t be able to hide behind his secret identity forever. To be fair, he would rationalize to himself, Spider-Man had taken a lot from him, it was only fair that he got something in return. 
Plus, the interactions had been mostly innocent. Or at least that’s what he kept telling himself, opting to ignore the many times that coy attitudes began to border on actual sexual attraction. He tried not to think about those times (though there had been many nights where he purposely let those interactions slip into his mind, reliving them from the privacy of his bedroom), instead just promising himself that he wouldn’t let his romantic escapades as Spidey go too far. 
“So,” your voice filled his ears, his heart skipping a few beats at the sound, “at what point should I start to wonder if you’re stalking me?” 
Peter chuckled at the question, his fingers gripping the railing of the balcony to your apartment, effortlessly hanging from it. “Do you feel like I’m stalking you?” 
“Hm,” you placed a finger against your chin, pretending to be deep in thought, evoking even more laughter from the boy. “Maybe a bit.” 
“Oh yeah? What did I do to give that impression?” 
“Well, to be fair, you’re currently dangling a couple hundred feet in the air off the side of my balcony.” You told him matter-of-factly, gesturing to where he was still hanging from the railing. 
His brows furrowed beneath his mask, an expression that was barely noticeable due to the fabric covering his face. “And that makes me a stalker? I thought you’d find it romantic, a sort of Romeo-and-Juliet moment.” 
“Romeo threw pebbles at her window, he didn’t scale an entire apartment building dressed in spandex.” You reminded him, “But, actually, it’s more so that I don’t remember ever giving you my address.” 
Peter froze for a moment, having not thought about the fact that your previous run-ins with Spider-Man had always been in public spaces–catching you after work or just happening to bump into you on the street while patrolling–never at your home. He only knew where you lived because you had told him, but as Peter Parker, not Spider-Man, when the two of you were assigned to a project together last week. He mentally face-palmed at his own ignorance. 
“Superheroes keep up with where all the pretty girls live. One of the lesser-known parts of the job.” He quipped, hoping that flattery would keep you from thinking too much into it. You only rolled your eyes at the comment, luckily not pressing any further. 
“So what did I do to deserve a surprise Spidey visit this time?” You hummed, leaning back against the cold brick of your apartment building.  
Peter hoisted himself over the edge of the balcony so that he was standing across from you, his arms finally beginning to ache from holding up his bodyweight for so long. “What, I’ve gotta have a reason to stop by and see my favorite civilian?” 
“Civilian?” You snorted. “And here I was thinking you and I were friends.” 
He dramatically placed his hands on either side of his face, feigning shock at your words, “Oh God no! You and me? Friends?” he let his hands fall to his waist, an exaggerated breath leaving his mouth, “No, not at all. I think that would be a conflict of interest.” 
You cocked a brow at him, “How so?” 
“I mean–I just think it would really interfere with our whole superhero slash damsel-in-distress routine, ya know?” 
“Damsel-in-distress?” You gasped incredulously at the claim, though the corners of your mouth were still quirked up in a smile. 
Peter nodded, “Uh, yeah. That’s literally our whole thing, isn’t it? You constantly running into trouble, me swinging in and saving your life.” 
“You haven’t had to save my life once Spider-Boy.” Peter scoffed at the name, acting like he was insulted. 
“Oh c’mon!” Peter dragged the word out, practically whining as he took a fraction of a step towards you, the movement enough to leave only a few inches between the both of you due to how small the balcony was. “You are literally always getting yourself into danger.” 
“Okay,” You crossed your arms over your chest, craning your neck so that you could actually look up at him, the masked vigilante having several inches on you, “give me an example then.” 
Peter rolled his eyes, a gesture only evident by the dramatic way his head moved along with them. He reached a gloved hand to your face, letting his fingertip gently brush against the semi-healed cut along your forehead. “You literally got this by tripping over your own shoes and banging your head against the counter at a coffee shop. Not to mention the fact that you spilled your entire coffee on yourself in the process.” He trailed away from the cut, moving to brush a stray hair behind your ear. He didn’t take his hand away, though, letting it rest against the side of your face. “You are always in danger because you are the danger.” 
Your eyes widened for a moment, so quick that he didn’t even notice the reaction. He was right, you had done that, an unfortunate consequence of being the clumsiest person alive. But, still, his words left you confused; remaining silent for just a moment as you turned them over in your head. When you finally opened your mouth to speak you were cut off by the sound of distant sirens, a groan immediately coming from him, knowing that your interaction would now be cut short. 
His thumb brushed against your cheek, acting as an unnecessary silent apology. 
“Sounds like somebody needs Spider-Man.” You told him as he let his hand fall from your skin, forcing himself to the railing. If he didn’t go now, he wouldn’t leave at all. “You better hurry, it could be one of those pretty girls you keep tabs on.” You shot a teasing grin in his direction, referencing his earlier comment. 
“Ugh, they just never give me a day off.” He joked, swinging his feet over the balcony railing before gripping onto it and allowing himself to once again hang from it. “Try not to trip into anything dangerous until I’m back.” 
He turned his head and reached one hand out, likely to shoot a web at the building across from yours, but hesitated when he heard you speak again, a sudden panic filling his body at your words, “Be safe, Parker.” 
The sirens continued blaring, growing closer with each second, but all he could hear was the sound of his own heart wildly thumping against his chest. “What?” He sounded completely dumbfounded, his head slowly turning back to look at you, only to find you standing with your own finger pointing to the cut he had traced on your forehead, a wide grin on your face. 
“Spider-Man wasn’t there the day that I fell.” You shot a knowing glance in his direction, one that had his cheeks heating up. He had never been more thankful to be wearing a mask, aware that his face was likely beet red. “I asked Peter to meet me there so I could borrow his biology notes.” 
Peter didn’t speak, too stunned by his own stupidity for slipping up and not thinking about how he was there that day as himself, not Spider-Man. This time you were the one to take a step forward and close the gap between you, having to lean down just a bit in order to be face-to-face as he dangled from the railing. 
“You’re a lot more confident in the suit.” You mused, your hands finding the base of his mask, lightly tugging the material up to reveal his face. Even though it was dark out you could still see that he was blushing. “But I prefer you without it.” 
His jaw fell slack, words getting caught in his throat as a million thoughts raced through his mind, though one thought in particular was a lot louder than the rest: I prefer you without it. 
“You should definitely go.” The sirens were now close enough that you could actually see the faint red-and-blue lights a few streets over. He looked in the direction of them but still didn’t make a single move to leave. You seemed to recognize his hesitation, tugging the mask back down over his face. “If you ever remember how to talk then you can come back when you’re done. But ditch the mask.” 
Peter nodded at your words, his eyes remaining glued to you as you straightened back up, turning your back to him to go back inside your apartment–leaving him to go off and be a hero. Once you were inside he couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head as he forced himself to get into motion, swinging in the direction of the police lights. 
Turns out Peter Parker did have a chance.
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fuxuannie · 3 months
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ  𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 | kenji sato x gender neutral reader
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love mail     —      ヽ(o´3`o)ノ full & utter credit to @coralwitchsheep in support of their preview of a kenji x reader series they're starting! (i'd suggest reading theirs first before reading this for context) i'm inlove w the idea and can't wait to read the next parts o(T□T)o ♡♡ this is my own spin on it, so to cut it short — likely not canon events! i js wanted to make a oneshot w relatively same concept,, if this does okay maybe part two. maybe ! (this is kinda long 🙁)
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︰꒱꒱ "THAT WENT WELL." you grumbled, entering your home with a frustrated sigh. what kind of guy runs away from an interview? all you asked was what could've possibly made him want to start from the beginning by coming back to japan. sure, maybe you startled him with your presence after 20 years, but come on. can't he be a little more professional? and maybe a little more welcoming to his best friend once upon a time?
as you snuggled into the comfort of your couch, you wanted to binge watch a few movies that you've been putting off.. but work called. you had to check your email incase any of your private interview bookings were accepted, or if the head journalist had yet another task for you. and if so, then to your dismay you'd have to figure out bookings and schedule.. and you should've been overjoyed to not receive any new ones, but there was one unopened email. curiously, you click on it — and you pause. kenji sato, as in — the one that just ran off after a single question, kenji sato? how did he find your email.. something you'll have to figure out later, but continuing to scan the contents, it seems like he wanted to have a one on one interview, and everything had been planned in advanced. it's in a restaurant not far from your home, in fact.. it was your favorite one from when you were a kid. reading the restaurant name makes you smile a little, fond memories of kenji's family and yours going there together, but you quickly shake your head to focus, this was basically work — after all.
it was a dinner, he wanted to apologize for his dismissive attitude to you earlier that day and give you a private interview. the entire email honestly felt computer generated, if mina wrote it you wouldn't be surprised until you got to the end;
"please, (name), let's catch up. professional setting or not, that's up to you. i just need to see you."
now you had to admit, that felt...— you weren't sure what it felt like, but you felt something while reading that. your fingers swiftly type back a response, accepting the invitation, with no bad blood between them for the prior interaction. as you click send, your mind began to wander off to possible situations. after all, twenty years.. it's a significant amount of time, and people can change — you just hoped it wouldn't be the worst reunion in the world.
the following day passed like spring breeze, next thing you knew you were dressing up for the arranged meeting with kenji. unsure whether to be casual or business, you weren't even set onto whether you wanted to catch up, or catch a story. job or feelings? now that's a hard decision. in the end, you went for a mix of both, a casual business attire.
you wondered if it was intentional for kenji to pick a place so close to home, literally and figuratively; it was a 5 minute walk and it.. honestly means a lot to you. your family still visits there often, and there's not one day that they don't discuss how much more joyful things would be with the sato's to share a meal with you. you couldn't help but silently agree, even if you wanted to act like you hated kenji for leaving.
you thought it would be smart to be there 10 minutes earlier, but kenji seems to have beaten you. he hasn't noticed you coming in yet, however he seems nervous. he's talking with the elderly head chef, who could easily recognize professor sato's only son boy — catching up after all those years. his head moves to the door by coincidence, catching your gaze. you wave hello and he smiles, waving back.
"holy shit." kenji feels like the air from his lungs is stolen right out of him. you've grown so much, well — yes, of course, it has been years, but god he didn't think you'd still have that affect on him. even as kids, as teenagers, and now as an adult — he couldn't help but feel breathless at the sight of you.
"hi mr. sato." you'll start, sitting next to him and giving a friendly smile. he laughed, taking his shades off his face and resting them down onto the table. "you know you don't have to do that with me, use my name. it's not like we're strangers." you didn't expect that, and kenji could see that in your eyes — he almost regrets saying it the way he did, but your expression melts into a much more casual one. "alright, kenji."
his attitude felt different, honestly. the things you've read about him from articles, he's an egoist — completely full of himself, he just can't stop talking about his own achievements. so to sit right next to him, and to feel like you're a little kid again, just eating wirh your best friend.. it's weird.
the silence is suffocating, food sizzling on pans and fire burning were the only things being 'exchanged' between the two of you.
deciding to break the silence, you cleared your throat. "so.. how has life been in america?" you immediately regret it. now you'll have to listen to him boast about his wins, how happy he's been — how you haven't even crossed his mi— "lonely."
your racing thoughts came to a pause at the sound of his voice, weirdly vulnerable, — you unknowingly made it so easy for him. "it was lonely. sure, but i won't lie—" kenji chuckled, although it lacked the joyful emotion tied to such form of laughter, and instead — sorrow. "the spotlights great. winning awards and trophies, it's what i've wanted to do for years. but.."
his hand moves over to his face, and suddenly it's harder to keep eye contact with you. he leans back into his chair and scoffs, looking away. "i missed japan. i missed my family.. i — i missed you."
your mouth goes slightly agape in an 'o' shape. you suddenly fumble on any words you can think of, even in your own mind, you begin to stutter. "i'm—" you'll try to speak but it's like you have no mouth, nothing can describe how you feel at the moment, it's such a basic and simple arrangement of words, an 'i miss you', and yet — why do you feel like this? you resented him for not calling, you envied how happy he was through a tv screen, and you wished that he'd just.. come back. and he did. he was doing exactly what you had hoped for in the past 20 years but — "i.. i've watched your life through a screen. every game, every loss, anything that involved you. and for those years, it felt impossible to tell *anyone* we were best friends. once." the *once* hit kenji harder than you thought. "but i wished, like some child spotting a shooting star — that you'd call. and not those half assed ones, where it was really just our parents talking and they call us over to say hi to each other. i mean, like we used to."
"what do you mean?" "you know what i mean."
your mind feels nostalgic as you reminicse; "2AM, you'll be talking about some punk from school who gave you trouble. and how i'd promise i'll beat them up once mom and dad had enough money to visit." a pitiful sigh escaped your lips. "they never did."
"i just.. i never wanted to move on, kenji. i never wanted to stop waiting. but.. i didn't want to keep feeling like a dog at your door for you."
as clichè as it is to hug someone during a dramatic monologue, kenji felt like there was nothing else he could do. words were practically silence when actions could do much more for him. his arms wrapped around you tightly, and his face was buried into your shoulder. he wanted to explain, but there was so much to cover in so little time — and he honestly just wanted you to feel better at the moment. "i wish i had known this is how you felt all those years apart. and i wish that i could've done more, but shit happens and i—"
and it's even more clichè to return that hug, with just as much feeling. "i know. and let's just.. talk things out, yeah? i've got a free day tomorrow so.. i don't think i'll mind spending the night with you."
"reword please, you'd love to spend the night with me."
"don't flatter yourself too much before i change my mind."
"alright alright, let's just eat already."
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watermelonlovershigh · 5 months
A Shift Occurs {part 4.} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
Friends Who Share Mutual Emotions {part 3.} (housemate!harry series)
AN: excited to be putting out a smutty fic since i haven't in a while. i hope you enjoy part 4. feel free to help put inspo into this series by sending me things you'd like to see happen in this story. remember to reblog and leave your feedback. enjoy!!!
This story contains: fluff, smut, handjob and male receiving oral, talks of using vibrator
{ housemate!harry - softrry - friend!harry - au harry - harry's occupation is a teacher }
word count- 2,373
Your friendship is progressing quicker than anticipated and when Harry wakes up with morning wood, you decide to help his situation out.
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It's been three days since the mutual confessions of your feelings and to be completely honest, there has been little change as far as how the two of you interact. Apart from the absence of casual encounters, daily routines within the house remain unchanged from the time when you were merely housemates and just friends. But, you have noticed some subtle differences.
On Saturday night, you followed your usual routine. As the clock struck seven, you opted for Chinese take-out and settled on the couch to watch a movie. Eventually fatigue overcame you and you made the choice to call it a night. Although you had shared a bed earlier in the day during the morning nap, you believed that spending an entire night together would be rushing things, so you decided to go your separate ways.
However, following an hour of restlessness, Harry reached a point where he could no longer bear it. He rose from his bed and made his way across the hallway to your room. Being polite, he softly tapped on the door and upon hearing the invitation, "Come in," he cautiously entered. The room was dimly lit, but the moonlight filtering through the window provided just enough illumination for him to see your confused silhouette.
Curiously, you questioned, "Har... what are you doing?" while observing Harry confidently approaching your unoccupied side of the bed, dressed in only a pair of black boxer briefs. Without seeking consent, he smoothly pulled back the duvet and comfortably nestled himself beside you.
"Couldn't sleep." Harry answered before continuing, "Ever since this mornin' where we took that nap together and cuddled, I realized just how much I love sharing a bed and cuddlin' with someone. Hope this was alright."
Looking over at him as he got settled under the blankets, you replied, "Yeah, it's fine. Just thought you wanted to take this whole thing slow s'all."
"Y/n, when I said we should take our relationship slow, I meant sex. Sharing a bed and cuddlin' doesn't have to equal sex. It's purely platonic." At Harry's words, you had mixed emotions. Yes you agreed in wanting to take your progressive friendship at a slow pace but on the other hand, you also want to jump his bones every time you look into his grassy green eyes.
Since Harry was the one to take the brave step in coming into your bedroom, you made the brave step in sliding over until your body was right next to his. Quietly, you asked, "Big spoon or little spoon?"
Shyly giggling, Harry answered, "Little spoon."
"Okay, turn on your side for me." He did as told and you tightly wrapped your body around his back and hugged him to your chest. Just like Harry, you're a big cuddler too. Hence why most of the time you allowed your one-night stands to sleep over. Just to have a cuddle partner throughout the night.
The restlessness Harry had at the start of the night was now gone as you spooned him and sleep followed shortly after.
Every night since Saturday night you've shared a bed together. Either you sleep in Harry's bed or he sleeps in yours. It's become routine at this point and you both find comfort in sleeping together. Nothing more has happened in your developing relationship. Besides the accidently touch of your clothed boobs or the time your knee accidently grazed Harry's covered cock sometime throughout the night.
On the following Sunday morning though, a shift occurs. As you awaken, you find yourself nestled in Harry's bed, with his body curled around yours. The gentle exhalations of his warm breath brush against your neck, while his chest presses against your back. However, amidst this intimate embrace, you also become aware of another sensation. Something is prodding against your ass. You aren't oblivious to its nature, yet you find yourself uncertain about how to go about this situation.
It's a dilemma whether to ignore Harry's morning boner or to assist his problem in order to potentially advance your relationship. You don't want to make him feel uncomfortable, but also ponder if his desire to take things slow is actually for your benefit. Perhaps Harry is being cautious for your sake, and he might be ready to take your friendship to the next level.
Allowing desire to take over your judgement, you slowly back your bum up against his hardened cock and subtly move your hips, hoping the feeling gives him some sort of relief. Approximately thirty seconds go by before you hear a deep grunt coming from behind you. Then suddenly you feel Harry's body jump back until you're no longer touching one another.
You decide to turn around so you're facing his direction and once you get a good look at him, you see his large hand covering his face in what you presume is embarrassment. "Um, sorry 'bout that." Harry mummers aloud. He has no control over getting an erection in his sleep and the fact it happened while spooning you, it's so embarrassing for you to witness.
"Hey," you coo softly, scooting closer to his body, "you don't need to be embarrassed. It happens and it's natural. You know, I don't mind helping you out if you want."
Harry finally takes his hand away from his face and turns his head to look at you. "Y/n, what about the takin' it slow thing?"
"Harry, you also shared the importance of things moving naturally and I'd say they are. If things naturally progress fast then we should allow it instead of ignoring it. I don't mind helping your problem out. Know you must be aching." Once you're finished speaking, you place your hand on his bare belly and teasingly drag your fingers lower and lower. "Only if you're comfortable with that idea."
His longing for your touch surpasses everything else and he nods, uttering, "Um, yeah. If you want, you can help." Now assured of his agreement, you gradually move your fingers downwards until they reach the edge of his boxers. Before proceeding further, you steal a quick glance at Harry's face, searching for any hesitation, but there are none. With certainty, you slip your fingers beneath the elastic band encircling his narrow hips.
Your fingers pass over the patch of trimmed hairs before finally bumping into the hardness you felt against your ass a couple minutes prior. Carefully and without seeing, you take ahold of his morning wood and began to tug gently at his foreskin. This isn't your first rodeo. You know what your doing. You just hope Harry's enjoying what you're doing. And by the looks of it, he is.
Harry's leaning against his pillow, head thrown back, and a quiet gasp escapes his throat. The feeling of your hand wrapped around his cock exceeds all the fantasies he had while pleasuring himself and imagining your touch.
As you skillfully stroke him with your dominant hand, an overwhelming surge of arousal consumes you, causing your clitoris to pulsate with need. Despite the almost unbearable sensation, you set aside your own desires, dedicating yourself entirely to Harry's pleasure.
The room begins to get hot and stuffy so Harry reaches down to toss the covers off his lap. This gives you a better view of your hand down his briefs. After a few minutes of stroking his dick in your hand, you start feeling some resistant and realize the dryness may be uncomfortable for Harry. You could retreat your hand and lick your palm before going back to the handjob. Or, you could do something even better.
In one swift motion, you pull your hand out of Harry's underwear and crawl between his spread thighs. Now on your knees in front of his lying figure, you lean over his lap and tug the fabric down until it's cradled under his enlarged balls. "What are you......" he goes to ask but you cut him off.
"Shhh." You crouch down and glide your tongue over a thick vein along his shaft. He's larger than you imagined. You had an inkling of his size from how thick and heavy he felt in your hands, but now, face to face with it, he's huge. And it's not just huge, it's also aesthetically pleasing. The prettiest penis you've ever laid eyes on, and you wouldn't normally consider penises to be remarkably beautiful. It's no wonder why so many men and women enjoyed their nights with him.
A deep groan escapes Harry's lips as he's consumed by an overwhelming wave of pleasure, leaving him feeling dizzy. He never imagined you would go all out with a blowjob this morning. While a handjob is pleasurable, a blowjob is an even more exhilarating experience. You expertly guide his pulsating head to your lips and playfully flick your tongue over his sensitive slit. This action causes Harry to instinctively pull away, unable to bear the intense sensitivity.
In order to maintain his stability, you position your hands on both sides of his hips and decide you've teased long him enough. Gradually, you lower your head onto his large cock. However, as you reach approximately halfway down his length, he reaches the back of your throat, causing you to gag. Momentarily, you withdraw and apologize. "Sorry, it has been a while since I've gave a blowjob."
Harry lifts his head from the pillow and gently cups the sides of your face. "Don't worry about it. Just take it easy. You don't have to go all the way down and potentially make yourself sick. Just take what you can and it will still feel good f'me." He speaks from experience, having gave blowjobs before and knowing the struggle of trying to push beyond your limits. It only results in a sore throat and a stomach ache from gagging too much.
With a nod, you lean forward and proceed to take Harry into your mouth once again. Except this time you halt just before his tip reaches the back of your throat. Shifting one of your hands from his hip to the base of his penis, you skillfully maneuver your mouth up and down, while simultaneously twisting and tugging his shaft with your hand.
Harry thinks he's in heaven. He must be. Because nothing has ever felt this good before. None of his previous one-night stands has ever gave him this good of a blowjob. Not even the ones who could skillfully deepthroat him. Nor has any of his few actual relationships gave such a good blowjob. It must be the connection and feelings he has for you that's making this experience so amazing. It means more coming from you.
You suck and tug repeatedly until Harry is close to reaching orgasm in your mouth. Uncertain if you want him to come in your mouth, he alerts you, "Y/n... M' gonna come." Rather than withdrawing as he anticipates, you descend a bit further. This time, you successfully manage to control your gag reflex and intensify your sucking until you feel Harry releasing his warm cum in your mouth.
Harry tightly clutches his sheets, his hips involuntarily thrust upwards as he reaches his climax. You softly gag once but quickly regain your composure. He tastes better then some of the guys you've tasted before. It's a bit salty but doesn't have that pungent taste some men tend to have. Must be Harry's healthy diet.
Gradually, his limbs grow weak, and as his orgasm subsides, his body begins relaxing on the bed. You remove his wet and slippery cock from your mouth, observing Harry lying there, breathing heavily with his eyes firmly closed. Reeling what just happened.
With a croaky voice, you shyly question, "Was that good?"
"Was that good? Was it GOOD??" Harry repeats dramatically, "Oh my God, Y/n, best fuckin' blowjob I've ever had."
You playfully swat at his thighs. "Be serious, Harry."
Sitting up and tucking his limp penis back into his briefs, Harry continues his praises. "M' bein' very serious, Y/n. No one has ever made me come that hard. Not a one-night stand or any of the relationships I was in. You're a pro for sure."
For a moment the air feels heavy until you annonce, "Welp, I'm gonna go take a shower. I'm meeting up with some friends for brunch at noon."
In response, Harry mustered up a somewhat awkward reply, "Um, alright. Enjoy your shower." Left alone on his bed, Harry found himself half naked and still catching his breath from the intense orgasm he experienced a few minutes prior. He had intended to ask if he could reciprocate the favor, but you had already left before he had the chance too. It crossed his mind that perhaps you weren't interested in having the favor returned.
Maybe you don't particularly enjoy oral sex performed on you. Uncertain about your preferences, Harry's confident that if given the opportunity to perform cunnilingus on you, you'd undoubtedly fall in love with his skillful tongue. Just like the all the previous women who's praised his mouths abilities.
The truth is, you had desired Harry to return the favor. However, due to just waking up, you were unsure if your pussy smelled okay, let alone tasted alright. To avoid any negative response from him like you've had in the past from guys, you left before he could catch a glimpse of your moist cunt.
Nevertheless, because you're still experiencing a slight throb in your underwear, you discreetly brought one of your silicone vibrators into the shower to quickly satisfy yourself. Although you're certain that Harry's oral skills would have been superior, you'll have to wait a bit longer to get to experience that.
Once out of the shower, you dried off and got dressed to head out for the brunch you had planned with some friends. It was going to be at a small cafe in downtown London. As for Harry, he didn't really have any plans for today. Besides catching up on grading some tests his students took the Friday before. He hopes you're available tonight because he wishes to be able to spend more time with you. He loves spending time with you. He loves y..... Nope too soon for that.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @allthelovehes // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithhrry  // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
Returning Favors {part 5.} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
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Your Neo Three and big buddy are pretty cool, what's their story? I haven't seen much info on them besides their character sheet...
Fantastic question!!! And one I would love to answer!
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Neo and Big Buddy met in a fateful dark alley within the bustling city of Splatsville. Big Buddy (then Little Buddy) had snuck into the city after being left behind by his school, and took pity on Neo.
Neo was seven when they ran away to splatsville. She was in the search for a lost sibling but went on the wrong train. Now lost and without his family, they found desperate family in the salmonid.
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Despite his original intentions to 'return the stray to its home' He ended up raising her. Evolving faster and faster at a rate unseen by usual salmonids to keep up with Neo and slowly becoming an older brother.
Neo grew to forget their past and original purpose coming to the splatlands and now believes she belonged in the splatlands all along- and grew to also heavily depend on Big Buddy. He couldn't even imagine what a future without their only family would be.
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This carries on into Neo's teenagehood aka when Splatoon 3 takes place. Big Buddy is now a full cohock and trying to push a very very stubborn Neo into inkling society.
But Neo, being highly dependent and fearful of what life would be without Big Buddy- refuses to comply to the point of ironically running away.
Neo ended up slipping down into the hero mode cause of this and was found later by Big Buddy in Alterna. Neo found the adventure fun and tolerable but Big Buddy's hopes was that their interactions with the NSS would blossom into Neo seeing them as a new family because... well...
Big Buddy is slowly... dying. It happens to salmon eventually. He's afraid his life will end with a meaningless death and Neo refuses to acknowledge the truth. Denial potent. But Big Buddy's mission is to not leave Neo behind and Alone, so his determination to get Neo in the care of the NSS is a whole thing.
It's when he figures out that Neo is San (Captain 3)'s long lost half-sibling that his request becomes more personal.
However, Neo finds out, and is emotional. She doesn't want Big Buddy to leave and doesn't want to lose their only family. But it'll happen no matter what.
Neo is emotionally wrecked but Big Buddy grows weaker every day in Alterna and so, they all push forward against Grizz's plans...
...the rocket flies outwards, and Big Buddy won't let Neo go up there alone. And surrounded by space and departing from the earth where he planned to give his nutrients back to- Big Buddy says fuck it. To protect Neo. The stress and the dying and the love and the desire to protect Neo and the world they love-
Big Buddy evolves into Huge Fry.
And when the battle is over, he disappears for forever, passing on into the light. Sending Neo home safely, and becoming one with the stars.
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Neo grows to become more independent of themself- finding family being a whole thing- and like- always continuing to grow more and more for yourself- that sorta thing.
Never forgetting Big Buddy and what he did for them and how much he worked to make sure Neo had a good future- Neo makes sure not to waste it.
Im emotional thinking about them thank you so much for asking about these two.
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babyboywinchester · 3 months
i’m watching supernatural for the first time. i’m on season 3 right now, but i’m not that excited for castiel that comes in season 4, just mainly because misha collins gives me the ick. like calling the CW homophobic because dean and castiel didn’t get together is already weird because like why is he so hung up about it?? i know it has a lot to do with his fan base, but normal actors don’t really interact with their fans like that, like why is he leading them on for a show that ended four years ago?! also i know he’s probably done a lot of bad things but saying the f-slur when he had to clarify he’s straight is wrong. also him saying the slur in the context of gay people needing to reclaim it was so bizarre to me, like dude stop saying it?! he just gives me the ick big time with all that.
also sorry this was so long.
No need to apologize, dear one! I love getting asks or talking so fear not.
I’m excited the hear about you starting Supernatural! I loved the first three seasons. My sister and I started watching it back in the fall of 2012 when I was a senior in high school. It was so exciting and we couldn’t wait to watch as many episodes after school as we could. Anyway, the magic wore off after we got all caught up and were able to watch season 9 as it aired and I became more involved in the fandom side on tumblr… destiel was EVERYWHERE and as someone who was realizing they were a wincest shipper… that made it all that much worse.
Luckily, I have found that the Destiel screechy circle are but a VERY small minority. Thank GOD… but oh are they loud. That ties in to Misha of course. You know the signs they have in places that say stuff like “don’t feed the animals.”? Yeah, those are for people like himself who insist on baiting and egging on these mentally unwell people into believing, and filling his pockets, because it saves him the trouble of having to get a job or actually work on making changes himself.
So, the whole balls deep thing? Real bold of him to say at a convention where Jensen wasn’t present when Jensen himself, numerous times, has mentioned he does not like Destiel. Also bold of Misha seeing as he’s unemployed and the CW was the place that gave him his longest running job… that’s also called defamation and if I were the CW I would send a cease and desist letter. He’s emboldened by these people who worship the ground he walks on because they fetishize one gay ship. He takes them for the rubes they are and milks money from them by just regurgitating the same shit they pass around to each other in their little bubbles. I’m sure you’ve come across them… so I won’t even mention some of their names here as I don’t have the time or patience to deal with their lot.
Yes, bold of a man to use the word “f-g” when he had to walk back coming out as bisexual and come out as straight. He’s learned nothing. He’s also just gross, crass, and all around an unpleasant person. He knows this is his only way to stay relevant and so he’s going to milk it until it’s dry.
Fear not you are NOT the only one who can’t stand him or Castiel. Luckily, regardless of what the hellers say, he doesn’t add much to the story and his “arcs” can be completely ignored and it doesn’t take away from the story any.
Thanks for the ask! I hope you’ll send more as you continue watching the show!
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deathstrokewilson · 2 months
OOC: Hi all, Roleplayer behind JJ and Slade here. (mentally insert Zuko meme if you so choose)
I'm feeling a bit calmer now. I was quite hurt by that anon from last night.
To explain my reaction, for anyone who is confused, I am a person. I'm sitting here on my computer or phone to have fun and write stories with others, the same as everyone else here. This is my first time trying to RP on Tumblr, and for some of you it may be your first time trying to RP at all. To which I say, I'm so glad you are! Genuinely, roleplay is a great way to make friends and to explore all sorts of stories and themes safely and supportively.
Additionally, this is my first time writing Slade. I never expected so many people to enjoy my writing, and listen, I love that he's so generally terrible, and that I seem to write him well enough that you want to rally against him, that you love to hate him, that you send love to the Dick who's agreed to be Slade's Renegade. It's sweet. It's intense. But it's supposed to be fun.
Whoever did send that anon may have just been caught up in the intensity of having Slade seem like such a big threat, and wanted to try and ding his ego, or something to that effect. I don't know their intent. But as a person writing for both my enjoyment and yours, it was like a punch to the face. It was incredibly hurtful, since firstly, I don't think I've written him that way, and secondly, that just… isn't something you send. It's a serious thing to say or imply, it can be easily twisted out of context, and shouldn't be slung around. I would also like to state that I have checked in several times with people who are either directly part of the story or were emotionally affected by it to make sure they were all right to continue. I know it's an intense character, an intense storyline. I genuinely don't want people feeling uncomfortable or scared. I want people to enjoy what I make, like any creative, in a safe and healthy way. And I also want to be happy and comfortable.
So there's that.
As such, I want to offer something to you all- a poll. I am asking you all to consider the options carefully and genuinely, and vote honestly. Please, please be honest. Because I won't be dealing with that sort of thing again. A large part of roleplay is considering both the characters and the people behind them, and how your writing can affect them. I never expected Slade to be more than a brief thing, and thanks to everyone's interactions that grew and changed. I did appreciate it, and at least up until that anon, it was fun. I would like it to be fun again. This is also to either subdue or confirm my anxiety, so I'm sorry if this seems dramatic, but it will help me. So, let's vote.
1. I continue to roleplay as Slade, the storyline that has been started continues. I request if you are not comfortable with him and this choice wins, you unfollow for your own comfort.
2. I set Slade on the high shelf for an undetermined amount of time. The storyline is cut off, blogs that were more personally involved return to more normal posting if they so choose. Until more people can learn to separate the fiction from the person behind, no more big bad villain to hate. I will only RP JJ, or other non-villainous characters.
3. I stop roleplaying here on Tumblr entirely. If for whatever reason you think I shouldn't be roleplaying here at all, and this vote wins, I'll stop. No more Slade, no more JJ, no more of my ideas. I'll also request that if you don't want me around you at all, you DM @littlefaefeather with the blogs you want me to block or unfollow.
I do intend to take this day as an RP-lite day for my own sake, but if there's anything you really want to RP or include Slade or JJ or my Robin blog in, you can still @ them for it, I'll be checking in every so often. Thanks for reading all this. 🧡💛💚💙💜
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reilliane · 8 months
This is my personal obligatory post and apology for my poofing disappearance- if you're not up to read things like these, then feel free to scroll past! Have a good day/night!
the poofing, the poofed, and the un-poofing.
TLDR; Bad stuff happened for the entire past year, stopped college just a few months ago to learn the materials myself and market myself in the graphic design industry soon, and got a whole dose of religious epiphany that threw my life around. Wrote in a different account a few months ago to ease and destress without much expectation. Will continue to write albeit there won’t be many updates, had/have to drop original writing plans [right now focusing on a short story for Wanderer, though it doesn’t mean I won’t be able to write for others when I get the time]. May unfortunately discontinue ongoing AUs but will provide a summary for them [I think it’s only Tyranny-?] Will also open writing/art commissions soon, maybe set up a kofi account, but I won’t be ‘gatekeeping’ any content I plan to post. I’m thinking, if ever, it’d only be standalone specials or maybe nsfw [gosh I’m really saying that?] in kofi, buuut that’s just a maybe. Everything else is free to read of course <3 
A really detailed and long [I MEAN IT, MAYBE 1.3-.5K?? WC] exposition under the cut, but of course, it’s optional to read!
PS. I opened my drafts and had one or two finished works there, I will publish those soon. Get ready. Because they’re angst AHAAAAAAAAAA-
PPS. I won’t be able to respond to everyone’s sweet shucking messages in my inbox forgive me But know that I’M REALLY SO TOUCHED YALL I really didn’t think anyone would look for me that much 😭 Someone said I vanished like the avatar and it’s sending me crumpling to the floor.
ALRIGHT STORYTIME LET’S GO—first of all, I haven’t been on Tumblr for so long, nor have I interacted with anyone and coming back,, the web interface bamboozled me.
Anyway- the past year was roooough, like settling in and getting into college.
From the start, my brother and I have known of our depleting resources but couldn’t stop because of our mother’s insistence and my father’s very.. volatile attitude. Double the latter since he has cancer and has been nothing short of cranky and infuriated for the past years—knowing that the money is facing a downward slope because of his expensive medicines and learning that we’ll stop because of it would’ve,, been terribly bad and that's understating the nature of my headstrong, independent, and prideful father.
There were times when he was very somber about his state, but then mad—it was just a really bad time, but my brother and I finally convinced our mom that we had to stop for real a few months ago because money was just tight. Until now we’re hiding the fact from our dad that we stopped under the pretense that we’re only taking one course for the semester :v
We were very lost and torn.
I knew I had to go out and look for a job, but my brother would be doing the same, too—the thing was that we knew our mom couldn’t handle our dad being sick alone, so my brother opted to be the one to find work outside.
I’m learning materials and courses on my own at home, but finding a remote job without a degree is no doubt near unimaginable with how remote setups are almost nonexistent now. The time was just bleak at home, too, my father would ask for bad things to eat that would worsen his health and then blame it all on my mother when he felt body pains and repercussions—it was just BAD, that wasn't all of it, but I digress. Cancer sucks. 
Just a few days ago, I lost my uncle to the same thing, and now there’s an overall family dispute over who gets what and it feels like I’m living a kdrama fever dream [pls get me out hfasjdkfhdsaf]. I don’t recommend it if it’s not romance lmao.
Things were getting so out of hand and I also couldn’t get back into writing or socializing with everyone in my writing socials—but I still wanted to write without the expectation of being able to deliver as I used to. It was a de-stresser for me, so I opened a new account in ao3/quotev and wrote in.. November or December, I think. It was nice, I got to just type away and post and leave it at that.
I think one of the reasons why I didn’t go to Tumblr for that was because I knew I wouldn’t be able to commit to updates, and I love you guys, I didn’t want to say something and promise it’d be given but then nothing. I’ve done it back then and I just, don’t want to do that :(
Despite how heavy and dark the past year was, however, something really unexpected happened—okay here it goes.
As a child, I’ve been taught about Christian doctrine and was brought up to believe in the existence of a God. I didn’t have my heart in it though, of course not, how was I to believe something that I only knew because someone said it to me?? I did attend church out of duty and had a shallow fear of the greater being, but as an authentic believing person? Naw. 
Not until June at least.
I don’t know how to explain it rather I, out of the want to give my mother the chance to go somewhere she wanted to for Sunday, decided to join her for church. I was ready to just daze off and think about some solution to our problems, but then the sermon spoke to me—you know, that feeling when someone is passive-aggressively referring to you in a complaint or something?
It felt like that, only it felt like that message was something I was meant to hear, and boy I couldn’t believe it—neither did my mother [lol]. She told me how shocked she was when I listened throughout the what, an hour and a half of preaching that I usually just dismiss. 
It’s cliche, but my life really changed after that one simple Sunday.
All my tweeeeenty years of living, I’ve asked if God really is real and whatnot and I never got answered until July of 2023. What really cemented my belief in knowing that he is real, is when I decided to genuinely pray—then for seven consecutive days, the Bible would lead me to a page [like just randomly opening a part of the book after prayer] that answered my questions and/or convicted me of something. I'd wake up every day and an event would happen that would answer my confusion and I'd sit in the night thinking 'no way that just happened', but it did. Boy, when I tell you I thought I was going crazy.
Not to mention opportunities such as baptism and ministry suddenly popped my way when I only had the idea in my head and I kept it to myself. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but when it ‘popped up’ more than thrice in a single week, I knew it wasn’t. Think of it as like, the thing in fanfiction when it seemed like the universe was saying something to you. Yeah, I felt that for myself. Mindblowing.
I could go on and on about the other life-changing things that occurred, but this would be so long LOL.
But I never regret coming to faith and accepting Jesus for real that day, and although life is still dark for me these days, the burden feels light. It’s an amazing feeling. He's really changed everything.
I’m not going to force anyone these beliefs—I knew how it felt to be on the receiving end and it could get very annoying, rather I just spoke on it to say how wonderful it was to know him, and it would be nice to let others know about my side in case they'd also take the faith. Who knows?
Also, I think I understand what those people were saying now. Again, I won’t force anyone—just reminding and asking you to try if you want, because it’s amazing. Bombard me in my inbox if you’re interested, but no pushing here, because I’m a firm believer that things shouldn’t be forced if it’s not the right time yet. 
Anyway, that was my source of strength and hope to go through these days—and I believe it’s also the driving force that led me to write this out in.. in Tumblr of all places lol. If someone told me this would happen two years ago I'd laugh in their face 💀
Rather than just getting back into writing and opening my social circle again, there’s that bit in me that wants to say that religious epiphany. That said, I know how diverse everyone is in their beliefs so I’ll say it very tersely that, no, I will not be parading and pushing people to believe this and that—this space is, after all, my space for writing :)
Ah, and nor will I ramble about it like shuck lol, but I will, in private, when prompted. 
With that out of the way, back into writing—I was floored when I first opened Tumblr and saw all the notifications and messages about my disappearance and I could’ve cried, really. It touches me poor heart :sob: and I wanted to thank all of you for such caring messages—I wouldn’t be able to reply to all of them [there were many!
Like maybe more than fifteen or twenty, not even counting the direct messages] but know that I’m very- very grateful for every one of you.
I could crawl out of your screen and hug yall but I won’t because I can’t and it’d throw people off KJHFSADKJFHALJSKDFHA
Life is, again, still hard—and navigating it is still difficult, but I’m managing these days. I can no longer return to my usual days of sporadic updates and teasers lol, but I’m happy to say I will still be writing, though it won’t be my entire focus nowadays. When I open writing commissions for genshin and art commissions, it’d get me going, of course. 
I have to let go of most of my beloved works because I realized that sticking to them would take up most of my time when I need to be out there upskilling and taking initiative to start earning money to support the bills. I still wanted to write though, and in my downtime I even got to watching One Piece and writing a currently on-hold fanfiction for that in Ao3, but fuuully realized that, no, I’m no longer cut out for really long written stuff unless I commit to writing a long piece that would take weeks for it to be published. 
In the end I settled for a single character [wanderer bb] short story that I get into writing without much hassle, and make myself happy, still :) I have ideas for other characters, too, but getting them out to be posted would take longer than usual.
My other AUs, as well, since my focus is just.. God, life, expenses, work, then hobbies. I don’t guarantee finishing them [I think Tyranny? And others, like Smite/Mercy/etc.], but I have in mind to write a summary because I meant it back then when I said the plot was really finished. Sighgisghsighs
Opening art commissions, I’d do that soon—writing, too.
Maybe a kofi account, as well—but I won’t be having any posts I want to be posted to be locked behind some tip or pay. I’m thinking of only adding specials there, specials like, standalone oneshots from an AU, or an nsfw piece. Oh golly, writing that is so beyond me, I think that’s the only reason why if anything is going to be in kofi, it’d probably be the nsfw. I plan to keep this writing blog sfw, still. 
But we’ll,,, we’ll see [dying]
So yeah! That’s.. Everything. For the writing thing, I think I’ll technically just be .. here, lol, with a focus on that story with wanderer. Gone are the 7k worded oneshots, now we’re just around 1.5k unless I commit to the creation. The story is so fluffy too [not angst? Surprising] 
But again, I will write for others eventually—can’t say when, or how, or who, but I will in time. 
I have so many plans in my head about my life, and I’m glad to say going back to Tumblr is a check off the list. I have an original novel in mind, but would you all be interested in such a thing? I don’t honestly know—other than opening commissions, I also plan on a Youtube Channel, but that’s uncertain. A Webtoon for my original plot too is a maybe, buuuut those are just what-ifs. Time will tell!
Those are just my two cents and I don’t regret sharing that—you guys have been with me for so long, even if I don’t really know you all beyond that screen, you all really became a part of my life, too :”)) 
If you reached the end of this post, wow, I’m touched. I hope you all have a good day–oh wait, what do I say? Ah yes.
I wish you all a good mornight [fhkadjsfhiajhgf].
God bless yall sweet people. 
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verefex · 11 months
Caged Giant(Titan Origins) pt 3
Part 1 -- Part 2
Still going with the same title, for now. More story and direction in the next part, but for now, some context clues and lots of giant/tiny interaction!
Content warnings in tags.
It was a quiet night. In the desolate forests of the north, where a single road snaked through the dense conifers, an unusual pair dozed off together.
Stretched out across the cold ground, Sky’s titanic form laid still, nearly completely motionless save for the swelling of his chest as he breathed, warm puffs of air swirling from his nostrils. In his hands lay Lark, the human, abandoned by her own kind.
She slept curled up in the giant’s palm, who held her close to his face as they slept. It was an exhausting and eventful night, and the quiet dawn was a small comfort in the midst of a war.
Sky was the first to awaken. While he was accustomed to sleeping, his instincts woke him up to check on the tiny little thing sleeping in his hand. Blue eyes blinked awake and darted down to his curled fingers, wherein Lark slept quietly.
Sky breathed a sigh of relief and slowly rose up, cradling the human’s small form in his fingers. He sat up and cupped his hands in front of his face and examined Lark, watching for a few moments for any sign of stirring. When she continued sleeping, the titan decided to let her doze for a little longer. He leaned back against a sturdy pine, his massive form straining and creaking the branches and trunk. Even sitting, the top of his head nearly cleared the top of the trees.
The titan sighed, glancing around the surrounding forest. They had settled down not far from where he found Lark by the side of the forest road. This area was not safe in the daytime, as there were likely to be traveling scouts. Sky, being 130 feet tall, stood high above the treeline, his huge frame visible for miles. It was best to lay low until it was time to move.
Some time passed. Lark was finally starting to stir, waking up dreamily in the giant hands of a titan. She blinked herself awake and rolled over, bumping into Sky’s fingers, which curled protectively on top of her. Lark laid still for a moment, remembering quickly that she and Sky were something of a team now. Confined in the giant’s hand was a comfort for her, not something to fear.
Lark reached up and placed her hand on the tip of Sky’s index finger, giving it a few pats. Sure enough, Sky looked down and stretched open his hand, seeing the smiling face of his tiny companion looking up at him.
“Why, good morning.” Sky rumbled, his solemn face softening into a warm smile as he looked down at his hands resting in his lap.
“Mmm… morning.” Lark replied sleepily, stretching out her limbs as Sky stretched out his fingers. She peered up at the giant’s face, partially obscured by his chest.
“I hope you slept well. It’s been quiet so far out here.” Sky said as he scanned the area again.
“I slept pretty good! What’s the plan for today?” Lark asked up at the titan.
“You know… I’m too hungry to think straight.” Sky rumbled as he shifted uncomfortably against the creaking pine. As if on cue, the giant’s stomach groaned, the sound sending shivers down Lark’s spine.
“Oh… of course…” Lark said quietly as she instinctively gripped Sky’s fingers tightly. The two had such a nice night together, it made her forget that she was in the hands of a man-eating giant. She already narrowly avoided getting eaten by him, not once, but twice.
“Mmm… it’s too bad nobody’s come around yet this morning.” Sky sighed as he leaned his head back and licked his lips. “Although…” He then glanced down at Lark and lifted her up closer to his face.
Lark couldn’t help but stiffen up as Sky stared at her as he mentioned, not very subtly, eating humans.
“Hey, I don’t mean you.” The giant laughed as he noticed the concerned expression on his tiny companion’s face.
“I… am not okay with the idea of anyone being eaten, Sky.” Lark said as she averted her gaze from the giant’s. “I know it’s how you sustain yourself, but… I don’t know… there’s gotta be other options.”
“Well, sure…” Sky rumbled as he brought Lark even closer to his face to speak. “I can’t expect you to be okay with it. Hmm.” The giant glanced around the quiet glade. Part of him was hoping for another convoy of humans to pass by, but how could he capture them now that he had Lark to fret about?
“No, but… I don’t want you to starve, either.” Lark said as she noticed that Sky was holding her closer and closer to his huge face. “I just… wish I could help you, somehow. But there’s no way one human could cook enough food for a titan.” The woman sighed in defeat as she leaned back against Sky’s fingers.
“Yeah. Maybe if humans weren’t so scared of me, we could help each other instead, huh.” The giant chuckled. It was because of fear that the war against titans started, after all. The two races have never known peace.
“Don’t worry though, Lark. I won’t eat anyone with you around.” Sky nodded as he leaned forward and started to stand to his full height.
“R-really? But…” Lark stammered as she put her arms out to brace herself as the giant’s hand rocked her with his rising movements.
“It’s no problem.” He lied. Ignoring the pang in his abdomen, Sky glanced around, his head and chest rising about the treeline. Among the conifers were various deciduous trees. The giant reached out with a massive hand and plucked a heavy branch off of a large maple, and proceeded to chew on it, stripping the leaves with his teeth and crunching down on the woody part with ease.
Lark watched in shock as the titan snacked on a plain branch of leaves and twigs. Not only did he chow down on the tender leaves, but on the bark and pulp of the wood. His enormous teeth made short work of the branch, and Sky reached over without a word and yanked off another branch, eating it in the same manner as the first. He made a face that showed pleasant surprise as he chewed on the tough, rather inedible substance.
“Is that… good?” Lark asked as she stared upwards at the hungry giant from his free hand.
“Yeah, actually.” Sky swallowed and continued eating. “It’s sweet.”
“What else do titans eat?” Lark asked curiously, still amazed how Sky made an entire tree seem edible.
“You know. I don’t think we have a specific diet… I’ve eaten all sorts of things.” Sky mumbled as he crunched down. “I don’t know if you know this, but our history is pretty unknown. Not even other titans know where we came from or what our purpose is.”
“I know that titans appeared out of nowhere a while ago…” The human replied as she glanced at Sky’s towering form. She never imagined that she would be in this situation, huddled up in the middle of a giant man’s palm. Yet here she was, after spending the night with him, no less.
“Mhm, some came from the earth, some from the mountains, even the seas.” The giant said as he looked up at the sky thoughtfully, a leafy branch hanging out of his lips. “I woke up in a meteor so… hmm.”
Sky stopped chewing and stared down at Lark suddenly. His face became serious.
“Does that make me an alien?” He said, without a hint of irony in his voice.
Yet, as Lark gazed up at his intense, glowing blue irises, she glanced down at her lap.
“I… maybe? Huh…” She muttered. “Meteors come from space… UFOs come from space…”
“I’m a god damn alien.” Sky retorted as he loudly bit down on a thick maple branch. He chewed a few times before chuckling and holding Lark up to his face. “Anyways, are you hungry, Lark? Thirsty? Sorry, I should have asked sooner. I can’t think straight on an empty stomach.” The giant said gently as he gazed at the tiny woman sitting cross-legged in his palm.
Lark stared back at him, wide-eyed, in the face of a giant man who moved on quite fast after declaring himself extra-terrestrial. Though, as soon as he asked her that, she blinked and nodded at him.
“...I am, actually. But I don’t think I can eat what you’re eating.” She giggled.
“What, you’re telling me you can’t bite down on this solid hunk of wood?” Sky rumbled in amusement as he leaned over and snapped off the top of the tree, biting into it with a loud crunch.
Lark smiled and shook her head, rather enamored by the titan’s jaws. “I’m just a little human!” She giggled. “Anyways, don’t worry about me too much, Sky. Food has been hard to come by for us for a long time, too.”
“But you’re so little… there should be plenty, no?” Sky mused as he chewed, peering curiously down at the woman in his palm.
“We’re in a war, remember?” Lark sighed, laying back in Sky’s hand. It was so easy to forget, being in the hands of the enemy… literally.
“Oh yeah… so where’s all the food then? Hoarded?” The giant asked.
“Probably. By the rich, people who have stocked up, overpriced grocery stores...” Lark shrugged.
“Then that’s where we’ll go.” Sky nodded as he finished off the last of his woody snack and stood up, scanning the horizon.
“Go? Go where?” Lark squeaked as she was rocked about by the giant’s stance. She peeked out through Sky’s protective fingers at the landscape, so small in comparison to her living perch.
“To the ‘store’.” The giant smiled as he took one thunderous step, then another. Each step in his massive stride carried them swiftly through the forest. Sky held the woman close to his chest as he walked, securing her firmly.
“Wh-what? You can’t just… you’re not going to just, steal, are you?” Lark gasped as she was positioned comfortably against the broad chest of the giant.
“If I recall correctly, you are a bit of a thief, yourself.” Sky chuckled, glancing down at the woman in his hands.
“I-I am a lot more small and discreet than you are! Everyone will suspect Mr. Giant if he smashes a hole in a building and swoops a massive handful.” Lark said shakily as the wind whipped around her. Sky’s enormous stride made short work of the ground, easily going as fast as a car even at a walking pace.
“Aww, I like that. Mr. Giant.” Sky boomed as his towering body pushed through trees and branches, snapping them with loud cracks as his arms and legs brushed past. “Don’t worry, I know a certain outpost that would be happy to lend us some supplies.” His lips curved into a mischievous grin.
Lark stared up at the giant’s face incredulously. “You mean…”
“Yup. The very group of humans that left you.” Sky winked down at Lark. “They owe us big time.”
Lark instinctively gripped Sky’s hand tighter. It was true that the group she was with left her in the woods alone last night to fend for herself after encountering Sky. But was it really a wise decision to incite them further by breaking into the camp?
“Sky… I… really don’t need much. I’m not very big.” Lark said timidly as the two of them quickly approached the location of the camp.
“Don’t worry yourself so much. Just sit back and let Mr. Giant handle it.” Sky rumbled as he unzipped his jacket’s breast pocket and lifted Lark towards the opening. Before she could protest, Sky tilted his palm and slid her neatly inside.
“Sky!-” She squeaked as she was enveloped in his warm, roomy pocket. She slid down past the zipper and into the bottom of the fabric-lined pocket, where it was dark but not completely. The giant’s hand patted her a few times from the outside, pressing her against his chest before those same fingers pulled the zipper shut- except for a small crack, enough for Lark to peek out of if she so chose.
With his hands free, the titan smirked as he planted his boots in the ground and cracked his knuckles. The outpost was just ahead, in a clearing in the trees. Just beside it was a wooden watchtower, unsurprisingly alerted to his presence. Sky moved towards the tower first.
“Titan! Titan here!!” The man in the watchtower yelled into his radio as Sky approached. With just a few steps, he closed the distance, and bent down so that his face was level with the human’s.
“Great observation.” Sky smiled, and the man at the top of the tower froze. Face to face with a titan, his first instinct was to reach for his rifle slung across his back. As he fumbled for the strap, Sky wasted no time in sticking his fingers inside and pinching the man between his index and middle fingers.
The man screamed as he was lifted out of the tower, held precariously in front of Sky’s face. The titan’s first instinct was to drop him into his mouth, but as he parted his lips, he remembered his promise to Lark.
“Ahh. Darn.” He said in annoyance, then kicked the base of the tower with his boot, sending the entire structure crumbling to the ground with a loud crash. He then looked to the captured human in his hand, sighed, and held him upside-down until all of his weapons and tools fell and clattered to the ground.
“Hang in there, will ya?” Sky muttered as he reached out and dropped the man onto a leafy branch, leaving him to hold onto it for dear life.
With the guard taken care of, Sky then turned his attention towards the main camp. Surely enough, they were already clamoring about, alerted to his presence. The titan merely strode in, parting trees like wheat stalks, planting his enormous boots in the ground as he surveyed the structures.
There were several buildings and tents, parked vehicles, and what appeared to be a storage shed, all placed rather haphazardly in the middle of a clearing in the woods. A few voices shouted from between the buildings as they ran inside, desperate to find cover from the colossal invader.
Sky smiled as he looked down on the frantic group, shifting his weight on his feet as he observed that most of the group was not here. Only a few stragglers remained while the rest of the humans had already gone off in their vehicles for the day. This couldn’t have been easier.
“You all better stay where you are.” The giant rumbled as he crouched down and peered more closely at each structure. At his size, it was difficult to look inside the tiny windows of the makeshift buildings and sheds.
As Sky bent down, Lark shifted in his breast pocket. The change of gravity made her flail as instead of being snug against the man’s body, she was sagging into the fabric underneath her. Peeking her head out, she immediately recognized the place, and realized, thankfully, that Sky was being rather careful with how he was handling the campsite.
“What are you looking for?” She asked Sky breathlessly as she held onto the teeth of the zipper surrounding her head.
Sky glanced down at the tiny face of Lark poking out of his jacket. He gestured with his large hands at the buildings surrounding them. “Which one has supplies? Or better yet, your belongings?”
“Th-that one, that’s where my stuff is-” Lark pointed towards one of the buildings, her tiny hand barely visible to Sky as he glanced down at her. He peered at her, glancing from the building and back to her. He was fairly certain that he knew which one, but he wanted to be sure.
“You, c’mere.” The giant growled as he reached around the back of a shed, where he saw a human hide behind previously. His enormous fingers wrapped around the sneak, who shrieked as he was caught.
Sky brought the loud little human to his face and looked him over. “Oww, oww!” He cried, squirming between the giant’s thumb and forefinger.
“I’m not hurting you. Relax… I just want you to fetch something for me.” Sky said as he loosened his grip on the man even more so, and yet the man only howled more.
“As if I’ll do shit for you! After I almost got eaten… wait, that blue mouth… it was YOU!” The man shouted as he pointed his finger at Sky’s puzzled face.
“Me? Oh, were you in the jeep last night?” Sky chuckled, peering at Devon even closer.
“You ASSHOLE! You broke several ribs when you pulled me out of it! I’ll kill you, let me go!!” The distraught man shouted, and yet Sky’s hand merely closed around him, trapping him even more securely.
“Hey now, keep shouting like that, and I just might finish the job.” Sky said lowly as he brought Devon up close to his right eye. “However… I need you to fetch some things for me. You know, for the one you all left behind.”
“Did you hear me? I said I’m not doing shit for you!” The man barked as he pushed and shoved against Sky’s fingers.
“It’s not for me. It’s for Lark.” Sky uttered as he started to tighten his grip on Devon.
“Lark? She’s still around? With you, no doubt, that traitor!” The man shouted.
Sky sighed, then shifted back onto his knees, kneeling tall on the ground as he angled his head back and dangled Devon above him. His piercing blue eyes stared upwards at the writhing, stubborn little man above his face.
“You know, it’s courteous to hand people their things before tossing them out in the wilderness alone.” The titan rumbled as Devon’s hazel eyes grew wide at the sight below him. Sky’s face filled his vision, eyes burning with contempt. It was all so familiar to Devon, who was almost met with a wet grave in the mouth of this very giant.
“I told Lark I wouldn’t eat people with her around… but I don’t think you really count.” Sky rumbled as he parted his lips and drew his blue tongue along the top of them.
“Wait… okay, wait! I-I don’t want to get eaten so… I’m sorry, please!” Devon cried as his chest burned with pain, pinched between the giant’s fingers, dangling precariously above Sky’s hungry jaws. “I’ll do what you ask… just put me down!”
Sky’s eyes burned into Devon’s for a moment. Lark huddled up inside Sky’s breast pocket, anticipating the horrifying sounds of her ex-comrade getting devoured whole while she curled up helplessly in the darkness.
Sky relented, and bent down, placing Devon onto the ground. He then reared back up and pointed his enormous finger at the whimpering man.
“Collect Lark’s things, along with extra supplies. You got 10 minutes.” The titan boomed as he voiced his commands.
Devon stared at the giant’s fingertip, wider than his own head, then clutched his sides. He spun around in place and marched off towards the inner encampment, where he disappeared in one of the buildings. Twice now, he escaped the jaws of death, only thanks to the traitor. He couldn’t understand why the titan was favoring Lark, but he was in no position to demand answers anymore.
As the injured man went off to fulfill the titan’s request, Sky sat back and watched, observing the barren encampment. A couple humans darted in the windows here and there, but all was silent otherwise. The giant grabbed his chest zipper and pulled it open, peeking down into the pocket where Lark was.
“I’d say this is going on smoothly. Do you need anything else while we’re here?” Sky asked his timid little friend.
“I couldn’t possibly ask for more… um… thank you for doing this, and for sparing Devon’s life, again.” Lark said as she placed a hand on her fluttering chest as she stared up at the opening in the enormous pocket.
“No problem. These people owe you for how they treated you, and well, he’s more useful this way. I can’t exactly pick out such tiny little objects with these hands.” Sky rumbled as he held his hands out, partially gloved.
Lark smiled shyly and pulled herself up, peeking out of the pocket from the zipper’s teeth. Her encampment, all too familiar, looked so small and meaningless from Sky’s chest. As she glanced at the giant’s hands held out, his shadow cast over the buildings below, and the immense girth of his limbs, she felt only incredibly, absolutely, small. Nothing more than an accessory on his outfit, like an adorable adornment peeking out of his breast pocket. She sunk lower between the zipper.
Devon finally emerged from the doorway below, carrying a duffel bag stuffed with various things. The man groaned as he dragged it along the ground, the pain in his ribs too great to carry much weight.
“Here. All of her things, plus some rations.” Devon grunted as he used his foot to push the bag towards the towering titan, who glanced at him with scrutiny.
“Thanks.” Sky said as he reached out and plucked the bag off the ground between his fingers. He brought it to his face and examined it, then placed it back in front of Devon. “Open it, I want to see what’s inside.”
“C’mon, really? I just stuffed everything in there…” the dark-haired human groaned, and Sky raised an eyebrow at him.
“You think I trust you not to sneak something dangerous in there? Open it.” The giant rumbled.
Devon grimaced, standing in the shadow of the titan. He couldn’t stand looking up at him, forced to comply with his demands. If only the rest of his group were here, with their weapons and vehicles. At least then he’d have a chance of getting away.
With one arm holding his ribs, Devon crouched down and unzipped the bag, pulling each item out in view of the giant. Once everything was unpacked, Sky looked everything over, nodding with approval. He then placed his hand flat on the ground in front of the pile of belongings.
“Looks good. Just put everything in my hand, we’ll sort it later.” The giant said as he crouched down low to allow his hand to lay flat, palm facing upwards.
Devon grumbled as he bent down painfully and tossed each object into the giant’s outstretched palm. He glanced up occasionally, seeing the watchful blue eyes of the titan, as well as the timid little face of Lark as she peeked out of Sky’s pocket. The man seethed, yet obeyed.
“Much obliged, little guy.” Sky winked as he cupped everything in his hand and stood up, towering over the quiet encampment, leaving Devon standing in the middle to contemplate the giant’s comment with great disdain.
As Sky turned to leave, he remembered the guard that was in the tower, whom he hung from a branch. With his free hand, he approached the tree and peeked between the leaves and branches, eyeing the poor man clinging to the tree 70 feet above the ground.
“Want some help?” Sky chuckled, holding his hand out underneath him.
“I… I don’t wanna be stuck up here!” The guard said shakily, looking down at the giant’s broad hand. There was only so much time before his arms gave out.
Sky curled his fingers around the guard and snapped the branch as he pulled away, securing the human inside of his fist. He held him for a moment, feeling his warmth against his fingers. So small, weightless. The giant’s fingers uncurled slowly, and the guard stared up at him, motionless.
The titan was overcome with an unusual wave of sympathy for the tiny man. The way he looked in his hand, completely vulnerable, helpless. Any other time, Sky would have eaten him without hesitation. And yet… this human did nothing to warrant such an end.
Lark peeked out of the zipper, seeing the guard in Sky’s right hand. She recognized him as Clay, one of her group members.
Soon enough, Sky let out a sigh. He crouched down and placed his hand on the ground, letting Clay climb off.
“Sorry. Hope your ribs aren’t broken.” He rumbled as he stood up and stepped away, disappearing through the trees and leaving nothing but giant boot prints in the grass. Clay stood there watching, then touched his ribs painlessly.
As Sky walked, he clutched the collection of tiny belongings in his hand. Once they were far enough from the encampment, he stopped and let out a long breath.
“How are you holding up, Lark?” Sky asked gently down to his pocketed companion.
Lark peeked her head out and looked up at the giant. “I’m fine, um, thanks again for this…”
“It’s no problem. Let’s sort through this stuff.” Sky said as he lowered his enormous body and sat cross-legged on the cool ground. Once settled, he fully unzipped his breast pocket and reached in, pinching Lark between his fingers and removing her from the fabric confines.
Sky set Lark in his left palm, in the middle of her belongings strewn about. She looked at everything, recognizing most of her stuff with some random bits and bobs thrown in there. Devon was not thorough, but this was more than what she expected from him.
“Looks like everything’s here!” Lark said cheerfully as she sat in Sky’s palm and started putting things in the bag. Sky smiled and held his palm steady, watching her pack. All of her tiny little articles of clothing, snacks, and tools looked like colorful flakes in his enormous hand.
Lark caught sight of the giant watching her, and met his gaze. His expression was serene, as if he was completely content in seeing her do something as mundane as packing a duffel bag.
“Sky… can I ask you a question?” Lark asked timidly up at the gentle giant, who nodded.
“Of course.” He said eagerly.
“Why did you spare everyone? You’re a huge, terrifying man that eats humans like me. It would have been so easy for you to just...” Lark clutched her bundle of clothes close to her and averted her gaze, curling up in the giant’s palm.
Sky fell silent and dropped his gaze in thought. He could feel his tiny companion’s faint weight upon his upturned palm.
“I don’t know. It’s strange. I have this gnawing pain in my gut, even after eating the whole tree.” He said quietly. “But… you all are just so small, there’s no way you could fill me up. I don’t want to eat you, but my stomach is saying otherwise. It doesn’t make sense.”
Lark looked up at Sky’s face, which fell solemn. She put down her clothes and crawled forward on his palm, placing her little hands against them reassuringly.
“Well, I guess being hungry all the time might make you feel desperate. Like when you wanted to eat me…” She laughed uncomfortably, remembering how she literally fell into his mouth when they first met. “But you should be full after eating, right?”
“Yeah, that’s the thing, though. I get these… pangs in my gut. And then I can only think about eating one thing. Sometimes it’s humans, sometimes it’s clay or gravel or even metal.” The giant sighed as he placed his right hand on his stomach.
“...metal?” Lark asked incredulously.
“Yes.” Sky said through a grimace. His belly felt like it was tying itself in knots. “I guess it wasn’t happy with the tree.”
“… you should not be eating trees! And gravel! Sky…” Lark gasped as she gripped the giant’s glove under her.
“Well, normally I don’t get sick if I eat those things…” Sky said with a blush. “I’ve eaten plenty of trees. But today is just not a tree day.” He chuckled as he slowly laid on his back with a groan, resting his left hand on the ground along with Lark and her belongings.
Lark glanced at her things strewn about the giant’s hand, and decided to quickly stuff everything away before attempting to climb up closer to Sky’s face. His enormous body sank heavily into the grass, while the giant closed his eyes and rubbed his belly painfully.
“Are you going to be okay, Sky?” Lark asked as she carefully walked up along Sky’s forearm. Sky grunted in response, keeping still as his tiny companion resorted to scaling him.
“Yeah. I’m tough.” He chuckled, opening one eye and peering over towards his shoulder, where Lark’s tiny head appeared over the curve of his chest. “Where are you going, hm?”
“Oh, um, do you not want me to climb you?” Lark suddenly felt silly, having invited herself up on the giant’s body without permission. But her fears were dashed when Sky helped her up onto his chest by lifting his arm up, pushing her right onto his left breast.
“Just be safe about it, that’s all.” Sky smiled as he lifted his massive head up to see the tiny woman standing on his chest. She looked so out of place, as if she didn’t plan on what to do once she did get on top of the mountain.
Lark crouched down on Sky’s chest, hearing the rumble of his breaths and the pounding of his heart just below her. She glanced behind her, where the rest of his body lay outstretched, so wide.
“Your poor tummy.” Lark said as she watched Sky’s giant hand slowly rub up and down on his middle. “I can’t believe what you put in there.”
“If you’re so concerned, you can rub it from the inside.” Sky said cheekily, and Lark stared at him in shock.
“Noo!” She squeaked, and the giant giggled in response.
“I’m kidding, c’mon.” Sky smiled as he reached up and gave the top of her head a careful, gentle pat. “But don’t worry, I can handle eating things that humans can’t. Just part of being a titan.”
Lark closed her eyes as the pad of Sky’s finger touched her blonde hair. The force of his touch combined with his soft chest underneath her made her fall back on her rear with a gasp.
“If you say so…” She said quietly in response as she glanced around her. The giant’s massive chest and jacket surrounded her, and suddenly she felt safer than ever before. It was like nothing in the world could get to her now.
“Are you going to lay here for a while, you think?” Lark asked, glancing towards Sky’s head, which was laid back on the ground while he rubbed his belly.
“I think so. Why?” Sky asked in response, lifting his head up slightly so he could peek at the little woman on his chest.
“Uh, I dunno, I kinda want to sort through my things and get a snack from my bag… um, if that’s alright.” She said as she fiddled with her fingers, glancing at the giant’s peering blue eyes.
“You just want to stay on top of me, huh?” Sky rumbled with a smile.
“I was trying to avoid saying it that way…” Lark sighed.
“Aww. You like being on my chest.” The giant chuckled as he reached over on his left side and fumbled around for Lark’s duffel bag.
“It’s new, okay? I’ve been in your hand for the most part… this is a lot more stable.” The human said as she placed her hands on both side of her and patted the giant’s coat.
“Well, who am I to deny you a comfortable rest? Stay as long as you like.” The titan smiled as he produced her bag, bringing it up to his chest and setting it beside her.
Lark smiled sheepishly at the titan’s welcoming gesture. She reached over and rummaged in her bag for a granola bar, then laid back on Sky’s broad chest.
Sky glanced down at her, a tiny little thing laid out on his left breast. Her entire body rose and fell with every breath in his lungs.
“Come closer.” Sky said, peering down at her. The woman sat up and looked at him quizzically.
“I’m literally on top of you…” Lark responded, to which Sky brought his right hand up to his bare neck and patted it invitingly with a knowing smirk.
“No, closer. Don’t be shy.” The titan rumbled as he stretched his neck out, exposing his warm skin.
Lark stared at his neck and jaw from her perch on the giant man’s chest nervously. It was one thing to rest on his clothed chest, but for him to invite her to his bare neck…
The shy woman touched her arms, remembering the embrace of the titan’s lips the night before. It felt like a dream, a wonderful one. Perhaps, to Lark, the concept of a giant truly loving a human was just too unheard of for her to accept it fully.
And yet, she found herself rising up with a wobbly gait, shoes sinking into the giant’s chest as she scaled it, making her way along the man’s oversized zipper.
Sky laid still, calmly breathing as her little feet tread gingerly up his pectorals. It almost tickled him, sending small shivers up his neck. He thought about helping her up, grasping her and lifting her to his neck, but he was patient. It was intriguing to him, being so large that his body was like a mountain she was climbing, and every little movement of hers was transmitted to his senses.
“Almost there…” The titan rumbled as she grasped the edges of his jacket collar. He dared not to move his head now, for fear of shaking her.
Lark stood in place, fingers curled around a single tooth of the giant’s jacket zipper. Before her was the muscular, wide neck of the giant. Sky’s massive body was like a whole world in itself, and she was merely glimpsing a portion of it across her entire vision.
“I don’t suppose there’s a certain way you want me to do this?” The woman squeaked, touching her fingers to her breasts. This was all so new to her, she didn’t want to embarrass herself with the giant anticipating her every touch.
“Whatever you want.” Sky smiled, unable to see Lark as she stood on his collarbone. “It’s warm, you’ll see.”
With a final exhale, Lark let go of the zipper and stumbled forwards, stepping directly on the giant’s soft throat. Her feet sunk into his neck and she immediately lost balance and fell forwards, clinging to Sky’s larynx.
Lark froze for a moment, hearing the rush of the titan’s breaths through his throat beneath her. The sound was like a distant waterfall, deep and droning. She giggled and pressed her cheek into Sky’s bare skin, her body finding itself quite comfortable in the crook of his neck.
“Ah…” Sky said softly, and Lark’s eyes widened as his voice rumbled in his throat. “Interesting choice.”
“What?” Lark responded questioningly.
“Oh, well, if you want to stay there it’s fine. But you might have a hard time napping. You’ll get bumped every now and then.” Sky said softly, bringing his hand up to his neck and brushing his fingertips against the woman’s legs.
“Bumped?” Lark asked again, glancing up at the bottom of the giant’s jaw from her position on his throat.
Sky merely tilted his head back slightly and swallowed, sending his larynx up towards his jaw and back down along his neck. The protrusion slid down against Lark’s body, which indeed bumped into her rather quickly.
“Ah. I see now.” Lark said as she became acutely aware of the sound of the giant’s wet gullet. She planted her palms against his skin and pushed herself down his neck, settling into his soft, lower throat.
“Sorry.” Sky chuckled as he himself settled in the grass, glancing up at the clouds. The pain in his stomach persisted, but it was easier to ignore when he had Lark to snuggle with. Though, as he swirled his tongue in his mouth, he remembered the way that she tasted.
“It’s okay, you can’t help it.” Lark said as she snuggled into the giant’s neck, pressing her face and hands against his warm skin. Sky was right, this was a lot warmer than the surface of his jacket.
The two laid together for a while, just enjoying each other’s company in the quiet forest. Moments like these made it easy to forget about the turmoil the world was in, with everyone in arms against each other. Humans against humans, humans against titans. It was rare to come across such peace.
“I want this war to end.” Sky said suddenly, staring up at the clouds. “It’s pointless. It will just keep going until something is done. But I know other titans don’t feel the same way.”
Lark glanced up towards the giant’s face as he spoke, hearing mostly a deep rumble in his neck.
“Why is that? Have you met other titans?” She asked.
“A few. They’re all the same. Merciless, gluttonous. I suppose I was that way too, before I met you.” Sky rumbled as he reached up to his neck and touched his fingertip to Lark’s body.
“Mmm. They’re scary.” Lark said quietly, shifting under the giant’s touch.
“I’ll protect you though, Lark. Don’t worry.” The titan declared as he pressed his fingertip against the woman’s tiny form, keeping her pinned against his neck as he sat up and crossed his legs.
Sky pinched Lark between his fingers and lifted her up to his face, smiling at her warmly. His blue eyes danced as he examined her adorable little face looking up at him.
“You’re so darn cute.” The giant huffed as he pushed his nose against the front of her body.
Lark blushed, placing her palms on Sky’s nose as she looked deep into his eye.
“I-I’m glad you think so.” She replied softly, feeling her cheeks warm from the attention the titan was giving her.
“Mmm… I can’t let anyone else get a hold of you y’know.” Sky rumbled as he angled his tiny companion above his face, gently but firmly gripping her waist between his thumb and forefinger. His eyes glowed with delight at Lark’s worried expression.
“What do you mean?” She asked, staring down at Sky’s enormous face. She suddenly felt very vulnerable, like the giant was up to something.
“Well, simple! I’ll just have to eat you before another titan does.” Sky winked before slowly opening his pale blue mouth, directly below Lark’s dangling feet.
“Oh, no… no, Sky.” Lark tucked her legs in as his lips curled around his massive teeth, lining the entrance to his deep, cavernous maw.
“Ahh… it’s alright, I’ll make it quick.” Sky rumbled in response, opening his mouth even wider and even going so far as to lower the woman’s body down in the middle of his open mouth, holding her in place while his teeth and tongue surrounded her.
“Sky!” Lark said, panicking. The giant’s moist breath stuck to her skin as she was held precariously inside, staring down the man’s wide open gullet. Her breath caught in her chest as the titan toyed with her fate.
Suddenly she was lifted out of his mouth, and again she was met with the giant’s glowing blue eyes. They softened upon seeing her panic, and Sky leveled his head and placed her gently on his palm.
“Was that too much?” He asked softly, using his index finger to smooth down Lark’s frazzled blonde hair.
Lark huffed at his touch, wiping her face with her jacket sleeve. “Uh, it was a little scary.” She said, running her fingers through her hair anxiously.
Sky couldn’t help but smile as she fussed. He brought her to his face again and pushed the tip of his nose into her.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t actually going to swallow you.” Sky said as he nuzzled his nose against the little woman’s entire body. “I just like to tease…” Sky said as he pulled away to look at his little friend directly. “Um, you can tell me if I take it too far, though. I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“I-I’m fine… I trust you, Sky.” Lark said with a smile, finding it hard to be upset at the gentle giant.
“But you’re so small…” The giant whined as he pushed his nose into her again, holding her steady on his large palm. “I could hurt you without even realizing…”
Lark felt his nose push into her again, and she rested her cheek against the bridge of it. No longer shaken, her heart softened at the giant’s words.
“You’re a good giant, Sky…” The woman said with an amused smile. She couldn’t bring herself to be angry at the titan for his rambunctiousness. He reminded her of a playful dog; a very, very big one.
“I just… am so happy to have you with me. It’s lonely being a titan. Humans are afraid of me, and other titans are only interested in wreaking havoc.” Sky said as he opened his eyes softly and gazed at the sweet little human hugging his nose.
“And yet here you are, letting me hold you, caress you… even…” The giant uttered as he pulled back and brushed his lips against Lark’s body, breathing on her warmly.
“Mmm…” Sky moaned as he planted his lips on Lark’s upper body and face and kissed her.
Lark squirmed with delight under his touch, holding her breath as the man’s enormous lips pressed into her. Her own little lips kissed him back, a tiny little peck engulfed by his encompassing embrace. She found herself panting heavily with excitement as she pressed her face into Sky’s upper lip.
“So sweet… like dessert… it makes me want more.” Sky rumbled between kisses, licking his lips to moisten them and steal her scent.
“Sky...” Lark whispered between breathless kisses, her limbs wrapping around the giant’s lips. His hunger for her was becoming more and more obvious, and yet she wasn’t resisting.
Sky smiled as he went from kissing her to licking her, poking his tongue out and grazing her legs and arms with the tip. His breath warmed her as she lay flat on his palm, overtaken by the giant’s enormous face above her.
“Ahh… would it really be so bad, Lark? To swallow you whole… have you all to myself.” The titan moaned as he swirled his tongue around, feeling her legs and arms against it. “I’d be so gentle.”
“Mmm, that...” Lark gasped, feeling the giant’s saliva soaking into her clothing. Her face was flushed red now, and she was overcome with her feelings for him, so much that it almost erased her fear of being eaten. “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if it was you…”
“If only.” Sky sighed as he gave her one final kiss and pulled away, licking his lips deliberately. “But I’m content with this. Just a little, tiny taste of tiny you. Hmm… to think I would be playing with a human in this way… I enjoy it very much.” Sky said, flashing his teeth gleefully.
Lark bit her lip as he pulled away, feeling so much warmer after the titan’s tongue caressed her. She was almost disappointed that it didn’t go further.
“You like having all of me...” Lark said breathlessly as she laid on Sky’s palm, trembling, excited.
“It turns out I like how teeny tiny you are, Lark.” Sky chuckled, staring at her warmly as she quivered in his hand. “Precious.”
Lark blushed deeply and rubbed her arms as she gazed up bashfully at Sky’s face from the comfort of his enormous palm. She stared at his mouth longingly, the embrace of his lips and tongue so fresh on her mind.
Her gaze did not go unnoticed, and Sky couldn’t help but hold her in front of his mouth as he parted his lips and ran his blue tongue along them.
“Someone’s gotten over their fear rather quickly, hmm?” The titan giggled as he held Lark in his palm, watching her stare at his lips with flushed cheeks.
Lark bit her own lip and turned her gaze away as the giant teased her.
“N-Not entirely, but…” She mumbled, running her fingers along her arms, feeling the wet and sticky surface from the giant’s saliva.
“It’s progress. Makes me happy.” Sky nodded as he leaned back and stretched lavishly, holding Lark in his closed fist as he raised both his arms up and yawned. Lark giggled in surprise as she was lifted, quite securely, above the man’s head.
“For now, though, I think we should move on. It’s not good to stay in the same place too long, at least when you’re my size.” The titan said as he returned his hand to his face and addressed the little woman sitting in his palm.
“Alright… as long as you don’t expect my little legs to keep up with yours.” Lark said with a smile as she settled down in the giant’s palm.
“Naw. I’ll carry you everywhere, it’s my pleasure.” Sky winked before slowly rising to his feet. His head cleared the tops of the trees and he scanned the horizon. It was now midday, and the sun was high in the northern forest.
“We can go anywhere, you know. Home is where I am.” The titan said as he peered down at the woman in his hand.
“Anywhere?” She asked, and the giant nodded.
“I want to see the meteor.”
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pokeask-star-sending · 11 months
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Star Sending Event Info
Welcome to the Pokeask community’s first Star Sending Event. Basically, this is a Holiday Exchange (AKA, Secret Santa) with a little twist: It’s in-character! Write up a wishlist for your characters and in exchange receive another blog’s character’s wishlist - one which you either draw or write your character completing their gift as best they can.
This is not a full fledged event with a location your characters must attend, interact with others, etc. You only need to do three things: Write your character's wishlist, fill the sign-up form, and do your piece for who you get!
Continue reading for info on how to participate!
Important Links
Intro P.1 | Intro P.2 | Info Tag | Wishlist Template | Contact Info SIGNUP FORM TO PARTICIPATE
Continue reading for rules and other necessary info!
These are limited to Pokemon OC blogs or ask blogs!
One entry per PERSON.
The form to apply is found above, just make sure you read the full document first.
Do not expect to send or receive more than one gift (But you can choose to provide more than one should you be inspired)!
As part of your entry, you can submit multiple Wishlists for your characters, with one list each. This gives your Sender multiple options to choose from. More lists does not guarantee more gifts to receive. 
Senders may do as much or as little as they like with their submission, as long as it meets the minimum requirements for the post.
Feel free to reply to your Sender’s submission as well, and use it to kickstart an interaction!
You MUST keep your Recipient a secret.
Do not share with anybody that is also participating in the event. 
This event focuses around character interactions.
Politely, I ask you don’t join with the sole intent of getting free art or writing pieces. While I ask for effort in submissions, the main goal is to spark little interactions between the characters from different blogs!
Assume all dates are done under the Eastern Standard Time Zone. We do not have exact times because our team is doing this within our availability and have life priorities outside of the event.
Our application period starts from now, and runs until the 3rd of November. 
Wishlists will be distributed on the 4th or the 5th, depending on availability and any extra organisation needed. 
You may start working on your submission as soon as you receive your Wishlist!
We will be checking in on submission progress on two separate WIP dates; the 25th of November and the 15th of December. This will be to make sure you’re on track with your submission.
 A verbal update is sufficient for the first Checkup, but we expect something more substantial by the second Checkup. 
If no update is received a backup entrant will be assigned to your Recipient. We will have one final Checkup on the 10th of January for unsubmitted posts.
As part of the above, PLEASE keep a line of communication open with us! We will be understanding if you find you cannot complete your gift and there is no judgement towards you should that occur. We want the event to be as fun as possible!
Wishlist Template | Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 | Example 4
Wishlist Due Date: November 3rd
Five Wishlist items per character, max.
As part of submitting your Wishlist, you MUST make sure to include some kind of visual reference for the characters that you are submitting lists for.
Wishlists may be posted publicly, and posting them is even encouraged! Tag them under #pokestarsending2023. 
Wishlists are allowed to be farfetched, abstract, or even impossible to complete in-canon if it is in-character for your OCs to request such a thing.
If you’re unsure what this qualifies as, check the list examples or confirm with a mod!
In the case something your character would ask for is something you as the blog owner does not want to be completed for plot or story reasons, please leave a note written OOC stating so!
Lists can be written in-character, out-of-character, by a different character on the blog, or just a simple bullet pointed list.
As everything is completed in-character, do not expect the Sender to complete any wishes in a proper manner if it doesn’t seem fit for them! 
The period for posting for submissions will start on the 24th of December and ends on the 31st of January.
We ask that you send your submission to be checked over with us to make sure it meets all requirements. Once approved, you may post!
If you require more character info about your Recipient, you may ask us to ask for you while keeping you anonymous!
Remember: It is your character that is completing what is requested on the Wishlist. 
Your character does not need to be able to fully complete a gift item from your Recipient’s list, if it isn’t realistic for them (i.e. their Wishlist asks for Technology and your character is a Wild Pokemon, which may be unrealistic or abstract). HOWEVER, there should still be effort put forth by your character in providing the gift.
Try to keep the tone positive and heartwarming, unless you receive permission from the character owners for your submission to take on a different tone.
Post by @-ing your Recipient, and include the tag #pokestarsending2023! We will be reblogging all submissions.
If you are unavailable to post your piece during the submission period, please let us know! We can post it for you on our blog.
Writing minimum: 600 of words minimum.
600 words is the minimum we ask of a writing submission to make sure enough is put into describing the gift and/or gift giving process. If you find yourself struggling to meet the minimum, please reach out to us with your WIP so we can can help review it with you.
In the case you plan to write the Recipient as part of your submission, we will inform you if the person receiving would prefer you not to write their character in your submission. 
Instead, try focusing on other details: How would your character prepare the gift? What process do they take in doing so? To what lengths do they go? Also, make sure you describe the gift itself and how it’s delivered to its Recipient.
Art Minimum: Either a coloured full-body, or a half-body with a background (at least three props).
Must include the character of the Wishlist. Including your own character is encouraged.
Comic Minimum: Clean sketch, 3 panels.
Must include character of the Wishlist. Including your own character is encouraged.
The minimum requirements may change if we feel they need to be adjusted. We will announce any changes, and by the submissions drawing period, we will have finalised them.
Final Notes.
Questions and constructive feedback are always welcome and never stupid! We are happy to clarify anything. Be it through the messaging system, or ask. You can also contact us on discord for any further communication; please see the contact page on the Star Sending blog for more info!
If you are stumped in any way of participating, you are free to ask for help or feedback from the team!
To make sure you have read everything, I have included a little passcode requirement in the form. What was your first pokemon game? (Non-mainline games are valid)
Make sure to reference examples and templates to aid in your submission!
Thank you for your consideration in participating! I am just one person with some friends, hoping to run something nice for this community, and I sincerely hope I can do my best for you. Every effort to make this as great as can be is hugely and humbly cherished.
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canmom · 30 days
NieR Automata anime episode 7-8
Continuing commentary from [part 1], [part 2-3], [part 4-5] and [part 6].
So much to catch up on so I'll keep commentary pretty sparse this time!
Episode 7: [Q]uestionable Actions
Episode 7 serves to introduce A2 in the present...
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It does this by using the premise of one of the more memorable sidequests in the game, where one of the Machine Lifeforms in Pascal's village asks you to save her little sister. In the game, this is an escort quest in the desert area, in which there is an extended conversation with the little sister android. Here, it's sending us to the Forest Kingdom early - no meeting with Emil, Engels attacking the city, or encounter with the alien ship just yet.
In the Forest Kingdom, we get a very compressed version of the kingdom's backstory and founding by Ernst, and the creation of the little robot baby Immanuel who's supposed to inherit it (these names aren't given in the anime, and only barely mentioned in the game)...
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...but most of the forest machines have been massacred by A2. The machine interactions are played mostly for humour here, with the Little Sister declaring that she wants to start a family with one of the forest guards, and Pascal jumping on the concept enthusiastically.
We also have 9S finally warm to Pascal a bit through the old narrative expedient of 'sudden accident that lets the character save your life'...
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A shot that raises all kinds of architectural questions we probably shouldn't get into. It's kinda clumsy but there's a lot of game to compress into a short time, so it makes sense to cut 9S gradually warming to Pascal.
Anyway, the star of the show is of course A2, who enters in her inimitable baby-stabbing way:
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After an all-too-brief fight with 2B, A2 jumps out the window - something maybe a little more motivated because her Type-4O Sword breaks so she can't really stay and fight. This mostly serves to introduce the conflict with command to 2B and 9S, and motivate 9S to start digging around for dirty secrets.
One thing that isn't really addressed in either the game or this anime is that, according to the concert audio dramas, the androids sent after A2 previously were... 2B and 9S, and A2 got pretty damn good at beating them. Perhaps this explains why she doesn't bother to say many words to them here.
Other than that, we also get Adam and Eve discussing Sartre:
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Much as in the game, Eve doesn't have much interest in Adam's books and philosophy, and Adam treats him condescendingly like a child. I mention this shot mostly because I think it's the first time the "existence precedes essence" quote actually appears in the story, for all its engagement with existentialist philosophy.
The final post-credits bit sees puppet A2 killing puppet Pascal...
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...just before he can tell us about the dragons in the Kingdom of Night! Grah! They'll keep teasing us with this forever it seems like...
Episode 8: aji wo [K]utta?
If episode 7 took us to the Forest Kingdom zone, this one is focused on the Flooded City area. They clearly referenced the game pretty closely for the backgrounds - I could recognise specific locations, such as the ramp with a bus leading in to the zone.
Picking up pretty directly where episode 7 ended, 2B and 9S are sent on the trail of A2. 9S is getting pretty suspicious of Command already, and when 2B chides him to stay on mission, he goes behind her back. But not before they can hang out a bit at the seaside!
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If there's one thing I can respect this adaptation for, it's that it understands the importance of quiet character moments. Fully half this episode is spent just on 2B getting persuaded to stand in water and this is entirely a correct adaptational decision.
Also a 6O lesbian moment:
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The pair are looking for Jackass for a lead on A2, after Lily refuses to tell them anything. 9S gets them to split up so he can do some snooping. So 2B is the one to find Jackass, who gets to have the kind of moment that would have been hard to do in the game...
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...hanging out in a swimsuit with scarf and combat boots, fishing with grenades, and offering 2B the deadly, delicious mackerel.
All these cute moments lead into a gradual turn towards horror as 9S is cut off from 2B. In the game, I recall this happens after the fight with Grün, which is almost entirely cut in this adaptation - the most we see is a silhouette that looks kind of like the defeated Grün on the skyline early on:
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A reasonable thing to cut; Grün in the game is a cool boss fight but not very important to the story (a bit of a jarring nonsequitur really).
Anyway, after taking advantage of 21O to spy on command, 9S gets to hear the Commander talking to the Council of Humanity. They mention, rather cryptically, something called 'Contact Plan B' - which I don't remember being an element in the game and could be the first seeds of a story divergence.
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Someone - it's Adam of course - sets up a comms jammer and 9S finds his way into a room full of fanart of him and 2B. I wonder if they put out a call for fanart, or even just scraped it from the internet, because the styles and skill levels are pretty damn varied:
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Would definitely be curious if anyone has tracked down sources of any of these pictures.
9S gradually transfers into hacking space, indicated in this anime by black letterboxing bars, as the environment gets more surreal. Whoops! He's been nabbed by Adam. In the game, he pretty much just wakes up in hacking space after the battle with Grün so this is a cool variation.
Thanks to the final arc of NieR Reincarnation, we now know that all the variations of NieR are 'explained', in a sense, by an obscenely complicated time loop premise involving the records of humanity and the AIs assigned to look after them. So, is the game canon or this anime? Yes. The real question is whether the variation from the game is going to be limited to this kind of minor story reshuffling, or if they'll make bigger divergences in season 2. I wouldn't put anything past Yoko Taro, but I've got a lot of catching up to do before I find out...
The ending skit for episode 8 is just a letter from (game producer) Yosuke Saito followed by the mackerel bit, thus explaining the episode title: アジを食った aji o kutta, which can be translated as 'I ate a mackerel' but is also a pun on 'I experienced a flavour'. (It's mostly known in English as the name of the ending of NieR Automata where you eat a mackerel and immediately die).
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Feels good to be back on this anime! More to come soon hopefully!
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
hi, indian anon here ( I think I used the ⏳️) ig you can say I'm an ex swiftie, but in the sense that I was never exposed to western music until evermore and I listened to it and loved it. I never engaged with the fandom or anything, and didn't even know all these things taylor did, and I thought taylor was a decent person because of the documentary. This was until ofc, the matty healy incident which opened my eyes to her behavior, but idky I felt like I couldn't openly dislike her. Everyone in my school was obsessed with her and if you're a girl, and you hated her, or even disliked her, you were a pick me, and I didn't wanna get hated on more by my classmates (long story there). The last straw for me was prolly when 1989 tv was released (after the mh incident I just called myself a swiftie cuz I liked her earlier work) and I had joined an online swiftie group chat, and the people there were so vile and hateful. I remember saying it's wrong hating on harry styles for cheating on her cuz she did the same, or that Joe alwyn is just a regular dude, and so are all her other exes, except prolly matty and the John Mayor guy for dating a 19 y/o (SHE ALSO DATED MINORS THO??? no one talked about this shit) and I mentioned that she's not god and that she has done bad things, and the gc, which had 50 active members everyday, collectively not only hated on me, but also these people had access to my private insta acc. My face, my friends, my address, they knew it all. It was so scary, and while I have been in plenty of toxic fandoms before (my first death threats were by the hp fandom, which I've left long back), I actually felt threatened. It actually felt like a cult, and it was scary until my insta acc got shut down (idky), and the ppl couldn't find me anymore. The swiftie fandom is weird at best, and potential criminals at worst, because wtf. They don't have any sort of individual thinking, and if someone does, they will find a way to shut it down. Even now, when I interact with a swiftie and taylor Swift comes up, and I say I don't like her, their behavior is just like the ones online. Ik ppl get more confidence to do bad things online cuz of anonymity, but swifties are the same irl, too. They completely believe it is okay to treat ppl terribly, harass and spread disgusting rumors and even doxx a Palestinian woman and give her details to Isreali organization. Like that actually happened. I regret that I didn't leave the fandom sooner because I can't believe I was associated with something like this. Ik celebrities make mistakes, and that fandoms always have one toxic portion, but this is too much.
Sorry for the long rant tho 😅
- ⏳️
sorry it took me a while to respond, there is SO MUCH HAPPENING in this ask. like 3 diff asks rolled into one omfg
1. peer pressured into “continuing” to like taylor swift you are a different kind of victim im so sorry you went through that (and all to prevent you from being bullied…im so sorry)
2. THE SWIFTIE GROUPCHAT: that is horrible and TERRIFYING. all you did was practice critical thinking and you feared for your SAFETY. their reactions are not logical nor rational and speak to how dangerous her fanbase is.
if you feel like you cannot call out your fave for their behavior without your safety being threatened, that is not a fanbase, that is a cult. i think we should actually did a venn diagram of swifties and cults we’d have a perfect circle.
3. SWIFTIES IRL: this is so true about how they behave. ive had friends tell me theyre scared of saying they hate taylor IRL cause of the backlash they’d receive. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. even when BTS was at their peak ppl never felt threatened by the ARMY to that point 😭
you NEED to send more info/links/ss about the doxxed palestinian. i need the #SwiftiesforPalestine to see wtf their mutuals are doing. that is ABHORRENT behavior. that poor woman!
thank you sm for this ask, u are truly one of god’s strongest soldiers cause wtf!!!! is wrong!!!! with swifties!!!!!
(p.s. if you are a repeat anon go ahead and sign off your asks with an emoji so i can keep track! thank you!)
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legacygirlingreen · 1 year
Christmas with the Sallow Family: Chapter 4 || Sugarplum Fairy
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Authors Note:
I am back! I apologize for taking so long, school really heated up, but I graduate in about 10 days so I am finally getting free time back! Thank everyone who’s continued to support this story. I really hope this has been worth the wait, and soon should have more availability to work on future chapters! I haven’t had much time to edit, but I figured it better to post and edit later. Again, thank you all! Special thanks to @anto-pops for the advice on writing NSFW content, as this is my first attempt at it… So strap in folks because things are finally getting a tad serious.
Also, I usually go for historical accuracy, but couldn’t resist throwing in the Nutcracker during a fic set at Christmas. Historically it wouldn’t become a ballet till about a year later, but for the purposes here we can bend the rules a tad… Anyways, sending positive vibes to you all!
Warnings: NSFW content! (Finally). Minors do not interact! 18+.
Reminder: This work is part of a larger collection of work, see Masterlist (Pinned on Profile) for the rest of this fic!
Word count: 9,000 words
previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/legacygirlingreen/713708165693308928/christmas-with-the-sallow-family-chapter-3?source=share
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After an uneventful dinner in the Sallow home, the four young adults migrated out into the center of the hamlet with the rest of residents to partake in Christmas Eve festivities. Some of the older men played enchanted instruments to the tunes of upbeat folk songs, as children ran around playfully dancing to their song. Solomon who had opted to stand guard with some of the town’s men in case of another goblin attack, left them without the looming sense of awkwardness that had existed while they ate a few hours prior.
Sebastian had opted to change back out of his father’s jumper, as it was slowly getting colder, and he didn’t want to damper the mood with its presence. She still wore the same dress as before as they watched as Anne was playfully spinning with one of the young boys in their village. Ominis had laughed as the small boy, who had grown quite smitten with Anne as she remained behind in Feldcroft, politely asked her to dance with him. Shortly there after, Ominis himself was roped into showing the younger sister of the boy dancing with Anne how he was able to use his wand to move about despite his blindness, as the girl was also heavily vision impaired. Sebastian watched as his twin had to duck quite low to move her head under the small child’s arm as the boy attempted to spin her as he saw the adults of their hamlet do for the women. At the same time, Ominis was cautiously moving the small girl about in front of him with his wand pointed out in front of the both of them. It made him smile seeing his friend and his sister engaged so sweetly with smaller children who lived next door.
Without thought, he turned himself towards the girl next to him. She sat perched on one of the low stone walls surrounding the main circle of their village’s center. Sebastian found himself standing behind her, arms coming to rest on the sides of her, as she leaned back slightly onto his chest in her seated position. She turned her head to the left, noting how Ominis was entertaining the little girl by sharing how he navigated the world with a child who shared his condition.
“I never knew Ominis was so good with children” she said as she noted the way he helped lift the girl, who was nearing the end of her toddler years, and moved them both towards Anne and the young boy with the help of his wand. The little girl shrieked in laughter at how she, like Ominis, had a vague sense of the world around them with the help of the sentient wand.
“I do believe it may just be that child in particular” Sebastian sad with a chuckle before continuing “He usually finds kids off putting and overtly loud”.
“I guess I can understand where he is coming from… it is still sweet nonetheless.” She said, words trailing off in deep thought at the sight before them both. Anne and Ominis had rejoined with the young siblings, forming a small circle where they all were slowly spinning together.
Sebastian watched for a moment longer, before allowing his eyes to wander back to the girl. He couldn’t help but notice the way the moonlight cast lovely shadows on her face, or the way the firelight danced in her eyes. Hearing the melodic laughter of the children, yet his own eyes lost as they danced over her distracted form, he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering to a place they could both inhabit in the future. How he could home from work, crossing the threshold to greet her, before reaching down to observe whatever mischief some smaller version of them had created during his time away for the day.
“What are your thoughts on children?” She asked, breaking his train of thought before it could fully develop.
“In general or…?” He asked, aiming to figure out exactly what kind of answer she was desiring from him. He didn’t doubt for a second if she asked him, despite their age, he would give an honest answer. He simply wanted her to ask him without any reservations and on her own terms.
“Well I mean obviously in general, but also… having kids? Is that something you want some day?” She asked him, wavering for a moment before finding confidence to turn her body around to face him as she firmly planted her stare in his own.
“I like children. I enjoy the way their minds work, and how they are honest to a fault. I admit, I haven’t had much experience with them up close I am afraid. My parents only had Anne and I, as it was a traumatic delivery for my mother, so they decided one pair of rambunctious twins to be enough. Solomon has never even attempted to find a woman. We have no other family, so the extent of my experience has been back here during the summers with the few children in the hamlet.” He said, fingers playing with the strings of her corset unconsciously as his eyes wandered around the bustling hamlet to observe the youth spread about.
Sebastian remembered small moments where he had been asked to watch over the siblings dancing with his Twin over the past summer, and how while nerve wracking at times, he enjoyed getting the chance to entertain them. They never failed to make him laugh at their antics.
He looked back up into her pleading eyes, and he knew what she wanted to hear. “I definitely want children someday” he said confidently. Even before he had met her, he knew that at the very least he wanted to pass on his family’s namesake, as there was little chance Solomon would, and he was the only remaining Sallow who could. Although, with as much as he knew Ominis hated being a Gaunt, it wouldn’t surprise him if one day their friend took Anne’s name…
“You do?” She asked, seemingly shocked at how open he was on the topic, especially at his age. While the Twins were due for their 17th birthday shortly after Christmas, she was surprised he already had come to a conclusion on his future while still, in the eyes of the law, technically being considered a child himself. While in her muggle village he may be considered old enough to already have started that path in life, she had come to learn that in the Wizarding World, they were not quite as quick to marry off their sons and daughters…
“Of course” he said, smile beaming at her pleasant surprised expression. She briefly looked down at her lap before reaching forward to tug his jacket only slightly so he would come closer to her. He chuckled at her desire to pull him closer as he admitted he wanted children.
“Hey now, just because I desire children someday does not mean I want them now” he playfully retorted while wiggling is eyebrows at her action and he loved watching as she turned bright red at his teasing. She scoffed but didn’t push him away. She smoothed a hand over the trim of his lapel before straightening the simple “S” pin he adorned on the same side as his heart.
“What about you Missy? Do you see yourself having children?” He asked her, realizing she hadn’t commented on the matter. While her smile had told him that she most likely held the same ideas as him in the matter, he didn’t truly know.
She lifted her hand to cup Sebastian’s cheek as she carefully brushed a hand over the planes of his face. Her other hand migrated to his shoulder, fingers slowly tracing the soft hair at the back of his neck as his eyes slowly drifted shut at her soft contact. A small smile worked its way onto his face, as no matter how much she did it, he truly never got over how much he adored her gentle fingertips brushing along his skin and hair. However this was short lived, as she began speaking, his eyes snapped back open to watch her reply.
“I could see myself coming home to a little girl maybe… with a thousand freckles spilling across her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose” she said, softly tracing a path across the center of his face with her pointer finger before coming to frame his eyes as she continued “perhaps she would even have big doe eyes, full of the same mischief I see right here”. She softly traced the skin under his eyes as she gazed up at him. He felt a shudder run through him as she kept going.
“Or a young boy… with a big toothy grin” she said, fingers lightly brushing over his lips as he suddenly felt a weight drop in his stomach, but she didn’t stop there. The fingers in his hair continued as their movement went from unconscious to deliberate. “Maybe he’d have thick, unruly, brown hair that would need to be tied back while he played like his father…”
Sebastian couldn’t help but notice the way she seemed to remember what he had told her about himself as a child in the Undercroft that so long ago. The day he decided he would do anything to be able to show her his love. He loved how comfortable she felt confirming that he would in fact be the father of these idealistic children. Even more, he loved the thought of her desiring a possible daughter to have his dark eyes or a son having his thick Scottish hair.
He always had wondered what parts of his parents he inherited, as well as what one day he would pass on. While he wasn’t particularly fond of his skin’s blemishes from spending so much time in the sun, a small part of him was relieved to hear how much she seemed to adore the marks that covered his body.
If he focused hard enough, Sebastian could almost see the same image in his head. A little girl with similarly colored locks to her own, framing chubby cheeks filled with freckles. The shallow slope of his nose, but her soft smile paired with his dark eyes and her long eyelashes. He could almost cry thinking of how sweet such a child could look being perfectly comprised of both their features. He had always loved the name Estelle.
She paused for a moment, worried her words had frightened him, as he continued blinking rapidly with a far off look in his eye. He was shocked back to reality when her hand started slowly trailing off his face to return to her lap. Sebastian pushed it back up before she got very far, his fingers caressing her own as he took in a deep breath to steady himself.
“While I like your train of thought…” he started, slightly startled by how the lump in his throat made itself known as he began to speak, but he powered through as he stared in her eyes.
“I think that’s entirely too much of myself in children I one day hope, will take after their mother’s beauty”
“Yo-you want your children to…” she couldn’t find the words as she had a thousand thoughts running through her brain at his admission that one day, he wanted to share a home and children with her.
“To look as lovely as you, yes.” He said, noting the way she had a small tear leak out without realizing. Sebastian simply brushed it off her cheek without commenting on it. He understood how such words might draw such a reaction. He had felt such an odd stirring in himself at the conversation. All the sorrow he’d known for losing his parents mixed with the joy he felt knowing he was building something with this lovely girl.
“I disagree… I think their father to be quite handsome” she said, loving the way his dimples appeared at her comment.
“Then its settled. One day we will make beautiful children and people can argue which one of us contributed more to their good looks.” He responded making her laugh so hard she clutched his shoulder as he joined in her laughter.
“We should probably join in the festivities” she said, looking around to see if anyone was lingering too close to hear their conversation. He leaned in, as if he was going to tell her a secret.
“I would much rather stay here and talk about making babies with you…” he purred in her ear and she pushed him away slightly.
“Sebastian!” She exclaimed, noting the way her reaction only spurred him on further as he dipped his head back in laughter.
“I didn’t know you were such a prude” he said, drawing her to stand from her seated position on the wall. Sebastian carefully escorted her to where the hamlet were still dancing in the late hours of the evening in the grass. As he pulled her close, one hand resting on her waist, and the other holding her hand, he noticed the slight pout she had on her face.
“I am not a prude…” she mumbled as she allowed him to slowly start moving about in small circles while holding her.
“Could have fooled me” he responded, noticing the way her eyes quickly darted around to see if anyone around them was watching before she leaned closer, resting her head on his shoulder. She sighed before she tipped her chin towards his ear: “talking about your desire for future children, and discussing the act of making them are two very different conversations” she purred.
Sebastian’s hand on her waist tightened, holding her closer to his body. In fact, he was slowly beginning to feel the beat of her heart through the fabric of his undershirt, his own sweater, and jacket. Not to mention the layers she was wearing… He felt the need to pull her close despite the fact he was warming up along every inch of his body. He barely recognized that a very light snow was beginning to fall because how hot he suddenly found himself. The only reason he noticed was seeing the way small flakes began to get caught in her hair, and he imagined he looked similar.
“Could you see yourself entertaining…” he trailed off as he noticed Anne and Ominis standing a few feet away. Ominis was holding her hand as Anne was beaming at himself and the girl. He looked back down at the girl in his arms, “can we pick this conversation back up later?” he asked her. She nodded as they continued their simple dancing to the slow song of the band. Every so often Sebastian would lift her arm, twisting her gracefully, before returning her to their pose. He was by no means a wonderful dancer, but he seemed to understand a simple box step, and that’s all she needed. It however, warm her heart to be dancing again after so long. It wasn’t long however before the song came to an end.
Throughout the evening the pair had heard the almost continuous sound of instrumental music playing, so the sudden silence that permeated the air was mildly jarring. As she lifted her head to see if the band was retiring for the evening, she was surprised to meet Anne’s mischievous expression.
Ominis stood near the band, conversing with some of the men as Anne attempted to drag the girl from Sebastian’s arms. He let out a sigh as he tightened his arm around her a little confused why his twin was attempting to get the girls attention so intently.
“Anne is something wrong?” She asked, slightly concerned as to why the girl was attempting to remove her with the degree of effort she was aiming to use. Anne shook her head, finally successful in unraveling the couple.
Before Sebastian could question what was happening, Anne whisked her away and Ominis quickly came to drag Sebastian off in the opposite direction without a word. “Ominis, what the hell?” He asked annoyed as his friend simply shook his head no, a small smile stretched across his lips. Whatever Anne was planning must not be too terrible if Ominis was going along with it.
Sebastian found himself suddenly off to the side of the area everyone had been dancing, with the two young siblings from next door, as Ominis left them to join some of the adults of Feldcroft. Sebastian was extremely confused what they were doing, as many of them started talking amongst themselves and using their wands to start conjuring a small wooden platform on the ground. A proper dance space replaced the uneven ground. But why now?
It wasn’t long before he found an answer to all his questions in the form of Bernard Ndiaye coming forward. The members of the hamlet all stood to the side of the platform, allowing the shopkeeper to cross the small stage, to make an announcement.
“It appears that we had a dancer in our midst and didn’t even know it. After speaking with young Anne Sallow, this year’s newest addition has agreed to showcase a muggle tradition I hear is very popular this time of year.” Ndiaye spoke briefly before quickly standing to the side.
Sebastian recognized the sounds of Tchaikovsky, as his mother had adored the composers work. Every year around this time they would all make their way into the muggle portions of London just to watch the ballet for his mothers sake. Sebastian had almost forgotten about it, but Anne seemed to have remembered. It had been years since they had be able to watch a performance.
Looking around he was surprised to find Anne back at his side as she carefully wrapped her slender arm around his own, lightly squeezing his bicep. Sebastian looked to see if she had returned with his twin but was disappointed seeing she returned alone. Before he could question Anne as to where his love had wandered off to he immediately felt his knees almost give out.
In the corner of the small wooden platform there she stood. She must have used some sort of transfiguration charm to change her long green dress, as she now was a vision in soft lavender. Her delicate arms, exposed to the cool air, as only thin straps held up the bodice around her breasts and abdomen. At her waist soft lace and tule flared, just barely covering her most intimate areas. Sebastian couldn’t stop his wandering eyes from noticing how the thin tights she wore clung to her soft but muscular legs, especially given how much of them were displayed before him. Atop her head rested a small diadem, shining in the moonlight.
She had pulled her hair back into a small bun, leaving her nape exposed. Sebastian was struck so suddenly by how his mind l seemingly split into both thoughts of how downright ethereal she looked and how incredibly sexy she was. He was both smitten and feeling himself with growing arousals at how delicate yet strong she looked.
As the band softly played transitional music, she lifted her gaze to Anne, giving her a shy smile, before taking a deep breath. She refused to let her gaze wander to Sebastian, for fear she may loose her nerves if she saw his eyes on her. She nodded to the few men with instruments that they could begin and she closed her eyes, attempting to remember the steps she had all but memorized from her years partaking in the muggle study of ballet.
The opening notes of dance of the sugar plum fairy started and she was off. The playful melody of the Russian composer, although missing some of the instruments a full orchestra would have, filled the air. Almost as if riding a horse, the steps immediately came flooding back to her memory as she gracefully moved about the small stage on her toes, arms extended.
She tried her best to not think of how much the movements were causing her abdomen to ache with pain or her lugs burn. After mentioning to Anne in Hogsmeade that she had studied ballet for years, the girl had all but pleaded on her knees to see at least some part of The Nutcracker, as it was their mothers favorite. She conceded knowing it would lift the girls spirits, however she had not known the full extent to which she had been roped into until the girl had escorted her away from Sebastian.
Sebastian watched her earnestly as she moved about the space with the same grace she used when she dueled. He had been right in his assumption she did in fact know how to dance, as here she stood, body moving with such a lovely flow it replicated that of a stream. Her movements both soft and delicate, yet poised and full of strength. The way the stars and the falling snow framed her feminine form. The way the moonlight and firelight made the diadem and crystals on her bodice sparkle replicated that of a princess. Her soft smile at the confidence in her movements. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever laid eyes on.
He hadn’t even realized he was crying until he felt a small handkerchief being thrust into his hands. He didn’t even look down to see that Ominis’s outstretched hand had been holding his own pocket square, as he refused to tear his eyes away from her for even a second. The world could come crashing down around them and he still would not be able to look away from the delicate creature in front of him. He half wondered if she was part nymph or siren, as the way she moved her body enticed him in ways he ought not know to be possible.
It wasn’t long before the band began to quicken their pace, with her rapidly increasing her tempo as well. She began moving about in such fast twirls, constantly upon her toes, matching the musicality. She was like a flurry of snow, twisting her body with such speed and skill. As fast as the dance had started, they quickly drew their instruments to the close, as she stopped, drawing her arms into an outstretched pose to conclude the dance.
As the people of Feldcroft began to cheer for her, clapping loudly, she began searching the crowds for Sebastian. With all the townspeople and snow picking up its pace, it was difficult to see where he had gotten off to. As she drew herself into a soft bow she saw a single white rose land in front of her. She quickly drew it into her hand before slowly making her way off the wood floor.
She barely heard Bernard speaking to the hamlet as she made her way to the left side of the stage. The people around her parted, allowing a direct path towards Sebastian. As she got closer she saw the soft glistening of tears in his eyes and on his face.
Sebastian felt like he was watching an angel make its way from heaven, down to him as she took soft steps towards him. He was thankful his neighbors had respected them enough to separate, making her journey easier. He hadn’t even attempted to brush the tears from his eyes, proudly wearing them as she deserved to know what a lovely reaction her talent had brought out in him.
When she had finished, he had found himself transforming the handkerchief in his hands into a single rose, tossing it at her feet the same way that he’d seen muggles do in London. When he found her situated directly in front of him, beaming up into his eyes, he didn’t care who was around them. The young siblings next door, his own sister, the townspeople, hell even Solomon: they were all irrelevant to this beautiful angel. His beautiful angel.
She softly brushed the tears off his face as he smiled, a few more continuing to slip out. The girl laughed softly, not in jest, but in elation at how much love was pouring from his eyes.
Sebastian brought his hand up, to firmly hold hers against his face as he ground himself in the moment. A selfish part of him never wanted this wonderful day to end.
It wasn’t long before the chilling Scottish air made itself known again, as she shivered against him, given how much of her body was exposed. He quickly unwrapped her arms, sliding off his jacket, before gently laying it around her shoulders.
“You must be freezing, sorry I didn’t think of that” he whispered out. The town around them had resumed dancing, wandering off to let the young adults converse as they pleased.
She brushed off his comment, but pulled the jacket tighter around her body. She looked back up at him, eyes still shining with amazement. He took the rose that had been held in her hand, placing it behind her ear. His fingers trailed down her cheek and jaw before his hand plant itself against the side of her neck. Sebastian softly pulled her into his tall frame, as his other hand came to rest on her bent elbow. They continued to softly sway as he held her head close to his chest, and she let her arms stay wrapped around his waist.
“I don’t think I have ever been happier in my entire life” he softly hummed out. She tightened her grip on his lower back, softly inhaling his woody scent.
“Me either” she replied, unable to fill her senses with enough of Sebastian Sallow as they softly turned in the moonlight. She wanted more. She didn’t care that her legs were freezing or ballet slippers were terrible shoes to walk in. She simply wanted to bottle up this feeling and keep it close to her heart forever.
As another song started up they heard a throat being cleared not far from them. She lifted her head from its place over his heart as Sebastian noticed Solomon standing near by, his expression unreadable.
“It is getting late. I think it is time you all retire.” He spoke firmly, but didn’t comment on how they were dancing nor her costume.
Sebastian only nodded, before spinning her around to head back towards their tent. Anne and Ominis were already back inside when they arrived. Immediately upon entering Anne jumped the girl.
“Oh Merlin! That was so amazing! Thank you so much, it truly meant so much to be able to experience one of our old traditions. You are so talented.” Anne blabbered on as she continued a string of “you’re welcome” and “thank you” in response to all she kept saying.
Sebastian leaned against the support beam for the main room watching as the girl demonstrated some of the poses for Anne. She shrugged his jacket off inside the tents warmth, thanks to Ominis having started the fire. Once again he found himself staring at the lovely lines her legs were creating as she lifted her weight onto one foot, and moved her other leg to the height of her waist with ease. When she lifted her arms, the skirt also raised, giving him a very open view of her tight and bloomer clad rear. What he would give to always have her in such attire.
She turned around after demonstrating to Anne some of the basics she had come to know, and when she did she noted the down-right sinful look in Sebastian’s eyes. She moved to grab his coat off the cushions from when she had set it down, while Anne sat next to Ominis by the fire. When she approached him, she noticed a small plant extending down from the support beam, to rest just over his head. Mistletoe.
Sebastian looked up at the small plant he was conjuring with the wand at his side. He knew the tradition would make her laugh, and when she caught sight of it she grew slightly pink knowing what he wanted from her.
The boy drew her close, pulling her under the small white bulbs with him. The devilish grin upon his face making her grow even warmer. He pulled the jacket from her hands, letting it fall to the floor with no regard for how it crumpled, before wrapping his other arm around her waist.
“Your opinions on mistletoe m’lady?” He asked, staring intently into her eyes.
“I suppose it is a fun tradition, although if you wanted a kiss, you need not ask”
Sebastian needed no further encouragement, pulling her waist directly into contact with his. Her eyes grew wide at realizing his manhood was pressing into her clothed center, but as his lips made contact with hers, they fluttered shut. His other hand planted on the small of her back, and both of hers finding place on his shoulders. He playfully lowered her weight, as he dipped her forward while continued kissing her. She sighed into his mouth as when he lowered them both, his weight pressed into her most sensitive area even more than it had when he pulled her against his body.
Sebastian returned her to her feet reluctantly, pulling his mouth from hers to give a small kiss to her cheek before nuzzling his nose to the side of her face.
“Have I succeeded in sweeping you off your feet darling?” He teased and she shivered as his long eyelashes tickled her cheek. She nodded, holding him close, breathing in his scent.
“You two are appalling.” Anne said while standing, breaking up their moment as she reaching a hand out for Ominis. The pair migrated towards the boys side of the tent together.
“Where do you two think you’re going?” Sebastian asked, playfully taunting his sister.
“To sleep” she said, continuing to pull the blushing blond with her.
“Mhm… and I am the appalling one” he responded sarcastically as she rolled her eyes, sliding into the privacy of the other room. Ominis gave a shy wave before following her.
“You know if it were anyone other than Ominis I’d ring their neck” he playfully chuckled watching his best friends shy allowance of his twins rule breaking.
She scoffed “Please, as if you are much better in that arena Mr. Sallow” as she poked a finger into his chest playfully.
Sebastian stiffened at her words, grabbing her hand as he pulled her backwards into the privacy of the other room. As soon as the curtain gave way he cast a simple silencing charm, throwing his wand to the side.
He lowered his mouth to her ear, lightly nipping it. “Say that again” he all but growled against her skin.
“Say what again?” She asked playfully as his hands found their way under the many layers of tule, fingers splayed across her lower cheeks.
“You know what” he said, feeling his self control starting to waiver as the events of the last few days were building. Their stolen kisses, almost watching her die, sharing a sensual bath, waking up next to her, her body on display during the dance and their conversations on a future. It all felt too much, as if he’d wake up and it all had been a dream. Sebastian needed the chance to prove he was worthy of their lofty expectations for the future, that he was worthy of her love and adoration. That he could be the man she deserved. Someone who could take care of her, provide for her, protect her and give her the life she deserved.
“Only if you answer me this” she said, trailing off as he caressed her skin through the tights. He mumbled out what she assumed was “sure” against her neck as he continued to kiss and suck lightly on the delicate skin exposed but her bun.
They were playing with fire and she knew it. She just hoped that when it was all said and done neither of them wound up burned.
“Would you like to resume our conversation from earlier now that we are alone?” She tried to keep her voice as sultry as possible but finding it difficult with the wonderful way he mapped out the skin of her neck and shoulders with his lips while his fingers traced her lower regions.
“While I would love to have that conversation, I don’t particularly feel like talking right now, do you…” he huskily whispered into her neck making her shudder.
She shook her head at his words as he carefully walked the both of them backwards towards the bed. When her legs made contact with the edge of the mattress, he gently helped her sit at the edge before lowering himself to the floor in front of her.
She raised a tentative eyebrow at him as he sat on his knees in front of her. In his mind, she looked downright ethereal, still in the beaded costume, head covered in jewels.
Sebastian carefully brought his chin to rest just above her knee, looking up at her through his eyelashes as she curled a hand into his hair.
Lowering his hands, he slowly began to unravel her ballet slippers off each foot, carefully tracing his finger up her leg as he did so. She felt a deep warmth spread about her at his soft traces, as the tights were not thick.
He placed soft kisses on the skin of her thigh as he whispered against her skin. “My Angel… goddess divine…” she heard against her legs as she continued to pour his love into her.
Sebastian looked up into her eyes again as he tried to find an ounce of his slipping self control. Her fingers still wound in his tresses and her soft gaze upon him as he laid more gentle kisses upon her skin. “Aphrodite herself” he said with a groan.
Let me worship you.
She was caught off guard at his words but he continued to plead with her. Sebastian shook her hand from his hair, rising as much as he could while still on his knees for her. He held her hand close to his heart, eyes imploring hers as his body softly shook in anticipation. Sebastian hoped she could feel the way his heart beat against her fingers. The way it beat for her.
Let me show you all the praise you deserve, my goddess. Please I beg you.
She couldn’t help but feel herself giving in, as seeing him beg on his knees for her was something she never thought possible. What happened to the proud Slytherin boy she met her first day Hogwarts who taunted her in class? He had wound his way into her very soul, loosing the arrogance that plagued him, now ready to be whatever she needed, as she graciously returned the same sentiments. She softly nodded, bringing his face up as she tipped his chin forward to meet his lips in a soft kiss.
Every moment they spent alone plagued with teasing and playful comments built into a strong sense of longing, only being held back by external rules of propriety. As he moved his mouth against hers that first time, cracks began to form. Now in the privacy on Christmas Eve, That’s when the damn finally broke.
Sebastian carefully pulled himself from the floor, helping her rise gently to her feet as he softly turned her around. His fingers lightly brushed against her corsets strings while his lips continued to softly press kisses and sweet words of praise along her shoulders.
My beautiful angel…
Most beautiful part of this world…
His movements were careful as he slowly unraveled the soft lace from her skin. As it became loose he slowly allowed the material to fall to the floor. She remained unclothed from the waist up, only bloomers and tights covering her lower half.
She turned to face him in the dim light, seeing the adoration in his chocolate eyes as she slowly slid her hands under his sweater, pulling it up his torso. Sebastian allowed her to carefully slip it off his body before she did the same for his undershirt. When his chest finally was exposed again she couldn’t help but lightly whimper at seeing his soft flesh, and he quickly pulled her back into his towering frame.
His left hand held the juncture between her jaw and neck, fingers softly tracing the skin he found there. Sebastian carefully lifted her face up to his own as her trembling fingers wound there way into his hair once again. With her pressed into him, he could feel her hardened nipples against the planes of chest, loving the way their skin to skin contact created a fire in his stomach.
His other hand slipped lower, find purchase along her waistband, toying with it as he kissed her gently. As he did so, her fingers continued weaving in and out of his hair, and it wasn’t long before he ran a testing swipe along her bottom lip with his tongue. Sebastian couldn’t help but groan when she opened for him, letting their kisses to deepen as their tongues carefully danced together. It wasn’t long before she was pulling away, feeling breathless at their actions.
Taking the opportunity of their pause in kisses, he gripped the band of her remaining clothing, and slowly lowered himself to the floor as he slid the material from her body, undergarments coming with it. He did so carefully, afraid she would snap to her senses and stop him. Sebastian was surprised when her bloomers touched the floor, and he found himself once again on his knees, this time directly in front of her naked form. His found himself carefully helping her step out of the clothes, tossing them into the unknown as he caressed her calf as he once again lifted his gaze.
When the cool air exposed her womanhood she quickly sought to cover herself not just from the cold but his gaze, as his eyes were only a few inches away from her most sensitive area.
She should have ran, should have stopped his advances, but truly there was no reservation within her that he did not already own every fiber of her being. He had her from the moment she met his mischievous gaze, beside the fireplace that day seemingly so long ago. They were destined to remain with one another, a very conviction they both seemed to understand. These physical acts were merely a way at demonstrating their devotion to one another. Damn the rules, they both broke every rules around them always. What’s one more in the name of such a love?
He carefully laid his cheek along her stomach, her hands preventing him from closing the gap between his face and her womanhood. As he gazed up at her, eyes darker than she thought imaginable, she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what he planned to do. He seemed to be allowing her to guide him to whatever boundary she desired. And while she was enticed seeing him still at her feet in such a manor, she was taking her time to become comfortable giving herself to him.
Being so close to her heat, Sebastian could smell her arousal, and it was slowly feeding his own. From the moment he’d spoken with her that evening along the wall, about a future together, he had maintained a slight strain in his briefs. When she had danced before him, that feeling grew more intense. Now having her looking down upon her, unclothed, still wearing that semi-ridiculous crown he felt the intensity of his own erection threatening to burst out. He wanted to see her, feel her, and even though it was vulgar he wanted to taste her.
Sebastian allowed her to take her time. He simply laid his head against her, continuing to breathe her in as she grew comfortable with the image of him half nude on his knees in front of her. His fingers wound around to her backside, slowly tracing patterns on her soft curves. If she was paying attention she would have realized those patterns weren’t aimless, as he traced the word “mine” into the skin of her ass.
Eventually she unwound one hand from guarding her sacredness. She carefully brought her fingers into his hair, hoping to calm the storm raging inside. He groaned against her, as her nails scraped along his scalp. Sebastian continued looking into her eyes, and without even having to say the words he felt their soft exchange through their expressions.
“Please allow me to make you feel good” his eyes plead
“I trust you” hers responded as she let go, allowing him to finally see her up close.
He nearly lost his composure seeing such forbidden fruit right before his eyes. Ever so carefully he moved a hand to lightly trace the skin of her inner thigh. Her breath caught in her throat as he continued the slow torture of quiet gasps and soft touches.
Dragging his gaze back up to her, he carefully whispered out, “so beautiful” with a choked sob before he placed his lips on her.
Her hips bucked involuntarily at the feeling of his warm mouth against her lower curls. Slowly sliding her legs apart, he shifted between them to lick a testing stripe along her slit. As he did so, her slick arousal coated his tongue and he found himself moaning into her womanhood at the taste.
While he initially was gentle, after one small sip, he dived into her, lapping as if he was a man wandering the desert. She felt herself slowly trembling at the ministrations of his tongue on her sex, legs going weak. If his strong arms weren’t holding her upright she surely would’ve fallen over.
He continued to use his mouth on her in any way possible. He licked along her entrance and tasted every drop she provided for him. When his tongue finally found her pearl he brought his lips around it, lightly sucking on her clitorus as she cried out, hands tightening into his hair, pulling his face closer to her heat.
At her involuntary reaction he groaned around her, the vibrations becoming too much for her to bear. She looked down at him one last time before falling over an edge she didn’t even know she was standing upon. As she did so, her legs buckled and he did his best to keep her upright as his tongue continued to prod her entrance through her orgasm. Her unintentional aggression towards him , paired with the sounds she made, was enough to send him barreling after her. His cock twitched inside his trousers as he coated his underwear with his own seed. When she finally came down he softly lowered her onto the bed, dropping his head to her lap as he pulled back.
When she stopped seeing the stars she looked down at him. With red cheeks and her arousal coating his mouth and chin he looked absolutely divine. He smiled at her, carefully dragging a finger around to collect her own wetness from her now swollen opening before placing it in his mouth. Licking the remains from his lips, he sighed.
“You taste heavenly” he told her as she carefully brushed a weary hand through his curls.
She blushed at his words, feeling the need to cover herself, but she restrained realizing if he was willing to do such an act there’s no reason to cover now.
“I may require guidance to return the favor” she said shyly, gesturing in the darkness towards him. Sebastian laughed against her skin enjoying the way her fingers lovingly toyed with his hair. Of all the ways he had felt her deft fingers in his locks, this moment was now his favorite.
“That won’t be necessary love” he said with a chuckle, turning his face to kiss her other wrist.
“Of course it is… I understand that there’s a give and a take to these matters…” she tried to explain but he shook his head, before slowly standing.
Ever so carefully he lifted her wrist to place a delicate hand over the wet spot on his trousers. Her face went from confusion to recognition as she felt his cum through the material. Oh.
“But… how..?” She asked, realizing she hadn’t even touched him directly. Sebastian shrugged before he leaned in closer to her.
“I really enjoyed making you feel good I suppose” he spoke as he looked into her eyes. For a brief second he swore he could see hearts in them as she sighed.
Carefully she lifted a hand to cup his cheek before she responded “you beautiful, selfless, man”
He let out a soft chuckle at her kind words, his nose carefully caressing her own lovingly as he nuzzled her soft skin. Sebastian gave her a gentle peck before pulling the both of them down to lay down on the bed. She found herself smiling at the unique lingering taste of her on his lips as he kissed her slowly.
After a few moments basking in the afterglow together, he rose to his elbow to gaze down at her. He carefully brushed a hand over the few strands of hair escaping her slowly slipping bun before sliding off the bed. He knew if he was to sleep in the same bed as her, he should have the decency to change his briefs since sleeping in the nude may be too much of a line to cross now.
Carefully he slipped out of their half of the tent, making his way over to where his belongings were on the other side. As he approached the room he knew contained his sister and his oldest friend he worried about barging in unannounced, but also felt awkward about raising his voice in case they were asleep.
When he found himself directly in front of the flap he was met with the relieving sound of their hushed whispers. Unable to prevent himself from ease dropping he listened to their quiet voices for a moment.
“I can’t believe he transformed my good pocket square into a flower” Ominis chuckled softly and Sebastian remembered that he had in fact ruined his friends possession.
“I will make sure he replaces it, I promise” he heard his sister respond with a sigh.
There was a beat of silence and Sebastian found himself almost taking that as a good opportunity to announce himself but he stopped at Ominis’s voice.
“Was Sebastian really weeping during the ballet?” He asked, no malice in his tone, merely curiousity.
“I wouldn’t call it weeping… more like tears of joy perhaps… like being moved to such extremes in the face of something beautiful. Like how a man may cry at the birth of his child.” Anne explained, and Sebastian found himself thankful his sister attempted to explain what she observed in a way that would exonerate him of being weak.
“That is surprising. I never imagined Sebastian of all people to feel such adoration for another… not that I see him as incapable of those feelings, its just…” Ominis trailed off unsure how to explain his thoughts on the matter, worried he would say something to upset Anne on the status of her Twin’s love affair.
“I think I understand what you mean… the intensity to which it is apparent they feel for each other is shocking I suppose. It reminds me of our parents in a way” Anne replied taking his hand into her own, fingers carefully tracing the callouses on his palm from constantly holding his wand to guide him.
Sebastian felt himself surprised knowing his twin saw the same love his parents held for each other in his own feelings towards the new 5th year. It made him feel as if they’d be proud of him.
“Do you think they will… move forward with things in the near future?” Ominis asked cautiously.
“Perhaps” Anne replied, pondering what Ominis was asking. They had both heard his confession the day outside with Solomon, and had witness their share of moments where even the blind boy could practically see the love rolling off the pair.
“I selfish part of me hopes they do” Anne spoke softly into her lap as Ominis raised a questioning brow at her, confused why she wanted her brother to move forward with such adult acts like engagements and marriage.
Sebastian also found himself leaning closer, curious. Anne felt her eyes blur a bit as she carefully swallowed a small lump in her throat before continuing.
“I don’t know how much time I have left… I want to…” she stopped for a moment to collect herself before she kept going. “I need to know Sebs is going to be happy. That he will have someone there for him when I am gone.”
“Don’t say that Annabel-“ Ominis found himself using her full name, not liking her train of thought. He didn’t like acknowledging her curse, same as the rest of their party, but knowing he may only have limited time with her was a painful reminder.
“I believe in their ability. I know if anyone can find a cure it is the two of them. But if they cannot… I just want the chance to see them both devote their lives to one another.” Anne said in a hushed tone. Sebastian felt a weight in his heart, having not realized that his sisters condition could lead to a place in which a vacancy existed during his important life moments.
Sebastian couldn’t stop himself from pushing back the flap of the tent, eyes glassed with tears as he startled the pair. Anne sat up, wand ready as she recognized her twin’s face in the darkness.
Sebastian rushed forward, forgetting the reason he was in there to begin with, forgetting the love of his life was waiting for him. Ignoring Ominis sitting to the right of them. As he brought Anne into his chest he heard her soft cries as she wound her arms around them. They had tried their best to ignore the direness of her illness for so long, to acknowledge it now felt frightening.
When she quickly recovered he found himself softly whispering into her hair “I promise you will be there to see that.” At his words she looked up at him, slightly grimly. For a moment she thought he was referring to his never ending search to find a cure.
“Sebs… I am not sure there is a cur-“ she began but he cut her off.
“I am not talking about finding a cure Anne.” He spoke defiantly.
Anne realized that he was confirming he would make sure to wed if she became worse off.
“You don’t have to… I don’t expect you to rush into a commitment like that on my behalf.” She worried that she may push the pair together faster at her declining health.
“Anne… I would marry her tomorrow if I could figure out the logistics. But I would do so in a heartbeat to make sure you can be there.” He said and she found herself nodding. Sebastian let his sister go, navigating towards his bag he brought back from school.
He was worried that she would begin to worry at his absence, and didn’t want his sister realizing there was still a mess in his trousers…
“It’s Christmas. Let’s just try to focus on being together, and we can figure out the rest tomorrow, a’right?” He asked, collecting some clothes, before lingering by the entrance.
Anne nodded, returning to Ominis’s side. Sebastian watched as his friend cautiously lifted a hand to place it on his sisters. He smiled, realizing they too were operating on possible limited time.
“Take care of her Ominis.” He said, giving his friend the permission the Gaunt boy had been struggling to ask for since he grew attached to the girl.
Sebastian didn’t need to hear the boys reply, so he merely stepped back and snuffed out the fire in the main room.
When he returned, he found his love laying on her side, curled up along the foot of the bed. Shrugging his pants and briefs off he carefully used a wet cloth to wash himself before sliding on fresh underclothes. Bringing the same cloth, he carefully turned her over enough to help wash away the mess on her womanhood.
As he did so, she carefully cracked an eye open. She slid her legs open more as he continued to clean her to the best of his ability before dropping the cloth to the floor. She sleepily leaned up as he undid the pins holding the diadem to her head, carefully placing it on the floor, before helping her to let down her hair.
As it tumbled free, covering her shoulders and breasts he sighed. He was always surprised how she continued to look more and more beautiful in his eyes.
Sebastian helped lift her sleepy arms up enough to work the sleep shirt he brought onto her form. He figured that she’d be comfortable in his clothes, as his size would turn a simple shirt into a dress on her small body. As he slid it over her, she smiled, feeling enveloped in his earthy smell.
Ever so carefully he helped her slide under the covers, so she would easily be able to slip back into her slumber. Joining her, he brought an arm up to pull her against his body. When she snuggled backwards into him he smiled, thinking about his conversation with Anne. That night he found sleep difficult as he pondered the logistics of addressing the topic.
As he finally drifted off to sleep, he decided his best course of action to be a lengthy conversation with Solomon, and for once he wasn’t concerned about the outcome…
To be continued…
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totesnothere04 · 2 years
Unexpected Turn of Events Pt. 3
Tonowari x Fem!Reader
I do not own any fanart or screenshots used with my stories.
Warnings: Will not be 100% right with the events of ATWOW. Things are definitely not worded the same. Js.
Pt.2 here. Pt.4 here.
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It had been weeks since you started being taught by Tonowari. Things had been going smoothly and you were learning in an accelerated rate. Right now you were making your way back to your marui after a day full of training. Mostly learning to ride a tsurak, because Tonowari has decided he feels that you're almost ready. He'd been giving you lessons on how to properly mount and keep hold of the beast. You had to admit that they were beautiful up close, and you were starting to feel comfortable around them. You were pulled from your reverie when you heard the horns sounding, and Tsireya rode past you on her ilu.
"Everyone our brothers and sisters have returned!" She called out and everyone started to jump into the water. You were watching with a small smile when Tonowari appeared infront of you on his tsurak.
"(Y/n) ride with me and meet my spirit brother." He said and you couldn't deny him. You had become very close to him in the time he had been teaching you. You sat behind him and wrapped your arms around his midsection. The two of you made your way to the tulkun and Tonowari got off of his tsurak to greet one. You assume it was his spirit brother from the happy interaction between them. Tonowari gestured to you and motioned for you to approach. You do so and he turns back to his spirit brother. He lets out a loud cry and Tonowari's smile is so wide it seems like he might split his face in half.
"Yes. Eywa and Ronal have blessed me." He signed to his brother who responded with another loud wail. "Yes, she is very beautiful.-" They continue to converse but the sound of a lonely song that you understood rang in your ears. You look around and find the source of the song. You go up to the surface for some air and then dive back down to the tulkun in question. She was beautiful and she had a calf with her. She seemed surprised when you swam up directly beside her and waved hello.
"Are you alright? I heard your cries from over there and wanted to make sure you were okay." You signed and she seemed to look directly into your soul.
"My sister died years ago. She promised me from the afterlife that she would send someone to take her place. But it has been a longtime." She says and you frown.
"I am sorry for your loss. Is there anyway that I may help ease your pain?" You ask her through sign and her eyes seem to widen.
"You can understand me?" She asks.
"Yes. Almost as though you were speaking directly into my mind." You tell her.
"It has been so long. Ronal has delivered on her promise. She sent me a new sister." The tulkun said and you had to remind yourself that you were underwater, therefore unable to gasp.
"What is your name?" You ask her.
"My name is Roa, and this is my calf." She said and seemed to move to a new position directly infront of you. "You are my sister. May we bond?" She asks and you nod. Unbeknownst to you, your absence next to the Olo'eyktan had gained his attention along with Jake and Neytiri's. The three had gathered and watched you interact with the tulkun with interest. Roa's mouth opened wide and you got the gist and swam forward into her mouth. Her mouth closed and you continued to float forward until a glowing part inside of her unfurled. You assume it was her queue so you pulled yours infront of you, and connected them. Both of you shared your memories with one another, and you smiled as she showed you memories with Ronal and them singing together. Every bit of your lives shared with eachother as though you were both there for everything. When the bond was done you exited her mouth at her prompt and went to the surface for air. You went back into the water and continued to speak with her.
"You were a sky person?" She asks and you deflate a bit.
"Yes, but you could see why I do not associate with them any longer. Their planet is dying, they are trying to kill this planet as well, and I refuse to be one of them." You tell her and she nuzzles the tip of her nose to you and you pet her.
"You were as beautiful then as you are now. I hope you and Olo'eyktan are happy together once you pass your iknimaya. Tonowari deserves happiness after the tragedy that befell his family with Ronal." Roa said.
"I do not want to replace a woman as mighty as Ronal. I can only hope that I can come somewhat close to who she was." You signed.
"As humble as she was I see. You will make a beautiful Tsahík when the time comes." She says and you smile softly. Her eyes shift behind you. "We have company sister." You turn to find Tonowari and your two friends.
"Roa I see you have found your new sister." Tonowari greets her.
"Yes, and isn't she beautiful!" Roa exclaims excitedly.
"What did she say (Y/n)?" Tonowari asks.
"She said, 'Yes, and isn't she beautiful!'" You translated to him and his eyes soften drastically as he looks into your eyes.
"Yes. Yes she is Roa." Tonowari signs and Roa seems to chortle with laughter of some kind.
"Smitten already Olo'eyktan." Roa seems to joke and you smile brightly at what she says.
"I am smitten with him as well Roa. He is a beautiful soul, and an amazing father and leader." You sign to her well aware that Tonowari can understand what you're saying. You look over to him and his cheeks have flushed at your words.
"Hoping for some of your own someday then?" Roa asks.
"Yes. In my human form, I was past safe childbearing age. In this form, I feel younger and safer to have children." You sign to her and she wails happily.
"We are about to travel sister. I will see you again soon." Roa says and you nod.
"I am very happy you are my sister, Roa. You have a beautiful calf, and I wish you safe travels." You sign to her and she leaves with her calf. When you surface with Tonowari, Jake, and Neytiri they all cheer. Tonowari pulls you onto the back of his tsurak and cheers loudly for everyone to turn to him.
"We have a new bond!" Tonowari announces to the clan and everyone cheers happily. He turns to you with a proud look. "You are ready." He states and your breath hitches in your throat. Jake and Neytiri show you wide smiles as they tap your sides and you blush. You spent the rest of the afternoon with Tonowari, Jake, and Neytiri and noticed something odd.
"It's been awfully quiet since the Tulkun left." You said and the others seemed to notice the foreboding silence.
"Has anyone seen the kids since the tulkun?" Jake asks and you shake your head Neytiri and Tonowari also shaking their heads. Ra'ina knocks on the side of the entrance to Tonowari's marui.
"(Y/n), my son hurt himself on the coral while he was hunting with his friends." Ra'ina said somewhat rushed and you stood quickly.
"What color was the coral?" You ask and she shakes her head.
"I don't know. I just saw the blood and that it would need stitches and came to you immediately." She admits. You turn to the others and Tonowari nods once to dismiss you.
"I understand ma (Y/n). I will let you know when the children are located." Tonowari says and you nod. You turn and follow Ra'ina back to your marui.
"We brought him here hoping you were here, but you weren't. I am sorry to disturb your day." She says and you shake your head.
"No need for apologies. Your son's health matters more than freetime." You say as you burst into your pod and go to the teenage boy. "What color was the coral you injured yourself on?"
"It was red with blue veining." The boy says weakly. You grab the box with your supplies and start grabbing what you need and applying the necessary salves and ointments. You disinfect the wound then start applying the necessary healing salves and wrap his wound in seaweed bandages.
"He will have a fever for a few days, but he will be okay. Do not allow him in the water and he should try to keep unnecessary movement to a minimum. Take this with you and he will be fine within the next few days." You told Ra'ina and she nodded with a thankful smsmile.
"Thank you Tsahík." The boy says tiredly and you shake your head.
"It's no problem child, but I am just a healer." You tell him.
"Tell that to Olo'eyktan." He jokes and then laughs at his joke only to grimace and stop.
"Maybe work your way into joking child." You tell him.
"I will carry him home." His father says and you nod.
"It will probably be best. He doesn't need to flex his muscles too much or his stitches could pop and an infection could set in. Ensure that he eats three healthy full meals a day." You tell them and they nod. His father picks him up and the family leaves back to their marui. You clean up the area and decide to go back to Tonowari's marui. Jake and Neytiri standing just outside didn't go unnoticed by you or the crowd of all of their children just inside.
"Sit." You heard Tonowari say and you entered the marui.
"Sorry I was late." You whisper to him and he offers you a hand to sit next to him. You accept and lower yourself onto your knees next to him.
"I said sit down!" Tonowari yells when he notices that Lo'ak was the only one who sat down. Tsireya looks as though she's been crying and Ao'nung looks like he's restraining himself from going and comforting her.
"Uhm... What happened in my absence?" You ask the room but instead, a pregnant silence answered you.
"My children allowed Lo'ak to bond with an outcast tulkun named Payakan." Tonowari told you and you looked at him confused. "I will explain later yawne." He whispers and you nod.
"Sir, payakan isn't a killer. He saved my life." Lo'ak spoke for the first time since you arrived.
"You will listen to me boy. Payakan is outcast for a reason. He killed many tulkun and Na'vi." Tonowari said in a harsh quiet voice only a leader could produce. A voice that Jake's children had heard many times before, and you, yourself had been on the receiving end of once.
"No. He is a good tulkun." Lo'ak argued calmly.
"That's enough." Jake said to Lo'ak but he ignored his father as usual.
"I saw everything. He wanted to put a stop to the tulkun hunters. The sky people killed those tulkun and Na'vi." Lo'ak said and Jake walked forward and squatted menacingly next to his son.
"I said that's enough." Jake whispered harshly in Lo'aks ear and you couldn't help but shiver at the threatening tone.
"In the earliest songs, the tulkun fought for territory and spread violence. They eventually came to an understanding and vowed off violence. This is the tulkun way, and because of this Payakan is outcast. He gathered those Na'vi and other tulkun, he led that attack, and he was the only one to survive." Tonowari told Lo'ak who seemed to be keeping himself from rolling his eyes.
"I'm sorry sir, but you're wrong. I just know what I know." Lo'ak says and you tap Tonowari. He looks at you and you gesture to Lo'ak silently asking if you may butt in. He hesitates then nods and you both turn back to Lo'ak.
"Lo'ak what Olo'eyktan is trying to say is that their way is a way of peace and tranquility. A way that Payakan strayed from when he decided to attack the sky people. He is not saying that trying to fight the sky people is wrong. Only that it is not the way of the tulkun to fight... That is our place. To protect our brothers and sisters in their times of need." You tell him but he shakes his head and looks back at Tonowari.
"Can I be dismissed now?" Lo'ak asks calmly but with an edge and Tonowari shoos him away. You stood up and went over to Tsireya and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you alright Reya?" You asked her and she looked up at you with teary eyes.
"I have duties to attend." She responds then briskly leaves. You turn to Tonowari and quirk a brow.
"I will explain." He says and the two of you stand to the side of his marui and he takes a deep breath. Then he explains everything that happened and what was said and when.
"Wari... I know you were upset, but you will need to apologize for what you said to your daughter. I know she means everything to you, and it must've hurt you to say those things to her. I know that we as adults say things in anger to our children, but as adults, we must also realize that we must apologize for wrong things we said." You tell him. "It teaches them accountability. Shows them that even though we are their elders we know how to acknowledge our mistakes."
"I know, but she knows better than to allow someone to bond with an outcast tulkun. She just stood by and watched instead of interfering and stopping him." Tonowari says and you sigh.
"Ma Tonowari..." You say quietly and cup his cheek. "If there's anything I know about Lo'ak he inherited both of his parents' stubbornness. Even if she had intervened she wouldn't have been able to stop him. He would've pushed past her to do it anyways. Tsireya is a good child and doesn't deserve to be punished for Lo'aks wrongdoing." You tell him and he sighs as he nuzzles into the palm of your hand. He reaches up and grabs your hand hmwith his own and kisses your palm.
"Come. Jake and I have decided to get you to ride tsurak today. We still have plenty of daylight." Tonowari said and led you over to Jake who was waiting outside of the marui.
"Look at her Tonowari... She's pale." Jake jokes and you smack his arm. "Ow! Again with the abuse."
"In order for it to be abuse you have to be mine to abuse... And no offense to Neytiri, but I do not want to have to deal with what she deals with when it comes to you. I like my men calm and collected. Not dumb and rash." You jest with him and he mocks offense.
"I'm hurt. I thought you loved me." Jake said with fake hurt in his voice.
"Skxawng." You whispered but both men obviously heard as they both chuckled.
"Yeah well I doubt you'll beable to hold on. If I couldn't how are you going to?" Jake fired back.
"Unlike you, I've taken the time to train with an ilu to better prepare me for this moment, Sully." You said and he sighed exaggeratedly. The three of you now stood in the water for Jake and Tonowari it was waist-deep, but for you, it was chest deep. The two men had called on two others to bring over the tsurak and help hold him in place. You stared at the back of the beast trying not to laugh at how short you still were. Jake noticed and choked back a chuckle.
"Shut it skxawng. You used to be shorter than me." You said and he rolled his eyes as he looked at you.
"I was literally crippled." Jake deadpans and you chuckle then jump up onto the back of the tsurak.
"Remember (Y/n). When you dive into the water position is very important." Tonowari says seriously and you nod.
"Wish me luck." You say after you make tsaheylu and level your breathing with the tsurak. After you stabilized your bond you motioned for them to let go, and off you went. Keeping a tight grip on the handle and keeping your position correct. You finally dove under the water and kept ahold of the handle and you went back above the water. Both Tonowari and Jake joined your sides on their tsurak and Jake yips excitedly. You look at Tonowari and he smiles wide and proud then joins Jake with you following shortly after. A shadow flies over the three of you and you look up to see Neytiri she joins her mate in yodeling at your success. The four of you meet back up in the shallows and Tonowari picks you up in excitement. A decent amount of the village had gathered to watch your last rite of passage. Everyone gathered on the shore cheered happily as Tonowari turned you to face his clan.
"You are now an acknowledged adult in the eyes of the people. Now you may pick a mate." Tonowari whispers in your ear and you blush at his words.
"I already have, and I have a feeling he has picked me as well." You say bashfully and he smirks.
"And you're so sure?" Tonowari asks with a teasing tone.
"Hmm maybe he hasn't." You said with a fake pout and he chuckles and nuzzles into your neck.
"I want to do this in the traditional sense. I want to court you properly, ma (Y/n)." Tonowari says tenderly and your heart melts.
"Then who am I to stand in your way?" You ask with a soft voice and he smiles.
"Thank you. Now I believe there is a celebration for you." Tonowari says and leads you to the crowd on the beach. The moment you're on the beach you're tackled in a hug by several sets of arms. Loud yipping and cheering can be heard from the children crowding you.
"Neteyam... I can't breath." You tell the boy who has latched onto your midsection and started to squeeze as hard as he could.
"Sorry Auntie. I'm. Just proud." Neteyam says bashfully.
"It is alright Nete." You say with a faint smile as his siblings now bombard you with questions and happy chattering. Tonowari watched as you interacted with his and Jake's kids and how you treated them as your own. His mind drifted off to thinking about you interacting with the children the two of you might have in the future.
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glxyqst · 2 months
AI Art vs. Human Art - Irreplaceable
"Why isn't it done yet? It's been a week."
"You're gonna get replaced by AI, haha."
"I'm not paying $10 for a drawing, bro."
Any of these comments sound familiar? If they do, you're either an artist, a supportive friend of an artist, or the ignorant asshat sending such comments to an artist. An artist who: - Has spent YEARS of their life practicing and improving their craft, honing their skills, and otherwise DEDICATING themselves to what they love. "Talent is cheap. Dedication is expensive." - Spends time to create something for you, when they also have: other clients, other projects, other jobs, other things going on in their lives as do we all. They aren't your personal bitch, and EVEN IF you were paying them MORE MONEY FOR MORE CONTROL, at the end of the day YOU went to the THEM. THEY are the artist, THEY are the professional, THEY are the expert. Shut the fuck up and don't try to break them away from their integrity. If they don't want to do something for you, either thank them for their time, or take 50% of your payment back and start your own personal art lessons. It's only too late to learn a new skill if you're dead. - Is doing something that you sure as fuck can't do, because otherwise why would you be asking them? - Is a person and deserves respect, even if you don't like their style or can't afford to pay what they have determined to meet their basic wage requirements so they can create.
An artist is a person and deserves respect, even if you don't like their style or can't afford to pay what they have determined meets their basic wage requirements so they can create.
Don't ask me why, but I desperately desired artwork of Android Cat Gavin wearing water wings and splashing in water. I already knew who I wanted to commission (the fabulous @cptjh-arts, powerhouse artist and amazing person).
Apparently, water wings are actually DANGEROUS and you shouldn't use them. So there's that. But I digress. https://swim2shore.com/the-false-security-of-water-wings/
My concept drawing for Android Cat Gavin with water wings.
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For the purposes of this post, I used two AI https://magicstudio.com/ai-art-generator/ and https://hotpot.ai/ai-image-generator/create (two free sites that do not require accounts).
First AI prompt: cat with water wings
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Second AI prompt: cat with water floatation device
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Third prompt (which is the specifics of my commission request): cat android gavin from "detroit: become human" wearing swimming floatation devices on his front legs, splashing in water, Nines holding him.
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Are all of these AI-generated images cute? Sure as fuck they are. Were they free? Yeah, they were. Fantastical elements aside, do they all follow the laws of physics / imitate life? NOPE. Don't recall asking for Catvin to have two weird tails up there (Also I am scared of the flood apparently happening inside my house?). And that one flotation device does NOT look sea-worthy.
Crop of the commissioned artwork from the amazing @cptjh-arts. <3 See the full image here: https://www.tumblr.com/cptjh-arts/710889609313255424/just-finished-my-latest-commission-for-the-lovely?source=share
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Absolutely fucking PURRRRFECT. Exactly what I wanted. And all it took were brief conversations of excitement and clarification with my artist. Win-win all around. I get fabulous art, they get paid for doing what they've dedicated their lives to doing, and we both get a pleasant social interaction.
AI-generated art will continue to be refined, but it will never replace a sentient human being.
I am a sci-fi and fantasy fan. I love stories of robots, of true artificial intelligences---or rather, artificial sentience---of "different, not better". When Connor Detroit or Sonny or Data come around, I will be the first in line to greet them and look at their created works with awe. We aren't there, though. And in the meantime, artists are being shunted aside in favor of AI-generated art managed by non-artists---people who do not understand dedication or creativity. AI-generated art will continue to be refined, but it will never replace a sentient human being.
If you can't afford to pay an artist, that's okay. They understand, because they too have bills to pay in this capitalist society that puts money before people.
What's NOT okay is when you talk to them dismissively, disrespectfully, or degradingly.
Grow the fuck up, get over yourself, and go support your fellow human beings.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
1, 5, 11 for the fandom ask
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandom
- fanfiction content lately has been really eating… not that it isn’t always but we went through a rough patch with mistagging from a certain group of people and that seems to finally be subsiding, as well as so many recent fics have been SOOOO good
- the cast: i really love this cast and how hard they work while maintaining a respectful relationship with the fandom; never getting too involved with fandom interaction, but also showing how much they love and appreciate the fans (well… aside from one cast member but i consider hin more of a parasite to the show than an actual cast member… you actually have to be a decent actor for me to consider you part of the cast)
- the production value of the show this season was insane… from sets to special effects it was definitely top tier production design (barring ostark’s unfortunate tattoo cover-up situation) and even though the season was a narrative mess, i appreciated how hard abc went to really bring the show’s look to the next level
5. Something you see in fics a lot and love
the headcanon that ravi thinks buddie is a divorced couple coparenting chris 💀
11. If you are a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
i am currently really proud of my homophobic!marisol au that im currently working on… it’s not my first multi-chapter fic (those have long since been orphaned bc they make me cringe looking back) but it is my first multi-chapter buddie fic and a lot of thought and work has gone into it. i’m really excited to continue working on it as i’m finally getting into the meat of the story and i can’t wait to share it with everyone!!!
send me fandom asks!!
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