#lesbian eddie
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emilyrosecreatives · 3 months ago
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had to do more fembuddie i just love drawing them 🌈
based on this
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months ago
The party, of course, immediately accepted Will and Robin when they came out. Dustin couldn't help but ask the question because he's a nosy little shit.
Dustin: *looking at Robin* If you had to pick a man, though, who would you go for?
Robin: Steve. No contest. Only in a parallel universe, though. And parallel me still has to like women. There's no universe where I'm straight. Not that I have anything against heterosexuality.
Steve: Eddie. *everyone stares at him* Oh, was that question not directed at both of us?
Eddie: It's okay, big boy. If I were gay, I'd go for you, too.
Argyle: *whispering* Oh, man, Steve and Eddie don't know about bisexuality.
Steve: You whispered that to me.
Argyle: Oh, sorry. *turns to Jonathan* Oh, man, Steve and Eddie don't know that bisexuality exists.
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nyaslashthreat · 2 years ago
shout out to when i told my dad about goncharov and he figured out it was fake because i told him "1973 martin scorsese film with robert de niro" and he said that wasn't possible because the godfather came out in 1972 and the godfather part II came out in 1974 and they wouldn't have had time to make a movie in between. a perfectly good jest, foiled by this man's weird and vast knowledge set
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morganbritton132 · 12 days ago
Fic where Dustin recruits Eddie to help him get his brother a girlfriend because, “It’s getting kinda sad. He keeps going on a these dates when he’s obviously in love with his best friend. He just needs to see it.”
Eddie’s got literally nothing else to do so he says yes and then immediately gets hit in the face with:
(1) Dustin’s brother is Steve Harrington, same guy Eddie’s had a crush on since the dawn of time.
(2) Dustin is trying to set Steve up with an obvious lesbian.
Eddie takes all this information in and decides that it’s going to be hilarious so, “Yeah, I’m in. What do you have planned?”
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tartarusknight · 12 days ago
Based on this tik tok
Famous Eddie AU, where he's known for going out into the crowds during performances. It has led to a few security risks and freaks out his manager, Chrissy. So, when they get to the next venue, Chrissy goes up to the security crew and tells them about Eddie and that nothing but brute force would stop Eddie. Because Eddie always says that he needs to be in the heart of it to show that he loves his fans as much as they love him.
The venue manager, Robin, tells them they have it covered because she has a secret weapon. That secret weapon is Steve, who dresses up like he's just a fan, but everyone knows his face well enough that they will see him and know better than stop him from saving Eddie.
The only thing they don't take into account is Eddie in between two songs, singling him out. "We alright?" Eddie asks, and Steve freezes before dumbly nodding. The people around him are staring. "You're good?" Eddie asks again, a growing smile on his face. He tilts his head all cutely, and Steve forces himself to stay formal with another nod. "You're like an important security guy, though," Eddie says, looking at the other security man whose shirt obviously says staff. Unlike Steve's own plain outfit.
"What's going on? You're like CIA in the middle of the whole crowd." The crowd laughs, and Steve can feel his face heat. "You sent him out there undercover! This is weird!" Eddie cackles, looking towards the other staff member who is now trying to keep it all under control.
"So are you coming out or are you staying?" Eddie asks, and he crouches down by the edge of the stage.
Steve raises an eyebrow. "Are you coming out?"
Eddie sighs with a shrug, "I am going to come out into the crowd at some point in this song." He admits, and Steve can't help but grin as the crowd erupts into cheers. "And that's why you're there?" Eddie asks and laughs slightly as he says, "You're doing too much." The other members of Corroded Coffin are laughing now. "I'll be careful, I promise," Eddie says, like he can control the entire crowd.
He cocks his hip as Eddie goes on, "who's going to beat me up when I come out there." The crowd cheers, and they all raise their hands. Steve's sure it's a joke, but it has him straightening up despite that. Soon enough, Eddie's giving the crowd instructions along with Steve to part and make a pathway towards Steve when Eddie starts making his way into the crowd during the song. It puts Steve on edge to go far from the stage, but he lets himself be corralled into it by the fans.
Eddie grins at Steve, "And I want you to stay right where I put you. And I'm gonna point right at you, and you're gonna be my security. But you're not gonna be man, cause you're gonna go fucking hard with me for that whole rest of the song, okay?" Eddie smiles, a dimple showing, and Steve just dumbly nods.
The band starts up and Eddie rocks around the stage. Steve watches him with rapt attention, his own fondness for the band's sound growing. Until Eddie points at him and walks off the stage into the crowd. Steve jerks forwards but stops when the crowd actually parts. Eddie appears easily in Steve's view and the singer's finger points him out.
He begins to wave Steve forward and Steve's hesitant. Hesitant enough that Eddie, during a small break of lyrics, grins at Steve, "Come to me papa." Someone in the crowd shoves Steve forwards and he moves towards the singer who dances over to him. Fans are reaching out to brush Eddie as he passes, but no one is grabbing and pulling.
And suddenly Eddie's there, and he's pulling Steve to dance with him. Steve wants to shake it off and tell him his job is literally just to protect him, but Eddie's smile is wide, and Steve can't help it. He bounces along, following Eddie's lead in the middle of the crowd. Eddie's hand grazes his chest and Steve knows Robin is going to give him so much shit, but he doesn't care. How can he when Eddie's focus is on him, and he's just dancing the crowd dancing with them?
Then the song slows ,and Eddie reaches out, running a hand on Steve's cheek. The crowd roars and Steve takes a step back but Eddie gently, not forcefully stops him. "Don't go anywhere." He says and Steve nods on instinct. Eddie's grin brightens, "Catch me," he orders and Steve tenses up.
But Eddie's singing, looking back at his band. The song begins to pick speed back up. Then the drums are clashing and it hit a crescendo. Eddie's arms shoot up, and he looks at Steve before running and jumping towards him. Steve stumbles slight but manages to hold onto him. Lifting him up above the crowd. Eddie laughs and squirms until Steve places him down.
He's even pretty up close, and Eddie moves to place a kiss on Steve's lips before he's dancing back towards the stage as the next song starts up. The roar of the crowd makes Steve wish he was deaf, and he knows his face is bright red. As Eddie gets to the stage and lifts himself to sit on the edge, he looks right back to Steve and does the phone motion with his hand that has fans shaking Steve in excitement like they are happy for him.
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elainiisms · 1 year ago
i am going to obsess over this male character in a way that is so lesbian
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chrliekclly · 2 months ago
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rewatched th crossover ep nd felt like making shit up
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lazylittledragon · 2 years ago
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something something more alt dads
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imfinereallyy · 11 months ago
Robin and Steve both say “gay” or “that’s gay” in response to each other as inside joke. But they have to be really careful in front of other people, out of risk of either outing each other or coming off as an asshole. They slip up often though, because they are two halves of a whole idiot.
One time it happens in front of Eddie.
Steve’s trying to find a straw for his soda, insists it’s taste better that way. Robin has her feet up on Steve’s kitchen table and she snorts unthinkingly with a loud “that’s gay.”
Steve only hums in agreement.
They both forget Eddie standing right there a soda halfway to his lips until he lets a confused noise.
Steve and Robin both panic and scramble as Eddie laughs. He doesn’t point out this is the third time this week it’s happened. He figured out they were both queer ages ago.
Maybe he should up his flirting with Steve, clearly he hasn’t gotten the message.
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redwhitebuddie · 11 months ago
hen and buck when eddie finally comes out:
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queen-helaenas-pet-spider · 4 months ago
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emilyrosecreatives · 3 months ago
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summer lovin ☀️
buy prints
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months ago
Eddie seemed to have zero impulse control when he's not actively thinking about it. After Vecna Eddie moved in with Steve because he and Wayne didn't have a new place yet, plus, Wayne was living out of a motel. It was not a place for someone with wounds like his. Also, he was still waiting to be cleared of all charges. Steve was well enough to take care of Eddie. The metalhead was still in a lot of pain and on as many painkillers as he was allowed the first time that it happened. Steve was leaning over to fluff his pillows, and his lips were close to Eddie's face. It was all Steve’s fault, really. Eddie was thinking about how pretty his lips were when he decided to grab Steve by the back of the neck.
"What are - MMHH!"
Eddie brought his lips to his, and it was the sweetest kiss that Steve had ever experienced. It had left his lips feeling all tingly. Steve could easily pass it off on the fact that Eddie was high, and that was exactly what he did do. He never brought it up or told anyone about it. . .not even Robin. He really couldn't ignore it, though, when it happened a second time.
Eddie was feeling a lot better and could move around the house a lot more. Steve had finally been able to cook dinner for the both of them after living off other people's cooking and takeout while they both healed. They had finished eating when Eddie lumbered over to him and spun him around, cupping his face.
"That was the best home-cooked meal I've ever eaten - MUAH!" Eddie exclaimed, kissing him square on the mouth. "You go settle down. I'll handle the clean-up, big boy."
Steve had frozen a little. Surely, Eddie knew what he was doing? Since he hadn't brought it up, Steve decided not to bring it up either. . .except when it happened a third time. Eddie was completely healed, and he was able to be let out of the house since he was he officially cleared of all charges. He wanted to meet up with Corroded Coffin at Gareth's since they refused to come over to Steve's house despite the fact that Steve had told them they were welcome anytime. Even though he understood where they were coming from, it still stung that they refused to even try to get to know him. Anyways, Eddie was on his way out the door except for the fact that his keys were lying on the counter.
"Hey, did you forget something?" Steve asked.
"Oh, right," Eddie said, twirled around and kissed him while scooping up the keys. Then he was gone.
Okay, he really couldn't ignore it this time. Steve really needed to talk to someone about the kisses and about how much he liked them. He needed to know what that meant, and he knew exactly what kind of conversation this would turn out to be.
"Eddie keeps kissing me," Steve said as soon as Robin got in the car.
"I'm sorry, what?" Robin said, blinking.
"You know how Eddie's really affectionate," Steve replied. "Does it bother you when he kisses you?"
"Oh, you mean like kissing on the forehead and the cheek? No, I think it's sweet, actually," Robin said and rolled her eyes. "Are you feeling a little insecure in your masculinity because a man is getting a little affectionate with you?"
"What?! No, I don't mind getting affection from a man, Robin. You know I hug Argyle all the time," Steve said. "I'm just wondering why Eddie kisses me on the mouth and he doesn't do that with anyone else."
"Stop the car!" Robin screamed, and Steve pulled over the side, parking the car.
"Jesus, Robin!" Steve exclaimed.
"Eddie's been kissing you on the MOUTH?!" Robin asked.
"Yeah. He doesn't do that with you?" Steve asked.
"No, I think that's a treat only for you," Robin said.
"But why? We're both straight," Steve said. "I mean, I'm not trying to complain or anything, it's nice but why is he doing it?"
"You like it when he kisses you?" Robin asked.
"Yeah," Steve shrugged. "If I were into men, I'd be asking him on a date, but I'm not gay, Robin. . .well, maybe just for Eddie. Is it possible to be gay just for one person?"
"I mean, maybe, but I doubt that it's the case here," Robin said. "Usually, I would probably let you figure this out for yourself, but considering how long you kept it hidden that you like Nancy Drew, it might just take a while. . .do I have permission to rip off the band-aid?"
"Uh, yeah. I guess," Steve asked. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Oh, how the hell were you so sure about Vickie and completely clueless about yourself?" Robin asked.
"Are you still on it that I totally called it about Vickie being a lesbian before you did?" Steve asked.
"She's not a lesbian, dingus," Robun said.
"Okay, I was pretty sure that you two were dating. Robin, she's clearly into you, so I'm pretty sure you have a shot," Steve said.
"Yeah, we are dating but she's not a lesbian," she said.
"I'm so confused," Steve said.
"In more ways than one," Robin said.
"Robin, we're going to be late for work," Steve said.
"Vickie is a bisexual," Robin said. "She likes more than one gender."
"Oh. . .oh, like David Bowie!" Steve exclaimed. "Right?!"
"Right," Robin said.
"Oh my god!" Steve said. "My Tom Cruise obsession suddenly makes sense - I didn't want to be him - "
"Not to mention, all those times you've stared openly at Eddie along with his posters of Eddie Van Halen and Kirt Hammel. . . "
"Kirk Hammett, Robin," Steve scoffed. "Eddie would rip you a new one for getting that one wrong."
"But you knew it because Eddie did," Robin said.
"I like him," Steve said with wide eyes.
"Yeah, buddy. Are you going to need a minute?" Robin said.
"Nah, I'm fine. I actually feel really good about it," Steve grinned.
"Not even a little freak out?" She asked.
"Lucky bitch," Robin muttered.
"I'm sorry, the next time I have a realization about myself, I'll make sure to give you the freak out that you deserve," Steve said.
"That's all I'm asking," Robin said.
They spent the morning shift talking about Eddie and what he'd say to him once he got home. Steve debated on giving him flowers or not, or a stuff animal. He decided on a stuffed animal because that was more permanent, as Robin had pointed out. They were just about to take their break for lunch when Eddie strolled in.
"Hey," Steve said brightly. "I was just thinking about you."
"Yeah?" Eddie asked and leaned against the counter. "That's good to know."
Eddie leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. This time, Steve responded to it, cupping Eddie's face as he deepened the kiss. He could feel Eddie smile against his lips. Steve heard Robin scrambling to lock the front door and close the newly installed blinds. Eddie wrapped his arms around him, nearly climbing over the counter to do it. Finally, Robin coughed loudly and they broke apart.
"Hi," Steve said breathlessly.
"Hi," Eddie said. "I got something for you."
He climbed over the counter and sat down in front of him. He pulled out a rock and handed it to Steve.
"It looks like a guitar pick," Steve said with a grin.
"I thought you could use it for good luck," Eddie said.
"That's very sweet, thank you," Steve said, blushing. "I'm going to keep it forever."
"So, your boyfriend did good?" Eddie asked.
"Boyfriend?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, I know we're taking things slow, but I was hoping that you'd consider me being your boyfriend," Eddie said.
"Yeah, uh, it's just - it might be the concussions, but I don't remember asking you out or you asking me out," Steve said.
"Oh, you definitely asked me out," Eddie said.
"Oh, God, Robin. The doctor said if I started having memory problems - " Steve said with wide eyes. "I'd definitely remember asking you out."
"Honey! I'm sure it's fine!" Eddie exclaimed. "Robin was there, she'll tell you!"
"I was NOT!" Robin yelled, her eyes going wide. "Or was I? Oh, god, what if I hit my head and I don't remember?! I'd remember my best friend asking out a man!"
"Okay, don't panic, Robin, we'll call Hopper - " Steve started to say.
"You really don't remember?!" Eddie shrieked.
"No!" Robin and Steve yelled.
"Seriously, Robin, you were there, and you turned into a giant duck which, by the way, is rude because you know about my fear of ducks!" Eddie yelled.
"Oh, Eddie, goddamnit, was this a dream?" Steve asked.
"You know what? Now that I'm thinking about it, I think it might have been a dream," Eddie said.
"Okay, those looks you've been giving me make a lot more sense," Robin said. "Have you been living in fear of me randomly turning into a duck, like I'm some sort of. . .wereduck?"
"I don't know, your name's Robin, and we've all been through crazy shit. . .anything is possible," Eddie said.
"Aww, and you've hugged me even though you're scared of ducks," Robin cooed.
"Well, it's my fear, my responsibility. It's not your fault," Eddie said and then looked at her. "But you're not, though, right?"
"No, Eddie," she said softly and then affectionately, "You dingus."
"This whole time. . .," Eddie trailed off. "We haven't actually been dating. You never asked me out."
Eddie started to scramble off of the counter when Steve grabbed him and pulled him back.
"Let's fix that. . .Eddie Munson, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Steve asked.
"Fuck yeah, I do," Eddie grinned.
He grabbed the back of Steve’s head and crashed their lips together. Eddie sighed and leaned his forehead against Steve’s.
"No one better fucking wake me up," Eddie breathed and Steve laughed.
"Oh God! I think my nose is turning into a bill - quack, quack!"
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morganbritton132 · 1 year ago
Eddie, in the middle of a live-stream: Hey, Stevie. I was thinking about something you said the other day and I’ve got a question
Steve: …Oh-kay?
Eddie: The other day you said that your parents used to make you go to benefit dinners with the mayor, right? Mayor Kline?
Steve: Um, yeah? I think. They were donors. They campaigned for him.
Eddie: Uh-huh. That’s what I thought.
Eddie: So.
Eddie: Your parents helped fund you being drugged and tortured by Russians.
Steve, taking all this in: Huh.
Eddie: Huh, indeed.
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jellyfish-confetti · 1 year ago
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Redraw of a post I saw on twitter retweeted by @getlost0p 🎉🎉🎉 I love the lesbeens your honor
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/lostnadmiration/status/1736873974095651312?t=ETiWHXcnpMKw6dN6FzD30Q&s=19
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chronicowboy · 13 days ago
It's the fourth month of Eddie's absence when Buck stumbles across the video. It's nothing special, really. A five minute clip on YouTube cut from a bigger documentary. A woman and her dog. He doesn't even know what to expect when he hits play. It's just. He sees the title card:
A Dog Who Knew When His Owner Was Coming Home
Thinks about Blaze running to his family before he'd even seen them, probably caught the scent of home on the wind. And maybe he's been scrolling through no end of shelter websites and falling in love with every pair of big brown eyes staring up at him through the screen.
He's not getting a dog. Can't. Wouldn't be fair to it. He works too many hours. Would barely see it unless he managed to convince Bobby to let him bring it to work, but even then. And besides, it wouldn't be right to get a dog and leave it alone so much just so that Buck wouldn't have to feel so miserable about coming home to an empty house.
He's not getting a dog. But he can learn about them. Press his thumb into the bruise of Blaze's absence, so he isn't tempted to poke at the open wound of Eddie and Christopher's, that gaping chasm torn into his chest. The ugly incision from the base of his throat all the way down to his sternum from Christopher's departure, the cracked open ribcage from Eddie's, the hollow space where his heart should be with both of them out of reach.
He hits play on the video just to drown out those thoughts.
Bad idea. The dog on screen is a scruffy little terrier. Closer to Hoover than Blaze. And then Buck thinks about the little dog that made a big mess when Eddie and Christopher tried to leave the house. Thinks about Eddie shipping him off to Chimney's because nobody wants a bad dog.
A woman leaves her dog at her parents' house for work. Almost without fail, the dog goes to wait by the door roughly ten minutes before his owner returns home. Whether by her own car, a friend's, taxi, even train, bike or foot, the dog goes to wait by the window within ten minutes of her return. No routine to her return. A different time every day. But the dog knows. Sits in the entryway expectantly. Tail wagging furiously when the door swings open to reveal their owner.
An ache bursts to life behind Buck's sternum, something fierce and deep and unwieldy. He finds a peer reviewed paper attached in the video description. Reads the whole thing back to front. Sticks on number 5 of the "normal explanations" for the behaviour: going to the window more and more the longer his owner was absent.
Buck thinks he understands that little dog. Thinks about the night he went out for a drink a week or so after Eddie had left. Thinks about drinking entirely too much and stumbling home. Thinks about sitting with his back to the couch, eyes trained on the front door just in case. Thinks about waking up on the living room floor the next morning, hand stretched out towards the door. Reaching, reaching, always reaching. Always too late. Never enough.
Buck knows what it is to fear your best friend won't come back. So, he thinks he understands that little dog, sitting at the window and waiting. Wonders if maybe the dog didn't know anything at all, maybe he was just scared, maybe he thought if he wanted really, really hard, his owner would come home. Maybe it was hope that kept him chained to the front door. Hope. Devotion. Love.
When Buck closes his laptop, it's dark outside. Something prickles at the back of his neck. Figures it's just that unease of lost time. He gets up and heads to Eddie's—his— room. He's just about to climb into bed when he realises he forgot to lock the front door.
It's there, with his hand on the lock, that he hears it. The rumble of an engine. Almost imperceptible. Nothing out of the ordinary. But Buck waits. He waits and waits and waits. The rumble grows and grows and grows. And, yeah. Holy shit. That's a rumble he'd know anywhere. An engine Buck has stuck his hands into more than once. It grumbles and growls and shuts off all at once. Buck flings the door open, hope, devotion, love seizing in his chest.
Eddie clambers out of his truck.
"How'd you know we were here?"
I'd know you anywhere.
"Your fuckoff loud truck," he chokes out.
And Buck's not patient enough to wait to greet his best friend like that little dog.
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