#leonard clark
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noahhawthorneauthor · 11 months ago
A while back a good friend of mine sent me a Tumblr post which inspired my next book idea. Historical fiction and archaeology are two of my greatest loves, and this just pushed me over the edge.
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Fast forward to now. I've managed to get my hands on a copy of the book that inspired me, and many others, to find the gay along the way.
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Six pages in, and I'm not disappointed.
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nytephox · 9 months ago
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Oooooo the fandoms this could work on seem endless. 🤣
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forecast0ctopus · 8 months ago
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couple more recent comms!
my slots are full at the moment, but my commissions page is here
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starberry-cupcake · 6 months ago
that time spock's brain got stolen and jim went through every conceivable emotion trying to retrieve it and put it back
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he was forced to risk bones to save spock, so it got worse
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good news, jim got to keep both
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tiger-in-the-flightdeck · 20 days ago
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The Gala has begun, but where are all the kids? Will Bart get away with eating his own body weight in expensive snacks? Will Damian forgive this grave insult on one of his pets? And what could possibly go wrong when all the Bats, half of the Supers, and one very excited Speedster are all in one place at the same time?
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Welcome to the hell that is my brain. here is des harem.
One wants him dead, another wants him even deader, and the last has more than enough reason to want him super dead once he figures out the truth. Des is. so fucked.
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quix5gg · 9 months ago
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good for these two
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 1 month ago
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lastsonofeverywhere · 3 months ago
Clark teaching the TOS crew 21st century humor
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wisteria-lodge · 14 days ago
Hey there! I was wondering if you could help me with a writing quandary I'm coming up against currently? Do you know how to write a badger primary protagonist so that they're not.... kind of boring??
For a bit of background, I have a character in a story I'm writing who I've decided is a badger primary, but when I try to write about his moral reasoning, it all just comes out as flat stock phrases. I've never really known a healthy and kind badger primary (though I did grow up around a lot of authoritarian badgers who I was absolutely on the receiving end of dehumanization from - part of the reason I'm writing him as a badger is to challenge my own experiences there), so I'm falling back on the whole "Overly Ideal Hero" thing and it's just not working. When I try to add more complexity to this character's actions, he either ends up being a bird primary (like me) who has a very badger looking system or if I try to lean more heavily loyalist, he ends up being a snake primary (like my younger sister who's also my best friend) who has a broad definition of his people.
Basically, how do you write a badger primary who's not crying over puppies and kittens and doing the whole "why can't we just get along like in middle school?" speech from Mean Girls constantly, while also not having them veer into being a bird or snake? Thanks!
There can be a kind of fascinating sadness to a Badger primary. They draw their personal strength from their chosen community, even when they know their community is flawed - the same way a Snake sticks with their Person even when they're wrong and failable. Badgers are romantics, and Badgers are patriots. They are loyal to this almost spiritual core idea of what their county ought to be - and can sometimes bring the ideal and the reality closer together, through sheer willpower.
I had a fantastic time writing Elim Garak, a incredibly morally gray interrogator/spy from a sort of sci-fi West Berlin. The tragedy of him is that he believes the propaganda, so when he sees his country stray too far he defects, in order to save it from itself. But he never stops being a patriot, and a lot of his conflicts revolve around whether he is able to adopt a second community and/or forgive himself for potentially betraying his first.
Clark Kent is absolutely a puppies-and-kittens Badger primary, but what's wonderful about him is he still feels loyal to his original community (Krypton) - which he cannot be a part of because it no longer exists. He loves his adopted community (Earth) with all his heart, but because he is a Badger, he is so conscious of the fact that he is an outsider - and specifically an outsider with the potential to be a gigantic threat. So he is hyper, hyper aware of the power dynamics surrounding him at all times. It gives everything he does this weight, because he is just. so. careful. Spock is another torn-between-two-incompatible-communities Badger, which is always a good premise, and his sparring partner Dr. McCoy is a Badger... constantly running into situations where he can't save everyone. But he just keeps getting back up. (complaining the whole time, or course.) I'd put Mad-Eye Moody in that same category - just wrote a fun thing with him.
Draco Malfoy actually has a very loud Badger primary, in contrast to his Snake primary parents. He actually believes all that stuff about the continuity and importance of the Malfoy name, and it's not okay for Voldemort to undermine it even if Draco himself would personally benefit and get a lot of power out of the exchange. I do have a big huge fic about post-war Draco coming, and one thing I really enjoyed was the way Draco needs to adapt the tradition and family history that gives him so much power and stability - into something that can still exist in a post-Voldemort world.
Universal Badgers are great when they're interacting with something the majority of their world doesn't consider a person. I loved writing Eddie Brock because... of course the homeless lady is a person, and so is the security guard, and the cashier at the convenience store, and yep the black goo monster symbiote, he's a person too. So when Venom gloms onto his head, and learns how to relate to humanity through Eddie, that's the lesson he learns, and Eddie becomes Venom's equal partner.
Contrast him with the villain of the first Venom movie, the very Elon-Musk coded Carlton Drake. Drake's issue is that he fundamentally sees people as expendable, so when he gets his own symbiote... of course Riot learns that people are expendable. So Drake becomes merely a body that Riot controls. Which, in the end, is why they lose.
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108garys · 15 days ago
Pyromegan: Vice grip(1973)
A year out from the fire we pick up around a month after we left off in part 1
On top of what is listed in the previous part this will have, dissociation, implied PTSD(of an oc), attachment issues, controlling guardian, psychological abuse, complex grief, emotional outbursts(just assume that this is getting more painful as it goes on) 3000+ words
[January 14th/1973]
"Two days to a year ago, our community suffered an insurmountable loss..." Carson stood at the pulpit, preaching about enduring in the face of adversity, Megan had aged out of Sunday school and sat in the pews where he could see her, she sat up straight when he looks to her, when others look... As they always do with so much concern.
He talks about the burdens we all must carry and she knows from the look under his preacher's presence, that he's telling everyone without telling, that she is his... How charitable he is, how humbly he takes in such an unfortunate girl... She adjusts the ribbons in her braided hair that sits on either shoulder, doing her best to make sure she looks like she's listening, to make it look like she was flourishing under his care, as all the 'important' measures like grades and school disciplinary records would show... All the good things she actually cares about are inspite of him, her teachers seem to anticipate her taking that day off and he's only allowing it because he'd appear cruel otherwise. 
Megan hasn't been out to their graves since the funeral, the idea that they're all there waiting for to join them some day... She can't think about that, not without the fear that it wouldn't be worse than living under the Reverend's roof...
[January 16th/1973]
Megan returns home once again... The house is frozen, snow had blown through the holes in the wall and roof, the blackened floorboards damp, she goes up to her room in a winter coat two sizes too large and sits where her bed once was... She closes her eyes and listens, cold seeping into her, at this hour the sounds of the factory's machines fill the quiet, for years she had tuned it out like the persistent drip of a leaking faucet... Under it all the sound of people, they still quieten as they pass on the street a year later...
Broken glass and ice crunch underfoot as she makes her way back down stairs, the afternoon sun filters through boarded up windows... She brushes a gloved hand over a bare section of wall to be greeted by an old drawing, her and him, just as it is now, as it had been, as it didn't have to be... She crouches down to scoop up a charred piece of wood, feverishly scratching over the doll clutched in the picture, leaving an angry black cloud to her side, absence, she steps back, finding the change more accurate.
[Early February/1973]
Megan spends a lot of time after school in the treehouse with Kurt, Carson doesn't allow comics in the house so she reads in the treehouse... She hadn't spoken to him at school today so she let's herself in like she usually does, knocking on the closed window, Kurt helps her through with a broad smile. His walls covered in posters, small model planes on his shelves with his books and little stars on the ceiling, things a little more disorganised than usual. She smiles back to him before he happily declares, "Glenn's coming back next week." 
"Oh?" She takes a moment to process, he'd been gone since they were Jen's age and yeah he was always coming back from his time overseas one day, it just never felt so... Real. "I can't believe it," she says with a smile, "Grandpa says he'll be back in the country in a couple of days and then he's coming back home." 
She was happy for him, she was... She was just caught by surprise that Dennis wouldn't be there when his friend returns...
And then he did but not really, in the back of her mind Megan remembers Glenn, a blond teen with well combed hair, he always smiled, quick to laugh, slow to anger... Even when it felt more than justified, she remembers him most in contrast to Dennis, in the way he got under his grumpiness and lightened his mood, Glenn wasn't in Dennis's band but he was the type to cheer the loudest, he and Anthony used to trade baseball cards and briefly played on the highschool team together, that's how she remembers Glenn Mathis, but this quiet man with his hair shaved short is not really like that... Glenn looks like Glenn but tired and older, well older than he would have looked anyway... 
She saw him standing outside her home once, looking up at the burnt exterior of the house the way she does sometimes, passers by still avoid looking but he stands on the sidewalk in the lead up to the front door and while he didn't look to her when she stopped beside him she heard him quietly say. "It isn't right..." He shakes his head, "it- it's not fair... Nothing ever happens in Little Hope, it's not supposed to..." She looks away, tears building in her eyes, he stands like a cold statue... He puts his hand on her head, like she was a small child and then... He walks away.
Weeks pass and things get... Quiet, more scatterbrained, some days on the walk to school Jo and Kurt would talk quietly so Jen couldn't hear, Jen would ask Megan questions about Glenn, her memory of him before being practically non existent and her view built through stories... But Megan doesn't know why Glenn is like that.
Some days they've already passed by without her and in school Kurt is distracted by his brother's return and after school he is busy with the changes that comes with that... Megan tried to be patient, she was taught that it was a virtue and she knew everyone else was understanding with her last year and now it's her turn but... She feels like she's being left behind, like they walk a little further ahead of her day after day because they don't have to understand her now...
She really did try to wait for things to go back to the way they were, it's not like he stopped sitting with her, or stopped doing their work together but she needed to see him outside of school, to tell him... That she misses him?  She sees him most days, she wasn't sure how to say it but she had to say something so she went over there on a Friday night, hoping that it would be fixed by Monday morning, she climbs the tree but the lights are all off, she tries to knock on the window but gets no reply...
In her desperation she forced the window open, intending to wake Kurt up so he has to listen to her but, in her hurry she misjudged the distance-
Kurt sat bolt upright as she hit the floor with a loud thud, she tried to speak as she raises herself onto her smarting elbows but before she could Glenn practically kicks down the door with a baseball bat in hand, hitting the light Megan screams in shock at his even more dramatic entrance, Kurt jumps out of bed but doesn't do anything and Glenn freezes. A terrified look on his face as he registers the situation. Bat slipping from his hand to clatter against the floor as he steps back into the wall... Their grandparents rush in as Glenn slides down to the floor with his head in his hands, his grandfather kneels to check on him.
"What is the meaning of this?" Grandma Gladys demands in shock, she doesn't shout but Megan knows if she talks she'll cry, she knows that she's ruined everything. Megan gets to her feet, grasping her stinging arm, she doesn't speak as she voluntarily walks to the door, the old woman puts her hand firmly on her back, "What's wrong? Are you hurt... Megan?" She's asks, Megan shakes her head, not wanting to cause more trouble, as she's guided down stairs and to the front door, Jo stands in the hall, her look disapproving as Jen was scared awake by the commotion...
The ride back to Carson's house is short but the silence is extremely painful, no more questions were asked, no reassurance nor scaring her with how much trouble she'll inevitably be in, maybe she knows it won't reach her... Maybe she's just focused on getting it done.
Megan stares at her feet as Carson's front door is knocked on, waiting for an answer is torture, eventually the front door opens, the Reverend dishevelled from sleep, his expression quickly changing from confusion to that quiet anger. "Forgive me, Father, I don't know what's gotten into Megan but-" the woman pauses, as if searching for the right words, "She fell climbing through a second story window, thank the Lord she fell inside... Gave us all a terrible fright." her voice shows genuine fear at the alternative. "I know this has been a trying time for your household, Gladys, the last thing your family needs is to be woken in the middle of night by such misguided, childish antics," He speaks in a deceptively diplomatic tone, "I pray your house rests easy knowing that I will see this behaviour addressed appropriately." She didn't speak, not while they talked, and when it was just the two of them she braces herself for what's to come.
He looks at her sternly, not saying anything, radiating fury with his hand on her shoulder he marches her over to the couch, grabbing her face when she didn't look at him, he turns her head with a critical eye, before taking her wrist, turning her arm over to look at a nasty scratch on her forearm before dropping her arm, "Don't move." He says warningly, before leaving the room, she grabs her wrist xx. A few minutes later he came back with a few items from the medicine cabinet, sitting down to tend to her scratches, she bit back a pained hiss as he cleans and dresses them, not saying another word as he returns the first aid supplies to their place. She doesn't move an inch as he comes back to stand in front of her, arms crossed, rage simmering beneath the surface. "What's wrong with you?"
"I don't know." She says in a small voice, she never found the words she needed to explain before and they weren't coming now. "You don't know? For the love of- what do you mean 'you don't know'?" She shrugs not looking at him, her body more pained from the tension in her muscles than from falling, he scoffs derisively. "Don't give me that," his tone unexpectedly restrained, cold, "You could have fallen to your death, do you despise living under my roof that much?" She doesn't answer, he kneels in front of her to make her look him in the eye. "You would have half as much as I give you shared between dozens of less fortunate children in an orphanage, is that what you want?"
"No." She says reluctantly, wrapping her arms around herself. "You weren't behaving like this before that Kurt boy," he says the name with the disdain of a curse, putting his hands on her upper arms, "Sneaking out in the middle of the night? Breaking and entering? What else would you do at that boy's behest?" Megan opens her mouth to explain that it wasn't Kurt's fault but a sob breaks from her, Carson sighs heavily standing up. "You aren't leaving this house until I feel you've regained my trust." She looks up at him with tearful eyes, she's so tired... So she nods, just so she can go to her room. He takes her hands and pulls her to her feet, marching her up to her room, at the door he turns her to him, wiping a tear from her face in a way that made her feel small. "You know that I have your best interests at heart, don't you?" She nods not believing it, more tears falling from her eyes. "Good, now get to bed."
As he shuts the door after himself she falls exhausted onto her bed, passing quickly into a dreamless sleep...
She doesn't leave the house except for church until Monday, she walks to school alone, she doesn't try to talk to Kurt until the end of the day. "Kurt, I need to talk to you." He stands outside the classroom, what does she say, how does she fix it? "Why did you do that? I had to explain that it never happened before and-"
"I'm sorry, you just... You were leaving me behind." She tries to explain, he stares in disbelief, like it hadn't even occurred to him... "No? No I didn't, Megan just because you can't understand what it's like for someone to come back-" a look of shame washes over him immediately, she feels like she's drenched in ice, "No! No it's not like that, that's not what I mean!" He steps forward but she steps back. Feeling more pain than the shame of her actions, she can't be near him so she runs away from him, back to the house before she catches further grief...
...the house is empty when she walks through the door. She can't make this cold leave her so she lights the fireplace. Starring into the flame's inviting warmth as even her feelings turned to ice.
She keeps her head down, doing what she was supposed to do... a hollow feeling inside, Kurt tried to talk to her a few times but she is numb... School, Church, homework, prayer, study, eat, sleep, she remains cold... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, repeat. Glenn goes with the kids on the way to school to have something to do, weeks to months, the snow goes away and the flowers come back... Carson teaches her things she shouldn't know, warning signs and symbols and words... Repeated and memorised, she has to know, to see what dangers are out there... He pulls back from teaching others to focus on her, until she's well behaved, until she's able to be trusted...
...sometimes she burns things from around the house, nothing that would be noticed or missed, dated papers, old photos from dusty albums, the news, but she remains cold, unable to feel the warmth...
Carson seems to prefer her dead inside, she's better behaved, less of a problem, he actually seems to like her this way, an empty vessel is easier to fill... but her teachers are concerned about her and in turn they talk to him, trying to fix it... 
She is still not doing it right.
[June 16th/1973]
Megan's 13th birthday was... Different. Carson gifted her a new doll, actually new, he must be happy with her to do that, she looks down at it apathetically, feeling so old since she had a normal doll and older since she got a new one, the type that closes it's eyes when it's layed down. He sits across the table from her with that plastic smile, waiting... She smiles like it had moved her, "Thank you, I love it... a lot." Her expression of gratitude pleases him as he gets up from his chair and walks over to her, opening his arms for a hug... It's too late to act like that type of gaurdian, a year a half too late, but she gets up without complaint... Holding the doll to avoid returning the gesture. The smile falls from her face the second he couldn't see it, his hand on her head, the doll has pigtails too, a hand on her shoulder, the phone rings and she puts her happy face back on as she looks up and he steps away. He answers and she leaves the doll in her room before going outside... If she feels again she will fall apart, but there under a thick layer of ice, she burns with bottled up emotion, boiling from the inside out.
[Late summer/1973]
Around town people are afraid, adults can only keep things to themselves for so long. She hears that the factory will stop running soon and a lot of people will go away...
Back then Dad had been so worried that it would go like this, she remembers hearing him talk about it, that it was real serious... What would he do now? She has no answers and could not ask... She has not visited in too long...
Megan goes to the Little Hope cemetery for the first time of her own volition... It was still, everything slept, even the trees were tired... She stays quiet as she walks through, trying to remember where they were and then she sees them. Fresh, bright flowers with shiny new leaves at each and every one, clean and well cared for... 
For some reason she feels a sharpness through her chest... She knows flowers don't last, she knows that they were still loved and cared for... But why not her?
Guilt drove her home, she returns as she always does, feeling everything, everything! She runs up stairs through the hall, eyes burning with months of unshed tears, she falls to her knees... Sobbing, rage, grief, remorse, hurt, all mixed together and confused she screams. How could she not? What is wrong with her? She draws her knees into her chest as it all empties out and she is quiet again...
"You still come here?" She doesn't look up as she hears Kurt, she hears him walk up the stairs towards her, "Is it okay if I...?" He stops, not finishing the question, sitting with her in the ash and dirt, coming to her the way he had before... She had hurt him too, when she became cold to bury her own hurt. The distant sound of the factory is prominent in the silent house... Soon will vanish from little hope forever.
"Can we be friends again?" He asks as she finally looks at him, can they? "Yes." She answers, for all the other things she cannot say, he gets to his feet again, helping her up and hugging her. She hugs him back... she will never run from him again.
After summer a few kids unceremoniously disappear from school, having moved away after the factory shut down. Megan holds tightly to her one friend, Kurt makes the decision to walk to school her way, just the two of them. They stick closer together in school but only play in secret... She's been deemed 'trustworthy' and doesn't like the idea of adults messing it up for them... He doesn't really understand and she can't really explain it outside of Carson's general strictness but he agrees. As the town shrinks around them she think she could make this work... Maybe she could even be happy.
@kassiekole22 @delurkr @ctrvpani @conra @kindheartedgummybears @blubary @scootingscooterr @tinynightmarewoman @legenspeople @aydeenchan @mybrainrotforreal @eframschweigersskincells
Anyone who wishes to be added to the tag list can say so, but yeah it do be hard for her but rest assured I am including things based on how it contributes to her future psyche(it will get worse)
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gatutor · 6 months ago
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Greta Garbo-Clark Gable "Susan Lenox" 1931, de Robert Z. Leonard.
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vz2311 · 20 days ago
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FLASH REBIRTH #53 parte 3
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 11 months ago
We're All In This Together-Chapter 6
Fandom: Supergirl, Batman, Superman, The Flash
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Leonard Snart, Mxyzptlk, John Stewart, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen
Summary: Kara, Clark, and Barry are taken off guard by a request by the imp Mxyzptlk: watch over and protect the children of their alternate selves from a different Earth. Will our heroes rise to the occasion?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
It took four minutes for Clark to get from Metropolis to Gotham. Considering how early it was, he landed at the front door instead of going through the cave. He knocked at the door and waited several minutes until Alfred answered. 
Alfred smiled and said, “Master Clark. It is nice to see you this morning. Will you be joining us for breakfast?”
Clark chuckled and said, “I have already had breakfast this morning but thanks for asking. I just came by to ask Bruce something is all.”
Alfred hurriedly ushered Clark in and said, “He is eating with the kids in the dining room.”
Clark rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and said, “I can wait in the foyer until they are finished eating.”
Alfred scoffed and said, “You will do no such thing. There is plenty of room at the table. We also have more than enough to eat. I know you have already eaten, but I do have some of that raspberry lemonade and strawberry muffins that you like.”
Clark smiled. The raspberry lemonade and the muffins were some of Clark’s favorite treats. 
Clark chuckled and said, “I guess I could have one muffin.”
Alfred smiled and said, “Perfect!”
He ushered Clark to follow them to the dining room. As he edged toward the dining room, his super hearing picked up part of the conversation being held. 
Tim sighed and said, “Are you sure you don’t have any business at WE this morning?”
Bruce sighed and said, “For the last time, I have today off.”
“Then why would anyone come this early in the morning unannounced?” asked Tim. 
Clark winced at that. It was 7:00 am. He had debated whether it was too early to come or not.
Maybe, I should have waited an hour.
Dick sighed and said, “It is probably someone from the League wanting him to look into something.
“Crisis event?” asked Cassandra. 
Damian scoffed and said, “If it is the League, I want to come instead of going to the idiotic event planned for today.”
Tim asked sarcastically, “You mean the county fair?”
Damian scoffed and said, “Of course, I mean the fair. Why would I want to play second-rate games and watch people stuff themselves with unhealthy food.”
Dick chuckled and said, “You know there is more to it than that.”
Jason snickered and said, “Don’t even bother, Dickiebird. Demon brat wouldn’t know fun if it bit him in the ass.”
Damian growled and said, “Take that back Todd!”
Bruce sighed and said, “Jason don’t mock your brother, and Damian, for the love of God, put down the knife. You can’t attack everyone that vexes you.”
Damian muttered and said, “But he started it.”
Jason laughed and said, “Old man, just admit you forgot your promise to take us to the fair. I won’t get mad about coming here this early. Alfie’s breakfasts are definitely worth all the trouble.”
Bruce sighed and said, “Why do you guys have that much little faith in me? I told you multiple times that I took today off  from WE and told the League not to contact me unless there is the end of the world scenario happening.”
Alfred smirked and said, “I always enjoy your visits, Master Clark. They make things so much livelier around here.”
Clark laughed nervously to himself. He wasn’t sure if Alfred was being genuine about that or sarcastic. Clark shook his head. 
Probably sarcastic. 
As Clark entered the dining room, Cassandra saw him first and smiled. 
Cassandra pointed and said, “It’s Clark.”
All eyes suddenly zoomed in on Clark. Dick, Jason, and Tim had smirks on their faces. Damian was scowling. However, that wasn’t anything new. He would be surprised to see a smile on that kid’s face. He looked over at Bruce and nearly melted. He looked so handsome in his red sweater and brown slacks. Bruce was staring at Clark with a soft smile. It wasn’t that often that Bruce smiled and Clark always appreciated whenever he got to see one in person. 
Dick chuckled and said, “I told you it was League business. What is it this time? Is it another invasion or did the supervillains team up again?”
Jason sighed and said, “I hope not. That last crisis we had was a pain in the butt.”
Clark chuckled and as he went and took a seat by Dick and said, “It is nothing like that. I just had something I wanted to discuss with Bruce is all.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow as Alfred placed strawberry muffins and lemonade in front of Clark.
Clark smiled and said, “Thank you, Alfred.”
Alfred smiled and said, “No problem, Master Clark.”
Bruce looked at Clark intently and asked, “Did you want to go down to the cave to talk?”
Clark chuckled sheepishly and said, “It is nothing serious like that. I just have some news to share is all.”
Bruce looked at him curiously and asked, “Oh, what is it?”
Clark coughed while rubbing the back of his neck and said, “I have a child now.”
Everyone went silent. Clark felt like he could hear a pin drop. When he looked back up, he noticed that everyone was looking at him with curiosity.
Before Clark said anything, Bruce smirked and said, “I have two questions for you.”
Clark looked at him surprised and said, “Um, yeah sure.”
“Does this have anything to do with Mxy and does Barry have Kara have children too?”
Clark narrowed his eyes and asked, “You knew, didn’t you? You didn’t bug my apartment again?”
Read the rest on AO3
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nathalieskinoblog · 3 months ago
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tiger-in-the-flightdeck · 2 years ago
I was talking about this with a friend the other day, but I've decided to incorporate it into my view of canon.
If a character is queer in one canon, to me, they are in every version.
Leonard Snart is queer in Arrowverse? Congratulations, he is in the comics too now. Dick Grayson is bi in the Gotham Knights franchise? He is everywhere else now. Kal and Lex are gay on Earth 32? Beetle and Booster are in TTG? Bart Allen is on YJ? Guess what! They are everywhere now.
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