You don't always need to understand it to enjoy it. -Elle Argent
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Buck the ultimate Dean kinnie. “Womanizer” but actually a bi disaster scared to be left behind. Shitty parents that always made him feel like a disappointment, reckless, always wanting to sacrifice himself for others, has a boyfriend with whom he has a kid, great with kids ofc, a little silly but actually so fucking smart, loves carbs, did not feel loved except by his sibling who also “left” him until he found people who love him, including a father figure named Bobby… should I go on?
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I already love Tommy, he’s so nice and confident (which I also think is an amazing thing for Buck to receive first hand since he has issues with feeling like he’s not enough and having Tommy openly show him affection and making the first move will probably help him in their relationship so much)
I really hope that if Buck and Tommy do not work out, that Tommy and Josh date. Because Josh deserves a man who is not afraid of being gay or dating a man. Josh deserves someone who will confidently date him and show him love and I think Tommy would be perfect for him especially with how he was with Buck, making sure he has the vibe right and still being sure of himself and what he does. Josh has been single for basically the entire show, only having one date end up being a criminal that severely traumatized him and probably turned him away from dating, especially when it comes to strangers. Having Tommy and Josh date seems like it’s just obvious, even if it seems like pairing up the only 2 openly queer men on the show besides Buck (and Eddie?)
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Bruises and Surprises
Summary: When Eddie is acting off and then comes home late Evan and Y/N start to worry. But when they find out why he's been acting off, it causes some problems.
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x fem!reader x Evan Buckley
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing possibly, mentions of violence and injuries
A/N: This was inspired by @megalony Late Night Fights. I hope you guys enjoy this, thank you for the support.
The four of them sat at Eddie's kitchen table that morning. Both Evan and Y/N had the day off, Chris was going over to a friends house for a sleepover today. And Eddie decided to pick up an extra shift at the fire house.
"You know you didn't have to take that shift Eddie." Y/N says as he pours coffee into a turmos mug. It was rare that the three of them had a day off at the same time. So naturally she was a little disappointed when Eddie said he chose to do an extra 12 hours.
"I didn't realize you were off today, I'm sorry mi amour." He says dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
"You got all your stuff ready Chris?" Chris nods at Eddie's question and then gets up to go grab his things.
"You know there's no harm in taking a day off right. I mean you've been working a lot lately." Evan pitches in concern evident in his voice. As he puts his mug down on the table.
"You should be taking better care of yourself Eds." She said putting a hand on her stomach, masking a slight discomfort that made it's appearance.
"You two are blowing this way out of proportion." Eddie had been acting off lately. He was shorter tempered and he had been picking up a lot of extra hours. He was tired and overall frustrated often. They were both a little worried. Y/N hadn't seen him act this way for a long time. She was getting really worried.
The last time Eddie had acted this way she ended up getting a call say that he needed to be bailed out of jail. But she hadn't seen any bruises or marks on him, maybe she was over reacting.
"Why don't you call in sick?" Evan proposed, only to receive a scoff from Eddie.
"I said I'd be there, Buck. Come on, Chris!" Eddie gave them both a quick kiss before his son finally entered the room. Y/N and Evan said goodbye to Chris and just like that the house became quiet.
"He's acting strange right?" She asked Buck, her hands wrapped around the mug as she stared at the dark liquid before glancing at him.
"Yeah, he is." Evan confirmed.
Y/N stood in the kitchen cutting vegetables for supper. Two hands made their way to her waist and then her front. Buck leaned his chin on her shoulder as she hummed along to the song playing.
"Why don't you go sit?"
"Babe, I'm fine." She told him pausing to look up at him, kissing him on the cheeks.
"You were sick all morning." He presses. She put the knife down and turned in his arms so she was facing him. Her hands came up to cup his jaw.
"I promis, I feel fine. Good even." She spoke softly giving him her full attention. He let out a sigh searching for something unusual in her features only to find nothing.
"You promis? And if you start to feel even a little off you'll go sit?"
"Yes baby, I promise." She gave him a sweet smile and a kiss on the cheek.
"Well, then let me help. What can I do?" Evan asked going over to the sink to wash his hands.
"You can take over cutting while I get started on the sauce." She took a pot out and placed it beside the one with water. They didn't get to cook together often. It was often Buck or Y/N never Eddie. They were scared they wouldn't have a kitchen by the end of it, or taste buds.
By the time everything was ready it was 8pm. Late compared to 'normal' hours but their schedule was so weird that they got used to eating at odd hours.
"Shouldn't Eddie be home by now?" Y/N asked looking up at Evan with worry.
"His call must have run late. It happens all the time." He reassured her wrapping a hand around her waist and hugging her, his head going down to her neck.
"We should wait for him."
They ended up eating an hour and a half later. Without Eddie.
It was 11pm when Y/N wanted to go to bed but was to busy paissing their living room.
"This can't just be a call Evan."
"Theres no way he has been on a call for over 3 hours!" He was also getting worried, he just didn't want to show it. It wasn't impossible, but another unit would have gotten there and they would have been able to go back to the station, and back home.
"Baby stop, please." He gently grabbed her arms stopping her movements.
"How about you go to bed-" she shook her head and open her mouth to protest but Evan stopped her.
"How about you go to bed and try to sleep, and I'll go down to the station and see what's going on." She let out a sigh, hesitating.
"Your exhausted and you have work in the morning, Sweetheart. I wasn't really asking." Evan made himself more clear. Her hands went to his biceps and his to her waist.
It was dark in the house when he came home. Using his hands to make sure he didn't run into anything. When he reached the kitchen he turned the light over the sink on. He grabbed the first aid kit from the top of the fridge groaning from the pain it caused.
He took his shirt off letting it fall to the ground, he looked down spotting the dark bruises painting the various parts of his body. He took out some rubbing alcohol and cream setting them on the counter.
He turned around to find Y/N standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She was just about to fall asleep when she heard the front door.
"Baby where have you been? Why didn't you answer your phone?" She rushed forward only for her to stop a few feet away from him. A small gasp left her when she actually took the time to look at him.
"A call ran late, I'm sorry." He explained. She approached him gently running her fingure tips over a bruise on his stomach to which he winced.
"Eddie..." His name was spoken so softly he barely caught it.
"It was a rough one. It looks worse than it is, mi amour." He said, he put a hand on her arm trying to comfort her. But then she caught sight of his bloody and bruised knuckles. She took in a sharp breath standing up straighter. It all clicked in her head.
"You've been fighting again, haven't you?" She looked at him disappointment flooding her eyes.
"What? No, of course not." The slight hesitant in his voice told her otherwise.
"Edmundo, do not lie to me." She said angerly, tears welling up in her eyes despite her attempts to stop them. He took a deep breath closing his eyes and tilting his head slightly up.
He wasn't planning to do it again but a few weeks back an old buddy from back when he did illegal fighting contacted him. Said then needed someone because some guy left last minute. It was supposed to be a one time thing. But one turned to two, and two to three until it got out of hand.
"Why!? Why would you possibly do that again?!" She was livid, rightfully so. She took a step back until she hit the kitchen island.
"It's complicated." He said looking back at her. Letting out a sigh, he didn't want to explain.
"Complicated? How could it be Complicated? This was in the past, we left it there, with the lawsuit, and the heartache and- and jail. We talked about this."
"It's not the same. I'm careful I know what I'm doing." He tries to explain, but it wasn't good enough.
"You also knew what you where doing when you broke that guys nose!" She yelled, not hearing the front door over their arguing.
"That's not fair."
"Look at yourself!" He swallowed hard. He was littered with cuts and bruises. He knew he shouldn't come home looking like this.
"Eddie?" Evan stood at the other end of the kitchen, his voice caused them both to look over at him.
Y/N kept a concern look on her face but a weight on her shoulders was lifted knowing that Buck was home and okay, it was one less thing to worry about. Eddie seemed surprised, he though Evan was sleeping.
"Thank God, your okay. I've been looking everywhere for you." Evan drops his keys on the counter and rushed to hug his boyfriend. Y/N letting out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair.
Eddie inhaled sharply as Buck hugged him and winced. He returned the affection and then pulled away a little.
"Buck." It was strained and said through gritted teeth because of the pain. When he finally pulled away he got a good look at Eddie.
"What the hell happened?" He said anger in his tone. When no one answered he turned to his girlfriend for help.
"You don't talk about fight club right?" She said sarcasticly causing Eddie to roll his eyes.
"What?" Bucks face filled with confusing looking between the two.
"He's fighting again." She explained moving to the other side of the island to create space between her and the boys.
"What!? Why?" He turns to Eddie brows furrowed, he wasn't there when he did the fights in the past. Y/N was. He had heard of some of them from her, like the one where he broke a guy's nose so bad he choked on a piece of cartilage.
"Can we please not have this conversation again." Eddie felt like they were going around in circles, and it didn't help when his girlfriend just pick up the conversation where they left off when Evan arrived.
"They know what there doing as much as you do. How do you know how it's going to end? Next time it could be you, and they won't stay to help you, they'll leave you there." She didn't want to fight with her boys tonight, not with all the stress that she was under. Today was supposed to be a good day, and it only seemed to take a turn for the worst.
"She's right, I thought you were donne with it Eddie." Evan cuts in, concern and confusion evident on his face and in his voice.
"Apparently not." She muttered her hand rubbing her temple
"Do you know how much you scared us tonight?" Evan tried to make him understand. Y/N started to feel a slight discomfort, but she was unsure from what.
"I'm sorry." He really did feel bad, he knew he was extremely late. The missed phone calls and texts were unlike him.
He fished his phone from his pocket and set it on the counter. The screen was shattered and the back metal panel was missing a few pieces falling out of the phone as he sets it down.
"Eddie you can't start doing this again, I wasn't there when you did it before but Y/N told me it got pretty brutal." Evan explained his concern about his past, scared that it might repeat.
"Look it's just a few fights, and they help. I come home and I'm not angry or impatient." Eddie tried to reassure them but it wasn't working. He ran a hand through his hair.
"No, you come home bloody and bruised. Like thats any better." Y/N pitched back in sarcasm lassed in her voice. A hand going to her stomach now understanding where the discomfort came from
"Eddie you can't keep doing this, not after tonight." Evan almost pleaded.
"You don't get it!" He argued back, getting more frustrated by the minute. Y/N winced gripping the counter with her free hand.
"Then explain." Evan continued to try and reason with him but nothing seemed to work.
"I can't!" Eddie shouted, the two boys to engrossed in their argument to see the clear pain their girl was in.
"This isn't healthy, I though you talked about it with your therapist." Buck continued to try and understand.
"Evan-" He was cut off by Y/N.
"Uhh! Will you two stop!" She was hunched over, one hand still on the counter for support the other on her stomach. A pained look on her face.
"Y/N?" Eddie turned to her and took a few steps in her direction.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Evan was extremely concerned. He rounded the island and stood beside her placing a hand on her hip.
"You two are stressing me."
"Mi amour, that can't be stress." Eddie gently rubs circles into her back.
"Since when does stress cause you pain?" Evan asked, she stood back up straight.
"Since I've been pregnant."
They both look at each other, wanting to have confirmation they heard the same thing.
"Baby, are you sure?"
"I was hoping for a little more excitement boys." She remarked.
"Okay, how about we get you to the couch?" Eddie spoke looking at Evan.
Once she was seated on the couch the boys sat on either side of her.
"How long have you known?" She looked over at Buck and took a deep inhale.
"A week." She leaned back until her back hit the couch and looked between the boy. Trying to see both their reactions.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I was going to, but you both have such a hectic work schedule that I was trying to find the right time. And then Eddie decided to work today so... This isn't how I wanted to tell you." She looked down at her hands in her lap.
She had spent so much time trying to plan the perfect moment. Tonight was gonna be it over some dinner the three of them. So they could figure out how to tell Chris together. But everything went wrong, it usually did with them. The execution was terrible, but the result was always good. Buck set a hand on her shoulder squeezing slightly to give her a little comfort.
"Where does it hurt?" Eddie asked concern painted on his face.
She looked over at him and set her hand on her lower stomach to show him. He reached over lifting her shirt a little and pressing a hand in different areas. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
"I'm sorry baby." He apologized glancing between her and Evan. He hated that he had cause this. The stress and pain. He never wanted this to happen.
"It's just you two are constantly risking your life at work. I don't-"
"Hey, I get. I won't go to the fights anymore, I swear." Eddie stopped her to explain. He understood how much this meant to her to both of them. She gave him a small smile before it turned to a frown when she spotted Evan leaning down to be slightly above her stomach
"Now, you gotta stop giving trouble to your mom little guy." She let out a giggle running her hand in his hair only to lift his face and give him a kiss
"I don't think thats how it works Buck."
#eddie diaz x evan buckley x reader#evan buckley x reader#eddie diaz x reader#eddie diaz#evan buckley#evan buck buckely#edmundo diaz#edmundo eddie diaz#buck buckley#911 abc#911 fox#imagines#buck x eddie#eddie x buck#evan buckey x eddie diaz#buck imagine#eddie imagine#911 imagine
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Just Friends
Summary: They're "just friends"
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 600
Warning: none really, angst?
Everyone knew they were inseparable. Wherever she was, he was right there beside her. They were attracted by the hip, 'I'm going to get food.' 'Let me grab my jacket.' They shared a bed, and always did research at the same time. No matter what they were doing they were together. Dean and Y/n if one was close the other couldn't be very far.
A/N: Drabble. Let me know if you enjoy things in this format. Also would you be interested in me turning this into a series?
Y/n joined the Winchesters after her parents where killed. None of her family could take her in (not that they would have). So John kept her, she was quiet and shy, which was normal considering she was grieving. But she eventually broke out of her shell, thanks to Sam's thousands of questions and Dean's sympathetic glances. She'd answer all the questions and she started to be herself again slowly. She got closer to the brothers but mostly to Dean. It was bound to happen with the amout of time they spent together. They shared a bed, spent hours if not days in a car together and had all the same classes. Even though she was a year younger than him (she skipped 3rd grade).
They had quite a bit in common. Same music taste, they enjoyed the same movies and food. But something about them just clicked and they never left each other's side. Even when Sam went to college and John left, they always had each other. Throught out the years they went through a lot of things and they bonded, over trauma, over sports, over homework. They built an incredible strong trust between the two of them and it was never broken. Y/n was probably the only one who had ever seen Dean truly cry, and he was the only one who had ever seen her so angry she beat a man half to death. Which was extremely unlike her. They comforted each other.
Now they were adults, and they knew everything about each other. They knew the others triggers, when they needed comfort, physical touch, when they needed to be alone or just some encouraging word. Most people assumed that they were dating because of how in sync they were. Always knowing the others next move, but they were....
It was something they had both said numerous times throughout the years. Sam knew that saying those words always hurt Y/n. She fell first, how could she not? He understood everything that she was going through, he was kind and gentle. He smelled like pin cones, cologne and leather. Not to mention he was tall, with beautiful eyes, a killer smile and an adorable attitude with alot of sarcasm mixed into it. He always made time for her and his touch gave her butterflies. He would hold the door open and stay near by when he noticed she didn't feel safe.
But when he realized that he was falling for her it became chaos in his head. Her kindness, compassion and her soft smile. The way she always smelled good honey and mint even though they stayed in musty motel rooms. Her way of always having a brighter perspective and a chipper attitude. Yes, she had her bad days, but who didn't. She would play along his sarcastic wit, and she never failed to make him smile.
But neither was willing to risk there friendship for a stupid crush. A crush that made her heart swell, and that made him feel jealous the moment another man looked her way. They were oblivious to each other. They were just friends. That's what they tried to convince themselves at least.
#dean winchester#jensen ackles#deanwinchtser#sam and dean#supernatural#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester fanfiction#dean x reader#spn fanfic#spn#supernatural fanfiction#samwinterchester#dean fanfiction#sam winchester#jared padalecki
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Dean Winchester
Cookies, flour, coffe
Summary: Late night with Dean
Warnings: Fluff, angst if you squint
Just Friends
Summary: They're "just friends"
Warning: none really, angst?
Eddie Diaz, Evan Buckley
Bruises and Surprises
Summary: When Eddie is acting off and then comes home late Evan and Y/N start to worry. But when they find out way he's been acting off, it causes some problems.
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing possibly, mentions of violence and injuries
Peter Parker
Summary: You and Spider-Man meet on a rooftop, feelings develop, but you don't know him. Or do you?
Warnings: Fluff
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Summary: You and Spider-Man meet on a rooftop, feelings develop, but you don't know him. Or do you?
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word count: 1000ish
Warnings: none, just fluff
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago and just found it. So I tweaked it and I hope you like it. Also not my gift.
You sat on a roof top, legs dangling off the side while you watched the sunset. You took another bite of the sandwich you got at Delmar's. Taking a deep breath, enjoying the sunset. Feeling a slight sting as the cool air filled your lungs.
"I know your there spidey." You said matter a factly, finishing your mouth full.
"How!? I didn't make a sound." He questioned his voice slightly getting higher.
"I felt the energy radiate from your soul." You told him sarcasticly.
"What!?" He was so confused, the eyes on his mask moving.
"So, do I ever find out who the famous Spider-Man is?" You teased, standing up and turning around, balancing yourself on the ledge.
"What if you already knew him?" Spidey teased back, as you stepped off the edge of the building onto the safer part of the roof. He started walking towards you.
"Do I?" You questioned, taking a few more steps.
"Maybe." He retorted, stopping infront of you. He looked out at the sky the pink and orange dancing together to create one of nature's masterpieces.
You and Spidey had been meeting up on this very roof top for a month straight. And you felt as if something had clicked between the two of you. The playfull banter and sharing of snacks, as much as the deep conversations while somehow maintaining a sense of privacy. It made something inside you feel funny in a good way. He made you feel safe, even if you didn't truly know him.
But at the same time there was Peter the scrawny kid at school who didn't look so scrawny anymore. Of course you had a crush on him, he was sweet and empathetic and he wanted to help others, he constantly was. With school work, or helping an old lady cross the road, or volunteering at May's work. But you and him? That would never happen.
You two were friends. Strictly friends. You, Peter, MJ, and Ned. It was perfect. It was your little group. Why mess it up?
What you found strange was how similar the two were. Although the great Spider-Man tried to hide it you knew he was a nerd. He was clearly a teen, who was struggling to find his place in the world. And Peter was a massive nerd, I mean just the shirts he wore. He too was struggling to find what he wanted to do, or where he wanted to be.
Spidey sat down on the ledge and you joined him. You offered your half eaten sandwich and he gracefully took it. Lifting his mask as you started at him, right before he could take a bite and then looked over at you. You looked back at the sky.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" You said the sun close to disappearing into the horizon.
"Yeah it is." He spoke so quietly you almost didn't catch it. You looked over only to realize he wasn't looking at the sunset.
God you wish you could see his eyes right now. The eyes on his mask shifted as he looked down at your lips and you looked down at his. He started to lean in and as he was milameters from your lips. His hot breath coming in contact with your skin, you turned your head to the side and slightly leaned back. He swallowed hard before leaning back.
The choice had been made. Peter. He was the one.
"I'm sorry." Spider-Man said letting out a sigh.
"Look I like you, your kind, and smart and you save this city but I don't know who you are, how old you are or what school you go to. Assuming you go to school. I would kiss you but I- I" You stuttered trying to get the word out.
"Like someone else." He finished you scentence looking up at the sky.
"Whats he like?" He asked, taking you by suprise. When most guys were rejected for another they got angry and weird, but he didn't.
"Uhm, he- he's nice, smart, a total dork. He used to be pretty scrawny but he isn't anymore, although I don't think anyone really noticed. His name is Peter. He's kind and he's in the mathleets. He helps me with most of the homework, since I kinda suck at it. He's such a good friend. Always there when you need him. But I just don't know how to tell him. God I'm stupid." You rambled a smile on your lips, not noticing that spidey was trying to get your attention. But he got it regardless.
He crashed his lips onto yours making you shut up. He quickly pulled away and swifly removed his mask.
"I like you to dork." Your brain was lagging, your mouth hung open overwelmed by what just happened. A strange feeling settled in your stomach before butterflies urupted.
"Peter?" You questioned, with wide eyes and a confused face.
"Hey." He gave you a cute smile before you grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his lips to yours again.
#spiderman#spider man#marvel#marvel mcu#marvel movies#marvel studios#marvel universe#into the spider verse#michelle jones#tony stark#peter parker x reader#peter parker x you#peter parker x y/n#peter parker
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This is amazing
...just wonder when will my life begin?
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Can we take a moment to admire this please

Like. OH. MY. LORD.
Anyway thats all I had to say.
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Coffee, Cookies and Flour
Summary: Late night with Dean.
Pairing: Dean winchester x reader
Word count: 1000ish
Warnings: language
AN: This is my first time writing on Tumblr, and it's been a while since I've written anything at all so this might be really bad.
You sat at the kitchen table, you were unable to sleep dew to another nightmare. You took a drink from your mug the hot liquid practicly burning you. A pair of footsteps could be heard as they entered the kitchen.
"What are you doing up?" A deep voice you reconized as Dean Winchester's questioned as you slowly looked up.
"Couldn't sleep, you know nightmares. You?"
"Just couldn't sleep either." He told you and you lifted your hand pointing toward the coffee machine.
"It's fresh." You told him taking another sip from your mug.
He mutter a thanks before making himself a cup and sitting across from you. It was silent for a few moments before you spoke up.
"Do you know what I'm in the mood for?"
"What?" He asked in a sleepy tone.
"Fresh chocolate chip cookies. You know the ones that are fresh out of the oven so the chocolate is still melted?" You asked him, but didn't get much of a response.
"You've never had warm, out of the oven, burning, chocolate chip cookies?" You were in disbelief, Dean only took a sip of his coffee and shook his head.
"That's unacceptable." You told him getting up and making your way to the cubert.
"What are you doing?" Dean asked you as you were on your tippy toes trying to grab the flour.
"I'm making cookies, this is a part of pretty much everyones childhood. And since you didn't really get one well...." You were stumpt not quite sure what to say next. You looked back at Dean the flour half in your hands half on the self. Dean looked at you with raised eye brows.
"A little help." Dean let out a sigh before getting up and helping you. He put the flour on the counter and you let out a sigh.
"Baking cookies is something I used to do with my grandma I know you never got to do that. You may not have gotten a childhood when you were a kid but your geting one now." You told him, he just looked at you.
"Or is that adulthood? Anyway you get my point, so pass the sugar." You told him he let out a chuckle as he reached for the self. You turned on the oven then got all the ingredeins and started mixing them together.
"Come on Dean you gotta help me here." You told him giving him the wooden spoon as he looked at you hesitantly, you just gave him a small smile. Dean started to mix and after only a few seconds you stooped him.
"No- You have to be gental or you'll get flour everywere." I explained as Dean started to mix the dough again only slower.
"Is this ok?" He asked you practicaly looking scared. You let out a chuckle.
"Yeah." You gave him a small smile. You got out a pan and put non-stick spray on it as Dean finished mixing. You showed him how to make little balls with spoons and told him to make sure they were spaced out on the pan. Once Dean was done you put the pan in the oven and set a timer.
"Now we wait." You told him and he walked over to the small table grabing his mug to take a sip of the dark liquid. Thats when you got the idea, grabbing a handfull of flour and throwing at the back of Deans head. You tried to hold back your laughter as Dean turned around.
"You got flour in my coffee." He told you and you let out a small laugh.
"I couldn't resist." You told him as he made his way towards the bag of flour and grabbing a handfull. You tried to run but he grabbed your wrist he was about to throw it in your face but you blew out some air causing it to go in his face.
He let go of you and thats when you made a run for it. You got to the war room looking around for a possible place to hide.
"Y/n." Dean spoke in a warning tone as he walked into the room. The only thing between the two of you was the map table. You tried running into the library but Dean was faster grabbing a hold of your waist he brought you close to him. He spun you around so that you were now facing him.
He rested his hand on your waist as time seemed to slow. You reached up and brushed your fingures through his hair some flour falling out.
"Sorry about that." You spoke with a small smile.
"It's okay." He told you before placing a hand on you head white powder falling onto you face. Dean smile down at you letting out a small chuckle.
"I got my payback." He spoke softly as you gave him a glare. Before he let you go.
"Jackass." You muttered as you both made your way back to the kitchen. The timer beeped not long after giving you just enough time to clean the counter. You took the cookies out of the oven leaving them there for a few minutes before you went to grab one.
"You should let them cool." Dean told you causing you to frown and shake your head. You gave him one before taking a bite of yours.
"There better warm." You told him with a mouthful as he let out a chuckle and to a bite of his own cookie.
"God, these are amazing." He complimented and you grinned.
"Thank you."
"No, thank you. I never got to do stuff like this as a kid. So thanks for doing it with me." He spoke, you gave him a kiss on the cheek grabbing another cookie and going to sit at the table. Dean followed suit.
"You wanna talk about the nightmare?" He asked you, you shoke you head taking a sip of your coffe before offering it to Dean since you put flour in his. He greatfully took it and gave you a small smile. You both stayed up all night talking about anything and everything the occational comfortible silence as you shared cookies and coffee.
AN: I always thought Dean would be a horrible baker but this might just be me. Anyway hope you enjoyed.
#dean winchester#dean x reader#supernatural#samwinterchester#deanwinchtser#jensen ackles#dean winchester x reader#castiel#spnwin#spn fanfic#supernatural fanfiction#sam and dean#dean fanfiction#dean winchester fanfiction
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