#learn how to embody your authentic self
kajmasterclass · 3 months
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yourstardarling · 5 months
Lilith Analysis
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(Lady Lilith, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
In my perspective, Lilith symbolizes the female intuition which is often vilified in our patriarchal society. She questions the status quo, defying societal norms and forges her own path for how she lives her life. In some interpretations, Lilith is depicted as the serpent in the garden, tempting Eve with the apple as revenge for her expulsion after refusing to submit to Adam. Targeting Eve instead of Adam, shows how Lilith understands the curious nature within women to want to know more and what ifs. It is the same curiosity that made Pandora open the box releasing malicious spirits into the world.
The energy of Lilith is a vengeful one as she sought revenge against God for her banishment out of the garden. In her expulsion, she was stated to steal babies and harm innocent lives, unsympathetic to anyone in her way. So within our charts, Lilith shows where we've experienced profound shame and societal rejection. It is where we are often demonized for refusing to yield to others' expectations. If we don't heal this pain it often becomes a form of self-destruction, fueling a need to gain revenge, harming anyone in our path. This part of our chart is usually suppressed, relegated to the shadows, but integration of this energy is crucial. Mainly because keeping our shame underneath the surface will often cause self-sabotage within the house Lillith is in. Finding the underlying root of the problem will often lead to reclaiming of your power, making Lilith be an energy of magnetization and authority. Neglection will only exacerbate internal conflict.
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Lilith in the 1st:In the first house, these individuals are the walking embodiments of Lilith. They are often faced with deep-seated feelings of shame regarding their sexuality and physical appearance. Many have endured the pain of bullying in their youth, which has made them feel shunned out from society. This shame becomes a heavy burden that feels as if it is a part of them, complicating efforts to express their true self openly. Consequently, a portion of their identity remains veiled, guarded against potential judgment or rejection from others. Yet, beneath this veil within their unconscious, lies a potent magnetism. A profound sense of sexuality that others find rather attractive or unsettling. They find themselves both desired and feared. But honestly like Britney said it’s because, "All of the boys and all of the girls want to if you seek Amy." Lilith's influence in this house encourages independence and self-assertion. It teaches the importance of standing firm in the face of societal pressures and refusing to be demonized for your own authenticity. However, yielding to criticism and seeking external validation risks facing internal conflicts. A constant battle against yourself. That is why confronting the shadow aspects of one's personality should be practiced, as it offers a pathway to self-discovery and empowerment. When you are able to show resilience and unwavering faith in yourself, you're able to garner admiration and respect from those around you. The ability to transmute pain into productive actions serves as a magnetic force, attracting allies and opportunities alike. Learning to embrace your inner sexual energy is imperative, as it is something that cannot be suppressed. Unfortunately, this embracement may invite unwanted attention, leaving you vulnerable to exploitation and trauma. Overall, the role of Lilith in the first house is one of self-acceptance and defiance against societal norms. It's a journey marked by challenges, but also by profound personal growth and authenticity.
Lilith in the 2nd: In the house of personal gains, Lilith has felt great shame surrounding her personal values. Individuals with this placement have a hard time surrounding their self worth and physical assets. Possessive tendencies lie beneath the surface, as a consequence from being betrayed in the past. People may have taken advantage of them for their material value and stolen from them. Financial wounds run deep making them unable to properly trust themselves with money. Might find themselves in cycles of reckless spending, prioritizing instant gratification over long term investments. The types go on a shopping spree and then feel guilty for indulging materialistically.These people can either be overindulgent or extremely picky when it comes to what they spend. There is an inherent value of pleasure and spending resources on things that make you feel good.The sign Lilith is in will give you an idea on what you unwarily spend money on and guide your financial decisions. Implementing a budget plan can be very beneficial in uncovering and healing shame surrounding your spending habits. It will help you regulate your spending. Underlying shadow challenges when it comes to self worth is another aspect of this placement. Leading to having doubts about deservingness and attaining success. Lilith in the 2nd, prompts a reevaluation of your values. Rather than being overly picky, you're encouraged to be intentional in your pursuits. Learn to align your investments with your deepest values and aspirations. Family dynamics may also contribute to your relationship with money, with the possibility of past generations engaging in questionable financial practices. Additionally, Lilith's immature aspects may tempt individuals to resort to unethical means of acquiring wealth, such as engaging in sex work or participating in illicit activities. However, succumbing to these temptations risks exploiting others and ultimately perpetuating cycles of harm. In navigating the influence of Lilith in the 2nd house, you are urged to exercise caution and integrity in financial dealings. By confronting shadows and cultivating a sense of self-worth, they can transcend shame and reclaim power over their financial well-being.
Lilith in the 3rd: When Lilith is in the third house of youth and mental stimulation, these individuals have deep shame within their speech and communication. Oftentimes they were demonized as a child, facing constant scrutiny about their childish behavior. Parental guardians made them seem like they were to blame for the smallest issues that occurred. In school they may have felt shunned out from their peers, becoming the target of bullying and ridicule. This ridicule can even come from their teachers that overly criticized them for not being the perfect student, leading them to feel like they were a bad kid. Might indicate having a speech impediment, having a hard time communicating how you feel and issues surrounding being able to read. Your intelligence was significantly downplayed from the earlier years of school which made you believe you were dumb. For this reason, you may prefer being quiet and only speaking when you are needed to, often avoiding starting conversation. To others you may seem standoffish when you speak, but instead it can be anxiety to say what you really want because of public reaction. This Lilith wound is one centered around your inner child and taking back power over your mind. Intrusive thoughts of feeling less than can often be an underlying trigger, but you must recognize that these voices in your head are not your own. It is programming from the ridicule you received as a kid. Mindfulness and meditation practices can help regulate the outside input that comes in your head. You're a very intellectually capable individual that often understands knowledge about topics considered unconventional by society. Don’t be ashamed of what you know and use it to teach other people information you are passionate about.
Lilith in the 4th: Within the house of home and heritage, Lilith has wrested with feeling of shame for her family background. These individuals can often grow up feeling sexually repressed by their family. Criticism for what they were and being called a slut for wanting to express themselves. This placement reminds me of Meg from Family Guy, and how she is consistently made the butt of all ridicule by her family. As you went through puberty, you could've felt uncomfortable being objectified by family members. Some could've faced even faced exploitation by their own family. There is a strange focus on purity within the household and committing towards conservative ideals of presenting yourself. From their point of view, you may be seen as someone who is promiscuous and disobeying traditional values. You might find it hard to feel at home within yourself because of these past afflictions. This can even lead to you feeling ashamed about your emotional responses, often viewing them as evil instead of necessary feelings. Aside from sexuality, this Lilith placement also indicates having shame regarding your origin. There might have been concealed truths about your birth, unraveling as you mature. Might have felt like your family were strangers and you did not belong with them. Issues with the mother figure can be highlighted by this placement. You don't get along well and could feel a sense of cruelty from her. A shadow side to you is kept veiled from your family, which makes you feel like an outsider by them. You may have a reputation of being the rebellious cousin. They may harbor outdated ideologies such as racism, homophobia and xenophobia, that makes you more ashamed of them. The home you grew up in may have been the cause of this shame too, because of its design or infestation issues. Overall, stepping away from your family's point of view of the world is a big factor with this Lilith placement. You cannot allow their lives to dictate who you are meant to be. Learning to nurture yourself and finding your own community is an essential part of your journey. As time pass, you may discover yourself becoming a space for other people to confide in about their personal issues. A testament to Lilith making a home for herself outside the boundaries of Eden.
Lilith in the 5th: In the fifth house, individuals have grappled with profound shame surrounding the way they experience pleasure within their lives. Their childhood may have been faced with restrictions on the ways they could have fun, such as engaging in hobbies solely to appease their parents rather than for personal enjoyment. Activities you found enjoyment in, felt like you needed to keep hidden away from other people in order to not get ridiculed. There are plenty of hobbies you enjoy that others will find unorthodox to have. For example, going to shooting ranges, participating in drag shows, taking part in the circus or cosplaying your favorite characters. When it comes to your talents, you might face envy from others because they want the attributes that you have. May face hate in your extracurricular activities and being outcasted by team members. In your own eyes, your often unsure about your talents and feel like you're not good enough in your practice. Additionally, there is also shame regarding sexual pleasure. You might find it fun to explore, but some experiences make it unsettling for you to enjoy. There may be a need to keep your sex life a secret from other people. However, sex positivity can be a notable aspect of this placement though, not having much conservative notions in your sexual experiences. When it comes to children, you might feel some shame for not wanting to have kids and face scrutiny from others for this stance. You can even feel like you hate the thought of children and not wanting them around you. If you do end up having kids, they can exhibit Lilith quality traits of rebellion and unorthodox behavior. There is definitely a shadow side to how you gain pleasure with this placement, indulging in self destructive behaviors and selling yourself away for fun. You must learn to tame that primal urge within you when you are having a great time. Especially as this can lead to addictions to pleasure, such as having a gambling, drug abuse and being overly sexual. Learn to set boundaries when you're having fun.
Lilith In the 6th: In the house of service, Lilith plays a commanding role within her work space. This placement reminds me of The Devil wears Prada, where Miranda was seen as a formidable figure by her colleagues. Similarly, coworkers may harbor similar feelings toward you, casting you as assertive & harsh. You may face a lot of scrutiny in the workplace and could even work in an environment where there's a prevalence of discrimination. Workplace harassment can occur here as well, oftentimes facing oversexualization. Navigating and accepting your shadow persona in the workplace becomes essential. As long as you come there to do your job, that’s all that matters. Just try not to lash out at your colleagues because of misconception and other issues. There may be a big rumor that you are lazy for not doing as much as everyone else. However, you're the type of person that only comes and does the work that is necessary, not overworking themselves as everyone else. On the flip side, you can be hyper focused on work and do a lot more in your day that others don’t really see. This can take a toll on your health and work stress can be a big indication of this placement. Speaking of health, you might have a terrible relationship with health officials. Health experts in the past might have treated you poorly and even faced a misdiagnosis. Your relationship with health overall is something you can feel intense emotions around. A health condition could make you feel like you don’t have the same capabilities as other people. Might struggle with digestion and eating food to nourish yourself. There is a lot of necessary shadow work to uncover within your habits and daily routines with this placement. Learn to not be so hard on yourself, making time to properly maintain your physical needs.Health is wealth after all.
Lilith In the 7th: When Lilith lies in the house of partnerships, there is often shame surrounding the close connections these people have. They often easily attract people with Lilith energy in their lives, such as rebellion, ostracization and outcasts. You're often able to see the version of others that they keep hidden underneath. For some reason, people can feel like they can trust you with their problems and you make space to not judge them. Something about you just allows people to feel easily able to open up their shame to you. It might be because there is a part of you that has felt the same shame of being shunned out by other people. In your love life, there could be a tendency to feel outcasted by your partners which leads to having a warped perception of yourself. Partners often can make you feel like you are too much and incapable of being loved. May find it hard to feel their needs being met in their personal relationships. Here lilith indicates issues of being taken advantage of by other people and personal power being exploited. Aggressive aspects can also show facing abuse, which can make these individuals pretty guarded when meeting others. You could feel the need to be in control and have a dominant role in your love life. However, self-destructive tendencies may spur from not getting what you want out of a partner and lead you sabotaging your connections. You can often pursue relationships you know are unhealthy for you. There’s a tendency to want people that bring out an unhinged version of yourself, becoming a whole different person with a partner. Shadow work needs to be done as to why you chase these toxic connections, which sometimes is rooted from the way you viewed the partnership of your parents.
Lilith in the 8th: In the house of death and loss, Lilith is put to face the extremes. Each time they are in a transitional phase in their lives, they get kicked out of their paradise. These individuals understand the darker sides of life and are somewhat good at navigating their shadow. Shadow side can often take things to the extreme when they are out of control. Really good at understanding the taboo and being okay with things that are scarier for other people. A necessary need to make peace with inner demons and resolving past psychological conflicts. While they are able to easily exude a seductive persona, sex can be a harsh topic for them to feel comfortable with. Losing their virginity might have been a monumental experience that shifted the way they act in their lives. There is a need to work on resolving issues with sex and not being afraid of it . Also, you might be into some fetishes that you feel the need to keep hidden from other people. Hiding is a big coping mechanism for them, whenever they feel like the world rejects them, they bury themselves down in shadows to not be seen. A distinct relationship with death, some hold huge guilt for being unphased by death, while others worry about their own deaths. If a family member had died, you might feel guilty for not being sad or crying at the funeral. These people can mourn their innocence a lot, thinking of a time they were untouched by the world around them. During transitional phases of your life, you could be vilified and demonized for acting differently. Might have had a dark aesthetic or emo phase during your teen years. Change can be a scary thing for you and you could harbor strong resistance towards new possibilities. This mainly comes from the scrutiny you’ve felt by other people. Learn to embrace the taboo and understand change will only allow you to reclaim your power.
Lilith in the 9th: These individuals hold a complex relationship with religion and belief systems. Growing up, they likely experienced a religious environment that instilled fear and submission to authority. It's possible they had overly religious parents who prioritized adherence to faith, rather than showing genuine love and understanding for their children. As you mature, there's a tendency to reject traditional systems of beliefs for more esoteric philosophies, helping you find empowerment through alternative spiritual paths. Although shifting your beliefs will allow you to have a sense of freedom, remnants of past religious trauma still linger in your mind. Guilt for what you believe in is a big focus for this placement. They often find themselves at odds with mainstream perspectives, feeling a sense of alienation and struggling to fit in. There's a tendency to doubt their intelligence and the information they know. This struggle extends to academic pursuits as well, where they may feel out of place and struggle to connect with their peers. Moving away from their area of upbringing can be liberating, allowing them to explore their shadow aspects and embrace their darker side through travel and adventure. In doing so, they may discover a newfound magnetism and allure, attracting others to their path towards self-discovery.
Lilith in the 10th: In the house of public career, Lilith exerts a strong influence on one's outward image and persona. When in public settings, you often see people being easily magnetized towards you. If Lilith is conjunct the Midheaven (MC), it can signify experiences of unwanted attention, including catcalling. There's a deep-seated fear of being seen, stemming from the difference between your public persona and true self-image. Overexposure to the public eye can lead to discomfort, particularly in career fields where others seem to dominate or overshadow you. There is a natural ability to exude sensuality that others find intriguing. They may develop a reputation for sensuality and allure, which can intimidate others, particularly men, due to the inherent power they radiate. Despite the fantasization, they may resent the objectification and sexualization. In professional settings their bosses may even attempt to take advantage of them. This placement can also indicate stage fright and social anxiety, causing them to prefer the sidelines rather than the spotlight. An unbalanced version of this placement would be sabotaging yourself when it comes to your career. Promoting bad behavior so that you can gain the upper advantage in situations. It's crucial for them to be vigilant against exploitation by authority figures and to properly navigate professional relationships and contracts. Despite potential misconceptions about their character, individuals with this placement must embrace their authenticity and prioritize their own career aspirations over societal expectations. Your that b*tch for real, and you cannot allow the public opinion of you to dictate who you are. Also, Lilith in the 10th house may signify a challenging relationship with their father, involving absence, mistreatment, or attempts at control. This further fuels aspirations to become a successful person, in order to prove their farther wrong. Embracing their power and authenticity is important for success and fulfillment in the professional world.
Lilith in the 11th: Friendships are never easy with Lilith in the 11th. Despite outward display of support, these individuals frequently encounter betrayal from those they consider close allies, discovering that supposed friends harbor secret animosity and ulterior motives towards them. Friends could make jokes about insecurities you have, while accusing you of being soft for finding offence. Your secrets are not the safest within your social networks, they are like blind items ready to spill all the tea about your personal life. This atmosphere of distrust can lead to a cautious approach to forming friendships, resulting in a preference for family and romantic relationships over the unpredictability of friendships. Despite these challenges, individuals with this placement often gravitate towards unconventional or marginalized groups of people. Finding companionship in the outcasts who defy societal norms. They may become strong advocates for the rights and liberation of marginalized groups, focusing on the need for women's rights and the empowerment of societal underdogs. So while friendships may be met with much difficulty, these individuals create meaningful connections with fellow non-conformists in society. Finding solidarity in their shared struggles, leading to finding community outside of Eden.
Lilith in the 12th: Individuals with Lilith in the 12th house tend to keep Lilith's energy to the depths of their subconscious mind. They are often unaware of its magnetic, rebellious, and sexually charged nature. May doubt their own sexuality and seductive capabilities, feeling overshadowed by others charm. However, when in solitude, Lilith emerges to confront them about their inner shadows and demons. This often leads to solitary battles with their deepest fears and insecurities. Sleep issues are common with this placement, as they may struggle to maintain a stable sleep routine. May prefer the quiet solitude of the night for introspection and self-discovery. In their dreams, they often confront scenarios designed to evoke feelings of inadequacy and shame, forcing them to confront their inner vulnerabilities. They can be drawn towards dream working, meditation, shifting and exploring unique ways to access their subconscious mind. By using the arts, they can transmute fears and underlying issues in their mind to a reservoir of creativity. You can often see their shadow portrayed boldly in their art. Also, these individuals are often empathetic and hold nonjudgmental view towards the shadows of other people. Overall, through uncovering their darkness, Lilith in the 12th house can lead to spiritual growth and artistic development when integrated unapologetically.
Remember to look at the aspects to Lilith in your chart. Since it is an astrological point & asteroid, it doesn't hold as much significance compared to the planets. So aspects allow you to know how much of this energy can be brought up to the surface. Also, this reading is for all versions of Lilith in the chart.
-your Star Darling
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(Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci, by Piero Di Cosimo)
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azure-cherie · 1 year
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What does Pluto represent?
It represents regeneration, metamorphosis, to change and become into something new , it represents innermost feelings, what have you discarded, thrown locked away , it can show where your blockages might be , and acknowledging them and healing them will lead you to embody yourself more , the core step of regeneration is acception so accept yourself for all the darks and lights and greys they will show you your own soul beautiful, empowering, unfearful.
This post is based on what's observed if it doesn't resonate please check other placements 🌷 This post can be read for tropical as well as vedic astrology however in vedic the outer planets don't matter as much .
Tw : I have tried to be honest and some stuff can be triggering please know that these are general observations
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Sun 🌞
Conjunct: These people go through a lot early on , like rejections, rumours that their kindness is fake , as they get older they get famous for a new look of theirs for example, someone maybe known for being a chocolate boy when younger but they age like fine wine as they get older , they like to take major risks in life . Their energy stays hidden from people who don't appreciate it in a way they will only embody their true self when they're truely appreciated . Their inner child is oftentimes locked and can be accessed and healed through breathing exercises, sunbathing, helping out poor children or lost souls.
Trine : They are known mostly for having a profound balance in what they do , like a beauty with brains type of vibe , they get famous for things they do authentically , are you ready to show yourself to the world if yes it will take you for all that you got , now you choose . A good placement for bombshell beauties , they are known for their unique looks eg : Angelina jolie, grace kelly , really revolutionary.
Sextile: They have a very experimental fashion and with every look of theirs , their outlook towards life changes , change in styles give them growth . Might be kind of control freaks and perfectionists but they actually work best in chaos and unpredictability gains a lot for them. Men with this are known to be very brave and powerful. People with this take challenges and criticism very well and use it to their advantage .let go of the mentality that society will only love you when you have all of the best things , infact the people who love you will love you regardless.
Square: These people literally have cults , their views are so strong that only people who really want to believe and deal take them , they will throw your triggers at your face. Believers of tough love , they might be a little too misunderstood, it takes time for people to get through their layers . You may think , here finally i know this person, but you'll be shocked about how much more they have to offer .
Opposite: These people have a lot of internal struggles , they often choose the wrong people to trust , fame isn't the best thing for them , a quite luxurious happy life is something they are content with . They have a very sophisticated face , they have a look of I'm satisfied but watch me do more kinda face . They are often famous for their aesthetic choices . Tw : fame may lead to early death , unless they learn to navigate it .
Moon 🌙
Conjunct: People have too many views about them and their mental health, they may suffer from a lot but you don't have to remind them , they already know and are working. They have a great spectrum of emotions and can be well known for writing their innermost thoughts. Intuitive and good at channeling and connected to their daimon. Divine inspiration always leads them . They have a very enticing and captivating face . Sometimes their speech is confusing, but they are trying to do good for you , might be a little rough at times.
Trine : They are intellectual and can provide anyone with sufficient motivation to do something. Good at telepathy and communication. They hold the power to influence people for good and bad . Have an easy navigation about their emotions. Some people might hate or be jealous because of how well they can navigate their triggers.
Sextile: They are soft and pure hearted , oftentimes known for their activism and support all the people around them with open hearts , it's a good placement for psychologists . They are known to persist despite all the hurdles around them . They like punk rock , and like to speak on dark topics for the welfare of society . Liked by many because of their authenticity .
Square : They like to mainly stay away from social media , as too much presence leads to people building wrong assumptions about them . They have revolutionary and conflicting views about things . These people regret not taking the right action at the right time . Can turn out to be manipulative and self sabotaging .
Opposite: They can be narcissistic, too absorbed. Though they introduce new trails of ideas , their speech is oftentimes too extreme and unacceptable. They are well known for their work . Known for their sad personality they feel things really deeply and are often confused about their own emotions. They have deep voices. People can really relate to their cries for help , they just need to have peace with themselves, and know that not everything shouldn't be known by everyone.
Mars ♦️
Conjunct : makes one a visionary for change , sometimes destruction. They have violent control of their emotions. Feels isolated initially which they turn into super power and channel it through their art and daily life . They can give great advice on just about anything, people trust them but also fear them .
Trine : hates to be ignored , when someone disregards them they get in moods of ignorance . Likes attention. They attract men who are a bit passive aggressive. Good at calisthenics , a lot of people consider their body to be a piece of art . Prone to knee injuries.
Sextile : common placement for royalty and fame after marriage ( rich powerful men ) . The people with this placement need to learn to love themselves, can be too fixated on others to love them which in turn creates a void, when they are developed , they enjoy themselves a lot , a very nice business mind and can give a good sense of life and the game of it . Lowkey reminds me of Shera .
Square : They like boyish clothing, can be stuck in scandals for example : Mila kunis for her age, courtney for the m*****r of Kurt, Kristin Stewart for cheating . They have a great sense of confidence , people try to copy them a lot . Usually they are trend setters in rare sectors . They tend to have a pull for life and the purpose of it but are confused often .
Opposite: Gives one strong sense of justice , however at times it could bounce back on them , for example they raised their voice against some injustice, it indeed hampers their image . Being a mediator is a peaceful case for them but if they choose to go for their heart that is true, they experience turbulence , initially until they realise life is all about give and take . Might give you a square face and lean body .
Venus 🦪
Conjunct : god knows you know about the deadly charm they exude , when Venus is conjunct pluto every step that you take towards healing and facing that is coming towards you , you are blessed in beauty ( how don't ask me try ) you become so self assured and so much more confident, they also have an air of knowing a lot even though they are still learning holy shit the grasp they have upon us .
Trine : These people can really turn their hurt into their power , they strive to get something in life, they know that whatever happens they can get out of it, so beautifully reminds me of the phoenix , rise like a beautiful song .
Sextile : you're intense you're full of depth and beauty, they have deep philosophical and in the core know that money cant buy all happiness but it's essential for their survival, they know how to strike a balance in life and really are the masters of their own fate
Square : Venus and Pluto forming squares gives one a drastic drive to be their authentic self to accept themselves in all their forms be it good bad or weird they aren't afraid to go through the little deaths in the self discovery of finding themselves again and again . They have many aha moments as they are always learning something new about themselves.
Opposite: this placement could bring internal struggles about looks and money , they think they can't manifest money but it's already written, these placements agree for you to accept them and work with them for your benefit. However this could also lead to them having a god complex and a feeling that they can do no wrong .
Jupiter ✨
Conjunct : These people are one of a kind very wise and you know those kinda people who give great advice because they have f*****d up in real time so with all they have gone through they try to live the best lives for themselves and everyone around them , these people are also very lucky in gambling, lottery and stock market .
Trine : blessed in marriage and business with people who see themselves in their true aura and still choose to love them. These people are dominating and they know what they want , don't like people correcting them too much.
Sextile : with a trine in this position one might go through this thing of being bad or fluctuating with money , once you have a lot other time you're blaming yourself for spending too much but be assured that no matter what , what you lose you will earn it back again too . They like to help the oppressed and the outcast .
Square : when in square you really go through the challenging times , the key to why you're great is because you can always self discover yourself again that's why the people around you see you in such a light of a leader , you're like a hierophant to the lost people because you found yourself again .
Opposite: you might feel unlucky that your luck doesn't work in your favour but her we talk about the solution so the thing is you're meant to work alright this pretty much like working on a child , you have to love your inner child so much so truly . you work hard for the benefits they work a little late but they def work c'mon it's with jupiter ain't no way jup ain't blessing you.
Mercury 🖊️
Conjunct: they know that the emotions they have good or bad are a result of innermost issues , very aware of their problems and solutions . Makes one a very good person to go for advice . Good in the logical sector , they like to chill or spend time reading stuff. They study or seek mental stimulation in times of distress
Trine : they can bring out their innermost desires easily through art and literature, healing when it comes to skin is fast for them , their brains work in a very result oriented manner , they think about the consequences and possibilities before doing something drastic . Makes one a lover of fiction of all kinds .
Sextile : They really find inspiration in the things most people don't see . They pay attention to the things most people ignore and find a way to use it to get a hold of information. These are the people with a variety of information in all sectors ,though conjunction and trine gives the intelligence, they choose to restore more as a built mechanism to enchant people
Square: this gives a hard time accepting this for what they truly are might lead to some anxiety and adhd issues , this could make one scared of changes . Early age bullying could be seen but with time , the youth of mercury and the resilience of Pluto makes one a visionary, someone who knows so much.
Opposite: might have a hard time to channel logic , though their emotions are alright . Might fall for fake promises and they have to work on their people pleasing tendencies. This gives one a hunger to do better in life , eventually they see that all that their mind is feeding them isn't true and they can always do better than what they have been taught .
Saturn 🪐
Conjunct :makes one a very disciplined person , they strive to work hard . You know the lana lyric " I'm doing it for all of us who never got the chance , and all my birds of Paradise " like wise they work hard so everyone around them can be happy and healthy, they make great people to bond with if you wanna succed in life and are looking for like minded people.
Trine : they are very hardworking towards what they want very goal oriented people. One thing i have seen is they can never work unless their work space is really clean , an organised view of things make their mind work better . People see them as someone who can be stiff at times , you can sometimes let loose is alright and appreciated to enjoy life .
Sextile : This works kind of like Saturn retrograde, the initial obstacles remain while Saturn gives the bad later in life when one has proven worthy to have something . Since life has thrown away them a lot of times they learn to be really humble , and try to assess all the possibilities before being sad about something. They understand that life is what you make it.
Square : might have a hard time following routines , they blame their luck a lot for having problems . When they get into healing themselves they have to deal with a lot of intense inner conflict and they might not take it very well , however to have a strong mind one has to deal with this tw might fall into depression. They come out stronger than ever knowing the power of free will .
Opposition: they believe rules are meant to be broken and i believe though this is opposition and might be malefic but being with Saturn and Pluto this gives one a very idgaf mentality which it turns out good for most times as one doesn't spend too much time contemplating. Might ignore their problems at times . But once in life the urge to get their life on track will occur and they will set things right for themselves. They want what they want by hook or by crook .
Uranus 🪻
Conjunct : They orchestrate changes, they are potent in telling people why they should do some things and why some things will bring them the better , they can really motivate people to live life for themselves. Usually they have strong sense of justice and remain very grounded .
Trine : They are free spirited, charming people , one thing about them is they can really see what others don't they can really put up the themes regarding what's beautiful and what's ugly and bring it to the world , work really hard to bring about equality in the society .
Sextile : This is a placement for the psychics healers and mystical beings , they learn that their position in the world is to heal and through their consistent efforts they heal themselves as well as others . They might find themselves in a state of dilemma sometimes as they are always energized with new ideas , they learn to channel it eventually.
Square : people with this can be a little stiff and scared about changes , they want things to be the same but to realise life's all about changes and how good one does to cope with it . These people are also very good at keep people on their toes. They guide themselves back to themselves. With this placement you don't loose your sense of self.
Opposite: A lot of people have their eyes on them and every move they make so they feel anxious and try to avoid changes . This placement can make one a control freak but if you choose to have faith in yourself and flow sometimes in life you will see the beauty of things that aren't forced , changes are necessary, cultivate the courage it requires to change .
Neptune 🌀
Conjunct : makes one a good artist , bestows beauty , other worldliness . Your dreams make so much impact in you daily life . Manifestation is your power you make it work for you all the damn time . It could bestow good healing powers and career in the therapy sector of all kinds. And this gives so much mystery to people.
Trine : They find very creative ways to channel their energy, might make one a bit lazy . They can work their emotions in a very creative way and achieve great things in life on the basis of their belief systems . Also good at predictions and reiki and astrology.
Sextile : These people are always full of surprises they have so much to give to the world , often they can come off as delusional but eventually they prove everyone wrong by getting all they want . However to warn the laziness if given a chance to grow will grow, so avoid it and go make the life you deserve
Square :. They have bizarre dreams , they aspire for a dreamland and seek ways to make the world a paradise , this in positive sense as they work hard to do things their way . Their homes are always so pretty and decorated . They can make anyone relax and calm down from the chaos . To truly grow in life they have to move with wisdom and have to accept all changes and chances with bravery.
Opposite : tw , this could lead to some sort of depression, addiction or inner conflicts , they seem and feel lonely or left out , they are great artists but their minds might be a little dark place to be in . To channel this energy properly is one great thing to live with the darkness and transmute it into light is great . Be sure of what you want and never ever bow down to what is trying to bring you down
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I hope you enjoyed reading this post 🫂thank you so much, please consider reblogs and feedback it helps .
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Have a great day/ night 😚
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sovenusian · 6 months
Matured Energy of Each Sun Sign
(does not to relate to what age you are.)
A matured Aries is a master communicator and story teller, they can easily pull and hold the attention of the crowd on them, only this time it is to shine light on something beyond them, and it's usually the wisdom they have gathered on their spiritual journey of having the self as the center of their wants and needs.
A matured Taurus is the tamed bull. They become much more calm and understanding of ways of life and mindsets differing from their own, and don't feel the need to make known, how thorough their stances on their beliefs are. They loosen up a bit, like a Cane Corso allowing a rambunctious chihuahua to feign dominance.
A matured Gemini uses the seemingly fractured personality to create genius works and can masterfully connect with any age group or walk of life. They respect they are the embodiment of "I have an idea" but on drugs (lol) and live in that truth. They don't provide tolerance for what they do not like around them.
A matured Cancer stopped being petty and stops wading in the murky waters of emotional manipulation, and starts wielding these energies as gift, for others. You may not find a more generous, selfless, nurturing being. They have the strength to grow other people and bring what's dead back to life.
A matured Leo finally takes more pride in the impact of it's works, more than the ability to do them or be recognized for being the one to do them. They enjoy showing the character traits that truly make them beautiful. The humility they acquire despite having achieved a great deal of refinement, is what becomes what makes them shine at their brightest.
A matured Virgo learned to put themselves, their hearts truly first. Their dutiful and ambitious drives have taught them their accompanying lessons, which are to allow yourself to relax, you are enough, you really are so damn dope, and comparing your output to the logistics was a stressful way to live and that is, the past. It's a death to criticism and a birth to healthy analyzation.
A matured Libra has learned how to be in love with love, in a healthy way. In love with Real Love; with the raw energy and authenticity of it's energy, that way when humans and opportunities come around that claim to be Love, they can be distinguishing and keep their own heart set on what they have learned to be it's truth. They have mastered detachment.
A matured Scorpio has adjusted their perspective, placing the abilities of being extremely passionate and emotionally intense, only in situations that don't create more chaos. Their lifelong journey for true power has moved them into a space where they are more settled and accomplished. They learn the rhythm of life and can finally become selfless, and this is where their energy is truly it's most powerful.
A matured Sagittarius is the ember stage of fire; warm, spreading and long lasting. The knowledge and philosophies acquired over the years are now steeped, grounded in substance and embedded in a person that can finally sit down long enough, and have the patience, to share it's inspirations. Their habit to be generous and spreading have switched out it's impulsive nature for selectivity and self- preservation.
A matured Capricorn drops the shrewdness, and can be an exemplified patriot of what they stood for when they initially started their ambitious climb of hard earned success. They realize just because they are the goats, does not mean anybody and everything are the rocks and steps to ascend upon, and they warm their heart up enough to trust others with their vulnerabilities. They retire their need to be serious for the upholding of the many responsibilities all Capricorns are dealt, and they let that beautiful ability to entertain and bring joy be what they now lead and corale others with.
A matured Aquarius honors the unbeaten path they chose and created by tooth and nail, by sharing with others the lessons learned from it. Their ability to be friendly and connect with anyone, becomes more filled out, & it becomes harder for them to be perceived as disingenuous, because they can now choose the role they'll play in the life of every individual they meet, and share the gems needed like the sages they were born to be. They feel the freedom to become even more obscure.
A matured Pisces is a vessel of universal love. They spend their lives being a collage of all the human personality could offer, from kind to cruel, yielding to stubborn, and they take each lesson from their colorful experiences, and only extract the most optimistic, high frequency wisdom from them. They keep their mystery while their ability to impart love to others unfolds endlessly.
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hot-astrology · 2 months
Herzen (3052)~ Part. 2
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Herzen represents your hearts content and where you vibrate on the frequency of love. This asteroid represents the heart. Today, we'll be going over more prominent aspects/placements in synastry, composite, and the natal chart. In the natal chart, Herzen will show where you vibrate on the frequency of love and where you love the hardest. In synastry, we see where this love is ignited between the two. In composite, if there are prominent placements, then it shows where there is unconditional love within the relationship. Also, adding that this asteroid represents affection and cuddling/hugging. After doing more research, herzen is German and translates into "cuddling, hugging" and, of course, the heart. It is complete affection and can show meaning something from the bottom of your heart.
🪷 This asteroid is even more interesting down to its name, HER-ZEN.
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Herzen in 1h/ conjunct Asc
In the natal chart, this shows that the person is going to rise into the full embodiment of the heart frequency. Throughout their lives, they may be inclined to see how important it is for them to love and experience unconditional love. They will also likely have to understand self-love as well. Others can view them as someone who is pleasant to be around, and to partners, they exude love. They are usually very loving individuals. They attract partners who look for this energy.
In synastry, the 1h person views the herzen person as vibrating at this love frequency. The herzen person can deeply love the 1h person just for being who they are. There can be mutual love between the two.
In composite, this relationship exudes the heart frequency, and everyone sees it, including the couple. They really love and care about each other, and this can be one of the main themes of the relationship.
Herzen conjunct Jupiter
As most of us know, jupiter expands everything it touches. Herzen is the hearts content. Jupiter is also what gives us wisdom & luck, in the natal chart, the native possesses the ability to love largely similar to herzen conjunct Neptune. Herzen conjunct Jupiter can experience different perspectives of love, and over their lifetime, what brings contentment to their heart depends on their beliefs and what part of the world they are in. They can develop a devotion to spirituality or religion and love of God. They are blessed in the area of their hearts' content because no matter what, jupiter will make sure they have plenty. The native can also have a very big heart and love helping others. They have a love of helping humanity and people all over the world.
In synastry, the jupiter person expands the herzens persons ability to love unconditionally. There is a lesson and wisdom, Jupiter is here to bestow upon the herzen person. This of course can go both ways, because while jupiter is very expansive, and in a negative state can be greedy the herzen person can help jupiter control this, and learn to love what they have been blessed with. There is a lot of love between the two, and there could be a difference in their backgrounds and beliefs, but they grow to love that side of each other.
In composite, this relationship has no boundaries when it comes to how much they love each other. The contentment of the heart in this relationship is endless and filled with blessings.
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Herzen conjunct Uranus
Herzen conjunct Uranus Natally shows the native has a unique way of showing unconditional love & affection. Their hearts' content stems from things that make them feel liberated and free. Times that are unique and make dramatic impact on their life. They can teach others to love regardless of worldy class or backgrounds. This is where these natives authenticity, and eccentricity shine. They have a very eccentric way of showing unconditional love. These people can be more detached and not care to show physical affection, but just know they do care and think about others in their every move. They vibrate at the frequency of love when they are true to themselves and the community they surround themselves with. They are a trendsetter for unconditional love.
In synastry we see that the herzen person is likely here to love the more qurkiest parts of the uranus person. They are different, and this brings the herzen person attention to the uranus person. The uranus person is different, and there is something that stands out about them to the Herzen person. With the uranus person, they are also able to love the weirdest parts of the herzen person. This is quite literally otherworldly love. It's unconventional and something a lot of people may raise their eyebrows at.
In composite, the same applies as above. There is an energy of unconventional love within their relationships that both likely strongly feel, and they feel a common goal towards being authentic to their hearts.
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Herzen 4h/Cancer
This placement in the natal chart shows that your heart is content within your home, ancestral lineage, and what is familiar to you. You vibrate on the frequency of love when you are surrounded within your culture, your mother, and close family members. You can love being a parent to your children or being surrounded by nostalgic memories.
In synastry, there is likely some history between these two, since 4h rules nostalgia this feeling exists especially on behalf of the 4h person. The herzen person is content with this feeling of nostalgia. The herzen person feels love when they are surrounded by memories of the 4h person, or get to know the more emotional side, and the foundation of the 4h person.
In the composite chart, this can show a shared love for the deepest parts of the other, if they do have a family it's likely to be filled with the frequency of love, and they enjoy nurturing & caring for each other this is where their relationship is the most content. They can also be very physically affectionate to one another. Since angular houses are very important in the composite, this can show that this is the base/foundation of this relationship because the 4th house is our roots.
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Stay tuned for part. 3, making this into a series. To make it easier! Also, it's so hard to put into human words how UNCONDITIONAL love can be expressed to someone it's quite literally the energy of God, and not a lot of people can grasp or handle that. so as you read this, just feel the energy and transmute my words into a feeling. Because love is in everything. 🌙
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estrellogy · 4 months
How to Use Astrology to HELP, not Hurt
I’ve been an astrology student for years and here are some helpful things to keep in mind when you read your own chart:
- Aspects don’t stand alone. They are always communicating with other aspects. That’s how the energy in you works. Dont reduce yourself to a single aspect and obsess over it. I dislike astrologers who use this helpful tool to instill fear.
If someone ever tells you an aspect means you’re doomed, I really advise you to question the person telling you this. Astrology should be use as a self-development guide, not something that you’re tied to and have no control over.
- There are no good or bad aspects, only what you make of it. For example, Venus trine Mars is considered a great aspect by many while Venus square Saturn is literally seen as the devil.
Venus trine Mars simply means the planets’ energies communicate harmoniously with each other. But, where there’s no conflict, there’s also less potential for growth and self-knowledge. It can lead to complacency and lack of discipline. Since it often attracts and receive positive reactions from people, it can actually make you become dependent on others’ approval. When you’re used to things always being positive, a small negative incident feels really big. And that leads to more unhappiness than a negative aspect would.
People often want things to always be easy. But pain is a teacher. That’s why Venus square Saturn is actually not as bad as people say, as long as you’re a willing student of life. When you allow the harsh aspects to show you where you need to develop and grow, you will truly embody the potentials of that aspect.
Venus square Saturn people often deal with insecurities when they’re younger. It’s usually called the “Ugly Duckling” aspect. They can become extremely judgmental with their appearance and always feel like they need to be physically perfect to be worthy. They overcompensate to prove their worth.
But once they learn that they’ve always been enough and recognize the beauty they hold WITHIN, they glow up without much effort at all. Even though they had to go through a lot, the confidence that they get from overcoming pain will be genuine, authentic, and lasting. It will not be affected as much by outside influences like Venus trine Mars. They actually become so magnetic because nothing shines more than inner beauty and self-assurance.
— If you want to use astrology terms, this is coming from someone with an Aries Moon, Virgo Venus, and Cap Mars. I am not afraid to tell you the truth, even when it’s unpleasant. I think a great teacher is someone who helps you recognize your own power, not instill fear and make you feel small. It’s tough love but I believe that this will help at least a few people patient enough to read through it all 🤍
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millysastroblog · 2 years
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Disclamer: Pls don’t take what I wrote here to heart , I posted this observation just for fun! And if u guys can’t relate that’s totally fine , OK? …….. Have fun guys 💕🌸!!!
💗 Mercury in Taurus have some beatiful , soulful, rich singing voices.
💗Venus- Saturn positve aspects are just so calm, respectful, thoughtful toward their friends and partners. They can take accountability and responsibility for their actions and learn from them. They take love very seriously, wanting to be available for loved once 24/7 being helpful and supportive. And that’s why I appreciate you all. # ride or die for love , # stable lovers 💍👍💓!
💗Mars- Jupiter know how to cheer other people up and make their days better. These are the funny, sometimes even embarrassing friends that love to do extreme fun activities like riding roller coasters, jumping of a cliff, going to the zooo (IDKW?) # fun people
💗Mercury- Venus aspects know how to charm someone with their VOICE , people love listening to them , including me !
💗Pisces Asc people are just fucking pretty, empathetic, soft, shy, accepting of different people. I just love the aura they carry, so ethereal untouchable individuals.
💗Libra and 7th house stelliums love to communicate and surround themselves with people or lager groups. They could be good leaders, classmates, teachers because of how connected they are to others wanting to be pro active and helpful.
💗Ceres in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house embody the care taker role very well, extending this caring, soul full energy nurturing other brocken hearts with their presence.
💗 Venus / Mars in Pisces are full time active people pleaser 24/7 ,they love to take care of others. To have a boyfriend or girlfriend with placement is a blessing in disguise’s .
💗Mercury in Aries I love you for staying in your truth and expressing what ever you guys are feeling at the moment. We appreciate that 😘.
💗Venus- Moon poitives ascpects are such niiicce individuals to be around, they excude this loving, nututring, sweet, feminime energy perfectly. They dont mind helpinng others who are in need. Being a supportive friend when hardships occur. Because Venus is love, and the moon emotions , they looovve their friends and partners with all their 💕 !
💗Venus- Jupiter woman are the "IT GIRL" placement, how they can make a room brighter just by their presence is stunning !!
💗Venus in the 5th house love entertainment, fun, being extravagant , CHILDREN, these people would die to have a child honestly ! Gotta love the artistic self expression with these individuals.
💗Mercury in Cancer make people feel understood and loved because of their good listening skills.:)
💗Taurus Rising pretty, nice, calm friendly people. Exude this grounding stable energy that gives people the emotional security to open up. They are very patient and don’t rush in life. Nice body, hair, everything.
💗Cancer Rising so cuuute I swear ! Love how comfortable they make others feel including me. Expressing emotion raw and truthfully. They shine like the moon. Glowing pale skin, big eyes, big chest 😌.
💗Moon- Jupiter ahhhhwweeee these people are sooooo cuute I swear, showing pure, authentic, open, and vurnerbale emotion is nothing new for these individuals. I apprectiate just that positive energy yall got.
💗Venus in 2nd/ Mars in the 2nd housers are veryyy generous with finances, spending moey on people. How much effort and energy these beautiful unicorns put in gifting someone is incredably special and kind.
Thx 🤍
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succulentsiren · 1 year
Practical Tips to Live A More Seductive Life: SucculentSiren x FemmeFataleVibe
It's my pleasure to provide this collab between FemmeFataleVibe and I. Seduction is a complex practice, so here we discussed new perspectives and ways to utilize it in your daily life. Thank you @femmefatalevibe for your enlightening knowledge. It definitely expanded my view on how to live more seductively.
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What does seduction mean to you?
SucculentSiren: Seduction is using enchantment to attract a desired outcome. You can seduce yourself, by applying certain self-beliefs or you can seduce others by developing a captivating influence.
FemmeFataleVibe: Being seductive cannot be reduced to a behavior, way of dressing, or speech. It is a palpable yet intangible shift in how you see yourself and how you show up for yourself alone or out in the world.
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FFV: Embrace an abundance mindset. Perceive new connections and opportunities as complimentary rather than a source of validation or self-actualization. Living as a seductress is only possible when you know you create a complete life without others' permission. You've already filled up your cup, so you have additional energy to give and receive to those individuals and projects that are deserving
SS: It is crucial to have a ‘Winners Mindset.” Shift your mindset from expecting to fail, to expecting to win. Envision yourself receiving your desires. Having this mindset eliminates anxiety and doubt around your capability in attaining what you want. You must also know that you are deserving of the things you are attracting. Be patient regardless of external circumstances. Keep your eyes in the prize and remain firm in your self beliefs.
Surrounding self with things that elevate you (people, hobbies, environment, décor)
FFV: Release any shame surrounding your pleasure-seeking fantasies. For a seductive individual, there is no guilt in living in a state of joy, fulfillment, and regular indulgence. Remind yourself that you're entitled to enjoy nice things –from your outfits and beauty routine to your meals, workouts, and our home environment. You should (generally) derive pleasure academic pursuits or professional identity, goals, relationships (of all types), and leisure activities. 
FFV: Allow yourself to feel deserving. Show up as the person you strive to be. Hold yourself, dress, speak, act, and move through the world in a way you aspire to be. Stop people-pleasing and allow yourself to minimize yourself or your goals for the comfort of others. Your peace of mind is the most sacred element of your being.
SS: Whether you know it or not, your surroundings have an immense influence on you. Who you spend time with, what you talk about with your company, who you follow on social media, what decorations you have in your home, etc. Everything around you influences you. So choose to be surrounded by people and things that make you better. Know your strengths and weaknesses but appreciate and learn from others as well. Remove the people that see with lack, stress and fear. Befriend people who uplift, motivate and inspire you to see abundance and opportunity in all areas.
Q: Do you believe that being a seductive person has more to do with physical appearance or personality? How do you believe someone can show up as a more seductive person through how they present themselves – physically, emotionally, or socially? 
SS: I believe seduction is a combination of inner confidence, mental agility and an appealing appearance. Using seduction towards yourself can help with building self confidence and create a positive outlook on how you view yourself and therefore influence other people to treat you with respect.
FFV: I believe that being a seductive person stems from genuine self acceptance of your most authentic desires, unshakable inner confidence, and non-negotiable level of self respect. To embody these qualities, I believe that a seductive person's energy will radiate naturally through their personality into their physical presence through traits, including good posture eye contact, and mannerisms. Similarly, I believe that unwavering self-respect is a care aspect of being a seductive person. So, naturally, I think that a seductive person will embody their character traits through both personality traits like setting strong (healthy) boundaries and taking care of their appearance (excellent hygiene, prioritizing their health, remaining thoughtful when putting themselves together - clean, well-styled outfits, makeup, hairstyles, nails, perfume, etc.).
Q: How do you think you can be a more seductive person in areas of our life outside of your romantic or intimate endeavors? Do you believe that seduction is more of a libidinal or creative energy?
FFV: I believe cultivating your inner seductress/seducer will make you a better conversationalist, writer, speaker, dancer, athlete, chef, project manager, learner, etc. In my eyes, libidinal and creative energy are one and the same. So, I see creative energy, by definition, as the art of transmuting libidinal energy into areas of your life outside of the bedroom and romantic pursuits (think Napoleon Hill's concept of Sex Transmutation as an exercise of will-power in his book, Think and Grow Rich). I think you can be a more seductive person in any area of life that requires confidence, high energy, stream-of-consciousness-level focus (flow state), and, of course, creativity. Anecdotally, I've found that understanding that good writing is akin to good sex & sexual chemistry has been one of the best ways to up-level my professional skillset.
SS: Seduction is a creative practice of attracting your desires, sometimes through material and emotional lures. It isn’t always sexual, but since seduction stimulates emotions it can create pleasure. I believe a person can use seduction in various ways. When most people think of seduction, they think of manipulation or sneakiness but seduction is just a simple art of attracting what you desire at all costs. Having this mindset can help with becoming open minded and relentless when pursuing goals. Instead of settling and accepting what you don’t want, seduction shows you alternative ways to attain your desires and live a life that you truly enjoy. Using seduction in platonic relationships, can help you better understand the needs of others. Such as, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. When you do this you make that person feel appreciated and heard. This quality alone enriches relationships, friendships and partnerships. Another example is disagreements. Seducers don’t have to argue, they listen and then strategize solutions that everyone can benefit from because no one wants to compromise if there's not anything that they too can benefit from.
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
⚷ Chiron (The Wounded Healer) ⚷
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⚷ Brief Introduction ⚷
In Greek mythology, Chiron's mother was a water nymph who turned herself into a horse while trying to run from Zeus' amorous overtures. She was not able to escape. She later became pregnant with Zeus's offspring, and when she gave birth, she was shocked to see that her newborn was half horse, half boy. The mother was so terrified that she prayed to the gods to be changed into a tree. Her wish was granted. Thus, both of Chiron's parents abandoned him. Despite his pain and sorrow, he became a skilled teacher and healer. One day, while he was handing a poisoned arrow to a student, it dropped and pierced his leg. As the son of a god, he was immortal, yet he was still made of flesh and blood; The pains of the poison coursing through his body made him suffer greatly. In terrible pain, he prayed to the gods to let him die. In gratitude for his teachings, they granted his wish and placed him in the sky.
Chiron is the wounded healer. This planetoid is for everyone who, rather than giving into despair amid their suffering, reaches out so others will not have to experience the pain they've felt. This can especially be seen in people who have had a painful childhood and go on to be psychiatrists, therapists, or counselors. These people feel the influence of Chiron. It can be healing for a person to help others cope with a pain that they have lived through.
As such, the sign and house Chiron resides in and how well (or not so well) it is aspected will shed light on our wounds. It helps us identify them, what/where they are hurting the most, and conversely, how to heal, transform and move on.
⚷ Chiron through the Houses ⚷
Chiron in the 1st house:
Chiron indicates that the native's wounds are related to their appearance and self-expression. Your self-confidence may have taken a severe hit at a young age. People with this placement were, in many cases, shy children. They were afraid of putting themselves out there and going after their dreams. As a child, you see only the negative in yourself. Chiron in this house can feel like you were observing your reflection in a distorting mirror. Having a clear sense of self is hard. Often, the environment could be more supportive too, and you get little positive encouragement. Because of this, working on your self-esteem is a must as an adult. You may feel unwanted, unattractive, or unworthy of acknowledgment and love. This placement can also indicate that you think that you are not allowed to enjoy life. You have to have faith in yourself and find power in your life choices. Living passively and with regret would be a common mistake and habit you need to break. You feel pain in being you, and remaining authentic to yourself instead of embodying someone else's projection would be transformative. Taking action and being unapologetic is critical to breaking yourself out of the mold. You help others do transformative work by leading as an example. You can become the image of someone who triumphs in life despite all obstacles.
Chiron in the 2nd house:
Chiron in the 2nd house raises issues around self-worth and self-value. Those with this placement may have experienced some form of trauma or wound around their finances or possessions, leaving them feeling insecure about their worthiness. This can manifest in various ways, including overspending or undervaluing oneself in relationships or career choices. However, these individuals can learn to heal and cultivate healthy self-esteem and self-worth with awareness and introspection. Despite the challenges, it's worth noting that Chiron in the 2nd house can also bring a unique gift of healing regarding self-worth and value issues. This placement can inspire a deeper understanding of one's true worth and the importance of self-care. Additionally, it can lead to a career or calling in the healing arts or counseling, allowing individuals to help others heal their own self-worth and value struggles.
Chiron in the 3rd house:
Chiron in the 3rd house holds various implications. First, this placement suggests that the person may have experienced some injury or trauma concerning their communication, learning, or sibling relationship. Consequently, they may have difficulty expressing themselves effectively or understanding others' perspectives. However, this placement also offers an opportunity for deep healing and growth through developing better communication skills and learning to accept and love oneself despite past hurts. Individuals with Chiron in the 3rd house may find themselves drawn to healing professions or have a natural talent for teaching and mentoring others. Moreover, this placement can be challenging but ultimately transformative, providing the potential for profound personal growth and healing. By embracing their wounds and working towards healing, individuals with this placement can develop greater self-awareness, empathy, and compassion toward others. Ultimately, the journey toward healing and growth can be challenging, but it can also lead to significant personal transformation and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.
Chiron in the 4th house:
Chiron in the 4th house can be challenging. This is because it often brings past wounds and emotional trauma related to one's family and home environment. Those with this placement may need to work hard to heal and process these issues to find a sense of emotional security and stability. It's not uncommon for people with Chiron in the 4th house to have experienced a difficult childhood or family life. This can manifest in various ways, including issues with trust, boundaries, and intimacy in adult relationships. However, with awareness and effort, this placement can bring profound healing and a sense of inner strength and resilience. While the healing process may take time and patience, those with Chiron in the 4th house have the potential to transform their past pain into wisdom and compassion for themselves and others. In addition, by working through these challenging experiences, individuals can emerge stronger and more self-aware. Ultimately, this placement can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.
Chiron in the 5th house:
The positioning of Chiron in the 5th house indicates a profoundly ingrained wound or trauma closely related to self-expression and creativity. Individuals with this particular placement may have undergone experiences of rejection or criticism in their artistic pursuits, which could have led to a persistent fear of expressing their creativity or putting themselves out there in a vulnerable manner. However, this placement can also signify a potential for healing through creative expression. By embracing their unique talents and gifts, individuals with Chiron in the 5th house can discover a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in their creative pursuits. It is essential to acknowledge that it may take considerable time and effort to overcome the wounds and insecurities associated with this placement. Still, with patience and self-compassion, it is possible to transcend the challenges and tap into the transformative power of the 5th house. The journey toward healing and self-discovery may not be easy, but it is undoubtedly worth it.
Chiron in the 6th house:
This placement of Chiron suggests pain related to criticism and feeling that you are not good enough. You feel that you don't fit in the workplace, are inadequate, or are unfit to oversee tasks. You tend to take criticism too seriously, especially when you are still learning and honing your skills. However, none of us is perfect. Pain related to loss of health is also possible. Keep a sense of awareness of mental health. When in a bad mental state, there's a tendency to develop feelings of loneliness, isolation, self-criticism, and Stockholm syndrome. Breaking the cycles of self-sabotage and depreciation is key to improving resolve and creating a positive internal monologue. However, with this particular house, there is a great potential for transformation and healing to occur. Individuals with this placement may be drawn towards alternative healing modalities or find that helping others with their health and work issues brings them a sense of fulfillment and purpose. For those with this placement to thrive, it is essential for them to prioritize self-care and find work that aligns with their values and passions. By doing so, they can turn their past wounds into strengths and contribute to the greater good. It is also important for them to recognize the potential for growth and healing within this placement and embrace it with open arms.
Chiron in the 7th house:
Chiron's position in the 7th house signifies a deep wound or sensitivity associated with relationships and partnerships. This placement may suggest that the person has undergone significant pain or trauma in their past relationships, making it difficult for them to establish healthy and well-balanced partnerships in the future. However, with a heightened sense of awareness and self-reflection, individuals with Chiron in the 7th house can utilize their experiences to grow and heal. They may discover that they are naturally drawn to partners who reflect their wounds, which can present a unique opportunity for healing and growth. In addition, they may have to improve their sense of self-worth and relationship independence to avoid falling into codependent patterns. Having Chiron in the 7th house can undoubtedly be a challenging placement, but it can also open avenues for profound healing and transformation in relationships. Therefore, it is essential to approach the challenges it brings with a positive mindset, as it can offer valuable lessons and experiences that can ultimately lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
Chiron in the 8th house:
Chiron in the 8th house indicates deep emotional wounds and trauma related to power, control, and intimacy. People with this placement may struggle with trust issues and vulnerability, as well as experiencing fear of abandonment and betrayal. It can possess a significant and transformative on planets aspects as well. However, the positioning of Chiron in the 8th house also offers the potential for powerful healing and transformation. By facing and working through their deepest emotional wounds, individuals with this placement can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before. It is important to note that navigating the intense emotions and challenges that arise from this placement can be a difficult task. Therefore, it is advised for those with Chiron in the 8th house to seek support from trusted individuals, such as a therapist or spiritual advisor. These professionals can help individuals manage the intense feelings that may arise and assist them in their journey to healing and transformation. In conclusion, Chiron in the 8th house is a placement that can be both challenging and rewarding. With the proper support and approach, individuals can overcome their emotional wounds and emerge victorious.
Chiron in the 9th house:
Chiron in the 9th can evoke a profound yearning for spiritual development and comprehension. Individuals who possess this placement may have undergone some form of trauma or injury related to their beliefs or higher education, prompting them to seek healing in these domains. In addition, they may be strongly inclined to travel and explore diverse cultures to widen their worldview. The Chiron in the 9th house placement also suggests a potential for becoming a teacher or mentor, as they naturally guide others towards greater understanding and personal growth. However, those who bear Chiron in the 9th house must be mindful of any tendencies towards dogmatic or rigid thinking, as this can impede their own growth and constrain their ability to connect with others. By embracing a more open-minded and comprehensive approach to spirituality and education, individuals with this placement can discover profound healing and fulfillment in their pursuits.
Chiron in the 10th house:
The placement of Chiron in the 10th house significantly influences their professional trajectory and public image. Those who possess this placement may encounter difficulties in their career path, struggling with feelings of inadequacy or feeling wounded. However, with introspection and healing work, they can transform their experiences into a source of strength and compassion, becoming exemplary leaders in their respective fields. Additionally, individuals with this placement must learn to balance their personal and professional lives, as they may tend to prioritize their careers at the expense of their relationships. While navigating these challenges can be daunting, those who are willing to put in the inner work will find that Chiron in the 10th house can ultimately be a transformative experience. Through cultivating resilience and compassion, individuals with this placement can emerge as influential and inspiring figures in their communities and industries.
Chiron in the 11th house:
Chiron's in the 11th house pertains to experiences with friendships, social groups, and humanitarian causes. Those with this placement may struggle with a deep sense of woundedness regarding their social interactions, feeling like they don't quite fit in or belong with their peers. This can be partly due to past traumas or experiences of rejection in these areas. Despite these challenges, however, Chiron's influence can also bring about a profound sense of empathy and compassion for others in those with this placement. This may manifest as a desire to help those who have also experienced social exclusion or marginalization or a natural talent for creating a sense of community and bringing people together. It's important to note that this placement can be particularly challenging, as individuals may feel as though they are constantly struggling to find their place within social groups or causes. However, with Chiron's influence, there is also the potential for profound growth and healing in the realm of social connection and collective consciousness. Again, this may involve facing and working through past traumas or wounds. Still, it can ultimately lead to a more profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in one's social interactions and contributions to the greater good.
Chiron in the 12th house:
Chiron in the 12th house can be a source of significant difficulty for the natives. This placement can bring up deeply buried wounds and traumas that may have remained hidden or repressed for an extended period. In addition, the 12th house is associated with the unconscious mind, spirituality, and the collective unconscious, so having Chiron here can indicate a profound need for healing on a soul level. Individuals with Chiron in the 12th house may experience difficulty with feelings of loneliness, isolation, and disconnection from the world around them. They may possess a solid intuitive or psychic ability but may need help understanding how to channel it healthily. As a result, this can lead to confusion or a sense of being overwhelmed by the emotions and energies around them. However, Chiron in the 12th house can also serve as a potent placement for transformation and spiritual growth. By confronting their deepest fears and wounds, individuals with this placement can better understand themselves and their place in the world. This may also lead to developing a deep sense of compassion and empathy for others, and they may feel driven to help those suffering in some way.
⚷ Chiron in the Signs ⚷
Chiron in Aries:
Chiron in Aries can bring up a lot of past wounds and traumas related to personal identity and self-expression. People with this placement may have experienced early childhood experiences where they could not fully express themselves or were criticized for being too assertive or independent. As a result, they may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or a fear of being rejected for speaking their truth. However, Chiron in Aries also offers healing and growth opportunities through learning to embrace and assert one's individuality healthily and constructively. This can involve setting boundaries, communicating assertively, and cultivating a strong sense of self-worth. Ultimately, Chiron in Aries can teach us that our unique identity and voice are valuable and worthy of expression and that we have the power to create our own path in life.
Chiron in Taurus:
The placement of Chiron in Taurus typically signifies a profound attachment to the earth and a strong inclination towards stability and security. Individuals possessing this placement may have encountered early traumas regarding issues of self-worth and material abundance, leading to a lifelong voyage of self-healing and self-discovery. Nevertheless, with perseverance and dedication, these individuals can harness their inherent qualities of patience, perseverance, and practicality to establish a firm foundation for themselves and others. They may also possess a flair for working with their hands or creating physical beauty. The ultimate lesson of Chiron in Taurus is that authentic wealth originates from within, and we possess the ability to develop our own sense of security, regardless of what life may present to us.
Chiron in Gemini:
Chiron in Gemini is an exciting placement that can bring many intellectual curiosity and communication skills. People with this placement may have experienced early wounds related to communication, learning, or siblings that have shaped their worldview. However, they also have the potential to be great teachers and communicators, using their own experiences to help others learn and grow. It's important for those with Chiron in Gemini to work on healing any wounds related to communication and to embrace their natural curiosity and desire for knowledge. With a bit of self-awareness and effort, they can turn their wounds into strengths and positively impact the world around them.
Chiron in Cancer:
Individuals with Chiron in Cancer often have a complex emotional history, as this placement can signify difficult experiences related to family and home life. These experiences may include abandonment or rejection by a parent or caregiver, which can lead to a persistent sense of insecurity and a need for emotional stability. However, with introspection and a commitment to personal growth, those with Chiron in Cancer can learn to nurture themselves and cultivate a sense of inner belonging that transcends external circumstances. Moreover, this placement can also indicate a natural talent for providing emotional support and comfort to others, as those who have experienced emotional pain themselves often develop deep empathy and understanding for the struggles of others.
Chiron in Leo:
The placement of Chiron in Leo can evoke emotions of inadequacy and insecurity when it comes to self-expression and creativity. Those who possess this placement may have faced unfavorable feedback or rejection in their artistic endeavors, leading to a fear of exposing their talents to the world. Nevertheless, through deliberate effort and therapeutic intervention, Chiron in Leo can also be a source of great power and assurance in one's unique abilities and gifts. Individuals with this placement must acknowledge their worth and significance as a creative entity and foster a sense of self-love and approval in order to fully unleash their creative potential.
Chiron in Virgo:
Chiron in Virgo indicates a profound yearning for healing and completeness, especially when it comes to matters of health and service. People with this placement may be strongly inclined towards aiding and mending others. However, they may also struggle with the tendency for perfectionism and self-criticism, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. Additionally, those with Chiron in Virgo may find themselves overanalyzing and worrying excessively. Despite these challenges, by being mindful and compassionate towards oneself, individuals with Chiron in Virgo can tap into their healing abilities and utilize them to serve others significantly and meaningfully.
Chiron in Libra:
When Chiron is in Libra, it brings up various issues regarding relationships and partnerships. One may find it challenging to maintain balance and harmony within their relationships or need help setting boundaries and standing up for themselves. As a result, it is crucial to develop healthy communication skills and learn to appreciate one's own needs and desires in relationships. This placement may also indicate a tendency towards codependency or seeking validation through others, making cultivating a strong sense of self-worth and independence essential. Overall, Chiron in Libra presents an opportunity for growth and healing in the realm of relationships, but it may require some effort and self-reflection to achieve.
Chiron in Scorpio:
Individuals with Chiron in Scorpio may experience significant challenges related to power, control, and intimacy. This placement can bring deep-seated wounds and emotional trauma to the surface, which may manifest as feelings of betrayal and abandonment in relationships. Moreover, these individuals may hold onto grudges and resentments, making it difficult to move forward. However, when Chiron in Scorpio is harnessed and healed, it can become a powerful tool for transformation and healing. Those with this placement can become skilled healers and guides, helping others navigate their own journeys of growth and self-discovery.
Chiron in Sagittarius:
Individuals with Chiron in Sagittarius are known to possess an intense yearning for spiritual development and comprehension. This placement often instills a profound sense of purpose and a deep connection to personal beliefs. However, those with this placement may encounter difficulty finding a sense of belonging or experience a lack of understanding from others regarding their spiritual journey. Therefore, it is imperative for these individuals to seek out a supportive community that values and comprehends their quest for spiritual growth. Additionally, finding a balance between their aspiration for growth and the requirement to stay grounded and pragmatic in their day-to-day life is crucial for their overall well-being. Ultimately, Chiron in Sagittarius holds immense potential for personal growth and transformation.
Chiron in Capricorn:
Chiron's placement in Capricorn demands us to confront the wounds of our past and seek healing. Capricorn's uncompromising nature adds to the challenge, making it an uphill battle for many. However, we can transmute our pain into power with Chiron's guidance. This placement helps us address lingering issues related to our sense of self-worth, authority, and responsibility. Chiron in Capricorn inspires us to take control of our healing process and grow as individuals. It requires patience, perseverance, and courage to face our fears head-on, but the outcome is worth it. With this transit, we emerge as stronger, wiser, and more capable versions of ourselves.
Chiron in Aquarius:
The sign of Aquarius is renowned for its focus on humankind and progress, while Chiron is known as the wounded healer. Together, they create an intriguing combination that can suggest a person who is deeply committed to supporting others but may struggle with their own emotional and psychological scars. Individuals with Chiron in Aquarius are likely to possess a distinctive outlook on the world, one that is drawn to unconventional and progressive modes of thinking. They may also feel a strong pull towards humanitarian causes, taking on a great sense of responsibility for the well-being of others. However, the placement of Chiron in Aquarius can also signify a sense of detachment or emotional distance. These individuals may find it challenging to forge deep and meaningful connections with others or feel like outsiders in their social groups.
Chiron in Pisces:
Chiron in Pisces can trigger the emergence of intense emotional wounds that have been buried deep within. Therefore, it is crucial to dedicate time to processing and healing these wounds through therapeutic means, creative outlets, or spiritual practices. Additionally, this placement can heighten our sensitivity to the suffering of others and ignite a desire to alleviate their pain. However, it is imperative to maintain a balance between this desire and self-care, as Pisces tends to blur the boundaries between ourselves and others. In essence, Chiron in Pisces offers a unique opportunity for profound healing and compassion towards ourselves and those around us.
⚷ Chiron Aspects ⚷
Sun aspect Chiron:
When the Sun aspects Chiron, it signifies an opportune moment for growth and healing. Chiron symbolizes our innermost wounds and the ways in which we have been hurt in the past. Conversely, the Sun represents our sense of self and ability to radiate positively in the world. When these two energies converge, it presents a powerful opportunity to heal past wounds and step into our full potential. This aspect may elicit old pain and feelings of inadequacy; however, it also provides an opening to relinquish these limiting beliefs and embrace our true potential. With the Sun's brilliant light shining on the wounded areas of our lives, we can begin to perceive them in a new light and discover the courage to move forward.
Moon aspect Chiron:
When the Moon is in aspect with Chiron, it has the potential to trigger old emotional wounds and pain that may have been buried deep within us. However, this aspect can also provide healing and release opportunities if we are willing to confront and address these past traumas. It is essential to take the time to prioritize our emotional well-being and engage in self-care during this period. Our intuition can guide us in identifying what support we need, whether seeking assistance from loved ones or a therapist. It's important to remember that healing is a process that takes time, and it is perfectly acceptable to take things gradually, one step at a time.
Ascendant aspect Chiron:
Individuals with Chiron aspecting the ascendent may have undergone some form of early childhood trauma or wound, significantly influencing their identity and personality. However, this placement also implies that they possess the potential to use their experience to aid others and bring healing to those around them. As they mature and develop, they may find themselves attracted to professions in healthcare, counseling, or other helping professions. Individuals with this placement must prioritize their emotional well-being and seek support when necessary, as they may be more susceptible to emotional triggers and stress. Chiron's ascendant aspect can be a potent tool for personal growth and transformation if the individual is willing to confront and work through their inner wounds.
Mercury aspect Chiron:
The relationship between Mercury and Chiron in astrology is compelling, as these two entities symbolize the mind and communication in unique ways. Mercury embodies the concept of rational thinking, swift wit, and effective communication. Conversely, Chiron represents the wounded healer, signifying our most profound emotional wounds and the following healing process. When Mercury aspects Chiron in a birth chart, it can suggest that the individual has an inherent gift for communicating their pain and struggles. They may possess the ability to articulate their emotions and employ language to facilitate the healing process for themselves and others. However, this aspect may also imply a proclivity towards overthinking and self-doubt. The person might struggle with negative self-talk, making it arduous to trust their thoughts and opinions.
Venus aspect Chiron:
When Chiron makes an aspect to Venus in a natal chart, it can indicate a significant emotional wound associated with love, relationships, self-esteem, and beauty. This aspect may manifest as a sense of unlovability or unworthiness of love, challenges in establishing healthy relationships, or heartache and disillusionment in love. Nevertheless, Chiron's curative energy can also facilitate personal growth and transformation in these areas, as the individual learns to love and accept themselves and attract healthier relationships. Individuals with this aspect must focus on self-love and address past traumas linked to love and relationships.
Mars aspect Chiron:
Mars aspecting Chiron can evoke intense emotions and memories of past traumas. This alignment has the potential to be quite challenging, as it may stir up feelings of anger, frustration, and even hostility. However, it's crucial to recognize that this alignment can also present an opportunity for personal growth and healing. By confronting and gradually working through your inner pain, you can emerge stronger and more resilient. Astrology provides valuable insights into these intricate dynamics, and an experienced astrologer can offer guidance and support throughout this journey of self-discovery.
Jupiter aspect Chiron:
Jupiter aspecting Chiron in astrology can bring about a lot of healing and growth opportunities. Chiron represents our deepest wounds, and Jupiter represents expansion and growth. When these two come together in a harmonious aspect, such as a trine or sextile, we may find that our wounds are being healed through the process of personal growth and expansion. However, when these two come together in a challenging aspect, such as a square or opposition, we may find that our wounds are being exacerbated, and we may need to work harder to find the healing we need. Overall, Jupiter aspecting Chiron can be a powerful catalyst for healing and growth in our lives.
Saturn aspect Chiron:
When Saturn aspects Chiron, you may find yourself confronting deep-seated wounds and insecurities, specifically concerning your career and authority. These feelings may manifest as a sense of inadequacy or doubt in your ability to handle the responsibilities that come with leadership positions. But, even though this aspect can be challenging, it also presents an opportunity for growth and healing if you're willing to face your fears and work through them. To do so, it's important to take a practical and disciplined approach to your goals while also being kind and understanding to yourself throughout the process. Finally, remember that everyone's journey and struggles are unique and that asking for help and support is perfectly acceptable when needed.
Uranus aspect Chiron:
When Uranus aspects Chiron, there is a potential for breakthroughs in healing and growth. Uranus represents change, innovation, and awakening, while Chiron represents our deepest wounds and the potential for transformation through them. When these two energies come together, we may experience sudden insights, unexpected solutions, or new perspectives that help us move past limiting beliefs or patterns. However, it's essential to approach this energy with openness and receptivity, as Uranus can also bring disruption and upheaval if we resist its call for change. By working with the energy of Uranus and Chiron consciously and intentionally, we can tap into their transformative power and ultimately emerge stronger and more whole.
Neptune aspect Chiron:
Aspects between Neptune and Chiron can signal spiritual revival and advancement. This may stir up past traumas and emotional anguish, but it also offers a chance for profound insight and empathy. It is crucial to remain anchored and seek guidance from reliable sources, such as trusted confidants or well-versed professionals. Embracing your instincts and being receptive to unique perspectives has the potential to usher in remarkable healing and metamorphosis.
Pluto aspect Chiron:
When Pluto aspects Chiron, it's possible for old wounds and traumas to surface, requiring attention for healing and transformation. As outdated patterns and beliefs are challenged and released, this can trigger deep emotional and psychological growth. However, it's important to be aware that power struggles and intense emotions may arise as Pluto's intensity clashes with Chiron's sensitivity. Staying grounded and centered is crucial during this period, and seeking support from trusted friends, family, or therapists is necessary. Ultimately, this aspect can lead to profound self-healing and transformation as past wounds are confronted and released, paving the way for enhanced self-awareness and personal growth.
North Node aspect Chiron:
This particular aspect can prove to be quite daunting, as it unearths past traumas and vulnerabilities that we may have long thought were buried. However, it also presents an opportunity for growth and healing as it compels us to confront these issues and work through them in order to move forward. Through my personal experience, engaging in meditation and journaling has been instrumental in this process, as they provide a safe and supportive environment for me to reflect on my emotions and experiences. The North Node aspects to Chiron can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation if we are willing to put in the work and face our fears head-on.
South Node aspect Chiron:
When the South Node is in aspect with Chiron, it implies that you may rely excessively on past experiences and patterns, especially those related to emotional wounds and traumas. This inclination towards familiar patterns may provide comfort, even if they are not beneficial or productive. However, this can hinder your progress and prevent healing from past hurts. Therefore, acknowledging and confronting these wounds to release them and move towards a healthier future is crucial. Additionally, this aspect may indicate a need to let go of old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. By embracing new experiences and perspectives, you can cultivate a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Mean Lilith aspect Chiron:
Aspects of Lilith and Chiron significantly impact an individual's emotional wounds and healing process. Lilith represents our inherent instincts and uncontrollable desires, while Chiron symbolizes our deepest traumas and the path to recovery and personal development. This convergence of energies can lead to intense emotional struggles and a profound need for healing. Therefore, it is crucial to acknowledge and validate these wounds while striving to heal and attain a sense of completeness. Astrology serves as a valuable tool in this journey, offering insights and direction to navigate the intricate dynamics of Lilith and Chiron.
Unaspected or Less than two aspects Chiron:
An unaspected Chiron, or one in less than two, refers to a scenario where Chiron does not form any significant connections with other planets or points in a person's natal chart. This may suggest an area of life where the individual may feel a sense of detachment or isolation, as if they are working through their issues alone. On the other hand, it also indicates a need for self-reliance and self-healing, as those with an unanspected Chiron placement may have a unique perspective on healing and be able to offer guidance to others who are struggling with similar challenges. However, it's important to remember that each astrology placement is just one piece of the puzzle, and the interpretation of Chiron should be made in the context of the whole chart. For example, look into the house ruler of the sign of your Chiron as well as the house itself for more insight. The house rulers planet placement can shed light into underlayered or overshadowed areas that effect Chiron. (Chiron in 12th house Capricorn with Saturn in the 3rd suggests isolation from the immediate environment can be detrimental to the person's mental health.)
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littlemoonastrology · 9 months
Astro Observations - The 12th House
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The 12th House shows us what we project to the outside world as a mirror to our inside... It shows if we are being authentic to who we truly are.
The Natal Chart is essentially a Wheel of Possibilities - teaching us about our personal cycles, the cycles of others and events... and the 12th House represents the End of a Cycle and the Beginning of a New one (or Repetition of an Old one!).
Not only that, but the 12th House in Astrology shows us who we REALLY are - we are a product of our environment, thoughts, feelings, choices, dreams and so on. What we project becomes our reality - that's the teaching of our 12th House.
If we make choices that aren't true to our wants, needs, and dreams we feel unsettled, lost... not really knowing what we want to do with our lives - this becomes our reality, a self-fulfilling prophecy. It becomes a major stressor in our lives and can often be triggered by some past wound, maintained by an unhealthy environment/mindset.
If you feel like your feelings are out of whack, unstable, inauthentic (like you are lying to yourself or are confused) then it's possible you need to develop healthy traits relating to your 12th House. This will allow you feel more at peace with yourself, authentic and increase your self-esteem.
How EXACTLY do you do that?
Well, there are a couple of ways!
Step 1: Take a look at the Sign your 12th House is in
This will allow you to get an overview understanding of the traits you need to embody to feel more aligned with yourself and stable! What you can also do is look for the Planetary Ruler of the Sign and find what House it is in. This will show you where to direct this energy especially and will allow you to heal from past misunderstandings, leaving them in the past and moving on.
For example: a 12th House in Virgo can mean to increase your critical thinking skills and be open to learning - develop your knowledge and practical skills! Learn grounding techniques - work on being authentic to you - communicating in a clear, direct way. Virgo's Planetary Ruler is Mercury, so a Mercury in 10th House would mean to direct this energy towards your Public Reputation, Careers and Ambitions.
Step 2: Take a look at the Planets in your 12th House
Being able to understand the energies which amplify our 12th House is the first step to being able to utilise them. Use these Planets to your advantage as they will help you feel a little less lost in life, allowing you to become the person who you want to be. What you can also do is look for the Sign the Planet rules (then see the House that is in!). By also focusing on this House/Sign, it will allow you to develop your 12th House, putting you on the right track!
For example: Mars in the 12th House means that you need to push forward and follow your desires no matter what. Mars is our drive, power and allows us to achieve what we want/need. Don't let people/negative environments dictate your choices - they are NOT you! They don't know what's best for you, only you know what's best for you! Mars rules over Aries, so with Aries in the 7th House it can mean to develop your close relationships with people - advocate for yourself and your wants/needs... if you want to someone to join your close circle - you need to take the initiative if you want it (and clearly communicate too!). Stay committed to those close to you that care about your needs and make you feel energised to reach for your goals! Refrain from procrastination and just act!!!
Step 3: Take a look at where Pisces is in your chart, the House it's in and the Planets inside of it
Pisces is Associated with the 12th House, so this is also a great way to pinpoint where you may feel unstable or inauthentic! Developing the House Pisces is in will allow you to feel a lot more at peace with this aspect of your life, be careful not to neglect it as that can inhibit growth. The Planets in Pisces (or the House Pisces is in) will show you what energies you need to utilise in order to achieve this!
For example: Pisces in 6th House can mean to develop your work ethic, services for people, health and responsibilities... find a way to make this work which is authentic to you and fits your needs (it can also allow you to take better care of domestic animals/pets)! If you have Uranus in Pisces, then also work on developing a friend group which is compatible with your ideologies and think progressively! It's easy to feel lonely in a group of friends which don't suit you, it can make you feel like you don't fit in or you change aspects of your personality just to get along (then find they don't appreciate the qualities you really care about!). This can cause a lot of misunderstandings, so it's just better to let it go and move on!
Step 4: Take a look at where Neptune is in your chart, the House it's in and the Sign it is in
Neptune shows us where we need to project our thoughts, wants, desires and so on... it shows where we need to heal. This may take time, but developing Neptune will allow you to become your more authentic self. The House Neptune is in shows the area of your life you may need to heal from, then the Sign expresses the techniques you can use.
For example: Neptune in 5th House may mean you need to try and find what brings you joy - find your passions and practice healthy self-expression. Maybe there is some kind of depression being experienced, not really knowing what brings you happiness or maybe to some extent being excluded (or feeling that way, maybe it's like you just don't feel lucky in this area) due to the things you enjoyed (or mode of creativity). It may have been something really stressful - be careful not to look for validation and mould yourself to what others want... be you! With that, you will notice you start to become more authentic to your self expression which will help you feel more stable. Neptune in Aquarius could mean to develop your own ideas in your own creative way - perhaps through digital means, some kind of debate or finding a cause to support (research/debate may help too!). Develop your own ideologies, find what is important to you - this will allow those with similar ideologies to feel drawn to you and a friendship starts to progress.
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kajmasterclass · 5 months
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yourstardarling · 7 months
Aquarius Through The Houses
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Aquarius in our charts signifies where we stand out from others in society. It is where we are ahead of our time for being different than the popular majority. Aquarius is the inventor and pushes us to make things anew. By doing this we propel ourselves forward to the future, but this often leads us to feel outcasted by society. We may feel like an alien in the area of our lives the sign influences. It is because this is where we are called to be unique and shine for being different. Authenticity should be our top priority wherever Aquarius is placed. Conforming to everyone else in this area of our lives will only lead to self-destruction. Embracing what makes you different will lead to a since of liberation and freedom. In turn you will get to shine in your full capacity.
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Aquarius 1st House: These people are the embodiments of indifference in the world. Your whole being is built upon standing out from the crowd. This might make you feel uncomfortable though, by how much you stand out from other people. When you were young, you may have had an identity crisis of not fitting in with groups of people your own age. You've often felt like an alien among your peers and may have dealt with a lot of people shunning you out as a kid. You feel validated when you surround yourself with other people, music, shows and things that are considered unconventional in society. Might have fears surrounding getting attention in the public eye. Something about your physical appearance is striking and makes it hard for you to go unnoticed. Your style and way of dressing is entirely different from the norm. Your goal is to learn to embrace your individuality and that not everyone needs to accept your uniqueness. The sooner you do this and try to stop fitting in, the easier you can shine and meet the ones who will support you. Understand that you are a futuristic individual and that it’s okay for people not to process who you are right way. Someday they will get it and see how ahead of your time you've been. Don’t be ashamed for being different!
Aquarius 2nd house: These individuals hold unconventional values that separates them from other people. You have a unique way of accumulating wealth and assets in your life. Innovative and forward thinking, towards how you gain stability. Your financial plans may be frowned upon by other people. You strive to find new ways when it comes to achieving your financial goals. While others might think you place high value on money, the freedom it gives is what you are really after. Not worrying about not having enough. In fact you are pretty detached when it comes to wealth and this unique approach is why you shine at gaining. It’s not about the money, but what can you do with it. You value your networks of people and they can help you a lot when it comes to gaining sustainability. Might invest into humanitarian causes to see the betterment of society. You truly do care about the collective knowledge. Intelligence is very important for you. Finding intellectual ways and concepts to help you achieve your goals is a priority. Your open to foreign concepts to see how other people view certain situations. Overall, you find liberation through your physical possessions and financial independence. What's most important to you is gaining freedom from the material world. Aquarius here urges you to figure out a unique outlook to what wealth means to you and focus on pursuing it in your life.
Aquarius 3rd house: The mind of Aquarius third housers are always one step ahead. Very future oriented people focusing on what is the next goal. They think of things quickly and find unique solutions to issues. As a young child, you could have felt very different in your school education. It's because your learning style and the way you pick up information is unique from those around you. This could've caused you feeling shunned out and doubt your intelligence because you couldn't operate the same way others received information. You have a unique communication style that can seem unconventional by other people. It can come off as somewhat detached which leaves some people to feel offended. Your siblings can see this detachment and you may have a distant relationship with them as well. The thing is you do care, but when you communicate your focus is on being as literal and factual as possible. You like talking about things that are out of the norm and thinking about the future. Your mind is always in the future and this leads you to having a lot o progressive ideas. It's because you desire to be a free thinker and be liberated through your mind. That is why you could’ve had a rebellious attitude towards school because it conformed your thoughts to be like everyone else. Aquarius is teaching you here that your forward thinking and unique curiosity should be cherished to separate you from the point of view of other people. Don’t just believe anything just because that is the popular way of thinking. Find unique ways to see things from different perspectives. You learn differently from your peers and need to find a way to gain knowledge that personally works for you.  Freedom of speech is important for you and you are called to raise your voice for humanitarian causes.
Aquarius 4th house: Family dynamics for these people is a little chaotic. Random changes could've been occurring around your home as a child. You may feel like an outsider within your own home. Something about your background separates you from others in your family. It could be you have a different nationality or ethnicity than the family majority. Your family could be foreigners within the land you live in. The detachment from your family members can make you clash and have different ideals than them. You may not show much emotion around them. An original thinker between your family, you see things differently and futuristically than them. You can be considered the rebel within your family and you are not afraid to speak out against them. Mainly because your able to see the generational issues and traditional values your family holds that don't align with you. What they push on you to do is just not who you are. Might be the black sheep in your relationship with your family and feel shunned by them. Aquarius here wants you to help your family progress and let go of ways that no longer serve them. Focusing on the liberation of the family line. A desire for social changes and humanitarian causes to be valued in your home. Your social networks and friends can be considered your family. You have a unique way of viewing what family means to you. The online world can be a place of comfort for you, offering a space for you to gain a sense of freedom.
Aquarius 5th house: Creativity is unique to you. You’re able to see new patterns and different ways to make creations. You stand out for your talents. The interest of these individuals can be shocking for other people to see. Through your art and creative expression, a sense of freedom is gained. You may value intellectual pursuits and gaining knowledge about topics you are interested in. Spelling is Fun. These people can find a lot of joy by learning new things. You are always trying to find unique avenues to gain a sense of happiness. Your friends can be a good source of fun for you and bring you a lot of excitement. This makes you stand out when you are in a crowd of people. Attraction towards romantic partners that are intellectually stimulating. Your children may be rebellious themselves to the systems that is placed around them. This is a result of your progressive approach towards parenting and finding out unique ways to raise your kids. It can also be because you can have a detached parenting approach with them. Aquarius pushes you to be experimental towards what brings you pleasure in your life. A push towards finding joy in spontaneity and that different is not scary. The more you do this, the easier it becomes to stand out from what everyone else is doing.
Aquarius 6th house: You have a unique way in how you move through your day to day that separates you from other people. Time is of the essence and you want to find a different approach to spend it wisely. Your schedule may be somewhat chaotic with you always having something new to do. The people who view you in your day today might not like your approach to your daily routine. However, that is what fits you personally and helps you keep composure through the storms in your daily life. You may be dealing with a lot of disorganization within your daily environment. Since this is the house of bad fortune, misfortunate events can occur out of nowhere. This can greatly disrupt your routine and send you into a state of panic. Aquarius is teaching you here that no matter how hard you try, not everything in your life will be order. You overcompensate in your life by trying to keep things in check, but something will happen and things will fall apart. It's about adaptability and being detached from the hurdles that come your way. In doing so you find unique ways to navigate your life. You can also have an unconventional approach towards health and wellness. Might be into home remedies and alternative medicine. Keeping your body healthy in a personal method that works for you, helps separate you from other people.
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hermajestyimher · 2 months
How do I stop letting depression/anxiety control me and how I view myself? I’ve gotten better, but I just feel like my appearance has so much control over me. I am black, but I’ve just been so insecure of my nose and it being on the bigger side, especially compared to other black women (this isn’t to out them down or anything! I think they are absolutely beautiful people and I love them :D). I just feel like I’ve been dealt such a bad hand in life by being unattractive and that all my hardships especially with my relationship with others (romantic and platonic) just stem from me being/feeling unattractive and being a naturally awkward person doesn’t help. I constantly day dream about being a woman like Anok Yai or even someone with the sort of energy as Mia goth. I don’t want this to turn into some pity post, but I want to be able to be beautiful while also replacing this awkward personality of mines. This feels super childish and all over the place, but I just feel a little lost with myself and who I am.
So TLDR is: How do I become/start feeling attractive and become a more confident and charismatic person? Thank you and Im so sorry for the messiness of this post!
Hi my love, it sounds like you need to do a lot of self-concept work to change your internal dialogue and improve how you see yourself. It's essential to build a strong foundation of self-worth and confidence that isn't easily shaken by external influences. Here are some practical steps you can take to begin this transformative process:
1. Eliminate All Forms of Negative Stimuli
One of the first steps in enhancing your self-concept is eliminating the stimuli that contribute to self-doubt. This involves a thorough examination of what you consume daily, whether it’s media, people, or experiences. Start by unfollowing individuals and accounts on social media that make you feel inadequate or pressured to conform to unrealistic standards. Pay attention to how certain songs or films make you feel; if they perpetuate feelings of self-doubt or insecurity, consider removing them from your playlist.
It's crucial to be mindful of what you're feeding your mind. Often, we internalize negative messages without realizing it. These can come from people who appear close to us or through entertainment that subtly promotes insecurity. Perform a detailed assessment of who you’re listening to and determine if their influence is healthy. If not, create distance, whether that means unfollowing them online or spending less time with them in person. Surround yourself with people and content that uplift and inspire you rather than bring you down.
Pro Tip: Make a list of accounts, shows, and songs you consume regularly, and categorize them into “Positive,” “Neutral,” and “Negative.” Actively replace those in the “Negative” category with something positive.
2. Surround Yourself with Positive and Aspirational Content
After you've cleared out negative influences, it's time to replace them with content that uplifts and inspires you. Look for media and role models that align with your aspirations. This could mean following influencers who promote body positivity, self-love, or healthy lifestyles. Find women who embody the qualities you admire and whose lifestyles you aspire to emulate.
Comparison, when used wisely, can motivate us to strive for more. Instead of comparing yourself to others out of insecurity, use it as a tool for growth. Observe the habits, routines, and mindsets of those you admire, and learn from them. Incorporate their positive traits into your life in a way that feels authentic to you.
Additionally, consider expanding your social circle by engaging in environments where aspirational people frequent, such as networking events, workshops, or fitness classes. Being around people who have achieved what you’re aiming for can provide real-life inspiration and show you that your goals are attainable.
Pro Tip: Create a vision board or digital collage of people and things that inspire you. Include images, quotes, and achievements you aspire to. This visual reminder can be a powerful motivator.
3. Reprogram Your Mind with Positive Affirmations
Changing your internal dialogue is critical for improving your self-concept. One effective method is using subliminals and affirmations, which can help rewire your brain with positive messages. These techniques work by bypassing the conscious mind and directly influencing the subconscious, gradually replacing negative beliefs with empowering ones.
Find subliminal audios or affirmation tracks that resonate with you and your goals. For instance, if you're working on self-confidence, look for recordings that focus on self-assurance and self-love. I recommend listening to this one for about 30 minutes daily, ideally in the morning when you wake up or right before bedtime when your subconscious is most receptive. You can find a variety of these resources online, just be careful to read the comments before listening to ensure the affirmations are safe and vetted by others.
As you integrate these practices, remember that consistency is key. Regular exposure to positive affirmations will slowly build a new mindset, one that's more aligned with your true worth and potential. You can also use affirmations to help change your physical appearance as well.
Pro Tip: Write down a set of personal affirmations that resonate with you. Repeat them to yourself every morning and evening as a daily ritual. This practice will reinforce positive beliefs about yourself and your abilities.
4. Improve Your Physical Health
Taking care of your physical well-being is a vital aspect of boosting self-concept. Exercise regularly, not just for physical benefits but also for the mental and emotional gains that come with it. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, reduces stress, and builds self-discipline, all of which contribute to a stronger sense of self-worth.
Create a balanced workout routine that you enjoy and can stick to consistently. Whether it’s yoga, running, weightlifting, or dance, find what resonates with you and keeps you motivated. Pair this with a nutritious diet that fuels your body and mind, helping you feel energized and confident.
Remember, discipline in maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only improves your physical appearance but also enhances your mental resilience and self-discipline. These are foundational qualities that contribute to a greater sense of life satisfaction and fulfillment.
Pro Tip: Set realistic fitness goals and track your progress. Celebrate small victories along the way to stay motivated and recognize how far you’ve come.
5. Cultivate Self-Acceptance and Reject Self-Pity
Finally, the ultimate goal is to cultivate a mindset of self-acceptance and reject any form of self-pity. Pity is a toxic emotion that disempowers you and feeds into a cycle of negativity. Recognize that your worth is intrinsic and not solely dependent on external validation or appearance.
Understand that you have the power to transform your life through consistent effort and self-belief. Your value is not determined by how you look or by the opinions of others, but by your inherent qualities and the actions you take to improve yourself. Embrace the fact that you are wonderfully made, unique, and deserving of love and success.
Pro Tip: Practice gratitude daily by acknowledging your strengths and achievements. Keep a journal where you write down three things you are grateful for each day. This practice will shift your focus from self-criticism to self-appreciation.
Remember that the journey to a positive self-concept is ongoing and requires patience and commitment. As you embark on this path, know that you are not alone and that every step you take towards self-improvement brings you closer to becoming the best version of yourself. Keep your head up, stay true to your values, and be proud of the person you are becoming.
You are not lesser than anybody else; you are wonderfully made, and you should be glad to be who you are.
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thegambitgazette · 7 months
Existentialism and Idealism in the Obsessed Artist Trope: The Role of Destruction in the Pursuit of Authenticity
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A/N: this is long (2,455 words) and I’m sorry
Introduction Existentialism and the Obsessed Artist Idealism and the Obsessed Artist The Search for Authenticity The Comfort in the Familiar Hurt So... What Now? Closing Words
There is an odd sense of awe in losing one’s sanity for their passions… at least, that’s what characters like Nina Sayers (Black Swan) or Beth Harmon (The Queen’s Gambit) portray.
The Obsessed Artist trope is a prevalent motif in literature, art, and popular culture, depicting individuals consumed by their creative pursuits to the point of obsession. While this trope often romanticizes the notion of madness linked to genius, it also serves as a cautionary tale. The Obsessed Artist character often pays a heavy personal price for their single-minded pursuit of artistic perfection, sometimes culminating in self-destruction. The trope therefore underscores the potential dangers of obsession, illustrating how the relentless pursuit of an abstract ideal can lead to isolation, mental health issues, and even physical harm. Yet, despite these risks, the Obsessed Artist remains a figure of fascination, embodying the human struggle to create, express, and find meaning in a complex universe. Why is that?
In trying to unpack why I was so obsessed with the Obsessed Artist trope, I had to do a little digging into my own patterns. I realized that watching people deteriorate because of something they're passionate about is probably the epitome of tragedy, in my opinion; and it’s not because I like seeing people suffer. It’s more so because it’s cathartic, in a way.
I can see myself in them. That’s the easiest way to put it. I think of what I am passionate about and feel like it would never be enough for a number of factors. To dig a little deeper: I feel as though my work won’t be valid unless I’m hurt because of it, like there’s a semblance of pain that needs to be paid in order for something to be valuable.
Now, as it’s written, that’s not a healthy outlook; but, I thought, “But that’s normal, isn’t it? I mean, nothing worthwhile is ever easy.”
Existentialism and the Obsessed Artist
Now, I want to pose a scenario for anyone reading: If a golden chalice was on the opposite side of a rose bush, would you go through its thorns? And if you were to discover that there was nothing in that gold chalice, that it was left behind for a reason, what can you say about your pain then?
In one post, I talked about Kierkegaardian Despair and how Kierkegaard was an existentialist that talked about utilizing one’s own despair since despair is inevitable. I thought that answered the question as to why I believed I had to suffer in order to achieve things: existentialists argue that individuals must confront suffering and embrace it as an integral aspect of their journey towards authenticity and meaning. This does not necessarily mean seeking out suffering for its own sake but rather acknowledging its presence and learning from it in order to live more fully and authentically.
The trope of the Obsessed Artist often intersects with existentialist themes, particularly in its exploration of the relationship between passion, suffering, and creative expression. The Obsessed Artist archetype typically depicts individuals who are consumed by their artistic pursuits to the point of obsession, often sacrificing their personal well-being, relationships, and even sanity in the process.
From an existentialist perspective, the Obsessed Artist embodies the existential struggle to find meaning and authenticity through creative expression. The artist’s obsession with their craft can be seen as a manifestation of their quest for purpose and identity in a world devoid of inherent meaning. Suffering, whether self-imposed or external, becomes a central theme in the Artist’s journey, driving them to confront existential questions about the nature of existence, the value of their work, and the significance of their artistic vision. We’ll get to more on authenticity later.
To put it simply, perhaps the Artist chooses destruction, subconsciously or otherwise, in order to feel something about themselves. However, I still felt that something was missing.
Idealism and the Obsessed Artist
For me, the relation to the Obsessed Artist trope wasn’t too much in asserting my own agency and knowing myself as existentialist thinkers would say. There was something more, something that had to explain why I believed that “madness” was worth the goal, or why the goal required despair or pain.
In other words, “Perhaps the ‘why’ is answered in the ‘what.’” As in, what we are trying to create. Perhaps another reasoning behind the Obsessed Artist’s descent to madness and suffering is explained in what they are trying to produce. For example, going back to the Golden Chalice scenario, the Obsessed Artist allowed themselves to be cut by the thorn bushes because they wanted the chalice.
Once again, I looked into my own art. My writing projects and most of my art pieces, such as “Resemblance,” has a theme of connecting the mundane with the metaphysical. Idealism, as a philosophical perspective, posits that reality is fundamentally mental or spiritual in nature. It emphasizes the role of transcendent truths and spiritual insights in shaping human understanding and perception of reality.
From an idealist perspective, creative genius is seen as a manifestation of their ability to tap into higher forms of consciousness or reality. A creative’s heightened sensitivity to the world around them allows them to perceive and communicate truths that are inaccessible to others. This notion of genius is closely intertwined with the idealist belief in the existence of transcendent truths or spiritual insights that lie beyond the material world.
A/N: Even though I can resonate with this notion in a spiritual sense, this does not mean that one has to be religious or anything similar along those lines in order to comprehend it. One can still apply this connection to “transcendent truths or spiritual insights” in the sense of understanding other complex natures such as how human nature works or whatever one’s thoughts are about our connection with the universe and those around us
Idealism offers a nuanced understanding of the link between genius and madness by recognizing the Artist’s struggles as integral to their creative process. The Artist’s experiences of mental illness or psychological instability are not simply signs of pathology but are also seen as expressions of their heightened sensitivity and depth of perception. In this way, idealism provides a framework for appreciating the complexities of the Artist’s psyche and the role of mental health in shaping their artistic vision.
The Search for Authenticity
Now, what does it mean to search for authenticity and how does relate to the role of suffering in pursuit of purpose?
Existentialist thinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche argue that individuals must confront the reality of their existence and make choices that align with their authentic selves. For the Artist, authenticity plays a crucial role in their creative process and pursuit of their dreams. The Artist seeks to express their unique perspective, emotions, and experiences through their art, striving to create work that is genuine and reflective of their innermost self. This authenticity is not merely about artistic style or technique but extends to the Artist’s willingness to confront their own vulnerabilities, uncertainties, and struggles in their creative endeavors. Suffering, within the context of authenticity, becomes a means through which the Artist asserts their individuality and autonomy. By embracing their experiences of pain, hardship, and adversity, the Artist affirms their authenticity and commitment to their artistic vision. Suffering becomes a testament to the Artist’s willingness to confront the complexities of existence and express themselves truthfully, even in the face of existential uncertainty.
At the same time, in idealist philosophy, authenticity is often associated with aligning oneself with transcendent ideals or spiritual principles. The quest for authenticity involves seeking to live in harmony with these higher principles and values, rather than being driven solely by material desires or worldly concerns. Idealist thinkers argue that true authenticity lies in recognizing the ultimate reality of the spiritual realm and striving to live in accordance with its principles. From this perspective, the Obsessed Artist's quest for authenticity may involve seeking to express and embody transcendent beauty, truth, or spiritual insight through their art. The Artist’s dedication to their craft and their willingness to confront their own psyche and emotions may be seen as manifestations of their quest to understand higher forms of consciousness or reality. Moreover, within idealism, authenticity may also involve a recognition of one’s own intrinsic worth and value as a spiritual being. The Artist’s pursuit of authenticity may therefore be intertwined with a deeper understanding of their own identity and purpose within the larger cosmic order. Suffering does not have the same sense of inevitability in idealism as it does in existentialism, but idealist aspects can explain why suffering exists. In this trope, it may be used to channel into the Artist’s creative process as a means of expressing and grappling with existential questions, emotional turmoil, and spiritual insights. Art becomes a vehicle for transcending the limitations of individual suffering and connecting with universal themes of human experience, ultimately contributing to the search for authenticity both for the Artist and the audience. Perhaps I can write another post on literary devices that use idealist methods of transcending suffering; but, as this post deals with trying to understand why one can feel the need to suffer in order to have something valuable, it does not quite fit.
The Comfort in the Familiar Hurt
Alright, so perhaps I feel the need to suffer in order to validate my work because there is something authentic in that validity in comparison to art without pain. Whether it’s because there is a strong sense of self-awareness in recognizing suffering as a necessity or in that suffering is a tool that links the mundane with the metaphysical, I will subconsciously await that despair and pain while in pursuit of my own truths and happiness.
So, if the why behind the Obsessed Artist’s spiral is explained by the Artist’s attempt to physically represent their own psyche or mental health and how they view the world and/or their attempt to understand themselves amidst all of that, what does that say about destruction being a manifestation of those attempts?
For that, the answer seemed simple enough: it’s easier to destroy than to create.
After all, the Obsessed Artist destroys themselves, their relationships, their livelihood all in their attempt to create something. They seem to cause more harm to the point where it becomes second nature for the character for a number of reasons:
Catharsis and Release: Destruction can serve as a form of catharsis for the Artist, allowing them to release pent-up emotions, frustrations, and existential angst. The act of destroying their work or their surroundings may provide a temporary sense of relief from the pressures of creativity and the burdens of self-expression. By relinquishing control and succumbing to the chaotic force of destruction, the Artist may experience a momentary respite from the turmoil of their own psyche.
Escape from Perfectionism: The Obsessed Artist may struggle with perfectionism and an insatiable desire for artistic excellence. Destruction offers a way to escape from the relentless pursuit of perfection and the anxiety of never being able to live up to their own high standards. By destroying their work or sabotaging their efforts, the Artist can temporarily alleviate the pressure to create something flawless and unattainable, embracing imperfection and embracing the inherent chaos of existence.
Expression of Inner Turmoil: Through the act of destruction, the Artist externalizes their internal struggles and confronts the inherent contradictions and complexities of their own psyche. This outward expression of inner turmoil serves as a form of self-validation, allowing the Artist to confront their demons and make sense of their existential predicament through the medium of destruction.
Rebellion Against Conformity: The Obsessed Artist may rebel against societal norms and expectations, seeking to carve out their own path and assert their individuality in a world that often stifles creativity and authenticity. Destruction becomes a rebellious act of defiance, a way for the Artist to break free from the constraints of societal norms and expectations and assert their autonomy and independence. By destroying their own work or rejecting conventional notions of success, the Artist asserts their freedom to create on their own terms, even if it means embracing destruction as a form of creative expression.
The Artist becomes locked in a cycle of creating and destroying, each act serving as a manifestation of their ongoing quest for self-expression and existential understanding. The destruction wrought by the Artist extends beyond their artistic endeavors to encompass their relationships, livelihood, and ultimately, their own sense of self.
The belief that it is easier to destroy than to create reflects the Artist’s profound existential struggle and the overwhelming weight of their creative burden. The act of destruction becomes a coping mechanism, a way for the Artist to release pent-up emotions and navigate the complexities of their own psyche. Yet, paradoxically, this destructive impulse only serves to perpetuate the Artist’s suffering, trapping them in a cycle of despair and existential turmoil.
So… What Now?
Again, the Obsessed Artist is a cautionary tale. Hopefully, it’s not a person’s desire to emulate the behaviors shown in these characters. In fact, by learning from the Obsessed Artist and integrating these philosophical perspectives into our approach to art and self-expression, we can cultivate a healthier and more sustainable creative process.
Embrace Authenticity Without Self-Destruction
Recognize that authenticity in artistic expression does not necessitate self-destructive behavior. While existentialist themes may highlight the importance of confronting inner turmoil and existential angst, it’s crucial to find constructive outlets for these emotions rather than resorting to destructive habits. By channeling existentialist ideals of authenticity and self-awareness into positive and productive avenues, we can create art that is both genuine and nourishing to our well-being
Challenge Perfectionism
Challenge the notion of perfectionism and embrace the imperfections inherent in the creative process. Incorporate elements of idealist philosophy by recognizing the beauty and value of authenticity over flawless execution. Allow yourself the freedom to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from failures without succumbing to self-criticism or destructive habits. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth inherent in the creative process, rather than fixating on unattainable standards of perfection.
Closing Words
Ultimately, this engagement with the Obsessed Artist trope can potentially furnish us with a roadmap towards a more enlightened and fulfilling artistic vocation, one predicated upon the transcendence of personal limitations and the cultivation of a more profound artistic ethos. In so doing, we may embark upon a trajectory characterized by a fidelity to authenticity, an attunement to self-awareness, and a fortitude in the face of adversity.
Of course, these thoughts are just that: thoughts. All of this is merely my own attempt in understanding my fascination with aspects of literature, art, and life. You may resonate with it or disagree entirely or feel something in between.
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝕷𝖊𝖔 🌑
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On August 4th, the New Moon graces the sign of Leo, heralding a period of dynamic energy, creativity, and personal empowerment. Leo, ruled by the radiant Sun, is a sign of self-expression, courage, and heart-centered action. This New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions related to personal growth, leadership, and embracing your authentic self.
During this New Moon, Mercury in Virgo forms a supportive trine to Jupiter in Taurus, enhancing our communication skills and expanding our ability to manifest abundance. Venus, also in Leo, is retrograde, inviting us to revisit themes of self-love, relationships, and values. These energies together create a potent mix for deep introspection and forward momentum.
Sun and Moon Conjunction in Leo:
When the Sun and Moon align in Leo, there is a fusion of conscious will and subconscious desires, creating a powerful moment for self-discovery and personal growth. Leo’s influence encourages us to step into the spotlight, embrace our individuality, and express our true selves without fear or hesitation.
Mercury Trine Jupiter:
Mercury in Virgo forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Taurus, enhancing communication, learning, and growth. This aspect supports our ability to think big, plan effectively, and communicate our ideas with clarity and confidence. It’s an excellent time for setting goals related to education, travel, and expanding one’s horizons.
Venus Retrograde in Leo:
Venus is retrograde in Leo, prompting a review of our relationships, values, and self-worth. This period invites us to reflect on how we express love and affection, both to ourselves and others. It’s a time for healing old wounds, reassessing what truly matters, and aligning our values with our actions.
Intuitive Insights
Heart-Centered Intentions
Leo rules the heart, making this New Moon a time to focus on intentions that come from a place of love and authenticity. Ask yourself what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Set goals that align with your passions and your heart’s deepest desires.
Creative Expression
Leo’s energy is inherently creative and expressive. Use this New Moon to explore new forms of artistic expression, whether through writing, painting, music, or any other creative outlet. Allow yourself to play and experiment without worrying about perfection.
Personal Empowerment
This is a time to reclaim your personal power. Let go of self-doubt and embrace your strengths. Leo’s influence encourages you to take bold steps towards your goals, to lead with confidence, and to inspire others with your courage and authenticity.
Embracing Authenticity
Leo’s ruling planet, the Sun, symbolizes our core identity and true self. This New Moon is an invitation to embrace who you truly are, without masks or pretenses. Authenticity attracts genuine connections and opportunities, so let your inner light shine brightly.
Astrological Events with the New Moon
Mars in Virgo Opposite Saturn in Pisces
This aspect may bring some challenges, as Mars in Virgo’s desire for action and precision is tempered by Saturn in Pisces’ call for patience and introspection. It’s a reminder to balance ambition with mindfulness, to take deliberate and well-thought-out actions.
Uranus in Taurus Square Venus in Leo
The square between Uranus and Venus can bring unexpected changes in relationships and finances. It’s a time to stay flexible and open to new possibilities, even if they disrupt your current plans. Embrace change as a catalyst for growth and transformation.
Deities and Correspondences
Apollo: As the god of the Sun, Apollo resonates strongly with Leo’s energy. Invoke Apollo for guidance in creativity, healing, and illumination.
Sekhmet: The lion-headed Egyptian goddess of war and healing embodies the fierce, protective energy of Leo.
Brigid: The Celtic goddess of fire, inspiration, and craftsmanship can help ignite your creative passions and guide you in new endeavors.
Other Correspondences
Gold, yellow & orange to reflect the vibrant energy of Leo.
Sunstone for joy and empowerment
Citrine for abundance and clarity
Carnelian for courage and motivation.
Rosemary for clarity and protection
Bay leaf for manifestation
Chamomile for calming the mind and heart.
New Moon in Leo Ritual
• Gold or yellow candle
• Sunstone, Citrine, or Carnelian
• Rosemary and Bay leaves
• Journal and pen
• Small bowl of water
• Incense (Frankincense or Myrrh)
Ritual Steps:
Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the area with incense, and set up your altar with the candle, crystals, herbs, and bowl of water.
Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, grounding you to Mother Earth.
Light the candle and incense. Call upon Apollo, Sekhmet, and Brigid to join you in your sacred space. Feel their presence surrounding you with light and strength.
Setting Intentions
Hold the Sunstone (or chosen crystal) in your hand. Close your eyes and focus on what you wish to manifest during this lunar cycle. Visualize your intentions as a golden light within your heart, growing brighter with each breath.
Writing Intentions
Open your eyes and write down your intentions in your journal. Be specific and positive, focusing on what you want to bring into your life.
Herbal Offering
Take a Bay leaf and write one of your intentions on it. Hold it over the candle flame until it catches fire, then drop it into the bowl of water to symbolize your wish being sent to the universe.
Crystal Meditation
Hold the crystal to your heart and meditate on the energy of Leo—its courage, creativity, and passion. Visualize yourself embodying these qualities in your daily life.
Thank the deities for their presence and guidance. Extinguish the candle and incense, knowing that your intentions have been set in motion.
Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, feeling gratitude for the new beginnings that this New Moon in Leo brings.
This ritual combines the potent energy of the New Moon with the vibrant, heart-centered energy of Leo, helping you to manifest your deepest desires with confidence and clarity. Embrace this time to shine brightly, pursue your passions, and lead with love.
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glitteryinknotes · 1 year
Okay, but what kind of person would Astarion be most attracted to?
I have the image of Astarion softly confessing to Tav "you're incredible" stuck on a loop in my mind, but other than that, it actually got me thinking, just the simple way he says that and the look and yearning behind his eyes. What kind of person would he most likely perceive as such, for reasons he himself might not even understand at the beginning, couldn't resist falling in love with and be most happy & pushed to grow in an eventual relationship with? Here are some my instinctive thoughts.
(please do not get discouraged if you're basing the relationship of your MC & Astarion on different attributes & different ideas; those are only my own thoughts, propably influenced by the kind of character I'm planning to make on my Baldur's Gate playthrough.
Those are both headcanons for the first act, as well as for the official relationship parts.
And please share your thoughts if you have any, i'd be glad to compare my ideas to other people's impressions of this beautiful spawn)
Someone joyful, proud & full of life. Astarion yearns to live and taste life on his own terms, having been denied any kind of autonomy & free will for the last two hundreds years, like he himself admits in the spawn ending; presence of someone genuinely full of life, shining, cheerful, dedicated to every small & great bliss the world can offer AND proud of it, despite their precarious situation about the whole tadpole business, would be intoxicating to him. That kind of person around would, for him, be an embodiment of everything he's been deprived of i'm Cazador's slavery; a being so fascinating in their pure, unabashed lust for joy in life, he wouldn't be able to keep them off his mind despite his best efforts.
Someone self - assured. For similar reasons as above. His trauma pushed him to depend entirely on himself & forever be in defense, from a place of terror, insecurity and loathing his past deeds. And so, I believe anyone carrying themselves with their head up high, with true confidence and class, not just masquarading bravado to mask their fear, facing everything fate throws at them with the same unrelenting attitude, would be something irresistible for him on some level. No matter if that very person was luckily spared from harsher life experiences, or traumatised as much as he had been. He would wish with all his soul he could be more like them and learn from them, perhaps even hide behind them to some degree.
Someone with fine taste. It's no surprise Astarion enjoys fine things; it would be his pleasure to be matched in his love for comfort & luxury.
Someone open, yet respectful in their everyday affections. Someone who would proudly peck him on the cheek or neck in the presence of everyone in the camp, but won't be aggressively throwing themselves into his arms each second; someone who would greet him each day with the most blissful smile or a warm embrace, but not too overly dramatic. Someone who wouldn't shy from openly referring to him in front of others in his own renditions of "my love", "my sweet" and "my darling" and who'd always keep an eye on him from the distance at camp ground to smile whenever your eyes met, but wouldn't publicly boast about every single detail between the two of you and allow him to keep his space & secrets. Somene playful, yet incredibly authentic in their feelings. All of that would provide him the so desired feeling of safety, love & genuineness, keep him amused and most importantly, provide him with a trusted learning example of how to act, express feelings & treat the other in a relationship. He might & absolutely will try to publicly brush all those affections off and go his usual suave way about it, but inside, or even openly on his face when taken off guard? His undead heart is singing with joy
Someone gentle & considerate. He surely enjoys someone with fantasy, a playful side and some art in lovemaking, but what he craves more than anything is tenderness & love. Anything you do with him in his mind delights him, and over the time he'd learn to accept it without shielding himself with sarcasm. From some minor gifts, asking for his opinion on matters he wouldn't expect to be asked about, to being considerate & delicate in intimacy, everything is such a gift to him even if he doesn't even know how to receive it & respond properly
Someone with wit. I think he would feel quite at home with someone who would at least partially share his gift for words; maybe in an entirely different manner than him, but even so someone to understand, match and carry on a conversation with him along his suave mannerism and irony.
[Thank you for your attention, might edit or add up later]
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