#leah rants
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 2 years ago
ahsoka using only one lightsaber while fighting the inquisitor is so snips of her. like yeah you have a double bladed lightsaber well I have two lightsabers but I only need one to get your ass
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kate-mccannon · 1 month ago
No. One. On. Facebook. Has. Reading. Comprehension. Skills.
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daisysmalia · 2 years ago
People freaking out already when we know nothing ughhhhh
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swanguk · 1 year ago
the way that jungkook sings “i’ll be fucking you right” in the second pre chorus of seven still makes my heart flutter every single time
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gojos-espresso · 2 years ago
I want to finish my gojo fic so bad but my creative burnout and laziness is just....:(
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year ago
y'know i had faith in leah as annabeth from the start because rick said she had the annabeth spirit but DAMN I DIDNT REALIZE HE MEANT HE LITERALLY GRABBED HER FROM THE BOOKS!!! I DIDNT REALIZE HE MEANT SHE *IS* ANNABETH!!!!!
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all-da-ladies-luv-leoo · 6 months ago
Neither Walker Scobell nor Leah Jeffries look book-accurate. Every time I think about this, I get so angry because Walker received very little—if any—hate for not looking like book Percy, but Leah received endless amounts of it for not looking like book Annabeth, and it reminds me that people aren’t mad because she’s not book-accurate. They’re mad because she’s black.
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the-paris-of-people · 1 year ago
The Annabeth fell first part of the Annabeth fell first, Percy fell harder pipeline is highly underappreciated! That little girl had never opened up emotionally to anyone before and within two days she's willing to sacrifice her pride to protect him, making speeches about how he's better than the world she grew up in, and shooting heart eyes at him for making a turn out of a parking lot.
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ganeshpnf · 4 months ago
Now I once said how I really dont prefer/like mixed arts between canons and I fear some people understand it wrong somehow so I would make some things clear and the reasons behind it.
I love arts portraying book Annabeth with book Percy and show Annabeth with show Percy. I dont like the show in general so I dont prefer to share them on my blog, but that has nothing to do with actors. Now, if I move into why I dislike the mixed art:
-People always change Annabeth but never Percy. But for some reasons people just dont put Walker next to Leah? He deserves to be next to her in my eyes and logically, they are meant to be together. I just cant help but weirded out but seeing book Percy with Show Annabeth bcs I know they dont belong together.
-Like I said, people always change Annabeth and not all artists ofc, but it feels erasure. So you dont accept Percy to be changed but Annabeth can and book Annabeth doesnt matter anymore? We know how its a big problem on pjotwt now, you cant even post a book Annabeth art there without being called "racist". So I feel like when artists do this, it only helps them. We get less and less art of her and eventually she is changed in the book arts as well. "I dont see her as white anymore". Okay, but she is in the books and there is a book Percy, then change him too. "But no Percy has to have dark hair!". Also drawing book Annabeth is a disrespect to Leah but book Percy is not to Walker? If I dwell more into that, people that think like that dont realize how smart and mature the actors are tbh. Leah being upset, no, bcs she actually knows that she is her own Annabeth and she said it herself. She loves book Annabeth, she is her favourite character with Percy. She said it herself, she loves that character, thats why she wanted to play her and doing a great job with her love. She is not immature like those fans who think that its racist to draw book Annabeth, neither is Walker, he recognizes the difference and tries to be his own Percy.
-Mixed art gives me mixed canons, I mean its actually is and It reminds me the horrible disaster of wottg. I dont want two canons to get together, I prefer them separate, being their own canons, develop their own stories. Because they are soo different, its only a disaster when they mash them up together.
Now I dont say people "have to" draw only book or show, its just my way of saying why I dont prefer mixed arts. Artists can draw whatever they like, we have no say in this and its only rude to send rude comments bcs you dont like it. So please, dont do that as well. I respect anyone who loves mixed art as well and expect the same respect from who likes. Thank you for reading my rant XD
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f0rkz · 2 years ago
Ngl when I watch Twilight it always makes me remember that I actually don’t even like twilight. I actually dislike twilight BUT. I fucking love the concept of twilight it was just so so so poorly executed and it pisses me off to no end. Anyways Bella and Jacob should’ve been the canon endgame idgaf
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a-littlebitof-nonsense · 1 year ago
Percy and Annabeth’s friendship is literally everything
Don’t get me wrong i’m a huge percabeth shipper but their FRIENDSHIP!?!? I will go feral for it always
I absolutely adore how the show is laying out the grounds for their relationship and the journey they will take and how deep friends they are becoming. And the actors are doing so well portraying this too!
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
moments this episode where actual crying tears came from my eyes: ezra using the emitter from kanan’s lightsaber in creating his new lightsaber, chopper recognizing ezra somehow in trooper armor, “hi hera, I’m home”, the look on hera’s face when she sees ezra, and anakin’s force ghost watching over ahsoka with pride to end the episode…bye i’ll just be weeping in a corner
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valewritessss · 9 months ago
Reasons why people hate Annabeth Chase and why I disagree. Warning: this a very long rant and some of these might be a little controversial
1. Annabeth didn’t have any trauma as a child compared to Percy she was only being dramatic.
Does being attacked by hundreds of spiders and waking up in webs every night sound pleasant to you? With nobody believing her because they would go away?
Whenever they say she didn’t suffer at home there are always some underlying tones of them thinking abuse isn’t abuse if it isn’t physical, and then translating that into Annabeth having a good childhood and making things up.
Why would she want to have a bad childhood is my question? And true it may seem like it wasn’t so bad since Percy even said it didn’t seem like it was as bad as she described it upon first meeting her parents, but I don’t even agree with Percy thinking that because why would he, of all people, not understand that people can hide behind nice faces? I honestly think that part was on Rick because he’s kind of gone back and forth with Annabeth’s home situation so it’s a little confusing.
But back to why would she want to have a bad childhood I think those people are the kind that compare trauma and thinkhaving more trauma=being better. But last time I checked, having a bad home situation/childhood isn’t really something people should want for themselves.
Annabeth may have not been physically abused but being accused of playing tricks to make webs appear on her skin instead of being comforted, being reprimanded for accidentally scaring her brothers even though she was the one being attacked, being blamed for attracting monsters even though she can’t control it, that doesn’t like like a happy time to me.
2. Annabeth is possessive of Percy too much she gets jealous way too easily.
Jealousy isn’t really a bad thing unless it is toxic, and I’ve seen no signs of Annabeth’s jealousy being toxic. Her haters, however, probably say otherwise.
The first time we see her get jealous is when Rachel shows up, and if I’m going to be completely honest why shouldn’t she be a little jealous? When she first sees Rachel it’s when Percy and her were supposed to go to the movies and she’s 14 years old so she’s going to act a little petty. Sorry, a traumatized 14 year old girl isn’t exactly going to handle her emotions like a mature adult. Annabeth has her little “was it hard?” moment and it was pretty obvious it was supposed to come off as funny and many people do think it was. If you didn’t think it was funny that’s fine and it’s also fine if you think it was wrong. But toxic? Really?
The next time we see her get jealous is when Percy comes back from Ogygia and she hugs him and storms off. Her best friends just died for two weeks but suddenly came back I think it’s understandable why she would be a little overwhelmed. Chiron says that she’s jealous because she knows where he was. She never really brings it up but she probably had some internal jealousy because why wouldn’t she be jealous when Percy could have chosen to live a peaceful life in Ogygia with Calypso, war-free. But he didn’t, and she didn’t bring it up(I think). Safe to say she was definitely not being toxic here.
The most prominent time she was jealous is when Percy says they need Rachel for the labyrinth and again, why wouldn’t she be jealous? It’s HER quest, and she was already insecure about Percy leaving her for Rachel so him telling her they need her for her quest is obviously going to make her mad. And she did act pettily towards Rachel and she did get ticked off very easily but let’s not forget where this all stems from.
Her entire life people have been abandoned her and left her for other people. Her dad, Thalia, Luke, and now she meets a mortal girl that has her best friend and crush’s attention which to her means she could potentially take Percy from her. Yeah, no shit she’s gonna be jealous. And it’s also a normal teenage emotion to be jealous of another person. So sorry, if a teenage girl doesn’t handle her emotions maturely.
Then, Percy reasonably spends his “last” summer away from camp and unfortunately for annabeth, with Rachel. This is not me saying Percy or Rachel did anything wrong but neither did Annabeth in being mad at him. It was mostly that she was just heartbroken because she was about to lose him, but he chose to spend his last moments being normal, something she could never be. She also spent most of her life being abandoned by someone so this was like it was happening all over again.
I’ve seen someone say she was jealous of Hazel and it was possessive because she automatically assumed Percy and her had something. Huh???? She thought of the possibility for 3 seconds and then was like, nah, she’s dating the other guy next to Percy. And it was a possibility because she saw Jason, who had lost his memories and didn’t know if he had someone waiting for him, get together with Piper so who’s to say it couldn’t have happened with Percy?
None of these seem toxic to me and it’s fine if you don’t like it for your relationship but clearly, Percy doesn’t think much about her jealousy afterwards once they got together. In fact, Percy gets jealous a lot too he’s just not as expressive about it.
3. She physically abused Percy.
This seems to be a popular one and people love to use it out of context. Annabeth and Percy both have sparring and fighting history together, so naturally they’re not going to be the gentlest of people with each other. They know how to punch, hit, and shove each other so that it doesn’t hurt since they train together. And while it is mostly annabeth that does it, Percy has never said it hurts or that he doesn’t like it. And last time I checked, he’s pretty good at calling people and gods out on their shit. If he had an issue with it he would say it.
An example of the abuse they are referring to is the judo flip. The context for this is that Percy went missing for months and Annabeth being overwhelmed, relieved, and just emotional decides to judo flip him upon reuniting with him. What a lot of people forget to mention is that right after, while he is being pinned down by Annabeth, he laughs. He laughs and they all move on. Judo flips, according to my research, are not supposed to hurt. They only hurt if they are done wrong. There is a chance my research is wrong so if anyone wants to correct me go ahead. But assuming it is right, the judo flip Annabeth did to Percy probably didn’t hurt nor was it meant to.
And Percy has experienced physical abuse before, and he hated the man that did it. He most likely would not get into a relationship with someone who does that. And he has called Annabeth out on things before, he had no trouble getting mad at her in botl, so if he seriously didn’t like it he would most likely say something.
Again, if you don’t want that in your relationship that’s great, YOU should set those boundaries with YOUR partner. But you can’t speak for a fictional character that clearly doesn’t have any issues with the way his partner treats him.
4. Annabeth makes jokes at the expense of Percy and makes him feel dumb.
There are some times when she does make jokes about Percy to his face, and he either laughs or doesn’t care. The books are from his pov, it’s not hard to see how it doesn’t bother him.
The nickname “Seaweed Brain” was her teasing him at first but it then became endearing for the both of them. This was the same for the nickname “Wise Girl”. Percy even likes the nickname and he has never said it makes him feel belittled or dumbed down.
I think where this stems from is people who think giving Annabeth credit is discrediting him. Someone mentions how she helped Percy with something and they will go on about how Percy isn't dumb and it's like we know he isn't dumb, no one said he is. Giving her credit isn’t taking credit away from him and many people need to hear that. Someone will mention how Annabeth will teach Percy something that he wouldn't have figured out on his own and oh my god people go feral. "Annabeth held up the sky" they translate that to Percy didn't do shit. Someone will say Annabeth is one of the smartest and they think that means they're saying Percy is stupid. Sorry that a girl being smart makes you insecure? Because that’s what I’m getting from that take. Percy is smart too but taking that away from Annabeth to give it to him isn’t exactly how that works. Life isn’t a competition, you don’t constantly have to be ranking people. There’s enough smartness for everyone. No one is taking anything away from Percy by admitting she is super smart or by giving her credit for stuff she did!!
You don’t hear people saying Annabeth can’t swim because Percy can control water, so why do people think people are saying Percy is dumb because Annabeth is incredibly smart? Annabeth knows she is smart, and she herself says Percy is smart TWICE, not that because she is smart that Percy is dumb. She is smart, and that takes nothing away from Percy and vice versa. They both think differently and do different things while in combat you just can’t compare those. Intelligence doesn’t just come in one form and admitting one is smart doesn’t make the other not smart. Say it with me, Annabeth is smart, Percy is smart, those things can both be true at the same time. Annabeth can be credited for things and that does not discredit Percy. For the people who say it makes Percy insecure that Annabeth shows her intelligence I promise you when Annabeth says something nerdy it doesn’t hurt Percy’s feelings.
It is true that Percy’s intelligence is overlooked, that is an issue. But you don’t have to bring someone else down to build him up okay there’s many great moments showing his intelligence use those instead. Also because if you have to bring someone else down to make your fav seem better you’re not doing your fav any favors it makes them look like someone needs to come down to their level and that’s not what’s happening with Percy. Don’t do him dirty like that he can be smart on his own you don’t have to mention Annabeth.
Sorry I kind of got off topic I just saw a chance to address an issue I’ve seen where people think giving Annabeth credit is taking away from Percy. This sometimes happens the other way around but it’s mostly the people who do this that hate her.
5. Annabeth defended Luke and it was inconsiderate of her since he tried to kill Percy.
She didn’t really defend him she just said there’s still good in him. And I mean this did make Percy mad. He was mad at her for even mentioning Luke because he was jealous, and because he didn’t understand how she could still think there’s good in him after all he did. And that’s valid. But that doesn’t mean it’s “a heartbreaking realization for a Percy that Annabeth chooses Luke over him” in the words of someone who used this argument, when she said there’s still good in him. Annabeth was betrayed by Luke too, and say what you want about her holding hope but it makes sense that she still sees good in him. I mean, that’s the guy who she views as a hero, who was a hero to her. And in the end her holding onto that hope is what broke Luke’s trance and he decided to stab himself. So if you found it annoying that she believed in him that makes sense, but don’t pretend you can’t understand why she did it.
6. Annabeth was a bitch to Rachel and is not a girls girl.
Honestly, was she nice to Rachel? No. Did Rachel deserve Annabeth’s comments? No. Is Annabeth valid? Yeah. I’m not justifying her behavior but I am justifying her reasoning because it is so obvious it went beyond jealousy.
Rachel not doing anything wrong and Annabeth being valid can co-exist. Seeing Annabeth’s perspective of this is so easy we just have to think about how the person she loves might pick someone normal over her since she can’t be normal. On his last summer too. This wasn’t just “jealous girl is mean to other girl” trope it was showing how deeply Annabeth cherishes Percy and how when she sees him picking someone else over her she is going to not be nice.
Should she have said those things to Rachel, um probably not. But she is a teenager also and it’s super normal for a teenager to get jealous and bratty when her crush and best friend spend time with a girl that also has a crush on him. It wasn’t Annabeth’s finest moment but it was entertaining and personally I thought it was funny. I swear a lot of people act as if she grabbed Rachel by her hair and smashed her against a wall but it was just some catty remarks. And a lot of people forget that Rachel and Annabeth are friends now, they like each other, they forgave each other.
And on her not being a girls girl? I think some people need to touch some grass because why should she have been a girls girl at that moment? Was she supposed to tell Rachel to go for it? I understand wanting her to just leave Rachel alone but after Rachel had to lead HER quest I’m not sure what they were expecting. She made up for it anyway when she saved Rachel from a helicopter despite still disliking her.
7. Annabeth got scared of Percy which made him feel like he deserved to die.
I’m pretty sure I’ve written about this before but I guess I’ll go over it again. Her boyfriend did something scary, that probably reminded her of Luke since they both went too far, so she got scared. God forbid scary things scare her.
And secondly, did Percy ever tell Annabeth he was having those thoughts? No. Stop blaming her for everything this time she is actually 110% innocent.
8. She is powerless and therefore she is useless.
She doesn’t have any unnatural powers but being crazy smart sounds pretty useful to me. Bonus points because she’s good at many kinds of combat too.
If they think they don’t need her fine, but they did in fact need her so we’re never gonna know the other possibility.
Even strength has to bow to wisdom sometimes.
This doesn’t mean the other demigods don’t have wisdom but like it’s Annabeth Chase wisdom is kind of her thing.
Anyways, I kind of got tired of writing this and I can’t think of anything else so I’m gonna end it here. I hope this doesn’t come off as hate to any other character, because it’s not, nor do I see how it could be but people will find a way so this is clarification. People can hate whatever character they want to hate but these reasons are not really much sense. And if they expect people to hate her for these reasons too even less sense. And people are allowed to hate her, but they love to talk about it so much it’s like an obsession.
And to those who told me to tag them I hope this wasn’t a waste of your time because I tried and it took me forever😅
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daisysmalia · 4 months ago
I honestly do feel stupid. For expecting better? For trusting what was on screen (and not expecting the happiness to be so an out of nowhere break up hurts more- like that’s crazy to admit in an interview) ? For wanting good and not biphobic rep for once? For trusting a showrunner? For trusting an actor who seemed to understand what it meant to play a bi character before he says some biphobic shit? Or for all of it idk.
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swanguk · 2 years ago
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that’s my boy, we love to see it 🎉
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little-blurry-stars5 · 1 year ago
JKDLA;DA;FL oh my gods..
OK SO luke with the glory and telling percy that and percy thinking he has to get glory for his father to notice him? BRILLIANT. OH MY GODS. (its just like younger luke. i wonder if we'll get to see clips of young luke, it would be intresting to compare and contrast them to percy)
also the scene in capture the flag where percy is just messing around? THATS HIM. THATS SO PERCY BEHAVIOR THEY CAPTURED HIS CHARACTER PERFECTLY
ALSO him refusing to go on the quest? also percy. i cant belive how good this is. and i love grover's pointy ears. thats such a cool detail i dont think is in the boks but i love they added it
AND ANNABETH?? OH GODS ITS HER!!! THATS OUR GIRL!!! i love the casting sm they look like BABIES. WHY is he seeing his mother die hes like 2 years old wtf. (unitentional jason refrance lmao)
ALSO THE GIRL IN THE WHEELCHAIR? AMAZING. this show is so diverse and i can't wait till they show queer charaters (maybe they will with backround characters... hopefully, please please)
also i love annabeth's accent. it really adds to her character being black and i love that.
i WILL add more but i must go consume more meidia of these guys klajfdklasjfdoa
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