#leave httyd alone
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sophieinspired · 2 months ago
The trailer for the live-action How To Train Your Dragon is making its rounds again on my social media feeds and I have decided instead of sitting quietly in my anger and disappointment I will speak on it.
Ok, look. I’ve been a fan of httyd since 2010. As far as I’ve always been aware, the point of this shot is that Toothless is meant to be mimicking Hiccup. Copying him, because “oh look let me sit like how this funny human guy is sitting so he catches on to my request”, plus also *let me sit like you so you’re less intimidated*.
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I loved this scene as a kid, because this tied in with the swallow gesture and the lick-lips gesture really brings the scene together, Toothless’ mannerisms MAKE the scene.
Which is why, I find it so disappointing that they haven’t captured this element in the trailer for the live remake.
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Now, I’m sure the scene will still have its charms and whatnot, but as a long term fan of httyd I just can’t help but feel annoyed. Where is the funny sitting position? The oddness that made us all so fond of Toothless?
For the record, I never wanted them to make a live action because I knew they inevitably would stuff it up. Those animated movies are my childhood, and I can’t help but feel like they should have been left to rest in peace.
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eyvahbae · 3 months ago
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sweetmoonbeam17 · 5 months ago
also every time I re-watch the first movie I always make myself laugh thinking about how fast astrid got to hiccup after he wakes up at the end of the movie. because it's either
a) astrid's house is not that far from his
or the funnier and more superior b) she lives across the island but heard the crowd forming and she morphed through her wall, ran 100mph & shoved aside every viking in her way
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neytui · 8 months ago
Hi if you're still taking requests, literally anything from your sun Hiccup thing. You added Crane Wives lyrics to one of the drawings and it hasn't left my mind since
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I got carried away my bad
I dont know if this count for sun concept? but sun Hiccup thingy kinda
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screenshotsonpinterest · 1 year ago
I’m torn because I don’t want a live action httyd per say, because I don’t believe live action is the final form for all stories and the movies we have are amazing but I’ve just got to say
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Look at the shape of her jaw and her big green eyes what do you MEAN she doesn’t look like Astrid look at her for a goddamn minute she’s got about as close to a cartoon face as a real person can have
Astrid’s voice actor wasn’t white, dragons aren’t real I don’t want to HEAR IT ANYMORE I’m sick of the thinly veiled racism hiding behind pretending to know shit about Scandinavia
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futurealchemy · 10 months ago
with the amount of times hiccup has had dragons scream directly in his ears at a very close distance, it would be surprising if his hearing wasn’t at least a little impaired honestly.
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useless-moss · 6 months ago
Premise: Viggo falling so hard for Hiccup because Hiccup was the first person to ever show him a sliver of genuine kindness.
Just... Just hear me out.
Viggo is a hunter. He's shown to be manipulative, scheming, cruel, and most of all smart throughout the show. He makes himself known as a man who most people seem to fear even talking about. The Grimborn's, in general, seem to have that reputation.
This means Viggo probably grew up like that. He likely grew up with 'allies' that he always needed to keep an eye on. A "trust no one, never turn your back, and never be vulnerable" kind of mentality. Every enemy Viggo has dealt with in the past probably shamelessly, openly, tried to kill him. Some might have even gotten close to succeeding.
And then he finds himself at war with an up incoming chief who rides a night fury, but who won't actively kill. He meets this man who tries to compromise. To make deals, to talk. Who will actively command his dragon and team to hold their fire. Viggo meets a man who doesn't fear him, who doesn't outright hate him, and who repeatedly tries to show mercy and extend an olive branch despite Viggo being stubborn and cruel and damn near sadistic at some points.
For the first time in his life, Viggo met someone he could try and feel safe around. Someone he could attempt to be open with. And he doesn't know how to react to this.
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royaltea000 · 2 years ago
I finally watched Gift of the Night Fury and I gotta say this is my favorite characterization of Astrid ever. Like I have no hate against her she’s always just been a yeah she’s cool kinda character to me but her being so optimistic in gotnf bordering on manic is so good to me. Her trying her best to forcefully bring cheer during sad times is so entertaining and gives her the chaotic touch that I always felt her character was missing. And those moments when it’s apparent that she’s really bad at comforting people sometimes is so funny to me it makes her feel a little more real.
Also I think the art style really helped I don’t know how to explain it other than it feels like they syringe fed like two tiny droplets of Tim Burton into it - it gives all the characters a slightly insane look in their eyes favorite animation style for em yet <3
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physalian · 3 months ago
HTTYD to get a live-action remake. Yay.....
Gettin' real sick and tired of this "animation is inferior" bullshit. I'm sorry but the original film is gorgeous and this Toothless looks sickly, not cute. It's not the artists' fault, I know, but goddamn. Enough with the shameless cash grab remakes. Enough with the shot-for-shot reproductions.
It's like they just copy-pasted Toothless's rigging into this high-def version of him. What even is the point? Hiccup looks like he's wearing (very well done) Hiccup cosplay.
Animation is not inferior. It does not need "fixing" and is not always transferable to a live action format. The larger-than-life colors and expressions and fantasy of both Dreamworks and Disney movies is part of what makes them timeless. Dreamworks' giant moon in the backdrop of so many of their films is iconic.
Just make new movies damn it. Tell new stories. It doesn't matter if this movie is, by itself, inoffensive once it releases. It does not need to exist. There is no justification.
If you want to make a live action HTTYD, the original books and original character designs and stories are right there for the taking.
Leave 2010 Toothless alone.
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freevoidman · 4 months ago
I don't want to condemn or encourage the live action HTTYD movie off of one image (well, technically a couple bc of leaks, but... you know what I mean)... but man I'm so tired of live action remakes.
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countlessofvoids · 6 months ago
You hate the third movie because you can't stand endings that aren't "and they lived happily ever after". I hate the third movie because it actively destroys the first movie's message in favor of a lazy "humans bad, animals good" narrative and fumbles every interesting idea it presents. We are not the same.
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willosword · 3 months ago
grrrrrrrrrr…. the live action remakes are starting to infect the movies i personally love………….
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sadfilmbro · 3 months ago
i truly dngaf about the live action how to train your dragon casting discourse, but i need y’all to know that saying “i have no problem with astrid’s actress, but i hate who they cast as ruffnut” is not the woke take you think it is.
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screenshotsonpinterest · 1 year ago
I am dangerously deep into HTTYD fanfic and I just want to know which one of you heathens decided that Astrid needs to go through hell for any experience even remotely related to motherhood
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the-sprog · 11 months ago
My friends and I are still on our pokémon nuzlocke bullshit so I'm still poke obsessed.
But separately I'm also on my how to train your dragon bullshit and I realized how similar the relationship progression of Ash and Pikachu and of Hiccup and Toothless is.
They should meet.
Ash getting slung on Berk would have pretty much the same effect as Hiccup ending up in Unova. Going from no electricity to that would probably give the kid an aneurysm before he starts taking pokedexes apart to learn how to build them. I don't think Toothless would scare people as much as they'd probably assume he was a legendary from another region. He'd be Dragon type, probably pure.
Toothless and Pikachu wouldn't be able to communicate, which would probably weird Toothless out since usually he's not this cut out from the rest of the world. I mean, Hiccup and Ash also probably speak different languages here, but it's easier for humans to learn a new language than it is for animals from different universes to do so.
For these kinds of universe shananigans I can always only think of a few main culprits, Arceus being the main one. I mean It does a lot of things for Its self without worrying about who It's using. Palkia and Dialga might not be the teleporting around type, but Giratina might meddle. And the Lake Guardians do some kind of transportation shananigans sometimes but they're not as mischievous iirc.
Thinking about Hiccup somehow meeting Lugia and being all "it's ok it's ok" *hand think* while Lugia looks at Ash and goes "is this kid fr?" And Hiccup has a heart attack because he's never heard a Dragon talk. And pokemon also usually don't so this was a surprise all around.
Them exchanging stories of how they met their life long partner.
"I uuh- I shot him down. He can't fly without the artificial tail fin I made. But hey! He got me back, didn't he? Couldn't save all of me, so-" *points* "peg leg."
"Woah. And you made it? Both of them?"
"Yeah. Took me a while to perfect the design but now Toothless can fly with my help. I... Tried making him one he didn't need me for, but he rejected it."
*nods* "I get it."
"We didn't get along for a while. I was scared and he was resentful. But I was also stubborn and he was curious. "
*chuckle* "Me and Pikachu didn't either."
*nods* "He didn't want a trainer, and I didn't want him as my Pokémon. But, like you, I was stubborn. And even though we didn't get along, I never would've let him get hurt."
"So when a murder of Sparrow attacked us, I protected him. And then he did the same. And I think we started bonding more because of the trust and respect that came from that incident."
"Pikapi! Pi pika pika-chuu."
*nods* "True. It wasn't smooth sailing. But with time, we really came from an understanding."
"And now you're inseparable?" *Smile*
*smile back* "yeah."
I was also thinking about what pokémon Toothless would be if this was a universe fusion and not a universes meeting kinda situation and I came to the conclusion that it should be Zekrom.
C'mon. Night Furies are said to be the "unholy offspring of lightning and death itself". I can totally see some culture getting that idea if they know the original story and lore.
I don't know what the Red death would be in this scenario, but this would be like a Hisui situation with people hating or being scared of Pokemon in general. I have less ideas for universe fusions type crossover.
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Thuggory: The Sharkworms are becoming quite the pest, aren't they? We should probably thin their numbers out. Hmm... should we have a Sharkworm Fishing N' Hunting Competition?
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