#let! aasimar! be! weird!
maroonian · 4 months
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Baby Battles
(this is part of a thing im working on)
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katyakurae · 1 month
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Come! Stay with us at the Hazbin Tavern! A DnD AU
Random facts under cut
Race: High Elf
Class: Warlock
Alignement: Chaotic Neutral (but more chaotic than neutral)
Goal: To have some fun, mess with Lucifer and... get rid of his patron
Smiles as in canon, but not all the times. When he is alone or (some blessed times) with Lucifer, he lets his guard down and his expression becomes more subtle, neutral even.
Born with magic. Decided it wasn't enough power and made a deal with some eldricht deity. Turns out it was a bad idea.
Those tendrils belongs to his patron. It taints his magic and feels awful. Dirty. Alastor hates it, but uses his magic all the time anyway.
The mark on his face also belongs to his patron, a constant reminder that he's been touched by something no one can understand.
Raised in a Selûnite clan, his family wanted him to be a cleric, maybe even the next Choosen of Selûne, but he went sideways.
(So yeah, Lucifer and him in this AU are kinda a sun/moon ship)
Made some friends in a Bhaalist cult and get an aquired taste for human flesh.
Has all kind of weird suitors. Once one of them offered him his own felsh, back in his Bhaalist cult days. Alastor ate him.
He also met Rosie back there.
After travelling, learning more magic and start hating his patron and their soul-binding contract, he went to the Underdark, where he had hear that an amazing Aasimar sorceress lived. That was Charlie. Amazingly powerful, yes, but with not enough control to help him.
So Alastor made his mind and decided to stay in the Hazbin Tavern, teach the girl to control her powers and guide her to his benefict.
Soon after that, Lucifer entered the picture. His was hate at first sight, but somehow they ended getting reaaaally along between arguments. Now, they teach Charlie together, but Alastor is still plotting behind their backs.
(Yes, his ring with a red detail belongs to Lucifer. No, no one dares to talk about it)
Does not hesitate to kill or pick a fight. Has also murder many travellers who enter in the Hazbin Tavern with dark or hidden agendas.
His favourite spell is Eldricht Blast.
Quite creative with magic. Specially in combat.
One time, Lucifer created a weird device that can send sound through the air, called it "radio" and gifted it to Alastor. The elf is fascinated by this new toy of his.
Previous character: Lucifer~
Next character: Husk
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roxyscave · 6 months
I really like how by the end of the year there will be at least two non-flavored official ways to play an actual wolf infused with magic and granted sentience by the end of the year in pathfinder
or any animal really... but yall pathfinder has so many ancestry options that lets you be a furry. Catfolk ancestry, ratfolk ancestry, kobold, lizard folk, tengu, spider people, little psychic rhino people that also has minor bug features, kisune, two flavors of snake people, two flavors of bird people, little pug dog people, weird spider horse people, 3 different types of playable plants( and sometimes the plants are shaped like little anthro animals), the fact that tiefling/aasimar/nephellim can have all sorts of animal features if you wanna be a holy or demonic fury, fleshwarps if you wanna be a weird monster animal creature. The way its written beatkin can let you be an owlbear furry or bulette furry if you want even.. THIS isn't even getting into class options and things like that can let you be a furry. THERE IS A RUNE YOU CAN PUT ON YOUR SWORD.... AND ITS MAIN PURPOSE IS THAT IT BASICALLY TURNS YOU INTO A DOG THAT CAN WIELD A SWORD IN ITS OWN MOUTH
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bluebrush09arts · 4 months
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Percival is just such a wholesome bean. Weird looking as heck but that's what helps make him special. His parent's certainly think so at least.
Odd mix of a tiefling and an aasimar and people aren't shy about letting them know, but Damian fell head over heels for the tiefling he found hurt in the woods and it didn't take long for Lydia to feel the same.
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likeadog · 2 years
welcome to sistervirtue dot tumblr dot com. those of you who have read my url...seen my icon...may be wondering: who is this woman? who is Sister Virtue?
as the @original-character-championship bracket begins, I would like to take the time to introduce you to her. go on. take a seat.
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[art credit: @/omusubigender, @/citrus-sours, @/kkbardd, @/pcktknife, @/celebiis, @/citrus-sours]
Sister Virtue is a not-quite woman not-quite of the cloth with a bit of a scowl and an unholy attitude problem. Formerly a cherub known as Theophania serving in the appellate choirs of heaven, she judged human souls and debated the dogma of heaven day in and day out.
Although a perfect machine of heaven, Theophania was not heartless. Through her friendship with the Archangel Gabriel, whom represents human souls and their interests in the courts of heaven, she learned about those she judged.
And I am going to let you in on a secret. Angels and demons are both creatures of passion, just their passion turns in different ways. Demons experience passion for the self. Angels turn their passion towards God. And for Theophania, her passion turned in a different way-- towards those silly little animals whom she watched day in and day out. (Even you!)
So when Gabriel came lamenting of the Seraphim's decision to bring forth the end of humanity, she may have done something a bit drastic. Drastic like stealing the Eye of God, an important artifact containing the summation of all knowledge, and then slamming it into her own skull in order to hold it hostage and kick up enough of a fuss that the angels acquiesced and agreed to come to some sort of truce. The ultimate blasphemy.
She would be felled. If she cared so much about those silly, stupid animals, she could spend the rest of eternity proving they were worth it. Shoved into a body made of flesh and her powers largely sealed behind seven penances, Sister Virtue is tasked with protecting humanity from all threats divine or diabolic. She cannot die; [officially banned to prevent any loopholes or complicated litigation later] but she can give up... but doing so would mean damning all of humanity in the entire process.
After crash-landing into a convent and taking the administrative lead of the attached school (now known as Eschaton Academy) Sister Virtue is establishing a network of those both blessed and possessed to aid her in the arduous process of keeping people safe, all while trying to figure out what it means to be human herself.
So Why should you vote for her?
Let's face it, we're not in high school any more.
Coming of age stories for teens are fun, but sometimes... you don't really start coming of age until your 20's, 30's, 40's... Virtue, 37 human years old, is here to show the journey of growing into your skin even if that comes after high school.
2. She's hot as hell.
A nun in her work uniform, Sister Virtue at heart is a truckin', smokin', wrestlin' uncle of a woman, and her casual attitude and casual attire reflect this. And let's face it. A woman who hates wearing shirts and has a happy trail is a god-sent gift for all of us.
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[art credit @ koiiluvz]
3. She's just a bit weird.
She named her car (a self-"upgraded" hearse) the Popemobile. She smokes cigarettes because she likes the taste. She doesn't mind nudity, but gets shy eating in public because digestion is just a little too intimate for an angel. She loves paperwork. Sometimes she regurgitates the angel equivalent of a hairball.
4. Don't know about all this original universe lore? She's got a D&D Iteration.
You can find her character sheet here-- She;s a tanky fallen aasimar paladin with 3 different ways to intimidate. Because you don't even need a gun with an attitude like hers.
5. She'd vote for you
At the end of the day, Sister Virtue is someone who runs on love. Love for all of humanity. Including you. Even if you don't believe in Virtue, virtue believes in you, and you should believe in you too.
Questions? Concerns? Comments? Check out my eschaton academy tag. Or pop into my inbox or dms.
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(she even has emotes. art credit @/pcktknife, @/citrus-sours, and @/GR4FF1T1 [on toyhouse] )
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sadruru · 7 months
Suddenly inspired by one artwork where one artist's commander is depicted on different mythic path. It made me want to draw some of them too! Each choice will affect Melissa differently, both externally and internally.
Maybe some of you have thought of something like that too. I think it's really cool!
WARNING!!! That's a lot of letters ~ Because I can and I will I LOVE making long posts with lots of text. A-HA-HA!!!
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Trickster: "No matter what I do, my life is a f*cking comedy for humans, gods, demons… And you know what? I don't give a sh*t about you motherf*ckers! / You watch Melissa go into hysterics. The insane laughter makes your blood run cold. She even seems to be dancing to music she can only hear in her head. / No one else will have power over me, not even the gods! From now on, I will write my own happy ending! Now let us play by my rules. I am the queen in this godd*mn theater, and you will be my jesters!!"
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The True path. The alignment remains the same, Chaotic-Neutral. More madness and fun. Melissa certainly wouldn't give up the ability to interfere even with the universe if it were possible. The only outward difference is the occasional appearance of a strange mask on her face. At times like that, you never know what to expect from this tiefling. I had a hell of a hard time drawing that mask, but it turned out great. Just the way I wanted it to turn out.
Angel: "/ Melissa's eyes look down in confusion. You can hear the shaky notes of confusion in her voice. She is unusually silent. The weight of responsibility now rests on her shoulders. / I thought this was going to be an amusing joke. Tiefling's more like an angel, and she's got stupid wings! Sounds mad, doesn't it? My skin and hair… Do I really look like a human now? It's wild…. It's so weird to feel so many hopeful looks on me. I don't even know what to say…"
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The alignment changed to Neutral. And from this point on, some of her views on life would have to be reevaluated, which was extremely discouraging. Melissa will become much more serious and calm, less 24/7 style jokes. More adequacy. Her skin will lighten and her hair will take on its usual human brown hue as will her eyes. The appearance of wings, of course, and a semblance of a warm glow from behind, like the aasimar's. She didn't choose this path because there was no point in bringing righteousness and law to a world that was already rotten. Easier to destroy everything… Isn't it?
Azata: "Okay, wait… What the?! Butterfly wings?! Plants on my head?! I look like a pink princess, only without the dress!" / Melissa looks extremely annoyed. No matter how hard she tried to pluck the flowers, they grew on her head again and again, covering her horns with fragrant roses. Slowly she begins to relax, realizing that it's no use. / Damn it!.. Okay, okay. I think I liked that. A little bit... Maybe bringing 'kindness' and 'freedom' isn't as stupid as I thought… Don't dare laugh!"
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Chaotic-Good By the end of the game, Melissa becomes softer and kinder. But she's not thrilled with the sudden external changes anyway. You know, flowers and butterflies. The reason for her rejection of this path is simple. She doesn't believe in all that nonsense about friendship, loyalty, kindness and so on. Didn't grow up in that kind of environment. ...Azata - it's not necessarily blue colors. I just want red 🗿 No Desna. Just Cayden Cailean and Calistria!
Demon: "/ Her burning eyes reflected real rage and bloodlust. It was as if primordial chaos in all its horrifying splendor came into view. The thirst for destruction that had haunted her all her life had taken on new colors, and she was ready to carry it with renewed vigor. The girl's voice was no longer human, but rather frighteningly demonic. / I want to break someone's spine, fracture their skull, gut their insides... How ironic. All my life I've been called many things: monster, beast, demon. And now... Now I'm exactly what you thought I was. I hope you're all happy."
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REALL Chaotic- Evil The saddest path for Melissa, in my opinion. Especially for a tiefling, considering they often do bad things under societal pressure. Absolute hatred for anything and everything. The appearance would be demonic.
The closest thing to her was the Demon path. Sure, it was very tempting to gain destructive power and take revenge on everyone who had hurt her, but that would be too easy. Deep down, Melissa really didn't want anything like that. If you got to know her better, you'd realize that she's not as bad as she seems at first glance.
P.S.: Yes, she has a big scar on her neck. There will definitely be pages later on about how she got it. It has to do with her death and sudden resurrection.
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running-tweezers · 13 days
I’m starting ANOTHER D&D game tonight!!! That’s 2 games I’m in now!!
I’m playing a weird biblical angel-coded aasimar freak girl :)
She escaped a cult where she was seen as a holy sign from god and her existence and purpose was hotly debated her entire life :)
She has a constant glowing halo and 3 sets of eyes :)
She’s constantly fighting the intense divine energy threatening to explode out of her at all times :)
When she finally has to let it out she gains 3 sets of flaming wings and searing radiant light pours out of her eyes and mouth :)
I love her :)
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Thank you for notifying me about this crime, I shall rectify it:
How did Jaune encounter his patron? Did she trick him? Did he misunderstand?
Also, why do I get the feeling Jaune is accidentally good at illegal shit?
*cracks knuckles* Let me find my notes…
Strap in this is gonna be a long one
Like a really long one. I haven’t gotten to talk about this AU in MONTHS so prepare for what is basically a whole overview of Jaune’s whole arc throughout the campaign
Jaune’s wasn’t even aware that he was an aasimar until he was like 15. His whole family was born with golden hair, and sapphire eyes, and the mark of the Sun on their forehead, so to him it was just how things were
Besides, there’s people from his village who can make trees bloom with a wave of their hands, so being especially blonde wasn’t that weird
Not sure how it happens, kidnapping, trafficking, village is attacked, but somehow the boy and most of not all of his siblings are captured and thrown into a fighting ring scenario
Cue awakening of aasimar heritage in all the Arc kiddos, which helps them survive in the ring. Trauma time woohoo, they’re trapped there for literal months
Eventually, in a dream, Jaune accidentally makes a deal with a dark entity, telling it “I don’t care what you want, just please get me out of here”
The entity obliges, to the letter, JUST getting Jaune out of there, and leaving the ring burning in their wake
His siblings aren’t dead, they escape during the chaos and eventually make their way back home, but Jaune thinks that he’s responsible for all of their deaths
And as the days go on, he realizes he can… do things that he never could before
“Magic, my little bird. A gift for performing so well for me,” a dark voice whispers in his dreams
He doesn’t know it, but his patron ends up being the BBEG, AKA Salem. And for once, I didn’t decide this, you can blame @harmonylight for that one
Plot goes on, Jaune questioning every choice he makes because is it really his choice? Or is it this dark force giving power to protect people and himself? How free actually is he, or is he still trapped just like he was in the ring?
Late campaign is rough, when the party starts speaking out against Salem. It’s obvious she’s the BBEG by this point. There’s a whole cult, Nora’s mom was a member of it. Nora stops trusting him for a bit until Jaune deep in his feels does something SUPER reckless to protect her.
They more they speak out against Salem, the more she manipulates Jaune into thinking his friends hate him. Worse, they unknowingly make it easier for her by distancing themselves to protect him
The party keeps waking up for watch with him watching them, or standing over them. Anything Salem can puppet him to do to be less trustworthy. Trying to put a schism between him and them
Jaune of course remembers none of this. “See? They don’t trust you, little bird. They don’t CARE about you”
Jaune doesn’t remember doing it, but he also fully believes it’s happening. And while he believes Salem that his friends must hate him/be afraid of him he also takes it as the threat it truly is
“Look how easily I could kill them, and you can’t stop me? Look how helpless you are”
Penny is a big part of helping him realise that Salem isn't fully in control of him that he can resit and he can beat her. There’s nothing shippy, they’re bros
There’s an arc just before the end that goes REALLY bad for Jaune, he’s becoming more and more convinced that he’s a bad person, that he’s dangerous, that he’s going to get all of his friends killed just like his family
And THATS when he finds out that his family is actually alive. And that gives him something to resist for, because now he has a home to return to. Because one thing that is true about all Jaunes, he is dogshit at fighting for himself and great at fighting for others
Luckily, because she’s just his patron, they can kick her ass without worrying about hurting Jaune. The campaign ends in the nine hells, fighting Salem herself
Cinder is also a warlock of Salem. They meet her a few times throughout the campaign, each time a little more corrupted. She’s actually the first minion they fight when they reach the hells, and by that point she’s FULLY puppet, not a scrap of Cinder actually left
Sort of a “This is what could’ve happened/could STILL happen to Jaune if this doesn’t end soon” It went faster for Cinder because she’s been bonded for longer and also because she fully indulged in what Salem wanted of her
But by the end of the campaign the first bits of corruption are starting to show on Jaune. They mostly go away after Salem is sealed away, but the physical affects are still there
After all of that, obviously Jaune doesn’t have magic. No patron means no warlock. He borrows some books from Tai and Emerald (both wizards) and studies to learn what he can.
But mostly he finally relaxes, surrounded by the family he thought he lost, and the family he gained because of that loss
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sunflowergem · 1 month
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Got hit by inspiration and decided to pop off all of the camp clothes and what her undergarments and cracks fully look like. Okay so this looks like I popped out a lot but a good chunk of this was duplicated layers because a lot of it's reused clothing. Let me explain.
One is first camp night and it's the same dress as fresh off the nautiloid but the bottom had to be cut off. I did not show it with the art but the figurine from before has the blood all around the bottom and there's no way you're getting that out of cotton so she had to cut it all off and it was quickly hemmed at the bottom to make a shorter nightgown. Second her camp outfit after she gets some armor. She decides to keep on her pants from the yellow robes to offer some extra coverage at night and they're super baggy because they didn't belong to her at first since she had haggle to get them. Number three she started to notice cracks of light appearing on herself which she thinks is a little weird but doesn't opt to tell the group because it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. She decides to just cover it up instead, she probably should have asked somebody about them and it wouldn't have been a big deal. But they had enough things on their plate in her mind. So she tightens up the neckline and adds gloves to cover her hands. And after the wings pop out number four would be the look for the rest of the game as far as default camp clothes. This dress has gone through the ringer and after growing wings the sleeves were basically gone. So now it's more of a sundress look! And then finally some basic underwear look for her along with the visuals of all the cracks and glowing effects when she fully grows wings. Within the game basically what would happen with her character model is every time she levels up her skin starts to crack and a little bit of glowing shows up underneath it. Very light at first but it starts to get harder to cover up as they get closer the end of act 2. It wouldn't be until about level 5 or 6 that the sternum and tips of her fingers and toes start to glow as well. Then it became really tricky to cover up but it would be very shortly after that she would grow wings so after that it didn't matter. Oh and somebody complimented the glowing and I need to point out that I am not the one to come up with that. Credit where credit is due. That's from the mod I was using to make her an aasimar in the game, Whispers of the Divine by Trips, from Nexus. I adored how it made her look in the game file and it just became my default of how she looked in my mind. I tried to check around to see if the glowing sternum and tips of the limbs was a thing with aasimar anywhere else and I think it's a unique addition??? If anyone has any more knowledge on that I'd love to hear it. I was discussing some things anyway today and I think I might need to start to write down all of my ideas about how aasimar's work. Just so I have a good reference and can put in some information when I finally turned this into a fanfic, but that's troubles for another day.
Pretty excited to do her next reference, I'm going to try and figure out what she wears for the majority of the first part of act 3 and then I'm doing like the final battle outfit for her which actually is an armor set in the game. Feel free to try and guess although one person cannot say anything cuz they already know. They get all the secrets about Sunflower. Then it's on to post game content/the five different endings I have thought up for her outfits (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
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missingcarrion · 4 months
carrion // ch11 teeth against flesh
note : a short chapter bc im getting impatient about getting to the good shit
taglist @tapioca-milktea1978 @neapolitantoebeans
Aasimar’s apartment smells like him, sweet with hints of lavender and rose with some salt. It briefly crosses his mind that Aasi might be accustomed to saltwater than fresh, but his mind is brought to something else entirely. His home was messy, but in the lived in sense. He had an odd stuffed animal on his couch, a cross between a bear and an owl.
            “’m very hot,” Aasimar mumbles, and begins undressing as he walks deeper into his apartment. Shepherd follows, haphazardly ducking beneath the doorways leading to Aasi’s bathroom.
            The apartment isn’t anywhere near as friendly towards having a fish resident – there’s no space for much else other than the bare minimum, and Shepherd barely fits into the bathroom as is, but Aasimar slides into the tub, prefilled with water. Shepherd sinks beside him, outside the tub, eyeing him with a small smile. Aasimar lets out a weird snort noise before his breathing visibly changes and Shepherd sees his gills open and close.
            “What… what was that?” He asks, eyes focused on Aasi’s gills, his brows furrow.
            “Mm? Oh, I uh, to breathe from my gills. It’s, ah, hard to explain. I can switch where I breathe from, basically? It’s all boring and very complicated, sweetling,” Aasimar stares at him lazily, head cocked to the side. His voice sounds more… natural, like speaking with oxygen intake through his nose had hindered his speech greatly. He sounds like a siren, his tone almost like a song, even without singing.
            Shepherd leans against the tub, swiping his hand through the water, “it feels better, doesn’t it?”
            “Mhm,” he nods, golden eyes softening, “you barely fit in here. You didn’t have to follow me in here.”
            “I didn’t want you to be alone, you could get hurt. You’re what they would call a lightweight, it seems,” Shepherd muses, and he snorts, “it was just vodka, wasn’t it?”
            “I’ve never handled vodka well, or any other alcohol for that matter, but I like the taste. C’mere,” Aasimar leans forward and presses a kiss to Shepherd’s cheek, and then another against his jaw. “I want to run away from the Institute, y’know? I wanna start a club, call it Delirium, make it a safe space for everyone who walks in.”
            “That sounds nice,” Shepherd whispers, “do I get to come, too?”
            “We’re in this together,” Aasimar nods, inhaling slowly, “you don’t deserve to spend the rest of your existence in servitude. Every little bird deserves to exist outside their cage.”
            “Why do you stay, then? You’ve been here a while, haven’t you? Why not just leave and make that club?” Shepherd cocks his head to the side.”
            Aasimar snorts, “no one leaves the Institute alive. Oleander was a testament to that, a promise to the rest of us that if we did what he did, we’d die like he did. Only, we didn’t know exactly what had happened to him. The only way out is to dismantle the compound and ruin them. But with the Institute on your back, you’ll never truly be free. Once you’re in, you’re in for life. And when you’re a creature like me, your life stretches on for a long time.”
“We could figure something out, we could get Hannah here and figure out a way to escape, then we can get that club.” Shepherd says, defiantly, and assuredly. The Institute would crumble beneath his feet, he was just sure of it.
Aasimar stares at him oddly, “you know we’d have to essentially destroy the compound, right? We won’t be able to escape long enough if too much of the compound’s systems are still usable. They’d track you down in a heartbeat.”
“I could separate myself from the mainframe of the system. They still have a sliver of agency over me, I can use that as leverage into their systems and sneak past their firewalls and damage them from the inside.”
“I don’t particularly want to know how you figured out what any of that means or how to do it, but that only solves one issue. Taking out their tech solves one half of the problem,” Aasimar shakes his head and slowly begins to stand. He gasps for air for a second before he snorts and shakes his head vigorously. “Fuck, never gets better. But, uh, point being Shep, treason to this degree needs to be planned. We won’t have room for failure.”
Shepherd pulls away, giving Aasimar room to dry himself off. “We should still try, Aasi. Like you said, every bird deserves to exist outside their cage. You included.”
He hesitates and he sighs, towel wrapped around his body. “We don’t even know if Hannah wants to join us on this endeavor.”
“Only one way to find out,” Shepherd grins, “you have her number right? What better time to plan than now?”
There’s a pause and then a sigh as Aasimar trudges to his bedroom with Shepherd in tow. He rummages through his drawers, grabbing whatever he deems comfortable enough to put on.
“You want me to call Hannah and bring her over here to talk about committing treason?” He asks, both incredulous and amused. “You’ve gotten quite bold, Shep.”
“I want… I want that dream with you. I want the club, the freedom. I want it.” Shepherd casts his glance elsewhere and he finds a peculiar photo sitting on Aasimar’s night table. “That…. That was me, wasn’t it?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, sorry. I haven’t been here since you, ah, woke up.” Aasimar doesn’t look over, opting to get dressed with his back towards Shepherd. “For what it’s worth, I’ll message Hannah. I don’t know if she’ll come over, I can’t guarantee anything, but… I think we should still try.”
Shepherd stares at the photo, sitting stiffly at the edge of Aasimar’s bed. He looks so entirely different now, it’s almost like they were always two separate people. He sighs.
“Can I stay the night? I want to sleep here, with you,” Shepherd turns to look at him, expression almost pouty.
“You’ll come to learn that dating me means my space is your space too, lover mine.” Aasimar snickers playfully.
“I love all the nicknames you have for me,” Shepherd admits quietly, smiling. He leans back, making himself as comfortable as he can. “I feel spoiled every time you do it. I feel bad I don’t have one for you.”
“You can always come up with one yourself,” Aasimar shrugs and crawls into bed beside him, pressing up against his side. “You can call me whatever you’d like.”
“Lamb,” Shepherd murmurs, grinning, “because I’m Shepherd.”
Aasimar sighs and snorts, “mm, sounds nice when you say it. Just for me.”
Hannah shows up the next morning, brows knitted in worry almost as soon as she enters the apartment.
“You’re gonna get him erased, Aasimar,” she accused, zeroing Aasi out with annoyance. “This…. This whole meeting, him being here, they’ll know something’s up. You’re gonna get him killed.”
The instantaneous nature of her ire takes Shepherd by surprise, but it comforts him to at least know that Hannah cares for him, even if she’s angry as she is. He doesn’t like that she’s mad at Aasimar, like he hasn’t been the one to start this, like Aasimar hadn’t been hesitant to the idea.
“Hannah, wait,” Shepherd reaches out, as if to shield Aasimar from her wrath, “this was my idea. Not his. He doesn’t even want to do it!”
“W – What?” Hannah furrows her brows and her wrath dissipates almost immediately, “you want to rebel? I don’t… I don’t understand. Where is this coming from?”
“It’s always been there, I think,” he looks away, lips pursed, “will you join us, Hannah? I – I know how to keep us safe, but I don’t want to do it without you.”
She fidgets, leaning to the side, “they’ll fucking kill us, Shepherd. You may get a chance, but we won’t. Once we’re out, we’re out. Do you even know the magnitude of what you’re doing? What it means? It’s better to be in servitude than dead, you of all people should know that, Aasimar. Shepherd, you’re new, you’re… you don’t know the Institute like we do, but you cannot escape. No one can.”
Shepherd purses his lips and his gaze shifts towards her, he’s unsure, uncertain of her words, but he feels almost insulted that she regards him the way she does. “I know their wrath, Hannah, I have felt their doting hands as they dole out their affection. For hours they made me and unmade me, for hours they made sure I knew their only answer was death. I know and I want something more. Will you join me, or will you stand aside?”
Aasimar glances between them, his jaw clenched but he says nothing. His gaze leans to Shepherd, watching him. After a moment, he sighs and leans his head back.
Aasimar tilts his head, legs crossed. “We didn’t think the Institute was forever, did we? We’ll have to free ourselves eventually, why not now? Either we die slaves, or we die with freedom in our eyes. Which would you prefer?”
Her silence is loud – Shepherd isn’t sure what she’d choose, not with the way her expression seems angry, like she’d waste nothing to turn them in for treason. But then she sighs and cocks her head to the side.
“What plan do you even have for this? The Institute practically owns everything around us. Pretty sure the Institute is on our birth certificates,” she sits, arms crossing over her chest. It feels him with little hope, but some is better than none.
“You need to get a piece of my memory core into the control room of the compound,” Shepherd clears his throat and he looks away, “I will be able to shield them from you and Aasi. I’ll erase you both completely from the Institute’s knowledge. I can blind them long enough for us to all get out.”
“Hm, not bad, but they’ll never let you into the control room. They won’t even let Aasimar in. It’s high security clearance, humans only. I don’t even have half the clearance necessary for that room. You’ll need a diversion of some sort.” Hannah hums thoughtfully and purses her lips in thought. “We could blow up the lab? It’s far enough away from the control room that it’ll keep people away long enough for you to do what you need to do.”
“I’m sorry what? You want to do what with my lab, you know, the one I’ve spent the last several years of my life proving I deserved?” Aasimar eyes her cautiously, frowning. “You must be fucking mad to think I’d let you do that.”
“Do you have any better ideas?” She snorts, “it’s just a lab, if you value your freedom, you’d throw it all away.”
“That’s not fair,” he hisses.
“No? Neither was you asking me to throw everything away for you two. I want freedom, who doesn’t? But why would I give all this up for a crack shot chance that maybe I’ll be free? They gave me a home, a job, money. Out there? If we do this, what will we have? And don’t fucking say each other, Shep. That friendship is magic bullshit isn’t real.”
Shepherd stares at her in disbelief, but decides to stay quiet. Aasimar can handle himself, he’s far more capable than anyone had ever given him credit for, and yet it’s Hannah’s words that strike a chord in him.
“Do you know what they did to him? To my Oleander,” Aasimar asks, and there’s a level of fondness in his tone that Shepherd’s only heard him use in privacy, where no one can hurt him. “They killed him, they killed him. Do you know what they did after, Hannah?”
Hannah furrows her brow and looks at him oddly, “what do you mean? What… what happened to him?”
“I –” Aasimar looks back, like there’s more he wants to say, more he wants to reveal, and so Shepherd waits patiently, “he’s Shepherd. Oleander is Shepherd. Now, at least.”
She pauses and her face turns ghostly white, “w…what?”
“I’m Oleander,” Shepherd shrugs slowly, “I have his memories, his… his everything, I guess. They took whatever he was and made him into me. They took the key parts of Oleander, locked away the rest, and left the rest in me.”
“Wait, so this whole time…” Hannah furrows her brows and starts to pace, muttering to herself, “do none of us see an issue with you two fucking each other? You were supposed to move on from him, Aasimar, not… date him again!”
Aasimar shrugs, “okay, so I’m willing to admit my taste is not always that great when it comes to romantic partners, but Shepherd isn’t… he’s not Oleander anymore and you know that. He’s his own person now. The circumstances to allow such a thing is entirely less than ethical or ideal, but something good did come out of it.”
Shepherd can’t help the way something flutters within his chest. He feels as if there is something he must do to earn the way Aasimar speaks of him. “I would’ve told you sooner, when I was first beginning to remember, but… I wasn’t sure how you’d react. He didn’t seem to be your favorite person ever.”
There’s a moment of silence before Hannah just sits down and drags a hand across her face, “oh my gooood. This cannot be happening. You cannot be serious. Of course, Oleander died wanting to run from the Institute. It’s – I guess it makes sense that you’d want to go too.”
“So? Will you do this?” Shepherd asks, brows furrowed. “Will you run away with us?”
“I… I don’t know how far we can get, but… maybe we could give it a shot,” she nods slowly, “let’s do it.”
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shiawasekai · 2 months
1,25,28 for the KC ask game! - Yunessa
Hello!! Thank you for these, @yunessa!! They're from this ask game
Spoiler warning!
1. Do they think they're going to make it out alive?
Now that's a difficult question and one that evolves a lot over time. During the prologue and act 1... No, not really. She's terrified and putting a strong front, but she has no confidence of coming out of this alive. Especially with a strange wound in her chest that simply refuses to heal.
Over time... She stops considering the question at all. Mostly because the answer is....... who cares? Deep down, under all that denial and desperate attempts to hide herself from the truth she already knows, she realizes it. This isn't her time, everyone is dead and she's alone in the world. There is nothing for her. No home to return. Her country has changed so much it may as well be called something else entirely as far as she's concerned.
Maybe it's easier if there is no after. No need to ask herself what's going to happen. How is she going to deal with having nowhere to go. Delving on the question at that point would not have a happy ending, I think. It's purely self-preservation.
As Nela settles in and makes Drezen her new home, however, she gains the mindspace to consider it again... just as the worst of the mythic metamorphosis starts to happen, the situation forces her to admit the actual truth to herself and the reveal about the consequences of closing the Worldwound herself come around.
Death is a likely option, especially if Areelu refuses to collaborate, so she can't be sure about her survival. Both options are possible to her, and she finds herself making an active effort to live. She finds herself unable to give up, even if the future is still terrifying to her.
25. How did they welcome the physical change that came with their mythic powers? Did they embrace it/reject it?
This question has many, many layers to it and relates to her personal issues with her appearance so let's go by steps.
First point to take into account, because it goes a long way towards defining her relationship with mythical powers: she hates being an Aasimar to the point of getting tattoos to ruin her own looks. She never had a good relationship with her body, her appearance just a symbol of what was hurting her. The wild, impossible expectations; the denial of who she was by those around her.
Second point to take into account: She can't even recognize herself in a mirror during the game, because she has suddenly aged into an adult and she is coping badly. There is a mental dissonance between her image of herself and what she has become she is struggling to reconcile with. The person in the mirror is not her.
Adding the physical chance of mythic powers on top of that has weird and contrasting effects. On one side, being recognized as an angel and not an aasimar is something she likes. Transforming to an angel was, up to a point, a choice she took (a limited, forced choice, but leagues better than being born as one).
It is also strangely validating: if she is finding success as an angel in these Crusades, if actual angels look at her and find one of their own... it proves there was nothing wrong with her all along. That those berating her for not fitting their ideal of perfection were wrong. She welcomes the idea of her angel identity completely overwriting the aasimar part of it.
Besides, the angel instincts quiet down the intrusive thoughts from the Fallen Angel part of her (Emberkin) and, given how terrified she had grown of those, she considers that a blessing.
On the other hand........ she is a mess and already struggling with her inability to recognize the person in the mirror. It makes it exponentially worse, especially after the full transformation in Rank 9. Her transformation is particularly invasive for an Angel Commander, and no amount of hiding her wings is going to fix it. It's plain to see for anyone.
Rank 9 is the breaking point, where her mental issues reach a point of no return and the post-game breakdown becomes a certainty.
28. Would they be a companion instead of the KC? What would their storyline and personal quest be?
Her story would be mostly similar if made into a companion. Still an experiment by Areelu (just a failure), still out of her time, still struggling with an older and changed body (not in the same way as the mythic metamorphosis, different changes). The main change is that she isn't in charge of anything, and hence doesn't have to keep a strong front or play up a Commander persona like her KC self. She can allow herself to be more vulnerable.
That doesn't mean she's going to be honest about her situation to the KC. She is found wandering in the Worldwound during Act 2, unsure of why is she even here. She only gives the KC her first name, not her surname (out of a misguided attempt to protect herself, but ultimately because otherwise Sosiel could connect the dots and that's not a good idea for a companion quest. He comes from the same part of Andoran)
Ultimately, her quests would be about prying out the truth from her and finding a way to help her recover. As a companion, Nela's ultimate motivation for collaborating is her resentment towards Areelu. But make no mistake she is just as troubled by having absolutely nothing in the world as her KC self.
There are two solutions to this problem: repeat what Sosiel does in the KC-verse and reunite her with her twin brother, now an elderly man, and let him help her through the worst of it, or talk your way through it, choosing the right options to guide her through the trauma to find a reason to live.
One requires you to research her background and dig out the necessary clues, the other requires the KC to have the emotional intelligence to support and guide their companion through a mountain of issues to a point she can keep working it out on her own.
And I say reason to live because she would take herself out after the game if the quest is failed. Vanishing forever, in a place you can't find her body.
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maroonian · 5 months
so the underworld saga of epic dropped recently and i had brainworms
this is a wip lets see if i ever actually finish it YAHOO
more gush under cut
basically i had this image in my head for a small animatic regarding my current campaign PC, an aasimar oathbreaker paladin/divine soul sorcerer multiclass. his name is azrael zyvan luque and hes kind of a fucked up little guy.
hes kind of a weird aasimar, in that per the campaign story he originally looked like a blend of the heritages his material plane parents had (tabaxi mom, kenku mom), with celestial features from his unknown celestial parent.
he was indoctrinated into a cult as a child after basically being stolen from his parents (tricked under the guise of a "religious studies scholarship"). and then he was consumed by the goddess of a cult (echidna the mother of all monsters, in this campaign, is a horrible giant horrorterror style monster goddess that is enclosed within the planet in amber) and horribly mutated partway into an aberration.
its given him horrible mental instability! he sometimes frenzies and the rest of the party has to put him down. recently he got an """upgrade""" to this that makes him Even Worse :) so that was fun !!!
hes totally normal about this (hes not). this animatics kind of a metaphor for the trauma of his loss of self. killing the old self and becoming the new, worse version of himself while waiting to die :,)
hes currently on the cusp of an oath change to redemption with his original god! and also learning how to live and not. waiting to die. and also learning to rely on his DEFINITELY NOT friends
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pheoblitz · 10 months
"You know dm, you keep saying Nym's family are elves. I thought he was a human before becoming an Aasimar. Was he not?"
"Mayhaps" he replied "Mayhaps"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MAYHAPS????????" I cried suddenly confused.
Was he not a human? Was he actually an elf or half-elf this whole time? I have been drawing his ears like a human because I thought that was what he was. I thought that him being human and his family being elves simply suggested he was adopted or married into the family but NOPE! My question simply led to even more questions and a perspective change on the character.
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Anyway! As you can see here, I finally got around to posting his standard moth design. You can also see his spear within the image. Apparently, the spear contains a celestial in it. Not sure where the hell that will go plot-wise. Right now all they are doing though is laughing at Nym. So Nym looks crazy as no one else has heard him yet.
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Now for a quick breakdown of his outfit. Nym here wears light leather armour. I had to hide it in the outfit somehow as I already designed him without any. So above you can see how I did that. He is very minimal with it. His cape partly provides protection as well and is considered in my mind to be the other part.
Anywho, Nym is a character from the Underdark. So I took his pallet and made it match some of how my DM described it. The idea was that he would dress up as a bright orange to blend in with the mushrooms and be seen as hostile as many poisonous animals use orange colouring as a warning.
He has covers for his legs and his hands specifically as he does alot of climbing and crawling around rather than walking upright, again, to avoid attention from predators. In fact, the images above depicting him standing up are simply to show off his outfit. Otherwise, he is usually to the ground or squatting.
The leaves on his head and the paint glow in the same level of lighting as those fake room ceiling stars. They produce enough of a glow that it makes him a little weird to look at in the dark but nowhere near enough for him to see around him. This is supposed to invoke that he actually is a mushroom. As well as occasionally counterillumination camouflage. While the leaves around his neck keep his old charm safe and make him smell like mulch and plants for predators that smell for things.
None of this will actually do anything when I get to the Underdark admittedly. However, it is how I like to pretend he survived there originally.
Bonus: His charm collar + Charm, belt + Belt charm, his spear holding straps around his back, goggles, and the pair of pants under the armour are the only remaining parts of Oren's old outfit. He keeps them with him as he wants to know who he once was and is scared he will never know if he lets them go. He also thinks cutting his hair will cause his brain to rot.
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redrocketpanda · 7 months
Had a wonderful call with one of my best pals @parad0xymoron tonight and Socket reminded me how important it is for our wellbeing to feral post about our OC's, which is the ammunition I needed to start turning them about in the mental microwave
So now I am absolutely vibrating once again over my collection of weird little guys and being reminded that I can absolutely post about them on my little corner of the Internet
So I have been continuing to cackle over the (re)introduction to the term Sintendo Gayboy Advanced and how utterly perfect it is for my poor Aasimar Cleric Clem, who is deeply conflicted over his Twinkness and Paladin devoutness
And deriving great joy from picturing Vico once again bringing Astarion onto his knees, pulling the lead taut around his neck as he simpers pathetically on the ground
And imagining my pretty Barbarian Temerity post Dungeon of the Mad Mage, grounded in her room in Avernus by her gay dads in punishment for their precious little princess being killed as she attempted to avenge her dead brother (and for falling in love with her half-orc himbo bard boyfriend)
And fondly remembering how much I love my twink boy! Nova and his array of Stardew Valley boyfriends
And thinking about how much I want to play with my Fearnesque girl Cami who is all sweet smiles and a cute face until a man feels entitled to help himself to her body, which results in him discovering that his body is now full of paralysing venom that will leave him catatonic on the floor, absolutely helpless as she Dread forms into a horrifying vision - complete with bleeding scalp from the thorny crown that emerges atop her head and black eyes - to torture and devour them
And goddddd how much I can't wait to play my MMA style Monk-Druid Casey who is all about punching people in the face first and asking absolutely no questions later, and the sheer joyful chaos its going to be to throw her into Strixhaven with a bunch of pathetic nerds
And how nice it is to finally unleash Arilan from his watery box to play with him again as he attempts to navigate the very confusing dry world of Landwalkers and struggles to know how to engage with the very Labrador companion he's found in big lady barbarian Katja
And lets not forget beloved boy of my heart, Clay, curious little halfling roaming about Barovia and, thus far, escaping every single danger with nothing apart from a collection of bizarre friends in tow
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kwillow · 2 years
Also kinda funny thing, my oc is also kinda girl crazy like Ambroy lmao she likes girlies as she grows up (dragons kidnapping maidens much you need a tower to hold a pretty woman in?) but she's respectful never bothers his staff she knows he'd kick off but absolutely would check out other woman with him at events he's like ooh she's not bad. And she's like oh yea that dress compliments all the right places. And he's what. Harlot wench whore cease. And she'd laugh and assure him oh what chance does she have against such a gorgeous refined man such as himself so dazzling everyone in the room keeps looking at him they know they can't rival him.
Slightly NSFW following up on devoted anons whore daughter lmao I'm gonna do a few spaces then put it so hopefully you don't have to see if you don't want to
But also sometimes has girls in her room and Ambroy probably gets jealous lmao. She is a thot affectionately likes girls will love on girls likes one little bastard unicorn man. Would tease if he's getting huffy like aw my golden treasure don't be so jealous, you can come sit on my face too if you want. Cause she's a whore she's nasty she knows vulgarity and it's probably a bit flustering tbh like ma'am I do not wanna know what you're doing to those girls! I can imagine him shoving her face away lightly smacking at her lmao or who knows maybe he's into it just a little
Oh that's fun, hahaha!
I mean, she's better than he is for keeping her hands off his staff - er, at least when he was younger, he would get frisky with the female servants at times, to the point where his father refused to let him have personal female attendants. When he's older, though, he learns to maintain more professional boundaries... though not so professional that he would think better of having his maids wear ludicrously low-cut dresses, it seems.
He's enough of a lad that he'd enjoy having someone to check out ladies with, but you're right that too many compliments towards others would make him flip to "okay shut up about her what about how pretty I am"
Such language direct at him would fluster him for sure. He's certainly no angel (haha) or prude; he can be shockingly vulgar himself, but he's more used to being the pursuer than the pursued. There's also the matter of her being physically larger than him - he's used to being much taller than most people and especially women, so having someone who can look down at him and say such things, well, it's not a power dynamic he's used to. Is that to say he wouldn't secretly be kind of into it? Well... his aasimar version has a secret shameful attraction to the monstrous feminine, so, one could extrapolate certain things from that. What things - perhaps I shouldn't say on a good wholesome website like Tumblr.
(Oh and no worries about salacious stuff when it comes to my characters, I don’t bring such things up on my accounts often just because I prefer to write and draw my guys to be amusing and terrible rather than arousing, but it is a factor in their lives, and it doesn’t bother me.)
A lot of mythological creatures seem to have a particular fixation on girls, don't they? (Pardon the meme, couldn't help myself.)
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Oh also completely forgot but important she has a forked tongue not immune to wiggly forked tongue which she has superb control over so she will stick her tongue out at him and move the forks to make a <3 shape at him with her tongue cause I think it's funny
That's super cute. I'm sure he'd be jealous that his tongue is weird but can't do anything cool like that.
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eff-plays · 9 months
*tosses a few numbers for that Tav ask meme* 1, 13, 27, 40, 70!
Thank you Nonny I love you ❤
Why did you pick the race you did for your Tav?
Tieflings are by far my favorite race in D&D, followed by aasimar and genasi. There was no other option tbh. I love anything that's half-monstrous but still humanoid enough to let me relate to it on a fundamental level (I can't play dragonborn even though I love how they look, cuz to me that's just a lizard unforch and I find it hard to "humanize" them in my mind? I know it's a weird problem to have but I have it). Anything with horns, tails, claws, fangs, weird eyes ... I just love them!
How does your Tav fight in a combat situation?
Generally, Hira keeps to the sidelines or the back, preferably on higher ground, in order to have better control over the battlefield. They use crowd control and AoE type spells, and buff and debuff as needed. Once they multiclass into pally, they are more comfortable getting up close and personal, but still generally hold a support/protection role instead of being the main melee damage-dealer.
What is their sense of humor like?
This video. And also this video. They flipflop between trying to make others laugh at their own expense and being casually mean for their own amusement.
What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
I don't know if they've made one big mistake tbh, but rather they keep continuously making the same small mistake of lying to others for no reason and never trusting anyone or letting themself get emotionally vulnerable. It's more of a death by a thousand cuts type deal :') If I had to pick one, though, it's probably choosing to spare their sister when not doing that would've kept them in their family and probably entirely changed the trajectory of their life. Whether that's a mistake or not is debatable.
(Free Spot: Ask any question you’d like!)
Gonna use this as a "put any random fact in here". Umm ... Hira is pansexual and has three "types": small, smart women who can beat your ass (gnomes, dwarves, halflings), beautiful and breedable men (elves, humans, tieflings, genasi) and finally: Large TM (anyone big enough, but generally orcs and dragonborn go here). They also have a general ranking of which races are best in bed -- orcs at the top, elves (mainly high elves and drow) at the bottom 😌
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