sapnagandhi · 3 months
How to get 100% result out of UPSC online coaching
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Offline or physical coaching classes are a good choice for any serious UPSC aspirants. But UPSC online coaching can offer the best of both worlds if you know how to leverage it perfectly. Do you want to learn how to squeeze out 100% benefits out of online coaching, including online test series for UPSC? 
Stay with us as we discuss various strategies and share successful tips. 
Who should opt for online UPSC online coaching? 
Gone are the days when only fresh college students would pursue UPSC as their full-time engagement. Competitive exams like UPSC are open till the age of 32 for general candidates. For others, you can expect 3 to 5 years of relaxation. So, anyone can decide to pursue UPSC and similar competitive exams even while working and uplift their career opportunities. 
Besides, for people living far from metros and tier-I, tier-II cities, getting reliable offline classes in the vicinity can be difficult. UPSC online coaching facilities are like blessings. 
Even regular students of any offline competitive exam coaching can join online coaching for specific subjects and specific test series for UPSC. 
So, to answer the question, any serious competitive exam aspirant can opt for online UPSC coaching. 
How to get the most out of UPSC online coaching? 
The biggest challenge anyone faces in any online coaching for UPSC and other competitive exams is maintaining discipline and staying motivated. 
We have discussed 5 techniques to overcome this challenge and other issues you may face in any UPSC online coaching. 
First, find out your strengths and weaknesses.  
Varieties of online coaching and tests are available on the internet. Most of them are good, with a few exceptions. It is important to identify which are suitable for your needs. The easiest solution is to take an online test series for UPSC. You will get a fair idea of areas that will require special attention. 
Second, be part of a study group of like-minded students. 
Lack of face-to-face interaction often causes demotivation in online students. It’s the reason many online coaching classes nowadays offer platforms for peer-to-peer and peer-to-instructor interactions. You can also create online groups with peers you know personally.  
Third, build an everyday study plan, hold yourself accountable. 
Rome was not built in a day! Consistent effort is the only key to success in any competitive exam. So, create your study plan and follow it religiously every single day. No exceptions! It also helps to overcome periodic disillusionments, miseries and dejections that are part of UPSC preparation. Don’t forget to allocate time for preparations and self-assessment. 
Fourth, take online test series for UPSC and competitive exams regularly. 
Online test series for UPSC and other competitive exams are great ways to keep checking your progress. So, take as many daily and weekly tests as possible. 
Fifth, eliminate distractions and disturbances while studying. 
You may not always get a calm and silent space to study. Besides, social media distractions are part of everyday life. But try strictly to eliminate such disturbances, at least during study time. 
Tell us your experience with UPSC online coaching. Have you taken an online test series for UPSC or any other competitive exam? You can check https://www.iasgyan.in. They offer Daily Prelims Mini Tests and Daily Mains Mini Tests for quick assessment of progress in your UPSC preparation. 
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