#lets get muffins
ever-go-on · 21 days
new child fragment emerged but this time we grounded and i think im getting a better picture of what seemingly minor things really traumatised me
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liquidstar · 8 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 9 months
alright chat . it's time for "dissecting the inherent tragedy of transformers: botbots and the relationships in them":
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toxic doomed yuri edition ( referring to these two ↑ )
(yes, i made this picmix myself 4 this. i have no regrets. also no tl;dr because you guys NEED to read this)
something i want y'all to understand is that it is Not about the idea that spud wasn't loved. he was VERY much loved by everyone, ESPECIALLY burgertron.
the whole point is that he sabotaged himself in the process of ruining someone else's life, someone who valued him and his word above others. he and burgertron BOTH let their ego get in the way of their personal lives, the only difference is that burgertron at least had the dignity to swallow his pride and apologise when it mattered most.
He gave spud a second chance because he loved him. because he recognised that he does deserve redemption, and above all else, he wants spud to know he cares, even if that means he'll never see him again, or they'll never be friends. (Even in light of the "sidekick" comment, i genuinely don't think he held any inherent malice in that statement. even if burgs was an egotist, he still loved him.)
the worst thing burgertron did in their relationship was be unaware, and im sure that despite his ego, he never meant for spud to get hurt. that's why he went out of his way to protect him, when he couldve just stood there and let spud get put on the back of a truck to never be seen again. it would have been easy.
but he didn't. he did the hard thing. the Right thing. he stood up for someone who never did the same for him.
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Spud Was Loved. Spud Is loved. and sometimes love isn't going to look pretty, or manifest in holding hands and cuddling, and it isn't all rainbows and sunshine. it can hurt. it can be letting go of someone who you hurt by accident, who you never meant to harm, but it happened anyways because you made the fatal mistake of being oblivious.
And that's what Burgertron did. he let Spud go, because he understood they both needed time to heal on their own terms. regardless of if he's mad at him or not, he does still harbor positive feelings for him, and he stood up for him during times he probably shouldn't have. If he ACTUALLY hated spud, he wouldn't have stuck his neck out for him at bot prom. or believe spud when he was lying through his teeth in the games.
And that's what makes them so tragic. perhaps in another world, another life, they'd have been Actual good friends, who truly stuck by each other. maybe things would have been different.
But we'll never know that now, will we?
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toytulini · 1 month
god the ants make it so fucking hard to be tolerant. im really, really trying to be better about it and chill out
but they really love to fucking test that
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lil-gae-disaster · 4 months
what I gotta do: study for latin, bake muffins, work out my oc, do my English homework
Me: I'M DONE WITH PLASTIC PROMISES!! Aggressive dancing on bed w Plastic Promises - Set It Off playing
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 10 months
almost at 3k for the day <3 how silly of me <3
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gigamuffin · 1 year
a card for my dentist that says "sorry for the tooth decay"
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vampireonastick · 1 year
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Made another phone background from the new chapter, except this time it’s a series of Sigma’s reactions to the constant bullshit happening around him
Stay strong king, you’ll get outta this alive. I’ll save you myself if I have to
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badolmen · 10 months
*leaves a comment on every single chapter of a fic as I read it* *author replies to every single comment with increasing giddiness and excitement*
This is good. I’m getting a good grade in fic reader. This is both something that is normal to want and possible to achieve.
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theworstcreature · 6 months
I think TMM is becoming my go to baking music
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blujayonthewing · 9 months
looking at the bag of apples we brought home last weekend with my hands on my hips like. I am going to have to make apples my whole personality
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gelastocoridae · 2 years
This week on Wildlife Rehab:
- why are there so many flickers and why does this one hate hands ow ow ow ow ow
- every runt finch holding the rest of their groups back was put into their own little Misfit cage, lovingly dubbed " :) " in hopes of getting them to finally grow
- oldest teen sparrow leads a crew of 4 other Cool Teens, meets 4 awkward tweens, says "is anyone gonna adopt those?" and doesn't wait for an answer
- seriously, I saw her trying to gather nest materials (with no suitable place to put them) and actually spit up a mealworm and gently feed it to a vaguely younger-looking sparrow
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arthur-r · 1 year
hi how is everybody doing??
#im ok im a little bit terrified about how i’m graduating in a couple seconds#by which i mean months but it feels that way#and like hooray i get to move away and be transgender and study history and help people and everything i’ve always wanted to do#but also. the kids in my graduating class. i dont know all of them. a lot of them hate me. but at least they’ve been familiar faces#and the idea of going away to a college where nobody knows my name is kind of terrifying#like i know the entire point is to reinvent myself. but isn’t that scary?? i’m going to become somebody new and that terrifies me#anyway i’m so normal regular. in other news i’m about to have a cranberry orange muffin. so wish me luck with that#anyway there’s this girl i kind of like and i kind of wanted to say something but now it’s kind of pointless#she’s going to the u of m. i’m going to wisconsin. that’s just the end of the road isn’t it??#nothing is strong enough to say anything. but the problem is it’s like this in high school and i go to college and reinvent myself#then what?? i leave college and reinvent myself again!!!! get a masters reinvent myself again!! move towns reinvent myself again!!#struck by the realization that nothing in life is ever permanent except for death. how terrifying is that#anyway i am so normal and regular and cool and good feeling. everything will really truly be okay it’s just#idk. it’s weird being at this stage in my life. didn’t mean to ramble on like that though#so anyway i hope you all are well and would love to know how you are doing. other than this stuff i’m just hanging out#sending all the love to my senior friends who are in this predicament. and my junior friends who aren’t here yet. and whoever else shdhdf#but especially my friends who are my age or like a year older who are in this same kind of soon-to-be-overwritten high school experience#wish you the best of luck finishing and starting over. and try not to take it as seriously as i’m doing its probably not that bad rationally#and so anyway i hope you are doing well and let me know how you’ve been!! hope everybody is okay#ask to tag idk if this was vent territory but it was like. kinda nearly. i can tag with whatever#me. my post. mine.#college talk#(sorry!!)#delete later
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floweryuu · 1 year
Honestly girls sports teams was the worst experience in my life there was like no bullying and everyone were encouraging but everyone were just mad all the time and during matches they will yell at you like I hurt myself during a match and tried to switch out but they yelled at me for not holding my spot so I was forced to stay until it was time to switch
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fruitgoat · 2 years
Having a very "Did I take my meds or only think about taking my meds?" hour and a half. *scampers off to check*
In a surprise to no one, I had NOT taken my meds. Reality should be reestablished in 30 in 40 minutes.
Might not like reality, but *shrug*
Really goes with the half walking dream this morning. It was clearly a Discord notification but I couldn't read fast enough to know who was responding or what I wrote. The response message was "Delightful. Now that I know better I'll Direct Message." My phone vibrated. Garrett's Popcorn.
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