#I was sooooo into it thinking about this story when I woke up today
sporco-filth · 11 days
Love tthe new story! I'll admit that I'm more biased to female slobs, but I love the premise more :3 It always very entertaining seeing people essentially corrupt themselves into being a slob by accident.
I'm glad you like it because I'll probably finish it before any of the others Ii'm working on (if only bc I have a very clear idea of how the story will go)
and I'm sorry I focus so much on male slobs. I've got a few plans involving female slobs but this blog'll probably still be mostly male-focused.
but yeah this story... I wish I had more time to write but life is so busy........ also I seem to get my best story ideas lying in bed and then when I'm sitting up they are never as good. it's a shame it's so hard to type lying down all swaddled up in blankets... maybe a pencil and notepad would work better.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2023 Qatar Grand Prix - Sprint - Oscar Piastri
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We'll Save You (3/4)
Janus has a bad day and finds himself in the library. Things can only go up from there..
| <- Previous Chapter | Next Chapter -> |
TWs: No explicit tws for this chapter I dont think - but as per the fic there are vague references to past trauma.
Word Count: 2349
Notes: Hey look, it's me updating a fic I haven't updated in six and a half months!!!
I got inspiration to finish writing this third chapter after an ask game on tumblr - sooooo that's cool!
I don't know what I'll write for the final chapter, I do hope to do something, but it might be another six months, unfortunately.
Janus was having a horrible day.
He knew it the moment he woke up that today just wasn't going to be good, as days sometimes were. He'd woken up feeling phantom bruises on his arms and legs. His breakfast had tasted like dirt when Anxiety brought it - he'd seemed to notice Janus' mood and left quickly with a small reassuring smile. He’d taken extra care to brush his hair over the left of his face today, seeing the scales made him feel sick. 
He'd eaten quickly and changed into a comfortable set of clothes from the wardrobe that Prince had been steadily filling. He couldn't help how he felt a little guilty putting on such soft, lovely clothes. Such things were meant for people who had earned them. Janus was sure he'd done no such thing. 
He'd snuck from his room, attempting to stay out of sight from anyone who he might cross paths with - any servants and especially Prince or Anxiety. He really didn't feel like talking right now.
Somehow, he'd managed to find his way back to the library he'd found a short while before. He hadn't quite found the time to visit it since. When he found it, though, he quickly worked out that no-one seemed to be inside. It was quiet, as libraries should be. 
For a moment, Janus considered that he had no idea how he was supposed to find a book that he wanted to read in this library. It was so huge with so many shelves, so many isles and nooks and crannies - which was perfect with him wanting to hide, but did make things a little difficult. 
Somehow, though, when Janus thought about what he wanted to read, his instincts seemed to start pulling him in a certain direction - toward a certain shelf.
Eventually he found the place the library seemed to be leading him to - a shelf of books about… mortals. Reading the covers led him to believe they were fictional - mortal written stories about… romance. 
He picked out one that seemed to be more interesting and then - once he had the book firmly in hand - the library seemed to begin pulling him in another direction, this time leading him to a small nook that sat off of the main library, featuring a plush red rug over hardwood floor and a wonderfully soft looking sofa across from a roaring fireplace. 
The curtains over the windows on one side of the room were drawn, only letting slivers of sunlight through where they hadn't quite been closed properly. Janus smiled, it was cozy, the room was comfortably warm and when he tentatively took a seat on the sofa he found it just as wonderful as it looked.
He didn't know how long he had sat there reading, but it must have been a long time, because he had nearly finished the book when he noticed that any time had passed at all. The nook the library had led him to was the perfect place to hide from the fear and guilt that still plagued him about everything. The perfect place to get lost and forget how everything felt so wrong. How every moment he wondered when the second shoe would drop, how he feared the moment they'd force him to attempt some impossible task just to punish him for failing..
Janus tried to clamp down on those thoughts, attempting to focus his brain back onto the words he was seeing on the page before him. The main character was part way through screaming at her previous partner for 'cheating' on her at the beginning of the book, and Janus was interested to see whether she would be punished for such a thing.
But then most of this book didn't make sense. It was mortal written, the labels on the shelves had said so, and supposedly reflected reality, but Janus found it mentioned many things he didn't know or hadn't heard of before. The female characters were working jobs and standing up to their partners without being hurt or worse. The world described in this book was nothing like the one he had known. 
Thinking about just how much time he must have missed only served to make his bad mood worse. So he kept reading. Regardless of the confusion he faced, he hoped the story ended well. Maybe he'd try the fantasy section next - at least there was no expectation for him to understand the world there.
"Why hello Deceit!" Said a cheerful voice that had Janus' eyes snapping up from his book - he was only a chapter away from finishing. Prince stood in the doorway, leaning casually against the opening with a thick book tucked under his arm. He was wearing a less extravagant outfit today than usual, a simple loose shirt with a plain corset and trousers. He wasn't even wearing shoes. Somehow despite his overall casual look, Prince still looked somewhow… tense.
Janus really didn't feel like talking much today, not with anyone, and Prince's peppiness only served to make him feel worse about his own bad mood, so he simply waved.
"Ah, bad day?" Prince asked, Janus nodded, "May I sit?" 
He just shrugged and went back to reading, unable to help the way his eyes wondered to Prince just about every time he paused. He had sat down on the opposite end of the couch, wings draped over the armrest and feet tucked up in front of him, only just not getting in Janus' space. 
"What are you reading?" Prince asked eventually, wings rustling. Janus showed him the book cover and he nodded in what must be approval, *Marian Keyes? Good choice." 
Minutes later, Janus realised that he was pretty sure Roman hadn't turned a page the entire time he'd been sat here. He sighed, finishing the last few pages before setting down the book on a side table and going to stand up. He almost missed the way Prince's expression turned near distraught when he left the sofa, though when he looked back over he was back to frowning at the same page. 
Did Prince want him to stay? What was going on? 
Carefully, he settled back down with a glance at Prince, who didn't look up but visually relaxed just a little all the same. 
"Are… you olright?" Janus asked eventually, unable to get the off feeling out of his head. Prince looked up in surprise, before sighing.
"You really are an observant one, aren't you?" Prince said softly.
Janus frowned, unsure of what Prince really meant. Was that bad? 
"I suppose I'm not having the best day," Prince continued, "But I wouldn't want to concern you with my problems when you still have so many of your own to deal with." 
"I appreciate that," Janus said eventually, before taking a deep breath, "But I did ask, what's wrong?" 
"I-" Roman started, before letting out a breath of air from his nose, his feathers drooping, "I will be okay, today just seems to not be on my side."
Janus nods slowly, "I think I'm having the same problem, can I… .help?"
"How would you help?" Prince asked, raising an eyebrow. Janus frowned.
"A hug?" Janus suggested anyway, glad he'd gotten the word for what Anxiety had done with him from the book he'd read, "Anxiety said you like them when you're upset."
"They did?* Prince asked, before smiling, "Of course they did."
Prince shifted, placing down his book and sitting up properly before opening his arms - Inviting Janus for a hug. 
He hesitated for a moment, before shifting down the sofa and wrapped his arms around Prince, careful not to touch his wings - he wasn't sure quite how private they were, before attempting to relax against him 
Prince sighed, squeezing him gently and leaning forward to rest his chin atop Janus' hair as he ran a hand through the curling strands. Janus couldn't help but relax too, relishing in the more gentle touches. This wasn't something he was used to, and the way Prince's hand felt in his hair was new and gentle and felt simply wonderful. 
"I may also be hiding," Prince admitted quietly, voice muffled by Janus' hair.
"From what?" Janus asked, just as quiet, he worried that if he spoke any louder it would ruin the peace.
"Vee," Prince admitted with a small chuckle, "I ate the last slice of his cake." 
Janus couldn't help the way he tensed, though Prince seemed to notice, gently running his fingers down his back, somehow drawing the tension from his shoulders. 
"Don't worry, sweetheart," Prince said, "It's nothing serious, a little playful squabbling at best."
"He won't hurt you, right?" Janus asked, frowning into Prince's shoulder. He liked Prince - and Anxiety too, though it was taking a little more to warm up to them. He didn't want either of them to hurt each other, especially not over something like a cake. 
Prince shook his head, "Most certainly not, it's all in good fun, they know I'm not having a good day, so it's all light-hearted."
"Okay," Janus said, eventually settling down in Prince's arms again. This felt like it was lasting longer than the 'hug' in his book had, and the one Anxiety gave him too, and those hadn't involved quite so much contact, but Janus was comfortable here. He found he didn't want to move, and Prince seemed quite content to hold onto him and play with his hair too, so Janus felt it maybe wasn't so bad.
“Ah, so this is where you’ve been hiding?”
The peace in the library room was broken by another voice. Janus found now that he was startled into wakefulness that he’d been dozing off cuddled up to Prince’s chest. He looked up to see Anxiety standing in the doorway, arms crossed, though their expression softened a little when their eyes fell on Janus. Prince looked a little worried, but he was still smiling.
“Hello sweetie, what’re you doing in here?” Anxiety asked, tilting their head a little.
“Um..” Janus said awkwardly - suddenly wondering if they’d be upset that Janus had been actively cuddling their partner. 
Coming to his rescue, Prince answered for him, “I found Deceit reading in here, he noticed I was upset and offered a hug - I suppose I got a little carried away...”
Anxiety laughed, a small sound that they covered their mouth with a hand to hide, “Cute,” They said, “Are you okay with being cuddled like a pillow, sweetie?”
“Yes,” Janus said too quickly for his own liking - but it was still true, “It’s - it’s kind of… nice?”
“Awwe,” Prince cooed, sitting up a little and pulling Janus back into his chest. 
Chuckling, Anxiety looked at them both for a moment, “You two look adorable, mind if I join you?”
“Of course, my darling,” Prince said, reaching out for him, “As long as the little cutie is okay with it?”
It took Janus an embarrassingly long time to realise that Roman was referring to him with that cute nickname, but with cheeks flushed red, Janus nodded. He wouldn’t mind Anxiety joining them. Nodding, Anxiety walked over, perching on the edge of the sofa next to them until Prince used one of his wings to pull them closer. 
Eventually, after a little bit of shifting around in order to get comfortable, Janus found himself sandwiched between the two faeries, Prince was comfortably warm while Anxiety balanced out that warmth with their gentle coolness. Prince’s wings were wrapped neatly around them and Anxiety was gently carding their fingers through the primary feathers whilst they rested their head on Janus’ shoulder. Janus couldn’t help but notice the way Prince shivered with every stroke of Anxiety’s slender fingers - those feathers looked so soft, though.
“Would you like to try?” Anxiety asked, looking passively at Janus as he paused in running his hands through the feathers. Blushing, Janus ducked his head before looking up at Prince for permission. The faerie in question was looking serenely at them both - as if totally at peace. 
“Of course, little one, go ahead,” Prince said softly, running his fingers through Janus’ hair once more, “Vee will show you where not to touch.”
And so began a lengthy explanation of the parts of Prince’s wings and which parts were more sensitive or intimate to touch. Janus felt he was right to avoid touching them earlier. It seemed the fluffy feathers nearest where his wings joined his back were sensitive, as well as some other spots where there were apparently glands. Anxiety assured him that the tops of the wings and primary feathers were the safest spots to touch if he ever wanted to. 
The explanation ended with Anxiety holding Janus’ hand against theirs to guide his fingers through the soft feathers - they were just as soft as they looked. Prince let out a soft, happy sigh. 
“He’s sweet, isn’t he?” Anxiety asked him a little while later after Prince’s soft breaths had evened out and he’d fallen asleep holding Janus against him with his nose buried in his hair. 
“Yes,” Janus agreed, before covering his mouth as he let a yawn slip out. 
“Why don’t you fall asleep too?” Anxiety said gently, “I think you both need it, and I think he’d appreciate you being there.”
Janus yawned again, settling in with a happy sigh - he really did felt like he could fall asleep right here, and maybe Anxiety is right, he probably did need the rest. 
“Will you stay here too?” He said, not sure why moments afterwards. Normally he wanted to be around Anxiety especially as little as possible when he wasn’t feeling his best. Anxiety seemed just as surprised as he did.
“Of course,” They said regardless, “Of course I’ll stay - we’ll both be here when you wake up.”
Leaning forward, Anxiety pressed a gentle kiss to Janus’ forehead, making him feel a little like he was burning - like sitting by a fire after you’d just come in from a freezing winter. 
Easily, Janus allowed himself to drift off to sleep, somehow feeling safe sandwiched between these two faeries. 
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @scalesfeathersnfur (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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blackbirdsnonsense · 5 months
You ever have one of those ideas that you know is a strong start to a story but you don't know if you'll EVER do anything more with it?
Yeah this is one of those ideas. There's so much promise with these two scenes but I have NO idea where to go with them from here! So hope you just enjoy being teased!
Morning at Monster High brought with it a hustle and bustle of students moving throughout the hallways to get to their classes on time. Students such as Frankie Stein who was rummaging through her locker for the right books for her next class. As she did so she was approached by her best ghoulfriends, Draculaura and Clawdeen Wolf.
“Hey Frankie! Ready for class?” Draculaura asked.
“Almost, I just need to get my clawculous book,” Frankie replied.
“I just hope today’s going to be a normal day,” Clawdeen scoffed.
“What do you mean?” Draculaura asked.
“Think about it, ghoul! We’ve had to deal with genies, aliens, voice stealing crystals and a Kraken! Just to name a few things! I’m ready for this scaremester to be nice and boring.”
“Wow, when you put it like that we really have been through a lot!” Draculaura remarked.
“Which means this should be a boring scaremester cause what else could go wrong?” Frankie joked.
“Don’t say that! You’re gonna jinx us!” Clawdeen warned.
“Oh come on, don’t tell me you actually believe in that stuff?!”
Suddenly the school shook as a loud explosion was heard coming from the courtyard out front.
“You were saying?” Clawdeen snarked before she, Draculaura, Frankie and a bunch of other students ran outside.
Once they reached the steps of the front entryway, they found a large smoking crater where half the courtyard used to be. As the smoke started to clear, they could make out a figure lying in the middle of the giant hole. She looked like a blonde human girl wearing a blue shirt, red skirt and a red…cape? She let out a soft, pained moan as she started to stir before she floated up into the air, revealing a red and yellow “S” symbol on the front of her shirt. She rubbed her forehead as she regained her senses. She looked over at the collection of monsters all staring at her and smiled nervously.
“Um…hi?” she said sheepishly.
“Hello…flying normie girl,” Draculaura replied awkwardly. “Are you…okay?”
“I…think so? I just…need to find out where I am.”
“How about we start with who are you?” Clawdeen insisted.
“Oh right. You can call me, Supergirl.”
Morning at Ever After High brought with it the hustle and bustle of students trying to get to their classes on time. That was except for Apple White, who merely stood in front of her open locker and stared at an old picture of her and Daring Charming. It was taken only a few months ago but it felt like a lifetime ago. Before she accidently freed the Evil Queen. Before she bit into that poison apple. Before…
The voice brought her out of her stupor with a start and she turned to see Raven Queen standing before her.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Oh, I’m fine,” Apple tried to line. “I was just…looking for one of my text books.”
“Uh huh,” Raven nodded, unconvinced. She then noticed the photo. “Sooooo…things still awkward between you and Daring?”
“Yeah,” she sighed.
“And…what about you and Darling?”
Apple reflectively touched her lips at mention of the other girl’s name. Darling Charming. The Charming that actually woke her from her enchanted slumber with a kiss.
“That’s…complicated,” she muttered.
“It doesn’t have to be,” Raven said, placing a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder.
Before Apple could respond, the school shook as a loud explosion was heard just outside.
“What was that?!” Raven shouted in surprise.
She, Apple, and some other students ran towards the front entrance of the school. Once they reached the front steps they found a giant, smoking crater in the front courtyard. As the smoke began to clear they could make out a figure lying in the middle of the giant hole. She was wearing a red shirt with gold armor shoulder pads and a pair of blue pants with stars down the sides and red boots. She let out a soft, pained groan as she stood up and brushed some of the black hair from her face to reveal a gold tiara with a red star in the center.
“Um…hello? Are you alright?” Apple asked as she cautiously approached the newcomer.
“I…think so. I just need to figure out where I am,” she replied.
“Maybe you could start with telling us who you are,” Raven suggested.
“My name is Diana, Princess of Themyscira. But you can call me, Wonder Woman.”
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esta-elavaris · 6 months
Sooooo, I was wallowing in self pity because there was no HWFG (no pressure to write or update! I just can’t be normal about that story) so I went to check your ao3 and was surprised to see that you’re a fellow James Norrington truther! It inspired me to rewatch the first two pirates of the Caribbean movies and I kinda fell into the norrington rabbit hole again.
That made me read fallen through time and I honestly became OBSESSED so when I was done with the chapters you posted for that story I immediately turned to catch the wind and,,,,,,, [insert unhinged meme about ripping out guts]. I started reading it on Saturday and I couldn’t put it down so I read through two nights and am now tired as fuck, sitting at work, trying to appear busy while still reading your story. What have you done to me!!! I just read the wedding night chapter (I’m going insane, that had no business being so hot???) and honestly, that was so rewarding? Very well written smut aside, the slow burn was soooo good and there were moments where I had actual tears in my eyes??? Theo’s pain when she overheard Elizabeth accepting James‘ proposal? AH!!!! I adore their relationship. The banter, the soft moments, their conflict, their quiet conversations (though I must say I maybe even like it more in fallen through time? He’s just so mean, suspicious and stupid at times in that one, I live for that). I feel like theyre the definition of „she fell first, he fell harder“ and at one point i was really reminded of something I’ve read elsewhere… it was something like „you’re looking at me with purpose“ and that’s just so spot on for James? He’s so devoted to her it makes my heart melt.
On that note, it’s so impressive how much research you’ve done?! And how much thought you’ve put into everything? It’s not easy to write for that time period (I say as a person with two degrees in history lol), especially when it comes to balancing the cultural differences between norrington and Theo? That made everything even more fun to read.
And it’s so impressive how you manage to have this story follow the events of the movies but for it to never become boring or repetitive? You manage to capture the characters we all know and love so well while also making them your own. Your James, of course, is spot on, but also Elizabeth and will? And in all honesty, I maybe like your jack sparrow more than the canon one. He serves as comic relief so much that you sometimes forget he’s a seasoned pirate and much more intelligent, provident and even dangerous than one might think. He feels much more human in your story in my opinion. And that moment where he returns to Tortuga and confronts Theo about the cannibals? I laughed so loud that my bf woke up lol
Okay so I’ll stop rambling now, I just wanted to drop by to tell you how much I love your work and how glad I am that I checked out your norrington/theo stuff. Theo is amazing and I love them both so much. My boss just left the building and I sure will spend the rest of my time at work today reading, they don’t pay me enough anyway. I so hope that her attempt at changing James’ fate will work out and I’m very anxious but also excited to find out where this all goes!
Sending love and appreciation from Germany!
I know I'm on a tumblr break but this is too nice and it has me crying too much to leave it to gather dust in my inbox 🫠🫠🫠
Thank you so so so so SO much!!!
Honestly Catch the Wind will always have a special place in my heart (the people who have sat and watched me continue to talk about it ~14 months after it was finished are like "we know, babe") because I wrote it like, being somewhat fond of Norrington but mostly to get the idea for a Boromir fic out of my system, and instead I ended up sick over Norrington and still writing the Boromir fic anyway. Buuut I mean I got my favourite project so far out of it so I can't complain, I just laugh at how I played myself. Tbf tho, it was a great thing because POTC was a great stepping stone towards even more intimidating LOTR territory!
I'm so glad the smut was decent, too! That was the first story I've ever written it for and I was so nervous about it 💀 I do completely agree with your view on Theo and James as a couple though - the falling first/harder, and the "you're looking at me with purpose" both. I just don't think he'd ever be the type to get complacent. He's not a man who lays on the charm to win the girl, before thinking "what's the point in continuing to try?" once he "has" her. I see him as being such a ride or die, insanely loyal, "that is my WIFE", Gomez Addams coded guy, I love him for it. Those sitcom coded jokes where a guy hates his wife the second he marries her would be the very opposite of his kind of thing. That's why I had so much fun giving him that back in Theo, considering Elizabeth doesn't return his feelings in the movies.
And I mean, I don't think he's owed that from her and I don't think less of her for not returning those feelings, she can't help it (although I do raise my eyebrows at anybody who'd choose Will over The Noz, but people are allowed to be wrong ig), and I think if anything it'd be worse if she did marry him in the end without having that same level of feeling, but it was just so nice to give him someone as dedicated to him as he was to her in Theodora 🥹 I also think Boromir has a lot of that in him, so I'm very excited about his future with Sybil.
I'm also so thrilled to hear the research went appreciated - a lot of it was very fun, like if I hadn't done an Eng Lit/Creative Writing degree, I would've gone into history (I actually almost did do a second degree in history but the funding didn't work out, so I stick to just reading a lot, which I'm cool with), and like most of it was fun, but there were times when I was googling a) the origin of the coffee table, and b) 18th century equivalents of a coffee table/accent table at 4am for the sake of one throwaway line where I did wonder about my path in life. I swear, I deep-dived into it in the notes usually because I at least wanted to make it clear when I had done my research vs when I was knowingly deviating (a few unknowing mistakes did slip through but I think how much research otherwise went into it kind of makes people more willing to overlook a mistake here and there?) but also because it meant I could get more out of said research binges than just one unnoticeable line in a random paragraph 🤡
And JACK. God. I could write a dissertation on Jack. What they do to his character in movies 4/5 are 90% of the reason I don't like them and have only seen them once each. The other 10% is that uhhh they're just crap. Like it's so, so clear in the first three - mainly because of JD's fab acting - that the eccentric thing masks a lot of intelligence and cunning. He'll do his whole "weirdo" shtick, and I don't even think it's entirely an act, I think he is truly eccentric to an extent, but there'll just be these really brief moments where there's just a gleam in his eye, or he'll be suddenly serious for 0.5 seconds and you see what's going on behind the mask, and you realise it is a mask. Whereas in 4/5 it turns into a thing of "idiot who bumbles around and finds his way by sheer luck", which was never what he was in the trilogy.
I also think his crew's reaction to him shows that he is more than willing to be a hardass captain when it comes to it - the moment off of the top of my head is when Cotton's parrot goes "walk the plank" in movie two and his gun is immediately out and he's not happy and they all kinda startle a bit. But even without glimpses like that, like, they're pirates. If he was weak, and he wasn't willing to be stern and not take shit, they wouldn't follow him, and he wouldn't be half as infamous as he is. They know he's odd, but it's clear they respect him, so he must have earned that respect.
He was the one I was most scared of having to write going into this thing (along with Barbossa and Beckett), because he's so easy to get wrong. I'm always so, so thrilled when I hear I did him justice!
Okay, I have written you an entire dissertation here, so I'll stop now and just say again THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!!! 💜💜💜 I've read this like ten times since I first received it, it had me grinning like an idiot every single time, I'm so grateful -- and I hope you like what I have in store for HWFG! The wait shouldn't be tooo long, I'm taking April off of posting but not writing, so ideally I'll have something to post in the very beginning of May!
(and I'll reply to your other ask in a bit, I just wanted to make it clear I wasn't ignoring this!!)
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jameswyerford · 10 months
I woke up early today to watch the last twinkmelon ep and tbh i don’t quite know how I feel about it kasjsjsh. for starters I agree with what you said about it. secondly I was SURE that the time travel would happen in the beginning of the ep and then we’d see scenes of the present intertwined with the past but they did the past sooo dirty. NO CHEONGAH GOODBYE???? when her father was like I’m taking her abroad I started to panic and didn’t stop until the very end about what that’d mean for her. just in general the lack of closure with the characters from the past feels sooo gaping. also I didn’t see anyone mentioning it but the family being rich in the future irks me out somewhat. I knew the present would change & having cheongah’s father around means money but that big empty house and family portrait and paparazzi around just added to the lack of closeness between eungyeol’s family that I could feel in the first eps. and why would cheongah want to leave in this place where she had a horrid childhood. their small flat with painted walls felt sooo much more homey and warm :( idk. eungyeol’s reunion with yichan also felt rushed and I kind of wanted them to meet at a similar point they left on in the present so they could reconnect but come from the place of a different perspective especially eungyeol. why do the go back to your father and explain his feelings to him yichan speech if it’s not even relevant anymore in the present!!!!! there are some other things but I guess I’ll leave it at this. as a side note I’m not trying to be negative but the characters and the concept of the story are sooooo good I just feel like they deserved a much better resolution. there are so many things this story could’ve done to be absolutely beautiful them going in a different direction leaves a bitter aftertaste
i think the problem with the drastic change in the new timeline is that we didnt get any scene of family together in the end,, everything felt so cold and distant i just wanted to see them in their house doing domestic stuff? like we didnt need that fancy ending to understand theyre rich and successful now (good for them btw #deserved) i just wanted to see them being... a family (?)
also i agree i hated how they made the family stay at cheongah's house as if it wasnt a traumatizing place for her like they could have put them in a new mansion idk akshksb
and i got nothing else to say tbh you made very good points, specially in the end because it is true that if only the writers had handled things better it could have been a perfect kdrama
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katwritesshit · 6 months
oh. my. god.
tw for absolutely atrocious writing and 9 almost 10 year old me thinking shes the shit
The Black             Dragon   1 
By (redacted)
Once upon a time there was a magical land.This land went by the name of Erada. In Erada there were races, magic and things we haven't even dreamed about. In it, there were four kingdoms, but now three. One was destroyed in a battle with the other continents. The others were terrorised by The Black Dragon. And this is where our story begins... 
In the third kingdom,Princess Nicky decided to slay The Black Dragon.It was rumored to be impossible. Nobody ever came back alive .But when Nicky decided to do something,she did it.She packed her bags,and quietly left the Castle.She wrote a note to her brother,Jay.She walked through the halls of the castle.She left no trace except for that note.She brought only a pack of food along with her. 
Jay woke up searching for Nicky .After about 5 minutes of searching he found a handwritten note. Jay, gone to slay the dragon:love Nicky. ”Oh Nicky,”sighed Jay.”When will you ever learn.” So he set out to assist her.Through the castle, down these stairs,past the river.He walked tentatively through the woods.Then he realised he had forgotten food.He stabbed a nearby rabbit and roasted it on a spit.Poor rabbit.He continued on to pursue his sister. 
 After many sleepless nights, Nicky arrived at Owls reach,or at least what was left of it. ”Nicky! Are you crazy!” Nicky turned around. ”Hello Jay!” she replied in an innocent voice,like she hadn't done anything. ”You're lucky I don't strangle you!” They continued down the road, kicking stones into the grass.When they reached the lair Nicky suggested Jay go first.He climbs up the mound of rocks in front of the cave. The biggest boulder on top slips and hits him square in the chest. He falls back to the ground.His breathing becomes hollow. 
 “We should see the wizard.” said Nicky hurriedly. ”Nicky.” Said Jay softly.”I can’t”. Nicky immediately knew something was wrong.”Jay,”She whispered. She pressed her head against his chest. Nothing.”HELP”She cried.Suddenly The Wizard came carrying a scroll and a gleaming green potion.The Wizard forced the potion down his throat.Jay gasped for air.”Jay I hate you sooooo much.”Said Nicky. ”Wow.Nicky, I JUST CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!”His voice rose.”Oh, Nicky did I mention you alone can slay the dragon.”Said the Wizard. ”What!” Screamed Jay.Nicky’́s face went pale. CHAPTER 5 
Nicky got on her brother’s armour,helmet,and sword.She could almost make out her life flashing before her eyes.She progressed through the smoke generated by the dragon.The dragon arose. ”It’s now or never.” Sighed Nicky. She charged toward the dragon.She flung her sword;the dragon spewed magma.At one point Nicky blinded the dragon with her sword .The dragon roared in agony.Magma wore down her boots.Just when it looked like Nicky was going to get covered in magma , a force pushed her out of the way.It was her brother,determined to save his sister;heir to the throne.He stabbed the monster right in the heart with a silver dagger.Although it meant perishing in the process. Where he found it was a mystery.
When Nicky arrived home a humongous party awaited her.The kingdom held a traditional funeral cerimonies.One for Jay ,who died during the battle. 5 years later Nicky had won a fiery debate between her sister. When Nicky arrived at the castle, she had been showered by thank you ́s and gifts.Her brother would have wanted her to move on her quest to unite the solitare kingdoms.So she did.But still, by age 21 she hadn't  forgotten that long ago day.Neither had her kingdom.But she was older now, married,2 children to care for.She couldn't leave again. Not now. Not today.”Thank you”She whispered into the sky,where surely,her brother was watching her.”, for everything.”
End Notes ::
1. i forgot Erida was originally spelt Erada what the fuckkk....
3. badass fmc settles down even though she clearly doesnt want to trope... eugh
5. onky 2 kids????? damn
6. grammar? i didnt know her
8. love the deus ex machina w the knife (sarcasm. i wanna kms.)
9. wizard?????? why???????????
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childofaura · 2 years
Some things you think the Atla fandom gets wrong
Sorry, I was out at an event for the weekend, so I didn't have time to pull up my computer to answer this one.
I'm... very curious about this ask because I haven't really talked about ATLA in a while since that Azula post that went to hell in a handbasket. But I feel like I can answer it now that I'm not hyped on caffeine and can word my thoughts a little better.
Sooooo... Things I think the ATLA fandom gets wrong:
The opinion that Aang not wanting to kill Ozai means that he's weak. I don't like this opinion because it really seems like people are forgetting that Aang is entrenched in a culture that focuses on peace and coexistence. Yes we know that the Air Nomads were capable of killing since we saw that Gyatso was able to beat some ass at the Air Temple, but you're asking a twelve-year-old boy to traumatize himself and kill someone. I think Aang thinking creatively and taking away Ozai's powers was for the best.
The opinion that Azula could have had a proper and satisfactory redemption IF HER CHARACTER ARC AND PERSONALITY HAD REMAINED THE SAME. And before I get any trigger-happy jackasses jumping on my case again, I am not looking at this from a standpoint of "no character can be redeemed", I am not looking at it from a "She's a girl therefore she can't be redeemed but Zuko can" (what even is that opinion that these people have???), AND NO I AM NOT COMPARING A FICTIONAL CARTOON CHARACTER TO REAL LIFE CHILD SOLDIERS, SHUT THE FUCK UP. The reason why Azula's redemption doesn't work is entirely from a character writing/story writing standpoint. She simply was not set up by the writers to have a proper and satisfactory redemption arc. Blame the writers. There's many female redemption arcs I've loved that TRULY work: Laevatein/Laegjarn, Nomura, Lady Micte (Yes, I would argue that even though she was a good guy for most of Maya and the Three, her "redemption" came from Maya's birth. She was fully willing to sacrifice Maya until she actually gave birth to her and felt that maternal love for her.), Lust in the 2003 FMA (though whether that was a true redemption or not is still up to debate), and so on and so forth. But had Azula had a redemption, it would not have felt earned nor fitting. I love Azula, I love how deliciously sadistic she is, how she plays around and toys with her enemies, how she knows how to get under the skin of her enemies just right. But I love her as a villain, the same way I love Atrocitus as a villain, how I love MK 95 Shang Tsung as a villain, how I love Skeletor and Evelyn and Kronis as villains, you get my point.
The opinion that Toph would have been labeled as "too woke" for today's standards of characters. Bro, you know what makes Toph amazing? She's BALANCED. She isn't invincible, she isn't always right, and she doesn't act selfishly to boost herself. She was COMPETENTLY WRITTEN. She LOSES her first fight with Aang, and after the dinner scene, she and Aang make amends and she shares a moment of vulnerability with him by opening up to him. She can't see if her feet aren't touching the ground and she can't properly fight in sand. She's stubborn and sometimes refuses to listen to people even when they're right and has consequences for it (insisting that she can help put up the posters for Aapa and then slamming it on backwards). If Toph had the same writing from back then and was shown today. she'd be showcased as what writers NEED to be doing instead of giving us shitty women like Smith's Teela, Amber, or She-Hulk.
That's honestly all I can think of. I'm sure this will stir the pot a bit but honestly I feel safe enough answering this.
0 notes
collecting-stories · 4 years
Sneaking Around - JJ (Outer Banks)
Request: Hello!! I love your JJ imagines! I was wondering if you could write one where they are secretly a thing behind everyone’s back and share quick kisses all the time and secret hand holds under the table, and then one night at a party or something everyone sees them alone looking soOoOo in love 🤪
Request: can you write 22 and 50 from the kiss list with jj? love your fics! xx
A/N: Was writing this while watching The Politician and got the lovely surprise of seeing Rudy for 2.5 seconds as an extra in episode 5. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
JJ leaned down, hands on the table between you and Pope, as he sat, kissing Pope on the cheek swiftly before kissing your cheek as well. Once he was situated you dropped your elbows from the table, your right hand finding his left. He glanced over at you, schooled expression in place, and then turned back to John B as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. His fingers laced with yours, holding your hand in his lap as you listened to your friends talk. His thumb traced circles on your skin. Your free hand propped your chin on the table, eyes fluttering every now and then as you tried to pay attention to the discussion at hand.  
It had happened at a party almost eight months ago. One of the upper classmen at Kildare County High School held a Halloween bash in a vacant house on figure 8. You dressed as Britney Spears circa 1998 in her famous school girl uniform though you’d traded her heeled maryjanes for an old pair of vans. You’d gone all out on the outfit; JJ had offered to drive you and there was nothing you wanted more than to impress him. You spent the whole night flirting with him, dancing with him. You thought maybe it wasn’t going to go passed that when JJ had spilled beer on you and somewhere between the kitchen and the laundry room you kissed him. Tipsy enough not to worry about the complications that pogue-on-pogue macking always led to. When you woke up in one of the bedrooms of the kook mansion the next morning, JJ beside you, you decided that you were sober enough not to let those complications stop you from being happy. But both of you knew what your friends would say so you agreed, no one could know. And no one did. You didn’t tell Kiara and he didn’t blab to John B and Pope.  
“That is not what happened!” Kiara shouted, leaning across the table to smack John B in the arm.  
JJ leaned over as the other three were distracted, lips brushing against your neck. You bit your  lip and covered your mouth with your hand. He kissed you neck, up to your ear. He pressed a kiss to your earlobe before whispering, “tonight?”
“My mom is staying at her boyfriend’s,” you replied, head turned just slightly, eyes on your friends so that if they looked over none of them would suspect anything.  
He kissed your jaw and then pulled away, cool air weaving into the space he once occupied as he tried to distance himself from you. When you decided that you would keep things a secret it was as if your brain suddenly developed a sixth sense for JJ. You suddenly noticed how many times the two of you sat together, shared a hammock, slept on the pull-out with each other. It had all been subconscious before but now it was all you could think about. Where you standing too close? Where you paying too much attention to him? Did the two of you spend too much one on one time together?  
The conversation died down again as Pope apparently gained the upper-hand in the story. When the waitress came around to get your order she stood at the other end of the table, giving JJ an excuse to press his body against yours as he leaned over, acting like she couldn’t hear him if he didn’t physically get as close as possible. Kiara tried to shush him when he got too loud and you winced at the sound of his voice in your ear. He was acting obnoxious on purpose because he knew it drew his friends attention away from how close he was to you. Pope grabbed his shirt and pulled him back into his place.
“Dude, shut up. You’re so loud.” He complained.  
“I second that.” You added, nudging JJ with your elbow.  
“I’m not being loud,” he replied, looking over at the waitress, “am I loud?”  
“Excuse him, he’s not trained yet.” Kiara said, glaring at JJ.
“I’ll get-” and just like that the table was being pulled back into ordering as John B read off the menu.  
JJ sat back in his seat, his hand reaching beneath the table for yours once again. You looked over at him, winking as you squeezed his hand. When he tried to wink back, both eyes closing instead, you bit your lip to stop from laughing out loud and drawing too much attention to the two of you.  
Once dinner was over and the bill had been divided amongst the five of you, you offered to take the money up to the counter. John B left to take the car around while Pope and JJ got into a miniature food fight, flinging leftovers at each other with their spoons. Pope held his fingers in a triangle as the food fight dissolved into food tabletop football.
“Guys!” Kiara hissed, leaning across the table and whacking JJ’s hand, “cut it out.”
“Oh come on Kie,” JJ whined, “that was gonna be a touchdown.”
“You guys are acting like five-year olds.”
“I think that’s an insult to five-year olds.” You replied, gathering the money and getting up from the table. You’d gone over it one more time to make sure that the tip was enough. As you stood you grabbed JJ’s wrist, “come on, I’ll babysit you. Kiara can take Pope out to the car.”
“I’ll behave please, don’t make me leave!” JJ said, raising his voice as he walked past crowded tables, catching other diners' attention as he went.
“Shut up.” You laughed, tugging his wrist to lead him to the counter. Once out of sight from your friends JJ twisted his arm and you released his wrist so that you could hold his hand. “You’re being ridiculous today.” You whispered.  
“You’re so mean to me.” JJ replied, pouting at you.  
“You’ll survive.”  
He looked back over to the table where Kiara and Pope had been. It was empty now, both of your friends going outside to wait in the bus with John B. Once you’d finished paying JJ pulled you toward the back of the diner, where the bathrooms were.
“What are we doing JJ?” You asked, laughing when he pushed you into the family bathroom.  
JJ didn’t answer you. Instead he backed you up against the sink and kissed you, hands on your hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers tugging at his hair as he lifted you onto the edge of the sink.  
“The guys are gonna notice that it’s taking us a long ass time to meet them outside.” You whispered as JJ laid kisses against your neck and collar. “JJ, are you listening to me?”
“I’m trying really hard not to.” He replied. His hands slipped under your crop top, fingers grazing just below your bikini as he continued to kiss and suck at your neck.  
“JJ.” You hissed, smacking his shoulder, “JJ.” You tugged his hair enough to pull him away from you. He squeezed your sides as his eyes met yours, pout on his face.  
“What?” He groaned.  
“We should go, there is no way they are gonna believe that it’s taking us this long to pay a bill.”
“Chill,” JJ leaned in and kissed you again, “they won’t know.”  
They didn’t. He was right. You told them you needed to use the bathroom and all three of them seemed completely willing to buy the story. On the ride back to the Chateau you sat in the back, cross-legged on the floor, against the bench. JJ sat behind you, legs on either side of you and you rested your head against his knee while John B drove.  
Parties weren’t always your thing but ever since you and JJ started dating parties were a preferable way to spend the night, especially if the two of you couldn’t get away from your friends. Parties meant lots of people pulling attention in every direction. It meant that no one noticed when you slipped away to John B’s room or an empty bedroom or the bus. Tonight, you were out by the hammocks when JJ found you, two beers in his hands.  
“Here,” he handed one over, sitting next to you on the hammock. You smiled, kissing his shoulder in greeting.  
“It’s so loud in the house.”  
The party that John B and JJ were throwing at the Chateau had spilled out into the front yard, a few different groups mingling with each other, far enough away that they didn’t pay you and JJ any attention. The music from inside the barely audible at the hammocks but in the living room it was loud, bass overwhelming the sounds of people talking. Kiara was inside, looking for you. She checked John B’s room, Big John’s room, the office, she even double checked the bathroom. You’d swiped JJ’s stash two nights ago as part of an ongoing series of pranks that the two of you were embroiled in and you’d promised to split it with her. Except she couldn’t find you.
“I saw her go outside.” Pope told her when she asked him and John B if they had any idea where you were.  
And you were outside. Sitting on one of the hammocks. JJ was sitting beside you, leaning back against the hammock, feet on the ground. You sat facing him, one leg up, behind him, and the other hanging off the side of the hammock. Your cups were empty and on the ground while the two of you sat there talking.  
The talking Kiara couldn’t hear but she could see the two of you. Sitting close. She watched, wide eyed, as you kissed him, shifting even closer as he leaned into you. Kiara ran back inside, grabbing John B and Pope to drag them out onto the porch where they could see the two of you.  
“What am I looking at?” John B asked, squinting against the lights of the porch and trying to see out into the yard.
“Oh my god!” Pope exclaimed, realizing what he was looking at, “no way, they’re together?”  
Kiara hurried off the porch, walking across the yard to the hammocks, John B and Pope following behind her.  
Hammocks weren’t on the top of your list as comfortable places to make-out but the hammock at John B’s house definitely beat some of the other places that the two of you had tried. Despite the discomfort, you were less inclined to pay attention to the ropes digging into your knee or the numbness that was starting to settle into your arm from JJ laying on it.  
“Hey!” Kiara shouted, catching your attention and causing you to roll off of JJ, pulling your arm from beneath his back and falling against the hammock.  
“Holy shit.” JJ sat up, recovering from the sudden interruption, “hey guys, how's it going?”
“What the hell you guys? Are you guys like...” Kiara looked between the two of you, eyes wide, “the rule guys!”
“Screw the rule.” JJ groaned.  
You looked over at him, surprised. “Seriously?”  
“Maybe we should,” Pope grabbed Kiara’s arm, nodding back to the house.
“I just want my half of the stash.” Kiara said, “you guys...do you.”  
“It’s in my glove compartment. My keys are in John B’s room.” You replied, “now can you guys like, leave?”
“Don’t have sex in the hammock!” John B called as they walked away, drawing the attention of a few partygoers.  
“Too late.” JJ hollered and you leaned over, smacking his arm.  
“Oh gross man!” Pope shouted.
You watched the three of them leaving before you leaned into JJ, letting him wrap his arm around you and kiss the side of your head. “What stash?”
“What?” You asked, tilting your head back so you could see his face.
“What stash? You ran out last week.”  
“I found more?” You offered, smiling at him.
“Oh my god! You stole my fucking stash!” JJ shouted, untangling himself from you and climbing out of the hammock. It rocked as he climbed out of it and you held on to the rope, laughing as it shook you.
“Wait JJ!” You called, halting him.  
“I can’t believe you used me to steal my stash.”  
“You’re so dramatic. I didn’t need to use you to steal some weed.” You joked.  
JJ turned back to you and, without warning, threw himself back onto of you on the hammock, sending the whole thing rocking once more. You screeched at the sudden burst of energy from him. You tried to slow the swinging of the hammock with your feet.  
“You’re crushing me.” You whined, pushing at him.
“That’s what you get for stealing my weed.” He said, shifting on the hammock so that he could hold himself up over you.  
“I didn’t steal it...I borrowed it?” You suggested, smiling at him.  
“Unbelievable, first you steal from me and then you lie to me?”  
“What are you gonna do about it?”  
JJ looked down at you, considering you for a moment until he leaned down, lips brushing against your neck, the hand that wasn’t supporting his weight pushing up your top as you pulled him closer to you. You closed your eyes, thinking briefly that John B was not gonna be thrilled about the state of his hammock in the morning.  
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @calumhoodsbuckethat @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @jolomez @timotaychalabae 
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the-moon-prince · 4 years
The Last Of us~Kurapika x Reader ~Chapter I
AN: Hi my lovely fellows! I’m making a Kurapika x reader! This will be the first chapter. Overall I’m trying my best for you to insert yourself in the story as good as you can. However, some point who are going to be relevant in the plot a little further, like (Y/n)’s age, Profession and first language have been modified.This is my debut as a fanfiction writer here on tumblr! 
As now, I wish you a pleasant read, and I hope you’ll enjoy the first chapter of my story. (Second coming soon!)
Paring: Kurapika Kurta x GN! Reader
Word count: 2 783
TW: None!
5 am The buzzing sound of the alarm loaded Kurapika's ears. The same noise as every morning. Another day to go on. He woke up with this peculiar feeling, but so familiar to him. That unnamed pain hit him again as his senses started to stir. The bed beneath him felt cold and foreign. The morning was dull to him. Seeking to shake the feeling away, he sat up and stretched. His limbs felt heavy, his eyes burned. Just another morn after a terrible night with limited sleep and disagreeable dreams. That tiredness was omnipresent in his life for the last months.  He immediately saw the space that wrapped him. Empty, just the drawer, nightstand, a lamp, and blank white walls. Finally, getting up from the bed and arranging the also white sheets. Going to the drawer and pulling out his work uniform; a white shirt, black trousers, black tie, and a black jacket. Taking his loose pajama pants and shirt off and starting to button the white shirt. Thinking annoyed at how he had to abide another day Neon dramatically said how sad, miserable, and lonely she felt. The fairly frustrating attitude she had been insisting on the last weeks. What did she know about misery and solitude? Once dressed, he left his bedroom to the tiny hall of his apartment. Leading to the small room alongside his. The big black door remained in front of him. He stared at it for a moment. A certain doubt in his mind made its presence. Lastly, he opened the door, glancing at the scarlet eyes floating on the jars displayed in the room, and closed the door. The emptiness seemed greater than the last morning. He wondered one more time while putting his shoes on, what did he yearn? What did he lack to feel once more this abyss? He stepped outside his home and took a deep breath, the swampy air feeling his lungs. And head straight to the Nostrade mansion. He passed the big entrance gate, the security of the Nostrade's residence, and arrived at the main room. Unlike what Kurapika might have thought moments ago, there was something new that morning. An unknown person was sitting on one of the multiple couches, apparently waiting. Wich piqued his curiosity. Their guise was quite formal and unique, white cigarette bottoms and a moss-green long-sleeved sweater with a white dress shirt underneath. However, the shirt's collar was embroidered with a peculiar decoration. A botanic motif of tiny red, yellow and blue flowers plus green leaves was along the tip of the collar. Naturally, Kurapika carefully observed the intruder to determine if it was a possible menace. The individual had (long/short/medium/ with bangs) (curly/straight/wavy)(hair color) hair; it was loose and a bit messy. Some strands were framing their face. Their body had a juvenile apparent, around one or two years younger than him however their face looked more childlike. Their gaze was lowered into the book, so Kurapika was unable to see the eyes. He just saw the (long/short) eyelashes moving with the occasional blinks the person gave and some eye bags from fatigue.   They were sitting with their legs crossed, one hand was holding the book, and the other was rubbing the green fabric of the sweater between the index and the thumb. They gave an overall serene aura. It wasn't long before a butler came near Kurapika. -"Mr.Kurapika, Sir. Nostrade requested to have the young guest to his office. For security reasons Sir. Nostrade wants one of the bodyguards to watch over the guest. Please take them there." Kurapika agreed with a quick "understood" and made his way towards the outsider. Kurapika stopped in front of the sitting figure. "Excuse me, Mx"- The person reading gave a slight quiver in surprise to immediately put the book down and look up at him with a subtle and soft smile. Despite looking up at him, they didn't look directly into his eyes, fixing more in his mouth.- "Mr.Nostrade charged me to take you to his office, please accompany me." he addressed the outsider with a secure tone. "Hello, and thank you" was the quiet response the stranger gave him. Getting up and ranging the book in a black side bag. "This way." The person quietly followed behind him through the hallway, examining the distinct decorations and pieces of furniture all over the mansion. Once the both of them arrived at the office's door, Kurapika gave a knock, letting their attendance be known, followed by a grave "Come in" from Light Nostrade. Kurapika rapidly opened the door and entered the room. At the center of the room was Light Nostrade, sitting at his big wooden desk. Accompanying the desk, a coffee table and matching sofas were placed over a luxurious carpet. In one of the sofas, Neon was sitting playing with one of her stuffed toys. Mr. Nostrade without a word gave the guest sign with his hand to sit down in one of the chairs in front of his desk, as the foreigner obliged. "Neon, this is (Y/n), they're your new companion and therapist. As you have let me know lately, you've been feeling bored and alone. As your dad, your welfare concerns me. So I searched for one of the best professionals to improve your state." -The man addressed the young girl next to him, to take the phone to his desk right away and address it to someone on the other line-"Let the rest of Neon's bodyguards in" -In an instant, the rest of the bodyguards entered the room- "Mx. (Y/n) present yourself to the rest" Mr.Nostrade finally ordered. (Y/n) got up in a unique move from the chair, and facing the rest of the company in the chamber, with their hands clasped in front of their body, they declared "Hello, I'm (Y/n) it's a pleasure to meet and work along with you."-(Y/n) presented themselves with a small politeness reverence, then they turned to faced Neon-"Neon, I am a Doctor with a specialization in psychiatry medicine. I, moreover, am a certified Hunter and I'm here to take care of your psychological and physical integrity. If required I can protect you in case of aggression. Besides I'm here to treat your loneliness and improve your mental health. I honestly hope my faculties will help develop several health skills!" they finally finished, all the discourse was made with the same quiet and kind voice tone, with the subtitle smile never leaving their face.  After the quick initiation, Neon's face went from attentive to a worried grimace to shout "DAD!!! AM I SICK?!?" (Y/n) tilted their head and stepped to Neon softly reassuring her "No Neon, don't worry, you're not sick. I am here just to prevent you from being sick. I'll take good care of your mental and physical state and keep you amity so you remain as happy and healthy as always! In other words, I'm your private psychotherapist." Following those words of reassurance Neon's face lights up in a smile "YAY, So you're my new companion! Finally, I won't be so bored around here! I'm Neon, but you seem to already know my name. You look strangely young, you know? Plus you have a weird accent when you talk!" Of course, Neon added lacking discretion as always. (Y/n) just tilted their head once more, without changing their friendly air they responded "Of course I have an accent, Neon, all chic and elegant people have one, like David Bowie or Kate Bush. And regarding my age, It's judged preferable to have someone closer to your age to establish a more organic cooperative relationship." -The response to the rude observations of Neon was devoid of any malice, it was rather merry and kind, giving Neon the sensation of friendship and calm -"If you'd prefer to consider me your "companion" is fine. As planned with your father, I will be with you every Tuesday, Thursday from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturdays from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm. But today as being our first day, I'll be entire with you!" The grin on Neon's face just became wider "YOU'LL SEE, I AM GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN FROM NOW ON!''-Neon called once more, grabbing (Y/n) from their arm and dragging them somewhere. The (hair colored) didn't protest, just flinched to the sudden touche-"COME TO MY ROOM, WE HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!" The stranger's identity and intentions finally became clear for Kurapika, letting him discard (Y/n) as a hazard. We followed them into Neon's room to guard the Nostrade's teenager. Hours passed by. Neon talked about all the nonsense she could think of, as (Y/n) seemed to pay special attention to every word the girl spitted out. Sometimes making some comments and writing down in a little (fav color) notebook with a little cat they took off their said bag. Kurapika was just sitting on one of the couches, some sort of relieved to have someone else to take care of Neon's heavy personality and tantrums. "She even seems calmer today, having some entertainment will be profitable to her. " he thought. Even if Neon was, in fact, calmer that day, you could still hear her from across the room. "Your notebook is really cute, you know? Where did you get it? Cats are SOOOOO cute! I want one like that!" "Thank you Neon! I got it at the novelty store in the Mall that's in the center of the town. I go near there quite often, I can get you one if you'll like. Also, I think I'm going to take my break now if you don't mind. I will go make some tea, would you wish some, Neon?" (Y/n) actively added to the chat, even if it's their first day, they seemed to fuse nicely with Neon, rather odd due to Neon's personality. "Nah, I don't like tea" the teen finally responded, getting a soft nod in agreement as an answer. (Y/n) got up from the chair they were sitting on and headed to the employee's kitchen. Not much time later, they came back with a cup of tea and a bottle full of tea. To Kurapika's surprise, (Y/n) handed him the cup of tea with the soft smile of always.  They simply added an "I made you some tea, you appeared a touch worn, I hope it's okay".  That was the first of many little acts of kindness (Y/n) had with him. They would make him some tea regularly in the day or ask about his day during the breaks. During the following weeks in which (Y/n) was going to give therapy to Neon, a lot of things could be perceived. The first was the improvement in Neon's attitude. Being gradually more used to friendly human interaction, and having a better understanding of her frustrations. The second was about (Y/n), they were a rather nice person, gaining some sort of  (or what was the most resembled) sympathy from Neon, which was a feat considering the lack of empathy of Neon. They were polite to everyone in the Nostrade's mansion, and their job as Neon's special doctor was their 4th job. Melody, during a casual chat, learned that (Y/n) worked Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturday mornings as a Psychoanalyst between a Psychiatric ward and a Private Doctor's Cabinet, and the mornings of the days she came to assist the Nostrade's daughter as an intermediary liaison psychiatrist (basically someone who gives psychiatric supportive treatment in non-specialized unities) in the YorkNew General Hospital Center. This explains largely the eyebags and exhaustion for which (Y/n) has earned comments from Neon such as "You know you have eyebags?". Also, that (Y/n) has 18 years of age (sorry dear readers if it's not your age, but this will be relevant for the plot, so please let me this one pass), remarkably young to be an accredited doctor. And they were "precocious" on their own words- as Melody said- And the third and last thing, noticed essentially by Kurapika was about (Y/n) comportment and personality. Even if (Y/n) was kind and polite to everyone, they were incredibly discreet. They acted with prudence in virtually all aspects, from their appearance to their very presence. Like if (Y/n) was hiding and acting from the shadow (Melody also commented about this borderline anxiety). Additionally, all the movements (Y/n) made were prudent and meticulously planned, which made Kurapika realize the intelligence (Y/n) had. He also could tell English was not (Y/n)'s first language. They had a peculiar pronunciation and spoke with a large and fancy vocabulary. Those things greatly aroused Kurapika's curiosity, but the part of (Y/n) that triggered that curiosity the most was related to (Y/n)'s eyes. They were very careful with the subject. So careful indeed that they were even subtle with the care they treated the subject. Were tiny and nearly unimportant actions from (Y/n) that made Kurapika realize the importance of their eyes. (Y/n) never looked anyone in the eyes. Sometimes, during the break, when feeling exhausted or overwhelmed, (Y/n) would close their eyes and cover them with one hand. The biggest event of all was one time he listened to Neon through the door curiously ask  "Hey (Y/n), what happens with your eyes?" and, when he opened the door to see if everything was correct, (Y/n)'s eyes were normal. As if nothing had happened. Kurapika had for sure some inquiries regarding (Y/n). However, all of his suspicions became more prominent with a precise action from (Y/n). One day, Neon decided to show (Y/n) her body part collection. "(Y/n) You're a doctor, I'm sure you're going to love this! You know about these things, You'll be able to appreciate my glorious collection!" Neon was bragging about how happy she was with her various articles. "I have hearts, livers, fetuses, all the parts of the brain, some left and right lungs, and a pancreas. And my favorite of them all! A pair of beautiful scarlet eyes!" Neon made a special address on how rare the scarlet orbs were and how proud she was of them, she even played with them a little. And for the first time, (Y/n) didn't say a thing. Their perpetual smile even faded a little. During the whole episode, Kurapika remained sitting on a chair. Hearing that kind of discourse about his clan's eyes was hurtful and infuriating. How could she talk in such a manner of his fellow Kurtas? With no compassion, like if they were a mear object. It was sickening. A dull and hurt expression plastered on Kurapika's face. He was so immersed in his thoughts, he didn't notice it already was break time. If it wasn't for (Y/n) who came to sit beside him in an attempt to comfort his sorrow. (Y/n) had their gaze lowered and, for the first time, wasn't smiling. It wasn't a gloomy face, more like a flat expression. They didn't say a word and just stayed near him. Similar as if they seemed to comprehend. It wasn't until Kurapika looked at (Y/n) that they gave him a tiny smile. Nevertheless, this smile wasn't like the usual one. It was more caring, full of empathy and kindness, but also pain. None of them said a single word. And even if he never stated a thing about the subject, Kurapika felt a little comforted. At the end of that day, where everyone was heading to their own houses after such a hard working-day, (Y/n) came to Kurapika. He deduced they would just wish him a nice night. Except it wasn't the case. "Kurapika, pardon me, may I speak to you for a bit, pretty please?" (Y/n) mumbled to him, with the identical smile as always. A bit confused by their request, Kurapika responded, "Sure (Y/n), how may I help you?"  forthwith to its answer (Y/n) made him follow them to a more private place behind the Nostrade's mansion. (Y/n) looked down as they had their hands in front of their chest, similar to the pose of a meerkat, and was fidgeting with their fingers. "Kurapika"- then they looked up to him-"I know I'm putting my life on the line. Yet, what I'm about to do is an act of desperation wholly motivated by my conclusion. Are you somehow related to the scarlet eyes?" 
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Little Fluffball (TodoBaku)
Pairing: TodoBaku
Genre: Fluff
Summary:  Shouto comes home before his feisty boyfriend to a cat sitting outside his apartment that surprisingly reminds him of his special someone.
Inspo: This fanart originally by @heydenhein (it’s actually been on my list of things to write for months, I’m glad I finally got to use it~)
Word count: 1,477
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​ @lonelyfangirl453
a/n:  Final post for ShouCat Week! It’s a little late but hey, it’s still Friday in at least 3 timezones sooooo I’m not late technically
This one featuresTodoBaku!  It was supposed to be Todo x Reader, but looking back at the art that inspired this, I realized I forgot the cat was actually Bakugou, so surprise ship I guess!
That’s a wrap on ShouCat Week and my first event!  Hope you guys enjoyed it~  The masterlist will be pinned for the remainder of the weekend for you to catch up on the other stories before I replace it with the brand new Navi page I made a few days ago ^^.
Chibi’s ShouCat Week masterlist 
Shouto didn't know why a cat was waiting in front of his apartment door so casually.  He had a mini staring contest with the puffy blond cat laying there like it owned the place and was locked out.  The feline had turned its head when it sensed the man approaching the door, leaving Shouto extremely confused, but minutely intrigued by it.
"Are you lost, little one?" he asked, kneeling down in front of the huge ball of taking up space in front of his door.
The cat's face scrunched up into what he could only register as annoyance, striking him as odd.  He didn't know cats could express such human emotions, not to mention them having such attitudes.  Thought, admittedly, he thought there was a tickle of familiarity scratching at the back of his head.
"You can stay the night here for now.  We'll take good care of you."  He stood to insert the key into his door and swing it open.
Without a moment's hesitation, the cat sprinted inside with its stubby legs and perched itself on the middle cushion of the couch, sinking down as it stretched and purred to make itself comfortable.
Shouto almost laughed at how it managed to make itself instantly at home, and how that space was usually where the man would find his boyfriend when he returns from work.  Speaking of, he wondered where his boyfriend could be at this hour when he was sure he had no work today.
The candy-cane haired man shrugged, figuring he would come home whenever he was ready, settling next to the soft hedgehog of a cat and stroking its surprisingly soft fur.  "You definitely remind me of someone special, little one."  A soft smile played on the man's lips.
The cat turned from its laying position to shoot Shouto another annoyed glare, this time baring its teeth at him.  From this close, Shouto noticed how the eyes were the same crimson red his boyfriend has.
The man only chuckled.  Being with his boyfriend had certainly made him immune to any pointed glares from anyone.  "You two share a lot of similarities, that's all.  Your hair's the same color, your eyes are the same, you have the same attitude as him, you even chose his favorite spot on the couch to sit.  I wouldn't mind keeping you as a pet for us, we'll see what he says when he comes back."
Shouto always knew he wanted a pet, something to share with his hotheaded partner, something to solidify and strengthen their relationship, something to call their own.
The puffy cat jumped on top of Shouto's lap suddenly, growling low and staring at him.
"What is it?  Is there something you wish to say?"  The man had no idea what to do at times like this.
"Meeeooow!" it suddenly yelped, placing a paw on his shirt, glaring its scarlet eyes straight into Shouto's soul.  Surely, this cat had something on its mind, but the lack of a shared language wasn't helping the situation as he can only stare blankly at the expectant animal.
In an exasperated huff, the cat pounced onto the floor and pattered towards the nearby coffee table next to the TV, taking a photo frame into its mouth and returning back to Shouto.
The perplexed man grabbed the frame.  "Yes, this is me and my boyfriend.  As I said, you two share many similarities-"
Shouto sighed.  "I really don't understand what you're trying to say-"
Once again, the cat growled in dismay at the dense man in front of him.  How can he see one single similarity between two people and immediately theorize that they're long last family members, but not put two and two together in this situation?
The cat sat on its hind legs and tapped one of its front paws on the man's leg.  Shouto could only find it adorable how the cat seemed to have the ability to think like a human.  It would be an excellent addition to their family.  He couldn't wait for his boyfriend to come home to tell him about it.  "You're a peculiar one, little one.  I know you two will get along nicely."  His hands scratched behind the sand-colored ears standing at attention.
At the gesture, the wound-up feline couldn't help relaxing against the man's fingers, triangle ears flattening against its giant, furry head and body.
"You must love cuddles too, don't you?"  Shouto gathered the ball into his arms to bury his face in the precious fur.  "Wow, you even smell like him too."
The cat pawed at Shouto's ear before nipping at the lobe, eliciting a petal of laughter from the man.  "Alright, maybe I should have dinner and we can go to bed to wait for him."  The man cradled the cat and towed it into the kitchen, setting it on the counter.  The man began reaching for a plate and a small bowl.  "I can't really cook, the only thing I know how to do is boil noodles."
There's a hard crackling of plastic suddenly.  To Shouto's surprise, the cat had the bag of soba noodles in its mouth by the edge of the package.  The man pat it on its head.  "How did you know I needed this?  You're so smart."
The cat rolled it eyes.  It's given up at this point.
As Shouto went about cooking his meal and turned the stove on, the cat shrieked and almost slipped off the counter pushing its paw out to lower the dial.  "MEOWW?!"
"Oh, I guess I did set it too high."  The man noticed the mistake and gave the cat another well-deserved scratch behind the ears.  "Well done.  If Bakugou were here, he would've yelled at me for almost burning the house down."
After preparing his meal and setting the table for himself, Shouto sat at the table to eat his dinner while the cat sprawled itself onto the bed in the room, closing its eyes and trying to drift off to sleep on its own as Shouto finished his dinner, showered, and came back out in his sleep clothes.
"What a tiring day," the man sighed again, his muscles still a dull ache from the hot shower.  Winding down, the stress of the day finally weighed down on him.  Admittedly, he's still worried about the whereabouts of his boyfriend.  It wasn't like him to be out terribly late considering his strict sleep schedule.
But when Shouto lifted his eyes to the mattress where the fluffy lump lay fast asleep on Bakugou's side of the bed, he couldn't help but smile again.  Usually, he would talk to Bakugou about his day at bedtime, whispering to each other into the darkness.  Perhaps this cat could be the substitute he needed for now.
He climbed onto the bed and softly stroked the cat again, amused how his motions won't wake it up.  "What a champ sleeper," he cooed, gazing out the window.  "I'm worried that you won't get to meet your other dad today.  It's strange for him to be out this late.  I even called his phone, but he won't pick up."  He looked down at the mass of blond fur, listening to its deep breathing and feeling the rise and fall of its soft body.  "I'm really hoping you two get along.  Maybe not at first, since you're too similar to each other, but I know Bakugou's actually a huge softy.  He's secretly a sucker for cute things.  Maybe he'll think of you as his child."  Shouto's chuckle barely resounded in fatigued.  "No, he's probably not the type to be an obsessed pet dad."  He glanced out the window at the night sky again, his eyelids drooping.  "I hope he's safe."
A wet muscle tickled Shouto's palm, stunning him awake, only to see the cat's tongue lick him gently and purr while its eyes were still shut.
The man stroked his finger over the cat's pink nose.  "You're good at comforting, that's good."  Shouto's body finally wanted to give in.  He turned around and collapsed with a groan, his head nestled onto the cat's body.  "Let's see if you're good at being a pillow too."  His words garbled together in rising slumber.  He just barely missed the way the cat tensed at the sudden heavy weight.  "Good night, Kat-chan."
The cat only gave a final mumble in response.  "Meow..."
The first thing Shouto noticed when he woke up was his pillow being tougher than he remembered.  The cat pillow was much squishier.  He stirred to find a better position.
"Oi, wake up, you're crushing my ribs."
Shouto pried his eyes open to meet the face of his - currently annoyed - boyfriend.  "Bakugou?"  He shot up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.  "When did you get home?  Where'd you go?"  His speech was still garbled, tongue falling over itself as his groggy mind couldn't speak fast enough for his thoughts.  "Where's the cat?"
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mcwriting · 4 years
The Marriage Project (2)
part 2 is already here! fun fact, I’ve actually written like 16 chapters and I probs won’t always be posting weekly but I really wanted to put out part 2 sooooo... yeah. The Tom Holland x reader high school AU continues
Story Masterlist
Warnings: mild language
Word Count: 2365 (shorter than before, I know)
% approximately 1st week of September %
The next week had been relatively uneventful. Mrs. Flynn gave you both an A on your budget for the first week.
She also drew the next weekly condition, which for you was a $300 doctor’s visit of one family member.
“Well that’s stupid. If this were real life, we wouldn’t even need to take our kids to the doctor as PA’s,” Tom argued.
“First off, it’s not real life, and secondly, what if the kid broke a bone? Who’s gonna cast it, genius?”
“Well we probably wouldn’t have to pay,” he grumbled
When Friday afternoon hit, you were almost disappointed to see Tom not in the stands for your game, but remembered that the team had to start all their pregame rituals a couple hours before kickoff.
After crushing the competition, you took a quick shower and put on the shirt every senior was supposed to wear and walked to the field, where some of your friends had already claimed a spot on the bleachers. 
It was still a half hour before kickoff, so you talked as they helped put paint streaks on your cheeks and tie ribbons in your hair to show school spirit. You also watched the boys run drills until they were called to the sidelines for the national anthem. 
The team captains met for the coin toss, and as Tom and his co captain headed back to the team huddle, Tom spotted you in the crowd and pointed directly at you.
You didn’t know what he was doing so you quickly flipped him off and went back to your conversation.
They ended up winning the game by a field goal, and true to his word, Tom had actually played pretty well, aside from getting sacked towards the end of the game. 
You and the girls, not yet wanting to go home, hung out in the parking lot as families left.
“Hey, look. It’s your husband,” Alexis pointed out as Tom and a couple other players came limping down the lot with bags in tow. They were still wearing their football pants but had removed their jerseys, leaving on sleeveless compression shirts.
“Ugh. Don’t remind me. But I will say, his mom already loves me. We’re on a first name basis.”
She gave you a little low-five out of pride.
You couldn’t help but notice Tom pull the necklace out from under his shirt’s collar, the ring still attached.
Did he wear that the whole game?
He spotted you from a few yards away and yelled out,
“Hey hey hey. What did I tell you? Swooning yet?” he held his arms out as if to show he was right.
“Not quite, bub. But I’ll give you that touchdown pass. Don’t forget we have to work on the budget tomorrow!”
“Yeah yeah, see you then, princess.” He waved a hand as he continued on to his car.
Ugh. Princess.
Tom had been calling you that ever since the time freshman year you were the leading princess in a school play. 
You had hated the role for many reasons. 
For one, the character had no development and was basically dumb and defenseless (aka the exact opposite of you and everything you stood for). On top of that, the costumes were hideous, and what should have been a couple of pretty ballgowns and flowing skirts ended up being completely unflattering in color, shape, and style.
Everyone knew you hated it, and Tom loved to rub that in your face.
Eventually, you decided to retire home for the night since you had had such a taxing day.
You rang the Holland’s doorbell again, and this time it was opened by Tom’s youngest brother, Paddy. He was in the 5th grade, so you didn’t know him well. 
A perfect opportunity to make a good impression.
“Hey there, Paddy. Is Tom around? We’re supposed to work on our project today.”
“I’m not sure where he is, but I’m sure I can find him. Come on in.”
“Oh thank you. So polite.”
He sheepishly looked down as his face reddened. 
“I’ll be right back.”
He ran to the stairs and disappeared up them. A few minutes later an exhausted looking Tom appeared at the top of the stairs next to his brother.
“Come on up, I need to take a piss before we get started.” he called down, ever the charmer. He rubbed his eyes. He was only wearing a pair of sweats.
You followed his word and sat down on his bedroom floor, pulling up the documents on your computer as you waited. He came back wearing a shirt, a mug of coffee in hand.
“Want some? I made it fresh. I just woke up if you couldn’t tell.”
“No thanks. I don’t drink coffee, I find it disgusting. Caffeine addiction’s bad for you anyways.”
He looked down at the drink and back at you.
“Well we can’t all be perfect little princesses.”
You wanted to slap him, but just fired back with an insult and got to work. There wasn’t as much to do today other than reallocate the funds for the appointment and make up a story of what could have happened.
You both laid on your stomachs looking at the screen. As you typed, you heard heavy breathing and glanced over to see Tom had fallen back asleep.
Wow. He almost looks nice when he’s sleeping. What a disappointment.
You finished your paragraph and shook him awake.
“Ugh. sorry. I told you I’m a mess after game days.”
He went to push up to a sitting position when he winced, inhaling sharply. He put his head back on the ground.
“Woah there. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just pulled a muscle in my back last night. I think it’s from that sack.”
“Do you need me to get you something? LIke icy hot or some advil? I carry both at all times.”
“Icy hot would be perfect. I already took some painkillers.”
You shifted up and grabbed your backpack, pulling out the tube. You tossed it next to him to use.
“I hate to ask this, because you’re you, but could you put it on for me? I don’t think I can reach.”
You hesitated, but agreed since you knew what it felt like to be in pain like that. 
“Okay. Give me a general idea of where it is and I’ll poke around to find it.”
“Just under my shoulder blades on the right.”
He pulled up his shirt and you went to touch his back lightly. He flinched when your fingers graced his skin.
“Oh yeah, my hands are cold by the way.”
“No shit.”
You put your hand back, pressing lightly until he winced again, then you put a small amount of the ointment on your hand, massaging it in.
 You rhythmically rubbed your hand over the area in little circles, trying to loosen the tight muscle with your palm. You didn’t think much about it until he let out a moan, and you pulled your hand back like he was on fire.
“Oh my God I’m so sorry. It just felt so good on that spot and it just slipped out-”
“Let’s just agree to never mention this again. I’m gonna go wash my hands. And hopefully my brain while I’m at it. Where’s your bathroom?”
“Just across the hall. Can’t miss it.”
A little bit later and you were finally done for the day, so you helped Tom up and again packed your things.
“Sorry again about earlier. Thanks, though. It really helped.”
“Like I said, we don’t need to talk about it. Just never make that sound again, please. See you Monday.”
And with that you were out the door.
Another week, and Mrs. Flynn gave you another A and a budget condition.
Both you and Tom again won at your respective sporting events, and you again went to Tom’s.
Throughout the week, you and Tom had been on your usual game, firing shots. But at home it was like he was a different person. Sure you still jabbed at each other occasionally, but there was a more friendly aspect to it this week.
You were sitting on the floor when you felt a familiar pain in your lower abdomen.
You ignored it for a minute, but then it hit twice as strong. Immediately you shot up.
“I'm going to the bathroom,” you stated, speaking quickly.
“Uh. Okay?”
You rushed in and as you sat down pulled up your period tracker app. 
You weren’t supposed to start for 4 more days.
Well that’s a lie you thought as you caught a streak of red upon wiping.
You dug through the under-sink cabinet, hoping and praying to find something, anything you could use. When that came up dry, you just stuffed up some toilet paper and resigned to getting a tampon from your backpack.
A sense of panic filled your chest, however, when you realized the little bag you kept with extra supplies was nowhere to be found. That’s when you remembered that you had taken it out to replenish and apparently never put it back.
“Oh no. Oh no no no!”
There wasn’t even a single liner at the bottom of the bag.
“What’s got you in a tiff, princess? Don’t we have everything we need already?”
You sighed. You weren’t one to announce when you were on your period, since guys liked to believe that all women become bitches when they bleed. But you were desperate.
“Look, I know you’re gonna make fun of me, but I just started my period and don’t have anything to deal with it and I don’t know what to do.”
“Can’t you just hold it?”
“Ha ha good one. Seriously though I don’t know what I’m gonna do. If I don’t figure out something fast, I’ll bleed through my pants.”
Tom looked at you confused.
“Wait a second,” you started. “You weren’t serious right then, right? Like you do know it’s something women can’t control?”
“WHAT?” he exclaimed. “You can’t?”
“You know, for someone who calls himself so smart you sure are a dumbass. How do you know nothing about periods? You play football, haven’t you had a girlfriend before?”
He got quiet.
“No. I’m too busy competing with you that when I do get free time, everyone gets really intimidated by you.”
“Oh... “ you didn’t know what to say, but then a cramp hit you like a ton of bricks and you doubled over. “Ugh. could you just go get your mom? I need to go back to the bathroom and try not to throw up.”
Eventually, Nikki came and left some midol, tampons, and a heating pad for you and you were able to go back to Tom’s room, finding him leaning against his bed. He sat up straight when you walked in.
“Are- are you okay? You seemed to be in a lot of pain earlier.”
You plugged in the heating pad and turned it on, laying down on your back so you could drape it across your stomach. The midol hadn’t yet kicked in.
“Yeah, I’m good. It was early this month and I just wasn’t prepared,” you said staring at the ceiling, but turned your head to look at him. 
“Sorry if what I said was insensitive. I just figured you knew more about it than the average guy and I was so panicked that I wasn’t thinking straight. I’ve never had a boyfriend either. Same situation.”
“Hah, nerd.” 
You rolled your eyes and threw a nearby pillow at him. 
“Like you have room to talk. Now let’s just finish this so I can go home and take a nap.”
When you got to home ec Monday, you hadn’t spoken to Tom since leaving his house Saturday. Frankly, you were embarrassed about the situation still and figured he felt awkward too. 
Then, of course, you learned that Mrs. Flynn had decided to throw the class a curveball to tie the marriage project into regular class assignments.
For a unit on sewing, she was making each couple work together to make a small “marriage quilt” approximately the size of a baby blanket. Partners would have to work together to choose the colors, make a design, and sew it together within 2 weeks in class.
So there you were, sitting in the back corner of the room discussing design options and drawing up a pattern with Tom.
Upon realizing you both loved blue, you decided to make a blue based quilt. There would be little teal and pink accents as well in a couple of the fabrics you chose.
You sat in silence as you both cut small squares of fabric and batting. Other groups were talking, but things still felt heavy.
“Hey, uh. About Saturday…” Tom began quietly from the right of you.
“Please don’t bring it up. Everything turned out fine so let’s just keep it that way. I don’t need you to embarrass me more.”
“No, it’s not that. I just… what you said got me thinking. I know about all kinds of stuff and I’d like to go into medicine one day, but I know nothing about women’s health. So, I spent a good portion of yesterday researching and honestly, I had no idea how much you all go through. We may hate each other, but I respect you a lot more than before.”
“Oh. Wow. You know, I’m sure you read about it yesterday, but it’s super different for everyone. I wouldn’t even consider mine nearly as bad to some peoples’. But that’s really nice of you. And just because we hate each other doesn’t mean I won’t offer to let you ask me questions whenever. Education is way more important than any rivalry.” 
He smiled slightly and looked down at his desk, then back up, putting out his left fist. 
“Is a fist bump a good enough agreement to let each other ask any kinds of questions like that, no malice intended?” he asked.
You smiled back and hit your right fist to his left one. Eventually you went back to your normal arguing, but you couldn’t stop replaying the scene in your head.
A/N: thanks for reading guys! I’m so so busy with school right now that it’s going to be hard to release chapters weekly but I am trying to keep a somewhat regular upload schedule! I’ve written about 16 chapters so I have a lot of content to share already and there’s still more before I finish. As always, I can’t reply to post replies but my messages and asks are always open! 
Tag List: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @l0lmk, @primadonnasdream, @bookworm06
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cinematicnomad · 3 years
tagged by @oneawkwardcookie
rules: put your music on shuffle and answer with the songs you get
the first song describes how you feel: lifeforms by daughter yeah this tracks. i’ve just been responding to a hundred different emails from students today, including one kid who just...keeps re-sending the same email like 12 different times, not giving me time to actually reply and is clearly just fishing for different answers 🙃🙃 “you try to forget me but i won’t let you easily” yeah, that’s how i feel about my work inbox right now lol 
the second song describes your love life: over the love by florence + the machine ah??? this song is for that terrible great gatsby adaptation from a few years ago sooooo no, lol, don’t really feel like this is appropriate. i am not staring at that green light obsessively 
the third song will be played at your wedding: rumour has it by adele  i mean, it’s an iconic song that came out in my early 20s and it’s a blast to scream along with. now...is it thematically super great for a wedding? nah, but who cares about lyrics for weddings you just want a great song.  
add “in my pants” to the fourth song: stay alive by hamilton original broadway cast "stay alive in my pants” nice. 
the fifth song will be played at your funeral: hands down by dashboard confessional  i MEAN dashboard confessional is a classic emo band and i was obsessed with them when i was a tiny 14 year old. this song feels super apt for my funeral tbh. “so won’t you kill me, so i die happy” yesssssss, emo!teen kat is thriving 
the sixth song is your theme song: 1234 by feist in high school i had a recurring ~*nightmare*~ (it didn’t FEEL nightmare-ish but the recurring aspect and the ending made it... ahh weird for me) where this song played and i like, showed up at my school dancing in the hallways and doing backflips until i burst into a classroom and just leapt out of the window and fell to my death like 15 stories. i always woke up before i hit the ground. 
the seventh song will be played when you think of someone: almost lover by a fine frenzy not any specific person, but it does make me think of mike and harvey from suits because it’s from the soundtrack for @mockturtletale‘s fic vinyl advice. i downloaded all of the playlists and created my own album covers for them 😅😅
i tag: @crazyassmurdererwall, @tattooedsiren, @mockturtletale, @hyperdecant, @deadpanwalking, @tylerhunklin, @woodchoc-magnum, and anyone else who wants to do this
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joy1579 · 4 years
hey sooooo I have a bad habit of working myself too hard. by this i mean i will work and keep accepting new responsibilities until I either have a mental breakdown (panic attack, depressive episode, or something else I cant work through) or a physical breakdown (pneumonia, broken bone, passing out) its a really bad habit that I’m sure stems from low self esteem or some BS but I don't really wanna FIX it I’d much rather just write a story about MC doing the same thing and being comforted by Jumin.
and since that's cheaper and easier to schedule than an appointment with my councilor, that's what I did. 
hope ya’ll enjoy!!!
you where working harder than ever. you were helping yoosung study, helping connect Zen with new roles, promoting V’s newest collection, you had even taken over most of the RFA party planning from jaehee. then every evening when jumin got home you would greet him with your biggest smile rushing into his arms like a man in the desert rushes to water. he could see how hard you where working and he watched you accept more responsibility every day. it seemed like every evening you were telling him about one more thing someone had asked of you. you stayed up later woke earlier and he would have said something if it weren’t for your smile, so brilliant and dazzling. you seemed so eager to please so happy to help and he knew you enjoyed working. you, like him didn’t cope well with boredom. so he let it slide choose simply to do everything he could to support you.
until one day he got a call from zen. “get over to my place now. MC is, she’s locked herself in the bathroom she won’t talk to me. you know I hate to ask for help but i think she needs you”. jumin was there in a flash knocking gently on the door to zens bathroom.
when you didn’t answer he called to you “MC I know your in there it’s me can you let me in”
“I’m fine jumin”
“darling I can hear your voice shaking it’s okay to be upset but I’d like to hold you. will you let me do that?” he heard the lock click and was inside in an instant door closed behind him. you were in his arms and he was gently rubbing your back as you sobbed into his chest. “you don’t have to talk now but you should know you can tell me anything”. it took nearly an hour for you to calm down and in that time jumin had moved you to zens couch where you sat in his lap and burried your face in his suit. zen had let himself out when he saw the scene worried his presence might make things awkward for you. you heard the door open as zen returned and you wiped hastily at your cheeks trying to make yourself at least semi presentable.
“i’m sorry zen i was supposed to help you practice but all i did was cause trouble” you where still trying to calm your breathing but at least the tears had stopped. jumin stood with you as you tried to straighten yourself out.
zen set a hand on your shoulder “MC don’t apologize just, tell us what’s up. jumins so worried you can almost see him frown”. you wanted to tell zen everything was fine but the words caught in your throat and you stopped short to blink back the fresh tears in your eyes.
“if i’m right zen, MC is simply exhausted i believe it’s been quite some time since she was able to rest. i’ll escort her home so i can help her relax some. thank you for calling me.”
jumins voice had an air of finality but his hands were gentle as he began to lead you away.
at the door jumin turned to zen and said a little gentler “I’ll call you if anything happens, and again, thank you for calling me.”
zen was frozen as the door shut behind you and jumin.
“damn trust fund kid! she’s may be his wife but she’s my friend too!”
at the pent house jumin drew you a bath and added one of your favorite bathbombs all the while never letting go of your hand
“jumin?” you asked. his head shot up from pouring you a glass of wine betraying just how concerned he really was under his calm and collected facade. “what if it’s my fault?” you asked shakily.
“what if what is your fault?”
“we’ve been trying for over a year to have a baby and, what if it’s my fault we haven’t been able to?”
“is that what’s been bothering you?” he asked handing you the wine and leading you to the edge of the bathtub to bathe.
“i didn’t want to think about it so,” you trailed off letting him fill in the blanks.
“so you decided to work. I understand that.” he sighed nodding somberly.
“probably better than anyone right?” you said offering a broken chuckle as he stripped you of your shirt. he began to undress as well before replying.
“you were helping zen with his new role today right? may i ask what it’s about?”
“that’s just it, zen is playing the husband of a woman who, she looses her baby jumin, and i thought” you could feel the tears threatening to return and jumin pulled you into the hot bath with him guiding you to lean back against his chest. he shushed you gently pressing a glass of chilled wine into your hand.
“i’ll make an appointment for a fertility specialist tomorrow. you know it’s just as likely to be my fault we’ve yet to conceive”
“no way my husband is as close to perfect as they come” you joked shakily before leaning your head back to nuzzle into his neck “thank you”
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wonkastarshine · 4 years
Soooooo... I wasn’t sure when I was going to share this, but I’m just feeling very emotional towards this event today, so I think this is a good day to talk about it.
I’ve met Tim Burton.
That is me in the all black ensemble in front of him, at the bottom of this very long story. I met him on January 21st this year at his exhibition at the Neon Museum in Las Vegas. The second I found out that Tim was coming to Las Vegas, I cried so hard. This was finally my opportunity to meet the man that has shaped my whole life. But when I went online to secure a ticket for the book signing, they were sold out. I was devastated, and in a desperate plea, I called the museum and asked if they were COMPLETELY sold out. They said ‘yes, we are, but there will be a stand-in line.”
And the clouds lifted.
This was a risky trip. I would be ditching three of my classes to spend a day driving to Las Vegas and then driving back immediately afterwards. I live about 5 hours from Vegas. The stand-in line started at 10am. I planned to leave at exactly 5am and get in line as early as possible. I planned my outfit, my hair, exactly which book I was going to buy for him to sign, and how much I would need to put aside for gas money. It was all put into place.
Now, to convince Mom to let me go...
I wrote out a whole speech (a la Wonka cue card style) and read it out loud to her. I had lost so much sleep over the fear of her rejection, and the agony of knowing that I had a shot and it just slipped from my fingers. My mom’s biggest worry was that I would drive all the way, stand hours in line and have Tim say, “Sorry, I’m not going to sign any more.” But I told her, “I would rather go and be turned away, then to never know whether I would’ve been accepted or not.”
Mom wasn’t happy, but ultimately gave her blessing for me to drive solo(!) to Las Vegas. Gosh, even just writing about it now gives me such butterflies! I woke up at 4:30 and was out of the house by 5:30, as I had to wait for some fog to clear up. I was on my way, with Danny Elfman’s music to be my friend for the long drive. The drive was fairly empty. I went over the Tehachapi mountains just as the sun was rising. It was sooooo beautiful, with all of its purples, pinks and oranges. “Everyday” by Buddy Holly, from Big Fish was playing and it just completely summed up how I was feeling. This was my moment. From the second I laid eyes on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at age 4, Tim Burton forever changed my life. And now it was going to be time to thank him.
I arrived at the museum and to my surprise, the stand-in line was maybe 15 people maximum. The 400 people who got tickets previously were all in attendance. I breathed a sigh of relief and ate a snack while reading a book. The employees of the museum were so nice and always willing to answer our questions. One even said, “Tim loves his fans. He’s very grateful for all of you. I have no doubt he will sign for everyone.” So, the waiting began. I had arrived at about 10:30 or so and the signing would not start until 2pm. It wasn’t until around 2:30 or so that we were informed that those in the stand in line were definitely getting our books signed.
Y’all let me tell you, I almost died right there on the spot.
And I was internally panicking so much because I hadn’t allowed myself to plan what I was going to say to him, in the event I didn’t get to meet him. But it was real now and the gears were turning. I bought The Art of Tim Burton book from the stand and quickly joined the queue, which was moving rapidly. He was a fast signer, apparently. The employees told us we could pick ANY page we wanted him to sign and he would sign it. The gears turned even more. ANY PAGE?? Holy cow, what would I pick? Wonka, Edward, Catwoman, personal sketches of him and Helena?? I was so torn. I loved the concept sketch of Wonka, but there was some text at the bottom of it, and I kinda just wanted his signature to be alone with a drawing. I wanted to pick something that uniquely represented Tim, one drawing that completely encapsulated what his art is, what his art means and expresses.
And the lowly first sketch of Edward Scissorhands that he drew in high school was perfect. 100% Tim Burton.
The queue was getting shorter and shorter, and I realized that I was silly getting to think that Burton would want to really be having conversations with people. A self proclaimed introvert definitely would not want to talk to over 500 people in a day! So, I decided on one line. As soon as I turned the corner and I saw that tangled mess of black hair, those polarized glasses he never goes without, my heart completely dropped and burst with nerves. It was really Tim Burton, Tim Fucking Burton, sitting right there. The man responsible for creating my childhood: Willy Wonka, Edward Scissorhands, Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman Returns. It just seemed so surreal. I handed my phone to the nice lady behind me in line, who I casually held small talk with throughout the day. She was more than happy to take pictures of me with Burton.
He was moving fast! I barely got in front of him when he was already done signing it! I had to make my move. I stuck out my hand, waited until he shook it, made eye contact with me and I said, “Thank you so much for coming.” He smiled and I was quickly ushered away by the nice employees. It was perfect. No embarrassing blubbering or confessions. Just a handshake, a word of thanks and some smiles. I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes just typing this. I left the museum, and went to my car. I just stared at his autograph for the longest time. I called my mom and told her I made it and I met him. After I hung up, I sat quietly in car, silent, yet happy tears falling. Everything I’ve ever wanted to be, is because of Burton. My reason for wanting to become a film editor is because of Burton.
It was my honor and privilege to have met the genius. And I’m beyond grateful it happened before the entire world turned into a chaotic mess. Tim Burton has always been my rock in times of chaos. Today is no exception. What a day 🖤
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yhlqmdlg-01 · 3 years
Okay so I was stupid for this guy for 8 months .
We used each other and fell into lust . It was something to good too be true . I met him around last October one day when I was working he came in and i thought he was sooo fine I couldn’t ever get him off my mind . I was determined to find out who this guy was . So his mother is really known in this town and I had her on social media. Cause yk she’s kinda famous. Anyways around the holidays this woman posted him and I remember thinking this is him I was looking for him for ever . When he went to my work he asked for my help when the day before he did everything himself . I remember him taking off his mask off when we were outside we had a small talk . He remembered that day he told me about it when we first hanged out . The next day he took me out of town and we were so lovey dovey . It was a Red sign Tbh . He was holding my hand every where we were at . I hate this . I hate how much of these small details are drilled into my brain . We seen each other a few more times . My brothers wife was almost due and I remember hugging him in his truck telling him about how I wonder how my nephew will look . He’s the cutest baby alive ngl . Then he one day said he wanted to be friends and ghosted me . A week later my nephew was born I was dying to tell him . I woke up 2 weeks before my birthday and thought I want to cut my hair . It was mostly dead and dry so i said why not . Posted a picture before yk . And he slide up on my story saying wow. My dumbass answered . The next day he said he missed talking to me and he wasn’t ghosting me . 2 weeks later I turn 20 :) and I went out with him . Made no plans to go with him . He’s grown mid 20s . His mama calls him to go him . Another red flag I was his secret . Sooooo this goes on for 5 more months he would go days without talking to me and come back all of sudden gave me so many mix Signals . I should’ve known better one he loved me the next he wanted nothing to do with me . So I seen him one day And the next day he stopped talking to me . It’s going on for 3 weeks . I hope it’s for real this time I am so addicted to him so I hope he doesn’t come back . I am too petty to text so I know I’ll never text him first but if he messages me I will answer . I pray for him even if he isn’t with me he deserves to be happy even if it wasn’t with me . . I seen a tiktok that if you guys can’t stay away from each other it’s because you guys are meant to be together. I wish it was true but I deserve more ngl . So I was lowkey going through it when he left , I deleted everything from Instagram and stopped posting on snap chat .I recently started posting on snap again but not as often . Anyways he always had the cleans hair cuts . He told me who cut his hair and I knew this guy was a great barber I used to have him on my old snap but not on this new snap. Sooo one day he @this guy abs I add him I loved the way he cuts hair and I thought if you can’t get with him get with his barber lmao . It was just a joke . I also added him because we go to the same gym . He adds me right away and the next day I posted a pic and he slide up and said killing it . The barber XDD the guy that cuts his hair slide up . Ded . Anyways I answer and he leaves me on seen :( . Lmao . Anyways I go to the gym at night cause that’s when he goes . And I seen him then I came out of the locker room and he no where to be seen I started working out and he snaps me a video of me working out . He does this . Homie cuts my sneaky links hair . This barber is fine like yum . But like I could never cause my sneaky link doesn’t deserve that even though I was treated badly , fighting fire with fire just creates for flames. I wouldn’t mind being this barbers friend or even gym buddy yk . I went today and he wasn’t there yet my guy best friend went with me and later on he went and was with a girl for a while . Then he started working out with the usual guy he works out with and I was with my bestie . Moment of silence for all the good guys in the friend zone . My friend and I finished with a mile on the treadmill.
I heard someone behind me on the treadmill and I turned around and it was the barber XD like all of the other treadmills weren’t being in used and he chooses to be behind me . If you seeing this and read through it thank you for listening to my little rant . Am I the bad guy in this situation . I just want to be friends with the barber . I am so traumatized by what my sneak link did to makes me hate men
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