#lesbians can’t do math
loserkaez · 2 years
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i hate this game
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hangesfavles · 5 months
Nerd Hange headcanons
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4.1k words. AFAB NB loser! hange x bimbo (ish)! fem reader. <3
Summary: Hange is more of a socially inept lesbian redditor gamer nerd rather than a normal ‘i’m smart’ dweeb :). These are general hcs of how you met loser/streamer Hange, things they like and relationship dynamics including you secretly eating them out on stream. <3
A/N: this is my first ever attempt at nsfw so i’m sorry if it’s bad or nondescript! also i know both of my fics so far have been for afab reader, but going forward i plan to write for a genny nootch reader just because i find it to be inclusive to wider groups of hange lovers <3 lol and last time i posted i said i never wrote fanfiction before but that was a tiny fib because i wrote shitty dumpster fire fanfics in middle school, but i’ve /srsly never tried my hand at nsfw before, but i guess there's a first for everything. pls critique me if u have any thoughts but be nice i’m sensitive. also shoutout to @abbyslev for helping me brainstorm <3 if ur reading my fanfics u probably already do, but pleaaaase follow her if u dont she’s lovely!!!! :3
Warnings: Nsfw content under my 2nd divider, sort of exhibitionism and masturbation. Not all of this is nsfw, but I’d still like for MINORS TO DNI. However, I know that you guys like to ignore those warnings, so I bolded the nsfw sections. At the very least, please don’t read the bolded hcs. Thank you & enjoy reading!
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❥Loser! Hange who is in the same math course as you. When you walk in on the first day, you’re drawn to them, but not for the reasons you’d initially think. You were almost positive that they would be a decent person to cheat off of. I mean, they seem to look like they know what they’re doing, right?
❥Loser! Hange that can hear their pulse in their ears when they see a pretty girl take the spot beside them. They feel their heart rattling around in their chest as they sneak glances at you whenever they get the chance.
❥Loser! Hange quickly figures out the reason why you decided to sit next to them, rather than the other isolated chairs inside the lecture hall. But don’t worry, of course they’ll let you cheat off of them. Unfortunately, their performance starts to dip a little when they realize what you’re doing. They’re frequently under your gaze, and they can’t help it that you make them nervous :c 
❥Loser! Hange that is unaware that your eyes aren’t only looking down at their answers. One class when you were copying off of them, you started noticing the way their fingers hold their pencil. How slender their digits are, that their nails are surprisingly short, neat and cleaner than expected. You also started to notice how their veins protrude slightly and move up their arm... You feel yourself biting your lip as you observe their side profile. Their cheeks look soft and pink, similarly to their kissable lips. Your eyes continue to trail over their face: their thin, ovular glasses are slightly pushed down on their hooked nose, and their long eyelashes flutter as they continue to take notes beside you.
❥Loser! Hange can’t not listen to you getting called out by the professor when they notice you copying off of your seatmates’ assignments and notes. It was rather embarrassing, but you’re just happy the professor didn’t catch you cheating on an exam and risking academic misconduct.
❥Loser! Hange nudges your arm lightly after that incident, their voice low so you both don’t get caught by the professor. "Hey, um... I've noticed you've been using my notes and uh... answers. Do you need any help with the material? I mean, like, we could study together or something! If you want." They ask you with an excitement in their eyes and voice.
❥Loser! Hange can’t even feel proud of the fact they managed to talk to you because they barely even got that sentence out, and they couldn’t look you in the eye for more than 2 seconds. But it seems like all that is forgotten when you actually agree to meet up with them. They feel a rush of giddiness, but they try not to make a fool of themself in front of you. “Right! Yeah, so here’s my number... We can plan something, er- sometime.” They write their number down, sliding you the ripped end of their notebook page.
❥Loser! Hange who feels their heart in their throat as they lead you into their bedroom. The study session started off a bit rocky and awkwardly, but the tension in the air decreased as time continued on. As much as you would like to actually learn this material to earn good grades, you find yourself wanting to earn their attention much, much more. I mean, you obviously wore your lowest cut shirt and a pleated skirt for a reason. You look up at them, calling out for them. “Hey, Hange?” You ask, smiling as their head shoots up from their notes. “Can you explain this question to me?” You ask quietly, turning around your notebook to face them. You lean closer to them, purposely displaying your breasts for them to (hopefully) ogle.
❥Loser! Hange who starts to feel like they’re being tested by a higher power. They have to physically stop themself from glancing down and making a fool of themself. They try their best to focus on explaining the math problem to you as you watch their every movement like a hawk. You notice their eyes fall on your chest for a split second, and you pounce on your opportunity to tease them further. You reach up to their face, flicking their nose up so they’re forced to look at you. “My eyes are up here, silly.” “I- Uh- Sorry, just-” Hange trips over their words as they try to formulate a cohesive sentence on the spot. “Don’t worry about it, I’m just teasin’. It’s not so bad to be stared at if it's you.” You say with a playful wink.
❥Loser! Hange folds immediately. “O-Oh... Me? Really?” They ask, their eyes widening and pupils dilating. You can’t help but chuckle at their disbelief and nod your head in confirmation. “Yes, you. Is there anybody else in the room with us?” You joke. They stumble over their words as they think of a response. “W-Well, no, there isn’t, but- y’know- I didn’t think you-” They stutter, pushing the notebook aside and gesturing their hands between the two of you. They feel their cheeks growing warmer from embarrassment as they struggle to coherently voice their jumbled thoughts. “You know, you should at least take me to dinner before looking at me like that.” 
❥Loser! Hange doesn’t need to be told twice. They grab your hand with a cheesy smile, practically dragging you to their car while suggesting all sorts of restaurants that you might agree to. “Is there a certain restaurant you had in mind? We can try something totally different, like a little hole-in-the-wall joint. Ooh, but picture this: hibachi. The whole watching people cook in front of me thing usually makes me feel awkward but the food is always soooo good. Oh, or maybe we could go to a steakhouse! No matter what you choose, I’ll be fine with whatever! What do you think?" GOD they are just so excited and you find it utterly adorable. They remained true to their word and took you to whichever place you decided and paid for both of your meals. (They would have done this even if you didn’t joke about it bless their heart.) But then that first date turned into 2 dates, which quickly became 3, 4, 5, then suddenly you both forgot because anything the two of you do together is a date in your minds.
❥Loser! Hange definitely asks you out after only the second date. But in their defense, you’ve been hanging out after class as well as coming over to their house for “study sessions” that alway turned into watching tv or movies, ordering ubereats, going to the movies, walking around their neighborhood, anything but studying. You even took them to a party once. (You guys left after a half hour because Hange got overwhelmed, but you were still happy they tried something for you.) So by the time you guys went on your second “official date” they definitely felt confident that you would say yes.
❥Loser! Hange who loves talking to you about whatever game they’re playing. If it’s a story game, they’d love to explain anything you missed or don’t understand. They also would voice their predictions about how the game will end or where the story will go. If they see something predictable, they’ll definitely tell you what they think will happen, trying to impress you so when/if it does they’ll look “cool” to you. In reality though, you just find them to be geeky in the most endearing way. “Look, there’s a bunch of ammo in this room. If there’s a boss behind this door, you have to give me a kiss.” They say to you with a sly grin on their face. If it’s a PVP game, they will explain everything about what skills and powers each character has and who their favorite to play is. They’ll talk about what they like and dislike about the different mechanics, their favorite characters, parts they find tricky, etc. And of course, you sit there with a dopey smile while you listen to their rambling without interrupting, even if you don’t understand a word of what they’re saying because they’re just too cute when they’re passionately rambling. 
❥Loser! Hange who loves inviting you over, even if you two are doing absolutely nothing. They adore when you watch them play all sorts of video games. If they’re playing a console game, Hange lays next to you with your head against their shoulder, your arm splaying across their stomach while your hand rests around their waist. You tend to get pretty invested if the game is story based, insisting that they can’t play it without you around to watch the next part of the story unfold. If they’re playing a PC game, you’re sitting in their lap with a skirt that does absolutely nothing to cover your body once you’re seated on top of them. You prefer to face away from them, occasionally squirming in their lap so they can feel your ass pressed against their thighs and stomach. However, you do occasionally enjoy facing them, your arms wrapped around their shoulders as your legs hang off of their gaming chair at either side of their body.
❥Loser! Hange who also loves when you’re sitting in their lap, even if they struggle to focus on the game in front of them when your warm body is pressed against their own. It doesn’t help that they can smell the perfume coming from your neck, tempting them to lean in and kiss you there.
❥Loser! Hange that can’t resist the urge to rest their hands on your thighs during a cutscene, between rounds, during any sort of loading screen or when they’re respawning. They’ll use your thighs to push your ass back and closer to their body. 
❥Loser! Hange kisses your neck from behind, causing you to tilt your head and expose more of your neck for them to kiss. You let out a chuckle at how you effortlessly turned them on just by sitting on their lap and looking pretty.
❥Let’s just say... Loser! Hange finds the opportunity to quit or pause the game as soon as they can. When they eventually return to whatever game they were playing, they find it much easier to focus after you’re both satisfied. ♡
❥Loser! Hange who is also a small streamer! They probably get a few hundred people to watch them game each stream. They may not have a huge community, but their fans are consistent, funny, and always welcoming to new viewers! It’s a comforting little community. Because of this, Hange responds to their chat quite a bit and they’ve made quite a few friends with their mods and regular viewers.
❥Loser! Hange had to explain to you what streaming was. They decided that they would show you what it's like by doing a short stream while you silently watch them game and listen to them talk with their viewers.
❥Loser! Hange never technically introduced you to their fans. Not because they didn’t want to, they just knew that the internet wasn’t always kind, even if their fans are 99% supportive. They wouldn’t mention it much, but they are a little insecure about themself. They know that they treat you like an absolute princess, and they know that you adore them, that’s not the problem. The problem is that they don’t know if they’ll ever feel deserving of you. 
❥Loser! Hange only mentions this to you at late hours of the night when they feel vulnerable and slightly sleepy. You spend countless late nights at sleepovers holding them in your arms and reassuring them just how attractive you find them and that no one has treated you better. They start to feel reassured more once you mention to them that you don’t feel deserving of the endless love they give or of the many ways they spoil you.
anyway back to streamer hcs
❥Loser! Hange didn’t expect you to surprise them one day in their room with their favorite takeout in the middle of a stream. You didn’t know that they were streaming and you wanted to sneak up on them and scare them >:). You slip into their room as quietly as possible, slowly tiptoeing to their form slouched over their desk. Because of the slight delay of their videocam to their viewers, Hange doesn’t get the chance to read all of the different messages of the chatters who spotted your presence and are questioning about it. You silently place the bag of food on the floor, wrapping your arms around their shoulders and kissing their cheek roughly. 
❥Loser! Hange practically jumps out of their chair, yelping from the shock. They realize that it’s you pretty quickly, because no one else would hold or kiss them like that. They pause their game, swiveling around to face you with a wide smile. “Hi, baby!! What are you doin’ here?”
❥Loser! Hange immediately forgets the world around them, forgetting they’re literally live as they try to grab at your hips while they talk to you. “Mmmm,” You hum and giggle. “I just wanted to surprise you. It’s been a few days, I missed you.” You mumble before stepping back so that their hands disconnect from your waist. “Let me get some plates and napkins real quick.” You tell them before you leave the room again.
❥Loser! Hange remembers that they’re streaming, facing their viewers again to read what they missed from chat. “Chat, what do you mean ‘how did you bag a baddie?’” They say, reading some of the messages out loud. “‘How come Hange can get a girlfriend and I can’t? Life isn’t fair-’ WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” They cut themself off, their jaw dropping a little from the comments they read. The chat starts to go crazy after seeing you. Most of the messages are asking who you are, if Hange is dating you, or simply encouraging Hange to stream with you sometime officially. But of course, it’s much easier to take note of bad comments people say rather than nice ones.
❥Loser! Hange pouts when you return with plates in hand, ignoring their chat again in the blink of an eye. "I'm charming, right? and cute?” They look up at you with puppy eyes as you stand in front of them. “I'm desirable." They say those words like a statement, but it sounds like they’re trying to convince themself rather than state a fact. You hear the insecurities dripping from their tone. You promptly climb into their lap, placing a tender kiss to their cheek while your hand cups the opposite one. You progressively start kissing all over their face, and they close their eyes, giggling and getting lost in the moment. When you eventually begin moving down their neck, their eyes snap open as they remember the audience. "AAAAHHHH, I'M LIVE, I'M LIVE!" They warn you frantically, suddenly remembering again why they were a bit insecure in the first place. This causes you to jump a bit from their yelling. They swivel their chair around to face the monitor, looking at it from over your shoulder. "S-Sorry chat, ending stream a bit early today..." They say quickly, turning off their game and switching tabs to end their video. You chuckle, turning to face their camera. "Oops." you say only a few seconds before they end their stream. 
❥Loser! Hange decides that they might as well officially introduce you after that incident, since they know they’ll be getting teased for it for the next few streams.
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❥Loser! Hange never thought that they would be in this situation with anyone, no less you. This exact scenario had been nothing but a fantasy in the corners of their mind. A fantasy that would fog up their mind in the late hours of the night, prompting them to slip their fingers under their boxers and lightly circle their clit with their fingertips, eventually slipping them inside of their warm body. Their back would arch up off of the bed, trying their best to picture that their own fingers were instead yours.
❥Loser! Hange that noticed a sort of glint in your eyes when they asked if it was okay to stream while the two of you were still hanging out. They hadn’t been active in the past handful of days because they’ve been spending all their time with you. They just can’t deny you, especially when you both want to spend all your time with the other.
❥Loser! Hange who has to resist the urge to drool as you carefully and quietly crawl under their desk, looking up at them through your long, mascara coated eyelashes as your knees hit the slightly dusty floor... 
❥You aren’t sure what came over you, but when you were watching them put their headphones on and start welcoming people into their stream, you missed the attention being on you. So decided to tease and torture them and force them to give you attention still. 
❥Loser! Hange is forced to pretend you aren’t under their desk and spreading their thighs and pulling down their boxers while giving them that signature sultry smile with your matching lustful look in your eye. You bite your lip as you part their legs, moving in closer to their folds. They can feel your hot breath on their legs as you kiss, lick, and bite the plush skin of their inner thighs. For a few moments, you feel their hand rest on top of your head and stroke your hair approvingly as you start to rile them up. They can feel their face heating up a little, but if anyone in chat mentions it they just explain that their AC isn’t working properly. Even from just your breath and kisses teasing their thighs, they can feel themself getting wet, the stickiness spreading around their groin.
❥Loser! Hange melts under your touches, but they quickly become needy and desperate for more. Their resolve is always weak when it comes to you, and your teasing will be the death of them. They’re trying so hard not to whine and plead because they have to act normal and play their game. Even when your tongue finally reaches out to meet their pussy, you keep teasing them. You give them as little as you possibly can, spreading their folds with the tip of your tongue, only occasionally flicking up to their clit. You also kiss their puffy pussy lips and their clit, showing how much you love them while simultaneously subjecting them to such sweet torture. When they feel your tongue finally giving them what they wanted, their legs start to twitch slightly from the stimulation. They try their best to regulate their breathing so nothing seems out of the ordinary.
❥Loser! Hange doesn’t know how to act when your mouth starts to move faster and faster between their legs. They’ve stopped looking at their chat entirely, just trying to focus on playing the game somewhat coherently and occasionally talking about it or making a random comment without stuttering or sighing from pleasure.
❥Loser! Hange’s pussy is dripping onto their chair from all of your teasing. The combination of your tongue and their pussy makes an audible squelch as you suck, kiss, and lick up their slit and their hips move slightly, trying to keep up with the rhythm of your tongue. At this point, they’re starting to feel the knot in their stomach tighten, and they’re struggling to hold back their sounds. “Chat, I’ve gotta use the bathroom real quick-” They say, closing their webcam and muting their mic as fast as their fingers let them.
❥Loser! Hange’s hand finds its way back to your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pushing you as close to them as biology allows. Their head falls back as they let out a shaky moan. “Ahhh.. F-Fuckk... Please, please more.” They whine, encouraging you to eat them out without fear. You can both feel how their pussy throbs with desire for attention. They’ve been impatiently craving this, so they plan to take full advantage of the fact you’re right where they want you. You pick up the pace, sloppily making out with their pussy and sucking their labia between your lips. They toss one of their legs up onto your shoulder, allowing you more access to them as the knot in their core is almost ready to release. You look up into their eyes, slurping up their juices. The way you look up at them with devotion makes them feel even better due to how much desire is in your expression, adding another layer of eroticism for them from your enjoyment.
❥Loser! Hange feels the tension in their lower stomach releasing. They sigh and moan out into the air lightly as they feel white hot pleasure take their entire mind and body. They arch themself off the chair, trying to meet your mouth even more than already possible. Their body grinds against your tongue as they shiver from the intensity of their orgasm.
❥Immediately after their orgasm subsides, loser! Hange pulls your head up by your hair, kissing you deeply and not caring that they can taste their sticky cum on your plump lips. Their free hand slides down to the back of your thigh, guiding your body to sit on their lap. Their hands are protective and possessive while you make out. They are such a softie, always wanting to cuddle, hug, and kiss after sex. They love you so much and need to let it show, it’s like a warm blanket of warmth and affection covers their heart. They see the world with rose colored glasses for an hour or two after you make them cum, honestly. 
❥Loser! Hange holds you for a little while, their face nuzzled against your neck as they whisper sweet nothings to you. They’ll pepper your neck, collarbones, and face with kisses while telling you how good you made them feel. “I- love- you- so- much- sweet- heart- thank- you-” They’d say between pecks to your skin, causing you to giggle from the slight tickle of their lips moving around your upper body. They only stop their barrage of kisses when you start to push at their shoulders playfully, begging them to stop. “I love youuuu!” They say in a drawn out tone, giving your body a tight squeeze. “But duty calls, so we'll have to continue this later. Don't worry, I'll be thinking about you the whole time!"
❥Loser! Hange loves aftercare, giving and receiving, basically. They’re happy as long as you’re physically close to them <//3.
❥Loser! Hange also used to have inappropriate thoughts about you before you two were officially dating. They knew it was a bit weird to do so without you having any knowledge of it, but they couldn’t help themself. The two of you had exchanged Instagrams after your very first study session and since then, they can’t help but fuck their fingers to your posts. They try to refrain from doing so each time; they attempt to scroll past your stories as if the sight of your face hadn’t already turned them on. Each time it always ends the same, inevitably retyping your name in the search bar to revisit the photo. At this point it had to be some sort of conditioning, the way their body would react to you like clockwork. But they still feel so embarrassed to be so obsessed with you simply because you gave them an ounce of attention.
❥Loser! Hange used to imagine you in all sorts of different positions for them. You name it, they’ve probably thought about it once or maybe even twice. Sometimes they would imagine you sitting on their face, other times they could imagine you under them as they would fuck their strap into you. When Hange feels extra desperate, they like to picture the ways you would take them, perhaps you would trap them against the bed, fingering their throbbing pussy while making out with them to ensure that they weren’t too loud. A favorite daydream of theirs surrounds the different types of faces you would make as they eat you out. They yearn to see how your eyes might look down at them, pleading for them to make you cum, or how they may be shut entirely, your lips parted to sigh out with pleasure from how good they’re making you feel. They’d wonder what kind of sounds you would make. Were you loud? Quiet? Shy? Breathy? Are you the type that moans, or are you the type that whimpers? These questions had plagued their mind until they finally had you for the first time after 4-5 dates. <3
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i miss hange rip hange you would’ve loved being the most nerdy loser dork the geek world ever saw.
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just found this song a week or so ago, and i can’t help but think of ellie every time i listen to it.. it’s called ‘she calls me daddy’ by king mala… if you could write a fic based on it i would fxcking love it♡
She calls me daddy - (ellie williams x reader)
Hi anon! Firstly this song fucking slaps??? It low-key reminds me of moth to a flame by the weeknd just lesbian edition. Anyway I hope you enjoy <3333
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This story is based off the song She calls me daddy by King Mala! If you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are always open, feel free to leave one or just send me a song and I'll take it from there:)
Warnings: cheating, men, homophobic parents
Summary: You might be engaged but you still always go back to Ellie
wc: ????
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She's a little bit psycho
But she follows
When I call in the middle of the night
It might be a little superficial
She plays with the boys
But she comes home to me
Little fucked up but I think it's official
'Cause she might be your girl
But she's calling me daddy
"Hi Els" she heard you talk with a hushed voice. A smile spread onto Ellies face at the sound of your voice.
"Can you come over? I miss you" Ellie admitted.
"I miss you too" she could hear the smile in your voice.
God why did you have to be so fucking cute?
Ellie couldn't even see your face, but she can imagine the blush that spreads across your cheeks. The way your eyes crinkle anytime she says anything to you.
She knew the affect she had on you, but if only you knew what you were doing to her. It's embarrassing to even think about it.
"I'll try to come..." you started.
Excitement filled Ellie, as she thought of everything the two of you could do. You could watch a movie, or she could do your hair.
Oh! Maybe you can paint her nails-
"but Josh is here so I'm not sure" you finished your sentence.
The joy Ellie felt moments ago fell flat at the mention of your fiancè's name. She wanted to groan whenever you mentioned him in any conversation.
Why do you care so much? You don't even love him.
You quickly said goodbye when Josh called you to join him and all Ellie could do was wish she was him.
He gets to spend time with you. He gets to see you everyday, he gets to spend the rest of his life with you.
What does Ellie get? A few hours with you before you are called by your dear future husband. Hushed calls and quick texts.
No, Ellie didn't deserve this at all, but yet she stayed because she couldn't get enough of you.
As much as Ellie pretends to be in control of your relationship, you were the one that had the final say. Whatever you wanted, she would do.
It's kind of fucked up if you think about it.
The way you're playing the perfect daughter and the perfect wife while you would always come back to Ellie that same night. How you would take pictures with your fiancé, and soon after send Ellie pictures no one but your so called spouse should see.
It never bothered Ellie. Because she always knew that you belonged to her, and even if you were getting married nothing would change that.
She's mine
She wears a collar with my name
Secretive but not ashamed
She's mine
But I never tie her down
They always come around
Does he know that you call Ellie when he falls asleep? Does he know the type of pictures you send her? Does he fucking know how bad he is in bed?
Ellie wonders if Josh suspects anything. Hee probably wouldn't. He's so fucking stupid anyway.
He doesn't even know what your favorite color is. But Ellie does. Ellie knows everything about you.
The amount of times you've cried over your math homework. The amount of stuffed animals you had in your room.
Did Josh even know how much you loved Barbie when you were younger? Of course he doesn't.
Ellie let out a sigh when she saw your phone light up.
She gently reached over your sleeping figure, to grab your phone, trying not to wake you up.
When she turned the phone on, a picture of you kissing Josh appeared as your lockscreen. Ellie gagged at the photo, before she checked who sent you a message.
It was from the "love of your life", the message read 5 simple words: "when are you coming home?".
Ellie scoffed when she saw the text.
Is he really this fucking clingy?
Ellie replied "no! Sorry baby, I'm staying over at a friends house!"
Josh didn't even ask who. All he did was left you on seen.
'Fucking nonchalant bitch' Ellie thought to herself.
She put your back onto the side of your bed as she lay down to face you. Ellie gently brought her hand up to remove the hair from your face.
Was this going to be it? Were you going to lie to your family your whole life?
Ellie didn't know the answers to these questions. And she knew even if she asked you, you would always reply with "I don't know Ellie" or "I don't want to think about it".
What happens if your affair gets exposed? Do you guys get to live a happily ever after?
In the past, before Josh was even in the picture, you and Ellie faced this same issue.
The two of you were madly in love but you could never be together. Everything you did was in secret.
Ellie liked to imagine that the reason why she never asked you out was because she could never stay committed to one person.
Back in college, Ellie remembered how'd she'd bring a different girl back to her dorm almost every night. But as soon as the sun rises she'd chase the girl out and she'd end up going to your dorm to cuddle.
She would always assure herself, that the reason she never told you back then was because she thought she would cheat on you. Like she did in all her previous relationships. But she knew that was a lie.
She'd been in love with you since the sixth grade, she was just in denial of her sexuality and she was terrified of your parents.
Ellie continued to stare at your sleeping face, as the light from the moon shown in.
If only she knew the situation the two of you would be in now, then she would've fought harder for you back then.
You should see their face when they finally realize
That she plays with the boys
But she comes onto me
Wanna change her mind but I get unwise
'Cause she might be your girl
But she's calling me daddy
You always knew you liked girls. Ever since you were a little girl. Your parents believed that only man and women could fall in love with eachother. You couldn't tell utter the word "gay" infront of them.
How were you supposed to live a lie? How were you supposed to pretend?
You fell in love with Ellie when you were 15.
The day the two of you lay on picnic blanket eating dry pieces of bread because Ellie forgot to bring toppings. You remembered you told her a stupid knock knock joke and Ellie laughed at it.
She always laughed at everything you said. Even when it wasn't funny. You looked at her that day, as tears fell from her eyes at the amount of laughing she did.
You realize you liked her a little more as a friend.
In a gay way.
When you were 17 Ellie kissed you.
And god you thought it was magical.
It felt like fireworks exploding. The world around the two of you blur as your lips passionately danced together. It felt like how all the romance novels described it.
You knew since that day, since that kiss, that what you and Ellie had was real.
The two of you started dating soon after.
Your biggest fear was that your parents would've found out. You'd be sent to boarding school, Ellie would be taken away from you and you'd be treated like shit for loving someone.
Unfortunately your worst fears soon became a reality.
Your mother had walked in while you and Ellie shared a quick kiss, and all hell broke loose.
Your mother ran in yelling, pulling you away from Ellie.
She blamed Ellie for making you this way. She used to say Ellie brainwashed you. But if only she knew. If only she believed you when you told her, this was love.
Your mother held you in her arms, as you reached out for Ellie. And soon after that, Ellie was kicked out and banned to come to your house or anywhere near you.
You were sent to boarding school and for the rest of your life your parents made you feel like shit, they made you feel worthless because of your sexuality till Josh came along.
The only reason you agreed to even consider getting married to him was so that your parents thought that you would be "healed".
After you were sent to boarding school you lost contact with the women you loved. All the men you've been with never compared to Ellie.
And even when the two of you reunited, you both knew your story wasn't over.
The love you shared was stronger than anything.
And as you stood infront of the mirror, wearing your wedding gown, all you could do was imagine that Ellie was the one waiting for you and not Josh.
In the mess
She's responsible
Change her mind
It's impossible
Close your mouth
You, catch a fire
Watch the girl get
What she likes
Ellie stood up as the wedding music started playing.
The crowd erupted in cheers as you walked down the isle.
Ellie looked toward your husband to be, the grin on his face made her sick. She wanted nothing more than to get a chair and to hit him in the face.
Ellie watched as your father left you with your husband. That should be her standing there. Not Josh. You should be the one walking to her, she should be the one you wore that dress for.
But yet you stayed true to your parents and you chose to walk down the isle to get married to someone you felt nothing for.
She watched as she fake smiled, she watched as you said I do and as you said your vows.
"You are mine for a lifetime" Josh spoke as he finished his vows. No you weren't. You weren't his.
She watched the lips that she has kissed so many times kiss another person. The pit Ellie felt in her stomach grew heavier, it felt like she could vomit at any moment.
The second you and your husbands lips touched the crowd cheered and screamed. Chants of your new surname filled the room as you locked hands and faced the crowd with your new husband.
A smile spread across your beautiful face, as the two of you started exiting the church.
You and Ellie locked eyes, as you made your way out of church. You gave her a small wink. A smile spread onto Ellies face.
That wink gave her hope.
Just because you got married doesn't mean you have to stop seeing eachother.
You've always been hers.
You don't need a ring to prove it. You don't need a wedding to prove your love for eachother.
Even though you were married Ellie had nothing to worry about, because she knew at the end of the day you'd be calling her daddy.
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Authors note: a less depressing one for the first time in a while lmfao, but don't worry your regular scheduled angst will return in my next post;).... remember you are loved and to always be kind, my requests are also always open. I love you all!
Yours truly,
Zia <3
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
I'd Better Ask Emily
Request from anon: Hear me out😅 Spencer Reid x daughter!reader where the reader is a lesbian but is to scared to tell Spencer and Spencer someone find out by accidentally reading her diary or something?
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader
Summary: When Spencer goes looking for your school notebook and accidentally reads your diary instead he goes to the BAU bisexual badass for help.
A/N: I really wanted to do this justice so there's angst and fluff and bisexual Emily Prentiss because she had more chemistry with women than any male love interest. I’m also a sucker for Reid and Prentiss friendship so there is a good chunk of it in here.
CW: reader is gay, Emily is bi, let’s be honest everyone on the team is a little fruity, suggestions that Emily wasn’t supported, coming out of the closet, reader goes to social justice march.
“And my math homework is on the table for you to check over!” It was a Friday morning and you were in a rush to get out the door. There was a social justice march beginning at the national mall in half an hour and your AP government teacher had convinced the principal to cancel classes so every student could participate. Plus you were getting extra credit.
“What about your reading summaries?” Your dad asked you. Spencer always proof-read your graded assignments, per your request. It helped to have his genius input, though sometimes you wondered if he went easy on you. Since you were a child, you’d never made a craft or drew a picture or wrote something that your dad didn’t love.
“In my notebook on my desk,” you said hastily. “Bye, love you!”
“Love you too. Don’t get-” The door slammed shut. Spencer sighed. “Arrested.”
He made his way to your room. For the most part you were tidy, but your desk was a mess. Colored pens and highlighters, loose leaf paper with to-do lists, a stack of books that was falling over onto the jumbled surface. Spencer began to sift through the clutter, fixing the stack of books, putting your writing utensils in a pile, looking around for your notebook- but of course you hadn’t clarified which notebook. By the time he was done sorting through the mess there were five of them total. He began to read through them, trying to identify which one you wrote your reading summaries in.
It was down to the last two. Spencer grabbed the next one in the stack and opened to a random page:
I’ve never been one for poetry, but I find myself wanting to write verses on how her eyes crinkle when she laughs and the way her hips sway as she walks.
That sounded English-y and promising. Spencer kept reading.
I imagine her skin is soft, like velveteen, and her hair like expensive silk. The smell of her perfume is that of vanilla and honey; it reminds me of summer.
The sound of her voice is like a siren’s music. When she calls my name I can’t help but get up from my spot in the cafeteria and-
There weren’t cafeterias in the book you were reading for school.
Spencer read the passage back again and again. He couldn’t help himself- he flipped to the front page to start from the beginning and finished reading the entirety of your diary in two minutes. There were entries spanning over two years, but one thing stuck out to Spencer more than anything else:
You talked about girls.
You talked liking girls.
Of course the diary contained passages on other things, like the day you visited your dream school and a cute dog you had met at the park… but you were dreaming of cute girls. And you never told him.
Spencer closed the diary and put it on your desk. His only thought: I’d better ask Emily about this.
Emily added a small amount of creamer to her coffee and went to sit down at her desk, highly regretting that she’d put her paperwork until the last minute again. The stack of files on her desk was beginning to rival Hotch’s, and that was not a competition she wanted to win. She sat down at her desk and opened up a file, pen in hand ready to go when-
“Um, hey Emily. Can I ask you something?”
If it was anyone but Spencer, she probably would have told them to ask her during the lunch break she wasn’t going to take, but there was a hesitancy in his voice that made her stop. Emily knew she looked like she might bite someone if they bothered her- Morgan had already gotten a taste of her mood that morning- but Spencer never seemed to notice when her annoyance rose to the surface. If he was uncomfortable it was because he had his own problem. He needed her help.
And she needed his speed reading to get through all the files on her desk.
“Morning, Reid,” she said, her annoyance turning to concern. “Is everything okay?”
“Well, I- uh- I kind of saw something I shouldn’t have this morning and I wanted to ask you about it.” He rubbed his neck nervously.
Emily tried to keep a straight face as she thought of every embarrassing teenage incident captured on video or sin-to-win photograph that could possibly be out there for Spencer to come across.
“What is it?” Emily asked, her voice wavering ever so slightly.
“You like women romantically, right?”
Okay… that didn’t rule out embarrassing adolescent mistakes or weekends in Atlantic City.
“Because I accidentally read (Y/N)’s diary this morning and she writes a lot about being attracted to girls but she hasn’t told me yet and-”
“You read your daughter’s diary?!” Emily wasn’t sure if she was more shocked that Reid would do such a thing, or relieved that her privacy was still intact. “Reid-”
“It was an accident!” he said. “I was looking for her reading summaries for school and she told me it was in the notebook on her desk and then I just saw it…”
Emily hoped the devastation on Spencer’s face was for the right reasons.
“Why wouldn’t she tell me?”
Yeah… it was for the right reasons.
Emily sighed, leaning her elbows on her desk. “I’m sure that you demonstrate your open-mindedness at home-”
“I do.”
“And I’m sure you tell (Y/N) that you love her no matter what-”
“All the time.”
“But that doesn’t make it any less scary.”
Spencer didn’t respond.
“Coming out isn’t easy. No matter how sure you are that you will be accepted there’s always a little bit of doubt. There’s always the fear that it’ll change the fundamental way a person loves you and that you’ll never treat them the same.” Emily pushed away memories- memories filled with pain and relief and anxiety and frustration. The only thing that eased the thoughts were that she knew you wouldn’t have to go through what she did; not with Spencer as your dad. “She’s probably feeling really afraid, even if she doesn’t show it.”
“How can I make it better?”
Spencer’s genuine love for you- a love that every child should get to experience- made Emily feel as though she was falling apart and being put back together again all at the same time.
“Just let her know you love her,” Emily said. “A little goes a long way.”
As you walked up to the door of the apartment you felt like you were floating on cloud nine; for two years you had been crushing on this girl you shared classes with. You knew she was openly and unapologetically gay- making it a point to post pictures of herself on social media with pride flags and holding hands with her now ex-girlfriend. They had broken up about eight months ago and ever since then you’d hope that she would notice you. For three months the two of you had hung out in group settings- getting to know one another with other people there as a buffer- but you’d gathered your courage today to ask her out on a date. And she said yes.
“So I guess the march was good?”
You were so distracted from the events of the day you hadn’t even noticed your dad was home.
“Oh, yeah,” you said, startled. “It was good. Really good. Lots of… social justice and things.” You cursed yourself for not having a better answer. You should have been good at faking feelings and answers by now, having been raised by a profiler. Even then, Spencer always saw right through you.
The high you were on came crashing down- your dad always saw right through you. There was no way you could go on a date, let alone your first date, without him catching on. Discomfort grappled with your stomach and anxiety bubbled in your chest. You tried to reach for the courage you had earlier, but it was gone.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Your dad walked over and put a gentle hand on your arm.
“Uh-” You swallowed. “Yeah- yeah, I’m fine.”
Your dad suddenly looked weary. It was the same look when he told you he was going to miss your tenth birthday because of a case, or when he got a call that your grandmother’s medication wasn’t working as well as they had hoped.
“(Y/N),” he started. “I love you. I really hope you know that. And I’m glad you had a good day.”
“I love you too, dad,” you said, waiting for him to break bad news. But it didn’t come. He just gave you his awkward tight-lipped smile before tucking your hair behind your ear and turning away.
There was something about the gesture and the words that called the courage back to you. Well, some of the courage.
“I’m going on a date,” you blurted. Spencer turned back to you. You tried to look for clues on his face or in his body language that would tell you what he was thinking or feeling, but you were too caught up in your own head to make sense of any of it. “I asked someone out on a date and they said yes.”
Your father smiled wide. “That’s great, honey! Is it anyone I know?”
“Oh- um-” Spencer didn’t know many of your friends in person, but he knew them from what you told him, and what Garcia could dig up on them. “Yeah. They’re in some of my classes.”
You waited for your dad to call you out on the vagueness of your language, but he didn’t. He only continued to smile and encourage you to go on- is it a study date or a real date? Real date. Weekend or after school? Weekend. Are you taking the metro or do you want him to drive you? Actually it was a walkable distance.
The more you talked, the more excited you got. You were still careful to control your language, but the bravery was beginning to grow. You thought about taking a deep breath, but you didn’t. Instead you just said, “And she’s a girl.”
The world stilled for just a moment- your heart which was beating fast with excitement was now racing with panic. Your stomach was in knots and you felt your hands begin to shake. “I’m gay, dad.”
Spencer placed a gentle hand over yours, stopping it from quivering. The look in his eyes couldn’t be described as happy, but it wasn’t sad. No… it was peace. It was content.
“I know,” he said.
“You- you do?” The weight began to lift off your shoulders, but it was replaced by a bit of shock.
“Yes.” Spencer smiled. “Next time you should clarify which of your notebooks you wrote your assignments in.” Both of you chuckled, and you felt your body unwind as tension left your muscles. “And if it’s any consolation, I think your poetry is great.”
You smiled. “You always love everything I write.”
Your dad pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Because I love you.”
There was no more tension now- no more fear and no more doubt- just you and your dad being excited about your first big crush and your first big date. And it didn’t matter that it was with a girl. Spencer would always love you no matter what.
"So," he said. "What are you going to wear?"
You thought about the clothes you had, but none of your outfits seemed just right.
"I think I might go shopping for something new," you said.
Spencer smiled. You had a shopping buddy- the same one since you were little.
"So I guess I'd better ask Emily."
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sparks-olivarpente · 1 year
Byler Fics List: the Grown-ups
I adore Stranger Things adult characters, here are some fics where they play an important part:
Until you wake up by Roxhylee Will is in a coma and Mike visits him every day. This one has some of the most thoughtful Ted-and-Mike chapters and an interesting take on Ted <3
Wedding at the End of the World (What do We Have to Lose?) by Julia_Skysong "Hang on, hang on," Jonathan interrupted, frowning slightly. "Let me do the math here. You've only been a…thing, for like a few days? And you want to get married?" "Dude, you're gonna get a new step-dad! Argyle cheered, trying to high five him. "Please for the love of GOD let me officiate this," Murray cackled. OR Joyce and Hopper decide to have a spontaneous wedding at the end of the world and help their kids figure out love and life.
Bananas and Closure by @tired-bisexual-brainrot Hopper runs into Diane while at the store. He invites her over for dinner, and she finds out that he now has a whole family with three kids and a wife.
No Cure for Queer by AlabasterInk (@alabasterswriting) Will Byers had about thirty minutes between realizing that the butterflies in his stomach came from appreciating Mike’s smile a little too much, to walking into his house and hearing Hopper say, “…wrong, Joyce. A guy with another guy. We used to arrest queers, you know…” And it all went downhill from there.
california show your teeth by @fireflywitch Fourteen months after a rash of unexplained disappearances tore an Indiana town apart, a new chief of police and his very normal, nothing-to-see-here family moves to Hawkins from Lenora Hills, California. "I wondered what it would be like if the Byers, El, and Hopper had grown up in Lenora Hills instead of Hawkins and moved to Indiana later on - how things would be different and what things would stay the same and which characters might be better off or worse off…" for Claudia and the Moms <3
You May Be the One Place I'm Sure About by elsie (the_technorats) the one where Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper finally have a moment to themselves. no byler here but you should read it all the same ;)
mom, i'm gay. wait, you are too? by dragons_like_smores @howtobecomeadragon “What if there are no men out there for me, Michael?” Mike, not focused at all on his mom, said absentmindedly, “Then maybe you can just date a woman.” Or: Mike unintentionally starts Karen's lesbian awakening while he simps for his boyfriend, Will, all summer long.
poor old jim's white as a ghost by AttaboyLuther Even when he started on the force back in 1980… Jim Hopper knew there was something special between William Byers and that brat Mike Wheeler. (AKA: Mike and Will fall in love, told through the perspective of one Chief Hopper)
and if you wanna cry or fall apart (i'll be there to hold you) by Strangerangels Mike Wheeler and his relationship with Will Byers, as told by Joyce Byers. Inspired by that scene in S2 where Mike holds Joyce and leads her into the car. Y'know, the one where Bob dies. You just know Mike is going to be the best in-law Joyce will ever have.
The Darkest Eyes by @light-lanterne a semi canon-compliant character study of mike wheeler, his unaddressed trauma and his relationship with will byers, told through the eyes of a very tired jim hopper who can’t help but to become attached to the boy who keeps dating his children.
The Right Thing by Nymphadoragreenleaf The second pregnancy was a mistake. They were basically at breaking point with only Jonathan and Lonnie didn’t want to have to work even more when he had already fulfilled his side of the bargain. He married her and they had a kid. What more did they expect from him (or Lonnie pov)
Benny's also by Nymphadoragreenleaf Officer Powell grimaces “The trespasser… he’s- chief it’s your misses youngest- the one who went missing a few years back.” (or Hopper pov)
some more Hopper: it's me, hi (everybody agrees) by @livsindelusion or 5 Times Mike Gets The Shovel Talk and 1 Time It's Will
and some Joyce! can't hold out forever by scorchstorm five times that others noticed how mike felt + the one time that will did.
Have fun reading :)
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daydreamingleclerc · 1 year
something special about june // lauren james au
in which, lauren and her housemate-turned-girlfriend sports journalist come out on instagram during pride month 🤍
includes; slight sexual content, swearing, wlw content !
this is something v different for me! but i’ve been so in my lauren feels lately i cannot help myself. who knows. i might even write something to deepen this AU further! inspired by this article about jess carter and ann-katerin berger! enjoy xx
DISCLAIMER: i am in no way shape or form suggesting that lauren is bisexual or gay by posting this. this is simply just a form of fiction and i do not mean any harm. pictures were found on instagram and pinterest and all rights are to their original owners.
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liked by samanthakerr20, chelseawfc, masonmount and 12,702 others
yn say cheese 😁😚❤️
tagged: laurennjjames
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samanthakerr20 yn this is the gayest jumper i’ve ever seen
yn took notes from you clearly x
laurennjjames ❤️😚
yn 🥰❤️
ldnpride oh my god are you two…
yn lauren’s wearing a leather jacket and i’m wearing a jumper straight out of 1946 do the math x
laurennjjames ✔️
ibiza, spain
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liked by yn, samanthakerr20, reecejames and 30,957 others
laurennjjames winning on and off the pitch, clearly 😍
tagged: yn
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yn i’d like to point out i got my hair done at the hotel hair salon
yn just incase ppl are confused by my hair change midway through this dump
laurennjjames i’m more concerned about the amount of people thirsting over your arse
yn don’t post it then u silly sausage
kmewis19 yn is packing in that first pic
yn do you like it 😼
yn ✔️
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liked by laurennjjames, leahwilliamson, naomischiff and 34,729 others
yn wonder if we’ve beaten the just friends allegations now x
tagged: laurennjjames
view all 18,829 comments
laurennjjames lesbian!
yn i know u are but what am i x
laurennjjames a glorified bisexual 🤨
lew.mount put some clothes on
yn don’t tell me what to do
benchilwell you guys are NEVER going to beat the just friends allegations 🤣🤣
yn we could release a sex tape and we still wouldn’t beat the just friends allegations
reecejames how do i burn my eyes 😃
bethanyengland4 you two are so cute🥹
yn thanks bethy ❤️
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liked by yn, samanthakerr20, jesscarter and 108,638 others
laurennjjames i remember when she thought she was straight until she saw me in a towel.. happy birthday to my favourite cougar ❤️
tagged: yn
view all 31,739 comments
yn cougar?! i’m 2 years older than you watch ur mouth LJ.
laurennjjames yeah babe that makes you a cougar 🤨
yn love you really 🫶🏼
laurennjjames love you too foxy lady
samanthakerr20 funny how loz and i are thé youngest ones in our relationships yet we’re the ones you answer to🤨 happy birthday yn 🤣🔥
kmewis19 you’re so evil
yn that was so uncalled for samantha sleep with one eye open tonight.
chelseawfc HBD yn 😋💙
reecejames happy birthday yn 🥂💙
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liked by laurennjjames, mbrighty04, leahwilliamson and 103,793 others
yn lauren cant answer ur call rn cause she’s busy reecejames
tagged: laurennjjames
comments on this post are limited.
reecejames how do i bleach my eyeballs
reecejames no ew wtf i can’t look at this
kmewis19 you two are the WORST
yn nothing wrong with a lil PDA 🫶🏼
amberrosegill stealing this pose for me and jen
yn ur welcome x
laurennjjames ✔️
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liked by yn, leahwilliamson, reecejames and 60,738 others
laurennjjames life lately 📸(ft the missus)
tagged: yn
view all 12,739 comments
yn wow
yn that first pic 🥰👍🏼😍🔥
yn seriously you make me so 🥰🥹
yn god.
laurennjjames okay love don’t embarrass yourself x
yn can i just say the difference in my rack compared to lauren’s is very very amusing to me
laurennjjames i love your rack
yn i 🫶🏼 ur ironing board too ig
samanthakerr20 🔥🔥
mbrighty04 fashion is unmatched
yn ✔️
lake como, italy
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liked by amberrosegill, bethanyengland4, mbrighty04 and 23,739 others
yn the one where the lesbians went to italy and got kicked out of an art gallery for snogging
tagged: laurennjjames
view all 89,738 comments
laurennjjames why’d you have to post the pic of you in the green dress 🤤🤤🤩
yn bc i love it when you get all mushy
laurennjjames i don’t think mushy is the word you’re looking for 😍😼
samanthakerr20 is that…. yn in JEANS?!?!
yn it was a one off and it’s never going to happen again.
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madlysage · 6 months
my stardew valley bachelorette headcanons… again super niche and definitely just me being insufferable
- grew up in the south and still has a little twang when she speaks
- loves fleetwood mac and all 70s rock
- tried to make her own wine and elliott made harvey give her a stern lecture on botulism
- a serial dater with a string of bad ex-boyfriends in her wake (she was just a lesbian all along but that wasn’t accepted where she was growing up)
- a baby gay who still gets flustered when flirting with girls
- befriended the hat mouse and is still trying to convince elliott that he’s real
- dyes her hair but insists she’s a natural redhead (her mom was one and she always wanted to emulate her)
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i always picture kennedy walsh (icon that she is)
- the closet is glass babe (lesbian/possibly pan)
- wanted to go to college for photography and studio art but was worried it would put financial strain on emily
- secret little crush on leah because she loves her art and her artistic eye
- her and emily were raised by a single dad who passed away unexpectedly- it’s part of the reason she has a hard time opening up to ppl
- left anonymous mean notes about clint on the town message board for WEEKS after she found out he was hitting on emily
- uses her dad’s camera: it’s very sentimental to her
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perf- would def be into clean girl makeup
- nobody is quite sure about emily’s sexuality… including emily!
- very into spirituality- crystals, spirits, astrology, luck etc.
- makes alex uncomfortable anytime he comes over: she doesn’t realize she’s starting contentious political debates with him
- makes all her own clothes and hasn’t bought anything new in 3 years
- writes sweet notes to shane on the bar napkins when she can see he’s rlly going through it
- wears crystals in her bras
- stole haley’s diamond earrings for a gem mediation (it did not go over well)
- makes elliott quills with her parrot’s dropped feathers
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but picture the hair blue ya know: don’t cast elle fanning as a character in a fandom challenge level impossible bro
- bicon
- my image of penny is Filipino… stardew needs more diversity gonna be so real
- went to college for education and got her teaching license but had to move back home because of the debt
- learned how to do maru’s hair after she complained about how long it took
- watches old movies with maru every weekend and they do a book swap once a month
- sam is the only one who will eat her cooking (but he’ll eat anything… especially if penny made it)
- lets maru come in and give guest teaching sessions in science and math to jas and vincent
-started drinking coffee just to have an excuse to drop some off to maru and harvey at work
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likeeeee beabadoobee just makes the perf penny i can’t explain it’s the vibe
- lesbian queen
- my autistic love
- graduated highschool early: got a full ride to school and double majored in nursing and engineering before going to nursing school (graduated early from that too ofc)
- lives off of coffee and gets a daily lecture on caffeine consumption from harvey
- is harvey’s wingman (neither of them have any rizz…)
- goes to the bar just to quiz emily on astrology
- sets up ferris beuller type traps when she wants to sneak out and not deal with demetrius
-used to sneak into sebastian’s room during thunderstorms and still does sometimes
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laura harrier my love my light… just picture her with glasses
- straight but likes to makeout with girls when she’s drunk
- goes to college online (majoring in business for pierre but double minoring in classics and anthropology) - her parents wouldn’t let her go in person because she’s too “reckless”
- brought home a squirrel once and hid it in her room for weeks
-used to do competitive irish dance as a kid (seems like something caroline would make her do)
- has a huge crush on sam and will flirt with sebastian to make him jealous
- pierced her own ears six times at once and made caroline faint when she saw her
- has a tattoo on her thigh that’s she’s desperately hiding from her parents
-helped emily dye her hair for the first time
- hooked up with alex once but will never admit it
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can’t explain it she just gives kiernan - with purple hair ofc
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athena-xox · 9 days
Get ready for me to fucking kill myself 😁😁
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Also look at this lesbian icon
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Does she have the same va as briar / Frankie / Barbie litdh? I can’t tell since my laundries too loud
This is only the second webisode I’ve watched. And the first one she was awful close with that bunny girl and they were going to have supper together
Theyre cuties together. Ship ship ship
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UghasifglUSghKJdjjAHHHH [mini rant ahead] I’m locked out of my Netflix so I can’t like .. rewatch the pixie scene in dg. I could probably just like find it on internet archive but that’s too much work 😫 (says this as I am making a diagram of enchantimal enchantments used) I should also probably (definitely) go through what the dg junior novel and doaeq says about pixies + go through all the books for fairy lore in general. But like also it’s a weekend and pre cal is making me want to kms (when I understand coterminal angles it’s over for you bitches). Actually though I am going to have to actually do some math for the enchantimals -> eah analysis, since as rae so kindly informed us the fairies are boob height. So I’ll convert their world for that. I should also also maybe perhaps work on the timeline … or the map … or the character dives … or MY FREAKING FAN FICTION. This was in my tags but it was too long 😓😓 tumblr why’d you gotta do me like that
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(Btw the ligma autism thing was more of an end card thing you would see at tv shows)
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sowritten · 1 year
cursing/drug mentions, adjust pronouns and such as needed!
“I can’t believe [NAME] is gatekeeping the girlbosses.”
“I lost my lesbian.”
“I wasn’t even thinking, I was just shoving slices into my mouth.”
“what if you didn’t try to kill me? what if we held hands instead?”
“shit, shit, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck a duck!“
“this is gonna be a fun time, but by a fun time I mean they're going to break my ankles. maybe in a fun way.”
“hi, I’m [NAME] and I’m directionally challenged.”
“I really want to brick somebody.”
“it didn’t work the first three times, what made you think it would work the fourth?”
“don’t be sad. there’s plenty of ass in this lobby for you to eat.”
“I exist to be a piece of shit and I am good at it!”
“[NAME], I don’t know what your side chick told you, but it’s not that big.”
“people come and go but mac and cheese is forever.”
“everything is fine, we have cocaine.”
“don't call it eye lube, or else that'll be your superhero name. “
“we're all a little damaged inside. pobody's nerfect.”
“just kick him in the dick. grab his dick, twist it, kick him in the dick, kick him in the face.”
“....yeah I want a big tiddy goth girlfriend.”
“that's what I like in a woman. at least three felony charges.”
“oh hey, look at us, we’re both naked.”
“they can’t tear my clothes, I’m not wearing clothes.”
“you know what, if you kill [NAME], I will dick you down, how about that?”
“you know what? fuck the cougar. I’m the new apex predator.”
“is that a socket wrench? I'm not that kind of lesbian! I can't build things!”
“my heart does belong to [NAME], he is five times the man you could hope to be.”
“maybe the cheese is trying to kill me, maybe that’s what’s happening.”
“bourbon, let’s fucking go, you know what I want!”
“there’s always something good in the trash.”
“I’m gay, I already have magic superpowers.”
“I don’t know how to not be sad.”
“fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your dad, fuck your grandfather, fuck your entire lineage. die.”
“I’m gay, I don’t do math.”
“yeah we're definitely gay, and we're dating a plant-gay.”
“[NAME] can lick the darkest part of my little white ass.”
“I am impressed that the pants are still on.”
“Don’t wiggle your fucking butt at me.”
“I’m just gonna touch myself up, in case she does come over here.”
“I can leave that guy to eat his ass.”
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1ore · 4 months
Hi, I've been following you since Ye Olde Esk Days and you've always been a huge inspiration for me as a fellow gender-questioning neurodivergent lesbian both in art and science.
I've been wanting to reach out because I'm considering enrolling in Enviroinmental Sciences (or something in that ballpark) in 1 or 2 years and wanted to ask how your experience studying it has been to you as a person with an artistic bakground? I am afraid my ADHD might get in the way of maths, and that I might not be "smart" enough to pursue a degree in STEM, despite the fact I've always been interested in scientific subjects and in the conservation efforts around the area (and the river) I grew up in. so, yeah, I don't really know what else to say xmx I hope this message wasn't too much, and thank you for taking the time to read it. Your art and its message has always meant a lot to me! (also, happy Pride month!)
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So, funny enough, math anxiety is part of what what led me to Environmental Science in the first place. My degree is a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science, not a Bachelor of Science, because IIIIIII didn’t want to take more semesters of calculus and organic chemistry than I had to 🤪 I struggled with math in highschool, and by the time I went back to school, it had been more than 5 years since I last took a math class. I was also more interested in the interdisciplinary parts of Environmental Science, so a BA let me put more credit hours towards classes in policy, law, social science, humanities, etc.
As far as I know, having a BA hasn’t held me back. I’ve been accepted into internships and other programs doing “real science” just fine. Maybe this won’t always be true, but I’ve figured out that I like teaching and engaging people in science more than I like being in academia, so that works out fine for me.
As for my experience with ADHD and math/science courses, I have euuuauuuehhh a lot of thoughts. This gets dense, sorry.
First, my ADHD came with a side of anxiety, which manifested as a compulsion to do well academically regardless of how much my mental health suffered. Doing busy work felt like hell on earth for reasons that were then mysterious to me, but disappointing my teachers felt Worse. So I became really good at, like, academic minmaxing, not so much learning or taking care of myself. It’s hard to articulate. I want to say I was muddling through these classes as a professional test-taker and not a student, and also not applying myself fully. But at the same time, I felt like I was well beyond my breaking point? This made more sense to me later when I got the diagnosis LOL. my capacity for doing the things I’m supposed to do, the way I’m supposed to do them, is lower than other peoples’. So either I do what I’m not supposed to do, or I do it “the wrong way.” <- meaningless.
I say all that because coursework is a poor metric of how “good” you are at science or math, or whether you'll enjoy doing them outside of the classroom. We know this LOL but I want to reiterate it. I learned how to get really good grades without learning how to reason my way through why xyz methodology is justified, or how to ask questions and be curious about what’s happening around me. It’s corny but it’s true. on one hand I still struggle with these, because I’m still working under the assumption that whatever’s going on in my head is the “wrong” way to do it. But ADHD does a lot of heavy lifting for us with lateral thinking and being able to make connections that other people can’t always see. If you want to do Science ™ (as in academic research,) this is an awesome tool to have in your toolkit.
There’s also a whole world of environmental work outside of academia that demands its own skillset, which coursework may or may not teach. Like, if you want to do hands-on restoration work or interpretive work or field technician stuff, this is less “can you spit out the balanced equation for photosynthesis on command” and more “can you operate a woodchipper” or “are you comfortable with public speaking and customer service.“ This is another part of what attracted me to envirosci--how wide-ranging the job market is. The backdrop of science is the same, but your day-to-day responsibilities can look wildly different.
Also, if it’s any encouragement, being an arts person has been a huge plus in my experience. My most recent employer told me outright that the artsy scicomm stuff in my resume is what made them think “oh, we need her.” Art and science are wives LOL a lot of the skills you hone as an artist are invaluable in science, especially if you’re doing any kind of communication work. (<- has seen some poorly-written papers and incomprehensible figures in her time)
Going along with that, back when I was yea high and wanted to do art professionally, I remember people telling me that you only go to art school for the professional connections. A lot of STEM careers are locked behind having a specialized degree, but I think this advice is still applicable here. Being a “good student” hasn’t helped me as much as abandoning my anxiety and sending cold emails, showing up at peoples’ guest lectures and office hours, participating fully and sincerely, etc. The stuff I did outside the classroom was more meaningful to me, in the end. (That said, I was lucky to have several classes that were more skills/training-oriented for things like GIS, field botany, conducting environmental assessments for NEPA, etc. You can swing projects for classes like these as opportunities to build skills or create portfolio pieces.)
OK. I thiiiink that’s everything I have for you? I hope that answers your question. If not, I can give it another shot. I'll also leave you with this answer from beloved mutual Heedra re: what Environmental Science as a major is like. I can't believe it's 6 years old because it's part of what put Environmental Science on my radar in the first place LOL
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hii!! im here for one of the fandom ships if they're still up for grabs! :)
im a girl (lesbian so uh a wlw or wlnm ship is definitely preferred) i have medium length wavy brown hair that im growing out, with a red underlayer (i think the styles called a peekaboo?) i have brown eyes, and an oval face, i have bangs that swoop to one side and almost cover my whole left eye. im an infp and pretty energetic! i have naturally long fingernails that get described as talons. i love cats and the rain and birds are my favourite animals. i do art, and i love stars. im also british but i hate stereotypical things like tea and i have straight teeth (seriously though, i hate the booawoa(bottle of water) ahh stereotypes) i love writing and hate maths. i literally cannot point out a single country on a map, apart from mine and a few others like america. I LOVE AMERICAN ACCENTS THEYRE SO FUN TO DO. i love the colour green. OH I ALSO LOVE FERRETS, CANARIES AND CONURES!! im like quite short btw like 5'4? but i wish i was taller.
anyways thats all i can think of about myself!
Your Fandom Ship: Piper McLean!! (Heroes of Olympus) 
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Explanation: starting off with looks, I think that the daughter of Aphrodite would find you absolutely stunning. She loves your beautiful brown hair with the red just peeking out from underneath it and she thinks that your brown eyes are gorgeous and is constantly complementing you on them. She’s kind of a very lovey-dovey romantic person not to say that she’s not tough but she would absolutely romanticize your relationship. She would do really sweet things for you. She is always over performing on Valentine’s Day things like that. She’s just a romantic at heart which I think would do really well with you. she doesn’t mind her energetic personality and even encourages it and I think sometimes you two are kind of like bouncing off the walls together, but she can pull you down whenever you need to be pulled down and also I think that she would find your nails, very attractive and consistently ask you about nail care and how you broom them and have you do nail nights with her where you guys take turns doing each other‘s nails. She’s not particularly girly. I think she would still enjoy doing this and insist on doing it. She also loves animals and the rain so I think that she would dance in the rain with you if you were into that or do the whole cheesy kissing under the umbrella thing. I can’t remember her height, but I think she would be slightly taller than you and consistently tease you about being short. I also think that she loves your British accent and honestly kind of wishes that she had one herself because of how adorable it is and I just think she would be so obsessed with it. She would just absolutely be in love with it and like if you guys know, I just like think she’d be so down for bad with a British accent she would be obsessed. I mean, she romanticizes things a lot, so no doubt she would be romanticizing your accent man. She has a pretty similar personality to you and I think that she would be very loyal to you and protect you at any cost no matter what and U2 would be extremely cute together and a pretty healthy relationship. I can see you guys having like the perfect wedding that everyone is fucking jealous of, but anyway, I don’t know you you guys are cute. I really ship it. 🩷🩷🩷
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
The problem with the teeny tiny blackpilled lesbian minority is that its growing, and that besides the small minority that says that shit directly there's a much larger and even faster growing group that just reblogs or likes those posts encouraging both groups to grow. And no one stands up to them at all. Then people like you show up to insist its all trivial, that lesbians can't affect anything so who cares if they harass some unimportant bi rape victims, and that we should have uwu Compassion for these sexually harassing lesbians uwu they probably have Good Reasons To Sexually Harass (tm) even if you disagree with their word choices.
And then you just ignore it as a non-problem for months as it grows, because still who gives a shit about their targets if its just some bisexuals, its ignorable to make jokes about how hets rape and abuse them. Your fault if you don't choose to look the other way bihets!
Until some homophobic HET woman says homophobic shit and now you all blame all "OSA" women equally. And you suddenly care about the blackpilled lesbians only after you think its finally "made you look bad" and they also picked fights with some lesbians. But even then you stress that its too tiny a minority for the bi ppl they've harassed for months or years to matter and everyone should forget about it. Whatever.
I have stated both publicly, and privately to these women, that I disagree with what they’re doing and I’ve explained why. So have other lesbians.
And honestly, that’s more than I need to do. Because what people like you completely miss, is that lesbians are a minority. A VAST minority. We are a tiny population. “Blackpilled” lesbians are an even smaller minority, and a tinier population. Let’s say there’s 100 lesbians on this site for every 1000 OSA women (I’m not good at math, I’m not looking up statistics and scaling it down appropriately. You get the point). Out of those lesbians, let’s say we have 5 blackpills. The “problem” of this population growing might mean there’s now 10. Because again, we are talking about a minority within a tiny minority.
Now, consider that lesbians are currently facing absolute demolition to our community due to gender ideology, on top of the regularly scheduled conservative homophobia we face. If you were in our place, would you put your time and energy into fighting the hundreds and thousands of people taking a jackhammer to our community both on and offline, or would you put it into fighting the 5-10 blackpilled lesbians online? Most of us have said our piece about the blackpills, and they’ve seen what we’ve said. Now we have to go back to stopping men from wanting to rape and kill us, and the rhetoric that enables them. You can block the 5-10 blackpills. I can’t block the thousands of homophobes on and offline.
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rainhalydia · 2 months
Hello lovely,
Asoiaf asks, 9, 16, 31, 32, 34, 39
Hi, darling!
9. Build your small council with any characters dead or alive
Hmmm... I want people who actually know how to rule, I guess, and also have similar priorities as me. So Septon Barth as Hand of the King because we need basic reforms asap, Dunk as Lord Commander because he's noble enough to want things done correctly but also savvy enough that he won't go too hard against me if I choose underhanded means, Elaena Targaryen as Master of Coin, as she's the only trustworthy person in the Realm who can do Math... Stannis as Master of Laws because he'll take the job seriously despite his "great" idea of banning brothels and will investigate people properly. Corlys Velaryon as Master of Ships, Marwyn as Master of Whispers, and finally I guess Maester Luwin as Grand Maester.
16. Favorite sibling dynamic
A cliche, but Asha and Theon. They're so important to me. I particularly like it from Asha's side, if that makes sense? I think the most poignant family relationship Theon will have is with his mother, when they finally meet again, but Theon is important to Asha on a character level, you know? He helps to highlight her character growth.
31. Who would you elevate to a POV character?
Hmmm... I think I'd want a Margaery pov. I don't necessarily think she's very interesting, but it would sure clear up so many fanon about her! Down with pastel lesbians! Also, it's past time we have someone's perspective on the Reach (I'm counting on future Cersei chapters to deal with Casterly Rock and the West).
32. A fancast you absolutely can’t stand
I usually don't like any kind of Asian Starks because Theon looks Asian in my head and he needs to look very different from them, and I dislike it when Jon is too pretty. Let him and Arya have long faces and brown hair!
34. What’s something people get wrong about your favorite character?
Theon is not actually a loser. He makes bad decisions, sure, but he has a lot of skills his society values, like being a good archer and a persuasive leader (it's a MIRACLE that his men didn't kill him and left during the Winterfell stunt). And he is quite charming when he wants to be.
39. Your Drunk History topic (a character/theory/event/etc)
My pet theory: Theon is not going to die, but he's especially not going to die in the judgement Stannis is going to give him. Bran's face is going to appear in the heart tree and he'll either forgive him or task him with helping Stannis take WF from the Boltons the same way he took it the first time.
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munamania · 6 months
i won’t screenshot the dms bc i don’t feel like opening the latest message but EYE posted on my story abt the tiktok pictured below basically about how i got horny thinking abt someone working through a difficult math problem lol don’t worry abt that anyway sam slides up bc i cut part of it out so as to avoid insta censors and my slight embarrassment lol and was like does that say c*m and i was like well yes and then he was like haha what you’re into math… girl u have to walk w the thought process 😑 which i know you’re incapable of anyway so i vaguely responded like ah yeah what being away from stem for so long will do to u and he responds with like ten messages. including. ‘you gotta do it yourself’ that’s not the point 🙄 ‘you know how i’m terrible at talking to women’ wow really ‘so i realized i can calculate the speed of cum’ ‘bc i have some data’ DID I ASK?????!???!?!!!?!!!!! hello there’s oversharing and then there’s this… does the girl you’re having sex with know you share to this extent. and then he said how he accidentally brought this up to someone irl to be like haha awk whoops and i was like yeah well there r times where perhaps we need to self censor. and then i also get a message that’s like ‘hang on im doing the math’ IM NEVER EVER EVER GONNA BE ATTRACTED TO U I HOPE U KNOW THAT SCREAAMMMMM (and u need to know bc he’s genderfluid. im only using one set of pronouns for clarity on here ok i promise im not a dick. but he thinks he’s like. an exception for lesbians basically… like he doesn’t Count…. and like look im no essentialist im all for like freaky gender sex but also at so many other turns you do take advantage of being seen as a white male so. i don’t. yeah.) he’s kind of like the creepy dude at the edge of the friend group in high school named matt who would constantly harass me and my ex but like tried to be so lowk abt it. and it’s so bad basically. ‘17mph is crazy’ i hope you fall in an intersection sorry i can’t do this anymore 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 so pissed i have to see him tmrw i should be able to watch mmxxl w scully in peace
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trashlie · 1 year
Alyssa Cho: Sexuality and Fitting In
It’s been six months since we finished the Shinlyssa Flashback arc, can you believe that? And it’s taken me all these months to finally start putting together this post lol. 
During the flashback arc, one of the hotly contested theories was: Did Alyssa have a crush on Shinae? It’s easy to think we’re reading into things, especially in a story like ILY where we can’t always, in the moment, see something for what it is, or rather what it will become. It’s easy to overthink things, and sometimes we get focused on things that are red herrings. But, in this case, I think it’s not far from the truth at all. In fact, I think the possibility of Alyssa’s sexuality is a part of why she is so desperate to fit in at all. Especially in middle school, society isn’t always kind to lgbtq folks, and there’s a couple hints that it might be something her family is against, as well. 
Now I want to make it clear from the start: I don’t think we can specifically speculate on what Alyssa’s sexuality is, firstly because there’s a good chance even she isn’t sure and secondly because sexuality is certainly a part of a spectrum and it isn’t something that necessarily stays unwavering. I will also up front state that while my suspicions are that Alyssa leans more towards lesbian, that doesn’t negate the possibility of bi/pan/something less specific. But what I DO want to speculate is how her relationship with her possible sexuality, and thus her relationship with Shinae, heavily factors into her need to conform and fit in. 
I think the beginning of the flashback arc is where we see Alyssa at her happiest, and perhaps her most honest. She has a great time in math club with Alyssa, the teacher gets her excited about the math competitions and the chance to prove herself. But it also is where everything starts to go downhill. 
It doesn’t really need reiterated, because the story has made it very clear, but Alyssa is very driven by attention and praise. But I don’t think it’s blind praise she wants, because she often refutes it from Alyssa. It’s not anything special to her that she can play instruments because anyone can do that; writing music though? That’s special. Alyssa talks about wanting to be liked and popular, but what I suspect she really want is acceptance for who she is, and she quickly learns that it won’t be found here unless she starts faking it. 
She’s an intellectual girl, advanced beyond probably most of her peers, who has no favor for kpop and much prefers the classics, is heavily invested in STEM with a favor for bio engineering. It’s made immediately apparent to her that all of her interests will make her a target. It’s not simply that she won’t fit in - it’s that she sticks out in a way that will make people think her weird and outcast her, and it’s really clear that being ostracized is something she fears. I think it’s important to emphasize that this is a fear; it’s not simply being a preteen and wanting to be liked because you don’t know how to be alone but a fear that drives her to do really rash things and lash out. This fear is compounded by her anxiety. When confronted about the missing science project, when it gets out of her hand before she has a chance to stop it, when confrontation comes to a head, Alyssa goes home, feeling sick and miserable. 
She simply could not handle the confrontation or the ramifications it yielded. 
For Alyssa, fitting in a necessity. 
Early in, Alyssa admits to Shinae that she begged her parents to let her go to public school because she wanted to make friends her own age. I imagine she must have been lonely. I don’t think she was homeschooled with other kids - just her sister, and from the sounds of it, she probably didn’t have friends in her dance lessons. I’m willing to bet they were personal, one-on-one lessons, or else maybe she would have been more focused on making friends with the kids in her class rather than dancing? As it is, dance sounds like it was a passing interest of hers that she didn’t really come to love but was stuck continuing, because the alternative was to tell her parents and that doesn’t seem something she’s capable of. But she also admits to Shinae that she has seen what happens to kids who are outcast and ostracized. She doesn’t want that; it goes against the whole reason she came to public school! Why would she endure that if she could just go back to homeschooling and her loneliness?
Another thing Alyssa notes, though, is this. 
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It doesn’t seem like much, in the moment. Alyssa has already talked about how overbearing her parents are, how she expresses interest in something and they shower in it, even it was just a fleeting idea. She seems to feel overwhelmed by them and wants an escape from them, lest they take another thing that interests her and put her through it in a way that makes her lose any fancy she possessed for it. 
But it’s a mantra that comes up again, later. 
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For a while during the flashback, I waffled a lot on Alyssa’s sexuality. Was it, I wondered, just a red herring, meant to make us THINK Alyssa had a crush, but it was really more about her internal conflict with her feelings about hurting Shinae and trying to do what she wants? Alyssa (much like Nol does) struggled a lot with her relationship with Shinae vs what she wanted more than anything. She tried to make it worked - tried to find a way to be both Shinae’s friend AND to be popular and well-liked, and when it miserably back-fired on her, she made a choice. 
It was here, though, that I began believe that yes, Alyssa probably did have a crush on Shinae, that Alyssa may, in fact, like girls. 
Alyssa has a secret so deep that she doesn’t want anyone to know, not even Shinae. (Also, note the way she says she didn’t want anyone to find out, not even you, as if maybe, Shinae could have been separate person, who maybe she could tell her OTHER secrets to, if they ever got so far.) She especially doesn’t want the teachers involved, because that will get her parents involved - and they won’t be happy, because they’ll ask things and they won’t like what she has to say. That is, the truth was something that would upset them. 
It’s really important, too, to reiterate that Alyssa’s home life is far from perfect, too. We’ve seen just enough to start to wonder about them. Alyssa’s response to her dad was the most telling - the way she completely changed her whole personality and mood in response to him coming home speaks volumes. 
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Shinae doesn’t seem to register what she overheard, but the jagged speech bubbles suggest yelling, Meg and her dad probably arguing loudly. We don’t see anything, so it’s hard to completely read the body language - is Meg just covering hear ear because her father is yelling? Is she holding her hand up because he slapped the side of her face? 
Moreso, when Shinae asks if everything is good at home, and finally brings up the complete 180 change of Alyssa’s, she lashes out again. 
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Hiding an angry, controlling, potentially abusive father is probably first nature to Alyssa. She’s learning - she knows what kinds of things will ostracize you, what will make you weird to the others. Isn’t it better to not let them see that side of you? But honestly, further? It reads even more like she’s just not allowed to bring kids around, period, because of him. When Shinae called to check up on Alyssa after checking on her, she asked if she could go over and visit Alyssa again, and her mom told her that she couldn’t. Whether her dad is actually strict about people coming over or Alyssa is just using it as a line to not allow anyone else (and frankly, it feels more like the latter, since she’s still feeling out what is “normal”), the point is: they’re hiding something. 
So Alyssa has a secret she’s so desperate to keep, that she absolutely does not want anyone, not even Shinae, and especially not her parents to find out. 
The other thing that made me start to feel more confidently about this possibility was the language used by the boys bullying Alyssa. It’s language that is very pointedly anti-gay. 
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It’s not just simple bullying - it’s not (completely) about the stolen project, it’s not about who she hangs out with or her socio-economic status or who her paents are, or anything like Shinae is bullied for. 
“You’re really cute, you know that? Such a shame it’s going to waste though... Nasty.” 
What else could they mean by “going to waste” if not that it’s a shame that she, a cute girl, would never date them/some guy, that it’s “wasted” on her going “against the natural order of things” or something equally gross. 
“You know they say people like you have brains that are damaged, right? That’s why you’re the way you are.” 
Homosexuality being written off as a mental illness, as something wrong with the brain, as something that can be converted out of them, as though it’s a defect still remains an argument even in this day and age. Anti-gay hate speech still tries to convince queer folk and especially those who hate or fear them that there is something wrong with them, that they’re defective, that it goes against all that is natural (a man should only lie with a woman). 
These boys are echoing explicit hate speech, and I think it must be tied to the notes in Alyssa’s locker. If they were the same things Shinae is being bullied for, why would she refused so adamantly to tell her about it? If they were bullying her about the same thing, wouldn’t she maybe instead just blame Shinae? But instead, she doubles down on it, because this thing, this thing she’s hiding that she doesn’t want anyone to know about, would ruin everything. Her parents would hate her, and if she were forced to tell them the truth about it, perhaps she’d face even worse consequences with her family. 
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Alyssa reiterates that she just wanted to be liked and to fit in. And now, there’s no easy way out of her current situation. She’s conflicted about the choice she has to make. She doesn’t tell Shinae what she’s conflicted about - but I think it’s pretty easy to guess what it is. 
Alyssa’s conflict is: does she remain friends with Shinae who has been nice to her and has treated her so well and probably made her feel special, but also whose relationship has brought Alyssa strife and made others think she might be a weirdo thief in association; or does she do what she set out to and forsake Shinae in favor of the other kids’ approval, to fit in and blend in just the way she wanted? 
We know what choice she made, but despite how things go, I don’t think it was the easiest choice, either. When Shinae calls out Alyssa on things like ignoring her, Alyssa deflects, though not well, and she looks nervous or anxious. When the awful girls are messing with Shinae’s belongings, Alyssa (unsuccessfully) tries to stop them. The whole altercation leading up to Alyssa recoiling and accidentally pushing Shinae out the window seems very much like a battle for Alyssa of what she wants and what she knows is right. 
Shinae had a big impact on Alyssa! She was Alyssa’s first friend, and probably one of the only real, true friends she ever had. Shinae liked Alyssa completely for who she was - for her love for math and science, for her cool trips to cool exhibits, for her ability to play so many instruments. The things that made Alyssa weird to people, Shinae accepted her for. Most importantly, Shinae was a bright beam in her life. She was radiant and seemed so confident and strong and tough - things that Alyssa admired but did not herself possess. 
Sure, it could have just been admiration. After all, when Alyssa began blushing with Shinae, it came off the back of compliments, right? 
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Alyssa seems so taken aback by Shinae’s very earnest compliment, by the idea of impressing someone with one of her skills, with the idea of being able to play something for her. But if it was simply about compliments, wouldn’t all compliments make her flush? 
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Minhyuk’s compliment doesn’t get much of a reaction from Alyssa. If anyone, she looks a little wary, a little put on the spot. But when Shinae backs him up and reiterates it, she’s back to being flustered, mumbling something Shinae doesn’t catch. 
Something I think is worth mentioning is that quimchee definitely differentiates these kinds of reactions. Blushes are colored red and usually use the lines, but there’s a LOT more cases of the lines being used without a blush. I’ve always thought of that as being flustered - similar to when you embarrass, but perhaps not to the same degree. 
We’ve seen it many times between Shinae with Dieter (compared to Dieter very often going red with the lines). We saw it when Shinae pointed out that Nol’s face had healed by getting very close to him and he got flustered, and even far earlier in the story, when Shinae ran into him in the Hirahara Corp. lobby and he fell out of the chair he was spinning in. 
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We even see a small version of the lines on Shinae’s face when she watches Minhyuk at taekwondo and she finds him really cool. 
Now, I’m not trying to say red blush = romantic feelings, although I do think they tend to trend that way. I just want to reiterate that when the red color enters, it feels like more of a flush, a deeply blushing, than just flustered. Blushing can be embarrassment - but we also see it often with the lines (see Nol) or sometimes a sweatdrop. Perhaps quimchee does have a more specific set of rules about this that we’ll one day hear about, but it’s something I try to keep in mind. 
That said, Alyssa blushing A LOT in a black and white flashback where her sexuality has come in to play feels very, very pointed. The flashback has selective color, so Alyssa’s flush stands out. I think it’s meant to. I think we’re meant to infer this. 
Her blushing isn’t simply limited to Shinae praising her, either. 
When Alyssa finds out Shinae was bullied at her old school, she apologizes, and tells her she never would have guessed, asks how she can be so strong. Shinae is nothing but honest, but it’s her brilliant smile that sways Alyssa. 
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I think there’s something even more specific about this blush, too. The close up on her face, how we don’t see it all, her eyes withheld, her mouth quivering. Alyssa is so affected by this. It’s not Shinae paying her compliments or praising her. It’s Shinae. Her warmth and radiance and strength and positivity and the way she just shines. 
And that smile GETS to Alyssa!
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Alyssa can’t run away this time, so she looks away, but the blush still happens. Shinae’s smile just seems to be so disarming to Alyssa! 
For a while, when I was trying to decide if I thought this was a crush or a red herring, I considered: maybe every time Shinae is so bright and positive, she feels bad because she’s lying to Shinae. She feels bad because she knows Shinae is a better friend than she is. And sure, I suppose that could be. Alyssa doesn’t like when she looks like she’s in the wrong. But given the context of the explicit things the boys said, the bullying that Alyssa wouldn’t open up about, the thing that she absolutely adamantly does not want anyone to know about, that she can’t speak of? 
It feels like it’s exactly what it looks like: Alyssa has a crush on the nice, tough, confident, weird, boisterous girl who is so nice to her and sees something in her. 
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Alyssa is so affected by Shinae’s concern, by her expression of actual care. Telling her she misses her, going all the way to her place to check on her, her relief that she’s okay. Alyssa is so touched by the effort Shinae puts forth, so moved to be on the receiving end of it. She just can’t reconcile herself with it. 
Because Shinae represents the thing Alyssa is hiding, that she wants to run away from. She knows the other students think Shinae is weird, and that association with her only pulls down her own reputation. She’s in conflict over what she wants (popularity, so many friends, people to like her to) vs what her heart wants - Shinae’s affection and unabashed confidence and the way she looks in Shinae’s eyes. 
But she can’t admit this to herself. She can’t let her heart, her feelings, rule this conflict. 
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I think Shinae hit the nail right on the head - just not in a way she realizes. I think Alyssa IS lying to herself. I think she IS in denial. I think her sexuality is something she’s yet to reconcile, that at this point in time she cannot make peace with. Because people think it’s weird, because they think it’s unnatural, because it’s “wrong”, because they think people like her perverts are monsters. There’s a part of her that she recognizes is not “normal”, in that it doesn’t suit the status quo, what society generally believes to be true, so she hides it. She stuffs it deep down and tries to repress it, to pretend it’s not there, pretend that’s not her, pretend she’s the very picture of “normal” middle school girl. 
She pretends to like the things other “normal” kids do. She starts to feel uncomfortable about the things she DOES like. She’s not embarrassed about math club - she’s just self-conscious. Because being weird makes you stick out. It makes people look differently at you. If you’re “weird” enough, it makes them bully you, ostracize you. 
Alyssa is so lonely and she just wants to fill that void. She thinks fitting in will make it better. She thinks fitting in will protect her. Look how quickly the bully girls change their beliefs about Alyssa, as soon as she pushes all suspicion from her. No longer is she the weird one, suddenly they wall want to be her friend, they think she’s so cool. Just like that. 
Fitting in will afford her protection, because if she’s “normal” enough, no one will suspect her, no one will find her weird, and no one will find out about her darkest secret. It will keep her safe. 
Obviously, this is a naïve belief. Especially in middle school, kids will turn on you for whatever reason. Alyssa is clearly rich, eager to please, and wants to fit in. She’s sold one project and suddenly kids wanted her to do all their work, to benefit from her. It wasn’t real friendship - they just liked her for what she could do to them. But Alyssa is convinced that popularity - that being surrounded by people, by being liked, will protect her. She’ll fit in. She’ll have friends. That aching loneliness that has eaten her up won’t be a problem.
Except none of it is real. The real friendship was Shinae. Shinae was the one who liked her for who she is, not just what she can do for her. Shinae was the one she didn’t have to fake it for, who saw her at her worst and still tried to be her friend. It was the price she paid to protect herself, and her secret. 
But for Alyssa, who may see a part of herself as ���wrong” because it won’t be accepted, who is so lonely and just wanted to be liked and to make friends, maybe she hopes that being liked will make up for that “wrongness”. Maybe, if enough people like her, it will make her feel loved in the way she wants, but won’t allow. If she thinks something is wrong with her, couldn’t the love and adoration of the masses, make her feel like it’s not true, cover it up, make it feel like it doesn’t matter? 
I think even now, in the present, it’s possible that Alyssa’s sexuality may be a thing she hasn’t reconciled with. Is she still hiding from it? Is she still fighting to be seen as “normal”? Who was she, before Yui made an idol of her, when she was friends with Nol, Dieter, and Soushi. Did she crave that faux normalcy even then? 
I’ve considered, too, that perhaps Nol provides another benefit he’s unaware of. Again, as I’ve said, we can only speculate on Alyssa’s sexuality, so it doesn’t rule out that she could also like men. But could it be that Nol provides her the protection that she needn’t deal with her sexuality? She has a boyfriend, case closed. It doesn’t matter then, who she’s interested in. It doesn’t matter, because who is going to question anything? 
(Also, tangential, but fake-dating someone who so-very-much resembles young Shinae, with that bright, radiant smile that had a way of always undoing Alyssa? Listen. You can’t tell me that’s a coincidence. Even if she’s never had feelings for Nol, I still think she was drawn to him because of how Yeonggi reminded her of Shinae, how he was like an echo of the only real friendship she’d had, and I think that was a big part of the draw. Shinae had such an impact on her that years later, she was shaken to her core by someone whose smile was just as radiant as hers.) 
I don’t think this is the last we’ve seen of Alyssa’s sexuality, either. It wouldn’t have been repeated so many episodes if not. I always thought that Alyssa’s career will fail at some point, because the whole point of her character is that she is constantly trying to chase love and affection in places she won’t find it, and her fans’ love for her is only conditional. It used to be I thought that bullying allegations would arise and that would cause her call. Claims that Alyssa was involved with a girl who got pushed out of her school window, that she turned on her. It’s so easy to take the truth and twist it up a little. Shinae saw her first bully again when she was buying comics. Who’s to say Sarah Lee won’t show up again to bring down Alyssa. As a former trainee, wouldn’t Sarah have the most jealousy towards Alyssa? But now I do worry that it could be rumors of her sexuality that could be her undoing. After all, how did the boys targeting Alyssa know what they did? Where did they glean the information they used against her? 
I know Alyssa isn’t a popular character with a lot of the choices she has made. But I do think it’s worth acknowledging how her potential sexuality ties into those choices she made, and the kind of pressure she felt to fit in, to be seen as “normal”. A lonely girl who wanted nothing more than to have lots of friends, who probably felt so empty despite her parents’ overbearing interest in her, but who also knew that there was something about her that is considered Not Right, and that it was something that could threaten the very thing she covets - being adored. Idk, I think in that context, her choices make sense. They’re still selfish, she still can’t face conflict, she still doesn’t get that being loved is not about a role but who you are. But I think if she could feel that part of her accepted, if she didn’t fear what her parents would think, if she knew she’d be supported no matter what, maybe she wouldn’t have made those choices. 
Like everyone in ILY, Alyssa has to contend with who she really is and she really wants. Now that she’s an idol, she’s come to realize that even this love is conditional. That it doesn’t fill that lonely void, that it doesn’t replace whatever it is she’s seeking - it just makes it worse. 
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