#lee tweek tweak
dannystheone · 1 year
Hi!! I absolutely loved the South Park fic you posted recently!! You got their interactions down and it genuinely felt like I was reading the script from an episode. For a request, maybe something where Craig let’s Tweek hold Stripe, and Tweek is kind of nervous but ends up giggling because she’s sniffing at his belly or neck or something. And Craig’s eyes just light up because he didn’t know Tweek was ticklish. And of course he has to tickle Tweek right after- Take all the time you need or feel free to decline. Have a great week 💖
Oh my gosh I have been INSANE for Creek like my phone gallery is filled with fanart, they're just too adorable together. Also thank you for the compliment! I love when people say my fics are like the real thing it makes me happy :)
I have another Creek idea I wanna flesh out but this idea is too cute so I have to do it :)) thank you for the idea! I absolutely love Creek they're so gay and lovely and wonderful
Craig Introduces Stripe To Tweek! (Lee Tweek/Ler Craig)
"Alright Tweek, I'm gonna hand you Stripe now. Just hold your hands out flat-"
"GAH! No! What if I crush him on accident?! I don't wanna hurt him! That is way too much pressure! Ack!!"
Craig had invited Tweek over to his house to meet his infamous guinea pig, Stripe. They were sitting crisscross on Craig's carpet; the LED lights around Craig's room and the glow stars on his ceiling provided a calmer vibe for Tweek. However, Tweek was never calm under any circumstances.
"It's okay, just hold your hands out flat and I'll give you Stripe." Craig gently placed his light brown guinea pig in Tweek's shivering hands. Tweek's eye twitched as his breathing grew heavy.
"I- I don't wanna hurt him, man! You'll hate me!"
"You're not gonna hurt him dude, relax. Look, he likes you." Tweek looked down at the furred animal and took a deep breath.
Stripe started moving around in Tweeks hands, his little feet padding around in Tweek's palms. Tweek twitched at the unfamiliar sensation and watched Stripe as closely as possible.
Tweek didn't mention he also had anxiety about Stripe suddenly biting him out of nowhere, or pissing in his hands unexpectedly. What if it poisoned him? But he didn't want to be rude to Craig and his kind offer.
"You see? He probably prefers your hands over mine, they're always too cold." Craig stayed as optimistic as possible for Tweek, despite his usual blunt nature. Stripe was sniffing around Tweek's hands, possibly smelling the coffee grounds that stained them after years of drinking the beverage.
"C-Craig! He's climbing my arm!" Stripe was ambling up out of Tweek's hands now and padding along his forearm.
"Oh, he's just curious. That means he really likes you, and your shivering doesn't bother him either."
"What? My shivering? I shiver? When do I do that??" Tweek questioned. But he forgot about his questions as Stripe climbed up closer and closer to his face.
"GAH! Craig, can you take him off?! I don't wanna hurt him dude!" Craig sighed as he gently removed Stripe from Tweek's bicep. Craig put Stripe in his usual resting place, on his shoulder.
"See, that was cool, wasn't it? Stripe really likes you."
"Nnn...I guess. I just wish- I wish I wasn't so nervous so I could hold him properly!" Tweek's hands balled into fists as Craig furrowed his brows in confusion.
"But...you were holding him? You were holding him just now."
"No I mean- Ack! I mean I can hold him without worrying if I'm gonna hurt him!" Tweek pulled on his hair to calm himself down. He didn't wanna scare Stripe or be too loud.
"Oh, well, what if I put him in a place where it'll be easier to watch him and you don't have to physically hold him?" Craig suggested.
"Nnnngh, o-okay!" Tweek watched as Craig took Stripe off his shoulder and placed him on Tweek's bent knee. Despite Tweek wearing his usual dark blue jeans, he could still feel Stripe's feet traveling up his thigh.
"NGH! That feels weird!" Tweek's eye twitched as Stripe traveled up his thigh and sniffed around his jeans.
"Oh yeah, I remember my first guinea pig crawling all over me and I had to get used to it. It tickled at first, but I got used to it." Craig said nonchalantly. Tweek was barely listening as he watched Stripe smell and be curious of him.
"H-Hey, I-I'm not hurting him! He's okay!" Tweek looked up at Craig with a radiant smile that lit up the room. Craig's face blushed a deep crimson as he nodded supportively. Tweek's smile was so much nicer than he was expecting. And Tweek had stopped shivering while he was focusing on Stripe.
Tweek was focusing on Stripe, while Craig found himself suddenly focusing on Tweek. His hair went every which way, but it actually framed his face quite well. He had light blue eyes that looked darker under the blue lights, and his breathing grew more gentle as he studied Stripe with a growing adoration. Craig's heart was pounding. What the fuck is this feeling-
"Do you uh, do you wanna try and pet him? He likes having his back scratched." Craig offered gently. Tweek looked at him with a fearful expression.
"N-no no no, that's okay! I'll just watch him! I-I don't wanna-" Tweek sputtered as he felt a new sensation in his belly. He looked down and noticed that Stripe had traveled his way up his leg and to his tummy window, thanks to his inability to ever button his shirt correctly. Stripe was sniffing at his bare tummy, his whiskers brushing over the skin gently.
"H-Hehey! Hehehe's tickling me!" Tweek giggled as Stripe padded closer and poked his head inside of Tweek's shirt window. Stripe's fur fluffed against Tweek's tummy, causing Tweek to snicker.
Craig was about to help the poor boy, but-
Tweek was too cute as he just pulled on his shirt as a nervous tic instead of handling Stripe for fear that he would hurt him, despite Stripe sniffing and tickling his tummy. His eyes were narrowed in his giggles, his whole face alight with his smile. Craig didn't know that Tweek was ticklish, and to be honest he didn't think he would ever care about that fact.
But with these newfound feelings for Tweek that Craig had discovered, he found his eyes lighting up like the glow stars on his ceiling. Tweek's eyes were squeezed shut as he tittered at the soft feel against his tummy.
"Cr-Crahaig cahan you hehelp?!" Tweek cried. Craig snapped out of his thoughts and reached forward to remove Stripe from Tweek's tummy. Tweek breathed in deeply, the soft remnants of brushing still playing over his skin.
"Sorry, Tweek. I didn't think Stripe would do something like that." Craig stood up to put Stripe back in his enclosure while Tweek pulled on his shirt to try and hide his tummy window.
"ERK! I-It's okay! I-I liked meeting him!" Tweek started to gently shiver again, his eyes twitching now that he wasn't focusing on Stripe. Craig sat on the carpet again, closer to Tweek this time.
"Oh, good. Uh, he liked meeting you too." The two boys sat there for a moment, Tweek silently shivering and Craig pulling on his hatstring while he thought. Craig wanted to try something, but it had to be smooth. He didn't want to spring anything onto Tweek that he wouldn't like.
Craig cleared his throat and turned to Tweek. "Hey, Tweek uh...do you want help buttoning your shirt?" Craig pointed to Tweek's tummy window in his shirt. Tweek twitched and pulled on his shirt nervously.
"My shirt? Augh...I guess! I-I can never button it right, my hands tremble too much!" Tweek turned to Craig, his body trembling gently. Craig mustered up his courage and turned towards Tweek, his squared-off fingers buttoning the top button that was done incorrectly.
Craig was so close to Tweek he could feel his breathing down his neck. Tweek's body radiated heat like he was a personal heater. Maybe from the coffee? But Craig delighted in the fact that Tweek trusted him enough to be so close, especially when his belly was right there-
"Sorry Tweek, I didn't mean to swipe you." Craig had 'accidentally' swiped a finger against Tweek's tummy while buttoning his shirt. His reactions were so loud, but Craig didn't mind at all.
"I-It's okay! It surprised me- ERK!" Craig swiped his whole hand over Tweek's tummy now, and just kinda went in for the kill as smoothly as he could manage. Craig took both his hands and started spidering them over Tweek's bare tummy, to which Tweek convulsed and started giggling again.
"C-Crahaig?! Whahat ahahare you dohohoing mahahan?!" Tweek pulled on Craig's wrists to try and pull them away, and it almost worked. Tweek was actually stronger than Craig, they found that out during their first fight, and Tweek was heavier than Craig as well. But with Tweek being distracted by being tickled by all things, it broke through his defenses quite well.
"What are you talking about, Tweek? I'm not doing anything." Craig spoke in that same monotone voice, but the light inside of him couldn't be contained. Tweek was just so adorable when he fell to his back and laughed (rather loudly) and Craig was able to spider up Tweek's open shirt and elicit other reactions.
"ACK! Yehehehes yohohou ahahahare! You're tihihihihickling mehehehe!!" Tweek's hair grew wilder, if that was possible, with him shifting and twisting on Craig's rug. Craig located Tweek's sides and started squeezing in the divets gently.
"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to button your shirt, dude. I don't know why you keep moving around everywhere." Craig could hardly hear himself over the loud reactions of his friend. But he wasn't complaining. Tweek had stopped trying to pull him away and just held Craig's forearms like a lifeline. Tweek's eyes were narrowed in his surprisingly melodic laughter.
"Youhohohou're fuhuhuhuhull of shihihihihit!! NNGH! Crahahaig!" Craig was spidering up and down his sides and scritching over his waistline. For someone who was this ticklish, he certainly wore his clothes loose and carelessly.
"Don't be too loud, you'll scare Stripe. You wouldn't want me to bring him out so he can crawl all over you again, would you?" Craig was having fun. He didn't know he liked to tease people. He also didn't know he was into anxious caffeinated blondes either so he was learning a lot about himself today.
Tweek shook his head as his fists balled into the material of Craig's jacket. Apparently, Craig's teasing was effective against him. "Nohohohoho I dohohohon't! Buhuhuhut I cahahahan't hehehehelp it!!"
Craig smiled down at Tweek; Tweek not noticing of course in his mirth. Tweek's smile was light, yet his laughter was a bit panicked and manic. Craig appreciated that Tweek wasn't fighting him at all actually. Maybe Tweek was having fun too.
Craig grew more adventurous and took both hands to slide them in Tweek's hip divets. He started kneading them gently, which ended in an explosive knee-jerk reaction.
Tweek's knee connected to Craig's ribcage, the instantaneous reaction something that Tweek couldn't control. Tweek's body tried to curl in a ball on instinct, but Craig's body was in the way. Craig took his hands off Tweek and held his side.
"Oh- Oh God! Craig! I- I'm sorry man!! I hurt you!" Tweek bounced to his feet and held his face in panic. "Oh God, oh Jesus I'm so sorry!! Do you need a hospital?! I'll call 911!" Craig reached up and held Tweek's wrist in a calm manner.
"I'm okay, Tweek. You just bumped my side. I guess I shouldn't tickle you too much in the future." Tweek blushed a light red as he sunk back to the floor, his black Converse folding underneath him.
"I uh- errgh- It- It wasn't so bad!" Tweek knitted his hands together as he started his usual twitches and shivers. "It-It actually calmed me down!" Craig smiled at that and did notice that throughout the whole session, Tweek was spazzing out but he never said to stop.
"Well, I'm glad you had fun. I had fun too." Tweek and Craig looked at each other for a moment before Tweek broke their eye contact with a twitch.
"W-Well, I'd better go. My mom is making dinner tonight." Tweek marked. Craig stood up and helped Tweek to his feet. He walked him to his front door to say goodbye.
"H-Hey Craig?"
"Yeah, Tweek?"
"URGH! I uh- I was thinking! M-Maybe I can come over tomorrow and we can look at comic- comic books! I have a bunch of them!" Tweek held his shirt nervously as his eye twitched.
Craig smiled softly and nodded.
"Yeah, you can come over. And I can help you button your shirt again, too." Craig had the pleasure of watching Tweek's cheeks light up with blush.
"Mmph...o-okay! But I won't go down without a fight next time! I'll get you, man!" Tweek promised with balled fists. Now it was Craig's turn to blush, with the thought of Tweek doing the things to him that he had done to Tweek.
"Well, we'll have to see about that tomorrow. Until then..." The moment seemed to draw out as Craig balled his fists in his sleeves and leaned forward to peck Tweek on the cheek.
"Okay Tweek see you tomorrow!" Tweek stood motionless on Craig's doorstep as Craig slammed the door shut, and clenched his chest where his heart pounded underneath his hand.
Holy fuck, dude.
I got a crush.
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darlixg · 1 month
what is this type of character called?
As a start, these are some of my favorite characters that i think are similar in some way:
-Toph Beifong (Avatar)
-Lance (Voltron)
-Stuart Pot, 2D (Gorillaz)
-Mammon (Obey Me!)
-Damian Wayne (DC)
-Lee Ping (Detentionaire)
-Geto Suguru (JJK)
-Herrscher of Sentience (hi3rd)
-Testament (Guilty Gear)
-Ivan (Alien Stage)
-Suletta Mercury (The witch from mercury)
-Sunday (Star rail)
-Tweek Tweak (South park)
-Hong Lu (Limbus company)
-Go Bok-Su (married in red)
-Alucard (Hellsing)
-Allen Walker (D. Gray-man)
Tumblr media
basically this^
I'm aware that some are more on the darker or religious way, but most of them seem to me like the sunshine character with deep depth hidden in them, acting tough but with a soft side to them, multifaceted and resilient taking on whether they are internal or external challenges, some being groomed and suffering because of other peoples choices.
I love when a charcter holds great complexity to them, have a strong sense of identity or they struggle with that identity and accepting it and having a meaningful build up growth and development.
-For example, one of my favorite character developments these characters go through, is Testaments from Guilty gear.
How Testament begins to reclaim their autonomy and struggles with the guilt and trauma of their past actions, trying to reconcile their existence as a Gear with the remnants of their humanity. They go through a journey of redemption and self-discovery, as they shift from a being of pure destruction to someone seeking to protect others and find a sense of peace.
-Or Damian Wayne's development. How he goes from a brash, arrogant child warrior to a more mature, responsible, and empathetic hero. His growth is marked by his struggle with his violent upbringing, his desire to prove himself, and his gradual acceptance of the values his father embodies. Despite his tough exterior, Damian’s evolution reveals a deeply complex character who cares deeply for those close to him and strives to atone for his past, making him one of the more dynamic and compelling members of the Bat-family.
Tbh, i could go on forever for each of these characters, some that have affected me deeply are Geto Suguru's crisis, Sunday's grooming and fighting with his beliefs, Ivan's character alone is the most fascinating thing for me, as well as Toph's strong independet personality that i just love so much!
I want to find more complex, sunshine, strong or weak but manipulative characters that strugle with life or however these kind of characters are described as. Smart and going after their beliefs without changing for the greater good but for themselfs.
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dannystheone · 1 year
hmmm maybe he’s tryna give one of his gay ass speeches and the 3 boys are fed up and want him to shush so ofc they use the most efficient method hehe
ugh i love you anon LMAKSSK PLEASE
So the summer vibes are PERFECT today so I thought we could have a pool fic!!
WARNINGS: Feet tickles and kids swearing! also kind of a long intro sorry
Kyle's New Pool! (Lee Kyle/Multiple Lers)
Kyle got a new pool installed for the summer in his backyard, but he needs to set some ground rules first!
I hope you like this! :) also I just re-read the whole thing and totally forgot Clyde existed AAA sorry he'll be in the next one
Energetic boys piled into the Broflovski's home, yelling and shouting with excitement. They were all eager to get a glimpse of what new installment was waiting in the backyard. Kyle had said his parents put something BIG for the summer back there, and to look for themselves to see he wasn't full of shit.
"Oh Gerald! There sure are a lot of them, I wasn't expecting so many guests!" Sheila Broflovski was pretty much plastered to her wall as boys from the fourth-grade class rumbled through her front door, including even a boy wheeling in on a motorized wheelchair.
"Just set out some more chips Sheila- OOF-" Gerald Broflovski was nearly run over by the entourage of shirtless boys as they threw open the sliding glass door in the kitchen and piled outside in the backyard.
"Look! There it is!" Craig Tucker called out. All the boys scrambled to the edge of the water. Kyle wasn't lying. His parents had installed a huge glistening pool in their backyard! The grass and playground they used to have were replaced with concrete, with pillowy lounging areas and table seating off to the sides.
"It's amazing! GAH! It's so hot out here! If I don't get in the water I'm gonna die!" Tweak Tweek winked an eye as Craig turned to him and started applying sunscreen to his shoulders, already blushing from the sun.
"Where the hell is Kyle?" Stan Marsh asked.
"Yeah, should we just get in without him?" Kenny McCormick questioned.
"TIMMEH!" Timmy answered.
"Guys! I'm right here! Isn't it cool?!" Kyle showed up behind the crowd of boys with a few boxes of Capri-Suns under his arms. The fourth-grade class cheered as Kyle set the boxes down on his patio table.
"Yeah, yeah, it's kewl, now let's get in the water already!" Eric Cartman pulled on his goggles and started pulling on his floaties to his upper arms. The boys followed suit by kicking off their flip-flops and throwing their shirts off.
"Woah, woah, woah, hang on fat-ass!" The fourth-grade boys froze and looked at Kyle quizzically. Kyle adjusted his green hat, despite wearing no shirt and green swim trunks.
"Before you get in the pool, there's some rules we have to follow! My dad said if we don't pay attention to the rules, he's not gonna let all of us use it anymore." Kyle explained. The boys looked at each other before they shrugged and continued taking their clothing items off.
"Okay well, what are the rules?" Tolkien Black asked. Kyle splayed his hands to get everyone's attention, but the boys chatted amongst themselves.
"Alright! Rule number one! ABSOLUTELY NO PEEING IN THE POOL! THAT'S DISGUSTING!! I'm looking at you, Cartman!" Cartman yelled out an "AYE!" before Kyle continued. "There is a bathroom located inside the house, first door on your right!"
Kyle looked around to see if he had everyone's attention. He had the attention of Butters, Jimmy, Timmy, and Tolkien, but everyone else was either setting up their toys in the pool or talking to other people.
"Guys! Don't put anything in the pool until I'm done saying the rules! This is important!" Kenny looked up from the pool as he slowly slid on a snorkel. Kyle sighed exasperated as he continued.
"Rule number two! No running around the edge of the pool or the pool area in general! It can get slippery and you don't want to fall! Rule number three! No diving headfirst into the pool, even in the deep area! You can hit your head and get hurt! Cannonballs are okay!" Cartman yawned loud and obnoxiously as the rest of the boys stood around and looked at their phones. Kyle could tell he was losing their attention already.
"Shut up Cartman! Rule number four! You have to put on sunscreen before you enter the pool! My mom is gonna set a timer for 80 minutes for everyone so we can get out of the pool, reapply our sunscreen, and then we can get back in!" The boys looked up at Kyle and groaned loudly.
"Dude we don't need sunscreen, the sun is good for you!" Stan complained. Craig was still helping Tweek apply his sunscreen across his back, so at least he was good. Kyle looked over at Stan with narrowed eyes.
"Dude do you have any idea how much cancer you can get from the sun?! Skin cancer is no joke! There was a study published just this year in 2023 stating that more than 2 people die of skin cancer every hour in the U.S.! 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70! Do you want that to be you?!" Kyle pointed at Stan. Tweek fidgeted as he yanked the sun tan lotion from Craig's hands and started rubbing generous amounts all over his front vigorously.
"GAHAH! THAT'S NOT GONNA BE ME! CRAIG, HELP ME!!" Craig took the bottle back from Tweek and gently started applying more lotion onto Tweek's back as he shot Kyle a venomous glance. Kyle swallowed as he looked back at the boys.
"Dude, we'll put the lotion on. But every 80 minutes is a little much, we'll be fine." Stan shrugged. The boys nodded in agreement.
"Guys you're acting like I'm making up the rules. It's my mom-" Eric rolled his eyes and walked up to stand next to Kyle.
"Kyle, buddy, hey there. Listen, you're talking waaaaay too damn much. Let us into the pool and we can start having fun, okay? I'll deal with your bitch of a mom if she decides to give us crap." Eric clapped Kyle on the back as Kyle stared dumbfounded at Cartman.
"Bitch of a-?! Cartman this is my parent's pool that YOU'RE using, fatass! The least you can do is listen!" Kyle said angrily.
"I think we should listen to Kyle's rules, very much. His p-p-p-pee-parents are nice enough to let us use it on such a hot day." Jimmy spoke up.
"Well, sure! My dad said if I don't put on my suntan lotion every 80 minutes and get skin cancer, he'd ground me for sure!" Butters fidgeted with his hands. Kyle smiled at them both and turned back to Cartman.
"There, you see fat-boy? That's why anyone who doesn't put on sunscreen BEFORE getting in the pool isn't getting in at all!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all stopped what they were doing and stared at Kyle and Cartman silently. Cartman cupped his chin in thought while Kyle stood next to him with his arms crossed.
"Hmm...ah, I see what you're saying, Kyle. Loud and Clear." Kyle had a triumphant face on before Cartman pointed at Kyle.
"GRAB 'EM!" Cartman exclaimed. All the boys in the fourth-grade class rushed Kyle. Kyle yelped as he was scooped up by the boys, wriggling and fighting to no avail. The boys carried him above their heads to the edge of the pool.
"GUYS! PUT ME DOWN!!" Kyle yelled out. The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"You wanna be put down?" Stan asked a squirming Kyle.
"YES!!" Kyle shouted. The fourth-grade boys unanimously decided to set Kyle down.
By throwing his ass in the pool.
Kyle hit the water with a huge splash, causing the water to be disturbed and rippled. The boys cheered as they started jumping in after him and cannonballing into the pool. Kyle resurfaced and spit water out from his mouth.
"Pfft- GUYS! We can't be in the pool yet, we need sunscreen!" Kyle complained. Cartman waded into the pool as the boys started splashing each other with water and putting floaties and toys in the pool.
"Uh oh, guys! Kyle's still whining about the sunscreen! We better fix that!" Cartman exclaimed. Kyle turned to yell at Cartman when he felt hands grabbing his arms. Kyle turned back to see that Craig, Tweek, and Kenny started putting their hands on him. More kids were advancing as well.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Get off me!" Kyle squeaked as he splashed in the pool, more kids grabbing his legs and arms and wiggling fingers into his bare skin.
"You see Kyle, I knew you were gonna make a big gay ass speech about what we should and shouldn't do before we got into your pool. As you always do such faggoty things before we're allowed to have any fun, I took it upon myself to tell the guys that if you start going off on a tangent and we need a quick way to shut you up, this was the perfect way to get it done." Cartman watched with glory in his eyes as Kyle started wriggling and giggling in the fourth-grade class's grip.
"Guhuhuys! Guhuhuys stohohohop!" Kyle giggled as what felt like hungry invasive fingers squished, kneaded, prodded, poked, spidered, and scribbled his skin. Jimmy, Tolkien, Butters, Stan, Kenny, Craig, and Tweek all zipped and wriggled their fingers into Kyle's skin while keeping his limbs spread apart. Being in the pool didn't help Kyle fight them off, and the water made his skin slick. Timmy watched with Cartman with a frown on his face.
"Uh...Timmeh?" Timmy asked. Cartman turned to Timmy, Kyle splashing in the pool behind him.
"Yes, Timmy?" Cartman asked. Timmy pulled up his phone and started recording.
"Timmy Timmy." Timmy said with an evil glint in his eye. Cartman nodded approvingly as he turned back to Kyle.
Craig held Kyle's arm away from his side and scribbled his fingers in his underarm while Tweek scritched along his ribs. Tolkien and Butters held onto Kyle's ankle and entertained themselves by stroking one finger up his foot and watching his toes clamp up. They did this over and over as it was entertaining each time.
Stan and Kenny held apart Kyle's other arm as Kenny gave Kyle little nibbles on his side and blew raspberries in his belly, which made Kyle buck and squeal. Stan scritched in Kyle's armpit while making conversation with Craig. Jimmy had Kyle's other foot all to himself. He held his ankle in the crook between his arm and his side in a headlock as he scrubbed Kyle's foot up and down with one hand. Kyle was quickly going ballistic already as 70 fingers played him at once.
"GUHUHUYS PLEHEHEASE!! THIHIHIS IHIHIS CRAHAHAZY!!" Kyle yelled out, the water splashing all around them. Kyle was floating on his back in the water being held up by the guys holding his limbs apart, so he had no leverage to squirm or escape anywhere. Kyle's eyes screwed shut as he felt fingers squish the pudge on his belly, to which he gave a loud reaction.
"Wow Kenny, you really like Kyle's stomach huh," Stan commented. Kenny shrugged and scribbled his fingers all over Kyle's tummy, reaching from the bottom of his ribs to the tops of his hips with his hands.
"Oh hey, I wanna help! Let me try!" Butters left Tolkien at Kyle's foot and went up to the opposite side of Kenny to add another ten fingers to Kyle's midsection. Kenny started scribbling his fingers in Kyle's bottom ribs while Butters dipped his fingers in Kyle's belly button and pinched his hips.
"GAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHO!! STOHOHOP PLEHEHEASE!!" Kyle pleaded, his body getting tired with all the exertion from trying to get away from so many fingers. He was gonna have a killer six-pack in the morning.
"Aww, well he's just ticklish everywhere, isn't he! That's so sweet!" Butters beamed at Kenny while Tolkien decided to experiment and scritched his fingers underneath Kyle's knee while still pulling his leg apart. Kyle let out a loud cackle as he tried pulling his leg back.
"Hey, how's that working for you, T-T-Tolkien?" Tolkien looked up at Jimmy with a smile on his face.
"Oh, it's working great! He gets really loud when I get right here. You wanna try?" Jimmy nodded and grabbed a better hold of Kyle's leg, and started scratching his fingers under Kyle's knee. Sure enough, Kyle started pulling on both legs trying to reclaim them with this new technique.
"Hahaha, awesome!" Tolkien gave Jimmy a thumbs-up as Craig halted his tickling for a moment to stretch his wrist. Cartman pointed a finger at Craig as he sat on the steps.
"Keep going, Craig! We gotta tire the Jew out so he doesn't bitch for the rest of the night!" Cartman demanded.
"NOHOHO YOU DOHOHON'T! JUHUHUST STOHOHOP!! I'M SORREHEHEE!!" Kyle yelled out, as Craig responded in his monotone voice.
"I'm doing the best that I can. His pulling is hard on my wrist." Craig rotated his wrist before holding onto Kyle's bicep and going back to a hidden gem he found. Between Kyle's middle ribs and back where the skin joined, Craig scribbled in that one spot to make Kyle scream a manly sound. Tweek winked as he kept his tickling confined to Kyle's side.
"So anyway, Red Racer reaches the finish line right as Blue Racer does, so the judges have to go back and watch the footage to see who actually won the race. It was a nail-biter." Craig explained to Stan. Stan nodded as he listened, but mostly looked down at his super best friend getting the shit tickled out of him. He had a forced smile plastered on his face with his eyes screwed shut tightly, with an occasional pull or tug of his limbs. Stan couldn't imagine being in this situation, but he wasn't gonna be the one to stop it. What if Cartman ordered they all go after him next? He couldn't handle that.
"...Yeah, so what did the judges say?" Stan asked as he scribbled his fingers in Kyle's underarm. He noticed he didn't have to try too hard to keep Kyle's arm away from his side to reach this spot.
"We won't know until next week. I can hardly wait. Red Racer always wins every race, but it's the season finale, so it could have a different ending." Craig discussed calmly as if he wasn't tickling a wildly splashing boy with six other boys.
"Timmy? Timmy Timmy?" Timmy asked Cartman, still recording on his phone. Cartman thought about it for a moment.
"Hmm, I'm not sure. Let's see." Cartman cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to Kyle. "How you doing Jew? Ready to give up the sunscreen?" He called out. Kyle shook his head bravely as he continued to laugh out.
"NOHOHOHO!! YOHOHOU STIHIHIHLL NEEHEHEHEED TO WEHEHEHEAR IT!!" Cartman shrugged as he went back to lounging in the pool.
"You heard him, boys! He wants more!" The fourth-grade class worked diligently, their fingers more energized than before.
"GAHAHAHAD!! I DOHOHOHON'T WAHAHANT MOHOHOHORE!! PLEHEHEHEASE!!" Kyle laughed out earnestly as more spots were found on him, to in-between his thighs, to his hands, to his inner elbows, and the skin above his knees. His thighs were a winner, however. Jimmy and Tolkien pulled apart his legs and hugged his knee to grip and scribble their fingers in his inner thigh, causing Kyle to squeal and cackle loudly.
Gerald and Sheila watched from the closed slider door, smiling gently. It was a rare sight to see Kyle acting like a kid for once with all his friends.
"He gets it from you, you know." Gerald held Sheila around her waist while they watched their son and pattered his fingers along her side. Sheila twitched as she bat Gerald's hand away with a blushing face.
"Oh stop it, Gerald!~ Save it for Saturday, honey~" Sheila cooed as the two shared a kiss, and turned for the living room as their son splashed in the water.
"CHRIHIST!! SOMEONE- *hic* so-SOHOHOHOMEONE HEHEHEHELP!!" Kyle cackled out as he felt Tolkien's fingers invade his toe spaces and Tweek and Kenny took turns blowing raspberries in his hip divets. They were having fun with this, actually.
"Wow, Kyle has a lot more endurance than I thought. If I had endurance like Kyle I would be so happy." Craig commented. Stan started to get uneasy. Kyle started hiccuping a second ago, and his red cheeks were concerning.
"Alright Cartman, that should be enough right? I mean, look at him." The boys stilled their fingers for a moment. Kyle still giggled to himself and twitched from the air moving around him.
"Aww, the poor guys all tickled out. Aren't you buddy?" Butters patted Kyle's stomach, which Kyle jerked away from reflexively.
"Buhuhutters- *hic* doho-dohon't touch me-" Kyle snickered as Butters fidgeted. Cartman stood up from the pool steps and looked down at Kyle. Kyle's eyes winced having to look up into the sun-filled sky.
"Well, Kyle? What do you say? Are we forgetting the sunscreen?" The boys waited intently for an answer; their arms still wrapped around Kyle's arms and legs while the water waved around them.
"Fuck no, fat-ass! We can't forget it, my parents will find out! Please, just put some on and we can start playing!" Kyle pleaded. Cartman sighed and gave the signal for the boys to start tickling again. Kyle felt the boys' hands around him shift and place themselves on his body.
"Wait wait WAIT! Okay okay! I'll forget it! I'll forget the sunscreen I swear!" Kyle yelled out. Cartman turned back and pointed a finger in Kyle's face.
"If I hear a single word about sunscreen or rules again from you Kyle, you're gonna get it! Alright, let him go." The fourth-graders slowly released Kyle. Kyle rubbed his wrists as the boys saw their fingers onslaught over Kyle's torso, the pink swipes and scratches on his white skin. Kyle looked to the side as he rubbed his shoulder silently.
"Well, I still need to put on my sunscreen, or I'll get grounded!" Butters announced. Kyle looked up at him.
"Yeah, I n-n-need to put on mine too, a comic always has to look his b-best!" Jimmy added.
"Hey honey, mind helping me put some sunscreen on my back? I could use it." Craig asked Tweek.
"GAH! O-Of course! Skin cancer is no joke!" Tweek winked as Craig smiled softly at him.
"We're all gonna put ours on, too." Tolkien, Stan and Kenny nodded in agreement.
"TIMMEH!!" Timmy smiled and exclaimed. All the boys started getting out of the pool to put their sunscreen on and made sure everyone was properly covered. Kyle had a huge smile on that wasn't forced on his face.
"Thanks you guys, you're the best! Now we can play all we want in the sun without getting hurt!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all cheered and cannonballed back into the pool while Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Aw dude, sick!" Stan shouted upon seeing Cartman at the bus stop on Monday. Cartman's face was pink with white peelies all over his ears, neck, and cheeks. He had suffered bad sunburn from the pool with no sunscreen. He rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms in a huff.
"Whatever! Sunscreen is overrated and gay as hell! I don't peel, I'll just get tan after this!" Kenny and Kyle walked to the bus stop and stood next to Cartman. Kenny burst out laughing upon seeing Cartman, and Kyle let out a few sputters as well.
"AYE! You all better shut the fuck up! I don't need any damn sunscreen!" Cartman defended.
"HE LOOKS LIKE A FAT TOMATO!" Kenny cried out. Kyle and Stan both started laughing hysterically as Cartman yelled out at them.
"I'M NOT FAT! SHUT UP!" Cartman shouted.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it, you big baby." Stan rolled his eyes as he clapped Eric on the back. Eric yelped as the sunburn on his back stung from Stan's slap.
"ACK! Don't do that, retard! I got sunburn-" Cartman called out, but shut himself up as his friends leered at him.
"What was that you said, fat-ass? You got sunburn?" Kyle said with a shit-eating grin as he slapped Eric's back. Eric let out a screech as he started running down the road, away from the bus stop. Well, as well as he could run anyway. The three boys easily caught up to him and slapped all their hands across his sunburned back.
After this experience, Cartman learned his lesson. He was never caught without sunscreen again, and abided by all of Kyle's rules before entering his pool.
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electricthumbzup · 1 year
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daisys-silliness · 1 year
Safe in your mothers arms
Characters: Mrs. Tweak/Tweek
Lee/Ler(s): Lee!Tweek, Ler!Mrs. Tweak
Summary: Tweek is terrified by the news and thunderstorm outside, luckily his mom is there to help him calm down.
Notes: Hi I haven't written in a long while so I apologize if the quality isn't the greatest. Also this is a tickle fic, please skip by if you do not enjoy fics like these, ty :)
It was a Saturday in South Park. Not many people were out due to the storm, so most stores were closed because of it. Mrs. Tweak absolutely did not want her son out in that storm either so she decided to keep the store closed.
Tweek sat on the couch. He was already shaking and freaking out because of the loud sounds outside. There was never a storm this loud in South Park before. It was..very frightening to say the least.
Tweek was on edge already, and he decided to look at the news to see how bad everything was. Of course, they were covering how trees were falling over and catching on fire, and how there could be potential deaths from that.
Tweek gasped and began screaming and panicking when he saw this. He threw the remote on the sofa and looked out the window, seeing a tree branch fall over in the road. He began crying as this was too much to take in. Mrs. Tweak heard the commotion and immediately stopped what she was doing to rush into the living room and crouch down in front of Tweek.
Mrs. Tweak: "Honey?! Son..what happened?"
Mrs. Tweak: "Oh honey..I can assure you that won't happen. There aren't even trees near our house anyway. Nothing will happen to you and I will make sure of it. Come here"
Mrs. Tweak picked up her son and held him close. She rocked him gently as she placed his head on her chest, his ear close to hear her heartbeat. She gently rubbed Tweek's back as she comforted her son.
Tweek slowly started to calm down. He hugged his mom as he let himself be comforted. The feeling was nice...and it was enough to drown out the negative things for the moment. She looked at Tweek and placed a kiss on his forehead.
Mrs. Tweak: "Let’s get you comfortable honey. You can lay in bed and I'll bring you your dinner."
Tweek: "But what..what about if you're in the kitchen and I'm in- oh god!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Do you want me to be in here with you while we eat?"
Tweek nodded. He felt more at ease when someone was with him and he didn't feel alone. He felt this way with anyone close to him, like Craig, Stan's gang (err.. sometimes), Bebe and Wendy, and his mom. Tweek gave his mom another hug before he was set down on his bed. He was noticeably still on edge a little.
Mrs. Tweak: "Are you alright? Do you need anything else?"
Tweek: "I- uh...I don't know. I- ARG! too much pressure thinking!!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Here, I already have something in mind"
Before Tweek could ask, Mrs. Tweak sat down next to him and crept her hands onto Tweek's stomach, wiggling her fingers on his skin. Tweek almost immediately began to giggle and squirm as she started, wiggling around like a worm. She began to explore her tickling fingers up to his ribs and armpits, causing Tweek to shriek and try to bat at her hands.
Tweek: "Mohohom!!! No!! Not therehehe!!!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Why not? You look like your having fun"
She removed her hands from his shirt and took a gentle hold of his ankle, lightly swiping her nails across the bottom of his foot. Tweek snorted and laughed more, trying to wiggle out. He curled his toes down and kept trying to pull away as he laughed from the tickly sensation.
Mrs. Tweak then flew her hands back to Tweek's stomach, letting her fingers dance around the sensitive skin. Tweek's legs began kicking as he wiggled around, he was definitely having fun and he felt a lot better. After a bit, Mrs. Tweek stopped when she noticed Tweek doing the "that's enough" wave.
She smiled and picked up Tweek, hugging her son, and Tweek hugged back. A smile on his face was now present as the tickles helped him and his mood. Suddenly Tweek felt himself being slightly raised. He was confused and was about to question, but was interrupted by the feeling of a raspberry on his stomach.
Tweek shrieked and cackled, slightly covering his face in embarrassment. She gave him a few more raspberries on his bellybutton, sending Tweek into a series of snorty high-pitched giggles. She set him down on the bed after that, and he was still a giggling mess. Mrs. Tweak slightly giggled herself.
Mrs. Tweak: "I love you, Tweek"
Tweek, still through giggles: "I-I love you too, mom"
Mrs. Tweak: "I'm going to be in the kitchen, just come down if you need anything, alright?"
Tweek nodded and watched his mom leave the room. He covered his face in deep embarrassment from the surprise raspberries, but he wasn't really complaining. While he waited for his mom, he messed around with his legos a bit. He made a 2d "image" of himself, Craig, and Stripe..oh yeah he was definitely keeping that.
Occasionally, Tweek went downstairs to talk with his mom and just be with her in the kitchen. Once dinner was done, they headed to Tweek's room and ate while chatting. Tweek told her about all the silly shenanigans that happens in the coffee shop with Kenny and the goths when his mom isn't present in the front.
After dinner, Tweek got ready to head to bed. He felt uneasy sleeping alone with the storm still active..so he quietly snuck in his mom's room when she was about to sleep. She really didn't question why Tweek was doing what he was, and let him sleep in her bed. It was a better day for Tweek, safe in his mom's arms.
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devilish-blue · 1 year
~Devilish Smoke Shoppe~
Hi you smokin' pervs, i'm Devilish or Blue, and i am here to fulfill whatever horny, angsty, or fluffy needs you have. Everything you guys are about to see is everything i will do, so eat your guys' gross little hearts out <33
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Fandoms/Things i will write:
Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Shikamaru Nara
Kiba Inuzuka
Kakashi Hatake
Neji Hyuga
Rock Lee
Asuma Sarutobi
Tsunade Senju
Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Hinata Hyuga
Hinata Shoyo
Kageyama Tobio
Tsukishima Kei
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Tanaka Ryūnosuke
Nishinoya Yu
Koshi Sugawara
Daichi Sawamura
Asahi Azumane
Kiyoko Shimizu
Aoba Johsai:
Oikawa Tooru
Iwazumi Hajime
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani (Mad Dog)
Lev Haiba
Sō Inuoka
Kenma Kozume
Taketora Yamamoto
Morisuke Yaku
Tetsuro Kuroo
Kenjirō Shirabu
Tsutomu Goshiki
Satori Tendō
Eita Semi
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Haruki Komi
Akinori Konoha
Keiji Akashi
Kōtarō Bokuto
Osamu Miya
Atsumu Miya
Suna Rintaro
Aran Ojiro
Shinsuke Kita
Keishin Ukai
Ittetsu Takeda
Kiyoomi Sakusa
TV Shows:
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Ajax Petropolus
Cobra Kai:
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Hawk/Eli Moskowitz
Demetri Alexpoulos
Tory Nichols
Samantha LaRusso
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Reggie Mantle
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Toni Topaz
Cheryl Blossom
South Park (Aged up (COLLEGE) and/or Post Covid!):
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick
Eric Cartman
Tolkien Black
Craig Tucker
Tweek Tweak
Clyde Donovan
Big Mouth:
Judd Birch
Human Resources:
Maury Beverley
Connie LaCienega
Emmy Fairfax
Rochelle Hillhurst
Pete Doheny
Sam and Colby
Horror Characters:
Ghostface (Billy Loomis and Stu Macher)
Michael Myers
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Ticci Toby
Eyeless Jack
Homicidal Liu
Jeff The Killer
Ben Drowned
Laughing Jack
My Do's And Don'ts:
Spam me
Piss, Scat, Throw up, Vore.
Do NOT request any pedophilia or r@pe.
OKAY so now that you guys know everything, basically, you can request it because i honestly can't think of anything on my own. ALSO i am looking to do commissions, if you are interested then please let me know <33 Smoke your pervy little hearts out <33
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
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Haha. Yeah, a lot of these are from similar parts of fandom, so if you don't hang out there, they'd sound very unfamiliar.
Here's a quick attempt at a breakdown. Some of these have multiple media types.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku - BNHA
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic - BNHA
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou - BNHA
Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku - BNHA
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku - BNHA
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto - BNHA
Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks - BNHA
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto - BNHA
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya - Bungou Stray Dogs
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi - Bungou Stray Dogs
Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi - Haikyuu!!
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou - Haikyuu!!
Mikage Reo/Nagi Seishirou - Blue Lock
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru - Jujutsu Kaisen
Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto - Naruto
Roronoa Zoro/Sanji - One Piece
Mitsui Hisashi/Miyagi Ryota - Slam Dunk
Other Animation:
Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak - South Park
Kyle Broflovski/Stan Marsh - South Park
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug - Miraculous Ladybug
Amity Blight/Luz Noceda - The Owl House
Donatello & Leonardo & Michelangelo & Raphael - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin - HP
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter - HP
Regulus Black/James Potter - HP
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy - HP
James Potter/Lily Evans Potter - HP
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley - HP
Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley - HP
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort - HP
Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson - Percy Jackson
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard - All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck - Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo
Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong
Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) - Heaven Official's Blessing
Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn - MDZS/The Untamed
Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat/Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun - KinnPorsche
Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun - KinnPorsche
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V - BTS
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin - BTS
Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin - BTS
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin - BTS
Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know - Stray Kids
Bang Chan/Lee Felix (Stray Kids) - Stray Kids
Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun - TXT
other music:
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson - 1D
minecraft streamers:
Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza
Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF)
Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit
Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza
Video games:
John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley - CoD
Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader - CoD
Sans/Sans (Undertale) - Undertale
Astarion/Tav (Baldur's Gate) - Baldur's Gate 3
Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact) - Genshin Impact
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) - Genshin Impact
Cyno/Tighnari (Genshin Impact) - Genshin Impact
Blade/Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail) - Honkai: Star Rail
Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda) - Legend of Zelda
Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist - Persona 5
Kamishiro Rui/Tenma Tsukasa - Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE!
Western superheroes:
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd - Batman
Tim Drake & Jason Todd - Batman
Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne - Batman
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU
Peter Parker & Tony Stark - MCU
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU
James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader - MCU
Miguel O'Hara/Reader - Spiderverse movies
Western live action:
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) - 9-1-1
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) - Good Omens
Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens) - Good Omens
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal
Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring - Heartstopper
Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen - House of the Dragon
Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra) - House of the Dragon
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood - Lockwood & Co.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) - Merlin
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet - Our Flag Means Death
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands - Our Flag Means Death
Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor - Red, White & Royal Blue
Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling - The Sandman
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson - Sherlock
Castiel/Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler - Stranger Things
Will Byers/Mike Wheeler - Stranger Things
Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler - Law & Order: SVU
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski - Teen Wolf
Ellie & Joel (The Last of Us) - The Last of Us
Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen - The Rookie
Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair - Wednesday
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion - The Witcher
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prettylydiaazz · 1 year
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[MAIN] . craig tucker (hell park)
[MAIN] . stan marsh (south park)
. kenny mccormick (south park)
. tweek tweak (south park)
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. kurt kunkle (spree)
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. sydney norvak (ianowt)
. alyssa (eotfw)
. james (eotfw)
. princess carolyn (bojack horseman)
. diane nguyen (bojack horseman)
. sarah lynn (bojack horseman)
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. andre lee (inside job)
. regan ridley (inside job)
. brett hand (inside job)
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. coraline jones (coraline)
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. amanda young (saw)
. dipper pines (gravity falls)
. larry johnson (sally face)
. jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
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. max (camp camp)
. cody (total drama)
. justin (total drama)
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. violetshine (warrior cats)
. ashfur (warrior cats)
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9800sblog · 1 year
Gilmore Girls new season - energy reading
are Craig Tucker and Tweek Tweak actually gay? - energy reading [South Park]
which TV show and movie are you and your friends in? - Pick a Card
Im Yoona and Lee Junho 2023 dynamic [King the Land]
IU and Park Seojoon 2023 dynamic [Dream]
0 notes
onlyopia · 3 years
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Just realized I never posted these on tumblr, so heres some doodles
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ask-tuckerandtweak · 6 years
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I just want to slow dance with you.
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analyzingyourkins · 2 years
Total list of all the characters I plan on getting done.
I’m just making this list, pinning it, and closing the ask box.
- spike spiegal (cowboy bebop)
- Lewis pepper (msa)
- Tsukasa Yugi (tbhk)
- Tomura Shigaraki (mha)
- Mukuro ikusaba (dr)
- Maki harukawa (dr)
- Karkat vantas (homestuck)
- Sniper (tf2)
- Hajime Hinata (dr)
- Tenko Chabashira (dr)
- Tsumugi shirogane (dr)
- Nejire hado (mha)
- Miya Chinen
- Sugawara
- Hanako yugi (tbhk)
- Diluc (genshin impact)
- Tenten
- Lee (naruto)
- Neji (naruto)
- Akutagawa (bsd)
- Dipper pines (gravity falls)
- Niko (oneshot)
- Celestia ludenberg (dr)
- Yukine (noragami)
- Mituna captor (homestuck)
- Nepeta leijon (homestuck)
- Chihiro fujisaki (dr)
- Sero hanta (mha)
- Dazai (bsd)
- Himiko toga (mha)
- Koishi komeiji
- Roxas
- Ventus
- Sayori (ddlc)
- Eijiro kirishima (mha)
- Nagisa shingetsu (dr)
- Yuri (ddlc)
- Saiki kusuo (saiki-k)
- Bilbo baggins
- Rantaro amami (dr)
- Soul Evans (soul eater)
- Evan (emh)
- HABIT (emh)
- The computer (dhmis)
- Pim (smiling friends)
- Madaline cookie
- Licorice cookie
- Tweek tweak (South Park)
- Tavros nitram (homestuck)
- Stan marsh (South Park)
- Kenny McCormick (South Park)
- Sayaka Miki (pmmm)
- Hiyoko saionji (dr)
- Junko Enoshima (dr)
- BEN Drowned (creepypasta)
- Huggy Wuggy (poppy’s playtime)
- Scar (lion king)
- Iida tenya (mha)
- Misa Amane (death note)
- Rainbow Dadh (mlp)
- Josuke Higashita (jjba)
- Riki kawai (wep)
- Basil (omori)
- Akane Aoi (tbhk)
- Dimentio (super paper Mario)
- Lapis Lazuli (su)
- Sans (undertale)
- Rose quartz/pink diamond (su)
- Kakashi (Naruto)
- Alois trancy (black butler)
- Norman Osborn (spider man)
- Princess Luna (mlp)
- Wilt (fosters home for imaginary friends)
- Yatora yaguchi (blue period)
- Mitsuba (tbhk)
- Ena
- Monoma neito (mha)
- Ray (the promised neverland)
- Asmodeus (obey me)
- Edward Hyde (dr Jekyll and mr Hyde)
- Junkrat (overwatch)
- Ness (earthbound)
- Catra (she-ra)
- Fuyuhiko kuzuryuu (dr)
- Elizabeth Afton (fnaf)
- Tony Stark (mcu)
- Nesta
- Victor Grantz (idv)
- Jeffery Woods (creepypasta)
- Undertaker (black butler)
- Funtime Foxy (fnaf)
- Haida (aggretsuko)
- Senpai (fnf)
- Twilight Sparkle (mlp)
- Hiccup (how to train your dragon)
- Sayaka Maizono (dr)
- Peko pekoyama (dr)
- Gregory (fnaf)
- Mikey (tokyo revengers)
- Takemichi (tokyo revengers)
- Hank hill
- Kirumi Tojo (dr)
- Noelle (genshin impact)
- Kotoko Utsugi (dr)
- Dirk Strider (homestuck)
- Reki Kyan
- Dib Membrane
- K_K (deltarune)
- Yakko Warner (animaniacs)
- Brain (pinky and the brain)
- Hunter (owl house)
- Ryunosuke (bsd)
- Atsushi (bsd)
- Ainosuke Shindo (sk8)
- Dabi todoroki (mha)
- Eri (mha)
- Midnight (mha)
- Kunikida Doppo
- Gundham Tanaka (dr)
- Rindo kanade (NEO TWEWY)
- Graham Calloway/Crackle (Carmen sandiego)
- Steve harrington (stranger things)
- Viktor (arcane)
- Wirt (over the garden wall)
- Gir (invader zim)
- Gregg (nitw)
- Sprig (amphibia)
- Ruff ruffman (fetch with ruff ruffman)
- Ibuki mioda (dr)
- Blitzø (helluva boss)
- Yashiro nene (tbhk)
- Sasha waybright (amphibia)
- Baji
- Megaman
- Hop (pkmn)
- Lucas (mother 3)
- Noelle (deltarune)
- Sollux Captor (homestuck)
- Mi-Nyeo (squid game)
- Ratcatcher 2 (suicide squad)
- Vendetta (making friends)
- Moe Syzlak
- Todoroki Shouto (mha)
- Izumi Miyamura
- Ginger (purrfect apawcalypse)
- Olive (purrfect apawcalypse)
- Terezi pyrope (homestuck)
- Sara chidouin (yttd)
- Hawks (mha)
- Genya shinazugawa (demon slayer)
- Douma (demon slayer)
- Foxy (fnaf)
- Shuichi Saihara (dr)
- Frylock (aqua teen hunger force)
- Greg Heffley (diary of a wimpy kid)
- Aubrey (omori)
- Kyle Broflovski (South Park)
- Mineta Minoru (mha)
- Polyblank (jazz punk)
- Anne (amphibia)
- Luz (owl house)
- Webby (ducktales)
- Marcy (amphibia)
- Rob (tawog)
- Jesse Pinkman (breaking bad)
- Zen (mystic messenger)
- Fry (futurama)
- Snufkin (moomin valley)
- Jake English (homestuck)
- Dustin (stranger things)
- Oswald cobblepot (gotham)
- Harley Quinn
- Kris (Deltarune)
- Six (little nightmares)
- Chiba Ryuunosuke (assassination classroom)
- Sakura Nanamine (tbhk)
- Crispin Whytehead (psychonauts)
- Ryota Mitarai (dr)
- Tomura Shigaraki (mha)
- Neo (matrix)
- Science sans (undertale AU)
- Natsuo todoroki (mha)
- Eddie Oswald/Blah blah the clown
- Angie Yonaga (dr)
- Jane Crocker (homestuck)
- Momoe Sawaki (wonder egg priority)
- Vanny (fnaf)
- Mettaton (undertale)
- Monika (ddlc)
- Koriyaki Kakyoin (jjba)
- Kanaya Maryam (homestuck)
- Fenneko (aggretsuko)
- Ace lightwood (the mortal instruments/shadowhunters)
- V (mystic messenger)
- X (bfb)
- Mei Hatsume (mha)
- Light Yagami (death note)
- Nanami Kento
- Gojo Satoru
- Mezo Shoji (mha)
- Lefty (fnaf)
- Yashiro isana (k project)
- Nancy Elsner
- Rose Lalonde (homestuck)
- Kiibo (dr)
- Rio ranger
- Hobbit???
- Alucard (castlevania)
- Sal fisher (sally face)
- Kinoko Kimori (mha)
- Hanzo shimada (overwatch)
- Joshua (twewy)
- Gintoki Sakata (gintama)
- Byakuya togami (dr)
- William afton (fnaf)
- Micheal afton (fnaf)
- Luigi (mario)
- Korekiyo Shinguji (dr)
- Hifumi Yamada (dr)
- Teruteru hanamura (dr)
- Sakura Ogami (dr)
- Goro aketchi (persona 5)
- Tamaki Amajiki (mha)
- Lance McClain (Voltron)
- Osmosis Jones
- Springtrap (fnaf)
- Frankenturret (portal 2)
- Bill cipher (gravity falls)
- Abbacchio (jjba)
- Tanjiro Kamado (demon slayer)
- Davesprite (homestuck)
- Benry (hlvrai)
- Doppio (jjba)
- Naruto uzumaki (naruto)
- Korra (legend of korra)
- G1 pohatu
- Pareo (bandori)
- Slenderman (creepypasta)
- Micheal (magnus institute)
- Nomu (mha)
- Sangwoo (killing stalking)
- Max Caulfield
- Kankri Vantas (homestuck)
- Kaede Akamatsu (dr)
- Akane owari (dr)
- Crona (soul eater)
- Clancey (the midnight gospel)
- Red guy (dhmis)
- Hatsune Miku
- Sayaka Maizono (dr)
- Saeran Choi (mystic messenger)
- Saeyoung Choi (mystic messenger)
- Orochimaru (naruto)
- Sephiroth (final fantasy 7)
- Tooru Oikawa (haikyuu)
- Kotoko utsugi (dr)
- Ramona Flowers (Scott pilgrim)
- All for one (mha)
- Fuyumi todoroki (mha)
- Feferi peixis (homestuck)
- Spades Slick (homestuck)
- Zack fair (final fantasy 7)
- Dave strider (homestuck)
- Gamzee Makara (homestuck)
- Hal strider (homestuck)
- Oikawa (haikyuu)
- Spike (mlp)
- Gon (HxH)
- All might (mha)
- Sasara Narude (hypnosis mic)
- Shoya (a silent voice)
- Pitch (ROTG)
- Aketchi touma (sailki-k)
- Masaru daimon
- REM (Re:Zero)
- Link (breath of the wild)
- Mae Borowski (nitw)
- José baden (idv)
- Vlad masters/Plasmius
- Sunburst (mlp)
- Aesop Carl (idv)
- Lemon demon (fnf)
- Medic (tf2)
- Emmet (the Lego movie)
- Demyx (kingdom hearts)
- Mangle (fnaf)
- Hajime hinata (dr) ((again))
- Xefros (hiveswap)
- Nezuko kamado (demon slayer)
- Julian devorak (the arcana)
- Takumi hijirihara (dr killer killer)
- Toy Bonnie (fnaf)
- Luz (owl house)
- Louie duck (ducktales)
- Dagett beaver
- Ruby Harlonde (homestuck)
- Craig Tucker (South Park)
- Commander peepers (wander over yonder)
- Mime (happy tree friends)
- Jack Kennedy (day shift at Freddy’s)
- John egbert (homestuck) ((again))
- Lala (sanrio)
- Chesed (lobotomy corporation)
- Beetlejuice
- Kyouka jirou (mha)
- Liu woods (creepypasta)
- Steven quartz Universe (su)
- Pink pearl (su)
- Muffet (undertale)
- Damara megido (homestuck)
- Sonic
- Courage the cowardly dog
- Yaoyorozu Momo (mha)
- Yo shindo (mha)
- Ivor (minecraft story mode)
- Fluttershy (mlp)
- Gomez Addams (the addams family)
- Entrapta (she-ra)
- L Lawliet (death note)
- Heather Macnamara (heathers)
- Chibiusa (sailor moon)
- Ranpo Edogawa (bsd)
- Kirito (sao)
- Asuna (sao)
- Leafa (sao)
- Monomi
- The narrator (touch-tone telephone)
- Beetlejuice (the musical)
- Ingo (pkmn b/w)
- Elsa (frozen)
- Scooter (muppets)
- Henry Emily (fnaf)
- Blue pearl (su)
- Phoenix wright (ace attorney)
- Piers (pkmn sw/sh)
- Meliodas (sds)
- Phineas (phineas and ferb)
- Natsumi kuzuryuu (dr)
- Kou (tbhk)
- Yuta asahina (dr)
- Satan (obey me)
- Springbonnie (fnaf)
- Kiyotaka ishimaru (dr)
- Funtime Freddy (fnaf)
- Genocider syo (dr)
- Doctor doofenshmirts (paf)
- Barry (pkmn d/p/p)
- Show pony (the true lives of the fabulous killjoys)
- Party poison (the true lives of the fabulous killjoys)
- Isabella (paf)
- Davepetasprite^2 (homestuck)
- Circus baby (fnaf)
- Yoosung Kim (mystic messenger)
- Gladion (pkmn)
- Bendy (batim)
- Legoshi (beastars)
- Kyoko kirigiri (dr)
- Discord (mlp)
- Ochako uraraka (mha)
- The signless (homestuck)
- Pearl (su)
- Oboro shirakumo (mha)
- The grand highblood (homestuck)
- Dadbert/Mr. Egbert (homestuck)
- Toy Freddy (fnaf)
- AI Chiaki Nanami (dr)
- Pregame Shuichi Saihara (dr)
- Seiko (dr)
- Link (loz)
- Ryuk (death note)
- Franziska von Karma (ace attorney)
- Tails (sonic)
- Doc scratch (homestuck)
- Lloyd (ninjago)
- Tigress (kung foo panda)
- GLaDOS (portal)
- Chica (fnaf)
- Bo peep (toy story)
- Simon (infinity train)
- Henry stickman: revenged ending (Henry stickman)
- Plex the robot (yo gabba gabba)
- Touka satomi (magireco)
- Lucky guy (idv)
- Ennard (fnaf)
- Withered Bonnie (fnaf)
- Crying child (fnaf)
- Bonnie (fnaf)
- Alphys (undertale)
- Usagi Tsukino/Sailor moon (Sailor moon)
- Barney (Barney)
- Cream the rabbit (sonic)
- Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
- Trucy Wright (ace attorney)
- Yasuhiro Hagakure (dr)
- Tamaki Suho (ohshc)
- Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
- Owen (Total Drama Island)
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dannystheone · 1 year
uhhuhhh c can u do a lee!tweek n ler!craig drabble pls… one where tweek is being insecure about “how much of a mess he is” n craig is like “dude if u say one more thing bad about yourself i’m going to tickle the shit outta you”
Sure dude! I kinda thought long and hard about this one (hehe) but I hope you like it :)
Starlight (Lee Tweek/Ler Craig)
WARNINGS: Teenagers swearing, bad self-talk (they're aged up)
Tweek had a bad day and is feeling insecure about himself. Craig puts a smile on his boyfriend's face to cheer him up <3
Coffee spilled.
Clothes stained.
Textbooks dropped.
Awarded detention.
Cried in an empty bathroom after school.
Yeah, it was a bad day for the books.
Tweek Tweak sat on his rooftop, the sky a pink and blue hue on the horizon. Trees and mountains outlined the skyline darkly as the sun set behind the clouds. Tweek held his cheek in his hand with his knees tucked under his chin. He held his button-up closer around his body as the chill of the upcoming night crept up on him.
The events of the day kept replaying in his mind. How could he fuck up so badly over and over again? Was he just a screw-up in general? Was it just a bad day? But it seemed these bad days were getting closer and closer in succession. Tweek winked in thought as he heard a noise from behind him.
A dusty window slid open to reveal a light-skinned boy with a blue hat on the other side of the pane. "Tweek? Are you up here? Oh, there you are." Craig Tucker stepped through Tweek's small window, wearing a backpack and carrying a speaker. Circles by Post Malone started to play softly in the background.
Tweek threw up a few fingers to acknowledge Craig but didn't say anything to greet him. Craig plopped next to Tweek in a huff and gave him a big side hug.
"Mmm, how are you, honey? I didn't see you at school today." Craig asked while releasing him of the hug. Tweek shrugged and looked out to the horizon instead of answering. Craig's face narrowed as Tweek held onto the material of his own sleeve.
"Tweek? You okay?" Craig scooted in closer to Tweek and put his arm around his shoulders. Tweek breathed out and slowly accepted Craig's hold. He slid into Craig's side and nestled in.
"Bad day today?" Craig asked. Tweek nodded somberly. "You wanna talk about it?" Tweek swallowed as he hugged his knees closer to his chest.
"I- urgh...I don't know where to start-" Craig held Tweek's shoulder and rubbed it gently to soothe him.
"It's okay, take your time, honey," Craig reassured Tweek. Tweek nodded numbly as he held onto a piece of his hair to calm himself.
"Gah...it was just a bad day. Everything seemed to go to shit and nothing went right, and Mr. Garrison said I was being disruptive in class but I was literally just fucking sitting there, and I swear to God if I have to deal with detention again I'm gonna fucking scream-" Tweek's fists curled as his body started shaking in anxiety. Craig rubbed over Tweek's back to try and calm him down.
"Tweek, Tweek it's okay. Relax-" Tweek shook off Craig's arms around his shoulders and held the sides of his head as if to stave off a headache.
"No I don't wanna fucking relax, Craig. Why does everything have to go to shit whenever I'm around? Everything I do or say or get involved with always has a fucking consequence! It's always my fault, it's always the tweaked-out fuck-up. Why am I such a fucking mess?" Tweek questioned. He turned to Craig for an answer, but Craig had nothing to say. Craig watched him with dark eyes.
"I just...would it kill me to be normal? Or to have a normal fucking day? I have to knock something over or break something or spill something or tear my clothes or worry my parents or freak out about something with a simple solution! Why can't..." Tweek breathed out as he looked out to the horizon once more.
When Tweek didn't finish his sentence, Craig inched closer to him and interlaced their pinkies. Tweek looked down at their linked fingers with a trace of a smile.
"Tweek, honey, it's okay. We all have things that we go through. Simple tasks aren't simple for everyone. If they were, the world would be a much better place. You know I have to put up reminders everywhere just to drink water and brush my teeth cause I forget all the time. Those things are easy for you to remember, right?" Craig encouraged. Tweek shook his head and rested his cheek in his opposite hand.
"Ack...Craig...it's not that I don't remember to do stuff or do stuff incorrectly. I...urk...I fuck up stuff. Constantly. I was just made as a fuck-up, you know?" Craig started to get upset at Tweek calling himself a fuck-up.
"No, I don't know. Stop calling yourself a fuck-up, dude. It's not true." Craig turned to Tweek fully while Tweek refused to look at his boyfriend.
"But it is true. I'm just a huge mess. I don't know where you get the patience to deal with a screwup like me." Craig's jaw set as he let go of Tweek's pinky and pointed a finger at him.
"Dude you say that again and I'm gonna fucking kill you. You hear me?" Craig steamed. Tweek gave his boyfriend a sideways glance and shrugged.
"'S'true. Urgh... I just screw up and mess up everyone's lives around me. Sorry you have to-" Tweek cut himself off as he sputtered and jolted. Fingers wormed into his sides and started curling into the skin. Tweek bucked and started squirming on the rooftop as he giggled out.
"C-Crahahaig! Wh-What the fuhuhuhuck?!" Tweek called out. His eyes narrowed in laughter as Craig scribbled his fingers up and down Tweek's sides without mercy.
"What did I tell you, Tweek? I said if you didn't cut it out I was gonna kill you." Craig said in his monotone voice. Tweek pushed at Craig's hands, his shoulders jumping in his giggles.
"Pffft- Fuhuhuhuck ohohohoff ahahahasshole!" Tweek's jeaned leg kicked out as Craig's ringed fingers scritched up in his ribs and down to his hips. He's been tickling him since the fourth grade, so he knew exactly where to target.
"'Asshole', huh? Okay. I'm such a huge fucking asshole I'll keep this up no matter how much you beg. How's that for an asshole?" Craig asked. Tweek shook his head as his smile grew larger on his face. Tweek held Craig's wrists to try and control their movements. He was pretty strong, as previously established, so it was pretty effective against Craig. But his body was mostly overcome with giggles.
"NoHOhoho! Let gohohoho!" Tweek leaned back on his rooftop, Craig's fingers overtaking Tweek's lower sides and hips. Craig couldn't get Tweek from around his waist while Tweek was laying down, so Craig took both his hands and started tickling from above.
"Uhh...no. I'm not stopping until you admit you're not a fuck-up." Craig announced, his little puffballs on his hat dangling above Tweek's eyes. Tweek's hips bucked as Craig started squeezing his fingers in his tummy.
"NoHOHOHO!! I'm nohohohot dohohohoing thahahahat!!" Tweek's eyes screwed shut in his laughs. It seemed over his belly button was especially bad. Craig mentally cataloged that for later.
"Fine, then every time you refuse to say what I want you to say for the tickling to stop, I'm gonna add to it. So now you have to admit you're not a fuck-up, and you're not a mess." Craig stated. His hands stuffed up into Tweek's underarms and scribbled into the hollows. Tweek's head tossed back as he kicked out in protest.
"GAH-hahahahaha! Screhehehew ohohohohoff!" Tweek threw up a weak middle finger before immediately shooting his elbow down to protect himself. Craig feigned a fake offended gasp as his fingers stilled for a moment. Tweek breathed in deeply as Craig put his hands on his hips.
"So it's gonna be like that, huh? Fine Tweek, you asked for it." Tweek started giggling out of anticipation as he put his hands up in front of him.
"Noohoho Craihaig! Leheave me alohohone man!" Craig took hold of Tweek's hands and pulled him in. Craig put Tweek in a tight bear hug and started blowing small raspberries into his ear. Tweek burst out into light-hearted giggles as he started pulling and squirming in Craig's hold.
"CraHAHAHAIG!! STOHOHOP stohohop stop stop!" Tweek's hands curled tightly as Craig gave his ear and the side of his neck flurries of consistent tickly kisses.
"No. Now I want you to say that you're not a fuck-up, you're not a mess, and you love yourself. I'll wait." Craig declared, and went back to his tingly tickly kisses. Tweek shook his head as he continued to laugh out, so Craig upped the anty.
"I swehehear Crahahaig! I swehehear to- GAHAHAHAD!! Stohohohop thahahahat!!" Tweek began to twist and jump in Craig's hold as Craig kissed up and down Tweek's ear and neck while scribbling over his side with his hand. Tweek cried out as he slowly leaned back onto the rooftop and squirmed all over the tiles.
"Go ahead and say it, Tweek. You want it to be over right? Or I can just keep going. Whatever you want." How could Craig be so damn teasy with that monotone voice? Tweek tried burying his ear in his shoulder, but Craig was quick to keep track of him.
"ACK! Okahahahay okay! I-hehehehe! I'm nahahahat ahahaha fuhuhuck- STOHOhohohop!" Tweek laughed and wriggled in Craig's hold. Craig laid Tweek down fully on the rooftop and laid down next to him with his hand over his belly. Craig felt Tweek breathe in and giggle gently underneath him.
"Ugh...I hehe- I'm not a fuck-up, I'm not a mess. Huhh...and I love myself." Tweek's cheeks burned from the earlier laughter he belted out. Craig folded his arm under Tweek's head to serve as a pillow while they lay on the rooftop. Tweek begrudgingly accepted.
"And you mean it? Truly?" Craig asked. Tweek fidgeted with his fingers while he thought.
"I don't...urgh. I don't know, Craig. I don't know what you see in me, honestly. I just said it so it would stop." Craig breathed in deeply as he thought of what to say.
"Tweek, I 'deal' with you because you're my absolute everything, honey. You're...you're my starlight. Starlight isn't perfect or imperfect, it just...is. But it's a beautiful phenomenon despite the fact." The night cascaded around the boys, the pink and blue sunset giving way to the star-filled sky. Tweek looked up to Craig as Craig propped himself up on one elbow as Chanel from Frank Ocean played on the speaker behind them.
"Just like you. You're not gonna be the most perfect at simple tasks or an orderly routine, it's just how you are. But then, who is, right?" Craig suggested. Tweek rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Gee, thanks." Tweek snickered. Craig bat Tweek's shoulder to shush him.
"If I can finish, please. I still think you're handsome, you're funny, you understand me and I understand you. You've been my best friend and my boyfriend for about seven years now. No amount of how many times you spill or break something is ever going to change that. And if you need more help in your routine so you can have a smoother day, you can just tell me. I'm always going to be here for you, no matter what." Tweek's eyes welled up with tears as his fingers curled into Craig's arm.
"You mean it?" Tweek asked.
"Truly," Craig responded.
"Thank you, Craig. Seriously."
"Of course, honey."
The two boys shared a long and much-needed kiss on the rooftop, filled with all their combined love and passion for each other. Under the starlight.
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pricklycarebear · 3 years
do you have any tweek tweak headcanons? :)
Omg thank you for asking! This is a fun one. I think we're all pretty much in agreement that this guy is one of the most ticklish peeps EVER but here's some hcs:
Tweek tickle hcs
As a lee:
Has a very high giggle laugh at first, moving onto squeaks, squeals and little screams with time
Isn't tickled as often as others because people know he just CANT, but that can make it even worse when it does happen because it's always a surprise
If you catch him in the right mood, or you're Craig, he might actually enjoy it
Becomes paranoid and oversensitive if he's seen other people being tickled
Extremely ticklish on almost every inch, but worst are upper body (esp. armpits!) and behind the knees. Any pressure points or vitals are a weakness in this boy's brain
One weird spot Craig has discovered is the back running down the spine and shoulder blades. Sometimes he likes to sit on Tweek's back and scribble his fingers from his neck all the way down over these spots and make Tweek squeal and wriggle for a while
Is EXTREMELY hard to pin! When the adrenaline kicks in this boy's anxiety is near unstoppable. Once he's down and tickling has commenced though he doesn't have the function to run
If he's feeling particularly anxious then it stresses him out more, but on his better days he really enjoys being made to laugh and it makes him feel a little more normal for a while
Craig's good at telling which days are which and acts accordingly. Craig can be a mean ler though!!
Will try to talk through his laughter, but it comes out as nonsense due to his brain not being able to function under such duress As a ler:
Ok so normally Tweek would not be so forthcoming, but after a good round of tickling there are sometimes enough adrenaline and endorphins to make him feel in control for a while
Unlucky you if you are the one to meet him in this rare mood
Most often Craig is on the receiving end, and he was NOT prepared the first time
Tweek launched himself onto Craig with his entire body, and without a word proceeded to discover every ticklish spot, every kind of laugh, every unique reaction, and did not let up until Craig literally had tears on his face
(Didn't help that Craig refused to forfeit the whole time)
Usually laughs a little with his victim
Very good at being a ler, wide range of techniques for different situations. For revenge he sometimes goes in hard like the first time but other times he takes the playful approach, which is just as bad
Has lots of tickle wars with Craig, which they both enjoy so much Hope you enjoy these! Might come back with some more for this guy sometime :)
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daisys-silliness · 1 year
Pinned Post!!
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When finished reading, respond with a 🌺!
Hi! Here's some information abt me for newcomers!:
Old @: @bweee-hebehe!!
Name: Daisy
[Blog sona]:
Tumblr media
Age: 18
Pronouns: they/them
D1scord: DM me
Extra info:
I'm currently in my senior year of high school!
Fandoms are mixed atm!
I censor words bc I hate the idea of ppl in the main tags/friends finding this blog wah,,
I have social anxiety and get very overwhelmed easily
I don't post a lot due to school and burn out but I am trying!!
This blog is an STRICTLY sfw/comfort tickle blog, n I'm kinda nervous abt posting bc I'm afraid of ppl recognizing my art style wahh.
Other blog: @milk-withasideoffluff
Requests are open!! I will do silly doodles and hcs! :]
I will open fic requests eventually, just not right now, srry
tags for these will be added here for easy access
Below will include a masterlist links to fics, headcanons and the character interps I will create as this blog continues:
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Safe in your mother's arms [lee!tweek/ler!mrs. tweak]
Sunny days are ahead [lee!craig/ler!laura tucker] {coming soon!}
Little "tickle me emo" [lee!firkle/ler!pete, henrietta, michael] {coming soon!}
The gnomes won't get you, but we will! [lee!tweek/ler!main 4] {coming soon}
Rid the demon, youth pastor [lee!imp tweek/ler!youth pastor craig] {coming soon!}
nothing here to post yet
My character interps
Why my tweek has an eye scar
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michu-writes · 3 years
Characters I write for!
South Park
(This includes post COVID!)
• Stan Marsh
• Kyle Broflovski
• Kenny McCormick
• Craig Tucker
• Tweek Tweak
• Wendy Testaburger
• Clyde Donovan
• Mysterion
• Token Black
• MAYBE Eric Cartman (I don’t really feel that interested in his character)
• Butters Stotch
• Scott Tenorman
Tumblr media
• Camilo
• Bruno
• Isabela
• Mirabel
• Dolores
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(I don’t really write for them in headspace)
• Omoriboy
• Sunny
• Aubrey
• Hero
• Kel
• Basil
Tumblr media
Inside Job
Reagan Ridley
Brett Hand
Andre Lee
Glenn Dolphman
Magic Myc
Sensei/Lord Garmadon
The Cuphead Show
The devil
King dice
Red leader
Future Edd
Sonic (includes boom, movie and just normal versions)
Gravity Falls
Adventure Time
Princess bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Prince Gumball
Flame princess
Steven Universe
Lapis Lazuli
Mandela catalogue
Alternate Gabriel
The walten files
Jack walten
sophie walten
rosemary walten
Helluva boss
Moominvalley (2019 and 90s included)
Snork Maiden
Too ticky
Little My
The Owl House
Amity (female or gender neutral reader only)
Augustus (Gus)
The Collector
King (plotanic only)
Hooty (plotanic only)
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