#lestrange brothers
florsial · 1 month
Me when dynamics between pure bloods seem normal but are actually not:
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okeydokeylackey · 5 months
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saw this @draw-the-squad-like-this post and simply had to do it with the Lestrange brothers lmfao
Full version under the cut
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deathnguts · 3 days
Rodolphus and Rabastan both write in cursive but in different ways. I think Rabastan would write really fast so it just passes off as cursive, if you look closer, you would just see curvy lines, no words. (so me) Rodolphus, I think, would be in actual cursive and very purposeful, he tales a little longer to write though.
I'm gonna project a quick possibility here: Rabastan developed a "shorthand" type thing where he writes scribbles but makes some letters clear so you would at least have an idea on what the word is like writing "Idea", and making sure that at least the I or D and A could be actually seen as, yk, and I or D and A. Idk I write me notes like that lol
but yes, they would def write in fancy as lettering!!
Damn not me and Rabastan having the same writing lmao. I also do a shorthand thing where it’s literally just looped scribbles for half the word and then the first and last letters and maybe the vowels are actually legible for later reading. Fun fact I also do that on assignments so that when my teachers read them they’re more likely to score me at least at passing because they can only kind of read what I wrote and therefore can’t say I didn’t get the answer. It’s a cheap trick I made up cuz I’m lazy and don’t feel like trying hard in certain classes and I feel like Rabastan would have had a similar experience in school with his major no fucks given energy to things that don’t grab his attention, so our similar strategies make sense at least to me lmao.
And also of course rodolphus would write like he’s signing the Declaration of Independence, every single one of his papers looks a hundred years older than it is.
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Before I joined the marauders fandom I always thought Barty/Rabastan would be like a really popular ship because #boyfriends-who-torture-together-stay-together, then I got here and was so disappointed. There is literally no content for them.
I’ve decided that their ship name is Rabartan and here are some headcanons for them, because you should be the change you want to see in the world.
Barty and Rabastan were vaguely aware of each other’s existence, until Barty met Rabastan at a party with Regulus and they were both like immediately like subconsciously thinking
“I would gouge out someone’s eyeballs for you”
So they started sending each other letters
“Rabastan, I love that sparkly look you get in your eye when you hex muggleborns. It’s very predatoryyyy and eroticcc of you. Look at me like that but without the hexing, From Barty”
Then Rabastan is like
“Wow this kid, the dark lord will love him”
So he sends a letter to Barty
“Barty, my favorite neck bitee, I have a proposition. You come to my secret dungeon underneath my house that my great-great-great-great-great grandfather Aloysius Lestrange built, I have a surprise for you;) from Rabastan the naughty man”
Barty gets there and instead of an unclothed Rabastan, he is met by a fully clothed Rabastan and the dark lord
Tom is like
“Rabastan told me you like it when he hexes muggleborns is that true?…”
Barty is like
“Yes, oh my Salazar, Dark lord. I’ve been loving the things you’ve been committing around the country for years, but I never thought I’d get the chance to meet you in person. Of course I’ll be a death eater”
So Barty gets darkmarked
Straight afterwards Barty and Rabastan kill their first muggle together
Barty and Rabastan alway make sex jokes at death eater meetups
And Snape is always side eyeing them for impropriety
But the rest of the death eaters don’t care because at least they’re not as bad as Bellatrix
So they fuck in Rabastans room most of the time so Crouch Sr. Won’t find out
But once they snuck into Regulus’ shower and fucked and Reg never found out
Rabastan keeps Barty’s fav book on his nightstand for him(Curses and Counter-Curses: Bewitch your friends and befuddle your enemies with the latest revenges: Hair loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying, and much, much more. By Vindictus Viridian)
Rabastan loves sniffing Barty’s hair because it smells like iron efficient peaches
Barty has a lock of Rabastan’s hair inside the watch he got for his seventeenth birthday
So then Halloween happens and they torture Alice and Frank together and they go prison
Then yadayada canon happens and shits and giggles
Feel free to add your Rabartan headcanon’s onto this, Mes Amis.
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tenrousei-kuroi · 5 months
"and that was a million years ago"
“It’s happening. Rabastan, wake up, it’s happening.”
Rabastan cracked a single eye open at the sound of his brother’s voice. Rodolphus was hovering above him, his broad smile lit by the murky moonlight that filtered through the minuscule cell window.
Rabastan had been hearing stories from him for years now. When the Dementors returned for their midnight rounds, Rodolphus’s delusions would leave him and he’d calm again.
Rabastan let his brother lift him up to a sitting position. Rodolphus was still chattering away in a low, excited voice, and at the sound of a loud clang he dashed forward to the bars of the tiny cell they shared. Rabastan watched him curiously.
“There’s no one there, Rodolphus,” he said calmly, though another loud sound made him falter. Dementors made no noises; there were other humans on the cell block.
Next came the shouting: a slow, primal howling that grew in volume until it gave way to laughing. Rabastan swallowed nervously and stood up on atrophied legs. “Rodolphus, what is—”
But Rodolphus was no longer responsive. He himself began to cry, a desperate wailing laugh as the rustling of cloaked figures approached.
Rabastan could have fainted. He saw men in masks rush past his cell door, wands out and gleefully blasting away at walls and doors. Smoke and rubble began to fill the aisle, the acridity stinging Rabastan’s eyes until he was crying nearly as much as his brother.
In the commotion, one of the figures—alerted by Rodolphus’s grasping arms and constant hollering—stopped at their door. Rabastan stared deeply into that mask, a slow panic coming over him.
The Dark Lord had sent for them.
He and Rodolphus had dreamed of this day, had been so certain of its arrival. The day when their master would rise again and their loyalty be fully rewarded.
There had been no warning. Rabastan and Rodolphus were both thrown off their feet as the door erupted in a blaze of blue haze. Rodolphus clambered inelegantly back to his feet immediately, but Rabastan stayed down, his ears ringing.
Through the popping and crackling, he heard a woman’s voice come through. Blinking furiously, he saw his brother’s wife, Bellatrix, scrambling up next to the Death Eater who had freed them. He’d not laid eyes on Bellatrix for years and she looked worse for wear, hair limp and tangled, eyes sunken in...her movements were uncoordinated and flailing, like a newborn fawn.
But she was laughing with a brightness that defied their confines. And Rodolphus joined in.
Rabastan did not want to go with them. He’d waited years for this day but now that it had arrived, the victory felt sour. Over a decade spent rotting in this place for a cause that had never truly been realized. What was to say he wouldn’t end up right back in here? That fierce energy and zealotry that had so possessed him in his youth was...burnt out.
He still couldn’t hear anything properly, but he could see Bellatrix’s mouth moving as she approached him, reaching down to grab him by the forearm.
Her touch burned; it felt as though the Dark Mark were being freshly reapplied. Rabastan gasped and fell back from her, completely limp. Rodolphus rushed up to them.
“...he….somet—I don—...sure he’ll...fine…”
Bellatrix nodded in response and knelt down next to Rabastan, peering deep into his eyes. Rabastan did his best to look past her, with the same soulless fragility he’d seen in the long-time prisoners, the ones who were inevitably dragged down the concrete hall, legs and arms limp, on their way to a final stay in the infirmary.
Rodolphus knelt down, as well, and shook Rabastan harshly by the shoulder. A pop. A slow, warm trickle out one of Rabastan’s ears. “It’s time to go.” Finally Rabastan could hear him.
Bellatrix was shaking her head. She hoisted Rodolphus back up and began pulling him from the cell. “Leave him for now. If this place doesn’t burn to the ground, we can come for him later.”
Rodolphus hesitated, giving Rabastan one last look before allowing himself to get swept off down the smoky hallway along with his wife.
Rabastan took a deep breath and sat up straighter, alert. He felt warm, and not just because part of the prison was assuredly on fire. He was starting to feel the effects of the Dementors’ absence. He wondered if they had been scared off or if they had joined the Dark Lord willingly. Either way, it allowed a small sense of happiness to creep back into him.
Rabastan leaned back against the slimy wall, inhaling smoke and grime and not caring. When the adrenaline wore off and they’d been away from the Dementors for longer, he wondered if his brother and Bellatrix would return again to try and rouse him. Or if the remains of the Ministry would get to him first.
Had the Ministry completely fallen? If so, then it may be a moot point. The fire might get him first.
But it didn’t matter. There was a calmness here, among the yelling and the clattering footsteps. The snapping and clanking of fallen metal was one of the first sounds Rabastan had heard fully since being incarcerated. With no Dementors near to muffle his senses with a blanket of fear and despair.
It was peaceful, being mindless. A few more people rushed past his cell, and some even looked in, but Rabastan was careful to feign a listlessness that approached death. It felt like falling asleep...for the first time in years.
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mo0n-water · 1 year
my feelings for rabastan lestrange are weird and complicated and nobody asked 😟
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fairhairedgal · 3 months
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slyther-bi · 1 year
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I'm slowly getting obsessed with the Lestrange brothers.
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This one has an Instagram filter on it, I thought it looked neat.
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fiendishfyre · 10 months
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eros-ghoulette · 1 year
lestrange brothers headcanon
Rabastan has a jackdaw, he got from his grandfather, when he was eight and since then the jackdaw is his best friend and always with him, sitting on his shoulder. It's named Apus.
Rodolphus has two ravens. One named Halvar, who is his best friend and the other named Saggita who is the mate of Halvar. He got them both from his grandfather after he died. He knew both birds since he was a little boy and always was fascinated by them.
The birds all are magical breeds, which was invented by Rabastans and Rodolphus grandfather. These birds live longer and are more intelligent.
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shipping-all-ships · 1 year
The Lestrange brothers in my latest fic is just
Rodolphus, hitting his brother with a broom: STAY. OFF. OF. THE. VEELAS.
Rabastan, holding his veela bastards: YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS I’M DROWING IN VEELA PUSSY AND YOU’LL DIE ALONE!!!
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florsial · 2 months
Thinking about Rabastan. He's a dog to Rodolphus' god. He loves his brother but from how they were raised he mistakes it for blind devotion. He has his mother's face but none of her personality. He should've looked exactly like Rodolphus but he doesn't. He's shunned by his paternal family but accepts it quietly and erases his identity to be the spare/guard dog. He's like a messed-up completed puzzle piece that looks fine from far away but when you take a closer look certain pieces don't quite fit right. He's bitter and self-pitying but it's all compacted in a poorly concealed stoic expression. Unlike his brother, he was born to feel and it does him no good. Also, he likes fish and his favorite is the cowfish.
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okeydokeylackey · 8 months
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listen it's for @heir-of-sapphirius but you ain't gonna meet them till like book 4 at best and I'll probably completely change how they look by that point 💀
but anyways, the Lestrange Brothers! It's Dolph and Bast and I'm not taking any other nicknames for them thank you lmfao
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strengthinunityrp · 2 years
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lestrange - caedite eos
by gremx
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miss-grimwood · 1 year
Punch - Belladora
Leave it to Rabastan to spike the punch at the engagement party. Rodolphus, her dear new fiance, had passed out behind the sofa, perfect for Bellatrix, she didn’t need him leering at her.
All of the Sacred 28 had been invited to celebrate, which meant that Pandora had been forced to accompany her parents. She hadn’t wanted to, who would want to celebrate their lover’s engagement to another?
Maybe the spiked punch was a blessing. Everyone was far more drunk than usual, save for Pandora, who had only ever trusted her own hipflask of moonwater, and Bellatrix, who’d noticed the stronger than usual taste, and steered clear of the bowl.
Their eyes met across the ballroom, and Bellatrix glanced to the door. She slipped away from the conversation she was in; her aunts were too tipsy to notice, and Pandora followed.
Away from the music and the crowds, Bellatrix took Pandora’s hand, and pulled her into an empty room, pressing her against the door as she locked it.
‘I don’t like your fiancé.’ Pandora stated. Always so matter of fact.
‘I don’t like him either.’ Bellatrix chuckled.
She kissed her, then, an apology, for the life she had to lead.
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Any prompts for Rabastan please? It's been a while :)
"I had everything within my reach. I had money and stuff. Each and every call. Too much but never enough. Tear it up and watch it fall." - Never Land (A Fragment), The Sisters of Mercy (1985) [x]
A boy from a polished background, you could stage your sample around Rabastan's relationship with his family. It was the dream of his father for Rab to follow him and his brother into a job at the Ministry, but little do they know he's gotten a full time job with THE DARK LORD [leader]. You could stage your sample about the night he was going to tell his family he was not going into politics, how they all reacted, who wanted to talk him round. It would be good to flash between the scene and Rabastan's thoughts, knowing he was keeping a huge secret from them and his thoughts on the state of the world.
"I've done some things I really can't describe. I've made some mouths open pretty wide. And I am licensed - trained and bona fide.' - Who Do You Think We Are, Alice Cooper (1981) [x]
Thought of amongst some of the death eaters as a loose cannon, you could choose to explore a moment in which Rabastan has snapped. The murder of BOOKER BAGNOLD [victim] at Halloween in 1982 or the moment he told AMELIA BONES [victim/former adversary], during a dule her suspicions around him were correct. You could use these moments to explore his mindset and how his normally calm mind unravells when in the grips of rage.
"I find it hard to tell you 'cause I find it hard to take. When people run in circles it's a very, very. Mad World." - Mad World, Tears For Fears (1983) [x]
RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [sibling], is possibly the most important person in Rabastan's life. As well as his brother, he's one of his closest friends which meant keeping his secret even harder. You could write about the moment Rodolphus confronted Rabstan about his involvment in Amelia's death and he was forced into telling Rodolphus about his activities. Consider how Rabastan felt finally telling him, his fears, his hopes for the future or even his guilt that his brother would offer to corrupt his cases to keep Rabastan our of jail.
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