#lets go korean and chinese man
almalvo · 2 years
What I am saying is, basically ALL asian characters (main/side) we have encountered in Star Trek have been of Japanese descent when clearly east asia is NOT just "Japan" - UNTIL HARRY KIM IN VOYAGER.
ALSO A BLACK VULCAN YESSSSSSSS 👏 (Also - as a bonus, I got pretty tired of the wigs on these post-TOS Vulcans/Romulans, no offence, even if I understand the production reasoning. But that doesn't even matter, we all know there is only ONE Vulcan that ever did and will ever DO it right. So great to see another Vulcan who gets to don their REAL hair for once ugh, finally. And refreshing.)
I also forgot how much of Star Trek is originally about surveying space. After being stationed at DS9 for 7 seasons, I legitimately forgot that this was even a thing lol.
Liking the representation so far -
I am R E A D Y .
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kimbappykidding · 4 months
Imagine Joshua overhearing you like him and deciding to mess with you
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You were born in China but moved to America when you were 6. You auditioned to become an idol and made it. You struggled adjusting at first but soon made friends who were in similar positions as you. You became good friends with Vernon and bonded over your similar experiences. You were very close and so when you’d had a particularly tough few months and needed a holiday, he invited you to come with him on Seventeen’s villa break. All the members were going to a nice house with a pool and a lake right next to it. Vernon assured you, you could be as social or as quiet as you wanted and so you went along, very excited for a stress-free weekend...that is not what you got.  
You all went up on the Friday evening and had a pretty easy first night by Seventeen standards, which meant everyone drank but nobody got drunk. You and Vernon retired early a bit socially exhausted and retreated to his room. Vernon was a little tipsy and so he began asking you some very odd questions. “Y/n if you had to pick one of my members to date who would it be?”. You immediately went bright red “what? Why?”. Vernon laughed “just for fun! Like for example, I’d pick Wonwoo but i’m curious who you’d pick. I mean there are 12 guys here, one of them must appeal to you". You hesitated and Vernon grinned "There is! Who is it?". You blushed "I...you won't tell him right?". Vernon nodded "promise" and you frowned "I don't know if I can trust you". Vernon sighed "aww come on! Fine I'll list them and you stop me if it's him. Let's start with the obvious ones. "Mingyu?". Silence. "Okay Wonwoo?". You didn't react. "Maybe Jun? Or Scoups?". You shook your head and Vernon narrowed his eyes. "Jeonghan? The8? Hoshi?". You shook your head and Vernon frowned "hmmm running out of members, Dk?". "Nope". "Dino?". "No". Vernon laughed "man I’m crap at this! Joshua?". You blushed and looked down making Vernon grin "Joshua? He's the one you like?". You blushed even more "I thought the whole point of this was I wouldn't have to say it!". Vernon laughed "okay okay...well it makes sense he's the only one besides me you can actually talk to!". "Hey!" you cried hitting his arm "my Korean has gotten tons better and you remember i'm Chinese right? I can speak just fine with Jun and The8". "Yes but you didn't pick Jun or The8 did you?" Vernon asked smirking "you like Joshua". You blushed "yes...so? He's a great guy!". "Hey I never denied it! But can I ask, out of all the guys, why him?". You sighed and Vernon smirked "that was such an in-love sigh!". You hit him "I'm not in love with him! I just think he's pretty great. I love when guys are soft and respectful but then he can change and be sexy in seconds! Not to mention I think his eyes are so beautiful and the way his voice for all soft when he speaks English...". Vernon laughed at your expression "wow you are really into him!". You nodded "yeah I guess...but you still can't say anything to him!". Vernon smiled "aww come on I could do some matchmaking?". "No Vernon you promised me you wouldn't tell him!" you cried getting scared and Vernon grabbed your hand "y/n it was a joke, I promise not to tell Joshua. I'd never betray your trust like that". You relaxed again "thanks Vernon, you're a great friend" and he smiled "so are you".
The only problem? Joshua had heard everything. He'd been walking past when he heard Vernon listing members and curious as to what was going on, he paused. He was going to keep going when he heard his name and Vernon's reaction meant he had to stay. When he heard your reason he was...surprised. He had no idea you liked him. You were like Vernon, laid back, chill and good at hiding your emotions so he never would've guessed...but he liked it. When he heard you listing all the things you liked about him he got flustered and felt himself growing warmer. He of course found you attractive too and had checked you out numerous times but given your friendship with Vernon he didn't want to try anything. However now he knew you liked him back...what was there to lose? But Joshua did have mischievous streak so he decided to have a little fun with you first. Joshua came down to breakfast the next morning and saw you sat next to Vernon at the table. He grabbed some food and took a seat on your other side purposefully leaning towards you. "Morning Vernon, Morning y/n" he said staring at you and you jumped before nodding "Morning Joshua". "You guys ready for the water sports?" Joshua asked. Vernon shrugged "I might be in the afternoon" and Joshua frowned "don't tell me you're sitting them out too y/n?". You paused and Joshua shook his head "no come on you have to join in! The obstacle course looks so much fun and I'll pay you 500 won if you can beat me". You shrugged "make it $500 and we've got a deal". Joshua shrugged "okay! see you down there" and he moved away. As he walked away Vernon chuckled "man you've got it bad". "Shut up!" you cried and Vernon laughed "sure Joshua! I'll do the obstacle course with you Joshua! It's totally not to see you in a wet suit Joshua!" he teased mimicking your voice and you hit him again "stopppp! He suggested it, not me". "So you're not excited to see his chest in a clingy shirt?" Vernon asked. You paused and he laughed "knew it! Don't worry, you won't be disappointed". Vernon stayed inside in the morning but you did want to play in the water so you ventured outside. You were sometimes more shy without Vernon around but luckily his friends were very kind to you, plus The8 and Jun had a soft spot for you so you had a nice afternoon. Joshua had been off doing some of the water sports stuff and you didn't want to come on too strong so you largely ignored him. Around midday however, you were messing around with Jun and Dino on the inflatable course when Joshua appeared. "Y/n you ready for our bet?" he called. Jun and Dino shot you a look and you stayed calm. "You got the money ready?" you asked "because you're gonna need it". Jun and Dino quickly got excited and without trying you now had an audience. Joshua smiled at you "at the count of three we both go, whoever gets the furthest without falling in or gets to the end first wins. Okay?". You nodded "got it". Joshua smiled “okay, one...two...three!”. You might be quiet but you were still competitive so you raced forwards and beat Joshua to the fastest route. Joshua tried to follow but he slipped on the soaked course and fell down giving you a good head start. 
You made sure to be more careful with your footing and rushed through the inflatable shapes as fast as you safely could. Joshua was still pretty close behind and you could feel the course shaking as he followed you getting closer. You reached the wall and scrambled up the ladder to feel Joshua grabbing for your legs. He was laughing, calling your name but you couldn’t look back. You’d see him and it’d make you lose focus.
You reached the top and were shocked to see Joshua had managed to jump halfway up without even using the ladder. Cursing his height advantage you quickly slid down the other end but Joshua threw himself down the slide after you. He purposefully aimed for you and came down the slide to crash into you taking your feet from under you. You fell down right on top of him and he laughed loudly. "Finally caught up to you" he smiled his face close to yours. You blushed but still wanted to win so you pushed him away and stood back up. The last part was the most difficult, there were 5 round podiums which you had to jump across. Joshua appeared behind you and lightly grabbed your waist. "What do you think the key is? Speed or skill?" he whispered into your ear. You were blushing vividly and tried to think. "Skill" you told him and he nodded "sure, you wanna demonstrate that?". You smirked "why me, you finally caught up so you go first". Joshua smiled "but I wanna see you do it". "Please?" you asked him and Joshua smirked "well I'm sure nobody can say no to those eyes" and he ran at the course. He fell in on the second circle with a loud splash making Dino and Jun dissolve into laughter. He resurfaced laughing and swam to the other side “okay Y/n your turn” he smirked and you paused. You took a small run and hopped onto the first circle. You then did the same for the second one and the third but you fell to your knees, only just managing not to fall in. Joshua, Jun and Dino all made noises and you laughed “it’s so slippery!”. “Yeah but you’re already doing better than Joshua” Dino pointed out and you nodded. 
You jumped to the fourth circle and realised the distance was getting bigger with each one and the fifth one looked so far away. “You know, you’ve already won the bet so you could just give up if you wanted to” Joshua called teasing you. You shook your head and he laughed “but the water’s really nice Y/n”. You carried on ignoring him preparing to jump but Joshua wouldn’t stop. He kept lightly flirting with you and finally he sighed “then again I’m very much enjoying the show you’re putting on. Especially from this angle”. 
He timed it perfectly and he said those words just as you were pushing off. They of course startled you and as a result you didn’t get good lift-off and fell right into the water. Jun and Dino winced at how close to the end you’d come and called out congratulations but you were just focused on Joshua who was grinning at you with a smug smile. He knew exactly what his words had done to you and he was thrilled.  
Everyone continued playing by the pier until it got a bit later and you all headed up to the house. Some people went inside to rest or shower but you stayed outside. Dk, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Joshua and Jun were playing the game where you hid hoops in the water and they had to try and find them. You'd dried off and didn't want to get in the water again so you were the hider. You’d just hidden another batch and were sat with your legs dangling in the water watching the chaos unfold. 
When three out of the four of them had been found, it was just Dk, Hoshi and Joshua left and the latter turned his attention to you. While Dk and Hoshi were bickering Joshua swam over to where you were sitting and tried a different approach. "Y/n" he whispered "where did you hide the last one?". You smiled "are you trying to cheat?". "No..." Joshua said gently leaning on your legs. You paused as he brushed his hands up and down them while he smiled up at you "I just thought you might want to help me out?". You shrugged "I think I'm good". Joshua paused "you know you look far too warm up there, I think you need to cool down". You tensed "Joshua..." but it was too late as he quickly reached up and tugged you into the pool. You fell in with a yell and were covered once more. "Joshua! I'd just got my hair dry" you cried and he smiled sweetly at you, your faces now inches apart. "Aww I'm sorry" he said "here let me help" and he turned around and bobbed down. The next thing you knew he had ahold of your knees and was giving you a piggyback. You grabbed onto him as he started moving and he turned to look back at you "now is it ringing any bells where you hid it?". You shook your head "if I tell you will you let me go?". Joshua shrugged "well there's only one way to find out". You rolled your eyes but leant in "it's at the top of the pool near the stairs". Joshua grinned and rushed over "going down Y/n" he called and you protested as Joshua ducked under the water taking you with him. You managed to get free and popped back up above the surface seconds before Joshua. He appeared right in front of you smiling as he held the plastic thing "I won!" he called "thanks to y/n" and he looked right at you with those flirty eyes. Your heart was racing, partly because of the distance but also because he was slightly holding onto your waist once more and every time he did that you felt dazed. "If you forced me does it count?" you asked and Joshua shrugged "I'm counting it. When a pretty girl helps you, you don't question it". You went bright red when a thought occurred to you "wait don't you only win if you get out of the pool with it?". "Charge!" Dk yelled and you rushed to get out of the way as Hoshi and Dk dove on Joshua. You managed to climb out and watched from a safe distance as Dk finally emerged victorious nearly drowning Joshua in the process. Joshua stood in the middle of the pool looking utterly defeated and you couldn't stop laughing. Joshua noticed and shook his head at you.
After that you decided it would be a good time to prepare for the night and headed inside to shower and change for dinner. You reappeared an hour later and everyone gathered around to decide what to cook. "Y/n do you have the katsu sauce?" Scoups asked and you nodded "yep it's in my room I'll go cook it". You stood up and rushed away. Vernon stood up "I'll go help her" but Joshua leant in "don't worry I've got it" and he hurried after you. You were organising everything, getting ready to cook when there was a knock at the door. "Hey need some help?" Joshua called and you paused. He looked really good tonight and you immediately thought of when he called you pretty earlier. "Erm sure" you finally replied and Joshua smiled looking around your room "why am I not surprised your room smells the nicest and is the tidiest?". You laughed "hey you haven't seen Mingyu's". "I have and you have definitely beat him" Joshua says coming to stand right behind you "so how can I help?". You blushed at how close he was to you and sidestepped away "how about you grill the chicken?". Joshua nodded “I can totally do that” but he paused. “Is something wrong?” you asked and he frowned “I just don’t want the smell to get on my t-shirt...I know” he smiled and swiftly took his shirt off. “There we go” he said happily and took his place beside you pretending like you weren’t gawking.
Meanwhile outside the others were cooking and Jeonghan had run out of chicken. Scoups mentioned you might have someone so he headed over to your room. Jeonghan walked in to see Joshua shirtless, stood over you and he swore. "Really guys? Atleast close the door!" and he quickly retreated closing it as he went. The members all heard him yell and looked up when he returned.  "You okay?" Wonwoo called and he swore "yeah but really didn't have to walk in on that". Scoups paused "on what?". "Joshua and Y/n" Jeonghan replied and everyone stopped and rushed around. "Wait wait wait what?" Vernon asked. "What did you see?" Seungkwan asked. "Were they having sex?" Dk asked bluntly. Jeonghan nodded "or they were about to, Joshua was already shirtless and they were practically wrapped around one another". "Maybe it was a misunderstanding?" The8 asked. "But they haven't come outside" Woozi pointed out and they all looked to the closed door. "Well I guess Joshua finally got his act together" Scoups shrugged "leave them be and let's get back on with it". They all agreed and The8 and Jun came over to Vernon "hey is this okay? Are Y/n and Joshua a thing?". Vernon didn't want to tell your secret so he just nodded "it's fine don't worry". The two members nodded and felt reassured.
Back in the room you froze when Jeonghan walked in and rushed to follow him but Joshua grabbed your arm "wait where are you going?". "To get Jeonghan! He thinks we were...". Joshua chuckled as you couldn't even say it "well what if they think we are?". You went red "what?". Joshua laughed "think about it. We cook and eat this in here and then miss all the clean-up outside. We head back out after and tell them all it was a joke to get out of chores. Nothing major". You paused "hmm okay". Joshua smiled "great I'll get the plates".
Once the food was cooked you dished it up and ate on the floor. Thankfully Joshua then put his shirt back on so you could look at him again. You had a nice meal and just talked and joked. It was casual but still felt very nice and more special with nobody else around. When you finished you paused at the door, hesitating to go back outside. "Want me to go first?" Joshua asked and you nodded. Joshua opened the door and led you outside. The minute the members saw you they began making noises and you struggled not to blush. Joshua smiled despite himself and told them all to shush. The two of you took the last two seats at the end of the table together and Joshua looked at you "should we tell them?". You nodded and he smiled "we didn't do anything we just made you think that so we could eat all of the curry!". Joshua explained it more and everyone began laughing finding it funny "Then why is Y/n so red?" Hoshi asked and Vernon shushed him but you knew Joshua heard. Joshua looked at you out of the corner of his eye and smiled seeing you blush.
The evening then descended into party games and karaoke. Halfway through Seungkwan's song Joshua leant over to you "why were you so red?". You blushed again but acted as normal as possible. "I have no idea what you're talking about". Joshua smirked "was it the idea of us sleeping together". You turned even redder and Joshua chuckled "you can admit it, the idea makes me feel something too". You paused "how?". "Nope, you first" Joshua smiled still just inches away from you. You paused "well you're attractive so obviously the idea of sleeping with you...makes me flustered". "Because you like it?" Joshua asked "no pressure. Just say whatever you want". You nodded "yeah I like it". Joshua smiled and you paused "what about you? Now it's your turn". Joshua turned to face you properly "I feel the same way" he told you and then rapidly jumped up to join the karaoke. You were left utterly flabbergasted and went to get some water. Vernon followed "so what on earth happened?" he asked. "I think I just confessed to Joshua that I like him". Vernon"s eyes went wide "you did! How?". You explained what Joshua had said before running off, making Vernon nod. "Typical Joshua acting all cool and calm. He's totally got it bad for you don't let him have all the power y/n. He's just teasing you". You paused “really?”. Vernon nodded “totally! Come on, let’s go have some fun and I promise Joshua will be the one doing all the work”. You smiled and followed your friend. 
Sitting with Vernon made you more confident and so you participated in the drinking games and even sang a song with Jun and Hoshi. Hoshi was pretty drunk and so he was very excitable and loud. You found it funny and started interacting with him more and more. You could feel the way Joshua was watching you and it made you smile. So you just ignored him and turned back to Hoshi.
Hoshi could get more affectionate when he was drunk and that was happening. He went from holding your hand to placing an arm around you, to now laying his head on your shoulder with his arms wrapped around you. Scoups was always great at controlling the other members so he quickly appeared "hey Hoshi I don't know if Y/n wants you to be on top of her". "I'm not on top of her I'm just hugging her" Hoshi explained "she's my friend and likes tigers too". Scoups mouthed sorry to you and recruited Jeonghan to get him to bed. They got Hoshi off you leaving you with Vernon, Jun and The8. Joshua was still here and was sat down at the opposite end with Dk and Mingyu. There was tension in the air and you felt good.  "So you've had a fun night" Jun asked and you chuckled "yeah. I've drank way more than you've ever seen me drink". The8 nodded "it's fun to see...Y/n can I ask, what is going on with Joshua?". You blushed "why?". "Why? He's been staring at you all night!" The8 cried and you all laughed. "He likes you" Jun added and Vernon smiled, not saying anything just watching it all. You sighed "I...we've been flirting and I think he might like me". "He definitely does" Vernon agreed. "Yeah so what are you doing here?" Jun asked. You paused "wow thanks junnie". He smirked "I just mean you obviously like him too right? On the obstacle course your eyes practically popped out of their socket when he got wet". You blushed as The8 and Vernon erupted into laughter catching the attention of the other members. 
"Hey what's so funny?" Dk asked and they came over. Jun shook his head "ow nothing Y/n was just telling us she appreciated how some of the bodysuits looked today". Dk and Mingyu laughed as you hit Jun while Joshua just smirked. "Really?" Mingyu asked. You paused "I didn't say that but I don't disagree". Dk laughed "so that's why you were hanging out by the pier all day". "Y/n you little pervert" Vernon teased as you gaped. "Hey come on she deserves it" Mingyu said and you smiled "thank you Mingyu". He nodded smiling back "plus it's nice to see her like this, we all enjoy looking at her so why shouldn't she get to do the same?". "Mingyu!" Vernon cried and you blushed. "No all I meant is...we haven't seen her like this before and it's very nice...and hot". You laughed really pink and obviously a little tipsy because that comment didn't make you uncomfortable. "Well coming from Mr six-foot greek god over here I'll take that" you smiled and Mingyu smiled at your nickname. "I think it's best we all go to bed" Vernon said still laughing and you nodded "yep probably!". Everyone stood up and headed off to their cabins. 
Vernon walked with you still laughing "Joshua, then Hoshi and now Mingyu. You had a good night Y/n". You chuckled "yeah..." and Vernon laughed seeing you so giddy "night Y/n". "Night Vernon, thanks for inviting me here!" and he laughed "no problem now take a glass of water to bed". You did as he said and got ready for bed. You’d gotten in your pyjamas, brushed your teeth, washed your face and were just getting into bed when the door went and Joshua appeared. "I forgot my shoes" he said pointing to them on the floor from earlier. You suspected he'd left them there on purpose and just nodded "yeah you did". "So you had a good time tonight?" Joshua asked. You nodded "yeah it was super fun". Joshua nodded "seems like you have your pick of guys around here...Hoshi, Mingyu...". He trailed off and you nodded "anyone else?". Joshua hesitated "what?". "Is there anyone I can have my pick of, you made it sound like the list was incomplete". Joshua smiled "why is there someone else you want?" coming closer. You shrugged "maybe and he's been flirting a lot with me, saying these really vague comments and then staring at me when I flirt with other guys but he's never actually done anything about it so..." you went to turn away nonchalantly when Joshua tugged you back around and kissed you. The kiss was passionate and heated, fuelled by the days flirting and the alcohol you'd both drank. "Is this obvious enough?" Joshua asked pausing. You nodded "yes" and Joshua smiled "but I think I can do better" and he swiftly picked you up and carried you over to the bed. He put you down and you immediately pulled him back in. You were both soon enjoying yourself a lot but Joshua couldn't help some teasing. "Sure you wouldn't prefer if it was Hoshi?". "No" you managed and he smiled "or Mingyu? Because he's so hot right? Especially in that wet suit". "You know it was only you that I was checking out all day so get back here". Joshua smirked at your tone "I quite like when you're bossy" and he did as you said. ******** You woke up the next day actually feeling pretty okay for the amount of alcohol you’d drank. You couldn't instantly remember the previous night but you remembered having lots of fun, doing shots and karaoke and then...Joshua! You shot awake and looked around your room but he wasn't there. You frowned a little upset he'd skipped out. Was he that eager to leave after? You went to the bathroom, cleaned your teeth and freshened up when you heard the door go. You came back out to find Joshua standing there looking confused with a plate of food. "There you are" he smiled spotting you "I got us some breakfast in bed but if you don't want to get back into bed...". You shook your head "no I'd love to...I just thought you'd skipped out". Joshua shook his head "Of course not" and got back into bed "trust me it was a struggle getting out even to make this". You blushed and got back in beside him.
You sat together and ate breakfast in a playful happy mood but there were a few unanswered questions hanging over you. "So last night" you said and Joshua nodded. He moved all the plates to the table and turned to you "I like you" he said simply "I was teasing you yesterday for some fun but I want to be honest and tell you I like you and want to date you". You paused "I...wait how did you know to tease me?". Joshua paused "I heard you telling Vernon you liked me". You gaped "how much did you hear?". "Everything" he grinned "I found it so hot hearing you say all those things and so I decided to gave some fun, I hope you're not mad". You shook your head "not at all, it was really fun seeing you like that. You're very attractive when you tease". Joshua smiled "I'll definitely keep it up then...so about that dating thing?". You smiled and kissed him softly "I'd love to". Joshua grinned pulling away after a while “perfect, do you want to spend the day together? I heard there’s a nice beach nearby”. You smiled “I’d love to” and set off together hand in hand. 
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mazzystar24 · 1 month
I hope I can ask you this because I don't want to ask in the tags, I'm scared 🥹 but I've seen a lot of discourse about why tommy isn't good for buck, he's cold, the relationship is toxic etc and I was wondering why people think that? Is there anything specific that started it?
I fully believe eddie is buck's true love, endgame, whatever we want to call it and I'm sad we don't have that (yet) but I thought bucktommy was kinda fun in the meantime. I just want to understand 🫶🏻
Oh hey darling! you were so sweet and genuine in your response so please know I’m just answering what I’m asked and if you wanna enjoy and have fun with bt that is completely your prerogative but I’m just offering my perspective on it
And i am warning you this is gonna be long because I feel a constant need to go really in depth in my thoughts
Okay so idk how I’m gonna break this down but maybe I’ll do it in like main points?
Also if you’re new here whenever I use bullet points I’m just doing it cos I find it easier to chunk up my thoughts not cos I’m being curt or anything with you
1. The chimney and hen begins episodes
He wasnt just passive in the episodes and letting Gerard get away with his racist and misogynistic behaviour he ACTIVELY participated in it
This includes:
• Asking if they forgot to tip the delivery guy WHILE THEY WERE EATING CHINESE FOOD when chimney first comes up despite the fact that 1. Chimney had a big ass lafd bag 2. They were probably already told a probie would be coming 3. Probably would’ve seen the actual delivery guy 4. I would bet my absolute life that question would not have been asked if buck or bobby had walked up those stairs this wasn’t an innocent comment it WAS RACIST intentionally like the entire point of the episode was to show how bad they had it
• the New York bitchiness comment
• throwing his tools down along for hen to clean up
• going out of his way to treat them like outcasts and hating chimney before he even knew him despite chimneys efforts
• the way each of them had to “earn his respect” in some way before he acted like a normal coworker to them and this was never in the typical ‘oh it’s a new person’ type of way it always had to do with their race or in hen’s case her gender too
A defence I see a lot for this is “oh he was closeted” and honestly to me that is such bullshit because 1. Eli was perfectly capable of not participating in the racism and taking chimney under his wing without getting any shit for it and chimney is quite literally a Korean man (something he literally can’t hide) and he had just got his head above water with Gerard’s racism when hen came and he STILL was a friend to her 2. Again tommy wasn’t passive in it and just letting Gerrard be racist (which would’ve been one thing) no he actively participated in it to be part of the boys club 3. Let’s say that somehow not being a dick would’ve meant that that was a threat to the closet he was in- that is still in my opinion a fucked up sense of preservation if you spare yourself the possibility of bigotry (despite having inherent social capital by being a white man in that job) by inflicting others to bigotry
Now when Tommy was first reintroduced I was like keeping an open mind and saying okay it’s been a lot of time and maybe he has genuinely made amends because I do believe in redemption but imo they have made no attempt to show us that and had him honestly put more of the blame on Gerrard for his behaviour or the writers flat out avoiding mentioning it to retcon tommy a little and hope we forget
Another defence I see is “oh chimney and hen became friends with him so they must’ve forgave him”, hen went no contact the moment he left (something the writers went out of their way to include that line) and chimney didn’t even invite him to his wedding which was quite big after the Buckley parents got involved so it’s not like it was cos it was such a small and intimate wedding and he only called him as far as we know in those years when he needed a favor, which all means that most likely they had kinda just put it behind them and kept up a coworker relationship with him, but no actual friendship or actual forgiveness or redemption had taken place
Oh wow all that was just point one and I can probably talk more on it but I’ll just leave it with saying that Lou’s comments about it being teasing or how Tommy genuinely didn’t know hen or chimney were capable etc just makes for a worse case than saying it’s cos of being in the closet (and that is genuinely a large part of why idk much abt Lou but those comments are enough to make me hate him) and I’ll also say that poc (myself included in that) have these situations so often- situations even as specific as gay men being racist to them to fit in - and we understand the nuance and shit to it but we also understand on a deep level how it feels to be on the other side of that
And getting toxic bt fans try to come up with ways to downplay or minimise racism honestly pisses me off so much cos believe you me we have heard every excuse and downplay under the sun and I for one am sick and tired of it
2. Why he’s viewed as cold and his jokes
• literally from the small parts we saw of him and Eddie hanging out we have seen the man is in fact capable of joking and being light and having fun but around buck in particular he’s like 🧍‍♂️😐 and the occasional 🙂 like it just feels very stiff and just plain in a way
• his humour consistently falls flat and feels passive aggressive more than anything like blunt or sardonic humour DOES work like I personally love it but it’s not being written OR executed right
A. It’s always in response to genuine moments or questions such as buck talking abt the award or the daddy kink joke or henren questioning him
B. It’s the the majority of what we see from him, there is not enough balance for it
C. Lack of rapport, when friends or couples make jokes that can come off the wrong way if said to anyone else it’s cos of the rapport built already, this rapport is not established with the characters OR with the audience for these jokes to come off right
D. I gotta say this one too but the execution just isn’t right from writing to acting, it’s the same reason sardonic humour lines from Sandra oh as Cristina Yang or hugh Laurie as house still lets you like the characters and find them funny but Tommys lines come off as annoying to a lot of people
3. I think fandom discourse probably has something to do with it but not in the way you think
I’m not saying like oh ppl who ship buddie just hate him cos of the ship no I’m saying that like what takes him from an annoying disliked character to a hated character is most likely the fact that his role stirred so much drama and caused so much damage to how the fandom used to be that its turned the dial up
4. A lot of his development, lore or redeemable factors or cute things are just not canon
This may be blunt and I am sorry for that but I think his character has been blown up to such a degree that it’s genuinely shocking
Like I look at posts or get sent hate and I’m like where did any of this happen this is just not canon this is just not a show like at times I’m genuinely convinced it’s a social experiment where different ppl saw a different show like some spiderman multiverse situation
Listen I’m all for headcanons genuinely like if you wanna take extra number three and make a whole backstory and lore and cute stuff abt her I’m all for it but it’s when it’s said as if it’s fact or canon that I’m like hold up a second rewind
I think this is kinda a result of Lou’s cameos (which honestly deserves its own post but you asked why the tommy hate so imma stay on topic) and also this like need to defend the character but not having much material to work with
Like if we look at canon we can literally break down the entirety of Tommys appearances this far in the show and what we learn about him:
• chimney begins- he makes a racist comment and he tries to suck up to Gerard, there is a little hint abt his gayness with the gf comment, Eli says to chimney that’s just how they are and tries to reason it could be fear of losing friends but we see tommy having friends in the firehouse while eli says this, chimney tries to make friends with him and tommy makes no attempt to get to know him and says he’d hate him anyways, chimney saves Tommys life thus earning his respect
• hen begins- she’s met with the same racism chimney is but also met with misogyny (and homophobia but that’s not relevant to the tommy of it all), we find out chimney is still isolated from the rest despite having earnt that respect, chimney befriends hen and again tommy still doesn’t try anything like that until hen proves herself and earns his respect, ppl reported Gerard but it’s never actually stated tommy was one of those ppl so again that’s not canon that’s speculated
• bobby begins- chimney and hen both seem to be like coworker friends with tommy and Sal, Sal throws hissy fit bobby “fires” him tommy says it’s an overreaction bobby reveals it was a transfer, they all seem to make nice, tommy leaves to 217
• chimney calls tommy for help and tommy helps
• we see nothing from tommy,then cruise ship he helps the team but also in this we find out hen cut off all contact since he left
• buck takes tour of harbour, Eddie and tommy have a friendship and we find out some of Tommys interests and that he was in the army, basketball scene and the subsequent apology and kiss
• dinner date, Tommy explains how he was in the closet, Buck has his little awkward moment (which will be elaborated on in my next point) , Tommy says nothing abt it till the Uber arrives and he leaves buck
• buck reaches out and apologises and asks for a second chance inviting tommy to the madney wedding
• bachelor party and the issue of the lack of costume and not just taking the day off for neither wedding nor bachelor party (which you can reason is reasonable but also I feel like this deserves its point for the narrative choices)
• tommy shows up straight outta work they kiss buck has the soot coming out award ceremony - buck being happy abt the reward to which tommy sardonically says enjoy it while it lasts enter bigoted cunt gerard then chimney comes and insults gerard and they walk away
• we don’t see tommy again till the dinner date after Bobby nearly died and when buck tries to explain Bobbys significance to his life tommy throws the your dad is still alive which is just honestly one of his worst moments imo and I made a whole post abt it but can’t find it and then we all know the rest of that convo and I could make a bullet point for it but actually I made a whole post before so I’ll link it: here
Like all this comes down to what maybe like 30 mins screentime? If that?
5. The leaving buck on their first date
The defences people use for this are:
• buck was trying to shove him back in the closet
• buck was obviously not ready
• people angry abt this are just babying buck like he can find his own way home it’s not that big of a deal
• buck was at fault there and tommy would’ve been justified in being angry and not giving him a second chance
And honestly every last one of these are bullshit imo and lemme go point by point
• buck panicked, I don’t think that what buck was feeling in that moment can be properly described because unless you’re a queer person and you’ve experienced that like bone deep panic that like brain overload then you won’t get it
Like one it’s his first queer date
Two he doesn’t even understand his own sexuality atp
Three his closest friend just walked in in a situation that’s already putting him on edge
So he’s not only panicking he’s not understanding why he’s panicking he’s trying to make excuses eventhough part of him knows he doesn’t need one but also he doesn’t even understand this side of himself yet so he doesn’t want to have to potentially explain it
Like it’s a million things and a million emotions and no one can claim they would behave rationally or appropriately in that situation and if you say that you would you’re lying simple as that
Also then we find out that Eddie thought tommy was straight anyways
• the reason I love the buddie coming out scene is because of Eddie’s “and what do you think” line because it’s not up to tommy or anyone else whether a person is “ready” enough in their queerness to date. Full stop.
Also tommy knew it was Buck’s first date with a man and was still down so why is he using that as some sort of out
•it’s not about babying buck and it’s not about him finding his own way home it’s the fact that Tommy could’ve done it with much more grace and he could’ve been a lot nicer with it but he wasn’t, and this is again bucks first date with a man even if it doesn’t end with a second date it should at the very least not end up with him feeling like a screw up on the side of the road
• to the ppl who say that- kindly shut up cos again see the first point but also I wanna point out that somehow the ppl saying this are also the same ones saying that Tommy was justified to be RACIST for a prolonged period of time due to being in the closet yet Buck what? Panicking for a few seconds and being a little awkward? is somehow this giant inexcusable thing
5. The narrative choices with him have been reasonably clear and tbh if they had been made with a woman it would not be up for debate:
• tommy leaves buck on their first date then he comes back and gives buck a chance- we as a fandom have been unanimous in saying for years that Buck’s endgame would be the one that doesn’t leave him cos this pattern has been something we saw over and over with him
• tommy not dressing up- again you can rationalise it but it’s a narrative choice and it’s glaring when contrasted with Eddie suggesting the duo costume
And if we had this scene with Taylor so many ppl would be saying that it’s once again showing that her and Buck’s personalities don’t align
• him being on standby for the wedding and bachelor party- again you can say oh buck invited him last minute or oh he couldn’t taken the day off (which lbr he could’ve he’s not the only firefighter pilot in la) - but again narrative choice
If it was Taylor everyone would’ve been like SEE? Again they’re showing the audience that her work is this looming presence in their relationship
Anyway I’m gonna shut up now cos this is A LOT
I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond tho and sending flowers in apology💐💐💐💐💐💐
Love ya for being so genuine when asking and hope all this didn’t come off too strong and that it was idk helpful?🫶🫶
I realise my response is abt to have toxic bt fans scurry to my inbox like rats to send hate and to that I say go fuck yourselves I’m responding to a question here
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auyuyu006 · 8 months
Johnshi HCs
I'm sorry most of these aren't explicitly romantic I just have so many HCs about the two of them it's driving me crazy.
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Johnny holds Kenshi by the waist, Kenshi holds Johnny by the shoulder or the bicep. After some time Kenshi starts to go for his hand instead.
Johnny is on his phone all of the time. Kenshi will either avoid the internet for a week or plays chess on the computer at the kitchen table for a day straight without talking to anyone (secretly uses Sento for this).
Kenshi has good spirits (literally) when it comes to his blindness, but can get very defensive when others pity him for it. Johnny is the only other person he will let touch his blindfold, take it off, or wash it.
Kenshi doesn't love the name "Johnny Cage" and thinks that "John Carlton" suits him. Johnny thinks that it sounds like an "old man's name"
Kenshi would visit Johnny on set sometimes but not say or do anything but sit in the background and watch him in silence until he was done.
Speaking of that- Kenshi had a good time filming in Outworld for Johnny's movie (made him feel like an action hero), but absolutely refused to watch the parts he was in.
Kenshi thought Johnny's movies were mostly cheesy before and after meeting him. However, he ended up rewatching all of them and got excited when there was news he got cast for a new one (before they started to officially date).
Johnny was a pretty good student growing up who made A's and B's as per expectations of his parents but hated school because he got picked on. He got into a decent university where he ended up falling in love with physics. He accidentally became famous around the time he was 20 (maybe he got street casted and went viral?) and had to balance acting with school to get his pHD. He is that school's most famous alumni.
Kenshi was mostly homeschooled by his parents and did not show much attention in academics in his youth due to his intense upbringing in the yakuza. This is something that he regrets but accepts that it wasn't really his choice to begin with. However he is quite knowledgable, knows broadly about history and literature, and can speak multiple languages (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, English, Spanish). He also learns braille relatively fast after losing eyesight.
Kenshi thinks it's so hot that Johnny has a pHD but also thinks its so strange he doesn't do anything with it. (It's a backup plan so he can write textbooks if his career tanks)
Johnny is great at drawing due to it being a hobby growing up stemming from him being a major comic book fan. Kenshi isn't very artistic however used to be able to do mediocre calligraphy (a skill he learned from his parents) before he became blind.
Kenshi breaking into Cage Mansion the second Cris left was admittedly pretty awkward for him (but he was too distracted by Sento to rly care).
Kenshi tries to not let it get to him, but he is saddened by the fact he cannot read properly anymore. Johnny tries to support him by buying him every audiobook in every language he understands. Kenshi will sometimes ask Johnny to read to him mostly because he loves the sound of his voice.
At first, Kenshi tried to get Sento to help him with daily tasks (cooking, cleaning, etc.), but after talking to Kuai Liang he tries not to rely on Sento on anything non-kombat related.
Kenshi has a slight lisp (I'm sorryyyy this isn't rly a hc but you can hear it in his intro dialogues he still sounds like a badass tho i think it's super cute thank god for Vic Chao)
Johnny makes their home a "smart home" a.k.a 30 Alexas in every room of their place, and a Samsung fridge he can live tweet from while making green juice.
Kenshi sometimes used to drive with Sento in the back seat and got arrested for it one time. Now he gets told off by Johnny for it every time he tries it again.
Kenshi will only drink milky coffee (lattes, cappuccinos, etc.) and prefers tea. Johnny hates coffee and tea and pounds red bull in the morning.
Kenshi used to care a lot about his personal style and mostly only wore suits and dress attire. After losing his eyesight, he didn't care as much anymore and just focused on wearing things that were comfortable (sweatpants, sweaters)
Johnny buys Kenshi soft fluffy things to wear all the time. Kenshi always says it's unnecessary but ends up wearing it anyway.
In MK1 Johnny is 32, and Kenshi is 39 (I like the idea of Kenshi being old it just makes sense to me). It both amuses and horrifies Kenshi that he's dating a white man 7 yrs his junior.
Johnny calls him "old man Takahashi" and Kenshi just goes along with it and says "get off my lawn you punk" or something LOL
I think Kenshi was more of the brawny "tough guy" of the yakuza than the suave, seductive type. He has more of an awkward and stony personality. And the fact that he was desperate to get out makes me think he wouldn't entertain the "flirty" role of the job. (a.k.a Kenshi is BAD at flirting unlike a certain someone)
Johnny sometimes helps Kenshis clunky azz samurai gear on before he engages in kombat. Johnny is also the reason Kenshi sometimes gives up and just wears a suit.
Kenshi shops like an old Asian dad. LOVES Costco, will eat all of the samples. Will buy everything on sale even if he doesn't need it. Will not take Johnny with him because his megastardom ruins the peace of being unrecognized. Has taken Raiden with him though. Will use Johnny's credit card. Johnny is dismayed that he hasn't taken a liking to Erewhon and Whole Foods
When Johnny isn't there with him at night Kenshi will play his movies and fall asleep to the sound of his voice
Kenshi will have sex with the blindfold on. He will fall asleep next to Johnny with it off.
Kenshi doesn't like sleeping with the blindfold on, but was worried it would scare or disgust Johnny in some way. It doesn't and it never did. In fact, Johnny appreciates the intimacy that it creates.
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gyuvision · 8 months
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goodnight ricky
wc ; 1k - pairing ; ricky shen x fem reader
summary ; before your roommate left she promised she’d find you a replacement. 3 years later she never did, until now, leaving you as confused as ever while you looked at the 6ft male sitting in your room.
contains -> fluff/slight angst
you came back late, having class at a top (and painfully competitive) med school plus the late shift at the local coffee shop. you were tired especially during exams. all you wanted was to stay in your bed and read a book, or sleep for the rest of the night. however you pleased.
so naturally being that exhausted you were absolutely not expecting the man sitting in your desk, drawing towards the conclusion that you were hallucinating and that maybe sleep sounded like a better idea than a book.
“someone told me to wait for you here”
“you know, your roommate?”
oh. right.
your roommate was your best friend. you were inseparable, shared the same dreams, got into the same college together.
but everything changed. she got a boyfriend, and suddenly your future wasn’t as intertwined as you originally planned it to be.
they broke up and she realized she wasn’t sure what she wanted. everything about her had changed and your schedule almost never lined up because of how many times she changed it for her ex.
so, she cut ties, peacefully. she explained she no longer wanted the same thing as you and left but promised to visit soon and that she’d find someone to take her place because she knew how much you hated being on your own.
guess that explained why the man (who you later knew as shen quanrui) was waiting for you, in the same spot she always waited for you to come home.
“its been.. 2 years since she left. how could you have found me when she couldn’t even shoot a text?”
“unbeknownst you, you mean a great deal to her more than you seem to think you do. i was her partner in art school before we had graduated, and she sent me here. she knows how you are, with your life plan laid out in front of you, for you. she knows you’d still live here even after almost 3 years. she knows you’d end up getting into med school after college. you’re not that unpredictable jung y/n.”
“so i’ve been prepared all my life, and what about it? i don’t march towards things without a plan. and how could you address me by my full name when i don’t even know yours?”
“shen quanrui.”
“shim what?” “shen. quan. rui. shen quanrui. its not that hard.”
“so you’re not korean?” “obviously not. i’m chinese.”
“can you say your name one more time?”
“my god. you can just call me ricky.”
“lovelicky.” “what?” “nothing.”
“i brought back food. it was supposed to be a snack for me but i guess you can have it now that i know i’ll be accommodating for two from this point on.”
“thanks. but uh- can we just go to sleep?” ricky asked, moving from your desk to sit on your twin bed.
“what? this is a two person flat. go sleep in her old room.”
“uh- i would, assuming she left behind her bed. but you kind of boarded up her room and i’m not looking to take it down at midnight on a thursday.”
“oh. i guess you’re right. i forgot about that. i just never assumed she’d actually send someone to me so i didn’t want to look at everything she left behind.”
ricky shrugged and laid down on one side of your bed, while he let you climb into the side touching the wall. since when was he wearing pajamas?..
“isnt this weird?” you muttered.
“not really.”
“i just met you.”
“your couch looks stiff as fuck and i’m not sleeping on the floor.”
right. you had a couch.. maybe med school is taking a toll on your memory. you feel like your frontal lobe is deteriorating.
ricky watched as you reached for a book, before he quickly grabbed your hand and set it back down on the shelf above the bed.
“no. sleep. you have school then the night shift at the cafe.”
“how did you-” “you leave your schedule framed on your fridge.” “right..”
“goodnight y/n.”
“okay. goodnight ricky.”
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elliecuteckothes · 6 months
Let's discuss kayden x kartein.
Imo this ship makes totally sense
1. Both don't have any love interest
2. They are always together.
3. Cmon dont tell me that u guys believe that he is staying only for Jiwoo??? The man literally picked up the phone and even came there for Kayden. He literally rejected every offer but accepted Kaydens. He literally said " lets go home" HDKSJ. Also Kayden was totally certain that Kartein could heal Jiwoo.
Also when Kayden was fighting the evil guy, Kartein was protecting the students. Kayden gave Jiwoo to him in princess style.
Also let's talk ab this, Kartein, the guy known for rejecting everyone, is there everytime when Kayden goes in a fight.
Let's also talk ab how he wanted to sacrifice himself. And Kayden knew smth was wrong.
4. Their designs are literally the ying and the yang. Kartein=light, kayden= darkness.
5. The way Kayden looks at him.
6. The dynamic w Jiwoo. It literally looks like a family. Kartein with his soft colors and his "feminine" beauty and healing magic is seen as the mom. Kayden is seen as the Dad who trains the kid.
7. Also, trust me, Ive read a lot of korean/chinese novels of all types. What was similar in the bl types is that they are both beautiful amd have a beauty that cant be compared to the other guys. Look at them!!! They are the only guys w unparalleled beauty. Also, generally instructors in korean typically make comments ab girls and stuff, but all Kayden cares ab is fighting lmao.
Also when Kayden went to save Kartein, he got really angry when the evil guy said that Kartein had to stay there. And let's talk ab Kartein, he literally used his last bit of energy to heal Kayden and trusted him w his life. AND THEN WHEN KAYDEN CARRIED HIM.
Tbh we have been getting a lot of kayden x kartein material recently.
"Lead the way Kayden"
This is so out of a bl novel like wtffff
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wooahaes · 1 year
taste of love
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pairing: non-idol!jun x gn!reader
genre: fluff! very slight angst via mentions of homesickness + jun & reader working a lot, but it’s very minor. [jun runs a restaurant. reader is coworkers w vocal unit.]
word count: 7.0k~
warnings: reader is a foreigner, but its left completely ambiguous where they’re from. depictions of illness (w jun caring for reader). many food mentions (the topic is just food as a love language). usage of terms of endearment (honey, baby, love), primarily by jun.
daisy’s notes:
food is my favorite love language between ppl.
han voice you eat you EAT!!!
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The first time you met Wen Junhui was through a friend while you were feeling homesick.
Your coworkers knew a few things about you. The most glaring fact was that you were a foreigner (your Korean gave you away with ease every single time, although your coworker, Joshua, told you that you were improving well). And with that fact came the next one: you were always homesick when it came to major holidays. Both ones from your home country and in Korea, because it meant you sometimes got to witness firsthand the cozy joy of being with one’s family again. While you did make the occasional trip home, you mainly missed out on things. Sure, you sometimes celebrated on your own, but overall...
You missed home. No matter what dish you made, it couldn’t fully replace the feeling of community. The closest you’d ever come to it was when Joshua, missing the U.S. and his mom a little more than usual, came over and shared a meal with you. It wouldn’t be the same as sitting down with your family at their home, but it was a meal shared nonetheless.
So when Joshua, acutely aware of your recent bout of homesickness, told you to come with him... You weren’t really going to say no. He’d invited Jeonghan along, too, while the rest of your coworkers were too busy with their own lives to tag along. Joshua hadn’t told you where exactly you were going--only asking if you wanted to go out to dinner with him and Jeonghan--but you trusted him. He wouldn’t screw you over with anything... plus the idea of a meal with the two of them also felt nice.
He’d brought you to a little Chinese restaurant that still looked new. And when you said little, you meant it. There were only a few tables inside and outside, all crammed together in a situation that made you glad you weren’t claustrophobic. A thin young man who Jeonghan warmly greeted brought the three of you to a table closest to the kitchen, handed a single menu over to Joshua (who had offered to pay ahead of time as a treat to you... and Jeonghan, who had teased him about it on the bus ride over since Joshua was the one who invited you both). Joshua had leaned over a little to let you look as he rattled off various foods, your server (Minghao, you soon learned) jotting each one down.
“And, uh,” Joshua looked up, smiling that pretty smile at Minghao, “if Jun’s here... Let him know we’re here.”
Minghao had looked over to you for barely a second before disappearing into the back, paper in hand and menu tucked underneath his arm. The next time you saw him, he’d been heading past with a tray in one hand, calling over his shoulder that the three of you would have to wait until things quieted down a bit more.
“Which means after our food is done,” Jeonghan said after taking a glance around the restaurant. There were a few other people around--two young men sitting outside, another pair of three inside at another table. For a moment, you swore you recognized one of those three as Seungkwan.
And, Jeonghan being Jeonghan, raised his voice, “Seungkwan-ah!”
Which immediately made him nearly drop his chopsticks, turning around to see the three of you. You only had to wonder if Jeonghan would have done that had there been more people in the restaurant. You, and Seungkwan most likely, would hope not... but Jeonghan found entertainment in one way or another.
Seungkwan had merely nodded to the three of you politely before turning back to his conversation, ears bright red from embarrassment. You could see Minghao hiding a smile as he set dish after dish onto their table, before disappearing out the open front door for a moment. You could understand why when you saw him looking around for a moment, adjusting his collar and taking a deep breath: you’d started sweltering in your thick jacket within minutes of walking in.
Not that you were complaining: it was cold outside. If the restaurant itself was this warm and cozy, you could only hope that the food brought the same feeling.
“So... Who’s Jun?” You finally asked, breaking into the conversation that Joshua and Jeonghan had been having.
Jeonghan had merely smiled, and you realized that he, too, must know this mystery man Joshua wanted you to meet. “The owner,” he said. “He opened up a few months ago. Joshua and I came here after Seokmin was spreading the news about it. He’s Minghao’s roommate,” he said with a nod toward the server, who was already heading back into the kitchen. 
“Jihoon actually came here and said the food was good, so we decided to check it out,” Joshua said, rolling his sleeves up. “It’s usually this quiet during the week. The weekends are way busier, apparently.”
You nodded along, listening as Jeonghan brought up the time they met Jun--the last time they came, just the week before. Technically, they’d met him a few times before, but last time was the first time they had had a proper conversation with him.
“And you think I should meet him because...?”
“I never said that,” Joshua had said, but it was clear you’d caught him in whatever he was planning. “You’ll like him.”
When your food was brought out, it wasn’t Minghao who did it. Instead was the man himself, Wen Junhui, who stood tall over your table as he carefully set dish after dish upon your table. He’d introduced himself to you after politely greeting Joshua and Jeonghan.
“This is the person we wanted you to meet,” Jeonghan said, clearly not caring a bit about keeping that a secret. “The one from abroad?”
Jun had met your gaze a moment later, nodding--as if everything about you didn’t scream foreigner (again, your lackluster Korean alone seemed to be the biggest sign that you didn’t belong). “It’s nice to meet you,” he said. “Joshua said you’ve cooked for him before?”
Something about the genuine way he lit up at the idea made your face warm. “Once,” you said. “I was feeling homesick so we had a meal together.”
He had smiled at you, and it did nothing but make your cheeks burn hotter. “I understand,” he said, glancing up for a moment to make sure no one was coming. Minghao had gone to deal with the two men outside. Jun pulled over an empty chair, sitting down for a moment. “Food can help with the homesickness,” he had sounded a little wistful. “I used to cook meals for my housemates when I first came here. When I met Minghao, I invited him to meals, too.”
“Is that why you opened this restaurant?”
Jun had smiled, gaze not quite meeting your eyes for a moment as he nodded. “It helps me feel at home,” he said, “and it makes me happy when people are enjoying a good meal.”
Something about the sentiment resonated with you. It was like calling food its own love language. “I see,” you hummed. “It’s your way of taking care of people.” It’s your way of loving people, too, isn’t it? But that felt too bold to say, so you swallowed your words.
Jun had smiled warmly at you before thanking the three of you for coming, which had made you smile in return, and he soon returned to the kitchens. You almost didn’t notice the shared look between Jeonghan and Joshua before the three of you began to eat.
Sure enough, everyone had been right: everything you ate was beyond delicious. At first, you had wondered if you were that hungry that everything was even better than it tasted... but then you realized it. Jun cooked with love, and knowing about that passion made everything better than you could ever dream. Every flavor seemed amplified through the love of one man (and whatever staff he had back there, because you were sure you could hear other people working as well), and it left you speechless.
“Is it good?” Joshua had teased you with this smile, as if he knew something you didn’t. “We’ll have to come back sometime.”
You would. Maybe on your own one day, or maybe with a few other friends if you had the free time.
Yet you’d heard your name when the three of you were leaving, meal paid for and stomachs full. You’d stopped along with the others, turning back with the worry that you had left something behind. Instead it was Jun, clutching an order ticket that he held out to you.
“You should call me sometime,” he said, eyes twinkling as he smiled at you. “Maybe... We could eat together sometime.”
You’d cracked a smile at how cute he was, accepting the paper with a nod. “Okay,” you could feel your heart racing now, giddiness taking over the nerves you’d had moments before. “I’ll call you, then.”
Joshua and Jeonghan had lingered back for a moment as you continued ahead once Jun took a few steps back, before retreating to his restaurant. And while you were staring down at his number, the two high-fived quietly behind you over their success.
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The second time you had a meal at the courtesy of one Wen Junhui, it wasn’t his own cooking. He’d apologized to you for that, but it was Monday, and the restaurant was closed... and he’d been really, really cute when he asked if you wanted to get dinner with him. He’d waited for you outside your office building, sitting on a bench while dressed warmly. You’d ignored the knowing look that Joshua had sent your way while he was reminding you to thank him at your wedding one day, and hurried off to meet Jun.
“There’s a small place not far from here that has nice noodles,” he told you, tugging his coat closer to himself. “They’re good when it’s cold out.”
Spicy noodles sounded like heaven. You swore your fingers were already going numb, your pair of gloves lost somewhere inside your apartment. Jun had glanced down to see the way you were rubbing your hands together.
“Can I...?” He grew flustered, looking away from you for a moment. “Ah, nevermind--”
“You can,” you said, hoping you understood what he wanted to ask. He looked up, a small smile crossing his lips, hope in his eyes. “If you want.”
Jun had carefully taken your bare hand in his gloved one, enclosing it around to keep it warm. With a gentle tug, he started off in the direction of the restaurant. You tucked your other hand into your coat pocket, and smiled a little at how he held onto your hand. He had tethered you to him through the crowd, and something about the entire ordeal made you feel... safer. You’d only texted (and called once or twice) with Jun up until now, a week after your meal at his restaurant, and yet he seemed to ooze this energy that said, loud and clear, that you would be safe with him.
(You also attributed that to Joshua and Jeonghan: you were sure they wouldn’t introduce you to someone who would harm you. Not intentionally, at least, but Jun seemed kind in every message he sent to you.)
The older man who owned the shop seemed to recognize Jun immediately, speaking kindly to him. Jun introduced you as a friend (although your still connected hands likely implied something more could be coming), and the two of you took the corner table of the tiny restaurant. You put your faith in Jun to pick something delicious for the two of you to eat, and soon enough you were greeted with two bowls of spicy rice noodles.
“I came here to study,” he had told you while you ate. “I’ve wanted to travel for a while, but I wasn’t sure about studying until I met a few friends online when I was younger. They pushed me to study abroad, actually.”
You looked up from your noodles. “What about your family?”
“My parents supported me,” he said. “My mom and I call a lot even now. Sometimes they come visit. The last time they came was when I opened the restaurant, actually.”
With a nod, you continued to eat your food after murmuring a quiet “They sound lovely.”
He’d smiled at that, and it warmed you far more than the spices did.”They do. It was hard being away from them, but my friends helped. Soonyoung actually brought me here when I was homesick once, and it’s become one of my favorite places to come. The owner is nice, too,” he said, smiling at the man as he caught his eye. “I like how people show care for one another through food.”
The sentiment made you smile: it comforted you, too. “I get what you mean,” you had said. “It’s like asking if someone had eaten yet and making a meal for them if they hadn’t.”
“Taking someone out to eat for a date is, too,” his eyes lit up, “you can bond over a nice meal.”
So you decided to be a little bold where you’d shied away before, during your first meeting. “Is this a date?”
He nearly dropped his chopsticks at the sudden question, as if he hadn’t hinted at it himself. His eyes went wide, face growing warmer and redder at your question. “Do you want it to be?”
You nodded, voice lost in your own nerves at how endearing one man could be. Was this what it was like to have someone understand you? You hoped it was.
“Good,” he said with this bashful smile, and he looked as though he felt just as fluttery as you did. “I was hoping it was.” The sentiment of I already like you interlaced every word, and it only made your heart race a little more.
Good, you had thought to yourself. I already like you, too.
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The next several meals were things you shared together as your relationship began to root itself deeper and deeper. Food became your go-to with Jun when he wasn’t busy with his own work, and you were happy for it. Sometimes the two of you would just explore the city aimlessly when you were free, and try a new place together. It wasn’t all good, unfortunately, but the two of you could appreciate a shared experience. It wasn’t long after that that you pushed Jun to become your workout buddy, just to keep each other motivated (and maybe it was cute to see him flustered whenever he helped you stretch). Sometimes the two of you would only meet up to grab dessert together after his busy work days, other times you’d be able to meet up for dinner. Rarely lunches, but those were smaller dates between the two of you.
Two months into taking things slow with him (technically only a month of officially dating), you’d invited him to your place for nothing but a meal together. This time, you wanted to cook him something that you used to eat at home. It’d been a little frustrating to track down certain ingredients, but showing Jun more of yourself and the things that made you you was worth it. If nothing else, it was worth it to see the stars in his eyes.
Except you ended up having to work a little later than you usually did, and then realized you’d forgotten a pretty major ingredient so you ran back to the store. And now Jun was standing inside your apartment, minutes after you came back home, taking in the sight of it as he was removing his coat.
“I’m really, really sorry,” you had apologized a thousand times over. “I meant to be mostly done by now, and I haven’t even started, and--”
“It’s okay,” Jun said to you, coat carefully folded over your couch. “Life happens. You don’t have to apologize for that.”
Sometimes you wondered if he was secretly an angel in disguise. “Okay,” you said after taking a deep breath, centering yourself with the long exhale. “Just... sit down and let me cook for you this time, okay?”
Jun had nodded, making himself comfortable on your couch. It wasn’t until after you’d washed the necessary ingredients and begun chopping that he drifted back into your kitchen, watching you for a moment.
“Can I help?”
You shook your head. He was your guest. He didn’t need to worry about this. The fact he was asking almost made you apologize again: you weren’t as adept a chef as he was, and you were probably taking too long, and--
“Please?” He asked, pushing a little bit more. “I want to understand this more because it’s important to you. If you don’t want me to help, that’s okay, but... Can you tell me more about it?”
Oh. You’d floundered a little at how... genuine Jun was, and, instead of answering him, started looking for the spare apron you kept around. He’d let you tie the back for him, and looked at you with a smile as you found the spare cutting board. Maybe later you’d tell him you only had extra things because you used to cook with Joshua--sometimes things he grew up with, sometimes things you did--just to combat the homesickness a little and that it used to comfort you a lot. He wouldn’t be jealous (if anything, you could see Jun thanking Joshua for taking care of you as your friend--he was warm like that), but you’d rather focus on the new memories you’d be creating with Jun.
So you set something in front of him, told him how to cut it, and started talking about your childhood. This dish was something that your dad used to make for you when you were tiny, and it used to be your favorite thing in the entire world. You’d grown a lot since then, but there was something so comforting about revisiting this as an adult.
“It’s like... I can appreciate it better,” you said, “now that I know the hard work that goes into it.” Your voice had wavered a little, “it makes me miss home sometimes, but that’s okay. It just reminds me that I was loved.”
Jun had paused for a moment, just watching you with this fond smile. It made you realize that... for one reason or another, you hadn’t kissed Jun.
All you had asked him for was to take things slow, and he had happily agreed for your comfort without asking why (although you later heard from Joshua that Jun put a thousand hearts after your name because Jun apparently was that kind of person). Cheek kisses and forehead kisses were definitely okay with you (you liked the little smile Jun gave you after he did either), but lips felt... a little intimate for someone you were still so new to. This felt intimate, too: cooking together in your home, talking about home. And Jun could see the way you were looking at him, the way your eyes dripped down to his lips for barely a second. You began to lean in, and he met you there, lips soft against your own.
It was slow and gentle, and you could feel the curve of his smile. Kissing Jun, you decided, felt like a dream you didn’t want to wake up from. But he pulled away after what felt like a sugary sweet eternity, and you could see those pretty stars in his eyes as you were certain he felt what you did: that the two of you were falling a little more, a little harder, for one another.
And now this dish held a little more meaning. You felt your face grow warmer as you drew away, an apology dying on your lips as his love-filled look sent you spiraling into a warm whirlpool of emotions that you were certain you’d be okay with drowning in. If it meant Jun would kiss you again to bring you back, then maybe you would. 
The fond look on his face almost made you go in for another kiss. But your stomach growled, and he laughed so warmly as he gently scolded you when you admitted you’d barely eaten lunch today... so you decided you could always just kiss him again later.
(And you did. You walked him to the bus stop and kissed him before he left. It was that night that he started to sign off his texts with a red heart and a love-filled request for you to dream of him.)
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Four months into your official relationship, you came down with a stomach bug. Normally, you’d power through it after taking whatever over-the-counter medicine you needed to, but this time you’d been sick enough to take off work for the rest of the week. Joshua had been kind enough to come by at lunch to drop off a bag of things that you’d asked for, only signaling to you that he was there with a few loud knocks at your door (bless him: he was an angel for doing that). He’d waved at you from a safe distance down your hall, lingering back just to make sure that you got the delivery, and called out for you to rest well and let him know if you needed anything else. You’d downed some medicine, put away the things you needed to, and collapsed back onto your couch to sleep things off.
It was Friday (day three of shitty sickness) when you relented and gave Jun the code to your apartment. You’d already seen a doctor and were on proper medicine starting yesterday (thank you to Joshua, again, who’d gone with you while Jun was busy with work... and because you hadn’t told Jun how sick you were), but Jun had insisted on coming to check in you. Maybe you were starting to be thankful for it: you’d collapsed back onto the couch, stomach cramping again. You thought you were feeling fine, truly, and that you’d be okay enough to make some scrambled eggs instead of reheating the last of the soup Joshua had brought you. Yet you hadn’t gotten that far, instead shoving the carton of eggs back into the fridge before retreating back to your couch. You’d curled up and drifted in and out of sleep for several hours until the sound of your apartment door getting unlocked, the melodic chime only making your head hurt a little more, woke you up. Jun had set down the bag of groceries he had in your kitchen before returning to you, slowly kneeling down to check on you.
He pulled down his mask for a moment, a look of pity on his face. “Oh, love...” Then he leaned forward, lips pressing to your forehead for a gentle kiss. Yet he lingered there, gauging your temperature. You were still running a slight fever and you knew it. He drew back, fixing his mask back into place as he watched you with concern. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“Didn’t wanna--” You shifted a little, pushing at your blanket as suddenly you felt warmer than before. “Didn’t wanna bother you, Junnie...”
You knew what he was going to say. He cupped your cheek, “I’m your boyfriend,” he said gently. “It’s okay to call on me.”
As much as you loved him, you could only let out a whine. You buried your face back into your sleeve. It was too bright here, too. “Didn’t wanna get you sick.”
“I’ll be okay,” he said, pulling his hand away. “Have you eaten?”
You shook your head, face still buried in your sleeve. “Too weak.”
“Do I need to take you to the doctor again?” And when you shook your head, he frowned. “Have you taken medicine?”
“Makes me sick...”
Another frown, and Jun gently reached out to pat you on the head. “Where’s your medicine, honey?”
With your face still covered, you vaguely pointed toward your kitchen where you’d left the bottle yesterday night. You’d grabbed a glass of water to down the pills with and left them by the sink, and Jun found them with ease. He turned the bottle over in his fingers, reading the label. It didn’t say anything about having to take it with food, but Jun did a little searching online to see something about how sometimes that could lead to an upset stomach.
He sighed, breathing out a sad “ah, baby...” before noticing the little makeshift calendar on your refrigerator. It had the dates you were supposed to take your medicine, all with a little box to make sure you’d been taking it at 12:30 pm. Jun could recognize Joshua’s handwriting. He’d have to thank him again later for going with you yesterday. Joshua had called to say he walked you into your apartment and took care of a few things to lessen the load on you, but Jun didn’t know how far it went.
At least you had other people who could care for you when Jun couldn’t be there. A tiny blessing in life.
Jun nodded to himself as he checked the time: he had plenty of time to cook for you. He found a clean glass, filling it with ice and water before he returned to you. You’d pouted when he managed to get you to sit back up, coaxing you into taking a couple sips (which you would only do after you waved him back a few steps).
“Just rest, honey. It’s okay. I’ll take care of you,” he had said, reassuring you with a warm smile.
“But you have work--”
He chuckled a little at your pout. “I’m not the only one who cooks, honey. You know that.”
“But... I’m stealing you away...” You set the glass back down onto your coffee table (Jun would slip one of those kitty coasters he’d bought you under it once you dozed off), and curled back up. “Everyone should get to taste my Junnie’s food...”
Oh, how cute you could be without realizing it. Jun was sure it was the fever that made you not think so straight (even though he knows the healthy version of you swore his cooking was better than anyone else’s). He chuckled warmly, giving you a gentle pat on the head as he passed behind the couch to one of the windows of your apartment. The curtains were still drawn, but he pushed them aside long enough to unlatch them and open them to let some fresh air into the room. He shut the blinds of your little balcony doors, too, to darken the living room before he went to put himself to work. His parents had a soup recipe they taught him that he was certain would help you get better soon, and he could make plenty so that it’d last you a few days.
Even if he had to call his mom to make sure he was doing it right, just to be sure. She had called him out on the fact he’d made it plenty of times before, but it was different now: he needed it to be perfect for you.
(She told him he’d have to introduce you the next time she came in person. He promised her that he would.)
The soup had been done for a while when half past twelve finally came, and Jun had sat around to ensure that you rested more. He set a place for you at your dining table with care, and then woke you up. Despite your insistence, he guided you to your chair with a hand gently placed at the middle of your back. You’d insisted you were fine, even going so far as to scowling when he tried to feed you himself, that you weren’t that sick... yet the moment your hand shook a little, Jun was there to steady you.
He helped you back to bed once you’d finished your soup and taken your medicine, leaving you with another chaste kiss on the forehead. He could hear a complaint dying on your lips as he tucked you into bed, saying he’d be right there if you needed him and to just call out. He shut the door to your bedroom, and let out a long sigh.
Now he had to make arrangements. Whatever extra pay he could give to someone covering his shifts over the weekend, he’d figure it out for sure later but kept the promise in tact. He needed to be there for you to help you recover, he decided. When that was done, he turned his attention to making himself a bowl of soup while he reached out to Joshua. He asked if he (or anyone else who knew your address) could bring some vitamins for you, since he didn’t want to leave you in case you needed him. He said he’d arrange for something, and Jun was later met with the face of someone he recognized (Seungkwan--the one who always came to his restaurant with his two roommates). He’d said something about how he was the one who helped bring you home after a night of drinking, and that he always had extra vitamins in case of emergencies before realizing he was rambling. Seungkwan had passed the bag to him and wished you well before bowing and running off.
(Jun would pack his to-go container extra full next time he ordered something, free of charge. Just as thanks for helping him.)
Jun did the icky chores for you in the meantime: doing the dishes quietly so as to not disturb you, cleaning up the building up trash that you’d likely been too tired to do yourself, wiping down counters, doing the laundry... You’d probably whine at him later for going so far for you, but he’d humbly remind you that you would do the same (and more) if he was the one sick. This, in his mind, was the least he could do to ensure your focus stayed on resting and recovering. And at the end of the day, after he managed to get some broth into you since you didn’t feel like getting out of bed, Jun tucked himself into bed on your couch.
It was the next morning that you actually looked better. He could feel a warmth in his chest when you told him you were actually able to fully keep his soup down when other things hadn’t fully agreed with you. He liked to think it was the love that helped you heal.
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It was ten months into your relationship that Jun officially moved in with you. His roommate, Kwon Soonyoung, had made the decision to move in with his girlfriend since the two had been together for a little over a year and their lease was ending. He’d been stressing to you a bit while spending the night at your apartment that he wasn’t sure about finding a new roommate... so you’d shrugged and told him to come live with you, if he wanted. He had perked up, a little taken aback by the bold offer, and it led to you apologizing for bringing it up so soon.
“No, it’s okay,” he said. “I just don’t want you to feel rushed. If you’re ready and you want me to... I would love to.”
Which led into the moving process. Goodbye, just a drawer you reserved for him: you happily shifted things around so that Jun now shared both your dresser and your closet with you. You’d spent all of yesterday unpacking his things with him, and now you awoke with a giddy feeling when you turned over to see his sleeping face.
So you decided you’d celebrate this step in your relationship with breakfast for the two of you. Only for Jun to wake up halfway through, and finally come into the room. He’d been half-asleep as he drifted toward you, arms wrapping warmly around you as he pressed kiss after kiss into your neck and shoulders and jaw. It was distracting, sure, but you’d accept this kind of distraction any day.
His eyes fluttered shut, and you could feel the curve of his smile as he planted one last kiss against your neck. “I like this.”
“Me making you breakfast?” You had teased, shifting just enough that Jun could settle into your further.
“This,” he squeezed you a little. “Waking up with you. Seeing you in the morning...”
It wasn’t the first time he’d done that--both of you knew that--but... It did feel nicer now knowing that you’d come home to him, too. You gently patted one of his hands before going back to whisking eggs, casually running through your plans for the day. Grocery shopping, since you were running low on several things (these were the last of the eggs, you casually noted). He offered to go with you since he had time before he had to go into his restaurant and start prepping for the day, and you already liked the sound of that. The idea of doing domestic things with Jun made you happier already, even if plenty of them were things you’d done before.
The breakfast you shared together was the first of many in this new page of your lives, now thoroughly intertwined the same way that the two of you would be at the end of each day. Jun would happily kiss you with the sweet taste of grapefruit juice still lingering after breakfast, and wordlessly end up pushing a shirt toward you when you followed him to change (you insisted on putting the dishes up: he’d be doing the heavy lifting of the groceries, after all). Two white shirts and black jeans, just to ensure the two of you clearly matched.
You thought to yourself that you’d fallen in love with one of the cheesiest men... but you wouldn’t trade that for anything else. Wen Junhui was yours, through and through, just as much as you were his. 
Love would be stored in the snacks that you wordlessly bought because you knew he loved them. In the drinks that he placed into your cart without dropping the conversation, the flavors matching your own liking. In the way that the two of you already seemed to have dinner figured out (you would cook tonight, you told him, because you wanted to spoil him a little) and Jun casually picked your brain over ingredients. He would carry the bags home with you, and you would find places for each thing and take note of the things Jun had brought into your home. The cute mug with a cat painted onto it, the measuring spoons shaped like little whales that a friend had bought him...
There was an intimacy in Jun calling these things ‘ours’ now and you embraced it wholeheartedly, just as you would him every day if it meant living a happy life together.
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“Honey? It’s late...”
It felt rare for you to fall asleep before Jun climbed into bed with you, but maybe it made sense this time. A little past midnight, you’d found Jun standing in the kitchen with cooking chopsticks in hand. From the moment you opened the door, you could smell the spices from the packet, and the sight of a tired Jun wasn’t exactly foreign to you. He’d extended restaurant hours a little later into the night a month ago (a few weeks after your first anniversary of dating), and with that came him coming home more worn out. Yet there he stood as he cooked.
He looked up with a hum, and then turned back to the pot on the stove. “Sorry,” he said. “Did I wake you up coming in?”
You shook your head and made your way over to him, and he wordlessly wrapped an arm around you as you hugged his side. “Just felt sad,” you sighed, head resting against him. “I had leftovers in the fridge.”
“Oh, you did?” He paused, frowning. “I didn’t see them...”
“That’s okay,” you leaned forward to steal a quick peck. “Are you hungry? I can take over.”
“Ah--It’s okay,” he shook his head. “I’m not starving, just...”
Needed a little extra after today. You understood: he worked a lot. He was looking for new hires, too, to help take a little of the burden off of him. The restaurant was starting to get more popular, and he’d considered expanding a bit since the store next door had long since closed...
“Do you want some?” He asked after a moment. “I don’t think I can eat all of this alone.”
You nodded, and then settled back into him. Then a thought occurred to you. “Should I fry an egg? I don’t mind.”
“Do you want to?”
You had already moved toward the fridge to get the eggs out. Wordlessly, you stood side-by-side with Jun as you hummed to yourself. Jun had cut off the eye he was using and instead watched you as you fried a few eggs--enough the both of you would be happy and full once you had finished your shared meal. Soon enough, the two of you sat at the dinner table across from one another, the pot between you.
Jun had dipped his chopsticks into the pot before you could, cupping his hand under the noodles as he offered you the first bite. Even instant noodles seemed to taste better when they were made by him.
“How are things going?” You asked afterward, picking up your own set of chopsticks.
“Busy,” he sighed. “But that’s good.”
Busy was definitely good, at least. Some huge celebrity had promoted his restaurant for no reason other than to be kind, and, despite how busy it made your boyfriend, it was nice for the extra money to be coming in. The good reviews since have definitely helped a lot, too. Even still, you hated seeing Jun like this: wore out because he spent hours upon hours working.
He looked up after a moment. “How are you?” It feels like we don’t get to talk much now.
“I’m okay,” you shrugged. “I’ll probably be staying late this week with Joshua and the others. We’ve got something big coming up. It’s a secret, though.”
Jun paused as he was about to take a bite. “If you want me to send something for all of you--”
“You don’t have to,” you said. “I know it gets busy with the dinner rush.”
Jun laid a hand over your own. “I mean it,” he said. “Seokmin doesn’t mind making an extra delivery for you and the others.” Let me take care of you still.
You intertwined your fingers with his. “Okay. If I can bring you anything during work, just let me know and I’ll come to the back door, okay?” Only if I can take care of you, too.
He smiled. “Okay,” he affirmed. “I will.” Then a pause, his hand withdrawing to reach for the nearby paper towel you’d brought over. “Does it bother you? Us being like this?”
“What? Working?” You rested your head in your hand. “It’s only temporary, right?”
“Right, but--”
“I’d be okay with it even if it wasn’t,” you reassured him. “Your following your dream, Jun.”
“You’re my dream, too,” he said outright, and then paused as he realized what he’d spoken aloud. Even in the low light, you could see how his face must be burning hot. “I mean--”
“You’re my dream as well, Junnie,” you giggled. “We’re working on it, though. It’s okay if you’re busy right now: take care of the restaurant and yourself. I’ll be right here, cheering you on. That’s what we do for each other, right?”
“I love you.”
Something about the weight of it felt... different. He’d said it to you before, and yet it felt heavier now. A firm statement, a declaration, instead of just a loving phrase shared between the two of you. Jun would say it against your lips in sleepy kisses, or against your skin in intimate moments, and yet... This felt as though it was bigger than all of those times. He just sat across from you, looking far more awake than he did earlier, as if something about needing to say it now was enough to rouse him again. 
“I mean it,” he said, gentler this time. “I love you. I think... I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.”
You were careful as you leaned over the table, the lingering heat from the pot near nothing to you as you kissed him gently. “I love you, too,” you told him, words holding a newfound weight to them. One that you were happy to carry.
A pause. He stared at you for a moment, and then you could hear him softly laugh.
“We’re so sappy, aren’t we?” He watched as you settled back into your chair. “I mean it, though. Soonyoung used to talk about how he thought he met his soulmate in his girlfriend, and... I think I understand it now, too.” He reached for your hand after he pushed the pot aside, ramen only half-eaten at this point. “I think... There’s a string that connects me to you,” he said. “And I’m happy I found you.”
“Technically Joshua introduced us to each other,” you teased. “He told me to thank him at our wedding.”
Another laugh, oh-so-warm and full of nothing but love for you and your friends. “I guess I will,” he smiled. His gaze fell to the pot of ramen, to which he pulled back over. “Let’s finish this and go to bed, okay? I want to sleep in with you tomorrow.”
Thank god for lazy Saturdays. Even if Jun still had to go to work, you could stay in bed, cuddled up with him as long as the two of you wanted before he had to leave. 
The two of you finished off the ramen before leaving it in the sink to soak, a loose promise for one of you to wash it properly in the morning. With teeth brushed and faces washed, you and Jun curled back up into bed together, stealing sleepy kisses from one another as you found a cozy position to sleep in. His legs were intertwined with your own, your head cradled onto his chest so you could hear his heart beating, an arm securely wrapped around you...
Wen Junhui had become your home so easily. And you, happily, were his.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​ @wonuziex​ @synthetickitsune​ @wonderfulshinee​
432 notes · View notes
sammyhasspammy · 8 months
My BroZone Human Designs (+ Some Explanations!)
My post with my human AU!
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Their father was black while their mom was Hispanic. Obviously, Floyd ended up being the lightest of them and takes after their mom the most
They all know varying degrees of Spanish
Though they would change up their hairstyles sometimes during the performance, JD insisted they look as similar as they could since fans liked it, so they had "iconic" styles for the group. Those with 4c hair had high tops while Bruce and Floyd took this half-part style
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Age: 41
Languages: Fluent in English and Spanish
He ended up becoming the shortest of his brothers and it bothers him every day
You can hear his flip-flops flopping from a mile away and it drives Branch crazy
I think his hair got darker cause he tried to dye his hair after he found a few white hairs and ended up going too dark with it, but he kept it
Kept his high-top for sentimental reasons
Looks the most like their dad
OCD haver #1
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Age: 39
Languages: Fluent in English and Spanish, learning Portuguese (Brandy is Brazilian to me <3)
Hairy chest cause brandy likes it
Teaching all his kids Spanish he is not letting them forget their heritage
Usually was the one helping their grandma in the kitchen after their parents' death but was also interested in it before. Most of the recipes he makes now are still ones that are from his childhood
Also master mixologist... for trolls sized drinks. He tried to make drinks for island goers before, but turns out that making a drink that is basically twice your size is hard and inefficient, so he taught Brandy how to make them!
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Age 36
Languages: Fluent in English and Spanish. Learned French and Chinese as a hobby
Spoke to Viva in Spanish a LOT, especially during rough times when she was stressed and would start just rambling in Spanish. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be so fluent
When they were younger, people thought he was younger than Floyd because he was so tiny, but then he became the tallest
His hair got stained green while at the gold course, but once they left it he kept dying it green
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Age: 33
Languages: Fluent in English and Korean (Don't... don't ask), knows some Hindi, knows VERY little Spanish
JD was devastated to hear that Floyd had forgotten 90% of his Spanish
He had spent a few years with the rock trolls and was best friends with Barb for a while, that's where he learned Hindi (I headcanon her as Indian). When she was a teenager she also gave him an awful stick-and-poke on his back, not even Floyds brothers know about it
Went gray for a while in between leaving Brozone and joining the punk trolls, but I don't have a theory as to why yet
When they were younger, Floyd would straighten his hair in order to look more like Bruce in order for them to match. Bruce hated this but couldn't stop Floyd from doing it. Floyd is embarrassed by how poorly he straightened it before.
Very nice and/or low-tempered to most people, but he is ruthless when it comes to JD. Branch has heard Floyd yell the worst insults known to man to JD after being picked on by him, but it's their little way of communicating with each other and is, usually, affectionate. It's a cycle at this point. JD makes fun of Floyd, Floyd gets "pissed," then JD does it again cause he thinks it's funny
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Age: 21
Languages: Fluent in English, knows very little Korean and the most basic Spanish ever
JD was also devastated to hear about Branch not speaking Spanish
Doesn't remember shit about their parents. Every time his brothers reminisce on them he just stands there, confused
Also kept his high top for sentimental reasons, but after TBT he started experimenting a bit more
OCD haver #2
Extra Branch one (With banter, check ID for the banter in text if it's hard to read)
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: January 2024 ~ 
✨ Happy February!!! 🎭
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank In Hen - January 2nd (Japan) 
🌟 Ossan's Love Returns - January 5th (Japan) 
🌟 Refund Love - January 7th (Thailand) 
🌟 Time The Series - January 9th (Thailand) 
🌟 Intern in My Heart (BL side couple) - January 10th (Thailand) 
🌟 Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Although I Love You, and You) - January 11th (Japan) 
🌟 Beside You (mini series) - January 11th (Thailand) 
🌟 I Wish You Love - January 21st (Thailand) 
🌟 Happy Ending - January 23rd (South Korea)
🌟 Love for Love's Sake - January 24th (South Korea)
Monthly likes/dislikes
👎🏻 I've been catching up on some KBLs from last year this month and sadly most of them were very disappointing. I put a few on my watchlist that generally had good reviews but yeah let's just say I'm glad I didn't miss anything in the last 2 years lol. The only one I liked was Love Mate, the rest was pretty much pointless. Hopefully the upcoming ones will be better 🤞🏻
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Beating Again (dance-themed, starring Kaownah K., Earth K. and others) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Unknown - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 The Book Store - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Term Begins - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Mafia Prince and the Bookworm - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Black Forest - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Go Alone With Me - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Can I Love You? - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 The Shining Star - Date TBA (Vietnam)
🎥 At My Fingertips (Unintentional Love Story spinoff) - Coming May 2024 (South Korea)
🎥 Connecting To You - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 The Star (movie) - Coming March 2024 (Thailand)
🎥 What's the Nong? - Date TBA (Thailand)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ Actors Mike Chinnarat, Fluke Pusit, White Nawat, Pluem Purim and Lee Thanat have left GMMTV.
❗️ After Korean actor Choo Youngwoo won an award for "Best Rookie Actor" at the recent KBS Drama Awards, he came under fire for not mentioning his participation in the BL You Make Me Dance which launched his career and earned him the award.
❗️ Actors Jin Hoeun (All Of Us are Dead), Kwon Hyuk (The New Employee), Byun Junseo (Perfect Marriage Revenge) and Nam Yoonsu (Extracurricular) have been confirmed to star in the upcoming BL Love In The Big City, which portrays the life and love of an HIV-positive gay writer.
❗️ ZeeNunew and GeminiFourth won an award respectively for "Best Thai Artists" at this year's Seoul Music Awards.
❗️ The Chinese BL Stay with Me is getting an audiobook. The series furthermore recently confirmed its second season, further details are unknown.
❗️ Over a year after its initial premiere, the Thai BL To Sir, With Love won "Popular Foreign Drama” at this years's Vietnam Face Of The Year Awards.
❗️ The Thai BL Playboyy will no longer air on youtube after the suspension of the channel due to explicit sexual content. The show will continue to exclusively air on Gagaoolala, as well as RakutenTV.
❗️ Actors EarthMix had a cameo appearance in Ossan's Love Returns; they will star in the Thai adaption of the same name later this year. Details about the production are still unknown.
❗️ MileApo (KinnPorsche) were announced to star in the upcoming series Shine. The show is an extension/spinoff of Man Suang and focuses on Khem and Chatra's story in more detail.
Upcoming series & movies for February
👉🏻 Anti Reset - February 2nd (Taiwan)
👉🏻 Perfect Proposal - February 2nd (Japan)
👉🏻 City of Stars - February 2nd (Thailand)
👉🏻 Love Syndrome: The Beginning - February 8th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Baka Pwede pa? - February 9th (Philippines)
👉🏻 1000 Years Old - February 14th (Thailand)
👉🏻 My Strawberry Film - February 16th (Japan)
👉🏻 A Secret Love - February 17th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Unknown - February 24th (Taiwan)
👉🏻 Wedding Impossible - February 26th (South Korea)
👉🏻 Kiseki Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 - February TBA (Thailand)
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digitalstardust · 2 years
TFP Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee and Arcee with a human s/o that likes to sing
Hi everyone! I know that I said I would post Part 2 of Wildest Dreams this week, but I'm not sure when I would finish it since I have a TON of work to finish, so I'll see do I get around to finish it at all.
There are a couple of songs that I will mention and the links' below! There are some in Chinese and Korean, so if you want the translation you can search it up or ask me for them :)
Notes: Fluff, fluff, gender neutral reader
Optimus Prime
Optimus has a pretty nice voice so I would say he used to sing before the war.
He was relatively shocked to find out that you sang too.
He found out one day when you and the humans were having fun and goofing around. Miko was trying to sing a song in Mandarin and the kids were covering their ears due to the limited Mandarin words she could speak.
You took that as a chance and took over for her, not missing a single word and reaching every high note.
That left them speechless and left you with a very red face.
After that, he would silently with you would sing all the time.
You can't blame him, honestly, since he has a love for music too.
I think the music on Cybertron is quite different from Earth, so he would love to listen to you sing.
He doesn't care if you sing well or not, he just loves your voice.
His favorite song would probably be 'Something just like this' because it somewhat reminds him of the life he had when he was a clerk in the Iacon Hall of Records.
He would probably ask you to sing for him when he's feeling down.
He would also sing for you when you don't feel well or is feeling sad, and honestly that man has the voice of a god.
You are the only one he sings to, so don't abuse that privilege.
"I've been reading tales of old, the legends and the myths..."
This man... He is the complete opposite of Optimus Prime.
He would pretend he hates your singing because it 'disturbs him' but he actually looks forward to listening to your voice.
He discovered that you loved to sing when he heard you singing when working one day.
He grumbled and asked if you could stop because it was disrupting his work and when you didn't stop, he went over to see what was going on.
It turns out you had headphones in and couldn't hear him, still singing to whatever song you were singing to.
He secretly enjoyed your singing and was somewhat disappointed when you stopped.
But of course he said 'Thank Primus' or something along those lines.
He would pretend to hate your voice so much that you actually believed it and stopped singing.
Once he saw you crying in one of the vents (how did you get there?) and was surprised when you said you were crying because of how unconfident you felt whenever you sang.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that he was the reason you felt unconfident.
He immediately apologized and reassured you that you have a beautiful singing voice.
Honestly... That's just the way he is. A pretty nice guy pretending to be a jerk for some reason.
He hates to admit that he wants to hear you sing, but you usually know what he wants and sings for him.
His favorite song would be '白月光与朱砂痣', because it's the song you sang when he first discovered your beautiful voice. Even though he doesn't completely understand the lyrics, it sounds peaceful and soothing.
"白月光在照耀 你才想起她的好..."
This boy is the most supporting boyfriend anyone could ever have. You are lucky to have him. Do not break his heart or you would be seeing me tonight.
He's young. Like really young. He was born into the war so he has little time where he could actually let loose and be a child, despite him always acting like one.
He has this certain pressure on him to be mature and a warrior, so he has never had a peaceful life.
He loves music on Earth, especially hype music. He would be the type that hates classical music since it's too boring.
A Kpop fan. A huge one. He would be listening to Kpop 24/7, and I'd say that his favorite band is Stray Kids (because who doesn't love them)
He would be the type that doesn't go out of his way to learn a song or a certain dance but just jumps to the rhythm and hums to the music.
He discovered your singing voice when you were singing to a tune under your breath when you heard the song coming from his speakers.
Needless to say he asked you to sing it again and again.
He would watch all the MVs and try to dance along (and breaking stuff in the process)
His favorite song would be 'Zoo', indefinitely. He loves the beat and the rhythm, and it makes him feel alive. It makes him want to jump up and dance, so it would be a bad choice for music when he's driving.
"Head to toe, cool like a lion, CEO, boss like a bison..."
I feel like she wouldn't like songs that are too noisy because they actually disturb her (unlike a certain person mentioned above) but she wouldn't like songs that are way too quiet.
She would listen to classical music when trying to focus or work, but overall she would like to listen to songs that aren't too boring but aren't too hype.
I think she would be a great singer but decides not to because she needs to focus on whatever she's doing, same when she was back on Cybertron.
If she's a good singer, then she would be an even better dancer.
She's really agile and quick on her feet (unlike me lmao) and she could hear the beat in music 10 times faster than anyone else and can come up with dances for every song.
She used to be a dance teacher as a part-time back at Cybertron and was good at it. Why do you think she can do cartwheels, backflips and splits without a second thought? She was either a gymnast or dancer and I'm saying dancer.
She would somewhat be like Ratchet, not going to admit she loves your voice but not going to say she hates it too.
She discovered your love for singing when Miko was learning a new song to dance and sing to when you popped in.
Since she was Japanese, it was a bit hard for her to learn something in Korean, despite them being similar (I'm saying this because I have that difficulty too, but for those that don't have this problem correct me pls).
You popped in and taught her how to pronounce the words correctly and proceeding to sing the song yourself.
She was pleasantly surprised, to say the least.
I think her favorite song would be Chandelier by Sia, because it sounds really nice and she just loves the song for some reason.
I might make a second part with the rest of Team Prime or the Decepticons, but we'll see. I was going to make a full Team Prime for this one, but I didn't have enough time.
Songs are below:
Something Just Like This (Optimus):
白月光与朱砂痣 (Ratchet):
Zoo (Bumblebee):
Chandelier (Arcee):
This wasn't good, I know but it was an idea I had and I wanted to finish it before I lost motivation :(
See you next week!
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caliburn-the-sword · 4 months
a (non)comprehensive list of all characters that i as a child decided were asian because representation hardly existed in the early 2010's, with varying degrees of asian-coding and/or canon. it also gets more unhinged
will not be tagging SHIT because i would like to not experience hate but also i feel like my mutuals would somewhat enjoy this. as a kid, my only requirements were that they either 1) had dark hair 2) had dark eyes or 3) had unnatural hair/eye/skin colour in which case i could go nuts
list is under the cut:
you liked these fairies cause you were gay?? i liked them because they were asian to me we are NOT the same (i am also gay). both are asian coded so i wasn't wrong. also shoutout to vidia for being asian and an absolute BITCH. i think her back is sore from carrying the bitchy asian rep. no one's doing it like her
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musa from winx. also asian coded so it works
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batman. NOT to be confused with bruce wayne. bruce wayne is white af even to me as a child. but when he had the mask on i could project on him and call him chinese
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dick grayson's robin in almost all cartoon iterations (pictured above in the batman) but also including:
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to be clear, this is NOT to be confused with dick grayson the civilian, or dick grayson as nightwing. by my 9 y/o logic those guys were both white af. but when dick grayson had the robin mask on that gave room for me to project, as such they're asian
zatanna zatara is wasian IN MY HEART. to ME her mum is chinese and obvi her dad is italian so she's almost just like me (chinese/spanish). idc argue with the wall
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superman but ONLY the justice league unlimited version
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huntress bertinelli, for the same reasons as zatanna, was always wasian to me. but she gave off half korean, half italian vibes. i will not explain myself
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now is raven from a different plane than us?? yes. however azarath is home to asians idek
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sorry guys jinx is a bad bitch so she's also asian
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while we're at it, beast boy is also asian but ONLY in teen titans. unfortunately young justice beast boy is whitewashed (he was never asian to begin with). i asked my sister if she ever asian-washed characters when watching tv she said no (rudeass) but i provided multiple teen titans as an example and my mum was like "wait?? beast boy isn't asian?? i thought he was asian??" so beast boy is actually mum-approved-asian. i don't make the rules
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draculaura from monster high was always asian to me idc what the haters say. everyone say thank you to the monster high reboot for giving me asian draculaura because frankly i deserve it
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also. robecca steam is south asian in my heart
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jackson jekyll was also asian. idk. he just was
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now, since the eah reboot made draculaura wasian i'm BEGGING for there to be an eah reboot because they will do my girl raven queen justice. SHE is asian
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kitty cheshire is also asian i don't make the rules
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sorry guys duchess swan is also asian
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while i'm at it, faybelle thorn is also asian talk to the wall
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now i need you guys to pinky promise to be nice to me. percy jackson was wasian to me until ethan nakamura was introduced. only after ethan's introduction did my 13 y/o ass let percy be white again
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tony stark is asian but ONLY in iron man armoured adventures
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now, a plethora of xmen evolution characters are actually asian (source: i made it the fuck up) these include, but are not limited to: wolverine, x23, wanda and pietro
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[CN] Li Zeyan’s Metropolis Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 都会之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
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[Translation under the cut]
【Subbed Video】
【Important Notes】 
some of you might already know this, especially those of you who follow my translations, but still gonna explain since it’s the pivotal point of this date 🤭
The term “哥哥” (gēge) literally translates to “elder brother”, you might be more familiar with the Korean or Japanese alternatives of this term (oppa/ onii-chan). if not used to address your own elder brother, you wouldn’t dare to use it with just anyone – so, when a Chinese girl addresses a boy as her “gege”, she’d use it to address sb she has a very close/ intimate relationship with, address her boyfriend, or take the leap and address a guy she has a crush on to be cutesy LOL. which is why the use of “gege” in this date is so multifaceted — the term which was initially used as a courtesy becomes a “barrier” in fear of being “friend-zoned”, but makes come back in the parts when used by MC’s friends to tease her or when MC hesitates to address him as “gege” in private b/c of the crush connotation haha.
✦ the use of “gege” with the connotation of boyfriend/ crush prevails in the canon verse too, MC used to address Li Zeyan by this term when they were little and after the first comeback, we’ve had MC use this term many times in the past years: ♡
setting and timeline:
the present day story takes place in New York, around 1925/27, and before the great depression (1929).
【Chapter 1】 
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Hubbubs of laughter intermittently resonate from the stretch convertible as it glides through the night, weaving through the distant and nearby lights before coming to a halt in the front courtyard of the mansion.
Myself and a few female friends of mine, slightly tipsy and carrying a faint scent of alcohol, support the ornate headpieces wobbling on our heads as we step down from the car, laughing and playfully nudging one another.
Female Friend: Can you believe Jennifer actually invited that actor! Seriously, when our eyes met, I was practically drowning in those eyes; I didn’t even hear a word he said…
Thinking back to that man whose words were dripped with flattery, I lazily let out a yawn.
MC: Enough, Louise. Perhaps your brain is just filtering out those unpleasant bits of news, you know?
MC: He should thank his lucky stars for starring in a silent movie; otherwise, no one would buy into his performance.
MC: If it weren’t for Jennifer, the editor-in-chief, insisting, I wouldn’t even want to mention his name in the article chronicling tonight’s nightlife… it’s just a waste of space for another line.
Amidst the laughter of the girls, I suddenly seem to feel a certain gaze on me. I stop talking and turn my eyes in the direction of home. Sure enough, I spot a familiar figure.
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With one hand resting on the marble railing of the terrace, Li Zeyan looks in my direction, his eyes lowered. The light outlines his physique, carving out a slender silhouette.
Through the thick darkness of the night, those somber eyes lock with mine for a moment. Then, he turns and walks into the villa.
Female Friend: Would you look at that, your old-fashioned gege is still awake at this hour… Could he be waiting for you?
I receive a teasing elbow nudge from my friend, but I offer no retort.
“Old-fashioned.” That term does seem to match him quite well.
In this era where there is never any shortage of merrymaking, he rarely makes appearances at gatherings like banquets and social clubs.
Tonight, before heading out, I asked him if he would like to accompany me, and unsurprisingly, I was met with a rejection.
───── [FLASHBACK STARTS] ─────
LZY: No, I have no intention of attending.
LZY: It’s not that I have any other rendezvous to make an appearance at, but I do have more pressing matters to take care of.
LZY: You go ahead, but don’t stay out too late.
───── [FLASHBACK ENDS] ─────
Perhaps he does have something else he’s really eager to pursue, or perhaps he simply wants to steer clear of certain people… who knows?
Reflecting on the unexplained decrease in our interactions since becoming adults, a hint of melancholy suddenly settles into my heart. I press my lips together, incline my head, and speak nonchalantly as if unaffected.
MC: [blushing]  It isn’t something worth caring about, is it? Anyway, he’s not my “real gege”...
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The sound of the gate slowly being pushed open rings out in my ears. I turn my head and see Li Zeyan behind the door, quietly arching an eyebrow. Undoubtedly, he has heard what I just said.
A flicker of guilt passes through me. Aware of my companions’ fixed gazes behind me, I walk into the house with my chest held high, close the door behind me, and walk past Li Zeyan.
LZY: Had a good time?
MC: Oh, it was pretty good… the atmosphere at the whole banquet was quite lively.
MC: Jennifer also showed us the new gemstone she recently bought. It was so… sparkling!
I nonchalantly remove my gloves and fling them onto the sofa, envy in my eyes as I raise my hands to gesture an approximate size in front of Li Zeyan. A light chuckle reaches my ears.
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LZY: If you fancy it, you can expect to receive an even finer one in the future.
MC: [blushing] I wish, but the qualities of the gemstones in New York in recent times have been really unappealing.
Li Zeyan’s eyes travel over my absent-mindedly pursed lips, but he doesn’t comment on anything. Instead, he simply taps his fingertips on the staircase railing rhythmically.
The air lapses into silence again, with only the swaying shadows of the trees playing on the floor of the hall. I stifle a yawn and walk past him as if nothing has happened.
MC: Alright, I’m going to go and hit the hay in my room. Tomorrow, there’s still…
Suddenly, a low whisper reaches my ears from behind. My hand gripping the railing pauses, and I stand on the stairs, turning to look back at Li Zeyan.
His intense gaze bores deep into me, and the emotions in his deep-set eyes appear more complex and difficult to discern than at any time in the past. After a moment, he finally speaks.
LZY: There’s something I believe I need to tell you.
LZY: Next week, I’ll be moving away from home.
MC: …
My lips part, and my heart suddenly pauses for one beat. My eyes wander over his face, trying to find any hint of jest in his words.
Did he say this in a fit of pique because of what I said earlier? But he’s clearly not the kind of person to behave like this…
While I stare at him with bewilderment and helplessness, Li Zeyan offers me no additional explanation. His brooding eyes trace over the intentionally rolled-up hem of my skirt before resting on my face.
LZY: Your father is waiting for us in the living room.
LZY: Come over after you’ve changed your clothes.
【Chapter 2】 
I rush back to my room at lightning speed and take off the intricate and ornate feather headpiece from my head.
After changing into a dress that won’t elicit resigned criticism from my father, I head down the stairs in the direction of the living room, my mind in turmoil.
The sparkling crystal chandelier bathes the spacious room ahead in bright light. From a distance, I can hear the sound of gratified laughter, intermingled with my father’s heartfelt sighs. 
MC’s Father: …Zeyan, don’t ever speak such words. If the disaster of that year had befallen me, your parents would have made the same choice.
MC’s Father: I remember when you first came to this home, MC was only five years old–– clinging to you all the time like a piece of sticky candy, oblivious to day and night. [1]
MC: Why is it that the moment I step in, I hear you speaking ill of me~
I walk over to my father and give him a kiss on the cheek, then take my seat next to Li Zeyan naturally.
He holds my gaze briefly before averting his eyes, but his tone carries a subtle softness that is almost imperceptible.
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LZY: She was no bother. If anything, I find myself missing those times, too.
LZY: A plate of cookies was all she needed, and she’d joyfully sit by my desk, reading storybooks with me all night long.
MC: …I also really liked gege back then. No matter the time, you were always there to accompany me.
My father laughs, a wistful expression on his face. I also lift the corners of my lips to match the atmosphere, but my gaze lingers inquisitively on Li Zeyan’s elegant side profile.
Leaving… why did he have this idea all of a sudden?
I used to believe that no matter how much time elapsed… he would naturally remain by my side as a matter of course.
But this decision that came like a bolt from the blue seems to be telling me that I’m the only one who thought that way.
LZY: Yes, I’ve been keeping an eye on a promising aviation company. Their airplanes…
LZY: A number of stocks I acquired in the past few years have yielded good profits. After liquidating, my plans for the next steps include…
A baritone voice resounds from the seat next to me. Li Zeyan is recounting eloquently, seemingly answering some questions from my father, but I can’t pay attention in the slightest.
MC’s Father: …MC, won’t you raise a glass to your gege’s future?
My lower leg under the long table is gently touched, snapping me back to reality. I glance over to see Li Zeyan leisurely leaning back in his chair, his leather shoe brushing past me.
The brief touch just now was probably just an inadvertent act since he was shifting his sitting posture. However, it brings my attention to the fact that I’ve been staring at him for quite some time.
I let out a cough as an afterthought and quickly glance at my father.
MC: My apologies, I was a little lost in my thoughts just now, so…
MC’s Father: Of course, I am just as reluctant to part with him as you are… but I’m confident that when the time is right, Zeyan will come back to visit us.
This matter-of-fact comforting solace sweeps over my heart, gently veiling a certain “expectation” that I have never voiced.
An indescribable sourness swells within me. I raise my wine glass towards Li Zeyan beside me, wearing the same naive and coquettish smile as usual.
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MC: …gege, here’s to every expectation of yours turning into reality.
Li Zeyan lowers his eyes, his slender fingertips promptly picking up a goblet glass from the table. Then, he leans in slightly towards me.
Accompanied by the soft clink of glasses, his deep and low voice resonates in my ears.
LZY: Thank you. I really like this toast.
LZY: I’ll turn these words into reality.
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The moonlight behind the floor-to-ceiling windows filters through the sheer curtains, casting long and slender beams. I toss and turn on the soft bed for a long time before finally sitting up.
…Even if everything seems to be set in stone, I still want to fight for that last shred of possibility to make this man stay.
It’s very late at night, and the corridor is empty and quiet. I tread lightly past the door of my father’s room, then head briskly towards Li Zeyan’s room at the end of the corridor.
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From a distance, I can see a sliver of light escaping from the room–– to my surprise, his door is only partially closed.
A soft meow reaches my ears. Holding my breath, I watch Li Zeyan seated on the sofa, comforting Betty, whose hind paws are entangled in a ball of yarn.
He cradles it in his arms with one hand, and his well-defined hand trails down the cat’s back, with a touch just right that is neither too firm nor too gentle, preventing its struggling attempts.
His fingertips swiftly probe into the entangled mess of threads. With a few simple movements, the trapped paws are liberated.
Betty: Meow~
Betty purrs contentedly, nuzzling its head against Li Zeyan’s shoulder. His eyes also seem to be dyed with a subtle smile.
The familiar scene overlaps with memories of the past, and suddenly, I feel a little dazed.
───── [FLASHBACK STARTS] ─────
Under the ardent daylight, the greenery in the courtyard stretched ponderously.
The doors and windows lining both sides of the mansion had been opened early in the morning, allowing the summer breeze to weave through unhindered, bringing with it a touch of rare, refreshing coolness.
I was huffing in anger as I strode down the corridor, heading towards Li Zeyan’s room in the most familiar manner, intending to “interrogate” him.
MC: GEGE! Did you stop…
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I walked into his room, only to find a profound silence all around. Li Zeyan was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and seemed to have drifted off to sleep.
Perhaps to block the dancing spots of dazzling sunlight, he casually rested the back of his left hand on his forehead, casting a gentle shadow over his eyelids.
His slender legs were rarely in such a relaxed posture, crossing casually. The business book in his hand had slipped to the floor at some point; its pages were blown by the breeze, producing a rustling sound.
Without realizing it, I lightened my steps and walked to the side of the sofa. I gazed at his dark strands of hair cascading down, gently resting on the prominent bridge of his nose.
Perhaps it was the light, but I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some subtle changes on this face that I saw day and night.
Had his jawline become sharper? Or perhaps the knuckles of his hands seemed a little more pronounced? I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
I could only feel my heartbeat accelerating for no apparent reason, as though something that had been overlooked for a long time was now breaking through the surface.
As if drawn by an inexplicable attraction, I involuntarily leaned down towards him, wanting to touch his cheek. 
The next moment, I saw Li Zeyan suddenly open his eyes and lift his hand to clasp my wrist.
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LZY: You…
He spoke in a low voice, his tone still carrying a hint of drowsiness. It seemed he regarded everything to be a dream.
His eyes took on a softer expression, and the hold of his palm on my hand did not loosen. Instead, he drew me even closer to him.
His breath caressed my face, and I could almost see my own reflection in his eyes. It was like almost in the next second, we would–––
MC’s Father: Where did you run off to… Betty?
My father’s inquiring voice suddenly echoed from a distance, akin to a pebble thrown into a lake, shattering the interplay of light and shadows before me.
Li Zeyan was frozen for a moment, and then a clarity flashed in his eyes as if finally waking up. He let go of my wrist. Suppressing the ineffable emotions in my heart, I swiftly distanced myself slightly.
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LZY: …Why did you come in out of the blue?
MC: …the door was already ajar, and I didn’t know you were sleeping…
I muttered softly, but then I suddenly recalled something, my voice gaining a touch of confidence.
MC: I also have a question to ask. When James checked with you about whether I was available for a trip to the island next week, why did you reject him on my behalf?
Li Zeyan didn’t respond right away; he lowered his hand and picked up the rumpled book from the carpet.
LZY: Your father mentioned we have to go to the horse ranch next week; looks like you forgot.
LZY: Besides, there is no need to get involved with a guy whose family business is going downhill, yet he still dates a different girl every week.
MC: [girlie is stumped and flushed haha]  But before this, you said about Oren that he was secretly lingering in underground bars!
Li Zeyan calmly flipped open a page, not making eye contact with me.
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LZY: [HEAVENS THE WAY HIS TONE DROPS HERE] I’m simply stating the facts. Besides, you’ll have better choices.
MC: Like who?
In my frustration, I kept pushing for an answer, but then, the air suddenly lapsed into silence, and Li Zeyan’s fingertips also came to a pause.
My heart suddenly began racing by a few beats, and I stood up from the sofa in an attempt to conceal myself.
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MC: …anyway, I won’t allow you to interfere in this matter anymore!
In a rush, I walked towards the door as I spoke. But suddenly, I heard Li Zeyan calling out my name.
I turned around. The daylight outside the window had already transformed into the fading colors of twilight, and with that light falling on his back, I heard him speak.
LZY: I will give you that answer in the future.
LZY: Until then, don’t barge into my room unannounced like this again.
───── [FLASHBACK ENDS] ─────
[1] MC’s dad mentions a specific type of candy here (牛皮糖 - nǚpítáng), which is made from sugar and sesame seeds; and has a chewy and sticky texture.
【Chapter 3】 
LZY: Come on inside, I haven’t locked the door.
Li Zeyan’s voice suddenly transmits from the room. I snap back to reality, only to realize that my hand, which I raised to knock, has been hanging in mid-air for quite some time.
Tightening my lips, I calmly walk into the room and seat myself next to him on the sofa, my eyes scanning the room.
In the long time that followed afterward, I have refrained from setting foot in this room again. In stark contrast to my memories, the surroundings appear conspicuously emptier.
In one corner of the room, a leather suitcase lay open… the realization of the fact that this person is leaving suddenly becomes palpable.
LZY: You’re here at this hour; is something wrong?
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MC: [blushing]  …you can’t leave!
Two voices collide in unison. Before I can even register the situation, I have already grabbed hold of his hand.
LZY: …
The hazy lighting interweaves with the moonlight, and something seems to flash across Li Zeyan’s expression for a brief moment.
A searing warmth transmits from his palm, and in belated realization, I draw back my fingertips. However, I feel my hand being discreetly clasped, as if he is unwilling to let me escape.
LZY: What’s your reason for saying that?
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MC: It’s not for any reason. I just want… gege to always remain by my side.
Even though it has been a long time since I have addressed him by that term when we are alone with each other, I still purposely soften my tone. I can’t help but expect that Li Zeyan would, just like in our childhood, give me that helpless glance and yield to my coquettish demands.
A silence hangs in the air as Li Zeyan lowers his gaze to mine. In the next moment, his palm enveloping my wrist loosens ever so slightly.
LZY: MC, I am not the same as the toys you wanted when we were little.
LZY: Just the word that you “want” this is not a reason enough to sway me.
I’m slightly stumped and speak without thinking.
MC: But we’ve been living a good life for all this time, haven’t we?
MC: We have the ancestral estates and assets, a steady stream of income… I don’t understand why you’d want to make any changes.
Li Zeyan lets out a very soft chuckle and tilts his head towards the window.
The lights of the distant structures shimmer brightly, reminiscent of a flowing banquet in the boundless night. They reflect in his eyes, exuding a mix of pride and ambition.
LZY: There is nothing in this world that remains unchanged forever, MC.
LZY: Even the prosperity that you indulge in today began after the soldiers returned from the European battlefield.
LZY: Everything we see now was beyond imagination just a few years ago.
LZY: This era can sweep away all outdated existence, and at the same time, it can also give people everything they desire… as long as they can grab hold of it.
Li Zeyan shifts his gaze back to me as he says this. Even though his tone seems to be gentler than usual, it also carries a hint of unswerving determination.
LZY: So, I had already made this decision a long time ago.
MC: …when?
Did it stem from the day he made his first profit in the stock market, relying on his own business acumen? Or was it when he caught the wind of the other “old money” people gossiping about him? Or perhaps it was even earlier?
In a state of bewilderment and urgency, I await a response, but Li Zeyan doesn’t answer my question. Instead, he just gazes at me fixedly, leaning slightly in my direction.
The tranquil glow of the lights paints his eyelashes, and my heart pounds wildly as I watch Li Zeyan approach. He lifts his hand, tucking a strand of hair that was lingering by my cheek behind my ear––
–– like an explanation, or perhaps a reassuring promise.
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LZY: [in the most tender tone possible x1]  I am so happy that you’re here to persuade me to stay.
LZY: [x2]  But, there are certain things I want that I can only obtain by leaving.
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Jennifer: Alright, honey, I’m not here to rush you about the manuscript or anything, even though that special column you promised me has been overdue for a solid three weeks~
My friend’s teasing reaches me through the light fabric. I pull down the covers sullenly, glancing at the blonde girl sitting at the edge of the bed.
MC: Once I’m back in the writing zone, I’ll submit it to the magazine first thing… but, setting that aside, did you manage to find out any news about him?
Even though I don’t explicitly utter Li Zeyan’s name, Jennifer shrugs her shoulders.
Jennifer: You know, your gege rarely attends any banquets within the circle.
Jennifer: I’ve been making discreet inquiries on the airline side, but all I’ve found is that there’s this new guy named Victor, whose company has become a rising star in the industry… but it doesn’t seem to have any connections with him.
[T/N]: Yes, his writers are using his EN name “Victor” as his pseudonym 😂😂
I press my lips together, thinking back to the day Li Zeyan left and how I was so angry that I refused to see him for one last time.
If only I had known earlier, I would have abandoned those inexplicable emotions, opened the door, and had a few words with him.
Jennifer: I have an idea. What if we were to spread the word that you’re planning to hold a banquet at the estate next month to reveal the person you’ve chosen to be your fiancé?
Jennifer: If he does have the intention toward you, there is no way he will able to keep it hidden.
I blink. This suggestion sends a few ripples through my heart–– daring as it is, it might be the most effective method.
With my tacit approval, this piece of news spreads from the mansion along with Jennifer’s departure, gradually circulating from one banquet to another.
Half a month slips away rapidly, yet I still don’t hear any updates. The day of the banquet approaches amidst apprehension and anticipation.
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Large swaths of Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium orchids embellish various corners of the entire property, delicate and beautiful. Under the crystal chandeliers, the elegant fragrance of the flowers intermingle with the intense scent of perfumes, pervading the air.
With a smile, I express thanks or greetings to those who approach to congratulate me in pairs or groups, but my eyes continue to search for that figure I’ve been waiting for amidst the passing crowd.
Suddenly, a figure in a suit and leather shoes blocks my sight. A tall man walks over, raising his glass in a toast toward me.
Man: I’m Adam Arnott, a classmate of Jennifer’s from the academy.
The surname makes me realize that he hails from another wealthy family. I nod politely. However, the man shows no intention of leaving.
Man: I heard from Jennifer that you have a column in her magazine? Honestly, I find that quite impressive.
Man: In terms of killing time, it’s much more meaningful than being obsessed about choosing jewelry. Perhaps we can chat more…
Despite his courteous choice of words, the subtle condescension in his language leaves me agitated. I turn sideways with indifference, picking up a cupcake.
MC: Allow me to correct you. I don’t consider it as “something to kill time.” Had you read my articles, you wouldn’t have had that kind of judgment.
Man: Miss MC, you surely do not treat it as some serious work, do you? Forgive my bluntness, but it seems rather meaningless for people like us.
The way his attitude drips of being pampered as though he were a prince causes me to furrow my brows. Subconsciously, Li Zeyan’s image surfaces in my mind.
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MC: Well, in that case, here’s to the everlasting prosperity of your family’s business… however, I’ve heard that nothing in this world remains unchanged forever.
The other party probably wasn’t expecting me to counter like this, causing the expression on his face to turn somewhat unpleasant.
Man: Why don’t we ask the talk of the town, the “new money” person, and whose viewpoint he stands by… Mr. Victor?
I nonchalantly turn my head and observe this rumored aviation tycoon from behind, involuntarily raising an eyebrow.
His slender physique is wrapped in a royal blue suit, complemented by a black and white polka dot tie around his neck. He stands out among the crowd of men, looking effortless yet debonair.
–– It’s the men’s fashion style I recommended in my articles. This person has actually read my column very carefully.
The corners of my lips can’t help but curl up slightly, watching that tall, straight figure turn around. But the instant I clearly see his visage, my lips part involuntarily.
With my heart beating like a drum, he walks to my side at a pace that is neither too fast nor too slow, bringing with him a subtle scent of sandalwood.
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LZY: Of course, I stand by her viewpoint.
【Chapter 4】 
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My eyes widen, and my gaze sweeps across the face of the person in front of me without even a single blink.
Perhaps due to the Southern sunshine, his complexion seems a shade deeper compared to the last time we saw each other, but his facial contours appear to be even more pronounced.
The fringes that he used to groom in a “proper” manner have now been slicked back into the trendiest hairstyle of the moment, showcasing his deep-set eyes and prominently arched eyebrows.
A pair of thin-rimmed glasses rest halfway on the bridge of his nose, not quite settled, and he casually pushes them up with his finger pad.
Through the lenses, a glimmer of smile seems to be shining in those deep eyes… or perhaps revealing certain emotions that were veiled in the past, but now, at this moment, seem evident with greater clarity.
LZY: The cream is about to melt.
As Li Zeyan speaks, he effortlessly takes the wobbling cupcake from my hand.
His broad and slender hand, wrapped in a moon-white glove, extends to pass me a piece of handkerchief.
Casual and comfortable, as if it weren’t a reunion after so long of separation, but rather our everyday interaction from back when we were still together at home.
I suppress the indescribable mix of sourness and joy in my heart, watching as the man converses with the people around him before raising an eyebrow.
Man: Ah, so you’re so Miss MC’s gege? Well, I suppose that explains your biased comment.
LZY: I believe the words I said just now are sufficiently objective.
LZY: If I’m not mistaken, with the inauguration of transatlantic flight routes, the stocks of shipping companies dropped at least ten percent. Your family’s business should be no exception.
LZY: To be able to maintain such unwavering optimism even in the midst of all these… I must say, Mr. Arnott’s attitude is truly admirable.
The man’s countenance grows slightly more ashen, while Li Zeyan stands next to me, calmly raising his glass to the crowd.
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LZY: I rarely attend any social gatherings, so I haven’t formally announced it in a public setting. But six months ago, I had already disaffiliated myself from MC’s family.
LZY: And I’m not attending this banquet today in the identity of her “gege.”
I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but the tone of his latter statement seemed to have a slightly slower pace, triggering my heartbeat to accelerate uncontrollably.
Not as my “gege”… then, in what identity did he come? Perhaps, he knows about the news I’ve put out?
I clink my goblet glass with him, trying my hardest to maintain my usual casual expression, and lift my head slightly.
MC: I suppose I ought to be thanking you. After all, you’ve just returned, and here you are, immediately coming to my rescue.
Li Zeyan and I hold each other’s gazes for a brief moment. A subtle curve graces the corners of his lips as he also softens his voice.
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LZY: I was being sincere, though.
LZY: I haven’t missed a single column you’ve written in  《The New Yorker》.
A wave of warmth accompanies his words, traveling from my ears to the throbbing center in my chest.
I gaze into those familiar and serene eyes, gently tapping the tie hanging down from his neck.
MC: Well, in that case, allow this writer to make one more suggestion.
MC: If it were replaced with a corrugated pattern in the same color, it would complement your suit today even better.
Li Zeyan sets down the goblet glass in his hand on the long table.
LZY: I didn’t bring an extra tie. Can I leave it to your care?
MC: Of course, come with me.
As I speak, my hand that was initially reaching to grasp his palm pauses mid-motion, and in the end, I settle for only holding onto his cuff.
He and I walk through the clustered bouquets of flowers and the crowd of people in their fragrant clothes, making our way toward the upper floor of the hall in a manner that couldn’t be more familiar.
Eyes from all around fall upon our departing figures. I don’t know if these people noticed anything, but I don’t care either.
All I know is that from the moment of parting, the thought that I painstakingly disregarded for the longest time became gradually clear: I desire to be with him in an identity that goes beyond our familial ties.
Will he be angry? Or will he helplessly discourage my intentions? Or perhaps, in reality, he does harbor certain unspoken feelings towards me…
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Suppressing my tumultuous heartbeat, I close the door, and the chatter and music outside finally fade away.
The air falls silent for a moment. I let go of Li Zeyan’s cuff, turn around to rummage through the intricate accessories, and speak as if casually inquiring.
MC: Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief… have you had a chance to meet Daddy yet?
LZY: [the muted joy in his tone HHHHH]  Yeah, I went to his room to say hello after coming back, and we talked for a long time.
MC: Ah, he must’ve been so delighted; after all, he reminisces about you every now and then. “If Zeyan were here…,” is a sentence he says more often than not.
I exaggeratedly mimic my father’s manner of speaking, and my eyes secretly fall on Li Zeyan, hoping to catch his expression.
MC: You said earlier, “not as my gege”... then, in what identity are you here?
Maintaining a brisk tone, I continue sifting through without pausing my movements, as if this will be able to cloak my erratic heartbeat.
Li Zeyan doesn’t answer my question, and his footsteps come to a stop behind me. Even though there is a somewhat elusive distance between us, I can almost feel his body heat.
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LZY: I’m not the one who can give that answer.
I turn around, somewhat puzzled, only to see a black, gold-plated box being extended towards me.
The huge ruby inside, set against the velvet backdrop, sparkles with a flash of dazzling brilliance.
MC: This…
LZY: A gift for you. A certain someone mentioned before that the quality of gemstones in New York isn’t good enough these days.
LZY: So, it was transported here on my company’s first transatlantic flight, all the way from Europe.
Li Zeyan removes the ruby from the box as he speaks, placing it in the palm of my hand.
The slight coolness of the gemstone accompanies the warmth of his fingertips, and I hear Li Zeyan speak in a soft tone.
LZY: Even the most impossible fantasies can become reality.
LZY: MC, as long as you say the word.
I’m utterly dazed, suddenly recalling the brief conversation we had under the stairs the night before Li Zeyan left.
From the past to the present, he has always borne the weight of all my wishes, even if I’ve only mentioned them in passing.
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The sound of my heartbeat drums against my ears. Without uttering a word, I simply tug on his tie and rise on tiptoes towards this man who used to be my “gege.”
The distance between us bridges bit by bit, my somewhat quivering breath fanning across Li Zeyan’s face.
He watches me in complete silence, his eyes burning. He seems to be waiting for some form of confirmation, yet he doesn’t evade my actions.
That is, until, a fleeting kiss lands on the edge of his lips, and we briefly exchange our warmth with each other. I pull back slightly, avert my eyes, and speak.
MC: …what if this is what I desire?
LZY: …
I don’t hear his response. In the next second, my waist is suddenly shackled in place.
A deep kiss, which has been held in check for a long time, finally descends, erasing the last vestige of distance.
Two sets of lips that have never touched each other before roll back and forth, their inexperienced and slightly shaky intertwining exchange breaths that have long been familiar but never explored so deeply.
In those eyes of his, I see emotions mirroring my own. Patiently restrained feelings, a fluttering heart… but now added with a touch of certainty.
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LZY: I’ve probably held onto this expectation for longer than you.
LZY: What I longed for has always been right there within sight… and you made it a reality for me.
The brilliant chandelier overhead leaves shimmering spots in the field of vision, leaving one slightly dizzy. It feels like a firework that has been brewing for a long time has finally burst forth.
Turns out, we both harbored the same feelings all along.
The eyes that turned to look back when we passed by each other, the hands that reached out to touch only to retract… all the entanglements and poignant emotions of the past gently dissipate in this moment.
I close my eyes and hear his voice resonate, but now carrying with it a deeper undertone of mirth than ever before.
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LZY: Allow this gem to be a commemoration of this special occasion.
LZY: For that first dance in a while, how about sharing it with me?
[2] so in love with this imagery here. “白月光” (white moonlight) in chinese means first love but it comes with the connotation of something “unattainable.” here, it’s the color of his gloves, the “barrier” between their hands truly touching~ 🤧
[3] “ruby” is a symbol of passion, protection, everlasting love-- indeed the perfect move for Li Zeyan to choose this stone as his ~betrothal gift~ 🥺
[4] welp, if it wasn’t clear already LOL, sharing the “first dance” at this banquet is their official announcement of their engagement~ 🤭🤧
【Anika’s personal notes】 
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link to my twitter meltdowns for easier navigation LOL: ♡ || ♡
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swan2swan · 4 months
Let's talk about what happened with Brookenji.
And no, I don't mean the fallout in Chaos Theory. I mean what happened in the original show. At least, what I believe happened. This is--mind you--total Conspiracy Board style speculation based on little pieces of evidence collected and gathered throughout my years looking into behind-the-scenes stuff and following social media. It would really help if I could find one particularly tweet, but I think it was deleted either in anticipation of spoilers or just because he regularly deletes them.
But...here's the one responsible for that:
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Xi was the Original Ben, as you can see. Young and nervous. While Ben was...
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Well. Ben. Big Ben. But obviously the jock character. The tall, smarmy, rich white guy.
You may be able to see where this is going, but I submit this evidence to you from my memory, and you'll just have to trust me:
One of the showrunners of Camp Cretaceous tweeted ages ago (Season 1-2, well before Season 4 and the Nonsense), tweeted about how there's a disappointing lack of Asian romantic leads in media.
And you know what? He's right. Very much so! Think of ten major tentpole movies from the past thirty years and pull a Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or Vietnamese romantic lead. No, no, no, not the women! The men. An Asian man.
"Oh, well, Shang Chi--" no. Don't get cute.
The fact is, it's just...not a thing that happens. And I think one of the goals with Camp Cretaceous was to change that. Just like they struck ground with Yaz and Sammy being an interracial wlw romance in a children's cartoon, they were gonna put an Asian dude in the romantic partner position.
By now, you obviously see where this is going...and what happened:
If Xi had remained the scared kid, he would have fallen from the train. He would have grown in the jungle and emerged as a wild child. He would have an mmensely different feel in Season 3 where he was breaking away from the group and determining to stay on the island...until the end, when he bonded with the group.
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And that is when Brooklynn--or Jules, rather--would have suddenly taken interest in him. Xi and Jules, the wild kid and the rich girl. It would be cute!
But they changed things and took them in a different direction--possibly pretty close to the time the show started. Which meant that the whole first half of the show barely had any setup planned for Kenji and Brooklynn, as they were now known...and they didn't really want to go with Ben and Brooklynn. Especially with how strong the dynamics between Ben and Bumpy and Ben and Darius became.
But they still had to set up the Brookenji romance, and the plans for OG Ben and his Rich Dad to shatter the group dynamic suddenly had to adjust...and you know what? Throwing the romantic strain into it was a pretty good idea! Not bad! But...with the timing of his arrival, the writers only had one season left to them. So they had to jam it all into one season, because there was a little race-swapping done at the last minute that wound up being super-crucial to the endgame.
And personally?
As messy as Brookenji was, I think it was better for them not to remain rigidly focused Xi-Jules and turn it into Ben-Brooklynn. While it would have neatly paired off everyone for the final seasons--Ben and Brooklynn having their Rich Girl/Wild Child romance, Kenji and Darius having their Friends-to-Brothers arc as Kenji betrays the group for his dad (SEE HOW SMOOTHLY THAT WORKS, TOO?), and Yaz and Sammy...well, you know...I think I like what we got with Ben a lot more.
But you can see how the original plan of broad strokes would have been a lot smoother. Turned out that the characters evolved more than planned. And obviously they could have stuck with the Kenji/Darius focus being the main fallout of the group...but that also sort of leaves Brooklynn high and dry with regards to the plot. What's she got left? Though, also...looking back on those seasons...even her romance with Kenji didn't do much for her. Probably because it wasn't really supposed to be a thing. We don't know what the plans for Jules were in the original script, but when those got ditched (PRESUMABLY. THIS IS ALL ME SPECULATING!!!), they had to scramble with her. Maybe she was supposed to have more parental issues. I dunno.
But whatever the truth is, I do still maintain that Kenji was written to be a romantic guy with that in mind. Listening to Brooklynn's color preferences, feeling awkward, being protective...eck, he even kept that rizz through to the new series:
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But the bottom line is that Kenji isn't Xi. He didn't have the growth that was planned for Xi, which would have tsngentially influenced Brooklynn/Jules's sudden interest in him.
This is also one of the consequences that comes with having shows compressed and rushed so much in the modern era. If we'd been getting filler episodes over the seasons, they might have been able to start building Kenji and Brooklynn up during the E750 arc, if not sooner.
NOTE: I'm not sure what the scripting and planning timetables were with this show. But from what I've gathered, the characters were swapped well after the conceptual stages. And they made it work! There's still a coherent story! I think the sloppiness just came because they had to hurriedly change tracks on some parts, and we noticed.
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sluttyminghao · 1 year
this ask but as a short fic or drabble ???
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content warning under the cut: mentions of wax play!
joshua: it's been hours by now. everything is sticky and sweaty, and your boyfriend can hardly hold himself up above you now. you can see his biceps trembling, with both pleasure and the fact he's been fucking you in this position for over an hour so his arms are probably starting to hurt. eventually, he gives up and rolls over to lay next to you, but doesn't pull himself out. joshua lets his arms drape over your waist, and pulls you in closer to him. he begins thrusting his hips into you once again, the sensitivity shooting him straight into a space he hardly ever went. "fuck, fuck, so tight" his phrases are coming out in mumbled English, and you know he's totally lost himself in the pleasure between your thighs and won't hear you if you even try to say anything. his phrases are words coming out solely in English with the occasional word in Korean, and he only comes back to earth once he cums a final time and pulls you close to his chest, hoping to come down from his high.
junhui: he's a pretty patient man, that much we all know. however, he doesn't like being told he has to wait to cum. he also doesn't like not being able to touch you, so when you tie him to your bed and leave him attached to a vibrating cock ring, he grows impatient and whiny very, very quickly. he starts off pretty stoic, the occasional whimper or leg twitch here and there; he's not stoic after all and still loves the feeling. the next step is when he's getting close to his orgasm. he can feel the coil growing inside him and knows it won't be long before he's needing to cum. it's only when you turn down the vibrating ring that he starts to slowly go insane. while he speaks Chinese often, he doesn't often revert to it whilst in the throes of lust, so hearing him spout words and phrases in Chinese that you'd picked up from being with him while you deny his orgasm, turns you on beyond belief. and now you want to do it more often
minghao: minghao is normally pretty stoic, and will be generally pretty quiet in bed with you besides the occasional grunt or moan. however, you think you might have worked out how to get him loud and whiny in bed. nipple clamps. you tried them on him a while ago and he was the loudest you'd ever seen him, although was very shy afterwards. you tried them on him again tonight though, much to his disinterest at first. but when you started tugging on them, you noticed how much precum dripped from his tip, and how his cheeks began to flush brightly. you tug on them again and watch his cock twitch, and how his body goes slack when you tug them one at a time. you smirk when you realize that he's now begun cursing in his native tongue as well, which only occurs very rarely when he enters subspace. you could tell he was trying so hard to hold back, but with one hand still tugging gently on the clamps and one going to his leaking cock, you know he'll be putty in your hands in no time.
vernon: similar to minghao, he's pretty stoic when he's in bed, but will occasionally let out some whimpers or grunts when he's close to his orgasm. after some time with him, you come to learn that he loves the feeling of sex-safe wax dripping onto his skin. there's something about it that has him whimpering and crying out in English for more. he likes the warmth of when the wax hits his skin, how it cools and hardens against it and then leaves a small mark after it's been peeled off. when you drip the wax into his sensitive areas such as his collarbone and down his v-line, is when he gets the loudest. he swears in English and spouts some incomprehensible phrases that confuse even you occasionally but you more so live for the fact that he will beg in English as well. "please...i need more, need it so badly." and with tears welling in his eyes and his hands screwing into the sheets, how are you to deny him what he so desperately wants?
link to the original ask here
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yarafic · 2 months
Imagine 》 Damon interrupting your fangirl session
(Serendipity by Park Jimin)
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You were anxious to go home, you've been fiddling with your bracelets for hours waiting to see the a music video. You idiotically left your phone at home, you had nothing to see the video. You asked Alaric, if he could let you borrow his laptop or phone but he said no. You huffed in annoyance and walked out of the classroom heading to cafeteria where all your friends were. All your friends knew that you had an obsession over this Kpop group called BTS but they thought it wasn't huge, they were wrong. They thought that when you stated dating Damon, you wouldn't be that obsessed anymore but no you were still the same. You sat down and look up the ceiling to get yourself distracted or to think about anything else except the music video.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Stefan questions concerned
You shook your head saying it was nothing but is was something. It was a music video of Park Jimin singing and being fucking adorable. You sighed and gave him a look.
"What's bothering you?" He asked again
You took a deep breath and said "I'm like this because I can't see the god damn new music that BTS out for the comeback, okay. I left my phone at home."
You pout and cross your arms around your chest, Stefan grinned and he knew that it had to be about those Chinese boys. (I know they are Korean) even though you told him a thousand of times that they were Korean, he annoyed you and kept in saying that they are Chinese.
"That why?" He chuckles
You simply nod your head and took a french fries from his plate, start munching on them.
"I'll let you borrow my phone when we head to Alaric's classroom to discuss the whole Klaus situation."
You nod your head in joy, the bell rang, you both walked to Alaric's classroom.
"Close the door."
You closed the door and sat down on a table near to hear the conversation. Stefan took out his phone and hand it to you. You squealed and went on YouTube quickly to see the beautiful video.
The only person that was missing was your boyfriend, Damon Salvatore. The older brother of your best friend, Stefan. Here he comes almighty and handsome as always.
He came up to you and gave a hug then a peck on the lips, you quickly returned it and went back to focus on JIMIN. The video began to start, you took a deep breath and grab a hold on the desk.
Through out the whole music video, Damon has been trying to get ur attention and had interrupted your fangirling sections. When the music video was over, you quickly went to download it on your phone. All the way home, you've been jamming to song and talk all about Jimin. Which Damon was getting very annoyed because you haven't been paying attention to him. Then Damon had enough of your fangirling.
"Can you shut about those stupid Chinese boys and pay attention to me!" He shouts.
There was a silence in the car then you stood there quiet. You murmur a quiet sorry and got off the car.
Afterward, he regret yelling at you. He went up to your room and sat down on your bed.
"Y/b, I'm sorry for yelling at you but sometimes you get annoying when you talk about those Chinese boys. Please forgive me. I’ll buy you food and a new album from their band. "
"One, they are not Chinese. They are fucking Korean, you dimwit. Two, I won't fangirl in front of you no more. Three, I forgive and I apologize but we are still getting those things." You said and uncovered yourself.
He smiles and gives you a hug, you let go of him and said "But come on if you have seen the Serendipity music video, you would've been amazed by it, man. JIMIN WAS FUCKEN ADORABLE!!!!"
“Ugh! Not this again.” Damon throws his head back and laughs.
A/n~ I wrote this when the music video came out. Wow, it’s been a while.
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valentine-cafe · 3 months
. ˚◞♡ 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒏 — 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍◞ ₊˚
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ “the rain falls quietly up above many surfaces, but here, we have the crystals to give us their magic dust, floating like stars. . . yet none of it will ever compare to your beauty, aein” ꒱
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. ˚◞꒰verse꒱ verseless ( dwells within the abyss )
. ˚◞꒰face claim refs꒱ ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
. ˚◞꒰species꒱ half abyssal angel / half dragon ( does not identify with his dragon heritage it makes him uncomfortable )
. ˚◞꒰ethnicity꒱ korean/chinese
. ˚◞꒰age꒱ millennia old
. ˚◞꒰gender꒱ male
. ˚◞꒰mbti꒱ infj
. ˚◞꒰aliases꒱ the angel who cried stars, the void , eyes of the abyss, void daddy ( zhào jìngyí 9948e ).
. ˚◞꒰appearance꒱
𖹭. long long, jet black hair with stars shimmering by his ends
𖹭. pale skin with golden veins that flow into a gentle amethyst ombre, shimmering just like the crystal itself
𖹭. stands at the height of 7’9” ft ( 236.22 cm ) with an athletic, lean and toned build.
𖹭. has six pairs of void black wings, with golden tips by the end of his feathers
𖹭. long, dark and flower robes. usually wears hanfu or hanbok, but at times also dresses to the usual abyssal fashion. which is composed of long, dark mesh robes, that show the gentle outline of the body and are dorned with lots of crystals and jewellery
𖹭. a combination of masculine and a few feminine features, that give him an ethereal look from all lighting and angles
𖹭. has gold and black draconic scales running down his forearms and the surface of his hands, along with a few on his cheeks
𖹭. soft, golden brown eyes, with a piercing gold slit in the middle of them, that only dilates when he senses danger
𖹭. keeps his hands clean from rings most of the time due to work, but he has his wedding ring on, composed of abyssal crystals and onyx. while his nails are painted gold and are long. they cannot be cut too far, due to draconic ancestry ( aka, it will hurt )
𖹭. only really wears eyeliner, but at times, he enjoys prettying himself up with lots of gold and bronze colors, especially for formal events
𖹭. he has standard lobe piercings and upper lope piercings on both ears.
𖹭. has several eyes concealed by magic. ( all around his body )
. ˚◞꒰personality꒱
𖹭. very calm and serene, and is quite reserved
𖹭. the quiet kind, rarely speaks due to the fact he gets intimidated by the consequences of words that may come out.
𖹭. extremely caring with those he holds dear and wouldn’t hesitate to smite someone if they were hurt
𖹭. a gentle soul who can quickly turn stern and disciplined should the matter arise for such
𖹭. a strategic warrior and commander, he knows what he is doing. don’t interfere unless there’s a good reason
𖹭. deceptive and secretive, more than some would imagine
𖹭. kindhearted and very empathetic — he understands many burdens that people go through and work tooth and nail to help them
𖹭. extremely intelligent and wise, sharp at mind and good at pointing out ulterior motives of others
𖹭. despite all of these attributes, this man can also be quite the trickster. loves sending people into a shy flustered state and then leaving them confused
𖹭. he has a tendency to fall in love with what most people consider scary or dark. finding beauty in it and sharing it to those willing to see.
𖹭. is quite poetic and enjoys letting a few confusing riddles roll off of his tongue every now and then and see who gets them right.
𖹭. has a bit of a dark side to himself he doesn’t like showing either, sometimes getting consumed by greed when he sees something he likes and wants.
. ˚◞꒰with a lover꒱
𖹭. teasing, he loves getting a rise out of you and seeing your face go all shades of red. and he especially likes when you cling onto him after.
𖹭. is touch startved and often searches for your hand or your back to hold onto. with gentle and delicate touches, that display so much love for you and all that you are, caressing your body or face — whatever he can get to.
𖹭. really enjoys taking you around the prime city of the abyss, telling you of it’s history. and if you are not a history enthusiast, he will take you to all of the best view spots and restaurants that he knows. sometimes dragging you to cafés to taste the unique pastries of the domain.
𖹭. one of his love languages are words of affection. when he speaks to you, it is with such love that is from way beyond the bounds of his heart, but instead his soul. each and every word are meant to comfort and ease you.
𖹭. loves to take you out for flights, holding you tight and close as he flies the both of you across the realm. though, always careful and avoidant of the more dangerous and dark areas he knows you shouldn’t be.
𖹭. has a thing for doing your makeup. he likes experimenting new looks or looks he finds interesting on you. don’t like makeup? he’ll do it on himself so you can give him your own input! anything to have you close is good for him. he loves talking with you, especially when he feels his spouts of wanting to interact verbally
𖹭. likes waking you up in the morning and whisking you off to eat breakfast with him. soft kisses and tired but fond glances shared back and forth. his feathers tickling your face and hands as he beckons you to brush them.
𖹭. really enjoys when you preen his wings. and sometimes teasingly gives them a little flap so you jolt back a bit and fuss at him.
𖹭. massages you all the time, he wants to assure your muscles are all eased up and not tense. any knots or tender areas are a big no no. he wants your body to feel good just as much as he wants you to feel good mentally and emotionally.
𖹭. a bigger flirt than he seems. he doesn’t mind carelessly pushing you up against a random wall or piece of furniture, whispering sweet nothings and some of the purest filth into your ears. it all adds to his shamelessness, if people watch, let them.
𖹭. will immediately take you away from any place or event that makes you feel overstimulated and overwhelmed, so that you do not end up spiralling down a path that makes you tired and exhausted. and when you feel ready, the two of you can go back together.
. ˚◞꒰strengths꒱
𖹭. draconic eyesight: has advanced eyesight that extends into night vision
𖹭. advanced strength: enhanced strength both in his stature and wings
𖹭. enhanced agility: advanced agility and reflexes
𖹭. enhanced senses: advanced senses, apart from his eyesight that might dwindle a bit in light areas
𖹭. advanced flight: has six pairs of wings which enhance his flight greatly. he is very fast
𖹭. shadow magic/darkness manipulation: as an abyss angel he is able to manipulate darkness and mould it into a form of magic
𖹭. light magic: the ability to cast spells, rituals and other light magic aspects
𖹭. advanced combat abilities: has an advanced knowledge of combat and is able to execute it exceptionally. his experience as one of the oldest angels plays a part in this as well
𖹭. tactical mind: able to come up with strategies very quickly
𖹭. dragon morphing: the ability to morph into a dragon form
𖹭. healing factor: the ability to heal from injuries and wounds
𖹭. divine banishment: able to banish malicious beings back to their place of origin
. ˚◞꒰weaknesses꒱
𖹭. iron: an allergy to iron, depending on the concentration
𖹭. black magic: as both a water dragon and an angel, black magic tends to affect him quite badly
𖹭. heat: too much heat drains water dragons and makes them weak. this can be dire in states of dehydration
𖹭. light areas: his vision gets hazed because he is adapted to the darkness of the abyss
. ˚◞꒰relationships꒱
𖹭. rinfier mith’andrel: husband, king.
𖹭. rishen aryielus: SON
. ˚◞꒰story꒱
silently, and with sharp eyes piercing through the thickest darkness of the abyss. the reknowned eyes of the realm itself overlooks the wastelands and cavern rubble that surrounds the walls outside the city of the king. his stoic expression remaining and wings all extended out with their eyes looking to all corners with him.
many dangerous things lurk within the home of this realm. and it is his duty to assure none get through the city or out.
and though longing to pass through the streets of the city on his way home, he enjoys his work. he loves the feeling of the vapor of this damned domain rushing through his dark wings.
it isn’t a feeling he will ever be able to get rid of, it’s only a matter of time before he can feel it all over again, is it not?
. ˚◞꒰extra꒱
𖹭. has the ability to shift his gender and appearance like most angels
𖹭. he is one of the first abyssal angels and thus holds quite the high rank
𖹭. he is omnilingual
𖹭. has a familiar woodpecker named jazz
𖹭. knows all sign languages
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