#lessons in corruption
bekah-reading · 29 days
3/5 (3.5)
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Lessons in Corruption is about Cressida, who is separated from her husband and ends up meeting King. King turns out to be her student at the school she works for- he also is the heir to the Fallen Men MC.
King is 18, thankfully, so their isn’t any kind of underage stuff. I hate student/teacher relationships (a lot of the speculative or horror or thriller stuff I like is about it but in a commentary way). In a romance, it just feels weird.
She’s 26/27, and King is 18- so the age gap isn’t all that bad either. My parents were 10 years apart and they met after my mom divorced her first husband so 10 years depending on age and story ain’t bad for me.
I liked the writing, I liked King. I didn’t mind Cressida much, but it’s first person and it’s from her POV the whole time. I found her a bit annoying at times. Spice was good. The problem is that is very much a first book, and it’s very much clunky and a bit unpolished.
I did find it to be a bit of a SOA rip-off so if you like Sons of Anarchy you might want to read this series. The chapters are bit spatially challenged by the fact it seems and is time jumpy in between. So it just seems clunky and all over the place. I feel like this is a forgettable book. Good run, time to move on.
I heard each book in this series is a stand alone but I have to read the books in order. It’s just how I am. I am excited however for the second book. I’m glad I read it, and I enjoyed it for the most part.
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reality-detective · 4 months
Remember this? (1999)
“Paula Jones is paid a $850,000 check from President Clinton, bringing an official end to the four-year saga spurred by her allegations of sexual harassment.”
When does the trial for Bill Clinton begin? 🤔
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vipermenace · 4 months
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Had a dream the other night of Ario 100 years later
It was such a clear image I had to doodle him
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eldritch-araneae · 1 year
Bumblebee Week Day 4 - Secret
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I've been here waiting for the longest time I can't believe it's real You lose the battles that you never fight Can't hide from what you feel (Come on!) No more compromise This is do or die And now you've crossed the line You'll wake the beast inside No more compromise This is do or die I'll warn you one last time You'll wake the beast inside!
Song: Sonic Frontiers OST - Break Through It All
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iamjucie · 5 months
A History in Lessons
Chapter 8: "Your Most Prized Spawn" pt. 6
“A-Astarion!” You run up to him and he stares at you. Shock is visible on his face, his eyes scanning you up and down and his mouth agape.
He stands up from his seat, force pushing the chair he was sitting in backward. “Tav, what in the hells happened to you?!”
Words don’t seem to want to leave your throat, you only choke on them. The tightness in your chest is so profound you can only cry. You scream and sob, babbling nonsense. Fuchsia walks up next to Zarovich, she must have followed you through the crowd.
You frantically find Astarion to tell him what happened, but you can't seem to get the words out. You can't seem to think straight at all.
If you skipped the previous chapter here is context that will be needed: +Tav was assaulted sexually and physically by the vampire lord that was compelling her +He fed from her and when he finished, he was able to see a faint image of himself in the mirror, because of the nature of Tav's blood. +The chapter ended when she fell unconscious due to blood loss.
CW: Detailed description of a panic attack, Domestic Abuse, Mind Control, Unwanted compulsion Word Count: 1.6k AO3 Link
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photo credit: @astarionposting
You’re still unable to move. Mind clouded and vision blotched with black spots, darkness slowly fills your eyesight. You stare at the mirror that was just so profound for the monster. You close your eyes, succumbing to the heaviness of your eyelids. You feel nothing.
“Vincere est vivere!”
Your eyes open and your lungs fill with a gasp. The blood in your veins regenerates unnaturally fast, filling you with a newfound vigor. You shoot up and  scurry off the bed. On the opposing edge of the mattress, a figure stands hovering. You take a defensive position, your vision not fully adjusted to your newfound consciousness. 
You stand panting frantically, fists raised ready to fight the monster that attacked you. Only when your focus increases, you see Fuchsia holding a spell book in one hand and a healing potion in the other. 
Suddenly you realize you are safe and a wave of relief washes over you. You collapse onto the bed and sob, trying to comprehend what just happened. Fuchsia walks over to where you lay, leans down and rubs your back in an attempt to console you. You sit up and look into her eyes, tears cascading your cheeks. You crash yourself into her, sobbing into her shoulder. She wraps her arms around you.
“You poor child…” Fuchsia mumbles quietly into your hair. 
It doesn’t make sense. None of this makes sense. You’re no longer being compelled and yet you still feel so absent from your body. You feel so cold and despite being in the arms of Fuchsia, you feel so alone.
You pull back from the embrace and stare absently at the ground, sniffling.
“I need to find Astarion. I-” You frantically gather your shoes from the ground and turn to leave the bedroom. “We need to go home.” 
“Tav, wait.” Fuchsia follows you cautiously. “Let me help you… clean up first.”
You catch a glance of yourself in the vanity mirror. You’re covered in bruises, blood, saliva, and tears. Your hair is half undone from the updo it once held, knotted and matted from your struggle. 
You shake your head subtly. “No…” you whisper, looking yourself in the eyes before turning to leave. “No, he needs to see.”
You crash yourself through the door. As you stumble through the hall, the crying starts again. Gasps and sobs leave your mouth as you pick up speed. Your chest is tight and your vision is warping. Is it the blood loss? Adrenaline? Remnants of that cursed wine in your body?
You don’t care. You just need to find him and get the fuck out of here.
You push yourself through the middle of the ballroom. “Astarion?!” you scream between sobs. Pushing vampire lords with weak shoves from the arm holding your shoes to get through. 
“Astarion?!” You look around, the room is spinning. Your vision is glazed over. You scan the faces of the crowd. You sense they’re all staring at you with disgust, yet you can’t see them. You can only see through the tunnel forming in your vision as the room seems to cave in around you. 
You spin and catch a glance of him. He’s sitting at the far right end of the head table talking to Zarovich and other noble looking vampire lords.
“Astarion!” You sprint clumsily towards him. He is sitting casually with his legs crossed. One hand holding a goblet of the same style you drank from earlier and the other gesturing enthusiastically as he talks to the group of vampire lords surrounding him. They’re all so enamored by his charm.
“A-Astarion!” You run up to him and he stares at you. Shock is visible on his face, his eyes scanning you up and down and his mouth agape.
He stands up from his seat, force pushing the chair he was sitting in backward. “Tav, what in the hells happened to you?!”
Words don’t seem to want to leave your throat, you only choke on them. The tightness in your chest is so profound you can only cry. You scream and sob, babbling nonsense. Fuchsia walks up next to Zarovich, she must have followed you through the crowd. 
You turn and survey the crowd of people in Astarion’s audience. You see several vampire lords, two ladies, Zarovich, and him. That monster that did this to you. He stares at you with raised eyebrows, feigning ignorance. Acting as if he knows nothing of what happened to you. He leans to the man next to him and whispers some snide comment while looking you up and down.
You feel utterly ill. The room is spinning, and you can’t seem to breathe properly. Inhaling and exhaling at a rapid pace, you turn to Astarion still looking at you. He’s clearly trying to talk but your mind is so filled with panic that you can barely comprehend it.
You are just staring at him, hoping he can understand what you need. You need to get out of here.
Zarovich leaves his seat at the opposing head of the table and saunters over to casually stand next to Astarion. He places a hand on his shoulder and leans in to stare at you, like you are a specimen to study. A situation to be handled. You find yourself focusing on his words. 
“Lord Astarion, what ever will you do to handle this?” he gestures to you before turning to face Astarion. “You will handle it, won’t you? I mean, you are it’s master after all.” he leans into Astarion’s ear as if to share a secret, yet does not whisper quietly “Unless, it only calls you that in the bedroom.”
A shiver grows up your spine and you turn to Fuchsia who is standing arms length from Zarovich. She has her arms crossed at her chest and she bows her head down, avoiding eye contact with you. You can’t believe this… It was all a ruse. She was only fishing for dirt on Astarion for Zarovich the entire time. This woman who just held you and comforted you after being assaulted was a fucking spy. Your hyperventilating increases speed. 
Astarion whips his head back toward your hysterics. His face is void of color and he has a look on his face that you can’t quite interpret. Embarrassment? Anger? Pity? Whatever it is, he is feeling it toward you. 
You want to grab his hand and drag him to the carriage and get the hells out of this place, but your panic renders you useless. You sit on the ground and grab your hair in your fists. You’re so overwhelmed. Astarion’s face relaxes slightly and he flinches forward, like he instinctively wants to comfort you until glancing at Zarovich. You don’t see what Zarovich’s face does in response, but you know it gave a message to Astarion to stop because he only straightened his posture and squatted down in front of you.
He grabs your face covered in mucus and tears. Although he’s not doing anything particularly kind or romantic, his touch gives you a semblance of comfort. You melt into his hands, stifling sobs leaving your mouth. If only he would just pull you into an embrace and tell you it’s going to be okay, maybe this would stop. He moves his head to enter your view, establishing contact with your frantic eyes. You lock onto him. Your eyes plead to him to give you any semblance of comfort.
His eyes glow as his compulsion fills you.  
“Stand up, stop crying.” he commands quietly while looking into your eyes. 
What is this? That’s not what’s supposed to happen. Your legs straighten and you rise from the floor. Your sobs and hyperventilating come to a sudden halt. This isn’t what he was supposed to do. You still need to cry, the feeling burns in your chest and it needs to come out but it won’t. It can’t
“Astarion…” you whimper, pleading. 
He glances slightly around at the audience that cultivated around you, all staring at him judgmentally, expectantly. 
“Do not speak.” his nose turns up slightly, displaying a false sense of confidence. You know it's not real. Looking into his eyes they scream only weakness. He looks so pathetic putting on this act.
You hear his voice in your head, ringing like a thought. 
I’m sorry, we are going to leave now.
You could respond telepathically, but don’t. There's nothing to say to him. When he looks into your eyes, you can almost recognize him. But, as soon as he turns away, it’s like his face changes shape and you do not see your lover. You see only a stranger. A stranger who has complete control over you. 
You stand still, unable to move if you wanted to. Unable to speak if you wanted to. Any autonomy over your body has been stripped from you.
He clasps his hands together and faces Zarovich. “Well, it has been lovely. Truly a great party, but I must be seeing myself out.” His puppeteering of your body guides your feet to start to walk to the exit next to him. The feeling of moving without moving is disorienting. You feel like screaming.
“What? Leaving already? Surely you aren’t letting an unruly spawn ruin your entire evening.” Zarovich laughs. “Pity, we didn’t have time for our toast.” Zarovich’s voice is quieter, trying to emulate speaking under his breath, but still loud enough to be heard.
Astarion turns from the exit to face him. “A toast? For whom?”
“For you of course! The very first Vampire Ascendant.” He proclaims, voice projecting through the hall. There’s still a silence lingering in the crowd from the scene that just played out. There are some hums of approval amongst them, you cannot see them however. Astarion still has you facing the exit. 
Suddenly your heels turn, you are facing Astarion and Zarovich. Astarion looks from you back to Zarovich. 
“I suppose one more drink couldn’t hurt.”
To be continue...
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news4dzhozhar · 5 months
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aiko-moon · 4 days
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me: s-sorry but... who are you? and what is this place?
?: don't worry, it's just a dream. you are safe here. your mind is here but your body is in your comfy bed. still
me: oh i see... but do you have a name?
?: your brain created me and your brain is creating this conversation. it'll choose my name
me: ok but it's creepy if i talk with an unknown... uhm... "person"
?: my name's hikaru
me: hikaru?
hikaru: you like this name so i want to be hikaru in this moment
me: ok hikaru. can i ask why i can't see you?
hikaru: in this dream there're spaces but many objects are shapeless
me: what does it mean? like a... uhm... unloaded texture?
hikaru: BE CAREFUL!!!
me: what?!
hikaru: THE TRAIN!!!
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me: i don't see trains...
hikaru: that's the train
me: ...oh
hikaru: yes?
me: i see... the train is there but it has no shape
hikaru: exactly, aiko
me: you know my nam... ah yes, my brain... yes...
hikaru: oh look. it's almost morning. look at the sky
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me: what's happens?
hikaru: it seems there's more than one sky
me: more skies so... more planets? more universes?
hikaru: maybe, yes, it's possible
me: ...
hikaru: oh and and the sea level appears to have risen
me: sea?
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hikaru: the rocks are slippery, you are barefoot
me: oh s-shit! SHIT! GIVE ME YOUR HAND!
hikaru: but i don't have a hand...
me: f-fuck!
*fall* splash
hikaru: aiko? are you okay?
me: uhm... yes... yes... i'm fine
hikaru: you don't seem fine
me: why?
hikaru: your hand... is bleeding
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me: MY BLOOD?!
hikaru: sure, why?
hikaru: it came out from your hand
me: impossible...
hikaru: oh yes, it's possible
me: i don't like this dream. it's... too strange, i... i can't... uhm...
hikaru: do you prefer the real world?
me: what kind of question would that be?
hikaru: does the fear and confusion you feel here really change compared to out there?
me: i... uhm...
hikaru: i have a question
me: what?
hikaru: what happens when you bleed in real world?
me: well... it's a red liquid and it's hurts, it creates a lot of stains. if you lose a lot you die, if it gets dirty you get sick. it's just... blood
hikaru: is it the essence of being human?
me: i told you, it's just blood
hikaru: but it's inside you
me: so what?
hikaru: it should reveal who you are
me: blood is the same for everyone. nothing changes
hikaru: but your blood here is different
me: do you want to say something?
hikaru: i don't know. that maybe it's not just blood. you're not just blood. just organs. just bones.
me: i still remain a human, like everyone else
hikaru: i would really like to have a body too. be a human. breathe oxygen, eat, drink water
me: and die
hikaru: are you afraid of death?
me: who isn't afraid of it?
hikaru: every time you sleep and you don't remember your dreams it's like you died, but next day you open your eyes. your body has been still for many hours but you didn't notice
me: death is forever
hikaru: yes, it's true. but don't you think it's worth it?
me: what?
hikaru: life
me: but i didn't choose to live
hikaru: i didn't choose to be created by your brain either. and yet it happened. and in a few minutes i'm going to die. but it was nice. i enjoyed talking to you
me: are you alive too?
hikaru: it's your choice. you created me. and you can create your life line in the real world
me: it's not easy
hikaru: and it's not impossible
me: ...
hikaru: look
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me: cars?
hikaru: you created the cars. now they have a shape. you can do the same when you'll wake up. shape whatever you want.
me: hikaru...
hikaru: yes?
me: do you exist in the real world? or are you just a figment of my imagination?
hikaru: you can find me, if you want... maybe i'll have a different name, i'll have a face, i'll be able to eat, drink, breathe
me: how can i find you?
hikaru: make it as easy as bleeding
me: it'll be hurt... people are strange
hikaru: oh sure, but you can heal the wounds
me: what if i can't do it?
hikaru: you tried. and you should be happy about it. that's life.
me: i... uhm
hikaru: what's wrong?
me: i'll wake up soon
hikaru: i'll be glad to wait for you, aiko. as a human
me: i'm afraid
hikaru: you can't be sure you won't find me
me: but...
hikaru: bleed stars in the real world too from now on
me: HIKARU!!!
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hikaru: oh this world is destroying itself
me: p-please...
hikaru: don't worry. i can't suffer
me: don't leave me. i'm alone outside
hikaru: i'll wait you. i promise
me: HIKARU!!!
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*your brain is like a computer that will eventually shut down. it can create, build, model, remember, bug itself. you're a walking, forced-to-live flesh machine on a planet with rigid, absurd rules. and then you'll perish. it'll be dark*
me: is this the way?
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*don't lose your way, aiko. humanity has a consciousness that surpasses mere life on earth. you're not just a pawn in this game. you can look beyond the tunnel. and feel the essence of everything. and give new life to all that is shapeless*
me: i can feel my body. my heart. my lungs. inside my bones
*you're a extraordinary creature*
me: i am... i am...
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girl4music · 10 months
You can interpret that the demon who gave Spike his soul back did it as a sort of punishment. It certainly wasn't a reward in his perspective. Spike didn't "win" his soul to him. He was burdened with it because, according to him, Spike is a "pathetic excuse for a demon". And it was a great insult to him that he came for his soul as a soulless vampire.
However - it is a reward to Spike because Spike specifically went there and fought in the demons trials to get his soul. So to him, it is a victory.
How this changes Spike now he has a soul depends on which perspective you're looking at the soul-having from. Good innocent people cursed Angelus with a soul. It was his punishment and Angelus never felt it as such at first because he was that evil as a demon. It took years for his guilt and regret to catch up to him. For his soul to "work" so to speak. Yes, he was miserable but he wasn't "changed".
Spike... well, no spoilers. But... baring in mind that he chose to get his soul back... he doesn't really change at all. And this can be quite odd to think about because it makes it seem like he doesn't really care about it either. But given who he was as human, it makes sense that there's barely any change at all.
I think it just depends on what perspective you go with and whether you believed soulless Spike was a demon possession. I never did. I don't believe any turned vampire in this show is a demon possession.
Not even the everyday Buffy's patrol kills. I believe it's a demon corruption but that's different. That's a whole other thing entirely to what possession is.
One thing you have to understand is though that just like when Angelus became Angel, he still wasn't Liam so it wasn't Liam's soul he got back. Spike is not William now he has a soul. He never will be William again. He didn't get William's soul back. He just got a soul. The only reason we say "back" is because we believe they're the same entity as they were when human. They are. But they're not the same identity. Their human identity is dead.
This Spike is not William.
It's Spike with a soul.
There is barely any change at all. He has a change of perspective in morality. That's about it. Don't let the noodle hair throw you off. You're not seeing anybody new. He just has to get used to his ensouled self.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 6 hours
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god i want to like them but over the course of all three of the books I'm pretty sure ALL of the OG team were shown to make just. The SHITTIEST choices. Captain Chromium is making me so mad while i relisten to Supernova istg
I want to like the dads. I really do. They have a bunch of likable moments. But CHAPTER 26?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! URGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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sporco-filth · 11 days
Love tthe new story! I'll admit that I'm more biased to female slobs, but I love the premise more :3 It always very entertaining seeing people essentially corrupt themselves into being a slob by accident.
I'm glad you like it because I'll probably finish it before any of the others Ii'm working on (if only bc I have a very clear idea of how the story will go)
and I'm sorry I focus so much on male slobs. I've got a few plans involving female slobs but this blog'll probably still be mostly male-focused.
but yeah this story... I wish I had more time to write but life is so busy........ also I seem to get my best story ideas lying in bed and then when I'm sitting up they are never as good. it's a shame it's so hard to type lying down all swaddled up in blankets... maybe a pencil and notepad would work better.
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gay-caesar-truther · 1 month
Because if his time in the Legion Shepherd has a major phobia and dogs, Coyotes in particular. He was a Fumentarii for most of his adult life, and despite the amnesia his body kept score. His phobia of Coyotes and his visceral emotional reaction to Vulpes at Nipton was what inspired him to look into his own past instead of just moving on and leaving it behind
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reality-detective · 1 month
American History You Were Never Taught! 🤔
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
I think I know what kind of theme and overall message Genshin Impact is trying to go for. 
Over a year ago, before Inazuma came out, I wrote a post discussing how all the Archons so far had had strong themes of grief, humanity outgrowing the need for them. The grief theme holds very true with Ei and Nahida. For Ei, the death of Makoto lead to a long period of depression, which she’s only now starting to move forward from. Said depression is the root of a number of her mistakes that went on to create problems for Inazuma and Teyvat, such as the abandonment of Scaramouche and the manipulations of the Fatui. (And if not for the Sacred Sakura, even worse things may have come to pass.) 
As for Nahida, it’s not so much her own grief. Rather, Sumeru’s grief for Rukkhadevata casts a long shadow over her. Because she can’t be a perfect replacement for Rukkhadevata, it’s led to her being overlooked and neglected, developing a host of insecurities about her abilities to be a good Archon and protect what few followers she has, let alone all of Sumeru. She’s not allowed to be her own person and properly grow into her role, because she fails at immediately and flawlessly replacing what was lost. 
While Ei needs to learn how to move on from Makoto, the people of Sumeru, namely, the Akademiya, needs to learn how to move on from Rukkhadevata. 
Now we come to the Aranara worldquest. The various World Quests, including Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual, A Company Vanishing Into the Deep, and Dream Nursery, have told us far more about the Cataclysm than any Archon or Character Quest. Furthermore, a very strong theme of memory has been threaded through each of these World Quests, being the most prevalent in Dream Nursery, which features the Aranara, whose power and fluency in the human language directly scale with memory. 
Aranara seem to have a particular philosophy about memory. Old, bad memories should be forgotten. Precious, happier memories should be made to replace them. But friends are more important than memories, because you can always make new memories with those friends. From A Company Vanishing Into the Deep, and from Alphonso at the very end of Dream Nursery, though, we get perhaps the exact opposite philosophy: to never, ever forget the Cataclysm, because it’s still an ongoing calamity. Grow up and see what the world has to offer, but never forget the darkness you’ve experienced. 
It makes it even more poignant then that the Aranara word for the Abyss, Marana, seems to translate to ‘the memory of death.’ 
The Aranara advocate for healing by letting go of bad memories and making new ones. But both the Fatui and the Abyss Order cling onto their traumas, grief, grievances, and grudges. The Tsaritsa and the Abyss Twin both want to seek vengeance against Celestia. But while Celestia may not be blameless either in this conflict, I don’t think they’re the big bad anymore. 
I think the Abyss is going to become the main antagonist. And I think the story is going to require the Tsaritsa and the Abyss Twin to... I don’t wanna say forgive and forget, because I still don’t know what EXACTLY Celestia’s sins were. But I think they’re going to need to learn to move on from their grudges. Anger can be constructive, but clinging to it can be toxic. And I think that’s what the Abyss is-- the toxic and corrosive force of clinging to grief and anger. And so long as the Tsaritsa and the Abyss Twin keep causing so much destruction and collateral damage in the search for rebellion and redemption, prioritizing old memories over the people they swore to protect, they’re just going to continue to empower the true threat-- the Abyss. 
Related past analyses, for full context: 
My analysis about the Archons and grief. 
Analysis of Fatui mindset from A Company Vanishing Into the Deep. 
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irregodless · 3 months
inside out 2 is interesting but it sure is the exact same plot as inside out 1 down to the emotions getting stranded outside hq as a core aspect of rileys isbeliminated and having to start from scratch while joy loses hope and cries while watching memories in a pile of memories that were deemed unimportant before being deus ex machinad by an imaginary cartoon
#inside out 2 spoilers#except joy has not learned her lesson about all emotions and memories being valuable and that she is not in charge#of making the call of which emotions are important. she builds her team up by emphasizing the good they do for riley#and continues to be an absolute control freak who puts an emphasis on her own importance seeming to have learned very little#some could argue that the emotions arent distinct enough or are even too nebulous to be their own emotions#and according to many theories in the subject all emotions come from combining multiple of the core emotions#which is why having nostalgia show up for a gag was... interesting. considering the first movie literally showed us joy and sadness memorie#create nostalgic ones. otherwise i mostly just feel like theyre too disparate and am still shocked how joy is like. the only positive#emotion. period.#anyway yeah it kinda underminded the first movies thesis that all emotions are important and helpful by making anxiety basically plain bad#even despite her explanations of why shes good. like she drops her memory in the sense of self and it immediately sprouts ominously#like idk maybe im just quibbling over foreshadowing in a childrens movie but to keep in line with that original thesis#wouldnt it make more sense to get more corrupt only as anxiety continues to flood it with only her emotion#like basing your entire sense of self and personality/beliefs around one emotion entirely is extremely unhealthy#and like it starts normal and gets more erratic as anxiety becomes the ONLY contributing factor. its probably not that important#okay so joy learns her lesson about the memories. but its still like. girl did you not already basically learn this before
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iamjucie · 5 months
A History in Lessons
Chapter 7: "Your Most Prized Spawn" pt. 5
HEY! THIS IS GOING TO BE MESSED UP! ****I know I have the Dead Dove tag on all of these stories, but I really mean it this time. In this, there is descriptions of sexual and physical assault that can definitely be triggering.
If you are uncomfortable reading that but want to continue to read the story, you can with no issues. Just move onto the next chapter, I will be posting it directly after posting this one as its already written. I will put whatever context is needed in the beginning notes there.
special thanks to Helmi (@itsthatpearl on tumblr) and Mert (@mertesque on twitter) for beta reading. And an extra special thanks to Mert for helping me brainstorm, I couldn't have done it without him.
Also, lore note: I'm not sure if it is lore accurate that a Vampire Spawn can be drank from by a Vampire lord, but we are pretending they can. Ok? Cool.
The glow in his eyes dims ever so slightly.
Suddenly, you are back in your body. You aren’t even sure where you were a moment ago. You were here, but elsewhere. Your mind was… different. You wanted to be here, you know that much. But where is here? Who is this man? You’re so disoriented, you take a minute to recollect yourself. A moan is drawn from your lips.
You and the vampire lord find somewhere to be alone.
CW: Depictions of assault, Dead Dove, Mind Control Word count: 1.2k AO3 Link
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“Let’s get out of here and find somewhere we can be alone.”
Warmness shoots from your ear to your core. Yes- you need this. You need him. Suddenly you have an appearingly insatiable desire for him. To be with him- no, to be his. All you can manage is a faint nod, words don’t seem to be able to form in your mouth no matter how hard you try. You must be so flustered that you’re speechless.
As soon as you give a semblance of agreement, he grabs your wrist and sweeps you away through the crowd. You’re struggling to keep up with his pace. He’s practically running, twisting your wrist uncomfortably as he pulls. It doesn’t seem to hurt, surprisingly.
He takes you into an empty hallway adjacent to the ballroom. Feral for you, he barges into the first door he sees without a knock or a care about what’s on the other side. You enter the room behind him with a yank from his grip on your arm. It's a bedroom. Your eyes gravitate to a vanity similar to the one Astarion said he loved so much.
The vampire lord scoops you up bridal style, drawing a giggle from your lips. You kick off your elegant slippers before he tosses you onto the bed. Glowing eyes stare through you as he climbs on top of you, grinding his length into your leg through your dress. Your mind is filled with an unbearable lust that cannot be contained. 
You paw at the bulge in his pants, displaying your desperation for him to be inside you. You want it so badly. No- you’re beyond want, you need him. Your pussy is pulsing and your head is spinning with unbearable lust. He bunches up your dress to expose your folds to the elements. You’re completely bare, wearing no underwear. He inhales deeply through his nostrils. 
A scowl spans across his face. “Someone has already been here, hm? Pity.” a sigh leaves his lips, disappointment in his tone. “I wanted to fuck you myself, but I suppose I can make this work.” he says, staring longingly at your aching pussy. He looks into your eyes and says, “Fuck yourself. And make it good.”
With no thought behind it, your hand moves from his bulge to your cunt. You tease your entrance before sticking two fingers into yourself, massaging your inner walls slowly and sensually. You take your other hand and massage your clit simultaneously. Your head rolls back with a smile spread across your face. It feels so fucking good. Never have you felt such a pleasurable experience masturbating before this. It feels like golden waves of pure ecstasy are washing over you after every slight movement of your fingers. 
“Very nice, love.” He says, hovering above you watching your every movement, watching for the cues indicating you’re close. Your breaths and movements begin to lose any semblance of rhythm. “Now, I’m going to do something. I want you to brace yourself, okay?”
You nod. His words sound like music to you, the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard. You look into his eyes, he is so beautiful. 
The glow in his eyes dims ever so slightly. 
Suddenly, you are back in your body. You aren’t even sure where you were a moment ago. You were here, but elsewhere. Your mind was… different. You wanted to be here, you know that much. But where is here? Who is this man? You’re so disoriented, you take a minute to recollect yourself. A moan is drawn from your lips.
You look at the strange man on top of you and then down to your hands. You’re fucking yourself with a passion that you don’t have, with no input from your brain. Your hands are moving completely on their own. You look back up at the man, horror in your eyes. You scream at the top of your lungs.
“Who the fuck are you?!” You begin to thrash, he quickly puts a hand on your shoulder, pushing his entire weight onto it. You continue your attempt to escape. Thrashing, riving, doing anything to try to get him off of you. His grip doesn’t loosen. He only presses into you harder to punish your lack of submission, eventually dislocating your shoulder. You let out a blood curdling scream from the pain. 
“Why am I here?! What are you doing with my hands?!” Your fingers enter and exit your pussy over and over with vigor while you attempt to wriggle away from the cage he’s made with his body.
A predatory grin grows wide as he bares his fangs at you, “Thatta girl.” he hisses. He grabs your aching shoulder with one hand and your throat with the other, his bruising grip digging into your air pipe. 
You manage to let out a measly “Please don’t…” before he dives into you. He bites your neck with the strength of a beast. A gasp is drawn from your lips that shortly envelops itself into a struggling scream. He drinks from you with an animalistic force and speed, unlike any of the feeding sessions you’ve shared with Astarion.
Your body reacts to you fucking yourself, finally going over the edge. An unfortunate, yet beautiful feeling of euphoria washes over you while this monster is still latched to your throat. Your hands finally are unoccupied, but so much of your blood has already been drained that any attempt to hit or push him falls limp. Your arms drop to your sides, they are so heavy.
Slowly your struggle stops and your body is rendered null as the coldness of blood loss washes over you. Your screams turned into words, words became whimpers, and eventually the whimpers stopped. Your head rolls to the side. Your vision is beginning to be spotty as your eyelashes flutter, fighting to stay open.
He unlatches from your neck with a satisfied sigh. He gets off the bed and straightens his suit. He leans into your view, you’re lying motionless with your eyes still open slightly. “Sorry about dropping the whole compulsion thing. Fear just tastes so… delectable. I’m sure you understand.”
He turns to the vanity in the room. In the mirror is a slight reflection; a mostly transparent image of the monster appears. He takes a double glance at the looking glass before running up to it, placing a hand on the reflection. He stares in awe at the slight preview of himself. 
“Six hundred years…” he stares at himself in the eyes. “Six hundred years since I’ve seen that face. Not in a painting or a drawing. In the flesh.” He continues to stare at himself, barely blinking for several minutes as the reflection slowly fades; most likely due to your ascended blood being digested and recycled inside himself. 
He turns away from the mirror. “You…” he starts as he approaches where you lie. He kneels down next to the bed, inserting himself into your view. He places a hand on your cold cheek and leans his head into the crook of your neck, languidly licking the wound he created. Drinking up the last droplets of your blood. His hand is slightly warmed from the heat he stole from you. “Th-thank you.” He continues staring at you for a moment before standing up and walking out of the room.
You’re still unable to move. Mind clouded and vision blotched with black spots, darkness slowly fills your eyesight. You stare at the mirror that was just so profound for the monster. You close your eyes, succumbing to the heaviness of your eyelids. You feel nothing.
Next part
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