#leo tarot april 2024
astrosolutions · 6 months
Leo Horoscope April 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope Predictions
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Leo Horoscope April 2024: Leo natives will have to take special care of their career, business and health in April. Because in these three cases the most suffering will increase. On the other hand, there will be expenses in financial life, but with that sudden wealth gain is possible, which will give relief to Leos. Apart from this, know how the month of April for Leos is for personal life.
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astrologiaxo · 6 months
✨🌕 What Do You Need To Know About Your Relationships For This Eclipse Season?! - ALL SIGNS 🌕✨
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alyjojo · 6 months
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Thinking of You - April ✂️ 2024 - Leo
Whole of their energy towards Leo: King of Wands
Feelings: The Empress rev
Intentions: 2 Pentacles
Actions: 10 Cups
The Empress rev is out, Emperor on the bottom, if you weren’t married to this person already, you could have a kid together, you could be their kid, or it was a relationship that was close enough to head in that direction…someone thought anyway. Some kind of ex is most likely, or you’re both together and straddling the line of never picking up the phone again, good riddance. Well, they’re thinking of you, nostalgically, everything you two have been through together - which usually means missing you. This could be someone who is normally very controlled with their emotions, they’re not the vulnerable type, but you’ve got them in their feelings. In their feelings…they wanted you to chase them? Make a loving gesture, DO something, but Ace of Pentacles - something long lasting and real. The emotions are genuine with this person, but they haven’t seen any growth with this relationship or you, one or both of you are single and they’re like “is this person ever going to ask me?” If they’re your person then being single is the last thing they want, but you’ve done nothing to make them think otherwise.
They go back and forth on what to do, mostly due to pride I think. If you’re happy alone maybe they should just leave you be, but they’re don’t want to. But do they have what it takes to make it work, do you want them still, etc. In action they’re coming back “home” to you, the family, the friend group, etc. This person feels a deep commitment to you, married or not, and they want you more than anything else - they’ll show you.
Their side:
- LOUD 📢
- Please give me another chance.
Your side:
- P0rnstar 🌟
- I’m NOT that person anymore 💯
Show up and throw it down 🪓
Luck 🍀
Jackpot - Fortune - Reward
Accident 🤕
Danger - Caution - Injury
Possible signs:
Leo, Taurus, Pisces & Virgo
If you’re dealing with:
The Emperor can show coworkers you have to exude a certain behavior with, could be relating to police/military for someone, or needing to take a stand and set clear boundaries with your people - could also be people you know through/with this person, and you’re having no problem putting anyone in their place for crossing a line.
Aries - regrets being sneaky, lying, and keeping things in the dark - now that you’ve told them exactly where they can put it
Taurus - emotionally detached coworker that probably has the answers to everything
Gemini - holds back from you/their family/both and no one knows what their problem is
Cancer - one of you feels genuine emotion but holds back because they feel manipulated or that the love isn’t truly reciprocated
Leo - super chill friend you love talking to
Virgo - needs a break, handling everything alone
Libra - could be pregnant or is actively trying, if not then beauty or growth is the goal, could also be your own mom doing something nice for herself for once
Scorpio - would love to verbally bite your head off but is moving on in silence instead
Sagittarius - one of you needs perspective on why the other one can’t be bothered to put in some effort, like what is the problem?
Capricorn - has absolutely crushed your soul before and they’re coming right back 😬
Aquarius - done with this because they’re moving on to someone else, or that’s the goal
Pisces - getting married, engaged, or willing to, doing something special together as a couple.
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rainerioun · 2 months
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— Hi! Apologies for being a bit inactive lately. Been tied up with stuff, but I'm back with a reading for you all! Today, we'll delve into what your future partner could look like. Remember, just take whatever resonates with you. This reading is more so about what sticks out to you when reading.
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Virgo.
Your future partner likely has an oval face shape with a more narrow jawline and chin, contrasted by prominent cheekbones. They're likely to have a slender physique, though proportionate in any case.
Tarot. — Six of Swords.
They give off a moody or unassuming vibe, seeming as though they don't express much. Yet, they're quite proactive in changing their appearance, whether it's their style, hair, or even their athleticism. However, they'll always maintain that aloof, 'leave me out of it' demeanor.
Additional. Hermit — Light : Seeks solitude to focus intently on inner life. Serves personal creativity. Shadow : Withdraws from society out of fear or negative judgements of others. Refusing to help those in need.  Pioneer — Light : Passion for doing and creating what has not been done before. Shadow : Compulsive need to keep moving on.
As I mentioned earlier, they are constantly undergoing physical changes in some way. They have an introverted and withdrawn aura. They could let their hair grow out and become a bit scruffy before impulsively cutting it off. They maintain a rather deadpan expression when simply existing in their own world. The image of Edward Cullen specifically came to mind when pulling the cards.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. High Cheekbones, Heart Shaped Face, Pale Skin, Brown Eyes, Curly Hair, Cat Beauty, Honey Eyes, Thin Eyebrows.
Yes, very vampire allure-esque indeed. Their eyes could appear normally brown but take on a honey-like glow under certain lighting. Their eyes are quite striking, considering they have feline type features. Although hair color didn't come up during the reading, I pictured them with dark hair that complements their skin tone.
Apocalypse : Cigarettes After Sex.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Leo.
Of course, they possesses striking hair like a lion's mane—thick, unruly, perhaps even a bit frizzy, something that immediately catches one's eye, possibly long in length. Their eyes are equally intense, matching their strong jawline. They exude a fierce appearance that naturally draws attention, whether they seek it or not.
Tarot. — Four of Wands [Reversed].
Your future spouse might have a more mature-looking face compared to yours or for their age. They appear quite stressed, with heavy eyes and noticeable wrinkles, particularly around their eyes, such as crow's feet and frown lines.
This aspect also reflects in their demeanor. They might carry an air of disappointment, even if they don't necessarily feel that way—it's just a testament to what they've been through. They tend to go for neutrals in their clothing choices, not leaning towards vibrant styles. Despite appearing restless, they naturally possess an attractive charm.
Additional. Mystic — Light : Revels in intimate union with the Divine. Shadow : Delusional rapport with the Divine. 
They have a divine look to their appearance, regardless of their modest and simple attire or styling. There's a hint of mystique about them, but I feel it leans more towards a deity-like appearance rather than a witchy vibe. I imagine your future partner resembling a god/goddess, genuinely embodying timeless beauty.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Below Average Height, Legs, Medium-Length Hair, Prominent Mouth, Broad Nose, Copper hair, Medium Skin.
Your future spouse has a complexion you'd deem as medium-toned. When it comes to their hair, I envision it falling somewhere between medium to long length. Though a single color came out, you could interpret it as having hints of orange or red tones instead. Their mouth is defined by sharp, pointed features, while their nose possesses a broad, perhaps even slightly downturned shape.
Bernadette : IAMX. | Lucky Drive : Sarah Kinsley. | Who Is She? : I Monster. [ I think these songs perfectly describe their vibe. ]
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Aries.
Your future spouse has distinct/sharp, broad features with thick eyebrows framing their face. Freckles, beauty marks, or subtle scars might adorn their face, too. Their shoulders are broad and sturdy. They could be tinged with red in some way. It could be in their complexion with rosy cheeks, hair, eyes, or they just wear a lot of red. Despite a muscular build, they still have curves, whether it's slim hips and wider thighs or a smaller waist and broader hips.
Tarot. — Three of Wands [Reversed].
It seems they may have a serious RBF, often appearing quite frustrated or impatient. There's a strong and confident demeanor about them. When envisioning their build or expression, I see Rhea Ripley 100%.
Additional. Hero/Heroine — Light : Passion for a journey of personal empowerment. Shadow : Escapism and a false sense of heroism. 
When we typically imagine heroes, we picture them as polished and composed. However, behind the curtain, they bear the marks of their struggles, with visible signs of stress etched into their body. Your future partner will be this way. Peel back their layers, and you'll uncover scars, calluses, and an overall roughness.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Gray Eyes, Hawk Nose, Thick Nose, Scars, Thighs, Neutral Tone, Square Shaped Face, Hands.
What did I say about scars? It popped up three times at this point. Their skin tone has a neutral undertone, not warm or cool. Their nose is large and hooked. And those gray eyes? Unwavering. You could simply like their thighs and hands specifically, or there's something significant about them.
Hey Sexy Lady : Shaggy. | Blood Sweat & Tears : BTS.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Pisces.
Your future spouse has round, soft lips, with dewy skin and eyes shining with tenderness. They have a dreamy aura, perhaps lost in thought at times. Their hair may tend towards the finer side. I envision them as 'dainty' and clumsy.
Tarot. — Four of Wands [Reversed]. | The Star.
The Star card suits them perfectly. They radiate both warmth and serenity, their presence quite calming. This reflects in their appearance, with a lively step and a clear sense of purpose in all they do. They have a whimsical charm, very cute!
Additional. Child : Orphan — Light : Independence based on learning to go at it alone. Conquering fear of surviving. Shadow : Feelings of abandonment that stifle maturation. Seeking inappropriate surrogate families.
In terms of aesthetic, your future spouse has a more colorful style. They appear youthful without seeming childish, dressing without fear and staying true to themselves, free from judgment.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Alternative, Sparse Eyebrows, Long Eyelashes, Waist, Slim, Small Eyes, Green Eyes, Bald, Masculine.
This aligns with what I was getting at. They definitely have an alternative style. Although the energy initially felt 'feminine,' masculine came out. So, I believe this person is deeply connected to both aspects. They might also identify as queer. And while they could actually be bald, I heard in it a joking tone, given their naturally thin hair.
The Shining : The Neighbourhood. | Confidence : Ocean Alley.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Capricorn.
Your future spouse is somewhat lanky but has hidden strength, almost described as lithe. They carry an almost stern and steady gaze, radiating seriousness and maturity. Their bone structure is striking, too. Unlike typical Capricorns, they move with a deliberate slowness, calculated in their actions. They are an alluring person. — I forgot to add that they have nice teeth!
Tarot. — Knight of Pentacles [Reversed].
I picture your future spouse as having a disheveled and unkempt appearance, but in a somehow intentional and controllable manner—it's a bit hard to put into words. Think of someone like Hozier in terms of what I mean. They might give off a slightly lazy energy, dressing in loose-fitting clothes. I don't think they enjoy changing their appearance much and prefer to stick to the same style. I imagine they lean towards neutral or dark colors, something easy on the eyes.
Additional. Messiah — Light : Serving humanity with humility. Shadow : Exaggerated belief that you are the only means through which a cause can succeed. 
This person is confident, fully aware of their own charm. I envision them with darker skin and dark hair. If you're attracted to men, I imagine them having some form of facial hair, perhaps a beard.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Eye Bags, Light Freckles, Prominent Nose, Full Lips, Short Hair, Dark Skin, Olive Skin, Monotone Voice, Puppy-Dog Eyes, Brown Hair.
I think your future spouse aims for that bad boy vibe but doesn't quite nail it. They naturally give off that vibe, but they try a bit too hard to make it obvious. Perhaps they have freckles that become more visible in the summer or are barely noticeable. They aren't very expressive with their voice, but their eyes more than compensate for it, being a bit pouty, too. As for their hair, while I initially pictured it as long, it likely varies based on personal preference since short hair came out. Generally, they have a darker appearance overall.
Beautiful Is Boring : BONES UK. | Judas : Lady Gaga. | Too Sweet : Hozier.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Sagittarius.
Your future spouse has a wider face and a welcoming, cheerful demeanor. I see them with a cute button nose, sparkling eyes, and a pretty smile. They are bubbly and curious, with chubby cheeks and a curvier frame. Their expression reminds me of Armin Arlert. AHHH, I LOVE ARMIN! I HAD TO BRING HIM UP. T-T
Tarot. — Ace of swords [Reversed].
This person tends to get easily distracted, often appearing spaced out. Their appearance mirrors their emotions, reflecting whatever they're feeling that day. They're not one to settle on a particular style, constantly changing their look.
Additional. Shape-Shifter — Light : Skill at navigating through different levels of consciousness. Ability to see the potential in everything. Shadow : Projecting any image that serves your personal agenda in the moment. 
Yeah, they seem like a real shape-shifter. Always evolving, whether it's their physical appearance or their mindset. One day they might be all about frills and pastels, and the next they're wearing dark, sleek attire.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Hazel Eyes, Button Nose, Tattoos, Neutral Tone, Fingers, Freckles, Hips, Round Shaped Face, Slim Nose.
It's kind of spooky how tarot readings can be so consistently on point with their messages. Hazel eyes were mentioned, but even if not, they have lighter eyes. They might have tattoos, but I'm not sure of what. You might find yourself drawn to their fingers or hips. I envision them as more heavy-set.
Primadonna : MARINA. | Paris, Texas : Lana Del Rey. | Black Friday : Tom Odell.
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Left: Pile 1; Right: Pile 2
🪈 Take what resonates and leave the rest
🪈 Disclaimer in highlight applies here
🪈 Thank you for letting me read for you, it has been a pleasure
🪈Personal readings are paid only.
🪈No one is allowed to copy my work under any circumstances.
Pile 1: Some of you could be Shiv bhakts, you need to see that worshipping and paying respects to shiv family is equally important, in your case Nandi Ji, learning the value of patience especially in October, not backing down from opposition, showing strength and fortitude ahead all while being patient and calm. You are not rushing the process, you are going along with it how ever long it might be because you have single-minded focus. That’s the attitude you need to adopt. That is the attitude you already have but cannot see. Someone new is entering your life, possibly a man it could be an exciting event for you, you may have been waiting for this for a long time, for some this is a mentor and a critic who will help you get better in your craft. A sincere wish is being granted. Often the mistake we make is being too rigid with our manifestations, if you look closely your wish is being fulfilled maybe in a different way, but you get what you wished for. You could meet the new person at a party or during tea time in someone else’s house, for some of you it is marriage. You might get married to your perfect partner who could be different from the one you are fixated on right now, it’s a general reading so take what resonates. You could be sensitive to criticism, and it is saying you should learn to accept valid criticism. You are being told to beware of greed, it could also lead to parting ways either in business or relationships.If someone tries to make you do anything against your wish, speak up, you are being reassured that you will be taken care of during difficult times. A meeting with a stranger could be important, it could be related to money or property. USE YOUR INTUITION TO MAKE BENEFICIAL CHANGES. Comment ‘111’ to claim this.  🌙DM for personalised tarot readings🌙
Pile 2: You are the ones who check things multiple times, you do not believe anything till you are 110% sure. If you are planning  something or making a decision that involves APRIl of 2023 or 2024, use your intuition and psychic abilities, make a decision based on that. Let yourself relax completely and let the answer come to you. YOU CANNOT SEE THIS RIGHT NOW BUT THERE IS Increase IN MATERIAL WEALTH AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH for you. It is making way, working in the background, you’ll see results soon, again April is significant. You will be shown the way in matters related to decisions, if it’s someone else trying to make you do something that is against your will, you will be shown the way too. This message was in pile 1 as well. Way to go, pile 2! You have an abundance of good news and spiritual love coming in. Some of you could be Krishna Bhakts or have a craving to live in Vrindavan near to Radhe Krishna, wish will be fulfilled, you will be called to take a trip at least. There might be sorrow and discomfort with a relative especially a younger man in your family. There is shown victory in some endeavor you are planning to undertake especially if it is something you have worked hard on so it can take off. In business do not be emotional, be resourceful and shrewd , you might experience some sadness and nostalgia  over letting something go. For business and career or personal growth I am seeing progress. If you are ever in trouble or someone is accusing you of something, do not speak in anger, control it or you will be sorry. It is time to act like a lion. Some of you could have placements in Leo or it could be your rising. HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING IS COMING EVEN THOUGH IT DOES NOT SEEM LIKE IT, even if there is dullness right now, joy and happiness are making their way to you.  Comment ‘222’ to claim this.  🌙DM for personalised tarot readings🌙
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8thhousepriestess · 6 months
[ April • 8th • 2024 ] PT. 1
🌘 ✨ Total Solar Eclipse in Aries ♈️
[ Astrological forecast for all 12 zodiac signs ]
💫 Read for your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign. Rising sign will be the most accurate overall.
Eclipses are like “New or Full Moons on steroids.” They’re wild, unpredictable, and often bring necessary shifts. So, go with the flow, even if it feels unprepared. After the cosmic dust settles, you’ll realize the changes were long overdue and perhaps for the best! Its energies can be felt a month leading up to the eclipse, directly on eclipse date and the energies last for about 6 months afterwards.
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🌘 Aries Sun, Moon or Rising…
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🌖 Taurus Sun, Moon or Rising…
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🌔 Gemini Sun, Moon or Rising…
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🌒 Cancer Sun, Moon or Rising…
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🌘 Leo Sun, Moon or Rising…
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🌖 Virgo Sun, Moon or Rising…
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🌔 Libra Sun, Moon or Rising…
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🩶 Find me on Instagram @8thhousepriestess for witchy / boho inspired wire wrapped Crystal gem jewelry & oddities, Tarot & Astrology insights!
For my other platforms and socials check out my Linktree
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semajzion · 4 months
June 6, 2024 there will be a New Moon in Sidereal Taurus and we’re planting seeds to belong. Jupiter, The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus will all be in Sidereal Taurus during this lunation. Venus took the stage May 1st with Jupiters ingress into Taurus after being in Mars ruled Sidereal Aries since April 21,2023. Venus reminds Mars that its work of self delinatation, separation, and differentiation is rewarded by finding the people who deeply align with you. Venus thanks Mars for reminding it what it's like to live without the necessity of a mask, and crippling self correction, that sacrificing a space where you’re approved of, accepted and seen as beautiful as you experience yourself is to cut yourself off at the knees.
This New Moon and stellium in Sidereal Taurus introduces us to the people we have the opportunity to meet and break bread with if we make space for them. What relationships, things you own, identify with, weigh you down, and make you feel estranged from belonging in your body? It takes just as much courage to belong as it takes to cut yourself off.
Below are horoscopes for each Sidereal Rising and Moon Sign. You can also apply this to your sidereal Sun Sign or any stellium (3 or more planets in one sign).
Taurus Rising and Moon
How are you seeking self approval by playing and being curious with your appearance, gender or sexuality? How have you been gaslit out of embodying your own attraction to yourself?
What labels and roles have you been made to conform to (Boy, girl, gay, straight, lesbian, mother, employee) and which roles do you feel comfortable and empowered taking on?
What cultural traditions and rituals do you find yourself eager and responsible to uphold? How does your connection to your appearance keep you grounded in a sense of self.
Gemini Rising and Moon
Seek acceptance, friendship and companionship from strangers and people you don’t know. This is a time where you could feel estranged from groups of people you have commonalities with. You can deal with this estrangement by making a concerted effort to interact with new people.
How can you embody the knowledge of your lineage and identity? What about your race, gender, sexuality etc are you learning to trust expressing?
How has being estranged from people who share identities with you (black, queer, disabled) influenced your beliefs around your right to belonging (in those identities)
Cancer Rising and Moon
Seek the approval of your audience, fans, benefactors and friends. Right now the people who want to help you can assist with the resistance you feel toward taking action toward materializing your career goals.
Who do you believe your art and creativity is directed toward? Who is your audience and who/what do you create for?
Pay attention to the conflicts bosses/superiors/your mother or parents impose on you, use who regulates or dysregulates you as a metric of who belongs and who doesn't.
Leo Rising and Moon
How does conforming to the expectations of your bosses, managers and mother allow you to gain more dignity and self respect than going against the grain? Does proving people wrong about who you are feel better than belonging ?
The shame of being perceived as incapable or weak can drive you to fein a facade of impenetrable confidence, being vulnerable about what you cannot handle/afford allow others to decide when and how they can help you.
Where are you being validated for your appearance, identity and art in public? Does the way your mother/parents perceive your beauty influence what you see to be beautiful about yourself? What about you did they perceive as ugly? How does that shape your own internal neglect?
Virgo Rising and Moon
Start approving of yourself and letting others validate your precision and knowledge of oracles like tarot and astrology. What customs, and cultural rituals are appealing to you that you're curious about? Build a ritual that pulls on the evidence, research and divinations you’ve acquired recently.
Now is a good time to start thinking about any certifications, classes or courses you want to be a part of. This will allow you to surround yourself with your communities of people who want to learn the same topics and share mutual interest. How do you get tangible evidence for what you've studied and what you believe in?
Make sure you and your identity is reflected in the work you do and what you create. Now you could be disassociating your sense of self from your workplace or career path to pursue learning something you're more passionate about.
Libra Rising and Moon
Your relationship to indulgence, sex and pleasure can jeopardize your autonomy by leaving you dependent on others to meet needs you could meet yourself. How does dependency keep you indifferent to your own autonomy and ability to sever? What beliefs around your own dependency keep you from identifying with your own autonomy?
Allowing your partner(s) to practice their own autonomy gives room for you to see how many other relationships you have. Witness how interconnected you are to your family, friends– allow this to let people embody their differences and show you how it's done.
Now maybe a time where you want to take out a loan, get a credit card, apply for grants to help you bridge the gap of what you have and what you need. Be realistic about your savings goals and pragmatic about meeting them to avoid falling into debt.
Scorpio Rising and Moon
Leaning into your differences will empower you when you are in conflict and when attracting professional and romantic relationships. You may feel challenged to leave or abandon a job or daily obligation even though belonging is beneficial.
Who do you have to be to gain access to contracts, leases and professional alliances? How is this person in conflict with who you are? You may be looking for new roommates or partners. Question your attraction and why you find qualities attractive in others. Are these qualities suppressed within yourself?
Make sure you’re getting any symptoms your body is feeling checked out by a professional. What daily habits and routines will support your health and autonomy?
Sagittarius Rising and Moon
Curate a routine and practice around adornment and dressing in ways that make you feel at home in your body. Put intention into some items you care about that you can wear for multiple purposes like protection, road opening and clarity etc.
You and your coworkers could be finding commonalities in the shared identity of employee and other shared beliefs around the work(place). Y’all could be unionizing or being made to conceal the truth of your intentions from your boss
How have you been made to conceal or mask your diagnosis or other disabilities at work and to your close family? If you have a disability that is not visible make it an effort to make accommodations for you to get obligations met. You have the right to identify creatively with your work.
Capricorn Rising and Moon
How are you using your body as a tool to be creative and have fun? Define some creative practices like yoga, stretching, or adornment that allow you to regulate and gain control of yourself.
Who do you have to be to meet the demands of children, or other things you’re making? Does identifying with the language of parent, author, poet, singer, actor etc help or hinder your own perception of your art, offsprings?
What action needs to be taken inside/around your home? You could be looking to move or put more effort into making your home feels safe to inhabit and be in. Who/what is allowed in and who isn't? What boundaries need to be implemented around who belongs where you live
Aquarius Rising and Moon
Focus on identifying with your home (the aesthetics of it, where it's located and the people who live in your neighborhood) and where you're from. How do you see yourself reflected in your home and living space?
Being abandoned or estranged from your families cultural values & personal spiritual practices leaves you vulnerable to being invisible to yourself and how you're perceived by others, who are you to the people you come from? What role do you occupy in your lineage?
What beliefs about your identity (race, gender, sexuality) did you have to mask in your home in order to be approved of?
Pisces Rising and Moon
How are you learning to identify with your kin, cousins and close friends and family? What about the identities of the people you come from do you resonate with and feel within yourself ?
Define the rites, passages and cultural norms of our family and relatives. What customs have kept yall together? How can you participate in upholding the rituals of communion in your family?
Right now you could be driven to find different or new sources of income or abandon some assets. It's a good time to donate or throw things away you no longer identify with or start or renew a budgeting plan.
Aries Rising and Moon
Create boundaries with yourself around indulgence, food and spending. Preserve yourself from not having enough by limiting what you decide to indulge in. This is a time to spend money on quality items that will last you instead of fleeting pleasures.
How are you identifying with your assets and things you own? This is a good time to create an altar or get back to maintaining yours if you've been neglecting it. The things you own have value and you get to assign what that value is.
What role does money/the optics of having it influence what you believe yourself to be capable of? If you don't have a certain amount of money, how is your self esteem affected? What is it about not having enough or needing help that makes you feel unworthy?
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carriechambers · 8 months
Full and New Moons of 2024 + beautiful moon calendar
Hello tumblr, in this short post we'll look at what moon phases await us this year! Let me start with these beautiful moon calendars from Dreamy Moons. I'm sending them here as even though they are for free, you do need to input your credit card if you wanna download them and I know not everyone is comfortable with that.
These are for northern hemisphere, the site has also the option to choose southern hemisphere. The phases are the same, it's just the style option, because in northern hemisphere the moon looks like this 🌒 and in southern like this 🌘 (the opposite site is illuminated).
Still, check out the site, they mostly sell wonderful journals and art cards, and they even have their own oracle deck and tarot deck! Anyways, here it is:
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And now for the signs in which each of the moons are:
Full Moons
January 25 (wolf moon) - Leo
February 24 (snow moon) - Virgo
March 25 (worm moon) - Libra This full moon will be fully illuminated, being in a position that let's the sun illuminate it more than ever.
April 23 (pink moon) - Scorpio
May 23 (flower moon) - Sagittarius
June 21 (strawberry moon) - Capricorn
July 21 (buck moon) - Capricorn
August 19 (sturgeon moon) - Aquarius This is also a supermoon and a seasonal blue moon (third full moon in astronomical season that has 4 full moons)
September 17 (harvest moon) - Pisces Another supermoon! And it will also be fully illuminated.
October 17 (hunter's moon) - Aries This is another supermoon!
November 15 (beaver moon) - Taurus And one more supermoon!
December 15 (cold moon) - Gemini
New Moons
January 11 - Capricorn
February 9 - Aquarius
March 10 - Pisces
April 8 - Aries
May 8 - Taurus
June 6 - Gemini
July 5 - Cancer
August 4 - Leo
September 3 - Virgo
October 2 - Libra
November 1 - Scorpio
December 1 - Sagittarius
Black moon: December 30 - Capricorn black moon is the second new moon in a single month!
Other Moon Events
March 25 - penumbral lunar eclipse not as dramatic as other lunar eclipses, often mistaken for full moon
September 18 - partial lunar eclipse
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petits--oiseaux · 9 months
Hi Dear🩷✨
This is Anon 2 - Timing reading. I'm sorry to bother you, but if you have any free time would you be able to give me an update timing reading on my love life whenever you’re free, please? 😫🥺
I paid someone for one and I got scammed. The reader never replied or refunded me money and I just feel hopeless really. I just want to know what's happening because I'm seeing everyone else winning and I'm truly happy for them, especially you🥹🩷, but I just want to know when its my time if that makes sense?
Congratulations and Happy Holidays to you and your person!!
Thank you so much for everything once again!🩷✨🩷✨💖✨🩷
Hello my love! I'm sorry I missed your ask back in July. It's FOREVER ago and I promise it wasn't purposeful <3 Also really sorry that you were scammed. That is so frustrating and sad. Hopefully I can help!
I pulled cards for a short term timeline, for a long term timeline, and for road blocks that may influence the time/progression. Photo credit goes to Biddy Tarot . I have her travel deck which I used for this pull but the cards are kinda dirty and I didn't want to take pictures of them lol Plus, I'm procrastinating so making a pretty thing was fun.
As always, life & free will can change these predictions. This is as of today's energies and higher selves.
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Short Term: High Priestess reversed & Seven of Wands reversed
TL;DR: February-April
There are a couple of interpretations for actual times. In tarot, wands can indicate Spring time. The High Priestess is card number 2. The first thought I had was "second month of Spring" or April.
Then I looked to see what signs The High Priestess & Seven of Wands represent and it includes Pisces and fire signs, respectively. Pisces season starts in February (2nd month of the year) and Aries is the first fire sign of Spring (March & April)
On a spiritual level (getting to the reversals), here are some things that may need to happen prior to this timing to make the timing more likely: Take time to meditate on your worries - this can include guided meditation (lots of great ones on YouTube), walks, writing, singing, or praying. Anything that makes you feel at peace and forget about external stimulants. The high priestess in reverse also reminds you that not everything you see on the surface is true. Remember that while people you know seem to be finding their people, they all have their own stuff going on internally/behind the scenes. I'll use myself as an example: I am HAPPY and feel really lucky to have found J. Yet, nearly every day I have at least one thought surrounding "omg, what if he decides I suck and leaves??" It doesn't take away from the happiness, but just something to remember as you observe others. Remember you have your own story to build! The seven of wands reverse is here to tell you to keep being yourself <3 Your beliefs are yours. Your excitement is yours. You are yours! You don't have to be anything other than what you are in order to be happy and attract the people meant to be in your life.
Long Term: King of Pentacles & Seven of Cups reversed
TL;DR: July 2024-April 2025 (sorry it's such a long long term lol)
This is also based on a couple of factors. Cups can indicate months as well as summer time. The easiest interpretation for this is the 7th month (7 of cups reversed), July, which is summer in the northern hemisphere. Pentacles can indicate years and the winter time. However, since the King does not have a number like the seven of cups, I don't think multiple years. I am really leaning toward the course of this next year and a few months. I went into April of 2025 because the King of Pentacles has Taurus energy. The other signs represented by both cards are Scorpio, Leo, & Aquarius which fall into this time frame.
Spiritually/personally: there may be a personal (financial?) goal you're training to obtain right now and you may need to focus on that for a little longer before this timing comes to fruition. Being methodical and writing down plans can help! This King of Pentacles energy also tells me that if this timing happens on the longer scale, you're going to be set up for success. The Seven of Cups always reminds me of indecisiveness/overwhelming options, even in the reverse. Take time to reflect on the choices and try to reduce the number of options. You have everything you need to choose within yourself, Anon.
Road Blocks: Two of Cups, Four of Wands reversed
So, why might one timeline happen over the other? My first feeling is that there might be someone who comes in that feels like they may be your person, but the relationship is a little unsteady, communication is so-so, and you're just overall unsure about it. If this happens, trust your gut. It's okay if this person is not your person because the one meant for you will be coming! I know the feeling of longing for someone to love and love you back, but I also know the feeling of finally finding someone that feels right. You deserve only the best. If it is not another person coming in, I do think it is some conflict in relationships (whether colleagues, family, or friends) that will have you pre-occupied. Remember the guidance from above as you move through these conflicts! They work in context of this reading as well as overall advice :)
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tarotpathways · 2 months
Daily Horoscope and Tarot Card of the Day: July 4, 2024
Daily Horoscope and Tarot Card of the Day: July 4, 2024 Welcome to your daily horoscope and tarot card of the day for July 4, 2024. Let’s explore what the universe has in store for each zodiac sign today! Aries (March 21 – April 19)Tarot Card: The Emperor Mantra: “I lead with strength and wisdom.” Horoscope: Aries, The Emperor card today signifies authority and leadership. Mars in Leo…
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walkinverse · 5 months
APRIL 2024 Tarot Card Reading 🔥 FIRE Signs | Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yImE0FrxfHw
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astrologiaxo · 6 months
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alyjojo · 5 months
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Next Major Life Change 🏃🏻‍♀️ - April 2024 - Leo
Meditation: It was a biker bar, playing old classic rock music, air so full of smoke you could barely breathe. You came in wearing a full leather get-up & a gas mask, and started immediately making changes. These guys around you were triggered and offended, ready to kick your ass, but you were so friendly, you’d just hold up your finger like “Wait, wait, just give me a chance.” You installed a dozen fans into the ceilings, brought in some dancing girls in cowboy getups, and made the music more somewhat modern country. Clearly a country theme going on here. Old school. At the end of the day, everyone loved you and appreciated what you did, and I’m hearing “it’s under new management”.
What It Is: Rejuvenating Rain 🌧️, Vast Vistas 🌆 (bottom), Actualization, Exaltation (Moon Taurus), Inspiration (Mercury Pisces), Strength, 7 Pentacles, The Moon & 9 Pentacles with Tennis 🎾
“Clear the past; heal the present.”
“Expand your horizons.”
“You will achieve your full potential by virtue of your creativity and your honest pursuit of truth.”
You have some amazing idea or desire for your future, you’re feeling inspired and rejuvenated by something, ready to take on a new project or phase in your life. Exaltation shows you as grounded, stable, financially aware, you’re making good decisions and don’t *need* the approval of others. That’s what the hold up is, that’s the next big life change. You’ve been holding yourself back from taking action, waiting around on other people. At least one person, but I’m getting several of all kinds, you aren’t sure you want to do something ALONE, you want people. But people aren’t showing the kind of enthusiasm you are, they’re not as willing to jump on board, and you haven’t wanted to rebel. Like you shouldn’t have to fight for it, in some way this is probably mutually beneficial for people other than yourself, but you feel like the stacks are against you - when they’re not 💯 You don’t actually need anyone to do this thing, though it’s clear you *want* them. To care.
Why It’s Happening: 2 Wands, King of Cups, 4 Wands, 3 Cups, 5 Wands rev, Patience (Jupiter Virgo), Delay with Snowflake ❄️
“Confront the natural tendency to delay the finishing of a creative endeavor.”
The decision is the hardest part, planning movement forward. You could be someone that needs a lot of validation - or you prefer it. Nothing wrong with bouncing ideas off of others, I’m just getting a “don’t care” vibe from these others. You’re patient, you’ve waited, maybe other things have been the priority and you’ve held back and taken your time before making any big moves. You could be waiting on a spouse, partner, family, friends are here, literally anyone you know that normally has your back - or should. It’s like you know once the ball gets rolling, you’re going to micromanage the shit out of this thing, and it will be a lot to take on, so you’ll put off the starting until others are ready. The Delay is cold behavior, people are icing out you and your ideas, like they’re bothered or can’t deal with this right now. Like “ugh Leo wants to do this now”, and that’s not fair. Like the vision, you have great intentions, solid plans, you’re not just pulling things out of your bum here, it’s like someone is undermining your intelligence. But you don’t want to fight for it - why should you have to?
Advice: 4 Cups with Dog Bone 🦴, Page of Cups, The High Priestess rev, Risk & Explore
“Be aware or you will have to beware. Do not deny the risk and hazards that you see.”
“Trust your imagination to help you journey through your inner landscape to find what you seek.”
The Risk is this behavior you’re picking up from others. Note it, keep it, tuck it away for later, Spirit is trying to point something out to you. 4 Cups - they legitimately don’t care, are bored and uninterested, apathetic towards the things you have a passion for. That’s a problem 💯 Not always, people don’t have to like everything you like, but when your heart is involved in something you really want to do - and could use the help or input - then this behavior is not acceptable. You matter too.
Dog Bone 🦴 is not something we want to see, your no one’s pet, “lesser than” or servant ok, fuck that. You don’t have to maneuver around everyone else’s bs to fit yours in no, you are important and people can & should make time for you and your big ideas. The advice is to note the behavior of those around you - but more importantly, how it makes YOU feel. 8 Swords shows you feeling powerless, like you shouldn’t even speak, like you’re bothering people. I heard “you care more than they do.” That’s important because you want their help, right? How much help can they really be if they’re all not even into it? You’re going to end up doing everything ANYWAY, because you can do it the way it needs to be done. You have the vision, other people can’t see it, and Explore shows you need to dive deep and map out exactly what you want, how to get there, start charting details, and ask the questions you need to ask - whether they care or not. Maybe replace them with people that do whatever it is you’re trying to do, there are others out there happy to help. I’m hearing “keep going,” and if you have to do it alone, do it then. Serves them right, they’ll see when you win won’t they?
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mastertarotreaderblog · 6 months
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astrojyotirani · 7 months
Libra Horoscope 2024: Exploring full Life Prediction
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According to the today libra horoscope, a love life prediction is bound to be exciting and full of adventures. As a natural leader, you have a strong desire for independence and freedom.
Horoscopes play a significant role in the lives of Libras, as they provide insights into their personality traits, relationships, and future events.
Libras often turn to horoscopes for guidance and to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their interactions with others.
Libra Dates and Zodiac Sign 2024
As a Libra horoscope 2024, you are born between libra dates March 21 and April 19, belonging to the fiery and dynamic Libra zodiac sign.
With life prediction by date of birth, you can unlock valuable information about your romantic journey.
Libra Compatibility in fulle life prediction
When it comes to libra compatibility, Libra horoscope today is most compatible with fellow fire signs, such as Leo and Sagittarius, who share your enthusiasm and zest for life. Your dynamic nature can also find a strong connection, free life prediction can offer valuable aspects, especially for Libra.
Libra Career Horoscope 2024-It’s your time to shine
Prediction: -
According to libra horoscope 2024 career will experience significant career growth and success. You will have ample opportunities to showcase your skills and talents. Your hard work and dedication will be recognized and rewarded. You may receive promotions or new job offers. It is important to stay focused and continue to work hard to make the most of these opportunities.
Advice: -
Take the initiative and step out of your comfort zone. Network with colleagues and industry professionals to expand your opportunities. Set clear career goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Future Prediction by Date of Birth: Understanding Your Future
The future is a mysterious and uncertain thing, but with the help of astrology, you can gain insight into what lies ahead. A future prediction by date of birth is a popular practice in astrology that can provide you with an understanding of your future.
As human beings, we are always curious about what the future holds. We want to know what will happen to us, whether it’s about our careers, relationships, finances, or health. Fortunately, astrology can provide us with insights into our future through future predictions.
Future Predictions by Date of Birth Free:
One of the most popular ways to get future predictions by date of birth free, is through astrology. Astrologers use your date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth to create a birth chart, which is a map of the sky at the time of your birth.
If you’re curious about your future, you can consult with an astrologer who can analyze your birth chart and make predictions about your future or predict my future.
How to Predict the Future in India
How to predict the future, There are many ways to predict the future, including astrology, numerology, tarot, and other divination tools.
In conclusion, future prediction by date of birth and time can be a valuable tool for gaining insights into your personality, relationships, and future prospects. By choosing a reputable source and approaching the process with an open mind.
For more details regarding daily basis libra horoscope and future prediction consult our genuine astrologer on Oooom.in or call on +91–9776190123.
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urjahealing · 9 months
What Are the Key Relationship Trends to Expect in 2024?
As we step into 2024, the landscape of relationships and dating continues to evolve, influenced by a myriad of factors including technological advancements, societal shifts, and yes, even the stars.
Astrology has long been a guiding light for many in understanding their personal and romantic dynamics. 
In this context, let's explore the relationship and dating trends for each zodiac sign in 2024, integrating insights from astrology predictions and even touching upon the burgeoning role of online tarot card reader in India, a trend that's gaining global attention.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Embracing Independence: Aries, known for their fiery independence, will find 2024 to be a year where this trait amplifies in relationships. Couples will value personal space, leading to healthier dynamics.
Adventurous Dating: Expect spontaneous and adventurous dates as Aries look to infuse excitement into their relationships.
2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Stability and Comfort: For Taurians, 2024 is all about deepening bonds. There's a trend towards creating comfortable and stable environments for romantic growth.
Sensual Experiences: Taurus will seek deeper sensual connections, making room for more intimate and romantic gestures.
3. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Communication Breakthroughs: Gemini will find 2024 a year of improved communication, leading to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
Socially Active Dating Scene: Expect a bustling social life for Gemini, with a trend towards group dates or meeting new people through social events.
4. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Emotional Depth: This year brings a focus on emotional security and depth for Cancerians. Couples will explore deeper feelings and vulnerabilities.
Home-Centric Activities: There's a trend towards more home-based dates, like cooking together or movie nights, fostering a cozy atmosphere for love.
5. Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Passionate Romance: Leos will experience heightened passion in their relationships. Expect grand romantic gestures and public displays of affection.
Leadership in Love: Leos will often take the lead in planning dates or making key relationship decisions.
6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Practical Approaches to Love: Virgos in 2024 will focus on practicality in relationships, favoring well-planned and meaningful activities.
Health and Wellness Dates: A growing trend for Virgo is sharing health and wellness activities with their partner, like yoga or hiking.
7. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Harmony and Balance: Libras will strive for balance in their relationships, avoiding conflicts and seeking peaceful resolutions.
Artistic and Cultural Activities: Expect a trend towards dates that involve cultural experiences, like art exhibitions or concerts.
8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Intense Emotional Connections: Scorpio's relationships will be marked by deep emotional connections and intense bonds.
Mystery and Exploration: A trend for Scorpio couples is exploring the mysterious or taboo, possibly through activities that are out of the ordinary.
9. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Freedom and Exploration: Sagittarians will favor relationships that offer the freedom to explore, both personally and as a couple.
Travel-Inspired Dating: A significant trend is planning trips or engaging in travel-related activities together.
10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Serious Commitments: Capricorns in 2024 are likely to take their relationships more seriously, with a focus on long-term plans and commitments.
Career-Oriented Activities: Couples might engage in networking events or career-related activities together, reflecting Capricorn's career focus.
11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Innovative Relationship Styles: Aquarians may explore unconventional relationship formats or innovative ways of showing affection.
Tech-Driven Connections: A trend towards incorporating technology into dating, like virtual reality dates, is on the rise for Aquarius.
12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Deep Emotional Intimacy: Pisces will seek deeply emotional and spiritual connections in their relationships.
Creative and Artistic Dates: A trend for Pisces is engaging in creative activities like painting or music-related events together.
Personalized Tarot Card Reading by Dr. Avisha Mathur
In addition to these astrological insights, a noteworthy trend in India and globally is the increasing reliance on personalized tarot card readings for relationship guidance. Dr. Avisha Mathur, a prominent online tarot card reader in India, has gained significant attention for her accurate and insightful readings.
Customized Relationship Insights: 
Dr. Mathur provides personalized readings that offer unique insights into individual relationship dynamics, helping people navigate complex emotional landscapes.
2. Blending Tradition with Modernity: 
Her practice combines traditional tarot wisdom with modern interpretative techniques, making her a sought-after advisor in the realms of love and relationships.
3. Digital Accessibility: 
With the ease of online consultations, Dr. Mathur’s services are accessible to a global audience, reflecting the trend of integrating technology in the pursuit of personal and romantic growth.
As we look towards 2024, the fusion of astrology predictions, societal shifts, and personalized guidance from experts like Dr. Avisha Mathur through online tarot card readings, are all shaping the evolving landscape of relationship and dating trends. 
Whether you're an adventurous Aries or a sensitive Pisces, these trends offer valuable insights into the dynamic and ever-changing world of love and relationships.
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