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dailymanners · 1 year
Compliment someone on one of their personality traits 
Write a handwritten card to someone to say thanks
Text a friend to share your gratitude for something they did for you
Leave a positive review online of a restaurant you like
Tell a friend what you love about their children
Compliment a photo someone posts on social media
Let someone cut in front of you in line
Introduce two people who you think would get along
Pick up trash on the ground and put it in the garbage
Compliment someone on their clothing or hair
Use old grocery bags to pick up dog poop you see on your neighbor's lawn
Shovel snow off the sidewalk in your neighborhood
Offer to mow the lawn for an elderly neighbor
Give up your seat on the plane to let a couple sit together
Talk to someone at a party that doesn’t seem to know anyone
Invite someone new in your town to a social event and introduce them to everyone
Invite a friend that you haven’t seen in a while out to lunch
Offer to pick up a friend at the airport
Reach out to an old friend to let them know of an experience you had with them that you value
Spend time with the elderly at a local retirement home
Offer to bring someone else's grocery cart back to the store
Keep an extra pen in your purse to give people when they need one
Put a positive note in a library book
Attend events that support your friends’ passions (like an art show, musical performance, etc…)
Donate unused items to charity
Bring snacks to the local fire station
Keep packs of toothpaste or packs of socks in your bag to give to homeless people
Post an uplifting photo on a friend’s social media
Compliment someone on something they’ve done or accomplished
Tell a parent that they’re doing a great job raising their kids
Bring or send your mother flowers
Bring a friend a small gift next time you see them
Buy a warm meal to give to a homeless person
Share an article, event, or other information with someone who might be interested
Help to connect a friend seeking a job to someone who has a job to offer
Help a neighbor bring in their groceries
Make dinner for your friend group
Compliment a neighbor on how nice their yard looks
Bring in the trash bins for your neighbor after trash has been picked up
Send an email to a former teacher to let them know how they impacted your life
Leave a thank you note in your mailbox for your mail carrier
Give a flower to a stranger
Buy a gift card to give to a stranger
Ofter to be there for a friend when they are struggling with something
Give bottles of water to people working outside on a hot day
Buy a sandwich for the next person in the lunch line
Leave a sticky note with a positive note somewhere public, like at a bus stop
Bring brownies to your next neighborhood association meeting
Scrape the ice off the car windshield of the car next to yours
Leave a positive comment on someone else's social media post, #ProsocialPost
Put coins in someone’s parking meter that is about to run out
Slow down to let someone merge in front of you in traffic
Be on time (don’t waste others’ time)
Hold the door open for the person walking behind you
Make a double batch of dinner so that you can give a meal to someone in need
Give directions to someone who is lost
Give an extra big tip when eating out
Practice compassion when someone else is struggling
Be self-compassionate when you’re struggling with something
Share veggies you grow in your garden with friends, neighbors, and family
Become an organ donor
Volunteer at the local animal shelter
Bring dinner to a friend who's just had a baby
Build a “little free library” box in your yard with books for everyone to read
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glenscowboyhat · 1 month
thinkin about how great the wranglers crew would be as aunties and uncles to y/n and tyler’s baby
boone especially like that is HIS favorite little person and he’d always be getting the two of them into trouble. tyler walks into his kitchen one day and there they are, sitting in the kitchen floor eating y/n’s cookies that no one else is supposed to eat. i feel like he’d just walk away and be like “boone you are so screwed when y/n gets home”
i think aunt dani and uncle dexter probably went out/went online the second they find out y/n was pregnant and bought baby a tiny little cowboy/cowgirl hat
and kate definitely buys baby LOADS of clothes. the minute she finds out tyler and y/n are expecting, her cart is full and her credit card info is being put in. y/n’s favorite thing kate got them is a little onesie that says “tiny tornado” on it
as soon as the kid is old enough, lilly definitely teaches them how to fly a drone. she starts with small, cheap ones of course. can’t have the wranglers’ other baby getting damaged. i can picture tyler getting knocked in the head with a toy drone more than once for sure
y/n is sitting in a lawn chair one evening as she and tyler had decided to host dinner for the crew, and lilly is showing baby all the cool parts of the drone and such. lilly asks if they want to fly it and of course they say YES because, duh it’s cool
y/n then passes tyler coming out of the house as she’s going in to grab a drink, and suddenly there’s a smack and a loud groan from tyler. y/n starts to walk outside, confused, just as she hears “lilly!!” “sorry!” and sees tyler holding his temple
yeah, the wranglers would make great aunts and uncles. babysitters, though? that one’s questionable
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Pakistani Lawn Suits - Latest Designer Kurti Collection - 100%Original B...
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diyaonlineofficial · 2 years
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AITA for being a "cheater" (even though my gf is the one I "cheated" with)?
Title sounds bad, but hear me out. Some background info: I (F25) left a very toxic relationship with my ex (F29) almost a year ago. We were together for 2 years and it was a very tumultuous and rocky relationship from the beginning. She convinced me I needed to leave my home state and move in with her 8 weeks into dating or she would break up with me, and I was stupid and in love and I did it. Then she would always hold the fact that she could kick me out over my head when we argued. I didn't like her taking my clothes without asking? She threatened to kick me out. I get mad that she's blasting her music when I'm trying to work? She threatened to kick me out. Really anything I said that she didn't like, she would threaten to kick me out. Even threw my stuff out on the front lawn a couple times.
And I admit, I wasn't a perfect angel in this relationship either. I felt powerless and resentful because it was impossible to bring up any grievances big or small with her, so I would intentionally break or hide her things. I was downright mean to her most days, and we were both physically violent with each other several times. Towards the end of the relationship I was sleeping in the floor in the living room because I couldn't stand to be near her, and if I slept on the couch she would push me off of it to sit and watch TV with friends she brought home late at night. It took me a while to leave because I was alone in a new state with nowhere to go, and I had to save up money to find a place. Like I said, it was a deeply toxic relationship on both sides, and I'm not proud of it and I'm in therapy trying to unpack what I did and what was done to me.
Now for the actual situation: one of my ex's friends who I'll call Emily (F27) was always very nice to me, and I would often complain to her about my ex and she would comfort me. I'll admit I started to develop feelings for her while I was still trying to work things out with my ex, and I even made out with her and nearly had sex with her once. But that made me feel extremely guilty and I stopped it, then stopped talking to Emily all together.
But when about 3 months after I moved into a new place Emily reached out to me online and we started talking again, then after another 3 months started tentatively dating. I say tentatively because I was very hesitant to go into any relationship after the fiasco with my ex, especially with Emily who is still friends with her. We would text and call each other daily and meet up to hang out a couple times a week.
We've been dating for about 6 months now and we've kissed and held hands, but that's about it. We haven't had sex. We haven't said I love you. We haven't even had a "what are we" talk yet, but Emily wants me to move in with her. I told her I wasn't ready for that. She says it would help both of us save money to live together and I should be comfortable with her by now, since we've been dating triple the time I was dating my ex when I moved in with her. I reminded her how well that turned out for me (not well at all!), and she said something that hit me like a ton of bricks: "Well, you're the cheater and I'm still taking the chance to trust you, so you should take the chance to trust me."
I asked her what she meant by that, and she said I'm not the one taking a risk in our relationship. She is, by dating someone who cheated on her dear friend (my ex). I said that wasn't exactly a happy healthy relationship, she said doesn't matter. Still a cheater. I said but I cheated with her! She said doesn't matter, still a cheater.
I hung up with her because I felt like I was going to be sick and she's been blowing up my phone asking if I'm alright and even apologizing and saying we can wait longer to move in together, but part of me is rethinking this whole relationship. She's been wonderful to me up till now, am I blowing things out of proportion? Is she trying to lure me into another toxic relationship? Please help, I feel like my ability to see red flags is still virtually nonexistent at this point :(
What are these acronyms?
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garmanarnarr · 3 months
Rickorty Week Day 6: "Say You'll Marry Me"
college-aged Morty | 2.8k words | Rated M, language, vomit, suicidal ideation, rock bottom Rick Sanchez
Morty throws the trunk of his dad’s station wagon shut with a thump. 
“You sure you don’t need to bring my Ninja smoothie blender, Morty?” Dad asks, for a second time, standing on the driveway beside him with his arms crossed over his chest. The August morning is hot and clear. Gene’s sprinklers are going hard on the lawn next door. 
“I think it’ll make you really popular with your roommate. You said they’re from California, right? They must be healthy. There’s a little more space behind the driver’s side–”
“N-nah, I’m good, Dad,” Morty says. He goes around to the passenger door to do a last check of his overflowing laundry hamper and make sure his video game console box made it in. He doesn’t want to forget Bonestorm III. All told, he doesn’t really have that much to bring, though, and the car’s only half full. He wears pretty much the same clothes all the time, and doesn’t have a ton of books or movies or anything. His booby bikini girl poster is rolled up in the footwell of the backseat and one or two of his robot figurines he just couldn’t part with are packed into cardboard boxes. All the advice listacles his parents found online for Summer’s freshmen year of college said that bringing something from home was important, so the idea has been passed down. 
He reaches into his pocket and palms the little evil intent detector that Rick had made for him a few years back. A tiny credit-card sized piece of metal that reads people’s brainwaves and vibrates if they’re planning on hurting him or torturing him or whatever. They’d used it on an adventure, a rare heist –Morty can see Rick’s eye roll– but he hadn’t had the heart to throw it away. He’d gone back and forth for ages on whether or not to even bring it. He still doesn’t have to, he tells himself; he has hundreds of miles of highway driving ahead of him where he can just chuck it out the window and let it get crushed on the side of the road. He tightens his grip. 
His mom comes out of the garage, checking her watch. “We gotta get this show going,” she says. The garage feels weirdly empty until Morty realizes it’s because Rick’s ship isn’t in it. Hasn’t been there for a while. He pulls his hand out of his pocket and starts loading the last few bags. 
“If we don’t leave soon we won’t make it to our motel until, like, eleven, and lord knows what we’re going to find in Fresno after sundown,” Mom says.  
Dad follows Morty as he transfers a final trash bag of gym shorts and shit into the back seat. 
“What– what about my George Foreman Lean Griddle? Or, my Slap Chop? You never know when you’ll need onions in little cubes, those always make me cry….” 
Dad sniffs, then wipes away a tear, even though he’s trying to look like he isn’t. Oh, God. He had volunteered to drive Morty first, of course, before being overruled. 
Morty turns back and gives him a small smile. “I’m really fine, Dad. But thanks.” 
“Oh my God, I’m sorry, just give me a moment, son.” 
Something in Morty’s pocket buzzes. His hand flies to Rick’s detector, for a second, until he realizes it was the other one. He pulls out his phone and opens it to check his messages while Dad tries to get it together. Two are from Summer, who’s been spending her senior year of college in London with the textile arts department of her school doing fashion stuff. 
dont let dad cry all over u little bro 
cuz hes gonna
The newer message is from his girlfriend, Anne.
status report mortimer
Morty finds himself looking for some kind of message from Rick– which is stupid. Rick doesn’t text. 
He texts Anne: 
finally leaving lol 
She responds immediately:
call me when you guys stop for the night? 
Morty’s heart clenches fondly. They’re going to different schools to study different things in different parts of the country— newly separate time zones– and it’s going to be hard, but he likes her a lot. Enough to give it a shot. He winces as he remembers Rick’s deadpan dismissal when Morty had mentioned that he and Anne were going to do long distance over dinner a month or two ago. D–didn’t take you for that much of an idiot, Morty. As soon as she gets there she’s gonna be getting allll sorts of co-ed dicks in her mouth. But I guess you don’t mind sloppy digital seconds?  
Ofc i will, he types. 
Nobody’s heard from Rick in two or three weeks. Morty had kind of expected– well, he didn’t know what he’d expected, but he’d really thought that Rick would do him better than this. All he does is talk about how stupid Morty is all the time; maybe he’s pissed at being sort of wrong. He’d been straight up shocked when Morty got his acceptance letter in the mail, the packet fat in Morty’s hand as he raced down from his room to show everyone. While Summer screamed, and both his parents had cried, Rick had stared at the letter Morty was holding, hard, then sipped his beer, then turned back to the TV. N-nice one, Morty. A real cool sixty grand a year investment, there. 
“Let’s go, Morty,” Mom says, opening the passenger side door. “I need some coffee if we’re gonna do this.” 
Finally, Dad wipes his face. After taking a few deep, calming breaths, he walks over and sweeps Morty up in a hug. 
“I’m proud of you, Morty.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“We didn’t think you’d make it, but you did. Of course you did. And that’s what matters.” 
“Bye, Dad,” Morty said, leaning into the hug. “I–I love you.” 
“I love you, too.”
Morty doesn’t realize how much he misses the sound of a portal opening up until he hears one right behind them. Dad jerks back with a frightened twitch. 
“What the hell–?”
Rick doesn’t so much step out onto the driveway as fall. He looks to be in a really bad way. Maybe as bad as Morty has ever seen him: scraggly and torn up, not even really standing up straight, too drunk for his body to cope with the flat, even keel of the pavement. One arm of his labcoat is missing, ripped off at the shoulder, and Morty’s thankful to see that the arm beneath is intact. Skinny, and maybe there are track lines, there, faint in the bright sunshine, but intact. There’s dried vomit crusted on his sweater. 
“M-Morty, oh, God,” Rick moans. Morty feels a sinister shiver run over his shoulders and up the back of his neck as he watches Rick try to shield his eyes, blinking rapidly into the hot light. “Christ. Fuck.” 
“Dad?” Mom asks, poking her head out of the driver’s window. 
“Rick? Here to say goodbye to Morty?” Jerry asks, cautiously. Morty watches as he scooches himself to stand between his son and Rick, a little bit. A surprisingly brave move. 
“Isn’t that w-what we’re all doing?” Rick asks back, taking a step forwards, then falling to one knee with a lurch as he loses his balance. “Saying fuckin’ goodbye— goAAUUGhodbye to Morty? Because he’s going away f-f-forever and never coming back?”  
Rick’s drunken stare pins Morty to the side of the car, which had been parked outside so long while they packed that the metal is starting to get hot. The words sound like a taunt, but Morty can hear the truth there, a hard kernel in the middle. 
“Hi, Rick,” he says, trying for indifference. In his pocket, he squeezes his hand around the detector. 
Rick narrows his eyes. “R-R-Rick and Morty. One thhhhousand fuckin’ years. What, whatever happened to that shit, huh?”
“Dad–” Mom’s getting back out of the car. 
“So I’m going to school. Big whoop,” Morty says, annoyed. Everything about this is annoying: Rick disappearing whenever he wanted then showing up just in the nick of time fucking shit faced like he’s trying to bail out the Vindicators. “You’ve been gone for, like, three weeks, Rick. And you didn’t feel the need to tell anybody about that. N-not that I would expect anything else at this stage. So, you know, whatever.”
“Three weeks?” Rick’s struggling to stand back up, now. “Three weeks?”
“You’ve never owed anyone anything in your whole goddamn– your whole stupid life, R-Rick. Not my family, not me. Not even Mom.” 
Rick’s expression is foggy and drunk, but underneath, Morty can see he’s hurt.  
“I think you should go, Dad,” Mom says in her stop-doing-this-right-now-or-you’re-fucked voice. “I don’t care if you portal out of here, or crash on the sofa to ride out your hangover, or whatever, but just. Let us leave.” 
Somehow, Rick manages to get one leg in front of the other so he can advance up the driveway towards Morty with halting, wavering steps like a zombie in a horror movie. The detector in Morty’s pocket buzzes. Dad looks back and forth between them, scared. 
“Three weeks, Morty?” he grinds out, again. He’s close enough now for Morty to see how bloodshot his eyes are. “I’ll give– give you three weeks. Y-you know what happens when you go to college Morty? You have four years to get too fuckin’ big for your idiotic little britches.” He grabs one hand around Morty’s bicep, grip crushingly strong. Morty can smell his rancid breath across his face, agitated, huffy. “And then you, you go and think you can do goAUUGHd, good things for the world, or whatever, you get those little aspir– aspirations in your head, Morty, you get these fucking ideas in your head–” 
“It’s already been years, Rick,” Morty says, trying not to turn away. “Doing whatever, well at least, pretty much whatever, I-I guess, you wanted me to do.”
“– and you don’t even know how stupid these i–ideas are, until, boom, you’ve lived your whole sad-ass pathetic-ass life doing jack fucking shit. Goin’ and bein’ a techbro office slave narc or some shit. I just can’t, I just can’t ffffucking– oh fuck—” 
Rick starts to throw up pretty spectacularly all over the ground, and the side of the car, and on Morty’s sneakers. 
“Oh my god, Dad!”
“Oh, Rick that’s just disgusting!!”
Morty just stays quiet until Rick seems finished and he slumps against the car, moaning. He watches as Rick slides down until he’s half knelt, half crouched by the front bumper, the vomit running down the gentle slope of the driveway to touch his shoes and the spread hand on the ground that’s keeping him from falling on his face. He makes a sound when Morty comes closer, a sort of whimper. Morty gets down beside him. Unable to stop himself, he puts a hand on his grandpa’s back and starts rubbing little circles as Rick groans, spitting out a wad of bile. There are a lot of different colors in the vomit, ones Morty can’t recognize even though he’s pretty familiar with Rick’s binge habits by this point. 
“Fuck youUUGh. Fffffuck you, Morty. I– I mean that. So much. '' Rick’s staring at the ground. He pinches the bridge of his nose with his hand. Morty wonders if maybe he’s going to be sick again. 
“Yeah, fuck you, too, man,” Morty says, but there’s no heart in it. He just feels sad. He wishes– he doesn’t know what he wishes. 
“F-forever. Fuck you, forever,” Rick mutters quietly, almost to himself. Little dark spots show up on the driveway beneath his head, and Morty realizes he’s crying. Or maybe it’s post-vomit drool? It’s hard to see his face. 
“M-Morty, Morty listen to me,” Rick says. He sounds defeated, almost confused. As old as he really is. 
“I’m listening, Rick.” 
“I’m gonna do somethin’ stupid. Sooo, so stupid.” Rick’s still staring at the ground. 
Dad’s shadow has crept next to Rick’s foot. “Rick, I really don’t think–” 
“Whatever you’re about to do, think twice before you traumatize my son,” Mom says. Then she pauses and adds: “More.”  
Morty keeps rubbing circles across Rick’s knobby spine. “What, Rick? What– what’re you gonna do?”
“Say you’ll.” Rick chokes a little. 
“Say what?”
“Say you’ll marry me, Morty.” 
Morty blinks. “What?”
“JeEUGHsus Christ, don’t make me say it again.” 
Morty’s body is a live wire. His hand scrunches the back of Rick’s coat tightly. “No. Say it again.” 
Rick stares up at him with watery eyes. 
“Marry me,” he says, quietly. Pathetically. There’s some drool and left-over throwup clinging to his chin. 
There was this one adventure they’d gone on where Morty had mangled his leg so badly that his shin bone had actually broken the surface of his skin. Burst right through below his kneecap, like a jagged, bloody tooth. It was screamingly painful– Rick actually had to knock him out until he was able to fix it with some nanobots. Morty realizes that this is the same as that; that this is some core part of Rick, torn through all the heaped layers of nihilism and drugs and whatever else poisons who his grandpa is. This is the exposed bone. 
When Morty looks up at his parents, he can’t read the expressions on their faces. 
“I– I’m not a good person, Morty,” Rick says, grabbing weakly at Morty’s t-shirt to get his attention again. Like he can’t bear to let Morty look anywhere else. He sounds like he’s really losing it. “I’m a horrible person, Morty. Say– say that you’ll marry me. God, I’ll blow my fuckin’ brains out if you don’t— let’s just g-g-get out of—oh my God—” 
Morty’s pocket vibrates. He doesn’t know if it’s the detector or his phone, and he should care, should be terrified, but he doesn’t. 
He isn't.  
Turns out, Shoney’s is a regional chain.
Morty doesn’t realize this until they reach the last one at the edge of the state, just before they cross the border. ‘Last Shoneys for the next 24,800 miles,’ says the sign at the exit. There’s a graphic of an arrow reaching all the way around the globe, back to the little point on the map they’re driving through. Morty has traveled the multiverse with Rick, to places billions of light years away, so far away time doesn’t mean anything at all, but somehow this is already the longest trip he’s ever taken. Like that one scene in the Lord of the Rings where Sam crosses the corn field. If I take one more step, this’ll be the furthest from home I’ve ever been. That was a really good movie, Morty thinks. 
His mom throws the car into park. She’s had to adjust the driver’s seat to be closer to the steering wheel because her legs are shorter than Dad’s, and change all the mirrors, too. She drives way faster than him, swerving lanes to cut around traffic like a maniac. Maybe that runs on her side of the family. 
“Food?” she asks, simply. Morty nods. He twists to look over his shoulder. 
Rick stirs in the back seat, thin eyelids fluttering. They’d made space for him by shoving over a bunch of the boxes to one side and moving some to the trunk. There aren’t really that many, anyways. He’s wearing a clean pair of pants and a t-shirt that belongs to Dad, which helps, but he still has an undernote of puke and sweat. 
He makes a hungover-sounding groan. He still hasn’t opened his eyes.
“You want Shoney’s?” Morty asks. “L-last chance.”
“Shoney’s, you say?” He cracks an eye open, gaze flickering around to look up at the building they’re parked at. “Didn’t know they had them out here. O-on earth, I mean.” 
Mom watches him silently in the rearview mirror. Rick just looks at Morty. 
“Y-you know what, fuck it, sure,” he says finally, popping open the car door and getting out. The sun is even hotter, here, and scorching air blows into the car when he slams it closed. Mom and Morty do the same, one, then the other.  
Together, they go inside to eat lunch. 
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nakedwilbur · 9 months
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He had com crawling back to his father when his “I can live of my music” rebellion failed spectacularly. His father had reluctantly taken him back in on the condition he got a job and started to save up to his own apartment. He agreed, but without a college degree it wasn’t that easy to get a job in the first place, and his rebellious and free spirit nature made him either quit or getting fired from the few jobs ha actually could get. Eventually, he just stopped looking for jobs all together, and drifted off to a lazy lifestyle, living off his father and sleeping all day and partying or gaming all night.
His father tried everything he could to get him back on track, from threats to encouragement and fixing interviews, but nothing helped, and one day he finally snapped. Seeing his lazy son stumbling down to the kitchen having slept until lunch time, and once again completely ignored his request of moving the lawn and doing the laundry was enough. “This has to change,” he yelled at his son standing in the kitchen in just his boxer shorts poring himself a cup of coffee. Moving up behind the young lad, he yanked down his underwear and pushed him out of it. “From now on we have a ‘no job – no clothes’ rule in this house,” his father continued, picking up the underwear and leaving the kitchen. Standing there stark naked and still a bit sleepy, he just thought this was just another silly outburst by his old man, and that it was best to just leave him alone and let him cool down. That was until he heard his father starting to rummage around up at his room. Storming up to see what was going on, he found his father emptying out his closets and collecting all his clothes in garbage bags. Realizing his father actually might be serious about forcing him to stay naked, he started to argue that he couldn’t do this to him. He was grown up and couldn’t be walking around naked all the time. But his father just pushed him out his room, saying “My house, my rules. You are free to leave whenever you want, but as long as you live with me you stay naked until you get yourself a job.”
Eventually, his father had collected all his clothes and carried the bags out to the car, before coming back in again and pushing his naked and shocked son outside. Locking the doors, he said “While I donate all your clothes to the Goodwill, perhaps you can finally get on to moving the lawn as I have asked you to do for several days.” Trapped outside naked, he saw no other options that to do as he was told for once. The high fences prevented the view into the garden for the most part, but he thought he saw the old lady next door spending suspiciously much time up in here second floor bedroom.
Getting a job without a college degree was hard enough, but living as a nudist made it even harder. His father had not been joking with the ‘no job – no clothes’ rule, and even every attempt to cover up with towels or blankets was forcibly cut off with threats of even more sanctions like removing of bedroom doors or curtains. His arguments about needing clothes for interviews was just met with “do it online”, which off course didn’t help when the employers saw his naked and tattooed upper body. Still, his father didn’t give inn leaving him in a permanent naked state. From his father point of view, the naked punishment had gotten his soon to pull himself together and at least starting to help out around the house and finally do his cores as told. If he gave in and letting him get dressed, he was afraid they would fall back into the old bad habits.
Then suddenly, after several months as an unwilling nudist, his old band mates got in touch. They had gotten an opportunity to do some new concerts and wondered if he was in. Having no choice, he had to tell them about his cruel father and his strange naked living conditions. They were all sympathetic at first, promising to help him out, until one of them said “Maybe a naked drummer actually is what we need to break through.”
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weeeeeekly · 1 month
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“are you okay?” – mark lee x reader
blurb On Earth-127, Mark is an ordinary biomed major at Neo Culture Institute of Technology, but when he’s not studying for class, he’s out saving New York City as Spider-Man. The job is hard, but he manages it. It also doesn’t hurt that his new friend is just his type.
info not edited, no afab/fem mention, mainly gender neutral, no reader body shape mention, no use of y/n, swearing, non-idol au, college au, college student!mark, spiderman!mark (obvi), reader is assigned lactose intolerant. johnny & jaehyun as mark’s besties. mark & reader are 22 and johnny & jaehyun are 24. everyone else is 21. ft. jungwoo & 00 line of nct/riize as frat bros. loosely based off a combo of the mcu spider-man movies, ncit house, 200 music video, & superman ii
WARNINGS!!! SFW but MDNI 18+ blog, kinda suggestive but nothing explicit in this, swearing, mentions of almost dying, not proofread just pure free flowing thought, mention of vaping (not by mark or reader), & mention of consuming alcohol
wc: 7.8k
author’s note !! HAPPY belated MFING BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL BOYF MARK LEE. i meant to post this right after 200 came out, then for his birthday, and now it’s finally finished as an early birthday present for myself… this is very much self-indulgent.
a passion project if you will. i hope there are others that also have spider-mark brain rot. ESPECIALLY AFTER 200!!! it was bad before like in the ncit house video, but it’s even worse now. a real labor of love except everything i do is a labor of love because why would i write about something i’m not passionate about in my free time.
this is FICTION!!!!! everything is made up by me or inspired by the mcu spider-man movies, ncit house video, & mark’s 200 music video. the stuff written out is not meant to be a representation of the people, places, or ideas mentioned.
Mark loves his job.
Nothing made him happier than donning the red and blue one-piece suit with the arachnoid symbol on the center of the chest and pulling down the matching mask. He was pretty proud of his sewing skills. Hopefully the elderly owner of the downtown fabric store never puts the puzzle pieces together.
He was still fairly new to being Spider-Man – only being bitten at the beginning of last semester and using the summer to work out the kinks – this spring semester would show his improvement.
His school schedule was class schedule was calm with classes only on Tuesday and Thursday in the morning and evening with the rest online. With the perfect amount of time throughout busy days to sneak away to patrol the city. The rest of the weekdays were dedicated to working at the college radio station. It allowed Mark to work around his own schedule as he could pre-record segments and cue up pre-made playlists.
The morning of the first day of the new semester was looking like an average day, helping civilians with minimal tasks like crossing busy streets and saving pets in trees.
Swinging to university was his favorite form of transportation as it was convenient but at the same time fun as sailing through the air was incomparable to any other experience. Mark landed on the roof of the old bell tower as he quickly changed into a pair of clothes he stashed in a hidden backpack on the ceiling ledge. Nothing too exciting, just a maroon tee, brown cargo pants, and black converse. He made quick work to stash his suit inside his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.
He walked down the spiral staircase as he put on his headphones and checked his phone.
            apartment 721
johnny dude r u coming to shoot some hoops?
jaehyun are we playing basketball or should I skip for football practice?
mark be there in 5
Mark raced across the university lawn, passing unassuming students that would never know his secret. The early morning hours provided more security for his secret as most people around him were either too busy rushing to their 8 AM lecture or too tired from pulling another all-nighter.
When he reached the basketball courts, Mark tucked his bag in between Jaehyun’s massive athletic bag and Johnny’s decked out in pins and patches. The duo was goofing off with a basketball as they made obnoxious moves before shooting for the hoop.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.”
Johnny pauses as he turns toward his best friend before tossing the ball. Mark effortlessly catches it due to his built-up reflexes from stopping local crimes.
“Yo guess who finally decided to show up.” Johnny remarks as Mark makes a 3 pointer.
Jaehyun and Johnny both share a look as the former greets Mark, “You’ve gotten really good at basketball in a short amount of time… like crazy good.”
“Yeah man. You used to not be able to even get the ball in while standing still, but now you’re even better than Mr. Team Captain over here.”
Mark shrugs as he dribbles the ball, “I’m not even close to Jaehyun’s level, dude. He’s the best player.”
“Okay then go to the other side of the court and make it in.”
Mark looks at Johnny as Jaehyun chugs some water but gives in as he walks to the end of the court.
Mark is pretty sure that his sharp reflexes only work for short distances or when he’s out being Spider-Man, so the dare shouldn’t tip his best friends off. Mark dribbles the ball a bit before throwing the ball in the direction of the hoop.
Luckily, the ball goes over the hoop and proving to Johnny and Jaehyun that he still sucks at basketball, but unluckily almost hits a passerby.
You turn to the source of the noise as you let out a surprised yell as you duck to avoid the rouge basketball, falling to the ground and letting out a string of curses. Mark rushes over after his Spidey senses went off, shooting a ball of webs to knock it off its course of hitting you.
“Are you okay?”
You look up to see a concerned Mark as he helps you up, “Dude, I am so sorry. That could have ended really badly. Did you get hurt? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
Johnny and Jaehyun follow Mark to check up on you as you stare at the 3 attractive men paying too much attention to you.
“I’m okay, really. I didn’t even get hit. Just was caught off guard.”
The trio are unconvinced as they inspect your arms and head. Mark is focused on checking for any injury – even a millimeter of a scratch – on your right arm as Jaehyun checks the range of motion on your left arm and Johnny is asking you how many fingers he’s holding up.
“I’m not hurt, but I’ll still get checked up the clinic.” You bargain to get the attractive strangers to stop dotting over you.
“I’ll walk you!” Mark volunteers as he grabs your backpack off the floor and waves bye to his friends. Johnny and Jaehyun refuse to leave until they exchange their number with you to check up but also to make it up to you later. You tell them that it’s not necessary, but the pair insist as Mark gets you to leave.
He quickly introduces himself and you do it in return. Walking to the clinic was peaceful as both you and Mark’s steps were in sync. The crisp spring air helped calm your nerves. You know that you weren’t hurt but it would be best to get a check-up by a nurse.
“I’m really sorry again.”
“Apology accepted.”
“Let’s just get you to the clinic.”
After a quick check-up with a nurse, you are deemed “okay” with no external or internal injuries. Mark gives you back your backpack as you thank him and are returned with another long string of apologies.
“Here, let me – no us – make it up to you.” Mark opens his phone to create a group chat between the four of you.
            we’re sorry
            mark if ur free this week we would like to buy u lunch
            bc dinner sounds like a date
            not that we wouldn’t date u
            u seem great !
            this is mark btw
            johnny what mark is trying to say is that we don’t want to make you uncomfortable
but we also want to make it up to you so lunch this week - johnny
            jaehyun it’s jaehyun i know a great café w vegan options
            you you guys really don’t have to make it up to me
            i’m okay !! a nurse checked me
            johnny thank god ur not hurt
“So, are you free this week?”
You look away from your phone at Mark staring at you. You quickly look away at the students walking past you. You feel nervous as Mark is cute and being near him is not helping your poor heart.
“Yeah, I can do Wednesday or this weekend.”
You have to work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with your two in-person classes on the other days and your two fully online classes spread throughout the week. Luckily, working at the bookstore on campus was flexible and allowed you to complete homework whenever you had free time.
“I know this is an annoying question, but what’s your year and major?”
“I’m a sophomore majoring in Health Sciences.”
Mark’s eyes light up, “I’m a sophomore too! But I’m a Biomed major. We’re kinda in similar majors.”
“We might even have a class together.” You joke and let out a laugh, but your mouth shuts as Mark has his printed schedule in hands and extended in your direction.
Your joke turns out to be true as you both share the same evening class on Tuesday and Thursday. Which is a good thing because at least you know someone in that class. A friend possibly.
“Do you work?”
“I work at the radio, so if you ever tune into 27.1 FM you will hear playlists I put together.”
“Ugh, that sounds like such a fun job. I work at the bookstore. I mean, don’t get me wrong I like it there, but it’s never busy for my shifts.”
A notification on Mark’s phone makes him freeze up, but before you can ask what’s wrong he quickly bids you goodbye as he rushes off. You decide to head to work and hope that nothing else out of the ordinary happens today.
On the plus side, your shared class with Mark has been going well so far. During the first class the day after you met him, you got to the classroom early and saved him a seat.
You watch as people slowly trickle into class as you held out a small hope that Mark would want to sit next to you. The class was almost full with just a handful of seats left – two directly in front of the professor’s podium, one in the very back by the other door, and the one you’ve been saving. He arrives at the last minute, and you watch him scan the room, hopefully looking for you, but once your eyes meet and Mark grins, your heart started racing.
Squeezing between people already in their seats, he reaches the open seat as you move your backpack from the chair to under the table. The professor starts the first day lecture of going over the syllabus, but you tune them out as your attention was… elsewhere.
Mark sits next to you, typing on his laptop as the professor talks. His outfit is a simple green hoodie with tan cargo pants and beat up black converse, yet the outfit compliments him. His hair is fluffy and a little messy as he runs his hand through it in an attempt to fix it. You notice that he’s breathing hard like he ran to get to class. You reach into your backpack to grab your water bottle and place it next to his hand. Mark pauses from typing notes as you turn your head back to the professor.
“Thanks.” He mumbles as he drinks the water.
“Don’t worry, I have another water bottle in my car. You can just give it back to me next class.” You whisper back while pretending to be interested in the professor’s grading policy.
When the second class rolls around, you’re surprised to see Mark is the first person in class, sitting in the same spot with his backpack on the seat you were sitting in last time and your water bottle on the table.
Saturday is the only day you are all free for lunch. Jaehyun, who keeps telling you to call him Jae, promises that this lunch will be the best lunch of your life and how he knows a worker. He’s brought it up every time he saw you while you were working. Johnny was no help either as he kept asking you super specific questions you would have no idea how to answer.
Johnny leans on a display table full of notebooks while flipping through a psychology textbook, “What kind of wood is this table?”
You let out another deep sigh as you put on your customer service voice to answer yet another question from Johnny Suh. “Sorry, I don’t know.”
“Do you know someone who would?”
Johnny smirks as he puts on his sunglasses. You turn around to reshelve new chemistry textbooks when a tap on your shoulder has you seeing Jaehyun holding a cookbook open.
“Do you like” He turns the cookbook back to himself as he squints, “Maultaschen?”
“What do you know about Germany?”
Jaehyun closes the cookbook as he shoots you his best dimpled smile, “Nothing.”
“Guys, I’m trying to work.”
“Yeah, and we’re being customers.”
Johnny sasses you as he pushes the cart of textbooks away from you. “Don’t pretend that we don’t make your shifts better.”
You can’t argue that because it is true, but you’re also afraid that your boss might think you’re slacking and goofing around with friends on the clock.
“I do love it when you guys come see me while I’m working, but I don’t want my boss to think I’m slacking.”
Jaehyun leans on your shoulder as he looks around the empty bookstore. “Bro, you’re the best employee here by far, but if your boss thinks otherwise, we can give a good review.”
“You? Slacking?” Johnny lets out a laugh as puts some textbooks on the highest shelf. “Slacking is scared of you. And Spider-Man.”
“Here he goes.” Jaehyun rolls his eyes as Johnny scoffs.
“Spider-Man is the coolest superhero ever. I’m jealous of all the people that get to see him work in real time.”
Johnny’s jaw drops, “Yo… you don’t know Spider-Man? You know, the masked guy in blue and red and has a spider sign on his chest. Stops bank robbers and saves people in car crashes. The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?”
“Oh… his name is Spider-Man?”
“Yeah. I don’t wanna brag, but” Johnny leans closer to you, “I basically coined the name. The story’s really cool and super long, so I’ll save it for lunch.”
The other brunette fixes his backpack straps, “I should head to basketball practice soon, but we’ll text you later with the details. See you tomorrow.”
The duo leaves you to finish your tasks, but with less work as they helped while talking to you. You can’t help fighting the smile on your face at the idea of having plans with friends.
Lunch! With friends! Friends that you made in university and not the same friends you had back home that you knew from elementary school.
Maybe things were looking up for you.
Spider-Man business had never been easier. Petty thefts had gone down. The city was running smoothly like normal, which was great for Mark as he could focus on schoolwork and improving his swinging skills.
Currently, the vigilante was patrolling the city on the lookout for any danger. Nothing was coming through the crime watch app connected to his watch. He has 10 more minutes until lunch with Johnny, Jaehyun, and You.
Once he reaches the café building’s rooftop, Mark drops down and enters through the stairwell door going directly into the janitor’s room to change. The doors are unlocked, which is not the safest but it’s convenient for Mark, he quickly changes into a white tee, light wash jeans, and the same black converse. The suit and mask are stuffed into his backpack as he goes back out to the roof to web down to the ground to enter through the café entrance like a normal person.
He's constantly on the lookout as he drops down near the trash bins. When he walks in, Mark is the first out of your group to arrive. He snags a booth in the corner as he checks his phone.
            we’re sorry
            mark i got us a booth
            jaehyun be there in 5
            image attached
Mark smiles at the selfie Jaehyun took with him and Johnny on either side of you. Jaehyun does a peace sign pose, Johnny is making a kissy face, and you’re just softly smiling. A smile that Mark Lee cannot look away from.
“What are you looking at?”
Mark gets spooked by you as Johnny and Jaehyun slide into the opposite side leaving you to sit next to him. He quickly locks his phone as his roommates give him teasing looks.
The server, Na Jaemin from fraternity Dream, hands out menus and readies his tablet. “Hi. Can I get you all started with any drinks?”
“2 vanilla iced coffees, 1 mango smoothie, and 1 ice matcha latte with coconut milk.” Johnny easily recites as Jaemin types it.
“I’ll be back with those as you look over the menu.”
As Jaemin walks away, you look surprised at Johnny, “How did you know my drink order?”
“You’ve sent a selfie with the same drink the past three days.”
You slump back against the cushion. “That’s embarrassing.”
“Not as embarrassing as Johnny thinking he named Spider-Man.”
Mark tenses at the mention of his other identity. He steals a glance in your direction to see if you noticed, but you’re too busy watching his friends start bickering.
“Bro! I totally did!”
“No, dude. You did not.”
Before the duo can start up another pointless fight, you remind Johnny of his story time.
“At least someone’s interested. As I was saying before, it was early October last year and I was walking to the subway when this massive car crash happened in front of me. I thought I was going to get killed, but then I was suddenly out of the way. Some dude in spandex had pulled me out of the way of one of the cars and then he started pulling people out of the wreck. He even jumped over a 10-ton truck. It was insane. After the fire department and ambulance came to help, the dude shot out a web and it came to me, “Spider-Man”, so I yelled that, and he turned around to give me a thumbs up before swinging away. So basically Spider-Man owes me for that copyright, but I’ll let it slide because he saved my life.”
Mark laughs at Johnny’s retelling of the story because of the way he tells people. The superhero was just glad that he had the spidey sense to save one of his best friends.
Jaemin comes back with the drinks and takes food orders.
“Spider-Man is cool. I’m a fan.”
Mark chokes on the first sip of his smoothie from your casual confession as Johnny high fives you.
“Why do you like the Spider Boy?” Jaehyun questions you. Mark sits up slightly straighter in his seat as he focuses all his attention on your answer.
“Do you remember that major subway incident where some asshole pushed that lady onto the tracks?”
The guys nod their heads.
“I was waiting for the train when it happened. I didn’t see the asshole that did it as I was on my phone, but then the frantic yelling of people started and some good samaritans trying to help the lady off the tracks. Then, all of the sudden, Spider-Man runs in and saves her. Thank god he did before the train arrived and he calmed her down while she told him about the person who did it. I just remember feeling so useless but wanting to do more.”
Mark looks over at you as you stir your drink with a spoon, his heart sinking as he remembers. It was the first time he became a hero. The first person he saved – Ms. Smith works at the corner flower shop that his mom loves.
“And I even… never mind.”
“No finish your sentence.”
“Johnny’s going to make fun of me.”
“I won’t let him.”
“Well, I kinda have a crush on him.” You immediately put your head between your arms on the table in an effort to hide away.
Mark freezes at your confession as Jaehyun lets out an “awe” and Johnny’s jaw drops.
“You like Spider-Man?”
“I know. How do you even like a person when you’ve never seen their face, but it’s his personality. In every story about him saving or helping others, he’s always described as the nicest person ever.”
Mark’s ears are turning red from the compliment. He would have asked for what else you thought about Spider-Man, but Jaemin came back with their orders.
“Yo Jaehyun, are you coming to DREAM’s party Friday?”
“I should be free next week if that invitation extends to my friends.”
“Any friend of Jaehyun’s is a friend of mine. Can you get the football team to bring kegs again? Haechan’s throwing the party this time and he won’t shut the fuck up about it.”
“I can get the guys together to do that. I’ll text him.”
“Thanks man. Enjoy your food, guys.”
You and Mark meet up and walk to class together. He fills you in on all the bullshit Johnny and Jaehyun got into over the weekend. Something about making a short film where they switch bodies and tried to get Mark to film it.
Before you both can enter the building where your class is, the distant sound of sirens gets closer. You ignore it as you go to open the door, but Mark stops you.
“I, um, have a family emergency so I’ll miss class. Text me. Bye.” Mark weirdly stammers before giving you a quick hug.
You’re left standing in shock as he runs away.
Mark runs to the dumpster behind the university as he quickly changes into his suit. He stuffs his clothes in his backpack and webs it to a lamppost before heading into action. His spidey sense alerted him as soon as the sirens passed, and the app informed him of a fire in an apartment complex a street up.
Once he swings onto the scene, firefighters are battling the fire and evacuating the building. Mark propels himself to the top floor to check for any civilians.
You’re concerned about Mark as he left abruptly and isn’t responding to any of your texts.
            you i hope your family emergency isn’t too serious
            just let me know you’re ok!
            we didn’t do too much in class, but i’ll send my notes
            going to the library after class to print something for a class
You’ve never been to the library at 10 PM on a Tuesday night, but there’s a first time for everything. It was shitty that your printer in your dorm had to stop working last night. The first floor of the library was unsurprisingly packed with students as the university’s coffee shop was adjoined and open until 2 AM.
You got into the elevator as the printers were located on the fourth floor. The fourth floor was empty because most people preferred to keep electronic files electronic, but of course your morning class’ professor made the class print their papers to turn in.
Printing the paper was a quick task. There was certainly no line to wait in. You tuck the sacred 5-page paper into a folder to keep pristine and leave the library. You check your phone again for any word from Mark, but nothing. You go to call him, but then the elevator jerks to a stop as the light shuts off. You press the emergency call button and wait for an operator. You try calling Mark again, but your phone can’t get cell service and your battery’s dying.
Sinking to your knees, you hang your head between your hands as the ringing becomes background noise.
Mark rushes back to university after the fire, swiftly changing back and shoving his suit into his bag. He checks his phone to see the texts from you and calls you. When your call goes immediately to voicemail, he knows something is wrong.
The hair on the back of his neck stands up and Mark books it to the library. The first floor is filled with chatter and students looking normal so he knows that only you must be in trouble. He goes to the elevators where there’s a student waiting for one.
“Are you waiting for the elevator?”
The girl looks up from texting, “Yup, the other one isn’t working again. Ugh so annoying.”
The other elevator returns and Mark steps in with the girl. She presses the next floor and goes back to her phone.
A million scenarios play out in Mark’s mind. Were you claustrophobic? How long have you been stuck in the elevator? Were you alone?
The silent ride was eating him alive as every second felt like an eternity.
When the doors open and Mark basically throws himself out of the elevator as the girl walks around him, judging. Mark’s senses aren’t going off on the second or third floor, he goes up again.
The second the elevator starts moving up to the fourth floor, his senses kick in. When the doors open, Mark calls out your name. When your muffled voice responds from the neighboring elevator he sighs in relief.
“Mark, can you help me?”
“Is help on the way?”
“No.” Mark starts freaking out. “The emergency button doesn’t work, and my phone died a little while ago, but it wouldn’t even help because my service wasn’t working.”
“Why didn’t you call 911?”
“I’m not dying or in serious trouble!”
“W-what? This is an emergency! Hold on let me get someone!”
Mark runs down the hallway and quick changes into Spider-Man. He shoves his backpack behind a printer in the back corner and runs back to you.
Mark clears his throat before speaking in a lower tone, “Hi!”
“Um hi?”
“I’m going to open the elevator doors, so please stand back!”
Mark places his hands in the middle of both doors as he pushes the doors open by force. After getting them open he holds out a hand to you as you look at him, well Spider-Man, in shock.
“Are you okay?”
You feebly nod as you allow Mark to pull you towards him.
“Are you sure you’re fine? I can take you to a clinic.”
You shake your head as Mark leads you down the stairs to the first floor while calming you down, passing confused or excited students. When both of you reach the entrance, Mark tells a skeptical security guard about the broken elevator.
Mark is about to swing away to change when you grab his hand. “Did you see my friend? He has brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a yellow hoodie?”
“I sensed there was someone in trouble and he said he was finding a janitor.”
“Thanks, I’ll go find him. And, um, thank you again.”
Mark looks into your eyes full of gratitude and sends you a wave before swinging away. He makes sure to get far enough before u-turning to the back of the library to change. 5 minutes later, he’s running around to the entrance where you are still standing in shock.
Mark pulls you into a hug as you tell him how Spider-Man saved you.
Haechan’s party was tonight, and you had no idea what you were going to wear.
Jaehyun had surprised you at 8 in morning by waking you up, endlessly calling your phone until you told him the password to open the door. A code you were going to immediately change after he leaves.
“Jae, it’s too early for any bullshit.”
He moves his sunglasses from his face to push back his hair, looking dangerously sexy. You have to shield your eyes from his blinding attractiveness.
“I need some help getting the kegs from Jungwoo.”
“Ugh,” You draw out the word as you throw one of your extra pillows at him which he catches, “I don’t want to get up.”
“Okay.” Jaehyun says as he effortlessly picks you up from your bed. “Now you’re up.”
“Put me down, Jeong.”
“Woah, not the last name. Putting you down.”
He gently sets you on your feet from the princess carry he was holding you in.
“I don’t want to know where you’re storing all that muscle to be able to pick me up.”
He smirks, “Wanna see my 8 pack?”
“Absolutely not. Now stand outside in the lobby so I can change.”
You meet him in the lobby after quickly throwing on an oversized shirt and biker shorts. You check over your bag that you have everything you need for the day – your phone, lip balm, sunscreen, your wallet, hand sanitizer, blotting sheets, and your water bottle.
“Okay, I guess I’m ready to tackle the day with you.”
“Don’t worry, we’re not doing anything too crazy.”
“I have very little trust in you at 8:30 AM.”
He puts his free hand on his chest as he fakes getting hurt, “You wound me.”
You roll your eyes in response as you start walking out of your dorm building, Jaehyun following you from behind.
Jaehyun leads the way to the football field as you walk next to him. The walk isn’t too bad and soon enough you hear various guys yelling and spot footballs flying through the air.
“Hey Jungwoo!”
A shirtless, blonde guy jogs up to the you two and dabs Jaehyun up.
“Hey Captain! I thought you weren’t coming to practice until later?” Jungwoo smiles before turning to you, “Oh, and you are?”
You politely introduce yourself as Jungwoo stares into your soul. “It’s a shame I haven’t seen your pretty face around.”
His remark takes you aback as you turn in shock to Jaehyun.
“Right? Imagine my surprise when I saw her for the first time.”
You avoid eye contact, not sure how to respond. “Um… thanks. We’re here to pick up some kegs?”
“Oh right! Let me get Yangyang.”
Jungwoo calls out to another guy behind him, thankfully he is clothed because you don’t know if you could survive another attractive, shirtless guy. He runs up as he greets you.
“I have it in my car, so follow me. Jungwoo, tell coach I went to the nurse or something.”
Jungwoo jogs off to get back to practice. You and Jaehyun follow Yangyang to his car so he can drop you off at the DREAM frat house. The drive is short since the fraternity and sorority houses are near campus and the sports facilities.
Outside of the DREAM fraternity house on the front lawn are a few guys running around with water guns. The three of you get out of the car, grabbing their attention. Yangyang and Jaehyun wave at them causing one of them to run inside. As the kegs are being unloaded from the trunk, who you presume Haechan is, walks out.
The pretty boy with purple hair waves at you as he takes a hit from his neon green vape. He walks over as he blows a fat cloud into the air and pockets the vape.
He nods his head at you and leans against Yangyang’s car. “Hey.”
“Are you coming to the party tonight?”
“Cool.” He wets his lips as he looks you up and down, “Wear something hot, ‘kay?”
He gets off Yangyang’s car as he winks at you.
“Thanks for the kegs. I’ll get the guys to bring them into the garage.”
Haechan taps his phone causing the garage door to open showing you the set of workout equipment on the side and a black Porsche parked inside. 2 guys with blonde and Oreo hair come out from the door inside and start moving the kegs.
“Hey Shotaro! Hey Renjun!”
Jaehyun calls out as the frat bros wave back at him.
“So, are you ready to go?” Yangyang stands next to you as you nod. He opens the passenger door for you to get inside. Jaehyun sits smack in the middle in the uncomfortable seat so he can talk to you.
“What next?”
“Our pretty girl might need a shopping trip.”
You felt like the “ugly” but actually stunning main girl whose only transformation is taking off their glasses or hair out from a ponytail and it’s the makeover montage scene in a 2000s romcom. Jaehyun and Yangyang were running around in the local mall piling on different types of clothes into your arms to try on.
Two hours passed by already and you were getting sweaty from trying on the various combinations of tops, skirts or jeans, and dresses. It was annoyingly sweet of Jaehyun and Yangyang, who you just met today, to go out of their way to help you find something to wear.
“Honestly, I could find something in my closet or a thrift store.”
“If we don’t find something in the next 30 minutes I know a good thrift store.” Yangyang throws a black minidress at you and you let it hit your face.
As you walk down the street where Johnny parked while fixing the biker shorts under your dress.
Johnny opens the front door of the fraternity only for you to be greeted by the sight of a hundred or so people engaging in various acts of grinding, making out, drinking, or dancing to whatever playlist DJ Yangyang picked.
“Oh my god.” You walk in as Jaehyun and Johnny tail behind you, making sure to stare down anyone who looks at you in a mean or creepy way.
You smile and wave at Yangyang in the corner of the living room as he motions at your trio to come over. The three of you move through the crowd of people partying and try not to have any kind of alcohol accidentally spilling on your new outfit.
Yangyang removes the headphones from his head to his neck and talks in your ear, “You look hot!”
“Thank you! Can we get you anything?”
“Whatever has the least amount of alc by volume.”
“Got it.”
Johnny, Jaehyun, and You find the kitchen entrance behind Yangyang’s DIY DJ booth and open the various coolers filled with alcohol. Johnny helps you pick out Yangyang’s drink from the sea of canned beverages while Jaehyun gets drinks for you all.
As you walk back to give Yangyang his drink, Haechan is talking to him and spots you getting closer to them.
“Well, aren’t you a sight to behold.”
Haechan holds a handout as you take it, spinning you around him.
“That dress fits you perfectly.”
You shyly thank him as you did feel amazing in the red and black dress you bought at a thrift store after the three of you gave up at the mall earlier, but you hid the dress from them so you could pay for it. Jaehyun couldn’t stop staring at you and Johnny couldn’t stop complimenting you when they picked you up from your dorm. You felt that you needed to donate some of your old clothes to keep the good streak going.
The people around you start yelling and both of your heads turn in the direction of the kitchen when a loud crash is heard.
“Fuck. I bet someone tipped over a keg stand. Gotta go.”
He winks at you as he walks into the kitchen. You look around the room to see that J² are nowhere to be seen.
            you hey!! where did you guys go??
            johnny  we’re upstairs hanging with mark
            johnny jeno and jaemin are coming down to get u
You stand by the end of the staircase as you scroll on your phone when someone taps the back of your shoulder. Turning around to see 2 more beautiful guys as they smile at you. The guy with black hair and an undercut introduces himself as Jeno and the guy with brown hair introduces himself as Jaemin.
J² sent 2J to get you. Funny.
They kindly escort you upstairs, down a hallway on the left, and to the room at the end. The door has a sign that says
GUYS - $20”
You knock on the door and walk in after Johnny says it’s open.
“Hey.” You greet Johnny, Jaehyun, and Mark who are sitting on the bed with various drinks and snacks surrounding them. Mark moves a reuseable bag full of chips so you can sit next to him as Jeno and Jaemin sit on beanbags.
“So, how’s the party going for y’all?” You ask the frat bros as you dig into a bag of your favorite chips.
Jeno and Jaemin jump into a story of how Renjun challenged Haechan and Shotaro to a keg stand contest where Shotaro won and Haechan complained the rest of the time setting up. Haechan also must carry out a dare later tonight, but Renjun is keeping it a secret.
During the story, you keep looking at Mark to see his expressions throughout the story time. You like him, you realized this after Spider-Man saved you in the elevator, the way Mark comforted you and stayed with you the entire night. Even sleeping on the pull-out bed attached to your bed that was a little too small for him. Mark was paying attention to the story, but right after 2J finished telling the story, he abruptly gets up and runs out the room.
“Is Mark okay?” You ask bewildered as the rest of the guys are nonchalant.
“Oh yeah, Mark does this a lot.” Jaemin tells you as he takes a sip of his beer.
Johnny nods, “Yeah ever since the start of last year Mark’s been really weird like weirder than usual.”
“And stronger for some reason.” Jaehyun adds. “We started working out together last semester. When he thought I wasn’t looking, he maxed out the bench press. I can’t do that and I’m active in sports.”
“So now we think he’s doing steroids.”
“Dude don’t say that.”
“Kidding,” Johnny says as he looks at you. “But there is something going on… like he’s keeping a secret from us.”
“Are you insinuating that Mark is Spider-Man?”
Johnny shrugs. “I didn’t say that, but I also did not not say that.”
“I think you’ve had to much to drink, dude.”
“I’m literally sober. I have to drive you and Jaehyun home tonight.”
As you’re handing Johnny a bottle of water, Shotaro opens the door.
“Johnny or Jaehyun, can you please talk Haechan out of jumping from the roof into the pool.”
The two oldest guys let out a sigh as they get up to stop Haechan from doing something stupid and getting hurt.
Your little group stands outside on the pool deck as people crowd around the pool chanting at Haechan to “jump”. Johnny and Jaehyun are sticking their head out of someone’s room scolding a tipsy Haechan who is standing near the ledge. It’s only 7 feet between the roof and the pool, but the pool is another 6 feet to dive into and the entire situation just screams “danger” to you.
Haechan is getting dangerously close to the edge causing Johnny to step out onto the roof as Jaehyun holds one of his hands.
“Haechan, we’re bringing you inside.”
“No.” He puffs a cloud of vape into Johnny’s face.
“You’re being an asshole, get in.”
Haechan’s balance is off because as he steps back a bit, his right foot misses the ledge. You can’t watch. The crowd is yelling. You look away only to see a figure jump over the fence.
Spider-Man thwips a web to put an inflatable pool floatie a foot of the ground with another floatie under it to cushion Haechan’s fall. Thankfully, Haechan falls right on the floatie and is safe from breaking a bone or something worse on the concrete.
“Are you okay?” The masked hero asks Haechan as he helps him stand up and check his body.
An eerily similar situation that mirrors exactly what Mark did when you were almost hit by a basketball.
Rushing over to Haechan, you hug him as you’re actively scolding him.
“Never do that ever again! You could have broken your legs or spine or died!”
“Excuse me.” Spider-Man clears his throat as you turn your head to him. “Are you a friend of his?”
“It would be best to check that he doesn’t have any injuries and keep him inside.”
“Johnny’s probably going to bubble wrap him now.”
“I have to go now but have a good night.”
Spider-Man waves you and everyone else at the party bye as the crowd cheers for him. He then swings out of DREAM’s backyard as Johnny, Jaehyun, Jeno, and Jaemin meet you outside. They all hug Haechan and scold him as well.
“You’re cut off.”
“Seriously?” Haechan whines.
“From everything. End of discussion.”
Most of the crowd disperses inside to tell or show their friends a video of Spider-Man saving Haechan. You’re putting the pool floaties back in the pool when you almost fall in.
“Hey–woah there!”
You look wide up at Mark, who appeared out of nowhere, holding your waist to stop you from accidentally falling in the pool.
“Mark! Thanks for saving me.”
You stand back up away from the pool ledge as you smile at Mark. You notice that he’s sweating a bit.
“Could we head inside? I, um, wanted to ask you something.”
He nods his head as the two of you walk inside and then upstairs where there aren’t that many people. You hear commotion in the hallway that leads to Haechan’s room. You’re both curious, so you walk down the hallway to see Jaehyun standing guard outside his room.
“What is happening?”
“Johnny is inside making sure Haechan can’t escape out his window. Well, if he can get out of the bubble wrap duct taped to his body.”
“Figures. Mark and I are going to talk in someone’s room.”
“Oh?” Jaehyun gives you a look.
“We’re not going to fuck in someone’s bed.”
“Sure it isn’t.”
Mark blushes as you grab his hand to walk away down the other hallway. You spot Shotaro standing outside his door.
“Hey Shotaro! Can we borrow your room to talk quickly?”
“Yeah! Just lock the door after and find me at the DJ booth when you’re done. I don’t want a repeat of the first day of summer party where someone threw up in my bed.”
“Of course, and don’t worry, we won’t fuck in your bed.”
You make Shotaro speechless and Mark blushes even harder. You open the door to Shotaro’s room and get inside. His room is cutely decorated with pictures of him alongside the rest of the fraternity and tiny little trinkets sprinkled throughout. The window is open and as you look out of it you can see that his room overlooks the grassy area beside the pool.
A thought comes into your head as you look at Mark who is sitting on Shotaro’s bed across from you.
“I’ve got a lot to say so please hear me out for its entirety.” He nods his head as you stand in front of him. “Mark, I have a crush on you. I thought you were cute the first time I saw you after that basketball almost took me out. I was so excited when we ended up sharing a class together and you sat next to me the next class after we met. Then when you comforted me after Spider-Man saved me. That was the moment I knew that I liked you. I like you, Mark. Maybe even more than that.”
He stares at you awestruck.
“It’s okay if you don’t like me back. Hope we can still be friends no matter what. I just want you to know.”
“I like you too. A lot. I liked you ever since I almost accidentally hit you with a basketball. I liked you when you were excited when you found out we shared a class. I liked you when you saved a seat for me and let me borrow your water bottle. I was so happy when you were safe from being trapped in an elevator. I really like you and, if you want to, I hope we can date.”
“I would love to date you, Mark, but now I’m going to do something that might ruin our relationship before it even starts?”
Mark looks adorably confused as you walk backwards to stand in front of the window.
“You know that I also have a crush on Spider-Man. And I’ve had this hunch since he saved me in the elevator. I didn’t realize it when it was happening due to the adrenaline, but then thinking back on it – when you left while we were walking to class that one time for a “family emergency” and Spider-Man had been spotted right helping firefighter put out a nearby fire. Then, I got stuck in the library elevator and Spider-Man miraculously came to save me. Sure, it could have been a coincidence since the fire was near the university, but I wasn’t in that dire of a situation. I could’ve waited for you to find me after I texted you. Then, just right now, you leave as we’re talking with 4J then when Haechan is in danger Spider-Man shows up in the nick of time to save him? In every situation I brought up, you were there then gone, Spider-Man shows up then leaves, and then you’re back? Never in the same room to witness the masked hero. Something’s not adding up.”
“Am I Spider-Man?” Mark asks while nervously laughing. “You mean you think I’m Spider-Man?”
“I’d bet my life on it.” You tell him seriously as you sit on the window ledge.
“That’s serious.”
“I am serious.”
You continue getting farther out of the window as you possibly can.
Mark slowly stands up, “What are you doing?”
“If I’m wrong… have 9-1-1 ready.”
You then lean back as you fall out of Shotaro’s window hearing Mark yell your name, you barely have your entire body out the window when you stop moving. Opening your eyes, bunches of white strings surround your head and shoulders – Mark slowly brings you back inside Shotaro’s room.
The silence between the two of you is deafening until you open your mouth.
“I fucking knew it.”
Marks hugs you tightly. “Please… never do that again. You scared me.”
“Do you still like me?”
“D-Do I still like you? Yes, I still like you very much.”
“I scared you that bad, huh?”
“What if I wasn’t Spider-Man? Then what? You fall and die?”
“I wouldn’t have done it unless I was sure. Would a kiss make you feel better?”
“A kiss away from the window and maybe on solid ground would.”
masterlist | bonus chapter
BONUS CHAPTER NSFW MDNI 18+, instead of a sweet confession to Mark you decide to tease his masked persona, the ending in an alternate universe like the alternate universe where this story was real life – coming soon
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a-lonely-dunedain · 10 days
I got tagged by @the-journey-was-the-point for this headcanon game! basically you just plug an OC's name into this headcanon generator and see whether or not what it spits out fits your OC(s)
first up is Tossdir I guess
"Tossdir watches my little pony"
afuyfdgahsjdghjkahsd ok how did they know the last thing I drew was an mlp/lotr thing... anyway yeah sure why not. I think he would casually enjoy it. I feel like Ethedis would be a bigger mlp fan tho, so he probably watches it because of her (a bonding activity <3). his favorite pony is Rainbow Dash btw
"Tossdir can drive"
yes and no. in a modern setting I always envisioned him with a motorcycle, so he can drive that just fine, but DO NOT let this man behind the wheel of a car
"Tossdir got hit by a bus once"
next up Ethedis
"Ethedis's least favourite subject in school was Gym."
yes, accurate. her favorite subject was Everything But Gym. she's a nerd. a scholar with noodley scholar arms. while you studied the blade she... just studied I guess. there's a reason LMs don't get sword proficiency til like level 40 lmao
"Ethedis is a cry baby."
YOU DID NOT HAVE TO COME FOR HER LIKE THAT. she only cries for good reason! the epic line just.... gives a lot of good reasons to cry :(
"Ethedis nearly drowned in a river as a child."
she was just trying to talk to the fish ok??? leave her alone
Margim is up next!
"Margim steals other peoples clothes."
hmmm probably not. I think she's the kind of person who has like 2 outfits that she wears until they can't be worn anymore, she's just piratical like that (meaning she hasn't yet learned she's allowed to have/want more than the bare basics needed to survive)
"Margim bites their nails."
I mean she probably has some sort of nervous habits, but nothing quite as obvious as nail-biting. it's the sort of thing you wouldn't easily notice. like just getting even quieter than usual or suddenly being unable to maintain eye-contact. maybe she fidgets with her hand but only when it's in her pocket so you can't see.
"Margim is afraid to close their eyes in the shower."
yeah she probably would be a bit jumpy in a shower. not only is it loud but she's also unarmed! she might get soap in her eyes this way but it's better than being ambushed!
and let's do a few for Celeair
"Celeair tackles and wrestles people to show affection."
lmao I'd like to see him try. but no fr I don't think he would even if he could, he definitely likes physical affection, but in a more gentle way, like cuddles and hand-holding and tender forehead kisses
"Celeair is in your house"
well, I am currently rotating him in my mind, so does that count as being in my house? he's not in your house tho, person reading this.
"Celeair is smart but also very stupid."
truer words have never been spoken.
annnd let's do some of my less developed OCs for funsies!
"Elwar crashed a riding lawn mower into their fence."
yeah she probably would. she would try to hide it and pretend she didn't tho
"Ciriondil cries while watching disney movies."
Ciriondil doesn't strike me as a disney adult lmao, but more broadly speaking about animated family movies in general? depends on the movie but yeah I think he would, and he wouldn't be ashamed about it either!
"Lothrandon speaks only in meme refrences."
even in a modern setting I am 100% confident this man does not know enough memes to use them in casual conversation. but I do think he would be part of online communities for outdoor hobbyists (like fishing and wilderness camping fourms) and would understand/share boomer memes from those niece communities
"Nimelloth has a pet lizard"
I have just decided that this is true and his name is Lothrandon II. Lothrandon is not aware that his wife named a lizard after him.
and oh gosh right I have to tag people now. uh I do not know who has been tagged already but here! @rohirric-hunter @aurore-parle-de-ses-idees @find-the-path @sweetearthandnorthernsky
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tbjardinier · 2 months
Poetry 7/26/24
Title: Spinach
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undeadremcycle · 9 months
Open Starter @lunarcovestarters
Option A: Puck's Luck Casino
It was day three in Lunar Cove, and Remmington was already out on the streets, going from place to place asking if they were hiring security. It was about the only job they had experience for. Ex-military, disabled, and unemployed didn't make for a very long resume. Still, they'd written up a CV after looking up a guide online, printed off a full folder of them, put on their nicest clothes, and hit the downtown street. They figured the best places to hit first would be the ones they knew hired security, like casinos. Despite how surprised they were to find a museum in such a small town, it was kind of a relief to know there were still some familiar landmarks, even in a place like this.
Still, nerves were nerves, and Remmy found themself digging around in their pockets for a cigarette and lighter, stepping aside as they slid the folder of papers under their arm. To their dismay, though, they seemed to have forgotten their lighter. Glancing around, Remmy spotted someone standing near the street and shuffled over, tapping them on the shoulder. "Uh, excuse me-- you don't happen to have a lighter, do you?"
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Option B: Town Green, near the Gazebo
"Well, what do you think, bud?" Remmy stood in the middle of the lawn near a large gazebo, dressed in sweatpants and a shirt, while Moose trotted faithfully by their side, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. They couldn't help but smile at him, as his big, brown eyes scanned the lawn. "Big enough for ya?" The large, fluffy dog turned his head to look up at them, as if to say 'It's perfect'. With a chuckle, Remmy bent over to and unclipped the guide from Moose's harness, unbuckled the harness and then stepped back, letting him loose. And the giant dog, happy for his break from "work", took off as fast as possible, running and romping around the gas, turning to look back at Remmy. They held up the old, dirty tennis ball and saw his eyes light up, butt in the air, before winding their arm back and throwing it off towards him.
They did this a few more times before picking up the ball once again and turning to throw it in a different direction. Only, this time, the tennis ball flew directly into someone else, who had previously been in Remmy's blind spot. "Shit!" they cursed, trying to run over and stop Moose before he plowed through said person. "Sorry! I'm sorry! He won't bite! O-or hurt you! He's a good dog!"
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stevishabitat · 4 months
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wodneswynn Hey, listen: We're not gonna get anywhere with this "socialism" stuff unless we can establish solidarity networks that provide. real, tangible aid. And I do mean "tangible" in the sense of "you can fill up a box with it."
Back in the old-timey days, when we didn't have things like a minimum wage or gov- ernment assistance, folks didn't think twice about paying union dues every month out of their meager paychecks. And in those days, when it was a regular, everyday occurrence for union people to get beat up or outright murdered for their union-ing, the unions still managed to win a lot of their fights. Reason for all that? The bigger part of them union dues I mentioned "went into a strike fund",
Time on a picket line means time off the clock. And as for me, in this economy, if I go a week without a check, my family don't eat. I go two weeks without a check, and we're homeless. And them's the brakes.
Rjenroses: In my community we started a co-op in order to, in part, purchase things with mass buying power (i.e, we can get things at wholesale if we order enough of them, so we can, for example, eat organic food for about what conventional costs a lot of the time.)
But we also set aside a little money each time we order, and that money helps pay for donation boxes... and the social network we created when we created the co-op means that if someone has a crisis, someone else probably has the answer. "This family just lost their job and can't afford to buy presents for their kids" may get a response of "Here are presents for every single family member" or it might end up with finding a job for the people looking for work, or both, because the co-op membership is diverse and represents a lot of people who are otherwise. very connected in the community.
When a part of town is out of power, it's usually possible to find a co-op member who can run for ice or bring a meal, or offer use of a washer/dryer for the evening.
We had one year where we were making donation meal boxes for a holiday, found out on the last delivery about a family in severe need, talked about it in the co-op group and ended up showing up at their house with not only a meal, but enough dry goods, paper towels, toilet paper, etc. for a month, plus a credit with the co-op for fresh fruits andveggies.
I cannot overstate the power of networking. in your community. This one started out. in a natural parenting group, but quickly spread beyond that, from college students to retirees. It's like a small town, only more open-minded. We started with about 20-30 families. There are now hundreds of people involved.
I had a trans kid land with me at one point and asked if anyone had size whatever clothes and within a few hours we had a box on my porch, within a couple days we had a bunch of things he needed.
The co-op keeps a lending library of tools and weirdly specific kitchen devices like an Æbleskiver pan, a food dehydrator, a capsule maker and a carpet cleaner. The kinds of things people need once or twice a year, but might not have the room to store.
We periodically do a buy of sensory toys and sensory bin supplies, for example, because we have a lot of autistic members and parents of autistic kids,I have bought socks from the co-op that were purple with unicorns farting rainbows on them. We recently got in Black History: flashcards and we've done a lot of Black Lives Matter and Hate Has No Home lawn signs. Pretty much if people want it and we can find it at wholesale, the co-op will order it.
It even spawned a side-business (more than one, actually, but this is the relevant one) of an online app for co-op managing, called http://managemy.coop so that other communities could take advantage of our experience and start out with an easier tool than the google spreadsheets we started out with.
Anyway... if you want to network within your community, this is a really, really good way of connecting with a broad cross-section of people.
nyshadidntbreakit: All that stuff about unions still applies, too. Unions have hardship funds. If you're a union member and you're broke, or you've been fired, or whatever, you can apply to the union for a grant to help you out. The binmen in Birmingham pulled off a months-long strike. recently thanks to the union paying their living costs. Unions force employers to pay decent pension contributions and have safe sick leave policies,
If you're employed, join your damn union!
solarpunk gnomes: You might check out http://www.transitionus .org/transition-towns too. They're trying to build resilient communities by getting neighbors to talk with each other about stuff.
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diyaonlineofficial · 2 years
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battleangel · 4 months
AI & Palestine
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Only mass movements and violence -- throughout all of human history -- have ever resulted in change.
People in power who have power giving up some or all of that power -- CEOs, politicians, the 1%, millionaires & billionaires, world leaders, generals, owners, commissioners, founders, investors, dictators -- to the people they are oppressing -- workers, proletariat, minorities, people of color, black & brown people, LGBTQ people, poor people.
Revolutions, rebellions, insurrections, civil unrest, Montgomery boycott, sit-ins, marches, rallies, protests, hunger fasts, strikes, kidnappings, hostages, threats, demands, terrorism, bombings, bioterrorism, EMP attacks, hacking, picket lines.
On campus, at work, on the White House lawn, state capital, factory floor, Trump Plaza, at the polls, during Presidential and papal visits, during elections.
The only thing that does and has work throughout all of recorded human history is mass movements in the hundreds of thousands and millions and violence.
What doesnt actually work, what doesnt cause change, what has never resulted in people with power giving up some or all of that power in any way, shape or form in any situation is petitions, online signatures, phone calls, emails, tweets, hashtags, "raising awareness", debates, talks, "negotiations", "agreements", "bilateral" talks, treaties.
The above so-called "peaceful measures" only lead to more oppression, exploitation, violence, civilian slaughter, dehumanization, propaganda, hate campaigns, colonizing, empire building, endless wars, genocides, ethnic cleansings, mass graves, rape squads, tortures, atrocities, war crimes, crimes against humanity, mass arrests, cutting off humanitarian aid, massacres, concentration camps, apartheid, mass unemployment, unlawful curfews, overextracting earths resources, forced relocations, mass starvation, engineered famines, childhood suicides, loss of sewage and filtration systems, loss of medicine and medical supplies, schools hospitals and residential areas being carpet bombed, grandmothers being raped on Facebook Live, children being killed on TikTok, genocides streaming live to your phone in real time on Twitter alongside the Met Gala, tens of thousands murdered and buried under rubble that will take decades to unearth, banned biological warfare including phosphorous burning literal holes through civilians skin, 24/7 traumatization as the US funds genocide that is being recorded and streamed in social media in real time against the will of nearly 70% of the tax-paying populace, children eating animal feed because they are being starved on a mass scale, boys and men being stripped naked beaten tortured and exposed to the elements then murdered, pamphlets warning millions of civilians to evacuate before the attack begins when their only escape route into Egypt has already been blocked, an entire generation of children lost traumatized orphaned starved injured hurt oppressed radicalized hated murdered tortured suicide'd . . .
What gets promoted?
The stuff that doesnt work.
Whats legal?
The stuff that doesnt work.
What doesnt get promoted?
Yes there have been marches in Washington for Palestine but true watershed moments are made difficult by the fact that in a capitalist society during the week everyone is at work.
If its on the weekend, Western capitalist societies especially AmeriKKKa are obsessed with competition, organized sports, being busy for the sake of being busy, mindlessness, socializing and errands so if the march is on the weekend, most people will be grocery shopping, clothes shopping, at the mall, at the movies, at a restaurant, at a hair or nail salon, getting a massage, attending kids sports games or dance recitals or plays or martial arts competitions, at the library, at a museum, at an amusement park, at a park, at the beach, at a bar, at a nightclub, at a friends house, at a party, watching a sports game, streaming a show or movie, gaming, scrolling social media, messaging on discord or Whatsapp, going to a play, mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, planning meals for the week, raking leaves, going to church -- endless mindless distractions and busying of the self so who is really traveling to Washington DC for a march for Palestine?
Yes, thousands show up but it isnt enough to disrupt the matrix.
It has to be a mass movement of the people -- hundreds of thousands, not tens, or millions -- for a protest, boycott, strike, march, rally to actually work.
A few thousand people boycotting McDonalds, Starbucks and Disney for Palestine isnt even a rounding error.
Neither is a few people of conscience quitting Google over the cloud AI technology being used to track and surveil Palestinian civilans for Israel.
A few million, however, would impact the bottom line.
Biden was asked if the student protests had made him reconsider his position on Palestine and his immediate, emphatic answer was an unqualified and unmitigated no.
Why do you think that is? Students have been and will continue to be arrested.
Protest encampments will be ripped up and taken down.
Graduations will happen.
Classes will resume.
Netanyahu said "hostilities" (its a genocide, you Hitlerian fuck) will continue for at least six months, suspiciously close to the US election in October.
Why do you think that is?
Does that sound like someone who is sincerely considering a "permanent ceasefire" to you?
Its almost like Biden and Netanyahu have already planned this genocide out regardless of student protests, nearly 70% of Americans wanting a permanent ceasefire and over 3 million calls to Congressmembers by American citizens demanding a permanent ceasefire.
42k dead Palestinian civilians, 4k dead Israeli civilians.
That is a genocide by any definition yet Netanyahu isnt budging and despite Biden using supposedly "tougher language", he hasnt stopped shipping weapons to Israel or sending funding to Israel.
So, ofcourse Rafah got invaded and ofcourse Israel continues to commit genocide against the Palestinians with total and complete impunity.
Israel is already displacing and forcibly relocating Palestinians, forcibly establishing Israeli settlements and building oil wells on the Gaza Strip.
The Gaza Strip has more oil per square kilometer than any place on earth.
Do you think its possible that all this death and destruction is about what its always been about -- money?
Specifically in this instance, oil.
This is a very, very old story that we have seen time and time again with US military involvement in the Middle East.
The Gulf War was not about liberating anyone from Saddam Hussein.
The Iraq War had nothing to do with 9/11, which was an inside job.
Israel is committing a US-funded genocide against Palestine for the same reasons the Gulf War and Iraq Wars were fought -- money (oil), colonial ideology, Western supremacy, military might and expansionism.
As Biden said in the 80s, if Israel didnt exist, "we would have had to invent her."
Ask yourself who "we" is.
So, whats the answer?
The answer is there is no easy answer because a patriarchal, misogynistic, hegemonic, militaristic, colonialist, white supremacist, capitalist state is going to be inherently set up by design to oppress, annihilate, expolit, dehumanize, suppress, repress, colonize, enslave, conquer, slaughter, murder and self propagate its own myth.
Its set up that only a few people hold and can gain access to the levers of power.
Why wont you see Cornel West or Claudia and Karina on the debate stage this fall?
Why are the choices Biden, Trump and Bernie again?
Why have all U.S. Presidents -- hundreds of them -- all descended from the same UK royal bloodline?
Do you know who the Reptilians are?
It doesnt mean give up.
It means realizing resistance and struggle are lifelong endeavors. Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X were in Palestine protesting in solidarity with their brown oppressed brothers in the 1970s -- whats changed?
Layoffs are cyclical, on purpose and follow a predictable pattern meant to disrupt, unnerve and keep workers in control, desperate, afraid, off-kilter and on the corporate hamster wheel.
Wars are cyclical and on purpose just like mass layoffs are.
Layoffs have nothing to do with the economy and wars have nothing to do with freedom.
Its about exploitation, wealth hoarding, empire building, fear, control, manipulating, amassing and mainting power, hegemony, patriarchy, militarism, white supremacy, police state, fascism, unregulated free markets and exploitative capitalism, monopolies, monoliths, kingdoms, Western Civilization, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, The Age of AI, robotics . . .
They are really gearing up with AI and robotics.
Studies have demonstrated that 80% of current jobs will be replaced within the next five years with advances in AI & robotics.
So, what happens to people that were doing those jobs?
I believe the relentless endless obnoxious and fucking nauseating push for all things AI & robotics is leading to the following scenario in the next five years:
Once 80% of current jobs have been replaced with AI and robotics, people will be offered jobs to do what they are already doing -- use social media, online gaming and Metaverse (which will be rolled out already) -- and they will be paid as "User Researchers", to fill out surveys and give feedback on their daily experiences using social media, online gaming and the Metaverse and to test out functionality and usability of new features.
What UBI (Universal Basic Income) should have been for all adult US citizens will instead go to these User Researchers. I predict they will borrow from proposed UBI models and pay these User Researches a $1k a month and provide them with healthcare.
The real purpose of these jobs will be to make people even more obsessed and dependent upon social media, online gaming and the coming Metaverse than they already are. Instead of breaking to go to work, now this is their work so there is no break from it Monday through Friday -- they will be addicted.
They will be so addicted that even on the weekends, they will choose to stay inside online -- social media, gaming and Metaverse -- instead of going out and about, socializing, exercising, going for a walk, shopping, movies, going to eat, sports, plays, etc.
VR will be huge at this point and all of the above can be experienced virtually so why leave your house or apartment.
Naturally, there will be people who occupied the 80% of jobs that were eliminated by AI and robotics that wont have an interest in being User Researchers for social media, online gaming or the Metaverse.
I predict they will get the equivalent of retirement packages since their actual functional roles no longer exist and have been replaced with AI and robotics and then I envision they will allow these people to access their 401k and social security early.
I believe User Researcher will be offered as a major in colleges and online academies. I also believe influencers will tout it as the thing to do post high school and post college. I also predict that degrees will be optional for the position and not required.
Naturally, given that these User Researchers will literally be paid for their addictions to social media, gaming and the Metaverse, as one might suspect, they will not be getting up very much from their respective couches, gaming chairs, bean bags, beds and Lay-Z boy reclining chairs and thus, by design, obesity, Type II diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease and all manners of diseases caused by sedentary lifestyles will skyrocket.
A less healthy, more sedentary, more addicted to tech society than we even have know that are dependent on big tech to fund their existence.
What could possibly go wrong?
Covid was the soft reset for the Age of AI & robotics.
They got rid of countless jobs and small businesses and financially ruined many entrepreneurs and 9 to 5'ers.
Paradoxically, at the same time we were being told that we couldnt go into the office because Covid, yet somehow fast food and big box retail were deemed "emergency services" (like hospitals and pharmacies???) so that mostly black and brown impoverished people who statistically are more immunocompromised and less healthy were constantly exposed to the dangers of Covid as many customers refused to mask up.
Soft reset. Control, fear campaigns, paradoxes, paradigms, millions dead, percentage wise mostly black brown impoverished, elderly and immunocompromised.
Exactly who costs the government the most with Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP & EBT and exactly who they wanted to get rid of.
TikTok was a catalyst for this.
Peoples attention span on average is 3 seconds now -- 3!
That is unprecedented in all of human history.
We were not designed to constantly process 1 to 5 second videos.
They overloaded us by design to shortcircuit our attention spans and shorten our minds.
The average song now is 2 to 3 minutes long.
Ten years ago, the average song was 4 minutes long.
Do you see whats happening?
Do you see what they've done on purpose?
Does anyone remember the Super Bowl shooting at the Chiefs parade earlier this year?
If you noticed, there was an extremely short news cycle regarding the Super Bowl parade shooting. Much shorter than other shootings. And it was the Chiefs, the NFL's reigning Super Bowl champions.
Even five years ago, that would have been news for a week.
It was literally reported on for a day or two and then dropped and never reported on again.
Why do you think that is?
This years Super Bowl had 150 ads. Think about that. In about 3.5 hours.
Five years ago, the Super Bowl had 100 ads.
Why do you think that is?
Who are the Reptilians?
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