#leading...obviously...to all three of them ending up together.
boguspearl · 3 days
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So what are my thoughts for Arcane season 2? Well from what I've seen in the trailer, I think almost every character in the series is going to go through a massive shift, starting with caitlyn in the first season caitlyn was calculating smart not rash (okay not rash enough to wage full on war, but rash enough to let a criminal out of prison) she was new to the scene but she knew that she didn't want war with the undercity, but now in a fit of blind revenge she's going to war anyway
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And by the looks of it Vi's right along side her she's given up on Jinx its even the first lines of the trailer, she starts out fighting along side the enforcers, along side caitlyn, but we see her off on her own broken, this most likely because she's finally seen just how far caitlyns taking things.
However the biggest change of this season is going to be Jinx, in the first season Jinx was crazy, but things are about to take a turn i mean sure on the surface we see her bombing the city leading a revolution piloting an airship while looking deranged but looking deeper does she really look completely insane.
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Personally i think she looks kinda sad, i mean sure they show her looking completely done with it all ready to blow the world that's wronged her apart, but there's something deeper I think we're going to start the season with Jinx truly regretting what she's done, she's going to panic as the floor gives away beneath her and that will be her tipping point the point where there's s small possibly of her being reached, but there's no one left to reach her no one left willing to try, caitlyn wants her dead, Vi has given up on her, Silco is dead her hand, she's alone, alone except for sevika who will most likely use her to rule the undercity Jinx will be forced back into believing what she's doing is right
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Until eventually she's going to snap, she's going to see that she has nobody and she'll be exactly who they think she is and she'll be more broken than ever.
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But never mind all that the real thing that i think the arcane trailer is showing or more accurately hiding is the enemy. Okay hear me out we all know that season 2 just like season 1 will be releasing in three separate arcs each obviously show casing a separate story of the same season, now while Netflix has released three separate posters for said arcs they seem to have only given us one trailer, now if you look the trailer like that you can see the story breaks of the arcs, in the first part they show a clear enemy jinx, Vi and Cait are trying to take her down, the second the people of the undercity as they rise up but near the end there's nothing each shot fired each punch thrown even jinx threatening to burn it all down unlike the beginning of the trailer we aren't shown the enemy, this concerns me because who are they fighting, am I reading into this is it still Jinx that's the enemy or is caitlyn and Vi fighting each other or and what is most likely is there a new enemy something so feared that it actually makes them all fight together in some strange twisted way and if so what, i mean im actually clueless I've never played the game or gotten into anything else part of this universe so i have no idea what they could be up against.
Anyway thanks for reading my craziness, debates bellow
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lunar-years · 4 months
there used to be a fairly popular ot3 trope in the s2 hiatus (I think, or maybe it was literally just one fic I really liked so I'm misremembering, lol) where Jamie would get sick/injured and end up in hospital but he still had Keeley down as her emergency contact, so her (with an angry Roy in tow) would show up at the hospital and become his (on Roy's part, reluctant) caregivers until they all fell in love. I think the idea sort of went by the wayside because it relied on roy/keeley already being together and Jamie eventually joining their relationship, which is no longer the standard route to ot3. But! I think we should consider bringing it back.
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sepublic · 5 months
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Fascinating to me how in the pilot, Luz found the Boiling Isles because of AMITY... Because she's trying to return this exchange student's passport to her. She chases a bus on foot the entire way just to repay her kindness. And so she follows her through the door.
I think the final version works just as well, considering it emphasizes Luz's connection to Eda and King, as well as her relationship with her mother. But there's also something special about how in the pilot, Luz's pretty obvious crush, and hopes of finding a friend in someone who unwittingly showed her kindness (though she doesn't realize it was unintentional) is what leads her into the Boiling Isles. It's what begins everything, it's what starts her journey and helps her find the place and people where she belongs.
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There's just kind of a parallel between Luz trying to return the passport, and Luz wanting to hold onto the book, her father's last gift to her representing their mutual weirdness and kinship with one another. And there would’ve been another Lumity in parallel in them being students of two worlds. The crush vibes are so much more explicit and present from the start, it's like the queer aspect of Luz and the show is intertwined, since the beginning, since the very inciting incident, with the weirdness of our cast and their found family dynamics and everything. Like you can't discuss the weirdness without mentioning the queerness, without acknowledging it as just as much the foundation to the story and Luz.
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Plus there's Amity rejecting the drawing from Luz, only for it to be appreciated by Eda unknowingly... Once again, someone, unwittingly, is kind to Luz. But in this case Eda is more explicit about encouraging and welcoming Luz, and it makes me wonder if Amity necessarily dismissed the drawing as much, or only did so because she was around her peers? She's much more of a traditional, popular girl prep in the pilot. But then she DOES throw away the drawing, and her seeing Luz later could represent the shift in attitude, her reconsideration.
It's just. You have the mother figure. You have the love interest. And they bring and affirm Luz's ties to the Boiling Isles respectively. Luz doesn't get the approval she was initially looking for, but her quest for it leads her to find approval from someone else; And obviously, her chances with Amity aren't entirely off of the table! Her girlfriend brought her here. She lit up Luz's life in a way, as the final version had Luz barge into Amity's life and light up hers without meaning to.
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Plus Eda not being the friend Luz expected or was looking for -they cross paths by pure coincidence- but being the one she truly starts off with in the end. Like how in the final show Luz doesn't quite get what she's looking for, but she finds something else just as great and beautiful. Luz braces herself to be mocked through her drawing by Eda only to be supported and encouraged! All three of these characters are cut from the same cloth, tied together. I love it.
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wonbin-truther · 3 months
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bunk 02 ♰ anton x fem! reader (2.6k words) warnings ⋆ smut, sacrilegious themes, heavy mentions of religion, anton is a pastors son, premarital sex with no protection, fingering, handjob, oral (f! and m! receiving), yn kinda degrades anton, switch! yn and anton, anton may or may not be a virgin
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the sun was blistering hot as you stood with your mini fan, watching the campers as they jumped into the lake from the rickety pier. "this shit sucks," you grumbled as you walked to your friend and fellow camp counselor, yena. this had been your fifth year as a camp counselor for your church's summer program, which involved a week long retreat to the middle of nowhere. the week the pastor planned for the trip this year had coincidentally been the hottest week of the entire summer.
"ten said after the youth cabins are locked up for everyone to meet back here," yena pointed her small pink fan at you to help you cool down more. "you think he's gonna snitch us out?" you raised your eyebrow. "no he definitely will. but its too hot to be acknowledging his bullshit."
the "he" in question was the pastors son. anton lee was as straight edge as it came. he was notorious around the camp for snitching on campers and counselors alike to his father. this caused him to be alienated by everyone since most people were there for the money that came after the week ended.
"what're we talking about," your other friend, belle, walked up to the two of you. "ten said everyone meet here tonight," you told her. she let out a small laugh, "yea like anton will let that happen." "not too loud please i like my paycheck," you slapped her arm. "that kind of physical violence isn't a very good to be displaying in front of the children," the deep voice of the pastor from behind you caused all three of you to stand up straight and turn around. "i'm sorry sir," you squeaked out. you stared down anton who was stood behind his father with no emotion on his face. "god forgives. just dont let it happen again. remember we're trying to lead with kindness," he continued before leaving with anton in tow. "he thinks hes all that. god i wish i could just punch him once," you heard yena mumble under her voice. "it's too hot and hes not worth it," you sighed.
"last cabin," sunoo said as he turned the key into the door with a click. "are you going to whatever ten is inviting us to?" you asked from your seat on the steps of the cabin. he walked down and sat next to you, "are you?" you nodded, "nothing better to do." "we can walk to the pier together then," sunoo stood up, extending his hand out to help you up. sunoo walked behind you as you went up to yena and belle. "i think everyone is here. well minus one person," yena extended the joint in her hand to you and you happily took it. you took a long hit, "im so surprised." the sarcasm dripped off your words as they came out, making the 3 laugh.
you watched as some of your coworkers peeled off their clothes, jumping into the water. some had their bathing suits on underneath while others opted for more of a freeing option. you pulled the green camp shirt over your head to reveal the white lacy bra you were wearing. "nice tits," yena joked. "it's too hot and ive known everyone here for too long to be embarrassed," you took another hit of the joint. "what are you all doing?" the voice of anton seemed to echo even though everyone had been talking. everyone turned to look at him and then to ten. "just some team bonding," ten had always been quick on his feet when it came to being caught. anton obviously didn't look convinced, "then why are people skinny dipping." "so that the lord can see his people in the way he made them," you almost let out a laugh at ten's explanation. "and the drinking and smoking?" anton crossed his arms. "i guess some people had turned to sin and temptation and would like to show god their faults so he could forgive," ten shrugged his shoulders.
you knew anton didn't believe him; he was a lot smarter than that. his eyes flickered over to you for just a second scanning your semi nude chest and then back to your face. his attention was turned back to ten quick as if he never looked at you. "i'll let you guys get away with this once. next time i wont hesitate to tell my father," with those final words anton spun on his heel and walked back to the counselor cabin. "do you think he ever gets tired of having that stick up his ass," sunoo said, making your small group of friends laugh. "he thinks hes draco malfoy threatening us with telling his dad," yena spoke as she took the joint from between your fingers.
anton kept his word because the next morning the pastor wished you all a good morning with no reprimanding. "god this sucks," belle rubbed her eyes as she walked into the cafeteria that had been set up with lines of chairs instead of the usual tables. she took a seat next to you as more people filed in and took their seats. "you're really gonna use the word god to say morning service sucks," you nudged her shoulder. morning service was something that happened every other day at exactly 7:00am, however the counselors were mandated to be there at 6:30am.
"dont look now," belle mumbled as she leaned back in her chair. you turned your head slightly to see anton walking towards the row of chairs diagonal to yours. the two of you locked eyes as he glanced over but quickly took his eyes off of you. you rolled your eyes as you brought your attention back to the front. throughout the service you caught anton stealing glances at you, making you mentally question what issue he had. your perfect opportunity to strike was given to you as you watched him stand up and walk out towards the end. you stood up, your friends giving you a questioning look as you excused yourself and followed anton out. you stayed a good distance away from him as you followed him towards the cabins.
"whats your issue?" you confronted him as soon as the cabin door shut. "huh?" he jumped a little, not noticing you followed him. "your issue. you keep staring me down. why?" you pressed further, walking closer to him. "i-i have no issue with you," his face got red as you got closer and closer. he stood there not moving, "i wasnt looking at you either." "lying is a sin you know," you stared him down. anton found himself subconsciously leaning in towards you until his lips met yours. you stood frozen before he quickly pulled away. "im sorry. i-i i should get back before my dad realizes im gone," anton tried to scrabble past you but you grabbed his arm. you tugged him towards you and pulled him in for another kiss. you held the back of his head as his hands traveled down to your waist. you smiled as you pulled away, "i should go back before your dad notices im gone." you giggled as you used his words against him, turning around and leaving the stuffy cabin. "where'd you go and why are your lips swollen," sunoo whispered into your ear as you settled back into the metal chair. "dont worry about it. i'll tell you tonight."
"you did what?" yena yelled as you all sat on your bunk. it was late in the night, meaning most the other counselors were at the lake or off smoking weed somewhere. "anton? with anton?" sunoo had his hand over his mouth as he processed the information you just told them. "was he a good kisser?" belle asked. you smiled wider as you nodded and another gasp overtook the cabin. before anyone could say anything else, there was a soft knock on the wooden door.
"what if its jason voorhees," you heard sunoo say as you stood up to go to the door. "shut up," belle responded, hitting his arm. you cautiously opened the door and the only scary figure revealed was anton. "this is somehow worse," yena intended it to be a whisper but it came out louder than intended.
"can we talk," antons eyes were glued to the ground as he kicked the dirt under his feet. you turned around to face your 3 friends, "every one out now." "oh what the fuck," they complained but stood up, walking out as anton moved to the side to give them room. you moved aside, allowing anton to walk into the now empty cabin and shut the door behind him. "so what did you want to-" before you could finish your sentence anton's lips were on yours. the two of you slowly moved back, lips never leaving each other, until you tripped back. you pulled anton on top of you and let him trail his lips down to your neck.
"fuck i thought you were waiting until marriage or some bullshit," you groaned as he bit down on one part of your neck, sucking on the spot. you could feel his hard-on against your thighs as he mindlessly rubbed himself against you. "shut up," he mumbled into the skin of your neck. you laughed, reaching a hand to squish his cheeks and pull him back up for a quick kiss. "make me," your sly grin lit something in anton. he swatted your hands away from his face and pulled off your shirt. his eyes never tore away from your tits as he fumbled with the back of your bra. "wow and i was starting to believe you weren't a virgin," you reached behind and undid the clasps for him, throwing the bra into a random corner of the room.
he ignored your jab and locked his lips onto your right nipple, sucking the bulb and flicking it with his tongue. his fingers ghosted over your stomach and down to the waistband of your pants. you lifted your hips up so he had the room to slide your shorts and panties down in one go. his fingers went down to your soaked entrance. "so much talk for someone this wet," anton started kissing downwards until he was face to face with your pussy. he left open mouth kisses on your thighs as your fingers tangled into his hair. you tried to push him closer but he didn't budge. "patience," he hummed before diving in. your back arched and you didnt bother to muffle the moans that escaped your mouth as anton sucked on your folds, nose bumping into the bundle of nerves as he ate you out. the only thing that coursed through your brain was 'how the fuck is he a virgin? there was no way in christ.'
anton loved the way his name slipped from your lips as if it was the only thing you knew. "close," he heard you stutter out. he slid his tongue into you, essentially tongue fucking you. that seemed to be the thing to push you over since anton felt the gush of wet on his face. anton licked his lips before going back up to you, kneeling over you. you pulled him down by the neck into another makeout session, your tongue pushing through his swollen lips. you palmed at his bulge, feeling the small wet spot from when he was grinding against the bed. you pulled away from the kiss to tug his shirt off- and holy shit you didnt expect him to he this buff. he let out a chuckle as you gawked at his abs, "all i do is lift heavy statues all day in the church. what did you expect?" you didnt speak as you climbed off the bed and dropped to your knees. anton was quick to sit on the edge of the bed. you slid off his pants and boxers, letting his cock spring up. the tip was already an angry red with precum leaking off of it.
you spit into your hand, giving it a few pumps before letting your lips engulf his tip. anton threw his hand back. his hands set behind him in order to hold himself up. you let out small gagging noises as you took him further and further into your mouth to where he hit the back of your throat. he let out loud whines and moans as you bobbed your head. with every hit to the back of your throat, you let out a mix of a moan and a gag. the sensation stimulating anton more and bringing him closer and closer. you knees were beginning to grow sore and you could feel them bruising as you pulled off him with a pop. the wetness of your saliva giving you enough wetness to guide your hand up and down his length. anton watched down as his dick twitched in your hold and you moved faster. strings of white spat on your face and down to your chest as you continued to milk anton of whatever he had. anton smiled as he let his hand fall to cup your face and run his thumb across your cheek. "pretty girl. if only god could see you on your knees right now." he could feel himself getting hard again as you looked up at him with big doe eyes.
"come," anton moved back a little, pulling you to your feet and letting you sit yourself on his lap. you grinded against him and he threw his head back. you took the opportunity to latch your lips to his neck, leaving marks that you were sure would show under the camp t-shirt and have the pastor questioning the fathfullness of his son. you stood on your knees, taking his cock in your hold and lining it up with yourself. "ready?" you locked eyes with him and he nodded. "lord please." you sunk down onto him and both of you let out your own loud moans. you began to rise up and fall down, using antons broad shoulders to stabilize yourself. your brows furrowed in concentration as you tried your best to ride him with the aching in your knees. anton could notice your discomfort through the wobbliness of you knees and your pace slowly slowing down.
"can i help?" anton grabbed your waist for you to stop. you nodded, letting out a gasp as he turned you over and onto your back on the bed. he put your leg over his shoulder as he thrusted into you with a fast pace. the bed shook back and forth as he pounded into you, consistently hitting the spot that had your back arching and toes curling. anton leaned down and captured your lips as he felt you flutter around him. he let his thumb rub at your clit, bringing you closer and closer. a white ring soon formed around the base of anton's dick as he continued to chase his own high. "pull out?" anton pulled away from the kiss to ask. you shook your head frantically, "inside please please." you begged. that sent him over the edge because with one final thrust inside, he let himself come undone.
"the whole camp probably heard us," anton let out a small laugh as you laid in his arms with your head on his chest. "good luck covering these up tomorrow," you ran your fingers down his neck, across all the hickeys you had left. anton shuttered under your touch, "it's gonna bring you so much joy when my father yells at me tomorrow huh?" you smiled up at him, "you don't even understand how much."
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jensthwa · 25 days
i was made for lovin' you (PSH x reader)
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part of the love's an uncharted path universe ★.
In an attempt to grasp at his youth, Seonghwa buys a motorcycle despite not knowing the first thing about them. When it inevitably breaks down, he has no other option that to ride it to a mechanic shop and, after following a sweet hum, he’s faced with the life-changing (and predictable) fact that, maybe, what he needed after all was not a motorcycle. Maybe, just maybe, what he needed was you.  
PAIRING: new bike owner!seonghwa x afab mechanic!reader.
GENRE: strangers to lovers.
WARNINGS: SMUT ☽ (MINORS DNI) attempt !!! at comedy, dual pov (both seonghwa's and reader's), wooyoung being a little shit for the umpteenth time + jongho, yeosang AND hongjoong (omg), that feeling you get when your youth is ending, midlife crisis! (or so yunho says), a loooot of work related/motorcycle plot, flirting, seonghwa losing his rizz, reader is adopted so that may count as a trigger warning for some of you, shitty exes, crying a bit but not really, pet and nicknames (ghost, dear), they almost get caught in a thunderstorm, lots of tension, making out, oral ( f & m reciving ), descriptions of the female anatomy, floor AND protected sex ( wrap it up pls ), the ending leads straight up to the next story on this universe so be aware of that.
NOTES: hello everyone! after almost a month in the making, here you have it! THIS IS PART OF THE SHOW AND TELL UNIVERSE but can be read as a stand alone, although there's some characters and scenarios you can understand better if you read the last three parts (you can find them in my masterlist). this really didn't need to be so lenghty but it turned out that way for some reason (i'm the mayor of yap town). this is 100% self indulgent, as all fics should be, and i think i've re-read it so many times that if you find a typo or something that just doesn't make sense, you can blame it on english not being my first language i guess lmao. i hope you enjoy it and if you do feel free to send to my askbox/reblog/type in any feedback or thoughts! <3
POSTED: september 02 2024.
permanent taglist: @hotteokkay, @potatomountain, @fairylover68, @e3ellie, @alsomimi
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Seonghwa is proud to be the type of person who can just tell what's going on after assessing a situation for a few seconds. 
His intuition is something he can rely on and he almost never misses the mark when he makes predictions that he doesn't share with anyone else in case it brings anyone down. 
As he watches San kissing his girlfriend's cheek and then stare at her like a lovestruck idiot, his mouth quirks up a bit and he quickly hides it behind the soda can he's been nursing for the past couple of minutes. 
He's happy it finally happened. 
He's also a little butthurt that he didn't get the chance to fully get to know her first. 
They've been together for a few months now, maybe four if he recalls correctly. Back then, he danced with her at Wooyoung's and San’s apartment like he didn't know one of his closest friends had been in love with her since they both were in highschool. 
He didn't tell anyone, but a part of him did it to see if it would prompt a reaction. And, from what he was told by Wooyoung, it did. 
She is his type of person, though. And when he texted her a few days later and she sent in a non-detailed voice note briefly explaining what went down after they all left the party and she stayed behind to help her drunk best friend, he told her he understood and that he kind of already knew. 
Or at least, he expected it. 
He also explained to San that, although his intentions with his girlfriend (before she was his girlfriend) were mostly genuine, he’s obviously not in love with her. 
After all, they only met that one time and now, back in San and Woo’s shared apartment for what feels like an overdue reunion after months of busy schedules and adult life, he can assure them both with a nod and smile that he is, indeed, happy for them. 
He treasures admiration for those who are able to find love in this modern age, anyway. 
Now there's two couples in the group. Seonghwa has never been the type of guy who chases relationships and has a goal set on when and how to get married. He simply exists and welcomes the opportunities life gives him as they come. 
That's how he got his job at Room for More. His professor gave him a recommendation letter after finishing the last presentation of his career and suggested he try his luck at his colleague’s company. 
And now he's actually doing what he studied to do and he's loving it. Working in interior design and fighting minimalism while he's at it? 
Incredible. Life could not be better. 
Kind of.
As rare as those types of opportunities are, he truly believes it is way easier to find a niche profession people are actually comfortable with than it is to find love in modern society. 
Life might give you your dream job out of nowhere, but it can also take away the opportunity of finding a partner you can celebrate your success with. 
He never even told his friends when he got the job. Only Hongjoong, who then passed on the word to the rest of the group and, after they all congratulated him for it, they quickly moved on to their tesis and focused on not letting their last year of university eat them up while they were at it. 
Except for Jongho, he very much had a few months left to ignore the unavoidable adulthood period he was about to suddenly enter his senior year. The rest of them, minus Hongjoong, had the right to grasp as much as they could of the freedom of only being weighed down by exams and not by other obligations like rent and bills. 
Wooyoung and San’s lease is being paid by their parents, so they don't really count. 
And Hongjoong lives with his bandmates in a little apartment above the rehearsal space provided by a lovely grandma who treats them all like they are her sons, so he doesn't really count either. 
Seonghwa feels like, in the span of a year, he took a whole step forward while everyone else is still enjoying their youth. Now, he has presentations and meetings with clients he needs to worry about. 
Love is not his top priority, not that it ever was, but now it barely crosses his mind. 
He just wants to stay cool and young for a few more years before giving in completely into feeling like an adult. 
So, naturally, what's the first idea that popped in his mind a few weeks ago when thinking about the inescapable passage of time? 
That he should definitely be a little more irresponsible with his finances. Why not? He's in the perfect period of his life where he's allowed to make a mistake without the fear of eternal judgment by a superior being. 
The superior being happens to be his mother, of course. Who else would it be? The woman could make a God shake in their shiny boots and silence them with a single scowl. 
She's all the way back in his hometown, though and she's really rooting for him to make it big in the city. 
Surely, she wouldn't mind if he bought a motorcycle to help him commute faster to his appointments, right? 
Well, he's about to find out any day now.
Looking out of the window that looks to the street, Seonghwa can see his new acquisition parked and sparkling under the streetlamp and the smile that it brings to his lips it's big enough for Yunho to bump him with his hip and lean against the window sill as well. 
“Who's making you smile like that?” he asks, looking away from Seonghwa and following his line of sight till it reaches the beautiful Bonneville he just got on a great deal with a guy who wanted to get rid of it. 
The auction post said that it was because it looked too vintage and the owner wanted to upgrade to something more ‘modern looking’. 
A fool, he thought. 
Because to him, this bike checks all his marks: it is modern enough that in case he needed to get any parts for it, it wouldn't make him lose his mind in the process. But also, it has that vintage, nostalgic, old film feel and look to it that is just right up his alley. 
He loves it. 
Huh, maybe he did find true love after all. 
And after breaking open his savings, Seonghwa managed to get a hold of it without financially ruining himself. Only a bit. 
He didn't tell any of his friends about it, maybe that's why Yunho whistles after he checks it out. 
“Now who's riding that baby?” 
“Me,” Seonghwa smiles, turning to his friend who, as the response dawns on him, drops his jaw and lets out an amused chuckle “What? That's my bike!” 
“Are you being serious?” 
“Why would I lie to you?” He returns, softly. 
A bit passes and then Yunho turns to everyone else scattered around the living room. 
“Guys, Seonghwa is having an early mid-life crisis and bought a motorcycle!” 
Yeosang gasps “Ain't no way…” 
“Hwa? A motorcycle?” Wooyoung hollers, louder than everyone else “What's next? Tattoos?!” 
Oh, for the love of God. 
Maybe there's a reason he didn't tell anyone until now. Everyone gathers around the window to look at it like children at a zoo and he takes a step back, sitting on the arm on the couch, a subtle smile on his lips. 
The only person that turns to him is San’s girlfriend, smiling proudly like he just won the lottery or something. 
Damn, she really is his type. 
“Are you happy?” She asks and it tugs at his lonely heart strings like crazy. 
He pushes through, nodding and shrugging a bit, dismissing his feelings for the final time. It's not really her, he reminds himself. It's the thought of having someone in his life that treats him the way she treats San. 
“Sure am,” he murmurs “My bank account? Not so much.” 
She laughs and Jongho turns to him at that “Are you an old man with debts now? Noooo,” he pouts “Who am I going to ask for bail money now?” 
Gyuri, Wooyoung's ex-girlfriend who somehow manages to stay friends with him, scoffs “You've never been to jail, kid.” 
“But he's the first person on my emergency contact list for that!” 
And just like that, they all pull away from the window and back into their seats to discuss the reasons why Jongho would end up behind bars. 
Being annoying seems to be winning. 
Seonghwa is glad to take the attention off of him. This way, he can't be caught staring at the way Mingi’s girlfriend sits on his lap and nuzzles her nose against her boyfriend’s neck. This way, the sigh he lets out when he catches San whispering sweet things into his girl’s ear gets lost amidst pointless banter and giggling. 
He shouldn't feel envious. 
But somehow he ended up wearing a green short-sleeve today, so it checks out. 
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“Important client. Wants to renovate their whole space, his apartment and his office.” 
His boss is excited. It makes him smile as he stares at her with his hands behind his back, like he usually does when he receives instructions. 
“He loved your work, I showed him the photo studio you helped with last month and requested you specifically. He said that he feels trapped in a box every time he gets to work and everytime he returns home, so… He wants you to lead the project,” she smiles, tapping her manicured nails against her desk and cocking her head to the side “Congratulations, kid, you got your first big commission coming.” 
“Thank you so much,” he bows, his body bending out of pure gratefulness and instinct “I'll make sure to run everything by you accordingly, boss.” 
“Well, I'm expecting a report in two days.” 
“Two days?” 
“Mhm. He wants to meet with you this afternoon… In four hours, exactly. I already sent you an email with the details,” she gets up from her desk, extending her hand towards him and he rushes to shake it “You're doing the initial assessment today, alone. Everyone else has something going on.” 
“Of course,” he's worried and anxious, but he makes sure none of it shows as he gives her hand a firmer shake before letting it go “I'll do my initial research in the meantime, then.” 
She nods and dismisses him with her hand. 
He stresses the whole time he looks up the name and company of this new client. It seems like a serious business, not the kind that wants to reject minimalism especially when the nation's professional aesthetic runs on it. 
It’s a modern tech silicon valley run by, what he's able to gather, a very rich family his new client is part of. There's a picture of them, smiling at an event, looking like the nightmare of working class people. 
He tends to keep his opinions on chaebol’s at bay (Yunho is his friend and he’s rich, so he can't really voice what he thinks so freely anyway) but the fact that they contacted his company, an interior design business with barely any recognition amongst their competitors, is both surprising and concerning. 
He clicks an article where his new client is featured. He's the heir of his family's empire, a tech savvy himself and he can tell, from the way they framed his answers, that he is well media-trained. 
Seonghwa has no name for himself. Why would he request him? He's not so sure the ambiance he helped to create in a mere photo studio is what is granting him this opportunity. 
His intuition is telling him, as he clicks for his initial research to print, that there must be an ulterior motive. 
But he's going to embrace the chance of securing his rent money either way. 
He just hopes his hair is presentable enough when he gets there. The helmet he bought is really not helping, the wind that somehow gets into it as he cruises through the streets doesn't help either.
Wanna know what else adds up to his problems today? The engine sounds weird. 
It sounds fucking weird. 
At a red light, Seonghwa lifts up his visor and tries to figure out what the hell is going on as much as he can. 
He's too green for this. Too new to this world. 
Would his mother scold him if she finds out he lied about doing a thorough research about the bike world before investing in one? 
He looks at his watch. He has time to spare, an hour and a half before the meeting takes place. 
Before he can fully make a decision, his body weight is making him turn into a street he doesn't know that well. But he's sure he saw a repair shop on the way to work today. 
Or was it just a body shop? Maybe he imagined it and the sudden panic he feels rising and darkening his cheeks under the visor is convincing him he's right. 
When he sees the floatable mascot waving in the wind, he lets out a sigh of relief. 
Pulling up, he sees a few cars with their hood open and a few new, modern bikes to the side, so he parks a few meters from them and when he turns off the engine and gets down from his -apparently- damaged new acquisition, he feels like he can finally breathe. 
No, scratch that, he takes his helmet off and then he's able to breathe. 
When he scans the place, there's not a soul in sight. 
Until he hears someone humming. It's a song he heard before, he can't quite put it together by the melody but it sounds like something he used to enjoy when he entertained the idea of joining Hongjoong's band all the way back in first semester of college. 
Something with heavy guitars, which kind of fits the place’s vibe. Looking around, he swears to himself he's trying to find the source of the humming.
After all, he doesn't have much time to take in the place.
But he does anyway. 
When he steps deeper into the shop, he feels like he's been teletransported into a decade he never got to experience, into a culture that is not his to experience in the first place. 
It's like a Sons of Anarchy set, something he would see in an indie two thousands movie, maybe. There's a lot of stuff laying around, an organized chaos he guesses he can attribute to the nature of this kind of job. 
But there's also a lot on the walls, aside from the usual tools hanging from it that look worn out there's posters and the Harley Davidson logo plastered at least five times in shirts, hats and jacket applique patches. 
He thinks the walls can be painted a new, muted color instead of the sort-of bright blue and beige they have going on. 
Focus. What the hell. 
Shaking his head, he follows the sound of the voice until he reaches the back of the shop. There's what it looks like an office, maybe a reception? With a door that's wide open and seems to lead to a storage he doesn't need to get in to. 
There, on her knees, he sees the source of the sound: A girl. 
A beautiful, beautiful girl. 
With her hair out of her face and overalls that seem too loose on her frame. 
Is his heart okay? It feels like it stopped beating. 
And then the beating comes back in full blast, goosebumps on his skin reminding him to speak up. Clearing his throat softly, he does. 
“Oh, shit,” she drops whatever she's working on, stops writing something down on a notebook that looks like it's about to run out of space “You fucking scared me!” 
“I can… see that. I'm sorry.” 
“Did you float all the way down here? Fucking Christ,” she mumbles something under her breath, getting up from her position and leaning into the desk in a way Seonghwa will probably remember forever. He gulps “What can I help you with, Ghost?” 
She's breathtakingly beautiful and he, who's usually smooth with words and random interactions, stammers out his response “H-hey, yes I… I'm Park Seonghwa,” he starts, smiling a bit “I was hoping there was someone here who can help me with my bike?” 
She looks around and he assumes she's looking for someone until he sees the corner of her lip curving up a bit “As I said, what can I help you with?” 
Did he already fuck this whole thing up? 
“Oh! I wasn't suggesting that you couldn't— I mean that's not what I…” her smirks widens, he suddenly remembers he's running out of time so he gets it together “I just bought a motorcycle and I'm sure the engine is not supposed to sound the way it's sounding so I thought I could use someone taking a look?” He gets out as fast as he can and the stranger claps her hands in a way that makes him take a step back. 
She intimidates him. Just a little bit. 
“First time owner?” She asks but he's sure she already knows. 
Chuckling nervously, Seonghwa nods “What gave it away?” 
“Your gear,” she simply states, getting out from behind the desk and into the garage space, moving swiftly through it like she owns the place. Damn, does she own the place? “You're barely wearing any. I get it, it's stuffy,” she turns over her shoulder to smile at him “It'll grow on you.” 
“More like I'll get used to it, I feel like.” 
“Yeah,” she rounds a car, tapping the hood of it and taking a pause as she scans the front of the place “That's what I said.” 
That's definitely not what she said. 
He's not sure if she's being rude or merely sarcastic, but he shouldn't be enjoying it the way he is. What drags him out of it is the way laughs when she sees his bike “This one?”
Concerning. Danger. Why is she laughing?! 
“I don't get to see this type of bike often. Damn, she's beautiful.” 
He smiles, taking down his worries a notch “Yeah, I got a great deal for it. The guy said he wanted something like that instead,” he points at the one right next to his “Said he wanted something that looked out of Terminator. I didn't have the heart to tell him that they used a Harley Davidson for the movies.” 
“I'm guessing he meant Robocop?” 
“What an idiot,” she sighs, inspecting his bike closely “Not you, Park Seonghwa, the guy who sold you this. Key.” 
Key? Oh, right, the key. He tosses it to her and she catches it with expertise. 
“Well, thanks for clarifying that.” 
She laughs again, taking his helmet that's resting on the seat and putting it down on the floor as she straddles the bike “You're welcome,” she starts it, revs the engine a few times and then grimaces in a way that makes Seonghwa’s heart drop to his ass “Okay, Ghost, please tell me you have time to spare today.” 
“I actually don't,” he takes a few steps, worried frown on his face that prompts another sigh from her “I have a very, very important appointment in…” he checks his watch “In an hour that I really, really need to get to and— Is it that bad?” 
“No! No, not at all, I'm just better with cars than with bikes but, uhm… My brother is coming back in around fifteen minutes?” She offers and with the scowl on his face, she seems to backtrack “Listen, Park Seonghwa, why don't you leave your number with me and we can get this fixed by the end of the day. You can come by to pick it up or we can drop it to you early, tomorrow.” 
“Would you? Oh, my God,” he lets out another nervous laugh “That would be amazing, actually.” 
“Yeah, it's probably just the chain tensioner that needs an adjustment. Nothing's wrong with the engine as far as I can tell but that's why I want the guy who specializes in this type of thing to check it out.” 
“Your brother.” 
“Exactly,” she nods, turning it off and getting off as quickly and if Seonghwa was a little less concerned that he might've waisted his money on an expensive motorcycle, he would've noticed the proximity and the way she looks him over  with a curious glint on her eye “So, Park Seonghwa, what's your number?” 
She takes a step to the side and offers him her phone after unlocking it. He reacts to that. 
“Oh, yeah, sure.” 
He doesn't notice the big smile she offers him either. He doesn't have time. He enters the digits fast and checks over them two times before saving the contact information and returning the phone. 
Checking his watch once again, he curses under his breath and looks at his baby with desperation, begging, praying that he doesn't have to spend a fortune on it. 
“I really have to go.” 
“I can see that,” she returns his words from before, smiling and leaning to rest her weight on the hood of the car she tapped earlier “Good luck with your, uh…” she looks him over one more than and this time he notices it, blushing like a teenager for some reason because of it “Business meeting?” 
The crossbody bag he's wearing probably gave him away, huh? 
“Yeah, yes. Thank you so much for all your help… Ian?” He reads the nametag on her overall and immediately thinks it is an unconventional name for a girl, but doesn't add anything about it “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” 
“I get it, you're grateful, now leave.” He catches on that she's pretending like his presence bothers her so he can hurry, which he's actually grateful for. 
It occurs to him that he could stare at her forever like an idiot if she didn't. 
“Okay, bye. Please tell me if I have to, uh, rob a bank or something to cover the cost.” 
She laughs again and it sounds pretty this time. 
What the fuck. 
“Sure,” she nods and he takes a few steps backwards until he's about to turn and then he hears her voice again, so he doesn't but he keeps walking “It's Y/N, by the way.” 
“My name is Y/N, Ian is my brother.” 
His heart beats loudly and he can't help but smile as wide as he possibly can “Ah, that makes more sense.”
“Goodbye, Park Seonghwa!” 
He finally turns and then screams back “Goodbye, Y/N!” as he's hurrying to raise his hand and call on a taxi who just passed the entrance like divine intervention, placed perfectly just for him. 
He misses the sudden blush on your cheeks because he's already in the cab by the time you reach the garage’s door to glance at the beautiful man one last time.
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Seonghwa is right on time. With a few minutes to spare, actually. 
The building looks even more modernized than in pictures. He can even see some workers remodeling an office he passes on the way to the… third? Main desk he has to go to. 
It's a very big company and he can see the silicon valley aspect of it all once he notices the few different uniforms everyone is wearing. It seems like the building is one big, creative space and he likes it, but it does feel a little cold in a sense. 
“I'm looking for Mr. Kim? I have an appointment in… five minutes with him, I was sent from—”
“Room for More. Park Seonghwa is here.” The lady at the reception doesn't spare him a glance as she talks through her headset and he has to blink a few times, bowing briefly when she points towards the elevator to his right “Floor sixteen, the only big office on the floor.” 
“Thank you—” 
Turning back, he sees there's some people lined up behind him and he quickly moves out of the way and towards the elevator that drops him, two minutes later, into the sixteenth floor. 
As he walks towards the big doors at the end of the hall, he feels so out of place his armpits start sweating even though it is a cold day and the heating is barely on. 
There's a few cubicles, glass separating them from the hall and, in consequence, forcing him to glance a few times out of curiosity. The uniforms and creativity that he saw downstairs is lost and all he can see is the nightmare he had once, when he thought he would end up working in a similar space: men in suits and women in pencil skirts typing away and printing reports he is never going to understand. 
Maybe that's why he's a bit surprised when he gets to Mr. Kim’s office and he's waiting by the door with a kind of ironed three piece suit and a few hairs out of place, toothy grin and open arms. 
“Mr. Park Seonghwa, thank you so much for taking the job!” 
He moves in to give him a brief hug he doesn't really get to reciprocate before he's moving away and into his office. 
“It's, um, a pleasure,” he stammers out, following him “Thank you so much for the opportunity, Mr. Kim— Wow.” 
“I know, I know,” his client sighs as he takes a box and throws it to the side of his desk. The space is a mess and both of them grimace at the sound of something breaking inside the cardboard “This is why I recruited you. I tried to do something myself and ended up with… Whatever this is.” 
Looking around, Seonghwa is able to see what he means. The walls are mismatched and there's an unfinished design on the one to his left. Someone started painting a tree and gave up after sketching out a few branches. 
“And please call me Soohyun. Everyone here already calls me Mr. Kim and it makes me feel like my father,” he adds, sitting down on his desk chair and pointing to the one in front of it “That's my sister’s work. She tried to help me but broke one of her nails trying to get the cap off a painting tube so… She left me with this mess.” 
Seonghwa smiles, sitting down in front of him and getting his sketchbook out of his bag. Seemingly excited, his client rests his arms on the desk and grins at him, expectantly. 
He seems a little childish, not like the guy he studied earlier today. He looks younger than what he actually is like this, in a space that mimics what Seonghwa picks up like impatience and boredom, maybe the desire of breaking free of a corporate jail. 
Now, he understands why he contacted Room for More. 
“So, Soohyun… What do you want me to do for this space?” 
He spends the rest of the day in the middle of the mess, getting to know Soohyun’s vision and learning about the company as he helps to pile up the boxes laying around and drawing different ideas down. When he tries to talk about a possible budget, the man silences him and tells him not to worry about it. 
The pretty girl he met earlier crosses his mind one time, when Soohyun asks him if he can stay later than anticipated to give him an excuse to get out of what he says it's about to be a very boring and pointless meeting. 
Her image, your image makes him smile and he wonders, for a second, what the hell are you doing with his bike. 
And if he gets to see you again. 
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Your brother comes back like a whole two hours later, so you're grateful you didn't push your new client to waste fifteen minutes of his, apparently, very busy day. 
“He said he got a great deal for it?” you nod “This one is not even that old, I'm sure they still make them!” 
You shrug and your brother sighs.
“Maybe he got scammed.” 
“I didn't ask but I think it started making that noise today because he seemed… alarmed,” you tell him and Christian pushes his hair back before taking the key out of your open palm “He didn't stay because he had a business appointment or something. He looked very laid-back, though, not rich at all, so don't you dare overcharge him for this.” 
“Oh, so you liked him.” 
Rolling your eyes, you turn to open the hood of the car you're supposed to be working on instead of giving away information he should've listened to if he didn't tend to walk out mid-shift “Yeah, we're actually getting married next week.” 
“Well, that means I can dispute getting the whole garage once dad goes away.” 
You let out a groan but you smile a little as you try and remember where you left off last night. 
“The only way he can go away is if he's dead, Christian,” you remind him “And he's going to outlive both of us.” 
“Of course he is.” 
You're not sure if your dad has a will at all. You're not his real children after all, so If he does you're not sure you're included either. 
It's not hard to tell you're adopted, but you've known Christian since before it was decided you two would share a family and even a last name. 
You grew up together, the adoption home treated both of you decently enough so you two never struggled as much but the children your age were a different story entirely. They used to tug at your hair and push you to the ground during group activities and the only one who was brave enough to make them stop was Christian.  
So, when your dad showed up at the adoption home and picked him out of the hundred children, he told him he didn't want to go anywhere without you. 
Sure enough, your dad took one look at your frightened little face, hiding behind Christian like a coward, and filled out the paperwork twenty minutes later. 
You remember gaping at the director, waiting for him to do something about this six feet tattooed guy in his late thirties wanting to take you both away from the only home you ever knew, but you're grateful the system didn't give two craps about children back in the day. 
Not that it gives a crap about them now, but at least they're a little more careful with just handing out kids like that. 
Because it could've gone terribly wrong. You were sure, at eight years old, your hand grasping the seatbelt on the back seat of your new dad’s car, that it was about to go terribly wrong. 
But he turned out to be nothing but a kind, hardworking (with an amazing credit score, no criminal record and steady income), widowed man who was looking to fulfill his late wife’s dreams of having a family and someone to leave their business to. 
After all, she was the one who built the shop from the ground up. You desperately needed to know more of her and your dad made sure to let you know how amazing she was in every aspect. 
She became someone you looked up to, even if you never really knew her, maybe that's why you ended up working at the shop as well. 
And yet, you still don't think it belongs to you. Ian is the one your dad wanted to begin with, you're just an added bonus. 
You're not sure you want it, either. 
But there's not much you know outside of it. Your time in school was great, no one bullied you anymore and the tough skin you developed out of nowhere cushioned the typical jokes that kids and teenagers are apparently programmed to make. 
You never made fun of anyone with ill intentions, so you're not sure how true that statement is. 
Either way, you kind of know where they were coming from. You weren't particularly exceptional at any subject but you never got in trouble for anything either, so you just kind of floated in everyone's orbit until you graduated, never belonging to any specific group of people or participating on any extracurriculars to help you maintain your barely there friendships after graduation. 
This shop is truly all you got. And the family that comes with it, of course.
Your dad coughing in the back and the sound reaching your ears even when the sound of Park Seonghwa's damaged motorcycle is right next to you, reminds you that the spending every second of your teenage years and early adult life learning all you could about how to fix a car was worth it. 
“Fucking chain tensioners.”
Smiling, you turn your head to your brother and he's already working on it “So it was the chain tensioner?” 
“Yeah,” he wipes the sweat off his forehead “it's always the fucking chain tensioner with these things.” 
You don't tell him you already knew that. 
“So you could get it fixed today?” 
“Yeah, yeah. He said he's coming back tonight?” 
“Oh, I kind of suggested dropping it off tomorrow so I'm not sure…”
“Y/N!” he scolds immediately and all you can give him in return is an innocent smile “I'm not dropping off shit tomorrow.” 
Turning back to the car, your smile grows into a cheeky one. 
“I never said you would do it.” 
He scoffs “If this is your way of flirting with people, I can see why you never got far with anyone befo— What the fuck?” 
Jaw slack, holding the greasy towel you sent flying into his direction a second ago, he throws it back and it lands by your feet. 
“Did I lie?” 
“Stop being an ass or the next thing I'm throwing your way are my bedazzled pliers.” 
Your dad’s voice behind you puts a stop into the petty and pointless bickering “Well, don't, I worked hard on those,” you smile at him and Ian all but sulks before returning to the task at hand “I expect you both to be done on whatever you're working tomorrow, by eight. We have dinner with the Lee’s.” 
Ah, dinner with your dad’s closest friends. Usual Tuesday shenanigans, of course, but it doesn't stop the nervous bubbling inside of you. 
You pray Deokhee can't make it (he rarely shows up) but you mutter out an okay in response even if you don't feel like going anyway. 
Nodding, he quickly looks over on what you're both doing before disappearing into the back of the shop again. You look down at your toolbox and find the bedazzled pliers your dad gave you as a part of your fourteen birthday gift with a tiny, grateful smile. 
The eternal loop of working in the same usual five, fixable problems on the cars that people drop off at the shop sets in afterwards. And, for the rest of the afternoon, you keep stealing glances at the Bonneville and wondering what type of man its owner is. 
You've always been drawn to pretty faces, even if it costed you your sanity only a few years back. Not that Christian or your dad or anyone else knew about it. 
The little secrets you keep give you some sense of identity, it sets you apart from the oil changes and calluses on your hands and they remind you of the brief aspirations you once had outside of all of this. 
When you dreamed of belonging to someone else and not just this family business, someone who you thought used to get you before he shattered your heart into a million pieces.
Deokhee thought cheating would not affect you.
Why? Oh, maybe because your edges were worn and rough and you've been through worse stuff before. 
What's worse that getting abandoned and picked out as an afterthought later in life?
Being abandoned and treated like an afterthought by the guy you wasted your teen years obsessing over, probably. 
Nothing breaks like a heart or whatever the song says. 
And, to his advantage, he knew you'd keep calm and collected and accepting of his ways because he never promised you the life you imagined for the both of you, even after giving yourself to him multiple times. 
Even after he told you how amazing you were. 
Even after he whispered how lucky he was to have you, hushed and hurried at the backdoor of his house that last time before he broke it off. 
Before he told you he found someone else. 
So you know wondering is a bad idea. You should not wonder about a client, at that. How unprofessional of you, how immature. 
But there was a spark this afternoon you never felt with anyone else. He was brave enough to joke around, even when you did try your best to intimidate him and lost tragically at one glimpse of his pretty smile. 
What's so wrong in indulging in a fantasy no one will ever know about? Heavens know you need one to keep you from smashing the wrench on the windshield of this old, ungrateful, misbehaving Chevrolet that's proving to be more difficult than any other car you've ever worked on before. 
It's only at ten after seven that you're allowed to think about Park Seonghwa without the guilt brought on by delusion. 
“There, fixed,” your brother says and, after starting the bike again, the noise is gone “Call your future husband and tell him to pick it up, I want to meet him.” 
Huffing, you reach for your phone and look at the recently added contact before shaking your head. 
Indulging in a fantasy it's fine, as long as you keep it to yourself. 
You get a chance to prove yourself wrong if you allow yourself to see him again. 
“Not a chance in hell.”
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Couple of minutes pass and you fidget the whole time. You're hoping for a yes, so it can all die down tonight. Seonghwa’s lack of transportation and your fantasy included.
He doesn't respond the way you need him to. 
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You hate that it makes you smile a bit. 
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You glance at your brother and scrunch your nose in disapproval. Would it be nice to not go wherever he is and have time to actually get ready for dinner tomorrow? Yes. 
Do you want Christian to meet Seonghwa? No. That meeting would solidify everything else as a reality, it would pull you out of your little fantasy and you don't want that. 
You want to keep it (Seonghwa) to yourself for a while longer. 
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You shouldn't be flirting, you really shouldn't. 
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His flirting back puts you in a dangerous zone, a territory you desperately want to explore but can't. Shouldn't. 
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Is it dumb of you to re-read the conversation at least eight times before going to bed? 
But you do anyway. 
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When Seonghwa is finally walked downstairs by his new client, he's promised a meal by Hongjoong, only if he buys some beer on the way to his apartment. 
His roommates are apparently out and he didn't feel like going, although he didn't explain why. And when he gets there, Yeosang is also splayed out on the couch and with his laptop on his belly. 
“Hwa’s here!” 
“Oh, man, finally,” Hongjoong walks out of his room with wet hair and a towel around his neck “The takeout is getting cold. Come on!” 
He seems… Off. 
Seonghwa eyes Yeosang for an answer but the youngest just shrugs and sits straight on the couch as he closes his laptop. 
“Is everything alrig—” 
“I'll explain it to you when the time is right. Something's up with the band but it's nothing we can't fix.” 
“Okay…” Seonghwa sits down on the tiny table that somehow fits the three of them, the beers and the takeout with a tiny smile, knowing not to intervene until he's told to. 
Eating with his friends is like second nature to him. Everytime it happens, it's like a family dinner and everyone knows what to do and what to serve to everyone so, soon enough, they all have their chopsticks helping them get food into their mouths while they talk about their day. 
Seonghwa is nodding along, not sharing a lot because, well, work is work and he just tells them how excited he is for the new project and what he's planning on doing, he even shows them the mockups and drawings he spent the whole afternoon making, gaining supportive praise for it a second later. 
Yeosang looks up from his meal to him “So it's like a lot of little companies inside one company?” 
“Sort of,” Seonghwa smiles “I don't really get it, either, but that's okay. It doesn't seem like I have to get the concept of the company to plan this whole thing out, only what my client wants and that's… Very different from the company image.” 
He plans on saying something else but all train of thought gets interrupted when his phone dings right besides him. 
And he almost spills his beer on his pretty mockups trying to get to it fast enough. 
Only to end up disappointed, because it's not you but a discount notification from the food app he normally uses when he has the money to order in.  
It had to show up in his face, because what he hears next has the color draining from it “Oh?” 
Oh, God. 
It's like Wooyoung's spirit possessing Hongjoong, he sees it happen in real time and the wicked smile his friend sends in his direction is enough to know where it's all going. 
Yeosang sighs and eyes him with a tiny smile that says I'm on your side, but not really. 
“Hwa… The motorcycle, the looking at your phone waiting for something or someone… Are you seeing anyone?” 
“He obviously is!” 
“Yeosang! Stop feeding his delusions!” 
“So?” Hongjoong places his beer down, cocking his head to the side inquisitively and eyeing him up and down, like he can figure something out that way “Are you?” 
“No! I just… I met this girl today and—” 
“At the company?” 
“No! No, uh… My bike broke down and—” 
“Let him talk, hyung!” 
Letting out a sigh, Hongjoong sets hips lips into an straight line that makes Seonghwa huff out a chuckle of disbelief “Thanks, Yeo. Anyway, my bike had a weird sound this morning and I took it to a shop, so the girl who's… In charge?” he frowns a little, because he's still not sure “Of the shop sent me a text a while ago saying that it's fixed, I was just checking if she sent anything else.” 
“And you like her.”
It's more than that, really. He can't even explain it, the smile tugging at his lips a dead giveaway of the whirlwind going inside his head at the thought of you. 
“Ye— No! No, I don't even know her.” 
He shouldn't feel so flustered, really, but the things he felt while looking at you earlier were weird and confusing and he needs to think straight before he lets it consume him. 
It felt a little too freeing for his liking. 
Free from what? He's not really able to pinpoint it. But it looks like he's going to have to. 
The way his friends are staring at him like they know something he doesn't it's annoying, but telling. 
“Okay, maybe I do like her a little.” 
Yeosang hums “Like her, like her or just… You know.” 
“I'm not sure…” 
“Well, figure it out!” Hongjoong is excited, almost jumping in his chair at the prospect of Seonghwa getting with someone “You have her number, ask her to… Meet you somewhere or whatever people do when they like someone.” 
“Ask her on a date, hyung. That's what this idiot is trying to say.” 
Seonghwa closes his eyes because he can't believe his friends are entertaining the idea, feeding the growing feeling inside his chest “I just met her today, though.” 
“And?” Hongjoong bites a piece of meat and shrugs, dismissively “Timing is never off when you like someone. Do something about it because I swear if I have to hear anyone else complaining about not getting with the girl they like because of timing I'll—” 
“Wait, who complained?” 
The table falls quiet as Seonghwa looks between his friends to find an answer but Yeosang just shakes his head and he gets it.
Not the time to talk about it. 
Hongjoong points at him with his chopsticks, threatenly “Do. Something. About. It. Anyway!” He gets up from his seat, points at Yeosang this time “Guess who almost got kicked out of college for messing around with the wrong crowd today?” 
“That's not what happened!” 
And Seonghwa swears he's focusing on the story Hongjoong is so eager to tell, on Yeosang’s ears turning pink at the mention of a girl he's never heard before, too. 
But all he can think about is you. 
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The next day, after briefly stopping by his office, Seonghwa is back with a few coworkers who help with measurements and put their input in the assessment. He spends all day with it, too and, once again, serves as an excuse for Soohyun to get out of some meetings he's not interested in attending. 
As the day passes, he wonders how Soohyun maintains the important position he's in. Nepotism can't do everything for you, right? 
But his new client seems down to earth enough to be aware of his advantages in an industry that's quick and cruel and doesn't hold too much space for laziness. 
So he lets it go because, well, he tends to judge but he can't really do much for people who actually deserve to be in charge. 
It's close to seven and Soohyun bidded him goodbye only a few minutes ago, saying sorry he can't walk him out because, at this time, he actually has an international call to make that can't be excused like the rest of his afternoon schedule. 
Seonghwa doesn't make it out of the office before getting stopped by a manicured hand to his chest. 
After the texts last night and Hongjoong's threats, he was practically ready to sprint downstairs to meet you (or whoever you sent) and get his bike back, maybe apologize for panicking and sending a whole ass sticker as a response instead of keeping the conversation going. 
And to see you again. God, he wants to break his Bonneville one more time just to get to see your pretty face again. 
He already idealized you in his head, which is bad and very amateur on his side, but no one needs to know that. 
But now he might have to keep all of that waiting for a few more minutes because there's someone staring at him like just committed a crime. A crime he's unaware of. 
“Who are you?” 
Her scowl tells him she's trying to get a read on him and he thinks he's transparent enough for it to be easy. If he really thinks about it, though, it looks like she wants to scare him a little bit. 
It doesn't work. 
“Um, Park Seonghwa,” he says and then points over his shoulder, to Soohyun’s office “I’m working on renovating Mr. Kim’s office?” 
“Oh, for fucks sake. Why can't no one in this family keep normal people around?” She peeks through his shoulder, the high heels she's wearing helping her with the task. Groaning, she turns around and starts heading for the elevator, mumbling something under her breath. 
The only thing he can make out of it it's something about supermodels and a it's not fair. 
She turns around briefly to look at him again and scoffs, clearly annoyed. 
“I feel like I know your face from somewhere else.” 
Seonghwa feels a little lost, but steps into the elevator when she does. Now he's afraid, maybe she's a crazy person but then it clicks. 
Clearly, he knows her from somewhere else too. 
“I'm sure the only place I've seen you before is on the news, Miss Kim,” he replies with a sheepish smile, shrugging a bit and hitting the main floor button on the panel “That's a nice tree, by the way.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“The one on Mr. Kim’s office?” he offers, turning to her “He told me his sister painted it and as far as I know, he only has one sister.” 
That brings a smile to her face and Seonghwa counts it as a small victory, for some reason. 
“Ah, so you did your research,” she nods “Please scrape it off the wall if needed. It made me bleed.” 
“He omitted that part.” 
“Of course he did, it was his fault. Anyway,” she shakes her head, stepping out of the elevator and walking ahead without waiting for him. She looks like the type of person who knows everyone else will follow and he does, but only out of curiosity “my brother has your number, yes, Mr. Park?” 
“I'm assuming he does or, at least, my company's numb—” 
“I'm not interested in your company, I'm interested in you.” 
She's also very forward. How could he not guess that from the way she carries herself around? 
“I don't usually do freelance work, Miss Kim.” 
As they both reach the main entrance, she turns around gracefully and with a, for what he can tell, very rehearsed smile tugging at her lips. 
“I'm not interested in your work either, Mr. Park.” 
That, he did guess, but it's disappointing either way. 
“Then what good am I to you?” 
Her grin widens “You'll see.” 
The sound of his Bonneville pulling up it's what gets him to turn away from the mischievous glint in the chaebol's eyes. 
And when he sees you take off a helmet that's not his and wave your hand at him, she blends into the background completely. 
You look good, hair down and probably freshly showered because there's a few droplets falling down from the ends of it to your shirt and leather jacket. Your hands are gloved up and all, like you've been riding bikes your whole life. 
He wonders if that's the case. God, he wants to get to know you so bad. 
“Oh God, not another one, I— Is she your girlfriend, Mr. Park?” 
His head snaps back, eyes wide and cheeks turning pink “N-no, I just met her yesterday, she… That's my bike, I had to get it fixed.” 
Pulling her bottom lip in with her teeth for a second, she nods and then takes two long strides into the direction of a car he didn't see until now “Perfect, then. She looks pretty cool,” she waves at you and he doesn't get to see if you wave back, too focused on getting the color out of his cheeks “Tell her I said that. Goodbye for now, Mr. Park.” 
Seonghwa wants to ask a million questions. What does she want? What does she mean goodbye for now? But he doesn't get to. She gets into the car and drives off and that leaves space for you to drive his bike again and pull up right in front of him this time. 
“Hope I didn't interrupt anything there, Ghost.”
A nervous chuckle abandons him and he manages to shake his head “No, no, she's… my client’s sister?” He offers and you smile, turning off the bike and getting off a second later “She said you're, um, cool.”
“And why would she say that?” 
“Because you look cool? I don't really know, don't question me,” he's sure the efforts he put on making the blush disappear were pointless, cheeks burning when you laugh at him “Thank you, Y/N.” 
“Don't thank me, Seonghwa, I didn't tell you how much it'll cost you yet.” 
He gulps. 
You take mercy on him and the way his eyes glisten with worry, laughing again “It's not too bad. It was the chain tensioner and my brother worked on it pretty fast, don't worry.” 
Relaxing, he takes his helmet and key off your offering hands with a tiny smile, touch lingering on your skin for a second too long “Did you enjoy seeing me suffer just now?” 
“A little bit,” you shrug and mutter your apologies although he can tell you're not sorry at all “I'll text you the invoice with the account you can send the money to?” 
He wants to say no and make you go with him to an ATM so he can pay in cash just to keep you around for a while longer, he doesn't want this interaction to be over. 
And he's usually very good at communicating things of this nature but something about you makes him giddy and nervous and his charisma is not able to keep up. 
It dawns on him that it's very weird to want to keep a stranger, someone he only met a day ago, in his life for as long as possible. 
Do you feel the same way? He wants you to feel the same way.
The unexpected desire sits on his chest heavily, making him take in a breath more shakily than he intended to. 
“Sure,” the words taste bitter on his tongue, his tone gives away that he doesn't really mean it and then said desire takes over, making him stammer the next words out “Do you want me to take you somewhere?” 
Surprised, you blink a few times and then look down at your own helmet for a second. He feels like he screwed up by asking you that. 
Of course, you don't feel the same way. Of course, you must have someone waiting for you already. 
Of course, of course, of fucking course. 
But just before he can backpedal on his offer, you're looking up, your mind made up and the same teasing smile you've been wearing ever since he saw you yesterday “It won't save you from the debt I'm about to put you through with that invoice but sure.” 
Seonghwa lets out a huff and chuckle all in the same breath, straddling his bike a second later “Ha, ha. Count it as a tip, Y/N.”
“Oh, I'm so telling my brother that,” you beam when he returns the joke and he moves a little, making space for you at the back “Somehow, I don't feel safe with you riding this bike, Ghost.” 
He ignites it and the whole thing shakes a bit before you can even put on the helmet, so he can't really refute that. 
“Do you want to ride it?” 
It's a second too late when he realizes the double meaning behind his own words, unintended, but there they are floating on the air around you both, electric and maybe one sided. 
But you don't back down, taking a step into his space and crowding him, almost towering over him even if he's on the bike and even if that makes him taller than you. It feels that way, so he welcomes the sensation and the pang of his heart against his chest when you lean in just a little. 
“Do you want me to ride it?” 
Breath caught in his throat, Seonghwa takes in your smirk as a sign that, maybe, it's not one sided at all. 
“The bike,” you clarify a second later, like it's necessary “It would be easier to get us to where I need to go, anyways.” 
Planting his feet on the ground, he keeps the Bonneville stable enough to slide back to the space he created for you a minute ago, and if you can feel his heart beating with an unfamiliar, yet exciting song when you take a seat, put your helmet on and press your back against his chest, you sure cover it up when you turn to look at him. 
“Does your fancy job provide you health insurance?” 
He lets out an amused huff “Yours doesn't?” 
“I never asked,” you shrug, taking the handles and looking forward again, leaning in slightly so now he's not that close to you but he feels you everywhere still “Just making sure in case I break you.” 
When you start driving him, handling the Bonneville in a way he never would even with the years of experience ahead of him, he wants to tell you that he wouldn't mind that. 
In fact, he finds himself wanting it. 
As he holds tight to your waist, he finds himself on the verge of telling you to break him apart piece by piece so he can do the same with you. Explore you, not physically, but in the way it truly matters. 
He wants to know your soul, he wants to understand the reason he feels attached to you after a brief meeting and little more. 
You lean back to rest your back a little at a stop sign and he suddenly doesn't care if the way he squishes your waist for a few seconds gives his intentions away. He has your number, he's going to make a move eventually. 
What he does care about is the way you don't tense up and just lean into his body a little more before resuming the task of getting both of you wherever you're going
This? The way he feels so free as you move through the highway, make your way in between the cars at stop signs and the wind hitting his arms? This is the grasp at his youth he's been waiting for. Even if it's just for the night. 
Even if it's over too soon for his liking. 
You stop in front of a house that looks empty. He wonders if it's yours for a second, but then again he's going to find out any minute soon. 
“That wasn't too bad, was it?” 
Getting down from his Bonneville, you take your helmet off and offer him your hand. He slides up his helmet so you can see his face, about to reply, but you beat him to it “Thank you so much for the ride that I technically gave myself, Park Seonghwa, it was a pleasure to meet you.” 
Why are you saying goodbye like you're not planning on seeing him ever again? 
Suddenly, he's planning on ways to mess up his bike again just to get an excuse to see you again. 
He has to be braver than that. 
Taking your hand, he pulls you in a little bit and you let out a surprised noise that looks like it embarrasses you. 
Your cheeks turn red under the streetlight and he thinks you look beautiful like that. 
“Y/N,” he starts in a whisper, gathering his courage up “Would you like to—” 
“Y/N.” A voice interrupts him and your eyes widen in panic while you look at him, slowly turning your head to the person as he does the same. 
Not before he notices how the pretty blush and all colors drain from your face. 
A guy, with blonde shaggy hair and tattoos covering his neck and hands is standing on the sidewalk with a grocery store bag and a weird look on his face. Beside him, a girl who’s smile fades away when she seems to recognize you scoffs. 
The guy smiles and Seonghwa wonders why you don't say anything back, your grasp on his hand tightening before letting go. 
“There you are, your dad said—” 
Seonghwa doesn't like the way your voice shakes when you say the nickname he's grown used to in such a short amount of time. 
You don't bother putting the helmet back on, simply dropping it to the ground and turning back at him “I trust you to ride this bike now, yeah?” 
He doesn't have to be told twice. Making space for you again, you hop on and hug his waste. He slides his helmet back on. 
The guy takes a few steps but Seonghwa stops him with the sound of him revving his Bonneville “Come on, Y/N…” Is what he says when he starts to drive off, accelerating just a little bit before the houses start fading and the busy highway welcomes you both. 
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Deokhee has some nerve. 
The fact that he does boils your bloodstream and you wish you could say that the warm sensation spreading through your body is caused by the guy who you're currently holding to. 
Seonghwa has checked in with you once and, after confirming you were okay to keep going, he has held your gloved hands at every red light and stop sign. 
You have no idea where you're going, but you're sure you can't go home and deal with this alone for now. He can't take you home, either (he doesn't know the address) but even if he could, you wouldn't let him. 
The nameless girl that was with Deokhee is the same girl he cheated with. A girl who, by judging her expression, probably knew about you. 
Mind going as fast as the Boneville, you ask yourself how many times she made fun of you for grasping a fantasy, a make-believe story with her now boyfriend. 
What did you lack that she obviously has? What prompted him to hurt you this badly? 
Is he stupid enough to not realize that the sight of them together would tear you apart all over again? 
The scene replays in your head again, after all these years of trying to get over it: Him, holding your hand and telling you how amazing you were to him but that, in all honesty, he didn't see himself going out with someone like you. 
You were too much, too proud, too loud. 
Which doesn't make any fucking sense because although you never held back a jab or a sarcastic comment if needed, you knew the time and place to speak your mind. 
It also didn't make any fucking sense because he knew you would keep his little secret from your father and your brother and, in consequence, keep the relationship you both had and the cowardly way it ended from his family as well. 
You were too much, composed of many flaws and adorned with rough and burnt edges, but you would never in a million years tarnish the happiness of the people who love you because of a rookie mistake. 
Falling in love with Deokhee was a rookie, horrible mistake. 
Falling in love in general? You doubt it. 
Because the way Seonghwa takes his time to slow down the bike on a lookout you were too distracted to notice you were climbing up to, pulls it to a full stop and then immediately reaches for your hands again, makes you believe there's good people out there after all. 
He took you away without asking any questions and you're suddenly welcomed with the same grateful feeling you have towards your family. 
Had you stayed there, you're not so sure you would've kept your words to yourself anymore. Your pain, your anger. 
Getting down from the bike, Seonghwa takes his helmet off and drops it in front of you, on the seat, before leaning in a searching for your glossy eyes. 
You can see him hesitate through the fog your tears form and you don't let them drop just yet. You're angry, but there's no way you would let Deokhee make you cry again in this lifetime. 
You should get down from the bike, but it doesn't move under your weight even if you readjust your position on the seat and you fear that, if you do, you would only plop down into the ground and let it swallow you whole. 
You should say something, too. Thank him, probably, but the tall man lets out a breath before opening his arms and pointing at the view. Gladly, you take the opportunity to take in your surroundings and wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. 
“Didn't know where else to take you, so I brought you to my breaking point.” 
“Hm?” frowning a bit, you peel your eyes from the city lights to him “Your breaking point?”
“Yeah, that's what I call it,” he smiles and you do too, halfheartedly “Here's where I come to break down and let everything out. There's a playground back there too,” he points behind him and you scoff, amused “If you want to climb up somewhere and scream. The neighbors don't mind it.” 
“I take that as a I've done it before.” 
“Once or twice,” he shrugs “It's good for the soul.” 
“God,” you cover your face with your hands “I'm so embarrassed you had to see me like that.” 
“Like what? You didn't do anything.” 
“Running away and acting all weak in front of…” you fake gag, but it's kind of real “Some guy.” 
A bit of silence passes in between you and your savior. 
And then Seonghwa laughs so hard you're forced to uncover your face and stare at him in disbelief “I'm serious! That's like… top one most embarrassing thing I've ever done.” 
His laugh comes to a stop and he doesn't step closer even if you want him to, just puts his hands in the pockets of his pants and looks at you for what it feels like forever. 
You don't mind it one bit. 
“I've known you for a day, Y/N, but even I can tell that's not the most embarrassing thing you've done.” 
Sulking, you turn to the beautiful view one more time and pout like a child. You want to tell him he's right, but your pride doesn't really allow it just yet. 
It's quiet for a minute or two. You move around, throw your leg over the Boneville and sit on top of it as you stare at the city. You feel Seonghwa move around, pace behind you until he finally reaches around takes a few steps before stopping on the railing separating the street from the hill. 
He's looking in your direction instead of the view. You realize he's giving you space to sulk, to take in everything without pestering you with questions about why the hell you both just bolted instead of facing the situation. 
Your gratitude towards him rises a bit more. 
So your word vomit is justified, you think, because you don't want to leave him in the dark any longer. 
The fantasy you indulged yourself in earlier might just grow into a reality you have to embrace, a reality you want to embrace. 
“He's my ex-something and the girl he was with is the one he chose over me. I was supposed to have dinner with them— Well, no, not really,” you sigh, looking at Seonghwa who, in the deem light, just nods and waits for you to continue “He's my dad’s best friend's son and we have dinner with them every Tuesday. Their family, I mean. Deokhee… He never shows up,” you shrug “And when he does, he's alone and it's towards the end of it all so I never get to see him that long. But this?” you shake your head, disappointment written all over your face “I never thought he would do this to me.”
Finally getting off the bike, you walk slowly towards the railing as well and feel Seonghwa's eyes follow you as you do “He cheated on me with her, for Christ sake.” You whisper once the metal of the railing stops your step. 
“How long ago?” 
“Does it matter?” 
“No,” from the corner of your eye, you see how he shakes his head and leans in slightly “I'm wondering because if I was your dad or your brother or your friend, I would've done something to, at least, ensure something like this never happens to you.” 
“Yeah, about that…” A bitter chuckle abandons you and you shrug one more time “They don't really know what happened between us— They don't know something happened in the first place,” ashamed, once again, you turn to him “He asked me to not tell anyone when we started… Ack, whatever, it doesn't really matter.” 
“It does if it's affecting you,” he insists “It does if you go pale at the sight of him, Y/N. Did he do—” 
“No,” you cut him off, the corners of your lips lifting a bit “He didn't do anything weird besides breaking my heart.” 
“I would've killed him if he did, by the way.” 
“As you should,” he returns right away and finally, for the first time in the twenty minutes it took both of you to get there, you laugh sincerely. That prompts a smile on his lips “Good to know he's an idiot but not that type of idiot.” 
Huffing, you turn to the city before you again “The only idiot in this situation is me.” 
“For loving someone? Y/N,” his hand reaches your shoulder and you close your eyes in defeat, surrendering your heart to the weird emotion it brings you “He cheated on you. He's the idiot, the dumbass, the—” 
Laughing again, his rant comes to an end and you open your eyes to find him staring at you in delight “Park Seonghwa,” you start, putting a hand over his on your shoulder “You, sir, don't know me.” 
The reminder does nothing to stop him from looking at you with stars in his eyes “I'm a great judge of character, Y/N.” 
“And if you're wrong?” 
“Then let me be wrong,” he shortens the distance a bit, the warmth on your shoulder leaving as he lowers both of your hands, not letting go “But let me get to know you first.” 
The emotion grows bigger, it swirls around your heart and spreads around your body in a way you never felt. It feels good and you hate to compare it to what you felt for Deokhee but where it once was filled with regrets and doubts and a need to hold on tight to whatever that guy made you feel now sits something that you can only describe as excitement and thrill. 
Peaceful, too. 
It steals your breath in a beautiful way. 
Squeezing his hand a little, you inhale slowly and let go of the air when you speak “I don't really do dates, Ghost.” 
“I didn't ask you on a date,” he counters immediately and your cheeks darken “I asked if I could get to know you. We don't have to go on dates, talking to you is enough.” 
“O-oh, I… I thought—” 
He seems to get it right away because he takes another step, your arm pressed to his by now, your hands still tangled in the middle “I one hundred percent meant it that way,” he assures you, chuckling a bit “But I don't really do dates either. Asking you out to a restaurant or a movie or whatever it is people do on dates doesn't really suit me.” 
“How so?” 
“There's this… Weird intention laced into it, into the prospect of a date that I don't particularly enjoy. I want to get to know people and see where it takes us without pressuring ourselves into anything romantic or sexual.” Your heart picks up at that. Not at the image it paints, but at his explanation as a whole. 
It shows he might be interested in you beyond something physical and it's a beautiful thing to note when, all your life, you have felt like people only wanted you for one thing and one thing only. 
You intend to tell him just that but the way he's looking at you makes you forget everything else. Brown eyes scan every inch of your face and stop at your lips for a second. 
Now your heart beats for a different reason. 
“No matter… How bad I want to kiss you, though.” 
Words fall short. They do when for the first time in a long time you entertain the possibility of letting yourself want to kiss someone else, too. 
Leaning in and straightening your back fully to give you the possibility of almost standing face to face with him, you silently communicate your desire. 
It's not enough. He's too respectful. 
Fuck, you like him a lot already. 
“If you want to kiss me then just kiss me…” you whisper, teasing smile in full display “Dummy.” 
He fakes a gasp at your jab as he leans in, his pretty nose bumping into yours for a second and making you giggle, part your lips and close your eyes while buzzing with expectation. 
The sky has other plans, though. It roars above you and you both look up. 
It's been cloudy, a couple of days of unusual humidity throwing off everyone but you guess the steam gathered up in the clouds just in time to knock some sense of reality into you. 
Or pushing you further into the craziness of this one day alone. 
Seonghwa groans a little and then a phone starts ringing in someone's pocket. 
Not yours, you made sure to hit the not disturb button as soon as you got ahold of it. 
You should probably tell your brother you're okay. 
But Seonghwa is still close to you, his lips a breath away from yours, so you put it aside when he shows no intention of picking up his call either. 
The tension builds up again, both of you ignoring the thunderstorm approaching and everything else. 
There's many things from today you're not going to be able to explain any time soon, the magnetic pull Seonghwa had on you the first time you laid eyes on him is one of them, the freedom you touch with your fingertips when your mind is finally off your duty, off your family… 
It's so dangerous you quickly become addicted to the recklessness of it all. 
And then his phone starts ringing again, so you welcome the reality that washes over you with a sour face and pout on your lips. 
“The universe must be against us being a thing, huh?” You whisper and he clicks his tongue in disapproval, resting his forehead on yours for a second before pulling away completely, pulling out his phone from his pocket. 
“I don't think the universe has much to do with this one, dear,” he frowns and misses the way you flush at the sudden nickname. You swear on your life, normally you would be pretty disgusted at the endearment. Now? You want him to call you that again “I should take this and we should probably go somewhere else. There's not much to cover us up if it starts raining.” 
“Sure, uh…” You fish your phone from your pocket as well, grimacing when you look at the missed calls and texts “I have to make a call, too.” 
He seems to understand immediately “Go right ahead.” 
Putting even more distance in between both of you, you faintly hear a what's going on from Seonghwa and then tap your screen to return your brother's call. 
He picks up right away. 
“Are you okay?!” 
His tone forces your eyes closed. Rushed, you picture him in the backyard with a cigarette in between his fingers, trying to get ahold of himself without worrying everyone else too much “Yeah, I'm okay. I'm with a friend and—” 
“Then why don't you pick up the fucking phone?!” 
“Calm down,” taking in a breath and letting it out, you hear him do the same before continuing “Is there a way I can explain all of this to you tomorrow? I'm fine, Deokhee is a dick and I don't ever want to see him so I ran away like a—” 
“What did he do?” 
“No, nothing now, it's just… Listen, I'll explain tomorrow, alright? I'm staying with my friend tonight and everything will make sense tomorrow. It's really dumb, like… Teenage drama dumb,” you sigh, hoping that the minimal information you're giving him can help him figure it out “Just tell dad that I'm fine and if he asks I'm with a friend who is a girl and she's staying over at my place because there was a… Boy emergency or whatever.” 
“Are you with—” what seems to click is something else and your brother gasps “Y/N!” 
“Can you help out this time?”
The silence on the line seems to extend forever and guilt licks your throat, giving you the feeling that it's about to close up. 
You want to grasp what you felt a minute ago again, the freedom of this, of doing too much, of unnecessarily putting Christian through it because he already did so much for you growing up. 
Just tonight, at least, you owe yourself the feeling of not proving your place in your own family. 
But the silence hurts and you wonder if you could ever, truly, be free from it. 
“You owe me an explanation. Take care and text me goodnight at least, yeah?” 
“Okay,” you whisper back “Thank you, Ian.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I love you, kid.” 
His words fill your eyes with tears again and you don't get to reciprocate them before he hangs up. You know he knows, but it still hurts when you remember how unlovable you felt before you met him as a child.
It hurts when you remember that you allowed Deokhee to make that feeling return. 
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. 
And the more it hurts, the more the sky rumbles and you fear that, if you break down here and now, it would not only embarrass you in front of Seonghwa but also strand him on this hill with you. 
It doesn't matter that he calls this his breaking point, it's not yours to use. 
So again, your tears stay at bay and when you turn around you catch Seonghwa looking at you with an unreadable expression on his face. 
He wants to hug you, his body language gives him away as soon as he steps closer to you but a storm is about to soak through your clothes any second, so you pass him and grab his hand to pull him to his bike in the process. 
When his fingers intertwine with yours, you know he understands. He doesn't make any questions, he doesn't press any information out of you and just allows you to climb his motorcycle. 
“We need to leave.” 
“Where do you want to go?” he asks, getting on the bike as well and goes in for his helmet but your words stop him. 
“Do you want to stay the night with me?” 
Turning his head, he blinks at you a few times and you smile a little before the curve fades away. 
“I have my own place, we can order something in and just talk. Seonghwa, you…” biting the inside of your cheek, you try to approach this the right way “I don't expect this to go anywhere but can't you… Do you feel it too?” 
He stays silent and you fear you might've taken it too far. But it doesn't really matter. Willing to take the risk, you take his hand on yours again and hold it close to your heart. 
The sky roars again in response. 
And you catch when his breath hitches because of it, too. 
“Do you feel it, Seonghwa?” 
A bit passes and then some, his eyes searching for something in yours and then dropping to where your heart beats again.
“What's your address?”
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It's already raining by the time you both get into your building’s garage and park his Bonneville. 
The entire ride was a bit long. It had you resting your head on his back while his fingers tapped against yours with impatience. 
But when you make it to the safe space that is the elevator, clothes showing the evidence of the droplets falling from the sky and all, you finally get to breathe. 
Until Seonghwa steals that breath away again. 
He stares at you through the mirror, steps closer until he can take your face with his hands and swipes under your eyes where the makeup has run a little. 
‘I didn't answer before,” he murmurs and wet his lips with his tongue. You can't help but stare at them, the moment somehow more intimate now, under the fluorescent glow of the elevator, than with the city lights and lighting above you “But I do feel it. I stand on what I said before, though.” 
“No dating?” 
He chuckles “No, not that,” shaking his head, he steps away when the elevator gets to your floor “I want to get to know you either way.” 
“Ah. That,” you feel silly for assuming he didn't want to date you, but given your history you're not sure you can blame yourself too much “Well, you're about to see my cave, so we're both halfway there.” 
As soon as you open the door and turn on the light, you can see in his face that he sees what you mean. 
It's a one bedroom apartment that doesn't leave too much to the imagination. Your bedroom’s door is opened, the bathroom door is closed and the kitchen is an American style one that's separated from the living space by a small counter you can barely fit your mail on. 
There's a lot of old furniture that you remodeled, painted over the cracks and stuffed where you needed the most. Your fridge is also old, the couch is somehow the only modern looking item in the living room and it stands out a bit because its material is not as worn out as everything else. 
There's posters on the walls, unframed and placed randomly because, here, you don't have to be put together. The only people who come over are your brother and your dad, so it's okay. 
It's not even an old building, but your apartment makes it look like one. 
“Hope you don't mind the mess, Grandpa.” 
“Oh, I'm not Ghost anymore?” He asks with a breathy laugh, taking his shoes off as you place yours by the entrance and shrugging his jacket off too “It's not messy, it's… Kind of like the shop, really.” 
Mirroring his actions, you take off the leather jacket and welcome the warmth of your apartment “Greasy?” 
“Cool,” he corrects and you walk through your space picking up a few things from the floor and putting them by the living room table “Is it yours, by the way?” 
“The shop?” he nods and you walk to your fridge to fetch you both some water bottles “It's my dads. Why do you ask?” 
“You seemed to own the place, with the way you walked around it,” shrugging, he takes a seat on your couch as he takes in the space “I just wondered…” 
Walking in front of him on purpose, because you could've easily rounded the table and sat at the opposite edge of the couch, you sit right beside him and offer him a water bottle that he takes with a whispered thanks “You wondered…” 
“A lot of stuff, actually,” he admits and you smile “Like your age, for example. Your last name, how did you end up working as a mechanic, if you were studying something, if you…” he pauses and turns to the side, resting his shoulder on the couch “If you liked me the way I liked you.” 
Choking on the water you're gulping down, it's very evident you didn't think he was about to go down that lane again. 
So directly, too. 
He laughs, leaning in and wiping your chin with a familiarity that has you even more breathless than his confession. No, scratch that, it's all of it. All of him. 
“Don't make me get on that bike again tonight, dear.” 
That goddamn endearment again. You might risk it all and kiss him, chin wet and all. 
“Whatever for?”
“You clearly almost choked to death,” he exaggerates, probably an excuse to stay that close to you longer than he needs to “And it was my fault, too.” 
Smiling and shaking your head, you push him a bit until he falls back into his previous position, smugness tugging at his lips in a way that has your insides jolting up with excitement “I do like you, Ghost.” 
“I know that now, but earlier I did wonder.” 
“Wondering is such a dangerous thing, isn't it?” 
His smile settles with a softness that melts you, your hand back in his with ease “Not necessarily.”
Squeezing his hand in unspoken agreement, you nod and then try to remember the topic of conversation before… Well, before he distracted you. 
“Well, you were kind of right with your assumptions then. It's not my shop, but I grew up in it,” you shrug, letting go of his hand to grab your phone “We should probably wait to order something.” 
“Yeah, until the monsoon dies down,” he says, looking outside your window that does little to conceal the thunderstorm outside “You grew up fixing bikes?” 
“Cars,” you correct with a nod, connecting your phone to the speaker that lies under your tv “Is my day to day playlist alright?” 
“Yup,” he crosses his legs on the couch and you see from the corner of your eye how his follow your actions, heat rushing to your cheeks at how attentive he is “Did you always want to be a mechanic?” 
The question takes you by surprise, but you cover it up as you set the volume to the perfect percentage to let you two have a proper conversation without raising your voices “Kind of. It's all I'm good at, really,” you shrug “Also, my dad’s wife looked very cool in pictures growing up and I wanted to be just like her, so.”
“Your mom?” you shake your head and he frowns “Your stepmom?” 
“No, uh…” clearing your throat, you get ready to reveal a piece of you that you rarely share with other people, even if it's obvious to everyone else “I'm adopted. Me and my brother we, mmm, we used to live in this sort of… Group house, I guess, and dad just picked us one day,” word vomiting again, once that you open the dam you don't know how to stop “I mean, he's not… We're not blood related, either, he just brought me along like when you adopt a dog at a shelter and they give you their favorite blanket, you know?” 
Seonghwa is full on frowning at that and you think that, for the sake of just agreeing with you, he's going to nod and let it go, but he doesn't “I don't think you're just something your brother brought along with him. Adopting two kids is a big decision, isn't it?” 
Reluctantly, you nod. 
“Well, there you go.” 
“I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him, though,” you shrug and sip on your water bottle again, gulping the liquid to send that lump on your throat down “But it doesn't really matter because it was a long time ago and now they're both stuck with me.” 
He shakes his head but laughs a little at your sudden shift and, this time, he does let it go. 
But you don't. 
“Thank you, by the way.” 
He smiles, a little confused “For what?” 
“Helping me when I needed you to. We don't really know each other and yet…” 
“It feels like I know you, though.” 
Sharing the sentiment, you nod “I know, it's weird but, uhm… You didn't need to do what you did for me tonight. You even took me to your breaking point!” you let out a puff of air, making it a bigger deal than what it sounds. It's a bigger deal for you, anyway “And then drove me all the way here. That's a lot.” 
“It's not much. It was my fault, really,” he shrugs and shakes his head at the confused look you give him “I kind of… Asked the universe for an excuse to stay with you, so…” 
“Ah, so it was your fault Deokhee showed up,” the lighthearted joke lands the way you intended because he laughs with a sound so beautiful it makes your heart pick up “Got it.” 
“Do you feel better? I mean, after seeing him, are you feeling better?” 
“Not really, it sucks,” you say with a bitter laugh “But I hold grudges like that. It's not…” you raise your hands in self defense suddenly “I don't want him like that anymore, it's just that I can't help but…”  
“I understand,” he whispers and you let out a sigh again, grateful that he interrupted your rambling “People believe that forgive and forget is the way to go when you're resenting someone but human beings don't really work like that, hm?” 
Staring at him, that weird emotion that you felt at the top of the hill comes back. That dangerous warmth that makes you want to take his hand in yours and place your lips at the back of it with a familiarity you haven't really earned yet. 
So when you catch him staring at you the same way, you change the subject. 
“What do you do?” eyebrow raising, you eye him suspiciously and that makes him giggle “Meetings all day, past normal shift hours…”
“I renovate spaces, Y/N,” he laughs again “You made it sound like I work with the mafia.” 
“Do you?” 
“No. I have a buddy that does, though.” 
“Oh, so I was kind of right then?” 
“Yeah, yeah…” you both laugh again and then he looks around your living space like he did when you two first got in “You were right about the whole getting to know you just by looking at your apartment.” 
“I know, it says a lot about a person.” 
“It does!” He's excited now, sitting straighter and turning ever so slightly, your knees bumping now “There's only a few people that I trust who have those… Beige, white and black houses or apartments and that's only because I got to know them before I saw where they live.” 
“So, you have rich friends?” 
He stops and thinks for a second “Yeah, they all have a lot of money. I mean, the people I'm talking about, not my friends,” you raise your eyebrow again and he chuckles “Alright, I only have one rich friend. The rest of them are broke musicians and college students. He was actually the one who called earlier and, uhm…” 
“Interrupted us?” You offer, smiling. 
His cheeks gain a little color, maybe from the memory “Y-yeah.” 
“Everything's okay?” 
“Yes! Yeah, he wanted me to go pick him up from something but I told him I couldn't because, well—” 
“You were with me.” 
“Mhm,” you see him gulp and the mood shifts a little bit again. His face falls down as he eyes your parted lips, leaning in again ever so slightly, like he's not really thinking it through “Couldn't leave you stranded and he has a chauffeur.” 
Unconsciously, you start leaning in a bit too.
“Do you like it?” 
“Yes… D-do I like what?”
You chuckle and he breathes out a laugh, too “Renovating spaces…” 
Pressing his hands into the fabric on the couch, at your sides, he invades your space a little more now “I do… Do you like fixing cars?” 
Nodding, your nose is a whisper away from his now “I do…” 
He breathes and it lands right on your mouth, making you pant as well. 
“That's good.” 
Eyes closing, your lips tremble a little as you wait for him to close the distance. 
“You're so fucking pretty—” 
You close the distance instead, pressing your mouth into his and letting the tension deflate your posture because you're finally tasting him. 
Your little fantasy is not a fantasy anymore. 
And it feels so fucking good. It feels good to have someone you desire, so suddenly, so unexpectedly, reciprocate your emotions and pull you closer to make acquaintance with your taste as well. 
Seonghwa makes a noise you want to engrave into your brain the second you grab his shirt and pull him to you as well. And then you move. 
The couch is stuffy, your bed is a mess and the cold from the thunderstorm makes its way to your living room even if you feel your entire body lit up from the swipe of his tongue against yours. 
So you stand up. 
You give him a teasing smile when his mouth chases after yours once you pull away “Where are you going?” 
“Another thing you should know about me,” you start, breathy, your thumb swiping your bottom lip on instinct and his eyes follow the motions “Is that I have very noisy neighbors. The woman in that apartment over there,” you point at the window right in front of yours, the building separated by the street but still close enough to tell everything that goes inside your neighbors apartment if you wanted to “Once made a complaint against me because I walked out in my underwear one time.” 
“Is she blind or bitter or something?” he asks, amused by your sudden storytelling, chest heaving as you pull your curtains closed “Or both?” 
“She's old,” you tell him, turning around “And you haven't seen me in my underwear to make that a point, Ghost.” 
“Yet,” he smirks slyly and you blush at the implication. Seonghwa reaches for you as you pass in front of him again and slip right through his fingers a second time “Now where are you going?” 
He sounds whiny. 
You like that. 
“Another thing you should know about me,” walking to the door and turning off the big light, the living room goes dark except for the lighting that illuminates it as you're making your way back to him, getting on your knees on the couch and reaching behind him to turn on a lamp that doesn't do much but, this way, at least you can see each other “Is that I don't invest in new shit. Can't afford it, so those curtains are useless during the day… And when the lights are turned on.” 
“You don't want people to gossip about you kissing a hot guy?” 
“Wow,” his cockiness is clearly a joke but you won't let the opportunity of making fun of him go “Is the hot guy in the room with us?”  
He beams at you. 
“Oh, shut up, Y/N.” 
Humming and feeling a lot more comfortable now that you know that, in fact, the spotlight won't be on you when you keep kissing his lips raw as you intend to, you loop your index finger in the collar of his shirt and tug with minimal force at it. 
He acts like you put a lot of strength while doing it, his lips a breath from yours again as a consequence.  
You're about to let out a witty remark, something to keep the teasing and flirting going but then his eyes actually light up like the sky when the song playing on the speaker changes. 
“That's what you were humming yesterday!” His hands fall to your waist and you all but get whiplashed at the quick change in attitude. 
He looked like he was about to risk it all a second ago and now he's letting his back fall into the couch and taking you with him. 
“I didn't saw anyone when I came into the shop yesterday and then I heard you humming this song.” 
“Oh,” you laugh, braising yourself on your forearms as he moves his hands up your back “Is one of my favorite songs by them.” 
“By who?”
Eyes wide as saucers, you gape at him in disbelief “Kiss?” 
“I don't know them like that!” 
“You don't know this?” he giggles under your scrutinizing gaze and you follow, still in disbelief. You don't really know what possesses you, but you start singing along to the lyrics “I was made for lovin’ you, baby. You were made for lovin’ me.” 
Seonghwa's laughter dies down at that and you notice it too: How the words somehow seem fitting even though you is day two of knowing him. 
The way his heart beats under the palm you place right above it, on his chest, feels intoxicating. 
So you descend again, your front colliding with his and your mouth grazing his beautiful one as you sing the song to him. 
“And I can't get enough of you baby, can you get enough of me?” 
You laugh “That's not really how it goe—” 
His tongue probing your lips open shuts you up for good. 
Seonghwa's hands hold you close, tracing the curve on your back slowly with his thumbs until he finds that spot where your shirt rode up a little, goosebumps on your skin letting him know what he provokes on you. 
There's never been a point in time where you let yourself wonder if you're moving too fast. 
For you, someone who had to take every chance they got in life to get something, out of fear the opportunity wouldn't show up again, this thing you got with Seonghwa feels like it's going at the right pace. 
You both like each other, that much is clear. 
Nothing dramatic has really happened to bond you two together, but it feels like it has. 
Like you're bonded. 
Like it was fated, somehow. 
Like his motorcycle had to break down and he had to walk into the shop when you were the only one there to assist him. 
Like he had to see you breakdown, take you away from the despair Deokhee brings to your soul, in order for you to finally let go and move on to greater things. 
And there's nothing greater than feeling his hand travel down and absentmindedly grab your ass, a noise of satisfaction slipping through your lips and landing on his at the feeling. 
“I'm so—” 
“I liked it,” your smile blends with his as you peck his lips and he does it again, gaining a pleased hum from you “Come here, Ghost.” 
Disentangling your limbs from his, you follow your original plan and slip from the couch to the floor, your knees hitting the soft carpet you have under the coffee table you're grateful is not that in the way.
Seonghwa sits on the couch again, opening his legs to accommodate the new position you're in and you see the image get to him before the suggestion hits your head. 
You see him gulp when you lick your lips and then it's your turn to gulp, trying to understand if this is something he wants as much as you want it.
Because suddenly you want it. You want it so much. 
It doesn't take much to gather up the courage to touch him, his thighs inviting you to caress them with your nails, teasing, testing him “Is this okay?” 
“Yeah,” he breathes out, hooded eyes and a soft, whiny, trembling tone making fidget on your knees “More than okay.” 
It makes you smile. But there's things to clear up before you go any further. 
“I don't want you to think I brought you to my house just to get on my knees in front of you, Seonghwa.” 
“I don't… I w-would never think that,” you nod and he releases a shuddering breath “I don't want you to think that this is all I want from you either, Y/N.” 
“I don't think that,” you whisper “but thank you for making it clear.” 
“Mhm, I… Oh.” He stops when your touch trails higher and you take your hands away. 
“You wanted to say something else?” 
Squinting your eyes at him, you press “You sure?” 
“I was going to say that I want you… S-so please touch me, please.” 
Who would've thought that a man begging would turn you on so, so much? 
You catch on to it immediately. Lowering your hands again, this time around his calves, you pull him a little so he can sit on the edge of the worned out couch. 
He follows suit. 
“You want me to touch you?” you murmur and he nods “Where?”
He closes his eyes, blush beautifully creeping up his neck “Y/N…” 
“You asked me to touch you, but I already was…” you say, like it's the most obvious thing ever “So where do you want to be touched, hm?” 
Straightening your spine and angling yourself upwards, your nose hovers just below his chin. Hands starting to go up again, you hear his breath hitched when your palm grabs into the fabric of his pants before letting it go, the sound of it hitting the skin under making you and him release a noise. 
“How do you want to be touched?” 
Looking down, Seonghwa's mouth barely brushes your nose when he says “So it's going to be like this?” 
“It's working for you,” you whisper back, the pad of your fingers pressing on his inner thighs and, when you look down, the tent in his pants curves your lips with pride that shows when you turn to him again “Isn't it?” 
Pupils blown, he bites down on his lip and you see, for a slight second, a switch in his demeanor that makes you want to drop the teasing just to ask him to take you right there, on the floor, on the couch, wherever he wants to. 
But, as soon as your fingernails trace the outline of his cock, he switches back “P-please...” 
He doesn't have to beg you anymore. 
Desperate to have him squirming under your touch, you push a little with your thumbs and he whines, a sweet sound you can't treasure as long as you want to because hand grabs your neck and his mouth crushes yours in want. 
In a few seconds, the button of his pants is off and the fabric is pooling at his ankles. You help him out of them, his mouth never leaving yours except when you two break apart to pass sweet moans in between kisses and barely there bites. 
Boxers succumbing to the same fate as his pants, you get him needy and panting into your open mouth as you finally take him fully into your hand. 
Pumping one and then twice, you finally pull away to look at him and the sight that welcomes you is beautiful, big and oozing at the tip. 
Eyes connecting with Seonghwa’s again, you make sure he's looking at you before gathering spit and letting it fall into your hand. 
He moans. 
And then he moans a little more when you start working his length, butt connecting to the carpet once again to give him attention fully. 
It feels invigorating, the control he gives you makes you float into an intimate space you never had the opportunity to explore before and that just adds up to the list of things you're grateful for. 
You take in his reactions, the way he's having a hard time keeping his mouth shut when you get close to the tip and tease it before going back down, the way his breath catches in his throat when you lean in and blow some air on it before letting yourself have a taste of him. 
Licking around the tip and eyeing him as you do so, you get to catch him throw his head back in bliss. Then, you indulge both of you a little bit more: hollowing your cheeks, you move forward to take him in your mouth. 
And then you moan around him at the feeling and he shivers under the palm you placed on his knee to keep steady as you suck him off. 
“Your mouth feels so fucking good, dear,” he encourages and you bat your eyelashes at him teasingly, making him chuckle before whining again. Tangling his fingers on your head to guide you to the right speed, he closes his eyes and curses under his breath “So fucking good.” 
It only makes you want to hear him again. So you do your best to stay on him, breathing through your nose and continuing your ministrations as you moans above you, filling your living room with sounds you want to plaster across the walls, encapsulate in a bottle to hear them again when he's not with you. 
You take him deeper and his grasp on your head tenses before you release him with a lewd sound you didn't really intend to make. 
Breathing hard, you let out a whine when he tilts your head back. He looks at you with indescribable desire, want and a little smile that prones yours. 
“You have no idea,” he starts, leaning in to take you mouth with his again, tongue swiping at the saliva that gathered under your bottom lip “How bad I want to ruin you now.” 
Oh, so maybe he's not as submissive as you thought. You should've guessed it, the slight switch and the little glint earlier would've hinted you his true intimate nature if you weren't so busy trying to get the act up. 
“Only if you want to, of course.” 
And yet, he's such a fucking gentleman. You can practically feel yourself getting wetter at his words. 
Your whisper is sweet, a confirmation on what you want and what he obviously wants to hear “Come here, Ghost.” 
You make space for him on the floor and he doesn't question why the both of you are not on the way to your bed right now. 
He seems to like it, even, so you giggle into his mouth at his eagerness to lay you down on the soft carpet and hum appreciatively when his hands bypass your shirt and grab your bare waist to accommodate you both into a comfortable position. 
With his leg in between yours and his chest pressed against you, he kisses you until you're pliant, needy and janking him down to earn some sort of friction. 
Mouth descending down your cheek, into your jaw and then your neck, Seonghwa scatters kisses in the soft spots like he already mapped you out with his mouth. 
His hands touch you where you like, his knee bumps into your core to keep you there as he works his way through you like he had you like this before and it's addicting. 
It feels right. 
He mouths at the valley of your breasts and softly sinks his teeth into the flesh through your shirt and it makes you dizzy, letting out a moan that makes him smile. 
Touching him too, you give his back some attention before sinking your fingers on his silky hair and tugging at the strands. 
He kisses down, down, down until he reaches your belly and then bites you the same way he did seconds ago “Ghost…” 
“Say my name, Y/N.” 
“I love when you call me Ghost,” he starts, breathing hard and you watch his nose disappear under the fabric of your shirt, raising it a bit more when he moves to be eye to eye with you “but I want you to call my name if I'm making you feel good,” kissing the sense out of you for a few seconds, he talks against your mouth “Can you do that for me, dear?” 
“Yes,” you barely nod, opening your eyes to find his “Seonghwa.” 
The way you whisper his name, needy and teasingly at the same time, seems to wake something else in him. 
Because in a second, he's asking you to raise your body a little so he can take your shirt off. You help him with his and he moves to undo the clasp on your bra after asking for permission one more time and you shouldn't really find his insistent questioning of consent so hot but you do. 
He takes his time with you, exploring you with his mouth as you do your best to keep still under him. He kisses your chest, rounding your nipples with his tongue and taking them into his mouth after.
Lightning illuminates the room and electricity runs through you and settles into your core. 
The sky roars when he gives your legs attention over the fabric of your pants, moans blending into the thunder and the sound of the raindrops against the window when he pulls back and raises your left leg to kiss a path from your ankle to your thigh. 
You buck your hips at the feeling, asking for more without really saying anything and he smiles before moving to your right leg and giving it the same amount of attention. 
“You want me to touch you?” He asks and you're about to call him out for being mean and clueless, but his smirk proves he's only teasing “Where do you want me to touch you, Y/N?” voice low and dripping in honey, he unbuttons your pants and you're not too fucked out yet to know he's returning the way you tortured him earlier “How do you want me to touch you?” 
Your pants end up meeting with his somewhere under the coffee table and you smile when he zeroes on the wet patch your arousal has formed on your underwear. 
And, unlike him, you're not actually humble in asking what you want “Don't you want to taste the mess you've made, Seonghwa?” 
When he eats you out, he makes sure to taste it real good. Open you up with his fingers, learn the right pace and pressure until heat pools on your lower abdomen and you're incoherently babbling praises under your breath. 
When you come undone on his tongue, you make sure to repeat his name like a mantra. Over and over again until he's sated with his meal and leaves the remnants of it in wet marks as he makes his way up to your mouth. 
Tasting yourself on his tongue is heaven. 
“Sound so pretty for me, you're so… Fuck, Y/N.” 
Taking him into your hand again, his dick twitches at the sudden attention it's getting and you explore the skin on his neck, lap at his collarbone and nuzzle against it because you just can't get enough. 
“I want you inside me, Seonghwa,” you whisper against his skin and you see him close his eyes when your other hand joins you on his chest, thumb against his nipple “Ruin me like you promised, hm?” 
He grabs your chin, eyes dark with passion and affection in a way you never want to forget “Your filthy mouth might be the death of me.” He whispers and you giggle, bratty.
“Good, I never want you to forget it,” you whisper back “I never want you to forget me.” 
“Never in a million years, dear.” 
Happy at his response, you kiss him and feel the warmth of his hand leaving you to try and grab his pants again. You giggle when he curses lowly, letting go of him so he can take a condom out of his wallet with a smile on his face. 
He looks back at you in the process, shaking his head in amusement at the way you're taking the tender pause and he's smiling when he rolls on the condom as well as when he lowers himself so he can kiss you senseless again. 
When Seonghwa enters you, the whiny mess he was when you first touched him makes its comeback and you welcomed it as you sink your nails into the skin of his waist, accompanying his slow movements as he eases you open. 
Soon, you're a whiny mess too. He whispers sweet nothings into your ear and kisses your shoulder while you hug him tight to you and let yourself get lost in the buck of his hips and the way he slows downs to make the moment last, like you're not planning on keeping him in your life and making him see stars whenever he wants. 
When he picks up the pace, the living room is warmer than it was when you first came in and the cold from the storm outside it's forgotten as his sweaty forehead rests on yours and his hips snap into yours with vigor.
“That’s it, dear. God, you feel so good…” 
Ruin you he does. Because this time, as he flicks your clit with his thumb and you come, it solidifies the fact that there's no one else you want. 
Is it crazy and a little rushed because you just met him? Yes. 
Do you give a damn? No. No you fucking dont. 
He ruins you for good and for everyone else, as well. 
“Seonghwa! Fuck, fuck, don't stop.” You beg, overstimulated and hips aching, but wanting him to reach his high so badly none of that matters. 
When his hips stutter, you take his ass with your hands and keep him in place, buried deep inside of you and walls pulsing around him as he comes with a beautiful cry and a rasp of your name in his throat. 
Panting, you take the opportunity to kiss his face as he comes down, nose slowly caressing his with affection and gratefulness and emotion you can't express because it's not the time yet. 
“God, Y/N.” He breathes out with a chuckle and you reciprocate it, kissing his mouth once more before deflating against the soft carpet under you. 
“I know,” you look at him, at his fucked out expression and the cute way he kisses the hand you use to wipe the sweat out of his face makes you feel giddy and in love, even if you know you're aren't in love with him yet “God bless the fucking thunderstorm.” 
Laughing, he nods in agreement “God bless the fucking thunderstorm.” 
He kisses you again and then pulls out, making a quick work on the condom and asking for the bathroom so he can dispose of it before making his way back to you. 
When he does, you're already sitting down, still naked, but sipping at your forgotten water bottle. Sitting down next to you, he places a kiss on top of your head.
The carpet is definitely going to use some cleaning after tonight, but that's okay. 
There's a bit of comfortable silence as you both recover from the amazing sex you just had. He takes a sip of your water bottle as well and then there's another thunder that shakes your window and all, making you both jump a little. 
Seonghwa “Do you… Mind if I stay over?” 
You snort “I wasn't planning on letting you go anywhere, Ghost.” 
He smiles, getting close to your face again “Even if it stops raining?” 
You nod, pecking his lips “Even if I have to go and clean up my room just for you.” 
“Oh, wow,” he whistles loud and you push him in feign annoyance, looking around for your underwear “You like me, like me.” 
“Shut the fuck up!” 
He attempts to hug you but you push him away again and stand up, making a quick job of putting your panties back on “Say that you like me and I'll let you kidnap me if you want.” 
“That's not how kidnapping works, idiot.” 
He gets up as well, taking his underwear and putting it on as he follows you around your apartment. 
You quicken your step, but he catches you right as you enter the mess in your bedroom. He hugs you tight, you back against his bare chest and his chin on your shoulder a second later “I'll honestly let you keep me even if you say you hate me, Y/N.”
Is sweet and it should make you cringe but you all but melt against his touch. There's no really a need to tell him you like him when you place his hand on top of your chest so he can take in the way your heart beats for him for the second time tonight. 
“Good,” you turn a little, smiling at him and then turning to your room again “Do you want to help me clean this up just to make it messy again?” 
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Seonghwa doesn't help you clean your room. He, in fact, makes it a lot messier as soon as you two get into bed and when he falls asleep he dreams of a life where he can be by your side every night. 
The only thing that disturbs his sweet dreams is the way you squirm in his hold and he can't quite place the reason for it until he hears the loud, banging alarm ringtone he has set at six thirty so he can get ready for work. 
Murmuring and still half asleep, you slap his chest so he can tend to it “Turn it off, Ghost.” 
He does and he checks the time and the screen of his phone to find a message from his boss. It reads something about taking the opportunity to take the rainy day and work from home or something like that and Seonghwa can confirm, looking through your bedroom window, that the rain falls softly against it still. 
He smiles, grateful to have his laptop with him so he can work on his report if you decide not to kick him out first thing in the morning, and then rolls back to you so he can cuddle you and sleep in for the first time in months of commuting to the office. 
Then his phone rings again. 
Both of you groan at the sound and you sit up, the big t-shirt you put on after taking a shower gathering messily around your waist and he almost forgets about the call at the sight of you. 
You're so beautiful. 
“Pick it up and tell them to go fuck themselves for calling you so early. What the fuck.” 
He smiles “Bossy.” 
“You like it.” You say, smiling back and falling on top of him as he answers the call from an unknown number, your cheek resting on his chest. 
He makes sure his voice sounds extra sleepy when he does “Hello?” 
“Good morning, mister Park!” It's a woman on the line, a voice he recognizes but can't quite place yet “I'm sorry to wake you up, but yesterday you asked me what good you're to me… Guess what? You can find out today!” 
She sounds sarcastic and tired and like she drank seventy energy drinks to stay awake. Seonghwa scavenges his brain until the memory hits him “Miss Kim?” 
You look up at that, curious. 
“The one and only. Now, tonight you will accompany me to a party and—” 
“Miss Kim—” 
“I'm not finished,” you cuts him off, annoyed “At the party, I need you to pretend to be my boyfri—” 
“Excuse me?” 
“No, I will not go to the party with you and no, I will not pretend to be your boyfriend.” 
Now, you sit up on the bed again and frown at him. He shrugs and sits up as well.
“This could be a really great opportunity for you to gain connections and—” 
“Miss Kim,” he starts and, after taking in the sudden desperation on her voice, he sighs “I'm flattered you have taken me into consideration for this… Particular, uhm, job?” He offers, feeling awkward as hell “But my day is taken and I'm not single anymore, so I can't do it.” 
He watches you as you break into a little knowing smile and he smiles back, not even the disappointed sigh Miss Kim lets out on the other side of the line can break him away from the spell you so easily put him under. 
“This is very inconvenient for me but I hope you and the cool girl I saw yesterday are happy together… Even if it ruins my happiness forever!” She sounds like she doesn't really mean the last part but it's trying hard to make it seem like she does “God… Ugh. Don't mention this to my brother and please cover that stupid tree up, okay? Goodbye.” 
She hangs up before he even gets the chance of saying goodbye or asking if she'll be okay. He has friends who wouldn't pass the opportunity to fake a relationship and go to a party, anyway. 
“So,” you start, getting on your knees and making your way back to him “What the fuck was that?” 
He reaches for your waist without really thinking about it, like he's been doing it his whole life and you sit on his lap like this is a morning routine you two crafted with years of experience. 
“I don't really know. Remember my client's sister?” you nod “She wanted me to be her fake boyfriend at a party tonight, I think.” 
“And you told her you're not single anymore to save face because you didn't want to go?” 
“I told her I wasn't single because I'm not,” he says, honestly “Even if you're not my girlfriend right now… I don't really want to see anyone else but you, so…” 
You fake a gasp and he rolls his eyes, smiling like an idiot when you lean in to leave a peck on his lips “And I was about to kick you out ten minutes ago!” 
Pouting, he holds you tighter “Why?” 
“That stupid alarm almost made me.” 
“I turned it off!” 
You laugh at the way he pretends to be offended and you're about to say something else before his phone starts ringing like crazy. 
It's not a call, it's a message notification. 
He turns to it and sees that Yunho is spamming the group chat with emojis. 
“Oh, God,” he sighs “What now?” 
“Is that your friend from yesterday?” 
When Seonghwa scrolls to the messages to find something that can indicate what the hell is going on, he reads something a little alarming. 
Does anyone want to skip town tonight? 
He blocks the phone and tosses it into the bed, turning to your worried form with a smile “Do you want to meet my friends tonight?” 
You seem to get it immediately. 
“I would love to, Ghost,” you lean in to kiss him again, softly “Only if you introduce me as your girlfriend and not your mechanic, though.” 
Heart beating with a wonderful song, he agrees with soft yes and kisses you dumb for the first time today. 
He almost misses the deadline for his report, too. 
It's not really his fault that he can't get enough of you. 
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If you read all the way down here: THANK YOU SO MUCH. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
© jensthwa, 2024.
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kyo-moon · 3 months
ft. sakura haruka, suo hayato, kiryu mitsuki, kaji ren
a/n: this is my first time writing headcanons and about wind breaker at all, so i hope you enjoy it as much as i did ! ☆ミ
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✧ sakura haruka
oh boy. he either doesn't leave your side or is a mile away from you
would definitely protect you at any cost at any time. if you happen to be around during his patrols, he'd glance at you every three seconds to make sure you're okay
he takes his sweet time getting closer to you
suo and nirei would help him out about how he should approach you
once, he tried to ask you out on a date, but when you looked at him with those beautiful eyes, he stopped functioning and froze in the spot
if you two happen to walk together, he's more likely to walk one step behind to look out for the bad guys
suo, nirei, and you planned how to set you and sakura up several times. it failed every single time
sakura tried his best, yet he asked you to hang out with him... alone... but hey! it's not a date at all !!
kiryu even helped you pick up the outfits for your 'dates' (sakura called them normal hangouts)
he would try to compliment your outfit but ended up babbling nonsense because he got nervous
indeed, they were not normal hangouts
he didn't know the sidewalk rule at first until suo gently scolded him for that. after that, he did the sidewalk rule every single date
'so, when are you gonna ask me out of should i do it?' he stopped functioning once again
it was you, the one that asked him to be your boyfriend because he seemed too nervous to do it. not that you mind, but sometimes it was overwhelming
sakura said yes so quickly that it surprised you
✧ suo hayato
he's a gentleman
he always makes sure you're comfortable when you're with him or around his friends
he'd definitely ask you out after getting to know you better after a few hangouts with everyone
during the dates, he'd walk close to you but not enough to make you uncomfortable
he would give you small compliments yet so meaningful. 'you look beautiful today', 'that color really suits you', 'do you want to go somewhere in particular?'
sidewalk rule. obviously
most likely to accompany you back home from the first date
also, he always has a plan for your dates. in case you came with one idea, he would let you take the lead and leave it for the next one
would listen to everything you talk during the dates with a smile, especially if it's something that you're really into
after gaining your trust, he'd start grabbing your hand during the dates as you walk together
he asked to be his girlfriend after one date that he planned very carefully several days before, he bought you a small pair of earrings similar to his, if you happen to not wear earrings, then another piece of jewelry you like better
he presented you to his friends, even though you already knew them, but this time as his girlfriend as he just wanted to show you off
sakura freaked out when he saw you two entering the classroom holding hands
in public or in private, he's not that demonstrative, but he would do small things like putting his hand on your back to guide you, opening doors for you, placing a kiss on your forehead after a fight
✧ kiryu mitsuki
he's also a gentleman
he started flirting with you from the moment he laid his eyes on you
he went from small compliments like 'love your earrings, they're perfect for you', 'your haircut is as lovely as you, dear' to 'gimme that smile i love', 'would you let me take you on a date? i can't hold back anymore'
during the dates, would give your compliments about your outfits, hairstyles, earrings, everything
'that dress really suits you, dear', 'those earrings compliment your eyes', 'that hairstyle was made for you, i'm certain of it honey'
sidewalk rule. yes.
not only does he make you feel good around him but also with yourself
he would gift your hair clips he thought you'd like
after some dates, he asked you if, on the next one, you could wear matching outfits
if you haven't found one yet, he definitely helped you find your style. however, shopping dates are assured with him
he probably presented you to his friends before even dating as 'his future girlfriend'
he asked you to be his girlfriend during a night date with him out in town, where he gifted you matching accessories for your phones
✧ kaji ren
he probably questioned hiragi about what he should do after finding out he had a crush on you
following hiragi's advice, he tried to get to know you better before asking you out on a date
he didn't know how to act at first but eventually got comfortable around you and started to talk more
after some time, he found out you bought him peace, so he felt even more relaxed and drown to you
when he asked you on a date, he took his headphones off, showing you how serious he was about it
your dates were quiet, but so filled with good memories
higari had taught him about the sidewalk rule before your first date
he told you he preferred to go to quiet places rather than crowd ones, to which you openly accepted
after some dates, he offered you one of his lollipops
one time, a guy was staring too much in your direction, so he took off his headphones and put them around your neck to show the guy you were already taken
he wasn't scared to take off his headphones when you were around since he knew you would calm him down better than his music did
he will fight any guy that dared to say something disrespect about you. kaji won't tolerate that under any circumstances, trust me
higari was the first to meet you, then kusumi and enomoto
except for higari, they were surprised to see kaji with a girl since that boy said nothing to them. nothing at all
he asked you to be his girlfriend with a playlist during a chill hang out at his place
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written by kyo-moon on tumblr. reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated ! ☆ミ
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sunnyferr · 5 months
A polyamorous relationship with them!
Op men!: kid/killer zoro/sanji law/luffy
WARNING: ReaderF! Polyamorous relationship NSFW, Contains homosexual relationships between characters!
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It's the most fun relationship you can have!
kid is your partner in pranks and dirty jokes, always up to mischief around the ship
but if you like quiet chats with a coffee, killer will always be there to listen to you, he's really good at listening and giving objective opinions
I remind you, they are very big, so their group hugs completely crush you.
I feel like killer is more into hugs, hugging you from behind and being there almost all the time.
kid is more into kisses, messy kisses with tongue in the middle, with his hands roaming all over your body
It's very sweet to see them share little kisses between the two
Sleeping with them is also a comical experience
I remind you for the second time, they each take up a king-size bed.
so you sleep on kid's chest face down, while kid holds you by the waist with one hand, and the other arm around killer (nice mental image)
sex with them is something wild and rough
Usually, the sessions last between 3 or 4 HOURS (a fallen soldier)
Kid always takes the lead, he's a dominant, and you're not going to take his place
killer, to be honest, is kind of the same, he can be sub or dom (although he does like being dom a bit)
Kid usually lets killer play with you while he's in the corner of the room, watching everything.
killer tends to praise you while biting and licking every inch of your skin
kid is more into saying things like "you little slut! do you like what killer is doing to your pussy, huh?"
the aftercare is very tender and sweet, well, kid tries to stay awake, as he usually falls asleep after 5 minutes.
killer is more about bringing you water and snacks if it was a long session, preparing a shower for all three (obviously having to drag kid into the shower)
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These two always seem to be arguing
like a couple who have been married for 50 years.
But they do love each other for real…just that it's a bit hard for them to admit it.
Usually, your time with Sanji is on some island, buying food (which was the main mission), but he ends up getting distracted by looking at dresses in the shop windows, saying you have to try them on RIGHT NOW.
On the other hand, Zoro loves it when you join him in his 30-minute naps while you're together hugging. He says it's cheesy and silly to be like that, but deep down, he loves it. Sometimes Sanji joins in (just because you told him to).
Sanji is always touching you (holding your hand, your waist, brushing your hair, etc.) because he can't stand being away from you. Even if you're right beside him, he always has to have you close!
Zoro is a bit calmer with that, but there are times he likes to tease Sanji, grabbing you by the waist and carrying you on his shoulder away from the cook.
But they also show affection to each other…giving each other little love pecks when you're not looking…and sometimes it escalates to something more.
Sleeping with them is a bit tricky (usually, Zoro is busy at night taking care of the ship, but let's pretend they almost always sleep together).
Usually, Sanji loves being in front of you and Zoro hugging you from behind, but problems arise when it's midnight…
It's a constant push and pull!
Sex is really exciting.
The rounds last for 2 hours (which is not short) but…
they leave you stargazing for hours!
Imagine leaning on the table, sharpening Zoro's sword and having a full view of your backside, while he hits your sweet spot
and meanwhile, Sanji is below, licking and sucking your clit while pleasuring himself
simply glorious
Sanji tends to be very loud, moaning and shouting Zoro's and your name
Zoro is more of a grunter and curses under his breath, but the occasional moan escapes him
The aftercare involves Sanji preparing some tea or some ointment to soothe any pains or discomfort, while Zoro pampers you with small kisses on your head until Sanji arrives and they nap together for a while
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A very complementary relationship!
Luffy is like a little kid, you have to keep up with his mischief ALL THE TIME!
but it's really fun to follow him and play some pranks on Law, even though he might get mad afterwards and not talk to us for hours (it was worth it)
Luffy loves hugs! he's always with his arms stretched out hugging you and giving you uncontrollable kisses all over your face
Law is a bit more shy, especially in public, he'll shake your hand and that's it, but when they get home he tends to pamper them a lot.
Law really likes it when you two are in his room while he studies or works, seeing you cuddled up on the couch while you caress a nearly asleep Luffy, is something he loves about you
Sleeping with Law is not a problem… Luffy is
he tends to fall off the bed ALL the time, so now Luffy sleeps in the middle, lying on his back while you hug and kiss him
they don't usually have sex much… but it's still very rewarding
it usually lasts between 2 to 3 hours
Luffy and you are the submissives, trying to please Law in various ways possible so he gives you your well-deserved "rewards"
An important detail is that Luffy is very inexperienced at first but gradually learns more, to the point where he'll try to be dominant with you (only sometimes)
They usually end up with a lot of moans and screams of passion among the three.
post-care is very important to Law!
he makes sure they've had enough water and gives massages in a specific place if they're in pain.
he would punish Luffy if he left too many hickeys (even if he did too) because it could be "dangerous"
but in the end, it always ends up being a good nap with lots of hugs and kisses (and Luffy's snoring)
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csuitebitches · 2 months
The Charisma Myth: things that I liked
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Three quick tips to gain an instant charisma boost in conversation:
Lower the intonation of your voice at the end of your sentences. Reduce how quickly and how often you nod.
Pause for two full seconds before you speak.
The very next time you’re in a conversation, try to regularly check whether your mind is fully engaged or whether it is wandering elsewhere (including preparing your next sentence).
Expensive clothing leads us to assume wealth, friendly body language leads us to assume good intentions, a confident posture leads us to assume the person has something to be confident about. In essence, people will tend to accept whatever you project.
when you can project both power and warmth together, you really maximize your personal charisma potential.
charismatic behaviors must originate in your mind. Knowing how to skillfully handle mental discomfort is even more important than knowing how to handle physical discomfort. Anxiety is a serious drawback to charisma. First, it impacts our internal state: quite obviously, it’s hard to be fully present while you’re feeling anxious. Anxiety can also lower our confidence. Anxiety, low presence, and low confidence can show up directly in our body language, as well as reduce our ability to emanate warmth.
 The single most effective technique I’ve found to alleviate the discomfort of uncertainty is the responsibility transfer. Pick an entity—God, Fate, the Universe, whatever may best suit your beliefs—that you could imagine as benevolent. Imagine lifting the weight of everything you’re concerned about—this meeting, this interaction, this day—off your shoulders and placing it on the shoulders of whichever entity you’ve chosen. They’re in charge now. Visually lift everything off your shoulders and feel the difference as you are now no longer responsible for the outcome of any of these things. Everything is taken care of. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy whatever good you can find along the way.
Golfer Jack Nicklaus said that he never hit a shot, even during practice, without visualizing it first. For decades, professional athletes have considered visualization an essential tool, often spending hours visualizing their victory, telling their mind just what they want their body to achieve.
“There is good evidence that imagining oneself performing an activity activates parts of the brain that are used in actually performing the activity,” Professor Stephen Kosslyn, director of Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, wrote me. Visualization can even physically alter the brain structure: repeated experiments have shown that simply imagining yourself playing the piano with sufficient repetition leads to a detectable and measurable change in the motor cortex of the brain.
Silvia recently confided that visualization is one of the secrets to her success. Before key meetings, she’ll imagine “the smiles on their faces because they liked me and they are confident about the value I’m bringing them. I’ll imagine as much detail as I can, even seeing the wrinkles around their eyes as they’re smiling.” She visualizes the whole interaction, all the way through to the firm handshakes that close the meeting, sealing the deal.
A twenty-second hug is enough to send oxytocin coursing through your veins, and that you can achieve the same effect just by imagining the hug. So the next time you’re feeling anxious, you might want to imagine being wrapped up in a great big hug from someone you care about.
Self-confidence is our belief in our ability to do or to learn how to do something.
Self-esteem is how much we approve of or value ourselves. It’s often a comparison-based evaluation (whether measured against other people or against our own internal standards for approval).
Self-compassion is how much warmth we can have for ourselves, especially when we’re going through a difficult experience.
It’s quite possible for people to have high self-confidence but low self-esteem and very low self-compassion.
Types of charisma:
Focus: Focus charisma requires, of course, the ability to focus and be truly present. Good listening skills are nonnegotiable, as is a certain degree of patience. To develop focus charisma, cultivate your ability to be present.
Visionary charisma makes others feel inspired; it makes us believe. It can be remarkably effective even though it won’t necessarily make people like you. We assess visionary charisma primarily through demeanor, which includes body language and behavior. Due to the fact that people tend to accept whatever you project, if you seem inspired, they will assume you have something to be inspired about.
kindness charisma comes entirely from body language—specifically your face, and even more specifically your eyes. Kindness charisma is primarily based on warmth. It connects with people’s hearts, and makes them feel welcomed, cherished, embraced, and, most of all, completely accepted.
Authority charisma is primarily based on a perception of power: the belief that this person has the power to affect our world. We evaluate someone’s authority charisma through four indicators: body language, appearance, title, and the reactions of others. you’ll need to learn how to “take up space” with your posture, reduce nonverbal reassurances (such as excessive nodding), and avoid fidgeting. You may need to speak less, to speak more slowly, to know how and when to pause your sentences, or how to modulate your intonation. Look expensive. 
Avoid holding a drink in your right hand, especially if it’s a cold drink, as the condensation will make your hand feel cold and clammy. Before shaking someone’s hand, whether you are a man or a woman, rise if you’re seated. And keep your hands out of your pockets: visible hands make you look more open and honest. Make sure to use plenty of eye contact, and smile warmly but briefly: too much smiling could make you appear overeager. Keep your head straight, without tilting it in any way, and face the person.
Ask people open ended questions, focus on questions that will likely elicit positive emotions. With your questions, you have the power to lead the conversation in the direction you want. In fact, even when you’re speaking, the one word that should pop up most often in your conversation is not I but you. Instead of saying “I read a great article on that subject in the New York Times,” try “You might enjoy the recent New York Times article on the subject.” Or simply insert “You know...” before any sentence to make them instantly perk up and pay attention.
Another way to exit a conversation with grace is to offer something of value:
Information: an article, book, or Web site you think might be of use to them A connection: someone they ought to meet whom you know and can introduce them to
Visibility: an organization you belong to, where you could invite them to speak
Recognition: an award you think they should be nominated for
When someone has spoken, see if you can let your facial expression react first, showing that you’re absorbing what they’ve just said and giving their brilliant statement the consideration it deserves. Only then, after about two seconds, do you answer. The sequence goes like this:
They finish their sentence
Your face absorbs
Your face reacts
Then, and only then, you answer
The next time you’re given a compliment, the following steps will help you skillfully handle the moment:
1. Stop.
2. Absorb the compliment.
3. Let that second of absorption show on your face. Show the person that they’ve had an impact.
4. Thank them. Saying “Thank you very much” is enough, but you can take it a step further by thanking them for their thoughtfulness or telling them that they’ve made your day.
It’s not just metaphors that can paint the wrong picture. Some common phrases can have the same effect. When you tell someone, “No problem,” “Don’t worry,” or “Don’t hesitate to call,” for example, there’s a chance their brain will remember “problem,” “worry,” or “hesitate” instead of your desire to support them. To counter this negative effect, use phrases like “We’ll take care of it” or “Please feel free to call anytime.”
You can deliver value to others in multiple ways:
Entertainment: Make your e-mail or meeting enjoyable.
Information: Give interesting or informative content that they can use. 
Good feelings: Find ways to make them feel important or good about themselves. 
The longer you speak, the higher the price you’re making them pay, so the higher the value ought to be. 
If your goal is to communicate power, set the pitch, tone, volume, and tempo of your voice in the following ways:
Pitch and tone: The lower, more resonant, and more baritone your voice, the more impact it will have.
Volume: One of the first things an actor learns to do on stage is to project his voice, which means gaining the ability to modulate its volume and aim it in such a targeted way that specific portions of the audience can hear it, even from afar. One classic exercise to hone your projection skills is to imagine that your words are arrows. As you speak, aim them at different groups of listeners.
Tempo: A slow, measured tempo with frequent pauses conveys confidence.
To emanate vocal warmth, you need to do only one thing: smile, or even just imagine smiling.
Charismatic people are known to be more “contagious”; they have a strong ability to transmit their emotions to others.
The most effective and credible compliments are those that are both personal and specific. For instance, instead of “Great job,” you could say, “You did a great job,” or, better yet, “The way you kept your calm when that client became obnoxious was impressive.”
Here’s one specific—and surprisingly effective—recommendation for phone charisma, courtesy of author Leil Lowndes: Do not answer the phone in a warm or friendly manner. Instead, answer crisply and professionally. Then, only after you hear who is calling, let warmth or even enthusiasm pour forth in your voice. This simple technique is an easy and effective way to make people feel special. I recommend it to all my business clients whose companies have a strong customer service component. The gains in customer satisfaction are impressive.
Charisma takes practice. Steve Jobs, who appeared so masterful on stage, was known to rehearse important presentations relentlessly.
Retain at least a certain measure of equanimity. Most charismatic leaders are known for their ability to remain (or appear) calm even in the midst of turbulent circumstances.
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gerec · 1 month
Do you have fic recs for cherik exes to lovers?
Saved the best for last, Anon - exes to lovers is my absolute FAVOURITE trope!
These are some of my personal favourites; I hope you enjoy :D :D :D
symphysis by ikeracity
After Charles and Erik broke up four months ago, Charles convinced himself he'd never see Erik again. But life has a funny way of bringing people back together.
it was a yellow umbrella spring by ikeracity (series - read part 1 first!)
Three years after Charles left for Oxford, Erik discovers that Charles is coming back to New York.
Second chances are wonderful things.
Lean On Me by SpiritsFlame
Ten years ago, Charles and Erik split up, dividing their six kids between them. None of them expect them to meet at summer camp. And no one could have predicted the results.
preheat to 350 (just for you remix) by ikeracity
Charles realizes he's in love with Erik. But there's one tiny little problem: he just broke up with Erik.
Repeat Offenses by populuxe
“Prickly bits aside—hell, for the two of them, prickly bits included—it almost felt like a date. Which is stupid on multiple fronts. Grudgingly buying your ex a meal after he grudgingly bails you out of jail is obviously not a date.”
Five times Charles bailed Erik out of jail—and one time he didn’t.
melt your headaches, call it home by joshriku
Two decades later after the last time he saw Charles Xavier, Erik's children lead him right back to him.
Of course, it's never easy to look at the ex love of your life and realize you're not over them, not even in the slightest.
my heart knows your name by borninsideatornado
Once they’ve finally got him in bed, Charles works up the courage to ask if he might stay for a few days, because being rejected can’t be worse than seeing Erik in pain. But Erik only says, “I think that would be good.”
The Way I See You by kianspo
Charles is an FBI agent working white collar crimes, specializing in art theft. Erik is a master forger. It's all well and good, except no one knows that Charles and Erik used to be in love once upon a time. Years later, they meet again.
my heart knows your name by borninsideatornado
Once they’ve finally got him in bed, Charles works up the courage to ask if he might stay for a few days, because being rejected can’t be worse than seeing Erik in pain. But Erik only says, “I think that would be good.”
to put the world between us by populuxe
Erik Lehnsherr is one of the hottest actors in Hollywood: fresh off an Academy Award nomination, he’s about to star in HBO’s most anticipated show of the year. And even though online chatter about his recent string of queer roles keeps getting louder, his personal life remains personal—just as it always has, and just as his manager and publicist continue to advise.
But when he winds up at the same wedding as his college best friend, Charles Xavier—and when they quickly fall into bed together—he’s forced to revisit the past he’s been trying to get away from for years. The pull between them has always been magnetic, but so has the weight of secrecy. Can they keep from repeating the same mistakes, or will the price of the truth be too high?
Walking in a Winter Wonderland by TurtleTotem
Charles hasn't seen Erik since their devastating breakup ten years ago. He's certainly the last person he expects to run into at a Christmas lights display.
Old Flame Burning by TurtleTotem
It's ridiculous for Charles to dread meeting the best man at his sister's wedding, just because he shares a name with Charles's ex. It's not as though it could possibly be the same Erik.
The Edge of What Doesn’t End by populuxe
When a mysterious object appears on the moon, Moira MacTaggert calls in two experts with very specific mutations to investigate.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, after years of breaking up and getting back together again, those two experts have finally broken up for good—and they’re the last people in the world who should be stuck together on a spaceship.
I need sleep like I need oxygen (I'm not admitting to missing you like crazy) by ximeria
Erik needs sleep, but since he and Charles broke up, he's not been able to get a good night's sleep.
December, Take Two by Anonymous
Charles has no problem being in the same room as his ex at Emma's holiday party. They're adults, after all.
We have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven (the things you love don't last remix) by hllfire
Charles hands Erik the signed divorce papers, but Erik has changed his mind. Too late, it seems. All he can do is go forward with the divorce. A year later, Charles comes back, and Erik can't help but wanting to see him. The only problem is things don't go like Erik had planned.
Spy Games by manic_intent
Prompt: Burn Notice AU, with Erik Lehnsherr as the spy and Charles as the trigger-happy ex boyfriend. Erik is burned for unknown reasons in Mexico and wakes up in New York City. Somehow, he needs to raise $500,000, in order to find out -why-.
Best Ex Ever by 1sttimefeeling
Charles wakes up drunk on the pavement of a gas station, phone dead. He finds a payphone but can only remember one number. Erik Lehnsherr's.
The problem? They broke up two years ago.
Twice in One Lifetime by Gerec
Written for this prompt: Charles and his fiance Steve, are happily waiting for their first baby. What they are not expecting is the baby to arrive almost a month earlier and looking like a miniature copy of Charles' ex-boyfriend Erik.
It takes them a lifetime to get it right.
Years Falling Like Grains Of Sand by clarasteam
Seven years after they met and parted, Charles and Erik meet again in the most unlikely place.
Every Song I Know by clarasteam
“Erik,” Janos says wearily, “you had amazing sex with this guy. He obviously really likes you. You have, what, a month, six weeks left? You can spend it moping and hiding and worrying you're going to run into him. Or you can call him, have a good time, and figure out where you go from there.”
Erik groans. It's what he wants to do, so much it scares him.
Talk, Baby, Talk by lyonet
“Enough,” Erik said furiously. “It’s over. Let it die.”
“Be fair, sugar,” Emma said. “We made good music. It was your choice to wear magenta armour and a cape.”
Carry Me Anew (Frost & Darkholme Remix) by kianspo
While working as a model for Raven and Emma's clothing line, Erik experiences a strong attraction to his shoot partner. These things happen, except Erik has a boyfriend, who does not take this at all well.
linger like a tattoo kiss by ikeracity
Six months apart gives Erik a lot of time to think about what he really wants.
An absence which could not be more there by aesc
He prepared to shift another half-step over to the Current Events section (which would, of course, enrage him) when the teaser positioned by the model's left elbow caught his eye: DATING WHILE TELEPATHIC: WHY I DON'T DO IT.
Salem Center Mass by listerinezero
Erik Lehnsherr is a professional hitman and has no intention of attending his ten year high school reunion. But since he happens to have a kill lined up in the same town at the same time, he decides he may as well stop by. After all, his high school sweetheart, Charles Xavier, might be there. And it's not like he's spent the past ten years pining over Charles. Not at all.
Three wheels of cheese and a Great White by ximeria
Charles and Erik were friends with benefits in college.
They went their separate ways and 18 years later, they run into each other in New York.
The sex was never a problem back in college - and sex was all it had been. But now Erik is a divorced father and Charles has admitted to himself he needs more than just sex in a relationship. So in their usual round-about way they try to navigate becoming friends after so many years. The whole quest is aided by Raven, Edie, Wanda and Pietro (and a large number of shark jokes).
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secretgamergirl · 10 months
How a Computer Works - Part 1 (Components)
I am about to teach you on a real fundamental, connecting up electronic components level, how a computer actually works. Before I get into the meat of this though (you can just skip down below the fold if you don't care), here's the reasons I'm sitting doing so in this format:
Like a decade or two ago, companies Facebook pushed this whole "pivot to video" idea on the whole internet with some completely faked data, convincing everyone that everything had to be a video, and we need to start pushing back against that. Especially for stuff like complex explanations of things or instructions, it's much more efficient to just explain things clearly in text, maybe with some visual aids, so people can easily search, scan, and skip around between sections. It's also a hell of a lot easier to host things long term, and you can even print out a text based explainer and not need a computer to read it, keep it on a desk, highlight it, etc.
People are so clueless about how computers actually work that they start really thinking like it's all magical. Even programmers. Aside from how proper knowledge lets you get more out of them, this leads to people spouting off total nonsense about "teaching sand to think" or "everything is just 1s and 0s" or "this 'AI' a con artist who was trying to sell me NFTs a month ago probably really is an amazing creative thinking machine that can do everything he says!"
We used to have this cultural value going where it was expected that if you owned something and used it day to day, you'd have enough basic knowledge of how it worked that if it stopped working you could open it up, see what was wrong, and maybe fix it on your own, or maybe even put one together again from scratch, and that's obviously worth bringing back.
I'm personally working on a totally bonkers DIY project and I'd like to hype up like-minded people for when it gets farther along.
So all that said, have a standard reminder that I am completely reliant on Patreon donations to survive, keep updating this blog, and ideally start getting some PCBs and chips and a nice oscilloscope to get that mystery project off the ground.
Electricity probably doesn't work like how you were taught (and my explanation shouldn't be trusted too far either).
I remember, growing up, hearing all sorts of things about electricity having this sort of magical ability to always find the shortest possible path to where it needs to get, flowing like water, and a bunch of other things that are kind of useful for explaining how a Faraday cage or a lightning rod works, and not conflicting with how simple electronics will have a battery and then a single line of wire going through like a switch and a light bulb or whatever back to the other end of the battery.
If you had this idea drilled into your head hard enough, you might end up thinking that if we have a wire hooked to the negative end of a battery stretching off to the east, and another wire stretching off to the east from the positive end, and we bridge between the two in several places with an LED or something soldered to both ends, only the westernmost one is going to light up, because hey, the shortest path is the one that turns off as quickly as possible to connect to the other side, right? Well turns out no, all three are going to light up, because that "shortest path" thing is a total misunderstanding.
Here's how it actually works, roughly. If you took basic high school chemistry, you learned about how the periodic table is set up, right? A given atom, normally, has whatever number of protons in the core, and the same number of electrons, whipping all over around it, being attracted to those protons but repelled by each other, and there's particular counts of electrons which are super chill with that arrangement so we put those elements in the same column as each other, and then as you count up from those, you get the elements between those either have some electrons that don't fit all tight packed in the tight orbit and just kinda hang out all wide and lonely and "want to" buddy up with another atom that has more room, up to the half full column that can kinda go either way, then as we approach the next happy number they "want to" have a little more company to get right to that cozy tight packed number, and when you have "extra" electrons and "missing" electrons other atoms kinda cozy up and share so they hit those good noble gas counts.
I'm sure real experts want to scream at me for both that and this, but this is basically how electricity works. You have a big pile of something at the "positive" end that's "missing electrons" (for the above reason or maybe actually ionized so they really aren't there), and a "negative" end that's got spares. Then you make wires out of stuff from those middle of the road elements that have awkward electron counts and don't mind buddying up (and also high melting points and some other handy qualities) and you hook those in there. And the electron clouds on all the atoms in the wire get kinda pulled towards the positive side because there's more room over there, but if they full on leave their nucleus needs more electron pals, so yeah neighbors get pulled over, and the whole wire connected to the positive bit ends up with a positive charge to it, and the whole wire on the negative bit is negatively charged, and so yeah, anywhere you bridge the gap between the two, the electrons are pretty stoked about balancing out these two big awkward compromises and they'll start conga lining over to balance things out, and while they're at it they'll light up lights or shake speakers or spin motors or activate electromagnets or whatever other rad things you've worked out how to make happen with a live electric current.
Insulators, Resistors, Waves, and Capacitors
Oh and we typically surround these wires made of things that are super happy about sharing electrons around with materials that are very much "I'm good, thanks," but this isn't an all or nothing system and there's stuff you can connect between the positive and negative ends of things that still pass the current along, but only so much so fast. We use those to make resistors, and those are handy because sometimes you don't want to put all the juice you have through something because it would damage it, and having a resistor anywhere along a path you're putting current through puts a cap on that flow, and also sometimes you might want a wire connected to positive or negative with a really strong resistor so it'll have SOME sort of default charge, but if we get a free(r) flowing connection attached to that wire somewhere else that opens sometimes, screw that little trickle going one way, we're leaning everyone the other way for now.
The other thing with electricity is is that the flow here isn't a basic yes/no thing. How enthusiastically those electrons are getting pulled depends on the difference in charge at the positive and negative ends, and also if you're running super long wires then even if they conduct real good, having all that space to spread along is going to kinda slow things to a trickle, AND the whole thing is kinda going to have some inherent bounciness to it both because we're dealing with electrons whipping and spinning all over and because, since it's a property that's actually useful for a lot of things we do with electricity, the power coming out of the wall has this intentional wobbly nature because we've actually got this ridiculous spinny thing going on that's constantly flip flopping which prong of the socket is positive and which is negative and point is we get these sine waves of strength by default, and they kinda flop over if we're going really far.
Of course there's also a lot of times when you really want to not have your current flow flickering on and off all the time, but hey fortunately one of the first neat little electronic components we ever worked out are capacitors... and look, I'm going to be straight with you. I don't really get capacitors, but the basic idea is you've got two wires that go to big wide plates, and between those you have something that doesn't conduct the electricity normally, but they're so close the electromagnetic fields are like vibing, and then if you disconnect them from the flow they were almost conducting and/or they get charged to their limit, they just can't deal with being so charged up and they'll bridge their own gap and let it out. So basically you give them electricity to hold onto for a bit then pass along, and various sizes of them are super handy if you want to have a delay between throwing a switch and having things start doing their thing, or keeping stuff going after you break a connection, or you make a little branching path where one branch connects all regular and the other goes through a capacitor, and the electricity which is coming in in little pulses effectively comes out as a relatively steady stream because every time it'd cut out the capacity lets its charge go.
We don't just have switches, we have potentiometers.
OK, so... all of the above is just sort of about having a current and maybe worrying about how strong it is, but other than explaining how you can just kinda have main power rails running all over, and just hook stuff across them all willy-nilly rather than being forced to put everything in one big line, but still, all you can do with that is turn the whole thing on and off by breaking the circuit. Incidentally, switches, buttons, keys, and anything else you use to control the behavior of any electronic device really are just physically touching loose wires together or pulling them apart... well wait no, not all, this is a good bit to know.
None of this is actually pass/fail, really, there's wave amplitudes and how big a difference we have between the all. So when you have like, a volume knob, that's a potentiometer, which is a simple little thing where you've got your wire, it's going through a resistor, and then we have another wire we're scraping back and forth along the resistor, using a knob, usually, and the idea is the current only has to go through X percent of the resistor to get to the wire you're moving, which proportionately reduces the resistance. So you have like a 20 volt current, you've got a resistor that'll drop that down to 5 or so, but then you move this other wire down along and you've got this whole dynamic range and you can fine tune it to 15 or 10 or whatever coming down that wire. And what's nice about this again, what's actually coming down the wire is this wobbily wave of current, it's not really just "on" or "off, and as you add resistance, the wobble stays the same, it's just the peaks and valleys get closer to being just flat. Which is great if you're making, say, a knob to control volume, or brightness, or anything you want variable intensity in really.
Hey hey, it's a relay!
Again, a lot of the earliest stuff people did with electronics was really dependent on that analog wobbly waveform angle. Particularly for reproducing sound, and particularly the signals of a telegraph. Those had to travel down wires for absurd distances, and as previously stated, when you do that the signal is going to eventually decay to nothing. But then someone came up with this really basic idea where every so often along those super long wires, you set something up that takes the old signal and uses it to start a new one. They called them relays, because you know, it's like a relay race.
If you know how an electromagnet works (something about the field generated when you coil a bunch of copper wire around an iron core and run an electric current through it), a relay is super simple. You've got an electromagnet in the first circuit you're running, presumably right by where it's going to hit the big charged endpoint, and that magnetically pulls a tab of metal that's acting as a switch on a new circuit. As long as you've got enough juice left to activate the magnet, you slam that switch and voom you've got all the voltage you can generate on the new line.
Relays don't get used too much in other stuff, being unpopular at the time for not being all analog and wobbily (slamming that switch back and forth IS going to be a very binary on or off sorta thing), and they make this loud clacking noise that's actually just super cool to hear in devices that do use them (pinball machines are one of the main surviving use cases I believe) but could be annoying in some cases. What's also neat is that they're a logical AND gate. That is, if you have current flowing into the magnet, AND you have current flowing into the new wire up to the switch, you have it flowing out through the far side of the switch, but if either of those isn't true, nothing happens. Logic gates, to get ahead of myself a bit, are kinda the whole thing with computers, but we still need the rest of them. So for these purposes, relays re only neat if it's the most power and space efficient AND gate you have access to.
Oh and come to think of it, there's no reason we need to have that magnet closing the circuit when it's doing its thing. We could have it closed by default and yank it open by the magnet. Hey, now we're inverting whatever we're getting on the first wire! Neat!
Relay computers clack too loud! Gimme vacuum tubes!
So... let's take a look at the other main thing people used electricity for before coming up with the whole computer thing, our old friend the light bulb! Now I already touched a bit on the whole wacky alternating current thing, and I think this is actually one of the cases that eventually lead to it being adopted so widely, but the earliest light bulbs tended to just use normal direct current, where again, you've got the positive end and the negative end, and we just take a little filament of whatever we have handy that glows when you run enough of a current through it, and we put that in a big glass bulb and pump out all the air we can, because if we don't, the oxygen in there is probably going to change that from glowing a bit to straight up catching on fire and burning immediately.
But, we have a new weird little problem, because of the physics behind that glowing. Making something hot, on a molecular level, is just kinda adding energy to the system so everything jitters around more violently, and if you get something hot enough that it glows, you're getting it all twitchy enough for tinier particles to just fly the hell off it. Specifically photons, that's the light bit, but also hey, remember, electrons are just kinda free moving and whipping all over looking for their naked proton pals... and hey, inside this big glass bulb, we've got that other end of the wire with the more positive charge to it. Why bother wandering up this whole coily filament when we're in a vacuum and there's nothing to get in the way if we just leap straight over that gap? So... they do that, and they're coming in fast and on elliptical approaches and all, so a bunch of electrons overshoot and smack into the glass on the far side, and now one side of every light bulb is getting all gross and burnt from that and turning all brown and we can't have that.
So again, part of the fix is we switched to alternating current so it's at least splitting those wild jumps up to either side, but before that, someone tried to solve this by just... kinda putting a backboard in there. Stick a big metal plate on the end of another wire in the bulb connected to a positive charge, and now OK, all those maverick electrons smack into here and aren't messing up the glass, but also hey, this is a neat little thing. Those electrons are making that hop because they're all hot and bothered. If we're not heating up the plate they're jumping to, and there's no real reason we'd want to, then if we had a negative signal over on that side... nothing would happen. Electrons aren't getting all antsy and jumping back.
So now we have a diode! The name comes because we have two (di-) electrodes (-ode) we care about in the bulb (we're just kind of ignoring the negative one), and it's a one way street for our circuit. That's useful for a lot of stuff, like not having electricity flow backwards through complex systems and mess things up, converting AC to DC (when it flips, current won't flow through the diode so we lop off the bottom of the wave, and hey, we can do that thing with capacitors to release their current during those cutoffs, and if we're clever we can get a pretty steady high).
More electrodes! More electrodes!
So a bit after someone worked out this whole vacuum tube diode thing, someone went hey, what if it was a triode? So, let's stick another electrode in there, and this one just kinda curves around in the middle, just kinda making a grate or a mesh grid, between our hot always flowing filament and that catch plate we're keeping positively charged when it's doing stuff. Well this works in a neat way. If there's a negative charge on it, it's going to be pushing back on those electrons jumping over, and if there's a positive charge on it, it's going to help pull those electrons over (it's all thin, so they're going to shoot right past it, especially if there's way more of a positive charge over on the plate... and here's the super cool part- This is an analog thing. If we have a relatively big negative charge, it's going to repel everything, if it's a relatively big positive, it's going to pull a ton across, if it's right in the middle, it's like it wasn't even in there, and you can have tiny charges for all the gradients in between.
We don't need a huge charge for any of this though, because we're just helping or hindering the big jump from the high voltage stuff, and huh, weren't we doing this whole weak current controlling a strong current thing before with the relay? We were! And this is doing the same thing! Except now we're doing it all analog style, not slapping switch with a magnet, and we can make those wavy currents peak higher or lower and cool, now we can have phone lines boost over long distances too, and make volume knobs, and all that good stuff.
The relay version of this had that cool trick though where you could flip the output. Can we still flip the output? We sure can, we just need some other toys in the mix. See we keep talking about positive charges and negative charges at the ends of our circuits, but these are relative things. I mentioned way back when how you can use resistors to throttle how much of a current we've got, so you can run two wires to that grid in the triode. One connects to a negative charge and the other positive, with resistors on both those lines, and a switch that can break the connection on the positive end. If the positive is disconnected, we've got a negative charge on the grid, since it's all we've got, but if we connect it, and the resistor to the negative end really limits flow, we're positive in the section the grid's in. And over on the side with the collecting plate, we branch off with another resistor setup so the negative charge on that side is normally the only viable connection for a positive, but when we flip the grid to positive, we're jumping across the gap in the vacuum tube, and that's a big open flow so we'll just take those electrons instead of the ones that have to squeeze through a tight resistor to get there.
That explanation is probably a bit hard to follow because I'm over here trying to explain it based on how the electrons are actually getting pulled around. In the world of electronics everyone decided to just pretend the flow is going the other way because it makes stuff easier to follow. So pretend we have magical positrons that go the other way and if they have nothing better to do they go down the path where we have all the fun stuff further down the circuit lighting lights and all that even though it's a tight squeeze through a resistor, because there's a yucky double negative in the triode and that's worse, but we have the switch rigged up to make that a nice positive go signal to the resistance free promised land with a bonus booster to cut across, so we're just gonna go that way when the grid signal's connected.
Oh and you can make other sorts of logic circuits or double up on them in a single tube if you add more grids and such, which we did for a while, but not really relevant these days.
Cool history lesson but I know there's no relays or vacuum tubes in my computer.
Right, so the above things are how we used to make computers, but they were super bulky, and you'd have to deal with how relays are super loud and kinda slow, and vacuum tubes need a big power draw and get hot. What we use instead of either of those these days are transistors. See after spending a good number of years working out all this circuit flow stuff with vacuum tubes we eventually focused on how the real important thing in all of this is how with the right materials you can make a little juncture where current flows between a positive and negative charge if a third wire going in there is also positively charged, but if it's negatively charged we're pulling over. And turns out there is a WAY more efficient way of doing that if you take a chunk of good ol' middle of the electron road silicon, and just kinda lightly paint the side of it with just the tiniest amount of positive leaning and negative leaning elements on the sides.
Really transistors don't require understanding anything new past the large number of topics already covered here, they're just more compact about it. Positive leaning bit, negative leaning bit, wildcard in the middle, like a vacuum tube. Based on the concepts of pulling electrons around from chemistry, like a circuit in general. The control wire in the middle kinda works in just a pass-fail sort of way, like a relay. They're just really nice compared to the older alternatives because they don't make noise or have moving parts to wear down, you don't have to run enough current through them for metal to start glowing and the whole room to heat up, and you can make them small. Absurdly small. Like... need an electron microscope to see them small.
And of course you can also make an inverter super tiny like that, and a diode (while you're at it you can use special materials or phosphors to make them light emitting, go LEDs!) and resistors can get pretty damn small if you just use less of a more resistant material, capacitors I think have a limit to how tiny you can get, practically, but yeah, you now know enough of the basic fundamentals of how computers work to throw some logic gates together. We've covered how a relay, triode, or transistor function as an AND gate. An OR gate is super easy, you just stick diodes on two wires so you don't have messy backflow then connect them together and lead off there. If you can get your head around wiring up an inverter (AKA NOT), hey, stick one after an AND to get a NAND, or an OR to get a NOR. You can work out XOR and XNOR from there right? Just build 4 NANDs, pass input A into gates 1 and 2, B into 2 and 3, 2's output into 1 and 3, 1 and 3's output into 4 for a XOR, use NORs instead for a XNOR. That's all of them right? So now just build a ton of those and arrange them into a computer. It's all logic and math from there.
Oh right. It's... an absurd amount of logic and math, and I can only fit so many words in a blog post. So we'll have to go all...
Meanwhile, again, if you can spare some cash I'd really appreciate it.
543 notes · View notes
pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
Hello, a request please from Percy x reader x Tyson (family member) what would it be like if the 3 of them went to an mlp movie
What's your favorite pony?
— percy jackson x fem!reader (ft. Tyson!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
warnings: kinda short, language and ponies, lol. a/n: hi! This is too short and I don't know if it's right but I think it's because Tyson is very chaotic which I love to see in the writing, like those episodes where nothing happens but everything happens.I hope you like it and it hasn't disappointed you. I send a kiss!
— No way.
— c'mon, percy! It's just a movie of my little pony
your boyfriend stared at you for a few seconds and nodded obviously with a grimace of annoyance.
—... yeah, now you get it?
You snorted and poked him in the shoulder which made him jump. You knew the hardest one to convince was Percy and for now it didn't look too good.
— for him — you pleaded with your hands together and your lips pressed into a pout. You knew that was the face he would never resist and he took it as a personal challenge by turning around, avoiding to see you.
There was nothing more that Percy hated than those movies, because... because... uh, why? He didn't even need a reason, he just didn't want to watch colored ponies for a little over an hour but Tyson...Tyson could die watching that non-stop.
— Then I guess I'll tell T that he came from your father's palace for nothing. — You sighed dramatically and looked at his face with a sad grin — The next time you'll see him is to give him his birthday present.
Now Percy had a dilemma.
With you holding the tickets - all three exactly - now he remembered the fact that Tyson's (made up) birthday was approaching and Percy didn't have a gift or money either. Suddenly he didn't see that as such a bad idea and took his movie ticket from your hand with a huff.
— Go get him, I'll ask Paul for the car — He grumbled.
You jumped up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, running to the bathroom to tell Tyson the big news, which cost Percy a half hour of driving with him singing the show's theme in his ear.
— my little pony! holy fuck
You opened your eyes and Percy almost braked. Last time, Tyson barely cursed or said that kind of things, but being in forges and surrounded by Romans was giving him some of their habits.
— Uhm, you better not say that in the cinema or the parents will kick us out and we won't see the movie.— Percy reprimanded like the older brother he was to him and nodded but both knew that was very uncertain because Tyson could be unpredictable.
But it turned out to be the complete opposite and Tyson ended up leading a mob of children eager to see the new movie. Every time he shouted a character's name, everyone did and he ended up with around 50 new, little friends.
— best duckin day!
— duckin? — asked Percy with the eyes on the road, you giggled still amazed.
— yeah, trevor said that we can't say fucking, instead is ducking.
Percy laughed and shook his head playfully. — Oh little brother.
162 notes · View notes
can i request Remus x best friend!reader where they have a fight and it leads to them confessing their feelings? would love angst with either fluff or smut ending
i hope you like it!! thank you for requesting the boy and trope i was just in the mood for! (btw i don't do smut for anon requests, but happily post it as anon if you've messaged me so i know it's not for a minor)
pairing: Remus x reader
tags: best friends to lovers, angst, fluff, keeping up with my bookish! Remus and reader fixation, gn 
word count: 2.7k
“Hi,” you whisper into his neck as his arms squeeze around you.
“Hey.” He smiles as he pulls back from your greeting hug. “How are you?” he asks as you begin walking, leaving his arm around your shoulders. 
“Good. I had the craziest dream last night; I was pretty disappointed to wake up to be honest,” you begin enthusiastically. “Till you remembered you had plans with me, right?”
You playfully nudge Remus from within his embrace, and though rolling your eyes as you do, you say, “Obviously,” with a smirk. 
“Great,” he chuckles. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, you can tell me about the dream.” You laugh together as you delve into it on your walk to the bookshop.
You and Remus are browsing — reading the blurbs, looking at the cool covers and curated shelves and tables, laughing lightheartedly, chatting about the ones you’d each read already or wanted to read next. It’s nice, one of your preferred ways of spending an afternoon: one of your favourite places, with your favourite person. 
“Alright,” you tell him seriously. “Time for the painful bit.” You plop your stack of selections in front of him. He gives them an exaggeratedly serious stare.
“Hm. How many do we have to cut it down to?” 
“Three,” you say solemnly. “Maybe four…” after a pause and another longing look at the stack. He grins at you. “Been saving up,” you shrug.
Remus helps you choose, and with your final cut, you go over to the till. You swallow when you notice who’s working it: the rather attractive boy who’d been working the last few times you’d been at the shop. He had beautiful brown eyes, brown hair, a kind of gloomy look, and was always wearing cosy-looking jumpers. You’re a bit nervous when it’s your turn, and you place the books down in between you with only a quick glance and awkward grin his way. He says something to you, and for some reason, it throws you off a bit but makes you decidedly less nervous. 
“Thanks,” you respond, realizing he was complimenting your selection. He’d done that last time too. 
“You come here a lot, huh?” he asks, and it hits you: he sounds nothing like Remus. 
Why the hell does that matter? you think to yourself. 
“I remember you. From last time,” he goes on at your silence. 
You only like him because he reminds of you Remus, a little voice whispers in your head. Ugh, shut up, you push it down.
“Yeah,” you smile. “My best friend and I come here all the time,” you tell him, looking back toward Remus at “best friend.” You notice Remus glaring in your direction and find it odd but look back at the boy. He’s smiling more widely now, nodding as he rings up the books. 
He’s finished up, and you’re turning to go when he adds, “Wait!” He grabs one from the stack of free bookmarks with the shop name and number, and he writes another phone number on it. “One can never have too many bookmarks, right?” he smiles at you, offering it to you. “I like it seeing you around here,” he shrugs. “Maybe I can see you somewhere else sometime though?” 
You grin, surely blushing, take the bookmark, and say, “Yeah, maybe. Thanks.” You go over to the door to wait for Remus, who’s getting a book at the other till. You walk out together; he’s scowling. 
It feels weird to tell him about this; you’re not sure why… Because you’re in love with him… Again, Shut up! But you tell him everything, and besides, you’re actually quite excited. 
“You’re not going to believe what just happened.”
“Hm?” he offers with disinterest, not even looking at you. “Look.” You show him the bookmark. He looks interested now. 
“He gave you this?” he shoots. You nod, biting your lip in a giddy shyness. “Are you going to call him?” Remus asks with a sharp edge to his tone. 
“I don’t know… Maybe? He seems nice.” “You’ve hardly even spoken to him. You have no idea if he’s ‘nice.’” The last word comes out sardonic, and it makes you wince. You don’t notice him wincing too. You shrug and grab the bookmark back, and the two of you continue your walk in silence. 
You’re meeting your friends at the pub, and you’re grateful James and Sirius are already sitting at a nice outdoor table when you arrive, eager to escape the tense silence with Remus. “Hello, my favourite nerds. How was the bookshop?” Sirius teases, smiling at you both.
“Good,” you grin; Remus just shrugs. “What’s with you?” Sirius notices. “Nothing,” Remus grunts and goes inside to the bar. Immediately just turning to you, Sirius asks, “What’s with him?” “I don’t know.” You sound sad. “You always know. It’s creepy sometimes, the two of you; it’s like you read each other’s minds,” then, in a cheeky tone, “usually.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You’re snappier than you meant to be. 
“Nothing,” he cedes, but he gives you a knowing look that makes you nervous. You keep glaring at him, and he just chuckles and gives you a quick side hug.
Remus is silent and brooding for the duration of the evening, Sirius and James having given up after several failed attempts at conversation with him. Occasionally, you catch him looking at you, but — quite atypically — you can’t read his expression, and he always looks away when you notice. He doesn’t seem to be hiding his looks, just avoiding moments with you when you look back… and it’s really getting under your skin. 
“Anyone got a light?” Sirius asks, patting down his jacket, a cig already dangling from his lips. “I might,” you respond. You’re wearing your go-to jacket, so there’s a good chance you have the lighter you use for the occasional blunt. Feeling around in your pockets, you pull out the contents and absentmindedly put a couple things down in front of you. “What’s this then?” You can hear the smirk in Sirius’s voice before even looking at him. You’re mortified when he picks up the bookmark.  “Maybe your bookshop isn’t as boring as I thought. Aren’t you cheeky?” he chuckles at you, shaking it between you.
You snatch it from him and say, “It’s nothing.” “Oh, c’mon. There’s nothing wrong with that. Is he fit?” Before you can stop yourself, you look over at Remus. You look away quickly — not missing Remus’s glower — but Sirius notices anyway, looks at him too then back at you, his grin not leaving his face. “What d’you think, mate?” he asks Remus, and your eyes go wide in warning, but Sirius either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. Remus gives a “don’t care” frown and shrug. “What? No opinion on Y/N’s new boyfriend?” Sirius continues. Remus scoffs and gives a cynical laugh, and to your surprise, your hurt at his behaviour all afternoon interlaces with anger at this. 
“What?” you snap, and Remus immediately looks to you, some surprise in his eyes, no longer avoiding your gaze. “Is it laughable that someone would like me?” The mood has safely made its way into awkwardness, but you don’t care. “What’s so funny about someone wanting to be my boyfriend, Remus?” He doesn’t say anything. “You’ve been such a prick all afternoon,” you tell him, collecting your things. You turn to Sirius, saying, “Cover me, will you? I’ll pay you back tomorrow.” You’ve already started walking away by the time he nods. 
Your eyes are puffy from crying last night when you wake, the memory of last night’s events hitting you like an ice bath. You grunt and roll over, trying — but failing miserably — not to dwell on it. Until you remember something else.
“Fuck.” You had plans with Remus today. You’d agreed to meet at the park to start the books you’d bought yesterday. You’re not sure what to do. Do you show up like nothing happened? Do you not show up and escalate things? Or, scariest of all, do you show up and address what the hell happened?
After changing your mind several times, you opt to at least show up. What’ll happen after that, you leave to the moment. When the time comes, you get ready and head over. 
You’re surprised at how surprised you are to see Remus already there, sitting on the grass. Had you really expected him not to show? You hadn’t had the thought consciously — you would’ve almost certainly freaked out if you had — but your palpable relief informs you you’d been terrified at the possibility. It would’ve been so unlike him; you normally would never have even entertained the idea. But his behaviour last night confused you, and not being on the same page as him filled you with confusion and dread.
He notices you, gives you a strained smile; you return one in turn. 
“Hey.” “Hi.”
You linger awkwardly above him before sitting down next to him, a bit further than you usually would have. The silence seems to follow your cue, elongating itself in a way that never happened with Remus. 
He’s fiddling with the grass, not looking at you when he finally says, “About last night…” You take a deep breath, and it gets caught in your chest when his gaze meets yours. “I…” He clears his throat, looks down again, then back up at you. “I’m sorry.” You nod slowly, still just staring at him. 
Before you can think about whether it’s a good idea or not, you say, “Why were you being so weird?”
“You really don’t know?” He doesn’t sound as soft as he did during his apology. 
“Obviously not, or I wouldn’t be asking.” You’re harsher too. 
He groans and, no longer looking at you, whisper-yells, “Fuck, you’re difficult sometimes.” You scoff and cringe away from him. 
“‘Difficult?’ I’m difficult? You’re the one being a prick for seemingly no reason, Rem. And now you’re blaming me?” “I’m not blaming you. I’m just saying —”
“What?” you snap. “What are you saying? Because it seems to me that you’re never saying anything, Remus. Whenever anything tense happens, you never say anything.” 
“Neither do you! What do you want me to say?!” “Yes I do!” “No, you don’t.” 
You glare at each other in electric silence.
You grab your bag and stand up. 
“I don’t really feel like reading anymore,” you offer lamely, seething. He stands up too, following you. 
“You see?! I don’t say anything, but at least I don’t fucking run away every time.” You spin to face him, and it’s so quick, you end up really close to each other before he stops fast-walking toward you. You can hear his heavy breathing, see his nostrils flaring as he scowls. 
“Run away?”
“Yeah.” It’s mean but certain. “Run away,” he repeats.
“What’s that supposed to fucking mean? It’s not like you can’t stop me… Or at least give me a fucking call afterward.” You sound hurt at the end, and Remus winces knowingly. 
“I was going to. I was. I just didn’t know what to say.” 
“Typical. Fucking typical.” You turn to keep walking away. 
He groans loudly in exasperation and walks faster to stand in front of you, cutting you off. “Can you just fucking wait one second?” He runs his hand roughly over his face, harshly through his messy hair. You quirk an eyebrow at him expectantly. 
When he doesn’t say anything for a few moments, you say, “That was more than one second,” and start walking again. 
“Stop. For fuck’s sake, just stop.” He stands in front of you again. “Why? It’s not like you’re saying anything.” Then, more softly, “And I don’t like fighting with you, okay? Maybe that’s why I ‘run away.’” The last two words still manage to sound sarcastic, but you’re whispering by the end, and you look down sadly. “Why don’t you say anything? Why does it have to be me?” He takes a tentative step forward and puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. You look into his eyes, and tears well in yours. One falls, and his thumb comes up to wipe it off. You push his hand away but don’t let go of it. He lets you hold his hand, and you stare down at where you’re connected rather than look at him. 
“I don’t like fighting with you,” you repeat, whispering. He steps a bit closer to you. “I hate fighting with you,” he says firmly. “But you know what’s worse?” You look up at him and shake your head subtly. “The moment after you leave. Being without you. Especially if I know you’re upset or… angry with me.” He looks up at the sky, takes a deep breath, looks at you again. “All I want to do is comfort you. Apologize. Tell you the truth…,” he says desperately. “But I don’t.” This comes out harsh; the anger back in his voice but no longer directed at you. “Because I’m an idiot… But I’d choose fighting with you over being without you every time.” 
“Those can’t be the only two options.” Your voice is soft. He gives a quiet but honest chuckle. Then his face sets seriously, determination creeping into his features.
“Ask me again.” “Ask you what?”
“Why I was being such a prick last night.” “So you admit you were a prick?” “Y/N,” he whines. “For fuck’s sake.” “Okay, okay, sorry,” you say quickly. “Why were you being such a prick last night?”
“Because… I…,” he starts but gets stuck. “When you…” He shakes his head. “I…” He closes his eyes and whispers, “Fuck.” He opens them, looks back and forth between yours, takes a step closer to you. He brings his hand that’s not in yours up to your face, brings his forehead to rest on yours. He nudges your nose with his, caresses your cheek. “Y/N,” he whispers, all the frustration replaced by something much warmer. You shift the tiny bit necessary to connect your lips with his. His hands tighten, and his lips push softly but firmly back.
You take a deep breath in, like breathing him will fill you with life… and it does. You open your mouth, and you feel a groan in his chest where it’s flush with yours as he licks his tongue against yours. You let go of his hand to hold his face firmly in both of yours, pulling him into you. His arms wrap around your hips, pulling you into his lower half as his upper half chases your mouth. You kiss and kiss and kiss, soft but hungry, until you finally part, only your lips detaching from each other, the rest of your bodies still connected. Your thumbs rub his cheeks; his hands squeeze your hips; your noses bump into each other. 
“You still haven’t said anything…” you whisper. You expect him to retort that neither have you, to joke or complain or jokingly complain. 
Instead, after a gruff chuckle, he says, “I love you.” He turns his embrace into a full hug, his arms firmly around you, his head in the crook of your neck. You cling to him. 
“You’re my best friend, Y/N,” he goes on. “My best friend in the fucking world.” He leans back a bit to be able to look into your eyes as he goes on. “But you’re so much more than that too. You’re the fucking love of my life,” he says with a heartfelt chuckle. “And I am done not telling you that.” You bring his mouth to yours again, kissing him deeply.
“You’re mine too. I promise I won’t run away anymore. I’m sorry I —” 
“Don’t,” he cuts you off with a kiss, shaking his head. “I wish I’d told you sooner, but I’ve loved every minute with you. And now we have the rest of our lives to do this too.” With a cheeky smile, he kisses you again.
“I love you,” you tell him. He squeezes you tight and keeps kissing you. 
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 | 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬
ʚ harry styles x female reader
ʚ you know well enough no matter how hard you try, your daily walks in london with harry will never be private
ʚ slight angst but not really? protective H, but also some good ol sweetness
ʚ not requested, just felt like writing a little something and it’s pretty bad but idk🙃
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The weather in London had been surprisingly nice so far for fall, the sun shining and gentle breeze filtering through the still changing leaves was enough of an incentive to get you and Harry out the door for your daily walk. Luckily not far was a fall market, so the plan was to grab your oat latte’s from your favourite cafe and head towards the vendors stands.
“You ready to go H?”
Your hands fixing your vest as it rested over your (harry’s) oversized sweater, opting to dress a bit more comfy and casual
“M’just grabbing my phone then i’m good”
Soon enough he wandered into the front entrance, sunglasses in hand, as he smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips
“Shall we?”
Taking your hand he nodded, opening the door to your apartment and leading you out, making sure to lock the door before you both took off down the elevator and out onto the somewhat quiet streets of your neighbourhood. Thankfully you didn’t need to go towards super central London otherwise you’d have avoided the market all together.
“Seems quite quiet today don’t you think baby?”
Harry hummed
“A bit, but you know it’s never really quiet for us” his voice held an anxious undertone which made you frown
“I know, but i’m safe with you and we know what to do if it ever gets too crazy”
Three weeks prior the two of you had been caught downtown where it was way busier than expected and you ended up seeking refuge in a small boutique until Harry’s security team could show up, needless to say your boyfriend was not impressed and you stayed at home the next couple days afterwards.
“I’m still sorry for that”
A frown etched across your face once again
“My love you don’t need to apologize for something you have no control over…i’m safe, i’m not hurt and you aren’t either…I promise you do not need to apologize to me”
Even if you both were hesitant around pda, Harry leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to your lips, eliciting a happy sigh from you. The walk towards the market was nice, not many people, and when you arrived it wasn’t packed either.
“Oh H look they’ve got the chilli oil we’ve been trying to find”
Harry followed you towards the stand, eyes still scanning the area to make sure the two of you were okay
“Why don’t we get a few of them?”
You smiled
“Good idea!”
Paying the lady she bid you both goodbye as you kept wandering. A few people starting to notice Harry Styles was now walking amongst them, it wasn’t until you took his hand and squeezed it that he figured out you were starting to get uncomfortable.
“I think i’ve got everything,can we go?”
“Course we can”
His arm wound it’s way around your waist, tucking you into his side as you walked away from the farmers market, his fingers tapping your hip gently as a way to calm both himself and you down, both of you not a fan of the constant shadows that followed the two of you around. It wasn’t until a few voices begun to call his name that he stopped turning to face them
“Can you guys please not do that? It’s making my girlfriend and I uncomfortable.”
The two people with camera’s that had been following you stopped, both of them looked to be in their teens, it almost made you feel bad but at the end of the day, some people did forget Harry was human and wasn’t mean to be followed around like a lost dog.
“Oh sorry!”
“We didn’t mean too!”
Nodding he sent them a brief smile
“Thank you, enjoy your day.”
You smiled at the two teens as they walked away, obviously feeling bad for upsetting Harry
“You alright lovie?”
He nodded
“Yeah, just-I just hate that”
“I understand, we’re almost home and then it’ll be just the two of us”
He was more than happy to get home and cuddled up on the couch, the two of you going through another rerun of gossip girl as the weather begun to get colder. You’d bring down the fluffiest blankets and set up some snacks just to have a quiet afternoon which were always your favourites.
“I’m sorry about that again by the way”
“Not your fault baby, it happens, i’m used to it, and you always keep me safe so really, everything is okay”
Hearing confirmation was enough for Harry to press a kiss to your temple as you continued making your way home, excited to get out of the public eye and just enjoy some quality time away from the constant watching eyes.
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craigeatscereal · 3 months
I just came back from roller skating as im writing this 😋😋 black!gender neutral reader & modern times🤞🏾
Going roller skating with them!
🍓 Requested? : Nope.
🍓 Type? : Headcanon-ish & Fluff.
🍓 Total word count? : 824
🍓 Including : Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Nezuko, & Inosuke.
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Being so for real with yall I think tanjiro can skate... Like real bad. I'm talking tricks n everything.
When you first took him to skate you thought he just knew the basics. Yet when you got to the rink he was already making his way on it. You grabbed your skates and turned around to see that he's the first one on the rink and already doing warmup laps.
As you got on the rink, you were a little surprised at the fact that he was first. But once the local old heads you usually hang with came through, they immediately gravitated towards Tanjiro, so you knew something was up.
You left him alone with them for a moment to get drinks for yourselves, but once you came back, he over here skating backward and doing spins. 😭🙏🏾 when he looks over and notices that you're back, he just smiles n waves.
After he finished up showing out to the old heads, he skates over to you n holds your hand for the rest of the time yall are there. (he felt bad for leaving you alone)
long story short, he's not one to show out, but if someone asks him to, he will.
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I'm gonna be fair, Zenitsu is okay-ish at skating... Like he can skate in a straight line, but that's bout it. 💀
When you tried to teach him how to turn properly, dawg kept running into walls. But other than that... best believe you are not gonna see anything special out of him.
The first time you ever took him skating, he thought it wouldn't be that hard. So this lead to him being overly confident while walking towards the rink, but once he got on it n started falling down, the tears came...immediately humbled.
You tried to guide him yourself by holding his hand, but every time he lost his balance n fell, you went down with him. After that, you bought him one of the trainers to lean on instead of you.
You were still behind him every now n then makin sure he didn't fall backward but buying that trainer was a good decision on your part.
Even after all that, it paid off. He can officially turn corners by himself now. Congrats! Even if it paid off, you still felt a little bad after seeing all those tears, so lunch was on you that day.
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When you first asked her, she was excited. Learning how to skate has actually been something she's been wanting to do.
So obviously she doesn't know how to skate but as you teach her you realize very quickly that she's a fast learner ! You asked if she wanted a trainer to help, but she shook her head n wanted to hold your hand, trusting you more.
It took about three laps around the rink for her to gain the confidence to let go of your hand.
Still being behind her in case anything happened, she did a good job going around the rink by herself! She even decided to speed up while doing a few laps around the rink.
She even cut in front of a few skaters while finishing and making her way back over to you.
Yet, in the end, she still prefers to hold your hand and skate around together. 🫶🏾
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Inosuke is pretty good at skating, at some point wanting to be on a roller derby team... The first time you brought him to your local rink, he wasn't ready for the mood to be so laid back.
He's been skating before, but it was much more fast-paced , so seeing the people around him sync together and just naturally gravitate towards each other made him slow down...for about five seconds.
Inosuke is inoskue dawg. He is NOT slowing down anytime soon 💀🙏🏾
When he saw people already smoothly picking up their pace, he almost threw himself into that rink. You had to lock your arm with his so you could at least get one lap around the rink with him.
This man still RESTRAINED. himself from breaking free from your grip and zooming around the rink.
As you finished your single lap together, you noticed his change in demeanor.
You waited till the music changed to a faster paced song and patted him on the shoulder to give him the okay. That way, he didn't disrupt the peace too much.
For about the third time he raced around the rink, he decided to pull you along with him. Mind you, he's going like 50 miles per hour around this rink, in the process almost running over some little kids that are trying to practice 😭
Since he was going so fast, he was basically just pulling you behind him, making you almost fall twice n almost making you run into all the walls.
Even after all that, you both still enjoyed yourselves... somehow.
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Alright that's it gang, I had fun writing this!! :3 Lemme know if yall might want one with the hashiras. I already have an ideas for tengen, shinobu, n giyuu 😋
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ashdreams2023 · 6 months
hiiii!!!! i love your works so muchhh🫶🫶🫶!! i hope you're still accepting requests about five, where five travelled to another dimension where the reader is and can't go back to where he's from (like when he goes to the future) i hope you understand huhu. THANK YOU IN ADVANCEEE!!!!💗💗💗
Took me a minute but I think got it 😅
Five hargreeves x reader
I’m sorry
Five blinks a few times while catching his breath, he looks around him I wonder and confusion, this place can’t possibly be where you were…right?
His endless months of calculations and failed attempts, has lead him here, it was the last possible place you could’ve been.
A small town in the middle of nowhere where, the houses looked identical with the exception of the obvious well taken care of garden in the house he was walking directly walking towards.
He swallowed when he saw the small name plate on the front fence, hargreeves…
[Name] hargreeves.
He notices a few of the neighbors looking at him suspiciously from their cracked windows, kids peaking from over fences and men glaring at him as they walk by.
He was an intruder to their circle and obviously he was view as less than welcome but they didn’t scare him, not when he saw the world near end three times.
He walked inside and braced himself for what he might witness, he knocked on the door three times, then his heart skipped a beat.
"Coming! John is that you?! I didn’t think you’ll drop the groceries so early-" You opened the door and froze in your spot when you saw his face.
Five let out a breath, your familiar face made his chest feel both warm and tight at the same time, he finally found you.
"Five?…how?" You opened your mouth in disbelief then closed it again, your eyes quickly scanned the area around your house and faked a smile to the nosey neighbors.
"Inside" you pulled him gently by his sleeve, his eyes never leaving your figure, not even blinking.
After closing the door you shut the curtains then turned back to look at him, you hesitated before reaching your hand and touching his cheek "My five"
He melted into your touch and kissed the palm kissing his face "My love…I’ve finally found you"
You threw yourself into his embrace and closed your eyes "I thought I’ll never see you again…I thought this was the end for us"
Five shook his head "don’t be daft, I would search for you till the hair on my head turns gray again"
"You crazy old man!" You pulled away from him looking concerned "It’s not safe for you here…they don’t like strangers" you looked to the side looking conflicted.
He pulls your face up to look at him "I’m no stranger, I am your husband, the one you took the last name of and they should know better than to mess with me regarding my family"
Your eyes teared up a little, you pulled away from him looking down at the floor "I know why you’re here but…I can’t go back with you five"
His expression showed confusion "Why? I can definitely get us back I-"
"No…no you can’t, you think I haven’t tried before? I tried every possible equation and no one of them did me any good, I’m stuck here five and you can’t do anything about it…I’m sorry"
Five clenched his fists and then marched to you and grabbed your wrist "I refuse to leave here alone! I am not leaving without you!" He focused his powers on the exact equation he tried earlier but just like your words it was like nothing was affecting your existence there, for he was all powered up and ready to leave you stayed unaffected.
His body slumped down, he let go of you and looked down at his hands frustration and anger at himself "There has to be a way…I’m-"
"Five I’m so sorry" You hugged him from behind "I wish things could be different" you whispered.
Five rubbed his face groaning then put his hands on top of yours "We both tried separately but…it doesn’t mean we can’t try together, work with me…I’m not giving up on us, I’ll wait years if meant for you to come back with me to our dimension"
"But your family-"
"You are my family too!" He tightened his grip on your hands "and I’m not gonna lose you again"
You sniffed then hid your face in on his back "I’m sorry, I’ll try to help"
"No, don’t be, it’s my fault and…I’m the one who’s sorry, you deserve the life I promised you and more..I promise to give you that, it’s the least I can do but do you trust me?" He ask’s looking back at you.
You nodded your head "I do, I trust you with my life"
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leiascully · 2 months
A fic I’ve wondered about…Mulder and Scully actually going to a movie together. Mostly because one of them lost a bet and has to go with the other to a movie of their choice. This happens early on in the partnership…Mulder makes Scully go to Jurassic Park. She nit picks the hell out of the science. So he, in a show of attempting to even the balance - he makes out he’s doing her a favour when really he just likes going out anywhere with Scully - he lets her pick the next one. She picks Sleepless in Seattle. The conversation after that one could lead….anywhere 🥰
Hmm, yes, excellent. I hope you wanted 2000 words of silliness because that's what's under the cut.
There’s a tap on her motel door. Scully twitches the curtains aside. It’s Mulder, slouching in jeans and a white t-shirt, looking like someone posed him against the background of lush summer green. She unhitches the chain and lets him in. Sticky-hot air rolls in after him, a humid swirl of honeysuckle and cut grass.
“How’s the report?”
She sighs and takes off her glasses. “The report is finished.” There wasn’t much to report, in the end: small town secrets, black light ghosts. All the evidence was there from the start, but the sheriff’s nephew was never going to be charged unless someone else stepped in. The only surprise was the support he got from the valedictorian, concocting hallucinogens in the high school chemistry lab. Then again, as a former nerdy teen girl, Scully understands the allure of the quarterback. Social cohesion is a powerful force. Maybe even more than broad shoulders, the girl was attracted to the idea of revenge.
Mulder, naturally, was blithely wry about it all. He’ll probably publish some esoteric paper on it in one of those poorly credentialed paranormal journals: the monstrous manifestation of adolescence, or something about the American tendency to manufacture visible hauntings as a way to deal with the invisible buried history of colonized land.
There are worse ways he could spend a Saturday night. At least he’s less likely to end up in the hospital.
“Dinner and a show?” he asks. “Since our flight isn’t until tomorrow morning.”
“In this town?” She crosses her arms, skeptical.
He produces two movie tickets. “Jurassic Park. Have you seen it yet?”
“I was going to go with my friend Ellen this weekend, but….” She shrugs. They’re here instead, chasing ghosts. “I think she went with her new boyfriend.”
“Got a purse?”
She pats around for it and finds it in a chair. “Yes, why?”
His eyes twinkle. “I said dinner and a show, Scully. Do you know how many McDonald’s hamburgers I can fit in a purse?”
“Mulder, no. I like this purse.” She clutches it to her. “Surely chicken nuggets would be easier.”
“You don’t want to be reminded of this night by a waft of eau de pickle every time you reach for your wallet?” Mulder’s grinning at her. She can’t resist him when he’s like this. Maybe it’s the lonely teen girl in her, the echo of jockishness in the set of his shoulders. He chooses her, patting the seat next to him at the metaphorical lunch table. Besides, he’s already bought the tickets.
“You’re carrying the ketchup,” she says, tilting her head back to look up at him. His grin broadens.
The bored teen at the box office lets them in, despite the waft of fry oil from her purse, which bulges with its contraband cargo. Mulder buys two sodas and a box of Junior Mints while she waits. The college girls at the concession stand eye him with a familiar mix of anxiety and intrigue. Scully’s seen it in every small town, and some of the bigger ones. There’s something rarefied around Mulder, an air of old money, maybe, or a New England vowel. He interests people; they resent that. He’s too obviously overeducated, charming in a way people don’t trust. Still, they’re drawn to him.
She leans on the half-wall that separates the concessions area from a couple of arcade machines and the hall that leads to the three theaters. The college girls’ eyes flick to her and then back to Mulder. There’s hair twirling involved as they hand him his change. Scully smiles to herself. Mulder drops the coins into his overstuffed pocket and saunters over to her, oblivious to the glares of the college girls. Scully shows the tickets to the usher, who rips them and points out the door to the middle theater, as if they could get lost.
The theater is mostly full. They pick seats in the middle - harder for the usher to pick them out in the crowd - and wait until the lights go down. Scully wedges her purse between her hip and the armrest. The food is still warm. They take turns dipping in and retrieving a nugget or a few fries. Mulder carefully applies ketchup from the torn corner of a packet before stuffing the fries in his mouth. In the flickering light from the screen, his lips are glossy with grease. It’s odd, feeling the pressure of his hand against her thigh when he roots around inside her purse, but it isn’t unpleasant.
“You know all of this is nonsense,” Scully murmurs as the animated DNA explains how the park’s team re-created the dinosaurs. “Absolute junk science. Even if you could extract genetic material from a sample like that, there’s no reason to believe it would be viable, no matter how many amphibians you spliced into it.”
“I always find a reason to believe,” Mulder whispers to her. “Come on, Scully, give in to the movie magic. It’s called science fiction, not science plausible.”
“Shhh!” says someone behind them.
Scully subsides until she can no longer contain herself. Mulder, recognizing her mood without looking, tilts his ear closer so that she can whisper to him. They get shushed again, and then again, derailing her sotto voce tirades about parthenogenesis and the feasibility of a theme park based around dinosaur habitats.
“Your wife has a lot to say!” Mulder’s neighbor tells him. It’s clearly intended to be a reprimand. Mulder pretends it’s a compliment. Scully subsides, chastised and defensive. If she doesn’t think too hard about it, the movie is entertaining. And if her knee presses into Mulder’s as the T. rex stomps toward the Jeep, neither of them acknowledges it.
They wait through the credits after the movie, letting the locals trickle out. The glares Scully is fielding now are different from the ones she got at the concession stand. She lifts her chin, defiant. Mulder stuffs their McDonald’s trash into their empty soda cups, concealing the evidence.
“I can’t believe you didn’t enjoy that,” Mulder says as they walk back toward the motel. The evening air is dotted with fireflies. A breeze rustles the leaves and pushes her hair over her forehead.
“I didn’t not enjoy it,” Scully tells him. “It just didn’t seem feasible.”
“Doctor Sattler reminded me of you,” Mulder says. He pushes his hands into his pockets. “Woman inherits the earth.”
“If only we could reproduce so easily on our own.” Scully cuts her eyes at Mulder. “You know, you remind me of Doctor Malcolm.”
“Why, Doctor Scully, I didn’t know you had a thing for bad boys.” She shoves at his arm with her shoulder and he chuckles. “What about me reminds you of him? Because I’m tall, dark, and handsome?”
She rolls her eyes. “Mostly it’s your love of chaos.”
“Mostly.” She smiles at him.
“So there’s a chance you think I’m irresistibly suave.” His voice is as velvety as the humid air.
“There’s a chance of a lot of things, Mulder.” She looks up at the night sky and savors the bitter freshness of the last Junior Mint. “Even dinosaurs.”
A few weeks later, they’re on the Texas coast, drafted into an anti-smuggling operation. There’s nothing supernatural about it - more than anything, they’re warm bodies in Kevlar vests. Scully doesn’t mind. Sometimes it’s satisfying to work on these task forces. There’s a clear resolution to cases like these: so many guns seized, so many tons of cocaine destroyed, so much cash pulled out of hidden stashes. It’s clear-cut who the bad guys are, and she doesn’t have to write the reports.
“Dinner and a show?” she says to Mulder as the other agents eddy around them. They’re rarely invited along to drinks when they’re assigned to these things, but she doesn’t necessarily enjoy being the only woman in the group anyway.
“Anything with air conditioning,” he says.
They eat at a seafood restaurant that’s nearly a shack. The seafood boil comes in plastic bags they have to rip open. It’s some of the best shrimp Scully has ever had, and the corn on the cob is as sweet and blisteringly hot as the last days of summer. She licks butter off her fingers and watches Mulder crack crab claws.
The theater here is bigger: eight screens instead of three. Scully buys two tickets for Sleepless in Seattle and presents them to Mulder. He raises an eyebrow.
“Don’t know if I took you for the rom-com type, Scully.”
“I don’t want to get shushed again.” She gives him a sideways glance. “At least we all agree this is going to be unrealistic.”
Mulder sighs and shakes his head. “So beautiful. So cynical.” Before she can figure out how to respond to that, he’s off to the concession stand again, this time returning with Dots wedged into one back pocket and Sno-Caps in the other. He hands her a soda as they go in the theater. The sides of the cup are already faintly damp with condensation. The theater itself is like an icebox, air conditioning whistling.
They sit in the back row this time, near a bunch of teenagers who already have their arms slung against each other. Mulder rolls his eyes, but there’s a nostalgic smile on his face. Scully wonders how many girls he sat in dark theaters with, focused on something other than the movie. He cups her hand and shakes Sno-Caps into her palm. She eats them one by one. They aren’t shushed this time. She almost misses the excuse to lean against him. By the time the movie is over, her feet are tingling with cold. Pushing out the doors into the muggy air is almost a relief.
“Hit me with your best shot, Scully.” Mulder takes her cup to toss it into the trash. “I assume I don’t remind you of lovable widower Tom Hanks.”
“I don’t know why she left Walter,” Scully says. “It seemed cruel. All because her life wasn’t like a movie?”
Mulder scoffs. “You wouldn’t stay with a guy like that.”
“A guy with allergies?”
“A guy who didn’t excite you,” Mulder says. “You wouldn’t settle for safe.”
Scully tips her face to look up at him. “Wouldn’t I?”
Mulder spreads his hands. “Picket fence, 9 to 5, 2.5 kids and Sunday dinner with the family - you like the sound of it, but you’d get bored. Face it, Scully, you’re a creature of the night now. You’ve got that wild urge in your soul. You’d be baying at the moon if you were stuck in that kind of life.”
“And lovable widower Tom Hanks would provide that?”
“No,” he says. “Ian Malcolm might, though.”
She rolls her eyes. “And how much do you charge for this astute psychoanalysis, Doctor Mulder?”
He taps his lower lip with one finger and scans around them. “Two scoops of mint chocolate chip.” He points to the glowing sign down the street depicting an anthropomorphic ice cream creature. Locals are clustered in groups around a walk-up window like moths around a lamp, sipping at floats and licking drippy cones.
Scully feels a rush of nostalgia for the summers of her youth. The salt air, the long twilight: she can’t help remembering. It’s a sweet little ache under her sternum, and it gets sharper when she looks at Mulder. He’s clearly pleased with himself. “I think I can swing that, as long as you’re not angling for a banana split.”
“What about one malt with two straws?” He winks at her.
“Don’t push your luck,” she grumbles.
But she thinks about it as the moon hangs heavy overhead, and she’s glad she can blame her flushed cheeks on the heat.
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