#ler tweek tweak
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dannystheone · 2 years ago
hmmm maybe he’s tryna give one of his gay ass speeches and the 3 boys are fed up and want him to shush so ofc they use the most efficient method hehe
ugh i love you anon LMAKSSK PLEASE
So the summer vibes are PERFECT today so I thought we could have a pool fic!!
WARNINGS: Feet tickles and kids swearing! also kind of a long intro sorry
Kyle's New Pool! (Lee Kyle/Multiple Lers)
Kyle got a new pool installed for the summer in his backyard, but he needs to set some ground rules first!
I hope you like this! :) also I just re-read the whole thing and totally forgot Clyde existed AAA sorry he'll be in the next one
Energetic boys piled into the Broflovski's home, yelling and shouting with excitement. They were all eager to get a glimpse of what new installment was waiting in the backyard. Kyle had said his parents put something BIG for the summer back there, and to look for themselves to see he wasn't full of shit.
"Oh Gerald! There sure are a lot of them, I wasn't expecting so many guests!" Sheila Broflovski was pretty much plastered to her wall as boys from the fourth-grade class rumbled through her front door, including even a boy wheeling in on a motorized wheelchair.
"Just set out some more chips Sheila- OOF-" Gerald Broflovski was nearly run over by the entourage of shirtless boys as they threw open the sliding glass door in the kitchen and piled outside in the backyard.
"Look! There it is!" Craig Tucker called out. All the boys scrambled to the edge of the water. Kyle wasn't lying. His parents had installed a huge glistening pool in their backyard! The grass and playground they used to have were replaced with concrete, with pillowy lounging areas and table seating off to the sides.
"It's amazing! GAH! It's so hot out here! If I don't get in the water I'm gonna die!" Tweak Tweek winked an eye as Craig turned to him and started applying sunscreen to his shoulders, already blushing from the sun.
"Where the hell is Kyle?" Stan Marsh asked.
"Yeah, should we just get in without him?" Kenny McCormick questioned.
"TIMMEH!" Timmy answered.
"Guys! I'm right here! Isn't it cool?!" Kyle showed up behind the crowd of boys with a few boxes of Capri-Suns under his arms. The fourth-grade class cheered as Kyle set the boxes down on his patio table.
"Yeah, yeah, it's kewl, now let's get in the water already!" Eric Cartman pulled on his goggles and started pulling on his floaties to his upper arms. The boys followed suit by kicking off their flip-flops and throwing their shirts off.
"Woah, woah, woah, hang on fat-ass!" The fourth-grade boys froze and looked at Kyle quizzically. Kyle adjusted his green hat, despite wearing no shirt and green swim trunks.
"Before you get in the pool, there's some rules we have to follow! My dad said if we don't pay attention to the rules, he's not gonna let all of us use it anymore." Kyle explained. The boys looked at each other before they shrugged and continued taking their clothing items off.
"Okay well, what are the rules?" Tolkien Black asked. Kyle splayed his hands to get everyone's attention, but the boys chatted amongst themselves.
"Alright! Rule number one! ABSOLUTELY NO PEEING IN THE POOL! THAT'S DISGUSTING!! I'm looking at you, Cartman!" Cartman yelled out an "AYE!" before Kyle continued. "There is a bathroom located inside the house, first door on your right!"
Kyle looked around to see if he had everyone's attention. He had the attention of Butters, Jimmy, Timmy, and Tolkien, but everyone else was either setting up their toys in the pool or talking to other people.
"Guys! Don't put anything in the pool until I'm done saying the rules! This is important!" Kenny looked up from the pool as he slowly slid on a snorkel. Kyle sighed exasperated as he continued.
"Rule number two! No running around the edge of the pool or the pool area in general! It can get slippery and you don't want to fall! Rule number three! No diving headfirst into the pool, even in the deep area! You can hit your head and get hurt! Cannonballs are okay!" Cartman yawned loud and obnoxiously as the rest of the boys stood around and looked at their phones. Kyle could tell he was losing their attention already.
"Shut up Cartman! Rule number four! You have to put on sunscreen before you enter the pool! My mom is gonna set a timer for 80 minutes for everyone so we can get out of the pool, reapply our sunscreen, and then we can get back in!" The boys looked up at Kyle and groaned loudly.
"Dude we don't need sunscreen, the sun is good for you!" Stan complained. Craig was still helping Tweek apply his sunscreen across his back, so at least he was good. Kyle looked over at Stan with narrowed eyes.
"Dude do you have any idea how much cancer you can get from the sun?! Skin cancer is no joke! There was a study published just this year in 2023 stating that more than 2 people die of skin cancer every hour in the U.S.! 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70! Do you want that to be you?!" Kyle pointed at Stan. Tweek fidgeted as he yanked the sun tan lotion from Craig's hands and started rubbing generous amounts all over his front vigorously.
"GAHAH! THAT'S NOT GONNA BE ME! CRAIG, HELP ME!!" Craig took the bottle back from Tweek and gently started applying more lotion onto Tweek's back as he shot Kyle a venomous glance. Kyle swallowed as he looked back at the boys.
"Dude, we'll put the lotion on. But every 80 minutes is a little much, we'll be fine." Stan shrugged. The boys nodded in agreement.
"Guys you're acting like I'm making up the rules. It's my mom-" Eric rolled his eyes and walked up to stand next to Kyle.
"Kyle, buddy, hey there. Listen, you're talking waaaaay too damn much. Let us into the pool and we can start having fun, okay? I'll deal with your bitch of a mom if she decides to give us crap." Eric clapped Kyle on the back as Kyle stared dumbfounded at Cartman.
"Bitch of a-?! Cartman this is my parent's pool that YOU'RE using, fatass! The least you can do is listen!" Kyle said angrily.
"I think we should listen to Kyle's rules, very much. His p-p-p-pee-parents are nice enough to let us use it on such a hot day." Jimmy spoke up.
"Well, sure! My dad said if I don't put on my suntan lotion every 80 minutes and get skin cancer, he'd ground me for sure!" Butters fidgeted with his hands. Kyle smiled at them both and turned back to Cartman.
"There, you see fat-boy? That's why anyone who doesn't put on sunscreen BEFORE getting in the pool isn't getting in at all!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all stopped what they were doing and stared at Kyle and Cartman silently. Cartman cupped his chin in thought while Kyle stood next to him with his arms crossed.
"Hmm...ah, I see what you're saying, Kyle. Loud and Clear." Kyle had a triumphant face on before Cartman pointed at Kyle.
"GRAB 'EM!" Cartman exclaimed. All the boys in the fourth-grade class rushed Kyle. Kyle yelped as he was scooped up by the boys, wriggling and fighting to no avail. The boys carried him above their heads to the edge of the pool.
"GUYS! PUT ME DOWN!!" Kyle yelled out. The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"You wanna be put down?" Stan asked a squirming Kyle.
"YES!!" Kyle shouted. The fourth-grade boys unanimously decided to set Kyle down.
By throwing his ass in the pool.
Kyle hit the water with a huge splash, causing the water to be disturbed and rippled. The boys cheered as they started jumping in after him and cannonballing into the pool. Kyle resurfaced and spit water out from his mouth.
"Pfft- GUYS! We can't be in the pool yet, we need sunscreen!" Kyle complained. Cartman waded into the pool as the boys started splashing each other with water and putting floaties and toys in the pool.
"Uh oh, guys! Kyle's still whining about the sunscreen! We better fix that!" Cartman exclaimed. Kyle turned to yell at Cartman when he felt hands grabbing his arms. Kyle turned back to see that Craig, Tweek, and Kenny started putting their hands on him. More kids were advancing as well.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Get off me!" Kyle squeaked as he splashed in the pool, more kids grabbing his legs and arms and wiggling fingers into his bare skin.
"You see Kyle, I knew you were gonna make a big gay ass speech about what we should and shouldn't do before we got into your pool. As you always do such faggoty things before we're allowed to have any fun, I took it upon myself to tell the guys that if you start going off on a tangent and we need a quick way to shut you up, this was the perfect way to get it done." Cartman watched with glory in his eyes as Kyle started wriggling and giggling in the fourth-grade class's grip.
"Guhuhuys! Guhuhuys stohohohop!" Kyle giggled as what felt like hungry invasive fingers squished, kneaded, prodded, poked, spidered, and scribbled his skin. Jimmy, Tolkien, Butters, Stan, Kenny, Craig, and Tweek all zipped and wriggled their fingers into Kyle's skin while keeping his limbs spread apart. Being in the pool didn't help Kyle fight them off, and the water made his skin slick. Timmy watched with Cartman with a frown on his face.
"Uh...Timmeh?" Timmy asked. Cartman turned to Timmy, Kyle splashing in the pool behind him.
"Yes, Timmy?" Cartman asked. Timmy pulled up his phone and started recording.
"Timmy Timmy." Timmy said with an evil glint in his eye. Cartman nodded approvingly as he turned back to Kyle.
Craig held Kyle's arm away from his side and scribbled his fingers in his underarm while Tweek scritched along his ribs. Tolkien and Butters held onto Kyle's ankle and entertained themselves by stroking one finger up his foot and watching his toes clamp up. They did this over and over as it was entertaining each time.
Stan and Kenny held apart Kyle's other arm as Kenny gave Kyle little nibbles on his side and blew raspberries in his belly, which made Kyle buck and squeal. Stan scritched in Kyle's armpit while making conversation with Craig. Jimmy had Kyle's other foot all to himself. He held his ankle in the crook between his arm and his side in a headlock as he scrubbed Kyle's foot up and down with one hand. Kyle was quickly going ballistic already as 70 fingers played him at once.
"GUHUHUYS PLEHEHEASE!! THIHIHIS IHIHIS CRAHAHAZY!!" Kyle yelled out, the water splashing all around them. Kyle was floating on his back in the water being held up by the guys holding his limbs apart, so he had no leverage to squirm or escape anywhere. Kyle's eyes screwed shut as he felt fingers squish the pudge on his belly, to which he gave a loud reaction.
"Wow Kenny, you really like Kyle's stomach huh," Stan commented. Kenny shrugged and scribbled his fingers all over Kyle's tummy, reaching from the bottom of his ribs to the tops of his hips with his hands.
"Oh hey, I wanna help! Let me try!" Butters left Tolkien at Kyle's foot and went up to the opposite side of Kenny to add another ten fingers to Kyle's midsection. Kenny started scribbling his fingers in Kyle's bottom ribs while Butters dipped his fingers in Kyle's belly button and pinched his hips.
"GAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHO!! STOHOHOP PLEHEHEASE!!" Kyle pleaded, his body getting tired with all the exertion from trying to get away from so many fingers. He was gonna have a killer six-pack in the morning.
"Aww, well he's just ticklish everywhere, isn't he! That's so sweet!" Butters beamed at Kenny while Tolkien decided to experiment and scritched his fingers underneath Kyle's knee while still pulling his leg apart. Kyle let out a loud cackle as he tried pulling his leg back.
"Hey, how's that working for you, T-T-Tolkien?" Tolkien looked up at Jimmy with a smile on his face.
"Oh, it's working great! He gets really loud when I get right here. You wanna try?" Jimmy nodded and grabbed a better hold of Kyle's leg, and started scratching his fingers under Kyle's knee. Sure enough, Kyle started pulling on both legs trying to reclaim them with this new technique.
"Hahaha, awesome!" Tolkien gave Jimmy a thumbs-up as Craig halted his tickling for a moment to stretch his wrist. Cartman pointed a finger at Craig as he sat on the steps.
"Keep going, Craig! We gotta tire the Jew out so he doesn't bitch for the rest of the night!" Cartman demanded.
"NOHOHO YOU DOHOHON'T! JUHUHUST STOHOHOP!! I'M SORREHEHEE!!" Kyle yelled out, as Craig responded in his monotone voice.
"I'm doing the best that I can. His pulling is hard on my wrist." Craig rotated his wrist before holding onto Kyle's bicep and going back to a hidden gem he found. Between Kyle's middle ribs and back where the skin joined, Craig scribbled in that one spot to make Kyle scream a manly sound. Tweek winked as he kept his tickling confined to Kyle's side.
"So anyway, Red Racer reaches the finish line right as Blue Racer does, so the judges have to go back and watch the footage to see who actually won the race. It was a nail-biter." Craig explained to Stan. Stan nodded as he listened, but mostly looked down at his super best friend getting the shit tickled out of him. He had a forced smile plastered on his face with his eyes screwed shut tightly, with an occasional pull or tug of his limbs. Stan couldn't imagine being in this situation, but he wasn't gonna be the one to stop it. What if Cartman ordered they all go after him next? He couldn't handle that.
"...Yeah, so what did the judges say?" Stan asked as he scribbled his fingers in Kyle's underarm. He noticed he didn't have to try too hard to keep Kyle's arm away from his side to reach this spot.
"We won't know until next week. I can hardly wait. Red Racer always wins every race, but it's the season finale, so it could have a different ending." Craig discussed calmly as if he wasn't tickling a wildly splashing boy with six other boys.
"Timmy? Timmy Timmy?" Timmy asked Cartman, still recording on his phone. Cartman thought about it for a moment.
"Hmm, I'm not sure. Let's see." Cartman cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to Kyle. "How you doing Jew? Ready to give up the sunscreen?" He called out. Kyle shook his head bravely as he continued to laugh out.
"NOHOHOHO!! YOHOHOU STIHIHIHLL NEEHEHEHEED TO WEHEHEHEAR IT!!" Cartman shrugged as he went back to lounging in the pool.
"You heard him, boys! He wants more!" The fourth-grade class worked diligently, their fingers more energized than before.
"GAHAHAHAD!! I DOHOHOHON'T WAHAHANT MOHOHOHORE!! PLEHEHEHEASE!!" Kyle laughed out earnestly as more spots were found on him, to in-between his thighs, to his hands, to his inner elbows, and the skin above his knees. His thighs were a winner, however. Jimmy and Tolkien pulled apart his legs and hugged his knee to grip and scribble their fingers in his inner thigh, causing Kyle to squeal and cackle loudly.
Gerald and Sheila watched from the closed slider door, smiling gently. It was a rare sight to see Kyle acting like a kid for once with all his friends.
"He gets it from you, you know." Gerald held Sheila around her waist while they watched their son and pattered his fingers along her side. Sheila twitched as she bat Gerald's hand away with a blushing face.
"Oh stop it, Gerald!~ Save it for Saturday, honey~" Sheila cooed as the two shared a kiss, and turned for the living room as their son splashed in the water.
"CHRIHIST!! SOMEONE- *hic* so-SOHOHOHOMEONE HEHEHEHELP!!" Kyle cackled out as he felt Tolkien's fingers invade his toe spaces and Tweek and Kenny took turns blowing raspberries in his hip divets. They were having fun with this, actually.
"Wow, Kyle has a lot more endurance than I thought. If I had endurance like Kyle I would be so happy." Craig commented. Stan started to get uneasy. Kyle started hiccuping a second ago, and his red cheeks were concerning.
"Alright Cartman, that should be enough right? I mean, look at him." The boys stilled their fingers for a moment. Kyle still giggled to himself and twitched from the air moving around him.
"Aww, the poor guys all tickled out. Aren't you buddy?" Butters patted Kyle's stomach, which Kyle jerked away from reflexively.
"Buhuhutters- *hic* doho-dohon't touch me-" Kyle snickered as Butters fidgeted. Cartman stood up from the pool steps and looked down at Kyle. Kyle's eyes winced having to look up into the sun-filled sky.
"Well, Kyle? What do you say? Are we forgetting the sunscreen?" The boys waited intently for an answer; their arms still wrapped around Kyle's arms and legs while the water waved around them.
"Fuck no, fat-ass! We can't forget it, my parents will find out! Please, just put some on and we can start playing!" Kyle pleaded. Cartman sighed and gave the signal for the boys to start tickling again. Kyle felt the boys' hands around him shift and place themselves on his body.
"Wait wait WAIT! Okay okay! I'll forget it! I'll forget the sunscreen I swear!" Kyle yelled out. Cartman turned back and pointed a finger in Kyle's face.
"If I hear a single word about sunscreen or rules again from you Kyle, you're gonna get it! Alright, let him go." The fourth-graders slowly released Kyle. Kyle rubbed his wrists as the boys saw their fingers onslaught over Kyle's torso, the pink swipes and scratches on his white skin. Kyle looked to the side as he rubbed his shoulder silently.
"Well, I still need to put on my sunscreen, or I'll get grounded!" Butters announced. Kyle looked up at him.
"Yeah, I n-n-need to put on mine too, a comic always has to look his b-best!" Jimmy added.
"Hey honey, mind helping me put some sunscreen on my back? I could use it." Craig asked Tweek.
"GAH! O-Of course! Skin cancer is no joke!" Tweek winked as Craig smiled softly at him.
"We're all gonna put ours on, too." Tolkien, Stan and Kenny nodded in agreement.
"TIMMEH!!" Timmy smiled and exclaimed. All the boys started getting out of the pool to put their sunscreen on and made sure everyone was properly covered. Kyle had a huge smile on that wasn't forced on his face.
"Thanks you guys, you're the best! Now we can play all we want in the sun without getting hurt!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all cheered and cannonballed back into the pool while Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Aw dude, sick!" Stan shouted upon seeing Cartman at the bus stop on Monday. Cartman's face was pink with white peelies all over his ears, neck, and cheeks. He had suffered bad sunburn from the pool with no sunscreen. He rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms in a huff.
"Whatever! Sunscreen is overrated and gay as hell! I don't peel, I'll just get tan after this!" Kenny and Kyle walked to the bus stop and stood next to Cartman. Kenny burst out laughing upon seeing Cartman, and Kyle let out a few sputters as well.
"AYE! You all better shut the fuck up! I don't need any damn sunscreen!" Cartman defended.
"HE LOOKS LIKE A FAT TOMATO!" Kenny cried out. Kyle and Stan both started laughing hysterically as Cartman yelled out at them.
"I'M NOT FAT! SHUT UP!" Cartman shouted.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it, you big baby." Stan rolled his eyes as he clapped Eric on the back. Eric yelped as the sunburn on his back stung from Stan's slap.
"ACK! Don't do that, retard! I got sunburn-" Cartman called out, but shut himself up as his friends leered at him.
"What was that you said, fat-ass? You got sunburn?" Kyle said with a shit-eating grin as he slapped Eric's back. Eric let out a screech as he started running down the road, away from the bus stop. Well, as well as he could run anyway. The three boys easily caught up to him and slapped all their hands across his sunburned back.
After this experience, Cartman learned his lesson. He was never caught without sunscreen again, and abided by all of Kyle's rules before entering his pool.
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daisys-silliness · 2 years ago
Safe in your mothers arms
Characters: Mrs. Tweak/Tweek
Lee/Ler(s): Lee!Tweek, Ler!Mrs. Tweak
Summary: Tweek is terrified by the news and thunderstorm outside, luckily his mom is there to help him calm down.
Notes: Hi I haven't written in a long while so I apologize if the quality isn't the greatest. Also this is a tickle fic, please skip by if you do not enjoy fics like these, ty :)
It was a Saturday in South Park. Not many people were out due to the storm, so most stores were closed because of it. Mrs. Tweak absolutely did not want her son out in that storm either so she decided to keep the store closed.
Tweek sat on the couch. He was already shaking and freaking out because of the loud sounds outside. There was never a storm this loud in South Park before. It was..very frightening to say the least.
Tweek was on edge already, and he decided to look at the news to see how bad everything was. Of course, they were covering how trees were falling over and catching on fire, and how there could be potential deaths from that.
Tweek gasped and began screaming and panicking when he saw this. He threw the remote on the sofa and looked out the window, seeing a tree branch fall over in the road. He began crying as this was too much to take in. Mrs. Tweak heard the commotion and immediately stopped what she was doing to rush into the living room and crouch down in front of Tweek.
Mrs. Tweak: "Honey?! Son..what happened?"
Mrs. Tweak: "Oh honey..I can assure you that won't happen. There aren't even trees near our house anyway. Nothing will happen to you and I will make sure of it. Come here"
Mrs. Tweak picked up her son and held him close. She rocked him gently as she placed his head on her chest, his ear close to hear her heartbeat. She gently rubbed Tweek's back as she comforted her son.
Tweek slowly started to calm down. He hugged his mom as he let himself be comforted. The feeling was nice...and it was enough to drown out the negative things for the moment. She looked at Tweek and placed a kiss on his forehead.
Mrs. Tweak: "Let’s get you comfortable honey. You can lay in bed and I'll bring you your dinner."
Tweek: "But what..what about if you're in the kitchen and I'm in- oh god!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Do you want me to be in here with you while we eat?"
Tweek nodded. He felt more at ease when someone was with him and he didn't feel alone. He felt this way with anyone close to him, like Craig, Stan's gang (err.. sometimes), Bebe and Wendy, and his mom. Tweek gave his mom another hug before he was set down on his bed. He was noticeably still on edge a little.
Mrs. Tweak: "Are you alright? Do you need anything else?"
Tweek: "I- uh...I don't know. I- ARG! too much pressure thinking!!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Here, I already have something in mind"
Before Tweek could ask, Mrs. Tweak sat down next to him and crept her hands onto Tweek's stomach, wiggling her fingers on his skin. Tweek almost immediately began to giggle and squirm as she started, wiggling around like a worm. She began to explore her tickling fingers up to his ribs and armpits, causing Tweek to shriek and try to bat at her hands.
Tweek: "Mohohom!!! No!! Not therehehe!!!"
Mrs. Tweak: "Why not? You look like your having fun"
She removed her hands from his shirt and took a gentle hold of his ankle, lightly swiping her nails across the bottom of his foot. Tweek snorted and laughed more, trying to wiggle out. He curled his toes down and kept trying to pull away as he laughed from the tickly sensation.
Mrs. Tweak then flew her hands back to Tweek's stomach, letting her fingers dance around the sensitive skin. Tweek's legs began kicking as he wiggled around, he was definitely having fun and he felt a lot better. After a bit, Mrs. Tweek stopped when she noticed Tweek doing the "that's enough" wave.
She smiled and picked up Tweek, hugging her son, and Tweek hugged back. A smile on his face was now present as the tickles helped him and his mood. Suddenly Tweek felt himself being slightly raised. He was confused and was about to question, but was interrupted by the feeling of a raspberry on his stomach.
Tweek shrieked and cackled, slightly covering his face in embarrassment. She gave him a few more raspberries on his bellybutton, sending Tweek into a series of snorty high-pitched giggles. She set him down on the bed after that, and he was still a giggling mess. Mrs. Tweak slightly giggled herself.
Mrs. Tweak: "I love you, Tweek"
Tweek, still through giggles: "I-I love you too, mom"
Mrs. Tweak: "I'm going to be in the kitchen, just come down if you need anything, alright?"
Tweek nodded and watched his mom leave the room. He covered his face in deep embarrassment from the surprise raspberries, but he wasn't really complaining. While he waited for his mom, he messed around with his legos a bit. He made a 2d "image" of himself, Craig, and Stripe..oh yeah he was definitely keeping that.
Occasionally, Tweek went downstairs to talk with his mom and just be with her in the kitchen. Once dinner was done, they headed to Tweek's room and ate while chatting. Tweek told her about all the silly shenanigans that happens in the coffee shop with Kenny and the goths when his mom isn't present in the front.
After dinner, Tweek got ready to head to bed. He felt uneasy sleeping alone with the storm still active..so he quietly snuck in his mom's room when she was about to sleep. She really didn't question why Tweek was doing what he was, and let him sleep in her bed. It was a better day for Tweek, safe in his mom's arms.
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kykyarchives · 2 years ago
Stripe Tucker
★ bem vindos ao meu blog sobre minhas ocs de south park pc!
★ hoje meu personagem escolhido para eu falar sobre é Stripe Tucker!
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★ nome completo: Stripe Tucker Tweak
★ apelidos: Stri, amante de flores, estressadinha
★ gênero: feminino
★ cor do cabelo: loiro
★ religião: Budista
★ aniversário: 31 de Julho
★ Parentes: Tweek Tweak, Craig Tucker, Chad Tucker
★ aparência - personalidade (com Simon, Melanie, Chad, Nick e Eleanor/Gabrielle) - relacionamentos - gostos - desgostos - medos - curiosidades
★ aparência
— Ela tem longos cabelos loiros, seus cabelos são um pouco ondulados, no cabelo ela usa uma presilha verde e uma flor rosa. Suas roupas são uma camisa azul com uma "gola" branca com um casaco preto e calças rosas, ela usa um par de sapatos pretos com luvas azuis ← aparência atual
— originalmente seus cabelos era o estilo Tomboyish pigtails (acho que é assim) loiro com mexas pretas, ela usava um sweater verde com luvas sem dedos, ela usava uma saia marrom com polainas, ela usava um sapato preto (ou marrom, n��o me lembro) e tinha alguns band-aids no rosto
★ personalidade
— Stripe geralmente é estressada e é sempre vista nervosa, mas quando duvidam da força dela ela fica extremamente raivosa e quase bate na pessoa, mas ela consegue ficar calma quando está com pessoas que gosta, como, Melanie
Simon — quando Stripe está perto dele, ela é vista nervosa ou com medo, mas é bem raro de ver Stripe brava ou discutindo com Simon, eles se odeiam muito, por motivo nenhum, e Stripe tem medo dele por causa que Simon machuca ela. Simon sempre chama Stripe de F*cker e Stripe chama de Simon de Marshmallow
Melanie — Stripe se dá muito bem com Melanie, elas são melhores amigas. Stripe tem sentimentos românticos por Melanie, mas não tem coragem de contar, então, elas são apenas amigas. (por enquanto, algum dia Stripe se declara)
Chad — os dois são irmãos, Stripe quando mais nova se dava bem com ele mas hoje em dia... Stripe não gosta de Chad e fica zoando ele por causa do aparelho que ele usa.
Nick — Stripe não gosta dele, sua personalidade com ele é rude e raivosa, Nick parece ignorar isso e se esforça para tentar ser amigo dela.
Eleanor — elas se dão bem, muito bem, elas são melhores amigas, Eleanor sempre chama Stripe de Stri ou Strip.
★ Relacionamentos
— Stripe já teve um relacionamento com Nick, não deu muito certo.... por isso Stripe não gosta de Nick, pois Stripe tinha descoberto uma traição. Futuramente Stripe irá ter um relacionamento com Melanie.
★ Gostos
— Stripe ama chocolate quente e café, ela adora seus pais e amigos (especialmente Melanie e Eleanor) ela também adora chocolate e jogos. Ela ama seu pet, um pássaro (ainda não tenho nome pra ele)
★ Desgostos
— Stripe não gosta de Chad, e Nick, ela ODEIA Simon com todas suas forças, ela não gosta de escadas de madeira, canibais, fantasmas e pesadelos.
★ Medos
— Canibais, fantasmas, ursos.
★ Curiosidades
— o primeiro nome que Stripe teve foi Tina, o segundo foi Eden e depois o que está sendo usado.
— o irmão de Stripe era pra ser uma garota e deveria parecer muito com Craig.
— Stripe é fã de jardinagem, por isso o apelido "amante de flores".
— Stripe foi a primeira fankid do Post Covid que eu fiz.
— Stripe é bem alta, um tamanho não muito comum para sua idade.
— Stripe passa quase 24 horas falando sobre seu pássaro, o espaço e sobre flores.
★ Bem, este é o final do meu primeiro blog, espero que gostem! Por favor, se tiverem alguma ideia para o nome do pássaro da Stripe, comente, obrigada por ler isso! Até mais!
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0rca-waiil · 2 years ago
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Been having fun making emojis on discord
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kettysuekix · 5 years ago
So I got REALLY back into South Park and REALLY wanna pull some tickling rps or something...
So i’ll list my rules and ships and whatnot 💛
1. DM me to RP PLEASE!! Sometimes comment notifications fly right over my head.
2. These characters have to be of high school age or older. No exceptions.
3. Smut is 100% fine but the characters must be 17 or older.
4. Do NOT control my character
5. Literate RP please?? So no *’s or anything like that.
7. Use brackets when talking ooc.
8. No forcing ships on me that I don’t want.
9. Don’t force me to be a character? I usually try to let everyone be a character they want but if you claim a character and say: “Ok you’re so and so.” Then that’s a red flag. Especially if we didn’t discuss a ship or anything.
10. Don’t continuously message me if I haven’t responded in a while.
11. If I don’t respond within a day or 2, message me. I might’ve missed the notification or forgot to press send. Apparently I do that a lot..
12. If we Rp smut please be of age.. 17+
(( Little side notes ))
1. Any position is allowed..
2. I prefer to Lee / bottom but I can switch too 💖
3. I have no triggers so go all out my dudes. You’re not gonna bother me.
4. I love other kinks as well during NSFW RPS such as Master x Slave, Bdsm, Pet play, etc...
1. Kyle x Stan
2. Kyle x Kenny
3. Kyle x Craig
4. Kyle x Tweek
5. Craig x Tweek
6. Craig x Clyde
7. Craig x Thomas
8. Craig x Stan
9. Thomas x Tweek
10. Thomas x Gary
11. Thomas x Gregory
12. Kenny x Butters
13. Gregory x Stan
14. Gregory x Christophe
(( I’ll RP ANY ship if I think it’s cool!! These are just my favorites.. don’t be scared to ask me on another ship!! 💕 ))
1. Kyle Broflovski
2. Tweek Tweak
3. Thomas
4. Craig tucker
5. Stan marsh
6. Clyde donovan
7. Butters Stotch
8. Gregory
9. Gary
(( Again idc what characters we use.. these are just my favorites specifically ))
( These are just for my absolute favorite characters 💕 )
Kyle: He is extremely sensitive and ticklish, it’s super easy to get him squealing and laughing with a few strokes to his tummy. His most ticklish spots include his Armpits, Tummy, and Thighs. Though he’s not one to stay still and will squirm and probably kick or punch in retaliation.
Tweek: Even more ticklish than Kyle, Tweek will scream and fall to the floor with just a poke. It’s better to start off with gentle, loving, tickles as to not suddenly scare him. He actually loves light and gentle tickling as it seems to calm him down. His most ticklish spots include his Feet, Sides, and hips.
Craig: He hates being tickled no matter what, and will definitely throw a punch to get anyone to stop, unless it’s Tweek or Thomas of course. (or whoever he’s shipped with) He’s not extremely ticklish but he has his fair share of tickle spots. Such as his Ribs, knees, and tummy.
Thomas: He loves being tickled since it gets him laughing and cuts off his involuntary cursing. He rarely struggles against the tickling if its with his partner and will even lay in their lap and let them tickle his tummy to their hearts content. Though he will pretend to hate it and struggle if its with friends to hide the embarrassment. His most ticklish spots include his armpits, feet, and waist.
Stan: He’s big and strong, therefore he’s extremely embarrassed on how ticklish he is. He never lets anyone tickle him due to this as he felt he’d die from embarrassment. But he’s the biggest Ler like Craig and enjoys using his strength to his advantage and tickle to crap out of his friends or s/o. His most ticklish spots include his ribs, armpits, and knees.
And that’s it! Ty for reading if anyone has gotten through it all.. I appreciate it and hope you’d like to rp with me! 💕
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dannystheone · 2 years ago
Hi!! I absolutely loved the South Park fic you posted recently!! You got their interactions down and it genuinely felt like I was reading the script from an episode. For a request, maybe something where Craig let’s Tweek hold Stripe, and Tweek is kind of nervous but ends up giggling because she’s sniffing at his belly or neck or something. And Craig’s eyes just light up because he didn’t know Tweek was ticklish. And of course he has to tickle Tweek right after- Take all the time you need or feel free to decline. Have a great week 💖
Oh my gosh I have been INSANE for Creek like my phone gallery is filled with fanart, they're just too adorable together. Also thank you for the compliment! I love when people say my fics are like the real thing it makes me happy :)
I have another Creek idea I wanna flesh out but this idea is too cute so I have to do it :)) thank you for the idea! I absolutely love Creek they're so gay and lovely and wonderful
Craig Introduces Stripe To Tweek! (Lee Tweek/Ler Craig)
"Alright Tweek, I'm gonna hand you Stripe now. Just hold your hands out flat-"
"GAH! No! What if I crush him on accident?! I don't wanna hurt him! That is way too much pressure! Ack!!"
Craig had invited Tweek over to his house to meet his infamous guinea pig, Stripe. They were sitting crisscross on Craig's carpet; the LED lights around Craig's room and the glow stars on his ceiling provided a calmer vibe for Tweek. However, Tweek was never calm under any circumstances.
"It's okay, just hold your hands out flat and I'll give you Stripe." Craig gently placed his light brown guinea pig in Tweek's shivering hands. Tweek's eye twitched as his breathing grew heavy.
"I- I don't wanna hurt him, man! You'll hate me!"
"You're not gonna hurt him dude, relax. Look, he likes you." Tweek looked down at the furred animal and took a deep breath.
Stripe started moving around in Tweeks hands, his little feet padding around in Tweek's palms. Tweek twitched at the unfamiliar sensation and watched Stripe as closely as possible.
Tweek didn't mention he also had anxiety about Stripe suddenly biting him out of nowhere, or pissing in his hands unexpectedly. What if it poisoned him? But he didn't want to be rude to Craig and his kind offer.
"You see? He probably prefers your hands over mine, they're always too cold." Craig stayed as optimistic as possible for Tweek, despite his usual blunt nature. Stripe was sniffing around Tweek's hands, possibly smelling the coffee grounds that stained them after years of drinking the beverage.
"C-Craig! He's climbing my arm!" Stripe was ambling up out of Tweek's hands now and padding along his forearm.
"Oh, he's just curious. That means he really likes you, and your shivering doesn't bother him either."
"What? My shivering? I shiver? When do I do that??" Tweek questioned. But he forgot about his questions as Stripe climbed up closer and closer to his face.
"GAH! Craig, can you take him off?! I don't wanna hurt him dude!" Craig sighed as he gently removed Stripe from Tweek's bicep. Craig put Stripe in his usual resting place, on his shoulder.
"See, that was cool, wasn't it? Stripe really likes you."
"Nnn...I guess. I just wish- I wish I wasn't so nervous so I could hold him properly!" Tweek's hands balled into fists as Craig furrowed his brows in confusion.
"But...you were holding him? You were holding him just now."
"No I mean- Ack! I mean I can hold him without worrying if I'm gonna hurt him!" Tweek pulled on his hair to calm himself down. He didn't wanna scare Stripe or be too loud.
"Oh, well, what if I put him in a place where it'll be easier to watch him and you don't have to physically hold him?" Craig suggested.
"Nnnngh, o-okay!" Tweek watched as Craig took Stripe off his shoulder and placed him on Tweek's bent knee. Despite Tweek wearing his usual dark blue jeans, he could still feel Stripe's feet traveling up his thigh.
"NGH! That feels weird!" Tweek's eye twitched as Stripe traveled up his thigh and sniffed around his jeans.
"Oh yeah, I remember my first guinea pig crawling all over me and I had to get used to it. It tickled at first, but I got used to it." Craig said nonchalantly. Tweek was barely listening as he watched Stripe smell and be curious of him.
"H-Hey, I-I'm not hurting him! He's okay!" Tweek looked up at Craig with a radiant smile that lit up the room. Craig's face blushed a deep crimson as he nodded supportively. Tweek's smile was so much nicer than he was expecting. And Tweek had stopped shivering while he was focusing on Stripe.
Tweek was focusing on Stripe, while Craig found himself suddenly focusing on Tweek. His hair went every which way, but it actually framed his face quite well. He had light blue eyes that looked darker under the blue lights, and his breathing grew more gentle as he studied Stripe with a growing adoration. Craig's heart was pounding. What the fuck is this feeling-
"Do you uh, do you wanna try and pet him? He likes having his back scratched." Craig offered gently. Tweek looked at him with a fearful expression.
"N-no no no, that's okay! I'll just watch him! I-I don't wanna-" Tweek sputtered as he felt a new sensation in his belly. He looked down and noticed that Stripe had traveled his way up his leg and to his tummy window, thanks to his inability to ever button his shirt correctly. Stripe was sniffing at his bare tummy, his whiskers brushing over the skin gently.
"H-Hehey! Hehehe's tickling me!" Tweek giggled as Stripe padded closer and poked his head inside of Tweek's shirt window. Stripe's fur fluffed against Tweek's tummy, causing Tweek to snicker.
Craig was about to help the poor boy, but-
Tweek was too cute as he just pulled on his shirt as a nervous tic instead of handling Stripe for fear that he would hurt him, despite Stripe sniffing and tickling his tummy. His eyes were narrowed in his giggles, his whole face alight with his smile. Craig didn't know that Tweek was ticklish, and to be honest he didn't think he would ever care about that fact.
But with these newfound feelings for Tweek that Craig had discovered, he found his eyes lighting up like the glow stars on his ceiling. Tweek's eyes were squeezed shut as he tittered at the soft feel against his tummy.
"Cr-Crahaig cahan you hehelp?!" Tweek cried. Craig snapped out of his thoughts and reached forward to remove Stripe from Tweek's tummy. Tweek breathed in deeply, the soft remnants of brushing still playing over his skin.
"Sorry, Tweek. I didn't think Stripe would do something like that." Craig stood up to put Stripe back in his enclosure while Tweek pulled on his shirt to try and hide his tummy window.
"ERK! I-It's okay! I-I liked meeting him!" Tweek started to gently shiver again, his eyes twitching now that he wasn't focusing on Stripe. Craig sat on the carpet again, closer to Tweek this time.
"Oh, good. Uh, he liked meeting you too." The two boys sat there for a moment, Tweek silently shivering and Craig pulling on his hatstring while he thought. Craig wanted to try something, but it had to be smooth. He didn't want to spring anything onto Tweek that he wouldn't like.
Craig cleared his throat and turned to Tweek. "Hey, Tweek uh...do you want help buttoning your shirt?" Craig pointed to Tweek's tummy window in his shirt. Tweek twitched and pulled on his shirt nervously.
"My shirt? Augh...I guess! I-I can never button it right, my hands tremble too much!" Tweek turned to Craig, his body trembling gently. Craig mustered up his courage and turned towards Tweek, his squared-off fingers buttoning the top button that was done incorrectly.
Craig was so close to Tweek he could feel his breathing down his neck. Tweek's body radiated heat like he was a personal heater. Maybe from the coffee? But Craig delighted in the fact that Tweek trusted him enough to be so close, especially when his belly was right there-
"Sorry Tweek, I didn't mean to swipe you." Craig had 'accidentally' swiped a finger against Tweek's tummy while buttoning his shirt. His reactions were so loud, but Craig didn't mind at all.
"I-It's okay! It surprised me- ERK!" Craig swiped his whole hand over Tweek's tummy now, and just kinda went in for the kill as smoothly as he could manage. Craig took both his hands and started spidering them over Tweek's bare tummy, to which Tweek convulsed and started giggling again.
"C-Crahaig?! Whahat ahahare you dohohoing mahahan?!" Tweek pulled on Craig's wrists to try and pull them away, and it almost worked. Tweek was actually stronger than Craig, they found that out during their first fight, and Tweek was heavier than Craig as well. But with Tweek being distracted by being tickled by all things, it broke through his defenses quite well.
"What are you talking about, Tweek? I'm not doing anything." Craig spoke in that same monotone voice, but the light inside of him couldn't be contained. Tweek was just so adorable when he fell to his back and laughed (rather loudly) and Craig was able to spider up Tweek's open shirt and elicit other reactions.
"ACK! Yehehehes yohohou ahahahare! You're tihihihihickling mehehehe!!" Tweek's hair grew wilder, if that was possible, with him shifting and twisting on Craig's rug. Craig located Tweek's sides and started squeezing in the divets gently.
"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to button your shirt, dude. I don't know why you keep moving around everywhere." Craig could hardly hear himself over the loud reactions of his friend. But he wasn't complaining. Tweek had stopped trying to pull him away and just held Craig's forearms like a lifeline. Tweek's eyes were narrowed in his surprisingly melodic laughter.
"Youhohohou're fuhuhuhuhull of shihihihihit!! NNGH! Crahahaig!" Craig was spidering up and down his sides and scritching over his waistline. For someone who was this ticklish, he certainly wore his clothes loose and carelessly.
"Don't be too loud, you'll scare Stripe. You wouldn't want me to bring him out so he can crawl all over you again, would you?" Craig was having fun. He didn't know he liked to tease people. He also didn't know he was into anxious caffeinated blondes either so he was learning a lot about himself today.
Tweek shook his head as his fists balled into the material of Craig's jacket. Apparently, Craig's teasing was effective against him. "Nohohohoho I dohohohon't! Buhuhuhut I cahahahan't hehehehelp it!!"
Craig smiled down at Tweek; Tweek not noticing of course in his mirth. Tweek's smile was light, yet his laughter was a bit panicked and manic. Craig appreciated that Tweek wasn't fighting him at all actually. Maybe Tweek was having fun too.
Craig grew more adventurous and took both hands to slide them in Tweek's hip divets. He started kneading them gently, which ended in an explosive knee-jerk reaction.
Tweek's knee connected to Craig's ribcage, the instantaneous reaction something that Tweek couldn't control. Tweek's body tried to curl in a ball on instinct, but Craig's body was in the way. Craig took his hands off Tweek and held his side.
"Oh- Oh God! Craig! I- I'm sorry man!! I hurt you!" Tweek bounced to his feet and held his face in panic. "Oh God, oh Jesus I'm so sorry!! Do you need a hospital?! I'll call 911!" Craig reached up and held Tweek's wrist in a calm manner.
"I'm okay, Tweek. You just bumped my side. I guess I shouldn't tickle you too much in the future." Tweek blushed a light red as he sunk back to the floor, his black Converse folding underneath him.
"I uh- errgh- It- It wasn't so bad!" Tweek knitted his hands together as he started his usual twitches and shivers. "It-It actually calmed me down!" Craig smiled at that and did notice that throughout the whole session, Tweek was spazzing out but he never said to stop.
"Well, I'm glad you had fun. I had fun too." Tweek and Craig looked at each other for a moment before Tweek broke their eye contact with a twitch.
"W-Well, I'd better go. My mom is making dinner tonight." Tweek marked. Craig stood up and helped Tweek to his feet. He walked him to his front door to say goodbye.
"H-Hey Craig?"
"Yeah, Tweek?"
"URGH! I uh- I was thinking! M-Maybe I can come over tomorrow and we can look at comic- comic books! I have a bunch of them!" Tweek held his shirt nervously as his eye twitched.
Craig smiled softly and nodded.
"Yeah, you can come over. And I can help you button your shirt again, too." Craig had the pleasure of watching Tweek's cheeks light up with blush.
"Mmph...o-okay! But I won't go down without a fight next time! I'll get you, man!" Tweek promised with balled fists. Now it was Craig's turn to blush, with the thought of Tweek doing the things to him that he had done to Tweek.
"Well, we'll have to see about that tomorrow. Until then..." The moment seemed to draw out as Craig balled his fists in his sleeves and leaned forward to peck Tweek on the cheek.
"Okay Tweek see you tomorrow!" Tweek stood motionless on Craig's doorstep as Craig slammed the door shut, and clenched his chest where his heart pounded underneath his hand.
Holy fuck, dude.
I got a crush.
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dannystheone · 2 years ago
for some reason i cant see what im tying LMAO so apologies for any typos 😖 ANYWAY i love your fics sm ur so talented!! i was wondering if i could req a creek fic, maybe w tweek trying to work up the courage to tickle craig back since he keeps getting got. thanks! :) (this is literally a black screen for me idek what ive written lmao)
No you're good I hear you loud and clear! And thank you for the compliment! I love an excuse to write more precious boys :)) I hope you don't mind that I turned this into an Imp!Tweek and Pastor!Craig fic, I tried toying around with other ideas for the boys but this was really interesting to me.
One Movie At A Time? (Lee Pastor!Craig/ Ler Imp!Tweek)
WARNINGS: Kids swearing! And kind of a long intro sorry teehee
Imp Tweek discovers what tickling is for the first time and Pastor Craig is his (un)fortunate victim!
"Thanks, Father Maxi. I'll see you next Sunday, then." A young apprentice to the pastor of a local church exited an ornate office. Craig closed the wooden door behind him and shuffled along the cheap carpet of the hallway. Cables and printers lined the wall as he entered the nave and felt the chill of the empty church. The dust filled his nose as he walked up the steps to the altar.
The day was winding down, the golden glow of the evening shone through the stained glass windows. Patterns reflected off Craig's face as he knelt before the altar and mumbled a quick prayer. A certain character in his life he's been keeping quiet about was in his mind as he turned around and walked down the aisle of the church.
"Sardines...chocolate milk...ice cream...coffee...and shampoo. Why is he eating the shampoo again-" Craig read through the grocery list that was sent to him by his 'roommate' as he left the church and walked outside. How a pastor in training became roommate to a spawn of the devil was unbeknownst to him. Was it some sort of cosmic work of irony? At this point, it might as well be.
Craig had summoned an imp who he nicknamed 'Tweek' due to the imp taking the body of an anxious local boy in town for his host. Craig had never met the boy before he had the imp in his body, but his consciousness didn't weigh on him too much because of it. The imp himself was mischievous and cunning, while the personality of the boy still shone through. So Pastor Craig has an anxious ball of nerves experiencing the world for the first time on his hands while still dealing with school and pastor apprenticeship. He was lucky if he got three hours of sleep a night.
Craig walked through his front door and removed the clerical collar around his neck. "Tweek, Tweek I'm home! Come get the groceries." Craig called out. Craig heard feet pounding on his wooden floorboards and turned around to see the imp behind him.
The imp had taken the boy's form, with his golden mess of hair and ocean-blue eyes. He had kept his devilish horns and long red tail, however. That was always fun to conceal while in public and not a chore at all.
"GAH! Craig! I-I thought you were intruders! You can't do that to me, man! I just watched this movie called 'The Strangers' and they come in your home and kidnap you! GAHAH! I can't be kidnapped, I can't be!!" Are you sure you're an imp from hell... Craig wanted to ask. But he kept his mouth shut and walked into the kitchen with the grocery bags; Tweek following close behind.
"Don't worry Tweek, that was a movie. It's not for real. Here, I got the stuff you asked for. Do not eat the shampoo again." Craig passed over a grocery bag to Tweek across the kitchen island. Tweek hopped up on a stool, his tail waving slowly at the thought of fake movies. He winked in thought.
"B-But at the beginning of the movie, it read 'Based on true events'! ERK! What if something happens to us, and Hollywood makes a movie of us? Which actor will play me? They won't get my hair right! That is WAY too much pressure!!" Tweek's tail curled up as he hugged his can of sardines. Craig huffed as he turned around to place groceries in the cabinets.
"I can assure you Tweek, you're the least exciting thing to happen to this town. A movie will be made about an alien invasion, or mecha Barbra Streisand, or that imaginary characters exist-" Tweek started hiding his face and pulling at his hair.
"GAH! Those are things that happen in this town?! Why is it so chaotic?! Even Hell was more organized than this!" Tweek pulled on his horns while Craig leaned against the kitchen island.
"Well, sometimes those things happen. But mostly it's just a small town in snowy mountains. People live their daily lives here and make something of themselves. They have kids and buy houses and go to school, just like normal." Craig shrugged as Tweek started to calm down a little.
"Oh...alright. Urgh...I still have a lot to learn. I didn't think above-ground would be so confusing!" Tweek winked out of anxiety as he followed Craig into the living room to watch TV. Craig plopped on the couch and put his feet up after a long day. Tweek silently sat next to him, his tail waving in the air.
"Well, you're getting the hang of it. The remote control, anyway. How do I put parental supervision on this thing-" Craig messed around with the buttons on the remote as he switched the channel by accident. He looked up to the TV and just as quickly set his gaze back down to the remote, while Tweek continued to watch. Two cartoon characters were in the middle of a field rolling on top of each other. Were they rolling? Or fighting? It didn't look like either. Tweek winked at the TV and pulled on his shirt.
"Hey...hey Craig?" Tweek looked to Craig. Craig jerked his chin up in Tweek's direction while still fiddling with the remote. "Uh- urgh- what are they doing on the TV?" Tweek pointed to the characters on screen.
"Oh crap, did I change it to Cinemax on accident-" Craig was expecting to see something inappropriate on screen, but it was just two characters tickling each other. "Oh, they're just playing."
"It-It doesn't look like playing!" Tweek pulled on his shirt as he watched one character scribble his fingers all over his friend's tummy. The other character laughed in an animated fashion. It wasn't anything Tweek had ever seen before since he's been above ground. Craig quirked his lip as he sunk deeper in the couch to fiddle with the remote.
"Yeah, they're playing. They're tickling each other. It's a kid's game." Craig yawned and kept messing with the damn remote while Tweek was still curious.
"T-Tickling? What's that? Urgh- How do you play?" Craig's cheeks blushed a bit as he threw the remote to the side. He couldn't figure out where to find parental controls on the damn thing.
"Uh...there's not really any rules to it Tweek, you just kinda play, I guess." Ugh, this was on par with the birds and the bees talk they had last week in terms of embarrassment. "Humans are sensitive if you touch them a certain way in a certain place, 'cause of our nervous systems. Some people are really sensitive or not sensitive at all. Our bodies are different from each other. People tickle other people to see them laugh." Craig explained. Tweek held his fingers while he tried to process this confusing human game.
"So what's your body like Craig? ERK! Are-are you sensitive? If you're sensitive do people just come up to you randomly to play? That sounds horrible!" Tweek balled his fists in his pants while Craig toyed with a strand of his blue hat.
"No, no. People are usually respectful when people say they don't want to be tickled. But sometimes people ignore it and tickle them anyway. It can be annoying, but some people like it." Craig shrugged again, half-hoping that can be the end of the discussion. Tweek winked as he worked up the courage to ask his next question.
"C-Can I try? I wanna see what it's like." Craig blinked at Tweek blankly while on the inside he was screaming. Why did Tweek have to be so damn curious... But he looked genuinely interested. And Craig couldn't say no to his big blue eyes.
"Uh, I guess. Like I said, every person is different, so don't be surprised if you don't get a huge reaction out of me." Craig laid back on the couch, his midsection suddenly tense. He remembered getting tickled as a kid, but nothing too crazy. And being a pastor in training has taken away his time to participate in normal kid activities as well.
Tweek sat on Craig's jeaned thigh, his tail wagging out of curiosity. "Urgh...okay! I'm just gonna start like how I saw on the TV, 'cause I don't really know what to do-" Tweek was a lot more straightforward than Craig would have thought. Tweek followed the cartoon character's example and started scribbling his fingers in Craig's tummy. His impish traits gave him nails that resembled a woman's acrylics. Craig snorted from the sudden touching and started to squirm and laugh.
"Pffmt- T-Tweeheheek! Hehehey!" Craig giggled, his eyes narrowed in his laughs. His arms rested on his sides, despite his fists being balled up and resisting the urge to cover himself up. Tweek stopped immediately after he heard Craig protest.
"ACK! Craig, are you hurt? Are you dying?! I didn't mean to kill you, man!" Tweek held Craig's shoulder, his tail curling in worry, as Craig shook his head.
"Noho dude, you didn't hurt me at all. It just tickled, that's all." Craig said in his usual monotone voice. Tweek pulled on his tail in thought.
"Oh, so I was doing the right thing!" Tweek beamed and launched back into it before Craig could say anything.
"Yeah, I gue-HESS! Gihihive mehehe a wahaharning first!!" Craig laughed out as Tweek's fingers returned to his belly, the nails on Tweek's hands scritching the skin underneath Craig's black pastor uniform.
Tweek didn't answer. He's never seen Craig look this carefree. Craig's face was alight with his laughter, his cheeks blushed and his eyes squinting in his giggles. It was funny, even though Craig had no control over how he laughed, he still laughed in the same monotone register of voice.
"Does this tickle? Am-Am I doing it right?? Am I tickling you, Craig?" Tweek asked incessantly while his fingers scratched across Craig's tummy and ribs. Craig giggled and shifted all over the couch.
"Yehehes you ahahare! Yohohou're dohohoing ihihit a bihihit too wehehehell!" Craig tried putting his arms over his tummy to hug himself and keep Tweek's fingers away, but Tweek's reflexes were fast. Anytime Craig put his arm in the way, it was immediately set aside by Tweek. It was like he had four hands.
"Huh, this is- ERK! This is weird! You're laughing but nothing's funny! ACK!" Tweek twitched as he pressed his nails down harder into Craig's tummy for a bigger reaction.
"Ow- Ohohow Tweek! Nohohot sohohoho hahahahard!" The pastor called out to the imp. Tweek lessened his nails and kept it to a light scribble.
"Oh, sorry Craig! Like this??" Tweek shook and scribbled his nails over Craig's tummy and waist, his hands suddenly everywhere trying to find all of Craig's spots. Craig burst out in refreshed laughter as he started moving all over the furniture.
"Nohohoho nohohohot like thahahahat! Pffmt- heheheheh!" Craig's ears burned underneath his blue hat. A pastor in training getting tickled to pieces by an imp from hell. Was this biblical in a way, Craig wondered in the back of his head...
"Then how am I supposed to do it? ERK! I've never done this before!" Tweek began to worry. If you tickled someone incorrectly, did they die? How was Tweek supposed to know?? Tweek started using his index fingers and poked into Craig's hips to lessen the tickles even more to see if that helped. Craig's laughter turned heavy as he covered his hips with his hands.
"Gahahahaha! Stohohop thahahat! Tweeheheheek!" Craig tried pushing Tweek's hands away, but Tweek was still quicker than him every time.
"ACK- Sorry Craig, I'm just playing! I'm playing right?" Tweek's ten fingers scratched over Craig's waistline, which would have started to hurt if it weren't for Craig's shirt in the way. The sporadic use of different methods was starting to weigh down on Craig.
"I gue-hehehehehe! Gohoho sohohohomewhere ehehelse!" Craig called out. Tweek freaked out at this, which caused his fingers to go a little haywire.
"GAH! G-Go somewhere else?! Where am I supposed to go?? Just cause I was tickling you I have to leave?! ACK! Tickling is too intense!!" Tweek's fingers gripped Craig's hips in the middle of his freakout.
"NAHAHA-hahahow! I meheheheant ahaha diffeheherent spohohot! Dihihifferent tihihickle spohot!" Craig cried. Tweek didn't think he could have this much control over a man of God cause of something as simple as a child's game. The pastor in training was totally at his mercy...too much pressure.
"Oh-oh right. Uh, how about here?" Tweek moved down from his hips to squishing the tops of his thighs. Craig calmed down almost immediately but kept up a steady stream of giggles.
"Thahat-heeheheh- thahahat's okahahay." Craig rubbed his face with his hands, his body twitching every now and then with Tweek's squishing. Tweek looked up to see Craig's arms were raised and out of the way.
"Hey what's that?" Tweek asked out of the blue and shot up to stuff his hands up Craig's underarms out of curiosity.
"What's what- GOHOD! Hahahahaha stohohohop!" Craig shot his arms down and kept them close to his sides while Tweek's tail wagged in happiness. He was so close to Craig now, he could see his laugh and smile up close. Pastor Craig had blue braces, but Tweek didn't mind. He thought they looked cool. Tweek had never seen face wear like that before. Craig had a pink blush over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, and his eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed. Tweek's impish heart began to pump.
Craig's worn Converse drug across the couch as he tried to buck off the imp tickling him. A man of God at the mercy of an imp? What would the church think...
"Okahahay! Okay okay okahahay stohohohop stop stop!" Craig pleaded out. Tweek's fingers stilled; Craig's face was pink with residual giggles. "God save me..." Craig passed his hands over his face and steamed into them.
"ACK! Oh-Oh Satan, I didn't hurt you, did I?" Tweek hopped off Craig's waist, his tail twisting in worry. and waited by his side while Craig caught his breath on the couch.
"Ahehee- it's-it's okay Tweek. You didn't hurt me, you're just way more intense than I thought. But uh yeah- that's how you tickle, I guess. Also, you're not watching TV anymore. And don't tell anyone this happened, either." Tweek protested as Craig finally figured out the parental controls and blocked all of the kids channels and scary movies.
"Well, thanks for showing me Craig. Urgh...I thought you were cool." Tweek admitted. Craig blushed, not out of mirth but out of something else.
"Cool? How come?" He asked. Tweek shrugged, the leftover sunlight hitting his eyes.
"Ah, I don't know. You're just...mmph...words..." Tweek held his head in thought as Craig held Tweek's hand. Tweek looked up into Craig's smiling face.
"Thanks, Tweek. You're cool, too."
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dannystheone · 2 years ago
Guys okay, I know I have a lot of requests to fulfill but this has been in my brain for the past WEEK. It’s just so cute and fluffy to me I hold Craig and Tweek very dear to my heart lel 
Don’t Leave Me Behind, Dude! (Lee Pastor!Craig/ Ler Imp!Tweek) 
WARNINGS: Kids swearing, (they’re nine in this) gecko (?) tickling, religious references, underage jokes
Pastor Craig is about to give his first sermon by himself for Sunday service. It’s a big day, but Imp Tweek can’t be alone for extended periods of time without his comfort person. What can they do? 
I hope you like this :) 
 Craig smoothed his hands over his black shirt for what felt like the millionth time, and straightened his clerical collar. His hands balled into fists and straightened out, just to ball up again in the material of his pants. 
 His eyes kept glancing from his watch, to the clock at the far wall. Was his watch two minutes behind, or was the clock two minutes ahead? There was no way to tell, and it was eating him. 
 Craig took a shaky breath and shut his eyes.
 It’s okay, you’re just nervous. You know everyone that’s going to be in the crowd, and they know it’s your first time. You know what to say. 
 Craig did know what to say, but what if he choked out there? What if his first sermon wasn’t as powerful as he wanted it to be? 
 What if, what if, what if. You just have to go out there and do it. 
 Craig soothed himself and ran his fingers over his hat to ground himself. He knew he was ready. He knew this. He forced down his nerves and took a deep breath. 
 “Hello everyone, my name is Craig Tucker, welcome to today’s Sunday service, these are the words of Christ-” Craig ran through the beginning of his sermon quickly in his head before convincing himself that he knew the whole speech backwards and forwards at this point. He just didn’t know how else to prepare. 
 “-everyone give thanks to-” Craig continued to prepare, before a loud screech was heard behind him. The practicing priest jumped as he whirled around and watched a boy with red horns and curly blonde hair run through the door of Father Maxi’s office. 
 The imp known as Tweek slammed the door shut behind him as he ran up to Craig and gripped his shoulders with an inhumane strength. Craig stood there and watched as Tweek screamed in his face. 
 “GAAH! CRAIG! THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE COMING TO THE CHURCH!! JUST NOW! AHACK!! WHAT IF THEY’RE COMING FOR ME?! I DON’T KNOW THEM!!” Tweek curled his fingers into Craig’s black shirt, positively wrinkling it. Craig inwardly sighed. He was hoping a situation like this could have been avoided today. 
 “Tweek, it’s okay. Those people are not coming to get you. They’re coming for Sunday service, remember? They’re the people I’m delivering my sermon to, without Father Maxi’s help?” Craig added a bit of a drawl at the end there, to infer that they had discussed this before. Which they have. Craig figured Tweek’s anxiety got to him again. 
 Tweek winked as he pulled on his shirt and tried to calm down. “But what if they try to steal me away?! I can’t go back to Hell man, I just can’t! GAH! It’s dark down there!” Tweek exclaimed. Craig held Tweek’s wrists to try to show as much patience as possible. 
 “Tweek, no one is going to steal you. I swear. They’re only here for the service. You can stay back here in the office and I can lock the door behind me, and you can lock the windows. Huh? No one will steal you then, okay?” Craig had a smile on his face and a lighter voice like a dealer trying to sell a car. But this idea only seemed to make Tweek’s shivering worse. 
 “No no no no Craig! I need to stay with you at all times! Anything could happen in this office and you wouldn’t be able to help me!! Please, I have to stay by your side!” Tweek begged, his red tail swishing behind him expectedly. Craig let out a worried breath as he checked his watch again. He could hear people filling up the pews in the church while they stood in the office. He was supposed to deliver his first big sermon in a matter of minutes. 
 “Tweek, how the hell am I supposed to have you by my side while you have a red tail and red horns coming out of your head? At church, no less. Not to mention the kid’s body you’re inhabiting is still a missing kid in the town!” Craig called out. Tweek pulled on his hair with his eyes screwed shut as he desperately thought of something.
 “URGH! Okay...okay, okay. Um... I- OH! I- I can...” Tweek calmed down enough to look Craig square in the eyes. “...I can shapeshift. Into a serpent. I’ve never showed you, but I can. And I- I can be hidden and be close to you so you can do your thing, Craig!” Tweek explained. His red tail waved behind him as he waited for an answer. 
 Craig checked his watch again. He was supposed to be before that crowd in about five minutes. His heart pounded as he looked to Tweek. 
 “Oh hey Stephen, Laura! Great day for church, huh?” 
 “GREAT day, Randy! I’ll see you in there!” 
 Craig heard more and more people filling up the pews. He had big shoes to fill in Father Maxi’s place, and he had to care for his other-worldly friend. Craig shook off the nervousness in his hands. He didn’t have much time or many options left.
 “Okay, okay. Go ahead.” Craig nodded. Tweek nodded resolutely as he stood by Father Maxi’s desk, and closed his eyes. Craig watched his blonde haired friend breath and concentrate, his chest expanding with every movement. 
 After a moment of silence, a puff of red smoke surrounded Tweek. Craig sputtered and coughed as the smoke surrounded him. 
 “Augh- Tweek? Tweek, are you okay-” Craig waved the smoke away, the vapor clearing around the desk. Pastor Craig looked down to see Tweek, expecting to see a biblical creature only told of in stories passed down by those who have had close dealings with devils and demons. Craig held his breath as he saw that Tweek was replaced with...
 A common house gecko. A yellow spotted gecko. 
 Craig craned his neck to inspect Tweek the gecko further. His little gecko toes bubbled out from his feet as he stood on his two back legs. He seemed to have full autonomy on his own, and slightly bigger than a house gecko. 
 “You see? I did it! Now I can stay with you!” Tweek exclaimed. His voice was tinier due to the smaller body he inhabited. Craig furrowed his eyebrows as he scratched his eyebrow. 
 “Yeah, you did uh...you did it alright.” Definitely not the ancient biblical creature the pastor was anticipating. Craig cleared his throat as he stood back up and extended a hand to Tweek to step onto from the desktop. 
 “What’s wrong? GAH! Not what you expected?” Tweek the gecko asked. Craig stole a glance at his watch. Crap! He had to be out there! 
 “No time! Where can I put you?” Craig questioned. Tweek stepped onto Craig’s hand and spotted an opening in the sleeve of his long-sleeved shirt. Tweek snuck under the opening and scuttled up Craig’s extended arm. 
 Craig cringed and fought the urge to pull his arm into his chest as he felt pattering feet ripple up his forearm and climb up his bicep. Tweek the gecko appeared in a small opening by Craig’s collar of his shirt. 
 “I can just stay under here! I’m totally hidden! It’s perfect!” Tweek celebrated. Craig let out a breath. He already knew this was going to lead to a rather big ordeal. How could he concentrate knowing there was a creature under his clothing? The pastor looked down to the small yellow gecko on his chest. 
 “Okay look dude. I have some boundaries really quick. You see that blue waistband you see by my pants? Do NOT pass under there. AT ALL. I don’t care if I get set on fire, don’t fucking do it.” Craig explained. Tweek’s face formed into one of worry as he looked around himself. 
 “WHAT?! You think you could be set on fire?! WHEN?! OH GOD!!” Tweek shouted. Craig shook his head with a sigh as his watch started to beep. 
 “Oh crap! I’m late! Come on! Just whatever you do, don’t speak, don’t do anything!” Craig announced. Tweek nodded and scuttled down deep into Craig’s clothing. Craig grunted as he felt the gecko’s feet paddle down his skin. Just please don’t move for the love of God-
 Craig opened the door to Father Maxi’s office and shut it behind him. He was immediately overwhelmed with the amount of people that came to service today as he looked over the crowd. It was nearly the whole town! Every seat of the pews was filled up. 
 As Craig climbed the steps, he picked out familiar faces of the crowd. Stan, Kenny and Eric and their families were here. Pretty much all of the fourth grade class as Wendy and Bebe were here as well. Butters, Clyde, Timmy, Jimmy- they were ALL here. 
 Craig swallowed the nervousness that balled in his throat as he took his post behind the pulpit. Steps were added behind the pulpit so he was able to reach the top of it and look out over the crowd. Chattering in the church silenced as all eyes in the church were on him now. 
 “Ahem- Thank you for joining me today. My name is Craig Tucker, and I would like to welcome you to Sunday service. Father Maxi couldn’t join us today, so I will be delivering you the sermon in his place.” Craig announced with as steady of a voice as he could manage. He could feel Tweek’s small body pressed against his arm. His tiny heart was beating against his skin. 
 “What, too many drinks down at the skin bar last night? I heard it was ‘altar boys get in free night’ last night!” A woman called out from the pews. The adults of the church began to laugh heartily at the joke. Craig was always unamused at the humor displayed during service, but he knew better than to speak against it. He kept his mouth shut. 
 “Today’s service, I would like to talk about the matter of sacrifice. What it means to give yourself- all of yourself- to Christ.” Craig delivered. He could feel his confidence growing. He was just talking, that’s all it was. He could do that. 
 “As humans, we tend to be arrogant and prideful. It’s how we keep our dignity close to us, it’s how we earn respect. It’s how we-” Craig stopped as he felt movement underneath his clothing. Craig could feel legs moving from his arm and scurrying onto his chest and down to his tummy. The practicing pastor wriggled a bit to adjust himself. That was incredibly distracting. 
 “It’s- ahem- Ihit’s how we get ahead. And thahat’s perfectly normal, rihight? In a society suhuhuch as ohohours-” Little giggles slipped from Craig’s mouth as well as a forced smile stretched on his face. The small feet pattered across his tummy, pressing in his skin lightly. Confused looks from the crowd watched Craig closely. He tried to smooth out his mouth with his hand and continued. 
 “However- You must surrender yourself completely to God, submit yourself entirely to have the best possible relationship with him.” Craig forced out. Tweek’s small feet paused on his belly. Craig could feel him clinging onto his skin with his sucker-cup hands. He figured Tweek the gecko appreciated the warmness of the area. 
 “Yeah, I’m sure the altar boys know all about submitting themselves entirely!” Laura Stotch called out. The congregation laughed out at Laura’s joke, Randy especially. 
 “Oh! Oh good one Laura! Submit themselves entirely- Oh I’m posting that!” Randy called out and started typing on his phone. Stan groaned and crossed his arms in embarrassment. Craig held the sides of the pulpit as he pressed on. 
 “Um- Mark 10:45 reads, ‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ From this, we can see God was telling us that man was put on Earth to- pfft-” Craig snorted unexpectedly as he felt pattering underneath his shirt; his microphone sounding off feedback. Small feet trailed up his tummy and scuttled back down the way it came from. The hell was he doing under there?
 “-Gohod tehells us thahat we are here to seherve him! We ahare not hehere to be suhuperior, but to be faithful! Hah- We are here for the purpose of serving Christ at all costs. Which brings us to the matter of- sahacrifice!” Craig giggled and narrowed his eyes as he stepped from behind the pulpit; twitching lightly as light touches rolled down his belly.
 Stan looked to Eric sitting in the pews. Eric turned to Stan in a hushed tone. 
 “S’up with Craig?” Eric asked. Stan shrugged, his suit crinkling with the motion. 
 “Not sure. Maybe he’s nervous ‘cause it’s his first time? Some people laugh when they’re nervous.” Stan wondered. They both looked to Craig at the same time. Stan could have sworn he saw something move under Craig’s shirt just then. 
 Eric yawned and pulled out his phone to start playing a mobile game. “Oh well. Maybe it’s his queer demons fighting the holiness of the church.” Eric suggested. Stan scoffed at his response as he crossed his arms once more. 
 Craig’s heart was beating as the crowd looked at him expectedly. There was no way that on his very first day of preaching without his mentor’s guidance, he was being humiliated in front of the whole town by something as childish as tickling. He just hoped his small giggles weren’t too noticeable. 
 “Jesus has performed the ultimate sacrifice to gift us the ultimate reward. Eternal life.” Craig walked down in front of the pulpit to try and see if movement stilled Tweek underneath his clothes. It seemed to be working. 
 “Isaiah 53:5 reads, ‘He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.’” Craig continued. Tweek seemed to relax against his skin, which was much preferred by Craig rather than his rampant scurrying. “Jesus underwent hours of torture, deep, penetrating instruments in his skin were plunged in his holy body for days on end-” 
 “Sounds like an average Saturday night between Catholic priests and the altar boys!” Stuart McCormick called out. The crowd in the pews laughed raucously at this, with Randy being the loudest. They laughed out while Craig watched with lidded unamused eyes. 
 Suddenly, Craig’s eyes widened. His eye squinted as his lips twitched into a growing smile. 
 “PFFT- AHAHAHAHA!! Ahahahaha- Gahahahaha!” Craig laughed out to everyone’s surprise, and caught the attention of the congregation. Their own laughter seemed to peter out and were replaced with hesitant chuckles at Craig’s erratic behavior. Craig’s eyes were screwed shut as he was doubled over in laughter, his sweet sounding squeaky laughs lightly amplified by the microphone in his hand. 
 “Oh heh, I guess he liked that one.” Randy said. The congregation assumed that Craig was laughing at the joke that was told by Stuart, but it was something entirely different. Tweek had gone from going still on his tummy, to zipping up his side and shooting right into his armpit. The ticklish sensations caused Craig to clamp his arm to his side, but that just trapped the small creature in the hollow of his armpit. Craig could feel Tweek’s panicked body twisting and squirming in his armpit like a finger. 
 Finally, Craig forced himself to remove his arm from his side so Tweek had enough room to exit. Tweek scuttled out of the hollow and crawled onto his shoulder blade. The flustered pastor held a hand to his chest, the congregation eyeing him. 
 “Aha- ahehehe- Thahat uh- That- That was a good one. Anyway- I um-” Craig tried playing off what just happened cooly as he fished in his pocket for his index cards. Tweek, being so very distracting, was causing Craig’s preach to become jumbled in his head. He found what he was looking for; the crowd waiting still. 
 “As um- As I was saying. Horrible torture Jesus endured just so he could bestow mankind with the gift of redemption through the eyes of Christ. If you’ll open your Bibles to Corinthians 12:3, I’d like you all to close your eyes and bow your heads in one on one praying time. Just a moment of silence with your eyes completely shut and just...have a discussion with Christ and thank him for his enormous sacrifice and even bigger gift he’s given us.” Craig announced hurriedly. 
 The crowd bowed their heads in prayer as was requested by Pastor Craig. Craig scanned the crowd quickly to ensure that every person in the congregation had their eyes closed and were at least pretended to pray. That was good enough for him. 
 Craig reached into his clothing to scoop out Tweek the gecko. He pointed a big finger in Tweek’s face as he held him in a tight fist. 
 “Alright, you listen to me! You need to stop fucking moving around under my clothes! You’re screwing up my preaching! What the fuck?!” Craig whisper-shouted in Tweek’s face. Tweek splayed his gecko arms to try and defend himself. 
 “I’m sorry, I can’t help it! I have to move around a lot to regulate my body temperature! My body is different as a serpent! GAH! I-It’s not my fault!” Tweek whisper-shouted back. Craig pinched the bridge of his nose to wave away an oncoming headache. He was sure this whole thing was a bust anyway. 
 “I don’t know if you don’t understand the gravity of the situation Tweek-” 
 “Oh I understand, you just don’t care that my body has different requirements in this form and you’re being selfish! GAH! You suck!” 
 “I’m being selfish?! You’re ruining this entire sermon on the day that I told you was the most important to me, and I’m being selfish?!” 
 Harsh whispering and spouting was heard between Pastor Craig and an unknown figure. In the crowd, Butters let an eye open to locate Pastor Craig as he saw him shouting to his fist. Butters grew puzzled as he kept his eyes narrowed. 
 “Uh, Pastor?” Butters asked. Craig whipped his head to the congregation and pointed at Butters. 
 “Keep your head down and keep praying please! Uh, the Lord says no peeking during prayer time!” Craig called. Butters grew worried as he fidgeted with his hands. 
 “Oh Christmas- yes Pastor!” Butters squeezed his eyes extra tight and mumbled a few prayers he knew to himself. 
 Craig turned back to Tweek as he pointed his finger in his face again. 
 “Alright listen, you have one more chance to stay with me in my clothes. But I’m putting you in a pocket to keep you contained. If you start moving around again, I have no problem with chucking you as far as I can throw and have you fend for yourself.” Craig threatened in a low tone. Tweek growled at his threat, well, as well as a gecko could growl, anyway. 
 “Grr! Craig, if you put me in a pocket I am going to CHEW my way out! That is WAY too claustrophobic! GAHAH!” Tweek’s body shivered at the idea. Even in a different form, his tics stayed the same. Craig rolled his eyes at his dramatic friend and stuck him on the inside of his shirt. 
 “Fine, have it your way. But stay COMPLETELY still. You got it?” Tweek grumbled as he ambled down into the depths of Craig’s shirt. He settled on Craig’s bare tummy and stayed there. 
 Craig took a breath to collect himself and took his place behind the pulpit once more. 
 “Okay everyone, I’d like to welcome you back from prayer time. Does anyone want to share what they talked to Christ about?” Craig asked. Amused faces came on the adults in the crowd. 
 “Yes, I wanted to know what sacrifice Christ had to endure to give priests the gift of underage boys?” A woman called out from the crowd. The congregation laughed out as Randy was once again the hardest laugher out of all of them. 
 “AHA! AAAHAHAHA! OH- OH THE GIFT OF- OH I’M DEFINITELY POSTING THAT!! WHO SAID THAT?! WAS THAT YOU LINDA?! AAAAHAHAHA!” Randy pounded his fist on the wooden pew in his laughter as his children and wife hid their faces in embarrassment. 
 Craig rolled his eyes silently as he pointed to another hand that went up in the crowd. 
 “Yes sir, what did you speak with Christ about during prayer time?” Craig asked politely. The crowd’s laughter died down to have the man speak, expecting him to make another joke. 
 “Oh yes, I asked God how he felt when he saw his one begotten son tortured by the Romans. He knew it was a worthy sacrifice to make, but how could he have gone through the emotional aspect of it while seemingly being all-knowing?” A man asked genuinely. The crowd groaned slightly as no joke was made at the church’s expense. Craig gave a delighted smile as he was given a real question to answer. 
 “Yes, that’s a great question. So when we look at Jesus’ torture by the Romans, Jesus forbade his army of angels and his father to intervene in his treatment, for the Romans know not what they do. However, we can infer that Jesus was actually thinking- OMPFFT- STOHOHOP!! NOHOHOHOHO!! G-GEHEHET OHOHOUT OF THEHEHERE!!” Craig’s ears burned as an incredibly ticklish sensation centralized in his tummy. 
 Tweek the gecko was fulfilling his duties in keeping completely still. Well, the parts of himself that he could control. He was subconsciously moving his tail as he thought of things to calm him down and stay centered in this situation. However, his tail was sweeping right over Craig’s belly button, the tip of his tail dipping in and out of his shallow navel. Craig held onto the sides of the pew as his fingers dug into the wood. 
 The crowd watched as their young pastor sputtered and fought a smile on his face as he slapped his stomach. The sweeping stopped immediately, but a small whipping sensation was felt in retaliation. Craig figured Tweek angrily swatted him with his tail for the hit Craig threw. 
 “Um, Pastor? I couldn’t find “stohohop, nohoho, get out of there,” in any of the passages. Can we infer that this could have been Jesus’ inner dialogue as he was getting tortured?” The man asked from the crowd. Craig’s heart slowed from its wild rhythm as he tried to calm himself down. 
 “No um, I don’t- actually. Actually uh- actually, yes!” Craig was surprised to see that his outburst actually aided in his discussion. “We can infer that Jesus knew and prepared for this day to come as this was the reason why he was born a human to begin with. But that doesn’t mean that he was completely powerful, or else he didn’t truly suffer.” Craig grew more confident as he held his microphone closer to his mouth. 
 “All of the angels and the Father cried along with Jesus as he was killed by the Romans in true sacrifice. Jesus was born human to interact with humans and be one of them, feel their emotions and feel their mortal pain. It is with his heavenly blood that he washed away our sins, but he felt this blood being shed with all the nerves of a human being. God sacrificed his only son to wash away our sins, Jesus sacrificed himself and allowed himself to be nailed to shed his heavenly blood for the corrupt mortals.” Craig announced. 
 “Jesus wasn’t the only person to make ‘being nailed’ a sacrifice! Altar boys make that sacrifice every time they step into a church!” Steve Black, Tolkien’s dad, called out. The church roared in their laughter as Craig waited impatiently for it to be over. He could feel Tweek’s small heart against his tummy, but he was totally still this time. He felt a little bad for smacking him like that. 
 “Jesus and God made the ultimate sacrifice to give mankind redemption, and a second chance. They were not haughty, arrogant, or prideful. They were giving, loving, and cherishing. So we should be the same. It is a sacrifice to be kind when we want to be rude. It is a sacrifice to pray and be thankful when we just want more and more. It’s a- YEEK!” Craig twitched violently as he felt Tweek cross over his hip and zip up his spine. He guessed he deserved that, but still. He fought back giggles as he felt small hands walk over his back. 
 Craig pretended to cough into his mouth and continued, the crowd growing more suspicious from his behavior. 
 “Ihihit’s um...it’s a sacrifice to be a good Christian, mostly. Jesus struggled to uphold his faith in the desert when the Devil tempted him. We need to sacrifice all temptation to uphold our good will in the eyes of God. An afterlife of eternity and goodness is better than one moment of mortal pleasure.” Craig finished. 
 “Thank you, thanks for coming to church. See you next Sunday.” Craig waved the families of the congregation goodbye as they all waved and got into their vehicles. Craig sighed as he closed the doors to the church and reached into his clothing. 
 “Okay, you can turn back now.” Craig told Tweek. Craig put Tweek the gecko on the ground, allowing him the space to turn back into an imp. 
 With a red puff of smoke, Tweek the imp returned, with his red horns and red tail and curly blonde hair. 
 The two didn’t say anything for a moment, before Craig broke the silence. 
 “Tweek, I...I want to apologize.” Craig said. Tweek looked up at him with hurt blue eyes. 
 “How come?” Tweek asked meekly. Craig scratched the back of his neck as he let out a breath. 
 “Well...I was short with you and demanding, and I yelled at you. I smacked you, I threatened you, but the truth is, your presence comforted me while I was giving my sermon.” Craig said honestly. Tweek looked up at him more clearly as Craig continued to speak. 
 “I felt your heart against my skin a few times, and it was good to know I had a friend up there for my first time. I was okay with being vulnerable up there knowing you were there with me, despite everything that happened.” Craig offered a smile to Tweek. Tweek returned a small one. 
 “I’m sorry I was moving around so much. I should have known better to run across your body like that. But dude seriously- you’re too tickl-” Craig put a finger up to Tweek’s mouth to shush him. Tweek gave a knowing smile behind Craig’s finger as Craig blushed lightly.  
 “Shush, we don’t need to talk about that. What we do need to talk about, is getting Father Maxi back next Sunday so he can give the sermon. ‘Cause I’m never doing that again without him.”
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daisys-silliness · 2 years ago
Ty!!! :) its like the first doodle I made so far djkd
And abt the scar,, I made angst a bit ago and the scar just kinda stuck and I thought it was just kinda neat :)
I like to hc Tweek's mom taking care of Tweek bc I like the concept.
Hi, I'm the one who sent the tweek hc, and I wanted to share my silly little doodle I made with it :)
This goes with the first part of the hc btw
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Also his scar over his eye?? Lore 👁 I wanna know what happened
Also Tweek's mom is so cute she looks like she's having fun '^'
This is really cute, thank you so much for sharing!
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daisys-silliness · 2 years ago
Pinned Post!!
[Please read, ty]
When finished reading, respond with a 🌺!
Hi! Here's some information abt me for newcomers!:
Old @: @bweee-hebehe!!
Name: Daisy
[Blog sona]:
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Age: 19
Pronouns: they/them
D1scord: DM me
Extra info:
I'm currently in my senior year of high school!
Fandoms are mixed atm!
I censor words bc I hate the idea of ppl in the main tags/friends finding this blog wah,,
I have social anxiety and get very overwhelmed easily
I don't post a lot due to school and burn out but I am trying!!
This blog is an STRICTLY sfw/comfort tickle blog, n I'm kinda nervous abt posting bc I'm afraid of ppl recognizing my art style wahh.
Other blog: @milk-withasideoffluff
Requests are open!! I will do silly doodles and hcs! :]
I will open fic requests eventually, just not right now, srry
tags for these will be added here for easy access
Below will include a masterlist links to fics, headcanons and the character interps I will create as this blog continues:
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Safe in your mother's arms [lee!tweek/ler!mrs. tweak]
Sunny days are ahead [lee!craig/ler!laura tucker] {coming soon!}
Little "tickle me emo" [lee!firkle/ler!pete, henrietta, michael] {coming soon!}
The gnomes won't get you, but we will! [lee!tweek/ler!main 4] {coming soon}
Rid the demon, youth pastor [lee!imp tweek/ler!youth pastor craig] {coming soon!}
nothing here to post yet
My character interps
Why my tweek has an eye scar
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