#leah watches ahsoka
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
ahsoka using only one lightsaber while fighting the inquisitor is so snips of her. like yeah you have a double bladed lightsaber well I have two lightsabers but I only need one to get your ass
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years ago
b, i, u?
Fandom meme asks
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
I think @firebirdeternal was the person who really sold me on Chloe/Marinette
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Yyyyyyyyyyyoung Avengers, specifically T*mmy Shepherd, Tomm*Kate, and Amer*Kate. Exhausting. I still like the comics well enough, but I can't engage with the fandom anymore.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Anevka Sturmvoraus from Girl Genius: Tragic bitch. She is the worst, an absolutely awful person, but she comes with the biggest of Freudian excuses and also it's fun to watch her be terrible sometimes.
Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars (Clone Wars, Rebels, cameos in Live Action): Tragedy that did not become a bitch. I have made way too many posts about how I love digging into her relationship with her faith, her duties to the galaxy, her traumas, and her loved ones. She is hurt so many times but she is so resilient and it never stops her from trying to do the right thing, for decades.
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littlespaceporgs · 5 years ago
Leah! Congrats on your follower milestone! 🥳💕 May I request 5. a gentle “i love you” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss for Anakin Skywalker? Thank you, love! 🥰
A/N: Hey! This is my first time writing for Anakin, I tried to make him not as whiny as he is in the movies, so I ran with tcw! *cough* this is also my longest one somehow *cough*  So spoiler alert! It does have references and is set in the Zygerria arc in tcw, just a heads up, though it makes sense still if you haven’t seen the arc. Also fair warning, if you want it to stay fluffy at the very end, I recommend you don’t read the final paragraph. Anyway, enjoy :D
Want to Request? See Here.
Prompt: #5 - a gentle “i love you” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss
Word Count: 1.9k Pairing: Anakin x Jedi!Reader  Warnings: slavery, torture, hint of depression Description: Post-Zygerria, you contemplate your feelings for Anakin.
Tags for the fam: @anakin-danvers @fractiouskat 
It hadn’t gone well to say the least. Mind, it was rare that this type of thing went well. It was supposed to just be a trip to check on the Togrutans. Naturally, you had walked onto Kiros expecting a fight, after all, the last thing the Jedi had heard from them, a separatist fleet had entered the atmosphere. But this was by far the worst thing you’d ever gotten yourself into.
Kiros itself was a beautiful planet. The art and architecture was something to marvel at, and the landscape was vastly different to the cold grey of Coruscant. You found yourself hoping that one day you’d be able to holiday there, it was nice climate, there hadn’t been any traces of the war due to their neutrality until recently. The lack of habitants however was quite frankly disturbing.
Between Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, the troopers and yourself, you all had made quick work of the droids. When you received word that the Zygerrians had a part to play in all of this, Obi-Wan went to meet up with the separatist leader, you stayed behind to comfort Anakin. Said Anakin was currently sitting in front of a speeder, looking highly volatile. The best way to approach Anakin when he was in such a mood was with quiet and a steady hand, so you started by placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Ani? Are you ok?” While he didn’t turn to look at you, his hands did stop fiddling with the machinery. He exhaled heavily through his nose and went back to modifying the speeder.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” You sat down next to him, and snatched the wrench out of his hands, which prompted a noise of protest as he turned to glare at you.
“See you say that, but there’s this thing called a ‘facial expression’ which says otherwise.” Using the force to snatch the wrench back, he went back to using the wrench. “Ani, you know you can talk to me right?” He sighed and stopped once more.
“Yeah, I know,” you reached over, and took one of his hands in yours, “this is just digging up some memories I’d rather not think about.” He twisted his hand over, so that his fingers locked in yours, and squeezed gently.
“I’m really sorry that you went through that, Ani, truly I am. I can’t even begin to imagine what it was like,” you paused and took a breath, “but what I do know, is that you’re one of the strongest people I know, and I know that because of that you’ll move past this.” Though not seeming totally happy, one of the corners of his mouth pulled a little, he shook his head and looked directly into your eyes before they flicked to your hands.
“Honestly, what would I ever do without you?” The jedi in you wanted to recite the code, say that he would be perfectly fine without you, that he’d have to find a way to move on and accept it, say that he shouldn’t be saying such things. But the utterly human part of you felt overly fuzzy, and affection reared its head in your stomach. Ignoring the trepidation, you smiled back at him.
“Probably something stupid, or make more poor decisions.” He snorted out an airy laugh and squeezed your hand a little tighter. The moment didn’t last however, as the tone of a comm rang out from his wrist from Obi-Wan.
That was what led you to Zygerria, attempting to find the Togrutans. With quick assurances and a look that seemed to be forlorn, you and Anakin separated. He went with Ahsoka to find the Queen, while you, Obi-Wan and Rex went on the hunt for the missing people. You should have listened to the awful, rotting feeling in your stomach, then maybe, you all wouldn’t have been taken.
As a jedi, you relished in the feeling of freedom. With a connection to the force, you could feel everything around you, feel the flow of energy between all if you will. It made you feel light, like a small breeze could carry you away, like every breath of fresh was your first. Down here, that was all taken away from you. The walls combined with the heat made you suddenly feel claustrophobic and the collar around your neck weighed you down. Between you and Obi-Wan, it normally would’ve been easy to break out. A tiny twitch of a finger, and the collar would be crushed. A swipe of the hand would smack the guards into a wall. Then you’d both be able to grab Rex and go. If Anakin were here, maybe you’d be able to achieve that.
It wasn’t a normal situation however.
There were others involved. If either of you even threatened to do something, they would torture a civilian, possibly even drive them to death. In your current state, you wouldn’t be able to take out the sheer number of guards quick enough before lives would be lost. They had realised that there was little in the way of physical torture that would cause a jedi to break. This, however, felt hopeless. Your hands were tied. You were hungry, exhausted, and felt overwhelmed with the sadness that practically poured out of their force signatures.
When the slaver was finally dead, you couldn’t help the sense of sick satisfaction that came with it. He deserved to die for what he did, and the subtle brush of a force signature told you Obi-Wan felt similarly. Despite being able to breathe without a collar for the first time in days, your lungs couldn’t seem to get any air, and your knees were aching, and your back was pounding with angry pain. Vaguely you remembered your knees slamming the ground and Obi-Wan kneeling near your head and calling your name.
Out of habit from the past few days, you woke up abruptly, although things were different. You started hyperventilating, and suddenly the world felt too small again. No matter what was actually happening, you couldn’t see anything except the dirty halls of the mine, the faces of the Togrutans who were tortured because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. And then blue eyes. There was a hand stroking your hair, and another trying to get you to keeping looking into the eyes. And then a whisper. It wasn’t loud, but it was comforting, soft. The words steadily became clearer and you finally noticed your surroundings. For one, instead of the smell of coal and grime, it smelt like a forest on Naboo. Instead of a metal bench, there was a mattress and a soft blanket covering your legs. The light was low, but you could see the glow of hyperspace speeding past. And Anakin.
The glow was luminating his face, which looked both soft and concentrated. You could see the shadows under his eyes that you likely mirrored. As he stopped speaking, the foggy feeling lifted, and you realised that he had been trying to force suggest you to calm down. Now that your breathing had returned to some semblance of normal, his hand moved from your face, though he didn’t stop stroking your hair.
“Are you ok?” You took a deep breath to steady yourself.
“Yeah. Yeah I think I’m ok.” It was silent for a minute before Anakin moved to sit in front of you on the bed. You sat with your back up against the wall with a pillow wedged between and your legs crossed. The meaning of the silence was clear. “I just – I don’t think that I want to talk about it yet.” You turned your head to your lap, and watched as he placed his much larger hands over your own.
“It’s okay, I understand the feeling.” The silence swept over you, the words got caught in your throat, choking you. Your eyes and throat seemed to burn. He only moved his thumb over your hand, acting as an anchor. He shoved your knee slightly, getting your attention.
“Y’know, as a wise jedi knight once told me, ‘you’re the strongest person I know, you’ll get through this’.” You laughed despite yourself, and Anakin’s hand beat yours to wiping the tears from your face.
“Thanks, Ani,” you sniffled, and you couldn’t help the warmth that flooded your cheeks when he didn’t move his hand.
“Of course, you know I’d do anything for you right? I was really worried when Obi-Wan had to carry you back here.” Your heart skipped a beat, and your stomach churned. If that wasn’t attachment, you don’t know what was.  You couldn’t bring yourself to point that out however. You knew that you’d do the same for him. You sighed.
“Anakin-I” you started, but you couldn’t seem to string together the words. Your heart raised in your throat, and he gave you a momentarily confused look. “You’re amazing, you know that? You-just-I- you always seem to ‘get’ me and I really appreciate that you’re always here for me and I-um” It was something that you’d never said before. You’d felt that way for him for the longest time, but you ignored it for the code. So instead of saying it, you closed your eyes, and pushed your signature out to brush his, hoping that it carried the years of longing, and the warmth that just looking at him brought you. And then a wave of the same feeling washed over you. It made your heart jump and you almost cried at the pure joy that came from him.
And then you could feel his breath on your face, and the most cautious of kisses. It was barely there, almost just a brush of the lips, but the feelings were all there. Foreheads pressed together, two hearts racing. Cautious, because of the code, because you both knew what could happen it you strayed, because of all the secrets that would have to exist. A whisper, like he was afraid that if he said it too loud, someone else might hear him, despite it just being the two of you.
“I love you.” Both your hands flew to his cheeks and pulled him closer again, and one of his drifted from your cheek to the back of your neck to hold you there. When you kissed this time, you threw caution to the wind. He kissed just as hard as you did, and stole your breath as he did.
When you pulled apart, the look you shared said everything. You smiled and breathed out a short laugh. To hell with the kriffing code.
“I love you too.”
You supposed it was inevitable, you were the one he went to when he was mad at Obi-Wan, when he was so overwhelmed that he could barely think, when a mission hadn’t gone well and he needed to calm down. Therefore, this meant all the secret moments you were to share in the future were inevitable. You hadn’t even considered the possibility of what would happen in the future when you threw out caution. Was it inevitable that you were at least partly at fault for everything going to shit? Had that meant his fall was inevitable too?
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ayo-cowbelly · 4 years ago
if star wars was twilight
i recently rewatched twilight because *halloween* (even though bella infuriates me to no end, i still watch it) and this has been in my head for days
the jedi / clones are the vampires and the sith are the werewolves
so anakin is bella
he’s the new kid in town who looks at all this supernatural shit like “wOah” and wants more than he has
instead of wanting to be a master, he wants to be turned into a vampire so he can be sparkly and immortal and shit
he’s also whiny
and like. kinda a dick to his struggling dad.
instead of being turned into a sith lord, he turns into a vampire and fucks off and doesn’t talk to his old friends anymore
obi wan is charlie
he’s trying his best
please let him sleep
one day he was vibing and suddenly he’s in charge of this angsty teen who keeps disappearing
it’s awkward
then one day he gets home from work and anakin/bella has disappeared and they’re saying it’s because he’s “sick” but obi wan knows some shit has gone down
then suddenly this werewolf shows up like “hey look i’m a giant dog” and obi wan is like WHAT THE FU-
ahsoka is alice
she’s all peppy despite the world being a low key shit show
she just kinda shows up with some remark, in places she... wasn’t expected to be in, and everyone just kinda goes with it
she cheers up anakin/bella and stops him from being the most awkward person you’ve ever met
rex is jasper (minus the romance)
he just kinda is there, he’s vibing, he’s not really in control of his life but whatever
he was... kinda involved in the civil war, he was manipulated into fighting for the wrong team, but they don’t talk about that
he’s just floating along, trying to get through life
mace windu is rosalie
(now i don’t mean this in a bashing mace kinda way) but like. anakin is not his favorite person in the coven.
everytime anakin shows up to hangout he’s like “oh it’s you” *intense side eye*
probably throws around some passive aggressive remarks also
the italian dinner scene in the first movie but instead of breaking the glass bowl, mace just sighs heavily and glares at them all
qui gon is edward (no romance)
he’s edward because he’s the one who dragged anakin into all this supernatural shit
he’s like “yeah i’ll break the ancient rules for you, whatever, come meet the fam”
he’s kinda weird too and does some *questionable* things and you like him but at the same time, you low key hate him
plo koon is carlisle
he’s got the dad energy
he liked anakin from day one
he also found ahsoka / alice in both universes (star wars or twilight) so it works
okay technically carlisle wasn’t the one who found alice, she found them, but whatever just go with it
there are two options for emmett (again, no romance): either quinlan, cause he’s the chaotic stoner best friend, or fives because, i mean, it’s fives and fives has SUCH emmett energy
i guess wolffe is esme
besties with plo
except i guess here he’s a bit less friendly than esme actually is, because it’s wolffe and all 
palpatine is jacob (no romance because that is a CURSED concept if anakin is bella)
basically the whole time he’s like “come join me, you’d be so much happier over here, the vampires suck, come hang with us”
he tries to bribe anakin through the power of emily’s muffins and... jean shorts? idk
ventress is seth
because i love seth and i love ventress
seth is baby
ventress is the baby sith
definitely deserves better than this group of weirdos but she sticks with them anyway
she’s kinda friends with the jedi / vampires, they’re frenemies
it works
i guess that makes dooku leah
he’s just like “shut UP seth/ventress” the whole time but is also protective over her cause that’s his sister
doesn’t really get along with jacob / palpatine but, i mean, considering who else is in this group, who else is he gonna hang out with
plus the other werewolves / sith shun him because he used to be a jedi (instead of leah being sam’s ex like in twilight) so it’s all awkward
maul is victoria
he just shows up, hating them all, then gets his ass kicked
he doesn’t like the werewolves because they killed his friends
he doesn’t like the jedi / vampires because they also fucked his life up
he just doesn’t like anyone
maybe the kaminoans are the volturi
for the sole reason of being the reason a lot of this vampire bullshit happens in the first place 
padme is jessica
because she likes anakin but is also like “you okay bro?”
shes friends with him but also is kinda wondering what his deal is
you kinda feel bad for her
shes also a queen
cody is billy black
not because he likes the werewolves
but because he’s best friends with obi wan / charlie
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crazyclonefan · 5 years ago
(Un)breaking bond
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Ahsoka Tano
ghost!Anakin Skywalker
ghost!Obi-Wan Kenobi
Post-Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
For the first time in many years she feels it again. It was Anakin. Their connection was restored again. His light flashed brightly, so that after a couple of moments it would die out forever. // Ghost!Anakin come to Ahsoka.
“If we survive this, Snips, we will have a serious conversation.”
Ahsoka frowns. She absolutely does not like the new nickname, but it is too late to argue, and there is no time for it. She must protect the new Master while he does something reckless, keep an eye on Stinky and ensure that the first day as a Padawan does not become the last. And besides, wasn’t she the first one who awarded her Master with a new nickname?
“Hey, Snips!” “Hey, Skyguy!”
An endless battles, training and rare hours of respite. But Ahsoka is happy. For the first time she is not being held accountable for the fact that she is not like the rest of the Padawans. Nobody looks at her disapprovingly, if she allow herself to be herself. Anakin is the same. She realizes this pretty quickly, watching him in the temple. Probably, the Council expected to moderate his ardor when she was assighned to him... Well, the Council was wrong. A more chaotic duo could not be found in the whole galaxy.
“Snips!” “Master!”
Ahsoka feels that Anakin become overprotective more and more. He tries to shield her from dangerous missions. Unsuccessfully of course. But Ahsoka knows that he will try again when he feels that the mission may be too dangerous. Mortis has changed a lot.
“Ahsoka ...” “Master...”
Ahsoka feels so alone and betrayed for the first time in her life. The Council, which was supposed to protect, turned away from her in a moment of need. She was persecuted as if the criminal were those whom she had recently called friends. Anakin believed in her, but not the rest of them. There was no apology, there were only words about the possibilities of the Force... Does this need to be said to a falsely accused person?
Ahsoka cannot and does not want to lie to herself. She leaves, trying with all her might not to turn around. She knows how much it hurts him. But can she stay after everything that happened? Time. She needs time to collect herself in pieces anew and to understand who she really is.
“Hello Master. It’s been a while.” “Ahsoka!”
Ahsoka is not sure she is ready to return. She is not sure that she found all answers she was looking for after leaving the Order. She got confused and angry at this whole situation. The Jedi should not turn away from those who need their help. She is tired of the Jedi playing politics, she is tired of being a soldier. She is tired of the war.
“Master Kenobi always says there is no such thing as luck.” “It's good that I taught you otherwise.”
She is overwhelmed with emotions. She wants to tell him so much: that he is dear to her, that she may be back someday. But there is no time. They both know that they are not saying goodbye. They will meet as soon as Ahsoka returns to Coruscant. She didn’t know that she was seeing Anakin for the last time...
She feels something terrible has happened to him. But there is absolutely no time to think about it. Order 66 divides her life into before and after, leaving behind only pain and regrets. She no longer feels Anakin.
When she senses him years later, she is horrified. The man who scared the whole galaxy with his name could not be Anakin. She could not believe it. What could happen that day to turn him into a monster?
Ahsoka turns around, not believing her ears. This is Anakin. The same Anakin, whom she knew and jokingly called Skyguy. The master, whose death she mourned for many years. He was alive. Somewhere deep in those terrible black armor, her mentor's heart still beat. But this impression is fleeting. There is Darth Vader agan, a man who would not stop at nothing to achieve his goal. But ... Why didn’t he fight in full force? Why didn’t he kill her when he had so many opportunities? Ahsoka wants to believe. Ahsoka can't give up so easily.
For the first time in many years she feels it again. It was Anakin. Their connection was restored again. His light flashed brightly, so that after a couple of moments it would die out forever.
No one's ever really gone. Obi-Wan and Master Yoda have proven this. Ahsoka knows that he will come. When she feels the slight vibrations of the Force next to her, she knows what she will see when she turns around.
She turns around. Anakin has not changed at all since their last meeting aboard the Resolute. He’s still young and young, as if his age hadn’t touched him at all.
“You... haven't changed at all.”
Anakin smiles awkwardly.
"And you grew up a real beauty, Snips."
The nickname flies from his lips a little uncertainly. As if he was afraid that she would not want to talk to him.
“Despite all the efforts of Darth Sidious, I'm still here.”
She involuntarily recalls the order of sixty-six and what happened in the world between worlds. If Anakin had not been her mentor, she would not have make it. A smile disappears from his face, giving way to pain and regret.
"I'm so sorry. I will understand if you no longer want to see me and talk to me. I have done many terrible things. Too many people died because of me ... All that I was thinking then was Padme and my child, and I did not think at all about the consequences. I was hoping to save her, but in the end I became the cause of her death ..."
Anakin trails off for a few moments and looks up at Ahsoka.
“I let Palpatine kill Master Windu and ... there was no turning back for me.” I saw the wreckage of the ship on that snowy moon ... I did not want everything to turn around like that. You, Rex and the guys were dear to me, and to lose you like that ...” “Enough.”
Ahsoka closes his eyes, trying to ward off painful memories. After all these years, it’s still hard to remember that tragedy. Yes, probably, partly Anakin was guilty of what happened. But she was no less guilty. It was she who liberated Maul, and he destroyed not only their ship, but also destroyed many innocent lives after that.
“No need to say anything about that moon and the wreckage. I do not want to remember this. "
She sighs. The thought that she could do more to save him did not give her rest all these years.
"It was my fault... I freed Maul to distract clones, but... I did not think about the consequences and... If you want to apologize for these wreckage, then you must apologize for this to Rex. He went through a lot of worse than me. These were his brothers..."
They were silent for a while.
“To be honest, I also need to apologize to you. For leaving you when you needed me the most. If I told Master Yoda that Maul told me about Sidious... Maybe it would have been completely different. I wanted to return to the Order after Master Kenobi defeated Grievous and the war finally ended. I hoped that we would have more time, and I could tell you everything that I did not say then at Resolute."
Anakin hesitantly approaches her and does what Ahsoka wanted to do for a long time. He hugs her so tightly, as if he were not dying at all. It was as if they were back in the days when the Republic and the Jedi Order existed, and they themselves were a Master and a Padawan. Ahsoka no longer holds back tears, hugging him.
“Forgive me, I let you down as a Master and made you go through hell,” he whispers. “I forgive you, Skyguy. If you were not my Master, I would have died on the day that order 66 came. I survived thanks to all that you taught me. All these years, I regretted that we could not say goodbye. I am glad that we now have this opportunity."
Anakin lets her go and shakes her head.
“You need to thank Luke. He believed in me, no matter what ... I could not let Sidious kill him. He is all that is left of Padmé and the best that is left of me. There is Leia, but ... I don’t think she can ever forgive me for everything that she had to endure through my fault."
Ahsoka put a hand on his shoulder.
“She just needs more time.” Let her get used to the idea of who her real father is." “Thank you, Snips.” He sent her a grateful smile. “You, Leia and Luke are the best that I left behind.” "Not only this. You left behind something no less important. You defeated the emperor and restored the balance of the Force. This is much more than any of us could do."
They did not notice how Obi-Wan appeared. He smiles into his beard and puts his hand on Anakin's shoulder.
“Thank you, Master, but could you stop talking about balance? It seems to me that my children and Ahsoka are much more important than that! “Anakin...”
Ahsoka can't help laughing. For a moment, she returned to the good old days, when Anakin and Obi-Wan argued about something, competing in wit and sarcasm. But the impression quickly passes, leaving a place of bitterness. They are both dead and this is probably the last time she sees them.
“It's a pity that we have to say goodbye after such a short meeting,” Ahsoka finally voiced her thoughts.
Obi-Wan smiles at her, touching her shoulder.
“You can always find us by trusting in the Force. No one ever leaves forever.
“I will always be there if you need to, Snips,” Anakin nods.
They disappear, leaving her alone. Ahsoka closes his eyes and listens to the Force. Peace and tranquility. This is exactly what Obi-Wan was talking about. Balance. Anakin’s sacrifice was not in vain. Now everything should work out.
“I will look after Leah and Luke for your sake, Master. I promise. "
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
moments this episode where actual crying tears came from my eyes: ezra using the emitter from kanan’s lightsaber in creating his new lightsaber, chopper recognizing ezra somehow in trooper armor, “hi hera, I’m home”, the look on hera’s face when she sees ezra, and anakin’s force ghost watching over ahsoka with pride to end the episode…bye i’ll just be weeping in a corner
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
aNaKiN aNd AhSoKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 2 years ago
hi hello I am spontaneously combusting after that ahsoka premiere it was everything I ever wanted. sabine was perfect. hera was perfect. ahsoka was perfect. chopper was perfect. the loth cats? perfect. david tennant being back as huyang and having a predominate role in the show, not just in the sidelines? perfect. seeing the phantom in a space battle in live action? perfect. the way ezra touched the back of his neck in the hologram like he always did in animation? perfect. sabine having ezra’s lightsaber? perfect. sabine living in ezra’s old communications tower home? crying. going to the corellia shipyard? perfect. the mention of an HK droid????? fucking perfect. the thing the empire remnants are building being called the eye of sion? flawless. morgan being a dathomir witch? screaming. the inquisitor being back with that helicopter lightsaber move?? iconic. I need to stop listing everything I loved about this premiere because this post will never end. I cannot wait for the next episode I have so many theories can’t wait to see how this pans out.
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
hey I am still not over this please send help
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 2 years ago
me to my brother the entire premiere of ahsoka: “they were a character on rebels. oh so were they. oh that actor voiced the character on rebels too. that’s a shot from rebels. omg that’s a kotor reference. that’s a rebels character too. oh that’s also a…”
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
my hero leia organa getting hera out of trouble, c3po my boy returning to my screen on her behalf, mon mothma being a badass leader ahsoka practicing the saber forms with anakin’s training videos, the fact that anakin even made these videos for her in the first place, the way i almost cried during that whole scene, ahsoka saying “that’s my style” with that lil smirk, thrawn being a badass the whole time completely unphased by everything, ezra saying “what, why?” about ahsoka training sabine (all of us lowkey lmao), the chaotic sibling energy in the entire episode, ezra force fighting like a motherfucker, his absolutely ezra moment of saying ���wait we can talk about this”, his reunion with ahsoka :’) I loved this episode your honor
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
“practice these forms often. or at least more than I do” made me cackle ngl
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
why does ezra look like a medieval knight out there on peridea and why do I kinda love it
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
star wars doggo is good doggo
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 1 year ago
okay but Huyang describing Anakin as “intense”
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