#leadership empathy
sapnagandhi · 1 year
The Power of Leadership Empathy: Unlocking the Human Connection
Remember, developing leadership empathy is an ongoing process. As a business leader, fostering empathy within yourself and your organization can lead to stronger relationships, increased employee engagement, and a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.
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Bring Hope ❤️‍🩹
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Bring Hope To Others.
You Might Be The Only Light They Receive.
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queencaramilflinda · 5 months
The real message of Lucy vs Buddy is that worshipping a divinity is about following the values that the god puts forth, not about preaching or praying or evangelizing.
When Buddy was offered to die a Helio worshipper or live with a different god, he chose to abandon the faith he claimed such devotion to. When Lucy was offered the same thing, she looked to her values as they related to her religion and decided that she would not add to the coldness of the world. Lucy, even in death, remains a light in the dark, the warm memory in the coldness of the ratgrinders. That’s true devotion. That’s the point of religion.
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thepersonalwords · 1 month
When you feel that others are lacking and failing ....first assess the skill, style, quality, results, mindset, support, professionalism and spirit with which you yourself play the game.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
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volivolition · 6 months
heyheyheyheyhey. Voli. Plz make Authroity propaganda too I want him to win
hi! so uh. i don't have a solid design for Authority yet (besides "oh buddy you would not survive the ides of march, huh?") and also i love Esprit (skill of community and connections to like-minded people... camaraderie! being part of a group! my friend) and also this is not the main poll im focusing on at the moment [INTENSE ADHD CREATURE STARING AT VOLITION] but hell yeah, im down to make little a silly thing for them!! as a treat <3
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^ yay!! go vote for guys who i don't have solid designs for~!! [tinny yippee sound effect]
WHITE CHECK: CONCEPTUALIZATION [IMPOSSIBLE] - Draw convincing Authority propaganda. +1 Love drawing the skills -1 Haven't slept yet -1 Haven't designed him yet -1 Haven't written his Character Study Chapter yet -2 Past attempts looked like UnderfelI Papyrus... -2 Rooting for Esprit?? -3 ROOTING FOR SHIVERS -5 Hyperfocus trained on Volition -5 AND VOLITION IS LOSING 😭
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Impossible: Failure] - What do you mean failure? No, it's simple, watch how naturally it comes to you. Just take the psyche purple, shade in the dark eye sockets, touches of glowing white pupils, a stern expression, awful eyebags, just darken the center of the face as a whole, add the… broken… crown...
CONCEPTUALIZATION - OH GODDAMMIT, that's just Crownhead again. This has Implications for your personal fanfic universal canon lore that you are unsure how to contend with right now. Sorry, your creativity has officially clocked out. A doodle will have to suffice.
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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You cannot change people. You can only change yourself and hopefully inspire them to change in the process.
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𝕽𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖕: Lessons from ancient wisdom
In an era marked by a growing skills shortage across all sectors and a widening gap between what employers offer and what employees expect, it is crucial to rethink the fundamental principles of collaboration. Emphasis must be placed on factors such as empathy, communication, mindfulness, and meaningfulness.
Both employers and employees need to find a balanced compromise to ensure sustainable, respectful collaboration and secure the long-term success of their organizations—both economically and interpersonally. However, managers must lead the way as role models for their employees, particularly in conveying respect, motivation, and the achievement of common goals.
But what makes a good leader?
Current analyses, marketing, and employer branding trends and too many so called coaches offer many “ultimate solutions” for a leadership rethink. Yet, ancient wisdom may provide deeper insights through active self-reflection and reorientation. Despite massive changes in our material world, fundamental human needs like protection, health, genuine happiness, and contentment have remained relatively the same. This growing gap between employers and employees contributes to psychosocial problems in our society, with the rapid economic and technological advancements outpacing our mental capacity to keep up, leading to mental distortions, especially among younger generations.
Ancient wisdom in modern leadership
A profound example of a good leader is Lord Hanuman from the revered Indian epic Ramayana, composed by Vālmīki between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD. At the center of the Ramayana is Lord Rāma, an incarnation of Vishnu, who descends to earth to save the world from the demon lord Ravana. The epic narrates the life of Rāma and his beloved wife Sita, their abduction to Lanka (the later Sri Lanka) by Ravana, and their eventual rescue with the invaluable help of Hanuman, the monkey god.
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Hanuman, an incarnation of Shiva, is one of India's most cherished deities. His devotion and friendship with Rāma and Sita epitomize "Dasya Bhava," the devoted love of a servant for his Lord. Hanuman’s legendary physical strength and iron will, complemented by several key qualities, make him a timeless role model for today's leaders:
Emotional Intelligence Hanuman’s emotional intelligence is one of his most crucial attributes. Known for his ability to perceive and respond to the emotions of those around him, he forges deep connections with powerful deities. His compassion and understanding enable him to bridge divides and promote cooperation even in the toughest situations. Emotional intelligence is invaluable for leaders, helping them build trust, inspire loyalty, and encourage collaboration.
Simplicity and Humility Hanuman’s devotion to those around him, his empathy, and his heart hold more value than wealth or fame. Free of false ego or vanity, he only showcases his abilities when necessary. Goal-oriented action, coupled with empathy and compassion, serves as a great motivator for others.
Composure and Decisiveness Throughout the Ramayana, Hanuman remains calm in complex situations, enabling him to make the right decisions based on a balanced mind. Clear decisions and solution-oriented behavior strengthen the common course of an undertaking, ensuring balance, security, and optimism for all involved.
Effective Communication Hanuman’s effective and open communication is another vital quality. As a diplomat, strategist, and messenger for Rāma, he persuades Bhibhishan (Ravana's brother) to support Rāma, a decisive factor in Rāma's victory. Hanuman’s communication skills extend beyond speech; they encompass listening, observing, and empathizing, fostering trust, conveying ideas, and motivating others to action.
Honesty and Integrity Hanuman's honesty and deep commitment are central to his character. As a servant of Rāma, he lives by dharma, embodying ethical and moral principles by following his heart. Good leaders also need honesty and integrity to build trust and establish and maintain ethical standards.
Strategic Thinking Renowned for his strategic thinking, Hanuman meticulously assesses Lanka’s army's strengths and weaknesses, gathering crucial information for the impending war. Strategic thinking is essential for leaders to achieve long-term success and seize opportunities.
Collaboration and Teamwork at Eye Level Hanuman exemplifies teamwork at eye level. As a key member of King Sugriva's Vanarsena, the Monkey Army, he works collaboratively, showcasing his teamwork skills in the monumental task of constructing the Ramsetu sea bridge from India to Lanka. Leaders must foster collaboration and teamwork at all levels to drive innovation, achieve goals, and build strong, respectful relationships.
These qualities, exemplified by Hanuman, are timeless themes that we often forget in our daily "monkey business." The Ramayana and the poem "Hanuman Chalisa" are rich in wisdom and guidance, offering insights that can help us become better leaders, team players, professionals, and friends.
So let us be inspired by these enduring values and endeavour to embody Hanuman's qualities in our daily lives - for ourselves and for all those around us.
Thank you for your attention! Jay Shri Hanuman.
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awesome-luciano-blog · 4 months
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The Cowardice of Fear-Based Management: Psychological Impacts and Long-Term Effects
In many workplaces, managers who control others through fear or their position are all too common. These managers, whether men or women, rely on intimidation and their status to exert control, creating toxic work environments that can have devastating effects on employees' mental health and overall well-being. This type of management should never be allowed, yet it persists in many organizations. Understanding the psychology behind these managers and the profound impact they have on individuals can help us recognize the importance of fostering a healthier, more supportive work culture.
The Psychology of Fear-Based Managers
Fear-based managers often operate from a place of insecurity and a need for control. Their reliance on intimidation and status can be attributed to several psychological factors:
Insecurity: These managers may feel inadequate or fear losing their position. By belittling others, they attempt to bolster their own self-worth and maintain a semblance of authority.
Lack of Emotional Intelligence: Fear-based managers often lack the emotional intelligence required to lead effectively. They are unable to empathize with their employees, understand their needs, or build meaningful relationships.
Power and Control: A desire for power and control can drive these managers to use fear as a tool. They believe that by instilling fear, they can ensure compliance and control over their team.
Inability to Inspire: True leadership requires the ability to inspire and motivate. Fear-based managers, lacking these skills, resort to intimidation as a substitute for genuine leadership.
Impact on Mental Health
The effects of fear-based management on employees' mental health are profound and far-reaching. These impacts extend beyond the workplace, affecting individuals’ personal lives and long-term well-being.
Workplace Stress and Anxiety: Constant fear of reprimand or punishment creates a high-stress environment. Employees become anxious, fearing they might make mistakes or fall out of favor with their manager.
Low Self-Esteem and Confidence: Persistent belittlement and intimidation erode employees' self-esteem and confidence. They begin to doubt their abilities and feel undervalued.
Burnout: The chronic stress and pressure of working under a fear-based manager can lead to burnout. Employees may experience physical and emotional exhaustion, detachment, and a decline in job performance.
Depression and Mental Health Issues: Long-term exposure to a toxic work environment can contribute to more severe mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety disorders.
Impact on Personal Life: The stress and anxiety from work often spill over into personal life, affecting relationships with family and friends. Employees may become irritable, withdrawn, or emotionally distant, straining their personal connections.
Long-Term Effects on Individuals
The long-term effects of working under fear-based management can be deeply damaging:
Erosion of Trust: Employees lose trust in their managers and the organization. This lack of trust can extend to future workplaces, making it difficult for them to engage fully or believe in positive work cultures.
Career Stagnation: Fear-based environments stifle creativity and innovation. Employees are less likely to take risks or pursue new ideas, leading to stagnation in their careers.
Chronic Stress and Health Issues: Prolonged exposure to stress can lead to chronic health problems, including cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, and weakened immune systems.
Decreased Productivity and Engagement: Fear does not inspire productivity or engagement. Instead, it leads to disengagement, decreased motivation, and lower overall productivity.
Creating a Healthier Work Environment
Organizations must recognize the destructive nature of fear-based management and take steps to cultivate healthier, more supportive work environments:
Promote Emotional Intelligence: Encourage managers to develop emotional intelligence through training and development programs. Understanding and managing emotions can lead to more effective and compassionate leadership.
Encourage Open Communication: Foster a culture of open communication where employees feel safe to express concerns, share ideas, and provide feedback without fear of reprisal.
Implement Supportive Policies: Develop and enforce policies that promote respect, inclusivity, and mental well-being. This includes zero-tolerance policies for bullying and intimidation.
Provide Leadership Training: Offer leadership training that emphasizes positive leadership qualities, such as empathy, inspiration, and support. Training programs should focus on building leaders who can motivate and uplift their teams.
Support Employee Well-Being: Prioritize employee well-being by providing access to mental health resources, promoting work-life balance, and recognizing and rewarding positive contributions.
Managers who control through fear and status are, at their core, cowards who undermine the well-being of their employees and the health of their organizations. The psychological roots of their behavior stem from insecurity and a lack of true leadership skills. The impact on employees' mental health is significant, affecting not just their work life but also their personal life and long-term health. By rejecting fear-based management and embracing supportive, empathetic leadership styles like EVAN, organizations can create environments where employees thrive, fostering innovation, trust, and long-term success.
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craigtowens · 4 months
The Craig And Greg Show: Remembering The Details
Greg and I think that a great way to take your leadership to the next level is by paying attention to people. Keeping an eye out for the small details shows people you care, which in turn makes them much more receptive to the leadership you pour into them
Listen to the audio-only version of this podcast by clicking on the player below, or scroll down to watch the video. https://craigtowens.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/episode-83-audio.mp3 Greg and I think that a great way to take your leadership to the next level is by paying attention to people. Keeping an eye out for the small details and remembering them shows people you care, which in turn…
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oneplusdesignstudio · 7 months
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Happy International Women's Day 💖
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raffaellopalandri · 8 months
A good leader
Bloganuary writing promptWhat makes a good leader?View all responses Today’s prompt could be used as a main topic for a book, and it also represents one of the most frequent questions I am asked when I support a customer. So, as I take the idea for one of my future books, I will leave you here with a very condensed answer. Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com The Enduring Qualities of a…
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solunstell · 9 months
I go on pinterest. I find godawful takes about bungou stray dogs. I leave a comment with evidence that supports otherwise for the most absurd takes. I leave pinterest.
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Portugal: A Case Study in Human-Centered Approaches to Drug Policy
Another example of a systemic use of human-centered design is Portugal's approach toward drugs and addiction. While substance abuse is typically viewed through the lens of criminal activity, Portugal chose to design its drug policy through a more holistic and empathetic lens. In 2001, they implemented drug policy that is rooted in the understanding that substance use disorder is a health issue—not a criminal offense. Policies include: decriminalizing personal drug possession while maintaining penalties for drug trafficking, referring individuals with problematic drug use to Commissions for the Dissuasion of Drug Addiction instead of incarceration, funding harm reduction techniques, and investing in data collection and reporting. While we can't—and shouldn't—copy and paste these policies in the United States, this article suggests some ways the federal government can use this approach to satisfy the desiderata of Americans struggling with substance abuse.
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dadrielle · 2 years
Imogen angst ficlet be upon ye:
She hadn’t expected the rot.
Or, perhaps, she didn’t expect it then, with the slow beat of Laudna’s heart restored, a gentle thrum that sparked through her consciousness like the lightning she called. But the rot crept into the edges of her awareness, stinking, accusing.
“I’ll do anything.” She had said that to Delilah Briarwood, desperately grasping to bring Laudna back, and now -  she’s alive, alive, alive - without the fog of grief and need obscuring her view of herself, she could see the truth of it more clearly. She meant it. Anything. Just as Delilah Briarwood had promised however many years before, Imogen would have made any sacrifice to tear apart the veil of death and restore Laudna to the world. Even if those sacrifices weren’t hers to make. Rotten shame ate away at the edges of her, even as she knew she would not, could not renounce that final clarity. The rot crept over the words she wanted to say, the declarations that sat oozing behind her teeth. How could she tell Laudna she loved her, with the taste of her own depravity a heavy syrup on her tongue, knowing that while Delilah had lived in Laudna’s mind, here Imogen was, one foot on Delilah’s path, a new skin for the same terrible promise? 
In a world only a breath different, she would have been the Delilah to some other Laudna, would have stripped away the life and the choice from anyone, so long as it would bring Laudna back to her side. The knowledge clawed up her throat and stilled her tongue, wretched, retching. Rotten.
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“To suggest what is transpiring in Canada cannot happen here is self-comforting foolishness. Moral relativism respects no national boundary, and the cross-pollination of pretzel logic across medical, academic, and cultural elites worldwide is a clear problem—and unmistakable danger.”
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