#commemorating the last episode of adventure time
digi-egg · 7 months
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It has been announced that starting March 1st, Digimon Adventure will be getting a re-run on television in Japan on Tokyo MX.
It will air every Friday, 7:30PM-8:00PM JST.
Last year, to commemorate the release of Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, a selection of episodes from Digimon Adventure 02 were also broadcast on Tokyo MX between July-December, along with free streaming on Youtube (region locked to Japan). However, in case of Digimon Adventure, they will be re-broadcasting the entire series to celebrate the 25th Anniversary.
If you happen to be in Japan in the next few months, it might be worth catching the series on TV just like old times!
Digimon Adventure Week on Tumblr will also be held from March 01-07! @digimonadventureweek
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reposting this meme bc it's true and bc I really like it, lol
I have quite literally been scribbling notes on a scrap of paper like a madman while rewatching TGOA part 3 as many times as possible, just jotting down all the mindboggling information we've been given, and some less direct stuff that I could be reading too much into but is fun and neat even if it doesn't amount to anything crazy and galaxy-brained, lol.
So click/tap below the cut for rambles about the final part of Pulp Musicals episode 3
The Ghosts of Antikythera ⚓️
Names, Names, Names!!!
Hey, might as well start with all the new names we've gotten!
The captain of the Antikythera — the ghost ship from 'someplace else' — is Addison Arvad.
Kal (my beloved/beloathed ❤ ) is Kalfu
The Traveler we met in TBS is Sia 💖💖
Ahlaam is another Traveler. I adore her already, and not just because she saved Rose.
Dakkar is... somebody. As expected, I've been going crazy in my dms with @man-down-in-hatchet-town, and she believes Dakkar is probably inspired by/based on Captain Nemo? 👀
King(?!) Itzal is... probably bad news! Kal's the one who calls him a King and he is obviously pretty loyal and devoted to him, and wants to impress him (aww), so methinks Itzal is maybe not so good???? (I am also a proud supporter of Brooke's Dylan Saunders as Itzal campaign, lol)
The Blazing World is home. It's where the Travelers and the Antikythera's Searchers (rip) are from, it was destroyed once—but is being rebuilt?—and Kalfu and Itzal seem to want it gone for good.
Lincoln Island is the mysterious island our heroes on the Ellen Austin are approaching at the end of the episode, the place Ahlaam sent Rose and the Antikythera to via orrery.
Quick *Approximate* Timeline
Eh, what can I say? We got numbers and I decided to do a tiny bit of math about it.
1874 — the Antikythera & the Ellen Austin
🎶 When are we? 🎶 Well, Morgan Reese informs our time-traveling heroes that, uh yeah lol, last he checked the year was 1874. What a funny question from a bunch of rapscallions!
Captain Arvad's logs from the Antikythera start in January 1874, so we know the Searchers were out and about in this same year. Their disappearances were recent and the ship hasn't been empty for all that long, I don't think.
1865 — may this monument stand forever
On this site in 1835, Sir John Herschel and Anna Hanover launched the first brick satellite, the Sagitta, in what was known as Township Number Nine. Erected to commemorate their bravery, to thank them for their gift to all mankind, may this monument stand forever.
Dedicated August, 1865.
1864 — the dark angel appears
A desperate AJ makes his ill-fated deal with Kal in exchange for his crew's safety during the Battle of Mobile Bay.
Damn the torpedoes.
1835 — the beginning of our adventure
🎶 IT IS EIGHTEEN THIRTY-FIVE 🎶 and the Great Moon Hoax and The Brick Satellite both happen in this year. Things were so simple back then!
1829 — the Blazing World is destroyed
In 1874, we are told (first by Arvad's journal, and then by Sia) that their home, that the Blazing World was destroyed 45 years ago. If my math is right and they're not hippity-hopping too much in time (they have time travel capabilities so idk for sure) that would put the destruction of the Blazing World in 1829.
If the world being destroyed is also the Event that Kal alludes to in Gunpowder and Rum, pt. 3 ("Your powers are returning and you still don't remember what happened? 😒") AND it's the one that left Margaret without her memories and powers, then... could Margaret have been feeling lost, alone, and disconnected with her phantom pain in New York for 6 whole years before the Stratfords wrote the hoax that would bring the quartet together??? 🥺
And while we're on the subject of time passing!
If Sia and Kalfu and everyone besides the quartet has gotten to 1874 the long way 'round... (which I think is the case if Kal snarked at Sia for hiding Margaret in the future—if he has a sense of the future in relation to the world and time, I'd say this also implies he & the others have a pretty consistent present?) ...have they aged? Or does their magic also lengthen their lives? I imagine it would be mentioned if Sia was visibly older, and since Samuel described Kal as looking ~40 years old, then how could he be younger than the war he's been in? lol. But idk, this is just food for thought!
Kal Loves His Lore Dumps, Doesn't he? This one's mostly about Margaret <3
"You've proven quite elusive over the years... We've searched across the seven seas... I suppose it's only fitting that I find you here by chance, looking for an orrery! I'd have settled for the ship, what's its name? An-ti-ky-ther-a. But you will be quite the prize. It's you that will seal our victory! A ship from the Blazing World would have been quite the quarry. But you? That could end things once and for all!"
"The ship, the orrery, they don't matter now. Not when I can dispatch the two biggest traitors in history with just one blow!"
Seems like our girl is pretty special~ 🥰
I mean, of course she is, she's our Margaret, but if Kal is willing to let the Antikythera go to get her instead, and he's so convinced that taking her out will win the war... our girl is Pretty Special™ right? Maybe she's a princess or something, or maybe her Radiance is just that heckin' strong. idk, but I'm excited to find out either way.
I'm also wondering if there's a connection between Margaret and the orrery/orreries... If Kal thought it was fitting to find her when he was after the orrery, does that mean something more? Could Margaret have created the orreries and/or the magic behind them? 👀
...actually maybe this isn't such a good and fun thing. 😅😟 Things don't usually go very well for special and important characters—what is the saying, tragedies love heroes? I mean, Margaret has lost her powers and memories once already, as well as her home and whatever family she may have had before. I know all our pulp blorbos have been in dire straights a few times now, but I don't want them to get MORE DIRE than this!
Kalfu, Sia, & Margaret's history
Kal: High marks for cloaking the fleet, but seriously—
Kal: Come on, it's a Traveler reunion.
Kal: Just a drink between three friends.
Sia: Oh, you were once a man that I trusted. Tell me, where has he been?
Sia: Itzal poisoned your mind!
Kal: Itzal opened my mind!
Sia and Margaret: *powering up*
Sia: Hey, Kalfu!
Kal: Huh? Ugh, not again.
Kal: *team rocket fog's blasting off again*
I think it's pretty safe to say that, once upon a time, these three were once close. Maybe they were friends and peers, or maybe Kalfu was once Sia and/or Margaret's mentor with that "high marks" comment. Whatever the case, they used to be allies who trusted each other.
I think it's also safe to say all three of them are/were Travelers. Obviously Sia is, and Margaret probably is/was one as well, since she and Sia have a badass combined attack (that I'm betting they used against Kalfu ~45 years prior). As for Kal... I don't know how the radiance and the fog fit together exactly, whether they've always been separate or the fog is a dark bastardization of the radiance, but it seems like he is on equal footing with Sia as far as magic powers go, and he can teleport like they do—AJ witnessed this at the Battle of Mobile Bay, and Samuel did (kinda) on the deck of the Ellen Austin. I don't know if that's the only qualification for being a Traveler, but it's worth mentioning.
It seems like Itzal was a pretty big factor in this trio splitting up—for whatever reason, Kal turned his back on Sia and Margaret to follow him, or perhaps Sia and Margaret left Kal behind when he wouldn't leave with them. I don't know, but I want to—I have questions!!!
Sia and Itzal — Future sight?
Kal (to Sia): You know, for someone with precognitive abilities, you sure like to cut things close. 😒
Kal: How I wish King Itzal was here to witness this. Or did he already know? Eh.
There's not much to say about this, really, I just think it's interesting.
But it does make me wonder if Sia *knew* that sending Margaret and the others to Hanover in 1874 would lead Margaret to the Antikythera and help her regain her memories, even if Sia couldn't see much more than that. Like, if she knew that Kal would be there, I don't think she would have put Margaret at risk like that when she was still vulnerable. Unless she was betting on Margaret figuring things out before Kal could make his move... gah, who knows! (Matt. Matt knows.) We do know that Sia can't see everything, though—she knows that the crew of the Antikythera are gone but has to ask Kal what he did with them.
Also, obligatory "yikes 😬" at the idea of having an enemy (King Itzal) who could possibly see your attacks/plans before you make them. That can't make this war any easier!
Fogging the vortices, you say?
Kal: We've been fogging the vortices for decades. There was bound to be an Antikythera sooner or later.
Vortices.... plural for vortex, yeah?
"A mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind."
Is one of these vortices located here in the Sargasso Sea? Is that why Rose already knows plenty of ghost stories about these waters, why this is a strange place that'll one day be dubbed the Bermuda Triangle? Where are the other vortices??? How many are there??? What are they, exactly???
Okay, but what about the gates?
Kal: A war for a world of power and might
Sia: A war for a world of courage and light
Kal: Fought over decades
Sia: Over ascension
Kal/Sia: No chance of surrender, no chance of redemption
I'm just throwing darts here, but I feel like 'ascension' has to do with the gates that have been alluded to a few times now?
First, in TBS, Sia told Margaret that she couldn't take her to the gate until her memories were back. Then in part 2 of TGOA, Kal said something about the Antikythera's orrery leading him to the first gate.
I don't think these gates are the same thing as the vortices—if the bad guys have already been 'fogging' them, then Kal wouldn't need an orrery to find them.
The gates probably lead to the Blazing World, right? Kal and Itzal want to destroy the Blazing World for good, which is why Kal was trying to get the orrery, to get to the gate, to ascend to the Blazing World and turn it to dust once and for all.
Travelers and Symbols/Elements/Associations
To finish up, here's one of the things I've noticed more recently. We have four magical characters now who seem to be at similar levels of power and might all be/have been Travelers, and maybe it's just a fun bit of flavor rather than anything Extremely Vital to the plot, but they each seem to have their own kind of... niche?
Lemme run through 'em real quick.
● Want a drink?
● Gunpowder and rum, too strong for some! 🎶
● And poison... is kinda my thing.
● Non-lethal fog, my latest brew
Kal's easy to figure out—he's been pretty clear with his gunpowder and rum (delicious!) and once he revealed it he's been very cheeky and upfront about his use of/preference for poison too. He also stands out as the only person wielding fog, but I'm sure that'll change as we delve further into the dark and into this war we're learning about.
● "Was that sunlight shining in the sphere?"
● We're here to light the fuse
● Lay another hand on her and you'll go down in flames
● I will always be that feeling burning under your skin
hehe okay, Sia is the reason this whole section of my post exists lol. I noticed the references to fire in enough of her lines/lyrics in part 3 that I thought it couldn't be a coincidence, and then I looked at the others. I just think it's neat!
Maybe these lines are just nods to the fact that light can burn as well as illuminate—Kalfu would probably know, hah—but it is fun to think that maybe we could see our first and dearest Traveler friend whip out some cool fire magic later on—when she's not duking it out with somebody on a wooden boat, lol.
I'd love that for her, tbh.
...especially because alcohol is flammable. :)
Narrator: In a blinding flash, a woman materialized, and with a single motion, she pushed the water of the room with her mind
Okay, I fully admit this is mostly just a reason for me to make another waterbending joke. Ahlaam's appearance in this episode wasn't really long enough to give us much information about her, but I mean we also haven't seen anyone else do anything with water until she came along, so... if we see her do more stuff like this and she has more associations with water in episode 4 onwards, I will feel pretty smart. 😌
● the moon
● the sea
● astronomy
we might not know much about Margaret's magic beyond how brightly it glows—which isn't unique to her—and what she's been able to do with it, be we do know that she has a connection with the moon, of course.
I think we could also argue that she has a pull to the sea—mostly because of the view from her window and the rooftop, overlooking the water. Learning about the Searchers and the fact that Kal was looking for Margaret on the sea supports this connection, but again, that doesn't really single her out from the others.
Margaret does have an appreciation for astronomy, but even that might not be super unique, if her people have orreries on every ship and they all look up to the sky. However... my brain is still chewing on a possible connection between Margaret and the orrery, because of what Kal said. It would be pretty rad if she was the one who designed and crafted them, figured out that magic. So idk, that could be something.
If her memories are returning, maybe we'll see her really start to shine amongst her fellow Travelers as she recalls more about herself and brings together the person that resides in her memories and the person that losing her memories made her into.
phew, okay! this is a long post and I am now very sleepy, lol. I'm sure I missed a few things—I didn't take any *literal* notes during parts 1 & 2 and it'll be a few days before I get the album and lose my mind again—but maybe there's a few things I managed to catch that y'all will enjoy.
As always, feel free to reply/reblog with your own thoughts!!!
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patemi-pk · 1 year
I did a scanlation. Of a very minor thing. It will be the first and last time.
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At the time of Cavaglione as EIC, experimentation and hybridization were the order of the day. Magazines and projects followed one another to catch a wider target audience, without, however, forgetting Topolino and, on the contrary, amalgamating these satellite realities with the weekly magazine, when possible: just think that Trip, the son of the Raider, was introduced in the Topolino columns before than in Pkna.
In 1998, for the commemoration of Mickey Mouse's sixty years, these worlds touched once again. On issue 2243 a story was published, "Mickey Mouse and the darkest day", which was structured as a roundup of episodes by different authors and characters, to wish the rat a happy birthday, touching on every area and typology of adventure in which he had been involved in his long career.
One of these episodes, Super, written by Ezio Sisto and drawn by Silvia Ziche saw the team-up between Paperinik and Superpippo, committed to making Mickey Mouse live a day as a superhero, with comic final implications. The element that stands out is that in this historical period the official Paperinik, whatever the detractors who fantasize about near futures and alternative realities say, is precisely our Pk, complete with the extransformer and a cameo by the Evronians.
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a-soft-creature · 2 years
The DC Animated Multiverse.
Hannah barbera  - Filmation Universe:
The Adventures of Superboy
The Adventures of Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder
The New adventures of Superman
The Atom
The Flash
Green Lantern
Teen Titans
The Justice league of America
The Brady Kids
The New Scooby-Doo Movies
The Superfirends
The New Adventures of Batman
Teen Titans - Just Say No.
Ruby Spears
Ruby Spears The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show
DC Animated Universe: (90's and 00's cartoons)
Batman the Animated Series
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm [movie]
Superman the Animated Series
The New Batman Adventures
Batman and Mr Freeze: Sub Zero [movie]
Superman: Brainiac Attacks (debatable cannon) [movie]
Justice League
Gotham Girls (Flash Webtoon)
Lobo (Flash Webtoon)
Static Shock
Justice League Unlimited (don't watch epilogue)
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman [movie]
Batman: Chase Me (short)
Batman and Harley Quinn [movie]
Justice League vs the Fatal Five [movie]
Batman Beyond
The Zeta Project
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker [movie]
Justice League Unlimited (epilogue episode)
Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Stand alone series: (not connected to anything else)
Swampt Thing
1993 - Wonder woman and the star riders pilot
Duck Dodgers
The Aquaman & Friends Action Hour
Krypto the Superdog
DC nation
Beware the Batman
Green Lantern the Animated Series
Young Justice
Justice League Action
DC Superhero Girls
Harley Quinn
Aquaman: king of Atlantis
Plastic man Pilo for Cartoon network
Scooby-Doo! And Quess Who? And Scooby-Doo! And Krypto, Too!
DC Batwheels
Stand Alone Movies: (not connected to anything else)
Superman: Doomsday
Justice League: New Frontier
Wonder Woman (Commemorative Edition)
Green Lantern: First Flight
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Superman/Shazam: The Return of Black Atom
All Star Superman
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Batman: Year One
Justice League: Doom
Superman vs the Elite
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition)
Superman: Unbound
Justice League Adventures: Trapped in Time
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
Batman: Ninja
Batman vs The Teeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Superman: Red Son
Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons
Batman: Soul of the Dragon
Catwoman: Hunted
DC League of Super-Pets
Space Jam 2
Shows with some connections:
Vixen (Arrowverse)
Legion of Super Heroes  
The Batman (2004), The Batman vs Dracula [movie]
Teen Titans, Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo [movie], Teen Titans Go!, Teen Titans Go! To the Movies [movie], Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans [movie]
Batman: Brave and the Bold, Scooby-Doo! & Batman: Brave and the Bold
DC Super Friends: The Joker's Playhouse Pilot and DC Super Friends Tv series
Movies with some connections:
Batman/Superman: Public Enemies, Batman Superman: Apokolips
Batman Under the Red Hood, Batman a Death in the Family
Batman: Gotham Knight (ties in to the Nolan Batman Trilogy)
Batman: Assault on Arkham (ties in to the Arkham video games)
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts, Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem, Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs Mutants
Batman vs Two-Face (ties in to the 60's Adam West show)
Injustice (ties into the Injustice video games)
1. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.
2. Justice League: War
3. Son of Batman
4. Justice League: Throne of Atlantis
5. Batman and Robin
6. Batman: Bad Blood
7. Justice League Vs. Teen Titans
8. Justice League Dark
9. Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
10. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
11. The Death of Superman.
12. Reign of the Supermen
13. Batman: Hush
14. Wonder Woman: Bloodlines
15. Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
DCAMU: The Extras
Nightwing and Robin
Constantine: City of Demons
Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans
DCAMU 2 - Tomorrow Verse
Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020)
Justice Society: World War II (2021)
Batman: The Long Halloween (2021)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (2022)
Legion of Super-Heroes (2023)
Justice League: Warworld
Adam Strange (2020)
Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! (2021)
Lego Batman: Bricks, Bats & Bad Guys (C) (2006)
LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Superheroes Unite (2013)
LEGO DC Comics: Batman: Be-Leaguered (TV) (TV) (2014)
LEGO Batman vs. Superman (C) (2014)
LEGO DC Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom! (2015)
DC Superhéroes LEGO: Liga de la Justicia versus Liga de Bizarro (2015)
LEGO – Liga de la Justicia: Batalla cósmica (2016)
Liga de la Justicia Lego: Escape de Ciudad Gótica (2016)
Lego Batman: la película (2017)
Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Brain Drain (2017)
Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash (2018)
Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Escuela de super villanas (2018)
LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman - Rage of Atlantis (2018)
LEGO DC: Batman - Family Matters (2019)
LEGO DC Shazam!: Magia y monstruos (2020)
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hotarutranslations · 4 months
Hana to Yume Exhibit
"50th Anniversary Commemorative Hana to Yume Exhibit"
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I went…🤍 It was a wonderful space…🤍
Hana to Yume
I left a celebratory comment as well, on their special site I'm incredibly grateful…
Because I met Fruits Basket…🥺🤍
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary!!
Hana to Yume exhibit,
Many original artworks were on display, I stopped in particular in front of Fruits Basket,
The other guests as well, They like that work in particular huh… I understood immidiately, Stopping at each one,
With this kind of space,
Its nice to have various things to like☺️🫶🏻
It was a time where I really, really thought this
While its embarrasing, I experienced some of these works for the first time with these orignal artworks,
Therefore, really, its just one frame but,
I was like, I like it!!! I want to read it!!!😭😭 I'll find time to read them…
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Last night, was Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
Thank you very much🪽 Please enjoy it on streaming from now on🪽
Thats right~~ For me, thats right, excuse me! Thanks for your support!
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" April 13th (Sat) at 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special YokoAri's 2nd Day With Fukumura-san's Graduation Performance
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL YokoAri's 1st Day With OG Performances
🪩Hello! Project Kenshuusei Happyoukai 2024 6gatsu "Lily"
June 9th (Sun) Osaka June 16th (Sun) Tokyo
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥 I don't know anything about how it'll be yet so, I'll tell you when I know more!
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin <3
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prettytanuki · 1 year
My Mastodon Experience
I open a mastodon instance to join the new social media.
Front page: American left-wing politics, twitter hate.
In the search bar I type: anime.
No posts appear. Instead, a list of hashtags that contain the word anime.
I click on #anime.
In the feed, an endless list of posts, called toots, appear.
News of Natsume Yuujinchou S7.
An introduction post by someone who likes anime.
An introduction post by someone ELSE who likes anime.
Someone listing the fandoms they like, which includes anime as well as #StarWars, #Disney and others.
Another user commemorating Yuujinchou.
What appears to be an automated post by someone playing music, "Now playing: Macross Frontier..."
A gunpla post, with pics.
A toot by what seems to be the official account of a website, but that doesn't have a verified checkmark.
A post that's actually about anime, with screencaps, but it's not from this instance and it's incomprehensible and apparently written in Ukranian language from the instance name.
A happy birthday post to Hitoshi Shinso, BnHA character, full of hashtags.
A post in Spanish from what seems to be an Indian instance.
A news post from a website, again without checkmark, which appears to be about a Vermeil in Gold trailer. It contains only a link an no video, and it's not in English.
Another post from the same website, now in a different language.
And again.
In a purely textual post, someone blogs they caught up with Gundam.
A reddit immigrant's introduction post.
A twitter immigrant's introduction post.
Someone's summer anime watchlist.
The same site as the last one, apparently linking to a different article of theirs.
And in a second language.
And in a third language.
And about Konosuba this time.
And about The Unwanted Undead Adventurer this time.
And about Demon Slayer this time.
A post in Spanish about the new Panty & Stocking.
A toot about TTGL coming in 4K.
Someone meeting with a voice actor, toot from a different instance.
Introduction post.
Another introduction post.
The first website of this list, toot about Am I Actually The Strongest? this time.
A post that is in English, in full caps, and seems to be about anime, linking to youtube, but it's impossible to tell what this person is even talking about.
I keep scrolling.
I see a few art, fan art, and cosplay posts. A lot of introduction posts. A lot of posts in languages I don't speak. Nothing I want to follow. Nobody I want to talk with.
I try the #Jigokuraku tag.
Only two posts about the last episode. As few about the episode before that. And there's a recurring poster: a professional reviewer who links to their blog off-mastodon.
Satisfied, I conclude:
No, thanks.
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ahqjaxortl1080p · 1 year
모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질
모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 링크<<
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모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시 보기
모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기
모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080P
모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 재방송
모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질
Since it was the first animation and a big hit adventure, various sequels were also produced, from Digimon Adventure 02 (Power Digimon), which is a direct follow-up to this work, to Digimon Adventure tri. In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the 6th episode, the theater version Digimo모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080Pn Adventure Last Evolution: Destiny was released, and there is also a PSP version game.
However, compared to the original work and the game version, which received favorable reviews, the sequel animations are receiving subtle evaluations, whether they are a sophomore jinx or not. Zero Two and Kizuna have their 모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080Pwn fan base, but due to several factors that do not meet expectations, it is generally evaluated that they are inferior to the original adventure. It is mentioned as one of the worst Japanese anime out of all the anime. Because the opening, Butter-Fly, is a masterpiece, it is also used in the Nico Nico suite and appears frequently in the top 3 of the anime song rankings.[75] Koji Wada, who sang the OP, made his debut with this work, and later participated in the Digimon series. Maeda Ai, who sang the ending, also participated as모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080P a voice actress for Tachikawa Mimi (Imina) and became popular. Both of them have since established themselves as core elements of the Digimon series, making them one of the indispensable elements for fans.
In episodes 21, 29~35, and the theater version of Our War Game!, which progressed the story centered on the real world, Maurice Ravel's Bolero appears as the BGM.
There is a character song sung by a voice actor for each of the children and partner Digimon, and there is an opinion that the vocals of the voice actors are all masterpieces to the point of regret. Of course, there was no official release in Korea.
In the case of the Korean version of the opening, when one person sings in a situation such as a music performance evaluation, the rest of the listeners can automatically have a mysterious experience of singing the 'Let's Go' part in unison. (…) Surprisingly, Korean entertainer and MC Kim Gu-ra I often sing모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080P it when dealing with animation-related content, but my son, MC Gree, is such a loyal listener that he says he has come to the point where he memorizes the song himself.
The Korean version of the ending has been recognized as one of the devilish songs because it is connected to the CSAT at some point (…). Chef Hyunsuk Choi especially likes it! Even the chefs sang it, and in season 2, it was enough to win the King's Game and issue an order to make this song the national anthem… finished talking
However, as time passed, Koji Wada, who sang the Japanese version of Digimon Adventure, and Hong Jong-myung, who sang the Korean version of the opening, passed away. Koji Wada, who sang the opening of the Japanese version of Digim모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080Pon Adventure, passed away in 2016, and Jong-myeong Hong, who sang the opening of the Korean version, died in 2012. Digimon Adventure is the most popular of the series almost universally, and is considered one of the best works in terms of work quality. There are also fans who give strong support to this work with the addi모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080Ption of reminiscing about the work of more than 20 years, and conversely, there are fans who pamper themselves with excessive pride by tearing down other works.
For these extreme fans, the animations of the Digimon series, or worse, all Digimon media, are all 'adventure extensions'. There are many people who criticize the unique features of the series that appeared after Power Digimon because they are 'different from Adventure', and often ignore the fact that new changes are made every time a new work comes out.
It is difficult to see the setting or story of Digimon Adventure as if it were the pinnacle of all Digimon, or it is a medium that best preserves the setting of the existing Tamagotchi series, and the concept of temporarily evolving through devices such as Digivice seems to have first appeared in Adventure. Compared to the existing Digimon media, this work also has a severe gap.
In fact, the adventure at the time was produced in a very short period of time, and there is a large gap with the Tamagotchi series in terms of some settings or development of the work, and the Toei production team, including the director, did not communicate with the production staff of Bandai and Wiz, and ignored the original setting. It is also an enforced work.
If you look at the work calmly, it focuses too much on character, so the story of Digimon [77] and the original story are greatly different, the concept of evolution is reduced모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080P, or the digital world is expressed as a different world that comes out of simple fantasy other world adventures. The use of the material "Digital Monster" is one of the weakest works in the series.
In addition, at that time, various media mixes were made with bricks and pendulums as the main axis, and there are those who claim that Digimon became popular only thanks to Adventure, ignoring the great success through this, and that it reaped great profits thanks to Adventure, but this is completely false.
Not to mention the great success of the breeding machine, which is the original family, and the success of media mixes such as games were such a big hit that even the production team talked about them. They compared the profits of later series and praised other series and adventure, but it is hard to say that the Digimon series was absolutely ruined before Axel.
It is true that it has been on a downward trend since the Frontier period, but this is not the work's fault, but a natural decline in revenue that occurred as the trend of liq모범택시2 무료보기 1회~16회 (완결_전편) 고화질 다시보기 1080Puid crystal toys was waning, and it endured all the way to Pendulum X[79] and fell without being able to withstand from Accel.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
Geordie Shore Season 23 Episode 9: Recap, Release Date & Streaming Guide
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Geordie Shore's Episode 8 is already aired, and viewers want to know the release date for the next episode. Don't worry. We get it covered. The 23rd season of Geordie Shore, a British tv program set in Newcastle upon Tyne, was clarified on February 15, 2022, once Paramount+ unveiled their fresh batch of unrehearsed sequences and renovations for MTV Entertainment Studios, including the new spinoff. However, the season's start date had been set for the end of 2020 or 2021, but it had been repeatedly interrupted due to UK COVID-19 limitations. Ibiza, Newcastle upon Tyne, and the Portuguese Algarve are among the places where movies have been filmed. Late in August 2022, the very first teaser for the series was revealed, and on September 20 of the same year, it made its debut. Instead of being a spinoff of the program, this series is referred to as "Geordie Shore: The Reunion Series." this program gathers the group to commemorate Geordie Shore's tenth anniversary. The show serves as the "homecoming" episode for the series. The initiative was developed in Britain. Despite having been promoted for years, this show has only started airing. Since a large number of individuals couldn't congregate in one place for a lengthy period of time, the stringent laws in the United Kingdom proved shooting challenging. Also Read: How To Watch Die Discounter Season 2 Episodes Online? Streaming Guide Recap Of Previous Episodes The episode is a homecoming program rather than a spinoff. This season's Geordie Score franchise is celebrating its 10th anniversary, and during the show, viewers are exposed to the drama that ensues when the gang gets together to celebrate. Here is a brief summary of the series's previous events. Marnie's baby shower is organized by Charlotte, Holly, and Sophie, and they will back them in their choice to throw a gathering for the entire group. The question that needs to be asked right now is whether or not everybody will make an appearance. The numerous cast and crew try to reunite and mix in with their buddies from previous episodes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsXWOXOT_QE However, a few guests keep canceling, which is very upsetting to the hosts. We discovered that the visitors received much more enjoyable treats than we had anticipated. Although some individuals have walked on from the previous, there is tension among a number of people, and fans must be having fun as we touch base on all the adventures of the characters who have previously departed the show. The group has also chosen to go to Portugal as a household. Release Date For Episode 9 The wait is over, as Geordie Shore's Episode 9 is all set to air on November 15, 2022, Tuesday. The episode lasts 45 minutes in total. Every Tuesday sees the debut of the latest episode of Geordie Shore season 23. The chapters of Geordie Shore season 23 will be broadcast on MTV in the US at 10:00 p.m. But viewers outside of the US can watch fresh chapters of Geordie Shore season 23 on a variety of streaming sites. Check the time with your neighborhood and make an effort to watch the upcoming episodes of Geordie Shore season 23. Midyear in English: 3 a.m. (Wednesday) IST: 7.30 am (Wednesday) SST: 10:00 am (Wednesday) PST:10.00 am (Wednesday) JST/KST: 11.00 am (Wednesday) AEST: 1.00 pm (Wednesday) Also Read: The Curse of Oak Island Season 10 Episode 1: Release Date, Plot & Streaming Guide Where One Can Stream Geordie Shore Season 23 Fans may watch the brand-new Geordie Shore season 23 episodes on MTV at the time they were initially scheduled to air. On the dates and times specified earlier, international viewers can watch the latest series of Geordie Shore season 23 on the Paramount+ Amazon channel, Paramount+, and Paramount+ Roku premium stream. The cost of Paramount+'s regular membership is $4.99 per month. For $9.99 a month without advertisements, customers can get the Important In in addition to making plans. Cast Of Geordie Shore Who Came Approximately 11 years after the initial season's shooting, MTV brought back Charlotte Crosby, Holly Hagan, Sophie Kasaei, James Tindale, and Jay Gardner from the original characters. Vicky Pattison and Gaz Beadle were not present during the homecoming. However, Greg Lake did show up. Veteran actors Ricci Guarnaccio, Scott Timlin, Marnie Simpson, Kyle Christie, and Aaron Chalmers made appearances in this 10-year reunion special, along with Chantelle Connelly, Chloe Ferry, Nathan Henry, Bethan Kershaw, Abbie Holborn, Anthony Kenney, Louis Shaw, and Marty McKenna. The show featured guest spots from rookies Devon Nathaniel Reid, Jade Affleck, Harrison Campbell, Ruby Torre, Jay Baker, and Roxy Johnson from Geordie Shore: Hot Single Summer, as well as previous members of the cast Faith Mullen, Tahlia Chung, Natalie Phillips, and Stephanie Snowdon. Also Read: Yellowstone Season 5 Episode 3: Release Date, Preview & Streaming guide Read the full article
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ask-tuckerandtweak · 6 years
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I just want to slow dance with you.
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destielfanfic · 4 years
Good Things Do Happen
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Good Things Do Happen - post 15x18 fic rec list with Cas being rescued/  already back from the Empty. Hopefully way less angsty than our previous  Happiness isn’t in the Having - 15x18 coda fic rec list. We all deserve good things. <3
All title links go to AO3, hashtag # indicates that this is also a tag on our Tags Page.
ours is the fire, all the warmth we can find by xylodemon [M, 6,800 word count] Dean POV, grief, #reunion
Sam brings it up as they're driving back from the steakhouse in Mankato. Dean cuts him a sharp, sideways glance. "You think I should what?" "I think you should try journaling." "Why the hell would I wanna do that?"
the rhyme of salvation by LymeandCoconut [T, 6,200 word count] Dean POV, #winged!dean, #reunion
“Nothing human can exist in the Empty,” Jack replied, shaking his head. “It would just - spit you back out, and probably kill you in the process.” “Then -” Dean pulled in a deep breath. Made his choice. “Then make me not human.”
Enhanced Extraction Techniques by goldenraeofsun [T, 5,800 word count] Cas POV, #reunion
The Empty takes Meg’s shape, Samandriel’s, Duma’s, every one of the thousands of angels Cas killed up in heaven. But in the middle of lecturing Cas in the form of Balthazar, it explodes in a burst of light and sound. Dean Winchester stands in the aftermath.
For Love by Bookkbaby [T, 1,200 word count] Dean POV, #reunion
With Chuck no longer a threat, there's just one thing left to do: get Cas out of the Empty.
Nothing Equals the Splendor by RurouniHime [NC-17, 7,700 word count] Dean POV, #djinn dream, #wing!fic, #reunion, smut
Maybe it’s the cynic in him. The hunter, always under the surface of any quietude he ever found. Or maybe it’s just that he has always had trouble with blind faith. But after a while (a blink? A decade? A century?), Dean raises his eyebrows, looks around, and says— “Uh. No.” It’s so close. Just so slightly imperfect. And maybe, he analyzes, maybe that’s the final knell of this bell called contentment. Dean’s experience with happiness has always been that last rise in the road, right before it turns. Right before fate comes barreling around the corner head on. He turns in his spot on the bridge, and suddenly Sam is like a cellophane film through which he can see the light streaming, and the taste of cheap beer on his tongue is much, much older a memory than it should be. “Oh, you’re good,” he says, and means it.
Up to Date? by whelvenwings [T, 5,200 word count] Cas POV, Dean POV, texting
It's three months after Castiel was brought back from the Empty after confessing his love to Dean, and things are awkward between them. They haven't talked about it. Castiel can feel how much Dean wants to, but he won't let himself, and Castiel can only wait. But one night, with Castiel halfway across the world, he gets a text from Dean that might change everything - even if Dean didn't quite mean it to.
The Novel by FriendofCarlotta [NC-17, 4,600 word count] Dean POV, #domestic
Dean, Cas, Sam and Eileen are happily retired and living their best lives. There's just one problem: Sam has decided to commemorate the Winchester brothers' adventures by writing a novel, and it's not very good at all. AKA the episode coda where 15x20 was nothing more than Dean reading a draft of his brother's first novel and becoming increasingly appalled.
Sorry Jimmy by K_K_TiBal [T, 2,200 word count] #heaven, #trueform!cas, #humor, #jimmy, #reunion
Based on the tumblr textpost: jellydeans: so are cas and jimmy novak just up in heaven existing at the same time; katebushstandean: #jimmy moves to heaven timbuku so that dean stops trying to make out with him every time they run into each other at the heaven grocery store. Thanks for letting me write it, guys!
Fifty Ways to Lose Your Lover by PallasPerilous [T, 1,106 word count] #humor
Castiel's love confession scene is proving difficult to nail down. SURELY the characters will settle down in the next draft. SURELY.
Other useful resources - there’s no time in the world for me to read all lovely season 15 coda and fix-it fics, so, check out these AO3 tags by yourself!
Episode: s15e18 Despair
Post-Episode: s15e18 Despair
Episode: s15e20 Carry On
Episode Fix-It: s15e20 Carry On
Post Episode: s15e20 Carry On
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts! 
screencap from homeofthenutty
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Culture, parallels & meta - S3 E3
Zaterdag 08:10
Perfect parallel: An upset Robbe being little spoon to Noor this episode, him being a relaxed little spoon to Sander in the last one.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Moyo has half eaten wafers cookies on his bed. Between the cellphone time and timestamp, it took Robbe five minutes to get dressed and to the beach. The beautiful angel pendant makes its first appearance.
Bonus: This cinematography trick of using a wide shot with nobody else in the sight, makes us actually feel how lonely Robbe actually is. 
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Zaterdag 08:23
C is for culture: “Vamanos” - As you may have noticed, Flemish has a lot of words that aren’t typically Dutch. These are called ‘leenwoorden’ (= ‘borrowing words’). In some cases, the language has made the word its own, with their conjugation or sound (like barbecue - barbecuet - or e-mail - ge-e-maild), other times the expression is copied completely (like smartphone or laptop). There are various reasons as to why people don’t want to change it: globalization, wanting to be more vague/cool, general laziness, ...
Perfect parallel: 
Sander’s playful “Are you the manager?” and “That’ll be zero stars on Booking.com” to Robbe when they meet in this episode, Sander’s sheepish “Zero stars on Booking.com” and Robbe’s pointed “Where is that manager when you need him?”, when they have their fall-out in a later episode. 
Sander saying “When I booked this room, I explicitly asked for room-service” here and him actually booking a room with room-service for the both of them later on.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens’ keyboard is lying on top of the closet. Sander grabbing his keys (to his car?).
Zaterdag 08:44
C is for culture: The option to use self-scanning is pretty common in Belgian supermarkets, especially in shop-and-go city stores. You pick up the scanner, scan the stuff you buy, go to a counter, pay and walk out with your groceries. A sales assistant is still present to help out with problems or do random routine checks. It’s fast, easy and cost-efficient. The downside? Shoplifting becomes a bit easier this way.
That’s character: Sander is putting up a ‘cool guy, devil may care’ facade. He jokes about not scanning everything, dismisses Amber’s list, whirls the shopping cart around and sings David Bowie to this boy. He wants to make a lasting impression on Robbe. If he’s the most charming, chaotic and adventurous version of himself, then he doesn’t have to think about other stuff like his own crumbling relationship. (Also the reason why he doesn’t answer the question about Amber: they simply met through Britt). As the boxes fall down, so does Sander’s tough exterior, as he never intended to hurt Robbe by playing around in the supermarket.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +3, he almost topples off the cart twice and drops the chocolate bars on the floor. (The crash with Sander isn’t his fault though)
Sander is wearing a leather jacket, but we don’t see it in the previous clip. Either he left it in his car or it’s an ‘oopsie’.
When Sander accidentally tosses Robbe into the boxes, we hear glass breaking. However, in the next shot, the boxes seem to empty (and they were supposed to be filled with chips, which don’t make that sound).
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Sander is wearing black Converse. They bought Jupiler beer. Robbe pulls out ‘Delhaize’ Biscuit chocolate bars and Florentin cookies.
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Zaterdag 13:13
C is for culture: "Croques” - The word ‘croque’ is an abbreviation for ‘croque monsieur’ (= ‘crunch mister’). These are grilled ham-and-cheese sandwiches, a typical greasy snack at taverns, markets, carnivals, your home, ... Other versions include the ‘croque madame’ topped with a fried egg, ‘croque bolognese’ with bolognese sauce, ‘croque hawai’ with a pineapple slice.
That’s character: It’s clear that Robbe has no idea how to eat properly. All throughout the season he eats unhealthy breakfasts (choco spread with cookies), snacks (chips, cookies) and dinners (Aïki noodles, frozen lasagna). But here we see the reason: he doesn’t seem to know how to cook or work a stove. Exactly why he buys prepackaged or instant food options. So, it’s probably for the best that Zoë helps out his eating habits.
Perfect parallel:
Robbe making an unhealthy breakfast in the previous episode, Sander providing him with an unhealthy snack in this one. (The way to a man’s heart is through the stomach)
Britt’s condescending “Listening to David Bowie again?” in this episode, her calling Robbe his next obsession similar to David Bowie later on. 
Sander’s “Do you know where I can find the coffee?” to Robbe in an earlier scene and his “Was coffee on the list?” to Amber here.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +2, he stumbles backwards after Sander touches his shoulder and burns himself after turning the ‘croque’.
Nod to the OG: This kitchen scene is the equivalent of the ‘5 fine frøkner’ scene, as Sander sings his favorite song to Robbe and makes breakfast, whilst both flirt with each other (subtly).
Oopsie: They supposedly went to ‘Delhaize’ for all their groceries, but the ketchup bottle comes from ‘Carrefour’ and the butter from ‘Colruyt’. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Sander messes up the first words to ‘Under Pressure’ - it’s ‘pressure’ not ‘under pressure’. He mixes the weed with tobacco for his joint. The conflict on Sander’s face at the end.
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Zondag 16:34
C is for culture: "What kind of shit question is this?” - They’re playing ‘De Slimste Mens ter wereld’ (= ‘The smartest human on earth’), a board game by the popular Flemish television show with the same name. The quiz is very challenging. People have to solve associative, general knowledge and out-of-the-box questions with multiple answers in different rounds. Points are awarded in the form of seconds, which are used during the game. The candidate with time left at the end, wins.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The group is drinking white wine out of plastic cups. Sander studied at ‘de!Kunsthumaniora’, the same school as Noor. Sander’s wearing his combat boots again.
Maandag 15:12
C is for culture: Aaron is wearing a bunny costume for the paintball game ‘Hunt the bunny’. This is usually played by people on a bachelor party or a corporate team building (with the groom/boss as the bunny). The goal is simple: the bunny has to cross the field from one corner to another, whilst the hunters shoot as much paintballs as possible to ‘kill’ it. Which is... rather painful, especially at close range. 
Oopsie: What they’re doing is actually illegal or even impossible. People aren’t allowed to play paintball in protected environments, like dunes. Unless they’re doing it with a specialized organization who’s trained for these games (and are present at the time of playing) or have the written permission from the ‘Agency of Nature and Forest’, the police, the city, ... There is a whole heap of permissions, administrative papers and laws to deal with. 
Lost in translation: Britt saying “Doe normaal” (= “Act normal”) has nothing to do with her dismissing Sander’s mental health. This Flemish phrase is often used to calm people down, telling them that they’re acting rather irrationally or childish. It’s an angry way of saying “Can’t you behave yourself? Calm down. What are you doing? Be rational!”. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The blue and red flags tells us that they’re going to play ‘capture the flag’. Some of the ‘pfff’ gun sounds you hear, indicate that the air pressure needs to be checked. Moyo took off his protection mask, which is dangerous and sometimes considered a foul during the game.
Dinsdag 20:02
C is for culture: "Do you know how to make s’mores?” - Toasting marshmallows above a campfire, isn’t really a tradition in Belgium. So that’s why the girls don’t know how to make s’mores. 
Lost in translation: ’Smoor’ is a Flemish dialect word for smoke or the act of smoking. It does sound a lot like ‘s’mores’. This is why Luca thinks Aaron wants to hold the marshmallow into the fire. 
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Of course Robbe had nothing to lose with Noor, he wasn’t actually interested in her. With Sander, however, Robbe doesn’t dare to do anything.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Aaron is drinking ‘Bock’ beer. Amber looks at Aaron like she really likes him, when he’s preparing the s’mores.
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Woensdag 20:42
C is for culture: 
“An old german bunker” - The province of West-Flanders as well as its coast still has a lot of remnants left from WWI. From German bunkers to trench-networks, burial sites and museums, the 'Great war’ left its traces. Unsurprisingly, every year, people still find around 300 tons of (active) bombs underneath the fields.
“Around ‘All Souls’ Day’ they come back to life” - ‘All Souls’ Day’ is a christian holiday on the 2nd of November, on which the dead are commemorated. However, since that day isn’t an official holiday in Belgium, people visit the graves and honor of their loved ones on the 1st of November, ‘All Saint’s Day’. 
The group drinking ‘jenever’ shots - ‘Jenever’ (known in English as ‘Dutch gin’ or ‘genever’) is a traditional liquor in Belgium and the Netherlands. Young people usually drink these colored, high percentage spirits at Christmas markets, pre-drinks or parties when it’s cold outside. Different flavors include vanilla, chocolate, berries, lemon, apple, ...
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The wooden panel behind Jens says ‘Volg de pijlen’ (= ‘Follow the arrows’). Aaron and Amber are holding hands after their fall. Robbe downs a chocolate-cream ‘jenever’ shot at the end. 
Woensdag 21:53
Perfect parallel: Robbe lashing out at his friends in this episode - he feels left out and confused about his sexuality - and blames the pranks. Him doing the same in the next - he thinks his friends are hypocrites by saying homophobic comments to him yet defending the gay teacher - and blames the vlogs. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The second living room has a spinning disco light.
Donderdag 21:12
C is for culture:
“In dat jeugdhuis” - A ‘jeugdhuis’ (= ‘youth house’) is a meeting place, run by young volunteers. All teens and young adults are welcome to hang out, throw parties, drink at their bar, organize concerts, attend workshops - just making the space their own. 
“He sounded like a begging Romanian” - Luca is referring to Romanian Romani families, who roam around in the streets of Brussels begging for some money. These ethnic groups have a mostly negative image amongst the Europeans. Which is why she states this harsh and hurtful comparison.
Perfect parallel: Noor asking Robbe for a playlist so she can listen to his favorite songs here, Sander actually making a Bowie playlist for Robbe in the next episode.
Lost in translation: Luca is mocking the West-Flemish dialect by copying what the boy said, namely “Moe’en julder ok ‘n flyer ‘ennen?”. This dialect is known for blowing their ‘g’ and ‘h’ so that they sound similar, conjugating their 'yes’ or ‘no’, having double subjects, seemingly swallowing some letters, among other things. It’s one of the most confusing and difficult dialects for the Flemish to understand themselves.
Oopsie: When Aaron asks Amber if she needs a drink, Britt and Sander are dancing right behind him. When she answers and walks away, they’re suddenly gone, only to be seen again when Moyo walks over.
Nod to the OG/Wink to other remakes: The ‘call your girlfriend’ kiss, duh! 
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana is wearing one white contact lens.
Vrijdag 08:43
Perfect parallel: 
Sander searching for coffee first thing in the morning earlier this episode and him pouring a cup before any task in this clip.
Sander’s “Maybe I’m scared that I will never find someone” here and Robbe’s multi-layered “I’m so happy that I found you” in the last episode.
Oopsie: When the boys walk to the recycling spot, the lighting changes from sunny to clouded to dark in a matter of seconds.
Funny coincidence: Sander referring to his relationship as ‘ups and downs’, probably similar to his experience with bipolarity.
Wink to other remakes: An almost kiss near trash, remind you of certain Italian boys?
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Amber delegating tasks, but doing nothing herself. Robbe smiles for a few milliseconds, because Sander touched him. The flash of panic in Robbe’s eyes afterwards.
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profoundnet · 4 years
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Featuring Destiel/Gen works by jscribbles, Jeanne_de_Valois, tiamatv, LeafZelindor, prosopopeya, DragonSgotenks, sketching-fox, kittimau, castielslostwings, FriendofCarlotta, universalsatan, Idjit_01, Destielshipper4Cas, purple_charlie, Maleyah, noeizumispn, kitmistry, TheSongSmith, one_more_offbeat_anthem, interstitial, JusithAndronicus, ArielAquarial, queer-things-do-happen-dean, goldenraeofsun, andimeantittosting, and starprincecas.
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Masterpost below the cut.
jscribbles - jscribbles
I’ll Go With You (G, 4.7k)
A coda to 15x18 "Despair".
He hadn't said anything. He hadn't said anything when he'd been given the chance.
Tags: 15.20, reunion, grief, love confession
We Are Real (M, 2.4k)
Smutty sequel to I'll Go With You.
Dean hadn't kissed him yet.
But they were alone now, and free.
Tags: 15.18, smut
404 Error (G, 500 words)
How hablo espaniol?!!
I DON'T KNOW. Neither does Dean.
Tags: spoilers for 15.18, based on spanish dub, crack fic
The Weight of Silence (E, 26k)
The weight of silence is heavy on Dean's shoulders as he learns to live a new kind of life in Heaven. In classic Winchester-style, despite being in a place that isn't supposed to have pain and suffering, Dean rebels against it by being straight-up fucking miserable.
Tags: depression, mentions of john winchesters garbage parenting, canon compliant, 15.20 fix it coda, happy ending, smut, romance, love confessions
Jeanne_de_Valois - Jeanne_de_Valois
Free Bird (G, 1.7k)
Heaven is an open road and not having to pay for gas.
Heaven is a greasy sandwich and a novelty-sized candy bar.
Heaven is awkward, shuffling, confusing.
Heaven is getting to say what you wished you said, a lifetime ago.
(A Coda to Supernatural 15.20- Carry On)
Tags: Post-Episode: s15e20 Carry On, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Requited Love
tiamatv - tiamatv
Stone and Flesh (E, 6k)
Dean didn’t think, even in his filthiest imaginings, that Cas would sound like this in bed—loud, eager, easy with it. He doesn’t give a fuck who hears him enjoying himself. Though maybe Dean should have known. It’s not like Cas has ever once held back on anything he ever wanted to say or do—
Didn’t he?
(Not quite an episode coda for S15e18 per se, but more a "what comes after.")
Tags: AU - canon divergence; Post-Episode S15e18: Despair; Canonical Character Death; Selectively Mute Dean Winchester; Hopeful Ending
Domestic (T, 5.6k)
A little less than a year after the world doesn’t end, he and Cas get married.
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence; Future Fic; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; Domesticity in the Men of Letters Bunker; Kid Fic
Bight (E, 2.5k)
“Do you want more?” Cas asked, against Dean’s thigh. His thumb strummed gently at the soft, folded-up pocket behind Dean’s bound knee.
It tickled, but… didn’t.
Dean didn’t know what the answer to that was.
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence; Rope Bondage; Gentle Dom Castiel; Sub Dean Winchester; Praise Kink
LeafZealindor - @leafzelindor
Artwork for “break to let the light in” DCBB2020 (SFW)
Artwork draw for the DCBB2020 fic "break to let the light in"
Tags: fluff, touching, intimacy. Accompanied by fic by PeppermiintsPlease.
prosopopeya - prosopopeya
Like Real People Do (G, 4.9k)
Castiel experienced a moment of pure happiness, expecting it to be his last. 
It wasn't.
Tags: Post-15x18, canon divergence, first kiss, angst with a happy ending, first kiss
Under the Same Sun (E, 14k)
In which time is infinite, and so is the list of people willing to help Dean figure out what to do about Cas. 
A fix-it for a lot of things: Dean's repressed bisexuality, Dean's utterly inexplicable failure to realize what Cas meant, the Charlie & Dean brother/sister content I crave, among others.
Tags: Internalized biphobia, Charlie Bradbury & Dean Winchester, angst with a happy ending, post-series, Heaven fic
DragonSgotenks - DragonSgotenks
Say Cheese (E, 50k)
Dean Winchester is thirty, flirty, and thriving, or at least that's how his best friend Charlie describes him. Either way Dean feels pretty good about his life. He has a decent job, a nice house, and a great group of friends and family. Sure his brother's been living hundreds of miles away to attend law school and an internship, and yeah maybe he wasn't working his dream job, and so, okay, he spent most nights zoning out in front of the tv alone but that was fine. Dean was fine. Until he gets a call about a daughter he didn't know existed and suddenly Dean's quiet (boring) life is turned upside down.
Castiel Novak is a photographer whose passion lies in capturing the beauty of nature. However to pay the bills he works part time at the mall doing portrait photography. Sure it might not be as artistic as he'd like and his odd hours make for a dull social life but he's still doing what he loves. He especially enjoys doing the kids photos and over the last couple of years he's built a bit of a reputation for always getting the shot no matter how unruly or stubborn a child might be. So when a handsome father brings in his grumpy little girl for pictures Castiel thinks it will be just another photo shoot.
He's wrong.
Tags: Destiel, Single parent Dean, kidfic, bottom Dean/top Castiel, mentions of childhood trauma, eventual smut, past Lydia/Dean
sketching-fox - @sketching-fox
Dean Winchester Monster Fucker (NSFW)
Arts done for Dean Cas Big Bang in my partnership with LoversAntiquities.
Tags: alleyway, impala, mature content. Accompanied by fic by LoversAntiquities.
kittimau - @kmauspn - kittimau
Beg Pretty For Me (E, 5k)
“Cas…” His eyes flutter closed, mind slipping into the warm, pleasant haze of that special place, the one that allows him release, relief. Peace. Heart pounding in his chest, he fights the temptation to touch himself through the delicate material because Cas hasn’t told him to yet and he wants to be good.
“I want to hear you say it, Dean.”
“Fuck…” He swallows thickly. “Yeah. I- I feel beautiful.”
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Established Relationship, Explicit Sexual Content, Phone Sex, Light Dom/Sub, Dean Winchester Wears Panties, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Masturbation, Dom Castiel/Sub Dean Winchester
castielslostwings - @castielslostwings - Castielslostwings
Loud (G, 4.3k)
Minutes, hours, days, years might have already passed—time is different here, and Castiel has no way of tracking it, and still the Shadow doesn’t come. 
Castiel sits, he stands, he walks and walks and walks and walks. All he ever discovers is more darkness, more nothing.
Tags: 15.19 coda, alternate 15.20, canon fix-it, carry on fix-it, canon-compliant, love confessions, the empty, coda fic, the profound bond
Carry On (E, 8k)
“I think I’ll go for a drive.”
This is what happened between that moment, and Dean meeting Sam on that bridge.
(A 15x20 missing scene/fix-it fic).
Tags: 15x20 fix-it, Carry On coda, love confessions, castiel and dean are in love, first kiss, first time, reunions, Heaven improved, dean gets the funeral he deserves, missing scene
FriendofCarlotta - @friendofcarlotta - FriendofCarlotta
The Novel (E, 4.5k)
Dean, Cas, Sam and Eileen are happily retired and living their best lives. There's just one problem: Sam has decided to commemorate the Winchester brothers' adventures by writing a novel, and it's not very good at all.
AKA the episode coda where 15x20 was nothing more than Dean reading a draft of his brother's first novel and becoming increasingly appalled.
Tags: Coda, Episode Fix-It: s15e20 Carry On, Technically Canon-Compliant, First Kiss, Top Cas/Bottom Dean
universalsatan - @universalsatan - UniversalSatan
Mortal One, With The Sun in His Hands (E, 135k)
Cowhand Dean Winchester is notorious for risky gambles, rightfully proud of his horse Impala (who has the prettiest speckle in the West), and is stubbornly certain that his life is in apple-pie order. His comfortable existence crumbles apart when he's saved from a fire-and-brimstone death by a mysterious wanderer he discovers to be the infamous White Bandit, mythical Angel of the Desert. While his savior is as fearsome as the legends say, Dean can't help but draw closer to the quiet and endearing man the real Bandit turns out to be... even if he doesn't yet realize they're the same person. This time, Dean may have to reach out to the flame instead of recoil.
Tags: Western, Historical Fantasy, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Cowboys, Plot-Heavy, Hurt/Comfort, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings Graphic Depictions of Violence, Explicit Sexual Content (Censored Version Available). Accompanied by art by Artmetica.
Idjit_01 - Idjit_01
I’m not gonna say that I’d change it cause you and I know that we can’t (T, 1.3k)
After Lisa's goodbye speech to Dean in 6x14, Dean gets drunk and calls Cas.
Tags: Episode: s06e14 Mannequin 3: The Reckoning, Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism, Canon Divergence, Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No comfort, yes both
game over (try again, please) (G, 887 words)
After Case and everyone else's departure in 15x18 Sam and Dean sit and talk. (And yes they discuss Cas's confession)
Tags: Post-Episode: s15e18 Despair, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Suicidal Thoughts, Canonical Character Death, Good Sibling Sam Winchester
There’s blood on your face. (Beer and Nightmares) (G, 1.4k)
Dean wakes up pretty badly shaken from a nightmare. He struggles with it. He goes to the kitchen for a beer, but Cas and Sam are there. In the end, thanks to Cas's shenanigans, he doesn't even remember the nightmare.
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Hurt/Comfort, Teasing, Touch-Starved Dean Winchester, BAMF Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Is So Done
Help(less) (T, 1.9k)
Everyone Chuck took away is back and are doing normal life again. As there are no monsters and everyone around him has someone else, Dean's on his own and feels awful. So he drives away and makes several questionable choices. Featuring: Dean, a missing angel, a moose, Baby and a frankly abused forest
Tags: Post-Episode: s15e18 Despair, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Grief/Mourning, Vomiting, Eating Disorders, Suicidal Attempt, Canon Compliant, Canonical Character Death
Destielshipper4Cas - @destielshipper4cas - Destielshipper4Cas
The Alpha Next Door (E, 36k)
When Cas is placed in WitSec, he gets a fake secondary gender designation to go along with his new name, ‘Jimmy.’ All he has to do until the boss of the omega trafficking ring he escaped is behind bars is keep a low profile, always apply his alpha scent, and not fall in love with an alpha. Well—two out of three ain’t too bad…
Dean has never had a crush on an alpha before. Along comes his new neighbor, Jimmy, an alpha who is alphasexual. There’s just something about him, and to his utter confusion, he finds himself falling for an alpha for the first time in his life.
Tags: Past Rape/Non-con, Strangers to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Omega Verse
purple_charlie - purple_charlie
Walk Through Fire for You (T, 2.3k)
The word still feels foreign in Dean’s mouth, still brings back echoes of John Winchester’s thinly-veiled (if even that) homophobia. "Man up, don’t be a sissy, I didn’t raise a fairy". It’s a swollen blister in the back of Dean’s mind, throbbing with pain whenever a stranger’s eyes linger too long on Cas’ hand in his, whenever a waitress double-takes at how close they sit in diner booths.
But here, dirty dancing with Cas in a warehouse full of other queer folks, Dean wants to shout from the rooftops- I’m Dean Winchester, I drive the baddest car in town, I lift heavy things for a living, and this is my boyfriend.
Tags: Homophobic parents, homophobic siblings, bisexual Dean, Gay Cas, Pride, marijuana use
Maleyah - @maleyah-givemetomorrow - Katherine_Kat
Art for In A State of Perpetual Disrepair (SFW)
Art for my fic, In A State of Perpetual Disrepair, a hurt/comfort A/B/O Destiel fic.
Tags: fanart, A/B/O, hurt/comfort, Alpha!Cas, Omega!Dean
Start of Time (G, 754 words)
Except he never expected to be awake for the aftermath.
You see, he can hear Dean's prayers.
Tags: Castiel POV, Despair, Hope, Coda 15x18, post episode 15x18, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts
We’re Not Gonna Take It (T, 1.4k)
Amara gestures at Dean calmly. “Have you been praying lately by any chance?”
Dean flusters and stammers, hands at his hips to give himself an attitude, while his eyes flick from her to Sam and Jack insecurely. “N… No.”
Tags: Coda 15x19, Post episode 15x19, Fix It, Dean's dirty prayers, Dean Prays to Castiel, Angel Wings, Wings, First Kiss
Drive (M, 1.5k)
Dean's prayers take a turn for the sensual, which drives The Empty to the brink.
Tags: Coda 15x18; post episode 15x18,, Dean Prays to Castiel, Dean's dirty prayers, Angel Wings, Wings, First Kiss, Fix-It, Slight Crack
Now That We’re Dead (M, 2.5k)
“You got everything you could ever want or need or dream. So I guess the question is… What’re you gonna do now, Dean?”
Looking around, he doesn’t know how to answer that question. The obvious is suggested when she turns out to have made it to Heaven too. Dust dances in the air around Baby, shining in the sunlight, tempting him to go for a ride. The endless stretched out road and horizon.
He blinks a few times, slow and owlish.
And right there, his shadow falling long and dark, almost touching Dean’s feet, is Cas.
OR: the one where Cas gets the love he deserves
Tags: 15x20 coda, Fix It, First Kiss, human!Cas, Heaven, Heaven happy ending, Canon divergent from the moment Bobby says "Cas helped", Fix-It
I Wanna Live, Not Just Survive (M, 3.9k)
“Dean Winchester,” Cas drawls. “I did not go to The Empty, so you could get yourself impaled.”
Or: the other one, where Cas and Dean get to be what they deserve.
Tags: coda 15x20, Fix-It, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Earth happy ending, Because let's not bury our gays, First Kiss, Cuddles, Hurt/Comfort
noeizumispn - @noeizumispn
Colors (SFW)
Art inspired by Misha's words on Cas' wings
Tags: Rainbow, colors, destiel, wings
kitmistry - @kitmistry - Kitmistry
Don’t You Cry No More (T, 4.8k)
There has to be something, he told himself the first night he pulled an all nighter, only to wake up with his cheek smashed against a book, dark circles under his eyes, a throbbing headache, and nowhere closer to the answer than when he started. The light was still on above his head. He didn’t bother turning it off.
Or the one where Dean doesn't die, but he searches for Cas instead. 
Tags: Fix-It, Coda, Episode: s15e20 Carry On, Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending
TheSongSmith - TheSongSmith
Four Seasons (G, 754 words)
Cas is the owner of Four Seasons Total Landscaping, and he received a very curious call on a quiet Saturday morning. Dean owns the adult shop next door, and is very confused by what's going on. Good times are had by all, except Donald Trump because fuck that morally-bankrupt tangerine.
Tags: Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Destiel is Canon, 2020 is a dumpster fire so have this fic, twitter made me do it
one_more_offbeat_anthem - one_more_offbeat_anthem
So Comes Snow After Fire (G, 11k)
Cas was old, like old-old, like ancient, like here for the beginning of the goddamn cosmos old, like remembers rain being invented old, and he could be anywhere, but instead he was in Dean’s kitchen (well, the bunker’s, but no one else cooked--Jack and Cas were kind of clueless when it came to that stuff, and all Sam made was health food), reading The Hobbit aloud to Dean while Dean himself made them all spaghetti.
(or, they got their win--the biggest win of all--and now autumn is settling in. a nearly-human Cas plants a garden, and Dean helps him along.)
Tags: Post-Canon/Canon-Divergent, Domesticity, Getting together, Fluff and comfort, Gardening Castiel
interstitial - interstitial
Thirst Was Made For Water (T, 5.9k)
Cas is hit by a truth spell. The results are unexpected.
And maybe just a tiny bit funny. Unless you're Dean. 
Tags: Dubiously Consensual Courting Behavior, Mildly NSFW Art Included, Profanity, Crack & Fluff, Truth Spells, Animal Transformations, Canon Divergent After s7e17 The Born-Again Identity, Light-Hearted and (Relatively) Wholesome For These Trying Times
JudithAndronicus - @judithandronicus - judithandronicus
Up We Go (E, 4.9k)
A coda fic series for 15.18.
Tags: Grieving, Canonical MCD (temporary), Alcoholic Dean, Angst with a Happy Ending
The Kindness of Ravens (E, 7.5k)
Crackfic wherein ravens pooping on Dean lead to feelings realization and eventual smut.
Tags: Fluff, Crack, Feelings Realization, Diners
The Ampersand Chronicles (G, 1.3k)
This is unrepentant canon-adjacent Bunker fluff, set in a universe where everything is kind of the same, except fluffier. Cas lives in the Bunker with Sam and Dean; things like Gadreel and Lucifer aren't a problem; and oh yeah, there's a cat.
Tags: Fluff, Bunker Fic, Kittens
ArielAquarial - ArielAquarial
Boyfriend Blues (G, 1k)
“I have a boyfriend!”
It came out of nowhere. One second Dean was shoveling a truly amazing pork roast into his mouth, already planning the meat to mashed potato ratio of his next bite, when Claire opened her mouth and his fork was clattering to the plate. Cas stopped mid-bite to stare at her while Jack, completely oblivious, continued making a Jackson Pollock out of his potatoes and gravy.
Tags: Parenthood, Domestic Fluff, Married Life, Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Kid Claire Novak, Kid Jack Kline
Extra Credit (E, 4.2k)
“Hey, babe. Who has the kids?”
“Mr. Winchester…” Cas rumbled, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. “You’re cutting it close. My office hours are almost over.”
Dean frowned at him, confused. That didn’t even remotely answer his question. What did he—
Or, the moment Dean has been waiting for has finally arrived.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Husbands, Professor Castiel (Supernatural), Mechanic Dean Winchester, Sexual Roleplay, Teacher/Student Roleplay, Anniversary
Never in a Million Years (G, 2.5k)
If someone had told Cas six years ago that he was going to be a happily married man with two kids, he would have laughed. Now, with Dean by his side, he couldn't imagine things being different, even if the path to get there had been a little rocky.
Tags: Domestic Fluff, Holiday Traditions, Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Backstory, Bickering, Married Life
queer-things-do-happen-dean - @queer-things-do-happen-dean - Latter_alice
Tangerine, tangerine (E, 1k)
“So it’s – It’s really nothin’, huh?” Dean swallows and tries to blink away the wetness in his eyes. His gaze don’t weaver from the road. “No, uh, key words ring a bell? Chuck? Angel tablet?” He pauses, flicks his eyes over to Castiel and back. “... Leviathans?"
When Dean pulls Cas out of the Empty, not everything comes back.
Tags: Canon divergent, post series, memory loss
goldenraeofsun - @goldenraeofsun - goldenraeofsun
Symmetria (T, 4k)
When all’s said and done with Chuck, Dean takes his time getting used to his new gig as capital D Death. Billie, of course, did not see fit to leave him a training manual. But with his brother-turned-God on his side, and Jack as the new Darkness, they all muddle through.
Finally, all that's left is to rescue Cas from the Empty.
Tags: 15x18 fix-it, alternate post-series AU, Death!Dean, God!Sam, Darkness!Jack, love confessions, first kiss, minor Sam/Eileen
andimeantittosting - @andimeantittosting - andimeantittosting
We Are (M, 699)
15x18 coda. When they get Cas back, because they do, because somehow, someway, sometimes good things do happen, Dean... 
Tags: Reunion, Resurrected Castiel, Requited Love, Happy Ending
Carrying On (G, 794 words)
15x20 coda. Dean dies and goes to heaven. But then he wakes up.
Tags: Fix-it Fic, Djinn, Happy Ending on Earth
Two Inches to the Left (T, 2.5k)
15x20 coda. Something tells Dean to stop by that bridge, so he does. The last thing he's expecting is for a pair of Vespas to pull up and Becky Rosen to tell him that he's still in Chuck's story. Finally, it's time to write his own.
Tags: Fix-it Fic, Temporary Character Death, Happy Ending on Earth, Fangirls Save the Day
starprincecas - @starprincecas - cuddlesandcas
so it goes (T, 1.4k)
The Empty comes to collect.
Tags: Major Character Death, Episode Tag: s15e18 Despair, Angst
no more waiting on tomorrow (T, 739 words)
For all that they’ve finally won once and for all, the victory feels hollow.
Tags: Episode Tag: s15e19 Inherit the Earth, Fix-It Fic
33 notes · View notes
nissakii · 3 years
Top 7 Anime Airing this December!
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Depending on where you might be right now it's possible that the first snowflakes are dancing down from the sky and the end of year is just around the corner. But this year won’t slip through our hands as quickly, because we still have one full month in front of us packed with all kinds of anime that will be released!
As cold as this season might get, the anime that are coming up leave with a hint of all sorts of flavours, from slice-of-life to action; the diversity is an interesting sight!
So bring out your hot beverages and comfortable blankets to snuggle in for the cold season and let us look together at the heap of entertainment this month. Just as a heads-up, there will be anime and movies mentioned that will contain spoilers for their previous franchises, please be mindful of mild spoilers!
Let’s get into it, shall we?
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean (December 1st)
You might or might not have heard of the popular and ‘out of the box’ anime “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure”. With such a title, the hit anime has provoked many discussions on its unique artstyle and title defining bizarre story. With 131 manga volumes and the ongoing anime series gathering fans from all around, it's no wonder to find the so-called sixth part “Stone Ocean” to be animated.
Fans have been looking forward to the unfolding of the story, and Netflix has taken it upon itself to publish the first twelve episodes of the said part worldwide.
In the year 2011, Jotaro Kujo’s daughter named Jolyne Kujo is wrongfully accused of a crime she didn’t commit as she was out on a drive with her boyfriend. Thrown into a high security prison with many peculiar inmates she has to survive and fight in a conflict brought into life by dark personas.
The artstyle and dynamic is again very exclusive and continues to be an eye catcher, with stark colours and quick camera movements an interesting new season is displaying from this month on.
Will Jolyne learn to survive given her situation, or how will her story play out?
Hula Fulla Dance (December 3rd)
The young Hiwa Natsunagi looks at her own sister with huge inspiration and wishes to step into her footsteps to become a hula dancer at the “Spa Resort Hawaiins”.
For those who do not know, the Resort actually exists in real life and is a huge part of Japan's culture, especially after being hit and destroyed by the Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami in 2011. The movie was announced at a project commemorating the ten year anniversary of the tragedy and is therefore not just any movie, but holds cultural and historical significance.
Moving on, Hiwa and her friends create their own crew to enlist for the job as hula dancers at the resort, but they fail miserably the first time. Their hard work not paying out for lack of teamwork and “synchronicity” they are rejected and stay close to giving up.
The beautiful atmosphere of the Hawaii themed resort brings the summer breeze back into our winter season and the dancing and performance aspect of the anime is refreshing since it focuses on a whole different culture.
Working through hardships and tribulation they give their best and try again, this time with a whole different mindset and the goal to succeed even stronger in their hearts.
What will the girls do to fulfill their dreams?
Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc (December 4th)
Kimetsu no Yaiba, also known as Demon Slayer has truly become one of the most promising new generation anime for the last couple years.
With the first season pushing many avid viewers out there to get hooked by the mesmerizing animation and captivating story, a new part of the story is due to emerge soon.
After the events of the first season, the movie ‘Mugen Train’ to which we have another post here, and the first recap episodes of the second season, we are brought back up to the start of a whole new arc in the anime.
Many things have happened, with the ending of season one culminating into the plot of the movie, the true antagonist of the story has kept pretty quiet so far. We know that Muzan has taken on a new shape, the shape of a woman to conceal himself from the Demon Slayers. Now from the trailer of this new arc, we can see that his ruse is pretty well thought out, as he hides behind the dazzling curtains of the ‘Entertainment District’.
Beautiful ladies in even more beautiful kimonos await the Demons Slayers, and we are promised some new action and maybe even involvement of the Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui.
Will our heroes be able to fight off Muzan and his evil plans, and what awaits them in the orange tinted lights of this infamous district?
Kanashiki Debu Neko-chan (December 6th)
Jumping from full-length action shounen to a rather different anime, we find ourselves stoked to see the animation of a very different kind of cat.
Kanashiki Debu Neko-chan, translated meaning ‘the sad and fat cat’ is all about the cat Maru. A young girl called Anna adopts the rescue cat from a shelter and cares very well for it. Maru enjoys the new and lavish life to the point where it gets lazy and fat while sitting close to the window and merely dozing around.
Soon after that, the family adopted a new cat called Cerisier that is much more lively. Everyone starts to care more for the new addition to the family and Maru gets jealous of its treatment change. Getting into a fight with Cerisier and therefore channeling the anger of the family, Maru takes off and decides to explore the outside world.
The entire series will merely consist of ten three-minute episodes and reside in the slice-of-life genre, which might be the perfect opportunity for anyone who has less time on their hands and wishes for a laid back and fun story to watch in the midst of a busy day.
With the premise of a new world in front of it, what kind of adventures will Maru encounter?
Aggretsuko: Season 4 (December 16th)
In this century full of young adults that have no idea how to start their work lives while juggling personal and professional careers, the main character of this anime should feel in a realm of relatability.
Retsuko, our protagonist of the ongoing anime “Aggretsuko” is a naive 25 year old anthropomorphic (human animal fusion) red panda that is sick of her superiors and frustrating coworkers. Working at a generic Japanese trading firm, she channels all of her frustrations by going to sing heavy metal songs at a karaoke booth every day.
Aggretsuko has been on-goingly published by Netflix and shows us the Sanrio character in trials and tribulations of the young generation right now. With three seasons already out, the fourth is now on the way, with a certain character suddenly in the limelight.
Haida, her slightly scruffy hyena coworker who has had a crush on Retsuko for a while now, seems to finally try and make his dream of dating his crush a reality.
From the trailer alone we can see that much of the focus is on him, and the story delves more in depth into Haida’s character traits and promises a mixture of funny comedic scenes but also new deep plot points from the hyena’s perspective.
Work, freetime, stress and now romance. How will Retsuko shoulder it all?
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie (December 24th)
After a season packed full of curses and hardship, we are now in for a story from the Jujutsu Kaisen universe that targets not the next plot points, but actually the past. Jujutsu Kaisen has had major positive reviews after being a highly popular manga and now having one season of the anime for us all to see.
In this case, we dive backwards into the year in which the current second years are in their first year at Jujutsu Tech.
A character that we have only seen and heard of briefly is now the focal point of the story.
Yuuta Okotsu, is the senior student we have heard from in the first season but have no other information about. This prequel movie tackles his story and how he became affiliated with Gojo Satoru and started as a student at Jujutsu Tech.
All we know from the trailer is that Yuuta seems to be cursed in some sort of way, similar to Itadori at the beginning of the anime. His childhood friend Rika-chan is shown to be very close to him with a promise to even marry in the future.
Typical Jujutsu Kaisen action scenes and mesmerizing camera work courtesy of MAPPA studios will soon be on the big screen before the possible announcement of a second season.
Will Yuuta be able to achieve his goal and save his betrothed?
Sorairo Utility (December 31st)
There are sports anime about all kinds of disciplines so far. From more popular ones regarding soccer, basketball and volleyball, even other more miscellaneous sports have been made into anime.
Team spirit, hard work and the premise of becoming the best of the main focus in sports anime. Now we are jumping into a different kind of sport with “Sorairo Utility”, an anime about golfing.
Minami is totally new to the sport, being quite clumsy but determined to learn everything she needs to from her friends Haruka and Ayaka. The three highschoolers share a fun and carefree dynamic with each other, opening up the possibility for comedy and slice-of.life elements.
The anime’s animation and general tone is full of life and the girls’ enthusiasm seem favorable with the focus on ‘golfing’ being unique and fresh to the eye.
Is Minami going to overcome her first struggles in the sport and soar high? We’ll see at the end of the month!
And with that, our top seven list is completed!
This winter will surely bring us much to watch and enjoy, and therefore guide us into a brand new year of content as we sled into 2022!
What do you guys think about this months’ assembly of titles? Any in particular that you have been looking forward to for a while? Or maybe we have just made you hungry for a new franchise? We would love to see your opinion in the comment below!
Until then, make sure to grab fuzzy socks for this cold month!
Drinking a warming tea and waiting for the next tea-time,
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iana-stardust · 3 years
Episode 4
After a tiresome few hours of shopping, the group finally find themselves ready to set off on their grand adventure. The Tiefling has begrudgingly agreed to clothe himself with at least a pair of chainmail trousers and a loose sleeveless jacket. The shoes that the Genasi insisted on getting him are loosely dangling from his shoulder, much to their dismay. However, as dusk approaches, they decide this is no time for further discussion, and set off to the forest.
They don‘t quite get there though; at the city gate, the Tiefling spots billowing smoke. They quickly rush over, fearing the worst, but what they see is a sad sight. The city guards stand attendance as Fenric stands before a pyre, hand placed firmly upon his heart. „We mourn the passing of these brave men, who were killed in defense of their homes today. They fought valiantly in the face of the agressor, and held their ground to the last. We will commemorate them as heroes of our people. May they become the trees that protect our home. They are with the world tree now.“ Fen raises his head to the reddened sky, then spots the group from the corner of his eye and gives them a small nod. The party salute the pyre, then set off into the forest.
„We have to stop by my place first“, the girl pops up, „I‘ve got some things to fetch from there.“ There isn‘t any objection from the other party members; night is falling, and they will need a place to rest either way, so they set off into the forest. As night falls, the forest is dimly illuminated by small orbs of light that dance between the trees, leaving mesmerizing trails of light that reach shallowly into the forest around, tempting with brief glances of beautifully glowing treasure and the occasional glimmer of a luminescent mushroom.
Far inside the forest, beyond where the ranking pathways that misguide travelers can reach, there is a small cottage. A tree forms the cornerstone, and it seems strangely in place between the towering birches around it. Moss grows on the roof that is held together by good will and branches, and a creek has broken through a corner of the building. This is the home of the half-elven girl. The inside is dim, only lit by a fire in the makeshift hearth that warms the corner where the wall has given into the stream of water. Here, the party unrolls some mats and lies to rest for the night.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Sailor Moon Crystal Recap: What You Need to Know Before Netflix’s Sailor Moon Eternal
Sailor Moon is one of the most well-known anime from the last 30 years. Based on a manga that first launched in 1991, the series has been adapted into a beloved 200-episode anime, several films, a live-action drama, and more recently, an anime reboot called Sailor Moon Crystal. And if that legacy weren’t enough, we can now add another film to the franchise: Sailor Moon Eternal.
What Is Sailor Moon Eternal?
As previously mentioned, Sailor Moon Eternal is the latest addition to the Sailor Moon franchise. It’s a two-part anime film based on the Dream arc of the original manga. Despite this, the production has officially dubbed this portion of the Sailor Moon saga the Dead Moon arc, named after the antagonists the Sailor Guardians face.
The film was first announced in 2017 as part of the franchise’s 25th anniversary. It’s meant to be a direct continuation of Sailor Moon Crystal, the anime reboot that concluded its third season in 2016. After some pandemic-related delays, Sailor Moon Eternal hit Japanese theaters in early 2021 before Netflix picked up the films for streaming release a few months later.
How Does Sailor Moon Crystal Connect to Sailor Moon Eternal?
Sailor Moon Crystal is the anime reboot that commemorates the manga’s 20th anniversary. The anime industry loves celebrating anniversaries of its most famous and enduring properties, in case you haven’t noticed. Typically by releasing more anime.
While the original 1990s anime took some liberties with plot and characterization, Sailor Moon Crystal stays true to the original manga. It consists of three seasons totaling 38 episodes, with each season covering a different story arc: Dark Kingdom, Black Moon, and Death Busters. While Season 3—aka the Death Busters arc—ended on a satisfactory note, it set the stage for the film with a solar eclipse that presages the arrival of a major character from the Dead Moon arc.
Think of Sailor Moon Eternal as Sailor Moon Crystal Season 4, if you like.
Do I Need to Watch Sailor Moon Crystal First?
It would probably help. There are many characters, so if you have no familiarity with Sailor Moon at all, you might have a rough time. On top of a sizable main cast, this series loves reincarnation, time travel, and multiple dimensions. Things might get confusing if you’re coming at this franchise as a brand-new viewer.
That said, if you’ve read the original manga, you should be fine.
If you’ve only watched the 1990s anime, you’ll generally be okay. The big caveat here is that some of the characterizations and relationship dynamics are different in Sailor Moon Crystal. For example, Rei Hino, aka Sailor Mars, is more aloof and serious in the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal versus the original anime where she loves chasing boys and constantly fights with Sailor Moon’s heroine, Usagi. But as long as you’re aware of those differences, fans of the first anime series can skip watching Sailor Moon Crystal if they’re short on time.
I’m adventurous and know nothing about Sailor Moon. What basics should I know?
How brave! The biggest thing to know is that the entire series revolves around the concept of Sailor Guardians. Sailor Guardians are teenage girls who are given special powers connected to planets throughout the universe. For the Sailor Guardians protected by planets from our solar system, sometimes the powers are elemental in nature. Other times, the powers are related to classical mythology.
The other major thing to know is that our heroine, Usagi Tsukino, is royalty. She’s the reincarnation of a princess from the Moon Kingdom. That’s right. Sometime in the past, there existed a kingdom on the moon. In the future, she becomes the guardian queen of Earth that ushers it into a sort of golden age. These past and future identities serve as focal points for plotlines throughout the entire series.
Can You Give Me a Sailor Moon Crystal Recap?
As mentioned earlier, Sailor Moon Crystal is divided into three seasons.
Season 1 covers the Dark Kingdom storyline. This arc introduces us to Usagi Tsukino, who discovers she’s both Sailor Moon and the reincarnation of Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. It also introduces us to the inner Sailor Guardians—Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus—who are Sailor Moon’s closest allies. In addition, we meet Usagi’s love interest, Mamoru Chiba, who happens to be the reincarnation of Prince Endymion. Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion had a tragic, star-crossed romance and you better believe that influences their present incarnations. Together, they all fight the Dark Kingdom, which was responsible for the destruction of the Moon Kingdom in the past and wants to take over the Earth in the present.
If Season 1 focuses on preventing a repetition of past tragedies, Season 2 is about averting future annihilation. After the events of the Dark Kingdom arc, Usagi and her friends are living their best, peaceful lives. That changes when Chibi-usa, Usagi and Mamoru’s daughter from the future, appears. She’s traveled back in time to find the means to save her mother. Hot on her heels is the Black Moon clan, who destroyed the future Earth that Chibi-usa came from. The Black Moon arc also introduces us to Sailor Pluto, a Sailor Guardian with the ability to control time.
The Death Busters arc, or Season 3, adapts the Infinity storyline of the manga. Chibi-usa has stayed in the present day to train to be a Sailor Guardian. Here we meet more Sailor Guardians from our solar system: Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. After sacrificing her life in the previous story arc, Sailor Pluto has also incarnated in the present timeline. Along with Sailor Moon and the inner Sailor Guardians, they fight the Death Busters, alien invaders from another dimension. Central to the plot is Hotaru Tomoe, who is the key to the Death Busters’ invasion plans but also happens to be the incarnation of Sailor Saturn, who has the ability to destroy the world.
How Does Sailor Moon Crystal Lead into Sailor Moon Eternal?
After using her abilities, Hotaru has been reincarnated as a baby. Sailors Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto leave to raise her as the coolest queer family unit ever. Having completed her Sailor Guardian training, Chibi-usa is ready to return to the future. But before she goes, she accompanies Usagi and Mamoru to watch the solar eclipse. As the moon begins to cover the sun, however, both Usagi and Chibi-usa hear a mysterious bell, setting the stage for Sailor Moon Eternal.
Expect to see all these characters return for Sailor Moon Eternal, along with a whole new set of villains plus one notable ally.
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Sailor Moon Eternal streams on Netflix on June 3rd. All 3 seasons of Sailor Moon Crystal are currently streaming on Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.
The post Sailor Moon Crystal Recap: What You Need to Know Before Netflix’s Sailor Moon Eternal appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3oO4Oto
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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