#chubstuck rp
plumpstuck · 2 years
<== 💙 ==>
==> A groan begins to claw its way out of your stomach. You half-wakefully pinch the mass between your fingers, feeling your empty gut complain its way around a yawn in retaliation against its un-fed state. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you roll onto your side, kicking your legs off from the bed to support your lazy stand. ==> Your knees hold you, as you hobble clumsily with your barely-conscious lack of balance. Another yawn sneaks its way past your tired lips, and you smack your lips sleepily when it's over. You can't wait until you're seated in the kitchen with the essential opener of the day under your pudgy belt; you strain your mind in absent-thought to recall what wonderful sorts of meals you could— ==> Your foot brushes up against something surprising. It's an unexpected texture. Cool, tough, and… right, your neglected pants. You feel the colour on your cheeks deepen at the remembrance of such an occasion. Just before bed, when you were huffing and puffing to try and hike them up your thighs. The effort had you winded and collapsed onto your bed, and you had nearly forgotten all about it as you fell asleep. ==> Nearly. ==> You feel your teeth digging into your lower lip— still sore with the way you tore into it with gnawing frustration. Not even bothering to lower yourself to pick up the article, you lazily kick the garment to the side of your room. You try to convince yourself that you'll find yourself wearing those again soon enough, ignoring the way you tactfully kick the jeans to the dark underside of your bed to be forgotten. ==> The groan that passes through you is nothing short of exasperated. You squeeze your eyes shut and shake all the lingering thoughts out of your head, biting back the acknowledgement of your softness as you make your ways to your closet.
Ah yes, the closet. Home to many things Egbertian. 'Something that will fit him', John hopes in a thought that he tries not to hear. However, his closet is home to another thing that he is trying hard to ignore. He inches closer. Slow, tentative, and agonizingly so. There's only so much one could delay the inevitable, and John recognized the fact. As he stood in front of the twin closet doors, he winced and bit the bullet—
John: Take a much-needed look into the long-neglected mirror.
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==> Your face scrunches up in refusal when you are prompted to do such a thing. You admit, you had been slimmer when you last took a look at your changing reflection. You would much rather not go through that heavy revelation again. Nonetheless, you open your eyes to make eye-contact with the mirror on the inner side of your closet door.
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==> You can't say you're too pleased with what you see reflected back at you. You weren't always so… soft. You didn't used to have that much of a hang to your belly, you're sure of the fact… and your thighs had definitely known a time before their default state was to intimately rub against one another.
John did a turn in the mirror, surveying his profile from the side at first, then his front. As he turned, he was hit with the revelation that his flared heart-shaped hips were no-longer getting dangerously close to the edges of the frame—
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They had grown past them, unable to be contained by just a full-length mirror.
Laying eyes on his reflection for this first time in a while was… startling, he'd say that. He'd grown more than he'd thought in the time since his last momentary glance in the mirror. John pouts, before throwing his head to his hands in frustration. At the very least, he could cover his eyes and continue to avoid a truth that follows.
There's a point where he can't keep running from his troubles though— it's found where his belly creases over himself and grants him a modesty that wouldn't be granted to a slimmer frame, it's found when he can't get up from bed on his first attempt, it's found when he can't seem to stifle his hunger for long enough to get through—
==> Your stomach rumbles and you move your hands from their hold on your face to clutch your angry stomach. You press into it, a desperate attempt to quell its anger. Your gut hangs and oozes between your fingers as you can't help but eye it through a bashful and shameful stare in the mirror.
— a single thought.
He can't seem to stifle his hunger for long enough to get through a single thought.
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thestuffedscholar · 2 years
oOh woWw! iI really didn't expect to come across a galekh blog for this particular nichEe... hHowever it's nonetheless lovely to meet your acquaintancEe! iI thought to maybe help you get settled in to this part of the neighbourhooDd, iI got you somethinGg! iIt's not mucHh, bBut they're a case of grubcakes from one of the best bakeries in towNn! iI can confirm that they arEe, wWithout a doubTt, sSome of the best thingSs you can get around here for as cheap as they comEe. tThey do tend to have some undocumented side effectSs... bBut i hope that just works in your favour as an appreciator of discovery and documentatioNn!
hHave a lovely time with your meaLl!
— admirerAnonymous [AA]
Ah, hello. It is.. certainly kind of you to offer me such things but I’m afraid I probably can’t indulge in your offer right this moment. [1. Of course, you haven’t done anything wrong by giving me these, don’t worry. I’m just particularly busy with something right now.]
(He places the box on his desk. Well, yes, he is busy.. but he can’t deny those grubcakes so look enticing.. maybe just one. One can’t hurt, can it? Yeah.. yeah, just give it a try.)
(One turned into two. And two turned into three. Three turned into four and so one, so forth. Before he even knew it, Gal.ekh had eaten everything in the case. Sooner or later he could feel his stomach slam into his desk. He rolled his chair back, placing a hand on the part the desk hit)
…I suppose these must be the “side effects” they were talking about..
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butter-tartz · 2 years
hheo, you rp chubstuck? ;w;
I apologize for being... *checks calendar* holy shit a third of a year late to this ask. I didn't notice this because my account has been pretty barren for ages, but WOW this is one surprising ask because, yeah at the time of receiving it, no I did not do Homestuck feedist fetish roleplay on my stuffedronpa blog, but uh. Times have changed and I've fallen head-first back into an old fixation of mine coincidentally, so I've sort of fell of of my main and onto a sideblog. @thiccstuckstuff is where I am now, and that. Yep!! it's a chubstuck art blog. I've also just made @plumpstuck where... yep! You guessed it, chubstuck roleplay. I've been wanting to get into roleplaying and writing for the last while, and I think it's an odd occurrence that I finally notice this ask lurking at the bottom of my ask box when I get that started again.
This is still technically my main according to tumblr so it's where replies and asks will come from , but i'm unfortunately not really engaging in D.R content anymore for the time being. someone in my life sort of left a bad taste in my mouth in regards to the game series and fandom so I naturally kind of drifted away.
Anyways, so sorry for everyone who followed me for D.R content. long story short, got caught up in a new fixation which was not something i expected to happen.
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
The plump cat groggily wakes up one morning, before walking over to her tablet and turning it off. She opens the tumblr app, before looking at the date.
:33< oh fuck it’s been two weeks
The olive blood rushes over to the post button, typing in
:33< hey guys!!! im not dead!!! and im also open to asks!!! and food!
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adiposecatnip · 3 years
Tomorrow September 17, I am finally going to start being active on this. Day 0. If you want to interact tomorrow like this post.
Nepeta has been lonely for a long time. We she and her friends walked through the door on the victory platform they did not know what to expect. A whole universe to themselves. But when they entered each realized that they were separated from each other. Nepeta found herself in the woods of a mysterious planet known as “Earth”. She hid far away from the inhabitants, watching them from afar, waiting for the right opportunity to introduce herself to these strange people.
Current Age, 9 sweeps/ 21 years
Current weight, 130 lbs
Current height, 5’11
Current outfit, god-tier clothes
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bisexual-screaming · 4 years
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i drew this stuffed karkat because i was bored and i kinda wanted to rp! (me, as karkat, because i rlly wanna rp this as him 🥺👉👈)
so the idea was; karkat got fed by his matesprit, and he didn't tell them about his tummy hurting, so he was overstuffed at the end and he requires belly rubs!
if youd like to rp this, tell me :]
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teradianon · 4 years
take a wild guess what this is
@nougatnectar is my collaborator
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starving-leijon · 4 years
*the furrocious purredator had woken up from her deep slumber on yet another beautiful night. she had grogily gotten out of her recuperacoon and threw on a simple leo t-shirt and a pair of sweats. She had just set up a new blog and a transportalizer so that anyone from any time and any place can send her anything they want. She was humming over all the possibilities when she was interrupted by her own low growl*
:33< grrrrrrrr
:33 < I am pawsitively staaaaaaaaarving.....
*ac idly rubbed her pudgy middle as her mind started to wonder to all of the types of foods this machine could send her and got excited for the rest of her night.*
(this is a nepeta chubstuck rp blog, so send some asks for this hungry kitty!)
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plumpstuck · 2 years
John: Introduce yourself.
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==>  Your name is JOHN EGBERT.  You've always been a bit on the THICKER side, even before your father developed an obsession with baking and the like.  Not you nor anyone else would ever describe you as FAT, but you were more than known to be on the PLUMPER side of the scale.
==>  However, having grow up in an environment surrounded by baked goods with little to stop you from indulging... needless to say, indulge you did.  In addition to your round starting frame, you had put on at least a bit of weight under the coddling care of your dear dad.  The consumption of cake to an excess has put its mental toll on you— the moment your taste-buds grew sick of the over-exposure, you had discovered that it wasn't just your taste-buds that changed.  As subtly aware as you were to your climbing weight, you didn’t do anything to stop it, and you perhaps did even less so to prevent it from increasing in pace.  Your method of coping with this predicament was passive denial and aversion to the subject.
==>  Now, you've moved out of the old family house and are on your own.  You could have sworn that these stubborn pants fit nice and snug when you'd waved your farewells to your father.  He sent you off with plenty of snacks for the road— you tried to decline, but he insisted.  You weren't just going to shoot down your teary-eyed father's generous offer, and the pastries did look tantalizingly sweet.  It took little more fuss for you to resign your refusing position with his eyes wide with pride and care.  Before you knew it, he had your broad arms full of boxes and bags of his latest baked creations.
==> ... but that was months before today.  Today, you press your lips into a thin line of frustration, trying— and failing— to hitch the unforgiving denim up to acceptable levels.  As you breathe out a hefty sigh, you wince as your soft post-starter-belly inches forwards and buds over the pinching waistband.
John’s breath was caught in his chest as he alternated between wrestling with the garment and taking much-needed moments to just breathe. Those moments were necessary altogether with his growing frustration, tied altogether by his tiredness.
He started off devoting more of his time tugging to hopefully rake the hard material up his thighs with mere moments of recollection littered in-between. By the time he had concluded such winded efforts, he had spent more time heaving and teary-eyed from those efforts than he had actually spent on those minor stubborn attempts to continue.  ‘Concluded’ is a word that tactfully avoids the truth of the situation— John hadn’t successfully finished the mundane task of getting dressed at all.  His vain attempt to clothe himself was punctuated by the bounce of his tummy as he dropped the two flaps of fabric.  Although inanimate, the gentle jiggle of his doughy lower roll of fat as he threw down the fabric in defeat seemed almost smug at his futile attempt to contain it.
A final sigh left those lips of his, now reddened and plump from the anxious fidget of digging his prominent front teeth into the sensitive there flesh of his lower lip. John slumped backwards, exasperated as he kicked the worn and useless pants off of his legs— pudgy and thick enough to be considered, as much as he'd deny it himself, fat.
"God dammit," he heaved through his chest with his face flushed dark, "Those fit last time I tried them on…"
He dabbed at the damp spots cornering his eyes, glimmering with the light caught from an open sliver of his window blinds. As his heavy chest and belly rose and fell with his weighty breathing, John tried his best to focus on anything other than his figure— a responsibility he took on by occupying his eyes with a particular meaningless spot on the popcorn ceiling.
The frames upon the bridge of his nose were slick with sweat of toil, so much that they began to slip. He lazily let his head droop to the side, soft cheek pressed into the plush of the pillow as he fell tired.
John woke from his slumber with heavy eyelids and an empty growl gnawing at his hefty middle, his trimmed nails tracing against the flesh as his idle hand kneaded at the angry mass.
==> What are you going to do now?
💙 ==>
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thestuffedscholar · 2 years
❥ // intro
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❥ hi! thiz iz an 18+ chubztuck/fatztuck rp Account for gal.ekh xig.izi :] mod iz 18 and uzez he/zhell (pzzt! my main account iz @k0ib0izz ! feel free to check it out for my art and ztuff!!)
❥ out of character poztz will have a double zlazh at the top (//) like thiz one doez! :D the tagz will have the zlazh too, they will alzo uze my typing quirk :) there will be your normal “rtc” tagz too!!
❥ will do: feederizm/overeating, chub-play, mozt zhipz, auz, ocz, inflation, cardiophilia, weight-gain
❥ wont do: zcat/waterzportz/fart ztuff, anything involving underage characterz, burzting, gore, extreme degrading (degrading itzelf iz fine)
❥ my azk box iz open!! feel free to zend me promptz and ztarterz!! :D
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famishedfeline · 5 years
god, could it be time for me to actually try doing a proper chubstuck RP blog again
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bigbreaths · 6 years
((Trying to jump back into the current day Chubstuck community and work up the Drive to RP and be creative again be like))
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adiposecatnip · 4 years
I’m not dead, Just Lazy
I’m more active on discord
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clownhonkers · 2 years
ddo you rp chubstuck?,,
Yeah! Mostly as Gamzee!
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multitudeofmeus · 3 years
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I posted 751 times in 2021
693 posts created (92%)
58 posts reblogged (8%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 763 tags in 2021
#ca!jade - 364 posts
#jade - 86 posts
#chubstuck - 73 posts
#fatstuck - 72 posts
#werefat nonsense - 64 posts
#mun mumbles - 41 posts
#canon yabberings - 24 posts
#not really chub - 15 posts
#nep - 14 posts
#uberbig - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#this meant to come out earlier but i forgot to set it to send instead of save draft
My Top Posts in 2021
hmph. you're lucky you're cute. here's another $200, go wild. this time i expect to see a little belly skin, alright? and for you to finish BOTH pizzas.
VIDEO TITLE: HOLY MOLY!?! (pizza vid followup)
"two hundred? i could pay a months rent with that!! well im on it!"
Sure enough, Jade forewent any sense of scruples a regular person would have, taking all the other 2 pizzas that were in the freezer.
"i know you all want the food part so i wont keep you waiting! this heres an old harley cooking trick..."
Holding both pizzas in her grip, Jade uses her space powers to "Lightly Irradiate" the pizzas. Hopefully radiation doesn't ruin the flavor, but when Jade tears into them, she probably wouldn't even tell the difference. Jeez, did she even TASTE them?
Doesn't matter. What does matter is that she finished both the pizzas. Steps away from a food coma, Jade plops into the comfiest chair in the house, too tired to stand.
"is there something im forgetting... oh! the tum!"
Without hesitation, Jade pulls back her godtier shirt, the stuffed-red stomach shown to her viewers, giving it a light rub to ease the tension... wait, that's not normal. Are tummies supposed to be glowing green? Perhaps irradiating your pizzas out of impatience isn't the smartest idea...
"thats normal... right? :o"
6 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 03:41:44 GMT
Starter post thing
(Hello! This is the mun speaking. I'm making this starter post so people have something to reblog, because I need some anons. I'm trying for a story-ish based rp kink blog, featuring Jade in an unfamiliar situation. Expect inflation and stuff. So, please reblog! I need the traffic. Expect a starter post for the story soon.)
6 notes • Posted 2021-07-04 03:24:38 GMT
(Y'know, if I'm going to get interaction, I think the best approach is an active one. Let people know you're still kicking around, maybe find the dms of a few like-minded people.
Does anybody know anyone into chub/inflationstuck worth talking to?)
9 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 02:34:27 GMT
man, i really wanna see werefat jade transforming. sounds awesome.
Alright, so imagine this: skinny, svelte Jade. Unassuming. But then, there's a bad moon rising.
Symptoms are unnoticeable at first, from a first person perspective. Dog ears flick in confusion. Fangs gently scrape the lower gums.
Suddenly, rumbling. Deep rumbling, as if her entire body is bracing for an impact then inside.
Then, a slight gut. Barely peeking out from under her shirt. Barely noticeable, for now. But it's getting larger, slowly yet surely.
Everything else is starting to catch up as well. Thighs start to chafe. The slightest wobble can be noticed as what was once a mediocre posterior starts to push against fabric. A tightness in the chest causes Jade to wonder if she forgot something.
Nevertheless, she sits down to think about said forgotten topic, rubbing a developing second chin as she wracks her brain for answers.
And then she remembers: Tonight's a full moon night.
"heck!!! i had plans tonight!" She thinks, before deciding to try and send a text to tell the others she won't be able to show up. But as it turns out, texting is hard when your hands are fat, so a garbled apology is what Rose gets. Surprisingly, she understands it and quickly forgives.
For now, all Jade can do is wait it out. But, another thing comes into play: hunger. Despite having ate not too long ago, it feels as if she hasn't eaten in days. All of a sudden, one thing is on her mind: food. Eat food. Eat lots of food. Eat all the food in the fridge, it will only help slightly.
Getting up with lycan strength, Jade wobbles (she's not iron deficient, just fat) over to the fridge, pulls it open and goes to town, no longer focusing on her growth, but instead on what's in front of her: food.
Leftover pasta? Not even reheated. Box of pizza? Scarfed down. Sandwich supplies? Carefully made into a sandwich, then eaten. Item after item of what would last her days goes down in minutes time.
As these events unfold, her outfit finally gives out. Pants explode into denim confetti. A good shirt becomes a bra, and the bra under it snapped pounds ago. In any other situation a person would shudder in indecency, But Jade doesn't flick an ear.
After turning a used fridge into an empty floor model, Jade fwumps onto the floor, masticating a strip of bacon like gum. About a few pounds later, the transformation is complete. Several month's worth of calories have manifested themselves in one evening, and will likely leave when dawn breaks, hidden away to add more until the next full moon. But that doesn't concern Jade, not in the slightest. What matters to her most?
She's still hungry.
12 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 02:59:27 GMT
SwollenScientist's 40 or so Inflation Prompt Malarkey!
(Have you ever seen the 40 chub prompts thing by chubbyshiro and wondered "Where's the inflation? I want my characters round and blimpy, goddamn it!" Well, for one, stop being so abrasive! It just had to be a query.
For two: Look no further! They're here now! And in no particular order, too!
Made in collaboration with @sugar-plump-gal! Your input was invaluable!) 1. Popping (specify nonfatal/fatal.)
2. Berry (or other fruit, not too picky.)
3. Full body
4. Helium inflation
5. Factory shenanigans (Yes, THAT factory. Specifying a room helps! Come up with one, even! Very good combo number.)
6. Leaking (Not deflation. Just excess substance that's being drained naturally to make way for more substance.)
7. Fast-paced inflation. (If you remember chubprompts, they called it "Rapid". This is the same thing, but inflation.)
8. Puffkissing
9. Transfer (From one blimp to a regular person, stuff gets exchanged. How? Who knows?)
10. Permablimp. (No normal. Only new normal. Can still grow, but deflating will just leave them to the default roundish size.) 11. Incremental Inflation. (little by little...)
12. Specific inflated area. (I didn't want "round titty" and the like to take up too many numbers, so I combined them. Specify instead.)
13. Nonstandard substance (Sure, it's a liquid, but it doesn't have to be water or something. Be creative! (but stay within the kinks of whoever posts this, please. Be horny, but civil too.))
14. Odd methods of keeping a round in place. (Can't have them floating off into space, y'know?)
15. The blimp themselves trying to be mobile. (It ain't pretty.)
16. Voice affection by substance. (You think they're talking normal after all THAT?)
17. Burst tease. ("Hey, wanna see this cool needle I found?")
18. Oneupmanship (That isn't round, THIS is!)
19. Accidentally inflated (Whoops! Guess I'm round.)
20. Amateur inflation ("First time?")
21. Practical uses for inflation (Just because you're round doesn't mean you're not useful.)
22. Mundane uses for inflation (We can't all lead interesting lives.)
23. Hose. (Location, location, location. Specify ass or mouth. Or both. It matters more than you think.
24. Suit inflation. (Placebo.)
25. Outfits for inflation. (Not related to 24. Just a good, stretchy getup. Nice and cozy.)
26. Outfits tearing. (They're not all for it.)
27. Sports. (Be the ball! Literally!)
28. Limitless. (Can't stop won't stop!)
See the full post
15 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 01:26:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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starving-leijon · 4 years
*ac sat back in her chair, purring from how full she felt. Her middle had grown from a pudgy belly to quite a large food baby that was groaning with content from its contents. Sweat pants were a good choice for today as they had slid down a bit along with her shirt riding up most of the way to the modestly sized chest resting on top, giving a good view the grey stomach with a light hint of olive from how stretched out she was. Her hands were rubbing the bubbling cauldron of food as she tried to help lessen the work her body had to do. It was taut but still had enough give to let her hands lightly press in, feeling all the food swirl together and even feeling the whole fish from time to time. Various burps came up and were stifled to the best of the purredators ability, however that didn’t work out so well. The transportilizer was already proving to be a fantastic investment and she knew this was only the start. ac started to drift off as her body took full control to work at her meal.*
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