tubbytushes · 1 day
".....Why did I just feel a chill run down my spine?"
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🕯️- Tubbytushes
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"10/10, would make into a room-filling blob again~"
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tubbytushes · 4 months
It’s Munday lads. Consider this your invite to ask the mun anything.
Get a look behind the fabulous curtain! GO GO GO GO! -> -> ->
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tubbytushes · 6 months
we don't talk much but hap birf!
I still appreciate any and all birthday wishes, thank you so much!!!
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tubbytushes · 6 months
Happy Birthday
Thanks a Ton!!!!
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tubbytushes · 6 months
Happpyyy birthdayyyyyy
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tubbytushes · 6 months
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"If I'd known it was that high a caliber, I would have made more long hallways."
An unamused expression sat on Sylt's face as she snapped her fingers, patching bullet holes in her walls one by one while occasionally snacking on a brownie to keep her energy up. Considering the siege that had effectively just happened, though, it was a miracle there was even a house around them, so she counted her blessings.
At least the corpses were easy to clear away, she thought to herself. A little butchery, a little forethought, and the wildlife would have plenty to eat through for winter prep.
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"Sorry, Hellsing doesn't exactly take half-measures with the supernatural...mmmf...man thish ish good..."
Compared to the working witch, Seras was busy glutting herself. The promised reward for her agreeing to Sylt's plan of course. All approved by Integra herself after a discussion between her and Sylt. All while Seras had sat back and simply watched the negotiation occur...while munching.
By now the bloat had escalated to full on genuine bloating, but by now the porcine vampire couldn't care less. Cake, pie, brownies, burgers, fries, steak, fish, shrimp, lobster, waffles...on request, any of her cravings were filled. Things she'd been dying to eat for the past few decades now practically a finger-snap away.
As was her trim body. After ending their call, she'd been promised a quick slim-down just to avoid any potential fallout from being unfit for duty. 'She sounds like she'd be a shrieking harpy if she got mad', as per Sylt's words, so there'd been one final agreement between the two of them:
Seras would stuff her face, and Sylt would get to enjoy the spectacle.
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"So I'm guessin' this is about as...oomf...far as any actual...bbbuurp...evil of yours goes? Makin' people fat?" She laughed as Sylt finished her work, the hallway receding with a soft sigh from the wood and the repairs finished. A few singe marks remained, but she could hear Sylt murmuring something about polishing everything from top to bottom.
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"Got it in one. I must say though, your marksmanship is fantastic. And I suppose I can't fault you...the supernatural can't be easy to kill with your average hunting rifle or pistol, and it wasn't anything I couldn't fix."
Taking a seat in a plush chair, she laughed as she took stock of Seras' changes. The vampire didn't seem to be paying them any mind, so someone had to as far as she was concerned.
She'd been curvy to start, but now Seras looked...well, no one could describe her as anything but fat, unless they wanted to be as big a liar as the blonde's behind was broad. She'd bulked and bloomed into a bottom-heavy butterball by now, not helped by her constant requests during her 'walk' as she'd described it.
'The Daughter of Dracula...she's a dork compared to him at least.' She laughed in her head. The way Seras was cramming food hand over fist into her mouth from the requested mass of sweets made her think something altogether different than a vampire, but she bit her tongue and just watched her wobble and quake for a few more minutes before she sat back with a booming burp.
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"You're uh...you're sure you can fix...this, right?" She sighed as she looked down, giving the growing gut she had a gentle nudge. Despite her confidence with what Sylt had shown, the thought of actually losing the weight she was piling on so readily...not to mention the spectacle she knew she was putting on.
"I'm already kind of a...nnf...hwoouuuurp...wreck..."
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"If you want proof I can fix it, Doubty Debbie...~"
The soft snap of fingers filled the air, something Seras had come to realize was a sign that she was doing something much more noticeable. The stretched and twisted halls, the floor shifting for cover and high-ground for her...it'd been as though she'd been riding a hydra while dealing with the covens that had assailed them.
But this time the result was an even more uncomfortable feeling of bloat for a few moments before she let out a deep groan and felt herself all but inflating outward.
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Her jacket blew open. The undershirt strained and rustled as it was stretched by waves of flab. Her breathing grew labored...'Wh-wha...?'...and the heavy huffs had a noticeable bass to them. Her skirt slid deeply under the heavy, lowermost roll of her gut as it folded over itself...then again.
"Wha...whash..." Cut off by a deep belch, it tapered off into a squeak as she felt something bouncing just below her jaw. Probing hands...'T-they're getting big too!?'...found purchase on a thick, squishy, growing loaf of blubber cushioning the tiny divot of her chin. It wasn't long before she could feel the burn of effort twinging her arms, and she let them...flop.
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"You see...I can't cast a fireball to save my life. I can't shock someone with lightning, or throw icicles, or steal their souls...but I can certainly mess with a body~"
Seras couldn't argue as she felt her bulk heave over the couch and flop to the floor...before her colossal cheeks simply crashed down in its place as Sylt snapped her fingers again. Now parked atop a throne of her own making, the vampire let out a deeper groan still as she heard the soft bubblings and gurglings going on as she continued to swell.
Fat feet flapped amidst a growing pool of cankle, and buttery thighs folded over her knees all while her flab dimpled. The pale moons that were her ass were much the same, doughy and jiggly while chunky and heavy at the same time.
No part of her was spared, and by the time she was done Seras was left peering past her bulk anxiously, whimpering softly as she tried to move anything. Even with her strength, it felt like she was weighed down by the whole house she was seated in.
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"Ohkhay sho I'm...a whale...wha about..."
Cut off by a floating eclair, Seras quietly whimpered and munched before jolting at the feeling of a finger prodding just beneath where her bellybutton...well, she had no clue where it would have sat on her gut at this point. Not when she was practically a sea of flab, whimpering softly as her brain sparked and fizzled. Something was wrong...no, no it wasn't.
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Twenty. Years. Twenty years of not eating, not drinking...not. Changing. And yet here she was. The tiny vampire she'd been stuck as for years, gone under waves of flab and lard. Wheezing and heaving, groaning from the exertion of...trying to reach for food. Her hammy hands reached out as her eyes flashed red, trying to snatch for the eclair that was feeding itself to her to shovel it in wholesale.
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"That's the ticket~"
As the pile of food floated upward, arranging itself under a snap of the witch's fingers, Seras lounged back into her blubbery ass and let a grin spread across her wide face, her eyes now a deep shade of red as she opened her mouth for the first bite.
She was so glad Sylt had bargained for a week long stay with Integra~
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tubbytushes · 6 months
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"Go do this, Seras. Go kill that werewolf, Seras. Go pick up the slack for your currently-absent-for-20-years-sire, Seras. Ugh, if Sir Integra wasn't such a fantastic commander..."
The Draculina grumped as she picked her way through the forest. It felt nostalgic for her...like the missions she and Alucard had gone on. And despite her grumbling and grumping her mood was starting to lift slightly as she came to the manor in the clearing. A truck drove away, down the small dirt path leading away from the main gate, but no guards seemed in place.
"Not exactly somewhere you'd expect a delivery at the asscrack of twilight..." She mused to herself before taking a deep breath and adjusting the rifle on her shoulder. 'Be subtle' had been appended to her orders, and she knew why. Alucard had been loud, flashy. Maybe not innately destructive, but he had his streaks. Integra was enjoying the quiet, even if she still had feelers out in every direction for...
"Makin' myself sad again gotta watch that." She added as she stepped out of the brush and dusted herself off, walking up to the wall of the manor and trying to look natural the whole way. Lost hunter. Lost hunter. She just had to keep up the appearance of a lost hunter, maybe a rookie that'd gotten herself lost...
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"Out for a moonlight stroll as well~? It's a beautiful night..."
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Fifteen different expletives filled Seras' mind before she whipped around, a hand thankfully gripping the strap of her gun so she wouldn't simply draw it and blow the offender's head off. Instead she jolted and jumped, practically leaping to spin around and face the woman that had appeared out of nowhere.
She could just...take the shot. But what if this was a servant out wandering. She needed more intel. Hell, all she'd known was the house to find, and the disappearances of people.
"Er uh...sorta, y'know? I got lost in the woods while huntin' deer...next thing I know I'm tripping over...your guys' beautiful house. Sorry about dropping in like this or if I started you." She gasped out, a hand clutching...well, she no longer had a proper heart, per se, but old habits die hard.
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"Oh no need to be sorry. I live out here for a reason. Peace, quiet, and helping lost souls like you." The mysterious woman laughed, hair fluttering slightly as she shook her head. "...well okay not that last part, but the quiet is nice nowadays. Not so remote I don't get guests, not so public I have to deal with hubbub."
Hands laced behind her back, she began to walk slowly, not noticing Seras' hand inching upward to draw her gun. The vampire had her target in sight after all, why should she hesitate?...is what she was asking herself as she froze with her hand near the belt buckle, moving to adjust it a little more.
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"Heh...y' don't say? Well it is pretty peaceful out here, I can't argue with that."
This was one of the few times she wished she'd called Pip back from surveillance duty over the Hellsing manor...what she wouldn't do to have him give her a slap upside the head. Seras could tell that she was already getting lulled in, but if she hadn't been strung up by magical chains or some other inane occult bric-a-brac, she had a feeling she was fine outside at the least.
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"That said, it does get a little boring. I was thinking of grabbing a midnight snack before retiring back to bed..."
The stranger's eyebrow hiked up as Seras seemed to get the thought through her head finally, whipping the enormous rifle from her back and leveraging it an inch from her nose. Violet eyes blinked softly as she looked at it.
"Oh? Something I said?"
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"Under authority of the Hellsing Organization, you can either come quietly or I blow your brains all over your roses, regardless of what you are." Seras retorted before tightening her finger on the trigger slightly. If she saw even the slightest hint of smoke or felt the tiniest twinge, she was ready to fire.
...she was not ready for a finger lifting up and gently dropping the barrel down, or a sigh from her target.
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"I meant a cup of hot cocoa and a slice of pound cake or something. It's rather brisk this time of year. You can spare the time for that...and discussing just what your little group is thinking? I'm willing to cooperate...and willing to have you keep that trained on me somewhat if it puts you at ease, but I quite like doing my walking without a gun barrel pointed down my left nostril."
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"Supernatural investigator, correct? You're not the first I've met...though I've not heard of the Hellsing Organization." Fingers lifted and snapped, and their surroundings shifted from the garden outside to a warm, cozy kitchen. Wood furnishings everywhere, and surprisingly rustic considering. A few modern gadgets sat around, but more than anything were the reams of spice racks, ingredient holders...and a distinct undercurrent of magic.
"Those eyes...vampire?" She hummed as she spun and walked from Seras. The clack of the gun raising again caught her attention for a few moments, but she continued regardless.
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"Sired by Dracula himself, so don't go thinkin' you can pull any funny business." She snapped back, watching the gown rustling around her impromptu hostess set a pot over the stove and lit it with another snap of her fingers. She'd been so focused on business that she hadn't even realized...
'Geeze, and people make fun of me...' The thought floated across her mind as fabric settled across her chest, revealing a set nearly as large as Seras' own. Unlike Seras, however, the same effect around her hips showed they were just as curvy, with enough breadth to her waist to keep the hourglass from looking unnatural. 'Well she ain't a succubus with that gut...'
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"Fancy-schmancy. Still, if that's the case, I'll have to do a modicum of tweaking but you'll be able to eat just as anyone else would." Seras blinked as she heard that. She'd been trying to, but blood was still her go-to sustenance...but the slice of cake set in front of her looked startlingly tempting, even if it had been floated over as her host stirred some chocolate to melt it.
"Just to put your mind at ease, I'm a witch. No vanishing, no teleporting, no fireballs or occult pacts here. Well, I lie about the last one, but I only had to make the one a few centuries ago~"
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Wait. When had she sat down? When had she put the rifle down beside her? She wanted to reach for the gun, but a thought in her head was tugging her back...and it wasn't an unknown one. It felt like the same respect she'd heard Alucard give someone else a good long while ago. So instead, the vampiress lifted the cake and gently bit in, fangs flashing for a few moments before sinking in...
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"...ish...really good..." Came her muffled comment behind both a hand hiding her stuffed mouth and her complete shock. It didn't taste like clay or mud. It didn't even hint that it'd cause her stomach to rebel. Even as she swallowed it down, she found herself going for a second bite.
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"You're here for the disappearances."
She froze mid-bite, looking up and nodding, embarrassed that she'd been caught munching.
"It...wasn't me. Well it was, but it's rather complicated. Please, again, no guns, I assure you that they're not still gone. I think your group simply got called in as...corporate elimination? I'm not too familiar with the proper way to describe it."
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"...you mean like a hostile takeover?"
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"That's what I was looking for. There are other covens in the area, but they're much less delicate than I am. I was being quite honest before, Miss." The soft clink of a server against china, before another piece of cake graced Seras' plate, was all the warning she'd get before seconds arrived.
"I'm here for relaxation...and I provide a service to the nearby town. Bed and breakfast, restaurant...I imagine you saw the truck earlier..." Opening the icebox door, cardboard boxes sat, one already opened to show wrapped meat. "...delivery. I can conjure food, but it hardly tastes good."
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"Wait wait so y' mean I might've gotten the wrong person?" She didn't blink twice and started to indulge again. Wait, was this the second piece she'd had? It had to be, they'd only been talking so long.
...so why was she feeling so bloated?
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"A little of column A, and a little of column Undefined: considering how you're armed, you were sent to kill me or detain me. The other covens are much more quiet about their goings on...because they know I'd take action if I heard."
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"Then why am I sittin' here eating cake when you could tell me where they are? I could even talk to Sir Integra, see if she can't reward you for helpin' out with Hellsing business!"
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"You're not very tactical, are you?"
Before she could reply, Seras felt the twinges she'd been on alert for earlier, but not from Sylt. From a good distance away, in fact...and then she put the dots together.
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"Pfffft...they baited a trap by puttin' you on the chopping block...so you're doing the same...making them think I'm in here blowin' your brains out, so they can come in and swipe anything of yours that isn't nailed down and make sure the guard dog's dead. Not bad."
Taking a sip of her cocoa, the vampire sighed in bliss as she let the flavors wash over her tongue. It'd been so long since she'd eaten proper food...
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"If this 'Sir Integra' of yours is as flexible as you make her out to be, what do you say to hiring in a contractor~?"
The wood of the house seemed to creak and groan at her words before warping subtly, showing Seras what she meant. "I'm certainly not good in combat, but I can give you a home-field advantage at dealing with the actual problem."
"...I'll even offer a few nights' stay if it'll sweeten the deal..." She added as she topped off Seras' drink, letting her relax while the hallway leading from the kitchen began to stretch and curve. "Please, relax and let me get your little battlefield set up while they keep tiring themselves out~"
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tubbytushes · 6 months
happy birthday!
Thank you very very much!!!!!
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tubbytushes · 8 months
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A certain someone has been having a few issues lately.....
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tubbytushes · 8 months
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tubbytushes · 8 months
Seras art looking good! My only critique is her side hair fluffs not being fluffy enough.
I got you! Honestly for the side fluffs my issue was trying to make them visible but at the same time not make them TOO large.
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tubbytushes · 8 months
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I think I'm getting the hang of this whole art thing.
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tubbytushes · 8 months
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I think I'm getting the hang of this whole art thing.
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tubbytushes · 8 months
You are widest of the wide, and softest of the soft~
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tubbytushes · 8 months
Is it bullying when Seras could probably use you as a bed
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tubbytushes · 8 months
no way!!!!!!
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tubbytushes · 8 months
Girls almost as fat as you are.
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