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lechatonetlacoccinelle · 15 hours ago
Okay, buckle up cause we’re diving in a small analysis which is gonna be totally irrelevant for nonfans but I love their dynamic (and now I’m awake enough to put this in text format).
So, in this episode, Doof creates a helmet that allows him to control whoever’s wearing it. He spends most of the episode making Perry do stupid things like push him around in a grocery cart, holding the phone for him on a call, slap himself, even making him pick up gum from the sidewalk and almost eat it (psychological torture right there, cause, gross). Things happen, Perry defeats him, Doof gets his hands in a bucket of glue and accidentally puts his hands on the records and the music stops.
Now, right before this song happens, Perry's leaving- evil’s been thwarted, his job is done. But then he hears the teens booing Doof, sees Vanessa mortified by him, and Perry grimaces and has an inner fight about what to do.
Usually, he leaves Doof to face the consequences of his own actions; he’s had no problem with leaving him stranded on the moon or letting stuff blow up on his face (literal and figuratively). Hell, the man has been tormenting him the whole day, he could very well leave him there. But Perry’s been hearing this man’s backstories for months (if not years) now, tales about his shitty childhood, his troubled youth, knows about how many times people have been cruel to him, or felt embarrassed to be linked to him, or simply weren’t emphatic/understanding towards him.
And yeah, Perry is a good guy (and that’s a big part of why he comes back), but also, he’s heard about this kind of scenario as a backstory multiple times, and it's happening in front of him now and he can do something about it. In a no-one-stood-up-for-you-back-then-but-now-I-will kind of fashion. Like, this hurt you in the past in such a scarring way you carry til today, but this time, it won't.
Also, because he knows Doof isn't inherently evil. He is a kind and traumatised person that chooses to heal his trauma in an evil manner (a no-no, but still, not a cruel villian).
In conclusion, (I personally think) this is such an important moment in the development of their relationship; it showcases the empathy, understanding and trust that’s started to grow between them. It could very well be the first time someone stood up for Doof. Regardless, it’s a lovely (and fun) scene, and one of my favourites in the whole show.
Also, to the animator that briefly drew Doof's eyes full of tears for a few frames before Perry got down to help him: watch you back.
I can't get over that Perry could easily just humiliate him in front of the crowd, but instead, he help him
Also the fact that Perry can only control Doof's arms and legs. Doofenschmirtz freestyled the whole song.
It's a bop
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adverbally · 3 days ago
Written for the @stmarchmm prompt “courting rituals” | wc: 913 | rated: T | cw: none | tags: Steddie, Steve & Wayne, omega Steve, alpha Eddie, alpha Wayne, early relationship, asking permission to court, non-traditional relationship dynamics
Steve hesitates on the Munsons’ front porch. The trailer is familiar and comforting with its worn screen door and peeling paint, the warm light and organized chaos he knows to be hidden inside. This place has become more of a home to him than the house he grew up in.
He doesn’t want to lose that now.
But he thinks about Eddie nervously asking him on their first real date, hiding his grin behind the lock of hair he tugged across his face when Steve said yes; the way Eddie’s eyes had sparkled in the glow of the streetlight outside Steve’s house when he dropped him off after dinner, just before he leaned in for the best first kiss Steve has ever had; how Eddie had carefully brushed his wrist along the cuff of Steve’s sweater so he could still smell Eddie’s smoky ginger scent for the rest of the evening.
Steve wants that, all of that and more. The promise of that has to outweigh the fear of screwing everything up.
He knocks on the door.
It feels like an eternity before Wayne answers, already dressed in his work clothes for that evening’s shift. He seems surprised to see Steve, but he pushes open the screen door between them and waves him inside anyway. “Did Ed not tell you he has band practice? He should be home soon but you’re welcome to wait.”
“No, I…” Steve takes a deep breath and stuffs his hands in his jeans pockets so he doesn’t start fidgeting with his jacket zipper. “I wanted to talk to you, actually, if you have a minute?”
Wayne looks even more baffled now but gestures for Steve to take a seat in one of the mismatched chairs surrounding the small dining table. He doesn’t join him immediately, instead going into the kitchen and silently filling two glasses with water from the tap. When he returns, he sits in the seat across from Steve and slides one of the cups over to him.
“Thanks.” Steve’s mouth is so dry that his tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth, but he’s not sure he can take a drink without spilling or choking on it. Not until he says what he needs to say. Keeping his gaze on the scratched tabletop, he begins, “I think you probably know why I’m here.”
“I think so,” Wayne agrees. “And I think you know I need to hear you say it anyway.”
Steve nods, thinking of Eddie’s spicy warm scent to steel himself. “Eddie said you’re not very traditional. Your family, I mean. He offered to do this because he thought I wanted to do it, and I know he would’ve, but my dad…” He cuts off his rambling with a shake of his head. “Sorry, I’m nervous. Eddie said I shouldn’t be–”
“Steve. Take a breath.”
He does, then sips from his glass. Wayne doesn’t say anything while Steve gathers his thoughts for a long moment. Finally, he speaks again, deliberately. “Eddie is incredible. I care about him. I want to be with him.” It’s a gross understatement but if he starts elaborating, he might never stop. “I don’t give a shit what my dad thinks, but it matters to me what you think. Because it matters to Eddie. You’re the most important person in his life. He’s an adult and he can make his own decisions, so I’m not asking for permission, but… I wanted to inform you of my intention to court your nephew.”
Wayne nods, a slight tilt of his head acknowledging Steve’s declaration. “I accept it.”
“Okay.” He nods back, taps his fingers along the side of his water glass, listening to the quiet ping of his nails on its surface. “Thank you.” It’s almost disappointing how anticlimactic this was. He had stressed over it for days, and Wayne just… accepts him, just like that?
Like he can read Steve’s mind, Wayne leans closer. “You’re a good kid, Steve. You saved Ed’s life, you make him happy, you take care of that pack of kids. I think you’re good for him. Mellow him out some.”
“Yeah?” The compliment makes him warm from head to toe. Steve grins down at the table. “I think he’s good for me too.”
Wayne drains the last of the water in his glass. “I’d’ve given my permission, too, if you’d asked. Not that you need it.” He rises from his chair with a groan. “I gotta head to work now, but you’re welcome to wait for Ed. Make yourself at home.”
Steve stands as well, accepting the handshake Wayne offers him. “Thanks again, sir, I appreciate it.”
“Call me Wayne, son.” His mouth twists in a wry smile. “I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” He claps a hand on Steve’s shoulder, then shrugs on his coat. “Make sure you’re being safe, now. I’m not ready to be a granddad yet.”
Wayne can surely see him blushing as Steve stammers, “No, we— I mean, we haven’t, I’m not—” When he realizes Wayne is fighting back his smile, he sighs, embarrassed but relieved to be in on the joke. “Okay, laugh it up.”
He waves to Wayne from the doorstep, watches the beat-up old truck kick up dust until it turns onto the asphalt outside the trailer park. The alpha’s scent lingers in the trailer, more woodsy than Eddie’s but still warm. Familiar.
Steve thinks he could get used to it.
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thecloudsaremyhome · 1 day ago
☆Yandere platonic cult x reader part 1☆
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Summary: you and your friends have been forced to go on a trip to Sweden so they could finish their research paper for extra credit, honestly you were just tagging along for the fun of it not having the chance to go out as much as you’d like to, little did you know your stay at the community would be long overdue.
Tw: religious themes, sacrifice, yandere themes, infantization, death, violence, manipulation. the cult is very yandere for you, mental health issues, panic attack,readers friends are rude.
Taglist: @lilyalone, @stove-top96, @shadowytravelerlover
Word count: 8k
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“Come on (name)! Hurry up! We ain’t got all day!” You sigh in annoyance as you look towards your friends and yell back, “I’m coming jeez! Jeez, give me a second okay!”
Your friends look at you with an annoyed expression but shrug it off. You carefully pull your luggage out from the trunk of the rental car you all rode in.
Honestly, it was already exhausting enough having to fly in a plane for 6-7 hours straight and the worst part is, is that you didn’t get one ounce of sleep thanks to your friend's snoring.
So not only are you physically exhausted but you're mentally as well. Just great.
You sigh in relief as your finally able to get your last piece of luggage out of the van.
you close the trunk door and decide to observe the scenery around you. It’s magnificent, you think to yourself.
From the tall yellow-like grass to the crops growing nearby filled with vegetables and fruits.
Then there are colorful flowers of all types surrounding the other side of the field, each being carefully taken care of to the fullest extent.
It mesmerized you To be honest, you've never seen anything this beautiful before, the only extent is the park in the middle of your city and even that can never compare to what you are looking at right now. No wonder people say Sweden is one of the most beautiful places to be because it hasn't been tainted by technology.
The sun reflects down onto you and you can feel the heat radiating off of your skin, but luckily there is a strong breeze to soothe that heat, it's perfect weather today you think to yourself as you continue to admire the fields surrounding around you and your friends, it seems like its endless.
“(name)! Get your ass over here! We ain't got time to dilly dally.” your friend says in an annoyed tone.
You snap out of your trance-like gaze and look towards your three friends, you sigh in annoyance as you pick up your backpack and suitcase and walk over back towards them.
“finally took you long enough.” your friend Mia says in annoyance scanning your form in a scrutinizing gaze, she was always the more moody one out of your group of friends, always having a stick up her ass.
She had dark brown curly hair and hazel irises with freckles littering her tan-like face, she was mostly slender having some curves here and there. “sorry I just got distracted by the scenery.”
you mumble annoyed at her attitude, Mia rolls her eyes, and states
“whatever let's get a move on before it hits sundown I want to get this shit over with anyways.”
Your two other friends Jacob and Cady nod reluctantly cady has long ginger hair with freckles and brown eyes while Jacob has dark brown hair with blue eyes and a more slim build.
and thus began your walk down the fields toward the desolate forest ahead.
“Mia, do you even know where we are going? Did the professor even provide us a map at all?”
you ask nervously having this gut feeling that nothing good is going to come ahead but maybe it's just a feeling.
You haven't really traveled outside of the U.S before so maybe it's just the anxiety of being in new places?
“yes actually i do know where we are going, don't be such a scardy pants and yes the professor sent me the map since I am the team leader.”
she taunts you sigh rolling your eyes at her cocky behavior.
You four continue down the long rocky path which results in you taking a look at the surrounding forest.
The forest honestly had humongous trees well bigger than the trees you've seen before when growing up, which caused the tree's height to block out most of the sunlight.
The rocky terrain your walking on looks worn down like it's been used for years which it probably has. What amazes you the most is how many flowers and wildlife are in the forest your walking through.
Youve honestly never seen so many animals in your life just from being here for liek 30 minutes it truly impresses you.
You occasionally glance at some of the logs or cut-down tree stumps next to the path finding interest in whatever inhabitants are abiding in it.
But you shake your head trying not to get to side tracked while you're here.
You're not here to explore the forest or play with the wildlife your here to work, so that's what you're going to do.
After a least an hour of walking and complaining from Cady you four finally arrive at what looks to be like a wooden gate with two strange-looking people standing in front of it with spears and animal like mask?
Okay well that's very creepy, “what the fuck”
you heard your friend jason mutter in absolute disbelief. It seems he was just a shocked as you but it seems like mia is paying no mind to it as she flaunts towards the gait confidently looking over the two guards and their appearance, you do the same but from a safe distance.
They both seem like males that's for sure from their muscular build to the lack of clothing they are wearing, it seems they are wearing on robes with metal plates on their shoulders acting as a shield.
What you also take notice of is both of them have a wolf mask.
What is even more strange, one of the guards has long wavy blonde hair while the other has short dirty blonde hair. Maybe there siblings?
You shake your head trying to rid your thoughts before you start to overthinking, you refocus back on the scene of Mia trying to flirt with the blonde-haired guard.
Which makes your two other friends sigh in annoyance at her behavior.
You three walk over to where mia is standing infront of the two guards, cady then clears he throat in annoyance
“you done mia so we can get a move on?” mia sighs at cady comments and nods her head
“yes in fact i am done i was just conversing with these two gentleman~ here but they've been ignoring me like a brick wall! And the worst part is, is that they won't even let me in!” mia states dramatically, whining like a puny child.
This causes Cady and Jacob to raise their eyebrow in confusion at her statement of not allowing her inside.
“they won’t? Why the hell not did you tell them that we came here for the research paper? Surely the professor notified the community of our arrival right?” Jacob states in pure bewilderment.
“I don't fucking know I tried to tell them! But nothing seems to go through to them! Like i said their brick walls!”
Mia states loudly which causes you to flinch from her tone of voice which of course your friends don't notice as they start to argue acting as if they arent just talking about the guards in front of them.
You sigh ignoring your friend's argument as you decide to step forward toward the two guards
“Hello there! Me and my friends here are here for a research project on your community, i don't know if you are aware of it or not? But could you please let us in?”
You state nervously, finally the guards look towards you and examine you like your a piece of prey, which unnerves you, to say the least.
But what surprises you the most is when the blonde-haired one speaks.
“So you are the one’s the great one has spoken about”
the blonde man states looking at you with a blank and unnerving expression behind the mask not that you could see or notice it though.
“I-i um yes?” you say confused about who the great one is.
The guards notice this and nod reaching to unlock the wooden gate this of course catches the attention of your arguing friends.
They turn to look at the two guards and you with a surprised look but quickly school it to a neutral one not wanting to piss the guards off.
When the gate finally opens to another pathway straight ahead your friends take this opportunity to push past you and the guards and enter the community.
Of course, this startles you to some degree but you quickly are able to reign your cool.
You then quickly thank the guards before rushing after your three friends.
This action very much surprises the guards having been used to rude and disrespectful behavior from “outsiders” so you doing behaving the opposite of disrespectfully is surprising to both guards but it also is nice that there are at least still some good people out there in the corrupted world outside of their sanctuary, its refreshing to say the least.
You sigh tiredly as you finally catch up with your three friends as they continue to walk down the more clean path.
You all finally make it towards what looks like a town square with a fountain in the middle and multiple other houses around it.
The houses look like they are made out of wood with a brick-like roof on the top of most of the houses. Strange you thought to yourself as you continued to examine the center of the community.
But you finally snapped out of your thoughts when Jacob nudges you in the shoulder to grab your attention. Which causes you to turn to look at him curiously.
That's when you notice the multiple stares directed at you and your friends.
You then look towards the source of those stares and find yourself faced with multiple people surrounding you and your friends, all of them having animal-like masks on.
But what catches your attention the most is the tall lady at the center of the people surrounding you.
She seems to be at least 6 feet tall with her long chocolate-like brown hair flowing down her back with her being nothing but dressed in a pure white dress with golden patterns to it that reaches her feet.
That's when you notice she's barefoot as well.
Strange you think to yourself but you snap out of your thoughts again when the lady clears her throat.
“hello their visitors you must be the foreigners our leader has spoken of, we are enlightened to be in your presence i hope you have a wonderful stay here. I will have one of our members show you towards your sleeping quarters.”
and with that before you and your friends coil question her at all she takes her lead with some of the community members following suit behind her.
“That was strange” Cady muttered anxiously “Yeah no shit” Mia states looking at the community members in a scrutinizing gaze.
You sigh ignoring your friends' spiteful comments, you then hear someone clear their throat which stops your friend's rant.
“if you all are done, I will be showing you to your sleeping quarters.”
you then gaze at the person speaking in a monotone like voice and are met with a tall slim man dressed in a similar fashion to the other community members just with a cow like mask to his face.
Your friends clearly embarrassed clear their throats and mutter a quick apology before returning their gazes to the man.
The man nods approvingly paying them no mind as he starts to walk down the town square, towards where you four will presumably be staying.
You and your friends follow after him at a steady pace.
Of course, you are more distracted than your other three friends, with the agriculture the community has to offer.
This annoys your friends of course but they do not say anything about it.
You four continue to walk down the cement path trailing behind the man. You all start to walk more towards the outskirts area of the community.
after a few more minutes of walking you four come face to face with a cabin-like structure that’s smaller than the houses the community has to offer.
It has a rustic type look with cobwebs poking out on the outside of the porch.
The porch in itself looks like it could've seen better days with some chipped wood poking out with dents on it.
It clearly looks like it has not had inhabitants for years now.
The condition of the cabin causes your friends especially Mia to grimace in disgust.
“Is this seriously what we have to stay in!” Mia states loudly, glaring at the man.
This causes the man to turn back towards her looking at her as if she's a spec of dirt underneath his shoe.
“Would you like to say that again?” he says coldly which causes Mia to flinch as she stutters out “I-I u-um N-never m-mind.”
the man then scoffs but pays her no mind as he walks towards the cabin.
You sigh as you reluctantly follow after him with your three shell-shocked friends. You both stand behind him as he unlocks the door with a wooden-like key, he opens it and motions you all to step inside.
Mia then sighs and steps inside first followed by cady and josh then yourself once you enter you take a good look at the interior presented in front of you.
Its old thats for sure from the rustic interior and the dusty floor all the way to the cobwebs littering the place with broken furniture and a animal like rug placed infront of the living room randomly.
Alomsot like someone didint even want to bother to atleast hide it or place it correctly.
Mia sneers at the predicament clearly unsatisfied with the conditions presented to her. “What the fuck is this shit show?”
she esclaims loudly which causes you to flinch at her loud outburst which doesnt go unnoticed by the man.
He glares at her disapproingly “i suggest you lower your voice and watch your language young lady that is no way to speak to your elders.”
he says calmly but with a hint of annoyance to his tone.
Mia looks baffled by the way he is treating her like some sort of child which of course angers her causing her face to heat up in embarrassment.
Cady and jacob start giggling at her sudden embarrassment finding it amusing that their friend is getting put in her place. You sigh at mia’s obvious childish behavior.
“I apologize for mia’s childish behavior she shouldnt have acted out like that.’”
you say with a tired tone looking at the man waiting for at least a irritated or unbothered response instead your surprised when his gaze softens towards you “oh its alright honey you friends are vert rumbunchs but nothing that we can’t handle”
he says softly with an almost fatherly look in his eyes from what you can tell.
This causes you to flinch not used to nicknames you stutter out an embarsset response which of course he notices and chuckles in amusement.
“your a shy thing arent ya? It’s very cute.” he says in a playful tone which causes you to blush in embarrassment.
Your friends awkwardly stand by as the conversation between you and the man unfolds, Mia then butts in and clears her throat before looking at the man “I think we're fine here its starting to get dark and we still have to unpack.”
she states in an annoyed tone clearly not wanting to be around the man any longer than she had to.
This of course disappoints you having enjoyed the man's company but you push the feelings aside.
The man turns around again to face mia and stares at her indifferently “Very well then have a good night and please if you all need anything, just ask you are our guests after all,”
he says in a dark tone which causes shivers to run up your spine but you shake it.
finally the man exists through the front door leaving you and your friends in a tense silence.
“Well, that was creepy.” Cady says with a nervous tone to her voice.
Jacob nods his head in agreement “Yeah no fucking kidding this whole place is giving off bad vibes and the way they talk to us is patronizing.”
Jacob said in an annoyed tone clearly irritated by the whole ordeal.
“let's calm down okay? How about we start unpacking our stuff and get a good look at this place?”
i say with a skittish tone trying to calm down the clearly pliable tension.
“Fine whatever” cady states as she puts her duffle bag and suitcase on the ground and moves towards the kitchen.
Jacob does the same following behind Cady which leaves you and Mia alone.
“Mia you okay?” I say in a worried tone not used to Mia being so quiet throughout the whole ordeal. “ yeah I'm fine.”
she says in an annoyed tone which causes you to flinch.
It doesn't go unnoticed by Mia as she smirks in response, she then turns around towards the old couches and places her backpack, duffle bag, and suitcase on the dusty couch.
You sigh setting down your luggage near hers as you decide to explore, not wanting to make the tension worse.
You decided on going down the hallway nearest to the kitchen, deciding its the best option to explore first. You could find some bedrooms, This cabin is pretty big after all.
You sigh as you slowly start to trudge down the dark hallway you finally approach what looks to be an old door clearly worn down from the lack of usage.
You reach your hand out to grab the door nob but before you can you hear a loud bang coming from the kitchen which causes you to jump in surprise. You rush back towards the kitchen panting.
“What was that noise what happened.” you say in worry, only for Cady and Jacob to laugh.
“jeez such a scardy pants, aren't you? Dont worry, Jacob just accidentally dropped the pan we were gonna use to cook.”
Cady says in a teasing tone while she playfully smacks Jacob on the shoulder. Jacob sighs, annoyed and glares at her which earns another laugh from Cady.
You sigh in relief “s-sorry just something about this place keeps me on edge,” you say as you try to laugh it off to lighten the atmosphere.
Which of course doesn’t work as Cary shakes her head In Amusement before turning back around to start cooking.
You sigh in annoyance as you leave the kitchen, deciding to at least find a bedroom you can lie in, completely forgetting about the door you were previously going to open.
You walk down the opposite hallway and finally find one of the bedrooms, which is pretty extravagant to say the least compared to the rest of the house.
You look at it in shock, from the pure red blood bed sheets with golden tips to the golden headboard with silver butterfly piercings indented into it.
Then, there's the pure white carpet placed in the center of the room. Finally, there is a wooden closet at the end of the room.
You gasp in shock at how pretty it is before taking notice of the basket of fruit placed directly on the bed. You tilt your head in confusion before finally entering the room.
You approach the basket placed on the bed and finally take notice on a note placed next to it, written in another language.
Whatever you think to yourself as you decide, you should show the rest of your friends the basket.
“Hey guys I found this basket in one of the bedrooms!”
You say as you finally enter the kitchen, which causes Cady and Jacob to turn their heads towards me in curiosity. “Oh, you did What's in it? Let me see,”
Jacob says as he snatches the basket from your hands and searches through it.
Cady sighs in annoyance at his eager behavior.
“Damn it theirs nothing interesting in here just a bunch of fruit and crap.” jacob sighs in annoyance and throws the basket back towards me which causes me to stumble and catch it.
Cady glares at jacob “ stop being an ass jacob” jacob rolls his eyes and mumbkes a whatever before getting back to cooking with cady.
You sigh as you exit the kitchen and enter the living room. You place down the basket next to Mia.
you notice her annoyed expression. “Whats wrong Mia?” mia look towards you and shakes her head in defeat “i cant get any damn service out here!”
you chuckle at her whining behavior in return she pouts towards you but finally takes notice of the basket next to you both “whats that?” she says as she points towards the basket.
“It's just something I found in one of the bedrooms I came across while exploring i dont think it has anything interesting in it all it has is fresh fruit.”
Mia sighs and nods before standing up to grab her backpack and open her laptop and grab her papers.
“since dinner's cooking do you wanna help me fill out these papers, the professor said we had to document everything so might as well start.”
you nod your head in agreement mumbling a sure before being handed a few papers to help fill out.
Finally, for what seems like an hour, cady comes back towards you both to inform you guys dinner is ready which causes you and Mia to sigh in relief.
You both make your way towards the kitchen, which has four plates of pasta placed out on the counter for you all to grab you and mia mutter a thanks as you make you way back towards the couch to coutinue your work, which leaves Cady and Jacob to eat together.
After three more hours of work you and mia finally completed the worksheets needed for today sighing in relief you then state
“I’m going to go and get ready for bed ill see you tommrow mia, dont try and overwork yourself okay? You need to get rest as well since we have a busy day tomorrow.”
mia sighs in annoyance at your worry and nods “yeah yeah dont worry about me just get to bed sleepy head”
you sigh at her nickname and nod your head in amusement as you rab your luggage from the couch and make your way to one of the bedrooms in the cabin.
You pass Jacobs and Cady's room, them having already fallen asleep beforehand.
You finally approach the bedroom you explored beforehand, having decided you'll just sleep in there for the night.
But before you can enter, you hear a strange noise coming from inside,which causes you to halt in your footsteps.
Suddenly, you feel like you're being watched, which causes a shiver to go down your spine. You shake off the feeling before finally entering the bedroom again.
You place down your luggage next to the wooden closet. You sigh as you crouch down next to your suitcase and open it to grab a fresh pair of pajamas and your medication for the night.
You finally finish changing as you hop into bed, laying down on the plush pillows You reluctantly try to fall asleep.
You still feel like you're being watched, but this time, you can't brush the feeling off, which heightens your anxiety.
But after an hour of staying awake, you finally fall asleep only to be woken up again by the noise of the door to the bedroom being opened, which causes you to freeze, you then hear quiet footsteps approach your bed which causes you to hold your breath silently.
You then feel a cold hand on your forehead caressing you like a parent would to your child as the figure starts to hum a soft lullaby which reluctantly causes you to drift back asleep.
But before you fall asleep you hear one last word from the person “dont worry baby youll be home soon.” but before you can process the words you fall asleep.
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You yawn as you open your eyes to the sun drifting into the room through the slightly cracked window placed next to your bed.
You rub your eyes in exhaustment as you sit up to look around in the room. What catches your attention though is the piece stuffed animal placed next to your bedside table.
You widden your eyes at the plush lamb finding it absolutely cute your carefully pick it up and inspect it before placing it down on your bed deciding to keep it.
You stand up from the bed ad yawn walking towards your suitcase to grab your clothes.
You finally finish changing and step out of your bedroom as you walk towards the kitchen were jacob and cady are up conversing while mia is doing her makeup in the living room.
“Hey sleepyhead did you sleep well?”
cady says in amusement which causes you to nod hesotantly still thinking abou the events that happened last night.
“well we got a busy day today so you better be prepared to walk alot!”
jacob says as he bites out of a piece of bacon presented on the counters which you nod in agreement.
Mia finally exits the living room “are you guys ready to go? I already have the gear ready so we can document.” you, cady and jacob nod in agreement.
You then go towards the living room to grab some of the gear with the help of Jacob and cady.
You all then exit the cabin and walk down the same long pathway towards the town square of the community.
You sigh in relief as you all finally enter the twon square which causes the commonity members to stare at you all as you enter.
“what’s first on the list of stuff we have to do?” you ask in curiosity “well first we have to gather information on the resources they grow and make here so maybe we hould interview some of the farmers first?”
mia says qustionly, you nod your head in agreement. Jacob and Cady also nod their head, agreeing with Mia.
“alright then, off to the fields we go!” mia says as she approaches a female wearing a lamb mask. “excuse me Ms. if you dont mind could you point us in the direction of the feilds were the farmers work?” mia asks confidently which causes the female to nod and point ahead downanother path.
Mia mutters a thank you and walks off. You three follow behind her as you examine your surroundings.
But you can't help but feel like you're being watched again, which causes you to look around frantically, paranoia creeping up on you.
Finally, after a long walk, you four make it to the grass fields were some community members farm fruit and vegetables. This amazes you, to say the least, on how much effort these people put in to keep the community afloat.
“Okay, (name) you can stay here while we go and interview some of the farmers. Don't wander off, okay?”
You nod in agreement as your friends walk ahead and leave you on your own. But something catches your attention.
A community member struggling with a basket of fruit. You rush over to help her with the basket as you help her put it down.
Then you take notice of how old she looks and a worry look crosses your face.
“oh well thank you dearie for the help my old back hasnt been like it used to be when i was younger.” the woman says in a motherly tone smiling warmly at you behind the tiger mask over her face.
“Its no problem, ma’am im just glad i could help. Is your back okay?” you say in a worried tone. Which causes her to chuckle in amusement. “Oh, im perfectly fine dearie ive been through worse but i do appreciate your help this is the first time outsiders have been as nice as you.” you stare at her in confusion at her statement which causes her tone to turn solemnly.
“we haven’t had the best experience with outsiders as a whole. There have been few that have been here before hand that werent the nicest but of course, we took care of them!”
you look at her sympathetically, but her last sentence catches you off guard. What could she have meant by that? But before you could ask her, she was already walking away.
You sigh in annoyance but shrug it off, deciding to sit down in the grass fields and wait patiently for your friends to return. Hopefully, they’ll be back soon, you think to yourself as you gaze up at the sun.
fiddling with the dandelion in your hand as you slowly start to doze off. But before you could fully fall aslee,p you feel a small tug on your shirt.
And you're surprised to be faced with a child no older than 6 sitting next to you and fiddling with your shirt. You hadn't even heard him approach you. But you smile softly at him, which causes the little boy to flinch.
From what you can tell, he has strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes with the same white dress that you see all the other members wear he also wears a bird like mask on his face.
“hi, little one do you need something?” you say in an affectionate tone.
You always did have a soft spot for kids. He looks up at you in wonder before muttering, “I... I like your s-shirt,” he says timidly, which causes you to soften your gaze at his timid nature.
You carefully pick him up and set him in your lap.
He continues to fiddle with your shirt as he cuddles against you, which causes you to chuckle as you comb your fingers through his silky soft hair.
He cuddles closer to you before finally falling asleep. The scene just looks to serene and feels so peaceful.
You don't remember the last time you felt like this. Felt at peace.
But of course that peace has to be interrupted at some point as your about to close your eyes, you hear the talking if your friends as they approach you.
I guess they finished you think to yourself.
The noise causes the little boy to wake up in confusion but when he sees your friends approaching his grip on your shirt tightens as he galres at them This suprises you of course.
Your friends stop in their tracks as they quietly wisper to each other but to break the tense silence,e you wave them over.
They hesitantly approach causing the little boy to glare even more,e but he still grips onto your shirt.
“hey guys, are you done doing interviews with the farmers?” you say hesitantly trying to ease the tension forming. “yeah, we finished.” Jacob says sharply, and you can sense hes on edge, which causes you to furrow your brows in concern.
“Did something happen? You all seem..tense.” you say in concern as you inspect them. “Well-” but before Jacob could finish what he was saying Mia interrupted him sending a glare to jacob “nothing happened, so you dont need to worry now lets continue our interview so we can get it done before the so-called banquet we were invited to tonight.”
Mia says in a snipped tone clearly not wanting to waste any more time. You flinch at her harsh tone and nod reluctantly in agreement.
Your flinch doesn't go unnoticed by the little boy though as he glares even harder at your friends.
Of course, this goes unnoticed by you, but your friends do clearly notice and their shoulders tense at the harsh glare the boy is receiving to them.
You grab the little boy and place him off of your lap and stand up and dust the grass off your clothes. This causes the boy to pout behind the mask, having wanted to stay next to you a little more longer. But he doesn't voice this because he doesn't want to upset you, you ruffle his hair as you turn to face your friends as you happily converse with them.
But unnoticed to you the boy is having an inner turmoil of his own. Why do they have to capture your attention.
You shouldnt even be looking in their direction your friends are just a waste of space, not worthy of your presence because your his, his sister and he would be damned to let these insects ruin that.
Mama always have said outsiders are nasty people and now hes starting to believe it. But he hopes you can stay here forever with him and the community. Hes sure youd be very very happy.
Plus it's not like you’d miss your own boring life anyways right? You could have everything you need here. A loving community that is ready to do whatever it takes to keep you. And he hopes that that's what his community decides to do. Because he wants you to stay no matter what it takes.
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You're extremely tired after four long hours of interviews and interactions with the other community members, you're finally glad the banquet came around the corner faster than expected because you were starting to grow extremely hungry.
Of course you weren’t the only one you noticed how antsy Jacob has been getting, clearly he’s hungry as well.
But the strange is that the little boy from earlier has been following you like a lost puppy which is cute of course but it still bothers you that his parents havent come looking for him at all and when you asked him he just said
“mama and papa are just busy! But thdey know im safe!” which of course has you smiling in relief but you still held that sense of worry.
As the hours stretched on your finally learnt his name, it was Abner. It was a cute name to say the least. But back to the present at hand, you four finally finished all interview needed for the first day and were getting ready for the banquet at 9:00. Which of course, Mia told us we had to dress “presentable” whatever the hell that means.
Of course, you didnt pack anything presentable to her standards so you opted for a black dress shirt and some formal pants with sneakers.
You sigh in contempt as you finally finish brushing out your hair and styling it.
You then exit your room. Then head towards the living room to wait for the rest of your friends to finish getting ready. You then spot jacob already dressed and ready to go as he scrolls on his phone.
Your smile softens when yo see him you then take a seat next to him on the old couch. He notices your presence and smirks “ look at you all fancy looking you look hot.” he jokes as you nudge him in the shoulder, playfully muttering a shut up.
After 30 more minutes of waiting Mia and Cady finally enter the room in ruffles dresses and high heels you sigh and roll your eyes at their so called “presentable outfit” “that’s what you all are gonna wear its not a ball you know?” you say jokily which earns you a galre from Mia and a scoff.
You chuckle again, putting your hands up in mock surrender but before mia could respond cady cuts in.
“stop teasing okay? We have to get a move on so we wont be late we are meeting with the leaders of this so called community. So we have to make a good impresion so we can get as much information as possible so we can pass this extra credit.”
Cady states sternly which causes you all to nod your heads reluctantly in agreement. Not wanting to argue any further you and jacob stand up and make your way to the front door ready to go, cady and mia follow behind you two.
You four exit the cabin and make you way down the path leading towards the community center. You look up towards the moon shining down on all of you.
You’ve always been fascinated by the moon and how it reflects. In your opinion, you say its absolutely beautiful everything about this place is beautiful
Finally, after minutes of walking, you all arrive at the community center and walk towards another pathway leading towards the great hall, an imposing structure that is made out of wood.
After 5 minutes of walking, you all finally arrived at the entrance of the great hall You can see the light peeking out from the large imposing door.
You four walk up the wooden stairs, and Jacob opens the wooden door allowing you three to enter in first.
Mia goes in first then cady, then you as you finally enter the great hall you are in awe at the scenery and design of the place.
From the flower decorations hung up on the walls to the candles and fruits then their is white tablecloth placed on the tables with a bunch of fresh food.
From chicken and beef to vegetables and fruit. All sorts of varieties littered the table which makes your mouth water and your stomach grumble in hunger.
You then take notice of the statue of a naked man standing at the end of the room with a large star like window placed behind him.
It's amazing how people who only depended on natural resources could make all of this happen.
Then you noticed the hundreds, maybe thousands of stairs boring into your back. You look around, finally noticing the community members are not only staring at your friends but specifically at you. Which creeps you out, to say the least.
But what shocks you even more is the 6 imposing figures placed infront of the imposing statue placed infront of the star window. To say they are intimidating is an underestimating it, they loom absolutely terrifying.
But one of the members you recognize as the pretty lady from yesterday which makes you widen your eyes in shock. She catches your gaze a smiles softly standing up to approach you.
You stagger back in shock to shocked to speak “hello its nice to see you again foreigner i would like to request that you join us for supper our leader would like to formally meet you as well as our officials.”
You look at her in shock but realize that you don't have any room for argument, noticing the serious tone her voice holds.
So, with a heavy heart, you nod in agreement, which causes her to light up and smile warmly. She grabs your arm and pulls you forward which causes you to stagger back.
But you reluctantly follow her to the table she pulls the chair out for you and allows you to sit down next to a very tall man. She then takes her seat next to you
“our leader will be here very soon so please dont mind his tartiness. Oh! I never got to introduce myself! My name is Ezra! Whats your name little one.” you pause deciding whether or not it would be a good idea to tell her but you decide to.
“My name is (name).” you say timidly, which causes the female to coo at your shy nature. Which causes you to blush in embarrassment with earns a chuckle from the other 5 officals. Which makes you blush even more in embarrassment.
But before you could respond a the great hall door slams opens as the gaurds from yesterday are stationed next it, bowing to what seems like a very large man maybe 7 feet tall? With long dark white hair that looks almost unnatural, he is wearing something totally different a robe with golden pattern designs with black dress shoes with golden designs as well.
He wears a bear mask, and from what you can tell, he is very muscular and has baby-blue eyes.
This unnerves you, to say the least. He's very intimidating, with a golden robe hanging off the side of his shoulder, and his steps seem precise and planned.
This also unnerves your friends as they glance nervously at you. But you notice the man is staring right at you. His eyes bore into your very soul with an intensity that is so extreme that it makes you uncomfortable. What is his problem?
You think to yourself, nervously picking at your skin as the man approaches with steady footsteps, as all the community members stand up to bow before his presence like he's some sort of god.
This unnerves you even more as his eyes continue to bore into you, analyzing every twitch and breath you make.
Finally he arrives at your table, standing right infront of you, ezra then stands up and bows the official sitting on the right of you does the same thing so does the other four officials.
But he doesn't respond to their formal behavior as he continues to stare at you motionlessly as you anziously pick at your skin.
He then reaches out and imoblizes your wrist from continuing to pick at your skin this leaves you in shock as you freeze in anxiety.
You can clearly see the size difference between the two of you. His hand can fit fully around your wrist like he could easily snap it at any time which scares you to say the least.
His intimidating frame adds even more to the tense atmosphere “ dont do that anymore child; you'll hurt your delicate skin, and we dont want that do we?” he says in a very soft tone which surprises you to say the least, not expecting his voice to sound so soft and velvety.
Which comforts you to some extent that hes not trying to intentionally scare you.
But he keeps a form hand on your wrist letting you know that he won't be letting go of it any time soon.
“I-i just do it out of habit i cant really control it sometimes when im really anxious.” you mutter timidly, not daring to face his gaze as he stares intently into you.
His gaze softens slightly, and he rubs circles into your wrist to soothe your growing anxiety.
Which doesn't exactly work as you can still feel him staring into you, including all the community members and your friends.
You’ve never liked being the center of attention so you're surprised you haven't gone into a full blown anxiety attack right now.
Maybe it's the way he's trying to ground you that prevents that from happening. You don't know, and you don't care you just want to get this over with so you can get back into that comfy bed and sleep.
But before you can dwell on the thoughts plaguing your mind you feel the mans hand let go of your wrist. He turns around to look at everyone else with a calculating look before that look softens to a more serene expression. “ let the feast begin!” he shouts.
He then walks over towards the seat standing right next to the statue. The chair looks more like a throne than anything with its golden pattern designs and the red velvet texture to it, you would think a king would sit on it.
You sigh as you snap out of your thoughts when a plate of food is placed infront of you with apple juice? The food looks absoulty delicious on your part.
From the perifcally roasted beaf with mash potatoes and vegetables on the side to the white rice with chicken in it. Damn you mutter under your breath as your mouth starts to salvate.
But then you take a look around and notice all the adults oncluding your freinds got some type of alcoholic beverage but you just got apple juice.
Thats weird you think to yourself but shrug it off not wanting to dwell on something not worth your time.
You start to dig into your food quickly which causes ezra to chuckle in amusement a she Coos at you.
“Don't eat so fast honey, we don't want you to choke do we?” this causes you to blush I. Emmbaresment putting your hea down in shame which causes her to chuckle even more. But when you took a sip of th apple juice it tasted very sour.
Which is weird but you shrug it off not bothering to worry about it but before you could take another bite, the chattering decreased in the great hall as the leader stans up to approach the center of the room, this of course catches your attention instantly.
“Brothers, and sisters daughters and mothers, fathers and sons tonight our banquet has been honored by the cesilatial god himself to bestow us and our community a blessing and so to thank him we will preform our ceremonial sacrificial ritual for our god and our guests as a thanks.”
he says in a soothing tone and you can tell his voice has a deep effect on these people her from their adoring looks to their devotion you can feel radiating off of them. It awes and unnerves you at the same time.
But what do they mean by a sacrafical ritual?
You think to yourself as you anxiety starts to grow. You look towards you friends who are sitting at a table near you and you also notice their anxious expressions.
But before you could dwell more on your thoughst the great hall door opens as two of the guards carry in a struggling woman.
Which makes you widen your eyes in shock and horror. The guards put down the woman oto the cement like structure of the statue and tie her in place.
Then you notice another community member come in with a large tray of candles a book and a dagger.
This unnerves you even more as you start to shakinly pick at your skin from the growing anxiety creeping up onto you.
What the fuck…what the fuck are they going to do to that poor woman. You think to yourself as you stare in horror at her as she screams and struggles and pleads.
This causes you to close your eyes and put your hands over your ears. You take shaking breaths as you feel an oncoming panic attack. But of course your friends don’t notice or are to shocked to care.
You return you sight to the scenes I front of you as the woman pleads but it falls on death ear as the leader grabs the dagger from the tray
“låt dem vara ljusa och låt vår gud ge dig gåvan av evigt stycke unge” he says to the woman before impaling the dagger in her lower stomach then into her right breast and finally into her forehead the blood from the stand leaks out of her lifeless limp body onto the floor.
You feel like your going to throw up as the community members stand up to clap in celebration like what he did was completely normal.
And you can’t hold it back anymore you dip down and realealse all what was in your stomach to begin with. You gag at the smell and pant feeling tears rolling down your eyes. Then you notice everyone is looking at you now again.
You need to get out of here now you think to yourself as you eyes look up towards your friends who are as equally shocked and disturbed at what took place.
But before you could say or do anything you feel the tightening hold of Ezra rubbing your back soothingly this disturbed you even more at how calm she could be when just witnessing a murder!
You can’t seem to wrap your head around it and your heart is pounding so fast you think you’d have a heart attack any second and maybe that would be for the better because you don’t know what’s going to happen next and you don’t want to find out.
You just need to get out of here now no matter what it takes you refuse to die.
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Authors note: y’all I work so hard on this sooo please comment and like a lot I would like this to reach at least 1,000 likes that would be the world to me and I definitely am going to make part 2 which is way more darker and that’s where the more intense Yandere behavior comes in!
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yunholic-jongholic · 2 days ago
Bound to the Bosses [Part 1] | C.JH x Reader x J.YH
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SUMMARY | At the age of 20, you surrendered your freedom to a former mafia gang in exchange for a secure life and all your needs met. You pledged your existence to two of the members, Choi Jongho and Jeong Yunho, who managed the leading underground strip club and took you under his wing. They both permit you to perform on weekend nights, but once the lights go out and the workday ends, you belong solely to both of them.
PAIRINGS | Jongho x Fem!Reader x Yunho
RATING | Mature, 18+, NSFW, MDNI!!!
CONTENT WARNINGS | Mean Dom!Yunho, Mean Dom!Jongho, Strip Club Setting, NSFW, SMUT, Explicit Content, Alcohol Consumption, Cursing, Smoking, Mentions of Murder, Threats, Possessiveness, Jealousy, Threesome, Power Dynamics, Teasing, Foreplay, Hair Pulling, Fingering, Degrading, Praising, Dry Humping, Oral Sex (Reader Giving), Unprotected Sex (Don't do it...), Rough Sex, Marking, Bruises, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, Cum-Eating, Size Kink, Overstimulation (THERE IS SO MUCH. IM CRYING. I DEFINETLY MISSED SOME. ILL COME BACK)
AUTHOR NOTE | 💋 Spicyyyyyy ;) Anyways, new 2HO Story. Tag List is now open to whoever wants to join (you can comment or message me!) This is a long LONG chapter series. (Most likely will be 8-10 chapters.) There will be more trigger warnings on each chapter since its very angsty. so please make sure to read warnings each chapter. Hope y'all enjoy this new story!
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The distant wail of police sirens blended with the thumping bass of music booming from downstairs. Sitting in front of the mirror, you carefully applied your makeup, smoothing each line and adjusting your hair with practiced precision.
Yet, despite the familiar routine, a heavy sigh escaped your lips. Your stomach twisted in uneasy knots, the uncertainty creeping in—did you really want to step out there and perform tonight?
You stood up, slipping on your shoes and preparing yourself for another night of work. Stepping out of the room, you noticed someone standing silently in the hallway, eyes fixed on the world outside through the window. It was Seonghwa—the one who played the role of the gang’s unofficial caretaker, almost motherly in his demeanor.
You approached him, hesitating slightly before asking, “Have you seen Jongho anywhere?”
Without tearing his gaze from the window, Seonghwa replied, “He’s with Mr. Kim right now.” He exhaled a plume of smoke, the faint haze curling around his face before his eyes flicked toward you, sharp and piercing.
You swallowed, your voice wavering as you continued, “Could you... could you let him know I need to speak with him downstairs? It’s about my weekly allowance. Thank you.”
Seonghwa’s stare lingered a moment longer, his expression unreadable as he took another slow drag from his cigarette. “He’ll be informed,” he said flatly before turning his attention back to the view outside.
You murmured another thanks, his detached demeanor leaving an uneasy feeling in your chest. Shaking it off, you made your way downstairs, the muffled music growing louder with each step.
Descending the stairs, the dim lights cast a hazy glow over the room, shadows dancing to the rhythm of the pounding music. The bass vibrated through the floor, mingling with the murmur of voices and clinking glasses. You made your way to the bar, the cool surface grounding you as you leaned against it.
Before diving into the night’s performance, you needed a drink to steady your nerves. You signaled to the bartender, the familiar ritual bringing a brief sense of comfort amidst the chaos.
“Hey, I didn’t think you worked behind the bar,” you remarked, surprised to see who was serving drinks tonight.
Turning around with a playful grin, Wooyoung leaned casually against the counter, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Yeah, well, I like to switch things up now and then,” he replied, effortlessly charismatic.
You couldn’t help but smirk. From what you knew about the gang, Wooyoung was the loud, energetic one, but beneath his playful exterior, he was one of the sharpest minds when it came to decision-making and planning. His unpredictable nature kept everyone on their toes—tonight was no exception.
He slid a glass across the bar toward you, his eyes flicking over you with curiosity. “Starting off the night with a drink, huh? Rough evening already?” He teased.
“Don’t make me tell you... I’m just exhausted from... stuff.” You sighed, your shoulders sagging as you lifted the glass to your lips, taking a long, deep gulp. The burn was familiar, grounding, and it was just what you needed to face the night ahead.
Wooyoung watched you, his playful demeanor softening for a moment, but he didn’t press further. He knew better than to pry.
Placing the empty glass back on the bar, you offered him a nod before turning away, the music growing louder as you approached the stage. The lights were low, the crowd buzzing with anticipation. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself as you stepped into the spotlight, ready to perform despite the exhaustion weighing heavy on your shoulders.
While you were performing, your eyes scanned the dimly lit room, drawn to a familiar figure standing in the corner. Jongho. His presence was unmistakable—calm, composed, yet intensely focused on you. He stood with his back against the wall, a glass in hand, the amber liquid swirling gently as he took measured sips. His expression was unreadable, stoic and serious, his eyes never leaving you.
As the music faded and the lights dimmed, you wrapped up your routine, the applause a distant hum as your attention stayed on him. Steeling yourself, you made your way over, weaving through the crowd until you were face-to-face.
Jongho’s gaze was cold, his features rigid, revealing nothing of his thoughts. His eyes flicked over you, analyzing, calculating, before finally meeting yours. The air between you felt heavy, the weight of his stare pressing down on you. You opened your mouth to speak but hesitated, the words caught in your throat as his expression remained unyielding.
“Jongho... Mr. Choi,” you began, your voice steady despite the tension in the air. “I need to discuss my weekly allowance.”
He took another slow sip from his glass, his eyes never leaving yours as he lowered it. “So, what do you need now?” His tone was even, almost indifferent, but the sharpness in his gaze was unmistakable.
You swallowed, feeling the knot tighten in your stomach, but you pressed on. “Well... I wanted to ask for a raise this month,” you admitted, your voice softening as you continued. “I need to buy some new clothes... mine are getting worn out.”
Jongho’s eyes flicked over you, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his face before his expression returned to its usual cold demeanor. He leaned back against the bar, his posture relaxed but his gaze unrelenting.
Jongho’s lips curled into a faint smirk, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary. “Well, since you’re done with your dance session, you can come to my office. We’ll discuss it there.” His voice was calm, almost too casual, but his gaze was sharp, traveling slowly over your figure before meeting your eyes once more.
Your heart skipped a beat, but you maintained your composure, giving him a small nod. “Alright.”
Without another word, Jongho turned on his heel, making his way through the crowded room. You followed close behind, weaving through the sea of people as the music continued to pulse around you.
The journey felt longer than it should have, your mind racing with anticipation. You could feel his presence just ahead of you, calm and commanding, his pace steady and confident. Reaching his office, Jongho unlocked the door and stepped inside, holding it open just long enough for you to follow before closing it behind you.
The room was dimly lit, the faint glow from the city outside casting shadows along the walls. You stood there, your pulse quickening as you waited for him to speak, he locked the door behind you. Going to the desk, his back turned to you as he set his drink down on the desk.
"You know u are the one who ruins your own clothing." Jongho hums. Getting closer to you as he caresses your face with the back of his fingers. You look into his eyes and nod.
“Yes, sir. I know,” you whispered, your voice barely audible as his fingers lightly traced the curve of your bottom lip. His touch was gentle but commanding, sending a shiver down your spine. Your breath hitched, the tension in the room thickening—but before anything else could happen, a sharp knock echoed from the door.
Jongho’s expression shifted instantly, his jaw tightening as he pulled his hand away, irritation flickering in his eyes. He released a low, frustrated groan before turning on his heel and striding over to the door.
You stood frozen in place, nerves coiling tight as you watched him unlock and open it. Peeking over his shoulder, you recognized Seonghwa standing on the other side, his usual calm demeanor unchanged.
“Y/N was looking to talk to you,” Seonghwa said, his voice steady, his eyes flicking briefly to you before returning to Jongho.
Jongho sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “I’m already talking to her,” he replied, his tone curt but controlled.
Seonghwa nodded, his expression unreadable as he took a step back. “Understood.” Without another word, he turned and walked away, his presence disappearing down the hallway.
Jongho shut the door with a click, his fingers lingering on the lock as he turned it firmly. His back remained to you for a moment, his shoulders tense, before he slowly turned around, his eyes locking onto yours once more. The air felt heavy again, the tension from before returning even stronger.
Jongho’s smirk returned, his eyes narrowing slightly as he crossed his arms, leaning casually against his desk. “So, here’s the deal,” he said, his voice low and commanding. “I need you to get back to work. Once your shift is over, come back to my office, and we’ll sort out your weekly allowance.”
His gaze lingered on you, a teasing glint in his eyes, his smirk never fading. The implication behind his words was clear, but his tone remained composed and controlled.
You felt your heart skip, but you managed a nod, keeping your expression neutral. “Yes, sir,” you replied, your voice steady even as nerves buzzed under your skin.
Without another word, you turned and unlocked the door, your fingers trembling just slightly. You could feel his eyes on you as you stepped out, the door closing behind you with a soft click.
Taking a deep breath, you steadied yourself before heading back to the main floor, the music and lights pulling you back into the rhythm of the night.
The hours dragged on, the music pounding relentlessly as you moved through the motions, one performance after another. By the time the clock hit 5 a.m., exhaustion weighed heavy on you. You sighed, wiping the sweat from your brow as you counted the night’s earnings—over $500. Not bad, but all you wanted now was to collapse in your bed.
Your mind was foggy, and the promise to see Jongho after your shift slipped away as fatigue took over. You made your way upstairs, each step feeling heavier than the last as you headed straight to your room.
But as you neared your door, the low murmur of voices caught your attention. It was coming from the room down the hall. The door was cracked open just enough for sound to seep through. You hesitated, curiosity stirring despite your exhaustion.
Quietly, you crept closer, careful to stay out of sight as you peered inside. Hongjoong stood in the center of the room, his back to you, his posture tense. Opposite him was Seonghwa, his arms crossed, face unusually serious. The air between them felt heavy, the conversation clearly intense.
You strained to listen, heart beating a little faster as you tried to make out their words, unsure of what you were about to overhear.
Your blood ran cold as the conversation became clearer.
“Well, we need to get rid of the body. Yunho said the guy tried threatening he would kidnap Y/N and kill her,” Hongjoong’s voice was low and sharp, barely contained anger seeping through his words.
Seonghwa’s glare was fierce, his jaw clenched as he responded, “I told the others that we’re not going back to a life of crime. We agreed to leave that behind. I say we punish Yunho for breaking our new rules.” His voice was cold, unyielding.
Hongjoong fell silent, his expression conflicted, but he didn’t argue.
Your heart plummeted, panic rising in your chest. Yunho... killed someone? And now the leaders were planning to punish him? But what did that even mean? You shuddered at the possibilities, dread coiling tight in your stomach.
You backed away from the door, feeling the world spin around you. It was suddenly hard to breathe, the air feeling heavy and suffocating. Without another thought, you turned and hurried back to your room, your mind racing with fear and confusion.
What were you supposed to do now? What would happen to Yunho? And if they found out you overheard, what would they do to you?
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, your face pale, eyes wide with lingering shock. Your heart was still racing, but you forced yourself to breathe, pushing down the fear and anxiety that threatened to consume you. With practiced precision, you buried your emotions, slipping back into a composed façade.
Your hands moved mechanically as you began undressing, shedding the remnants of the night’s performance in favor of something more comfortable. Just as you reached for a shirt, a sudden knock echoed from your door.
Your heart jumped, panic momentarily flaring before you snapped into action, quickly pulling on the closest set of clothes. You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to appear calm before opening the door.
Standing before you were Yunho. His expression was neutral, unreadable, his tall frame leaning casually against the doorframe.
“Oh! I thought you were Jongho... I completely forgot to see him after my shift,” you blurted out, your voice rushed as you tried to mask your nerves.
Yunho’s brow furrowed, his lips pressing into a thin line. “Unnecessary details,” he replied bluntly, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at you. There was no hint of warmth in his voice, just cold indifference.
You swallowed, trying to keep your composure. Every word from his mouth echoed in your mind, mingling with what you had just overheard. You couldn’t help but wonder—did he know? Did he suspect you had heard everything?
“What... what brings you here?” you asked, fighting to keep your voice steady, hoping he couldn’t sense your fear.
“Did you make money tonight? I need to pay Hongjoong back,” Yunho asked, his voice calm but firm, his eyes coldly scanning the room.
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of Hongjoong, the memory of his conversation with Seonghwa flashing through your mind. You felt a lump form in your throat but forced yourself to stay composed.
“Y-Yeah... I made over $500 tonight,” you stammered, your voice barely steady. Not wanting to provoke his impatience, you quickly moved across the room to where you’d stashed your earnings.
Your fingers fumbled slightly as you retrieved the cash, the weight of his gaze heavy on your back. Turning around, you saw his eyes fixed on you, unblinking and expectant.
You took a few steps toward him, holding out the money. “Here. This is everything I made tonight.”
Yunho’s eyes flicked down to the cash before reaching out, his fingers brushing against yours as he took the bills from your hand. His expression remained unreadable, his demeanor cool and detached as he began counting the money.
You watched him in silence, your heart racing as you waited for his reaction, unsure of what he would do next.
Yunho’s eyes lingered on the cash for a moment before he tucked it into his pocket. “I’ll be right back,” he said curtly, his voice giving nothing away as he turned and left the room.
Your chest tightened with worry, the memory of Hongjoong and Seonghwa’s conversation echoing in your mind. You couldn’t just sit back and wait.
Quietly, you slipped out of your room, trailing behind Yunho at a safe distance. You kept your footsteps light, your body pressed against the walls as you moved through the dimly lit hallway. The air felt colder, the silence unsettling as you watched him approach Hongjoong’s office.
He knocked once before entering, the door clicking shut behind him. You crept closer, your heart pounding as you leaned in, pressing your ear to the door.
Muffled voices filtered through, their tones low and serious. You could barely make out Hongjoong’s voice, cold and commanding, followed by Yunho’s calm but measured replies.
Your breath caught as the conversation grew more intense, the tension palpable even through the thick wood of the door. You pressed closer, desperately trying to hear more, hoping that Yunho would make it out unscathed.
Suddenly, the voices stopped. Your blood ran cold, panic flaring as you realized the room had gone completely silent. You held your breath, frozen in place, waiting to see what would happen next.
You pressed yourself closer to the door, heart pounding as the conversation grew clearer.
“Yunho,” Hongjoong’s voice was cold, his tone laced with disappointment. “Seonghwa and I know about your little incident earlier. You do realize we agreed—no more of this. We’re not allowed to get involved in these crimes again... not after what happened last time. It almost got Seonghwa killed.”
There was a heavy pause, the weight of Hongjoong’s words sinking in. Through the door, you could feel the tension radiating from the room.
Yunho let out a sigh, his voice quieter as he replied, “I... I know. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” There was a genuine remorse in his tone, but you could also hear the frustration buried beneath it.
The room went silent again before Hongjoong’s voice cut through, his words cold but calm. “Look, we’re not going to do anything drastic... but you could lose your title for this. We made rules for a reason. If you can’t follow them, you don’t deserve the position you have.”
You could almost picture the scene: Hongjoong’s eyes locked on Yunho, his presence imposing and unwavering. There was the sound of a chair scraping against the floor, and you realized Hongjoong had stood up.
The air grew heavy, your chest tightening as you heard his footsteps approach Yunho. “We can’t afford any more mistakes,” Hongjoong continued, his voice low. “Get your act together... or I’ll make sure you regret it.”
Your blood ran cold, your hands trembling as you clung to the door. You knew Yunho was in trouble, and if Hongjoong was serious, things could get a lot worse. You held your breath, waiting to see how Yunho would respond.
“Yes, boss,” Yunho’s voice was subdued, obedient, his defiance seemingly extinguished. You heard footsteps approaching the door, and your heart leapt in panic.
Without wasting another second, you darted away from the door, hurrying back to your room as quietly as possible. You slipped inside, shutting the door softly behind you, your heart pounding in your chest.
Sitting on your bed, you tried to catch your breath, your mind racing with everything you’d just heard. You couldn’t shake the coldness in Hongjoong’s voice, the threat lingering ominously. What would happen to Yunho now? And if they found out you were eavesdropping...
A sharp knock on your door snapped you out of your thoughts. Your heart jumped, panic briefly flashing through you. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself before calling out, “Come in.”
The door opened, and to your surprise, it was Jongho who stepped inside. He closed the door behind him, his posture relaxed but his eyes sharp as they locked onto you.
“Oh!” you blurted out, guilt from spying on Yunho and Hongjoong still fresh in your mind. You quickly composed yourself, remembering why he was here. “Oh, right... my allowance...” you muttered under your breath, feeling slightly embarrassed for forgetting.
Jongho raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he approached you. “Did you have a good night at work?” he asked, his tone casual, but his eyes seemed to be searching for something, observing you closely.
You nodded, keeping your response brief, the tension from earlier still weighing heavily on you. Jongho stood over you, his presence imposing as his eyes lingered on you, his expression unreadable.
Before he could say anything, another knock interrupted the moment. You sighed, the fatigue and anxiety catching up to you as you turned your head toward the door. Jongho’s eyes narrowed, annoyance flickering across his face as he looked over, clearly displeased by the interruption.
The door creaked open, and Yunho stood there, his face void of emotion, his eyes flicking between you and Jongho. The tension in the room grew heavy, the air thickening as the two men stared each other down.
“It was my turn tonight,” Jongho snapped, his irritation evident as he crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing at Yunho. His posture was firm, claiming his authority without hesitation.
Yunho’s jaw tightened, his eyes hardening as he stood his ground. “We both share her,” he retorted coldly, his voice laced with defiance. “And if anything, I was already about to fuck her... I just had to pay Hongjoong back first.”
Your heart skipped a beat, your face flushing a deep shade of red as their words sank in. Their bluntness left no room for misinterpretation, and the realization hit you hard—they were both in the mood, and they both wanted you tonight.
You swallowed, the tension between them palpable as they stood on either side of you, their eyes flicking to you before returning to each other. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, your mind spinning as you processed the situation.
Jongho’s eyes narrowed, his irritation turning into something darker, his stance unwavering as he stepped closer, his gaze never leaving Yunho. “You had her last time. Tonight, she’s mine.” His voice was firm, possessive, his authority undeniable.
Yunho’s lips curled into a mocking smirk; his demeanor calm but his eyes flashing with challenge. “That’s not how it works, Jongho. We agreed to share, remember?” His tone was taunting, his posture relaxed but his intent unmistakable.
Caught between them, you could feel the tension crackling in the air, their rivalry intensifying right in front of you. Your pulse quickened; your body frozen as you realized you were the center of their standoff.
"Fine. you are so damn greedy now." Jongho hisses. "You can go after me." He finished as he starts lifting your shirt up exposing your skin. You just sat there in shock flickering your eyes on both of them.
"I am not going after you." Yunho glares at Jongho. Jongho smirks pulling you onto his lap. "We are sharing her tonight." Yunho's voice got deeper. You look into Jongho's eyes nervously feeling your face heat up. You shifted on Jongho's lap trying to sit more comfortably until you felt Yunho's hands travel up your body, snaking over your neck caressing your cheeks. You soon started leaning towards Jongho to kiss him, Jongho's lips crashed into yours as you both started making out.
You felt Yunho removing the rest of your clothes off, exposing your entire body to both of them. Jongho was the first to pull away and reattach his lips onto your neck sucking and kissing the skin. You moaned and slowly started moving your hips on Jongho grinding on him. Jongho groaned at the feeling, gripping your waist to keep you moving on him.
"She is so fucking needy." Jongho teased looking up at Yunho. "She is already soaking." Jongho let go of your neck and waist pushing you off causing you to whine. Yunho smirked and immediately pulled you onto his lap.
"Is that so?" Yunho smirked whispering and nipping on your earlobe. You nod softly as Yunho re-adjusts his position underneath you and places both of his hands on your breasts, squeezing them as they were stress balls. You whimpered at the feeling, Yunho smirking at your reactions. Yunho resting his chin on your shoulder as he continues to play with your breasts, squeezing and rubbing them.
Jongho on the other hand was now unzipping his pants, pulling his cock out. Yunho groaned as you started shifting on his lap softly grinding on his crotch.
"Fuck, you are needy." Yunho hisses. You hum in response. "Okay stop teasing me Y/N." Yunho throws you off of him and pins you on the bed.
"So, who is taking what tonight?" Jongho asks. Yunho sighs, looking down at you.
"Actually, I will take her mouth. I want to see her pretty face as I fuck her." Jongho smirks. Yunho nods just accepting it. Yunho flips you over and forces you on your knees as he stands behind you. You watch Jongho go over you and kneel down in front of you.
Yunho slides his hand over in between your folds rubbing two fingers back and forth before doing anything else. You immediately start moaning trying to close your legs together but his other hand grips one thigh to keep them open.
"Yunho!" You moan trying to stay calm, but you can't. Soon Jongho grips your face and presses his tip against your lips forcing himself in. Your eyes started watering but kept moaning and now gagging.
"Fuck..." Jongho curses now gripping ahold of your hair holding it up. You felt Jongho's cock twitch inside your mouth and soon you felt Yunho's hand leave, being replaced with his cock. You felt your insides go into knots as Yunho shoved himself deep inside you.
"She is completely wet..." Yunho breathing got heavy as he slowly started thrusting in and out of you.
"She is enjoying this too much." Jongho groans. You feel Jongho's tip hit the back of your throat causing you to gag and cough out.
"Too much to handle?" Jongho looks down at you keeping himself deep inside your throat. You look up at him feeling completely dizzy, eyes tearing up and you moan louder sending vibrations against Jongho's cock as Yunho slams harder into you. You felt your legs going numb as you kept trying to hold yourself up.
"Stop shaking like a weak scared puppy." Yunho groans and grips your waist tightly, sure to leave bruises tomorrow. You moan out and immediately pull away from Jongho's cock. Drool and saliva stick to your bottom lip and the tip of his cock as you moan loudly from the pleasure Yunho is giving you.
"Fucking bitch." Jongho snaps pulling your hair back and slamming himself back into your mouth. You have no chance to breath or moan. You try to grab ahold of jongho's thighs trying to hold on. Jongho pushes your head deeper, soon you started swirling your tongue around his shaft.
"Fuck I am close..." Jongho curses. Yunho groans bucking his hips into you. Wasn't very long until Jongho came right inside your mouth. Yunho on the other hand was still fucking you and Jongho finally pulled his cock out as he looked down at you leaning towards you.
"Make sure you swallow it all." Jongho speaks as you try to. Your nose scrunches up, but you just obey his order and continue moaning. Yunho hisses as you feel his cock twitch inside you.
"Fuck..." He curses as he releases inside you. You heavily breath out, chest puffing in and out as you try to catch your breath. You whine as Yunho pulls out of you.
"She is completely fucked." Jongho’s smirk deepened as he reached out, his fingers gripping your chin, tilting your face up toward him.
His touch was firm, commanding, yet there was a certain level of control behind it. Your breath hitched, your body tense under his intense gaze. Your eyes were clouded with exhaustion, struggling to stay open after the long night. Everything felt hazy.
"Look at me," Jongho murmured, his voice low but demanding. His thumb brushed over your cheek, his smirk never fading. "I think I can do another round with her." Jongho hums looking into your eyes.
"We can swap places this time. I want to see her pretty face now." Yunho gets up switching sides with Jongho. You felt completely weak and didn't think you could handle a 2nd round with both of them.
You looked at Yunho completely tired. He leans down towards you sitting on his knees.
"You are doing a good job tonight..." Yunho hums caressing your face. You shifted on your knees looking into his eyes blushing as his compliment.
Very soon you felt Jongho slam deep into you causing you to cry out. Your arms gave up and immediately fell onto Yunho's lap feeling over stimulated inside.
"Get up." Yunho picks your face up harshly squeezing your face. You look up at him moaning once again as Jongho grips your waist, pounding into you.
"Jongho!" You moan loudly out gripping onto Yunho's thighs, digging your nails into them looking up at Yunho. Yunho smirked as he presses his cock against your lips. You leave a soft lick against the tip, moaning against it.
"Fuck." Yunho hisses at the feeling. You feel your insides completely melting.
"I don't even think you can fit me in your mouth..." Yunho hums as you continue licking and moaning against him.
"Hm? Got nothing to say?" Yunho smirks. You turn your head to the side but immediately get turned back towards Yunho. He grips your face harshly causing you to whine.
"I bet she is enjoying this." Jongho groans. Yunho nods in agreement as he sits up and pushes himself down your throat. You immediately cough at the feeling of it hitting the back of your throat. You try to swirl your tongue around the shaft as Yunho starts bucking his hips into your throat.
"Fuck. Y/N." Yunho groans throwing his head back as he continues. "She definitely is..." He grips ahold of your hair biting his lower lip.
"She is taking us very well... She deserves a great allowance this week." Jongho readjusts himself before slamming back into you. You were soaked and messy all over.
"I am close again..." Jongho moaned as his thrusts got sloppier, you soon felt another release inside you. Yunho was still fucking you and not very long until he came inside your mouth as well.
"Make sure you swallow it..." Yunho huffs out as he pulls himself out. You nod and try your best feeling completely wrecked and messy.
"I... Can't do anymore..." You whimper feeling your body tremble as you fell onto Yunho's lap after the sessions.
"You did amazing tonight..." Yunho caresses your face, and you can tell they were satisfied with you.
"You need to take a shower and get ready for bed. We will pay you later." Jongho helps you up from Yunho's lap and you nod slightly leaning against Jongho completely exhausted.
"We might need to help her take a shower." Jongho laughs at how weak you are now.
"N-No. I can do it." You huff out pushing yourself up and grabbing clothes to take a shower.
After your shower, you rushed straight to bed, exhaustion weighing down on you. The moment your head hit the pillow, your body relaxed, ready to finally drift into much-needed sleep. But before you could completely unwind, the door creaked open.
You groaned, pulling the blanket up slightly. “Please… I’m too tired. No more,” you whined, your voice muffled against the pillow.
To your surprise, Jongho chuckled. “No, I’m not here for that,” he reassured you, his tone unusually light. “I wanted to give you a gift… along with your allowance.”
That caught your attention. You peeked up at him curiously as he approached your bedside, his usual confident expression softening ever so slightly.
“I was going to do it earlier,” he continued, irritation flashing across his face, “but Yunho interrupted.” His annoyance was evident, but he quickly shook it off, reaching into a bag.
“Don’t tell or show the others I got you this,” he muttered, almost embarrassed as he pulled out a plush teddy bear. The sight of it was almost comical in his hands, so out of place for someone like him. He looked almost… defeated, as if giving it to you made him feel exposed in a way he wasn’t used to.
Your heart warmed at the gesture. A small, genuine smile formed on your lips as you reached for the plush, hugging it tightly against your chest. “It’s very cute. Thank you, Jongho…” you murmured, your voice soft as you nestled into the comfort of the gift.
Jongho cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with the moment stretching on. “Anyways… goodnight, Y/N,” he said quickly before turning to leave, his usual composed self-cracking just slightly.
As the door shut behind him, you buried your face into the plush bear, a rare sense of comfort washing over you. With a deep breath, you finally allowed sleep to take over, the tension of the night fading away.
(Nothing else. No Notes. Sorry y'all I am a true freak.)
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scorpioriesling · 3 days ago
Hear me out: (an x reader)
Liam, Ridoc and Dain.
Liam/Ridoc/Reader start with some #7 for celebrating.
Goes into a lil bit of #34 ofc cuz alcohol.
#34 plays into #13.
#13 turns into the other first year (whoever isn’t mackin on reader) doin a bit of #61.
Then Dain somehow catches them and they invite him in bc who doesn’t love a squad leader joining his fav first years ;)) with a bit of #68. He’s hesitant but he secretly loves it sooo.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :)
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Life Of The Party
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Pairing(s): Modern!Liam x Ridoc x Dain x reader
Warning(s): 18+, mdni, smut
Summary: When attending a sorority party with your two roommates, you never imagined anything could go wrong -- but, how could it be so wrong if it felt so right?
SR’s Note: You guys are HUNGRY for these foursomes lmaoooo I love it. This is my first ever story with Dain... oof, let's see how that goes. I did change up a little, making it more of a modern-college-frat-roomie situation, and Y/N is in her sophomore year with Liam and Ridoc (let's pretend, here) while Dain is in his junior year. Other than that, enjoy some more smut involving our favorite men (; This uses prompts #7, #13, #34, #61, and #68! This is long, and took 3 days to write -- but on God, it might be one of my favorites of all time.
Tags: @mellowmusings @rcarbo1 @lilah-asteria @kitsunetori @velarisdusk @nctsawrus (inbox me or comment if you'd like to be added!)
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"Y/N, I already told you -- I do not want to go to Violet's party-"
"Oh come onnnn," you whined, sporting a pouty face when Liam frowned at you. "She's our friend, and it'll be really fun!"
Your tone isn't convincing enough.
"I just don't want to go through an entire night watching her and Xaden eat eachother alive-"
"Woah!" Ridoc exclaims, waltzing into the kitchen lazily. He scratched at his tousled hair, his eyes still widening from his slumber. "Who's eating who?"
Liam chuckled at your shared roomate, but you only rolled your eyes.
"Violet is throwing another party tonight," you explained, hoping that the mention of your shared friend would pique Ridoc's interest. "She said it's some kind of fundraiser for her sorority-"
"Ooh, yeah. Uh. I'm out." Ridoc holds up both hands in surrender, and you huff.
"What is it with you two and not wanting to go tonight?" You frown, crossing your arms over your chest. "It's a party, for Christ's sakes -- I figured you of all people wouldn't want to miss that," you accuse, your eyes slicing to Ridoc.
"And you," you continue, zeroing in on Liam. "... wouldn't miss the chance to see your best friend. Isn't it obvious that Xaden will be there?"
Liam shrugs, his eyebrows raising as if he's considering the invitation.
"Yeah, he'll be there -- those two are connected at the hip," Ridoc starts.
"They're connected in more places than just that-"
"Ew!" You shout, covering your face with your hands. "Liam, that's disgusting."
Him and Ridoc howl in laughter as you work to get the mental image of your friend and her boyfriend being... well, connected.
"Anyways," Ridoc says, working to control his breathing. "What I was saying was that if Xaden is there, so is the rest of his frat." He shrugs as though he'd made up his mind.
"And, what's the problem with that?" You ask, brow raised. Before Ridoc can respond, Liam answers for him.
"You know those guys, Y/N -- the short one that tries to be everybody's friend... well, he's okay I guess."
Liam nods. "Yeah, hes fine -- but the other ones, I mean... Bodhi, that freshman Aaric," he grimaces. "Their new VP? What's his name?"
"Dain." Ridoc says flatly, and Liam snaps his fingers before pointing at him.
"Right! Yeah, him." You huff a short laugh.
"I've never even met the guy before, what could be so-"
"Everything, Y/N." Ridoc responds lowly. "Everything, is so wrong with the guy."
You roll your eyes for what felt like the millionth time this evening.
"He isn't just the VP for their frat, ya know." Liam continues, and you slide your gaze to him. "He's the top of their class, apparently he's being considered for the class president role-"
"Okay, how do I not even know who we're talking about?" You ask.
Ridoc holds a flat hand just above his head. "About, this tall? Brown hair, tan-ish guy... I'm sure you've seen him around," he explains. You rack your brain, trying to think of anyone you'd seen on campus with that description. No one was coming to mind, which was concerning since you were sure you'd know someone just a year older than you with that kind of title.
"I don't know," you give up, and Ridoc drops his hand. "I thought their class president title was given to Imogen, anyway?"
Liam shakes his head.
"Nah, they wanted that asshole over her I guess." Ridoc remarks.
You frown. "What is it with this guy that you guys dislike so much?"
They both start talking at once.
"Alright, alright -- I got it," you hold your hands up. "So what, this one person you don't like will be there, big deal."
"Big deal?" Ridoc's voice pitches. "This guy was the one responsible for Halloween last year -- and you remember how long it took us to clean all that up."
Your mind flashed to the memory. Your two roomates didn't live in a house with their fraternity, in fact, they didn't even really have one. Nonetheless, the Halloween prank war between all the fraternities didn't quite go in their favor last year...
...let's just say, they spent more time in the bathroom than you did for the following month. And your shower smelt heavily of eggs and fish.
"Waa waa, so what." You shrugged, and they both looked at you incredulously. "Is it so hard to ignore him? You both know we should be there to support Vi," you try reasoning with them. Liam sighs, running a hand over his face before looking at you solemnly.
"This is her first fundraiser, and she really wants us there."
Ridoc huffs, scratching his post-nap hair again.
"You know Jesinia will be there..." you tease quietly, and Liam's eyebrows raise.
"I'm in," he says immediately, and Ridoc scoffs.
"Dude -- you won't even talk to her until you're two beers in," he says, and Liam rolls his eyes.
"So? It is a party, won't they have-"
"No dude -- it's a fundraiser," Ridoc says slowly. "They won't provide any alcohol, since they're hosting. Sorority rules." He shrugs, and Liam groans.
"Okay -- just hear me out," you say, walking toward the fridge. You open it silently, and gesture to the half-empty boxes of various alcoholic beverages inside. Ridoc shakes his head, and Liam seems to weigh his options.
You stare pleadingly at the pair before Ridoc speaks again.
"Fine. We'll go. Only on one condition. We get plastered first."
* ✧・゚: *
You stumbled out the front door, following after your friends as you headed for the sidewalk. Liam said something ahead of you, and Ridoc let out a rediculous laugh.
"W-what... are you guys talking about?" You grinned, and Liam looked over his shoulder at you.
Ridoc let out another chuckle, and the two of them glanced at eachother.
"Nothing, nothing." He mumbled, and you rolled your eyes.
"You know, if Rhi were here, she'd torture the answer out of the both of you." Rhiannon, your third roomate, who was conveniently out of town this weekend visiting her family.
"Good thing she isn't," Ridoc says, tossing an arm around your shoulders. "You're stuck with us this weekend."
You look sidelong at him, giggling at the pink staining his cheeks. He'd chugged three Nutrls before you left, and Liam was in fact already twp beers in -- he shouldn't have any problem talking to his crush.
"Damn! She really decked the place out!"
Ridoc's voice faded as the three of you stalked closer to the soririty house, the music blasting through the wide-open front door. People loitered in the front lawn, enjoying their filled solo-cups while enjoying the nice weather and setting sun.
"Hey, I thought you said no alcohol?"
Ridoc shrugged at Liam's question as you crossed the street, making your way up the stone steps to the front door.
"Maybe it's soda."
A girl to your right laughed loudly, tripping over her own feet as she worked to regain her balance -- using the arm of male next to her, of course. Liam turned sharply, chuckling at his friend's incinuation.
"I can guarantee you... it isn't water, in those cups."
Once crossing through the doorway, you look around in amazement. Purple streamers, multicolored balloons, and silver glitter adorned the high ceilings and grand staircase of the sorority house. It looked like Elle Woods just threw up on the damned place -- if Elle Woods didn't wear pink, anyway.
"Guys!" You heard the familiar shriek of excitement, and you turned to see Violet bounding over to the three of you. She threw her arms around you, and you embraced her right back.
"I'm so glad you could make it!" She looks to Liam, giving him a warm smile.
"Wouldn't miss it," Ridoc says sarcastically, and you elbow him in the ribs. Violet didn't seem to catch his tone.
"So -- what do ya think?" She asks, gesturing to the decorations and the people mingling under them. Liam nods, his eyes peering through the crowd surely in search of the brunette he fancied.
"It's... it's so cute, Vi. You did great," you muster, the effects of the single White Claw lightly clouding your brain. She looks to you again, her eyes wide.
"Can you tell what the theme is?" She asks, and you look around quickly. With all the random decorations, the mix of colors... you spot a blown up plastic snake in the corner, that looked similar to a pool floatie. Shake It Off blaring over the speakers didn't really help your mental state, either.
"Uhh... Taylor Swift?" You guessed. She laughed, tossing her head back.
"No! Silly," she mused, her words dripping with the effects of a drink or two herself. "It's Greek Mythology -- you know, because sororities are, greek?" She shrugs, and you paste on a knowing expression.
"Right! Right, I totally see it now." You didn't see it at all.
She pointed to the snake balloon. "See, this one is like that one goddess with the snake hair, and," she takes ahold of your arm, guiding you further into the foyer. You toss Ridoc an apologetic look, but he only chuckles at your predicament.
"...and I did purple for like, Atremis, ya know... oh, and the silver glitter for like, magic or whatever." You nod as though you understood her reasoning. Was she intoxicated when she came up with this plan?
She lead you into the kitchen, where you were greeted by more familiar faces. She eventually dropped her arm, rushing over to the back door as her boyfriend waltzed in, his posse behind him.
"Babe!" She squealed, running to him and pressing a kiss to his lips. You continued your conversation with Cat, another one of Violet's sorority sisters -- but your attention began to waver as each member of Xaden's frat followed through the door behind him.
Bodhi, of course, walked in and had girls flocking him immediately -- his polite smile and kind eyes were vaguely similar to his cousin's. Aaric, the freshman, followed after; he looked sky, but cute nonetheless.
And then... holy shit.
It may have been the most beautiful man you'd ever seen.
"Yeah, so anyways -- Vi wants me at the booth out back, I'll catch ya later?"
You shake your head, trying to refocus on Cat as she left the kitchen island.
"Yeah... I'll... see ya..."
His toned arms were sun-kissed beneath the thin material of his tank, the clean white of the material only enhancing the contrast between skin and clothing. His hair looked so soft, swooping to the side and revealing his deep brown eyes--
"Might want to close your mouth, Y/N; you'll catch a fly."
You glare over your shoulder, Ridoc's body approaching behind you. You heard his mocking tone before you saw him, walking over with two pink cups in his hands.
"I wasn't..." you start to protest, and he reaches around you to put one in your hand. You swish the liquid around, discerning what he'd just handed you. Water.
"Oh for the love of God -- do not tell me you were seriously checking out--"
You ushed back against him, craning your neck as you held the back of your hand to his lips.
He leaned in, taking your hand in his as he moved your arm back down to your side. His lips tickled as he spoke softly against your ear, his voice low.
"...Dain, Aetos."
You huffed, lifting the cup to your lips as Ridoc moved behind you, opting to sit on a clear space of countertop as he looked to you quizzically. You took a large gulp, the refreshing feeling a welcome one as opposed to the burn of the alcohol you'd consumed earlier.
"So?" You shrugged, and Ridoc shook his head slowly. "So what if I was?"
He chuckled, pincing the bridge of his nose.
"Just know, I wish you all the luck, Y/N." He says, his tone resigned. You roll your eyes, walking over to stand between his knees. He stares down at you, raising a single eyebrow.
"I don't need, your luck, Ridoc," you say, and his thumb and forefinger lightly grip your chin.
"You don't need, that," he says the word as though its poisonous, glancing toward Dain again. Your eyes follow, watching as he greets a few girls on his way through.
You look back up at your dark-haired friend, your eyes catching on a few strands that fall across his forehead.
"You have no idea, what I need."
* ✧・゚: *
It'd been a pathetic hour that you roamed the house, talking with friends as you searched for Liam. The sun was dipping below the horizon, casting a orangey glow throughout the mansion. You dodged person after person, scanning for a certain face you were sure you wouldn't forget.
Did you want to run into him? Oh, yes. But what would you even say?
The thought made your stomach churn.
A stranger to your right brushed past you, uttering a giggly apology as htey continued on their way. Many of the partygoers seemed... more than happy, at that. Where were these people getting the goods?
"In the back!" Violet's voice rang through the hallway, her sing-songy tone ushering people outside. "The booth is in the backyard -- only a dollar!" She called, her face coming into view as more people filed through the kitchen and out into the sun.
She grasped her arm when she found you, her eyes glazed. Her brow furrowed as she looked down at your cup, noticing the emptiness of it.
"You don't look like you're having enough fun," she comments, and you shrug.
"It's a great fundraiser, Vi," you assure her, and she chuckles.
"Wanna drink?"
Now it's your turn to frown in confusion.
"I thought you weren't allowed-"
"We're not," she cuts you off. "But Xaden's frat brought a bunch of coolers -- they're in the back," she shrugs, and your face falls. This entire time, you could've been enjoying yourself more, and didn't know it?
She pats your arm once, then rushes off, ushering more people to the backyard. You round the corner and find Liam in the study, his unmistakable blonde hair glinting with the setting sun. Beside him stood Jesinia, smiling politely at something he was saying.
You didn't want to intrude, but... the girl looked like she might be grateful for it.
"Where the Hell did you get that?" You asked, looking at the Coors Light bottle in Liam's hand. He looked to you, a flash of annoyance and... something else crossing over his face before he answered.
Jesinia beat him to the punch, pointing at the door through the kitchen toward the backyard.
"Xaden and his bros brought them in," he said with a chuckle, glancing down at the poor girl when she didn't laugh with him. You swore, his dorkiness could only go so far -- and this, this was proof.
"Right," you said slowly, glancing over your shoulder and doing a double take when you watched a familiar white tank top saunter through the open door. Liam laughed, lightly shoving your shoulder.
"Hmmm, I see she's taken a liking to Dain Aetos," he dawls, and you glare at him. Jesinia only shrugs, chuckling as you smile knowingly at her.
The three of you are interrupted as a strawberry blonde approaches, leaning into the doorframe as he stares directly at Jesinia.
"Hey, Jes -- play flip cup with me?" He asks, and her cheeks pinken at his request. Nonetheless, she gives Liam a polite nod before joining the new male, leaving the two of you in the study.
Liam tips his bottle back as he watches her walk away, the guy's hand resting on her lower back.
You glance up at him, and he only shakes his head lowly.
"Fucking Sawyer," he grumbles. "Maybe I don't like the guy much."
You place a comforting hand on his upper back, rubbing back in forth comfortingly. His back muscles flex beneath the thin fabric of his black tee, and he looses a long breath.
"Come onnnn; let's go get you a drink."
* ✧・゚: *
You'd managed to snag and finish two more drinks before Ridoc caught up with you again -- all the while, avoiding Dain.
"Make a move on your new little crush yet?" Ridoc taunts, and you smack his shoulder.
"No," you say assertively, and he grins down at you.
"She's being a chicken." Liam says, glancing around the full yard over the rim of his cup. You glower at him.
"I am not -- I just... would rather have better conditions to meet him for the first time." Your cheeks flush. A cropped graphic tee and jean shorts didn't exactly scream "fuck me, please"!
Ridoc snorts. "Like, what, in a wedding dress?"
Liam laughs, Ridoc following right along. You roll your eyes in annoyance.
"Why don't you guys leave me alone? Go figure out what those tables are for or something." Their eyes catch on the long white pop-up tables, adorned with a pie at every folding chair. Liam shrugs, tossing his can in a nearby bin before heading that way.
You thank God when Ridoc follows.
You hear Imogen's voice over the crowd, and your eyes search for her bright pink hair. When you find it, you start making your way toward her -- next to the kissing booth.
"Listen, Gen, I understand why, but, I'm straight."
She laughs, leaning against the wooden frame that Cat sits behind. She looks miserable, biting on the edge of her solo cup as she sits there.
"No no, not for me," Imogen assures, gesturing to Cat. "My friend here hasn't peed in two hours, andddd since I can't find the other girls, I was hoping maybe you could cover?"
Your brows shoot up, and Cat widens her eyes.
"Please, Y/N -- just for a minute, I really gotta go," she pleads. You look around the backyard, searching from person to person.
You try to ignore the way Dain's muscles flex when he tosses a beanbag.
"Why can't Sloane do it?" You point to the freshman, standing shyly near the entryway to the kitchen.
"Because freshman aren't allowed to run the booths," Imogen says sternly. The idea of sitting here, waiting for some gross guy to come up and pay for a kiss? Gross.
You glance to her again. "Why not Vi?"
Imogen snorts. "Really? You think Xaden Riorson is letting any other man put his mouth on her?"
You shrug in agreement. "Why not you, then?"
She levels a hard stare at you. "I've already done my time with fundraiser booths. No thanks."
You huff. "I'm not even in this sorority-"
"Pleeease," Cat begs, her eyes as round as saucers. "It's just a few minutes, and I've barely had anyone all night." She assures, and you groan in defeat.
"Ughhh, fine." She excitedly slips from behind the booth, and you shuffle to take her spot. She scurries toward the house, and Imogen slaps a hand on the wooden frame once.
"It'll be fine," she reassures. "I think Cat's only made like, five bucks all night."
You sigh, glancing out at the lively scene around you. You spot Ridoc in his red jacket, talking with a redhead near the pie table. Liam is near the cooler again, rummaging through for surely another beer.
"Are you open?"
Your gaze fixes on the male before you, and your breath catches in your throat.
You open your mouth to answer, but it just hangs open. No sound comes out.
"It's... one dollar right?" Dain asks, sitting on the short stool on the other side of the booth. You force your mouth closed -- don't want to catch a fly, right? -- and nod, swallowing hard.
Dain nods once, a light smile playing on his lips as he tears his gaze from yours and moves to take out his wallet. He rifles through it, his long fingers filing between receipts, cards...
Ugh, his hands.
"Shoot, well, I only have a five," he says, his gaze finding yours again. He pulls it free handing it to you. You take it, glancing at the money jar behind the counter to find only a couple of bucks.
"I-I don't have, change," you stutter, and he chuckles.
"Guess I'll just have to redeem all five then — your boyfriend isn’t mad that you’re doing this?”
Your brows knit, and fully furrow when Dain motions to Ridoc.
“He’s absolutely not my boyfriend.” You scoff.
Dain grins.
He leans in immediately, pressing his lips to yours. You don't have time to react as his mouth moves against yours, the kiss feeling like five minutes and only thirty seconds at the same time. When he pulls back, he smiles at you -- his teeth impossibly white.
You blush as he pushes a hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.
"Four more to go."
You nod, a dorkish grin spreading across your face as he stands. He licks his bottom lip, waving to someone behind him as they call him over. He leans in one more time, speaking while staring you right in the eyes.
"But, we have all night."
With that, he grins and walks off, leaving you flustered and hot and ... everything, all at once. Your chest heaves, the weight of what just happened settling in.
You look across the yard, realizing everyone also just saw that happen.
But, no matter where you look, you only find one pair of deep brown eyes glaring back at you.
* ✧・゚: *
"Pie time!"
Violet annouces with a clap of her hands, and the crowd gathers before the tables as men from Xaden's frat take their seats.
"I mean, I'm glad you like someone but... him?" Ridoc chastizes, shaking his head as the two of you join the herd.
You scoff. "Ridoc, what is this obsession over Dain Aetos? I mean, really." You ask, and he takes a long swig from his can.
"The guy is just an ass, and thinks he's better than everyone. At everything."
"One more spot!" Xaden calls, motioning to the chair before him. "Somebody come claim it! Only five bucks!"
"And that bothers you...?" You continue, watching as Ridoc's face shifts into a mask of cool calm.
"It bothers me because he isn't better. At anything." He hands you his canister, breaking through the crowd as he makes way for the table. He holds up a $5 bill.
"Ridoc! What are you-"
"I'll take it," he annouces, reveling in a the cheers sounding around him. You shake your head, watching as Xaden takes his cash and then ties his hands behind his back. He smiles cheekily at you, and the male sitting next to him follows his line of sight.
That's when Dain Aetos' eyes meet yours once more.
"3...2...1... go!"
The thoughts that filled your mind were... unholy.
Your eyes were glued to Dain, watching as his face devoured the pie before him. His tongue, stained by the red berries inside, swooped out and into the pie as he feasted on it, licking around the indention he'd made with his teeth.
Gods, his lips had tasted good. Better yet, he still had four more this evening to go.
In your hazy, lust-stricken gaze, you found yourself almost distracted, your eyes catching on the dark head of hair next to the handsome male.
Your mouth watered more, despite your inner protests.
Ridoc was your friend, one of the best at that -- however, your mind began to race watching him nise-deep in the pie tin. The obscene sounds of slurping and sucking didn't help either.
Mental images raced through your head, each one sending more and more flurries through your lower stomach.
Ridoc's lips on yours.
The feeling of Dain's hands on your body while you kissed.
Ridoc over top of you, kissing over your neck and chest.
Dain pulling down your soaking panties.
Ridoc sliding his rough fingers into your wet cunt.
Dain's tongue on your clit as he ate you out.
Ridoc's forearm across your waist, holding you down as you cried out for him-
You snapped out of your daze, realizing how far you'd gone into it. Your best friend appeared before you, his shit-eating grin telling you all you needed to know.
"I won, Y/N! I told ya I could," he smirks, his mouth stained a deep pink. You chuckle, watchign as he wiped his lips across the sleeve of his sweatshirt.
"Proud of you," you tease, and he slings an arm over your shoulders. His scent of freshwater and sage wafted in -- you'd never pondered how good he smelled.
"Let's get you another drink, to celebrate."
* ✧・゚: *
You were happy to blame the alcohol for the situation you were in.
Somehow, Violet had convinced you to join the large group game called Medusa -- one you'd never played before. However, all the singles were urged to play and had to pay $1 for what Violet was selling as "the luckiest 10 rounds of your life".
You weren't too sure of that.
The game was simple; every one closed their eyes, and when Violet shouted Medusa, you opened them and looked at another person in the circle. If you locked eyes, you had to kiss -- if the person was not looking at you and instead looking at someone else, you simply waited for the next round.
"Okay everyone, eyes closed!"
Violet of course, wouldn't be participating.
You warily opened your eyes, your gaze locking on Imogen. She was looking elsewhere, and somehow, no one locked eyes this round.
"Ooh, okay," Violet mused. "9 rounds left. Eyes closed!"
You obeyed, waiting for her call. Ridoc squirmed beside you, and you huffed in irritation.
Irritation for his movements, and potentially because a certain third year was not participating also.
You'd gone three more rounds after that, and by round five someone finally made eye contact with another person. In round eight, Cat and Aaric looked at eachother before he leaned in, pressing his lips to her quickly.
"One I didn't have to pay you for," he smirked, and Cat shoved his shoulder.
"Hush it, freshman."
The next round, your eyes found Liam -- he of course, was not looking at you. You followed his line of sight, straight to Jesinia of course.
But, she was looking at Sawyer.
And he, was looking at her.
The redhead smiled, leaning in and kissing the brunette as though he'd done so a million times. Liam's gaze grew cold, his brows furrowing as he gripped his beer tighter. You wished you could do something, make him feel better some how-
"Eyes closed! Last round!"
You closed your eyes, Ridoc sucking in a breath as he took in his friend's angered expression.
You felt Ridoc's eyes on you, burning into the side of your head -- however, your gaze was locked squarely on Liam.
And his, hard and vengeful, was looking right back at you.
Violet gasped, but Liam didn't say a word. In fact, he made a show of standing and walking over to you, not even daring to look sidelong at his crush.
When he was within mere inches of your face, he kneeled, pressing his torso between your parted thighs as you sat helplessly on the plastic folding chair.
"Liam, you don't have to-"
His lips crush yours in an instant, his mouth moving furiously with yours. The taste of his drink felt good on your mouth, even better when he slid his tongue past the seam of your lips. You nearly groaned when his hands found your cheeks, cupping your face with his caring touch so at odds with the way he was practically devouring you-
"Alright, alright. Damn."
Liam pulled away, his darkened blue irises peering up at you from the floor. You grinned, enjoying the view of his handsome face as well as the lingering feel of his mouth on yours. He chuckled, his hands falling from their position as Ridoc continued his brooding beside you.
"He didn't have to," Violet teased. "But, I think he wanted to." She giggled.
Yeah, you'd definately be blaming the alcohol tonight.
* ✧・゚: *
How was it already 10 o'clock at night?
You tipped back your cup, welcoming the water into your system once more. You were listening to Sloane, another freshman, drone on about her classes this semester as you worked to regain some sort of control over your body and mind.
The reminders of the last game you'd played though -- you couldn't surpress those.
It was wrong, thinking of your long time friend and roomate in such a way. Never had you been attracted to that blonde head before, but... tonight...
"Hey, I'm gonna go grab another box of the Coors!"
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, watching as the third year made his way toward the front door. You felt bad, abandoning Sloane this way, however... you wanted to follow him. You wanted to, but didn't at the same time.
You cut the blonde freshman off with a quick, drunken hug.
"Hey, I'll be right back, I'm so sorry-"
She shook her head, smiling at you.
"Go! Go, I'll catch up with you later."
You gave her a hazy smile before walking (as straight and fast as possible) up to and out of the front door, your eyes scanning the front lawn for that white tank.
Sure enough, there he was -- braced against the side of a huge black truck, reaching into the bed in search of more alcohol.
You walked over, coughing once and working to mask your face in cool indifference.
"Use some help?"
He turned at the sound of your voice, a smile instantly curling his lips.
"From a pretty girl like you?" He hopped off the back, abandoning the beer on the grass as he looked to you. "Anytime."
Your cheeks flushed at his words, and he leaned against the side of the Ram.
"Do you have more you need me to-"
"Nah," he said, inching closer to you. His arms crossed over his chest, and you stared up into his deep brown eyes.
"I'd rather just take a minute and... talk,"
You arched a brow, offering to answer whatever he wanted to inquire about. It felt so natural, your conversation coming so easy with him -- that was, until Bodhi appeared in the front door and called to him.
"Dain! Beer? C'mon man," he shouted, and Dain waved him off.
"Guess I should probably take this back inside," he chuckled, leaning to reach for the heavy box. You absentmindedly reached for his arm, your hand bracing against his bicep.
He looked up, your pleading eyes on his face.
"Wait," you said, and he straightened. A small smirk tugged the corner of his lips up, and he stepped closer to you. So close, your chests touched.
"Hm?" He asked, his right hand slowly finding its way to your waist.
"I... uh," you stuttered. "You have four more left to-"
He pulled your waist to his, cutting you off with a kiss to your lips. Your breath hitched, drinking in every inch of his toned body pressed against yours. Both hands now rested on your hips, and your arms tangled around his neck to pull his mouth to yours. He broke away only for a moment, smiling down at you.
He kissed you again, harder this time. His lips slid across yours, the sweet taste of whiskey rolling off his mouth and onto yours.
You whimpered, parting your lips as his tongue dove into your mouth. He squeezed the exposed skin of your waist, groaning into your mouth as his hardening length made its presence known as it pressed against you.
He whispered the last word, not going in for more this time. You sighed, looking up at him.
"C'mon," you pleaded. "You still have one left-"
"I'm saving it," he said, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek. "I want to use it later."
He said it with such sincerity, the soft gaze sweeping over your face that you wished it were later already.
Oh God...
Your pussy clenched at the thought.
"I don't know how we've never met before," he started, shaking his head at you. "You're... not like, anyone I know."
You blushed again, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth.
"Well, I am a sophomore-"
His hands were off of your hips, sliding slowly down as his face fell.
"Wait -- what?"
"Your brow furrowed in confusion.
"What?" You asked. "Is that, an issue?"
He huffed a short sarcastic laugh.
"Uh, yeah," he said, staring at you as he backed up a step. "I'm... I mean, I'm the head of my class, and with the frat -- you know we're not allowed to get involved with girls outside our year."
You rolled your eyes.
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
He picked up the box, heaving it onto his shoulder.
"Maybe, but it's the rules."
He started toward the house, and you followed behind -- your steps shaky with the aftereffects of the alcohol. Your head swam, thinking of any way that this situation could be worked around.
"Then why do Xaden and Violet get to be together?"
He sighed, slowing to walk beside you again.
"Because, he's the head of our frat. He doesn't have to follow the rules." He shrugged. "And, quite frankly, as his second in command, I'm more in charge of keeping freshman and sophomores in line anyways."
Your brow furrowed as you approached the front door.
"If you're the VP, why do you have to-"
"Because it's the rules, Y/N."
He walked inside, the light from the mansion bending around his tall frame. Anger welled inside of you -- what a stupid regulation they had. What did it matter to anyone that he was involved with someone only a year younger?
No matter the frustration, your heart still skipped a beat as you though of his touch once more.
* ✧・゚: *
Your mind was a blur as you waded through the crowd in search of your roomates. You thought you spotted Liam, but realized it likely wasn't him. He was probably off brooding somewhere, you were sure. After all, you had passed Jesinia and Sawyer in the study, their mouths in a tango.
God, he was probably pissed.
Finally, Ridoc's familiar red jacket came into view across the yard as he stood talking with a few guys before a bonfire. You reached a hand up, preparing to wave him over.
"Ridoc! Hey-"
Your call was cut off by a gasp. Cold, fermented liquid doused the front of your shirt -- and a freshman girl stood before you in shock.
"Oh my God!" She squeaked. "I'm so sorry, I-"
You held up a hand, your lips pressed into a tight line.
"It's fine." You said, your words short and temper even shorter. Partygoers around you stopped to gawk, staring straight at your chest as the pink liquid soaked through the white fabric. You turned on your heel, embarassment creeping its way up your neck and across your cheeks as you stomped toward the house once more.
You'd ignored the sound of your name behind you, not even stopping to look as you angrily bounded up the stairs and made way for the upstairs bathroom.
The exhaustion of the night weighed heavily on you, and you really just felt like going home at this point -- but door after door, you grew increasingly frustrated as the bathroom was not where you remembered it to be from last time.
You groaned, angry tears pricking your eyes as a couple of seniors walked out of an empty bedroom, glancing pitifully at the front of your favorite tee. You turned around in frustration, the never-ending hallway not yeilding any sort of washroom.
Just then, an iron-grip closed around your arm and yanked you into the vacant bedroom.
* ✧・゚: *
"Here," Ridoc said kindly, pulling you through the door and guiding you to sit on the bed. You obeyed, sitting on the plush mattress and glancing around the rather bare sleeping quarters. He moved before you, unzipping his jacket.
"How did you know this was vancant?" You asked, and he slid the material over his shoulders. His tan skin poked out beneath his own gray t-shirt, the arm holes straining around his biceps.
You tried not to stare.
He chuckled, his fingers hooking under the hem.
"Let's just say... I've been in here before," he winked, lifting his arms over his head and taking his shirt with them.
Holy fuck.
His abs flexed, the tattoos along his left side swirling over his hardened muscle. He sighed as he pulled the shirt completely off, balling it in his hand and extending it to you.
"Here," he said softly, his expression full of concern and ... something else. You silently took it from him, and he breathed deep before settling on his knees between your legs.
Just like Liam had.
No, you scolded yourself. Stop that.
You sat silently, staring down at the floor as he inched closer. His fingers reached for the edge of your own ruined shirt, his eyes asking permission before you nodded.
Yes. Please.
He slowly lifted your shirt, gently pulling it over your head as he sucked in a harsh breath. Goosebumps erupted over your skin, the cool night air coming in from the open window mixed with the way his eyes roved over your exposed top.
Your nipples hardened beneath your lacy bra.
His face inched closer to yours, his right hand pushing your hair behind your ear.
"Can I kiss you right now?"
His question came out strained, his voice gravelly as though he was holding back. Your eyes met his, ablaze with a fiery lust you'd never quite seen before.
You answered wordlessly again, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth as you nodded your reply.
He pressed his lips against yours, the touch so gentle and at odds with his usually overecstatic, joyous attitude.
Neither of you moved, his lips stayed on yours and yours stayed on his. You reveled in the feeling, replaying every time you'd thought about this very inappropriate, very sinful thing.
Every time he left the bathroom in nothing but a towel.
Every time he came home late, spending the evening with yet another female.
Every time he cooked breakfast shirtless.
Your panties grew wetter.
He breathed in deep, pressing up onto his knees to kiss you deeper. You leaned back slightly as his hands found the small of your back, pulling you into him as he finally continued the kiss. His soft lips glided on top of yours, the remaining taste of the sweet pie on his mouth a warm welcome.
Just when he swiped his tongue over your lower lip, asking for entrance did you pull back. Your eyes were wild when they met his.
"Ridoc... we can't, this... this is so wrong."
A look of defeat flashed in his eyes before being quickly replaced with something else. His hands caressed your skin, rubbing small circles on your back as he hovered closely to you.
"It doesn't feel wrong to me," he admits, his voice low.
You sigh, your hands draped over his shoulders.
"Tomorrow will be one Hell of a morning-after," you suggest, and he grins.
"I don't care. I'd take a million hellish morning-after's just to do this."
When his lips found yours again, it wasn't soft. It wasn't nice.
It was hungry.
Your hands tangled in his hair, and he groaned when you tugged lightly on it. Your hips moved along the edge of the bed, the growing ache in your lower belly near unbearable as his mouth continued to assault yours.
He seemed to take the hint, one hand moving from your back to press against the fabric of your jean shorts. He rubbed back and forth, his strong fingers pressing into your most sensitive spot.
You didn't care that the window was open. You didn't care that the door was unlocked. You moaned loud, the feeling sending what felt like champagne bubbles right up to your brain.
"Ridoc," you panted, grinding your hips into his touch. "More."
That's all it took.
He pushed you back onto the bed, laying you flat across the plush duvet as he rose, unbuttoning his jeans and kicking them off along with his shoes. He worked on you next, unzipping your shorts and then hooking his fingers through your beltloops, removing the garment in less than a minute.
"Please," you begged, and he chuckled darkly at you.
"Don't beg," he teased, settling on his knees once more. His breath was warm against your thighs, but his touch was cold as he placed a small kiss to the inside of your left one. "Not yet."
Your mind flashed back to the pie contest, his face smeared with the berry filling, the sounds he made as he ate--
None of that, compared to this.
"Oh my God," you squeaked, your hand finding a fistful of his hair as he licked up your folds. His tongue worked, swirling mercilessly through your folds as you clenched around nothing. You sucked in breath after breath, your head falling back in pleasure as he continued eating you out. The way his lips roved and sucked, his nose nudging your clit with the movement; fuck, it was electrifying.
Your gaze lifted as you heard the doorknob turning, a jolt of fear running through you. Ridoc only paused a moment, looking over his shoulder as the door opened slightly. Your eyes met the wide blue ones you were so familiar with, and his jaw dropped.
"What the fuck-" he muttered, unable to tear his gaze away from your body. He unashamedly looked you over, not moving into or out of the room.
"Liam, please-"
You were cut off with a whine as Ridoc shoved his forefinger and middle inside of you, your face contorting in pleasure. He smirked, looking at his friend once more.
"Ahhh, come on man -- you know you don't want to go back downstairs."
Liam watched, looking almost horrified as Ridoc continued fingering you. The small squeaks coming from you must have propelled him inside, as he quickly crossed the entrance and shut the door. He sat down his glass on the nightstand, his eyes taking in the scene before him.
Ridoc set a punishing pace, curling his fingers inside of you every time he pulled out and re-inserted them.
"Oh God," you whined, and Liam quietly walked around the other side of the bed. He sat behind you, awkwardly for a moment, just watching. Your fingers found your nipples, pinching hard as you toyed with your boobs in front of the two men.
"Seems like you have a little problem," Ridoc taunted, and you arched off the bed a bit. Your gaze foudn Liam sitting behind you, upside down, yes, but you didn't miss the tent in his pants.
No going back now.
"Liam," you whined, feeling your impending orgasm nearing its peak. "I want to cum."
He sucked in a short breath, leaning over on the bed and pressing his lips to yours once. You moaned into the kiss, queaking as his large hands found your breasts and squeezed.
His voice was a mere growl as it found your ear.
“Let me help you with that.”
"Oh fuck!" You chanted, the feeling of Ridoc fingering you and now lapping at your clit almost too much -- especially with the way Liam pinched and rolled his thumbs over your hardened peaks.
"Fuck, fuck, I'm cumming-"
You unleashed your orgasm with a sigh, your quivering hole clenching around Ridoc's digits over, and over, and over again. Your abdominal muscles flexed and unflexed, the feeling of Liam's hands cupping your boobs made you want more.
Before you could think too long about it, Liam was sliding off the bed behind you, his gentle hands guiding you to lie flat on your back. You did as such, submitting to whatever he gave you.
It turns out, he wanted something from you.
Your head hung over the edge of the bed, and your gaze found the floor. Liam hovered over you, the distinct sound of his jeans zipper cut through the otherwise quiet room before his fingers gripped your chin.
He tapped his hard cock on your lips once, twice -- groaning when you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out flat. His fingers pumped his dick above you, before guiding it into your wide mouth.
You garbled around his thick length, the sheer size of it forcing your throat to open wide. He shoved all the way in, his pelvis meeting your nose before he pulled out, and pushed back in, slowly fucking your mouth.
"So fucking good baby,"
You blushed at the praise, your head still swimming with the effects of the alcohol you'd consumed. In the back, you could hear Ridoc's soft praises as he fisted his own cock at the sight.
"So pretty, taking dick down your throat."
Your pussy clenched at his words.
Liam continued thrusting, only slowing when his dick began to lurch. He was close, and you could feel it.
"Fuck -- oh fuck," he chanted, ramming his cock down your throat before halting. He breathed heavily as cum sprayed your throat, his release bittersweet as you swallowed it.
"Mmm yes... swallow all of it."
You do as your told, gulping down the last remnants of his seed before he yanks his cock from you. Gasping for air, your mind swims. Lifting your head up and regaining focus is a monumental task -- and before long, Ridoc is trading places with his roomate.
"Hands and knees, gorgeous."
His rough tone sends a shiver down your spine, but you obey. You lean forward, ass up and pussy spread to Ridoc behind you. Liam appeared before you, leaning onto the bed once more before fisting your hair in his hand. You whimpered, and felt the unmistakable tap of Ridoc's length on your ass cheek.
"Gonna take all of me? Like the good girl you are?"
All you could do was nod, unable to look back at him. Liams fingers toyed with your breasts, his other hand still gripping your hair tight. Your mouth fell open as Ridoc pushed in, inch by agonizing inch, until he was seated at the hilt.
You cried out when he retracted, slamming back into you at full force.
"Fuck, babe -- perfect pussy," he praised, his rough pace already causing a weakness in your knees. Liam licked his lips, his fingers trailing lower toward your aching clit.
"Please -- oh fuck, yes Ridoc," you chanted, lurching forward with every sharp drive he gave you. Your eyes rolled back as Liam found your clit, rubbing slow circles around it.
"What... the Hell... is going on here?"
Your eyes shot open at the tone, your cheeks immediately pinkening in shame. Ridoc nor Liam let up, still rubbing and thrusting into you as though Dain Aetos wasn't standing in the doorway.
"D-Dain.... oh fuck," you groaned before meeting his gaze. His brows narrowed as he took in the scene, though he didn't leave the doorway. "P-please, it's not what it-"
"What it, what, looks like?" He scoffs incredulously. "Because to me, it looks like you're fucking your non-boyfriend, or, boyfriends? Maybe?" He shakes his head, his eyes not so subtly tracing over your form.
Your mouth twists as Ridoc hits a particularly sensitive spot.
"Correction," he says, finally adressing the junior. "We, are fucking, her." He chuckles. "And, no, we're not her boyfriends."
Dain shakes his head again, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Look, I don't give a fuck what you all are. But, I swear to God, everyone can fucking hear you through that window-" he gestures to the open window, moonlight pouring in.
Liam pinches your clit, and you squeal.
"See?" He throws his hands up. "Everyone can fucking hear you."
"Why don't you come shut her up then?" Liam asks, taking on a tone you'd never heard before.
"Yeahhh," Ridoc agrees, his fingers gripping the meat of your ass. "You're the VP here -- teach her a lesson."
Dain sighs, stepping into the room and locking the door behind him.
"I fail to see how this is a good idea," he hesitates, but nonetheless stalks closer to the bed. You peer up at him, your rounded glassy eyes only sending a rush of blood straight to his cock.
"P-please, Dain," you beg, biting your lower lip. "You still... oh," you pause, feeling Liam's fingers rub your clit. "Y-you still have... one more..."
"Oh, I'm well aware." He grumbles, his fingers wrapping around the base of your throat as he squats before you. At eye level, he's even more devastating. He leans in, kissing your lips timidly before backing away, studying you with uncertainty.
"Come onnn," Ridoc pants, egging him on. "I know you want to -- you've been undressing her with your eyes all night."
Dain sighs, his tongue running along his bottom lip before he rises. He unbuckles his belt, letting it fall to the floor before sliding down his jeans. His cock springs free, slapping against his pelvis. He takes it in his hand, rubbing his fingers up and down the length.
"There you go -- now, show her how to be quiet." Liam urges.
Dain steps forward, his darkened eyes meeting yours as he guides his cock to your awaiting mouth. He slides it past your lips, shuddering when you swirl your tongue around the tip.
"Shit," he groans, his hand finding your jaw as he pushes in further. You gag as he stuffs your mouth, reveling in the way he throws his head back in pleasure.
He syncs with Ridoc, his cock pushing down your throat with every thrust Ridoc drives into you. You're moaning, the sound strangled around Dain's dick as he continues fucking your mouth, slow and deliberate.
"Shit, I'm fucking close-"
Ridoc drives in harder, his cock rubbing your g-spot before he bursts inside of you. His warm seed paints your walls white, pushed further inside as he delivers a last few, languid strokes. You clench around him as you find your own release, the fire in your lower abdomen burning hotter than it did the first time you came.
Liam sighs beside you, abandoning your pussy as he makes to rise off the bed. You groan at the sudden loss of Ridoc inside of you and Liam's fingers on your clit, the primary focus now being on Dain and his jerking cock. He growls as he fucks your face faster, his eyes studying your arched back and rounded ass as he drives himself in.
"Fuck sweetheart," he grumbles, his hand cupping your chin as he fucks your face with fervor. "This is what happens when you don't follow the rules, gonna get me in trouble-"
He pull shis cock from you, his hand pumping it before your face as you realize his impending release. You look up at him innocently, laying your tongue out flat for him. He moans, loud and clear, before semen shoots from the head of his cock, painting your face white with each ejaculation.
He breathes heavy, working to come down from his high while the other two quietly dress and make to leave the room. You continue to stare, flashing him an unabashed, drunken grin.
"Maybe I'll break the rules more often, then."
* ✧・゚: *
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the-lazyyy-artist · 3 days ago
Ok so this is my first time ever doing an ask so if I’m doing this wrong PLEASE tell me. Anyways I wanted to ask for some Oliver Aiku angst. Specifically where we’re married and he’s been cheating but he’s done a weirdly good job at hiding it. But then we find out and leave him. And if you could PLEASE make it in Oliver’s POV for extra male groveling. Now again this is my first time doing an ask so if I come off as demanding or just not detailed enough please forgive me. 🤕😭🫶🏼🤕
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moral of the story oliver aiku x gn!reader
Synopsis: Oliver Aiku had everything: fame, the best career, and the love of his life... but sometimes, the snake slithers into the garden of Eden to poison everything.
Tags and Themes: angst, cheating, divorce, established relationship, marriage, people asking stupid questions, aiku's human condition biting him in the ass, ooc lmao, ubers team mentioned eheh
Author's notes: Hello, sweetpea! Oh, this took me a while to write, and you're my first ever request for a drabble! haha! Thank you so much for dropping this request! I wrote it as well as I could. I drew inspiration from stories I heard from that one Reddit story that Smosh read. I forgot which episode, but I will link it here if I find it again. I hope you love it! Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated!
photo grabbed from Pinterest (owner unknown; will search for it and add it here)
Want more stories? Check out the Blue Lock Masterlist!
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On nights, he would stay up and wonder where he went wrong.
He knew he had gotten something wrong; he wasn't stupid, but the turn of events was something he couldn't control, or at least that's what he told himself to comfort him. The dissatisfaction, the cheating, the decision.
He lost everything that he once had.
If we go back to 2 years ago, Oliver Aiku was on the top of the world. Everyone loved him, everyone adored him. He was at the peak of his career at the ripe age of 27, one of Japan's most treasured players as he played for Italy. He was every kid's dream player and every teenager's role model in sports. And most of all, he had you, the best partner he could ever have; you were the one who knew him best since childhood until now and the best support he could ever have had. In every interview he had, he would honor you, telling the world that you're his lucky charm.
He had his dream life.
He had all the best in the world.
In your two years of marriage, he lived for the moment in the privacy of your shared home more than the spotlight on him all the time. Mornings were sweet as he would hold you in his arms, whispering "good morning" in your ear. As sweet love was shared between the safety of your sheets, he knew so well that this was his heaven, having you by his side. The routine of your quiet and comfortable days was something he held close to his heart because he knew how much you cared for him every day, and he gladly reciprocated that. It was all so surreal.
You were so surreal.
But sometimes, the devil slithers silently into the garden without anyone noticing, and for Aiku, it was the playful banters he had with his teammates.
"Don't you ever find it boring?" Lorenzo asked as they all gathered back into the locker room after a productive day of practice. That question alone got everyone's attention.
"Find what boring?" Barou chimed in, his gruff voice echoing in the room. Lorenzo cocked his head towards Aiku as he replied, "I was asking Mr. Lavender Haze here. I wanna know if marriage ever gets boring." Barou scoffs, shaking his head at his teammate. "You wouldn't understand that because all you ever care about is money."
"True, but that's because money can't hurt me," Lorenzo snickered. He slung an arm around Aiku, leaning all his weight on the defender. "Aiku has given up being a player for his partner. That's something I never expected him to do. He'd always disappear every time we're out drinking."
"There are things that needed to be sacrificed for love, Lorenzo," Aiku said, removing Lorenzo's arm around his shoulders. "You'd understand once you fall in love."
"But does it get boring?" Niko asked. The youngest of the team was never one to ask or peep when they talk about relationships, but this conversation must have piqued his interest. "Two years of marriage with the same person and all you do is now a routine. Surely, you'd return to your natural self, your human tendency of being a player."
"Niko, that's why sacrifices are made. I wouldn't have married them if I didn't truly love them. Besides, I know what I was doing before was destructive and inappropriate. I changed for them, and I couldn't be happier."
Niko hummed in response and continued whatever he was doing. But for Aiku, the questions stayed in his mind for quite a while. Does it ever get boring?
That's why he'd break up his past relationships before; 3 months of being together turn dull for him. He needed excitement, a challenge. He needed the thrill of chasing and pursuing. He lived for that high. But you..
You offered contentment, satisfaction, safety, and security. Something he never felt before because he tended to cheat and lily pad. He never wanted to settle down until you came back into his life and accepted him for who he was, loved him despite his past, and cared for him more than he ever cared for himself. You were the epitome of perfection in his eyes.
It was then he realized he still wanted it.
He wanted to get high on that feeling again.
It started small. Drinks with the team would turn into them entertaining fangirls at the bar. It wasn't new that Aiku would get the attention. Girls loved how he looked: his heterochromic eyes and how he carried himself. He'd tell them he was married at first, but with the need for thrill, he eventually gave in and chatted with one of the girls.
He didn't push her away when her hand started to wander on his thighs.
He didn't pull away when her lips got too close to his.
Eventually, his thoughts turned into fruition. The devil made him bite into the apple that wasn't supposed to be eaten, but whatever.
One make-out session turned into secret texts and calls. He was so good at being so discreet, making him feel nostalgic. His excuses weren't so obvious that you'd start suspecting him of anything. Rendezvous were hidden under the guise of extra training time due to an upcoming match, and calls were excused as ones from his manager about "interviews". He was careful, but could not hide the fact that it was...
It was everything he wanted, and he wanted more. More of the thrill, more of her, while still in the safety of your love and marriage.
How could you be so blind, he asked himself. How could his lovely partner be so trusting of him? How could you still smile and kiss him without knowing he was betraying you?
How could he imagine a life without you?
Months passed, and he knew he was in too deep. He started prioritizing the "practices" and "calls from the manager" over the time he should spend with you. It annoyed you, but you knew that's one of the things you were made aware of when you married the football star. His career comes first; the sports community will always have his attention first.
The calls kept coming, and one day, you answered one on his phone.
It wasn't the voice of his manager.
You were quick to pack up and leave despite his pleas, telling you he was sorry, that it was a mistake, that it wasn't supposed to happen.
"I told you, Aiku. When you proposed to marry me, I told you one mistake, I'll leave. I trusted you with all of my life, Aiku. I accepted you and saw how you changed for our marriage, and yet you betrayed me."
He couldn't bring himself to look you in the eye after that.
He couldn't bring himself to wake up every morning, your absence making it all heavier. You weren't coming back soon, and he messed up. He lost you. He lost the life he knew he wanted. He lost the love he never deserved in the first place, yet you gave it to him wholeheartedly. You gave him a chance, and he failed.
The divorce papers arriving at his doorstep made it all worse.
He didn't want to sign it. He stared at it for too long, for days... for weeks... until your lawyer had to ring him up for the deadline.
He hated himself. For the first time, he hated every fiber of his being.
Every court meeting is like seeing the light because he gets to see you, his perfect angel. The only love he's ever known. But you would never meet his eyes. Always looking away, always so distant. He did this, he caused this. He lost the only love he ever knew.
After two whole years and several court hearings, your divorce was finalized. And for the first time in a long time, Aiku finally caught a glimpse of your eyes, the closest thing he could get to feeling your love once again, yet the words that came out of your mouth crushed him.
"I hope you realize that I will be the only one who will truly love you for you and not for your money and fame."
Aiku wasn't a crier. He never was, but he found himself breaking down at your words and how real this finally felt. He truly lost you. You were no longer his, and he's just a shell of a broken man.
He'll be haunted by the ghost of you, forever...
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burntheedges · 2 days ago
Marcus Moreno x f!reader | 6.6k | 18+ | ao3
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summary: Marcus is fine. He wakes up, goes to work, goes home, goes to sleep, and then does it all over again, just the same, every day. And he's fine.
And then he meets you.
a/n: this is for @guiltyasdave and @sizzlingcloudmentality's writing through the seasons challenge! you can see my prompt and moodboard here (which I borrowed from for the header). I had the prompt ("to live with the delusion of being found") banging around in my head for days and it just screams Marcus to me. thank you @katareyoudrilling for being a wonderful beta, as always.
tags/warnings: angst, fluff, flirting, meet cute, Missy is a fun teenager, texting, coffee shop, touching, I named Miracle Guy Rob and Missy's mom Melissa, self deprecation (Marcus), shifting POV, kissing, grinding, reader has no description other than being a woman and having a job, no age mentioned but just FYI I was imagining her in her 30s or 40s, first date, coffee, pet names (beautiful, sweetheart), some Spanish (mija, calmate)
On Monday, Marcus woke up with his alarm. 
Missy had picked it out – it wasn’t one of the sounds that came with his phone. She’d used some app to make it play part of “Takin’ Care of Business,” but only on weekdays. He didn’t know how to change it. He probably could have looked it up but he wouldn’t, anyway – she’d said it made her think of him going to work every day. So now it made him think of her, and at least he had that thought, if nothing else, to warm him as he got out of bed.
(His mood never quite matched the song’s, but at least he had a goal to work towards. Right?)
So he woke up when the piano came in, and sighed as he swung his legs off the bed. He sat there for a moment, letting Randy Bachman sing to him about getting to work by nine.
He sighed again.
He turned off the alarm, finally, and stood. He did not look in the mirror on top of his dresser as he walked past it into the bathroom.
Marcus showered and dressed on autopilot, mind almost blank. As always he just picked the next slacks, jacket, and shirt, whatever was at the front of his closet. He’d done this so many times, on so many mornings, it barely required him to be awake.
When the coffee maker beeped, he found himself standing fully dressed in his kitchen without really noticing that he’d walked there. He poured his coffee – just a splash of cream – and sat at the kitchen table to turn on the news. As he let the sound of yet another day wash over him, he texted Missy, smiling when she responded almost instantly.
Marcus 08:27 AM: Good morning, mija
Missy 08:28 AM: dad 08:28 AM: why did I sign up for a 9am dad 08:29 AM: i’m dying
Marcus 8:30 AM: if I’m remembering correctly, you had “big gym plans”
Missy 8:32 AM: never listen to me about gym plans again 8:33 AM: what was I thinkinggggg 😩
Marcus let his amusement at Missy’s texts buoy him to the sink and then out to his car, feeling a bit lighter. 
Like his morning routine at home, he barely noticed the drive to work. It was the same as always, and in 17 minutes he was getting out of his parked car at HQ. He felt his shoulders stiffen as he stepped through the double doors into the lobby.
On his floor, Marcus walked to the kitchen first to drop off his lunch. He nodded at the same people he walked past every morning. Then he sat at his desk, answered his emails, and attended some meetings about upcoming missions for the current active teams. On his way to the break room for lunch he nodded at the same people again. After lunch he attended a few more meetings, dodged Rob in the hallway when he asked about Marcus’ weekend, and answered more emails.
At 5pm he stood up from his desk and walked to his car, nodding to the same people again on his way out.
Marcus drove home on autopilot, and 17 minutes later he found himself walking into his kitchen from the garage. He sighed as he opened the fridge, and decided dinner would be leftovers. Again.
Since it was Monday, and Missy wouldn’t be calling, he sat on the couch and turned the TV to the Food Network. He let the soothing sounds of low stakes cooking problems take over and crowd himself out of his own head.
10pm found Marcus in bed, setting his alarm. He got comfortable, stretched out his back, which always seemed to be aching these days, and pointedly did not think about the fact that he couldn’t think of a single thing he’d done at work that day.
As he fell asleep, he thought idly that he was glad his time as an active member of the Heroics had taught him how to fall asleep anywhere, if nothing else.
On Tuesday, Marcus woke up with his alarm.
His morning unfolded almost identically to Monday’s, aside from the fact that Missy wasn’t awake yet to respond to his good morning text – her Tuesday classes started at 11:30 and she usually took full advantage of the chance to sleep in.
As he sat and sipped his coffee, something on the news briefly caught his interest, until he realized it was something that had already crossed his desk the week before. 
He sighed.
Marcus drove to work – 17 minutes – and went through the motions of another day at the office. 
He ate lunch with Rob in his office, which had bigger windows than Marcus’s, and got his regular updates on how Rob’s family was doing (Peter had gone off to college, too, and they commiserated about their kids abandoning them). 
Rob, as always, asked Marcus how he was doing with a knowing look that Marcus, as always, pointedly ignored.
“I’m fine,” he said, as always, stabbing a piece of chicken in his tupperware dish with a bit too much force. He was always fine. What else would he be?
Rob eyed him. “Are you?”
Marcus chewed and did not sigh. “Yes, I am,” he promised.
Rob squinted, and Marcus squinted back. That made his friend laugh, at least, and they changed the subject.
Marcus left the office a bit quicker that night and 17 minutes later he walked in the house just as his phone rang.
“Hi, mija,” he said, smiling as he picked up his daughter’s regular Tuesday phone call. She had a long walk home from her last class and usually called him to pass the time.
He let her voice wash over him, soothing the tension that had crept into his shoulders when Rob had squinted at him over lunch. Missy’s updates on her classes and her friends carried him through reheating his leftovers and collapsing on the couch. By the time she had to go he was more relaxed than he’d been in days. (Since her last call, probably, he did not let himself think, and made sure to tell her he loved her before she hung up.)
With a bit more help from the Food Network, Marcus successfully distracted himself until it was time for bed.
On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Marcus woke up with his alarm. 
He got dressed, went to work, nodded at his coworkers, answered emails, ate lunch, nodded a bit more, and went home.
And through all of it, he was fine. 
He was fine. 
Marcus spent Saturday at home doing chores, and Sunday at the farmer’s market and the grocery store. Missy called once, and Rob texted him to invite him to Corina’s birthday dinner in two weeks. Marcus added it to his calendar and took care not to notice how every other weekend was empty.
On Monday, Marcus woke up with his alarm.
He moved automatically from his bed to his bathroom and then to his closet, showering and dressing as usual. 
He walked downstairs, thinking idly about the meetings he had scheduled in the morning, and the training he needed to plan for the newest crop of Heroics.
Lost in thought, Marcus stood holding an empty mug in front of his coffee maker for almost 5 minutes before he realized it hadn’t beeped. 
He blinked and looked down, confused. 
There was no coffee in the pot. He realized he hadn’t smelled the coffee as he usually did while he was getting ready. He looked it over and saw that the setting was right, but there was no coffee.
He frowned. 
Poking at the coffee maker revealed that the screen wouldn’t come on, even though it was plugged in. A few more moments of tinkering and he knew – it was broken.
Marcus sighed and checked the time – 8:10 AM. He texted Missy.
Marcus 08:10 AM: Mija, I am sorry to report that after a long and fruitful life, our beloved Mr. Coffee has percolated his last brew. May he rest in peace 🪦
Missy 08:12 AM: nooo!! not Mr. Coffee 💔 08:13 AM: your best friend, taken from us too soon 08:13 AM: how will you go on without him
He smiled. He knew she’d be able to cheer him up.
Marcus 08:15 AM: with difficulty, but I will persevere
Missy 08:17 AM: wait! 08:17 AM: dad you should go to the Bean Box!! I know you never actually did when I told you to 08:18 AM: it’s on your way to work dad you have to go 08:18 AM: it’s the best the coffee is so good 08:19 AM: daaaaaad
Marcus 08:20 AM: ok ok, calmate 08:20 AM: I’m going
Missy 08:22 AM: good! and get a scone to eat in my honor 08:23 AM: I miss those scones
15 minutes later Marcus pulled up in front of the small facade of the Bean Box and couldn’t help but smile. It was exactly the type of place Missy would like – cozy and colorful, with lots of tables stuffed inside and flower boxes overflowing along the bottom of each of the large windows in the front.
When he stepped inside, the smell of freshly roasted coffee filled his nose and he almost stopped in the doorway. It smelled good. 
He joined the long line for coffee and scrolled idly on his phone, checking the news, a bit oblivious to his surroundings. 
So he was surprised when his phone almost flew out of his hand a few moments later. Someone knocked into him from behind and he stumbled forward. He made some sort of noise as he juggled his phone between his hands, just barely catching it before it could fall.
“Good catch,” an admiring voice said from behind him. He turned as they continued, “Wait, I mean, I’m so sorry about that! Shit.”
Marcus turned around fully and almost froze. A woman was standing there with her hands out, as if she had just caught her balance, grimacing at him. A very beautiful woman, he couldn’t help but notice. He blinked, trying to clear his vision, but she was just as beautiful as she’d been a moment before. His eyes darted across her features but he didn’t let himself sweep his gaze over the rest of her. He didn’t want to be a creep.
Suddenly it felt much warmer in the coffee shop, and he was very aware of how close they were standing to each other.
“Shit,” she repeated. “Sorry, again. I tripped,” she pointed at the leg of a chair that was almost in the aisle, “and ended up sort of falling on you. But I’m glad you caught your phone! Nice catch, really.” She looked down and he did, too. She’d dropped her bag and some of her belongings had spilled out. She sighed. “Shit.”
Marcus was crouching before he’d even thought about bending down. “It’s alright,” he said, smiling a bit. “No harm done. Sorry about your stuff.” he gathered some papers and held them out to her. She had followed him down, kneeling as she gathered her things back into her bag.
She took them and said, “wait, you don’t have to do that! I already almost knocked you over, you don't have to help me.”
He shook his head. “Like I said, it’s fine.” He realized she had all of her things but they were both still crouching. He stood and offered her his hand to help her up. 
She slid her hand into his easily and his breath caught as she said, “well, thank you, and sorry, again.” Her hand was warm and he ignored the way his fingers tingled at her touch. 
She was smiling, then, and Marcus couldn’t help but notice that her smile was very pretty. So pretty he had to drag his eyes away from it, trying not to stare.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt like this. There was warmth in his chest and a floaty feeling in his stomach and the tips of his fingers were still tingling where they’d touched hers. It felt almost foreign, it had been so long. He felt lightheaded. 
“Please don’t worry about it.” He looked around and realized the line had moved a little, so he took a step forward to move with it. She did the same. “I’m Marcus, by the way.”
She gave her name and he smiled. It suited her.
“Can I buy you an apology coffee?” she asked, looking hopeful. “I still feel bad.”
He shook his head, laughing. “No, it’s really ok. I mean it.”
“Hmm,” she hummed, looking suddenly thoughtful and amused. “I’ve never had anyone turn down a free cup of coffee from here before. You must be new.”
Marcus was smiling. He realized he might have been smiling at her the whole time, and felt a bit of wonder at that. “It’s that obvious? I am. New, I mean. My daughter has been telling me to come here for months but this is my first time.”
Her eyebrows raised and he hoped he was imagining the way her expression closed off a bit. But in the next moment he wondered at himself for even thinking of it. Don’t be a fool, he warned himself, even as he felt the urge to explain. She’s just nice, she’s not interested. 
“She has good taste,” she said lightly. “What took you so long, then?”
Marcus sighed and gave in to the urge. “It’s just me at home, with her away at college, and I’ve just been torturing my ancient coffee maker by keeping it alive. But it took its last dying breaths this morning and I was forced to venture out for coffee, instead.”
She nodded solemnly. “Rest in peace, ancient coffee maker.” The jokingly serious look on her face reminded him of the way Missy would tease him and he couldn’t help but smile. Again.
Suddenly Marcus realized they’d made it to the front of the line. He wasn’t ready to order, or to stop talking to this beautiful woman who had almost knocked him over. 
“I guess I’m up,” he said, as the person in front of him started to pay. 
He tried not to watch as she bit her lip, hesitating for just a moment. “Well, Marcus,” she said, voice light again. “I’m here most mornings, so you’ll have to come back and let me know if you liked it.”
Marcus felt his cheeks warm and he smiled. “Ok then. I’ll try.”
For the rest of the day, he found he couldn’t quite wipe that smile off of his face, not even when Rob teased him about it.
On Tuesday, Marcus woke up with his alarm, already smiling.
He glanced at himself in the mirror as he got dressed, and was stunned to see his face looking so relaxed for once.
Is that all it takes? He wondered, amused at his own expense. A bit of flirting and a pretty smile? But it wasn’t just about her pretty smile, he knew that. He’d felt something the day before, something he hadn’t felt in years.
Something he wanted to feel again.
He’d told Missy he liked her coffee shop the night before and promised he’d be back (and that he’d get a scone, this time). So he hurried downstairs and out to his car as soon as he was dressed, ready to find out if he would run into her again.
When he pulled up outside The Bean Box, he took a deep, slow breath. Sure, he was a teensy bit invested. Something about her had kindled a tiny fire in his chest. But he didn’t want to get his hopes too high. He shouldn’t. Right?
But as he stepped inside, he realized he needn’t have worried. She was standing by the door, looking just as stunning as the day before. And she was watching the people coming in.
When she saw him, she grinned. “I knew you’d be back! It’s good, right?”
Marcus nodded as felt a smile stretch across his face. “It is. And I promised my daughter I’d get a scone this time.”
Her eyes lit up. He couldn’t look away. “Oh, you definitely need to get a scone. They’re amazing.”
She stepped into line next to him and he noticed they both kept their bodies turned towards each other as they talked. 
“You said she’s in college, right?” She tilted her head at him. Marcus tried not to trace the line of her neck with his eyes. “Is she enjoying it?”
He nodded. “She’s a freshman, but she settled in quick. She’s so independent, I knew she would.” He looked down, smiling as he thought about his daughter, and told her about Missy’s major. “She blows me away, honestly.”
When he looked back up he found her smiling softly at him. “Sounds like she’s got a great dad.”
Marcus smiled and ducked his head again. “I miss her, but it helps that she’s doing so well. And we talk a lot. More than I expected, really. Figured she’d be too busy.”
He felt something warm on his arm and realized she had reached out and lightly rested her hand on his forearm. He blinked and felt a flush rise in his cheeks and start to travel down his neck. He suddenly wished he wasn’t wearing a sweater over his dress shirt, wished he could feel her hand on his skin again.
“I’d say that means you’re definitely a great dad.” She was still smiling. “Take it from me, and my memories of college. I definitely didn’t talk to my parents that much.” She laughed and Marcus felt his breath catch at the way it lit up her features. Her hand was still on his arm and he fought the urge to cover it with his own, to keep it there.
He shook himself and nodded. “It’s been just us for so long. We are pretty close.”
She squeezed his arm lightly and he felt a shiver run up his spine. When her hand fell away, he missed it immediately. “Has it been tough? Adjusting without her.”
Marcus sighed and nodded. “My house is so empty now.” He laughed, ruefully. “I swear, it echoes in there. Never expected I would miss all the noise.”
She nodded. “I’ve got nieces and nephews, and they’re so loud, but I always miss it when they’re gone. It’s not the same, but I get that.”
As the line moved forward, she told him more about her sister’s kids and their antics. Marcus found himself smiling and laughing more than he had outside of a call with Missy in… months. Longer? He didn’t want to think about it, not when he was caught up in feeling like this instead. 
By the time they reached the front of the line, he was only wishing they had more time.
She hesitated when it was almost her turn to step up to the counter. “Did you get your coffee maker fixed?”
He shook his head. “No, I don’t think it’s fixable, and honestly it deserves to rest. It lived a long life.”
She laughed and then bit her lip. It drew his eyes like a magnet. 
“So, will I see you again tomorrow?” She looked hopeful and he wanted so badly to read into it.
“I think so,” he agreed, smiling a bit shyly. 
She grinned at him. “Good.”
He carried the memory of that grin with him through the rest of the day, until Rob managed to weasel the whole story out of him over lunch. He told his friend about the way they’d met and how she’d been standing inside the door that morning.
But somehow telling it to someone else had Marcus second guessing the whole thing. 
“I’m probably just imagining it.” He was standing with Rob in the hall by his office, coming back from lunch, wishing it had never come up. 
“Well, I think you should go back and you should talk to her again.” Rob furrowed his brow at Marcus and poked him in the arm. 
Marcus frowned and brushed his hand away. “Rob, she’s probably not interested.” 
His friend frowned back, exaggerating the expression until it was comical. “Sounded like she was. Why wouldn’t she be?”
Marcus shook his head and grimaced. “Why would she be? I’m a sad, boring, almost 50-year old man who does nothing but go to work and wait for his daughter to call him. I’m not delusional, ok, I know no one wants to deal with that. Especially not someone like her.”
Rob sighed. He reached out and grabbed Marcus’ shoulders and squeezed. “Marcus. Listen to me. You are a smart, funny, and caring man who loves his daughter and his friends. You deserve more, ok? Tell me you know that.”
Marcus shook his head. “Know what?”
“That it’s not a delusion to think you deserve to be loved.”
“Loved?” Marcus shook his head and tried not to scoff. “We’re just talking about someone I met at a coffee shop.” He ignored that his heart had started to beat just a bit faster when he thought about her, just like it had in The Bean Box when she’d touched his arm. And when she’d smiled at him, looking so hopeful that she’d see him again.
Rob raised his eyebrows. “Someone you can’t stop thinking about, and who flirted with you and got you out of your shell. Right?”
Marcus sighed.
“Marcus,” Rob said, voice careful, and Marcus knew what was coming next. “Is this about Melissa? I–”
He shook his head, interrupting. “No, I mean, not really. You know I’ve gone on dates, well, a while ago. It’s just…” He closed his eyes. “It’s been so long, and since Missy left for college, I’ve just been…” he trailed off, looking for the right word. “Asleep, I think. It’s so quiet. Every day is the same.”
Marcus opened his eyes to find his best friend frowning at him.
“I get it. But it sounds like this shook you out of that routine, right?” Marcus sighed. “Marcus, look, just– promise me you won’t just dismiss it, ok? Give it a chance.”
He wanted to scrub his hands over his eyes but Rob was still holding his shoulders. “How do I do that?”
Rob shrugged. “You’ve already run into her twice. Just keep going back. See what happens.”
Marcus closed his eyes and finally broke out of his friend’s hold. He leaned against the wall behind him. “Ok. Ok, I can do that.”
Rob let out a long breath, clearly relieved. “Good. And just let yourself enjoy it, ok? I know you know how to flirt. Even if you’re rusty.”
Marcus rolled his eyes and shoved Rob back a bit. “Yeah, yeah. I thought you wanted me to go back, huh? Stop making me nervous.”
Rob waved his hand, laughing. “You’re already nervous. But I’ve seen you flirt, man, even if it’s been a minute. I believe in you.”
At least someone did.
On Wednesday, Marcus woke up with his alarm, and immediately felt nervous.
He paused in front of his closet, actually looking at his clothes for the first time in a long time. Should I wear this shirt? Or a sweater? He hesitated, cursed himself for wasting time, and then grabbed the next shirt and slacks, as always. 
He walked straight past his kitchen on his way to his car, only glancing at the clock. 08:14 AM.
Missy 08:17 AM: are you going to the Bean Box again 08:18 AM: have I created a monster
Marcus 08:27 AM: just pulled up 08:27 AM: I’ll eat a scone for you
Missy 08:28 AM: mail me one 🙏
Marcus 08:29 AM: counter offer: I’ll buy you one when you’re home next
Missy 08:29 AM: deal 
Marcus was smiling at his phone as he opened the door into the coffee shop, belatedly looking up at his surroundings after he stepped inside. He didn’t see her and started to frown.
“Let me guess – your daughter?” 
He turned to find her behind him, leaning against the high table by the door. She gestured at his phone with a smile. He nodded. “How’d you know?”
She stepped closer and looked down at his phone. “You were smiling at it as you walked in.”
He couldn’t help but smile again. “She asked me to mail her a scone.”
She laughed and Marcus watched the way it changed her face. Beautiful. 
“Would it survive?” She grinned and fell into step next to him in the line for coffee.
He shook his head. “No, but I promised I’d buy her one next time she’s home.”
“When’s that?”
“Spring break.”
She frowned sympathetically. “So far away! That’s too bad.”
Marcus sighed, agreeing. “It is, but it helps knowing that she’s having such a great time.”
She looked thoughtful and nudged Marcus with her shoulder. He felt himself flush. “You know, you could look up coffee shops near her campus and buy her a gift card or something. Somewhere similar. Probably better than mailing a scone.”
He blinked, surprised. That was a good idea. “I…” he trailed off. “That’s–”
“Sorry,” she interrupted, wincing. “I didn’t mean–”
“No,” he said, not wanting her to apologize. He touched his fingertips lightly to her arm – she was wearing short sleeves, and the touch of his skin against hers deepened his flush. His fingertips started to tingle and he felt his heart start to beat faster in his chest. “I was going to say, that’s a great idea. Thank you.”
She grinned at him and leaned forward, which brought her arm more in contact with his hand. Suddenly he found himself with a light hold on her forearm, gripping it gently. He stroked his thumb across her skin before he even realized what he was doing. 
“I was worried I’d overstepped,” she said without moving away from him.
Marcus shook his head, momentarily speechless at the feel of her skin and the knowledge that she hadn’t pulled away.
“No,” he murmured. “I’m definitely going to do that. She’ll love it.”
For a moment he didn’t move, and neither did she. He noticed the line moving out of the corner of his eye but didn’t do anything about it until the person behind them in line cleared their throat.
Startled, he stepped forward, losing contact with her arm. She was still smiling at him as she turned.
“You know,” he said, wishing he could reach out to touch her hand. “I never asked what brings you here every day.”
She hummed. “Well the coffee, of course,” she winked at him, “but I also work from here most mornings. I like the atmosphere, and all of my meetings are in the afternoon.”
He nodded, thinking that sounded nice.  “So if I were to keep up my new coffee habit, you’d be here in the mornings?”
She turned towards him then and he leaned closer. 
“Yep,” she agreed. “Most days. Maybe you could stick around sometime.” She raised her eyebrows but he sighed. 
“I can’t,” he said, looking down. “Have to be in the office.”
Her face fell and he felt something twist inside his chest. She opened her mouth to reply but he interrupted. He didn’t want her to feel like that, not when he was feeling like this.
“Maybe we could,” his voice came out a bit strangled and he cleared his throat. “Maybe we could have dinner sometime instead?”
Marcus watched as her face transformed from disappointed to hopeful. He smiled. 
“I’d like that, Marcus.”
Marcus couldn’t remember the last time he’d been on a date, it had been so long.
(That was a lie – he just didn’t want to remember, it had gone so badly. But it had been years – he was pretty sure Missy had been in middle school at the time.)
He spent way too long staring at his clothes and trying to ignore Rob’s encouraging texts. He settled on dark jeans and a sweater. When his phone pinged again, he finally looked down to check it. 
Rob (5:37 PM): Corina says wear the dark green sweater (5:38 PM): I don’t even know which sweater she’s talking about but I assume you do
Marcus looked down and laughed. He had, in fact, chosen the dark green sweater.
Marcus (5:41 PM): tell her I am and that I had the same idea
Rob (5:43 PM): she says good choice and have a great time (5:44 PM): I mean, me too
Marcus smiled as he walked downstairs. He was glad for the support, but he knew he looked good in this sweater. It was one of the few purchases he’d made in recent years just because he liked the way it looked.
He got in the car and headed towards the restaurant where they’d agreed to meet. It was a short drive but he could feel himself getting more and more nervous the closer he got. 
After he parked, he stopped and took a deep breath. He thought of Melissa, as he’d done quite a bit since he met the beautiful woman in the coffee shop. It had been so long since they’d lost her, and he’d had quite a bit of time to think about dating again. This wasn’t even his first try.
But it always made him a little wistful. He took a moment to think about what she’d say – probably something about how his arms looked in the sweater. The thought made him laugh and shake his head. He got out of the car.
She was waiting by the door, and she was stunning.
You tried not to fidget as you stood by the door to the restaurant. It was a place your coworker had recommended, but you’d never been. Your nerves had driven you to arrive ten minutes early and now you had nothing to do but wait, and think of the gorgeous man you were waiting for.
And he really was gorgeous. You’d known that from the moment he’d turned around after you’d almost knocked him over in your favorite coffee shop – a memory that made your cheeks burn, even now, you’d been so embarrassed. He was tall with a jawline that made you want to bite, shoulders that were so broad you needed to get your hands on them, and warm brown eyes that had so much feeling in them, it took your breath away.
And then he’d smiled at you, and helped you with your things. And flirted. And then he’d come back, and kept coming back. For coffee, of course, but also to talk to you.
Every time he walked into The Bean Box, he looked around, looking for you. And when he saw you, his face lit up. You couldn’t help but smile just thinking about it.
How is he single? It was a question you’d been wondering about all week. You figured it was probably because he was a single dad, and his daughter had just gone to college. But at the same time you couldn’t comprehend that no one had locked this gorgeous, thoughtful, funny, caring man down. Their loss, you thought, and smiled again.
At that moment you looked up, and caught sight of Marcus getting out of his car. Your smile stretched into a grin.
“Hello there,” he said, smiling as he walked closer to you. “You look stunning this evening.”
You looked him over and tilted your head. “So do you, in that sweater.”
He blushed and you bit your lip. It was so charming when he did that. 
“Ready for dinner?” he asked, and when you nodded he turned to guide you inside. You felt his hand come up to rest on your lower back. It was big and warm, just as warm as it had been when he’d held your arm. You shivered.
The restaurant had a table waiting for you, and you turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. He smiled and shrugged. “I called two days ago when you said yes to dinner.”
The table they led you to was cozy – tucked in a corner with a window, a romantic candle flickering in the center. When you sat, you realized a couple of plants hid you from the rest of the room.
“Cozy,” you said, smiling. 
Marcus nodded. “My best friend has brought his wife here, says it’s fantastic. And romantic.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, reaching out to nudge his hand where it rested on the table. “Romantic, huh?”
Marcus looked suddenly unsure, which made you slide your hand over his and squeeze. “Is that alright?”
You nodded. “It’s more than alright, Marcus. It’s perfect.”
He smiled again, and the two of you settled into an easy conversation about your weeks, about his daughter, and about your work. It flowed just as comfortably as it had at the coffee shop and you felt the warmth that Marcus had kindled inside of you from the first moment start to burn again. It carried you through dinner.
You watched his face as he talked and couldn’t help but marvel again at how handsome he was. He seemed to notice your focus and smirked a bit. “What?”
“Hmm?” you blinked, eyes snapping back to meet his.
He reached across the table and laced his fingers with yours. “I was just wondering what you were thinking.”
Your face warmed but you wanted to tell him, anyway. “Just got distracted by how handsome you are.”
Marcus blushed again and you grinned. “Really?” he looked doubtful, and you couldn’t have that.
“Oh yes,” you said, leaning towards him. “Not for the first time. You know how hard it was not to stare, in the coffee shop?”
He laughed and picked up your hand. He leaned forward, too, and pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles. You bit your lip at the sensation of his lips against your skin. “Me?” he asked, smiling against your knuckles. “What about you? You’re so beautiful I couldn’t take my eyes off you. And then you smiled, and well.” He kissed your knuckles again. “Still can’t look away from you, even if I wanted to.”
For a moment you just stared at each other, smiling. 
“Marcus,” you started, lifting your fingers to press against his jaw. He held on, but let you turn your hand until you could cup his cheek. “Do you want to come home with me?”
He blinked, clearly surprised. “I–” He swallowed, looking nervous. “It’s been a while, since…” he trailed off. “It’s been a while,” he repeated, smiling shyly.
You traced his cheekbone with your thumb. “There’s no rush,” you promised. You leaned a little closer and he leaned in to meet you. “I just want you to kiss me, Marcus,” you murmured, and watched his pleasure at that idea take over his handsome face. “And then we can just see where it takes us. No rush, no pressure.”
His eyes darkened as he smiled, a new sort of smile you hadn’t seen before. It made you press your thighs together under the table. “No rush,” he repeated, “but I’ve been wanting to kiss you, too,” he said, voice low and warm. He moved to stand. “Let’s go.”
Marcus stepped up close behind you at your door, and you smiled at the feeling of his warm body almost touching yours. His hand came to rest on your waist and you shivered. 
You finally managed to unlock the door and he followed you in. 
So quickly it made your head spin, Marcus turned and pressed you up against the inside of your door. you gasped. His chest was just as broad and firm as you’d thought, and he held you easily in place, right where he wanted you. You marveled at his sudden confidence – it looked very good on him.
“Hi there, beautiful,” he murmured, looking down at your lips. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” you breathed. Before you could say anything else, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.
Marcus’s lips were warm, and soft, and his kiss was slow and gentle. It seeped into you and you felt his warmth light you up from the inside. 
Your hands found his hips and you tugged him forwards until your bodies were touching from shoulder to knee. He moaned lightly, into your mouth, and suddenly his kiss wasn’t so gentle anymore.
It was fierce. Your head was spinning as you opened your mouth to him and felt his tongue stroke along yours.
His thigh came to rest between yours and you shivered.
“Marcus,” you sighed, breaking the kiss. He pressed soft kisses along your cheek and jaw before he let his head drop to your shoulder.
“You feel perfect against me, you know that?” His voice sounded almost hoarse, and you wrapped your arms around his waist. His sweater was soft and it made you smile. His right hand was flat against the door by your head but his left came up to cup your jaw and neck. “Shit, sweetheart. You’re perfect.”
You pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “I’m not perfect,” you laughed. 
He shook his head against your shoulder. “Feels pretty perfect.” He thrust his hips forward and pressed his thigh against you more firmly. You moaned. 
You felt Marcus huff a small laugh against your shoulder and pulled back to eye him. “What?”
He was smiling. “It’s nothing.” He shook his head as you raised your eyebrow, still confused. “I was just thinking how lucky I am that my coffee machine broke that day. Never would have met you, otherwise.”
You felt your face relax as you smiled back and leaned in for another soft kiss. “Sounded like it was on its last legs, from what you told me.”
He laughed again, and you grinned. “It was. RIP, Mr. Coffee, and thank you for your timely death.”
You hummed. “I like to think I would have found you, anyway. Maybe on another day at the Box.”
Marcus pressed forward and buried his face in your neck again. You felt his soft kisses working their way down to your shoulder and shivered. “Yeah? How?”
You shrugged and he nipped at your shoulder. “Just feels right, you know? I felt it the moment I met you.” You leaned your head to the side and he took advantage, worrying a mark at the spot where it met your shoulder. It made you squirm and his grip on you tightened. “Like I’d found something I’d been looking for, and didn’t even know it.”
He lifted his head again and the look in his eyes made your breath catch in your throat. “I know exactly what you mean, sweetheart. You woke me up when you almost knocked me over.” He grinned, teasing you.
“What do you mean?” You lifted one of your hands and let your fingers trail through his hair.
He leaned into it, smiling. “I’ve been… asleep. Living the same day, over and over again. And then I met you, and it’s like I’m awake for the first time since Missy left. Before that, probably.” He leaned forward and kissed you, gently. “You woke me up,” he repeated. You smiled, surprised and pleased that you’d had such an effect on him, too.
Marcus kissed you again, and for a while after that there wasn’t a lot of talking. You could only manage his name, and please, and don’t stop.
He didn’t.
a/n: 🥰
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inseobts · 5 hours ago
can you make a law trafalgar x chubby strawhat reader? thank you!
Surgeon’s Soft Spot
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Trafalgar Law × Chubby!Strawhat!Reader
a/n: omg I was so excited to write this aknakjd it doesn't really follow the canon events tho
words count: k
tags: chubby reader, strawhat reader, teasing, wano arc
masterlist || || ko-fi
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The moment you step onto the Polar Tang, Law exhales like he’s already exhausted.
“You again” he mutters.
“You love it,” you tease, hopping onto a crate with an easy grin “Miss me?”
He rolls his eyes “You were here yesterday.”
“So?” You tilt your head playfully “Maybe I brighten your life.”
Shachi and Penguin exchange knowing looks, muffling their laughter. Law glares at them before his gaze lands back on you. That’s when he notices something.
His eyes narrow “Is that—” He frowns “Are you wearing my hoodie?”
You freeze, mid-bite into a sweet bun “…No.”
Law crosses his arms, staring you down “That’s literally my hoodie.”
You tug the oversized fabric closer around yourself, chin lifting defiantly “Bepo gave it to me… Well, it’s mine now anyway. It’s comfy.”
Bepo wags his tail “It does look good on you, Y/N.”
You flash him a thumbs-up before turning back to Law “See? Bepo agrees.”
Law pinches the bridge of his nose “You can’t just steal my clothes.”
You hum thoughtfully, running your hands over the soft fabric “Now that I think about it… it did smell like you.”
Shachi and Penguin choke on their drinks. Bepo’s ears twitch. You realize what you just said and instantly look away, cheeks warm but you don’t take it back.
Law stares at you, his usual sharp expression softening just a little. His ears are tinged red, and for once, he doesn’t have some sarcastic comeback. Instead, he exhales, running a hand through his hair.
“…Fine,” he mutters “Keep it.”
Your eyes widen “Wait, really?”
He looks anywhere but at you “Just don’t ruin it.”
You beam, warmth spreading in your chest as you tug the hoodie even closer around yourself “Thanks, Torao.”
“…It’s Law.”
But when you call him Torao again, he doesn’t correct you.
And maybe, just maybe, he likes the way you look in his hoodie a little too much.
You sprawl out on the nearest couch in the submarine’s common room, Law’s hoodie still draped over you like a second skin. It’s ridiculously comfortable, and smells just like him, something warm and subtly him.
“You’re getting too comfortable here” Law remarks, standing near the door with his arms crossed.
You crack one eye open, smiling lazily “And?”
His golden gaze flickers to the way you’ve bundled yourself up in his hoodie. Something shifts in his expression, something soft, something he quickly hides behind a sigh.
“At least don’t sleep here. You’ll get in the way.”
“But the couch is so comfy” you whine dramatically, stretching “And I’m already in my nap position.”
Law pinches the bridge of his nose “That’s not a real thing.”
“It is” you insist “Once you get into a nap position, you have to nap”
Shachi, who’s passing by, chimes in with a grin “they got a point, Captain.”
Law shoots him a glare that immediately sends him scurrying away.
You snicker “See? Even your crew agrees with me.”
Law exhales, rubbing his temple “You’re impossible.”
Still, he doesn’t order you to move. Instead, he strides over to the couch, hovering for a moment before sitting down right next to you.
Your heart stutters slightly.
“Uh—” You blink up at him “What are you—”
“If you’re going to take up the whole couch, at least make space.” He nudges you lightly, and you shift instinctively, leaving just enough room for him.
You watch, stunned, as he leans back, arms crossed, and stays.
Trafalgar D. Water Law is sitting next to you. Voluntarily.
And he doesn’t move away.
Your brain short-circuits for a second.
“…So,” you say after a beat, a teasing grin spreading across your lips “Are we… napping together now?”
Law huffs “I’m just resting my eyes.”
You hum knowingly “Mmmhmm.”
A few minutes pass. The sound of the submarine’s gentle hum fills the space, lulling you into relaxation. You peek at Law out of the corner of your eyes, his head tilted slightly to the side, lips parted just a little, breath slow.
He fell asleep.
Your heart swells. He must trust you to do that.
Carefully, so carefully, you shift just a little closer, your shoulder brushing against his arm. He doesn’t move away.
A tiny, secret smile tugs at your lips.
As you get up to leave later on, you catch your reflection in a polished steel surface, something in your chest twists.
You notice how the hoodie clings in places it didn't on him. How it doesn’t hang loose, how it shows more of you than you thought it would.
Your confidence is real, but so is the insecurity that creeps in.
You stare at yourself for a long moment before quietly slipping the hoodie off.
Later, in Law’s Office
Law wakes up and notice you're not there anymore. He doesn't know why he's feeling like this but it seems wrong. so he goes looking for you.
"Bepo, where is y/n?"
"Oh, they had to go back to the Strawhats" Bepo answers noticing his Captain's weird worried look.
Law nods and goes back in his study, and while pouring over medical notes, he notices something on his chair.
His hoodie.
Your hoodie.
Folded neatly. Left behind.
His brow furrows. He knows you by now, knows how confidently you carry yourself, how you never hesitate to claim what you want. You wouldn’t just return it without saying anything.
Something is wrong.
He sighs, closing his notebook. He needs to find you.
When you return to your crew they immediately sense something is off.
You’re quieter than usual. Your usual bright energy feels dimmed, and even though you laugh at Luffy’s antics and Nami’s teasing, your heart isn’t in it.
Sanji offers your favorite snacks.
Usopp tells exaggerated stories to make you laugh.
Robin gives you a knowing look but doesn’t push.
Even Zoro, who isn’t usually the first to notice emotional things, raises an eyebrow when you barely react to an insult battle with him.
“Oi,” he says, watching as you retreat toward your room “You good?”
You pause, forcing a smile “Yeah. Just tired.”
You shut the door before anyone can say more.
The moment you’re alone, you curl up on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
You don’t cry.
You’re strong, after all. You love yourself, and you don’t let dumb thoughts get the best of you.
But tonight, the little voice in the back of your head wins.
It’s late when Law steps onto the Thousand Sunny.
The Strawhats immediately turns to him, Nami folds her arms, and Sanji’s eye twitches.
“What do you want, Trafalgar?” Nami asks suspiciously.
Law exhales “Where’s y/n?”
Everyone stares.
Luffy blinks “You’re lookin’ for y/n?”
A beat of silence. Then, to Law’s mild surprise, the tension eases.
Robin gives him an unreadable smile “They’re in their room.”
Sanji exhales a cloud of smoke “I don't know what you did to them but you better not be here to make them feel worse.”
Law scowls “I wouldn’t be here if I was.”
Zoro watches him for a second before jerking his head toward your door “Go.”
Law doesn’t hesitate.
The knock on your door is soft.
You frown “I’m not hungry, Sanji.”
“It’s not Sanji.”
You freeze.
Your heart kicks up “Law?”
“Open the door.”
You hesitate, but something in his tone makes you move. When you unlock it, you barely have time to react before something is draped over your shoulders.
Law’s hoodie.
Your hoodie.
You stare at it, then at him “Law, I—”
“You left it,” he says simply. His golden eyes meet yours, unreadable but intense “Why?”
You shift uncomfortably “It… It wasn’t as oversized as I thought.”
You let out a soft, bitter laugh “It just... doesn't fit me, that's all”
Law is silent for a long moment. Then, to your absolute shock, he tugs the hoodie tighter around you.
“You’re wrong.”
Your breath catches “What?”
He looks at you, gaze steady. Warmer than usual “I love how it looks on you.”
Your heart stutters.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair “I wouldn’t have let you keep it if I didn’t.”
You stare at him, something blooming in your chest, something soft, vulnerable, and terrifying all at once.
“…You mean that?”
His lips twitch slightly “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t.”
You clutch the fabric, warmth flooding you, not just from the hoodie, but from him.
From the way he came to find you.
From the way he wanted you to have this.
Slowly, your confidence returns. You smile, a real one this time “Guess it’s mine for good, then.”
He rolls his eyes, but there’s no irritation in it. Just fondness.
Maybe Trafalgar Law likes you exactly as you are, and that’s enough.
The weight of Law’s hoodie is comforting, the warmth of the fabric wrapping around you like a silent reassurance. But it’s not just the hoodie, it’s him.
The way he looks at you, sharp eyes softened just a little. The way he came for you, no hesitation.
The way he wanted you to keep it.
Something inside you, something small and doubtful, quiets.
You exhale, tugging at the sleeves “You’re full of surprises, Torao.”
His brow twitches “It’s Law.”
But there’s no real bite to it.
You take a slow step forward, peering up at him “You really like how it looks on me?”
Law huffs, crossing his arms “I already said so.”
“But why?”
His jaw clenches, like he’s debating whether or not to say what’s on his mind.
Then, after a long pause, he sighs “Because it’s you.”
Your breath catches “Law—”
He continues, gaze locked on yours “You laugh like you mean it. You don’t hesitate to say what’s on your mind, and you don’t back down from anyone, not even me.”
Your heart pounds.
His fingers twitch, like he wants to reach for you but isn’t sure if he should.
“I’ve seen you be confident,” he murmurs “But I’ve also seen the moments when you doubt yourself. I just…” He exhales sharply, frustrated at himself “I don’t want you to think you have to be anything other than what you are.”
The words hit deep.
Law isn’t the type to give empty reassurances. He’s blunt, logical. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything.
So if he says it, he means it.
Something inside you melts.
Slowly, carefully, you step even closer, testing the waters. Law doesn’t move away. If anything, his eyes darken with something warmer, deeper.
“Law...” Your voice is softer now, teasing but gentle “You’re really bad at this.”
He scowls “At what?”
You smile “At saying you like me.”
Law stiffens.
For a second, you wonder if you pushed too far, but then, he exhales through his nose, and his lips twitch.
“You’re impossible” he mutters.
Then, before you can process it, he reaches out.
One hand curls around your wrist, the other gently tugs at the hem of the hoodie, his hoodie, before resting lightly against your waist. His touch is hesitant but deliberate.
Your breath hitches.
His fingers tighten slightly. Not enough to hold you there, but enough to let you know he wants to.
Your heart races “Law—”
“You’re keeping this” he says, tugging at the hoodie slightly, voice low “And you’re not leaving it behind again.”
You grin “That a captain’s order?”
Something shifts between you, something undeniable, something fragile but real.
So you do the only thing that feels right.
You close the distance.
Your arms loop around his waist, pressing against him fully. He tenses at first, clearly not used to this, but then, slowly, carefully, he relaxes.
And then, after a long moment, his arms come around you, pulling you closer.
Law isn’t warm, he’s burning.
But so are you.
Neither of you move. Neither of you want to.
“…Torao?” Your voice is muffled against his chest.
“You’re actually good at this.”
His hand tightens slightly on your back, like he’s holding on. Like he doesn’t want to let go.
“…Shut up” he mutters.
But he doesn’t pull away.
And neither do you.
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chibinasuu · 11 hours ago
riiiin it is i, nyla. diving into your inbox because the 'open for hcs/drabbles' has haunted me for too long. it's time to act on the urge- ace and sanji are two of the characters who deserve the most love but don't feel they deserve it and constantly don't see how much they are valued by those around them- what are your sappiest thoughts about the two of them?
nylaaaaa i'm afraid i got too carried away writing this, i was just so overwhelmed with ✨feelings✨ 😭
when i think of ace and sanji, the quote "we accept the love we think we deserve" somehow comes to mind. i think you're so right that they deserve all the love, but feel like they don't deserve it. ughhh i just want to give them long hugs and many many smooches 🥺
anyway thank you for stopping by my inbox!! i hope you enjoy these sappy headcanons and drabbles!
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To Make You Feel My Love
Pairings: Ace, Sanji x Reader (separate)  Tags: sfw, angsty fluff(?), first time saying "i love you", GN but written with F!Reader in mind, no use of y/n
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Ace was used to people thinking that he shouldn't have been born, so of course he didn't accept love easily—He didn't even deserve to live, so why on earth should he deserve to be loved?
Ace didn't mind fun flings, but when real feelings got involved, that was when he'd run and hide and retreat
When he found the one, he'd never be the one to say "I love you" first. He'd be too afraid of ruining things because he'd think that you wouldn't feel as strongly as he did
When you told him that you loved him, he'd have his doubts. He wouldn't get why you would choose him—the bastard son of the most dangerous pirate who had ever lived—of all the people you could get in this world. But you would convince him that he was the one you wanted, him and no one else
"I love you."
Ace tensed for a second, and then his arms around you slackened.
You pulled back slightly to look at him, studying the conflict blatantly written across his face.
You silently waited for him to process your words, your heart clenching as his gaze turned more and more distant as the seconds ticked by.
A touch of your fingers upon his brought him back to the present, and Ace finally rasped, "Why would you love the son of a criminal? How could you love a man who carries the blood of the demon in his veins?"
There was nothing you wanted more than to hunt down all of the ignorant fools who had ever said those wretched things about him.
But despite yourself, at this moment, you could only smile softly, "Well, that's because I couldn't give less fucks about who your father was, Ace. I don't care whose blood runs in your veins."
You brushed your thumb across his freckled cheek, "I love you because you're you."
Ace took a sharp inhale, and you cupped his face, guiding his eyes to look directly into yours, "I love you. My best friend. My anchor. My hearth. You."
He was quiet. You glimpsed a slight flicker of doubt that was still present in his eyes before he averted them.
Desperate to get through his thick skull, you shot at him, "Do you love me, Ace?"
"More than anything." He admitted, the answer quick to leave his mouth.
"Then let me love you too." You rested your forehead against his, "Please."
Ace's face softened as he hesitantly touched his lips to yours, kissing you gently, as if he couldn't believe that this was something he was allowed to do.
Pulling you into his warm embrace, he buried his face into the crook of your neck. You could feel wetness slowly seeping into the collar of your shirt.
"Thank you…" He whispered as his arms tightened around your back, "For loving me."
Once Ace realized that you were truly in love with him, he would be insufferable (affectionately)
He'd be more free with his affections. He'd steal kisses from you in public, much to your mortification and endless teasing from your crewmates
He'd randomly tell you that he loves you at odd parts of the day, just so he could hear you say back that you love him too
But no matter how many times you told him you loved him, his already warm body would always grow even warmer, a soft smile would grace his lips, and he'd always think how lucky he was to be loved by you
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Sanji was never stingy with his affection toward the ladies, but he wouldn't know what to do with someone who actually showed it back
He wouldn't think that someone could actually like him, much less love him, when all throughout his childhood he was repeatedly told that he was worthless—Did his endless flirting wear you down and you're just acting like this because you pitied him? There was no way someone like you could love someone like him, right? What was there to like about him anyway?
When you told him you loved him, he wouldn't believe it at first. But of course, you'd remind him again and again that he was worthy of all the love in the world
"I'm in love with you."
You couldn't see Sanji's expression from your perch at the kitchen bar, but you noticed how his hands froze on their way to putting the clean dishes back on the rack.
How he had longed for those words to come out of your lips, but now that you actually said it…
"Sanji? Did you hear me?" You got up from your seat, walking over to him, "I said I lo—"
"Please don—" He let out a shaky breath that made you stop in your tracks, "Please don't say things you don't mean, sweetheart."
His words annoyed you, making you snap at him, "You think I'd say that if I don't mean it?"
You stepped closer to him and took his hands, searching for his eyes that refused to meet yours.
"It's just—You can't possibly be in l-love with… me." His brows furrowed, each word more difficult for him to say than the last, "I-I'm not worthy of you, darling. Please don't waste your precious love on me."
Your heart ached for him. You couldn't imagine what this sweet man must have endured in the past to ever think that he wasn't worthy of being loved.
"Sanji, you're the kindest and most gentle soul I know." You run your fingers softly through his blond hair, "There's no one more worthy and deserving of love than you. There's no one else I'd rather love than you."
You cupped Sanji's face as tears started to flow freely from his eyes.
His voice was so small that you could barely hear it, choked out in between his sobs, "Do you really mean it?"
"I do." You pressed your lips to his forehead, "I love you, Sanji."
Sanji closed his eyes, reveling in the truth that you bared out to him.
You moved your lips down to his nose, and repeated, "I love you."
Kissing the tears away from his cheeks, you whispered again, "I love you."
When you reached his lips, no more words were needed as you poured all of your feelings into a tender kiss that made Sanji's heart dance in his chest.
And then finally, finally, he sighed out, "I love you too."
Even after Sanji accepted your love, he'd have a hard time actually hearing those three little words from you. He'd lose all of his composure every time you told him you loved him, the usually suave cook reduced to a bumbling, blushing mess
Whenever Sanji told you that he loved you, it would be different from the countless times he had loudly and obnoxiously proclaimed his love to all the ladies in the past. It would be soft, hesitant but certain at the same time, and it would be dripping with real love.
He'd sometimes stare at you with a shy smile, suddenly blurting out, "I still can't believe you love me. Would you tell me once again, please, my love?"
You would. And you'd tell him a thousand times more.
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jungkoode · 13 hours ago
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→ PAIRING : Med Student!Hoseok x F!Reader (Brother’s Best Friend AU)
→ RATING: Mature, 18+, suggestive tones.
→ DATE POSTED: March 3rd, 2025.
→ SUMMARY: You’ve spent four years convincing yourself that your brother’s best friend is just being nice when he remembers your coffee order, quizzes you on neuroanatomy, or lets his touch linger a second too long. Because there’s no way that the golden boy of Seoul National’s medical program might actually be flirting with you. Especially when he keeps saying things that could be perfectly innocent… if only he didn’t say them in that voice.
→ TAGS: second person perspective, female reader, medical school au, brother’s best friend trope, age gap (4 years), pining, touch starved, overthinking reader, confident hoseok, gentle dom hoseok, medical terminology as flirting (lmao), study sessions, domestic moments, innocent (but not really), plausible deniability king hoseok, anxiety, internal monologue, guilty crushes, subtle teasing, emotional edging, gentle manipulation, praise kink undertones, intellectual attraction, competency kink, hand fixation, voice kink, medical intern hoseok, first year med student reader, home setting, casual intimacy, unresolved sexual tension (for now), secret attraction, nervous rambling, self-doubt, intrusive thoughts, anatomy lessons with ulterior motives, competent hoseok, flustered reader, close proximity, accidental touches that aren’t accidents, virgin!reader.
→ CONTENT in this chapter: Failed attempts at normal Friday nights, tequila-fueled bad decisions, drunk texting that definitely crosses lines, deliberately provoking reactions, pink sets making reappearances, and countdown timers that feel like threats (or promises). | drunk texting, emotional provocation, jealousy, possessive behavior, failed rebounds, tequila courage, late night messages, countdown tension, deliberate misbehavior, text conversations, bar settings, alcohol consumption, purposeful disobedience, revenge flirting, provoked responses.
→ A/N: Sometimes it takes tequila and spite to say what you really mean. This chapter is dedicated to everyone who's ever sent that one text they absolutely shouldn't have (but definitely meant). Also to anyone who's ever tried to move on and realized they're ruined for normal flirting. Special thanks to my friends who had to watch me spiral while writing this - your emotional support and drink recommendations were crucial to this mess.
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The screen blurs as you stare at his contact—a blank gray circle where his photo used to be. The one of him and Caleb at graduation, both grinning, arms slung around each other's shoulders.
Your thumb hovers over the message thread. The last thing he sent stares back at you, clinical and cold:
Hoseok: 𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢.
Three words.
That's all it took to unravel everything—all the heated glances, the lingering touches, the way he'd made you feel seen and wanted and his.
(Stupid. You were so stupid.)
The phone hits the wall with a satisfying crack. You don't check if the screen's broken. Don't care. Let it shatter like everything else.
Because that's what this is, isn't it? He'd played you perfectly—drawing you in with gentle words and meaningless touches, making you question your own sanity until you were desperate for confirmation. Until you were willing to do anything just to prove you weren't imagining it all.
And now?
Now he's gone.
Like it meant nothing. Like you meant nothing. Just another conquest, another game won, another—
A soft knock interrupts your spiral.
"Y/N?" Caleb's voice filters through the door, concerned but not pushing. "You okay?"
You swallow hard, swiping at your eyes. "Fine."
The door creaks open anyway.
Your brother takes one look at you—curled up in your desk chair, eyes red-rimmed, phone face-down on the floor—and something in his expression shifts.
He doesn't ask. Doesn't pry. Just disappears briefly and returns with two mugs of chamomile tea, the kind mom always makes when either of you is upset.
"Scoot." He nudges you over, settling on the floor beside your chair. "Found that terrible rom-com you like. The one with the talking cats."
A wet laugh escapes before you can stop it. "It's not terrible."
"It's horrific." But he's already pulling up Netflix on his phone, patting the space next to him until you slide down to join him.
The tea is too hot and slightly too sweet—he always adds an extra spoonful of honey—but it warms something frozen in your chest. You lean against his shoulder as the movie starts, breathing in the familiar scent of mom’s laundry detergent and that stupid cologne your aunt always gifts him for Christmas.
He doesn't mention how your shoulders shake slightly. Doesn't comment on the damp spot growing on his sleeve. Just wraps an arm around you and lets you hide your face when the tears come faster.
It's going to be okay.
(It has to be okay.)
Your phone buzzes weakly from its place on the floor. You don't check it.
Some things are better left broken.
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You stare at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, trying to convince yourself this is a good idea.
Kiara had been insistent—persistent—about dragging you out tonight. "You need this," she'd declared, rifling through your closet with terrifying efficiency. "Fresh air. Good music. Hot strangers who aren't emotionally constipated medical residents."
(You hadn't told her about Hoseok. Hadn't told anyone. But somehow she knew—the way best friends always do.)
The dress she picked is shorter than you'd usually wear, black fabric clinging to curves you normally hide under oversized sweaters. Your legs look longer in the heels she forced on you, and the smokey eye makeup makes you look... different. Older.
Less like the nervous med student who stammers through anatomy presentations.
Less like his Chip.
Your throat tightens. You reach for your phone automatically—to check if he's unblocked you, to see if he's noticed your absence, to—
"Don't you dare." Kiara appears in the doorway, looking unfairly gorgeous in a red dress. She snatches your phone, dropping it into her clutch. "No drunk texting allowed."
"I wasn't going to—"
"Sure." She starts fixing your lipstick. "And I'm not planning to get absolutely destroyed on tequila shots."
You manage a weak laugh. "You're buying."
"Obviously." She steps back, examining her work with critical eyes. "There. Now you look properly devastating." Her grin turns wicked. "Let's go make some bad decisions."
And that’s how you somehow end up in one of those trendy pubs near campus.
Which is, by the way, absolutely packed when you arrive—music thrumming through the floorboards and lighting making everyone look airbrushed.
The bass line manages to drown out the voice in your head that sounds suspiciously like him.
Kiara orders shots immediately. The tequila burns going down, but it's better than the ache that's been living in your sternum for days.
"To terrible men," she declares, raising another glass.
"To terrible decisions," you counter, and the lime tastes like freedom when you bite down.
And three shots later, the edges of everything finally start to blur pleasantly.
The music feels like it's flowing through your veins, making your hips sway without conscious thought. Kiara drags you to the dance floor, her laugh bright and infectious as she spins you around.
"See?" She has to shout over the bass. "This is what Friday nights are supposed to feel like!"
And maybe she's right. Maybe this is better than sitting in your room, staring at your phone, waiting for a message that's never going to come. Maybe this—the plethora of bodies moving around you, the asphyxiating burn of tequila, the way your dress slides against your skin when you dance—is exactly what you need.
You close your eyes, letting the music take over. Let yourself forget about gentle voices and surgical hands and the way he'd looked at you like you were something precious right before he—
Not tonight.
Tonight is for dancing and drinking and pretending your heart isn't still beating in morse code: Ho-seok, Ho-seok, Ho-seok.
(But god, even the bass line sounds like his laugh.)
The tequila makes your phone screen swim as you glare at his contactless profile. The gray circle mocks you—empty and cold like his stupid perfect soul.
"Look at you," you slur at the blank icon. "Not even a picture anymore. Too good for pictures now? Too busy being tall and successful and making people question their sanity?"
Kiara—who apparently managed to grab a mojito at some point—now snorts into her glass. "Honey..."
"And your hands." You jab accusingly at the screen. "Why are they so big? Who gave you permission? Stupid... stupid surgeon hands with their stupid... precision."
"Okay, that's enough." Kiara tries to grab your phone, but you clutch it to your chest.
"No wait, I'm not done insulting his perfect face. Which isn't even here anymore because he's too important for profile pictures apparently." You hiccup. "Probably busy being gentle and professional somewhere else. With his stupid rolled-up sleeves and his stupid honey voice and his stupid—"
"Perfect bone structure?" Kiara supplies helpfully.
"Yes!" You slump against the bar. "It's offensive. His whole... everything is offensive. Criminal, even. We should report him to the medical board for being unreasonably attractive while also being a complete—"
"I was gonna say bastard but yes." You squint at the screen again. "Look at him. Not looking at us. With his not-picture. Rude."
Kiara pats your head sympathetically. "Come on, disaster. Let's find you someone who actually shows up in photos."
As if summoned by her words, two guys materialize beside your table. The taller one—dark hair, nice smile, definitely not wearing a white coat or speaking in medical terminology—leans against the bar.
"Can we buy you ladies a drink?"
You open your mouth to decline, but Kiara kicks you under the table.
"We'd love that," she says smoothly. "I'm Kiara, this is Y/N."
"James," the tall one offers. "This is Mike."
Mike waves, sliding onto the stool next to you. He's cute, in a slightly tired way—the kind that comes from hospital rotations and too little sleep.
"Med student?" he asks, noticing your distracted glance at your phone.
"How'd you guess?" you ask.
"The thousand-yard stare," he laughs. "I'm doing my internship at SNU. Just started the emergency rotation last week."
You manage a small smile. Med student, intern—at least he's not a certain first-year resident with surgical hands and a talent for making you question your sanity.
"So," Mike asks, "what brings you here tonight?"
"Emotional devastation," you announce before Kiara can stop you. "Also tequila."
He laughs—a normal laugh, not a honey-dripped chuckle designed to make your knees weak. "Sounds like there's a story there."
"Oh, there's a story." You straighten up, warming to your topic. "See, there's this guy—"
Kiara slaps her hand over your mouth. "Who we are not talking about tonight!" She smiles brilliantly at James and Mike. "How about those drinks?"
You lick her palm until she releases you with a yelp.
"Fine," you concede, accepting the fresh margarita Mike slides your way. "No talking about He Who Must Not Be Named."
"Voldemort?" James jokes.
You snort into your drink. "Worse. He's a doctor."
Mike winces sympathetically. "Ah. One of those."
"Exactly!" You point at him triumphantly. "One of those. With their... their competence and their steady hands and their stupid ability to make everything sound like a medical procedure—"
Kiara kicks you again. "Drinks," she reminds you firmly. "We're drinking and dancing and not thinking about certain medical professionals who shall remain nameless."
"Right." You take a long sip of margarita. "No thinking about names. Or nicknames. Or the way certain people say certain nicknames like they're tasting them—"
"Dance floor!" Kiara announces loudly, grabbing your arm. "We're going to the dance floor now!"
As she drags you away, you hear Mike ask James: "Should we be concerned?"
"Probably," James replies, but he's following anyway.
You let Kiara pull you into the crowd, the bass drowning out your thoughts. It's fine. You're fine.
And if you check your phone one more time—just to glare at the blank profile picture and maybe compose a strongly worded text about the audacity of certain medical residents—well.
That's between you and the tequila.
Definitely not between your bones and Mike as hemoves closer, hand settling tentatively on your waist.
You know he’s being polite about it—know he’s asking permission with his eyes, keeping a respectful distance.
It's nice.
(No. Not boring. Safe. This is what normal flirting feels like. Not... whatever psychological warfare Hoseok had been waging.)
"You're a good dancer," Mike says, and his voice is perfectly pleasant. No syrupy-thick manipulation. No clinical observations about your hip mobility.
"Thanks." You manage a smile that only feels slightly forced. "You too."
He grins—an uncomplicated expression that doesn't hide any surgical precision behind it. "Want to get some air? Maybe..." He pulls a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. "Take a smoke break?"
You don't smoke. Have never smoked. Would normally launch into a lecture about pulmonary health risks and carcinogenic compounds because you're that kind of med student.
But tonight you're wearing a dress that makes you feel dangerous, and your lips still taste like tequila, and somewhere across the city he's probably being perfect and untouchable and—
"Yes." The word tumbles out before you can stop it. "Air sounds good."
Kiara catches your eye across the dance floor, raising an eyebrow in silent question. You wave her off, letting Mike guide you through the crowd toward the exit.
The night air hits your bare shoulders like a slap, sobering and sharp. Mike leans against the brick wall, offering you the pack with another easy smile.
You take a cigarette because you're drunk and stupid and maybe trying to prove something to yourself. Or to him.
(Everything feels like it's about him lately.)
"Here." Mike cups his hands around the flame, shielding it from the breeze as you lean in.
The first inhale burns—acrid and harsh and nothing like the way his mouth had burned against yours. You manage not to cough, but it's a near thing.
"Not a regular smoker?" Mike asks, amused.
You shake your head, watching the ember glow in the darkness. "First time, actually."
His eyebrows lift. "Shit, really? Should've told me. We could've started you with something lighter."
The concern in his voice makes something in your chest twist. Because it's nice. He's being nice. And you're standing here thinking about someone else's mouth and someone else's hands and—
"Sorry," you blurt out. "I'm kind of a mess right now."
Mike's laugh is gentle. "Yeah, I got that impression." He takes a drag, smoke curling between you. "Want to talk about it?"
"God no." You attempt another inhale, managing not to choke this time. "I want to forget about it."
His eyes flick to your mouth, then back to yours. "I could help with that."
The invitation is clear. Simple. Uncomplicated.
You could do it. Could let this nice, normal boy kiss you against the brick wall. Could replace the memory of bergamot with something softer. Safer.
Could prove that you're not still thinking about gentle poison and cloying praise and the way his fingers had—
"I can't." The words taste like ash. "I'm sorry, I just—"
"Hey." Mike straightens, hands lifting in surrender. "No pressure. We can just talk. Or not talk." He grins. "Or you can keep pretending to enjoy that cigarette while plotting revenge against whatever doctor broke your heart."
A laugh bubbles up—slightly hysterical but real. "That obvious?"
"Little bit." He takes the cigarette from your trembling fingers, stubbing it out. "Come on. Let's get you some water before your friend murders me for letting you smoke."
You let him lead you back inside, grateful for the simple kindness of it. For the way he doesn't push or pry or try to take advantage of your obvious vulnerability.
It's nice.
(So why does it feel so wrong?)
Your phone buzzes in your clutch.
You ignore it.
Some habits are harder to break than others.
The rest of the night blurs into a mess of well-meaning moments that all feel slightly wrong. Mike gets you water, makes sure you're steady on your feet, laughs at your increasingly unfiltered commentary about medical school.
He's perfect.
And that's the problem.
Because your drunk brain keeps cataloging all the ways he's not perfect enough. His hands are normal-sized. His smile doesn't hide anything. When he touches your elbow to steady you, it's just... a touch. No clinical observations about proprioception or balance compensation.
"You doing okay?" he asks for the third time, and his concern is so genuine it makes your teeth hurt.
"I'm fine," you lie, but what you mean is: you're not him.
You're not fine. You're drunk and touch-starved and maybe a little broken, because apparently regular flirting feels empty now. Like eating sugar-free candy when you know exactly how the real thing tastes.
"Want to dance again?" Mike offers, and you almost say yes because that's what you're supposed to want.
Normal girl, normal boy, normal Friday night.
But your skin feels too tight and your head is spinning and all you can think about is how he would handle this—how he'd steady you with those surgeon's hands and murmur something about vestibular dysfunction while his thumb pressed against your pulse.
"I need air," you announce, pushing away from the bar.
Your heel catches on nothing, sending you stumbling.
Mike reaches for you, but you're already righting yourself, muscle memory kicking in as you adjust your center of gravity.
"Excellent compensatory response," you mutter in his voice, then laugh because you're definitely losing it.
"Nothing." You wave off Mike's concerned look. "Just... medical student things."
"I get it," he says with a knowing smile. "The terminology gets stuck in your head after a while. My attending at SNU is always going on about proprioception and vestibular function."
Your stomach drops at the mention of SNU. "Which department?"
"Emergency, but we rotate through different services. This week I've been with the surgical team." He shrugs. "It's intense, but the residents are mostly cool."
You nod, wondering if he's ever supervised Mike, if they've worked side by side while you were sitting at home staring at your phone.
He smiles like he understands, but he doesn't. Can't. Because he's never had someone turn basic anatomy into psychological warfare. Never had someone make him question his own sanity with plausible deniability and careful touches and—
"Text me?" Mike's voice cuts through your spiral.
Your eyes flicker down to his hand. He's holding out his phone, expression hopeful.
You stare at it. At his normal, nice, completely uncomplicated contact page with its normal, nice, completely visible profile picture.
"I can't," you say finally, and you mean: I'm ruined for normal now.
His smile is understanding. Kind. "The doctor?"
"The doctor," you confirm, and you hate how your voice catches on the word.
Kiara immediately appears at your elbow—your guardian angel in four-inch heels. "Let’s get some air." She waves to Mike. "Thanks for keeping an eye on her."
"Anytime." He means it too, which makes it worse somehow.
You both make it outside. The night air feels like clarity. Kiara tucks you against her shoulder as you let out a soft sigh.
"He’s nice," she says finally.
"Yeah." You close your eyes, remembering gentle smiles and normal hands and complete lack of medical terminology. "Too nice."
"Oh honey." She strokes your hair. "You're so fucked."
You laugh until you cry, because she has no idea how right she is. How thoroughly, completely, deliberately fucked you've been by someone who knew exactly what he was doing.
Your phone buzzes.
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚝’𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢. 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛.
Your heart stops.
“Y/N.” Kiara mutters, glancing down at your screen.
“Give me a second.” You reply, voice slightly slurred.
Because you know that clinical concern. Know that detached tone that sounds like medical advice but feels like ownership.
Your fingers slip on the keyboard as you type:
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜??? 𝚒𝚏 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚘𝚎𝚔 𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚞𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚕 # 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝙲𝙾𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙳
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚖𝚛 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚘𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚢?? 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚂𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚃
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙶𝚘 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙, 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚙.
The nickname makes you see red. You practically stab the screen with your thumbs:
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝙳𝙾𝙽𝚃. 𝙲𝙷𝙸𝙿. 𝙼𝙴. 𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚞 𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺𝙳 𝙼𝙴
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚛 𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚑𝚐 𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚝????? 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑????? 𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 “𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢” 𝚑𝚞𝚑?????
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝙾 𝚞𝚛 𝚊 𝙲𝙾𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙳. 𝚌𝚘𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝙾𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙳
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚈𝚘𝚞’𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚔.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚛𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎. 𝙼𝚛 𝙱𝚒𝚐 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚗
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕?????? 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚍
Three dots appear. Disappear. Appear again. Your heart hammers against your ribs as you wait.
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞?
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗𝚝 𝚄 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚈/𝙽.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚑 𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎. 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚢. 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚞 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚍𝚘??? 𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺 𝙼𝙴 𝙰𝙶𝙰𝙸𝙽???
The dots return, lingering longer this time.
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙸’𝚖 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝙽𝙾. 𝚞𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚍. 𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒 𝙷𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝚄
𝐘𝐨𝐮: …𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚋𝚝𝚠. 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚕 𝚜𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚍. 𝙱𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶.
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚆𝚑𝚘’𝚜 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎?
You grin viciously at the sharp edge in those two words.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚗𝚝 𝚄 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚠𝚘
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗. 𝙽𝚘𝚠.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚘𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚝????? 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚣 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚝 𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚟 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜????? 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎?????
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚙.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝙽𝙾𝙿𝙴. 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛????? 𝚒𝚖 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚢/𝚗 𝚗𝚘𝚠. 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚕𝚛 𝚢/𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚐𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚕𝚛 𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚕𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺 𝙷𝙴𝚁
You jab at the send button, chest rising too fast, too unsteady, because fuck him.
Fuck him for watching you from a distance. Fuck him for pretending he wasn’t. Fuck him for texting you when he’s the one who left—for acting like he still has a say in what you do, who you see, how much you drink.
Fuck him for making you like this.
Your fingers curl tighter around your phone, the alcohol thick in your bloodstream, pulse scalding under your skin.
You squeeze your eyes shut, but all you can see is him. That fucking look on his face, like you’d somehow made him the victim.
Like he was the one suffering.
You shove your phone back into your bag, stomach twisting, vision tilting—
And then you pull it right back out.
Because you can’t escape inevitability, even as much as you wish you could.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚒 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚞 𝚒𝚖 𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚜𝚎𝚝 𝚛𝚗
The dots appear instantly, then vanish. Your heart pounds as you push further:
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚒 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚞 𝚒 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚒 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚞 𝚒 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚍
A long pause. Then:
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝.
Your lips curve, knowing you’ve got him. Even through the alcohol haze, you can feel the shift in his tone—the way the period instead of a question mark betrays his tension. Curiosity. Intrigue.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚞 𝚝𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚖𝚎. 𝚊𝚋𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚊𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚕𝚎𝚡
Three dots appear. Disappear. Appear again. You press on:
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜. 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚘. 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑.
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚈/𝙽.
Full name. You’re getting to him.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚞 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒 𝚐𝚘𝚝??? 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚒 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚞 𝚗𝚘𝚠???
The response is immediate:
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚒𝚝.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝???? 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚖𝚎??? 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗????
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙻𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗??? 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚎𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚘𝚗????
Another pause. Then:
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚃𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚢??? 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 ��𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚌𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗???
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙵𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞.
Your thighs clench at the curse. Because this—this is what you wanted. What you want. Him cursing. Him losing it, like you’ve lost it—medical terminology abandoned.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚎 𝚍𝚛 𝚓𝚞𝚗𝚐. 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚞𝚗𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚊𝚕
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚝𝚊𝚡𝚒. 𝙽𝚘𝚠.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚖 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗 𝚏𝚞𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎. 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚢 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔
The response is lightning fast:
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙸𝚏 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚐𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚙𝚊𝚕.
The threat has your knees wobbling.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚓𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜???
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚕.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚝
Three dots appear. Linger. Disappear. Your phone buzzes with a location pin instead.
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝟸𝟶 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚜. 𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞.
You stare at the address, feeling slightly bold. Slightly reckless. Because that’s his apartment. Where he’d almost—where you’d nearly—
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙸 𝚊𝚖.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚍𝚘𝚜𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚙.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚢𝚎𝚜?
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝟷𝟿 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚒 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎
His reply makes you, indeed, not want to behave at all.
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛. 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚕𝚢. 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍𝚕𝚢. 𝚄𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚗.
𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎????
Three dots appear one last time:
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝟷𝟾 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚜, 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚙. 𝚃𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚘𝚌𝚔.
You send him a middle finger emoji and watch the dots appear, disappear, appear again.
Let him stew.
You’ve got 17 minutes to decide just how badly you want to misbehave.
(Very badly, as it turns out.)
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→ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @cannotalwaysbenight @livingformintyoongi @itstoastsworld @somehowukook @just-reading-dany @sanarin @billy-jeans23 @stuti2904 @chloepiccoliniii @kimnamjoonmiddletoe @annyeongbitch7 @mar-lo-pap @hobis-sprite0218
© 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓.
no reposts, translations, or adaptations
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 1 day ago
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i love you, i’m sorry
── hockey player!rafe x fem!singer!reader
click *HERE* for the description +table of contents
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january 1 ~
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liked by taylorswift and others…
yn.sings new year new me! jehdjssjfjajd jk anyways might release a song tomorrow idk tho
sarah.cam just did the presave link from your stories 😙 miss you so much!
↳ yn.sings ugh my baby i miss you!! thank you 💕
johnb let’s goooooo 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 and to think i’ve known you since you were asking for help putting your songs on cd’s so you could send them to record labels 😭
↳ yn.sings stop i will cry right now!!!!
jjmaybank that’s my girl! heard the song yesterday, fucking incredible. proud of you ❤️
↳ yn.sings thank you j ❤️❤️
↳ heywardpope wait why did HE get to hear the song 🤨
↳ jjmaybank what’s with the HE?
↳ kiecarrera yeah why did HE 🤨🤨🤨
↳ jjmaybank i have a simple answer, its obviously because she loves me more than both of you 🤷🏼‍♂️
↳ yn.sings stfu j you’re gonna get me in trouble jdenzjssndjdjs but really guys it’s because he asked me to send him whatever i’m releasing next. i don’t ever wanna just shove my music in your faces so i only send stuff if you ask
↳ jjmaybank no, it’s definitely what i said.
↳ sarah.cam baby idc, i want your music to punch me in the heart every single time.
↳ johnb same here tbh.
↳ yn.sings hehehe okay i’ll send it to you guys now!
user1 who are all of those people she’s replying to and why am i not one 😭😭😭
↳ yn.hq friends from back home. if you watch her stories, they always post when they’re together. well yn.sings does. her friends are all private accounts so idk about them. and before you ask, no her and jjmaybank are not dating. they’ve been best friends since they were 8.
↳ user1 ahh, gotcha. thanks!
↳ yn.sings oh god you’ve summoned him
↳ jjmaybank yeah we’re not dating because she rejected me ✊🏻😔
↳ yn.sings jackson im gonna kill you shdhdksndj
↳ jjmaybank first name and a threat, kinky 😛
↳ jjmaybank wait fuck i got the notification put me back on close friends hahdbdhd
itsmekelce snippet you sent sounds good! 🎧
↳ yn.sings thank you kelc!
↳ kiecarrera umm 🤨
taylorswift such a good song! you should probably, idk, perform it for like a lot of people 🤭
↳ yn.sings the fact that you know who i am is still insane even 2+ years later. thank you!! also, you’re right i totally should 🤭🤭🤭
↳ user2 wait!!!! what the fuck does this mean can a swiftie decode this secret message thanks
↳ user3 taylor’s rumored to be going on tour, but we don’t know when. maybe yn.sings is the opening act?
↳ user4 would taylor use her? she’s kind of already a big artist.
↳ user3 true but opening for taylor especially if it’s for the whole tour, would for sure be a huge step in her career.
↳ user5 i will kick a child out of the way to see that concert.
topperthornton heard you’ll be back in the obx soon
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TAG LIST ── 5 of 50 spots taken!
@kissylec | @empath-bunny | @pillowprincess4him | @fieryghxul | @imtalkinnonsense
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leithillustration · 2 days ago
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Well more like Sunday Silliness but I've not got a banner for that (yet) XD
Thank you @nausikaaa for the early tag, I love me some stats! It’s awesome you hit 100k words 🩵 I have written about 100 words total this week, documented here.
I'm deeply entrenched in Realm of the Elderlings chaotic brainrot, having almost finished Fool's Fate (still one hour left to listen to and I keep dragging it out because I'm not ready). So to soothe The Traumas™️, I've been doodling the Fool and noting down silly scenes that make me laugh both with and at myself. I apologise in advance.
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The colours aren’t right for the first doodle but I don’t have a white posca pen 🥲 Second sketch is based on a bust of some 18th century noble who had wonderful aristocratic features I had to borrow for Lord Golden.
And now for some Ass Quest era trash:
Fool: Fitz! Fitz! Wake up! Fitz: Umph, what, what is it? Are you okay? Fool: I think a dog crawled down my throat while I was sleeping! Fitz: You— what? Fool: Because now I’m awake my voice feels very… Husky. Fitz: -groans- Fool (laughing): Nighteyes said that was sure to make you howl with laughter. Nighteyes: I did not.
I'll see myself out. But not before leaving another dumb scene under the cut
Fool: (arrives in Aslevjal with Realder’s Dragon and a smoothie) Dutiful: What on earth have you got there?! Fool: A smoothie Dutiful: No I meant the dra— Fitz (used to dragons and Beloved’s antics): What the heck is a smoothie? Prilkop (prophesied this all decades ago, rushing forward desperately): What flavour smoothie?!?
Does anyone really want to be tagged in this? Probably not. Especially since I know most (if not all) of you from a different fandom 😬 Am I hounding you anyway? Yes. Yes I am. (Haha hounded. Pun only slightly intended this time 🐺)
As always, tags are pressure free and sent with love
@youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @alexalexinii @cattocavo @that-disabled-princess
@orange-peony @cutestkilla @rimeswithpurple @larkral @best--dress
@scribble-tier @theimpossibledemon @artsyunderstudy @raenestee @thewholelemon
@nightimedreamersworld @itriednottothinkaboutit @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @angelsfalling16
@the-beard-of-edward-teach @monbons @katatsumuli @fiend-for-culture
@aristocratic-otter @snowbazdaily @argumentativeantitheticalg @lovelyladzzzz @tragediegh
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itwasntimethatdidit40 · 2 days ago
I really need to take a break from here.
I'm always sad, I can't read anything and I don't see the point in sharing what I write anymore.
I don't think that complaining here will do anyone any good and there are definitely more important things to talk about, so I'm leaving for a while.
I'll be back sooner or later but I don't know when, I would like to apologize to those who were expecting a new chapter of my series or anything else.
I actually thought about deleting everything but this would make me even sadder because it took me a long time to write what I wrote, even if it sucks. And then I don’t want to let you down when you’re making an effort to write something for my challenge.
Thanks again to those who participated, you're not many but you're very nice and I know you'll write beautiful things. (Please don’t forget to tag me in your work so I won’t miss it!)
I’ll definitely be here to reblog every single work.
I'm sorry. I’m really truly fucking sorry.
If you still want to talk you can find me on Discord, it’s in my bio up here.
Please don't be offended if it takes me a while to reply, someone block me right away this morning before I could say anything else and I was honestly appalled. I was just washing my hair and then I would answer. I don't know, maybe I'm the one who's wrong.
Anyway, see you soon.
Love you all.
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brutally-loving · 2 days ago
Hey!! Welcome to my selfship sideblog. My name is Krueger (he/they), and I am a plague on this community! I talk about men a lot. I really like fictional men. I interact from @esotericdivinity, and have an art blog called @tenacious-brute. If you need anything, you can always DM me! I do have asks open, I just. Don't really answer them. Whoops... I am ALWAYS DOWN TO MAKE MORE FRIENDS AND HAVE MORE MUTUALS!!! I am 18, so interact however you're most comfortable. Comprehensive F/O list and DNI below!
I am... A mainly sharing selfshipper- I do not share my mains, whomever that may be at the time, but once I am NOT being feral about them, I don't mind at all!! Similarly, if we are friends, I legitimately do not mind if we share f/os and will even avoid discussion of them around you if it would make you more comfortable. You just have to ask!! Okay, now let's get to that list.
Who's Got The Crown Now? (Main F/Os)
Currently, CAPITANO (Genshin) seems to have my heart wholly.
Others who I am a bit fixated on are: WRIOTHESLEY (Genshin) and ANTON (ZZZ, who I do, in fact, not mind sharing)
Who Am I Always A Little Crazy About? (F/Os I don't share lmfao)
My Other Lovelies (F/Os I do share!!)
TROY CALYPSO (Borderlands 3)
CORAZON (One Piece)
Quick Tag Overview!!: "Krue's Canon Boyfriend" tag is the one that indicates if they're a main/nonsharing or not. Also, I will make personal tags for each character and those will be listed after their names. "Krue's f/o talk" is general f/o stuff, "yapper is yapping again smfh" is my general talking tag.
Shows you a collection of pictures of my men.
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Those who share my non-sharing f/os, proshippers (specifically those who condone pedophilia, incest, beastiality, rape, etc etc), anti-LGBTQ, racist, sexist, literally anyone who's sorta harass-y. Please do not interact! I appreciate it, it'll keep us from clashing. If you have an issue with me, please address me personally.
Anyway, I also take commissions! I have ko-fi, and take things on personal request! If you're interested, please hit me up. Thanks for reading, and I am excited to talk to you all more!!
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xxnashiraxx · 2 hours ago
WIP Whenever
*blows the dust off my keyboard* I'm still alive!!! And I'm finally going to share something!!
Thank you to all the lovely people who've been tagging me- @khywren, @caffeinatedmunchkin, @deadly-diminuendo, @larvasmoon, and @andromedaancunin to name a few, even though I know I've missed many rounds! I've been having some wacky weeks lately and I think everything is finally settling down (I knocked on wood). I've pushed the date for Chapter 20 of With Stars to Fill My Dream out an additional week just to give myself some extra time, but I thought I'd share a brief little bit of it here and go back to some art things I'm working on before I continue with this. 😊
Now this... is subject to change. Maybe. I might not mess with it too much besides just expanding on the feelings and things here. Anyway. Below the cut so I don't get donked. 💀
He drifts to wondering if she thinks of him too- if she went back to her tent and gave in to indulgence. The thought wrenches another crude sound from his throat, seeing her soft body reflecting the warm candlelight like she’s right behind his closed eyelids. His gaze follows the trail of her fingertips, teasing her slick folds, dark eyes catching him spellbound by curves he’d like to squeeze and skin he’d like to taste. Gods, it’s depraved, but strangely enough it fuels him like wildfire. He works himself faster, her blood bounding through his veins as he watches himself peek out from beneath enclosed fingers. So flush he’s nearly purple, aching for release he hasn’t been allowed since he first tasted her, that he submerges himself in the fantasy of her mirroring his predicament once again. This time it feels even more tangible than before- he can scent her desperation thick in the air, hair askew and thrown back. She’s blushing and lovely, the corset, his corset, undone and lying beside her. Her hand pinches and squeezes her exposed breasts, his cock throbbing at the sight with frantic hunger. So full and heavy, perfect to nip and cradle… he groans again, watching them travel down her sweat-slick body to gently part her folds around a muted sob. It’s maddening, tugging him closer and closer to bliss with every tentative stroke and tease. He wants so badly to reach out, to wrap his claws around her pleasure and draw it to its crescendo, but the sight his mind conjures is far too enticing to interrupt. He remains bewitched, lost in the movements of her bronzed skin, drinking in every mewl and sigh like he’s being hypnotized to his doom. Perhaps he is. A lurching rumble pierces the fog, watching her fingers disappear inside as a tearful wail floods out of her mouth- hushed and filthy. He scarcely believes himself capable of such a vivid image, losing himself in each thrust as he rocks his hips in time with the slipping of her fingers in and out of that lovely heat. His head falls back, band growing tighter when she opens her mouth. “A-Astarion…” His name, uttered like a punishment in the quiet melody of her voice, takes and takes from him until he’s panting in his effort to hold back. He needs to hear her say it once more, to push him past the brink, but when he tries to redirect the fantasy it refuses to accept his terms...
Yay!! Tagging back everyone who tagged me, and no pressure tags for the rest of the gang- sorry for the mass just ignore me!! @pinkberrytea @bby-bel-art @inkymoonbunny @vividiana @nerdallwritey @elinorbard @verbenaa @bloodinwine @obsessedwhyyes @lanafofana @heylittleriotact @roguishcat @alwaysmauria @bumblebeehug @bhaal-battle-beer-bard @marlowethebard @ladyofcrowsandcoffee @bum-dragon @arzen9
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joelsprettyprincess · 9 hours ago
Sharing is Caring
Pairing: Joel Miller + Arthur Morgan + Simon 'Ghost' Riley + John Price x f!reader Wordcount: 2k Tags: Extremely explicit smut, kind of dubcon (consent is assumed), oral, anal, piv (protected, for once), free-use, slight daddy kink, five(?)some, it's not poly they're just running a train on her. A/N: Okay. Um. Not sure what happened, I meant to write a little BLURB about this and it turned into a whole thing. Anyway..I tried to do it in a different style; it's kind of fragmented, instead of a proper story. Also this is very nasty. Like, REALLY nasty. I fear this is even more self-indulgent than my Dutch x reader fic, but I hope you guys enjoy anyway!! And MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! FOCUS ON YOUR ALGEBRA HOMEWORK 😒
joel preps you a couple hours beforehand. takes you over the knee, and fingers you till you're blubbering and begging him to stopkeep going. he slowly stretches out both your holes with plenty of lube. once he's got you properly ready, he slides a cute bejeweled buttplug between your asscheeks to make it...easier, later on. the hot pink heart winks up at him.
he has you greet his friends with him at the door. you've never seen them before, but they know you. you and your pretty body, your soft lips, your ass that hides the curve of your cunt. oh, yes, they know you, courtesy of the souvenir photos joel takes when you're cockdrunk and passed out.
they file in, one by one, big hulking figures. arthur, the freelance artist, who's already eyeing your curves, barely hidden by the tiny skirt joel put you in. you try fruitlessly to pull it down as he passes by. next is simon, or ghost, as he tells you to call him. an ex-military man who's even bigger than joel, with eyes like a wolf. "you look good enough to eat," he tells you.
"later," joel promises.
last is john, who you actually have met before. occasionally, when joel is in the mood to share, he invites him over for some fun– the fun being you. you'd had his cock stuffed down your throat at least half a dozen times. "hello again, love," he greets you, patting your head. you smile bashfully, already starting to get wet (thanks to the aphrodisiac joel had slipped into your food earlier). he was always kind to you, even more than joel sometimes.
the men all sit on the L-shaped couch– there's a big game today, or something. joel sits you between him and john, while arthur and ghost sit on the other side. "get us a beer, honey," joel says. when you get up to fetch them, john slaps your ass as you walk by. the men chuckle when you squeak.
you collect 4 beers and carry them in your arms back to the living room. after distributing them, the men focus on the hockey game, but john won't leave you alone. he lets his large hand rest on your thigh, then creeps it closer to your fluttering cunt. you push it away, but it's only a few seconds before he's invading your space again. you whine quietly, and joel notices. "leave her alone," he chides. "all in good time."
joel leaves to use the bathroom, leaving you alone with 2 strangers and john. arthur immediately slides over. "joel's told us a lot about you," he says, giving you a smile that reveals a hint of his canines. "oh," you say wondrously. you wonder what he's said. you wonder how arthur's chest looks under his slightly too-tight shirt.
"you like living here with 'im?" he asks. "y'know, if he's treating you wrong you could stay with me." he chuckles. you shake your head. "i like it here," you tell him. "he does everything for me." now ghost is closing in, unashamedly staring at your breasts. "real cute outfit you got on," he comments. you feel self-conscious in your tiny black tank top and short pink skirt. "daddy picked it out for me," you explain, referring to joel.
just then, joel comes back, and scolds the men, who've surrounded you as if you're their prey. "get off her– I told you all in good time, didn't I?"
"we've barely got to see her, what with you and john squishing her," arthur complains. ghost nods in agreement. "come sit by us, sweetheart, let us have a look at you." you look at joel for permission, and he nods, sighing. you switch places, now sitting between arthur and ghost.
after a while the men start to talk, about sports, about their friends...about women. joel tells them all about how obedient you are, how it took no time at all to mold you into his perfect stupid fuckdollgirlfriend. your face grows hot and you smile at the floor, embarrassed. it's not helping that arthur's been kneading your breast for the last 10 minutes and your panties are becoming soaked.
by this time all the men except joel have downed 2 or 3 beers, and they're getting handsier. ghost has been tracing circles on your thigh, 'accidentally' letting his fingers go up your skirt and graze the edge of your panties.
the men all silently exchange glances, unseen by you, and abruptly stand up. arthur pulls you along to the dining room, where the table has been cleared off. only a thin blanket remains on it...wait, what? you squeal in surprise as arthur easily lifts you and places you face down, ass up on the table.
the men surround you with hungry looks on their faces. "now, gentlemen, let me remind you of the rules," joel speaks. "don't hog a hole, everyone will have a turn. clean yourself off if you're going ass to mouth. use a condom, she's not on the pill. and simon, I know how you are with anal. be gentle. in fact, all of you, don't hurt her too badly."
"i want her ass first," arthur announces, already pulling down his pants. he flips up your skirt, and inhales sharply when he sees the heart-shaped outline of your buttplug against your light blue panties. he makes short work of your panties, tugging at them so urgently that they rip and fall onto the blanket in tatters.
the rest of the men quickly pull off their pants as well, eager to claim a hole. it's a bit daunting, staring at three muscular men who are hellbent on taking their stress out on your poor holes. joel allows his guests to pick first– ghost rests his thick cock against your lips. your tongue instinctively darts out to get a taste, before you can stop yourself.
"i haven't had the pleasure of her cunt in weeks," john sighs. he elbows arthur out of the way, and the two of them tap and stroke their tips against your two tight holes. arthur slowly pulls out your buttplug, and you whine loudly at the stretch. your hole is left gaping, the perfect opportunity for him to slide in. you grip the table and moan into the blanket, keeping your legs opened as wide as possible to accommodate him.
john puts on a condom and easily slides into your pussy, sticky and sopping with your own arousal. tears prick at your fluttering eyes as the two men stuff you full of cock. you stick your tongue out, overcome with need.
ghost pushes your mouth onto his cock, and you start sucking like the tip is made of candy. joel stands to the side, grabs your hand, and uses it to pump his throbbing shaft.
"she's so fuckin' tight," arthur grunts out, barely even halfway in your ass. he's right, you're gripping his cock like you need it to survive. he places both hands on your asscheeks, stroking and slapping them as he slowly moves in and out. john's just beside him, thrusting into your tight sticky cunt– the sounds are driving him crazy. your slightly pained groans, the creamy schwelp schwelp of your pussy– oh, he missed this.
ghost is the first to cum. driven crazy by your tongue slurping every inch of his cock and the feel of your plush lips practically sealing it in your mouth, he holds you by the hair and jerks off till thick globs and ropes of cum land on your face. he puts his tip against your tongue and finishes his release there, leaving a big puddle which you promptly swallow.
soon after, arthur cums, spreading your cheeks and keeping them still while he dumps a hot, thick load in your ass. it leaks out even while he's still inside you, dripping down to your pussy. "fuck, honey..." he mutters, pulling out. he observes your winking hole, already getting hard again.
ghost takes his place. he barely stops to clean up arthur's mess; just wipes off the excess with a paper towel and pushes his once-again stiff cock in your ass. you cry out, still sensitive from the stretch of arthur before. arthur's cum oozes out of you with every thrust.
john is still jackhammering your pretty pussy, and he's close. he presses himself balls deep inside you, and you can feel his cock twitching as he cums inside the condom. it could be the aphrodisiac, but the thought of him possibly knocking you up makes you twice as wet. he pulls out and fingers your spasming cunt, encouraging you to cum. you whine and moan loudly as arthur, who's just finished cleaning off his cock, slides his shaft between your puffy lips. your eyes roll, and you cum hard, squirting on john's hand and on the blanket. you thrash your legs a bit as john refuses to let up, and keeps fingering your extremely sensitive pussy.
joel finally reaches his peak as well, shooting a thick rope onto your hand, then getting closer and glazing your already cum-covered face with even more. some of it gets in your hair, which he knows you hate. his cum oozes down your face, and you can feel it sliding down to your right eye. he and john switch places, with john making you cradle his balls, while joel whistles when he sees the mess that your pussy is. he's the only one that can go bareback, the only one that's able to cum inside you. and he intends on doing exactly that.
joel wastes no time and pushes into your still-recovering pussy, watching your slightly swollen lips automatically grip him. you're still sticky with arousal, and it coats his cock. "you love being passed around by daddy's friends?" he mutters, smacking your ass. "you want 'em all to have a turn in this sweet pussy?" you can't answer, as arthur's got his cock in your mouth. but you whine, and if the sound of your creamy pussy is any indicator, you love this.
the men all take turns in your various holes, dumping load after load in your ass, in your mouth, and on your face. only joel cums straight in your pussy, but the others make up for it by covering your body with their hot loads. you cum more times than you can count, and by the end, the air smells of lust and sweat.
after they've all been fully satisfied, then men step back and survey their handiwork. your face is completely covered with multiple loads that are dripping off your face. your right eye is closed; you're unable to open it because of the cum that joel deposited on your eyelid. your lips are pink and puffy, and your tongue hangs out, tired after coaxing so many loads out of the men.
your asscheeks are also glazed with cum, and even your back has some white ropes. your ass is gaping, with cum oozing out of it. several used condoms have been thrown haphazardly on your body, mostly on your back.
and finally, your poor pussy. though it had the least amount of cum, it had taken the most abuse; all of the men had bullied your cunt into multiple orgasms, and now there's a puddle of arousal underneath you. joel's cum leaks from between your pussy lips onto the blanket.
your head lays on the table– you don't have the strength to even look up anymore.
"fuckin' beautiful," john says quietly, and the men agree. they all clean themselves off and get redressed, then joel coaxes you off the table. you stumble, then right yourself. more cum oozes out of your ass onto the floor. "'s okay, c'mon," he says, holding you by your left hand– maybe the only place on your whole body that hasn't been glazed.
the men watch you leave. your ass jiggles a bit, and arthur sighs. "we've got to come back, and soon."
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