#let it happen in the diaz kitchen
makorragal-312 · 2 months
Imagine if the show decided to juxtapose Buddie's first kiss with the BuckTommy kiss with how Eddie initiates it compared to how Tommy initiated it.
When Tommy kissed Buck, he did it while Buck was rambling but not before staring at him with this stone expression that gave the impression that he kissed Buck just to get him to be quiet.
Imagine the same scenario for the Buddie kiss.
Buck is rambling on about something but instead of looking on with a serious face, Eddie is just staring at him with a fond smile and he either waits for Buck to stop talking before he leans in or he gently interrupts Buck mid-sentence and when Buck asks why, he just stares at him for another second before leaning in to kiss him.
Bonus points if Eddie pulls away and Buck is shook, but immediately overcomes it and leans back in for another smooch.
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theclaravoyant · 4 months
eddie hating waking up in the morning because it’s too quiet without christopher but at some point he puts music on and at some point he starts doing that sort of little mumble hum while he’s making breakfast and his shoulders do a little ~one of these~ and he finds himself looking forward to certain songs and throwing a little move and a little spin and eddie diaz healing by jamming out in his kitchen is what i’m saying
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deans-angel67 · 6 months
Bruises and Surprises
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Summary: When Eddie is acting off and then comes home late Evan and Y/N start to worry. But when they find out why he's been acting off, it causes some problems.
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x fem!reader x Evan Buckley
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing possibly, mentions of violence and injuries
A/N: This was inspired by @megalony Late Night Fights. I hope you guys enjoy this, thank you for the support.
The four of them sat at Eddie's kitchen table that morning. Both Evan and Y/N had the day off, Chris was going over to a friends house for a sleepover today. And Eddie decided to pick up an extra shift at the fire house.
"You know you didn't have to take that shift Eddie." Y/N says as he pours coffee into a turmos mug. It was rare that the three of them had a day off at the same time. So naturally she was a little disappointed when Eddie said he chose to do an extra 12 hours.
"I didn't realize you were off today, I'm sorry mi amour." He says dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
"You got all your stuff ready Chris?" Chris nods at Eddie's question and then gets up to go grab his things.
"You know there's no harm in taking a day off right. I mean you've been working a lot lately." Evan pitches in concern evident in his voice. As he puts his mug down on the table.
"You should be taking better care of yourself Eds." She said putting a hand on her stomach, masking a slight discomfort that made it's appearance.
"You two are blowing this way out of proportion." Eddie had been acting off lately. He was shorter tempered and he had been picking up a lot of extra hours. He was tired and overall frustrated often. They were both a little worried. Y/N hadn't seen him act this way for a long time. She was getting really worried.
The last time Eddie had acted this way she ended up getting a call say that he needed to be bailed out of jail. But she hadn't seen any bruises or marks on him, maybe she was over reacting.
"Why don't you call in sick?" Evan proposed, only to receive a scoff from Eddie.
"I said I'd be there, Buck. Come on, Chris!" Eddie gave them both a quick kiss before his son finally entered the room. Y/N and Evan said goodbye to Chris and just like that the house became quiet.
"He's acting strange right?" She asked Buck, her hands wrapped around the mug as she stared at the dark liquid before glancing at him.
"Yeah, he is." Evan confirmed.
Y/N stood in the kitchen cutting vegetables for supper. Two hands made their way to her waist and then her front. Buck leaned his chin on her shoulder as she hummed along to the song playing.
"Why don't you go sit?"
"Babe, I'm fine." She told him pausing to look up at him, kissing him on the cheeks.
"You were sick all morning." He presses. She put the knife down and turned in his arms so she was facing him. Her hands came up to cup his jaw.
"I promis, I feel fine. Good even." She spoke softly giving him her full attention. He let out a sigh searching for something unusual in her features only to find nothing.
"You promis? And if you start to feel even a little off you'll go sit?"
"Yes baby, I promise." She gave him a sweet smile and a kiss on the cheek.
"Well, then let me help. What can I do?" Evan asked going over to the sink to wash his hands.
"You can take over cutting while I get started on the sauce." She took a pot out and placed it beside the one with water. They didn't get to cook together often. It was often Buck or Y/N never Eddie. They were scared they wouldn't have a kitchen by the end of it, or taste buds.
By the time everything was ready it was 8pm. Late compared to 'normal' hours but their schedule was so weird that they got used to eating at odd hours.
"Shouldn't Eddie be home by now?" Y/N asked looking up at Evan with worry.
"His call must have run late. It happens all the time." He reassured her wrapping a hand around her waist and hugging her, his head going down to her neck.
"We should wait for him."
They ended up eating an hour and a half later. Without Eddie.
It was 11pm when Y/N wanted to go to bed but was to busy paissing their living room.
"This can't just be a call Evan."
"Theres no way he has been on a call for over 3 hours!" He was also getting worried, he just didn't want to show it. It wasn't impossible, but another unit would have gotten there and they would have been able to go back to the station, and back home.
"Baby stop, please." He gently grabbed her arms stopping her movements.
"How about you go to bed-" she shook her head and open her mouth to protest but Evan stopped her.
"How about you go to bed and try to sleep, and I'll go down to the station and see what's going on." She let out a sigh, hesitating.
"Your exhausted and you have work in the morning, Sweetheart. I wasn't really asking." Evan made himself more clear. Her hands went to his biceps and his to her waist.
It was dark in the house when he came home. Using his hands to make sure he didn't run into anything.  When he reached the kitchen he turned the light over the sink on. He grabbed the first aid kit from the top of the fridge groaning from the pain it caused.
He took his shirt off letting it fall to the ground, he looked down spotting the dark bruises painting the various parts of his body. He took out some rubbing alcohol and cream setting them on the counter.
He turned around to find Y/N standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She was just about to fall asleep when she heard the front door.
"Baby where have you been? Why didn't you answer your phone?" She rushed forward only for her to stop a few feet away from him. A small gasp left her when she actually took the time to look at him.
"A call ran late, I'm sorry." He explained. She approached him gently running her fingure tips over a bruise on his stomach to which he winced.
"Eddie..." His name was spoken so softly he barely caught it.
"It was a rough one. It looks worse than it is, mi amour." He said, he put a hand on her arm trying to comfort her. But then she caught sight of his bloody and bruised knuckles. She took in a sharp breath standing up straighter. It all clicked in her head.
"You've been fighting again, haven't you?" She looked at him disappointment flooding her eyes.
"What? No, of course not." The slight hesitant in his voice told her otherwise.
"Edmundo, do not lie to me." She said angerly, tears welling up in her eyes despite her attempts to stop them. He took a deep breath closing his eyes and tilting his head slightly up.
He wasn't planning to do it again but a few weeks back an old buddy from back when he did illegal fighting contacted him. Said then needed someone because some guy left last minute. It was supposed to be a one time thing. But one turned to two, and two to three until it got out of hand.
"Why!? Why would you possibly do that again?!" She was livid, rightfully so. She took a step back until she hit the kitchen island.
"It's complicated." He said looking back at her. Letting out a sigh, he didn't want to explain.
"Complicated? How could it be Complicated? This was in the past, we left it there, with the lawsuit, and the heartache and- and jail. We talked about this." 
"It's not the same. I'm careful I know what I'm doing." He tries to explain, but it wasn't good enough.
"You also knew what you where doing when you broke that guys nose!" She yelled, not hearing the front door over their arguing.
"That's not fair."
"Look at yourself!" He swallowed hard. He was littered with cuts and bruises. He knew he shouldn't come home looking like this.
"Eddie?" Evan stood at the other end of the kitchen, his voice caused them both to look over at him.
Y/N kept a concern look on her face but a weight on her shoulders was lifted knowing that Buck was home and okay, it was one less thing to worry about. Eddie seemed surprised, he though Evan was sleeping.
"Thank God, your okay. I've been looking everywhere for you." Evan drops his keys on the counter and rushed to hug his boyfriend. Y/N letting out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair.
Eddie inhaled sharply as Buck hugged him and winced. He returned the affection and then pulled away a little.
"Buck." It was strained and said through gritted teeth because of the pain. When he finally pulled away he got a good look at Eddie.
"What the hell happened?" He said anger in his tone. When no one answered he turned to his girlfriend for help.
"You don't talk about fight club right?" She said sarcasticly causing Eddie to roll his eyes.
"What?" Bucks face filled with confusing looking between the two.
"He's fighting again." She explained moving to the other side of the island to create space between her and the boys.
"What!? Why?" He turns to Eddie brows furrowed, he wasn't there when he did the fights in the past. Y/N was. He had heard of some of them from her, like the one where he broke a guy's nose so bad he choked on a piece of cartilage.
"Can we please not have this conversation again." Eddie felt like they were going around in circles, and it didn't help when his girlfriend just pick up the conversation where they left off when Evan arrived.
"They know what there doing as much as you do. How do you know how it's going to end? Next time it could be you, and they won't stay to help you, they'll leave you there." She didn't want to fight with her boys tonight, not with all the stress that she was under. Today was supposed to be a good day, and it only seemed to take a turn for the worst.
"She's right, I thought you were donne with it Eddie." Evan cuts in, concern and confusion evident on his face and in his voice.
"Apparently not." She muttered her hand rubbing her temple
"Do you know how much you scared us tonight?" Evan tried to make him understand. Y/N started to feel a slight discomfort, but she was unsure from what.
"I'm sorry." He really did feel bad, he knew he was extremely late. The missed phone calls and texts were unlike him.
He fished his phone from his pocket and set it on the counter. The screen was shattered and the back metal panel was missing a few pieces falling out of the phone as he sets it down.
"Eddie you can't start doing this again, I wasn't there when you did it before but Y/N told me it got pretty brutal." Evan explained his concern about his past, scared that it might repeat.
"Look it's just a few fights, and they help. I come home and I'm not angry or impatient." Eddie tried to reassure them but it wasn't working. He ran a hand through his hair.
"No, you come home bloody and bruised. Like thats any better." Y/N pitched back in sarcasm lassed in her voice. A hand going to her stomach now understanding where the discomfort came from
"Eddie you can't keep doing this, not after tonight." Evan almost pleaded.
"You don't get it!" He argued back, getting more frustrated by the minute. Y/N winced gripping the counter with her free hand.
"Then explain." Evan continued to try and reason with him but nothing seemed to work.
"I can't!" Eddie shouted, the two boys to engrossed in their argument to see the clear pain their girl was in.
"This isn't healthy, I though you talked about it with your therapist." Buck continued to try and understand.
"Evan-" He was cut off by Y/N.
"Uhh! Will you two stop!" She was hunched over, one hand still on the counter for support the other on her stomach. A pained look on her face.
"Y/N?" Eddie turned to her and took a few steps in her direction.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Evan was extremely concerned. He rounded the island and stood beside her placing a hand on her hip.
"You two are stressing me."
"Mi amour, that can't be stress." Eddie gently rubs circles into her back.
"Since when does stress cause you pain?" Evan asked, she stood back up straight.
"Since I've been pregnant."
They both look at each other, wanting to have confirmation they heard the same thing.
"Baby, are you sure?"
"I was hoping for a little more excitement boys." She remarked.
"Okay, how about we get you to the couch?" Eddie spoke looking at Evan.
Once she was seated on the couch the boys sat on either side of her.
"How long have you known?" She looked over at Buck and took a deep inhale.
"A week." She leaned back until her back hit the couch and looked between the boy. Trying to see both their reactions.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I was going to, but you both have such a hectic work schedule that I was trying to find the right time. And then Eddie decided to work today so... This isn't how I wanted to tell you." She looked down at her hands in her lap.
She had spent so much time trying to plan the perfect moment. Tonight was gonna be it over some dinner the three of them. So they could figure out how to tell Chris together. But everything went wrong, it usually did with them. The execution was terrible, but the result was always good. Buck set a hand on her shoulder squeezing slightly to give her a little comfort.
"Where does it hurt?" Eddie asked concern painted on his face.
She looked over at him and set her hand on her lower stomach to show him. He reached over lifting her shirt a little and pressing a hand in different areas. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
"I'm sorry baby." He apologized glancing between her and Evan. He hated that he had cause this. The stress and pain. He never wanted this to happen.
"It's just you two are constantly risking your life at work. I don't-"
"Hey, I get. I won't go to the fights anymore, I swear." Eddie stopped her to explain. He understood how much this meant to her to both of them. She gave him a small smile before it turned to a frown when she spotted Evan leaning down to be slightly above her stomach
"Now, you gotta stop giving trouble to your mom little guy." She let out a giggle running her hand in his hair only to lift his face and give him a kiss
"I don't think thats how it works Buck."
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kenacoki · 13 days
Playing With Fire
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//Pairing// Eddie Diaz x Fem!Reader
//Summary// You and Eddie have never gotten along ever since you’ve joined the 118. When the two of you are forced to quarantine together after a sudden exposure to a possible virus while on a call, there’s only so much that can happen.
//Request// Smut prompts #1, #7, #12, #14, and #15
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//Word Count// 6.86k
//Warnings// MDNI (18+), smut (p in v), dirty talk
//Dividers// sister-lucifer
//a/n// This is my first time ever writing smut! If you guys have any constructive criticism feel free to let me know :)
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It was another early start at work. The fire station was rather peaceful during these hours; a few members were just waking up after late-night calls, and a few others were just finishing up breakfast.
As you arrive and head up to the loft, you can just barely make out the figure of a person hunched over in a chair at the kitchen island.
Eddie Goddamn Diaz.
He was half-sleep in his seat, slumped over on one arm and sipping on a quickly cooling cup of coffee, his eyelids half closed.
He didn't notice your approaching steps into the room for a few seconds, only stirring into consciousness upon hearing you get closer. Quickly jerking into a more awake state, he turns his head to look at you as you enter the kitchen.
"Oh, it's you." He mumbles.
His voice was low and rough from the early hour as he spoke, his eyes still partly closed and the look on his groggy face suggested he hadn't even registered his words properly. He yawned and took another small sip from his cup, before looking at you again.
"What time is it?" He asked in his half-conscious state.
“Time for you to go back to sleep,” you grumble, turning on the coffee maker and popping in a (f/f) coffee pod. “God knows you need all the beauty sleep you can get.”
Eddie lets out a low scoff as he hears your words, slowly turning his head to look at you. His brown eyes were half-open still, but he had mustered enough energy to form an annoyed expression.
"Haha, very funny." He responded dryly. "Maybe you should worry about your own face before commenting on mine."
Eddie takes another weary sip from his coffee, now eyeing you from across the kitchen as you get your drink ready.
It's been like this for several months now between you two, constantly butting heads and getting into small arguments at every opportunity. Everyone at the station has gotten fed up with the constant fighting by this point, especially considering both of you have to work so closely on calls.
But despite this, there was a part of both of you that actually enjoyed the arguing.
Each time you argued, something in the back of both of your minds enjoyed it. The tension between you both heightened with each heated exchange, and the adrenaline it brought felt almost...
He knew exactly how to push your buttons, and you knew how to get under his skin just as easily. It was almost a game to you both; to see who would snap first and give in.
But each time, nothing ever happened. The tension would rise and rise until someone was there to break up the argument, and both of you would be left to stew in the tension until the next time it happened.
It was like an endless cycle. You both knew the other's weaknesses and kept throwing little jabs at each other any chance you got.
“You know, sometimes I wonder if you were born an asshole, or if someone just hurt you so bad that—”
“Oh, here we go.” Eddie quickly cuts you off with a scoff, not letting you finish your jab at him. “I was wondering how long it would take you to start with your insults.”
He shifts in his seat, his muscles tensing just slightly in annoyance, "Can't you keep your mouth shut for more than two seconds?" Eddie retorted, an edge to his voice.
"And miss the chance to piss you off? Never." You spit with a smirk, leaning against the counter as you watch Eddie's tired expression.
Eddie lets out an exasperated sigh, running a hand over his face tiredly as he grumbles softly.
"Te juro que no eras tan atractiva—” He grumbles, the irritation building up inside him.
“I literally have no idea what you’re saying, so that literally affects me none.”
Eddie’s eye twitches as he hears your response, his annoyance shifting into anger.
His grip on his coffee cup tightens, clearly trying with all his might not to lose his temper. It’s probably a miracle that he hasn’t thrown it at you yet.
The tension in the room is almost tangible, both of you on the verge of another argument, even despite Eddie’s tired state.
“I swear to god,” He starts, his voice growing harsher. “If you don’t shut your mouth, I’m gonna—“
“Is it even possible for you both to not argue for once in your lives?”
You both jump in surprise to find Chimney standing at the top of the loft stairs, a mix of amusement and irritation on his face.
He crosses his arms and leans against the railing of the loft, eyes flickering between the both of you.
“It’s not even 8 a.m. and yet, and you two are already arguing like an old married couple.” He jokingly teases, a knowing smirk on his face.
Eddie’s eyes harden at Chimney’s words, while you can’t help but scoff at the comment.
“We are not a married couple.” Eddie retorts immediately, while you respond simultaneously.
“Yeah, to be married couples actually have to like each other.”
Chimney just chuckles and shakes his head, “Could’ve fooled me.” He pushes himself off the railing and walks further on into the kitchen, moving towards the coffee machine.
You stand there stewing about chimneys comment when the alarm on the side of the station wall starts ringing.
“Medic Unit needed…unconscious woman at Jameson Park.”
Chimney grins as he pours his coffee, “You two are handing the ambulance today—Bobby’s orders, not mine.”
You and Eddie share a look, “Looks like our shift just got started.” He mutters under his breath.
His tired demeanor quickly fades as he starts to move out of his seat, setting his now empty coffee cup on the counter.
The two of you quickly make your way down the loft stairs to the main floor of the station, Chimney watching the both of you leave.
“Please don’t kill each other before anyone’s been rescued!” He calls out to you both jokingly.
Eddie just rolls his eyes, not even bothering to respond to Chimney. The two of you climb into the ambulance, you hop in the passenger seat as Eddie starts it up. Swiftly pulling out of the station and driving towards the park.
The drive to Jameson Park is done mostly in silence, with both of you far too focused on getting to the scene to start getting snappy with each other. You can feel the remaining tension from your earlier argument bubbling beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment though.
After a few minutes, the familiar area of the park comes into view. Eddie turns off the road and down into the park, the ambulance soon pulling up to the scene.
You immediately jump out, rushing over while Eddie quickly trails behind.
A small crowd of people gathered around a young woman sitting on a nearby park bench. She is sitting slumped over, looking dazed and confused.
Both of you quickly set to work, Eddie kneeling down in front of the woman to check her over while you start asking questions.
“What happened?” You ask the group, trying to get a general idea of the situation.
“We were just walking through the park, and suddenly she collapsed.” A young man in the crowd explains, his voice filled with worry. “She’s been kinda sick for the last few days, like uh a fever and some cramps but that—oh, and red eyes!”
You nod before glancing down at the woman.
“Are her pupils responsive?” You question, squatting down beside Eddie.
He glances at you from the corner of his eye as he checks the woman over
“They’re sluggish,” Eddie mutters, turning his gaze back to the young woman. “Ma’am, can you hear me? Do you know where you are?”
The woman raises her head slowly, her gaze unfocused and confused. She looks around her surroundings, her body swaying slightly as she tries to focus her vision.
Finally, her eyes fall on Eddie, and she looks up at him, her voice rough and raspy as she speaks.
“Huh…w-where I am?”
Eddie’s brow creases together in concern as he continues to check her over. It’s clear that whatever’s wrong with her is serious, and you guys need to act quickly.
“You’re in Jameson Park. You’ve just had a fall.” He responds, his voice firm. “We’re here to help you, alright? What’s her vitals?”
“Fever’s getting pretty bad…” You mutter, checking her temperature. “Blood pressure is through the roof, pupils are fully dilated and she’s struggling to focus. We need to get her to a hospital ASAP.”
Eddie nods in agreement, his expression tense, “Alright, ma’am, we’re going to have to take you to the hospital, all right? We need to get you checked out and taken care of.”
The woman nods slightly in response, her body still swaying as she struggles to stay conscious.
“I, uh, don’t feel very good-” She manages to mutter, her voice slurred and weak.
You two get her safely secured on the stretcher and roll her towards the back of the ambulance.
“I’ll sit back here with her.” You swing the door open, climbing into the back as you carefully pull the stretcher inside.
“Alright, I’ll drive.” He responds with a nod, heading up to the driver’s seat and starting up the engine.
You sit back with the woman on the stretcher, both of you strapped in securely as you watch Eddie begin to drive.
Eddie’s driving is even more focused than usual, weaving through traffic smoothly as he heads to the nearest hospital.
The woman’s breathing starts to become more labored, as both her fever and her heart rate continue to rise. You look up as the IV drips, gently placing the oxygen mask over her face.
“We’re almost there, okay? The doctors will be ready to help you.”
Eddie glances into the rearview mirror, noticing her struggling. He bites his lip, his hands gripping the wheel a little tighter as he focuses on the road.
"How's she holding up back there?"
“How about you just work on getting us to the hospital.” You snip at him, more than a little stressed from the current situation.
Eddie glares back at you through the mirror, an annoyed look on his face at your tone.
"I was just asking a question." He responds, his voice strained. "No need to be bitchy about it."
“I’m not being bitchy.” You retort, gesturing towards the woman on the stretcher. “I’m just a little bit focused on our patient if you can’t tell.”
You huff and return your attention to the woman, the air in the ambulance growing increasingly tense.
Thankfully, you see the hospital come into view through the front windshield. A sigh of relief escapes you.
Eddie pulls up outside the entrance of the Hospital’s ER, quickly getting out of the driver’s seat and pulling the ambulance bay door open.
Together, both of you quickly rush the woman into the emergency room, a team of doctors and nurses instantly descending on her to take her in.
You and Eddie stand a few feet back from the action, watching as the hospital medical team takes the woman in and starts to treat her.
Both of you let out a collective sigh.
Eddie glances at you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he struggles to hold back his comment. "So... you gonna apologize for earlier, or what?"
Surely he isn’t serious right now.
“And why should I?” you retort instantly, turning your gaze to look back at him. “Last time I checked, I didn’t have anything to apologize for.“
A mocking smile on your lips, your hand comes down on his shoulder as you start outside, “Don’t take everything to heart.”
Eddie scoffs, shrugging off your hand, his face hardening. “Are you kidding me right now?”
He steps closer to you, his voice low and pointed. “Why can’t you be professional for once and just answer a goddamn question without being a smartass?”
“Oh, so it's my fault you can't handle a simple answer?” You fire back, taking a step closer to him, your volume increasing. “And why should I be the one who has to be professional when you're always the one making snide jabs”
Eddie lets out a scoff, his eyes narrowing. “Yeah, because you’re always such a goddamn peach to work with.”
He moves even closer, practically towering over you now, irritation clear in his tone. “You’re the one who starts—”
“I am not arguing with you in the emergency bay of a hospital! Just, let’s go.” You storm past him, bumping his shoulder with yours as you climb into the passenger seat.
Eddie stands there for a moment, frustration and agitation written all over his face. He clenches his fists tightly, trying and failing to reign in his anger. After a moment, he lets out a huff and angrily stomps over to the driver's seat.
He gets in with a thud, slamming the door behind him.
The drive back to the station is done in complete silence, with both of you refusing to talk. The tension between you and Eddie is at an all-time high.
Finally, the station comes into view, and Eddie pulls the ambulance back into its space a bit more swiftly than necessary.
Both of you climb out of the ambulance, still refusing to even look at each other. The air between you is electric, full of anger and tension.
As you make your way towards the kitchen loft, you see Buck, Chimney, Hen, and Bobby standing around the island, watching you both with worried looks on their faces.
Bobby steps forward, his face etched with concern, "You two, can I speak with you for a moment?"
His tone is firm, making it clear that this isn’t a request. Both you and Eddie just glare, but neither of you argue, knowing he won’t take no for an answer.
He motions for you both to follow him, leading you to a secluded area away from the others. Both of you silently follow, clearly not wanting to talk but knowing you have no choice.
Bobby turns to face both of you, and his expression is serious, "Listen, I just got a call from the hospital.”
You and Eddie exchange a glance at that. Both of you shift in place, the tension still palpable, but now mixed with a bit of worry as well.
Bobby looks between the two of you, “The woman you brought in…it’s not looking good,” He continues, his voice serious. “They’re doing everything they can, but her condition is critical.”
Both you and Eddie go still at that, the tension in the air being replaced with a sense of worry and regret. Despite your argument, both of you clearly cared about the outcome. Both of you stay silent for a moment, struggling to find the right words.
“The CDC thinks she may have a new strain of Bird Flu.”
Both your eyes widen at that, the gravity of the situation suddenly hitting you full force.
Bird flu?
That’s…that’s a serious, possibly deadly virus.
You glance at Eddie, noticing his expression shift from anger to worry. Both of you stand there in silence, processing the information.
Bobby, noticing your reactions, continues, "The CDC requested blood work to be done on her to bring safe. Until we know for sure, everyone that came into contact with her during that call is going to quarantine as a precaution."
Both you and Eddie nod in understanding, the severity of the situation sinking in even more. If the woman does have Bird Flu, that means you and Eddie were directly exposed.
The tension in the air has shifted, now replaced with an uneasy feeling. Bobby looks between you two, "Until we know for sure what's going on, I need you two to be diligent. Watch for symptoms." He instructs, his voice serious.
“Now, that also means you two will be quarantined here—to minimize the risk of spreading.”
Your heart sinks at that. Being quarantined means being cooped up and separated from the world, unable to do anything except sit and wait. But to make matters worse, now you’re gonna be stuck with Eddie for god knows how long.
You glance at Eddie briefly, noticing the slight look of unease on his face as he registers the same thing.
Bobby continues, noticing your reactions, " I know this isn’t ideal, but this is for everyone's safety."
He pauses for a moment, looking around to make sure the coast is clear, "Listen, I know you two have uh, a complicated relationship. But I need you to set that aside right now." He lowers his voice even further as he says this.
Both you and Eddie shift uncomfortably, knowing exactly what he's referring to. Your argument from earlier is fresh in both of your minds, making the prospect of being stuck together even less appealing.
You nod in understanding, “How long are we going to be quarantined?” You ask, your voice laced with slight irritation.
Bobby winces slightly, knowing that the answer isn't going to be what you want to hear.
"I can't say for sure just yet," he replies, his tone sympathetic. "but hopefully just until the hospital gets her blood results back. I'll keep you both updated as much as I can."
You glance over at Eddie again, only to find his gaze already on you, the same resigned look on his face. He’s just as unhappy about this situation as you are.
“Alright then, come with me. There’s a room set up for you.” Bobby turns and begins to lead the way to the room that’s been prepared for your quarantine.
You and Eddie slowly follow behind Bobby, walking in complete, awkward silence.
As you two arrive at the room, you both give it once over. It’s not much, but it’ll have to do for the time being—
Why the hell is there only one bed?!
Both your and Eddie’s eyes widen as you see the single bed in the room, leaving no other sleeping option.
Bobby winces at your reaction, his hand coming down on your shoulder. “Trust me, kid, I tried to find another solution, but this is all I could manage on short notice.”
You exchange a glance with Eddie, a mix of annoyance and trepidation on both of your faces.
You’ve gotta be joking.
“I know it's not ideal," Bobby says, his voice sympathetic. “But you'll have to make do."
He glances between the two of you, his expression turning a bit more stern. “I don’t want any fighting or arguing in there, you hear me? You two need to get along and work together until this quarantine is up.”
You and Eddie glare at each other for a moment before silently nodding, knowing that you don’t have a choice in the matter.
Bobby gives a satisfied nod, “Alright then, I'll let you two get settled in. I'll come check on you both soon.”
With that, he steps out of the room, closing the door behind him.
The silence is deafening as both of you stand awkwardly on either side of the bed. The only sound is the hum of the air conditioning unit.
Eventually, you speak up, breaking the silence. “Hopefully we’re outta here before either of us get tired.”
Eddie lets out a huff, clearly still irritated about the situation, "Yeah, no kidding." He stands there for a moment, hands on his hips, looking around the small room.
You take a few steps of your own, trying to find something, anything to occupy yourself. You walk over to the window and pull out your phone. While leaning against the cold wall, you aimlessly scroll through your phone to try to pass the time.
Meanwhile, Eddie takes a seat on the edge of the bed, his face still showing his agitation. He’s clearly not happy about the situation either, but he’s restraining himself from saying anything. He rubs his hands over his tired face.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, noticing the tension in his shoulders. It's clear that he's fighting to keep his emotions in check, just like you are.
The silence between you both continues to stretch out, the only sound being the soft tapping of your fingers on the screen of your phone.
Tap…tap tap…tap
Tap tap…tap…tap tap
“Oh my God! Do you even realize how loud you’re being?” Eddie spits out
You look up at his sudden outburst, taken slightly aback by his irritation. You hadn’t realized you were being loud with your phone.
“Wow…excuse me, for trying to amuse myself.” You retort back, your annoyance rising. “It’s not my fault there’s nothing to do in this damn room.”
Eddie rolls his eyes at your response, his agitation growing further. “It’s like you’re purposefully trying to piss me off.”
You scoff at that, feeling your own irritation spike. “Did you just hear yourself? You actually sound insane.”
Eddie lets out a bitter laugh, the sound laced with contempt. “I don’t know. You seem to find pleasure in annoying me at every turn.”
“You are one of the most sensitive—” You volley back, your own irritation flaring up.
“Sensitive? That’s rich coming from you.” Eddie shoots back, his voice rising in volume. “You’re the one who’s always losing their temper and lashing out like a child.”
You feel your anger, at least you think it’s anger—to be fair, you can’t really focus on much when Eddie’s looking at you like this—reach a breaking point.
“Speaking of child—don’t you have one you need to call to inform of your condition—or did that just slip your mind.”
Eddie goes still at the mention of Christopher, his expression turning instantly cold. His jaw clenches tightly, a flicker of something unreadable flashing in his eyes.
He stands up in one swift motion, towering over you. “You really want to bring him into this?” His voice is sharp, laced with warning.
“I’m just saying, you have more important priorities than arguing with me.” You click your phone off and set it by the window, giving Eddie your undivided attention.
Eddie’s gaze hardens even further, his eyes like a storm. “I don’t need you telling me how to handle my own goddamn life.”
He takes a step closer to you, his body tense with anger. “You have no idea what it’s like to be me, so don’t you lecture me about talking to my son.”
You don’t even get the chance to speak before he continues, “—And, wha-what gives you the right to tell me what I should do? You’re not my boss, and you’re damn sure not my keeper.” Eddie’s voice is seething now, his anger palpable in the air.
You glare up at him, “I’m not trying to be your damn keeper, Eddie. I’m just pointing out that you need to handle your own life before coming at mine!”
You jab a finger into his chest, pushing him back slightly. “And if you don’t want me ‘poking my nose’ into your life, maybe you should stop being so damn infuriating all the time!”
Eddie’s expression turns cold, his gaze fixated on you. He looks...
“You want me to stop being infuriating?” He steps closer again, forcing you up against the wall. He cages you with his arms, his face just a few inches from yours.
Your heart is racing now, the intensity behind his brown eyes and the close proximity sending you into a frenzy. You’re hyperaware of everything:
The heat of his body…
The strain of his muscles…
The scent of his cologne…
He leans in further, his voice a mere whisper now. “Maybe you should find another way to shut me up.”
You can’t hold back anymore, the tension too high, “I’ll kiss you if that's what it takes to shut you up.”
Eddie goes completely still, the shock of your words washing over him. He stares at you intently, his eyes darkened and searching.
"Do it then." He challenges, his voice low, a mix of warning and need behind his words.
Your heart is racing even faster now, the challenge in his tone sends a thrill through you. You know this is a bad idea, horrible really, it’ll only lead to more trouble, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
You don't wait for him to second guess himself. You surge forward, your own need and desire taking over. You grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull his face down to you. Your lips crash against his in a hungry, urgent kiss.
Eddie gasps in surprise at your sudden attack, but he quickly recovers and returns the kiss with equal fervor. His hands grip your hips, pulling you closer to him, pressing you against the wall.
His mouth moves against yours with a mix of aggression and passion, his tongue slipping between yours to deepen the kiss.
The intensity between you both is like fire, burning up everything in its path. There's no more anger, no more animosity...just pure, unbridled desire.
Eddie's hands roam over your curves, seeking out every inch of skin he can find. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer, tangling your fingers in his hair.
The kiss turns more frantic, more desperate. Your teeth nip at his bottom lip, and he groans in response, the sound sending heat straight to your core.
His hips press against yours, pinning you fully to the wall. His hands slide under your shirt, fingers tracing your skin.
You shiver at the feel of his calloused fingers against your bare skin. You gasp as his mouth leaves yours to trail down your neck instead, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses down to your collarbone.
He sucks softly on your pulse point, his teeth gently nipping at the sensitive skin. Your head falls back against the wall, a moan falls from your lips.
His hands continue to roam over your body, exploring every curve and dip. He seems determined to drive you completely crazy, and it's working.
His mouth moves back up your neck to your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “You wanted to shut me up,” he whispers, his voice rough with desire. He nips at your earlobe, causing a wave of pleasure to shoot straight through you.
You whimper in response, your body thrumming with need and desire. “Yo-You’re an a-ass.” You manage to gasp out, desperately trying to maintain some semblance of control.
But it’s a losing battle, you both know it.
“You’ve got quite the mouth on you, ya know? Someone should teach you what to do with it.” Eddie spits out, his fingers tugging at the hem of your shirt.
Your heart races at his words, the implication behind them clear. But your own stubbornness flares up, refusing to give him the upper hand.
You stare up at him, your gaze just as intense as his. “Oh yeah?” You retort, trying to sound defiant. “I’d like to see you try.”
Eddie's eyes darken even further, the challenge in your voice spurring him on.
He grabs the edge of your shirt and yanks it up, pulling it over your head in one quick motion. Your (f/c) laced bra sticks out like a sore thumb to him against your flushed complexion. His eyes roam over your newly exposed skin, appreciation clear in his gaze.
“I’m going to make you eat those words.” Eddie growls, his hands roaming over your exposed skin once again. His touch is everywhere—hot and needy.
He dips his head back down to your neck, his mouth working at your sensitive flesh. He sucks and nips at your skin, leaving behind a trail of marks that will no doubt be visible later.
You gasp and moan under his ministrations, your body responding to his touch with a ferocity that surprises even you. You arch your back, pushing yourself closer to him, wanting-needing more of his touch.
His mouth moves down to your chest, his lips and tongue trailing over your collarbone
He pushes your bra straps off your shoulders, his mouth following the movement of the fabric. His hands cup your breasts, his thumbs brush over your sensitive nipples through the thin fabric.
You let out another gasp, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly as your body trembles under his touch. “E-Eddie,” you gasp
“What happened to that attitude of yours?” Eddie teases in your ear, his voice low and rough. “Where’s that sharp tongue now?”
“Bite me.” You snip at him
“I mean, if you’re offering.”
True to his words, he sinks his teeth into the fleshy skin of your left breast. The sensation shoots right to your core as you gasp out in response. He soothes the bite with his tongue, before moving over and repeating the same action on the other.
His hands continue their exploration of your body, fingers trailing over your sides and hips before toying with the button on your pants.
Your breathing is coming in ragged gasps now, your body on fire under his touch. Every brush of his lips, every bite of his teeth, stoking the flames higher and higher.
He finally undoes the button and pulls your pants down, leaving you in just your underwear. His eyes roam hungrily over your exposed body. “God, you’re beautiful.” He mutters, his voice thick with honesty.
He presses his body against yours, the heat of his skin palpable against your own. You can feel his arousal pressing against you, the evidence of his own desire making your own need even more intense.
“I’m going to make you scream.” He promises, his voice a low, dangerous growl against your ear.
You can’t help but shiver at his words, your mind unable to form a coherent response. Your body is completely at his mercy now, every nerve ending on fire.
He captures your lips in another fierce, desperate kiss. His tongue slides between your lips, tasting and exploring.
He pushes one of his thighs between your legs, applying pressure against your heat. The friction makes you gasp into his mouth, your hips rolling against him involuntarily.
His hands grip your thighs, holding you tight as he continues to kiss you, his mouth moving over your face and neck.
Eddie spins you away from the wall and shoves you down onto the bed, his body following close behind. He towers over you, his eyes dark and intense as he looks down at you.
He reaches back and pulls off his own shirt and pants, revealing the toned muscles and tan skin underneath. He lowers himself down on top of you, his weight pressing you down into the mattress.
You’re completely engulfed in him now. Surrounded by his warmth, his scent, his presence.
His hands roam over your body, his touch is rougher now, less restrained. He grabs your wrists, pinning them to the mattress above your head. His eyes are still dark, his expression filled with complete lust.
“I’m not done with you yet,” he mutters, voice low and dangerous. “Not by a long shot.”
He nips and bites his way down your neck, his tongue tracing the marks he left there. His hands move back down to your hips, his thumbs hooking into the waistband of your underwear.
Eddie looks up at you. “Lift your hips.” He orders, his voice making you shiver.
You obey, lifting your hips as he instructs. He hooks his fingers into your underwear and slowly—achingly slow—pulls them down your legs.
He leans back down, his mouth trailing along your inner thighs. His hands grip your thighs, spreading them apart.
He positions himself between your legs, his eyes locked on yours. “You’re mine,” he growls, his voice rough and possessive as it fans against your soaked center. “All mine.”
Eddie…Eddie dives in like a man who’s been starving.
He attacks you with his mouth, his tongue and lips claiming you with fervor. You cry out, arching your back as the sensation of his mouth causes your eyes to momentarily roll back.
His hands keep your thighs held firmly in place, his grip tight. “Oh god,” you gasp, your hands clenching onto the bed sheets. “Eddie, please! Ah, I can’t—”
“You can,” he mutters against your sensitive flesh. “You will.”
you can’t help but moan deliriously out as his teeth gently nip at your sensitive bud. Your body jerks at the sensation, your hips straining against his grip. “Ed—please. I need—” your voice trembles as you gasp out.
He pushes himself up, his body hovering over yours once again. “Tell me.” He orders. “Tell me what you need.”
You’re breathless, your mind reeling from his assault. You can hardly form a coherent thought, “Y-you,” you gasp out, looking up at him. “I need you. Now, please…please, Eddie…I can’t take it anymore.”
His expression becomes even darker, his eyes almost black with desire. “That’s all I needed to hear,” he growls out.
He moves quickly, pulling off his underwear as he leaves himself exposed to you. It’s not fair really—how it looks like Eddie was carved by Michelangelo himself. You feel your heart flutter in your chest at the sight of him.
He positions himself at your entrance, his eyes locked with yours. “Look at me.” He says, his voice a low command.
You look up at him, your eyes meeting his. His eyes are full of need, of desire, of a primal hunger that makes your body shiver. Not to mention his face is covered with your juices—that’s really, really hot.
“I’ve wanted you for so long. You’ve got no idea.” He mutters, his voice rough with desire. “You drive me crazy, you’re all I can think about. Even when I don’t want to.”
“Oh, fuck me.” You gasp out at Eddie’s admission
You hear him softly chuckle, his light stubble rubbing against your skin, “That’s the plan.”
He looks at you for a moment longer, his eyes dark and intense, before finally lowering his mouth to yours in a hungry kiss.
You respond immediately, your hands clutching at his shoulders as you kiss him back with all the fire and need coursing through your body.
You can feel him press against you, his body strained and tense. He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
His breathing is ragged as he looks down at you, “Promise me something.” He mutters, his eyes suddenly serious.
“Anything,” you breathe out, your body thrumming with need. “Just tell me.”
"Promise me you're mine," he growls out, his voice low and rough. "I want you to be mine, and no one else's." He pushes himself against you, his body barely restraining its own need.
You look up at him, your eyes meeting his. You can see the raw emotion in his gaze—
“I’m yours,” you breathe out, your voice shaky. “I’m all yours, Eddie. No one else’s.”
His eyes flash with something that looks a lot like satisfaction at your words. “Good,” he mutters, his voice rough. “Because I didn’t plan on sharing.”
He wastes no time thrusting in, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as your walls flutter around him.
You gasp out at the sudden intrusion, your body arching up against his. “Oh god, Eddie,” you gasp, the pleasure shooting through your body. “Little warning next time.”
Next time…
He lets out a low groan, his own body taut with need. He buries his face in your neck, “You feel so good,” he mutters, his voice low. “Like you were made for me.”
His thrusts are deep and slow, but the need behind them is undeniable. He’s claiming you, marking you as his own, and it only intensifies the pleasure coursing through you.
“You’re mine,” he growls out, his grip on your hips tightening. “You hear me?”
“Yes,” you gasp out, your body quivering beneath him. “Yours, only yours, Eddie! Oh god, don’t stop!”
He doesn’t respond, his focus completely on you and the pleasure coursing through your body. He leans down and captures your mouth in another rough kiss.
His thrusts pick up speed, becoming rougher, harsher.
You moan into his mouth, your hands roaming over his body, before seeking refuge in his soft dark hair. Your body is on fire, your insides clenching and tightening with every movement he makes.
“Eddie! Ah, oh god…I’m gonna—”
“Not yet,” he mutters against your lips. “Not until I say.”
He changes the angle of his thrusts, hitting you in just the right spot. Your body jerks in response, a guttural moan escaping your lips as your hips roll against him. “Oh god, Eddie! Please, I can’t hold on much longer!” You gasp out, your body quivering with need. He looks down at you, his pupils dark and blown.
“A little longer,” he mutters, his voice strained. “I’m close, so close…Me vuelves loco, pero Dios, cuánto te amo.”
You have no relative idea what he said, but ho-ly shit…You think you’d pay money to hear Eddie speak like that again.
“Eddie!” you cry out, your body arching up against his.
He looks down at you, his eyes dark and intense. “Let go,” he growls. “Let go, and say my name.”
You come apart, your body tightening and clenching around him as the pleasure engulfs you. “Eddie, Yes, yes, oh god, Eddie!” You moan out, your words becoming unintelligible as waves of pleasure crash over you. Your body trembles underneath him, your vision going white.
Eddie’s close behind, his body tensing as he follows you over the edge, quickly pulling out and finishing your stomach.
“Ugh, fuck (y/n)…tan perfecto...todo mío.”
For a moment, it’s almost as if you two become one; your bodies, breaths, and heartbeat falling into an almost perfect synchronicity.
“God. you’re so good for me, look at how much you came.”
You lay underneath him, your body trembling and spent. He leans down and presses his forehead against yours, his body still trembling from his own release.
A few moments pass before he speaks, his voice rough. “You okay?” he asks, his eyes searching your face.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, your body still quaking from your climax. “That…that was…”
You can’t continue, your brain is too fried to form a coherent sentence.
He lets out a low chuckle at your response, pushing himself up to look down at you. “I take it I did alright?” he asks, a hint of cocky confidence in his voice.
“Shut up,” you playfully grumble, smacking his chest lightly.
He laughs at your response, his cocky smirk still firmly in place. “Oh come on, give me a little credit. You didn’t seem too disappointed.”
You roll your eyes at his arrogance, but you can’t help the small smile that forms on your lips. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eddie’s phone light up.
He follows your gaze, his expression becoming a little more serious. “Hold on,” he murmurs, rolling and reaching over to grab his phone off the bedside table.
He looks down at it, his expression becoming even more serious as he reads whatever message he received.
“It’s Bobby.”
“Everything okay?” you ask, sitting up in the bed. The mention of Bobby’s name instantly puts you on alert.
“Yeah, it’s just—” he stops for a moment, his expression unreadable. “The girl we took to the hospital, her blood test came back negative. We’re uh, we’re good to go.”
“Oh…well that’s good, right?” You nervously start, rubbing your hands together anxiously. “We don’t have to stay in here anymore—”
“I just,” he stops abruptly, his brow furrowing in thought. “I don’t wanna go back to how we were.”
Your breath hitches at his words. “What do you mean?” you ask, your voice quiet.
“I mean,” he looks up at you, his eyes dark and serious. “I want this. I want you. I don’t wanna just go back to pretending like nothing happened.”
Your heart leaps in your chest at his words, your (e/c) eyes widening in surprise. “You-you do?”
“I do,” he says, voice firm. “I’m all in. I want you. I don’t wanna keep running or pretending, or whatever the hell we’ve been doing. I wanna be with you, really be with you.”
Your heart clenches at his words, tears pricking at your eyes. “I…me too,” you murmur, your voice thick with emotion. “I want that too. I want to be with you, in every way possible.”
Eddie lets out a sigh, the tension in his body easing slightly at your words. “Good,” he mutters, moving closer to you in the bed. He pulls you into his arms, his hands running soothingly up and down your back.
You lean into his touch, your body relaxing at the feel of his skin against yours. You rest your head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
After a moment of comfortable silence, you speak up. “Hey, Eddie?” you murmur, your voice soft.
“Yeah?” he responds, his hand still running soothingly over your back
“You don’t…you don’t think the others heard us…right?”
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epicbuddieficrecs · 2 months
Weekly Recap | July 29th-August 4th 2024
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Against my best intentions, I've been seduced by the dark side 🙈 (the infideleddie/buckfidelity trend).
i swear it will get easier by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Post-S7, Chris&Buddie | 1,8K | General): “Chris texted me last night.” Tension slams into Eddie’s body. “Is he okay?” “He’s fine,” Buck says quickly. “There’s nothing wrong. He just—” he looks up, meets Eddie’s eyes. “He asked me how you’re doing.” Eddie’s face falls. “I’ve been texting,” he says, voice small. “Just—checking in, you know? Every day. But yesterday I thought—maybe I should give him some space—” he scrubs a hand across his face. “Did he think—” He doesn’t complete the sentence, but Buck fills in the blanks. Did he think I’d given up on him?
Jeep Talking by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Chim POV | 2K | Teen): A ride in the backseat of Buck's Jeep with Buck and Eddie in the front gives Chim new perspective on his brother-in-law's strange dynamic with his so-called "best friend.' And Chim is sick of them being so oblivious.
I'm falling apart (and all I want is to trust you) by diaz_evan (3x03: The Searchers | 2K | General): OR Eddie and Christopher's reactions to Buck collapsing in 3x03: The Searchers.
unless you're choosing me by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (Post-S7, Misunderstandings | 4K | Teen): “Could you check that?”, Eddie called from the kitchen. He had insisted to make something for them tonight instead of ordering their usual pizza and ice cream dinner. “Sure”, Buck replied and snatched the phone off the coffee table. He knew the pass code – it was the day Eddie had started working at the 118. There was no new text, just a message from his phone provider, but an earlier conversation was still opened. Before Buck could place the phone back on the table, something caught his eye. Why was Eddie talking to Hen about him? or: buck reads a text he wasn’t supposed to read
can't ignore the crazy visions of me in la by wafflesofdoom/ @capseycartwright (Post-S7, Getting Together, Pride | 4K | General): Margarita-drunk Buck ruminates on how beautiful Eddie Diaz is while his best friend is dancing to Chappell Roan. That's what LA pride is for, right? - or, alternatively: Eddie spends his first pride as an out queer man in a gay club, and Buck is in love with him about it.
the one where buck finds out by weewooforever (Post-S7, Misunderstandings, Getting Together | 5K | Teen): “You’re — You’re over me?” Buck manages to choke out, looking towards Eddie with wide eyes. “When were you… “ He says, his voice barely above a whisper as he tries to make sense of this whole situation. “When were you under me?” or the one where buck listens to a voicemail that turns his whole life upside down.
nothing wrong with me loving you by cranberrymoons/ @cranberrymoons (Post-S7, Cheating, Sexting | 5K | Explicit): He’s not thinking about it. He’s not. He’s definitely not. Buck leaves for the night, gets in his car and drives away like everything’s normal – normal because it is, it literally is, it’s the most normal night in the world, and Eddie is the most normal he’s ever been, and then maybe an hour later, he gets a text. * buck and eddie watch red white and royal blue together; one thing leads to another (aka: the sexting fic) (Part 1 of 🔥buck and eddie's red hot infidelity summer)
i'll come to you and drop my bags (you'll help me unpack them) by farfromthstars/ @doeeyeseddie (Post-S7, Media fic | 5K | General): eddie has some important conversations via text over the course of the worst(?) summer of his life.
🔥Down to the Bones of Me by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (Post-S7, Road Trip | 5K | Teen): The morning after Christopher leaves Eddie gets in his truck and drives. Buck lets him go, and Eddie fights to come back for both of them.
Oopsie Daisy (Never Knew That Was Your Boo, Baby) by ameliahart (Post-S7, Cheating | 5K | Explicit): The first time it happens, it’s Tommy’s fault. Maybe that’s unfair, all things considered, but Eddie certainly isn’t going to blame Buck for it. And Eddie’s single, so it can’t be his fault. But Tommy sent Buck a dick pic while Buck was at Eddie’s house, so Eddie feels secure in blaming Tommy for everything that happened after. * Or, five times Buck cheats on Tommy with Eddie, and one time he doesn't.
I Always Wanted My Own Spark by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Future Fic | 5K | Teen): In 2040, during the midst of a family crisis, Christopher Diaz and his younger brother butt heads. (Part 5 of 🔥Anywhere I Want, Just Not Home)
it's a small crime (i got no excuse) by justhockey (Post-S7, Cheating | 6K | Mature): It’s a dangerous game they’re playing. Buck doesn’t care. He’d like to blame it on the alcohol running through his blood and loosening his inhibitions. On the rough shift, or the even rougher week he’s had. He’d like to blame it on Eddie, or Tommy, or anything at all that could absolve him of what he’s about to do. But the truth is, Buck just wants. He wants, and he wants, and he wants. So he takes.
hang me up on your bedroom wall by hrudayam/ @eddiegettingshot (Post-S7, PWP, Cheating, Breeding kink | 6K | Explicit): “You’re going to be a great father someday,” Eddie says eventually, because he’s worse than he used to be and Buck’s reverent eyes make him feel—they just make him feel. “Eddie, I—” “You are,” he repeats, firm. “Don’t you think I’d know better than anyone?”
drink up (you're wasted on me) by okanus/ @buddieism (7x06: There Goes The Groom, PWP, Cheating | 9K | Explicit): Or: Eddie and Buck hook up at the bachelor party. Difficulties ensue.
close ain't close enough (til we cross the line) by cranberrymoons/ @cranberrymoons (Post-S7, Cheating, Sexting | 10K | Explicit): Eddie thinks about it for a minute. He really does, because he’s more clear-headed now than he was last night, so he thinks better of it for maybe thirty seconds. Remembers the inarguable fact that Buck has a boyfriend and that Eddie is – well. Learning some things about himself, maybe, but is very specifically not Buck’s boyfriend, so. He shouldn’t. Right? Except. (Part 2 of 🔥buck and eddie's red hot infidelity summer)
all my little words by youbetsya/ @maddiebuckettebuckley (Post-S7, Epistolary | 11k | Teen): Eddie: Did you just send me an email? Buck: yeah lol. Eddie: Why… I dont think you’ve ever emailed me actual words before. Just stuff to print when your printer is broken Buck: did you read it? Eddie: Not yet. Too busy trying to figure out why the fuck you’re emailing me. Buck: just read it dude 🙄
🔥treat an opportunity like it's treating you by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, Post-S2 | 12K | Teen): After losing his leg as a result of the fire engine bombing, Buck is presented with the opportunity to have a service dog donated to him.
🔥 Operation: Keep Eddie Diaz Busy and Annoyed by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (Post-S7, Getting Together | 15K | General): Or, the one where Buck forces Eddie to keep busy while Chris is gone, but ends up catching a bad case of The Feelings in the middle of Eddie learning to love pickling things to irritate Chim and charming old ladies through square dancing.
🔥I think if you're lucky by colonoscopys/ @colonoscopys (Prince Buck/Firefighter Eddie | 19K | Teen): Evan hits him with his car.
mask over my eyes and an arrow through the heart by youbetsya/ @maddiebuckettebuckley (Post-S7, Cheating | 35K | Explicit): “Look, you’re my family, a-and I want you guys to be on board with this.” Buck is tense, anxious. Eddie should really say something. Be supportive. “But it’s happening either way. So.” Bobby leans over to clap Buck on the shoulder, staring him straight in the eye as he does. “I am happy for you, Buck. As long as you’re sure.” Some of the tension falls away from Buck’s posture. He smiles. “I am. Sure. I’m super sure.” “Alright then.” Bobby pats Buck’s shoulder once more before he pulls away. “Congratulations, kid.” Buck visibly exhales in relief, which Eddie finds solace in despite the fact that he’s currently being stabbed with a thousand tiny knives. Or: Buck is getting married. He is.
drift past the flowers. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6, (Un)requited Love | 45K | Teen): OR Buck and Natalia get engaged, and Eddie flees the state about it. A petty email correspondence ensues.
Where there's smoke by rainbow_nerds/ @rainbow-nerdss (Multiverses | 4/31 | 5K | Teen): His eyelids are heavy. His lungs ache. The smoke is dense and thick, slowly suffocating him. Eddie feels himself drift as Buck’s voice penetrates the smoke, cuts through the fog in his brain. “Eddie, stay with me. Stay with me, Eds.” Eddie wants to stay. He wants to open his eyes and see Buck. He doesn’t want to leave. But he’s so tired, and sleep is calling him. Maybe it will be okay. Maybe his dreams will be sweet. Maybe there’ll be peace, there. And maybe, if he just rests for a little while, he’ll be able to find his way back.
E & E: A Buddie Drabble Collection by Tizniz (Prompt fic | 108/? | 24K | General): A collection of drabbles for Buck and Eddie.
Best Case Scenario by lesbianrobin/ @lesbianrobin (Podcast, Multimedia fic | 2/? | 4K | Teen): Buck and Eddie start a podcast. a multimedia epistolary fic
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, Divergent Post-S6 | 132/? | 419K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
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marleyybluu · 1 year
dad!Oscar x mom!reader
Sum: Oscar's not a fan of his daughter going on a date.
WC: 928
Warnings: old draft not proofread.
this was not what I originally wanted to post but this was in my drafts so I'm letting it go out into the Tumblr world.
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"Ay! Papaaa! It's not a big deal!"  The teenage girl dramatically raised her voice throwing an outfit on her bed, she suddenly hated her closet. Her father's arms crossed over his chest, an unhappy look on his face as he stood in the door frame. "Who is this guy? Why have you never told me about him? Where is he taking you?"
You chuckled rolling your eyes at the small argument as you stirred your pot of food, your youngest sat in her high chair giggling her head off. "You're laughing? Girl you are next." You joked pointing at her which only made the twelve-month-old laugh even more. A bedroom door slammed and your sixteen-year-old appeared. "Ugh!! What is wrong with your husband!?"
He was dad when everything went her way but was quickly your husband once when things go awry.
You shrugged. "You know how he is, girl, but I mean you could have said something to him."
 She let out an exaggerated sigh and plopped herself down around the kitchen table. Your daughter had let it be known to you and you only that she had a crush on a boy named Nico at school, you'd known of  Nico, met him a few times and seemed nice. Then one day your girl comes home squealing with joy about how the young man liked her back and asked her out on a date. You were happy for her and found it a bit cute that she'd reached this stage in life, a bit cautious of what was to come if the unspeakable happened.
Young heartbreak was a bitch.
Oscar on the other hand was not too fond of the thought of his daughter, his precious angel, going on a date with a boy he's never heard about. The doorbell rang causing your child to jump up, her hands ironing out her light blue dress from any creases, even though there were none. Your brooding husband came sliding down the hall on his way to open the door. You had asked her to turn down the stove so that you could beat him to the door so he wouldn't terrify the young boy.
He caught wind of what you were doing at picked up his pace, you attempted to match him and almost met up with him until he shoved you out of the way, not so hard that you would plummet onto the floor but enough to knock you off balance. 
 Oscar had made it to the entrance his iconic scowl returning to his face as he answered the door. The young man swallowed, fear visibly creeping in when he was met with a more well-toned, and well-tatted man who looked like he was ready to put his foot where the sun doesn't shine. "Who are you?" He nodded. 
 "I'm uh, I'm Nico. I'm... I'm here to pick up Nia... if that's okay." He stammered. 
"Well, it's no-"
"Nico, hi sweetie how are you?" You chimed in pulling on Oscar's arm, your nails digging into his skin causing him to hiss and cuss under his breath. "I'm good Mrs. Diaz. How about yourself?"
"I'm great. I think Nia should be here any second she's just grabbing her jacket."
"Where you guys going?" Oscar asked arching his brow. Nico played with the bottom of his black shirt, the poor kid was sweating. "Just the movies, McDonald's or something after."
You smiled. "That's nice."
Nia cleared her throat as she appeared from behind her mother. "Hi, Nico." She blushed. His smile was all of a sudden brighter. "Hi Nia, you look pretty."
"Thank you. You look pretty too." You softly smiled as you watched Nia's face fall, probably thinking what she said was stupid. 
The young girl said goodbye to her parents and they watched her get into the passenger seat of his car and drive off. You closed the door turning to Oscar who still had a frown on his face. "You are a piece of work Spooky."
He kissed his teeth, you never called him that unless you were upset. Now, technically, you weren't mad at him you just wanted to sting him a little for almost ruining your daughter's nice evening. "She couldn't wait until she was at least twenty-five to start dating." He groaned. 
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. "You didn't wait. I didn't wait. We were their age once Papi. Es la vida. Let her grow."
He pouted, that was his firstborn, the first to have him completely wrapped around her finger, poor Oscar was at her beck and call no matter what. So, as much as he hated to say it out loud, he was sad that his little girl was growing up right before his eyes. Your husband followed you back into the kitchen, slithering his hands around your waist, holding you close. He hummed at the smell of your hair pressing a kiss on the top of your head.
"If, and I mean if, he breaks her heart. I'll come with you to beat him up." The two of you laughed. "Deal."
Oscar turned his attention over to your youngest who was stuffing her face with a small store-bought cupcake. He smiled at the icing covering half her face, he grabbed a paper towel and wet it before wiping off her face. Her little hands reached for his face and he leaned into her tiny palms, kissing all over her face causing her to explode into a fit of laughs. He took her out of her high chair lifting her in the air. "You gotta wait a little longer than sixteen to date okay mi amor."
You kissed your teeth and threw a kitchen towel at him. "Estúpido."
More Papa Spooky otw bcus i have a problem
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic. Comments and reblogs are appreciated. For the newbies I see y’all I just can’t respond.
Peace and love
Tags: @skyesthebomb @darqchilddaydreamz
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tryingtograspctrl · 1 month
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SUMMARY: You had wet dreams before but none of them felt as real as this one
Warning: Wet dream, waking up to oral sex, fingering, cum eating. 18+ only, read at your own risk. Minors DO NOT INTERACT!
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Once you finished tidying up the kitchen you walked to the bedroom flicking off the main light before joining Eddie under the covers.
"You mean to tell me Christopher didn't convince you to read him an extra story?" He questioned.
"The poor boy was too exhausted." You laughed.
"He's not the only one." Eddie switched off the lamp, pulling your plump body against his.
"Goodnight." You gave him a kiss.
"Night baby." He buried his face into the crook of your neck.
"Eddie please." You whined clenching your thighs together.
You and Eddie were out on a date at some fancy restaurant Bobby had recommended, raving about how good the food was but all you could think about was the toy between your legs, sending shock waves to your clit causing you to squirm in your seat.
You both loved to be adventurous when it came to your sex life , willing to try anything at least once and tonight you decided to be a bit bold and explore things outside the bedroom.
"Come on muñeca, i know you can hold it until the waiter comes back with the check. Be a good girl for me." He teased.
He had been torturing you since he slipped the toy inside your panties, bringing you right to the edge of a release before switching it off, this happened several times throughout the night, leaving you a whiney horny mess, just wanting to cum.
"I- i can't" You slapped your hand over your mouth to muffle your moans.
You began to stir slightly rolling your hips, panting. The pleasure was starting to feel all too real.
A finger slid through your folds and you jolted, now wide awake.
"Eddie?" You asked breathlessly.
You shuddered as you looked down to find the man's head between your legs placing soft kisses to your core.
"I don’t know what you were dreaming about but it sure got you soaking wet for me this morning." He looked up at you smirking before diving back down beginning to eat your pussy like a man starved.
"Fuckkk." You threw your head back, hands gripping onto his messy hair.
He ran his tongue through you folds in an up and down motion, your juices coating his tongue causing him to groan, his dick hardening in his sweats.
"God you taste good baby, so sweet." His lips latched onto your clit sucking gently.
You moaned in ecstasy, toes curling and back arching off the bed slightly.
He slipped two fingers inside of you, pumping expertly and you began to buck your hips, rocking your pussy against his face chasing that high.
"Please please please don't stop i'm gonna cummm." You begged.
"That's it, let it go, cum for me baby." He sped up his ministrations.
Your body shook rapidly, your brain going fuzzy as your orgasm crashed through you like a tidal wave, thick thighs clutching Eddies head in a tight grip.
He didn’t come up for air until he lapped up every last drop of your cum despite your whines from overstimulation.
"Did that feel good cariña?" He smiled brightly at you.
"Amazing, god i would love to wake up like that every morning." You giggled, your chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Careful what you wish for." He winked.
A/N - Just a short little spicy oneshot for my Eddie girls. 🌻
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itsmarsss · 4 months
chicks dig musicians, kid [Miguel Diaz x Reader] (Cobra Kai)
[~from the vault~]
There's something going on between the two of you, Miguel is sure of it. But where does he go from there? How is he supposed to ask you out? So he goes to Johnny for advice.
Word count: 1,780
Warnings: literally nothing its so cute and sweet and innocent yay past mars
[. . .]
Things had been different for a while now. He could just feel it.
Miguel didn’t know when things changed, when the platonic teasing turned into borderline flirting, when his eyes started to dart from your eyes to your lips in the middle of conversation, when you started to look away with an embarrassed smile when he stared at you for too long, when he started to barely listen when you talked because all he could think about was how close you were and how easy it would be for him to kiss you right that second and how much he really, really wanted to do it but never did- but he was 100% sure he wasn’t imagining it.
He was well-aware of the fact that his love-struck brain could just be exaggerating everything, and, sure, he was a bit dense, but he wasn’t completely oblivious. He knew something was definitely going on, to the point of getting teased about it to no end by his friends: the newfound tension and the sudden awkwardness were pretty hard to miss.
The thing is: where do you go from there? Miguel has always been pretty straight-forward (even though he didn’t really look the part) so why was it so hard to find a good moment to ask you out when he was pretty positive you’d say yes?
Waiting made it far, far worse. He thought maybe he’d give himself time to figure out a way to do it. Hey, maybe you’d even end up asking him out first!
You didn’t.
Every day that passed he found himself staring more and more, lost in daydreams of kissing you, making you laugh, kissing you, holding your hand, kissing you.
Was this why you’d been avoiding him the past few days? He wasn’t dumb. It’s not like you were outright taking every opportunity you could to get away from him, but also it’s not like you were exactly taking any opportunities to hang out just the two of you like you used to do. Was he being too weird? Too pushy? Oh god, was he acting like a creep?
Standing back was not like him at all, and it was not doing him any favors- he had to know once and for all.
So he went to his Sensei for advice.
Johnny was holding a beer can when he opened his door. Not an unusal sight. “What d´ya want?”
“I really need your help but you can’t make fun of me.”
“Can’t promise that,” he replied with a smile, and made way for Miguel to enter, which he did. “Ya want a beer?” he asked as Miguel sat down on the couch.
“No. Please focus."
Sensei Lawrence just shrugged, standing by the kitchen counter. “So what is it? Your mom find your porn or something?”
“What- no! Why is that the first thing you thought of?”
“Happened to me,” He shrugged again, nonchalantly.
Miguel made a face in disgust. “Please let’s not talk about that when you’re dating my mom.”
“Jesus, kid, what are you, a nun?” Johnny laughed and took a sip of his beer. “Okay, whatever. What happened?”
“I’m really into this girl.”
“She hot?”
Miguel made a point to ignore the question. “She’s really cool and I think she likes me too.”
“Is. She. Hot?”
“Sensei- yeah. Okay, she’s really hot.”
“Can I go on now?”
“Okay so we’re friends, right. And we’ve been friends for some time now but I feel like we’ve been flirting? But never really doing anything about it. But I want to.”
“So? Just ask her out.”
“I know that! But I don’t know how to.”
“Thought you were more of a ‘just ask’ kind of guy.”
“I- I am! It’s just, I don’t know what it is, it’s easier when you don’t know them that well, you know? Cause like why would she not make a move after all this time? Maybe she just wants to stay friends. And then if she rejects me then what?”
“Then why would she flirt with you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Who is it?”
“What, I’m not telling you-”
“Y/N?” He guessed, and Miguel wasn’t fast enough to hide his surprise.
“How’d you know?”
“Guessed. But your face made it pretty obvious, maybe work on that.”
“Okay, what do I do?”
“Look, you know what you gotta do? You gotta not be a pussy. Make her like a giant fucking poster and ask her out at school, girls love that shit.”
“Um I don’t think she’d like that. Seems like... pretty embarrassing.”
“It’s not embarrassing if you’re not a pussy about it.”
“Do you have any… less public option?”
“Oh you want a real intimate option?’ He raised his eyebrows suggestively, which was an extremely disturbing scene to witness.
“No- oh my god, please never do that again.”
Johnny laughed. “Just play her a song or some shit. Set the mood. Then ask her out. Chicks dig musicians, kid. That's a fact."
“But I don’t play anything. Or sing.”
“And what am I supposed to do about that? Now come on I got things to do,” Johnny motioned for him to get up, and he did so.
“You do?” Miguel asked, not really believing it.
“Don’t question me!”
Miguel put his arms up in surrender, walking out the door.
The rest of his day was spent desperately trying to learn the chords to some song he’d seen you listen to once on his mom’s old ukulele. It wasn’t going well. He looked at the time, 7:43 PM- it was getting late. He would have to make do with what he had. He wasn’t delaying this any longer, he was doing this tonight.
He took about 15 minutes to figure out what hoodie to wear and 10 more to fix his hair. He walked up to your house with the ukulele in hand, feeling nothing short of ridiculous. He wondered if maybe he should have waited until he was a little better at playing. Still, he kept on walking until he reached your front door.
To his luck, you were the one to open it. Thank fucking god. “Miguel?" You raised an eyebrow, a little confused at the scene in front of you. He hadn't texted telling you he was coming over and you couldn't for the life of you come up with a reason for the ukulele he held in his hand since you knew he'd never ever played one in his life.
“Hey. Uh, what are you doing here?” It wasn’t rude, just curious.
Maybe he should have warned you he was coming.
“Uh I was just- wondering if I could show you something.” He held up the instrument in his hand.
“Like a song?”
“Well, yeah. If you want.”
“I didn’t know you played.” Actually, you knew he did not play.
“I didn’t. I uh. Picked it up today. Just wanted to show it to you."
“Okay, yeah. Come in.” You were still visibly confused. Maybe he should have planned this better. Or, like, at all. You made way for him to get in and closed the door behind you when he did. You walked up in front of him, taking his free hand and leading him upstairs. “Come on.”
You entered your bedroom and sat on the edge of your bed, Miguel hesitantly doing the same, sitting down right beside you.
“Okay. So what are you gonna play?”
“Uh you know that song you like? The one you were listening to when you were training after practice that day? That Hawk was like telling you to skip and all?”
You laughed at the memory. “I guess.”
“Yeah that’s uh- that’s what I’m gonna play.”
He was feeling way too self-aware now. Maybe coming over to perform a song he was yet to learn correctly was not his brightest idea. What was he thinking?
“So?” You pulled him out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat. There was no way he could back down now. Shit.
He played the first chords and started singing. It all sounded deeply, extremely wrong, and he knew it. It was terribly bad, pure chicken scratch. If voice cracks had voice cracks, that’s what they’d sound like. He barely got through the first chorus before stopping himself from any further embarrassment. He’d made a point of not looking at you while he played, but finally mustered up the courage to after he stopped.
He couldn’t say you looked too impressed. Just… amused, at best.
“I started learning it this afternoon, so…” he sheepishly tried explaining himself, scratching th back of his neck in embarrassment. What the fuck did you just do, idiot?
“Oh it’s uh- it’s pretty- pretty good for something you learned in just a few hours.”
“You can say it’s terrible, I just wanted to- I just wanted to show you. I picked the song ‘cause you like it so much.”
“It’s not terrible! It’s a great song. And it’s pretty cool that you learned it because of me.”
There was an awkward silence that followed. This moment, right here, right after he finished playing, was when Miguel imagined he would be asking you out. You'd say yes, maybe you’d kiss him if he was lucky. But the Miguel in his head had done a great job with the song. The real him… well, the real him obviously hadn’t.
“Why did you wanna show it to me?"
He was taken aback by the question. He decided he’s best be honest, now that he knew he officially had no chance with you. Acording to Sensei Lawrence, chicks dig musicians, and he clearly was no musician whatsoever. He sighed. “Honestly?”
You nodded, prompting him to continue.
“I really, really wanted to ask you out. But I didn’t know how to do it, so I went to Sensei for advice. I know. He said girls like musicians so I thought I'd do something cool and play you a song you liked. It obviously didn't work,” he laughed, defeated.
You were quiet for a moment, processing what he just told you. “You learned a song I liked just to ask me out?”
“I know, it’s dumb, and obviously I ruined the mood with the bad singing, but-”
You kissed him. He was rambling like an idiot and he’d just given you the worst ever serenade of all time and you kissed him! He wasn't even able to react, just looking at you with his eyes wide as you pulled away as quickly as you'd leaned in. You kissed him, you kissed him, you kissed him, holy shit!
“I thought-”
“It's cute that you'd do that just to ask me out. And you didn't ruin the mood. Now ask me out!” You said, excited, now sporting a dumb smile he thought was just the cutest thing ever. Could you please just look at him like that all the time?
Miguel couldn’t help but mirror your excitement, grinning like an idiot. Damn him if he didn't do as you asked. “Do you wanna go out with me?”
“As long as you don’t ever try to serenade me ever again.”
“You said it wasn’t so bad!”
“I lied."
“You still kissed me."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
[. . .]
A/N: while i don't have what im currently writing for miguel out yet here's a really old little thingy i have of him as a little treat! it's cute and sweet to make up for all the sin of the current wip <3
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kneazle · 3 months
Tommy didn't think much of it as he rushed into the hospital's emergency room barely out of his flight suit, having just hit the locker room at the end of his shift when he got the call. A nurse calling to inform him that his son was being treated after a fall. Hearing your son didn't register until he was at the desk asking about Chris– his brain automatically knew who the nurse was talking about when he heard the words.
He was fidgeting standing there waiting as the man behind the desk looked up where Chris was. Tommy knew he only got called because Eddie and Evan weren't around, having volunteered to help out a few cities over with a massive fire while Chris stayed over at a friends until his dad came back, but there were other people he could have called—any of the 118, or Carla for example—but Chris told them to call him and told the nurse Tommy was his dad.
Tommy's head was spinning.
He and Evan were together for a year now and Tommy's spent time with Chris at least once a week for the past few months and he knew he was liked, that Chris supported his relationship with his second dad and jokingly called Tommy his step-dad once, but this? Tommy had to blink back tears when he finally was directed to the right area. For years he longed to belong somewhere, secretly wanting a family but never saying a word not thinking it would ever happen for him– now thanks to Evan and in extension Eddie he had genuine friends, the 118 welcoming him back in as if he never left, and his heart filled with joy anytime he was welcomed into the Han or Diaz's homes like he was a part of them.
"Chris!" Tommy let out a sigh of relief when he saw the teenager sitting on the gurney down the hall, the doctor looked to be finishing up giving Chris fucking stitches on his arm as a woman Tommy vaguely recognized as his best friends mom, having met her only twice– once at Chris's birthday party and then another time when Tommy had to pick him up from school.
"I'm okay!" Was the first thing out of his mouth, the doctor took a step away as Tommy moved to sit beside him, grabbing his arm to inspect it and noticing the scraps before his eyes drifted to the cut open jeans that were dirty and slightly bloody.
"What happened?" Tommy asked, gaze going between Chris and the mom– Diana he thinks.
"We were at a ice cream place by the beach and there were these big rocks piled all over the boys wanted to explore and Chris said he could handle it and he's better at knowing what he can handle then I could possibly–" Diana rambled on in one breath, looking anxious as if she expected Tommy to yell at her or give a lecture. But he knew that would be Eddie's call if he wanted to, Tommy's priority was to make sure Chris was okay.
"Other than the stitches it's just scraps and bruises," Chris told him.
Tommy breathed out and wrapped an arm around Chris, kissing the side of his head in a move he'd seen Evan do before. Usually it wasn't something Chris welcomed much anymore he was told, but the teenager leaned into Tommy instead of pulling away. Strings pulled at his heart at the warm weight against his side.
When they settled in at his and Evan's house–that used to be his and was now equipped for Chris should he need it and a bedroom just for him—Tommy finally asked. Chris sitting in one of the kitchen chairs with him on the floor, first aid kit beside him as he cleaned the cuts on his knees. Chris didn't want to be in the hospital anymore than he had to and asked if Tommy could clean them at home. It didn't escape his knowledge that this house was considered home to him too.
"Hey Chris?" Tommy asked softly, only continuing when he looked at him. "Why did you tell them I was your dad? You could have said I was an uncle or something instead."
Chris smiled and put his hand on Tommy's shoulder, "Dad didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?" Tommy said carefully, blinking up at Chris, taking his eyes off the scrap he just put a band-aid on.
"Dad put in my file that if he and Buck aren't available, you would be the next person to contact, as my other dad."
He said it so nonchalantly that it almost flew over Tommy's head. He froze and swallowed to push down the lump growing in his throat. He blinked to starve off his watering eyes. "You–"
"You and Buck aren't going anywhere," Chris shrugged. "You care for me like Buck does, dad and I love you just as we love Buck."
Tommy felt his resolve break in that moment as years of feelings and yearning shoved so far back came to the surface—and healed at Chris's words—neither of them said a word to anyone about it as the two hugged and tears fell.
Two days later when Buck and Eddie came back, the Diaz men opting to stay the night, Tommy pulled Eddie into a crushing hug that had the other man grunt before returning it. All three men and teenager made makeshift beds in the living room like they've done a few times for movie nights. Tommy found himself tucked against Evan's chest, one arm curled around holding him while the other rubbed circles along his back as if to soothe the mountain of emotions he'd been feeling– Tommy felt so much love for this man. It was obvious to him by his actions that Evan knew without Tommy having to say a word about his feelings.
Waking up in the morning Tommy was still against Evan's chest, but there was a weight that wasn't there when he fell asleep. Eddie who was beside him had turned around at some point, his arm thrown over Tommy with his hand resting over Evan's hip, Eddie's front against his back with his face buried between Tommy's neck and shoulder. He could smell food coming from the kitchen, the pre-made breakfast burritos being heated up it smelt like, which meant Chris was already up– and getting breakfast ready for all three of his dad's Tommy thought with a smile.
He let his eyes drift close for a few more minutes not wanting to move from the warmth and comfort surrounding him. Tommy curled more into Evan's chest and Eddie made a grumbling groan from behind him at the movement, pushing himself closer until Tommy was completely between the two. Amusement began to sink in at the thought of what they must look like, thankfully none of the 118—especially Howie—weren't here to take a picture or make fun. But Tommy– he didn't care if it was weird to anyone outside this house. For the first time in his life Tommy felt completely and utterly loved, by the two men holding him as they slept and the teenager who solidified Tommy's place as family by calling him dad.
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
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Buddie Hiatus Fic Recs - Day 1 Fics posted between May 15 - June 15
This is the first of probably 9 rec lists that I'm hoping to put out before the 911 premier! Each list will cover a month, starting with the day of the finale and wrapping up the day before the premier.
0-5k wedding bells by renecdote / @renecdote Gen | 1.9 In which Buck and Eddie plan a wedding.
You Should've Just Kissed Me by chronicallystendan / @chronicallystendan Teen | 2.3k Set after the Poker Date Night, Buck overhears Eddie talking about being set up on a date and wonders aloud why Eddie doesn't just explain that he's already in a relationship - with Buck.
let me see them tan lines by 42hrb Teen | 2.8k Four times the 118 notices Eddie Diaz's ring tan line and one time he was wearing a ring.
The Toothbrush Correlation by MidnightJen Gen | 3.1k ‘A toothbrush?’ Hen repeated dubiously, eyebrows high and tone extremely dubious.
‘A toothbrush,’ Eddie confirmed.
The one where Buck has Celiac Disease by buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew) / @911onabc Gen || 3.3k Buck has celiac disease. He’s also in love with his best friend. His best friend who has a girlfriend. Somehow, these things keep colliding.
Love is stored in the kitchen by toomanybats / @buckstummy Explicit | 3.6k Eddie loses his mind on a Wednesday morning. The thing is that Buck has been around a lot more lately. Like a lot more. Like twenty four hours a day more, his whole apartment building is being fumigated, apparently. The problem is that it’s been like, two entire weeks, and Eddie is only a mere mortal.
take my hand (knot your fingers through mine) by rainbow_nerds, ransomdrysdale / @rainbow-nerdss Teen | 4.1 what 6x18 could've been, pre-relationship
all i ever wanted was a life in your shape by tuckergreeen / @henwilsonmd Gen | 4.3k Pre-relationship | Buck buys a new couch, and a few other things that happen after the bridge collapse. 
you'll feel the rush of it all by oklahoma / @malewifediaz Explicit | 4.7k Buck convinces Eddie to fuck him while they're on the clock at the station—even if it’s just the tip. To nobody's surprise, Eddie folds easily.
5k-10k please don't take this feeling (if I wanted to, I'd be alright) by rowan_wood / @transboybuckley Gen | 5.1k Double Dates, getting together, love confessions
totally not interrupting. at all. by magicisrealforme Gen | 5.2k Maddie's bored and misses her brother so she decides to drop by. She didn't expect to see Eddie there.
ring the bells by thelikesofus / @the-likesofus Gen | 5.3k Buck starts frequenting a coffee shop near the firehouse in hopes of running into the beautiful man whose coffee he mistakenly drank.
mark me like a bloodstain by MonsterRae1 / @monsterrae1 Mature | 6k In a universe were your soulmarks appear when your soulmate is badly injured, Buck think's his died, until his best friend gets shot in front of him and he finaly figures out it was Eddie all along.
not all of us are heroes (not all of us are brave) by withmeornotatall / @chronicowboy Gen | 6k buck and natalia break up, eddie decides to introduce his girlfriend to his son, christopher knows way too much, and the 118's wine night has never been quite so eventful
to feel the need of your touch by honestlydarkprincess / @honestlydarkprincess Explicit | 7.5k The one where Buck is touchstarved and desperate for Eddie. They fuck but it's also really sweet.
10k + right in front of your eyes by rainbow_nerds / @rainbow-nerdss Teen | 15.2k Buck offers to fake-date Eddie so Pepa will stop setting him up on dates.
very time we stop talking (the universe starts screaming) by withmeornotatall / @chronicowboy Mature | 21.9k buck gets reckless, eddie gets angry, they talk in all the wrong ways, and the universe decides to intervene
let's build this house (into a home, baby) by withmeornotatal / @chronicowboy Explicit | 24k.4 Neighbours AU, slow burn, Different first meeting, getting together
i owe you a black eye and 2 kisses by colonoscopys / @colonoscopys Explicit | 29.3k Four weeks later, Buck completes his first mission. Ft Nurse Buck and Mob member Eddie
today i live for a single drop of you by Underhung_Aura / @eddiebabygirldiaz Explicit | 38.9 Five times Buck dreams about sucking Eddie's cock and the one time he actually gets to do it.
let the world have its way with you by fleetinghearts / @shitouttabuck Explicit | 54.4k a bucket list that’s really about buck needing to make a change and an eddie who’s ready to do anything to see him fall in love with life again. it takes some crossing off for eddie to realize—the thing at the top of the list in his own heart? it’s been right here all along.
when it's you i'm with (everything goes quiet) by withoutthetiger / @rewritetheending Explicit | 56.2k Eddie can't speak after he and Christopher are in an accident, but somehow he asks Buck to stay while he recovers. Buck can't imagine wanting to be anywhere else, and even in the silence that lingers between them, they both find a way to say everything.
wishing to be the friction by ipretendtobesane / @useramor Explicit | 97.2k the straight eddie friends with benefits fic
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spotsandsocks · 7 months
The Lost and The Found 15/15 M rated
Completed!! 152.8k 😱
Eddie Diaz was born a shifter, of the wolf variety, and he loves his life. Visiting his Abuela one summer he meets a new friend but not long after that everything in his life gets turned around and hard choices have to be made. Eddie faces his responsibilities and does what he has to do.
Saying goodbye to his wolf Eddie faces spending the rest of his life alone until Bobby Nash turns up in his life with an invite to join his team and everything changes again.
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Yup it got long but it’s done!! Done I say 😆
Chapter 15 11.9k (sorry longest one so far) a tease under the cut
or from the start The Lost and The Found
Athena knows she moves quietly but Isabel hears her anyway and turns around just as she reaches the kitchen door. She even has two mugs ready, steam making patterns in the air as she moves them to the kitchen table and gestures to a seat.
Sitting down, Athena takes the offered mug with a grateful sigh. It’s nice to have moments peace. It’s been a day! Night? A lot anyway. There’s so much going through her head, a lot to worry about. Her pack certainly does like drama.
She sips from the mug, it’s a mint tea of some kind, refreshing but sadly not coffee, that’s a little disappointing but probably a good thing, it’s far too late for coffee.
The tea is soothing as in the companionable silence. She’s not known Isabel Diaz very long but she likes her a lot. The peace lets her take a moment to check off those she loves and is responsible for in her head.
Bobby - her beloved; he’s annoyed with Ravi, worried about Eddie, terrified for Buck and how he’ll cope if the worst happens. He’s ignoring his own injuries and is currently banished to his bed. She let him out to see his boys but the price was instant capitulation to the demand he go to bed and sleep. She’ll join him soon. She’s tired too but she needs this before she can rest.
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Buck & Eddie: Baking Muffins vs. Baking Cookies
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Since it aired, I've posted several times that 6x13 "Mixed Feelings" was my favorite episode of season 6 and it was the finale for me. I'm not sure why 6x14 - 6x18 ended or played out the way they did but I still believe there was a reason for 6x13 to air when it did and why it was before all the BS that happened afterwards.
I've watched all six of Buck's and Eddie's, Buck's and Chris' and the Buckley Diaz Family's scenes numerous times and every time I do, I find something that was a callback to previous episodes. I've already done a post on the significance of Buck bringing cookies to Eddie's house in 3x11 compared to him baking them with Chris in 6x13 (linked here) but this post is different because it parallels the scene Buck had with Chris from 6x13 to another scene Chris had with one of Eddie's previous relationships.
The scene from 6x13 with Buck and Chris included some parallels and callbacks to the scene from 5x3 with Eddie, Chris and Ana.
Baking muffins vs. Baking cookies
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First, in 5x3 after the blackout, Eddie went home to BREAKUP WITH ANA. He was there with her and Chris after she baked enough muffins to feed a classroom full of children. But in 6x13, Eddie WASN'T THERE and he left their son with his second dad while they baked cookies for Chris' class. Reminder, when Eddie met Ana, she was Chris' teacher but in season 3 SHE DIDN'T TELL EDDIE HOW TO HELP CHRIS SKATEBOARD BUT BUCK DID! They worked together to help Chris do something he obviously wanted to do even though Ana started telling Eddie about novels🙄. Also, in 6x13, Buck specifically said they needed to make enough cookies for Chris' whole class. Eddie just dipped like he did in 3x1 after he dropped Chris off with "his Buck" and was probably like, "It's cool because our son (his and Buck's) is with his other dad, so I don't need to be there."
The Kitchens
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In 5x3, when Eddie and Ana went into the kitchen, it was a MESS! A big mess to say the least. She had stuff everywhere like she was a brand-new cook or some BS but everyone knows she wasn't since she baked two cakes in 4x13 for Carla's birthday, therefore the STATE OF THE KITCHEN SPOKE VOLUMES about her relationship with Eddie. However, in 6x13, Buck's kitchen was ORGANIZED AND CLEAN. Buck and Eddie's relationship functions like a well-oiled machine. It always has ever since they removed a live grenade from Charlie's leg in 2x1.
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In 6x13, Buck specifically said, "So whenever I cook, I like to measure out all my ingredients". But in 5x3, it looked like Ana didn't measure anything. She just baked and left the mess for someone else to clean up.
Buck was working with Chris the same way he did every other time him and Chris were together. Here are some examples, in 3x2-3x3 after the Tsunami, in 3x12 when Eddie and Buck built Chris an adaptable skateboard, in 4x8 when Chris ran away to Buck's loft, in 5x13 when Chris called Buck during Eddie's breakdown and in 5x14 when Buck helped Chris with his homework. The look on Eddie's face in 5x3 before he told Ana "Maybe you should go home first" said it all. He didn't want her there and he never called her "his Ana" like he called Buck "his Buck".
Chris' comment and question
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Finally, Chris said "Let's make brownies next" in 5x3 but Ana's reply was "I think we need to clean that kitchen first". She made the mess but she wanted Chris to help her clean it up. But in 6x13, Chris asked, "Can we have cookies for dinner?" and Buck replied, "Well, I thought maybe we'd have some steak and then cookies". He didn't suggest Chris clean up the mess because THERE WASN'T ONE! Reminder Buck's kitchen was already clean even though Ana left Eddie's messy.
The difference between Ana and Buck is BUCK'S ALWAYS BEEN SHOWN TO BE CHRIS' SECOND PARENT! She played the role as the "NICE" girlfriend who was a "God send" but she was NEVER going to be there long since Buck's the person who's been raising Chris with Eddie for years.
Bonus: In 5x2 Buck told Eddie to breakup with Ana and he did in 5x3🙃.
Will Buck and Eddie FINALLY become a CANON couple in season 7 or will the show keep throwing one dimensional women at them instead of just letting them be together? Only the showrunners, writers and producers know the answers to that question.
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ricolaviecher · 2 months
Unexpected encounter
This is an Eddie Diaz fanfiction I have written and I am actually quite proud of it.
I planned to do a part 2 to this bc it ends on a cliffhanger but haven't had any idea what to write in the second part so if anyone has an idea feel free to send it in.
I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it. If anyone has feedbak, I am open for it. <3
(Past domestic violence is mentioned (but only in a short part) so if anyone isn't comfortable with that please don't read it <3)
Summary: After (Y/N) leaves her husband and moves in with her twin brother, Buck, he takes her and her daughter to the fire station where he works, and there she meets someone from her past.
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Just a knock on the door. It couldn’t be that hard, (Y/N) thought to herself as she stood in front of a wooden door.
Her daughter impatiently tugged on her sleeve. "Mommy. I knock? “
“Of course you can knock, sweety. “, (Y/N) said with a reassuring smile on her face. She knew she wouldn’t be able to knock on that door, so she could as well just let her daughter do it.
The 3-year-old girl gently knocked on the door with her hand in a tiny fist.
Slowly the door opened and on the other side stood a man with curly, blonde hair and a birthmark right above his eye.
“(Y/N)? Riley? Heyyy! What are you doing here? Is everything ok?”
“Uncle Evan!“ Riley hugged Evan’s leg, where her arms barely fit around. The young man scooped Riley up in one swift motion and pressed a sloppy kiss on the girl’s cheek.
“Can we stay here? Just for a few days?” (Y/N) pulled the collar of her thin pullover as much over her neck as possible. When her brother moved to embrace her, he couldn’t help but notice her flinch at the gentle touch.
“Course you can. You don’t have to ask.” He gave her a tender kiss on the birthmark over her eye, which was identical to his own one.
“Thanks.” Evan looked at her with a worried expression.
“It is late. Riley should probably go to sleep”, (Y/N) said, nodding at her daughter’s direction who already started to doze off in her uncle’s arms.
“I’ll bring her to the guest’s room.” Evan always had a small guest room prepared for the case his twin sister and his niece would come over, which he knew they eventually would, as soon as he had seen (Y/N)’s boyfriend.
(Y/N) settled on a chair in the kitchen. It was the first time she was in Evan’s new apartment and she had to admit she liked it. It was cleaner than she thought it would be. Most of the furniture was grey, some of it white. She only had to wait 5 minutes until her brother came back.
“Is she asleep?” (Y/N) whispered even though she wasn’t sure why.
“Yeah, she was pretty exhausted and didn’t even want me to read her a story.”
He heard his sister making an acknowledging sound. “So, now tell me why you are here.”
“Nothing. Really. I just wanted to see how my little brother is doing.” She tried to force a smile on her face but she could tell of Evan’s gaze that he didn’t believe her.
“First of all. I am only 3 minutes younger than you are, and second, I will give you another chance to tell me the truth. You haven’t visited me in 2 years, (Y/N). You didn’t write me a single message. It was always me. So, I just can’t believe you, when you say everything is fine.”
“I am so sor-“
“No. Wait. I didn’t want you to feel guilty. Don’t apologize. Just… please tell me what happened.” (Y/N) could still see the concerned expression all over Evan’s face and she felt her heart and breathing rate increase.
“Ben… He… he… God, I still can’t believe it.”
“What can’t you believe?” Evan lay a comforting hand on her shoulder while he tilted her chin up so she could look at him.”
“He held me… He pressed me to the wall. Riley had to watch it. Ben just held me tightly. He said that was some kind of punishment.” (Y/N) felt a tear rolling over her cheek, all the way down her chin, her neck until it disappeared under her collar.
“Punishment? For what?” (Y/N) could see Evan clenching his left hand into a tight fist.
“Because I didn’t make dinner in time.” She let out a hysterical laughter. “He hit me… more than once.” Evan sucked in a deep breath while staring at the ceiling as if searching for some kind of answer what he should say next.
“Where?” (Y/N) looked confused. What does her brother want to know? Where her boyfriend was? Because she definitely wouldn’t tell him as she was sure it would make Evan immediately drive to Ben’s house to beat the hell out of him until he was barely alive anymore. She definitely wasn’t going to let her brother do it.
Evan seemed to sense her apprehension. “Where did he hit you? Are the injuries bad? Can I have a look?”
(Y/N) shrugged with her shoulders. If it made her brother calm down a bit and stop worrying about her, why not?
“He hit me in my abdomen and chest.” She looked up at the ceiling, just like Evan did a few seconds before, in an attempt to stop the tears which still wet her cheeks.
Slowly, Evan pulled (Y/N) pullover up just to be faced with many, dark blue bruises on his twin’s upper body. He gently palpated it and noticed how she flinched away from his touch.
“Sorry.” He also had a look at her wrists where Ben had to pin her on the wall as he could see some swelling.
“I will take you to hospital tomorrow.” Evan looked at her with a stern look.
“No! I can’t! I don’t want anyone to see it and I just can’t. He could see if I use my health insurance and no! Evan please!” The tears (Y/N) just managed to hold back just flow over her cheeks again.
“Ok, ok. I understand. And would it be ok if I took you to the station and let someone of our medics take a look at you? Just to be sure there is nothing serious going on?”
After some minutes of considering, (Y/N) agreed, even though she was nervous. She would meet her brother’s colleagues for the first time while looking like that. Having bruises on her whole body, scared, exhausted.
“By the way, why didn’t you go to Maddie? Why did you come here? I am sure Maddie would be the better choice in that case.” Evan curiously looked at his sister, who he couldn’t help but notice looked exhausted and kind of weak. Not like he used to know her. Strong, independent. Ben took a part from her she would have to fight for, to get it back.
“Because she is not my twin. She would tell me I have to face him again to come over it, but right now, I just need someone to listen. Someone to care. Someone to worry. Someone to hold me. And Maddie is great, but right now I need you.” Evan stepped another step forward and hugged (Y/N) as tightly as possible. She felt skinny. Skinnier than the last time. With that in mind he noticed, that also her face wasn’t as round as before. Her cute cheeks in which he always pinched, just to make her annoyed, were gone, so he went to the fridge, with his sister still in his arms, to get her something to eat.
“Thank you, Evan.”
“No problem. And I go by Buck now.”
“I won’t ever call you that”, (Y/N) said while laughing. Evan was glad it was a real laugh. Not a faked, or hysterical one. It was an honest laugh; the same one he has heard for so many years.
The next day, (Y/N) changed Riley into a cute dress – Evan didn’t even change her into her pajamas last night, she needs to teach him a lot – and they made their way to the station. Evan invited er to have lunch with the crew before letting someone assess her injuries to make sure she was comfortable around them.
Riley had her stuffed bunny pressed tightly to her chest as the big city was a bit overwhelming to the 3-year-old. (Y/N) knew it would be like that, as she has always lived in a small town with Riley and Ben.
“Mommy? Big truck”, the girl mumbled as she pointed to the red firetruck which was just about to drive around the corner. The sirens weren’t on, as well as the blue lights, which made (Y/N) figure out that they had just come back from a call.
“Yes, Riley. That’s a big firetruck.”
Only 2 minutes later, Riley stood, her hand clutching tightly onto her mom’s, in front of the big fire station.
“We go in?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Let’s go.”
The fire station was a big hall, with an engine, a ladder truck and two ambulances standing in the middle. A man who was maybe 50 years old, came to her.
“Hello! You have to be (Y/N), I am Bobby.”
“Uhm… yes.”
“You can just come with me. Buck is already waiting for you. Afraid, the food is not finished yet, but it’ll soon be. Buck said that little one loves Pasta so I made that. Is that ok with you?”
What Bobby said, made (Y/N)’s tears well up again. He even made her girlie’s favorite food.
“Yes, of course. Thank you.”
“It no problem. I actually was glad that I could make pasta instead of something which needs hours to cook.”
(Y/N) smiled and followed the captain up the stairs to a beautiful, big kitchen, she could only dream of. There also stood a couch in front of a flatscreen, where the news channel was playing on mute.
“Hey sis! You are early. Are you okay?”
“Stop worrying, Evan! I am not going to die. I feel great. Exhausted and tired but physically I am absolutely well.” (Y/N) gently nudged Evan, who barely moved at the touch, and just smiled at his twin sister.
Her brother knelt down to be on the same level as Riley.
“Hey cutie”, he cooed, when he noticed how tightly she clutched onto her bunny and tried to hide her face with it. “You want to come to uncle Evan?” The girl hesitantly let go of her mom’s hand to let Evan scoop her up on his arms, where she nestled her head on his shoulder.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you to the team”, Evan said while a grin spread over his face.
He led his sister to a woman and a man who were sitting on the couch, (Y/N) noticed before, and while the man was on his phone, the woman read a medical book.
“Guys, this is (Y/N), my sister, and my niece Riley. (Y/N), this are Hen and Chimney.” Both firefighters looked up from what they were focusing at, and smiled kindly.
“Hey (Y/N)! It is so nice to finally meet you! Buck talks a lot about you and your daughter.” Hen stood up to hug her (Y/N) tightly.
Why are they so kind? They just met her. Did Evan say something why she was here and that is why they are like that? But on the other hand, Hen looked honestly kind.
“It is nice to meet y’all too. Riley? You want to say hi to Hen and Chimney?”
“Hi.” (Y/N) proudly looked at her daughter, who was normally very shy and didn’t like talking to strangers. Now, she was happy that Riley at least said something as simple as a ‘Hi”.
Evan led (Y/N) further to a young firefighter whose name was Ravi, and he was as nice as the others.
A few seconds later, a woman in a police uniform came in.
“Ah! (Y/N), this is Sergeant Athena Grant. Bobby’s wife. Athena, this is (Y/N).”
“Hi. It is great to finally meet you! Buck told us so much about you. I think I know more about you than about him! And you look very pretty in that dress!”
(Y/N) looked down at her dress, which was pink and was out of thin material so it was perfect for hot summers like this year’s.
“Thank you! And it is so nice to meet you too! Evan talked about you and your husband as if you were his second parents. I really feel like I have already met you!”
“Did he? Well, that’s nice to hear.” Athena had a smile on her face, which made (Y/N) feel reassured. She had been scared, that nobody would like her, but she was surprised how everyone welcomed her, and were like a big family. “So why do you call Buck ‘Evan’? He never lets anyone call him that. Didn’t he mention he goes by Buck?”
“Oh, he did. But I am used to call him Evan so I will just stick to that. A twin should have the right to call him that.”
“Ah yes. That’s understandable. We can talk a bit more later. Now I am going to see how my husband is doing.”
“So that was Athena. I really like her!”
“Yes, she is great.” (Y/N) had never seen her brother as happy as he was now, and she had to say, that she was glad about that. He seems to fit into that station. They accepted him just the way he was, not like their parents did, when they were young.
“I’ll introduce you to Eddie later. He is still checking the equipment.” While he said that another man came into the station. He didn’t seem to be a firefighter, as he was only wearing a shirt and shorts.
“Evan!” (Y/N) looked at her brother, the confusion written all over her face. She thought that Athena said, he didn’t let anyone call him Evan anymore. So why was that guy not calling him Buck?
“Tommy! Hey! How are you?”
“I am excellent! But are you ok, too? You still want to do it?” Evan nodded and seemed to finally realize the confusion on his twin’s face, but didn’t say anything.
___ Only a few minutes later, the 118 and (Y/N), as well as her daughter, who was contently sitting on Evan’s lap while eating her pasta, sat on the dinner table, when a man ran up the stairs.
“Sorry guys. Equipment was empty so I had to fill it up. What’d I miss?”
(Y/N) knew that voice. She knew the person, that this voice belonged to. Slowly she turned her head, hoping she was wrong. But she immediately gave up hope when she looked into the firefighter’s friendly face. (Y/N) could see his smile disappear when he saw her.
“(Y/N)?” She cleared her throat.
“Eddie. Nice to see you.”
“Umm. Yes. Great.” Why did he show her the cold shoulder? She wasn’t the one who had left. She didn’t come here just to see him. And since when was he even here in LA?  
“You guys know each other?”, Bobby asked when he saw them exchanging confused looks.
“Yes. We met some years ago”, (Y/N) said with a faked smile on her face. She watched as Eddie sat down at the other end of the table, even though there was a better place, opposite to her. Idiot, (Y/N) thought to herself.
Just then Eddie seemed to notice Riley, who was still sitting on Evan’s lap, not knowing what was going on. She could see the panic in Eddie’s eyes when he looked at her so she tried to avoid his gaze.
“Your daughter?”
“How old is she?”
“Three and a half.”
(Y/N) could see the other’s confused gazes, as they wondered why Eddie wasn’t asking what the girl’s name was. He immediately asked how old she was.
“What’s your name, sweety?”, Eddie asked the little one.
After looking at her mom, silently asking for permission, she whispered a silent “Riley”.
“Hey Riley. I am Eddie. (Y/N). We need to talk. Now!” (Y/N) slowly stood up from where she was sitting, following Eddie downstairs, after excusing herself, leaving the other 118 members confused.
“Am I right, when I am assuming she is my daughter?”
(Y/N) nodded.
“Why the fuck didn’t you say anything?! I wouldn’t have left if you told me!”
“Right! You wouldn’t have left me for our daughter. How do you imagine that? Us being happy again, just because we have a baby? Eddie. That’s not how it works.”
“But maybe I would have tried more!”
“So, you say your daughter would have been worth fighting for but I wasn’t? That just shows me it was right to not tell you about her. I would like to go back to the team now. I was invited for lunch by my brother, so I don’t want to miss that.”
Eddie grabbed (Y/N)’s wrist to stop her from going away.
“Ouch! Damn Eddie! What the fuck are you doing?!” Her wrists still hurt from Ben holding them to tight during their fight. She could immediately feel her heart beating faster, her breathing becoming shallow and fast. She knew the signs of an incoming panic attack.
Her eyes were beginning to well up as she was back in that moment. She didn’t see Eddie anymore. She could only think of how Ben was pinning her to the wall, not letting her go.
Eddie seemed to notice the signs too. He immediately let go of her arm.
“I am sorry (Y/N).” He worried as he didn’t receive an answer. “Hey! (Y/N)? Can you hear me? Fuck!”
All Eddie could see was the panic in (Y/N)’s eyes. The tears. How shallow and fast her breathing was.
“Hey?! I need help down here!”
Almost immediately Buck, Hen and Bobby ran down the stairs.
“Hen! Grab the medkit.”
“Fuck! Eddie, what have you done?”, was all Buck said before grabbing his sister by her shoulders and gently shaking her.
“I did nothing! We just talked and then she wanted to go and I grabbed her – gently - so she can’t just run away and she let out a pained cry and then she went straight into a panic attack!”
“Shit! Where did you grab her?” Evan looked at Eddie with a furious but concerned face.
“Just her wrist!” Eddie looked confused and a bit panicked, as he had never seen (Y/N) having a panic attack.
“Damn!” Evan still tried to make (Y/N) talk to him but it didn’t seem to work, so he led his sister to a bench nearby. In the meanwhile, Hen came back with the medkit. Eddie immediately pulled out a pulse-oximeter which he put on (Y/N)’s index finger.
Next, he took the bp cuff while Hen looked at the numbers on the pulse-oximeter, which were blinking, while the device was beeping loudly.
“Pulse is at 126, stats are at 93%.”
“Let’s get her some oxygen”, Eddie said, so Hen immediately went to get the oxygen tank. “Hey (Y/N). Listen to me. I didn’t want to get mad. I just was surprised. Can you try to breathe slowly? For me? Please try it.” Eddie took some deep breaths to show (Y/N) how to do it. What had he just done to make her that anxious that she went straight onto a panic attack?
Slowly, (Y/N)’s breathing started to get better.
“Buck? Do you know what was going on? What happened?”
“She had a bad fight with her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. I am not so sure about that. He hit her and grabbed her. Pinned her to the wall. I think you grabbing her wrist brought the memories back and made it feel too real. I brought her here today, so you guys could have a look at her injuries as she didn’t want to go to hospital. I didn’t think she would have a panic attack! I wanted her to have a good day!” Evan still looked worried at (Y/N).
“Buck. It is not your fault. I made her panic. I was mad at her.” His best friend doesn’t just look worried anymore, now he also looked confused.
“What was even going on that you were mad? You never said that you knew my sister!”
“Why should I know that my (Y/N) is your (Y/N)? And I think she should tell you what was going on. That is not about me. I mean it is. But I shouldn’t tell you.” Eddie furrowed his brow.
(Y/N), who was still breathing into the oxygen mask, shot Eddie a thankful gaze. Her panic started to slowly ebb away, but she still felt dizzy and could feel her heart racing. Eddie carefully lifted her hand up to look at the pulse-oximeter once more, the numbers on it were stabilizing which made him let out a deep, relieved breath.
“(Y/N)? May I have a look at the injuries Buck mentioned?”, the man asked with a soft voice. (Y/N) nodded after looking at her brother just to get a reassuring gaze.
Eddie lifted her pullover up a bit, what was followed by a hissing sound he let out, as he saw the purple bruises all over her upper body. He gently pressed on different places, apologizing as (Y/N) let out a silent whimper.
“I don’t see any concerning injuries. They are going to hurt for a few days, but then you will be ok. Buck said that was you ex?” He took a deep breath as he saw (Y/N) nodding.
“Yes, but I really don’t want to talk about that now. Can I maybe finish my food and then go home?”
“Yes, of course”, Evan said, before leading (Y/N) upstairs, closely followed by Eddie, Hen and Bobby.
Riley still sat on the dinner table, now on Tommy’s lap, instead of Buck’s. She was babbling something, only she could understand, a serious look on her face.
Tommy was smiling and nodding, and (Y/N) noticed the way her brother looked at the man. Were they friends? Evan never mentioned Tommy, so they couldn’t be friends since long.
“Mommy! Pasta yummy! Tommy great!” The little girl smiled happily at her mom.
“I gave her a chocolate pudding. I hope that’s ok?”
“Yes. She loves chocolate.” (Y/N)’s voice sounded a little hoarse and her throat felt tight and sore. The young mom looked at Eddie and immediately sees his heartwarming gaze. “Riley? Do you want to go to Eddie for a moment? I am sure he wants to show you the firetruck.”
“Big car?”
“Yes, the big car. Do you want to see it?” The three-year-old grinned and toddled over to Eddie, who she doesn’t know yet, is her dad. He thankfully looked at (Y/N) before he scooped the toddler up and went downstairs with her.
“Ok, sis. You really need to tell me what’s going on between you and Eddie!” Evan looked at his twin, desperate for information.
“We had a thing. A bit over four years ago.”
“Four years? Is Riley…?”
“Yep. She is his daughter if you wanted to know that.”
“Oh. Wow. My sister and my best friend have a kid. You know Eddie has a son, right?”
“I do. I have often seen Chris when Eddie and I were dating. He is such a sweetheart. He actually didn’t want to leave when Eddie left.” (Y/N) felt the tears welling up in her eyes again. She always loved Chris. She thought of him as if he was her own son. In the two years in which she was dating Eddie, she often spent time with Chris. They visited the zoo or the aquarium. She would have done everything for the little boy, who she thought had to had grown since she has seen him the last time. What age is he now? 13?
“Yes, he is someone special. He is a happy person. Has grown up in the last few years. He had his first dates just a few weeks ago.” Evan knew that (Y/N) needed to know that. She had to know that this little guy is now a young man.
“Dates? Plural?” (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, which made Evan laugh.
“Yes. Dates. Eddie asked me to talk to him about that, which I did.”
“Eddie asked you to talk to his son about dating?” She laughed. Evan wasn’t a good person to ask for dating advice. She did once, but the only ‘advice’ she had gotten was, she should just wear shorts and a short top and her crush would immediately notice her. Since that day, (Y/N) has never asked her twin for dating advice again.
“Yes, he did. And Chris had some problems. Said, that everyone would leave anyway. His mom, Carla, Ana, maybe even you. It was hard for him to see that. But I think he understands it now. I mean why they have left.” His sister looked confused.
“Shannon left? And who the fuck are Carla and Ana.” Buck could tell that his sister was a bit jealous.  She wondered who Carla and Ana were. Were they girlfriends of Eddie?
“Shannon didn’t exactly leave. I mean she did, but Chris didn’t know at first. She died shortly after she had told Eddie, that she would leave. And Carla takes care of Chris when Eddie’s at work. She worked for my ex and when Eddie came with Chris, he didn’t exactly know what to do so I introduced him to her. And Ana is Eddie’s ex. They broke up after Eddie had a panic attack and realized he didn’t really love her.” Evan laughed at his twin’s face. She looked absolutely overwhelmed by information.
“Wait. Shannon died? I met her a few times; this is so sad. She was a nice person. She was always friendly. We even were shopping once. And Carla isn’t Eddie’s girlfriend or ex? And Eddie had a panic attack? That is so confusing.” (Y/N) furrowed her brow.
“Yes. She died a few years ago. It was an accident. He even was on the scene. And nope. Carla wasn’t and still isn’t Eddie’s girlfriend.” Evan looked at his sister. “You still love him.” It wasn’t a question. He knew it. He could tell by the way (Y/N) looked at Eddie. How she wanted to know if Eddie was free.
But (Y/N) knew she didn’t want to still be in love with Eddie. He left once. What if he would leave again. Right now, she couldn’t even take her eyes off him, showing Riley the firetruck, because she was scared if he could do anything wrong. She didn’t trust him anymore. Not like she used to.
“I don’t want to talk about me anymore. Let’s talk about you. Who is Tommy? You have never mentioned him before.” (Y/N) looked at Evan as he seemed to be really interested in the ceiling, he was staring at.
“Um. I am honestly not really sure.” He cleared his throat, desperately searching for his next words. “We… I like him. So, we were on a date. I asked him to be my date at Maddie’s wedding, after things didn’t go well at the date and I have talked to Maddie and Eddie and they gave me some good advice. Not like I used to.” Evan chuckled, as well as his sister.
“I am happy for you.” (Y/N) smiled at him.
“You are not surprised?” She laughed at Evan’s confused gaze.
“That you are into boys? Nah. Are you surprised?” Now the confusion was written over both their faces
 “Of course I am.”
“I could have told you were into boys as soon as you had that crush on Liam in Highschool.” (Y/N) laughed.
“I didn’t have a crush on Liam!”
“What was it then? You having a platonically crush on him?”
“I had a crush on his sister!” Evan looked absolutely panicked.
“Definitely not. You barely talked about Cameron. Much more about Liam.”
“Oh my god. I had a crush on Liam.” The realization was all written over his face.
“Now go and spend some time with you boyfriend.” (Y/N) nodded in Tommy’s direction.
“He is not officially my boyfriend yet.”
“Then go change that.” (Y/N) hugged Evan tightly. “I am going to go soon. Riley has to take a nap and then I will go have a look at LA’s bustling city life. But first I need to have a short talk to Tommy. Go say bye to your niece. In the meanwhile.” Evan looked a bit unsure of what to do but then ran down the stairs to Eddie and Riley.
“Hey” So you have to be Tommy.” The man looked at (Y/N) with a curious look on his face.
“Don’t hurt my brother. He hasn’t had an easy life and it looks like he just realized he is into boys – idiot – so just treat him right. He deserves the world with everything he had been through. It may be that he’ll need some time to adjust to everything but he’ll understand everything soon.”
“Don’t worry. I know he is great.”
“Good. See you soon!” (Y/N) smiled at Tommy, who stood up to gently hug her.
“Bye everyone! It was nice to see y’all but I really need to go now.”
Everyone said goodbye and hugged (Y/N).
Maybe she worried without any reason. Everyone accepted her. Everyone liked her. She could have never imagined that. Not in the last 2 years with Ben. She wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without him. When they were with friends, he didn’t want her to talk to others, not even her closest friends.
Slowly, (Y/N) walked down the stairs where she found Eddie and Riley laughing. Her daughter sat on the driver’s side of the truck and giggled happily as she pretended to drive.
“Riley. We need to go home now, ok?”
“Mommy. It is funny. Don’t want to go.” The three-year-old looked like she was on the verge to cry.
“We can come back another time, but you really need to make your nap and then we want to go to the mall shopping. Mommy needs new clothes, as well as you do.” (Y/N) came to her brother with only one suitcase and most of the contents was Riley’s stuff.
“Shopping?” Riley’s eyes lit up at the thought of going to the mall with her mom. She loves to try on the pretty clothes.
“Yes, sweety.” Eddie helped Riley out of the firetruck.
“It was nice to see you again. Maybe we can go have dinner next week? I really want to see Riley and spend some time with her, but I would understand if you want to talk to me before”, Eddie said, which (Y/N) appreciated as it was true. She first wanted to set some boundaries before letting Eddie spend time with her daughter.
“Invite us over for Paella and I’ll think about it.” (Y/N) grinned, which showed Eddie she was just joking.
“Us? You want to bring Riley with you? Are you ok with that?”
“I am sure Chris wants to meet his little sister.”
“Tuesday, 6 pm. Ok?” (Y/N) nodded.
“See you there. I’ll ask Evan for your address.” She scooped Riley up and stepped in the warm LA air. (Y/N) smiled. She forgot the last time, where she had been happy like today.
The day didn’t go like planned, but it was great either way. She hasn’t seen Eddie in 4 years, and even though she doesn’t know hoe to feel about it just yet, she was happy to have the chance to spend time with him. Riley could finally get to know her dad.
(Y/N) took a deep breath. She could smell the ocean and sunscreen. She absolutely loved it.
“Let’s go home, Riley.”
(Y/N) has been standing in front of the closet for 2 hours.
“But are you sure? I feel like I look a bit too slutty.” She looked down at her black shorts and the baby blue top she wore, to black high heels.
“You look beautiful, (Y/N). And you can let Eddie see what he has missed in the last years.” (Y/N) shot her sister an annoyed look.
“Maddie! I feel like you don’t take my problem serious!” Maddie laughed.
“That’s because I don’t. You looked amazing in every single outfit you have tried on today!”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” Maddie took one step closer to give her sister a hug. “Eddie has already seen you in joggers, when you two were a couple. He won’t care what you wear. Boys don’t care as much about outfits as we do. Just trust your gut.”
“Thank you, Maddie.”
“It was no problem.”
“Hey (Y/N)! Riley! Come in. The paella is nearly finished. I hope you are hungry?”
“We definitely are, aren’t we, Riley?” (Y/N) gently nudged her daughter’s arm.
“Hungry!” Eddie chuckled. He suddenly felt absolutely overwhelmed by emotions. The young girl had the same small birthmark under her eye, that he has. She scrunched her nose the same way he did. She was half him. Yes, he had a son. He loved Chris. But he also loved Riley. She was suddenly there. He didn’t see that coming.
Dinner went absolutely well. They had great conversations, and both Chris and (Y/N) were happy to meet again after so long.
“How is school, Chris?” The boy scrunched his face at the mention of that hated place.
“I have good grades, but I still don’t like going there. I have many friends there. Denny is in my course since this year, so it makes at least a little bit more fun.”
“Who is Denny?”, (Y/N) asked, as she didn’t think that anyone has mentioned this name before.
“Hen’s son”, Eddie explained.
“Ah. Ok. I am so, so happy for you!”
“Chris, buddy? Do you want to go watch tv with Riley? You could watch a cartoon?”, Eddie asked as he noticed Riley’s eyes growing heavier so she was barely awake.
“Why not.” The 13-year-old made his way to the living room with Riley following close behind.
(Y/N) was the first one to speak. “You can spend time with Riley if you want to. At the beginning, not too much. Maybe you go to the park or the zoo and then bring her back home to me. When you spent time with her more often and she likes it, you can have her for a whole day and if that works out, she could stay overnight at some point. But I want to meet up with you too. She is our daughter so we should show her that we are her parents. I don’t want her to think we hate each other. And I want our meet ups to be a date. I want to go on a date with you. I still love you. I have never stopped loving you. When I was with Ben, I often thought about how my love would be if I had reached out to you. If I hadn’t let you go. I want a date. And I want to know why you left me.”
Eddie looked a bit overwhelmed and confused, but he nodded.
“Ok. We can to that. I like you to. I love you. And I left because Shannon did. She left Chris with me and I didn’t know how to manage a girlfriend and a son. I first had to figure out what having a kid was like. I wanted to marry you before Shannon left. I already had bought an engagement ring. I loved you. Love you. But I wasn’t sure what to do. I am really sorry. I didn’t really want to leave you but I felt like I had to.”
“You wanted to marry me?”
“I did.” Eddie nodded, and (Y/N) could see all the regret in his eyes.
“We go on a date. And if you still love me - and I still love you – propose to me.”
Eddie grinned.
“That works for me.”
(Y/N) stood up from where she was sitting, went to Eddie who was leaning on the kitchen counter, stood on her toes to be high enough to kiss him. It was some kind of promise. She loves Eddie. She would do everything to make it work this time. She would die for him.
With a heavy heart, (Y/N) pulled away from Eddie.
“I need to go now. But I still have your number. I’ll call you.”
(Y/N) went to the living room, scooped Riley up from where she sat on the couch and went out of Eddie’s house.
She didn’t know why, but something didn’t feel right. It was already dark outside. Anxiously, (Y/N) looked around. Nothing is wrong. She is just overthinking too much.
“Hey babe. You really thought you could leave me?”
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moonstarrr · 3 months
Ok so it’s totally ok if you don’t want to write this it’s a little weird but I would appreciate it 😊
Eddie Diaz x Reader The reader gets upsetting news and runs out of the house and Eddie chases her. He finds her crying in an alley and comforts her.
𝐈𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞
𝐀/𝐍: 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭! 𝐈𝐭𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 :)
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The day felt off from the time you woke up, it was as if you knew something bad was gonna happen before it had to even be told to you. You got up and walked to the kitchen hoping to see Eddie there but he was no where to be found. You summed it up to him already at work or on his way.
As much as you were trying to keep yourself occupied and busy around the house with nothing much to really do , you just couldn’t shake the feeling off.However you quickly went back to cleaning trying not to worry about it however you wanted to keep it in the back of your mind.
It was now around 2 in the afternoon, the breeze blowing slightly through the windows. You decide to call Eddie in hopes that he actually picks up the phone. After 2 rings you hear his voice “Hey my love”
“Hey babe what’s going on with you”you say but there’s a hint of nervousness tracing your tone. You really wanted this weird guy feeling to go away but not enough to ignore it.
“Nothing much I’m here with buck same old same old” You smile at the fact that he’s there with your brother. Those two are two peas in a pod.
“(Y/N) are you okay?” He asks with a hint of worry. Of course he could be the one to know when something is wrong or bothering you. However you didn’t want to even give him the idea that something was wrong.
“Oh of course I’m fine don’t worry about me baby” you say with a chuckle buy it came out like a nervous chuckle to Eddie.
“If you say you but you promise to tell me if there is something wrong right”
“I promise”you say in a soft ensuring voice. You didn’t want Eddie to worry about you too much knowing that he has plenty of other things to worry about as well.
You guys continued conversation for the next 10 minutes until he had to say goodbye.
“Look babe, I gotta go I’ll be home a little earlier than usual tonight” he says.
That’s joy straight to your ears because once he’s home early that means the more time you get to spend with him.
“That’s great Eddie but let me not keep you back I’ll talk to you later, I love you” you say to yourself with a smile.
“I love you too” He says back and you can only imagine the smile he has on his face because he always has it once he says the three words.
The night approached rather quickly and the feeling that you had from earlier was still prefabs was still lingering on her mind. Nothing was gonna get rid of it but the anticipation of something happening was high but you just didn’t know what .
The sound of heavy footsteps and a bag being dropped soon filled your ears and you looked down the hall to see Eddie standing there taking off what he needed to take off. He looked a tad bit tired but more relaxed with these fact that he’s finally home. You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck bringing him into your embrace while he wrapped his arms around your lower back. You felt his lips meet your forehead as he gives you a kiss.
He mumbles a quiet ‘I missed you today’ on the top of your forehead. You guys stay there hugged for a minute.
After letting him unpack some of his stuff and getting settled you go back on the couch to find something for you and him to watch.
“Eddie!” You yell out for him hoping he will hear you in your guys shared bedroom
“What do you wanna watch”You raise your voice a little still scrolling through the different Netflix movies.
“Whatever you wanna watch” He yells back out to you.
You find an interesting action movie and just as you were about to go get some snacks for you and him from the kitchen your phone starts to ring.
You look at your phone and see that your sister, Maddie is calling you. You walk back to get your phone ,not trying to miss a phone call from your sister. You pick up immediately thinking she’s calling just to chit chat with you or maybe even gossip
“Hey sis what’s going on” you say happy to hear her voice
You soon hear the fear and worry tracing her voice it’s almost as if she was on the verge of tears and that alone tightened your chest.
“(Y/N) it’s Buck, h-he’s in a coma…..it’s not looking good for him you need to come down to the hospital”
You felt all the blood drain from your face.Your pulse picked up quickly as if you just ran a marathon. You place your hand on your head panic washing over you.
“Maddie what are you talking about….There’s no way….no Maddie please god no” you say with tears streaming down your face feeling like you were gonna pass out from the way your heart picked up on speed.
“I’m serious (y/n) I feel the same way but you need to get down here it’s not looking good” She says and you can hear her voice cracking over the phone.
It broke your heart to hear your sister cry but it broke you heart even more to hear what was going on with your brother. Not Evan, no way.
He was with Eddie earlier and he sounded fine how could he possibly be in a coma now and no one knows the outcome.
All the commotion and your cries bring Eddie out to the living room in a hurry looking at you in bare worry.
In hysterics you yell out to Eddie “ Buck…s-somethings wrong with buck” You could hardly even understand yourself the fear and worry is just taking over you.
He walks over to you in a hurry and places one of his hands on your shoulder and the other one on your cheek
“(Y/N), love, what’s going on..talk to me ” he says in a worried tone because he rarely sees you like this and with him knowing that you were fine a couple minutes ago it was like a complete shock to him.
You suddenly got urge to just run you didn’t want to be surrounded by anyone you just wanted to be by yourself. All of these events that happened rather quickly will all explain the lingering gut feeling you had all day.
I’m a quick change of events you ran out the house and ran wherever your mind told you to go. You hear Eddie yelling for you from the front door but you drown him out.
You couldn’t deal with this right now.
Only a few street lights and the bright moon light lit your bath. After a couple of minutes of running you stop and sit down against a wall with a street lamp illuminating you and a little bit of your surroundings.
You breakdown immediately. Wondering why all of this was happening l, you didn’t feel like you had the strength to talks the bad news especially when it’s about your brother who always gets through things.
You cry and cry as if there’s not tomorrow
“Why….why are you doing this to me Buck” You say to yourself rubbing your hands through your hair and trying to wipe your eyes but the more you wiped the more the tears kept coming.
You bring your knees up to your chest and rest your head on them.
Soon you hear the rumble to a car engine and headlights creeping up on you. You put your elbow in front of your face and try to block out the bright lights from your puffy eyes.
“Baby oh my god…. (Y/N)” you hear the familiar voice of Eddie.
He quickly closed his car door and in a quick pace he came over too you. He kneeled down in front of you and took a look at you before he brought you into his chest embracing you.
The tears flow again and it breaks his heart to hear you cry or to even be upset.He never wanted to see you like this ever.
“I got you babe I’m here.. I’m here don’t worry” He says in a soft yet comforting tone. It was all you needed in this very moment.
You try to calm yourself down but your mind was running and it was only make you freak out more.
“You gotta breathe for me baby, try to calm down a little I’m right here with you and I’m not going anywhere”
He rubs his hands up and down your back and holding the back of your head mumbling sweet nothings to you. He got the phone call as well and of course Eddie was worried too, Buck is his best friend. However, his focus was on you and he needed to make sure that you know that he’s there with you.
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chronicowboy · 1 year
tomorrow will always and forever now be today (tomorrow is our always and forever) | 43k
"Think I can get a hug from my best man on my wedding day?" he asks, quietly hopeful in a way that makes Eddie want to tear off his skin.
"Sure," Chris replies with a shrug, turning to throw Eddie a cheeky grin. "Dad, Buck needs a hug."
Two things happen at once then: Eddie has to plaster on a smile authentic enough to convince the one person on this planet that knows him inside out—except he doesn't really have to fake his smile, not at first, because of number two—he sees groom-Buck for the first time. And groom-Buck is every bit as beautiful as Eddie might have imagined him over the years. Happy eyes bright and blue, pink lips stretched wide in a beaming smile, cheeks flushed pink with joy, hair carefully styled and stunningly golden in the morning sunlight. He's half-dressed too, tux jacket still on the hanger on the back of the chair, so Eddie gets an unbarred view of Buck's white shirt stretched taut over his biceps, shoulders, abs.
For a moment, Eddie falls into the greatest betrayal his brain has ever laid out for him, imagining that he might have got to see Buck like this for the first time from the other end of the aisle if he'd just been brave enough to—
"I think he meant you, kid," Eddie teases as he drops their suits to the couch. He widens his stance, so Jee can run through his legs and evade another of Chimney's grab attempts, then he ruffles Christopher's curls as a steadying act before he's suddenly in front of Buck. And he tries not to think about the pathway cleared through the living room by Jee's chase, or the fact that they're under the archway between the kitchen and the dining table, or the knowledge that Bobby is an ordained officiant where he stands behind them. "Hey, Buck," he says softly, smiling genuinely now because this is Buck.
"Hey, Eds," Buck murmurs back, and it's the first time since they'd promised to have each other's backs that Eddie can't quite decipher the emotions making Buck's voice thick.
Eddie wraps him in a hug then, careful and detached as he can manage, but it's Buck in his arms, warm and alive and his for just a few more hours. He doesn't let himself hold Buck's hips like he used to before—before he'd realised why he'd wanted to hold Buck's hips so tightly—just splays his fingers over Buck's back and tries to focus on the soft cotton under his palms rather than the way Buck's temple rests so perfectly against his. Eddie stays there, for too long probably, fingers digging in too tight possibly, and squeezes his eyes shut when they start to water. He's clinging, and he tries not to think about how it feels a little like Buck is clinging to him too.
"Ah," Eddie huffs as he pulls away, taking two steps back just to be safe. He catches Maddie's eyes on him then, sadder than they should be for the happy tears she'd been crying just before he'd got here, and Eddie wonders if her big sister omniscience is working on him too. "Come on, Buckley. Got to make an honest man out of you sooner rather than later."
"Whilst we're on the topic," Chim intervenes, a wriggly Jee on his hips with two shoes on—finally. "Are we sure he should be wearing white?"
(OR: eddie gets trapped in a time loop on the day buck marries natalia)
@butchdiaz @danielsousa @shitouttabuck @alyxmastershipper @diazass @911-on-abc @folk-fae @stagefoureddiediaz @jeeyuns @piningeddiediaz @robsumagpie @athenagranted @prince-buck-diaz @eddiediaztho @carryingbears @ladydorian05 @made-ofmemories @sherlockcrossing @violet-rot @binickmiller @rainbow-nerdss @thatnamewill-probably-change @ducksbellorum @organizedstardust @mangacat201 @faggotjoness @sibylsleaves @kaseysgirl86-blog @daughter-of-winterfell @thisyearsloveisnow @goodiecornbread @wordsofdiana @thehumongouskargomice @xandromedan @acebuddie @girlnamedjesse @pirrusstuff @angstydiaz @haradrimculture @pinky-promisesss @starlingbite @dontneedmyheart @spaceprincessem @shortsighted-owl @buck2eddie @diazly
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dorkydiaz · 3 months
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SLOWED-DOWN CLOCKS TETHERED...TO KEEP IT FOR YOU IN SWEETNESS [1.6k | Eddie Diaz & Christopher Diaz | post s7] {AO3}
Eddie’s first Father’s Day as a father he had barely registered the date let alone a holiday when he had woken up, not until his bunk mates had asked if he had scheduled time for a call. The other dads had been in the coms tent talking with their families through pixelated webcams, some kids holding signs or proudly showing off cards they had made at school or summer camp. Some others had cards come in the mail in the days leading up and following the actual holiday. Eddie felt ambivalent. He had left and had been a blurry blob and distant crackly voice to Christopher for a majority of his life. But he waited his turn with one of the computers, reached Shannon and Christopher, his father next to them on the couch, his mother puttering and fretting about in the background. The words wishing him a happy father’s day felt hollow. He didn’t really feel like a father. A provider to some degree, but not a father. 
Over the past few weeks Sundays are when he calls to check in, his mom texting him throughout the week about activities or if something urgent came up. But Sundays were always there was always a prick of hope in Eddie’s heart, to even hear Chris in the background. This Sunday he woke with more dread of the quiet of the house than he had every day of the past few weeks. The holiday taunting him everywhere he seemed to look. He goes to the kitchen and the “world's best dad” mug that Buck had helped Chris get him a few years ago, sat there in the cupboard nearly mocking him alongside the one from the zoo. At one time they had instilled in him the confidence that he was doing okay, at least in Christopher’s eyes. And that wasn’t true anymore. He slams the cupboard shut without grabbing a mug. It’s all too much. 
Eddie’s first father’s day stateside, the first one he held his son in his arms, he felt less than adequate. His son crying and not being able to comfort him. It felt fruitless. But how else were either of them going to learn. Eddie ached to learn, but was flying blind, no concrete example from his childhood to learn from. He had already tried that method of fatherhood, and it’s how he got here in the first place. So, he sat and held Christopher against his chest, humming a tune that is etched into his soul hoping that eventually Chris would calm. He doesn’t really even register when the crying softens to a whimper and then quiets into steady breathing in time with steady rocking, Eddie’s own breath evening too. 
His phone buzzes on the counter, the hope that lived in his chest flickering brighter. Evan said he would play basketball today if you want. From Tommy. I guess maybe that’s not as reassuring given what happened last time. Maybe time with the punching bag?  Buck had texted even before he had woken up, let me know if you want to do anything today. And if Eddie was honest with himself, he didn’t want to do anything. Going to the park to play a pick up game where they might see fathers and their kids doing countless activities made him slightly nauseous. Pummeling a bag felt useless, he had done it enough. And he wasn’t angry. It was too much energy to be angry.  He had already tried to be put on shift for today, but it had really been no use. Getting something you wanted was an impossible task at this point, even if it was to do something nice. So Eddie had decided to lock the doors and close the blinds and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist for today. 
Eddie’s first father’s day when he felt the most positive about being a father fell in June of 2018, they had just officially settled into their little house after having moved out of Pepa’s guest room last month. The academy was going great, their routine solidified. For today whatever mess that were his feelings about Shannon and her leaving were the last thing on his mind. He pushed Chris on the swings at the park, his son squealing with glee and begging to go higher. Chris had presented him with a hand drawn card when he came out of his room for breakfast. it really wasn’t all that different then their usual Sundays— it all just held a little more weight. He was providing a roof and love with Chris in his arms, breathing the same air. it was the most secure in his fatherhood Eddie had ever felt. That wasn’t saying a whole lot. But Chris only had him. And he wasn’t letting go again anytime soon. 
He does text Buck back, Not really feeling up for anything. Enjoy your day off with Tommy. Buck loved the message instantly, even without being in the house he was hovering. Not in a bad way. Just always there. And Eddie knows that this is not entirely easy for Buck either. But at least Chris was talking to him. He could see it in  Buck’s eyes anytime it came up. Another one of those things they dance around expertly. And there was a twinge of resentment and envy that Eddie wished would go away, and another part that told him he deserved this. Frank had said it was a normal reaction. Whatever that meant. Nothing felt normal. Not with the referral to a psychiatrist looming on his file. Frank had told him medication might really do him some good. And he can’t face it. That’s definitely not normal. But he does know he wants to try and get there. He knows it will help. Help him. Help him be a better father. And for yourself, Frank had dutifully reminded him when they had the conversation. But it was like actually making that call requires climbing a thousand foot brick wall. 
Time ticked by slowly, excruciatingly so as he waited for early hours of the evening, when they would be back at the house after whatever outing they had gone on today but before dinner. He waited, pacing his own living room, stopping along the mantle and end tables where pictures stood and he bites his lip while gazing at the smiley versions of himself, arms wrapped around Chris. He drags out the photo album he keeps tucked on the shelf, there are pictures from every stage of his life tucked in the plastic sleeves. He looks at himself, just a year or so older than Chris is now, awkwardly standing next to a tiny Shannon at their eighth grade graduation. Their prom pictures. Wedding pictures. Not that many pages later, the day he became a father. He barely recognizes the young man, baseball cap covering his head, his gaze fixed nowhere near the camera. Tucked in the pages, not in a sleeve, is a sonogram. A tiny little white splotch who became the embodiment of his entire heart. His heart that now was what felt like a million miles away, living and breathing without him. 
The clock ticked to the top of the hour, and the reminder popped up on his phone with a buzz. He wipes his face, and bites his lip harder, and with a shaky hand, he taps on his father’s contact, and the hope sparks brighter and the nerves wrap around his gut like usual. His leg bouncing, lip still rolling between his teeth. 
There’s shuffling on the other end of the line. 
The voice through the speaker isn’t his father, sounds impossibly older than the last time he heard it. The tears that had been threatening to spill all day finally broke free, he rubs a shaky hand over his face. His whole body shakes in relief. 
“Hey, Bud.” he can’t stop the waver in his voice. 
“Abuelo is in the bathroom, he’ll be right out. He said I should pick it up if I wanted.” 
It’s a quiet, hesitant admission. 
Eddie has thought about this moment since the second his son left his grasp but never let himself think about what he would say. He swallows past apologies and groveling. Those can come later. Right now his son is speaking to him. 
“What have you been up to?” he tries for casual and open ended, genuinely wanting to hear it in Chris’ words.   
“Today we went to the park for a picnic with lots of people. I met other teenagers who were cool, so that was fun.” Eddie swears he hears a voice crack, and he can barely bear it. 
“Glad you are making new friends.” 
The silence that draws out between them now is heavy, both of them knowing that now is not the time. Neither of them want it right now. Just breathing together again is enough. 
“I’m not ready to come back, or talk about it, but I…I miss you dad.” He could picture Chris sitting on his parent’s couch, his fingers tangling in the hem of his shirt, glasses balanced on the tip of his nose. 
It’s not what Eddie expected and fresh tears roll down his cheeks and the heartache that he has come to live with over the past few weeks intensifies for a moment. 
“I miss you too.” All the time. So much. More than you can ever know. He never wants this phone call to end. They might not be breathing the same air, but they were breathing together again. 
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