#left mid first song lmao no thank you
lottieurl · 2 years
had the utmost displeasure of hearing dżem live with that new vocalist. felt sacrilegious
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irlnumbuh3 · 1 year
more teen sector v headcanons
a/n: if anyone knows any highschool or even college fics of them plz send them my way i miss them so much :’)
cw: i swear lol , 3x4, 2x5, weed sorry not sorry
- nigel’s basement becomes the new hangout spot for the group
- there are so many consoles, bean bag chairs, and even a pool table. yeah they hook it up real nice B) they still even have that old couch of theirs!
- they meet there pretty frequently after school, always at least one day out of the week. it’s like a second home for them
- nigel’s parents install a ring camera at the door and they all have the app downloaded to see whatever messages are left on there 😭 they always send them in the gc they have together
nigel: wally please stop putting ur mouth on the ring camera. thank you
abby: i told him last week that it was nasty🤦🏽‍♀️
wally: haters r my motivators
kuki: we are on our way to do it right now!! :D
nigel: not you too kuki….
hoagie: oh yeah not just those two😈
- hoagie is the first to get his license so he’ll give his friends rides pretty often
- he inherits this old beat up van from his aunt. and wow it is UGLY
- oh but of course everyone has to respect his “Betsy” because she’s his beautiful lady
- and if you don’t respect Betsy… well you’re gonna have to walk
- hoagie also treasures Betsy because well that’s where him and abby had their first kiss
- never forget when they all were going to get pizza after school in hoagie’s van and it broke down mid drive
- no like Betsy gave out 2 miles before they got there and everyone was yelling at hoagie to just get rid of the van
- nigel could’ve gotten his license first because he is the oldest but he just never really got the time to because he’s always busy in school
- and yeah they make fun of him because this boy doesn’t even have his permit
- wally gets his license after hoagie, then abby, and then kuki who was a little scary to teach how to drive 😭
- wally being the loving boyfriend he is would try to show her but oh god would his patience run a little thin
- because well he drives a pickup. and kuki hates pickups, at least driving them. she’s a passenger princess when it comes to driving w her bf 🤷🏼‍♀️
- like the passenger seat is specifically reserved for her bc she’s made it her own
- and well because wally only likes to drive next to her 🤔
- even though they fight over the radio but that’s another story
- speaking of that abby usually always has the aux because this girl has the best fucking music taste 😭
- like she always knows what the group is feeling that day so the right songs are ALWAYS PLAYEDDD
- one day after school they all make a shared spotify album for their car rides
- abby likes r&b and some pop, kuki is a pop girl and just party music, hoagie also really likes r&b and just old classics, and omg is he a tyler the creator dickrider me too, no one ever really knows what nigel listens to but he always knows every song they play, and wally is into rock and nu-metal
- but what always gets everyone hyped is like old justin timberlake for some reason LMFAOOO like My Love Featuring T.I. never fails in that car
- never forget when they hotboxed the absolute SHITTTT out of hoagie’s van LMAO
- well because idk i headcanon wally is a smoker 🤷🏼‍♀️ not a crazy pothead but you know it helps him relax so why not
- and you know maybe one day he rolled some for his friends on a saturday night when nigel’s parents were out of town
- definition of perfect opportunity ^^^^
- and that was the only way nigel agreed😭he was freaking out over the smell it would make in his house
- kuki had gotten high ONCE before because well she was curious of why her boyfriend liked to do it
- and he didn’t want her to smoke alone or with other people without knowing how she’d react so he made sure she only smoked when they were together that first time
- and yeah she’s a giggler
- so yup the sesh was a little funny because abby’s tolerance was good, she felt so relaxed, kuki is a big laugher so everything becomes funny, hoagie becomes a TALKER OH MY GOD he does not stop talking and nigel FINALLY RELAXES
- he was the most hesitant which is funny because after he starts regularly asking if they can have a sesh after school he feels like a bad boy it’s really funny
- i mean, he’s in charge of EVERYTHING at school and he’s an all honors kid🤷🏼‍♀️and lizzie just drives his ass crazy. he needs to de-stress somehow
- their usual thing to do is get high and watch movies in the basement. oh and food is always ordered no matter what time it is😭those 5 can EAT
- the 711 runs after are always the best
- sometimes they run into people from school at 711 and those people always kind of envy the friendship the 5 have
- they stayed close from elementary through middle and all the way to highschool. no one ever said anything to them but, lots of people admired the bond they had for all being so different
- wally is well respected in school, not because he’s a bully like how he used to be, but because he’s cool if you are. if you leave him alone, he’ll leave you alone. if you don’t mess with his friends ESPECIALLY his girlfriend, ur fine. but get on his nerves? and ur screwed
- not only is he respected bc of that but because he’s the school’s best soccer player. no one could really pick on him, he was strong, he had gotten diagnosed with adhd and dyslexia so finally was able to maintain his grades (people finally stopped calling him dumb) he was cool as long as you are, and he just grew up (especially in height that boy got TALL)
- he learned how to maintain his anger too because of his lovely girlfriend , kuki sanban!
- Gallagher High’s sweetheart. she was smart, pretty, SO WELL RESPECTED, and a social butterfly. you could NOT hate kuki sanban, maybe out of jealousy, but never for any other reason
- she tutored underclassmen, participated so much in school events, and was a cheerleader. none of that ever got to her head though, she was still the same sweetheart everyone knew in elementary
- but she’s also another one that is only cool if you are. if you mess with her, her friends, her boyfriend, or her little sister? she will not give you the time of day
- wally taught her how to defend herself better while she taught him how to better control his anger. yeah they’re cute (i love them so much can you tell???)
- hoagie is the school’s pretty quiet boy. he’s an ambivert. he seems very introverted at first but once you become his friend , that boy is social! he’s also in band but he’s those really cool band kids everyones friends with
- people also FINALLY started thinking he was funny too. he and wally pull pranks in school all of the time
- some people called him a nerd and would make fun of him but wally got that all to end and people started giving him a chance
- he’s a dnd player i don’t make the rules
- everyone meet dnd club’s president hoagie gilligan🫡
- lots of people had crushes on him but his eyes only stayed focused on one girl, abby lincoln :)
- everyone loved abby, everyone had always liked her since elementary school! she was kind and just fucking COOLLL she’s a badass
- everyone knows abby in school and abby knows everyone. she could befriend anyone no matter what “clique” people thought you belonged to
- she’s on the schools track team and WOW is she good
- the group always goes to support her at her track meets :’) she is definitely someone to watch
- she gets offered lots of scholarships because of track. when i tell you she’s good, SHE IS GOOD!
- and lastly we have our nigel uno! the silent cool guy
- no really, everyone knows him, but unlike abby, he does not know everyone 😭 he’s kind of just focused on his goals and his friends
- when highschool first started, people liked to pick on him for doing so much at school and being a perfectionist. but then people actually got to the know the kid and he was a cool guy
- and when rumor spread that someone saw THE nigel uno high at 711 with his friends, people knew there was more than just a strict/un-fun layer to him
- he was the grade’s class president and actually handled his stuff pretty well. he knew wrong from right and when there were good and bad times for things. he was so well respected by teachers and his fellow other geeks
- and well people kind of dug his british accent LMFAOAOAOA
- he gets confused when popular kids nod their head to him or fist bump him but he doesn’t question it. he thinks no one knows him but they all really do
- and plus. you couldn’t be in a friend group with the other 4 and not be admired in some way. when i tell you the school all knew their iconic group, i mean it
- in a place with petty drama and rumors, people wanted what those 5 had. a real bond and love for eachother
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remedyturtles · 1 year
death wish facts/stats
entirely complied for my own amusement lol
first of all, this is how long i was actually working on death wish, saved in 5k increments:
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now i didn't track my stats for the whole time but here's an example of how much that translates to daily writing. this is some of july:
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here's the final count from my word doc. i do my final edit in the ao3 browser so i guess some got cut:
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here's the stats of my planning doc:
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whatever you're imagining my planning doc to look like, it's probably not that. it's kinda a huge mess, actually. i've shuffled things around constantly bc i boot the 'used' plot points into a giant pile and they get all messed up. it's a shame i didn't save more versions of this honestly bc it probably would've been fascinating. behold the inside of my brain:
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to go even further back, mid-may i was left alone at work for like two hours to do a course and ended up scribbling the FIRST ideas i had for death wish on a piece of paper. whited out are unused/irrelevant things:
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wild to me to realize which of those lines were literally from my absolute first thoughts of this fic LMAO
at one point i had to track how many days it had been in-story since the invasion bc i lost count. by the end of the fic i believe it had been 25 days, with 10 days at the beginning of leo being not-present. so 155k for 15 days hahahahahaha
i made a death wish playlist at one point and listened to it non-stop while writing. here it is:
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it's all so incredibly loud and rosyln were on repeat for the iconic chapter 29 and it makes me so emotional
however then for chapter 30 for some reason my brain only wanted the kim possible theme song on repeat. you know how it is.
when i first decided on most plot points and began writing i said to someone it would probably be like 100-150k. i was right, though i'm surprised to be on the top end for sure. i would not expect this again, it was definitely a perfect storm. i normally do like ~40-80k.
i knew exactly how the fic would end before i wrote a single word. as much as i love and there is a place for wish fulfillment (eg future!donnie gets to come back, sensei gets his own body) my thing was that i knew people reading it would relate to the story. and i want to have... hopeful realism? like, if you have experienced grief and you related to sensei, i don't want to say 'haha your loved ones are actually alive!!!' ... i want to say, bad things happen, you will find other reasons to live. and for anyone who related to sensei and leo's situation (eg DID) i felt like magically giving sensei a body wouldn't be fair, bc that won't happen. instead they can work together and get through. if that makes sense LMAO
i have three side fics planned atm. two of them will be probably 2-5k each, the third will be like... idk. 15k? i haven't started yet i promise i'm still taking a rest hahahaha
thanks for reading hah
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many-gay-magpies · 8 months
She sounds so. So. I beg yuo………..
dude you do not even know I have been trembling like an anxious chihuahua just waiting to be able to go full feral about her to someone. this rocks
OKAY SO. the entire story kind of started because i was listening to a song and i was like you know what this would be great for? being the backing track to a cold open where some girl is running through the woods mid-panic attack after having just killed someone. then it kind of grew a plot from there.
(me, foolishly: oh this will probably not take too long or take up too much space. clearly i forgot just how Able i am to ramble when prompted. put the rest under a cut bc it got LONG)
the cryptid wolf girl herself is named rosalind, or roz for short, or possibly rory for short once she figures out some gender stuff later on... the Central Relationship in the story is between her and her little sister anna. they did... NOT have a great life growing up—dad was an abusive alcoholic, mom was a DEPRESSIVE alcoholic and even when they split up, mom kinda left roz to raise/take care of anna completely on her own... things are better now; mom has cleaned herself up and is trying to be better—but like. that messed roz up lmao. go figure.
so for their whole lives growing up, roz and anna were kind of glued together... ROZ was more of a parent to anna than their own mom, and anna went to her for everything. but in the time of the story, anna's started to Grow Up and Grow OUT of needing her big sister for everything, AND ON TOP OF THAT she's just got herself a boyfriend who fucking sucks and reminds roz WAY too much of their dad... (in my mind I feel like when their parents split and dad left, roz was old enough to actually understand how abusive and shitty he was, but to anna it just seemed like he'd abandoned him, so she's probably a bit stupid about relationships because she's searching for the love she never got from her father/searching for a bandaid to the feeling of abandonment she has from him, but she isn't exactly the healthiest about that and latches onto the first guy that shows her attention, thinking it's Love.)
anyways, this whole deal—anna getting distant, anna being stupid about her bf—makes roz feel Some Type Of Way. she's kind of latched onto her position as anna's pseudo-parent as the crux of her self-worth, so now that anna seems to not NEED her anymore she does not take it well. she wants to protect anna from her toxic bf and from HERSELF, but she can't do a thing and just feels useless because everything she TRIES just ends up pushing anna further away from her. then on her birthday, when she's at her friend's house to celebrate (the best friend she's gay af for, zoe), she makes a wish to be able to protect anna like she used to—aaand the literal moon overhears and basically goes "you have a noble desire, i'll give you my blessing" and turns her into a werewolf (sort of - it's not a whole "turn every full moon" deal, just whenever there's a specific trigger)
anyway like a week after roz's bday when she makes the wish, it's homecoming, and her mom (who is also stupid and just thinks roz hates mark (anna's bf) because she's jealous) has asked her to drive anna to this party mark invited her to... which is in the middle of the woods. with a whole bunch of older high school guys. sure, mom, that's bound to be perfectly safe and legal.
roz has been feeling a little off all week and having weird dreams (unbeknownst to her thanks to her new lunar benefactor). after homecoming, she drives anna to her party... but there is NO FUCKIN WAY she trusts those dudes with her, so she sneaks up to spy on them from the bushes to make sure they're not getting up to any unsavory shit and hurting her little sister. (spoiler alert: they absolutely get up to tons of unsavory shit.) so roz is watching these guys, and it's literally all guys, like anna is the ONLY girl, and they're all older—and they're drinking alcohol, getting progressively more wasted, and anna is refusing but mark keeps pressuring her, and eventually he makes some vague allusions to ah... "loosening her up" with the alcohol so he can have his way with her, while touching her in not-so-great ways... and seeing that triggers roz's first transformation. she just full-on catapults in and tears him to SHREDS, literally. then someone stabs her with a beer bottle and she flees, turns back human, and starts freaking the fuck out because she just killed mark.
okay um. i did not intend to just tell you the entire story up to the point that ive written it. but OH WELL I DID! hope u enjoyed that lmao.
the whole premise of the story is that, despite how much it sucks at first, roz being a werewolf actually kind of brings her, her mom, and her sister closer together... the thing is, the moon, when it heard her wish, it didn't just give her what she asked for—it gave her what she NEEDED. and in general i have lots a feelings about werewolves as the representations of our deepest, most repressed emotions and desires, like if you've seen the whole thing about like "the werewolf is the part of you that LOVES YOU. it is the part of you that is mad at how wrongly you've been treated and wants to PROTECT you." yeah. and i have lots of feelings about the MOON and moon deities as gods of honesty, vulnerability, and seeing the truth of our deepest emotions...
so the wolf is kind of all roz's anger issues just smushed into one big wolfy body. a big theme ive started exploring with the story is that being a werewolf isn't exactly CHANGING roz or making her feel things she's never felt before (like, you know. the murder urges), it's just bringing things she ALWAYS FELT to the forefront and making them unignorable. because above all what roz NEEDS is something to force her to face herself to be able to overcome all the self-hatred she has (because BOY SHIT THERE'S A LOT OF IT). which is also where her relationship with zoe (who ive thought, written, and posted about almost more than the relationship between roz and anna... whoops) comes in.
roz and zoe are best friends. they have been since they were five years old, and zoe has been with roz through like ALLLLL the shit of her seventeen long years. roz is incredibly gay and absolutely in love with zoe, but doesn't realize because she's a fucking dumbass and thinks that's a normal way to feel about her best friend (or, like, maybe she kind of knows something's Different and knows what it IS, but she can't ever let herself realize it fully because ✨internalized homophobia✨).
when the whole wolf thing starts out, roz doesn't tell zoe what's happening, because she's afraid zoe will be afraid of or disgusted by this part of her... which she likes to think is the wolf's doing, but she knows it's really ALWAYS been a part of her. roz keeps the secret from zoe for a WHILE because of this, and keeps pushing her away, but zoe (who Knows roz and loves her back just as intensely) will NOT fucking let her. so there's gonna be like this whole stage of incredibly painful pining, where the moon goddess makes roz realize that she's in love with zoe, but she still hasn't even TOLD zoe about the whole werewolf thing, so there ensue events like: roz in wolf form subconsciously seeking out zoe, breaking out of her house in the middle of the night, going to stand below zoe's window, and then waking up in the morning thinking it was a dream until she sees her window is open and her pajamas are shredded to all hell and goes "shit".
eventually, of course, zoe DOES find out (either by accidentally witnessing a transformation one day or because roz finally caves and tells her, i havent decided yet), and spoiler alert, she isn't disgusted or afraid—she's actually, like, wildly attracted to the feral bloodthirsty vengeful side of roz, because that's the embodiment of roz's deepest, more true self, and zoe has wanted nothing more than to know roz completely—and of course it still takes roz a while to realize zoe's wide-eyed, drop-jawed stares at her are not FEAR but I'M SO GAY IM GONNA OASS OUT HOLY SHIT, because she's fucking stupid.
another honorable mention character: himbo soccer team boy tentatively named matt (gonna change either his or mark's name cuz they're too similar) who witnesses roz partially-transform by accident one day and decides he's going to be absolutely ride-or-die for this tormented lesbian werewolf. he's there for her until she finally gets her shit together and tells zoe what's going on, and long after that. they become a cute little bestie trio and matt ABSOLUTELY realizes how gay roz and zoe are for each other before roz does and he's like JESUS CHRIST JUST KISS ALREADY
(also. most worthy of mention in the yet-to-be-written zoe-and-roz scenes i feel feral about: there's gonna be one after zoe finds out where roz has a really bad transformation, and passes out still wolfed-out in zoe's lap... and she's visibly having a nightmare (plus she's still a wolf which means she's still in crisis mode even though she's sleeping), so zoe starts reading aloud to her while she sleeps until she calms down enough to turn back human... and it starts out as just zoe doing what she's ALWAYS done to comfort and soothe roz, but since roz is ASLEEP it devolves into zoe pouring out her true feelings without roz awake to hear them... then roz wakes up in the middle of zoe reciting shakespeare's sonnet 57 to her and it's like. INSANELY gay. and the whole time matt's off to the side like holy shit.)
ANYWAYS YEAH THAT WAS. A LOT HAHA. I hope u like my feral unhinged asshole werewolf girl :)
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crestfallercanyon · 8 months
Thank you Evie!! These are always delightful to do (even if I am usually late/forget — oops) @energievie ❤️❤️
name: crest
age: mid-to-late-20s
star sign: Pisces
your first language: English
second language: I used to be conversational in Spanish, now I get by.
favourite lip product: medicated chapstick and a mauve lipstick I’ve had for forever
the best food dish you can make without a recipe:Jambalaya, probably. Or chicken and green bean casserole.
If you drink tea, what kind? Tea both iced and hot are my drinks of choice, I drink black tea, and I mainly stick to earl greys, bergamots, kind of floral ish (I do not like fruit flavored for hot teas at all).
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? Medium roast. I put half and half in my coffee and I like the richness — if I get light it tastes too much like milk.
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: I’ve been watching Fantasy High Dimension 20 and I’m dying over it (you’ve probably been seeing me reblog fandom stuff from it if you follow me lmao) — and I’d be remiss not to talk about the video I watch probably once a week, which is a very specific games done quick of a nostalgic Nintendo game. It’s my cozy comfort video.
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: oh god — I was a nerd-fighter for sure (vlogbrothers), I also watched Meekakitty (Tessa Violet) and Charlieissocoollike (that may have even pre-dated 2012, that might have been like 08 lmao) and likely many more.
favourite item of clothing right now: a brown and gray plaid short coat.
favourite item of clothing in 2012: i had a pair of corduroy rocket dog sneakers that I still own because I do love them, they’ve just been stitched back together so many times lol
three movies you recommend: Steel Magnolias, Life as a House, The Birdcage
your favourite concert: oh so many good ones, but watching Kevin Garrett respond to a fan who asked “do you have any happy songs?” with, “you walked into the wrong concert, brother, but I’ll try — this one’s kind of happy” and proceed to play a song about desperate heartache and heartbreak and fragility of youth was the funniest thing I’d ever seen and was also beautiful.
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Not really — I’ve only really unfollowed people for a) being rude to other people’s fandom preferences and b) being endlessly and needlessly negative.
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? No, but I do kind of stick to smaller fandoms.
the best tv show you watched last year: The Bear. It was phenomenal and I’m scared and excited for S3.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? Not really the same but I want Will Poulter to take over Armie Hammer’s role in The Man From UNCLE because that movie was great and I wish it had a sequel but it never will because AH is a fucking creep, but, unlike Armie Hammer, Will Poulter seems like a great guy and he’d do the role so fucking well, I just want it.
a ship you’ve abandoned: I’m sure I have one? But I can’t think of it.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? Maybe a 5? I don’t actually read much these days, I’ve been kind of busy. If you ask me what I’ve liked though I’m not shy about telling you.
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) no and the only one I would consider getting is from a book I know I will always love, like Piranesi or This is How You Lose the Time War, and I have no idea what I’d get from those.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? I actually kind of like my fandoms small, the video game Transistor by Supergiant Games is beautiful and I want to talk about it with people dammit.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? Yes. Game of Thrones for sure. Dexter (though I don’t think I could rewatch it anyway). I agree with you Evie, That 70s Show’s ending was horrid! How I Met Your Mother, as well.
have you…
swam in an ocean? Yes, got absolutely wrecked once.
ever been vegan/vegetarian? no
gone skinny dipping? Nope.
gone skiing? Yes! Both water and snow.
been to a convention? Yes, in high school I was vice president of my library’s teen reading club (I was also in band and a theater kid so nice to meetcha I am a super nerd) and because of this our club got to go with my librarians to the fanciest hotel I’ve ever stayed in which hosted the most amazing convention ever of Indie Booksellers and I met Maggie Stiefvater and got Rainbow Rowell’s advanced reader’s copy of Eleanor and Park (think I’m dating myself here lol) and a couple of other amazing authors and talked poets and librarians and publishers and booksellers and I don’t think any convention will EVER surpass that experience.
Tagging: @mybrainismelted , @callivich , @gallawitchxx , @michellemisfit , @whatthebodygraspsnot , @sam-loves-seb , and ANYONE else who’d like to play!!!
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born-to-lose · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @thetimecrystal 💖💖
Relationship status: taken <333
Favourite colours: red, blue, black
Song stuck in my head: Strike Like a Cobra by Temple Balls
Last thing you googled: "discord video calls cost" so my cell phone credit doesn't go from 45 to 0 when I have this movie night with my bf on Sunday agjfkhs
Time: 11:17 pm
Dream trip: travelling across Europe with my baby @number-of-the-beast-is-666 (especially France, Italy, Norway and Slovenia)
Last thing you read: I started reading the first couple of pages of The Three Musketeers earlier for reasons and I wanna finish it by mid-November for Reasons
Last book you enjoyed reading: Slash's autobiography (which I still haven't finished but I love it so far)
Favourite thing to bake/cook: I don't cook a lot by myself (living at hotel mama) but at the moment I like making honey glazed pumpkin with radiatori and I love baking cookies and ocassionally slightly changing up the ✨exclusive recipe✨ I've been baking by since I was a little kid
Favourite craft to do in your free time: writing and I also picked up knitting again and finished a pair of socks in like four days because I was so into it lmao
Most niche dislike: uhhhh I probably have a bunch but I can't think of them rn,,,, when a DVD starts from the beginning when I want to continue watching where I left off the next day and I have to skip to the right scene
Opinion on circuses: I've only been to one once as a little kid and all I remember is that this one snake was cool af and the clowns were kinda annoying. I like acrobatics tho
Do you have a sense of direction: when I was in Venice in 10th grade, someone from my group got lost and called me saying "I'm on the bridge" and all I can say is my sense of direction is better but I won't say how much (I usually go by the "have I seen this store on the way here or not?" strategy)
Tagging @number-of-the-beast-is-666 @paleangels13 @aggressive-slytherin @usergrantaire
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faerieenthusiast · 2 months
9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @omgkalyppso Thanks so much!
Three Some Ships: I'm quite fond of BylethxDimitri, SylvainxFelix, and especially BylethxMercedes (she's best girl to me), I got some more but I'm drawing a blank lol
First Ship: Once my mind started to understand what shipping was before even learning the term shipping, it was HieixKurama.
Last Movie: I went and saw Longlegs with my aunt a couple weeks ago, I liked it, but I wished the ending was better. The suspense was building up pretty well tho. My aunt looks for scary movies for her and I to watch together. We are definitely going to go see Smile 2.
Last Song: TGIF by GloRilla! "It's 7pm Friday, it's 95 degrees" Just sometime ago my mom and I were in the car getting turnt up lmao https://open.spotify.com/track/2hKYtHbwYOSjvYQhVdUpdQ?si=485015f318f143f5
Currently Reading: Hoo boy, I haven't been reading books lately, but I was starting to reread The Joy Luck Club. I also have Pachinko and The Hundred Secret Senses.
Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, Apollo Justice Ace Attorney Trilogy, Sims 4, and Yakuza Kiwami for now. Forgive me, I've fallen behind on Baldur's Gate 3 because I'm in the trenches. I'm having such a hard time with the beginning stages. Not the very beginning, mind you. But come Sept 24, I'll be back on Mortal Kombat 1 with the expansion, Khaos Reigns. Animalities have come back and haven't been around since they debuted during the Mortal Kombat 3 era in the mid 90s.
Currently Watching: I sleep to The Amazing World of Gumball. I need a new show to watch while awake. There are some anime I should get back to like Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. BUT! Demon Slayer tugs my heart strings so I have to find a time as to when I want to cry.
Currently Eating: I got bourbon chicken with vegetable fried rice waiting on me.
Currently Craving: I want something sweet. I got like 2 cookies left. It's okay, I'm doing my weekly grocery store trip soon.
I hope I got 9 ppl to tag lol. @petrichorpetals @caesarius3 @lovelyknjs @doctorsoup @dangerous-disposition @boghermit @bosspigeon @thequeervampiric @ceslatoil
Anybody is free to partake too!
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
Feedback // Ashton Irwin
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I've been sitting on this fic for a minute so thank you to everyone who's patiently waited for me to post it (shoutout to Sly)! This story was really just me getting inspired and clowning after Ashton's "Down To Earth" IG stream back in April. As always, thanks to @cal-puddies for the invaluable guidance as I tried to pare my writing style down into a pwp format (try being the operative word, 3500 words is still the best we could do lmao).
Warnings: Distracted Boyfriend!Ash, oral sex on a male, moderately rough unprotected sex (on the red leather couch) including mild dirty talk, brief choking and a spank or two.
Word Count: 3535
Masterlist // Ko-Fi and New 2021 Taglist linked above
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
"Baby! I didn't know you were home!"
You turn around to see Ashton in the doorway of the bedroom, voice as cheerful as the yellow beanie covering his head.
"Didn't hear you come in," he comments, walking over to you.
You slide your arms around your boyfriend’s neck with a sigh. "Rushed up here, phone was about two seconds from shutting off," you explain, greeting him with a tender kiss.
He watches as you kick off your shoes and yank your bra off under your shirt, tossing everything haphazardly in the direction of the closet before flinging yourself on the bed. "Tough day?"
You groan, dragging your hands over your face before extending your arms, encouraging him to join you. “Eh, not great and very long,” you report, giving a satisfied sigh when Ash climbs on the bed and immediately pulls you on top of him, wrapping his arms around you tightly. You do the same and the both of you lay quietly in this prone embrace for several peaceful moments before you break the silence. “How about you, how was your day?”
You feel him shrug under your body. “Can’t complain,” is his simple reply.
“Make anything cool?” You prompt, knowing he’s being low-key because he thinks you need to chill out, not realizing nothing relaxes you more than listening to him talk about his passions.
“Hmm… anything cool...” Ash giggles, hugging you closer. “I dunno, got a good start goin’ on this one track that could be pretty cool, got a nice vibe.”
You raise your head up to look at him and scratch your fingers across his beard, you’re so glad he decided to let it grow again. “Yeah? Tell me more.”
He hums as you continue to rub his face. “Only been at it for a couple hours, ‘s just a track for now, we’ll see what I can do with it,” he breezes, moving your hand from his face to his mouth so he can kiss it.
“Well, whenever you feel like you need a fresh pair of ears, I’d love to hear it,” you enthuse, moving to lay at his side.
He turns to give you a bright grin. “Yeah? A little in-house focus group?” He teases, leaning in for a sweet kiss that starts to get needy the longer it goes on.
You pull off his hat, running your fingers through his long hair as he moves to kiss along your neck. “Don’t know if you know this but I’m a big fan of your work,” you tease back.
He kisses your lips again, biting a bit as he pulls away to quip, “We talking ‘bout my music or something else?”
You giggle, deciding that indulging this frisky mood is exactly how you would like to unwind tonight. You inch closer, pulling him back into a kiss and he responds eagerly, hand coming up to massage at the base of your neck like it always does. For the next few minutes, the only thoughts in your mind revolve around Ashton, how he feels, how he tastes and where you need his mouth or hands on you next.
When you let out a moan at the way his fingers are gripping your skin under your shirt and he doesn’t press himself against you in response, you can tell he’s gotten distracted. You laugh knowingly against his lips, “You’re back to thinking about that song now, aren’t you?”
He looks at you with a sheepish smile. “I was actually still workin’ and came up here just to grab a hoodie when I found you.”
You playfully push him off of you, shaking your head. “Dude, you should’ve told me! You know I’m not one to fuck with The Process,” you admonish, scrunching your nose up at the trail of kisses he pecks over your face as he sits up.
“Nah, my brain needed a break and my girl needed me, it worked out perfectly,” he insists, rubbing your arm affectionately before getting off the bed.
He quickly fishes his desired sweatshirt out of the closet and pulls it on over his t-shirt, mussing his hair even more than you already had. He walks back over, ready to kiss you goodbye when you sit up on your knees to stop him. “I was serious about giving it a listen if ya want,” you say, smoothing his hair down before resting your hands on top of his inside his hoodie pocket. “If you’re not ready that’s fine but just FYI I‘m interested.”
Ash grins at you, squeezing your hands before using them to pull you to your feet. “Aww, you know you’re my fave audience, baby,” he gushes, reaching to grab his hat off the bed. “Let’s go give it a spin.”
“Well. As much as you can ‘spin’ a computer file,” you mutter, trying to annoy him just because it’s fun.
As you head for the door, you hear him snort behind you a split second before he grabs you, sliding his beanie on your head far enough to cover your eyes; you burst into giggles as he playfully bumps into you, passing you in the hallway. “Smart ass,” he grumbles, voice still smiling.
Ash makes it down to the basement first and starts clicking on files and flicking switches, excited to play his work for you. You stop at the foot of the stairs and survey the room with wonder. Multiple guitars - electric, acoustic, bass, 12-string - are strewn across the room, cables run from his computer to the adjacent room where he houses his drums, food delivery containers line the coffee table; he’s clearly been down here since you left this morning.
While he sets up, you make yourself useful, setting the guitars back in their racks, stacking the food trash; when you’re done, you start to drag a chair over to the computer when you notice he’s staring at you like you’ve grown an extra head.
“What are ya mad at me or somethin’?” He scoffs, patting his legs and looking at you expectantly.
You smirk and take a seat in his lap, watching closely as his long fingers fly over the keyboard, hand adeptly working the mouse, making a few final adjustments to the track. You hear a quiet “there we go” under his breath and then he’s settling in, pulling you back against him and rubbing over your thighs as you wait for the song to begin.
It’s a simple demo so far - layered background vocals, drum and bass, some synth, a little guitar line here and there - but he’s right, it’s definitely a vibe. You’re pleased that his reflection is visible in the computer screen, you love seeing him grooving behind you, pursing his lips and nodding his head along to the beat as you feel his fingers tapping along on your waist while he holds you close.
The track is short and before he can even ask your opinion, you tell him to play it again; his face lights up at your request and he proudly complies. When it finishes this time, you shift to look at him and smile. “That’s wild you did that all yourself and in such a short amount of time,” you marvel. “See, I was right, you did do something cool.”
Ashton laughs, kissing the side of your head as he leans forward to reach the keyboard. “You think so? Well, what’s really cool is this…” He starts clicking around again, isolating the different elements and revealing which sounds are electronic and which are live instruments, which section he thinks he’ll write lyrics over tomorrow, where he’s thinking of pasting in more guitar.
You respond when appropriate but mostly you just listen intently, watching fondly as he animatedly details his thought process; this is why you offered to come down here with him, this is the best part about being his “fave audience.” You love his music but more than that, you love how much he loves his music.
He stops mid-explanation of a section to tinker with it, clearly having a brainstorm right in front of you. You curl into his chest, observing quietly as he cycles through effects and begins stacking tracks. He chews his lip, deep in thought as he lets the song play again and you can't help but press a few kisses to his jaw.
Ash continues his work and you continue yours, moving from his jaw to his neck; your kisses eventually become more heated, with you adding tongue and even teeth to the equation. You suck his earlobe into your mouth, wiggling his earring with the tip of your tongue and finally he pulls away, chuckling, "Baby, come on."
You shrug, playing with his hair. "I just love watching you work."
He laughs, "Then goddamn, baby, let me work!" He growls as you nip at his throat and you smile to yourself because you can tell he's already rethinking his request.
"Seems like you shoulda thought about this before you invited a girl down to your basement to listen to some dreamy space pop alien makeout jam," you tease, relishing the feeling of his laughter vibrating his throat under your tongue.
"Can I get you to leave that review when this goes up on iTunes?" He cracks, finally turning his attention to you.
"I might be persuaded," you flirt, humming with victory as he pulls you into a hungry kiss.
Ashton wastes no time returning the affection you showed him, lips devouring yours, hands quickly making their way under your shirt to lazily massage your tits. You’re mid-moan, his fingers just about to make it inside your waistband when suddenly he’s pulling away.
It takes you a beat to realize what’s happened, your body confused by the sudden absence of his touch. You open your eyes to see him busy at the computer again and it’s so absurd to you, you have to laugh.
“Two minutes,” he says half-apologetically, half-distracted, squeezing your thigh but not taking his eyes off the screen.
You smirk to yourself, immediately aware of what your next move is. “Take as long as you need, baby. When genius strikes, you gotta go for it,” you state ominously, not that he notices. Nor does he notice you sliding yourself off his lap and onto the floor between his legs.
You run your hands up and down his thick thighs before letting your touch wander to the front of his jeans, palming over his crotch, happy to find that at least part of him was interested in your makeout session. You can’t decide if you’re more amused or annoyed by his focus but it’s not until your hand is on his cock, freeing him from his pants that he tears himself away from his project.
“Excuse me, ma’am, can I help you with something?”
You lock eyes with him as you stick your tongue out and dramatically lick your hand, coating your palm with saliva before giving his cock a tight squeeze and beginning to stroke him steadily. “I also had a genius idea I was just following through on,” you shrug. “Might take a little longer than two minutes, though, I’m a bit out of practice… my boyfriend’s been pretty busy.”
Ash giggles wildly, both at your joke and your audacity. “You’re crazy, I’m literally about to be done with… fuck…” His retort is interrupted by you, eyes still trained on his, licking long stripes up the sides of his cock, sucking gently at the head before licking your way back down.
“Go ahead and finish your work, baby, I’ll just keep busy until you’re done,” you insist, mischief in your eyes as you look up one last time before taking him into your mouth.
You hear a sharp inhale, a softly chuckled “fuckin’ ridiculous” and then finally, mouse clicks as he attempts to get back to it. You do your best to distract him, bobbing up and down enthusiastically, sucking loudly, humming around him, making sure he knows how much you’re enjoying your task.
It only takes a minute or so for him to get sidetracked by your efforts. “This is a shitty home demo I’ve spent all of 90 minutes on, there’s no way it’s so good you just had to have my cock right here and now,” he insists, struggling to keep his voice steady, not wanting you to hear how affected he is.
You pop off, gingerly playing with his balls as you zing back, “I dunno babe, you guys had plenty of shitty songs on your first album and from what I’ve heard, you did more than alright in the pussy department.”
Ashton’s laughter quickly turns to a strained moan as you slide back down on him, letting him hit the back of your throat. “My bad, didn’t realize I’d shacked up with a groupie,” he jokes. You silently congratulate yourself as you notice him flexing his hand into a fist, knowing he’s trying to keep himself from pressing down on your head.
You pull off him again, making sure to let the spit cascade from your mouth as you smugly reply, “Like I said before: big fan.” Before he can even think about responding, your mouth is back on him.
You’re not surprised he attempts to resume working again; you’re both stubborn, it’s a wonder anything ever gets resolved in your relationship. You can tell he’s trying his best to stay on task but the whispered curses under his breath give him away. As a last resort, he turns the volume on his speaker up a few more notches, hoping the track will drown out the exaggerated choking sounds you’re intent on making.
A few moments later, he reaches down and yanks his beanie off your head. “Fuckin’ bright yellow bouncing over my crotch is hard to ignore,” he grumbles. “All I see is my hat, looks like I’m suckin’ my own dick for all I know.”
You can’t resist continuing to rib him. “How is that not your greatest fantasy? Your favorite person giving you your favorite pleasure?”
He snorts, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, did you want to blow me or roast me?”
You give him your brightest smile and reply, “Unlike you, I’m pretty good at multi-tasking.”
A brief cackle and a clipped “alright” are all you hear before you’re being hoisted up off the ground, thrown over Ash’s shoulder and carried over to the couch across the room. You squeal with surprise and delight as he unceremoniously dumps you on it, briskly strips you both of your clothes and promptly bends you over the red leather.
He nudges your knees further apart, pressing you against the back of the couch. “Of course you’re this fuckin’ wet already,” he teases, breath hot on your neck as he runs himself through your folds. “You think that’s from my cock down your throat or from you winding me up so much?”
Whatever clever comeback you’d thought up dies on the tip of your tongue because suddenly he’s sliding his cock inside you and now that’s all you can care about. You whine as he quickly establishes a vigorous pace, one hand bracing himself against the couch, the other reaching around you, down your torso to reach your clit. “How’s this for multi-tasking?”
A few breathless cries of his name are the best you can manage as he relentlessly plays with you, somehow in perfect rhythm with his rough thrusts, sending your whole body into sensory overload.
“Or how ‘bout this?” He growls, moving his hand from between your legs to your throat, fingers offering just the slightest amount of pressure, knowing it’ll drive you crazy wondering if and when he’ll add more. “Don’t got any more funny jokes for me, baby?”
You moan at his taunting, placing a hand on top of his on your neck, trying to get him to squeeze harder; he refuses and his denial makes you moan even louder. "Jesus, Ash," you pant, pushing back against him to egg him on. “Feels so fucking good.”
You're so caught up that you don't even notice his song is still playing over the speakers until a few moments later when Ashton suddenly pulls out of you, muttering to himself as he grabs the remote from the coffee table and shuts the music off.
Confused, you look back and see him amusedly shaking his head. "Yes, I was still producing that in my head, don’t start," he giggles.
You fall back on the couch, laughing in disbelief. “We’ve gotta get you some hobbies, buddy, that’s insane.”
He snickers, laying you on your back and settling on the couch behind you, pulling your leg over his hip. “I don’t think fucking you counts as a hobby,” he jokes, gripping his cock and slipping it back inside you.
“Not with that attitude,” you quip, a little more breathlessly than you meant to but with how slowly Ash is rocking into you, you can’t help it.
You tilt towards him, angling yourself to pull his mouth down to yours; you’re feeling overwhelmed and you need him close. His tongue traces over your lips, his kiss the familiar reassurance you need in this moment. “Ash…” You whimper quietly, closing your eyes and savoring the feel of his beard grazing your skin.
“I know, baby, me too,” he soothes, cradling you tighter against him. His hips begin to pick up speed and his hand moves to knead your breasts and tug at your nipples before travelling further down.
Ashton rubs slow, tight circles on your clit, stopping to give your thigh a light smack when you start raising your hips a little too eagerly, bucking up in an attempt to get him to move at a speed more to your liking. You moan first at the realization that he’s going to keep teasing you like this and then again, louder, at the sharp slap of his palm that once again comes down on your skin.
“You’ve got a nice tone tonight, baby, I should get you to lay down some vocals for this track,” he jokes, choking back a moan of his own when your surprised laughter causes you to clench around his length.
You chuckle smugly at him, “Not so funny all of a sudden, huh?”
You feel yourself getting closer so you start rolling your hips along with his, murmuring at the feeling of him deep inside you; you grind against his hand playing between your legs and as he finally amps up the pace, your release becomes closer and closer to reality. Your breathing syncs with his in a needy, staccato rhythm that wouldn’t have sounded out of place in his song.
“Is this what you wanted?” He huffs out. Typically when he asks you that while he’s buried in you, there’s a tone of arrogance or punishment behind it but right now as he holds you, your sounds continuing to meld together, it couldn’t feel farther from that.
“Yes, Ash, god yes…” you breathe, reaching to hold onto him as your orgasm overtakes you.
Ashton keeps driving his cock inside you, whining slightly at the feeling of you pulsing around him. You cry out, not realizing how loud or long your moans are until you hear his voice in your ear, gently lulling you back down.
He’s still moving inside you, hips beginning to stutter and when you hear his breath catch, you know he’s there. You tuck yourself into him, cooing, “Come on, Ash... fill me up, babe.” Three strokes later and he’s pumping his cum inside you, gasping your name. He slows his movements, heavy breath underscored by a contented hum as you caress his bearded cheek.
He leans in and kisses you passionately, completely enveloping you, possibly your favorite feeling in the world. He exhales loudly and keeps holding you, kissing over your face tenderly.
You giggle as he indulges for a moment before reluctantly pulling away, reaching for the takeout napkins on the coffee table; he attentively cleans you up and quickly settles back onto the couch, pulling you on top of him.
You lay together, blissed out, while you play with the necklace hanging down on his chest and he strokes over your hair.
“Hey, sorry I gave you such a hard time,” you smile. “Didn’t realize how much I wanted your attention until I didn’t have it anymore.”
He looks at you, amused. “Honestly didn’t notice you acting any differently.”
You jab his side. “Also sorry I talked shit about your first album, I do actually like it quite a bit.”
Ash cackles, tracing designs on your back. “Oh good, I was worried that was going to be what finally drives us apart,” he cracks.
You snicker, nuzzling your head into his chest. You enjoy a few quiet moments together before he begins softly humming an unfamiliar melody and you smile, knowing his creative wheels are turning again.
You lift your head up again to offer one last apology. “I’m sorry I once again disrupted The Process.”
Ashton laughs mischievously, running his hands down your body. “I mean… overall I’d say this was some pretty valuable feedback.”
Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the taglist, both for the support and the lovely (occasionally hilarious) feedback! If you haven’t signed up yet, the form is linked above! (If you signed up and your name is crossed out or not listed, I was unable to tag you, please check your blog settings and either re-sign up or send me a message letting me know you allow mentions now) @notinthesameguey @cxddlyash @2fangirl4u @cashtonasfuck @talkfastromance4 @itjustkindahappenedreally @saywhatnow07 @mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower @pxrxmoore @findingliam-o @fedorable-killjoys @trix-arent-for-kids @olivia-foster-irwin @saphseoul @calmsweetcreature @onthecliffside-mgc @feliznavidaddycal @himbohood @maggiesupertramp @wiiildflowerrr @karajaynetoday @ashtonangst @sunshineeashton @aladyofalbion @youngblood199456 @xsongbirdx @loveroflrh @fairytrice @calumrose @irwindoll @polycashton @in-superbloom
855 notes · View notes
point of no return (georgenotfound x f!reader)
author: me! @thegirlwhowritesawksh-t​
word count: 3.6k +
warnings: maybe a bit of angst, hella fluff? if there’s any you think you see, let me know!
A/N: first off: hi guys! this is my first fic ever (i’m a noob lmao), so please be gentle! i am in the process of writing some more about whoever I feel like simping for next... probably still George, mi amor *kisses* and second: to whoever’s reading this: stay hydrated, smile and laugh! let me know what y’all think! *sending besitos to y’all :))
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Sometimes it was hard to find the words to say I like you, much less, “I love you”. For (y/n), it was easy to say it to anyone. Friends, family, ex boyfriends. Everyone. Everyone but him. Pacing across her room in the flat she shared with George, all she could feel were her nerves on edge. Down the hall, in his own room engaging in a do not laugh match with Dream in Minecraft, George sits oblivious to the predicament (y/n) has currently placed herself in.
Her phone chimes with an incoming text from the man invading her thoughts -
GogyBogy: just about to finish up with Dream. movie night? your choice?
She can’t help but let out a soft scoff, but smiled and typed a yes back, slowly getting ready to head downstairs to make the popcorn and pull out the assortment of films to decide to watch.
It’s not like she knew that she was attracted to him the whole time. It had only been recently, when George decided to attempt a cooking stream, and all she could do was focus on how he had spent time looking for the best outfit for the stream.
“I have to look like I know what I’m doing, you know, I’m Chef George!”, letting out a giggle as he perfects his outfit. Maybe it was how he looked in his outfit, or maybe it was how his hair looked soft to run her hands through. One thing she knew for sure: like a shit ton of bricks, she was over the moon for him, and she just realized that now.
Since her earth-shattering realization, (y/n) has tried her best to remain cool and collected around George. There have been a few mishaps, though. One incident in mind merely happening just this morning. >>>
Cooking eggs in a skillet, (y/n) hums lyrics to a popular song, eyes closing every so often fighting to stay awake. Finding plates for two, she starts to flip the eggs, humming louder each passing minute, only loud enough to fill the empty room. Lost in the focus to flipping the eggs, she fails to notice George trudging in, pulling another late night editing videos for his YouTube channels.
“Isn’t it a bit early to be singing?” George mumbles, as she pauses mid-song. “How else am I to wake? It’s either I hum, or I blast some album full blast on Spotify. Want to listen to One Direction then? They have the Best Song Ever” (y/n) chuckles.
“Touché”. He remarks, (y/n) laughs and deciding that the eggs are fully cooked, she plates them, and adds garnish, consisting of pepper and a pinch of salt.
“Do you want tea?” (y/n) asks, as George responds with a yes.
“Can you get the mugs then? I’ll start heating water in the kettle” she asks as she starts looking for the kettle.
“Mugs are already on the table, and I’ve just grabbed the kettle. Let me do it, you’ve made breakfast this morning.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m right here already- “ (y/n) says as George quickly moves to the sink, filling up the kettle with water. “Don’t worry! I am an expert on making tea, (y/n)” George states, with a scoff rolling off of (y/n)’s lips.
“Right, and I’ll be the next Queen of England” she snorts, finally pleased with her creation. Turning around to put the finished masterpiece on the table, she jumps back realizing that George is right in front of her.
“What the heck!?” she asks as she’s still balancing the two plates on her hands. George only stifles a small smile.
“I told you, I’ll make the tea”, he replies. (y/n) opens her mouth to object with something snarky when all thoughts have gone out the window.
George, in the midst of heating the kettle, leans forward unconsciously holding onto (y/n)’s waist, as he reaches behind her to place the kettle on the burner next to the previously used skillet. Not only does she feel him grasping her waist, it then emphasizes that she’s trapped between the stove and George. So much for avoiding feelings, (y/n) thought.
He returns to his previous position, not yet letting go of (y/n)’s waist. Whether it be on purpose or on accident, (y/n) couldn’t tell for the life of her, she was focused on not dropping the plates of eggs. (y/n) then quirks an eyebrow, as if questioning why he’s still in front of her, holding her waist. George can only look back at her in confusion, eyebrows furrowing.
“I didn’t think you were clumsy to the point you decided to hold onto me”, (y/n) mutters as George’s eyes widen, hand dropping to his side as quick as he placed his hand on (y/n)’s waist. Just as quick as he dropped his hand, (y/n) felt immediate loss on what seems to be like her burning waist.
(y/n) can’t help but look down at the plates of eggs, no doubt that they started to cool off before she glances at his hand. The hand that held her, of course. Cheeks blushing, she attempts to side step at the same time as he does. He laughs and tries to side step in the opposite direction, yet she can’t help but make the same mistake again. Hearing George giggle at the latest mishap, (y/n) tears her eyes away from his hand the eggs to look up at him.
Her breath once again hitches at the close proximity between the two. She can’t help but glance at his hair, smiling at how messy his waves look. Looking lower, she stares at his eyes, his eyes staring back with humor, probably to their blunders only moments ago. With eyes slowly decreasing of crinkles, he takes a small breath, just pausing as he looks at (y/n) with renewed curiosity. (y/n) slowly starts to glance even lower, settling at just his lips. She sees words coming out of his mouth, yet she’s zoned into the idea if her lips would mesh well with his. Maybe it’s her imagination, but George seems to pause and reciprocate the idea of looking at (y/n)’s lips, licking his bottom lip slightly to ease the dryness that seemed to fill the air.
Minds contemplating, (y/n) decides to inch her face closer to George, with George seeming to think the same. - Just a few more milli-
SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH! The tea kettle whistles and George immediately jumps back, at a loss for words. Embarrassed at his sudden action, (y/n) hangs her head down, and mumbles out,
“I- I uh think I’ll have the tea later. Enjoy your breakfast. Wait, lun-, oh whatever”, (y/n) rushes out as she speed-walks to her room, with both cold plates of eggs, sweaty hands, and a confused George still holding onto the tea kettle, seemingly at odds with what just happened.
Maybe I’m just going crazy, (y/n) thought as she starts to heat up the popcorn. Quarantine is still in effect, and it has been a while since she’s seen other people. She’s only seen George and George only. Not that she minds, of course. With a sigh, she turns to the microwave, running her thoughts back to this morning, lost in her thoughts. Were we about to...?
“(y/n)!” George whispers. She whips her head around to see George standing in the doorway leading to the living room, a faint glow of yellow behind him. “Yes?” (y/n) asks as she takes the popcorn out of the microwave, cursing as she burns her hand on the paper bag.
“Isn’t it your choice tonight to decide on a movie?” He ponders, walking towards (y/n), her taking an instinctive step back. George raises an eyebrow but doesn’t question the sudden movement.
“I think so. How do you feel about Harry Potter?”
“Oh, come on! We watched Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 when you chose last time!” George groans as (y/n) moves past him into the living room, dead set on the film.
“So, we can start over again! Sorcerer’s Stone it is!”
“I don’t see how this- “ “George, please?”
Taking a moment to glance at (y/n), DVD in one hand, the other wrapped around her waist, George mutters a yes as she begins to put in the film.
“If we watch this, you’re playing Minecraft next time on stream”, he grumbles, grabbing a blanket to wrap around his body before settling onto the three-seater couch.
“I mean I suppose so…” (y/n) chuckles, grabbing another blanket and settles onto the couch. Only as she sat down did she realize she’s sitting in the middle of the couch, George sitting to the right of her.
“Didn’t we decide that you would sit on the left end of the couch and I would be at the other end, since you kick, and I tend to shuffle around a lot?” George smirks.
“I- “ (y/n) pauses. It’s true, she thought. She assumes she was happy choosing the film, that she decided to plop down beside him. Or so she thought. After taking a minute, she sighs and replies,
“Would you like me to mo- “ “No! It’s fine! Just unusual is all.” George says quietly.
“I can move if you want me to. I don’t have cooties, but I can move if you’d like.” (y/n) mumbles. Her heart slowly starts to beat faster with each passing second as silence begins to fill the room, the only light being the t.v. radiating in the background. Don’t make me move, George, (y/n) prays inside her thoughts.
After about a minute, George shakes his head.
“It’s fine. Sit!” He chuckles, before settling deeper into his spot. (y/n) breathes out a sigh of relief, thanking the heavens for him not noticing how much she’s blushing.
I’m fine, it’s just George, (y/n) repeats inside her head, no doubt failing. The movie begins to play, and (y/n) feels all of her worries fade away, smiling at watching her favorite childhood movie again. Relaxing deeper into the couch, her mind wanders back to the earlier memory of this morning again. Mind going numb with endless ideas, she failed to notice George’s arm tucked behind her head absentmindedly pulling her strands of her hair. He moves his hand slowly down to rest on her left shoulder, rubbing endless amounts of shapes, searing the imprint of warmth. Chest tight, she realizes the state she’s in with George, feeling the pressure raise higher as his hand remains there. (y/n) starts to sit frigidly, as if one wrong movement could set off dominoes. In this case, another awkward situation with the man she’s found herself lost for.
Where are we even in the movie? Really? Harry going to the zoo? Holy- (y/n)’s thoughts pause as George softly grips her shoulder - with her tensing up even more - before removing his hand to rest at his side, and (y/n) blushing at the sudden loss of contact. Cursing at her awkward being, she starts to readjust, hoping that George wouldn’t notice how wound up she is all from him. All from a shoulder touch, and she’s fully convinced she won’t ever recover from the man that is shy, sweet, confusing George. Still readjusting herself on the couch, she manages to cross her legs under her, holding onto George’s left thigh. Eyes wide, feeling George tense up, she manages to turn her head a bit to the side, to see George’s gaze on his thigh. (y/n) retracts her hand away.
“Sorry, you know how long these movies are…”, she mutters, cheeks flushing at the close contact. George can only cough and nod as he tries to focus back into the movie. I don’t know how much longer I can take this, (y/n) repeats into her head, trying to zone back into the movie.
How (y/n) was able to watch half of the movie without dying of embarrassment, she did not know. But she was thankful to appear normal in front of him, or so she would hope. Rigid with each movement, she felt scared making a move with the worry that she’d cause an uncomfortable situation. Yet, her head thought otherwise. I think I’d do just about anything for his warmth on me again, even if it’s just his hand on my shoulders, (y/n) thought.
The Golden Trio met Fluffy for the first time, and all (y/n) could think about (besides the man next to her) was going to Hogwarts, wishing it was real. The spells, the robes, Quidditch, everything about the universe has always called out to (y/n), and all she could do was endlessly hope it could potentially be a reality, even if she did look foolish for believing in that. George managed to discreetly glance to the side and see her dazed eyes zeroed onto the screen, and mouth moving to quote each line. All he could do was stare in awe, of her knowledge of this magical world, her persistence to memorizing each spell, and how there seemed to be a basking glow upon her figure. She looked like heaven, the epitome of warmth. What (y/n) couldn’t see was that he too, was enamored with her as she was with him.
George had an idea to test the waters. If she responded, he would continue. If she didn’t, he’d forget all about it and attempt to move on from the woman he was sure was the one. (y/n) saw from the corner of her eyes that George readjusted himself that while he was sitting casually beside her, he lowered his hand to rest on his thigh. Heart still stuttering, she lowers her eyes realizing that her thigh is directly next to his, mere millimeters from touching.
Rigid, she sits straight up, unintentionally knocking her thighs into George. She stares at their thighs, chuckles a bit and struggles to watch the movie again, knowing her thigh is definitely touching his thigh. With arms crossed against her waist, she can’t help but watch his hand in the mere hopes that it would ‘accidentally’ brush her thigh.
As she keeps her eye contact on his hand, George begins to tap his pinky finger on his thigh. He taps, wiggles, slides his pinky with his hand still resting on his thigh. While still resting his hand, he slowly starts to move his hand to the left, making it that his hand sat on part of his thigh, and the other part was on top of (y/n)’s thigh, starting to shyly tap his pinky on her thigh. Letting out a gasp, (y/n) could only freeze at his hand - no his pinky - tapping her thigh, and it’s already turning her into a nervous mess. What the hell is he doing to me?, (y/n) asks to herself.
If you go down this route, it’s past the point of no return…
But it’s worth it…
How can you even be sure if he feels the same?
(y/n) can’t help but engage in a battle with her thoughts before finally coming to a decision.
With bated breath, she slowly moves her hands to rest on top of her thigh, the hand closest to George shaking slightly. With a bit more confidence, she begins to move her right pinky on her thigh, moving in contradicting patterns, just barely touching George’s thigh. Soon enough, their pinkies start to move in sync, and (y/n) can’t help but bask in his warmth, even if it’s just his pinky. So used to his pinky against hers, (y/n) eventually hooks her pinky against his, effectively stopping their movements.
George lets out a huff of air, and (y/n) freezes, overthinking that she went too far. A full two minutes pass, only hearing Harry Potter finding the Mirror of Erised, and silence from George himself. Getting ready to back off, she releases a breath and begins to retract her hand from George.
“Okay, I’ll just- “
George shuts her up with his hand on top of hers, effectively placing his hand of top of their thighs. He then releases a shuddering breath, only to be met with complete silence. (y/n) looks at their thighs, then their hands, then George, back to the movie, to him again. She starts to find the words, only to come out with nothing. What can come out of her mouth besides, your heart is all I need.
Taking a minute to regain her composure, she lowers her guard, opening her hand so slightly that his fingers fill in the spots in-between hers. With a soft smile, he slowly grips her fingers, starting to rub her thumb with his.
“I don’t think you understand how long I’ve wanted to hold your hand,” George mutters quietly, as if he were to speak any louder, he’d shatter the moment, whatever this moment is.
“And you think I haven’t?” (y/n) asks.
“I didn’t say that,” George pauses. “How would I know? There weren’t any signals, no signs or hints, (y/n).”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed, George. I’m always scared of messing up around you now. I can’t breathe, knowing that we breathe the same air.  And how do you think I feel about us living under the same roof? I have to stop myself from tearing my hair out and- and stomping over to your room and just… confess. I’ve become desperate for your touch, yet I’m scared that if we pass that boundary, you wouldn’t feel the same! I mean, look at this morning, y- you- we almost kissed and you didn’t say anything! I assumed you just thought it was nothing, and we’d work past it. How is it not obvious that I’m in love with you!?” (y/n) blurts out, ripping her hand away from his, only for him to grip her hand again. Despite the nerves in her veins, she can’t help but relish in his hand still holding hers.
“Can you tell that my hands are shaking? Because they are, (y/n). Is it obvious that I don’t know what to do in situations like this? All I know is that just one look at you, I fall apart. I-I-I can’t begin to count all the times I’ve wanted to hold your hand. And that’s just holding your hand. Kissing you, calling you my Love, Darling, my Everything? I don’t know what else to say except that I fall apart from you. Everything you do makes me scared and I have no idea what to do, because I am just now realizing how much I adore you.” George confesses. (y/n) can only stare back with adoration, yet confusion swirling in her thoughts.
“You know, I can tell everyone how I feel. I love my mom, I love my sister, I love pets, I love One Direction, for gods’ sake! Yet if I say that to you… why is it that I feel like I would break apart? Saying those three words to you just confirms that I am so hopelessly in love with you, and anxious to tell you to be mine. Screw it, I want you to be mine, I’ve been yours. I am yours. I want everything and anything with you, and all I need is a yes. A yes from you is it for me.” (y/n) replies.
“I’m not good with my feelings, expressing them, especially with this. There’s no turning back.”
“Stop giving excuses.” She scoffs.
“I’m not. I’m giving you a way out. In the case that one day, you might not think that I am enough for you.”
“Who said you weren’t? You’re everything to me.” (y/n) says, and George whips his head up to face her. She continues on,
“I’m ready to be yours. Hell, I am yours. I-I can’t even begin to say how much I- “ “Love you. I love you, (y/n).” George blurts out, hands still grasping hers. Gasping, she takes a deep breath, finally ready to succumb to her desires.
“I love you, George.” (y/n) admits. George closes his eyes and softly smiles, before opening his eyes and looking back at (y/n). Now when he’s looking at her, does (y/n) realize how reciprocated her love for him was. Raising their conjoined hands to her face level, she places a kiss to his hands, with George releasing a heavy breath at the intimate action. With a smile, she lets go of his hands, George whining at the loss of contact of her hands.
“I think you’ll like this more.” (y/n) laughs. Slowly, she brings up her hands to cup his face, George immediately melting into her touch. With his head leaning towards one hand, he raises his hands to rub hers once more.
“You really like my hands, huh?” (y/n) remarks.
“They’re officially mine to hold. So, a short answer would be yes.” George smirks as (y/n) hums in content, feeling his stubble tickle the inside of her hands.
Grasping his face, (y/n) slowly tears her gaze away from his eyes to focus onto his lips, and for the first time, there’s a clear sign that he’s feeling the same. They both look at each other one last time, fully taken with one another, the space between them reducing by millimeters.
This is-
Finally capturing her lips, George shivers as (y/n) gasps into their kiss. Maybe he’s the heaven I’ve imagined. Perfection, (y/n) thought. After what seems to be minutes of giving into their desires, they pull back, chests heaving. George’s lips swollen, (y/n) can’t help but steal another kiss, earning a chuckle from George.
“I love you. You’re it for me. I- I love you” (y/n) repeats. George smiles for what seems to be the millionth time that day and says,
“I love you, (y/n). I- I am yours, and you’re mine.” George gushes. Going in for the third, but not final time, they embrace and kiss sweet nothings into their lips, each as a promise to love each other with no holding back.
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rollerbrawl-hog · 2 years
Bust a Groove 2 Character Tier List
based off of pretty much everything related to these characters, their design, song, stage, etc.
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(yes i know nobody asked for this. You could probably count all the fans of this game on one hand lmao)
S Tier:
Robo Z Gold: Robo Z, but ten times cooler. Fantastic level, and you fight in a helicopter. The song is pretty mid but I think his presentation makes up for it.
Capoeira: They have some of the best choreography, one of the best songs, and one of the funnest levels. I still jam to Algretto Break. 10 billboards out of 10
Heat: His moves in this game aren't as good compared to the first game, but his song definitely makes up for that slight setback. Plus he's just a cool racecar driver that controls fire and breakdances.
A Tier:
Strike: His song is so ridiculously 90's but still manages to be catchy. Fun to play and one of my go-to characters
Tsutomu: Another one of my absolute favorites in this game. My only complaint about this little guy is that his dance animation look floaty sometimes!
B Tier:
Comet: Her song is one I both hate and like. It kind of drones on and onnnnnn, but it doesn't get that old? The main reason she isn't C Tier is because of her dance style. Rollerblade dance was something I hadn't even considered as a possiblity within the game. Props to her motion capture artist!
Pander: I know most people hate this guy, but c'mon. His inclusion in the game is so out of left field and it's HILARIOUS. His level is completely insane and is probably my favorite in the entire series. Not A Tier though, cause his dancing is uninteresting.
C Tier:
Kitty N: Not gonna lie, she was way better in the first game. Her dance style isn't as energetic here. An okay song.
Hiro: He's just the disco guy. That's pretty much it. His song doesn't live up to the first game either. I dig the aesthetic tho.
Bi-O: This guy is probably the world's worst dad and nowhere as cool as Gas-O. BUT, his design is cool and so is his attack.
D Tier:
Shorty: She got shafted. Went from being one of the most fun characters in the first game, to having lame ass moves and a mediocre song. An okay design.
Hustle Kong: I like his design. He monki. that's it
E Tier:
Columbo: It's Shorty's cute mouse that loves to clip into itself.
McLoad: He's a dinosaur I guess? WHY does he have Kelly's moves?? is it trying to seduce the audience?? They couldn't have made it one of Kelly's weird party friends or something?
F Tier:
Micheal Doi: his design is just bad. sorry not sorry. Also just serves as an unfunny gay stereotype.
Chichi and Sally: MORE CLIPPING, except not cool like when Capoeira does it. They're kinda cute I guess? Seriously, who plays as these guys?
Sushi Boy: Sushi Boy. what.
Welp, that wraps it all up. I love this ancient game and I couldn't help myself. Thanks for coming to my TED talk lol
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jwooyoung · 3 years
get to know me tag!
tagged by @ya-doyoungie! thank you for tagging me 💘💘💘
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tagging @tensuperm @fuckyeahyukhei @nctsworld if you want!
What day is your birthday? 27th
What is your favorite color? it changes often but rn it's lavender. or maybe a burgundy/wine color
What’s your lucky number? I don't think I have a lucky number tbh but I like 21
Do you have any pets? I have three! isis, koda, luna
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How tall are you? 5'4.5 / 164cm normally
How many pairs of shoes do you own? probably 6 or 7??
Favorite song? of all time it's papaoutai - stromae. but rn it's jackson - woodie gochild feat. changmo and marinate - MEMBA, titus
Favorite movie? the intouchables!!
Who would be your ideal partner? someone funny! and can match my level of chaotic/weird lol. preferably NOT a taurus 🤺🤺🤺
Do you want children? no, I love kids I just don't want any of my own. I'd be fine if my partner had kids tho
Have you ever got in trouble with the law? nope never!
Baths or showers? showers
What color socks are you wearing? black with aliens on them that are doing this👁👅👁
What type of music do you like? I like all music except country I HATE country. I mostly listen to hip hop, pop(kpop, jpop, cpop included), rap, rnb, whatever stromae is lmao
How many pillows do you sleep with? I have 4 in my bed lol plus three pretty big plushies as well I like sleeping lavish
What position do you usually sleep in? on my right side
What you don’t like when you are sleeping? light and sound. I have super bad insomnia so basically anything will wake me up/keep me up
What do you typically have for breakfast? i don't normally eat breakfast, but if I do it's peanut butter toast or maybe oatmeal
Have you ever tried archery? yes! I love archery
Favorite fruit? honeycrisp apples, blackberries, oranges (specifically oranges from Versailles that's bougie idc)
Favorite swear word? cunt 💖💕💖💕💗💘💗💝💗💕💗💙
Do you have any scars? MANY. I'm really clumsy lmao
Are you a good liar? yeah, but I only really do it to my mother lmao
What is your personality type? infj
What is your favorite type of girls? 🗣🗣🗣 A L L !!!!!!!!!
Are you an innie or an outie? innie
Left or right handed? right handed
Favorite food? changes constantly. I don't really have an all time favorite, maybe shrimp/chicken alfredo?? genuinely I just like food in general lol
Favorite foreign food? rn it's tteokbokki
Are you a clean or messy person? generally clean but cluttered? if that makes sense lol
Most used phrase? rn it's probably naur LMAO. or heehee.. HEE HEE oh my godit's michael jackson !!!
How long does it take for you to get ready? 20-30 minutes I'm pretty low maintenance most of the time. if I have to do my hair it's an hour
Do you talk to yourself? sometimes. most of the time I'm talking but it's to my animals lol
Do you sing to yourself? all the time
Are you a good singer? depends on the song lmao I'm a mezzo-soprano so sometimes songs don't suit me at all
Biggest Fear? I'm not scared of anything tbh
Are you a gossip? sometimes but not about sensitive/private stuff
Do you like long or short hair? on myself? mid length. for other people, any
Favorite school subject? English and history. aka my college major and minor respectively lmao
Extrovert or Introvert? introvert
What makes you nervous? being around a lot of people all at once
Who was your first real crush? my friend Carly in second grade 💗💗💗 she was so sweet, we were friends for like four years before I moved away (also my first kiss with a girl 😔✊🏽)
How many piercings do you have? none! four tattoos tho
How fast can you run? not that fast but I haven't tested in a while lol
What color is your hair? two tone burgundy and a brighter red
What color are your eyes? almost black. they're brown but you can only see the brown if you shine a bright ass light in my eyes lmao
What makes you angry? bigots, racists, white supremacists, the current state of government in the US, people who don't wear their masks, I could keep going lol
Do you like your own name? I like my first and middle name but not my last name. I plan on changing it soon!
Do you want a boy a girl for a child? if I did want kids I'd probably want a boy
What are your strengths? this feels like a job interview pls 😭😭😭 I'm creative I think? and generally pretty friendly and open
What are your weaknesses? i can be a lil loud and chaotic sometimes. I forget things really easily cause of my adhd
Color of your bedspread? dark grey
Color of your room? white/beige 🤢
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
Totally not ho related bc ✨over the chaos of it and wanna talk about this✨
first - bestie; how’d you do with that giant storm we got? The roads near me were barely touched until mid morning today. I had work yesterday and oooft was I not ready for how horrendous driving conditions were even with taking all precautions.
But the real thing I wanna talk about bc it got me THINKING✨ so TikTok has been using 1D sounds and like we love it, but I saw a TikTok from a girl and she was talking about during the band’s height fans were made fun of for liking them. So ofc this brought up the memories of how I used to be shamed for liking them in 2011 (when they became more known bc 2010 it was still super underground in the US) until they’re hiatus. It’s just funny seeing how much it’s changed where many OG fans who’re around the guys’ ages were made fun of for liking “kids music” and those same people are now using 1D songs on their tiktoks ☕️🐸. I suspect they were closeted fans and ashamed they liked them- it’s like TSwift is now cool but people used to make fun of people who liked her. It’s just interesting to see how much things changed in the last 10 years 😵‍💫
We got a little over two feet here! But we're good. Never lost power which I'm thankful about. I think the roads are okay. My town is usually pretty good about it so the snow plows were out all night/day. Not really sure how icy it is though. I haven't left the house lmao but it looked alright when I was shoveling. Just be careful love. Snow is fun and games until it melts and refreezes into ice.
and LITERALLY. I've also noticed that. Like you don't get to use WMYB and Girl Almighty in your TikTok's because you made fun of us when we were younger lmao it's annoying
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Long Way Home (Jeon Wonwoo)
I would just like to take a moment and say FUCK PLEDIS, lmao. Also Haley requested this forever ago and I’m just posting it, so I hope this is okay.
Word count: 5325
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You could already hear Minghao scoffing at you in your head. He didn’t believe in perfect days so if you even explained the weekend’s events, he wouldn’t have believed you. So naturally, you were just gonna tell him it was a good time. The sun was almost done setting and you could feel the tan/burn of your days spent outside. Wonwoo cracked open the windows to let the hot air out and turned on the ac, letting the coolness hit your face and making you feel sleepy, and you could hear faint chuckling.
Spending a weekend in Changwon to (properly) meet his family turned out much better than you expected. Instead of taking a plane or train, he opted to make a road trip out of it, picking you up at the crack of dawn on Friday morning. You'd stopped at the gas station at the beginning of the trip, buying all the soda and junk food your arms could hold and rolling the windows down as the sunrise progressed into the morning. The more the world woke up, the more energetic he became and the louder he cranked up the volume.
While you did admire his onstage persona, intimidating you with the way he spewed venom when he rapped, it was another thing to hear him sing off-key to your song choices and giving you his dopey grin whenever you judged him. Wonwoo pointed to everything he remembered from his childhood along the way, stopping at a few places that he was sure that you’d like, like the frozen yogurt place that offered more toppings than he knew what to do with; or the second hand bookstore that gave away bookmarks after buying more than seven books. His favorite part of the road trip had been pulling over at the pet shop he begged his parents to stop at when he was younger but obviously said no.
Wonwoo laughed a lot the whole way there, enjoying the warmth of the sun through the windows and threading his fingers through yours and occasionally bringing them to his lips and kissing your hand, almost forgetting it was the weekend where he had planned to introduce you to his parents and trying his best to keep your nerves calm. It looked like it worked because he didn’t see you playing with your hair or drumming your fingers anywhere or even looking out the window. In fact, when he was about to ask how you were feeling you had fallen asleep somewhere along the way and he just laughed, letting go of your hand.
From all the stops you made, you didn’t get to his parents’ place until mid afternoon. His dad was outside washing the car when you pulled up. Wonwoo got out first and greeted him, trying to make up for all the lost time in that hug. You had to look away from that because it felt too personal for you even though you had those moments multiple times before. They talked for a moment and then he turned around and waved you over. You took a deep breath, fiddling with the door handle and you slowly got out. 
“It’s so good to see you Y/N!” Wonwoo’s father greeted you cheerfully. He didn’t know whether to shake your hand, bow, or hug you right away. He opted for the last choice. “Wonwoo talks nonstop about you! I was afraid he was making this up!” 
“It’s so nice to see you too,” you smiled at him. You kept your grip firm but not enough to hurt him. An awkward pause from you. “Thank you for having us over this weekend.”
“It’s no trouble at all. I missed seeing you here.” He fished out the keys from his pocket and pressed the panic button on it, not saying anything else until another figure emerged from the door.
“Yah! I told you to stop making noise before the neighbors file a complaint on us again!” The woman who became like a second mom to you marched over to him and smacked his shoulder. “Have you forgotten my name or something?” 
“I could never,” he chuckled, “but our guests are here.”
“And you couldn’t take them inside?!” She shook her head at, finger raised and ready to scold him. 
“It was easier if you did it.” He turned the nozzle back on the hose, the water spraying onto the car. “I still have this to clean.” He momentarily aimed it at her, and she screamed, which made him laugh.
“My children! How are you?” She kissed Wonwoo’s cheeks, pinching one of them and straightening his shirt to keep him presentable. “Y/N, you’re looking as lovely as ever.”
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, oh my gosh.” You wrapped her arms around her and did that little dance while hugging. “I’ve missed coming here. How are you?” You missed her warmth.
“Everyday is a good day.” Wonwoo’s mom brushed some crumbs off your face. “I’d invite you guys in, but my house is still a mess. Bohyuk won’t be home until after his detention.” She shook her head just thinking about it. “So, we can stay out here for a couple minutes. Or are you tired?”
“Y/N slept the whole way; I was so bored.”
“You woke me up early,” you whined. “No one wakes up before dawn.”
“Some of us sleep at dawn,” Wonwoo retorted, slinging an arm around your shoulders and trapping you in his hold.
“You’re not human. Ahh! Wonwoo, let me go.” 
“First say you’re sorry.” He didn’t know how much it hurt to laugh this much with you, and you weren’t even doing anything remotely funny. He finally let you go though, panting hard to catch his breath. “You will be the death of me, you know that?”
“Am not!”
“YES….DAD!” Wonwoo hollered, spitting out some of the water that had landed in his mouth when you got sprayed. “What was that for?”
“I see the bickering hasn’t gone away. Since you guys wanna fight so much, you can go pick up your brother after his detention.”
“Who’s fighting?” Wonwoo looked at you. “We’re not fighting. We’re best friends.” He draped his arm over your shoulder again, bringing you close to him, which made you blush for some reason and you smacked him. “Aren’t we friends, Y/N?”
“I’ve never seen you in my life. You’re mistaking me for someone else.”
“This is why you should go along with my foolproof plans,” Wonwoo said a little while later, towel drying his hair and offering another to you. He noticed you still shivering from the cold so he pulled you out into the sun, hoping to warm you up.
“Nah, you still end up getting us in trouble.” You wrung the water from your shirt, surprised at how much it managed to absorb from the sprays Wonwoo’s dad hit you both with and then took it from him gratefully. 
“I’m sorry. My parents are a little more excited for us visiting than I thought.” He brought the towel to your arms, drying you up a little.
“You don’t have to apologize. They miss you. The idol life is hard for everyone, you know?” You shuddered when his cold hand touched your cheek to press your foreheads together. Some of the droplets fell from his hair and landed somewhere on you.
“The rumors are true. Gross.” You both turned your attention to the voice, pinpointing it as Wonwoo’s younger brother as he gagged. “Oh my god, it’s my worst nightmare come true.”
“Shut up. You knew this was coming.”
“I want you to know that I lost a bet for saying you weren’t gonna….stay away from me. You’re wet and I don’t want Y/N’s germs on me.” He waved at you. “Hi Y/N!”
“Hi Bohyuk,” you smiled at him. “Still getting into trouble I see.”
“It wasn’t my fault,” he protested. “If the teacher kept to the right instead of going to the left, then she wouldn’t have been showered with baby powder.”
“How juvenile.”
“Sure, you made the move on my babysitter, but I’m the juvenile one.”
You winked at Bohyuk. Due to babysitting him, you and Wonwoo had become friends. Not best friends who told each other everything, but occasionally hung out at school and sometimes studied at the local library before he went away to train to become an idol. And as Bohyuk grew up, the Jeons didn’t require your services anymore but they helped you get another job as a thanks for your help. 
You weren’t sure how you and Wonwoo managed to reconnect, no matter how many times you looked back on it. You just remembered that one day you were closing up at work….and you swore you just blinked when Wonwoo had dropped by for a visit. Even then, your feelings didn’t develop right away. You didn’t feel your heart break when he left again, and you didn’t chase him to see if he felt something. There was that sadness, yes, but you got over it just as quickly as it came. Always bad with texting during one of the times you exchanged numbers, he only responded when he remembered to and he made up for it with lengthy paragraphs and e-gift cards for you. But once he debuted, you saw him either onstage or in photocards.
And when you moved to Seoul to fill the hunger you had for adventure….nothing happened….at least, not at first. You didn’t bump into him at a coffee shop where he invited you to dinner and confess his feelings for you when he dropped you off at night; and he didn’t spy you in the crowd during one of his comebacks and make his forget lines. In fact, the first time he saw you, he sped through your neighborhood and saw you throwing out the trash, but he wasn’t even sure it was you, so he forgot about even asking you. 
Your paths eventually crossed one day while coming back from work and you picked up dinner you ordered ahead of time. He had been there with Soonyoung and Chan, waiting for the rest of their members when you walked in through the door when he saw you. He had been in the middle of a story but the bell dinging interrupted him. The funny thing was that he didn’t stutter or stop his story when your gazes locked; he merely smiled and waved at you and continued as if you weren’t there, but it wasn’t until you were getting ready for bed that he had messaged you on one of your social media accounts asking why you didn’t say hi or let him know sooner you were in town, but otherwise made no other move to make plans to hang out with you. 
You supposed the thing that got the ball rolling was finding him at a bookstore. Only instead of him looking for books like you were, he was on a coffee run with Seungkwan, but while waiting for their orders, he saw you in the young adult section, taking pictures of the covers and possibly sending them to someone. He left Seungkwan hanging in the middle of the conversation to ask what you were looking for, which scared you and made you drop your phone. By the time you picked it up, he already had a couple of books in his hands, which he swore you would like because he enjoyed them a lot. In the middle of that, he apologized through his laughter And with that he pulled out his membership card for the discount and shooed you to the checkout line and went back to check on Seungkwan who looked offended at having his story time ruined but had the self control to not ask who you were until they were in the confinements of the car and he mentioned you were an old friend.
You asked him about the books….if they had been made into movies or a series or something, and gave him your honest thoughts and opinions, and he offered his own. He seemed more surprised at the fact that he had forgotten how well you could discuss literary works and even though you had different opinions on each, he respected that. He didn’t even think that it would turn into something more (and neither did you), so he didn’t think much about it every time he asked you to go out with him. But then after misreading the signs one night, you kissed him. 
Although he had been shocked, he was also pleasantly surprised at how much he liked it, but he asked you to take it slow with him because of his life and he didn’t want to hurt you if anything were to come out of it. And he credited you for being as patient as you were. He sent you his schedules for the week (and sometimes the month) to see when it’d be okay to see you for more than just your casual outings and after Jihoon knocked some sense into him, he dove in and asked you on a proper date, unsure if it had been the right thing to do.
And now as he looked at you passing the plate to his mom and how you listened intently to whatever story she had been telling you, he figured it was worth it...even when you caught him staring and stuck your tongue out at him.
Saturday had brought you cruising the neighborhood and bickering over trying to remember what the abandoned buildings once held. You waved to vaguely familiar faces asking each other if someone was your friend or his. It was Wonwoo’s turn to play the music, but none of it matched the vibe of the day, so naturally, you skipped songs until they felt right 
You stopped by the library, a little heartbroken to hear that the librarian who used to help you two find books on several occasions had passed away. The last time you saw him before you left for Seoul, he had expressed how much he would’ve loved to see you both at the same table one day and fighting over whatever it was people your age argued about again. They did, however, have a photo hanging by the kids’ section as a memorial and Wonwoo let you rest your head on his shoulder while you paid your respects and spoke softly about how your lives came to be like this. You stayed long enough to read a chapter book from your childhood and renew your library cards knowing full well you wouldn’t come back anytime soon and promised the photo of the deceased librarian that you’d stop here every time you were in town.
For lunch, you stopped at a Chinese restaurant where you found out that the head chef there was now the owner of the chain. She remembered you two as the ones who’d order the biggest plate of orange chicken and split it but always left the vegetables on your plate. She led you to your favorite table, feeling a little guilty at seeing your names carved in there from your adolescent days. For old time’s sake, you ordered the same food, only this time you got your own food since you could afford it now. Wonwoo slurped his noodles loudly, partly to annoy you and partly because food that good needed to be known by making as much noise as possible. The chef/boss even comped your meal because of how adorable you two were together and she seemed pleased to know she played a small role in it. Wonwoo may have left a really big tip as a thanks.
In the afternoon, he brought you to the wide schoolyard of your middle school days. You sat under the big shady tree where you’d hang out with your small group of friends and watched Wonwoo walk to the bench where he hung out with his friends. You brought out a journal and a small speaker to listen to music to fill the silence you didn’t wanna hear just yet. You caught your journal up on the events so far, not leaving any details out and just proclaiming your love for the haven the weekend created. 
Wonwoo had with him a soccer ball and kicked against the gate, creating a ruckus and you asking him to knock it off, mostly because it wasn’t the noise he had in mind. He watched the way you scribbled across the pages, wondering what you could’ve been writing, seeing as though he’s been with you and nothing really seemed worth remembering. After a few more “goals” he scored, he sat down next to you and closed his eyes, to gain some of his strength back. He didn’t ask you to read what you wrote but he asked what you were thinking about, letting your words paint a picture in his imagination At one point, in a fit of boredom he took all his stuff back to the car and re-emerged with the guitar that Jihoon let him borrow. He was still practicing how to play it, so he wasn’t all that great yet, but it didn’t discourage him. He was still playing when you asked for the keys to trade your journal for your switch, figuring a video game seemed like fun. 
When the late afternoon turned to dusk, you both stood up, having gotten a lot further in your respective books than you expected, and stretched, letting the blood flow across your bodies and feeling lightheaded with the sudden movements. He grabbed your hand and together, you explored the campus, reminiscing about the worst and most useless classes ever thought of and why they even existed.
“Wonwoo, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but algebra? We kinda need that. Computer skills on the hand….”
“I could live my whole life without knowing whether parentheses or exponents, especially when you add letters to the equation...no pun intended.” He pointed to the woodshop class, ranting about the stupidy of school districts needing permission to teach sex ed classes but apparently preteens were mature enough to handle heavy machinery that could cause bodily harm and how he almost sliced his finger one time because the board he needed for a project wouldn’t cooperate with him.
“Do you remember this is where we first had lunch together after I started watching Bohyuk?” Wonwoo shook his head and you continued, hoping to jog his memory. “You didn’t say hi or anything. You literally just sat-” you pushed him down on the seat, you nearly falling on him but catching yourself in time, “-right there and started eating your chicken burger as if it was the most normal thing in the world.” You smiled a bit. “I didn’t even know who you were and you scared me.”
He nodded. “I remember some of that. But I only needed to tie my shoe and then you started talking and you haven’t stopped since then. I didn’t have lunch with you though. That was probably a different time. We didn’t become friends until way later.”
“It didn’t happen like that. We became friends really fast….stop shaking your head! My memory is better than yours.”
“What did we have for breakfast?”
You opened your mouth, ready to fire off the first thing you had this morning, but then you scrunched your face up, trying to remember. Was it pancakes….no! They were waffles! You dunked them syrup….right? You were pretty sure you had juice though. Wonwoo had coffee and maybe a bagel….you think. “I-” Your eyes darted everywhere, anything to spark a memory, but you came up empty. You closed your mouth again, lower lip sticking out.
“That’s what I thought,” he said smugly. He squatted a little to get to your eye level. “Who’s my favorite person in the world?” He reached out to poke your cheek to get you to smile. “Come on, friend. Who is it?”
“No,” you pouted, shaking your head at Wonwoo when his smile widened.
“What did I get you for our first official date?” 
“Coasters with kittens you and Seokmin named after the Weasley twins.” You weren’t sure why you remembered that, but it just stuck with you. “Stop trying to be cute with me, you little shit.”
“Okay, fine.” he kissed your forehead, chuckling. “We became friends that day. And what else do you remember about those days?”
“I saw you a lot at the book fairs; you were in the school’s top 30 biggest readers, and you kissed someone under the basketball court during PE once.” 
“I didn’t know you had a crush on me back then.” He pinched your cheek lightly. Well, he’d probably never tell you that he had one on you for about four days, but it went away. But he’d say just about anything to get that blush on your cheeks, even if it meant accidentally busting you but you not admitting to it.
“Come on, let’s go home already. Your mom’s probably waiting for us so we can all eat.”
“Hey, Jagi?” He had to know now, even if you weren’t gonna give him a clear answer.
“Did you really have a crush on me?”
“What’s important is that we’re dating now and not reliving the most embarrassing parts of my life.”
He took that as a maybe.
Sunday morning, after staying up a little too late playing many, many rounds of Mario Kart, Wonwoo’s parents decided on an impromptu family day at the beach despite knowing that you’d have to leave later in the day to get back to Seoul at a (somewhat) reasonable hour. You made sure you had all your stuff packed so you wouldn’t forget anything and you joined the Jeon family for an early-ish breakfast with Wonwoo’s mom pouring too much syrup on her husband’s waffles, despite his protests of not liking it anymore. (He took one bite of them though and proceeded to snatch the bottle away and almost drown them in the gooey mess.) Bohyuk was more interested in whatever noise was coming from his phone than anything else, and Wonwoo almost falling asleep on his waffles. 
You chucked one of the wadded up receipts from your pocket at him and he jumped up, nearly knocking his glass of milk over and you laughed. He seemed wide awake the rest of the day though because he sang all his favorite songs at the top of his lungs on the drive to the beach while you fed him gummy worms and constantly asked him if you were there yet, to which at one point, he pulled over on the side of the road, unlocked the passenger door and told you to get out. 
Once the scent of salt hit your nostrils, you bounced in your seat excitedly, talking at a million words a minute about the last time you spent the day at the beach and how it’s felt like forever since you felt like a kid and had he not been driving, he would’ve kissed your head at your cuteness, but he did take your hand and squeezed it. But when your feet actually touched the sand, you remembered just how much you hated it when it got into your shoes and socks, so you took them off, not caring you’d eventually get blisters from how hot the ground was.
It wasn’t too fully packed with people but still you didn’t stray too far from the family, watching Wonwoo slowly dip his feet in the water but make no other effort to go further inside because Bohyuk was the dutiful brother trying to push him inside. 
You wrote down the non interesting events in your journal, enjoying the waves crashing on the shore and the gulls flapping their wings and reluctantly reading a couple entries to the curious mom. You drank your water happily to keep you hydrated, especially since the sun seemed warmer than most days. Wonwoo did call for you sometime later, and you raced to the water, jumping eagerly over the waves and grasping at his hand when one almost knocked you over. A little before you had to leave, you and Wonwoo walked through the shore, holding hands and just enjoying each other’s company. Truth be told, you didn’t want to leave; you wanted to stay in this paradise, where you didn’t have to worry about anything except maybe falling into the water and possibly taking Wonwoo down with you.
Eventually, Wonwoo did have to gently remind you that home was quite a ways away and a few of the boys wouldn’t forgive him if he didn’t show up, and he had to pull you of the water to say goodbye to his parents. Wonwoo’s mom cried a little, saying she’d miss you both and Wonwoo’s dad hinted at you staying a little longer, going as far as saying that he could call someone at Pledis to excuse him for one more day, and the idea was tempting but you had to go and they only let you leave when you promised you’d come back soon. 
The sun had finally set when you were at the halfway point of home, and you were proud of yourself for staying up with Wonwoo as long as you did. He didn’t have much to say other than asking if you were hungry from time to time.
“You’re not ready to go home yet, are you?” you asked, stifling a yawn. You managed to crack a small smile when his hand found yours and entwined them.
“Not yet. I had so much fun this weekend.” He snuck a peek over at you scrolling through your phone, the brightness illuminating your face. “Are you still scared of my parents?”
“Yes and no. If we break up, it’d be a little hard to tell them that, don’t you think?”
“Or we can get married and hope we end up like them.”
“Jeon Wonwoo, you haven’t even told me you love me yet, and you’re already deciding our future.” You were grateful that he couldn’t see you blushing, but you didn’t feel like outing yourself by asking him to turn down the air. You had to admit the idea was nice though. 
“I didn’t say I love you. I’m just saying that if you don’t wanna tell my mom why we broke up, this can be an option for us and she’d never know.”
You could feel your eyes closing, the small banter tiring you out. Maybe he could make it home without you bothering him. The big neon signs could keep him company and possibly feed him since he often talked about grabbing a bite to eat. You weren’t hungry, but you felt as though you could sleep through the end of the world. You didn’t catch what Wonwoo told you, but you could feel him patting your head.
When you woke up from your nap, the car smelled like food and the streets looked familiar, but you still shut your eyes just in case you were dreaming. You could feel the disappointment of going home bubbling deep inside you. You didn’t want the night to end; you didn’t want to say goodbye to Wonwoo yet. It felt like you didn’t spend enough time with him. Maybe you should’ve stopped at a restaurant or maybe you should’ve stayed up with him. Was it too late to call one of the boys and say you got a flat tire on the way back? Maybe you could tell Wonwoo that you forgot your phone...and the one resting on the cupholder was his mom’s.
“Come on, sleepy head. I know you’re up.”
“No, I’m still sleeping. You can’t make me get up if I’m not awake.” You opened one eye, peeking at your surroundings. Pretty soon, Wonwoo would turn right and then go down a few more streets and then once you passed his favorite grocery store, you’d be home. You didn’t want that.
“Come on. We have to get up for work tomorrow and you have a lot of other things to do.”
You shook your head. “No, not yet.”
“What if I promise to take you out on a date this weekend? Or we can stay at my place and bug everyone?”
“What if I spend the night after everything’s done? I know I promised Chan I’d do something with him, but-”
“No.” you felt childish but you couldn’t help it. “I’m still asleep.” 
“Please Y/N?”
Slowly you opened your eyes, sighing in defeat. You had a good weekend at least, but now you had to face the reality of tomorrow as soon as you got home. You saw the McDonald’s sign, getting ready to hear the blinker to signal his turn, but instead of turning like you expected, Wonwoo drove straight ahead. “Uh, Wonwoo? I think you missed the turn.”
He shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road. “Do you feel like taking the long way home tonight?”
At this, you nodded. You liked when Wonwoo could read your mind and it comforted you to know that he felt the same way, even if he wasn’t as vocal about it. He let his phone choose the songs as he drove on, making random turns and not caring about where he was taking you. He just wanted to be with you until the last possible second. 
“I didn’t know you liked Green Day,” you commented when he stopped at a red light.
“I don’t think I’ve heard enough of their songs to know if I like them, but Vernon probably got into my phone. I can’t understand a lot of what they say anyway.” He shook his head. “All I know is that I question the whole anarchy thing.”
“I mean we jam out from time to time so it can’t be all that bad. The light’s green now.”
“Always in a rush to leave, aren’t we?” He waited a couple more second before driving down a few more streetlights (all of them turning red when he’d pull up) before making another turn that led you to a rural part of Seoul...and the outskirts from the looks of it. You came across a few neighborhoods, Wonwoo explaining how he’d like to live in something like this one day after the whole idol life/military discharge was over. He picked up the habit of kissing you whenever you stopped at the stop signs, liking the fact that it seemed like you were the only two people awake at that hour. 
Eventually he had to take you home, but he took every detour he could find, taking advantage of all the streets that he could find stop signs and red lights, so he could kiss you a little more and have those milliseconds add up. He finally stopped at your apartment building, turning off the music and looking up at you. “We’re here.”
“Thank you for this weekend, Wonwoo. Can we do it again?”
He nodded. “I’d like that a lot.” He deliberated a moment before turning off the ignition and all the lights dimming around you before turning off completely. 
You sighed quietly, feeling sadder than you should’ve but you unbuckled your seatbelt and opened your door. “Good night.”
He caught your arm before you could leave. “Jagi?”
He leaned closer to you until he could kiss you one more time. “Good night.”
Maybe you weren’t falling in love with Wonwoo yet, but you were more than okay with taking it slow. 
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he whispered.
It was your turn to lean in quickly and kiss him good night. “Thank you for taking the long way home.”
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thirsty-x1 · 4 years
Too Much | Cho Seungyoun
can i request a smutty oneshot where the reader is ceo!seungyoun’s gf and after a couple days of him coming home late/not coming him at all because he’s overworking himself, she goes to his office herself (all dressed up 👀) to try and help him unwind/relax? basically him fucking his gf over a desk lmao, hope this is okay!
↬ Pairing: Seungyoun x fem!reader.
↬ Genre: Smut, bit of fluffy ending.
↬ Warnings: explicit language, dom!Seungyoun, dirty talking, slight degradation, semi-exhibitionism, oral sex (blowjob), very slight bondage, fingering, unprotected sex.
↬ Word Count: 3.8k.
↬ Song Recommendation: “Too Much” by Loco ft. Dean.
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The sun coming down reflected on your windshield as you drove your car, turning right before seeing your destination come in sight. The building stood tall, somehow looking threatening and making you doubt whether you really were going to follow through your plan. It wasn’t a hurried decision considering that you had been trying to gather the courage to do it since quite a few weeks after noticing the pattern your boyfriend had started to create, but it was also your first time visiting him at work. Taking a deep breath, you parked the car, your fingers turning white as you held the steering wheel tightly, comforting you a bit before you got out.
A slight breeze sent shivers down your spine, the cold air impacting mainly on your exposed legs. Your eyes travelled down examining your outfit, wondering if it was fancy enough; as the CEO’s girlfriend, you couldn’t just show up in any clothes. The mid-thigh skirt wasn’t doing much to protect you against the weather, although it would have been much worse without the thin dark stockings underneath it. You ironed the white shirt with your fingers and fixed your coat while walking towards the entrance, the sound of your high heels resonating on the empty street.
Pushing through the heavy glass door, a man behind the welcoming desk smiled at you kindly but without saying a word, waiting for you to initiate the conversation, which was rather odd… wasn’t that supposed to work the other way? Without giving it much thought, you proceeded to ask in a low voice.
“Excuse me… I have come to meet the CEO, Cho Seungyoun.”
The man nodded, as if he expected it, and asked in a condescending tone: “Do you have an appointment?”
“Ah, no, but I–” He waited no time in interrupting you.
“Then I’m afraid you can’t see him now. If you call to this number,” he scribbled down in a card, handing it to you, the tactic being too obvious as you saw what was probably his name on it, “you can arrange a meeting.”
Smiling as sweetly as you could, you declined his offer. “I’m his girlfriend.”
You could see the blush on his face as his eyes opened wide, starting to stutter as he pointed out the way indicating which floor you had to go to, much more polite than at the beginning. It was fun to see the immediate change without even confirming whether it was true, the thought of the employee trembling at the fact making you wonder just how strict of a boss was Seungyoun.
Waiting for the elevator you could feel eyes on you, turning away whenever you tried to catch who they belonged to. As you heard a few people muttering, you noticed that other’s women outfits weren’t as sophisticated as you were, rather using full suits instead of skirts and blazers on top of their shirts. You started to feel slightly embarrassed, focusing on the numbers changing as the elevator went up, your hands quickly closing the long coat as a way to protect yourself from the gazes.
After what it seemed to take forever, you got to the floor, hurriedly getting out of the cramped space while examining the whole room to see if you could find your boyfriend’s office. Finally, you noticed a slouched figure behind one of the glass walls, a sudden relief washing over your body as you recognized Seungyoun working on his office, sitting behind his desk as he seemed to study the papers in front of him. Nodding to some of the workers you passed by, you opened the door, careful to not disturb him as you got in.
“Have you finally brought the right papers? Also, ask everyone to stop sending messages through the work chat, I can see them, and what are they all being so loud for? Who came? I haven’t authorized anyone to pass.” His tone was completely serious as he rearranged some of the papers on the desk, almost throwing one of the folders to you as he looked up to his screen to check something. “The numbers are wrong, ask the statistic office to check them at least once.”
It was hard to hold back your giggle. “Would be nice if you looked up every now and then, your employees will hate you otherwise.”
Right when you started the sentence, his eyes shoot up, a smile spreading on his face as he stood up and walked around the dark wood table to hug you.
“What are you doing here? I thought you would be at home…”
Pouting, you played with the collar of his shirt. “Well, you have been working way too much… and since it’s impossible to make you take one free day, I thought of coming here.” You placed your hands on his shoulders, leaning to press a kiss against his sleep thankful that he was covering you from anyone spying.
“I know, it’s just that the deadline is close and everything must be perfect, plus we started a new deal with another business.” It was fun to see the contrast between his boss-self and the Seungyoun you were so familiar with, especially as he put a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I need to finish some work now, would you mind to wait for a bit? We can go have dinner to some fancy place afterwards.”
There wasn’t much you could do now and he was being too kind considering you came without prior notice too. You nodded, not without slapping his butt as he turned around to go back to his seat. While you heard the incessant typing, you walked around, staring at the multiple diplomas and degrees on the walls. On one of the shelves, there were all the awards that the agency had won next to pictures of Seungyoun with numerous renowned business men. It had been barely a year since you two had started dating, but by now you had noticed he wasn’t too keen on talking about his work, which was a bit surprising seeing just how big part of his life it had become. When you asked him about it, he simply said it was because he preferred to keep both separated and focus on relaxing while at home and you hadn’t pressed much on it.
After a few minutes, you took of your coat and sat down on the sofa, grabbing one of the magazines that was on the coffee table without paying much attention to it. Instead, you preferred to watch Seungyoun working: the way his hair was slicked back, his tie slightly loose since he pulled on it whenever he got stressed, the sleeves of his white shirt were rolled showing the shiny wrist watch that blinded you each time he angled it in a particular way and one of your favorite tattoos of him, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose sliding a bit and his hand quickly putting them back in place, how he nibbled on his bottom lip, the soft grunt he would let out when something in the screen wasn’t going the way he wanted… You knew he was having a hard time, but he was also looking extremely hot while doing it so, to the point where you couldn’t think straight anymore.
“Is that article so interesting?” His question interrupted your thoughts, causing you to blink a few times and he smirked. “You have been drooling for quite a while…”
You let out a breathy laugh and got up to walk next to him, hugging him from behind and resting your head on the crook of his neck. “Is there a lot left?”
He pressed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. “Almost done.”
“Hmm… You are pretty tense.” Your hands slid down his chest, barely grazing his belt. “Want me to help you relax a bit?”
Seungyoun sighed, grasping your wrist right before it got to his groin. “I’m at work, princess.”
“And?” You pressed your lips against his neck, lightly nibbling on the skin before licking a stripe, his head falling to a side to allow you reach more. “If I get under the desk, it should be fine, right? You deserve it, you have been working so hard…”
Before he could even form an answer, you took a peak outside the office only to notice almost everyone had gone by now and dropped to your knees, quickly undoing his belt and unzipping his pants, palming him over his underwear earning a groan from him. Maybe it was the rush of being caught what turned him on so much because in just a few minutes he was hard, his length twitching under the fabric.
“Don’t tease me, y/n.” His tone was commanding, eyes piercing as he looked down on you, the new side of him making you wet. “Be a good girl and suck me off, hm?”
Unable to form any kind of reply that didn’t expose just how much power his words had over your whole self, you decided to follow his order. Hooking your fingers on the tight band of his underwear, you pulled it down enough to free him, his head thrown back as you slid your tongue on his shaft covering it up with your saliva. With a wicked smile, you teased the tip of his cock, already tasting the precum forming on the tiny slit. His head rested on the back of your head, encouraging you to take him in your mouth, shutting his eyes closed as he felt your lips wrapping around his member.
Right as you were about to begin bobbing your head, the door of the office opened, the sound of steps getting closer to the desk stopping you dead on your tracks. You looked up, trying to get some kind of indication on what to do from your boyfriend but he was completely ignoring you, his gaze fixed on the person before him.
“Is there anything you want to tell me, Miss Lee?”
“Ah, yes, here are the files you asked for, Sir.” You could feel a hesitant tone on her voice and you wondered if she was the woman that Seungyoun was waiting for when you had entered his office earlier.
“Thank you.” Realizing that the woman hadn’t left, Seungyoun continued. “Anything else?”
“W-well, you see… Some of the other employees were going to have a drinking meet up to celebrate the stocks going up, a-and… I was wondering if you would like to c-come…” You rolled your eyes at the obvious excuse to flirt with him, but what annoyed you the most was how much time your boyfriend was taking to decline the offer so you could continue, so you engulfed more of his length into your mouth and heard his fist impact on the desk, scaring you and his secretary, apparently. “A-are you feeling well, Sir?”
“Yes, it’s nothing, sorry, thought there was… something…” His voice sounded strained, so you swirled your tongue and pressed lightly on the underside of his tip.
“I see… T-then, will you come with us to celebrate?”
Just as a reminder, you went all the way, holding back a gag when you felt him hit the back of your throat, causing him to clear his own. “No, I’m sorry, but I have plans with my girlfriend tonight.” Pleased with his answer, you were about to pull out until his hand forced you to stay in place.
“Oh… I will get going then. Have a good night, sir.”
As the door closed, you hurriedly tapped on his thigh and he put his hand away allowing you to pull his dick out of your mouth as you coughed violently, the air hitting your lungs all at once as you tried to dry the tears that had clouded your vision. While you tried to recover, Seungyoun put away all the things on his work station with the most calmed expression, taking his time until he finished and went back to look at you, his thumb wiping the corner of your lips.
“I warned you to not tease me, baby.” He fixed his clothes again before he leaned in and picked you up, placing you on his desk. “Guess I should have expected it seeing the outfit you are wearing. Were you the one to cause all that fuss in the office?” His hand slid up your leg, appreciating the smoothness of the stockings. “I can’t have you wrecking the whole place… or was that what you wanted?”
His actions made it hard for you to focus on what he was saying, the previous situation had already turned you on beyond any expectation but now it was him acting all confident, teasing you on purpose.
“Are you sure? Are you sure you didn’t want my secretary to listen to those lewd noises you made while choking on my cock?” His fingers slipped under your skirt. “Or have my employees trying to get a sneak peak of your ass?” Seungyoun’s gaze burned, your cheeks hot as he analyzed each of your reactions, smirking at the gasp that left your lips when he cupped your core. “You are dripping wet, sweetheart…”
“Seungyoun, please…”
His fingers kept rubbing you, the friction not being enough, the two layers of fabric, your panties and the stockings, starting to become annoying as you held his hand in place.
“Tsk, no, you didn’t follow my order before, so you don’t get to do what you want.”
Within a second, he slapped your grip, undoing his tie and wrapping it around your wrists, tying them behind your back rather tightly. You could feel the blood burn under your skin, your muscles itching in anticipation and your heart beating faster as you noticed a few lights still on outside the office. What if there was anyone out there? What if you got caught in the act? How was Seungyoun going to explain that and would it have any negative consequences on his position? All the questions dissipated from your mind as you heard a loud ripping noise, looking down to find your boyfriend smiling playfully.
“You- You ripped my stockings?!” For a second, you forgot of the whole scenario, but he made sure to remind you who was in charge in a flash, his fingers making your underwear to a side and feeling up the slit of your pussy.
“They were in the way and this is most discrete than having you fully exposed on my desk, don’t you think?” Your muscles tightened at the suggestion and he raised an eyebrow. “You like that idea? Hmm, who would have thought that my darling could be such a slut…? Wanting to be exhibited…” One of his fingers entered you, Seungyoun purring on your ear as he felt you clenching around it. “What would everyone think? You looked so professional a few hours ago and now you are sprawled and whining for me on my desk.”
The feeling was overwhelming, his breath grazing your skin with each word he said, making you feel hot all over as you fought with the strains that prohibited you touching him. He kept fingering you at a slow pace, loving how you squirmed under his touch, trying to keep your sounds low in case anyone would hear, but when he suddenly inserted another finger, it was impossible to hold back the guttural moan you let out.
“Fuck, Seungyoun, I really can’t take it…”
“Hm? Weren’t you going to help me relax? Maybe you are not the good pet I thought you would be…” You could feel that he was going to pull back, so reuniting each bit of strength you had left, you surrounded him with your legs and pressed him against you.
“Please, please… Use me in any way you want but I beg you to fuck me, I just can’t wait anymore, I need you, Youn, please…” The last few words came out muffled with sobs, the need in your system growing bigger and bigger under his hungry stare.
“You are too much, babygirl, too much for anyone to handle…” His hands unbuttoned your shirt impatiently, sighing when his favorite lacy bra came into view. “Anyone but me.”
His lips crashed against yours in a rough kiss, groaning at his own taste on your mouth as he slipped his tongue in, swallowing all of your whimpers when he took out his cock and buried inside you in one strong thrust. Smoothly, he pushed your shoulders until you felt the cold wood through the thin fabric of your shirt, and Seungyoun would swear he could have come right then at the view: you, laying back on his desk with your hands tied up behind your back, your breasts bouncing each time he rammed into you, your skirt lifting up slightly to show your cunt taking him in with the panties aside and your ripped stockings, some of his precum smeared on the side of your face, your loud whimpers and the wet sound filling the room in evidence of the lustful act you two were doing. It was his biggest fantasy come true, but the real thing was so much better than what he had played on his mind over and over again.
Right as you felt the knot on your stomach tightening up, you saw a shadow cross the glass wall, fear invading you, but when you looked at Seungyoun, his smile was bigger than ever.
“Why are you so quiet now, doll? You suddenly feel shy? I’m their boss anyway.” His high pitched laugh didn’t match the aggressive pace he maintained while moving his hips. “Why don’t you let them hear who you belong to, hm? Who makes you feel this way? Who is in charge of pleasing you?”
You didn’t dare to reply with words, shaking your head multiple times while trying to make him stop somehow, although the way your body reacted to his voice was betraying your true desires.
“C’mon y/n, I know you love this… I can feel your dirty juices spilling, making a mess… Just admit it, baby, you love being fucked raw by me, completely at my mercy and being this vulnerable and exposed… so helpless…” He continued to shove his length into you, his hands holding your hips in place. “Can you let go of your inhibitions for me?”
Shyly, you opened your mouth. “I-It’s… too much…” Your whimper sent shivers down his spine, his cheeks blushing as he got closer to you.
“I know you can and want to take all of me in this pretty, tight hole of yours, my love, you just have to ask.” Seungyoun pressed a few kisses on the valley of your breasts, sucking on the skin and leaving marks. “Give yourself to me, y/n.”
Just like that, your whole body crumbled, your thighs shaking as your orgasm washed over you, your mouth letting out a mix of incoherencies along with your boyfriend’s name. A few thrusts later, Seungyoun came as well, the feeling of his sperm filling you making you complain from oversensitivity while he made sure to completely empty inside of you. He stayed like that for a while, holding you before peppering you with small kisses and praising against your skin just how good you had been for him, his hands quickly untying yours. When he got soft, he pulled out, hiding a giggle at the complete mess he had caused before looking for some wipes to clean you and himself a little.
When you composed yourself, you fixed your clothes, still feeling a bit uncomfortable with each movement you made since you could feel some of “Seungyoun” inside of you. Everything seemed to be in order, except for your ripped stockings for the which ones your boyfriend apologized under the promise of buying you even better ones, and while you were trying to comb your hair with your fingers, the criminal got closer, helping you put on your coat before hugging you.
“Do you feel more relaxed now?”
He laughed at your sarcastic question. “Yes, very.” Seungyoun pulled away, holding your face in his hands. “Thank you, really. Wasn’t quite expecting that ending but… It was amazing. You really are a good girl.”
Your whole face got red at the sudden compliment, slapping his arm before you grabbed your purse and got out of the office, still waiting for him outside of it. Carefully, you studied the surroundings, but no one seemed to be at the building, so maybe the shadow you had seen before was just a product of your imagination… or so you hoped.
As you got down on the elevator with Seungyoun tightly holding your hands and discussing where you should go to have dinner, you were greeted with an overall familiar face. The guy that had welcomed you earlier that day, and something told you that the blush on his cheeks wasn’t caused merely because of the incident during your presentation.
“Ah, Hangyul, you are still here?” Seungyoun’s tone was extremely casual, your eyes getting bigger as you realized that they must have been more than just co-workers. “Thought you would have gone out with Miss Lee to celebrate.”
The other man wouldn’t look at you in the eye and furtively avoiding your boyfriend’s stare. “Yeah, I just thought it would be more interesting to stay around here and… do some work…”
It was just for a fraction of a second, but you got to see the rampaging boner that the younger had, although he was desperately trying to cover it with his briefcase. Seungyoun must have noticed, because in a second he was standing in front of you, hiding you from his friend.
“I see. Was it interesting enough?” You suppose the other must have nodded due to the elder’s laugh. “Well done today, hope we can work together on some other opportunity. We will be leaving first, make sure to close properly and handle all unfinished business first hand.”
Immediately after you two left the building, Seungyoun exploded in laughter, making you feel even more embarrassed than before as you reprimanded him for making fun of the poor guy.
“That was too much, Youn! You crossed a line!”
His laughing fit started to calm, sliding an arm behind your back as you started walking to your car. “I was just imitating you, my love.”
The only sound that was heard was the echo of Seungyoun’s whine after you flicked his forehead. Despite his bad puns and silly attitude, he was still the man you had fallen for. A man that was “too much” for anyone, but not for you.
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this has no business being so fucking long and I don’t know why I added Gyul at the ending but it just seemed fun and I want to cry so much because writing this made me incredibly horny bye
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 7X11 Adventures in Babysitting
ah mid season finale
bruh so much shit happens all the time
listen I can't say if it's good, but it is a Lot
Bobby :(
Was that a weapon?
it's a fucking knife who uses a knife
ooo visuals
he also talks quite quietly
huh and she was so Nice too, I realize that is the point
they're just
week two
oh and they're just staring at the number
man even John's death didn't hit them this hard
they are probably consuming COPIOUS amounts of alcohol
they haven't...told anyone
if you tell someone, it's real
jesus christ Dean
was a kid, but no it's not Bobby
ah a hunter's kid
boy they're so turned around
...he drank his beer without noticing
oh jesus christ that's not good
ah the man was a hunter
that's what the knife was for
I think this is the girl from Tik Tok
ah he calls every night
ah Sam understands
ah of course the coffee
pfft she doesn't even question it
not friends, acquaintances
"want to see what I bleed?" *points gun at his foot*
frank Jesus
red-blooded american huh
lmao this man is hella paranoid
"I called you four days ago" "I called you four WEEKS ago" oh my god
Dean, other people are allowed to miss Bobby
he doesn't know how much he cared about them Jesus
also I don't think bobby was that drunk??
"it's all on the huffington post" lmao
"costume?" HE'S SO HURT
they're doing great
"you look horrific, when was the last time you slept" DEAN YOU'RE SPIRALING AGAIN
ah knife to the heart
ah that's the girl
sends him on a wild goose chase
huh actual suspense is built
a H it's both of them
one lures, the other attacks, or they both scope out
Frank you're Cracked
did he just make a sisyphus reference
"so fake it?"
"be professional. Do it right, with a smile, or don't do it" Jesus
your brother's missing, Dean
ah the hunter
one knocks you out, the other gets your ride
he's got one more :(
ah now Dean's turn
I can't help but wonder if dying father figure is part of it
he doesn't try to sugar coat it ahaha
ah so she does know
she was faking him out
"I'm coming with you" "n-no, hell no"
I burned it but memorized it first I LOVE HER
how does Dean know they hunt in pairs
...stanford era dean hunted a vetala alone???
or a pair??
"Sam went to college, he got out, you should too"
dammit Dean
ah he's deflecting
"training's one thing"
how's parenting going, dipshit?
ahhh to handcuff her
oh thank god the revenge thing didn't work on him
"Give me your lock pick" LMAO
no this is literally so funny
Dean...dude you good?
well technically that worked!
you should get out
"you know anyone who left" "no. they all get killed first"
pfft and she's getting out too
"we're so lame" "yeah we are"
I like the Dad Torch being passed down
he's faking it
ah dammit dean
work, right?
"We are the professionals"
Sam naps
ah he's trying to smile to the song
like tears in his eyes, smiling
1. Fake it till you make it is like The Thing, he's gotta repress it
2. getting out, before you get killed, kinda a major theme rn
3. dad Dean was adorable
4. I'm obsessed with the stanford era dean hunting vetalas. was he alone? what happened? his dad certainly wasn't there??
Like that mental image FIFPAS
5. also that hunter is soft spoken, I thought that was interesting compared to the Gruff Dudes
6. Dean with Frank was so funny
I don't have much to say about this one. I just thought it was kinda funny and also kinda heartbreaking
twas ok
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uwuch9n · 3 years
hey person !! today i'll be writing some 2AM sugawara fluff because i'm bored and not tired :D hope u enjoy reading !
characters: sugawara & nb y/n (self insert or oc)
warnings or possible triggers: hands are touched, making out, neck being grabbed (not aggressively!!,) suga and y/n both tear up, goosebumps, a confession, & hugging ! please do not continue reading if any of these things could trigger any unwanted reactions ! maybe the next time i write some fluff or sfw fanfics you’ll be able to read ‘em !
picnic date after practice.
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you watch sugawara, asahi, and daichi all laughing and messing around after practice, while kageyama and hinata do their gay little thing. you've been watching them play for the longest time, cheering them on in the crowd, and now that you're in the official karasuno volleyball team, you can't even believe how pretty sugawara actually is up close. or how good they cooperate in the team, that too. sugawara caught your attention the most though, and you knew exactly what it was. his beautiful smile and his soothing voice. though he's never actually talked to you as anything more than a teammate, you felt as though he was just.. special.
of all the boys in the volleyball team, or even in the entirety of karasuno, sugawara was the one you really would like to know the most.
that's when you finally snap out of your little fantasy world and realize that THE sugawara is walking up to you with the biggest smile. you start to tense up, obviously. you've been crushing on him since when..? ever since you saw him? yeah.
"hey there y/n ! i got a question for you, if you don't mind taking a few minutes to talk!" he says enthusiastically. woah. sugawara knows your name and wants to talk to you. SUGAWARA. WANTS. TO. TALK. TO. YOU. and he knows your name.
"wh- yeah sure i've got all day! what's up?" you say acting like this was totally cool with you and you totally weren't just thinking about him. his smile doesn't leave his face, in fact it only grows bigger. he seemed glad that you were free all day. you just didn't know why he was so happy about it.
"awesome ! well i was trying to reach you yesterday but i guess you aren't the type to pick up random numbers are you," he giggled, "i should've messaged you instead... but anyway! i wanted to talk to you about your blocking.. it's really impressive. and i just wanted to say that for a new addition to our team, you really are very skilled. and im so proud of you for that y/n! but im getting off track here aren't i.." he rambled on and on about how impressed he was by you and how he wanted to get to know you better. you sat there flustered and shocked, but still willing to listen to every compliment he threw at you.
his rambling continued and you are able to understand all of it, but then you hear him ask you... a very WATTPAD-ESQUE question.
"i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a little picnic date with me so that we could talk about the team.. or if you'd like, talk about each other! whatever you want, i'll make sure to make it happen and-" you cut him off. "MHM! let's totally do it!! i'm so down !! SO PUMPED !! woohOOO! i would love that !!" you blabber out excitedly.
"awe great! when would you like to go? like in a few minutes?? maybe tomorrow? i mean we could go get dressed at home and then bring all the supplies and stuff and meet up at a park if you're fine with it! i'll send you the address of my favorite park.. here lemme just..."he proposed while reaching for his phone. you nod in agreement and both of you exchange numbers, giving each other nicknames in the contact list.
fast forward; you two are already at the park, setting up the picnic spot. (i know im lazy im sorryy)
"alright doll, would you mind bringing over the food basket i set up for us? it's right- yeah right there!" he giggled as you quickly pointed at where it was while he was mid-sentence. he brushed off any unnecessary leaves and dirt on the picnic blanket, and sat down, moving around the food items and snacks to make the setup look cuter and more enjoyable. you finally finish bringing over all the snacks you brought from home and set them down, organizing them alongside suga.
"is that a separate bowl of konpeitō??!" you ask shocked. it was your personal favorite candy and you were curious to know how HE knew that. "yeah it is! i love konpeitō a lot so i brought some for us to share, it's my favorite candy." he replied while scratching his head. "no way! it's my favorite candy too! that's cool!!" you say very hyped. you both giggle and talk about how you two were feeling. things like "how was your week?" and "did you enjoy practice?" were probably the first few questions of the bunch.
of course, the conversation didn't stay dry, and you two talk about lots of things, ranging from why your favorite song was actually a meme song to why sugawara doesn't like to share his snacks with daichi because he eats them all.
you both enjoyed the delicious konpeitō, nommed on some homemade suga-sandwiches, and sipped on fruit punch flavored juice happily while talking about how cute the ducks at the park were.
then sugawara's curiosity kicked in.
"hey doll, i think you already know what i saved you as in my phone, but i never found out what you saved me as.. is it alright if you tell me?" he asked suddenly. he was itching to know what you decided to call him. this was very important to sugawara and you could tell, so you quickly followed up. "i got you saved as suga-bear with a white heart next to it!" you said, smiling gently. he blushed a bit from how calm you said it. your smile made his mind go blank.
"that's.. adorable y/n.. that's so cute..." he lets out after finally finding out how to breathe again. you look away, clearly blushing because of how cute he looked while saying that. he finally mustered up the courage to caress your soft tender hand, squeezing it, not too tightly, and then slowly redirecting his hand to your warm, rosy cheek.
"y/n, honestly.. if i didn't ask you on this date would i have even known how incredibly cute you actually were?" he said as he looked deeply into your eyes, getting lost in them by each passing second. your thoughts raced as his warm hand rested against your left cheek and the wind slowly hit your back. you could hear your heart beating much faster than before. it was a very tense yet relaxing moment.
before you could even respond to his rhetorical question, he leaned in and slowly kissed your lips, his tongue accidentally slipping in. neither of you regretted it though. you kissed back; and for a short moment, your mind went blank. you could feel both his hands moving towards your neck and shoulders. he grabbed your neck gently and only fell into a deeper kiss than when his lips first met yours. his fingers wrapped around your neck and even just the feeling of it gave you goosebumps.
"i don't know if it's too soon to even say this but it's just... it feels right to." he says as he pulled away from the kiss. "doll..." he sighed. "i love you.. and im not holding back from saying that because i know that if we spend even just one more minute together i'll already want to give you the world and all of the universes on a silver platter." he confessed.
you couldn't even believe what was happening. i mean, the kiss alone was enough to make you pass out and yet here you were listening to your crush of 3 years confess his love to you at a cute picnic date.
"i... i love you a lot. im not just saying that because we're here on a little picnic date and i'm not saying it with hopes to make you feel better or give you false hope. i truly feel like you just.. make me feel even more comfortable being myself. even if it was just a short picnic date, even if we played together once or twice during practice, even if this is our first time actually having a full-on conversation. i really do love you... so so much.." you could see a tear rolling down his cheek as he mouthed "thank you" and kissed your cheek.
he went in for a hug and moved his hands and arms up and down against your back. he laughed off his tears while still rubbing your back, and pulled away to wipe his tears. you could tell he wasn't joking about it and that made you get a little emotional too. he grabbed your face and kissed your forehead, then your nose, and lastly, a small peck on the lips.
"suga... i didn't know you felt the same way i did.." you said, reassuring him that you loved him just as much. he laughed through his tears and then sniffed. you could see how he was quickly getting much more comfortable with you.
"i always have... it's just now i'm able to actually tell you about it.. yknow?" he laughed. he intertwined his fingers with yours and tightly held your hands, putting them both close to his face and gently planting kisses on them. both of you looked into each other's eyes and leaned in for a final kiss while the sun was setting.
from the second you saw him, to the moment you two kissed, you knew suga was the one.
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that’s all ! i hope you enjoyed this self insert x suga fluff fanfic ! i can't even tell if this one's good or not, but that's because i wrote this at like 2AM and i'm just posting it now because of the lil mistakes lmao. i dont rlly expect this to do any good, just a random fluff i wrote :,)
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