#leslie williamson
studioahead · 2 years
Artist Spotlight: Leslie Williamson
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Leslie Williamson is a photographer of interiors. We mean this literally – in books like Still Lives and Modern Originals she photographed the studios and homes of iconic artists, including some of our Northern California favorites – but also figuratively, because what is remarkable about Williamson is her ability to touch upon the life of a space, or as she calls it, the soul – the part that offers a glimpse of a person's inner world, even when that person is no longer part of this one. In speaking with her, and looking at the mysterious, quiet, strangely emotional places she has photographed, I kept thinking of Gaston Bachelard's maxim in The Poetics of Space: "all really inhabited space bears the essence of the notion of home." Flip through any one of her books, and you will see how such notions take shape.
Studio AHEAD: Let's start with your essay "Doc's Lab," published a few weeks ago in a recent WildSam guide, Big Sur & HW 1. Tell us about it and what draws you to this particular landmark in Monterey.
Leslie Williamson: It’s funny how that came about. I became a little enthralled with Ed Ricketts and his Pacific Biological Laboratories when I moved to Monterey in April 2020 (yes, a pandemic move…). I am sure it won’t surprise you to learn that when I am in a new place, I research “house museum” to find what is around me, and when I did this in Monterey, Pacific Biological Laboratories came up. I have never read any Steinbeck so I wasn’t familiar with Ricketts and his story, but with the quiet of the pandemic I soon became a fan. Ricketts is such an inspiring character! It’s no wonder he was Steinbeck’s best friend and muse.
Anyhow, I tried and tried to visit Pacific Biological Laboratories throughout the pandemic but it was always closed. Finally one day, as I was on a walk, the door was open and the nice docent let me in even though I didn’t have a reservation. Oh my goodness that space, it gave me goosebumps!!! It is just so special – steeped in history on a few different levels: early 20th-century Cannery Row and the PBL/Doc Ricketts era and through to the birthplace of the Monterey Jazz Festival and the men’s club that left it to the city of Monterey. Of course I photographed the space and my plan was to write an essay to accompany it that would go on the Still Lives Portal on my website. I have begun sharing my stories in real time there. Happily the WildSam project seamlessly dovetailed in unexpectedly. I am thrilled they wanted to publish my essay in their 50th WildSam guide. I hope people will read the essay while looking at the images. It will really bring it to life.
SA: While we're talking about places, I want to mention a photograph you took that I find so compelling: of JB Blunk's Moongate sculpture that leads to JB Blunk's house. We've been to the estate, and to get there you have to go deep into the woods of Inverness, along a windy road up a steep mountain far from everything, and there is a sense of the space caught unawares, as if no one is supposed to see it. I'm not really sure this is a question! But maybe you can speak about this feeling; it's very powerful.
LW: Thank you! It is a special place for sure. I experienced that same feeling on my first visit. Somehow my emotions come through in my images a lot of the time. I’m not sure I can say more than that. It has always been that way. 
SA: I love the home libraries of various Californian luminaries that you shot in Interior Portraits – partly because whenever I'm in someone's house for the first time I head straight to their bookshelf, and partly because they're incredible spaces. Ray Kappe's library, with its bright blue cushions and the bamboo forest outside, shows his relation to reading. What sort of objects "speak" to you as the kind that tell a story, and how do you photograph that object in way that helps it best tell its story?
LW: First off, can I just say I love libraries too…so much. There was a time when our bookshelves were a window to our mind, heart and soul. I just added a Bibliophilia section on my SL Portal that shares people's bookshelves. I always photograph them and they never make them into my books so I decided they needed a venue of their own.
As for other objects that speak to me, I never know what they are going to be. It is different for every person/space I am in. I generally just trust my gut. From Una Jeffer’s narwhal tusk, to Georgia O’Keeffe’s record collection, I seem to be able to sense where there are meaningful stories.
SA: What role does writing play in your photography, and vice versa?
LW: My writing is still a surprise to me. I see it as in service to my photography; but having said that, the "Doc’s Lab" story ran in WildSam with none of my photographs, so maybe that is evolving? When I wrote Handcrafted Modern, it was a bit of an unexpected turn of events that led me to writing the book, as well. But in hindsight, it was the magic combination of expression I didn’t know I was looking for. The photography always comes first and I let my curiosity run rampant as I shoot. Then, after I have edited the images, I hone in on the stories I want to share in the writing. That is the general scenario my process takes.
SA: Speaking of which, you've now published four books. Tell us a little bit about this process – whether you've a vague idea for each project... or how you build a narrative between each space photographed ... maybe a hint as to the next project you're working on…..
LW: The process of creating my books has evolved quite a bit since Handcrafted Modern. I began just because I wanted to see the spaces of my favorite architects and designers and this evolved into a plan to create a library of how creative people live in the 20th/21st centuries. And that is still happening, but I realized pretty quickly that the discernment of my choice of spaces to photograph is very specific. I am looking for what I call “soul spaces”: spaces that are still imbued with their inhabitant’s soul if they are no longer with us and an innate expression of the owner if they are still living there. There is always a certain je ne sais quoi that I am looking for. I know it when I see/feel it. But I am not sure there are words to describe it.
As for what’s next, I am looking to more shows in art galleries and museums. There is a particular project I am just diving into that will be in a major museum in a few years. I can’t say more. And of course there will be an accompanying book. Creating books is in my DNA.
SA: Finally, pretend you are not Leslie Williamson and that Leslie Williamson comes to one of the homes you've lived in – any of them from your whole life – to photograph it for Still Lives: The Sequel. What room would you want her to capture? What is in it?
LW: Oh wow…what a question! I am not sure any of my former or current homes would warrant being included in one of my books. But I do wish I could time travel back and photograph all of my former living spaces starting with my childhood home, where my father still lives, before we remodeled it in 1976. I can’t really remember it before that and am curious what it was like in its original state and how my parents had it set up, what objects they had, etc. I also wonder if there is an evolutionary through line of my own that would be evident in my own bedroom/homes throughout my life starting from my first bedroom. Like artists who make a portrait of themselves once a year, I wish I had a portrait of my living spaces for every year. I would be fascinated to see that, just for my own curiosity and self learning.
Photos by Leslie Williamson
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Leslie Williamson’s home in Monterrey, CA.
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“The Party Room” at Doc’s Lab on Cannery Row in Monterey. Originally the home of noted marine biologist and Steinbeck muse Ed Ricketts.
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Detail in Ed Rickett's former home and business, Pacific Biological Laboratories, on Cannery Row. Monterey, CA.
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JB Blunk’s ‘Moongate’ sculpture and his home in Inverness, CA. 
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Detail of the living and loft area in JB Blunk’s home.
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Artist and AIDS activist Derek Jarman’s library at Prospect Cottage, his home in Dungeness, UK.
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The kitchen/greenhouse and a longe area in the home of artists Evan Shively and Madeleine Fitzpatrick. Marshall, CA.
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Artist David Ireland’s sitting room in his home and masterwork, 500 Capp Street. San Francisco, CA.
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Stair detail in artist Jesse Schlesinger’s home. Sausalito, CA.
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abs0luteb4stard · 6 months
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W A T C H⚡️N G
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alotofpockets · 11 months
3.5K Celebration: Requests Closed!
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Wow another milestone added to the books. Thank you so much for your ever continuing love and support, it means the absolute world to me!💗 
To celebrate this number, I would love to write your requests :) As always please read my request info before requesting!
I will leave a prompt list below the cut for inspiration but also feel free to send me your own requests! I'll be writing for the following people:
Yelena Belova | Natasha Romanoff | Wanda Maximoff | Kate Bishop | Florence Pugh | Elizabeth Olsen
Jackie Groenen | Daniëlle van de Donk | Katie McCabe | Leah Williamson | Alessia Russo
Leslie Shay | Sylvie Brett
Reneé Rapp | Leighton Murray
Prompt list below the cut
"I'll drive you home."
"Take my jacket."
"Are you bleeding?"
"You've always felt like home."
"Maybe things would've been different in another life."
"I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me."
"You just can't help yourself, can you?"
"I'm at the hospital."
"Is that a hickey?"
"I didn't know where else to go."
"It was you the whole time?"
"We need to talk about what happened last night."
"You do realize that we're locked in right?"
"You remembered?"
"I want you, and only you."
"It's nothing, just a scratch."
"You're great with kids."
"There is enough room for the both of us."
"We're just friends." - "Are you joking? They look at you like you are their whole world."
"They found out we are dating because my lockscreen is a picture of you."
"Please don't hang up."
"Your flirting is so bad it's adorable."
"I thought you said you wouldn't fall in love?"
"I come here whenever a need a quiet place to think."
"My keys are in my back pocket. Can you get them for me?"
"They just invited us to be the third and forth wheel."
"The weather is getting worse. Why don't you stay the night?"
"Your handwriting is recognizable, you know that right?"
"You're wearing my shirt/jersey."
"You love me?"
"Can we go home?
"Twins? We're having twins?"
"I saved you a seat."
"What if I don't know how to be a good parent?"
"That guy at the bar keeps staring at you."
"If there is nothing going on between you two, you don't mind if I ask them on a date, do you?"
"I think I'm gonna feel that tomorrow."
"Here, let me help."
"I like that you make me laugh so much that my cheeks hurt."
"I've had a bad day, and honestly all I want right now are some cuddles."
This prompt lists consists of prompts found on Pinterest and ones I wrote myself. All credits for the Pinterest ones go to the original writers.
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yuriinadress · 2 years
Superman #1 PREVIEW
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oceanusborealis · 5 months
Fallout: Season 1 – TV Review
TL;DR – This is a series that shows you how important it is to get the vibe of the work you are adapting correctly. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the Amazon Prime service that viewed this series.End Credit – There is a mid-credit sequence. Fallout Review – Like many people, I had a bit of trepidation when they announced that there would be an adaptation of the video game…
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Multi-May Masterlist.
"Lessons In Faking It Redux." Reverse!Poly!Ghostface X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"I Love You Best In." Poly!Ghostface X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"Three Against One." Mourning Wood (Buddy Swanson, Sam Wescott and Leslie Vernon) X AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"Helping You, Helping Me." TMOMD Threesome AU! Freddy Kruger X Amber Cottrell X GN! Reader. NSFW-Ish.
"You Can't Steal What Is Willingly Given." Poly!Coven X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Yes, I Can." Poly!Hinge!Sinclairs. X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Another Day." Poly!Camping Boys X GN! Reader. SFW.
"A Lack Of Climax In Act Three." Reverse! Poly!Ghostface X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"Wrath Akin To A God." Poly!DanBert X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Sweet On You." Poly!Ghostface X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Life, Imitating Art, Imitating Life." Mickey Altieri And Randy Meeks X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Nine. "Stay." Poly!Chiffany X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"You Should Try It." Blossom James X Henry Williamson X FEM! Reader. SFW.
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What do you think about DC's frustrating tendency to trun Batman female villains into anti-heroes (Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn) ?
Catwoman as an anti-hero I like, Poison Ivy I don’t, Harley Quinn I would prefer as a more sympathetic anti-villain. Quinn should hurt people, yet show the occasional bit of kindness to randoms to demonstrate she’s not a total monster, but Harley paling around with the Batfamily will never feel right to me. Plenty of folks disagree with me on that take judging by her sales, so live and let live I guess.
As for the current Superman Rogues, Silver Banshee as an unwilling villain under Williamson I like, but please keep Livewire as a terrible (but funny) person. No redemption arc for Leslie.
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neshatriumphs · 2 years
Dark Skin Directory
I did one of these for my sideblog BlackFemmeCharacterDependency (BFCD) and... While it’ll take longer on this end to do because there are more prominent figures here than on that one, I thought it would be good to also have one for my main...
EDIT: Okay, so the one that I did for BFCD does not work, so I am posting this one to see if it works, and if not, they’ll both be WIPS until I have the time to repair them
For the purposes of this list and on this page, whenever I say “dark skinned,” I mean a traditional brown crayon or darker. I grew up around Black people, so the words “dark skinned” do not mean the same thing to me as it do to nonblacks.
Aaron Rose Philip | Abbey Mag | Adelayo Adedayo | Adepero Oduye | Adina Porter |  Aesha Ash | Afton Williamson | Aïssa Maïga | Aja Naomi King | Akiima | Alexandra Arboleda | Alfre Woodard | Alisha White | Allison Dean | Alysia Rogers | Amber Riley | Amber Ruffin | Andrea Bordeaux | Angel Haze | Angel Theory |  Angelica Joy | Angelica Ross | Angelique Noire | Angely Gaviria | Aniela Gumbs | Ann Ogbomo | Ann Wolfe | Anna Diop | Anne Amari | Antoinette Robertson | Ashleigh Morghan | Ashleigh Murray | Ashley Blaine Featherson | Asjha Cooper | Assa Sylla | Aube Jolicoeur | Aunjanue Ellis | Awar Mou | Aweng Chuol | Ayisha Issa | Ayo Edebiri
Betty Adewole | Beverly Osu | Bianca Brewton |  Biba Williams | Bintou Sillah | Bob the Drag Queen | Bonnie Mbuli | Brandy Norwood | Bre Scullark | Brittany Adebumola 
Camille Winbush | Caroline Chikezie | Ceval Omar | Charlayne Woodard | Charnele Brown | Chinenye Ezeudu | Christine Adams | Cicely Tyson | Coco Jones | Condola Rashad | Crystal Clarke
Da’Vine Joy Randolph | Damaris Lewis | Dana Davis | Danai Gurira | Danielle Deadwyler | Danielle Moné Truitt | Dawnn Lewis | Debbi Morgan | Deborah Ayorinde |  Debra Shaw | Debra Wilson | Denee Benton | Dewanda Wise | Diahann Carroll | Diany Samba-Bandza | Diarra Ndiaye | Dominique Jackson | Duckie Thot
Ebboney Wilson | Ebonee Noel | Ebony Obsidian | Ego Nwodim | Elle M. Chaman | Elise Neal | Emayatzy Corinealdi | Enuka Okuma | Erica Tazel | Erika Alexander | Ester Dean | Esther Rolle
Faith Alabi | Faith Omole | Faithe Herman | Fardosa | Felecia M. Bell | Femi Taylor | Florence Kasumba | Folake Olowofoyeku | Franchesca Ramsey
Gabrielle Graham | Gabrielle Union Wade | Gabourey Sidibe | Garcelle Beauvais | Geffri Maya | Genevieve Nnaji | Gina Torres | Gloria Hendry | Grace Jones
Halimotu Shokunbi | Hamamat | Harriett D Foy | Heather Headley | Heir of Glee | Helen Aluko
Iman | Imani Hakim | Imani Lewis | Ingrid Silva | Ireanna | Issa Rae
Jacqueline Moore | Jada Harris | Janelle James | Janelle Monae | Janeshia Adams Ginyard | Janet Hubert | Janet Jumbo | Javicia Leslie | Jayme Lawson | Jeante Godlock | Jemima Osunde | Jennifer Hudson | Jerrika Hinton | Jessica Allain | Jessieca Alford | Jill Marie Jones | Jo Marie Payton | Jobel Mokonzi | Jodie Turner Smith | Johnnie Hill | Joi Harris | Joie Lee | Jonica “Jojo” T. Gibbs | Josette Simon | Jwaundace Candece
Kabrina Adams | Karen Glave | Karen Obilom | Karidja Touré | Karimah Westbrook | Keeya King | Kellie Shanygne Williams | Kellita Smith | Kelly Rowland | Kenya Moore | Keshia Knight Pulliam | Kiara Pike | Kiki Layne | Kimberly Marable | Kirby Howell Baptiste
Laci Mosley | Lanei Chapman | Lashana Lynch | Laura Kariuki | Lauren Byfield | Lidya Jewett | Lisa Berry | Lisette Malidor | Lolly Adefope | Lorraine Pascale | Lorraine Toussaint | Loren Lott | Loretta Devine | LovelyOverdose | Lyric Ross
MaameYaa Boafo | Madison Curry | Mame Adjei | Marcia McBroom | Maria Borges | Mariah Iman Wilson | Marlene Clark | Marsai Martin | Mary Alice | Mary Oyaya | Mayowa Nicolas | Medina Senghore | Melodie Wakivuamina | Merrin Dungey | Michaela Coel | Miji Awakyr | Milauna Jackson | Miqueal-Symone Williams | Morgan Dawson | Moses Ingram | Moshidi Motshegwa | Mouna Fadiga | Mouna Traoré | Mumbi Maina | Musabey
Naomi Campbell | Naomi Ekperigin | Naomi WWE |  Naomie Harris |  Natalie Desselle Reid | N’Bushe Wright | Nia Jervier | Nia Long | Nichole Galicia | Nicki Micheaux | Nicole Beharie | Nicole Byer | Normani Kordei | Nyakim Gatwech | Nyanderi Deng | Nyaueth Riam | Nyla Lueeth | Nyma Tang |
Octavia Spencer | Ola Ray | Olunike Adeliyi | Olivia Sang | Omono Okojie | Oprah Winfrey | Oyin Oladejo | Ozioma Akagha
Patina Miller | Paulina Otylie Surys | Philomena Kwao | Phina Oruche | Phylicia Benn | Phylicia Rashad | Pippa Bennett Warner | Precious Adams | Precious Mustapha |
Queen Quet | Quiana Welch | Quinta Brunson | Quvenzhane Wallis
Raigan Harris | Reagan Gomez | Regina King | Regina Van Helvert | Renee Elise Goldsberry | Retta | Riele Downs | Ronke Adekoluejo | Rose Jackson | Ruth (IAmBabeRuth/BabeRuthTV) |  Rutina Wesley | Ryan Destiny
Saidah Arrika Ekulona | Samantha Liana Cole | Samantha Marie Ware | Sandra Dede sandramabelle | Saniyya Sidney | Sara Martins | Sasha Lambon | Sasheer Zamata | Sese Madaki Ali | Shahadi Wright Joseph | Shanice Williams | Shannon Thornton | Sharon Duncan Brewster | Sharon Ferguson | Sharon Pierre-Louis | Shea Couleé | Sheryl Lee Ralph | Shyko Amos | Sibongile Mlambo | Sierra McClain | Simbi Khali | Simona Brown | Simone Biles | Simone Missick | Sindi-Dlathu | Skai Jackson | Skye P. Marshall | Sokhna Cisse | Sonya Eddy | Stefanee Martin | Stella Okech | Subah Koj | Sufe Bradshaw | Susan Wokoma | Symphony Sanders
T’Nia Miller | Tamara Dobson | Tamara Lawrance | Tamera Mclaughlin  (Dwarfism Disability. Check PC before adding to that list) | Tanerélle | Tanedra Howard | Tanisha Scott | Tanya Moodie | Tanyell Waivers | Taral Hicks | Tarana Burke | Tempestt Bledsoe |  Tenika Davis | Teresa Graves | Terri J. Vaughn | Teshi Thomas | Teyonah Parris | Theresa Fractale | Thishiwe Ziqubu | Tichina Arnold | Tonya Pinkens | Tracey Ifeachor | Trina McGee | Trina Parks | Tyra Ferrell
Vanessa Bell Calloway | Vanessa Lee Chester | Vanessa Gyimah | Vanessa Nakat | Vanessa Estelle Williams | Vaneza Oliveira | Veronica S. Taylor | Viola Davis | Vivica Ifeoma
Wakeema Hollis | Whitney Houston | Whoopi Goldberg | Wunmi Mosaku
Xosha Roquemore
Yaani King | Yandeh Sallah | Yanna McIntosh | Yaya Dacosta | Yaz | Yetide Badaki | Yolonda Ross  | Yusra Warsama | Yvonne Okoro | Yvonne Orji
Zainab Johnson | Zelda Harris | Zenobia | Zethu Dlomo | Zhariah Hubbard | Ziwe Fumudoh | Zola Williams | Zozibini Tunzi
#to add to darkskin directory
Aliet Sarah
Tricia Akello
Sokhna Niane
Rashida Renée
Javonna Charde’
Ajak Deng
Edun Bola
Pretty Tye
Herieth Noela
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citylawns · 1 year
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Home of Charles & Ray Eames by Leslie Williamson
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crazycoke-addict · 10 months
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Apparently this is what was going to happened in Scream 7 and the ghostface killers were going to Christina Carpetner and Leslie Macher would be the ghostface killers and to be honest, I'm glad that this isn't going to happened.
It never made sense to me for Christina to be a ghostface killer. Since her reputation and the way she is viewed by people just screams red herring. This reminds me how in Scream 2, originally Cotton was going to be one of the ghostface killer which I'm glad Kevin Williamson and gave Cotton an arc where he saves the day and gets the fame that he craved for.
Also the way that Christina is the reason why Billy and Stu did the 1996 murders completely missed Billy Loomis as the character and why he did what he did to get revenge on Sidney. It's bad writing and the fact that fans are praising it makes my head scratch. Because it doesn't make sense for any of the characters including Sam herself.
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Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory || Entertainers Pt. 1 (A-N)
For the purposes of this list and on this page, whenever I say “dark skinned,” I mean a traditional brown crayon or darker. I grew up around Black people, so the words “dark skinned” do not mean the same thing to me as it do to some nonblacks.
*I am attempting to redo this list that will not show up for some reason...
Aaron Rose Philip | Abbey Mag | Adelayo Adedayo | Adele Oni | Adella Afadi | Adepero Oduye | Adina Porter | Aesha Ash | Afton Williamson | Aïssa Maïga | Aja Naomi King | Ajak Deng | Akiima | Akon Changkou | Alexandra Arboleda | Alfre Woodard | Aliet Sarah | Alisha White | Allison Dean | Alysia Rogers | Amanda Warren | Amandla Jahava | Amber Gray | Amber Riley | Amber Ruffin | Andrea Bordeaux | Anesha Bailey | Angel Haze | Angel Theory | Angelica Joy | Angelica Ross |  Angelique Noire | Angely Gaviria |  Aniela Gumbs | Ann Ogbomo | Ann Wolfe | Anne Amari |   Antoinette Robertson | Ashleigh Morghan |  Ashleigh Murray | Ashley Blaine Featherson | Ashley Romans | Asjha Cooper |   Assa Sylla | Aube Jolicoeur | Aunjanue Ellis | Awar Mou | Aweng Chuol | Ayisha Issa |  Ayo Edebiri
Betty Adewole | Beverly Osu | Bianca Brewton | Biba Williams | Bintou Sillah |   Blesnya Minher | Bob the Drag Queen | Bonnie Mbuli | Brandy Norwood | Bre Scullark | Bria Henderson | Brittany Adebumola | Brittany Marie Batchelder |   Brooke Singleton
Camille Winbush | Caroline Chikezie | Ceval Omar | Chanelletime | Charlayne Woodard | Charnele Brown |  Chinenye Ezeudu | Chiquita Fuller |  Christine Adams | Cicely Tyson | Coco Jones | Colette Dalal Tchantcho | Condola Rashad | Crystal Clarke
Da’Vine Joy Randolph | Damaris Lewis | Damita Jane Howard | Dana Davis |  Danai Gurira | Danielle Deadwyler | Danielle Moné Truitt | Dawnn Lewis | Debbi Morgan | Deborah Ayorinde | Debra Wilson | Denee Benton | Dewanda Wise |   Diahann Carroll | Diany Samba-Bandza | Diarra Ndiaye | Dominique Jackson | Duckie Thot
Ebboney Wilson |   Ebonee Noel |  Ebony Obsidian |  Edun Bola | Ego Nwodim |  Elle M. Chaman | Ellen Bendu |   Ellen Thomas |  Elise Neal |  Emayatzy Corinealdi |  Enuka Okuma |  Erica Tazel |   Erika Alexander |  Ester Dean |  Esther Rolle
Faith Alabi |  Faith Omole | Faithe Herman | Fardosa | Fatou Jobe | Felecia M. Bell |  Femi Taylor |   Florence Kasumba | Folake Olowofoyeku |  Franchesca Ramsey
Gabrielle Graham |  Gabrielle Union Wade |  Gabourey Sidibe |  Garcelle Beauvais |  Geffri Maya | Genevieve Nnaji |  Gina Torres |  Gloria Hendry |  Grace Jones  
Halimotu Shokunbi |  Hamamat |  Harriett D Foy |  Heather Headley |  Heir of Glee |  Helen Aluko
Ifeoma Nwobu | Iman |  Imani Hakim |  Imani Lewis |  Ingrid Silva |  Ireanna |  Issa Rae  
Jacqueline Moore |  Jada Harris | Jade Eshete | Jaimi Gray |  Janelle James |  Janelle Monae |  Janeshia Adams Ginyard |   Janet Hubert |  Janet Jumbo |  Javicia Leslie |  Javonna Charde’ | Jayden Rey |  Jayme Lawson | Jeante Godlock |   Jemima Osunde |  Jennifer Hudson | Jerrika Hinton |  Jessica Allain |  Jessieca Alford | Jill Marie Jones |  Jo Marie Payton |  Jobel Mokonzi |   Jodie Turner Smith |  Johnnie Hill |  Joi Harris |  Joie Lee |  Jonica “Jojo” T. Gibbs |  Josette Simon |  Jwaundace Candece  
Kabrina Adams |  Karen Glave |  Karen Obilom | Karidja Touré |  Karimah Westbrook |  Keeya King |  Kellie Shanygne Williams |  Kellita Smith |  Kelly Rowland |  |Kenya Moore |  Keshia Knight Pulliam |  Kiara Pike |  Kiki Layne |  Kimberly Marable |  Kirby Howell Baptiste |  Kyla Ramsey 
Laci Mosley |  Lanei Chapman |  Lashana Lynch |  Laura Kariuki |  Lauren Byfield |  Lidya Jewett |  Lisa Berry |  Lisette Malidor |  Lolly Adefope |  Lorraine Pascale | Lorraine Toussaint |  Loren Lott | Loretta Devine | LovelyOverdose |  Lyric Ross
MaameYaa Boafo | Madisin Rian | Madison Curry | Mame Adjei | Marcia McBroom | Maria Borges | Mariah Iman Wilson |  Marlene Clark |  Marsai Martin |  Mary Alice |  Mary Oyaya | Mayowa Nicolas |  Medina Senghore | Melinda Berry (Melrose) | Melodie Wakivuamina |  Melody Lulu-Briggs | Merrin Dungey |  Michaela Coel |  Miji Awakyr |  Milauna Jackson |   Mimi Ndiweni | Miqueal-Symone Williams | Morgan Dawson |  Moses Ingram |  Moshidi Motshegwa |  Mouna Fadiga | Mouna Traoré |  Mumbi Maina | Musabey
Naomi Campbell | Naomi Ekperigin | Naomi WWE | Naomie Harris | Natalie Desselle Reid |  N’Bushe Wright | Nia Jervier |  Nia Long |  Nichole Galicia |  Nicki Micheaux | Nicole Beharie | Nicole Byer | Normani Kordei | Nyakim Gatwech | Nyanderi Deng | Nyarach Abouch Ayuel | Nyaueth Riam | Nykhor Paul | Nyla Lueeth |  Nyma Tang
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Cumbria Shootings
In the early hours of Wednesday, 2 June 2010, Derrick Bird left his home in Rowrah, Cumbria, drove his Citroën Xsara Picasso to his twin brother David's home in Lamplugh, and shot him eleven times in the head and body with a .22 calibre rifle, killing him. Bird then drove to Frizington, arriving at the home of his family's solicitor, Kevin Commons. Bird prevented Commons from driving away by firing twice with a double-barrelled shotgun – which he had earlier sawn off (the barrel and a saw being later found at his home) hitting him once in the shoulder. Commons staggered out of his car and onto the entrance to his farmyard, where Bird killed him with two rifle shots to the head. Bird then moved on towards Whitehaven. A witness called the Cumbria Constabulary to report the Commons shooting, although her call was delayed by several minutes after she asked neighbours what she should do. She also erroneously described Bird as being armed with an air rifle despite being able to hear the gunshots. 
After killing Commons, Bird went to a friend's residence to retrieve a shotgun he had loaned, although he was answered by the friend's wife, who didn't have access to it. Afterwards, at 10:33, Bird drove to a taxi rank on Duke Street, Whitehaven. There, he called over Darren Rewcastle, another taxi driver who was previously known to Bird; Bird had conflicts with Rewcastle over his behaviour, his practice of poaching fares, and an incident wherein Rewcastle damaged the tyres on Bird's taxi and openly boasted about it. When Rewcastle approached Bird's taxi, he was shot twice at point-blank range with the rifle, hitting him in the lower face, chest, and abdomen. Rewcastle died of his injuries, becoming the only person to die in Whitehaven during the attacks. 
Soon after killing Rewcastle, Bird drove alongside another taxi driver, Donald Reid, and shot him in the back, wounding him. Bird then made a loop back to the taxi rank and fired twice at Reid as he waited for emergency personnel, missing him. Next, Bird drove away from the taxi rank and stopped alongside another taxi driver named Paul Wilson as he walked down Scotch Street, and called him over to his vehicle as he did with Rewcastle; when Wilson answered his call, Bird shot him in the right side of his face with the sawn-off shotgun, severely wounding him. As a result of the shootings, unarmed officers at the local police station were informed and began following Bird's taxi as it drove onto Coach Road. There, Bird fired his shotgun at a passing taxi, injuring the male driver, Terry Kennedy, and the female passenger, Emma Percival. Bird was then able to flee the officers after he aimed his shotgun at two of them, forcing them to take cover. However, he did not fire; he instead took advantage of the officers' distraction to escape.
A massive manhunt for Bird was launched by the Cumbria Constabulary, which was assisted by Civil Nuclear Constabulary officers. Bird proceeded to drive through several local towns, firing apparently at random, and calling a majority of the victims over to his taxi before shooting them. Near Egremont, Bird tried to shoot Jacqueline Williamson as she walked her dog, but she managed to escape without injury. Upon arriving in Egremont, he stopped alongside Susan Hughes as she walked home from shopping, and shot her in the chest and abdomen with the shotgun. He then got out of his taxi and got into a struggle with Hughes before fatally shooting her in the back of the head with his rifle. Then, after driving a short distance to Bridge End, Bird fired the shotgun at Kenneth Fishburn as he walked in the opposite direction; Fishburn suffered fatal wounds to the head and chest. 
This was followed by the shooting of Leslie Hunter, who was called over to Bird's taxi before being shot in the face at close range with the shotgun, then a second time in the back after he turned away to protect himself. Hunter survived his injuries. Bird then went south towards Thornhill, where he fired his shotgun at Ashley Glaister, a teenage girl; however, he missed her. He then passed Carleton and travelled on to the village of Wilton. There, he tried to visit Jason Carey, a member of a diving club Bird also belonged to, but Bird left when Carey's wife came to the door. Soon afterward, Bird shot Jennifer Jackson once in the chest with his shotgun and twice in the head with his rifle, killing her. 
Bird then drove past Town Head Farm, but turned back towards it and fired his shotgun, fatally hitting Jackson's husband James in the head and wounding a woman named Christine Hunter-Hall in the back. He then drove back to Carleton and killed Isaac Dixon, a mole-catcher, who was fatally shot twice at close range as he was talking to a farmer in a field. A former semi-professional rugby player, Garry Purdham, was soon shot and killed while working in a field outside the Red Admiral Hotel at Boonwood, near Gosforth. 
Bird then drove towards Seascale. Along the way, he began driving slowly and waved other motorists to pass him. He shot a motorist named James "Jamie" Clark, who suffered a fatal wound to the head, although it was not clear at first whether he died from the gunshot or the subsequent car crash. Bird then encountered another motorist named Harry Berger at a narrow, one-way passage underneath a railway bridge. When Berger allowed Bird to enter first, Bird fired at him as he passed by, shooting him twice and causing severe injury to his right arm. Three armed response vehicles attempting to pursue Bird were later blocked out of the tunnel by Berger's vehicle; it had to be pushed away to let them pass. Meanwhile, Bird had driven on to Drigg Road, where he fired twice at Michael Pike, a retired man who was cycling in front of him; the first shot missed, but the second hit Pike in the head and killed him. Seconds later, while on the same street, Bird fatally shot Jane Robinson in the neck and head at point-blank range after apparently calling her over.
After the killing of Robinson, who was the final fatality in the shootings, witnesses described Bird as driving increasingly erratically down the street. At 11:33, Police Constables Phillip Lewis and Andrew Laverack spotted Bird as his car passed by their vehicle. They attempted to pursue him, but were delayed in roadworks and lost sight of him a minute later. Soon afterward Bird drove into Eskdale valley, where he wounded Jackie Lewis in the neck with his rifle as she was out walking. At this point, his route had become clearer to police during their search for him. Next, Bird stopped alongside Fiona Moretta, who leaned into his passenger window, believing he was going to ask her for directions. Instead, he injured her in the chest with the rifle, then continued onward towards the village of Boot. 
Arriving in Boot, Bird briefly stopped at a business premises called Sim's Travel and fired his rifle at nearby people, but missed. Continuing further into the village, he continued firing at random people and missing. Bird eventually fired his rifle at two men, hitting and severely wounding Nathan Jones in the face. This was shortly followed by a couple who had stopped their car to take a photo; Samantha Chrystie suffered severe wounds to the face from a rifle bullet. Chrystie's partner, Craig Ross, fled upon Bird's instruction and was then fired at, but escaped uninjured.
Shortly after firing at two cyclists, Bird crashed his taxi into several vehicles and a stone wall, damaging a tyre. Briefly continuing onward, he abandoned his car at a beauty spot near Boot, named Doctor Bridge, when the damaged tyre deflated. A nearby family of four, who were unaware of the shootings, offered assistance to Bird, but were quickly turned down and advised to leave. Bird removed the rifle from his taxi and walked over a bridge leading into Oak How Woods. He was last seen alive at 12:30; shortly afterward, police confirmed that there had been fatalities and that they were searching for a suspect. Police later announced they were searching for the driver of a dark-grey Citroën Xsara Picasso driven by the suspect, who was identified as Bird.
At around 12:36, armed police officers and dog handlers arrived at the scene of Bird's abandoned taxi and began a search in and around the wooded area. At 14:00, Deputy Chief Constable Stuart Hyde announced that Bird's body had been found in a wooded area, along with a rifle. 
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Caroline Castle {Klaus Mikaelson/Caroline Forbes}
Caroline Castle
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. Nor do I own "The Originals", which belongs to its rightful creator Julie Plec, Michael Narducci, Leslie Morgenstein, Gina Girolamo. This is only a fanfiction, it is a piece of nonprofit work - that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals". All of the characters come from the original works. Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the internet/web/online. To fit the story, images can/are also edited (usually by me) using various apps and websites. So these images aren't mine; just edited a lot of the time.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I do not give permission to copy (and/or translate) my fanfiction/work and publish it onto any other website.
Warnings: Hayley Bashing, Elijah Bashing, Blood, Klaus is scared of heartbreak, but that doesn't stop him from pinning, Klaus is pinning hard, Klaus is finally working up the nerve to talk to Caroline (Me: and it only took him a thousand years - Other Me: come on leave the poor hybrid alone, he has PTSD from emotions in general), Angst (Because Kol is a little shit who has all the tea but refuses to spill it)
Word Count:
Requested By: Animeloverforever1127
Summary: Caroline is Lucian's little sister, gets bitten by Hayley, and when Klaus hears what happened, he's more than ready to open a vein for his one true love.
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Today's Special
Would he find her?
Without question.
Would he save her?
~Lauren Kate
Caroline winced as she touched the wound that was festering on her upper arm, as its toxin began to spread throughout her body.
"God damn it Elijah." Caroline cursed, wanting to press down on the wound to make the pain stop, but she knew it would only make it hurt more in the end.
Her brother came back to her with a glass of blood, which she accepted with a small smile that was quickly followed by a wince.
"That man sure has a habit of screwing you over doesn't he." Lucian tried to joke, but his smile quickly faded as he saw the blood next to nothing to help his sister. "Damn Elijah and his bitch. I'm going to cure you." He promised, taking his sister's hand in his.
Caroline shook her head, as she shifted so her injured limb wasn't touching the couch. "There's only one cure, and he won't help me. Not after what I said."
"That wasn't your fault and you know it." Her older brother reminded her. "Elijah made you do it."
"It's too late now. He has a child... he has her." Caroline said weakly.
Lucian frowned at the reminder of the hybrid that had bit his sister. "I'm going to get you that cure. You hear me. You're not dying." he said, not wavering.
His voice reminded her of when they were kids, and he'd steal extra food from the kitchen, even if being caught surely meant a fate worse than death. It reminded her of when she was a child, and all she could count on was Lucian. "I give you my word, sister."
Lucian stormed onto the Mikaelson's property without a care, instantly gaining all the residents that were currantly at home's attention.
Kol, Freya, and Klaus came into the entrance.
The hybrid was surprised to see the first vampire he sired there, "Lucian." Klaus greeted. "Why don't you come in?"
But Castle's only family was at stake here, so he didn't have any time for Klaus' games, "Cut the act Klaus, your plan worked. I'll give you whatever you want. Just give me the bloody cure."
"What on earth are you bloody blabbering on about?" Klaus asked, confused.
Lucian's eyes widened as he realized Klaus truly had no idea what had happened. "What? Your precious baby mama didn't tell you? She didn't tell you who she bit?"
When the hybrid stayed silent, Lucian let out a chuckle, "Here's a hint for you. Tall, blond, gorgeous blue eyes, sun touched hair." Klaus' eyes widened, but the other vampire wasn't done. "Tongue sharper than a knife. You used to call her love, in fact I believe she was the first woman you called that."
"God dammit Hayley." Kol said, letting out a curse underneath her breath.
"Lead me to her." Klaus ordered without hesitation.
The other blond nodded, and flashes out of the room, the hybrid quickly following on his heels.
"Are you here to kill me-" Caroline asked the man in the doorway, only to be interrupted by a wince of pain as the werewolf bite progressed, "-yourself?"
Klaus frowned, "Do you really think that low of me?"
Caroline remembered the night they parted ways, all too clearly.
How confused she felt, as her body betrayed her. Unable to control any of her actions.
How she begged, screamed, and cried. Trapped in her own mind, unable to do anything but watch as he listened to every world she didn't mean.
How she silently pleaded with him to understand what was happening, that she was begging for help.
But he didn't.
He couldn't see her pain.
He didn't know her at all.
He left...
"Yes." Kol's first sireling answered.
The look that appeared on Klaus face, the hurt, sadness, and betrayal, nearly made her want to take it back. But before she could, Klaus quikly masked it.
Klaus forced himself to steal his resolve.
He didn't know what he was hoping for.
She considered him a monster, incapable of love all those years ago. So why would he expect it to be any different now?
He was tempted to let her die here.
It would be so much easier.
No longer having to worry about the hold she'd have on his heart.
He was so very tempted to.
It's all he could think about on the way here.
But seeing her now.
He knew he couldn't let her die.
He couldn't let her light fade from this world.
He'd rather live with the fear, than live in a world without her.
He couldn't let her die.
As long as he lived, he'd keep her light alive, no matter what it cost.
Be it his own heart.
So Klaus didn't hesitate in using his fangs to slice open his wrist, and brought the bloody wrist up to the blond woman's mouth.
Once the cure worked its way through her system, it didn't take long for exhaustion to win over, and her eyes to close as she fell asleep.
Klaus leaned against her headboard, and let his fingers trail through her hair, like he'd longed to do for centuries.
He's thought about it.
Seeking her out.
It wasn't until three centuries after the incident that he began searching for her, wondering if she was even alive.
It was hilarious now, the notion.
Of course she'd survive.
She didn't just survive, she thrived as a vampire.
At first he'd just kept up with her through the gossip mill informing him of her activities. Then that game of telephone just wasn't cutting it, and he had men follow her from a distance.
This ensured that his influence was always there.
Ready to take care of any man, or woman, that was blessed with her attention for longer than his liking.
But soon, that wasn't enough.
So only a few centuries after that, he began actively seeking her out himself. Never getting too close to let her know, but each time, he was closer and closer.
He's visited her four times personally. Each time, a little closer than the last.
The last time he'd seen her, was after Mikael had burned half of New Orleans to the ground, and he believed his only son to be dead.
He got close enough to hear her laugh.
Her laugh, so light and bright, lightened his burden. As if he was taking his first breath in months.
Yet, the fear of experiencing the same rejection she pierced his heart with that night, kept him away.
The first thing Klaus did when he entered the manor, was locate Elijah. He flashed to the courtyard, to see Hayley, Rebekah, and Freya there as well.
Without paying the women any mind, he greeted his brother with a right hook to the face, holding nothing back. The blow threw Elijah back several feet, knocking him to the ground.
"What the hell!" Hayley said, trying to get between them, only to be pushed back by Klaus.
"Oh, don't you worry. You're next." Klaus growled.
Elijah slowly stood up, worried that his brother had finally discovered what he had done all those years ago.
How his one act changed the course of his brother's life completely.
"What the hell were you thinking approaching Caroline, with Hayley! And then letting her bite her. Do you have any idea what could have happened if I hadn't gotten to her in time!" The hybrid shouted, the anger in his voice ringing clearly.
"It had to be done. The Castle's were getting too bold. Hope-"
But before Elijah could finish, Klaus had his hand wrapped around his throat. "Don't." He growled. "Don't you dare use my daughter's name to hurt the one woman I've ever cared about. I've dealt with you daggering me, betraying me, and choosing a bunch of mutts over your own family! All for Hope's protection. But if you so much as think about laying a finger on Caroline, and doing it in Hope's name, I swear to god you will never see Hope again. She may be your niece, but I'M her father." Klaus said, dropping Elijah.
"Niklaus!" Freya tried to chastise. "I get you care for her. But threatening to take Hope away and tear our family apart over-"
But the witch was cut off by her sister, "Enough Freya."
Rebekah could understand where her brother was coming from. She was the only one there through it all, after all. She'd seen her brother's draw countless pictures of Caroline.
How he was caught in an endless cycle of painting her, then burning every single one, once he realized they were only a cheap imitation of her.
How he'd longed to see her one more time, to find out why she rejected him, only for the fear of feeling the same heartache once again, keeping him away.
Klaus then turned to Hayley, the she-wolf taking a step back at the dangerous look in his eyes. "If you ever," He growled, the gold of his werewolf emerging in his eyes, "go near Caroline again. I will hunt down every single member of that family you long for, for so long. And I will kill each and every single one of them in front of you."
Hayley flinched at that, "Y-you can't."
"I can," Klaus corrected her, "and I will. I won't leave Hope without her mother, but I will leave you without your pack. Do you understand?"
When Hayley gave him a shaky nod, Klaus began to walk out of the room. Before he left, he stopped and glanced at his sisters.
"That goes for you as well. Touch her, and I can make Dahlia seem like a dream." Klaus warned Freya, before turning to Rebekah, who already had one of her hands up, and in front of her, stopping him.
"You don't have to worry about me. I got the message loud and clear." The youngest original said.
Klaus gave Rebekah a nod, before walking out of the room.
Leaving an exhausted Rebekah, a confused Freya, a scared Hayley, and a relieved Elijah behind.
He didn't know if it was misfortune or luck, but it was only three days later that Klaus saw her again.
The hybrid was walking down the city streets, when he caught a glimpse of her inside a coffee shop, reading a book.
She hadn't noticed him yet.
He could walk away. Spare himself any heartache.
Yet, he found himself walking inside the shop. The wind chimes on top of the door, causing her to look up and catch his eyes.
They both froze, unsure of what to do.
Caroline was the first to shake it off, "Klaus," She began, unsure of what to say next.
Lucian had warned her to stay away from Klaus, saying that the serum wouldn't be ready until they got Hayley's venom.
Caroline remembered scoffing and saying she didn't want Hayley's venom anywhere near her body. Swearing that she'd snap the brunette in half the next time she saw her, so he better get the were-bitche's venom before she got inpatient.
Klaus took this as his que to take the seat across from her, "Wasn't expecting to see you here, love." He said, breaking out one of the oldest lines in history.
The woman raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, "Really? I could say the same. This doesn't exactly seem like your scene."
Klaus glanced around the shop. She was right. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have glanced twice at it, and would have just walked right by. Coffee shops, small local events, even farmer's markets, have always been more of Caroline's thing.
She loved supporting local businesses, attending small gatherings, and connecting with the community.
Even after all these years, despite the fact both their hands had been soaked in blood, she clearly held onto her humanity.
"Well the shop artwork was quite inviting." Klaus tried to defend himself.
Caroline laughed, and she glanced at one of the paintings, that was just three lines, painting on a canvas. "You hate this style. You once said that making people pay for splashing paint on a sheet without any emotion was rubbish." She reminded him. "Marcus Rodigo ring a bell?"
Klaus did remember the man. He had the nerve to color in some space and demand 2.5 million for it. Klaus had beheaded him and used it to add some actual artwork onto the canvas.
"I'm surprised you know about that, love." Klaus commented, pleased that she had made an effort to keep a track of his movements, just as he did with hers.
Caroline bit her lip, realizing her slip up. "Kol talks." She said, defending herself. But what she did keep to herself was that she also had the painting that was created by Marcus Rodigo blood, and it hung in one of the mansions she had in Paris. In her defense, it was a gift from Kol, and her mother taught her manners, it was rude to turn a gift away.
"Ah, my brother is always such a chatty cat." Klaus nodded.
"Well what do you expect when you dagger him for decades on end?" Caroline demanded. She had meant for it to come out light, but the anger she had felt every time she heard her friend was daggered, and she wouldn't be seeing him for an undisclosed period of time, made itself known.
Klaus winced at her tone. It was to be expected. Out of all his sireling's, Kol had always been the closest to Caroline. It was reassuring to know that when Kol was with Caroline, he'd always protect her, but jealousy had reared its ugly head more than once, resulting in Kol's unnecessary daggering.
They sat in silence for a bit, before Caroline glanced down at the book she had stopped reading since the hybrid walked in, and put her bookmark in it, and put it down. She sat up straighter, "Why did you save me?" She asked.
He hated her.
She knew he hated her for what she, willingly - as far as he was aware - said to him that night.
He could have let her die days ago.
Yet he didn't.
"I'll always save you." Klaus found himself answering without thinking.
Caroline's eyes widened, not expecting that response.
She'd fantasized about it.
When she was alone, she'd let herself dream about how he'd one day discover that she was under compulsion, that she never meant what she said.
That he'd no longer hate her.
That they could have a future together after what Elijah had done. That they could be happy.
But then, she'd remember how he never questioned why she said those things. Did he not know her at all!
It's been a thousand years, and yet he still hadn't figured it out.
She never wanted to have to spell it out for him, because it would mean he truly didn't know her.
But would spelling it out for him really be that bad?
If there truly was a future for them, wouldn't it just save her the unnecessary heartache?
Caroline opened her mouth, trying to speak, but her breath caught in her throat, as her heart began to speed up.
It wasn't a lie.
It was just easier to believe that she was waiting for him to figure it out.
But what if he didn't care that she was under compulsion that night? That just was forced to do it?
Or worse!
What if he had already figured it out? Then it would mean he knew her, but he truly didn't care.
Caroline closed her mouth, trying to calm herself.
She can't keep waiting forever.
She can't keep playing this same game forever.
She has to...
ShE HaS TO...
"Klaus, Listen." She said, steeling her will. "About that night, there is something that-", But before she could finish, Klaus flashed away.
Caroline sighed, her head falling back. She was finally ready, but it seems he still wasn't.
"Presenting, Mr. Lucian Castle and Miss Caroline Castle." The man by the door boomed loudly as Lucian and his sister stepped into the room.
Klaus was instantly mesmerized by the blond woman, who delicately walked down the stairs, her hands wrapped around her brother's arm.
Her posture was straight, as she looked down at the party guests, her gaze not wavering away once as she stepped down the stairs with easy, elegant steps.
Her light blue dress fell over her curves delicately, and billowed by her ankles, giving her an angelic look. The crystals that covered her dress shone in the candle light of the chandelier, making her look almost ethereal. Well her diamond encrusted heels, combined with the marble flooring, made it seem as if she was standing on light. Her blond hair was left open behind her.
She looked... innocent.
Like an untainted, ray of pure sunshine.
But only a fool would miss the dangerous glint shining in her eyes.
Lucian may be the monster staring them in the face.
But she was the devil in disguise.
Lucian stopped at the bottom of the stairs, from the corner of his eye he glanced at his sister, who gave him a subtle nod.
The man smirked and began his speech, addressing their guests.
But Klaus didn't hear a single word that came out of his sireling's lips. He knew Lucian's mouth was moving, but all his senses were captivated by Caroline.
He couldn't look away from her. He had tried, and failed.
He couldn't hear anything but her steady heartbeat. It was music to his ears.
He could smell her scent. It hadn't changed a bit.
He wanted to feel her hair running through his fingers, like he did the night she was bitten.
He wanted to taste her lips, like he was freely able to a thousand years ago.
His wolf, was magnifying all those. His hybrid senses, all in overdrive, all focused on her.
Just her.
Lucian soon stopped speaking and stepped down and joined the guests, with Caroline separating from him.
To Klaus' joy, she walked towards him with a smile. But when she walked right past him, he realized she was walking towards Kol, her arms extended for a hug.
Kol laughed, letting the blond embrace him. "How long has it been?" He asked, pulling away.
"Far too long." Caroline said happily. "I haven't seen you since the 1700s."
"Ah, the 1700s, known as the Age of Enlightenment, but it was full of so many wars. The Prussia war, Great Northern War between the Russian and Swedish Empires, and my personal favorite the War of the Spanish Succession."
Caroline rolled her eyes, "All the wars were your favorite."
Kol looked offended, "Why wouldn't they be? All that bloodshed and dead bodies, you can go as wild as you want without anyone noticing."
Caroline sighed, "There are certainly benefits. Shame you were daggered during the French Revolution, you would have loved it. All that chaos."
Kol pouted, "Something I'll never forgive Nik for."
Klaus watched the two's exchange, having to push his wolf down, as it nearly howled with jealousy.
Kol was soon swept away by another party guest, leaving Caroline to walk around, making sure everything was going smoothly. Occasionally stopping to catch up with an old friend.
Klaus waited to catch her alone, the blond woman could see this, and refused to make it easy on him.
So when she finally gave him an opening, he took it without thinking.
"Care for a dance?" Klaus asked, offering her his hand.
Caroline raised an eyebrow from behind her champagne glass, "Why don't you ask Hayley?" She asked, trying to hide the hurt she felt, with anger. From the corner of her eye, she could see the brunette dancing with Elijah, her words ringing in Caroline's head like daggers.
But Klaus refused to let a drunken-one-night-stand, continue to stand in the way of his happiness, "I'm not with her." He told her bluntly. When Caroline didn't look convinced, he added, "She gave birth to my daughter, nothing more. Elijah's the one caught up in her web, not me."
Caroline let out a quiet hum underneath her breath, a small smile finally appearing on her lips as she set her champagne flute down on the tray of a passing waiter, and finally accepted Klaus hand. Letting him guide her to the dance floor.
Once they were in the center, he twirled her around, and pulled her close, as they stepped to the music.
"About Hayley-"
"Don't." Caroline cut him off, "There's nothing there to talk about."
"Exactly. There's nothing there." He said, debunking Hayley's lies, "There was never anything between Hayley and me."
"She's the mother of your child." Caroline reminded him.
"That doesn't hold a candle next to you." He told her softly, meaning every word.
Caroline stopped dancing, and looked up at him in disbelief. She glanced to the side and could see Elijah keeping an eye on them.
She couldn't say what she needed to say here.
"Come with me." She said, pulling him across the floor and out the dining room.
The older original saw this and was about to follow them, but Lucian quickly appeared in front of him. "Elijah," Klaus' first sireling greeted cheerfully, "let's have a chat."
Caroline let him into a light blue sitting room, with a slightly darker blue couch, with white rectangle lines printed on it.
The woman took a seat, and Klaus was quick to sit down next to her, waiting for her to speak.
Caroline gently placed her hand on his wrist, making sure he wouldn't run away again when she started speaking. The hybrid tensed up, but didn't move her hand away.
"That night... I wasn't in control. Those words weren't my own." Caroline spoke, trying to keep her voice strong, but it was getting harder and harder to speak with each word.
She was unsure whether to continue or not, or if he would even believe her.
"What do you mean?" Klaus asked, confused, unsure if she was really trying to say what he thought she was trying to say.
"I was compelled."
With her three words, Klaus' whole world shattered.
She was compelled.
She didn't want to say those things that night.
She was forced.
Someone forced her to say those cruel things.
"So that night..."
"I wanted to run away with you." Caroline said, unable to contain her tears. "Believe me, I wanted to. But I-" her voice broke, as she began gasping, "I wanted to so badly. But the compulsion..."
When Klaus stayed silent, the women began to tear up even more. "It's the truth. Klaus, I swear it is. Please, believe me." She pleaded.
That snapped the hybrid out of his shock, and he quickly pulled her into his arms, any thought that this may be a trick, never even appearing in his mind.
"Who?" Klaus demanded. "Wanting to know who ruined their happiness." As he asked this, the dots quickly connected in his head.
Even if Lucian had compelled her beforehand, the compulsion would have broken with her turning, and he'd never hurt his sister like that.
Tristan and Aurora couldn't either.
She was like a sister to Rebekah and Kol. They'd have no reason to.
That only left...
"Elijah." Klaus concluded, looking at her for confirmation.
Her small nod was all he needed.
He wanted to storm out and find his brother, and dagger him on the spot. But he needed to know more, his brother would be daggered either way, but this conversation would just determine for how many millenia he would remain asleep.
"Why?" Klaus asked.
"He found out about your mother. He already suspected it. I didn't want to tell him but he-"
"Compelled you." Klaus said, disgusted with his brother's actions.
"He wanted to hurt you. He wanted to make you pay." Caroline said, her tears finally beginning to dry.
Klaus wiped the rest of her remaining tears away gently, "and he used you." He sighed sadly.
"Why didn't you ever come to me?" Klaus asked gently, not wanting to cause her any more emotional pain.
"Multiple reasons." Caroline admitted. "It had been a hundred years, when the compulsion finally broke. But I still remembered the look in your eyes clearly, the hurt, the pain." She said, never being able to forget the broken look on his face that night, or the fact that she was responsible. " That you wouldn't believe me. I thought you'd never forgive me."
"That you would hate me." She said, her eyes becoming watery again.
Klaus quickly pulled her even closer to his chest, "I could never hate you. Even when I wanted to, I couldn't ever stop loving you."
"Then, after centuries, when you didn't chase me. Never looked for answers. I guess I began to question if you ever loved me at all. I guess a small part of me wanted you to figure this out on your own. To prove that you really knew me. That you really loved me." She smiled, "But that was a ridiculous notion. I can't expect you to do everything. You were heartbroken too."
"I'm not without blame." Klaus said, "I should have looked deeper. I thought about that night many times, I've tried to block it out, but the words continuously appear in my nightmares. I haven't been able to look past them."
"And then you saved me from that bite, and in that coffee shop, I wanted to tell you so badly but I began to wonder if you knew all along, and just didn't care." Caroline said sadly.
"You were about to tell me that day." Klaus realized, "But I ran. Like a coward." He said, disgusted with himself.
Caroline turned her body around and cupped his face with both hands, "You are not a coward. We should have tried harder. Fought harder. But wanting to protect our hearts from the pain, doesn't make us cowards."
For the first time in centuries, Caroline finally felt free from the burden she had carried around for centuries, and the constant ache in Klaus' heart finally disappeared.
Lucian was the one to fight the two. They were caught pressed to each other, Caroline's head resting on Klaus' chest, as he gently spooned her back.
"Well isn't this interesting?" Lucian smirked, his smile widening when his little sister raised her head to glare at him. "I take it the plan's changed?"
"It has." Caroline confirmed.
"Excellent, how will we be making Elijah pay?" The older Castle demanded.
"We?" Klaus raised an eyebrow, "Since when is it your right to punish my brother."
Lucian's smile fell off his face and his eyes narrowed, "Since your brother compelled me and my sister. I was the one who watched her suffer for centuries, not you."
"I suffered for centuries as a result of my brother's actions." Klaus reminded him.
"Enough!" Caroline said, moving away from Klaus so she could sit up properly. "He will be ours to make pay." She promised Klaus, before turning to her brother, "And you can help."
Lucian didn't look happy with the verdict, but didn't argue any further.
"And what about me?" A new voice spoke, entering the room.
Lucian turned around to see Kol standing at the entrance of the room.
"What do you have against Elijah?" Klaus demanded, suspicious.
"Oh, you mean aside from the fact he stood by and let me get daggered for decades, all the well playing the noble brother?" Kol asked sarcastically. "I also can't let him remain unpunished for what he did to my dear older brother and darling Caroline."
Caroline's eyes narrowed, "How long have you been listening?"
"Oh, not at all. I didn't hear a thing." Kol said honestly, with over the top cheerfulness, "I've just known this fun little nugget for centuries."
"What?" Klaus, Caroline, and Lucian demanded at once.
"You knew!"
"How did you find it?"
"All these years and you didn't say anything?!"
Lucian, Caroline, and Klaus asked over each other.
"Now, now. Slow down ladies, despite how much you may wish it. There's only one of me." Kol joked, waving his hands up and down in a 'calm down' motion.
"Start talking Kol." Klaus growled.
"Well, it wasn't that hard to connect the dots. Caroline would never say anything like that of her own free will. She loved you."
"Loves." Caroline corrected.
Kol rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes, present tenses and all that, whatever. Back to my story, meaning I quickly realized that she'd have had to been compelled. I didn't do it, Rebekah had no motive, Finn was a bore even back then. And you were the innocent victim. That only left our dear older brother."
"Yet you kept quiet. Why?" The hybrid demanded.
"It wasn't my place-"
"B.S." Caroline cut him off.
Kol rolled his eyes, "Fine, watching you pin and suffer was a lot more hilarious." He confessed.
"You ruined centuries! For your, what, five minutes of fun?" Lucian asked, not understanding the logic.
"What are centuries to immortals?" Kol said, waving it off. "Plus, you could have coughed up the truth to Klaus just as easily as I could have. It was clearly obvious to everybody else that Caroline would never say those things out of her own free will, well Klaus would continue to pin after her till the end of time. Ironically, only these two masterminds" he said the last word sarcastically, "never realized that they were just as head-over-heels for each other as the day they first met." The youngest original brother reminded Lucian.
"I was listening to what my sister wanted." Lucian defended himself. "You were doing nothing of the sort. For someone who claims to be her best friend-"
"I am!"
"After today, highly debatable." Caroline said, with a harsh sardonic tone.
"Hey, no need to lie now darling." Kol said, offended. "Now, back to Elijah, because even after all this, we all know I'm not enemy number 1 right now."
"What's the plan?" Klaus asked, turning to the love of his immortal life.
Caroline smirked, "Let's put on a show."
Ok, was Klaus a little too cheesy here? Maybe. But I personally liked it. Plus, he's an artist. Murderous-thousand-year-old hybrid or not, we all know how the artist types are.
I loved this idea of Caroline being Lucian's sister, Klaus' first love, and coming back in TO season 3 so much, I'm going to make this a full story. I couldn't use this exact idea in the story, so I decided to write it as a one shot to see how much I loved this idea, and I loved it A LOT.
For the full book of this idea, I'm going to do a vote. Remember the scene where the wolves are hunted by Lucian's men, I was thinking of just killing Hayley off there. So;
Option 1: Kill Hayley off in chapter one (maybe 2, depending on the episode and chapters lengths)
Option 2: Keep her around for some bashing
What do you guy's think?
As for this "Caroline Castle" work, I did have the whole "show" planned out. But it felt kind of anti-climactic. So I decided to leave it out. Maybe if I think of something better, I'll write a part two for this. But until then, I'm leaving the story off here.
There will also be a blooper for this coming soon. So keep an eye out for that.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Scream Factory has revealed the specs for its The Exorcist III 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray, which will be released on March 28. The 1990 horror sequel is written and directed by The Exorcist scribe William Peter Blatty.
Blatty adapted his own 1983 novel, Legion. George C. Scott, Ed Flanders, Jason Miller, Scott Wilson, Nicol Williamson, and Brad Dourif star.
The theatrical cut has been newly scanned in 4K from the original camera negative with Dolby Vision (HDR 10 compatible) and newly restored stereo and 5.1 audio. Legion, the restored director’s cut (assembled from the interpositive with select scenes from the VHS dallies), is also included on Blu-ray.
The three-disc set is detailed below.
Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
The Exorcist III (Theatrical Cut)
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
The Exorcist III (Theatrical Cut)
Deleted scene/alternate takes/bloopers
Deleted prologue
Vintage interviews with writer-director William Peter Blatty, actors George C. Scott, Jason Miller, Ed Flanders, Grand L. Bush, Larry King, C. Everett Koop, executive producer James G. Robinson, and production designer Leslie Dilley
Vintage featurette
Theatrical trailers
TV spots
Radio spots
Photo galleries
Disc 3 - Blu-ray:
Legion (Director’s Cut of The Exorcist III)
Audio interview with writer/director William Peter Blatty
Death, Be Not Proud: The Making of The Exorcist III - 5-part documentary:
A “Wonderfull” Time – Interviews with producer Carter DeHaven, actors Clifford David and Tracy Thorne and production assistant Kara Reidy
Signs of the Gemini – Interview with actor Brad Dourif
The Devil in the Details – Interview with production designer Leslie Dilley, assistant designer Daren Dochterman and illustrator Simon Murton
Music for a Padded Cell – Interview with composer Barry DeVorzon
All This Bleeding – Interviews with production manager Ronald Colby, editor Todd Ramsay, effects artists William Forsche, Mike Smithson, and Brian Wade and actor/body double Charles Powell
For more than fifteen years, Police Lieutenant Kinderman (George C. Scott) has been haunted by the death of his friend Father Damien Karras. Now, on the 15th anniversary of the exorcism that claimed the priest’s life, Kinderman’s world is once again shattered when a boy is found decapitated and savagely crucified. It’s just the beginning of a nightmare series of bizarre religious murders.
When a psychopath claiming to be the infamous Gemini Killer admits responsibility for all the murders, Kinderman is confronted with a horrifying truth that he cannot begin to explain… the man does know intimate details that only the true killer could possibly know. There’s only one problem… the Gemini Killer died in the electric chair fifteen years ago!
Pre-order The Exorcist III.
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
What’s debaser the squeakquel gonna be about if everyone else is dead bruhhhhh
It's almost like everyone else isn't dead. Light spoilers for the sequel under the cut.
A non-exhaustive list of characters that remain alive: Nancy Loomis, Hank Loomis, Leslie Macher (and the other Machers), the cat from Stu's garage, Tammy Beckett, Mickey Altieri, Derek Feldman, Hallie McDaniel...
The sequel is going to borrow minor elements from scream 2 ( like a campus setting) as well as some elements and characters from another 90's Kevin Williamson film "I know what you did last summer".
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oceanusborealis · 6 months
Fallout: The End – TV Review
TL;DR – This first episode very much captured the vibe, even if the pacing didn’t quite hold up to the end. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the Amazon Prime service that viewed this series.End Credit – There is a mid-credit sequence. Fallout Review – Well, this is an interesting one for me. Back in the days of Fallout 3, I devoured this series and this world, but since then,…
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