#let’s add deconstruction to the mix
Just letting asoiaf fans know that subversion does not necessitate avoidance.
Yes, subversion does not necessitate avoidance!
I repeat, SUBVERSION DOES NO- *gunshot*
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br1ghtestlight · 2 years
btw i think its extremely funny that there's a bobs burgers episode about somebody grieving for their dead loved one and holding onto reminders of them, how they died too young and talking about how they never got to meet gene louise or tina and how they wouldve loved them so much etc etc and somehow its NOT about bob's mom, who is like the only character where that plot would make sense
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hereforthefunnyguys · 8 months
I will talk to you about fragileshipping.
Give head cannons please (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
OKAY OKAY OKAY... Let's get it on!!!! (ty for this lol) Sorry my first part of this is just propaganda for them then I'll do headcanons <3.
So the first thing here that I find fascinating is that despite the fact we get to see Ryou and Atem interact very little in canon, what we do see establishes that Atem is very very very worried about Ryou and genuinely does want to take care of him (see: the shadow duel between yb and yy on the KaibaCorp blimp aftermath). Also bonus fact: Atem cradles Ryou after the fight in the exact same way Anzu (who expresses a canonical romantic and at least very strong platonic interest in Atem) does with him a few hours later with Yami Marik's shadow game, so take from that what you will.
Second of all, as I have mentioned before, I do think they would have this interesting dynamic where Ryou really wants A) a fantasy world, B) a lack of responsibility, and C) someone to be his friend for Ever and Ever (said slightly threateningly), and Atem A) is basically a fantasy trope come to life that promises Grand Adventure, B) is willing to take responsibility for Literally Anything ever, including things that are not his fault, and C) wants to take care of all his friends and collects people who like him like keychain charms. So already you have that particular dynamic with potential for chemistry going on, and it could either go Bad (mutually destructive flaws that they mistake for working well together), Good (helps pull each other out of their respectively Very Bad situations), or a secret third thing (lifelong mutual obsession that keeps them alive and well but also very codependent.) Lots of stuff going on there already.
But I digress, you wanted headcanons. So!
It did Not start with the rescue romance fantasy on Ryou's part. Ryou was very grateful and all for the help Yami Yugi provided with the whole "killer monster world" thing, but ultimately considered it a group effort on the part of his new friends.
By contrast it Absolutely started with the rescue romance fantasy with Atem. He did not realize it at the time because he is Out Of Touch with his emotions but it most certainly started with seeing someone so very much like his dear partner stuck in a terrible situation that he really wants to help with but can't stay to monitor all the time. However it did not progress further until:
Ryou got interested when he heard/figured out Atem was a ghost/spirit. You mean there are Other Ghosts in the world? That do not try to make my life miserable and call me a loser when I'm trying to do my homework? Thats so cool!
I think in contrast to Yugi - who considers Atem's more "creepy" qualities useful but also slightly worrying - and most of his other friends - who consider these qualities actively disturbing and try to ignore them (Anzu "Shadow Games are hot" Mazaki notwithstanding) - Ryou is very much Into It. He is obsessed with how shadow games work. What do you mean you can just summon psychic fire out of thin air but only if the game demands it??? Thats amazing. Do you want to get married (said in that characteristically Ambiguously Joking Ryou voice)
So it is also a very new feeling to Atem of not having to worry about showing off those qualities, and you know, it's kind of nice to have someone appreciate your more freaky qualities! But also he is simultaneously repressing them around Ryou because they remind him of how uncomfortably close he seems to acting like the Spirit of the Ring at times, which then adds another layer of Worry onto his relationship to Ryou
I got off topic again didn't I
Anyways Ryou is constantly playing Supernatural (Deconstructed Mix) by kesha in the bg whenever Atem is there
Atem is Panicking and Dying to try and figure out how to send a gift that sufficiently states "Sorry I had to Run Your Body Over With the Power of God Do You Still Like Me" without seeming too desperate
Ryou is obsessed with the mysterious demon and doesn't know the mysterious demon is actually his guardian angel
I think Atem is willing to sit through So Many bad horror movies for Ryou's sake but he does actually really love Monster World
They are going on a dinner date where Ryou introduces Atem to all the pastries he missed out on since Ancient Egyptian times, including that wonderful concoction known as chocolate
I don't know if this is what you wanted but
I'm in love with them esp the idea of Millennium Item swap au's aughahah
I need to see more of their canon interactions I'm dying here
In conclusion:
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Haiii sie & johann *passes by* thank you very much for your kind words (I think in general besides art, your comments are a joy ^_^) OUT of curiosity what’s your writing process like when it comes to Yiik (How you deconstruct these guys in your work is something I definitely envy HA,..)
HAIII FOX :3 nice to see you <3 i will gladly tell you all about it i have been Dying to talk abt how i write yiik bc honestly, my fics for this game have been among my favourite to write! i might even have to put this under a read more lol
SO okay heres the thing. it helps to separate the story of YIIK into layers of reality. my personal layers (because god knows other people interprets it differently): there is Alex’s Reality (the story of YIIK taken completely as factual, delusions and lies and all. the year is 1999), and there’s the Outsider’s Reality (strip away all of Alex’s delusions and try to find what really happened. Michael being years older than Alex and moving away is here. the year is 2016). theres also the 4th wall which is self-explanatory.
so with these layers, there is no really hard line between any of them, including the 4th wall. it’s damn near impossible to ever truly tell how much of the characters we know is part of which reality, especially the Outsider’s Reality. we’ll likely never know Vella’s true name, how Rory actually interacted with Alex, what Michael really thought of Alex. the game of YIIK itself is riddled with allusions to other media that can only be pieced together understood by us the players, and never the characters themselves.
but here’s the thing: it doesn’t really matter. When i write fics and deconstruct their character, i either pick one layer of reality to strongly settle in (december came too fast is settled in Alex’s Reality while the thing about explorers is: is settled in Outsider’s Reality) or i heavily oscillate and obscure the two, similar to how YIIK the game itself mixes both (both my Michael fics deal heavily in that territory).
When you’ve got that fundamental setting built, that’s how you can strongly probe how the characters react to each other and what theyre feeling inside. for example, Alex in his Reality is everything he wants and fears to be, and by god he acts like that. He’s snarky and self-centred, but he also has the mask of a Hero and a video game world that he can hide behind, so there’s a sense of untouchability to him. No matter what, he knows he’s going to be okay, if miserable.
But when i take him out of that reality and into the Outsider’s Reality, where he’s just a helpless kid with a broken family and broken friends, he can’t be the same. Unlike in his Reality where he can try to ignore and bend things out of existence, in Outsider he can’t. hes forced to confront his feelings for Michael and forced to confront his hatred for his sister (obligate nestling soroicide). It traps him. and trapped characters are the easiest to dissect.
Trapping the characters in YIIK is easily the best way to dissect them for me, because what is the game if not a trap? It’s Alex’s trap for everyone around him, including himself. So i explore that trap in a million different ways. Alex trapped in his reality. Rory trapped in grief for his sister, or trapped in a relationship with Alex. Claudio trapped in the chase for his brother, Claudia trapped in the expectation of mourning. All the different ways they react when they are trapped/free play off each other really well.
Anyways, the last and most personal point to me is the 4th wall, and specifically the use of allusions. YIIK is so open and proud about the fact it takes from different media to add and enhance the story, and while I’ve always let my other interests play a part in my fics (song lyrics as titles my beloved), YIIK’s openness to using other stories as blocks for the characters lets me do that with a billion times more confidence than any other fandom. if Alex can be Don Quixote, then he can be Marvin/Christopher Columbus from In Trousers, he can be a cuckoo bird. Rory and Vella can be Orpheus and Eurydice. Michael can be all the dogs in every poem, and he can be the New World.
tangential to the above i also just get really fucking loose and silly with it. Rory drowned his sister in a water well (which is physically impossible) because he believes it, so it is true now. Michael has a leash on his neck because that is what he’s feeling. Rory hooks up with the personification of Death as an allegory for his suicide because isn’t that weird and fucked up? (haven’t posted that one yet but its coming)
ACTUAL LAST POINT I PROMISE: it also really really helps to first understand the character at face value before deconstructing them. that sounds obvious as fuck but Trust Me it’s harder to really study who the character we see first is before we make any assumptions on what the hell is going on inside of them. Studying their speech/reactions/physical body language is something that really helps, and I’ve been procrastinating working on a guide for it.
anyway uhhh sorry for the essay. thank you for the question and if you wanna know anything specific/talk more abt it just shoot me another ask or a dm ^_^
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nohoperadio · 6 months
Something that reliably gives me a little frisson of joy is when song lyrics employ a bit of arithmetic (in a coherent way). My favourite recently-discovered example is from Practical Effects by Kleenex Girl Wonder (since the numbers are spread out over a few lines I have bolded them, not to insult your intelligence but for ease of skimming):
It feels like half of the time you're deconstructing your life And I love games and conversation, but I'd rather just fight. A quarter you're nice, exhortatively polite, Normal, cordial, kind and gracious, swearing everything's fine. But the other 25% defies all compromise
So satisfying to see it all add up to 100%! And bonus points for mixing it up with both percentages and fractions.
Another classic is from the start of Till My Head Falls Off by They Might Be Giants:
There were 87 Advil in the bottle, now there's 30 left. I ate 47, so what happened to the other 10?
Haha great question! There are four different numbers in this one couplet and it both makes logical sense and tells a little story with some drama and intrigue. How cool is that!
Now for a slightly problematic (unexciting sense) example. This is from Nothing You Can Do About It by Darren Hayman:
The Scrabble tiles spelled out "ennui", Landed on a triple word and scored eighteen, But you cheated by looking in the dictionary.
Beautiful excecution, no? Except I looked it up and all the letters in "ennui" are only worth one point each in Scrabble, so with a triple word score that would still only make fifteen, right? I'm not really a Scrabble player myself, am I missing something that makes this work? The way he sings this kind of rhymes "eighteen" with "dictionary" (by drawing out the "reeee" at the end of dictionary), but he can't be fudging it for the sake of rhyme because fifteen works just as well for that. So what gives? Did he... miscount and think ennui had six letters in it maybe? Darren is a very detail-oriented songwriter so this is a puzzle to me. (ETA: I was wrong about this! See here for deets.)
Anyway. That's my post about songs with basic arithmetic in them! If anyone has any more please let me know! My three examples have covered addition, subtraction and multiplication, so if I could find a good division example that would be very special, but anything along these general lines will make me happy.
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tssdresses · 1 year
The dress of Io
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors (hi please let me know about any pronoun mess ups and I'll edit the post, I think I got them right, but... just to be safe)
There have been a few iterations of designs for Io’s dress— all of which have very flowery inspirations. I sent Violet an ask and the first thing bay said was “something vaguely gauzy with a petal skirt,’ so that’s been a heavy part of all the deign ideas thus far. 
So, over various asks and time and fics, the needed elements are:
Colors: Reds and deep purples, like mulberry fruit, and white and cream, like mulberry flowers. Greens as needed. I'm thinking mostly a pinky-red. If you look at the first image below, there are three mulberries in a line at the top left-- look at the one in the middle and/or the one under it (not in the line of three) for a good color reference.
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Thigh holster: Knife. Hot. Io needs a knife under ly skirt because it’s what lu deserves. I'm thinking either a faux leather, because that's what I use for part of Remus's dress, or strap made of several green fabrics woven together, to give it a homemade vibe, like Io made it laself. And it will be accessible via... :
Skirt shape: Petals. The first idea I had was a petunia, to make a solid skirt with five panels, each which would have a scalloped edge to create the shape of the flower, like these:
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Skirt, cont.: But after realizing that lu would need access to a thigh holster for ly knife, I started to think about how to access that in skirt form. One idea is to make the skirt of separate, finished panels that can be easily reached between. One construction idea for the original paneled skirt idea was to make it as several strips with a waistband that tied around. So now the idea is to use that method, but with deconstructed panels to give a very open skirt but keep with the theme of easily removable. Also imagine all the different panels flaring out when you spin!
Fabric: After Mulberry was posted, we learned more about how Io dresses (or, uh, doesn't), so I started thinking more about the fabric type. I want to balance the surreal (shiny fabrics making a less natural looking appearance, nodding to fae) and the mundane (Io being a less powerful nymph, as opposed to powerful gentry). I'm a little at an impasse for what fabric to use. I love organzas (even though they're mean to me) (it's fine, everything's fine), and I think using a mix of organza and a very light-grade tulle would make an interesting texture for this dress.
Sleeves: Again, this depends on the fabric type, but imagine big billowing sleeves of a transparent mesh fabric with discrete embroidery of mulberry themed elements. Thinking the sleeves will be completely off the shoulder, maybe made with casing and a ribbon tie to keep them at the top of the arm.
Bodice: Also going back to Io's tendency to dress less, using a knit fabric which matches skin tone is one option for the body potion, OR, hear me out, a gentle mesh (that doesn't set off sensory hell!) with exposed boning to make a corset-like top! Then, referencing this post, flower or similar motifs sewn into to chest piece. Another part I'll add is an open back element, with some sort of lacing. This works great for me, because zippers and I are reluctant allies at best.
Overall vibes: Basically, I want this to look like a flower nymph ballet costume, because how fucking cool would that be? Here are some images with elements of the silhouette I'm thinking of:
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xirae · 3 months
hi i think looking into coping with dissociative symptoms/experiences might be helpful for you, i just wanted to let u know about the existence of those as options
Thanks I appreciate it! I did google that, at first I was skeptical bc I don't get amnesia or blackouts, but I do I relate to depersonalization a bit. At least it's not debilitating, I almost feel like it can feel strangely positive when I'm feeling good, like I have a superpower to deconstruct conversations as they happen and feel in control of what I want to say and how I say it, with the understanding that the other person is also choosing to reveal what they want and saying it in their own complex way. I've picked up running and cardio again which is making my mind feel really clear and giving me energy again. I think it's sort of "co-morbid" - I was crashing yesterday and then it started mixing in. I think it can come with a high in general as well from what I'm reading. I'm a wimp, every time I drink (and I guess I'll add weed to the list) I get severely depressed. I'm generally clean, I'm not a cool kid....... my 365 party girl days are never going to happen.
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danothan · 1 year
hi i’d like to deconstruct one of the jason todd songs ever (ft. the bipolar jason agenda)
“It's fucking sad that we need a tragedy to occur to gain a fresh perspective in our lives. Nothing happens for a reason, there's no point even pretending, you know the sad truth as well as I.”
jason’s death had no purpose. he wasn’t a hero, he wasn’t a martyr, it was a pointless death in a long line of many. the tragedy of it was that it didn’t have to happen, and that’s why he blames batman for not killing the joker. it wasn’t his dying that he was upset abt, it’s that batman let the joker continue that long line of death
“Oh god, the morning light sun rays bring my paranoia. I can't function unless I'm the only one awake.”
jason works alone, puts himself at a distance. this line frames it less as a choice tho, as if it’s other ppl that are unpredictable factors, as if he’s unable to put his trust in ppl again
“Rancor of our last conversation, that forbidden word you deform to handicap me, then abuse your advantage.”
the forbidden word here is probably “love.” bruce’s problem is that he isn’t much of a talker, he doesn’t express his love in a way that jason needs. the incongruence between his actions and his words “handicaps” jason, puts him at a disadvantage as he reaches out for bruce’s approval. it speaks volumes that the narrator doesn’t say “the forbidden word” either
“Because your eyes are an agent of darkness. There's nothing to fight. It's just a bit of fait accompli.”
going off from that last line, talking to bruce is like talking to a wall. jason sees nothing left in bruce’s eyes; to him, there is no more grief or hope. the “fait accompli” is that bruce has moved on, but even beyond that, it’s jason’s death as a whole. there’s no option left but to accept that everything has changed
“I spend my waking hours haunting my life. I made the one I love start crying tonight, and it felt good. Still there must be a more elegant solution. Lately I'm rotted in the filth of self-offered agonies that really should fill me with shame, but all I have is this manic energy.”
tbh i don’t rly have anything to add here, i just love the death imagery of ghosts and rot, as well as the mania and self-sabotage of it all. very jasoncore
“I lost my page in being the black stamped disciple in your heart collage. Just want to celebrate me. Need to suffer more.”
robin status revoked! he knows he had his flaws, but he was devoted not only to batman but also to bruce. it’s a mix of feeling like he wasn’t enough as well as doing all that he could. at the emotional core of jason’s motives, he wants to be understood and appreciated. his suffering is a fruitless search for closure, smth he puts himself thru bc he thinks he deserves it. he suffers to make up for himself
“Face our puerility. Converts officiate. Divides new stratagems to disembowel our quotidien characters.”
good lord listening to any of montreal song forces you to pull out the dictionary. i Think what this line is saying is that they have to face their pasts to learn and destroy who they know themselves to be, and only then can they move on. jason saying this to bruce doubles as a taunt: “i’m not the kid you remember anymore.”
“I know I'm upside down about you. Your kindness feels like blasphemy or some sick education on the limits of humanity, so I profane the laws of some Victorian garbage.”
jason and batman have the same goals: they want what’s best for gotham. he feels “upside down” abt bruce bc they were in it together as batman and robin, he taught him everything he knew. but the closer the goals, the bigger the differences feel. that’s why it feels especially blasphemous that batman’s no-kill rule is for the sake of humanity. jason views bruce’s sense of justice as smth sick, ineffective, old-school. it’s “victorian garbage.” his so-called mercy is what got jason killed
to be clear, this is all in jason’s pov. i don’t think he’s as spiteful or cruel as this song makes him out to be, but i think it carries the kind of self-deprecation that he Does view himself thru. and the bitterness definitely reflects his emotions, as well as the back-and-forth between his smug call-outs vs desperate attempts at closure/vindication. i would even say they’re one and the same
tldr; jason todd is bipolar, of montreal diagnosed him
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kuromi-hoemie · 4 months
oooh blackberry mojitos sound amazing! do you have a favorite recipe?
I'm too lazy to type out the end to end process, it's basically just a mojito but the lemonade is homemade frm a dozen limes and i also smash a box of blackberries to a pulp and add a hefty scoop or 2 to each cup. gotta have it with a straw though so u get bits of berry with every sip =ω= and so ur not sipping the mint that's floating on the top lol.
sometimes i mix all the berry pulp into the lemonade, sometimes i just have a sort of deconstructed mojito setup where I'll show u my ratios n let u try it and ppl can make it to their liking, or I'm happy to make it for them too.
i mostly just cook w vibes and don't follow a set recipe unless it's something I'm unfamiliar with 0: i would say just find a recipe u enjoy then try smashing and mixing berries into it
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naruhinalife555 · 1 year
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"The weird romantic choices in Naruto: Naruhina
Warning: This is mostly anti-naruhina.
Well, here we go again with another ship analysis, deconstruction, criticism, however you want to call it lol.
You see, to me this is all tided with that bland aftertaste of Naruto's ending, because it just wasn't necessary. They canon ships don't add anything to the story, if any they make the overall message further dissatisfying.
Before I continue, this is still important:
I won't pretend to understand Japanese culture. I was born and raised in a Latin culture, which probably has a completely opposite view of romance (we are loud, we kind of take pride in PDA, and we wear our hearts in our sleeves). So, it's more than possible that I'm making a misinterpretation of what Kishi wanted to say. Nevertheless, Naruto reached an international public, so I won't feel bad about making an interpretation of it either.
I'm not an anti-shipper or pro-shipper, this is just an analysis, please feel free to ship whoever you want (whatever makes you happy while you don't hurt anybody in the process).
That said, I think what upsets me the most about Naruhina are the expectations.
Naruto is a shounen, romance is already trowing the expectations of the genre away. But at the same time, it doesn't take too much risk or screen time on developing this subtopic. Now, it becomes problematic in the sense that it's unclear if it is important to the story or not, because romance can play a big role in the story (thinking of Hell's Paradise for comparison) or not (e.g. Jujutsu Kaisen).
Allow me to elaborate.
Naruto states on chapter 3 that he likes Sakura. It's weird and shallow. But whatever, it gives the character some personality."
Naruto really doesn't declare in chapter 3 that he loves Sakura it's just a crush and not romantic feelings because if it was like that Naruto wouldn't have been so worried about Hinata in the tsunin exams after she got hurt Kishi wouldn't draw his grave holding hands with Hinata In fact Kishi thought of Naruha before the manga started
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"Needless to say that Sakura don't like Naruto at all. So, expectations are that a) Naruto somehow wins Sakura's heart (which is kind hinted as a possibility in the same chapter 3), or b) he realizes that he has no reasons to like Sakura (beside her physics) and gets over it. However, none of that happened.
An option C is later added with the introduction of Hinata. The girl is obsessed with Naruto just the same as Sakura is obsessed with Sasuke. Now, Hinata's feelings have a bit more development in the sense that Naruto pays attention to her where she is the black sheep of the Hyuga. This stuff is not healthy (wanting validation from another person and thinking "it must be love"), but at least it makes sense since she is insecure about herself.But Naruto doesn't see Hinata that way. Most of the time he's being friendly."
He wanted Hinata to watch him you forgot that part
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Here's another idiot who didn't read the manga right Hinata is really not obsessed with Naruto Naruhina and SasuSku are two completely different things don't you dare mix them up obviously Naruhina is forced in your opinion otherwise why would Naruto hold the hand of someone who is just a friend for him in the chunin exams and more everyone including Sakura is watching him
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Naruto wanted fought for his future wife so much he sacrificed for her Something he never did for Sakura
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So, the story is set up as: Hinata wants Naruto, Naruto wants Sakura (tho he shows more interest in Sasuke), Sakura wants Sasuke, Sasuke wants revenge.
And there are so many possibilities you can play with with that narrative elements. Yet at the same time, the author could have just let it all blank because it is a shounen. It's not about romance. And for a while, he kind of does.
Then this happens:
soul no manga proof that naruto wanted sakura understand? You missed the part where Naruto protected Hinata if his entire body after the confession, what with Narusaku getting an ugly and forced hug!After the pain saga
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"Now, I won't criticize Hinata for her reckless actions (there are some good posts about that already like this one). But Naruto never says a word about this. It's annoying, because again there's a lot of potential to build their relationship here. And I'm not saying that Naruto should be jumping in one leg because someone loves him... But couldn't he say something?
In contrast, imagine this scenario (I can't believe I'm about to build up a love-triangle...):
Again this bullshit omg I can't enynore please man do you have the fact from the manga that Naruto even not understand in woman before that he bron Kushina said that her self 🤦
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First, after Naruto returned from his training with Jiraya, Sakura actually seems to be feeling something for the blonde man. He's not as annoying as before.
How they even canto call NaruSaku ship?? This is what you are want for Sakura? Fake life with a person that She even not love.? Or vice versa this what you want for Naruto a forced life?
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He's actually fun, warm, and refreshing. Like the sun after being in the darkness for so long. After having that hole inside her chest where Sasuke used to be. But it's not right. She can't give up on Sasuke. Even if at the end of the day she chooses Naruto, first they have to save Sasuke. (This is to build up the possibility of Narusaku)."
Bullshit let's go to talk about that, Minato he is never think like this! Why are they liars? I don't understand why they always wake up from their grave? Is fucking 2023 hard to get the fact that Naruto and Sakura they are loves other people???🤦
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"Naruto feels the same as Sakura. He can't get distracted right now. He can't make a real move with her because he's afraid that he'll get too comfortable and forget about Sasuke, or worst, that she will choose the Uchiha over him. (And add some conflict).
So, to get distracted (without getting distracted) he spends some time with Hinata. She's a good listener and she spends more time in the village than his other friends (she's the Hyuga heiress (at least in name)). She even laughs at his jokes. He considers her a good friend. (Build the relationship between Naruto and Hinata, even if it happens off screen)."
really not good friends don't act like that naruto really doesn't want to get sakura it wasn't his goal kishimoto knew full well what he was doing the only reason he teased narusaku towards the start of part 2 was because he wanted a love triangle which he later abandoned and then drowned narusaku Final request for pain and the five cages.
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"But then Hinata confesses her love to him. Naruto gets angry. He is angry at the hypocrisy of the village. They suddenly love him, Hinata suddenly love him (because he obviously doesn't see the signs). Where were they before? No. Only Sakura and Sasuke have being with him from the start. Maybe he even calls Hinata an hypocrite, though he would regret it instantly. (Add some more conflict).
After he cools down, he considers it. Hinata is kind of cute, and it's easy to spend time with her. But he just can't think of this, he has to save Sasuke. Hence he never talks with Hinata about her confession until after the war.
(Side note: Consider that the conflict presented is internal. It's the characters messing up their own lives because of their own wants/fears/needs)
Okay, end of the fanfic-ish moment."
what ???? What the fuck are you talking about sasuke and sakura were with him from the beginning not really team 7 was shit all along and of course hinata did encourage him and was by his side when all the campher hated him he never thought hinata was a crazy hypocrite please girl stop your bullshit why did you invent fun art? Team 7 sucks that he never supports Naruto Sakura especially that he is just a team. Sakura is not like Kushina and her bedmate!🙄
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"My point is that there's a lot that can be build as an inside view of the characters while using romance as a narrative resource. Like exploring the things Naruto gave up to pursue Sasuke, Sakura's doubts and convictions about her feelings, and Hinata's persistence and good nature.
Sakura never doubted her feelings she was with Sasuke wholeheartedly second the fact that Naruto wanted Sasuke back never stopped him from thinking about Hinata
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But, returning to canon, after Hinata confessed her feelings for Naruto, she disappears from the story. It's not important. It seams that Naruto doesn't even care to properly reject her. And what about her self-esteem? All the village saw her display... What about her father's opinion? Surely Hiashi Hyuga must have an opinion about that. This is a fantastic opportunity for character development because it tackles her fears: her father, and being on the spotlight. Yet the story treats this as it never happened (the confession part lol).
No no Naruto didn't reject Hinata you can see that he thought of her after she sacrificed her life for him you are talking nonsense because already in the search for Sasuke Naruto was actually happy by Hinata's side
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and in the war Naruhina had much more significant moments than Narusaku
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And it's quite clear in chapter 469 that Naruto still have feelings for Sakura. He even calls her his girlfriend in the middle of the war."
Once again that shit Naruto told a joke and he wasn't serious at all god enough that's an excuse from the ass Naruto thought of Hinata again a second after that
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Yet somehow Naruto and Hinata end up together (I'm not going to get to The Last or the added scenes in the anime, this is manga only).
Naruto doesn't get over Sakura at any point in the manga, from chapter 3 to 631. Even when he knows she's obsessed with Sasuke. I don't think this was necessary. Naruto could have realized that they were better off as friends at some point of the story, which ironically could have been a weak motivator for Sakura to keep pursuing Sasuke.
So what's the issue?
Well I would argue that Naruto never truly loved Sakura which was explained in the last. To me Naruto only thought he liked Sakura because he had literally no other female friends and when he did get them he still hardly hung out with them. 🤦
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Well, what is the message of Naruhina? Could it be persistence? Wouldn't that be the same as Sakusasu? And that's hammering down on terrible advice as I said here:
From Sakuras POV it's: "it's okay to be obsessed with a guy who's not-that-into you because he'll come around." This is something I would never say to another human being. Again it could be the Latin blood in me, but romance should bring fireworks. If a person doesn't SHOW that you are their sun and moon, it's not worth it.
However, besides that, it's a waste of story to have something happening twice. Let me rephrase that. It's a waste of story to have two relationships to say the same message. It's just not necessary, but repetitive. And don't get me wrong, repetition is an important element on any story, but it has to be balanced or it will be either predictable or boring.
In other words, characters on stories (if done in a highly efficient manner) represent different concepts of the themes in the service of saying this truth at the end (the message). For example, in an initial concept of team 7 (because this was retconed) Naruto is the shinobi rejected by the village, Sasuke is the one that is admired (for his bloodline and genius status), and Sakura is normal, just another shinobi fulfilling her duty. They represent 3 different viewpoints of growing up in the shinobi system. And their stories had the potential of delivering different complementary pieces of this big message (maybe it is, but I dislike the idea that the message of Naruto is something like: conform and obey).
To illustrate better, you can think of the story of The Lord of the Rings. Each character of the fellowship is different, they not only represent different races but also different conflicts inside the world. And each of them get a different conclusion at the end of the book which ties up in the different forms of unity (because the message of the book is: "evil can only be defeated by joining forces and working together").
Then again, it's evident that the author wanted to stretch as long as possible the idea of Narusaku. Why else having the scene of Naruto holding Hinata's hand before the scene of him telling Minato that Sakura is his girlfriend? However this relationship is always portrait as one-sided (even more than Sasusaku). Naruto had no chance there.
I would dare to say Naruhina it's not in-character for Naruto. Kishi made sure of two things to support this argument: 1) Naruto's infatuation with Sakura, and 2) his desire to have a fireworks kind of love. For what other reason would he reject Sakura in chapter 469?
Hinata also not need the moment that she is holding hand with Naruto. kishi always planed NaruHina and not NaruSaku. Naruto never loves Sakura. Before the war things happen beween him and Hinata Sai said that Naruto lovesc Sakura but the words never come from Naruto. so shut up Why Kishi would he did it? for comedy sometimes autors writers put it in their stories naruto was joking he didn't really say sakura was his girlfriend
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He could have accepted Sakura's fake love confession, but he didn't, even when his initial reaction is pure joy.
For Hinata, I'd say it's in-character because she doesn't get much development. Her two main traits are being shy and insecure, and being in love with Naruto. In her case, Naruto is actually a positive figure because he believes in her when no one else does. Then again, he also caused her almost dying at Neji's hands during the chunin exams (there's a point when you need to acknowledge that you're not strong enough (need to work on your skills) and accept defeat, Naruto encouraging her to keep fighting until she dies is... stupid). So maybe I'm wrong in saying it's positive.
Well stop it please this person only said his opinion why you toxic? Kishimoto never said that he kill Neji for NaruHina why you put to him word to maut? Naruto close to Hinata before that he is dead Neji literally look on them
Finally, I can't get over the fact that Neji literally died in front of Naruto and Naruto didn't develop some kind of PTSD while looking at Hinata's eyes. It should be triggering. For contrast's sake, there's Tsunade's fear of blood because she saw Dan dying on her arms. Not saying is the same, but strong emotions get attached to senses, like sight. (This is just me, so take it as a headcanon).
Sorry that this didn't turn out as poetic as my post on Sasusaku lol, but there's not much to say about Hinata, she's heavily sidelined. And, even if they are friends, it's portrayed as a one-sided romance during all the manga. Just saying, Hinata doesn't get this reaction from Naruto:
Blushing not proving that Naruto loves Sakura romantically Not true Naruto doesn't even want to fulfill the promise he made for Sakura. Stop distorting the manga already between Naruto and Sakura never was anything romantic. NaruSaku fans they fool people who don't read manga correctly. So shut up stupid girl. 🤦🤦
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adarkrainbow · 2 years
A reaction to TV Tropes’ “Dead Unicorn Tropes”
TV Tropes and Idioms is a great site, and a bad website.
For dissecting fiction, identifying tropes, throwing little tidbits of cool info and fun trivia, it is a great site.
For actually teaching people real things about the world, or when it comes to its generalizations of genres and styles... it can be very bad. 
I have this love-dislike relationship (not hate though) with TV Tropes because this site was so useful for me so many times I can’t imagine not living without it ; BUT I also noticed so much wrong things posted or written in pages because TV Tropes is not kept by actual experts and anyone can actually write anything in there - hopefully people double-check and hold the website together, but a lot of false, incomplete or biased information just slips by as it lacks Wikipedia’s stern neutral position. 
And as I was scrolling through the pages I found the “Dead Unicorn Tropes” page. A page listing tropes that are basically “dead horse tropes” (that is to say over-used, over-parodied, over-played with, over-referenced tropes to the point they are seen as painfully cliche, greatly unfunny or dreadfully doll and boring owadays) - but with the twist that they are “unicorns”. Aka... while everyone treat these tropes as ancient, worn-out, over-used cliches, they never actually existed as “tropes” in the first place. They never were as popular and widespread as people believed - it is basically the Mandela Effect, but for popular culture. 
For example many people think that James Bond wears a tuxedo all the time - when in truth he always just wore tuxedos for a few crucial scenes. But given they were among the most iconic and well-known scenes, popular culture developped the belief that James Bond was ALWAYS in a tuxedo. Or a lot of people parody romance animes by having the main protagonist running late for school with a toast in their mouth only to bump into someone... despite this scenario never being widespread or really used in the first place in animes of this genre. 
Anyway... What caught my eye was a specific section of this page. A section dedicated to fairytales. And this being a fairytale blog... let’s react! 
Fairy tales' supposed idealism and inevitable happy endings are commonly mocked and "deconstructed", most people being unaware that the real stories were often violent, cynical, and depressing. It's something of a Cyclic Trope, since the original stories had such a grim tone, before being bowdlerized and Disneyfied because Children Are Innocent (which is in itself an example of this trope), causing the stories to end up in an Animation Age Ghetto, which left them filled with Fridge Logic and other ripe fodder for deconstruction. On the other end of the spectrum, the belief that all fairy tales were originally gory grimdark horror stories before their Disneyfication is similarly exaggerated; the most common gratuitously violent passages that modern adaptations tend to leave out involve the deaths of the villains at the story's end. Grimmification as a trope is a rather ironic appellation, as The Brothers Grimm were in fact the Ur-Example of Disneyfication, with many of their stories being even darker before the Grimms retold them (but still not the nightmare gorefest people like to think).
I don’t have much to add to this section. The complicated thing with TV Tropes is that it mixes all fairytales together, not separating their origins, genres, cultural context - but what you can be sure about is that when they generalize “fairytales”, they actually talk of the “Western fairytales”, the specific chain of fairytales that went Italian-French-German. 
It is true that the original Italian fairytales (well... they weren’t fairytales because the term fairytale was invented by the French, but these were proto-fairytales) were filled with sex, violence and grotesque elements - but that was because they were farcical humoristic stories, part of a long tradition of surreal bawdy slapstick tales inherited from medieval times, and they were entirely destined to adults. 
The French fairytales were a “Disneyification” as TV Tropes says : because they became courtly tales told by nobles, aristocrats and intellectuals - it was the introduction of traditional fairytale princesses, of virtues and beauty winning over vice and ugliness, of delicate dialogues and scenes out of pastoral romances, etc... Perrault was the one who removed from Little Red Riding Hood the most gruesome details (such as how the wolf, according to some versions, leaves a bit of the blood and flesh of the grandmother for Little Red to eat). BUT on the flipside, French fairytales were FAR away from being Disney fairytales. They were “dark” as while they removed obvious sexuality they kept all the violence, from Bluebeard killing his wives in a chamber of blood to ogres eating their own children while being drunk one night. And while happy endings were very common, they weren’t a standard of fairytales: Charles Perrault’s Little Red Riding Hood ends with the girl being eaten by the Wolf, and that’s it - because it is a warning tale ; while Madame d’Aulnoy’s The Yellow Dwarf ends with the two lovers dying and becoming a couple of trees - due to the story being inspired by ancient myths. 
As for the German fairytales, the work of the Brothers Grimm... On one side they do seem “darker” than the French fairytales due to trying to imitate/stay more faithful to the original folktales, and thus they include much less refinment, much less clear virtues and vices, much more bizarre, disturbing or murky elements... But nothing is too simple, as the Brothers Grimm also HEAVILY “Disneyified” fairytales - they cut down many tales from their book they deemed too “immoral” ; they added many happy endings (they invented the Woodsman saving Little Red Riding Hood) and they changed many dark elements (Snow-White’s stepmother was originally the girl’s mother). 
Overall it is impossible to pin-point a specific “culprit” for making fairytales “lighter” or “darker” because each new incarnation of them has its own part of darkness and lightness... But TV Tropes might also evoke “fairytales” as in “literary fairytales VS folkloric fairytales” - opposing the fairytales written down by authors who actually tried to create a work of literature (all the fairytales talked about above are part of this category) to the actual “fairytales” told by common people, part of folklore and which inspired the literary fairytales. That is another often overlooked simplification: the fairytales we know are all literary works - inspired by folktales yes, but the same way you can have television shows, movies or podcasts inspired by folktales. And under this angle - yes, definitively, all the literary works put a “lighter” twist on the original tales of the common folk. 
True Love's Kiss is not an original element to most fairy tales, but is rather a Disneyfication element. Many fairy tales' protagonists did indeed have The Big Damn Kiss, but it's not meant to be something especially powerful or magical, like a Deus ex Machina. Taking a survey of the most popular such kisses: in the Grimms' version of "Sleeping Beauty", the prince does awake the title character with a kiss, but that's just coincidence because he happened to be there when her hundred-year curse expired;note and in "Snow White", the prince never kisses Snow White, but instead drops her coffin and dislodged the chunk of poisoned apple stuck in her throat. The Ur-Example of the trope was in Norse Mythology, of the Valkyrie Brunhilda who was punished by Odin to sleep on a couch surrounded by fire and was awakened with a kiss from the hero Siegfried.
True! Well, almost... “true love kiss” was present in some French fairytales (as part of the “courtly love” angle - later taken back by the Grimms who wanted to make some tales “cleaner”), and fairytales do have magical kisses of various kinds, but 1) the term “true love kiss” was invented by Disney for its Snow-White movie and 2) the concept of a magical kiss has been taken out of proportions in fairytales. As the text points out: no versions of Snow-White, from the Grimms or from others, have the princess being woken up with a kiss - it was a Disney invention. But given Disney’s two most prominent and famous fairy-tale adaptations (Snow-White and Sleeping Beauty) used the “true love kiss” resolution, people learning of fairytales through Disney thought it was a traditional ending - and Disney’s capitalizing on it did ot help. 
I will also add that while the Grimms’ use of the “magical love kiss” might have been influenced by the Germanic myth of Siegfried (after all the Grimms heavily studied and reconstructed Germanic mythology) ; the “magical love kiss” of French fairytales was obviously taken rather from Greco-Roman sources, more precisely from the tale of “Psyche and Cupid”, THE first proto-fairytale. 
The Knight in Shining Armor rescuing the Damsel in Distress from a dragon is commonly associated with fairy tales, but this is rather rare; The Brothers Grimm only used it twice.
Kind-of-true too. Dragons are NOT typical or traditional fairytale villains - except maybe in folktales and rural legends. Similarly, male heroes in fairytales are rarely knights - they are mostly princes/nobles or peasants of some sort - sometimes a soldier, but that’s all. In fact, beyond the rare Brothers Grimm example cited above, the only other manifestations of this scenario appear in French fairytales, which loved to have a noble male hero save a damsel from some sort of monster - but dragons weren’t more popular than giants or wicked sorcerers, and the male hero rarely was a “knight” and rather a warrior-prince or fighting king. 
The Unicorn (natch) is even more rare. If you do catch one, it won't be the delicate and pure creature like the modern trope, but the fierce and dangerous version of actual medieval legend.
True, because unicorns do not belong to the world of fairytales, but to the world of legends! I never saw one “original” fairytale, literary or otherwise, using a unicorn. Unicorns were part of medieval bestiaries and legends, and as thus were then reused in works of the “fantasy” genre in modern days - and then fantasy “bled” and got a bit confused with fairytales, and unicorns hoped into the “modern fairytale” conception... But yeah, unicorns in fairytales are basically completely unseen.
The Fairy Godmother is extremely rare and appears to have been introduced from literary variants. Sleeping Beauty is often just the victim of a prophesied fate. Cinderella is generally helped by her dead mother in some way, or by some magical beings whose good will she's earned. Even when she appears, it's not that "fairy godmother" is a type of supernatural being akin to a "guardian angel", but rather that a character's godmother, someone everyone in medieval Christendom would have and would already know as a close family friend, is unexpectedly revealed to be a fairy in disguise.
Ah... “Literary variants”. Now that’s a very interesting thing. You know, for a very long time the critics, the teachers, the ones studying fairytales, had this approach: look for folklore, rural legends, the “folktales” first, then look at the literary fairytales later and compare the two, seeing literary fairytales as “reimaginations” of the “original” tales. Nowaday, people in universities, and experts of literature, and critics, recognize that this approach is false and outdated - thanks to the research proving that most of the “folktales” we claim were the “original” sources... actually are just rural twins or doubles of the literary fairytales, which became so popular they spread to the lower classes. And fairytale history nowadays begins with the literary fairytales first - heck, the very term “fairy tale” was invented to designate the literary tales. Fairytales was originally a literary genre - and the term was only later broadened to include “folktales” in it (resulting in many mythological legends or religious tales being often incoherently called “fairytales”). 
That being said... “The Fairy Godmother is very rare”. Oh boy... you feel whoever wrote this only knows of German fairytales, aka the Grimms’ work. Fairy godmothers are EVERYWHERE in the French fairytales. Why do you think the genre was called “fairy tale”? BECAUSE THERE WERE FRIGGIN FAIRIES EVERYWHERE!!! What’s even funnier is that the whole idea of “The Fairy Godmother protects the heroine” was invented by Grimms and Disney. A lot of fairytales in Madame d’Aulnoy’s books are actually persecuted by the fairy godmothers of the story’s villains, or of their rivals! Sometimes you even have battles of fairy godmothers! 
Fairies themselves. Almost any conversation involving them will bring up that in the original tales fairies weren't good or helpful but were supposedly all represented by the most sinister interpretations of The Fair Folk. In reality fairies in the old tales and mythology tend to run the whole gamut from being good and/or helpful to being downright vicious. In many tales the behaviour of the same fairy type or fairy character can vary wildly depending on how a human interacts with them (usually courteous and virtuous behaviour will be rewarded, while vanity and other character flaws will be punished)
On top of what I said above, the article of TV Tropes here also keeps practicing a big confusion between several types of fairytales. 
Fairies are actually pretty much absent from the fairytales of the Brother Grimms, who rather leave place for either magical dwarfs and imps, either witches, and sometimes supernatural ladies such as Frau Höle. The fairies REALLY come from the French fairytales - again, I have to insist, the very term “fairy tale” (conte de fées) was invented to talk about the works of Perrault and d’Aulnoy. And fairies in French fairytales were far from the “all good, kind and cute” fairies - again, this is Disney’s work (and actually it is also the work of Victorian literature, but that’s another subject). In French fairytales you have both good fairies and wicked fairies - though most of the time they are clearly divided by a manicheism of “good, kind, beautiful, benevolent fairies” VS “ugly, monstrous, old evil fairy”. However, some fairytales (such as those of Aulnoy) still blurred the line between the two as good fairies could be easily offended and thus do wicked things. 
But here TV Tropes again refers mostly to “folktales” VS “literary tales” - and of course in “folktales” fairies are wildly different from their literary counterpart... Though even there is yet again another layer of confusion (so many...), because the French “fées” are NOT the English “fairies” even though they do translate by the same word. In English “fairies” originally designates a lot of inhabitants of the Otherworld ranging from pixies to monsters: in French “une fée” is originally a supernatural lady of the Otherworld, a cross between a goddess and a druidess/priestess, halfway between a nymph and sorceress. 
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creativepotatowrites · 9 months
Breaking Down the Bold Finale: Why Promising Young Woman Nailed It
Hey, fellow film lovers! Promising Young Woman (2020) is one of my all-time favourite movies and for good reason. It discusses important topics about society and femininity.
Let’s dive into the jaw-dropping finale of Promising Young Woman. Buckle up for a chat about film theory and why that ending is a knockout.
Feminist Film Theory: Power to Cassie
In the realm of feminist film theory, Cassie is our unapologetic protagonist. She emerges as an avenging hero, shattering the conventional narrative. The ending? It had to be bold, reflecting Cassie’s relentless pursuit of justice.
Cassie, portrayed with depth by Carey Mulligan, challenges the typical female character arc. The tension and power dynamics unfold in scenes where she confronts her targets.
The ending becomes a powerful statement. It breaks away from traditional gender norms. The ending also offers a fresh perspective on justice in the face of sexual assault.
Genre Deconstruction: Twisty Turmoil
Now, let’s talk about genre deconstruction. Promising Young Woman begins as a dark comedy. Before long, it morphs into a thrilling tragedy. Why? To keep us on our toes. The ending is unconventional because life itself is messy, and so is this story.
The film’s ability to blend dark comedy with thriller and tragedy is intentional. Shaking up genre expectations makes us question our assumptions about justice and morality. The ending isn’t neatly packaged, but a deliberate departure from the expected.
Visual Language: Colors Speak Louder
Have you noticed those dreamy pastel colours during Cassie’s confrontations? These pallets act as eye candy AND visual storytelling. The ending needed to be a spectacle.
The filmmakers used colours to challenge societal perceptions and scream empowerment. Pastel colours in confrontation scenes add layers of irony. The pallet challenges traditional notions of femininity.
This visual language enhances our understanding of the film’s themes. It adds depth to the ending, making it an interplay of satisfaction AND discomfort.
Dialogue as Subtext: The Unsaid Speaks Volumes
Cassie’s exchanges, especially with characters like Ryan, are dripping with subtext. The coffee shop confrontation? It’s a dialogue masterpiece, wrapping up Cassie’s journey with emotional weight.
Film theory teaches us that dialogue isn’t just about words. It’s also a hidden treasure trove of meaning. We can especially focus on lines leading to the film’s climax.
Let’s talk about THAT line in one of the ending scenes, where Cassie shows up as Candy.
Al Monroe: It’s every man’s worst nightmare, getting accused of something like that.
Cassie: Can you guess what every woman’s worst nightmare is?
Now that’s a kicker.
Al Monroe, played by Chris Lowell, reveals a common sentiment among men. He expresses fear at the thought of a woman accusing him of a heinous act.
Cassie’s retort brings the film’s feminist themes to the forefront. It challenges Al and, by extension, the audience.
Men may fear false accusations, but women live with the constant threat of sexual assault. They face the fear of no one believing them or taking them seriously.
Cassie’s response is a stark reminder of the gendered nature of societal fears. Her line put a spotlight on the systemic issues surrounding sexual assault. These types of lines prompt viewers to confront the disparity in societal expectations.
Cassie’s question is a rhetorical challenge, urging the audience to reconsider their ideas. The line encourages the viewers to empathise with the lived experiences of women. This dialogue lingers, forcing viewers to confront uncomfortable truths about sexual assault.
Catharsis and Disquiet: Emotional Rollercoaster
As we approach the finale, that mix of satisfaction and disquiet isn’t accidental. Film theory says it’s purposeful. The ending brings catharsis, a release, but it also nudges us to question more. It’s a rollercoaster designed to make us think.
The emotional impact of the ending is intentional. It prompts us to reflect on our own expectations and biases. The ending pushes us to confront uncomfortable truths about justice and societal expectations.
The film doesn’t spoon-feed us a tidy resolution. Instead, it leaves us with a cocktail of emotions. It sparks conversations long after the credits roll.
A Cinematic Rebellion
In a nutshell, Promising Young Woman chose its ending for a reason. Feminist film theory empowered Cassie. Genre deconstruction kept us guessing. The visual language uses colours to challenge norms. Dialogue spoke volumes.
The ending delivered catharsis and disquiet, leaving us with thoughts to ponder. This film isn’t just a movie. Promising Young Woman is a conversation starter. This film challenges norms and sparks discussions about justice and revenge for women.
That’s why the ending had to be a spectacle. Promising Young Woman shows a cinematic rebellion against the norm. Through feminist film theory, genre deconstruction, visual language, and dialogue analysis, the film crafts an ending as bold as its protagonist.
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anasraza25 · 7 months
Elevate Your Salad Game with a Flavorful Fajita Salad
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Introduction: In the realm of salads, there exists a myriad of possibilities beyond the ordinary greens and dressings. One such tantalizing creation is the Fajita Salad—a vibrant blend of colors, flavors, and textures that promises a fiesta for your taste buds. Bursting with the essence of Tex-Mex cuisine, this salad effortlessly marries the sizzling appeal of fajitas with the wholesome goodness of fresh vegetables, making it a delightful choice for any mealtime. Let's delve into the essence of this culinary gem and discover how to create a Fajita Salad that's sure to impress.
Exploring the Essence of Fajita Salad:
At its core, a Fajita Salad embodies the essence of Tex-Mex cuisine, renowned for its bold flavors and vibrant ingredients. Originating from the sizzling grills of Mexico and popularized in the southwestern United States, fajitas traditionally consist of grilled meat, often beef or chicken, accompanied by sautéed peppers and onions. In the Fajita Salad, these quintessential ingredients are reinvented to form a wholesome and satisfying dish that's as nutritious as it is delicious.
The Anatomy of a Fajita Salad:
A well-crafted Fajita Salad is a symphony of flavors and textures, harmonizing crisp vegetables, tender grilled meat, zesty seasonings, and creamy dressings. Let's break down its key components:
Grilled Protein: Whether it's succulent strips of seasoned chicken, beef, shrimp, or tofu, the protein in a Fajita Salad serves as the hearty foundation, adding depth and substance to each bite.
Sautéed Peppers and Onions: The hallmark of any fajita dish, the colorful medley of peppers and onions brings a burst of sweetness and crunch, complementing the protein with its vibrant flavors.
Fresh Greens:
A bed of crisp lettuce or mixed greens forms the base of the salad, providing a refreshing contrast to the savory components and adding a dose of vitamins and minerals.
Tex-Mex Toppings:
From juicy tomatoes and creamy avocado to tangy salsa and sharp cheddar cheese, the toppings in a Fajita Salad add layers of flavor and texture, elevating the dish to new heights.
Creamy Dressing: To tie everything together, a creamy dressing with hints of lime, cilantro, and Mexican spices is drizzled over the salad, infusing it with a burst of tangy goodness.
Creating Your Own Fajita Salad Masterpiece:
Now that we've deconstructed the Fajita Salad, it's time to roll up our sleeves and assemble our own masterpiece. Here's a simple yet sensational recipe to get you started:
1 lb. chicken breasts, thinly sliced 1 red bell pepper, sliced 1 green bell pepper, sliced 1 yellow onion, sliced 2 tbsp fajita seasoning 6 cups mixed salad greens 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved 1 avocado, diced ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese ½ cup salsa ¼ cup sour cream 2 tbsp chopped cilantro 2 tbsp lime juice Salt and pepper to taste Olive oil
In a bowl, toss the chicken strips with fajita seasoning, salt, and pepper. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and cook the seasoned chicken until golden brown and cooked through. Remove from heat and set aside. In the same skillet, add a splash of olive oil and sauté the sliced peppers and onions until tender and caramelized. In a small bowl, whisk together lime juice, chopped cilantro, and sour cream to make the dressing. Season with salt and pepper to taste. To assemble the salad, arrange the mixed greens on a serving platter or individual plates. Top with the cooked chicken, sautéed peppers and onions, cherry tomatoes, diced avocado, and shredded cheddar cheese. Drizzle the creamy dressing and salsa over the salad and garnish with additional cilantro, if desired. Serve immediately and enjoy the explosion of flavors! Conclusion: In conclusion, the Fajita Salad is a culinary delight that brings together the bold flavors of Tex-Mex cuisine in a fresh and wholesome package. Whether enjoyed as a light lunch or a satisfying dinner, this vibrant salad is sure to tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. So, why settle for ordinary salads when you can elevate your dining experience with a Fajita Salad that's bursting with flavor and flair? Gather your ingredients, unleash your creativity, and embark on a culinary adventure that's guaranteed to delight and impress!
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elminx · 3 years
A few quick things that I do before the New Year
I'm the kind of witch who will take any excuse to carve out a new start for myself - whether it be a new moon, the first day of the month, the solstices or equinoxes, of the made up day of our modern calendar - if its a brand new day, its good enough for me! (As you might guess, I also adore the Dagaz rune for a similar reason)
So, let's be quick and dirty and talk about witchy things that you can do in the last two days of 2021 to help bring it good vibes from the coming year.
1. Clean your house - I know, not so witchy, or IS IT?!? I've long since made my house cleaning rituals as witchy as can be by adding elemental chants to them. You wash your house with water - that's water magic! Do a smoke cleanse to work with air. Throw out/donate anything that you aren't going to use going forward. Tidy the stuff that has accumulated over the holidays. I do this all week leading up to the new year by taking a room a day and deep cleaning each. If you are good at keeping up with cleaning, think about your front door, windows, and mirrors, places people often miss.
2. Clean your altar(s) - I like to completely deconstruct my altars, clean every single item on them, and then put them back together. Add some fresh flowers or an offering while you are at it.
3. Consecrate a new candle for your kitchen altar - this is more a kitchen witch thing, but I like to have a "Hearth Candle" in my kitchen since I don't have an actual hearth. I often choose a candle that is orange or red for fire colors and consecrate it with abundance herbs (mulling spices mix works well for this) and happy house oils for the coming year.
4. Make an abundance simmer pot - through some hot water on the stove with orange slices, cinnamon sticks, and whole cloves in it and let it cook away spreading the gorgeous smells of abundance throughout your space. This is a great broom-closet tip because you can claim that you are making tea.
5. Perform a type of cleansing magic on yourself - take a sacred bath, or an egg cleanse, or an uncrossing - whatever is appropriate in your practice to sever the times you have with 2021 that will be unhealthy to carry with you into 2022
6. Write down a list of things you want to get rid of from 2021 and burn it in a fire safe way. Easy banishment - GO!
7. Write down a list of things that you want to accomplish in 2022 - sign over it with your full name 9x, fold it, and burn a jar candle on top of it. Easy intention setting - go!
8. Clean up your social media - is there anybody who you are following who consistently makes you feel unhappy? Is there anybody following you who needs to be blocked so that you stop feeling their ick every time they see your content? Are you still following your ex and you get that pit in your stomach every time you see them with their new fling? Fix that shit.
9. Give offerings in thanks to the spirits/gods/ancestors that have helped you get through 2021 - This may be going to the cemetery to say hello to Grandma, or putting out some water on your altar. Don't ask for anything - just say thank you.
10. Cut your hair - Our hair holds a lot of power and can accumulate a lot of junk energy over time. This doesn't have to big a big deal haircut (but you do you - chop it all off if it'll make you feel better!) - it could be a symbolic snip of a few strands or that bi-monthly mid Winter shave (no judgement lol). This could be a recolor instead. The goal here is to make a clean break with the past year - make it your own.
As always, these are just suggestions. Some may feel really right to your or some might feel super off - follow your intuition. Don't feel like you have to do them all - I wrote the list and given how close it is now to the new year, I won't likely get to them all before we get there!
The point is to do something. You can ritualize it as much or as little as you like. Your practice is, and will always be, yours. So act accordingly.
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extorchic · 3 years
TOP 5 SK8 Episodes
So I got tagged by @akira-cr to make this list, it took some time but I think I've sorted out my mind, thank you for considering me 😊. Now here comes the list, sorry if it's supposd to be objective, but I'm gonna let my heart out over here (It's gonna be a long post and I'm not gonna cut it ):
NUMBER 5 - Episode 6 - Steamy Mystery Skating?! (A.K.A. The beach episode 🏊‍♂️)
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Well this is supposed to be "breather" episode, and it's basically the one that sold the series to me. I like how fun and chill this episode is, although it does (further) foreshadow Reki's insecurity issues. The music is of course SUBLIME! "Seize the Moment" is probably my favorite insert song of all time! (it's been present in Reki's beefs as well, but here it really reflects the fun nature of his character and the show overall). And of coruse, FANSERVICE, not so much in how the boys were in swimsuits (though I gotta admit Reki does look good in them), but on the RENGA interactions!
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That hug gave me life! How Langa was worried 24/7 about Reki being injured, at the end when they skated together to escape from the Bantu! I gotta admit that I have some mixed feelings about the implications of Reki being attracted to the faceless girl (I mean, Bi rep is very important too), but I guess my shipping side was just as jelaous as Langa was supposed to be (according to the fans LOL).
NUMBER 4 - Episode 11 - King vs. Nobody (A.K.A. Reki rising! ✨🌺🌞⚙️)
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Reki is, without a doubt, my favorite character. He doesn't need to win, he doesn't need to be super flashy while skating, he just needs to be himself. He's been through a lot, many people (including me) have felt tremendously related to him, and seeing him in this episode is just satisfying. With his issues behind, with a promise to skate with Langa after he wins and no longer fearful, Reki rematches against Adam; and the way he does is fantastic! Taking advantage of his creativity, observative skills and mechanical knowledge on skateboarding, he faces up against the main boss and manages to not only endure his violent ways (which were gruelling to see, TBH), but also SOUNDLY HUMILIATE HIM in front of the whole S Community!
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Yes, Adam, the "God of S", in the ground covered in mud by a boy almost everyone dissmissed! It was really sunshine through rainfall! I must also add how much I liked to see his renewed relationship with Langa, how much they treasure their company after patching up. I want to elaborate on this in its own post but I personally see that their interactions from this point on are more, I don't know, tender, caring, still playful but not in an entirely comedic way. The way they see each other is also deeper, anyway, it's just what I see.
NUMBER 3 - A DRAW: Episode 8 - The Fated Tournament! and Episode 9 - We Were Special Back Then (A.K.A. The month in which I was in an emotional crisis because of anime sk8t3r b0is 🍎🐍😭🛹❄🍵🌸 )
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This is the point in which I got into the show, and the fandom (Yeah, haven't been around for too long). At this point the show wasn't the same, and I realized it when I caught up. Though there were some cool skating scenes in these episodes, the events that caught my attention were outside the road (Yeah, this was no longer just a skateboard anime, it's a whole lot more). Though I had been mainly focusing on Reki and Langa, I really liked having more backstory related to Joe, Cherry, Adam and Tadashi. Seeing how Adam went through a terrible childhood, convoluted teeange years to culminate in an adult with too much power for his own good and a twisted sense of "love", along with some extremely serious psychological issues was very interesting.
I acknowldge him as a complex villain, but that DOES NOT justify what he did to Cherry. This only proves that just because we know his backstory, we don't have to sympathize with him (Adam's just such a terrible person). On the RENGA side, we see Reki avoiding Langa after their rift, and how this affected both. We have Langa's sadness increase scene after scene, as well as his passion for skating dwindling as progressively. Reki on the other hand, just falls deeper and deeper in his depression, but also being unable to stop thinking about Langa, and he ends up going to S to see the latter's match against Joe. It's hard to see whether there's envy, jelaousness, frustration, admiration, pining or fear of being left behind in his mind. It must have been hard for a 17 y/o.
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Reki also defends Langa from people speaking behind his back and shouting his name during the race boosts Langa's performance tremendously. This culminates on Reki realizing that the thing he actually wanted was to skate alongside Langa, not on the side, not as support, but together, he just couldn't. There's also the scene which may or may not confirm that Langa's feelings for Reki are more than just friendship! (Felt represented, for reals).
NUMBER 2 - Episode 7 - We Don't Balance Out (A.K.A. This was supposed to be a fun show!😭⛈️💔️)
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I wrote a lot about the episodes in the previous spot, but this is the one that flipped the tables, the game-changer, and the one that hit closer home. It is a sad episode, no races there, it's just here for us to see how the circumstances affect the characters. It was hard to see how Reki, who at this point had been nothing but supportive and proud of Langa, starts to see him flying farther from him. Is it jealousness? Dissatisfaction? Is it fear of loneliness? Adbandoment issues? Is it feeling inferior? Frustration? Not being able to improve? Admiration? Care?
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And on top of that a broken promise. I just can't imagine how hard is it for a 17 y/o to deal with all of those conflicting issues in his head, as well as the toxic competitive environment on the "S Community". This just came to show that he wasn't just the excitable, goofy sidekick character, he goes deeper than that, and makes him relatable. We also see a deconstruction of the cool, aloof prodigious character in Langa, as he just can't comprehend what's going on with Reki, and he's hurt by it, but still needs to figure out his own ambitions and desries. This leads to the emotional conclusion of the episode (which in turn left me in the aforementioned 4-week-long emotional crisis, thank you)
Episode 12 - Our Infinity! - The race was cool, the Renga hug gave me life and everyone had a happy ending
Episode 5 - Passionate Dancing Night! - Despite the beef between Langa and Adam being cool, we start to see Reki worrying about Langa and opening up to him, further deepening their bond.
Episode 2 - Awesome for the First Time! - There's just something special about sharing something you're passionate about with someone else. Watching Reki teaching Langa the basics of skateboarding was heartwarming
NUMBER 1 - Episode 10 - DAP Not Needing Words
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After 4 weeks waiting, the anticipation for this episode was gargantuan. Reki's depression was hitting its lowest point, bordering in self-harm, and hurting others as well. Langa continues to look for Reki after seeing him briefly at the hospital while visiting Shadow and we get to see this loving scene where he watches videos of Reki learining how to skate. After confronting Tadashi and realizing that he loves skating because it's fun, he returns home to find out that Langa had been waiting for him but left shortly before he arrived.
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This leads to a heartful reunion, where words can't express their feelings, so they resort to do their thing, to skate, and that's where the feelings flow. This is when Langa tells Reki how he admires him tremendously and Reki understands that Langa'll be there by his side, and leaves his fears behind. With a mutual desire to skate together infinetely and a new dap, they rekindle their bond. People watched this show for different reasons, and though I like the skateboarding aspect because it looks cool, my interest leans more on the relationship aspect, and Reki and Langa's is so deep and intimate, and I liked seeing it grow from zero through different hardships (in other words, in all of the years I've been in a fandom, I had never shipped any other pair like these two, I needed to say that).
So I guess it's time to tag some people:
@pico-sour, @sleebycryptid, @elizabethslee, @itsamole, @kaorucherry, @blueflame97, @trieizieme, @tardiskitten, @lady-pendragon-9
So, if you've read until this point, thank you very much (I know it's not supposed to, but this post is yet again a very long "I love Renga" one, but it's what my heart wanted me to write 😅). I'd love to see people other than the ones I tagged showing their lists 😃
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
@Civilian AU!Anon
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Here's Kayane of the Civilian AU! 
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Aw, she’s pretty cute! I like the Miku-style detached sleeves, they’re a cute reference, and the emphasis on the Sakura blossom motif is cute too. I really like the transparent layer on her skirt! I’m a little curious to see how the “black light” phase is going to work since she’s already starting with dark colors. Maybe she becomes a blinding light, lol.
I also like the variations on the teams’ symbols/colors, so they’re still parallels, but still unique for the swaps. Very nice!
More thoughts under the cut since they got too long for the tags and I have some visual aids this time.
I knew that she’d be a mermaid from the silhouettes you sent in, but it’d also be cool to see a non-mermaid Kayane.
Fun Fact: Some of Sayu’s original concepts had her as a bunny themed idol. You can see some of this concept art on the wall during Sayu’s defeat cutscene.
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I think that mixing themes can work, but I’m having a hard time following the through line between “Sakura” and “mermaid.” The through line for Sakura seems to be the Japanese pop idol influences. As mentioned before, there are clearly Miku influences in the design and Sakura are associated with Japan first and foremost. And that’s all fine, I think that isolated, all those themes could make a very cute character design.
I guess what’s throwing me off is that *neither Kayane or Sayu are associated with Sakura, so the addition of it makes me want to see an even greater emphasis on it rather than it just be an “icon” on her outfit.
I think I’ve said this before, but when it comes to AUs, I like to see a focus on what makes the AU different from the original, so since the Sakura theme is unique, I would love to see it get pushed further.
I want to see “Kayane if she was a virtual idol like Sayu.” more than, “Kayane if she was Sayu.” I know those statements sound very similar, but there’s nuance that makes them different. The former is a deconstruction and reconstruction of the pieces of each character, and the latter is a fusion of both wholes. Neither is necessarily better than the other, and they both have their places and uses, but I have a preference for the former most of the time.
As a personal example, let’s look at my recent Kun3h0 x 1010 swaps.
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I would say that the first pass is closer is a “fusion” because it takes White and puts him Kun3h0′s outfit, just in his theme colors. There are some elements that changed to fit him: the belt accessory now resembles NJ’s screen instead of a rabbit, the heart motif was swapped for a star (I associate White with stars, but that isn’t a canon element), and the design on the boots changed from the speakers to more resemble the original pattern on the 1010s legs. And besides the outfit, there were some elements that were added/changed to keep Kun3h0′s elements from being completely erased: the skin turned pink because Kun3h0 has a human skin tone (and pink is a normal skin tone in the NSR universe) and his irises had to change from white to purple because the sclera aren’t black anymore.
The second pass first asks these questions: What makes a Kun3h0 unit a Kun3h0, and a 1010 a 1010? I decided that the most important parts of Kun3h0 were the rabbit-ear headphones, the boots, and the gloves, so those were going to stay no matter what. Instead of keeping the strict construction of the outfit, I kept the silhouette mostly the same. So he still has the crop top, the shorts, and the sleeves still taper outwards, but the design of the top was changed to be more sailor themed because a key-part of 1010s characterization is the sailor motif. To add onto that, a sailor hat was added to really push the sailor elements since a lot of the other iconography was dropped. The outfit colors were also kept monochrome and black was used in more places to better replicate the 1010′s original uniform.
To me, the fusion reads more as, “White in Kun3h0′s outfit.” while the deconstruction-reconstruction reads more as, “White if he were in the same series of robots as Kun3h0.” I don’t think either is significantly better or worse than the other, but there were different thought processes for both which came to different conclusions for the prompt, “Kun3h0 x 1010 swap”.
I hope that this explains and illustrates what I’m trying to get at.
I know that it would be kinda difficult to really “deconstruct” Kayane because her entire role/design revolves around her relation to 1010, so in an AU where she has nothing to do with them, it makes it a little harder to visually emphasize the things that originally characterized her. However, that being the case means that there’s actually more room to focus on new visual motifs like the Sakura to really make the design your own. You did it with Daphne & Jan with their new underwater motif, so I think you can do it here too.
Again, I really like the direction these are going, but I just know that they can be pushed so much further.
But I don’t always give the best advice, XP. They say that you know you have a good design not when you can’t add anymore, but when you can’t take anything else away, so me asking you to “push” the designs further might not be the best advice and shouldn’t be taken as an absolute. I can only tell ya what I want to see, not necessarily what’s the best choice.
*Strictly speaking, there is a canon flower!Sayu that appears on a poster in the Akasuka district. I find the design itself kinda underwhelming for a themed alt, (it’s no all pink Sakura!Miku), but I know it wasn’t made to stand out on its own: its function is to be a cute themed variation of the character, not totally reinvent her. It’s literally a little poster on the side of a wall that not everyone is even going to take the time to investigate, so I understand not wanting to spend too much time designing a more grandiose flower themed Sayu.
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