arsenicfatnip · 4 years
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
(i should probably make ask rules later, just lining out what’s expected here and what isn’t expected here!)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
(ah shit, accidentally answered an ask privately, oh well, at least they got their response!)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
Good morning! I hope your hungry, two dozen doughnuts and a gallon of whole milk to go with it are on their way.
:33< ooo! donuts? that’s my favorite baked thing! i can’t wait!
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
Did anything interesting happen over your accidentally break?
Nepeta thinks for a moment, before typing.
:33< *ac puts a paw on her chin, before opening her mouth*
:33< not purrticularly! i did gain around 36 lbs though!
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
The plump cat groggily wakes up one morning, before walking over to her tablet and turning it off. She opens the tumblr app, before looking at the date.
:33< oh fuck it’s been two weeks
The olive blood rushes over to the post button, typing in
:33< hey guys!!! im not dead!!! and im also open to asks!!! and food!
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
Welcome back!
(hello! hopefully i actually come back this time!)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
(OH SHIT IT’S BEEN 5 DAYS. sorry, been busy with other things!)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
(gonna start posting again when i get up! i’ve been in sort of a funk for the past week but i’m feeling better now)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
While the fat cat slept, she digested off all of her food, and gained a nice 27 lbs! With all that energy, it probably won’t take two days for the mun to post on this blog again!
(Sorry, this is more of a guess based on how much she ate and what she ate than based on calories because i sorta... lost the calorie count and didn’t wanna post because of that. I didn’t wanna redo the math!)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
(yoo, sorry, i sorta, didn’t come on today because i was caught up with a bunch of other things, so im just gonna end off nepeta’s stream here and we can do dinner tommorow.)
The fat cat talked on her stream as she finished up her pancakes, before yawning, her belly stuffed and groaning. She stretched as she yawned, looking a fair bit tired.
:33< sorry guys, gonna have to cut it a bit short! i need a lil catnap so i can digest all this food!
She pointed the camera down at her bloated stomach, which stretched the fabric of her already very large shirt.
:33< hope nya’ll had fun! i’ll be back on later, i wanna go to a puretty nice restaurant i saw on the way home from the store!
She lifted the camera back up, pointing at her face. She put her closed hand up next to her face and made the sound of cat meowing. It’s kind of weird how close she can get!
She ended the stream there, got up and walked over to her recuperacoon before getting undressed, and slowly lowering herself into the slime.
(calories have not been calculated yet and it might take a while since i’m tired sorry)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
(might have to make nepeta end her livestream soon, i need to add up literally everything she’s eaten)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
You could probably feed an entire school with the amount of pancake mix here. All you need to add is water!
Nepeta went back to the kitchen with all of her newly arrived pancake batter, andknowing her limits, just made a small stack of pancakes.... that were as wide as a whole pan. And thick, too. She made 6 of these, and walked back over to her seat with a nice tall glass of milk. Milk is what that person said went well with pancakes, right? She gt a huge bite of pancake, and gulped it down with some milk.
:33> mm! tasty!
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
you hear some footsteps and something rolling near the entrance to your hive. The rolling sound stop. There is a momentary silence, followed by a voice shouting "DING DONG-Uh. Special delivery?" There at the door is a huge pallte of pancake mix!
:33< oh!! i forgot i ordered some grubcake mix! excuse me fur just one second
Nepeta got up from her seat, and headed towards the entrance to her hive, just off screen. You can hear talking just off screen, and you can see pounce de leon coming for what’s left of Nepeta’s omelette.
Aaaand it’s gone. Pounce just ate it. And he’s grooming himself now.
Nepeta walked back towards her seat, before noticing that her lusus ate her food. She gasped, and yelled
:33< pounce!!! no!!!
:33< well... i guess i’m making grubcakes then!
She said, with a sigh of defeat.
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
(oh shit! i forgot to say, i’m feeling better now, and i’m home, so i’m gonna be able to be active here!)
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
Pancakes would go well with that omlet!
Nepeta read the next message in chat, still mostly focusing on her omelette.
:33< pancakes...? oh! do you mean grubcakes? i probably have some of those!
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arsenicfatnip · 4 years
How about a muffin or two? always good, expecily with milk.
Nepeta looked over at the chat on her tablet while stuffing her face with the omelette, gulping a mouthfull of egg before responding.
:33< i don’t think i have any muffins? but i could purrobably drink some milk! i just purrchased a whole gallon of it!
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