#katie’s headcanons
glenscowboyhat · 1 month
thinkin about how great the wranglers crew would be as aunties and uncles to y/n and tyler’s baby
boone especially like that is HIS favorite little person and he’d always be getting the two of them into trouble. tyler walks into his kitchen one day and there they are, sitting in the kitchen floor eating y/n’s cookies that no one else is supposed to eat. i feel like he’d just walk away and be like “boone you are so screwed when y/n gets home”
i think aunt dani and uncle dexter probably went out/went online the second they find out y/n was pregnant and bought baby a tiny little cowboy/cowgirl hat
and kate definitely buys baby LOADS of clothes. the minute she finds out tyler and y/n are expecting, her cart is full and her credit card info is being put in. y/n’s favorite thing kate got them is a little onesie that says “tiny tornado” on it
as soon as the kid is old enough, lilly definitely teaches them how to fly a drone. she starts with small, cheap ones of course. can’t have the wranglers’ other baby getting damaged. i can picture tyler getting knocked in the head with a toy drone more than once for sure
y/n is sitting in a lawn chair one evening as she and tyler had decided to host dinner for the crew, and lilly is showing baby all the cool parts of the drone and such. lilly asks if they want to fly it and of course they say YES because, duh it’s cool
y/n then passes tyler coming out of the house as she’s going in to grab a drink, and suddenly there’s a smack and a loud groan from tyler. y/n starts to walk outside, confused, just as she hears “lilly!!” “sorry!” and sees tyler holding his temple
yeah, the wranglers would make great aunts and uncles. babysitters, though? that one’s questionable
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euporienn · 7 days
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Kate The Chaser
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bugwolfsstuff · 1 month
Headcanoning the Stolls as sons of chthonic Hermes and Katie as a daughter of Demeter Erinys (Demeter when she was grieving Persephone and killing everything) is fun because
A. using the epithets gives ways to explore powers for non-big three kids (THEY ARE CHILDREN OF GODS WHY THE FUCK CAN THE HERMES KIDS ONLY OPEN LOCKS AND RUN 'FAST')
B. Demeter got another one of her daughters falling for a Chthonic dude and she does not like it.
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apollocabinrep · 4 months
The Apollo cabin is by far the one filled with the most lgbtqia+ members. They hold late night gossip sessions and will tease each other /relentlessly/.
Followup for above; Austin, from canonical characters, as the resident aroace sibling has the most blackmail on his siblings because of these sessions.
Camp Half-Blood has always been a safe place for lgbtia+ demigods no matter what time period (the gods have had lovers of both genders since ancient times + Chiron training Achilles & Patroclus). Members of the community were often year-rounders for this reason, because even if they died young they could be their authentic selves.
Drew Tanaka is on the aroace spectrum and when she was younger thought there was something wrong with her due to not falling in love like her siblings. Silena Beauregard is the one that helped her through it.
Annabeth has to be careful in the state of Florida because a camera caught her beating up a homophobe. (Yes, it was a mortal. She had gone with Malcolm as support for him to come out of the closet to his mortal dad and step-mom.)
Every year before Manhattan, Jake (Mason) and Michael (Yew) would risk getting eaten by harpies to stargaze on top of the Apollo cabin roof. After the Battle, Travis and/or Connor would help Jake get up there and let him stargaze for the night. Mysteriously, the harpies avoided the area as if they had orders to leave it alone.
Cecil is the biggest ally in camp, so much so that he says things no straight man would ever dare.
Cecil: "I'd kiss a guy to show my support."
Lou: "That's not how it works. Also, you're dating me!"
Cecil: "Yeah, but allyship Lou Ellen. Don't be homophobic during pride month."
Lou: "I'm literally pan!"
The Hermes cabin has a list with everyone's flags and are like pride flag fairies.
Clarisse was the first person Will came out to as bisexual. She found him crying by the lake because he didn't think he would be accepted. They got to talking and she told him she was bi as well. "Take a look around, Solace. Times are changing and we can like who we like. Hades, look at your own cabin. You guys may have a single straight ally in there, because the rest of y'all sure arent straight."
Katie and Miranda help everyone decorate with flowers and put bouquets together.
Mitchell and Valentina have a betting pool on which couples are going to 'do the most'.
Nico's first pride month is definitely interesting. He had no idea that the camp would be so accepting or that there would be so many others like/similar to himself. (He spent most of it in a state of shock and talked Jason's ear off over Iris message.)
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willowtreebee · 5 months
Keith: “For some reason Lance has been way more… clumsy than usual?”
Pidge: “He’s doing it on purpose.”
Keith: “…”
Keith: “Oh, I see”
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This is the 4th time he’s “caught” Lance this week.
Lance just wants the attention he deserves :’(
Keith: “He could just ask-”
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I’m so tired, I need to stop drawing so late into the night…
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
I had a thought last night
Archeologist! Hobie who's the best in his field. A no nonsense archeologist whom you almost always run into digs no matter which part of the world you're in.
Archeologist! Hobie who doesn't just find rare artifacts but also occasionally drops into the British museum to 'borrow' (just like how they put it) their exhibits/ artifacts and brings them all back to their respective countries.
Archeologist! Hobie who would go on perilous journeys to find the centuries old lost city, and yet never forgets to send you a postcard and a letter.
Archeologist! Hobie who loves seeing your face light up when you finally find that one piece you needed. And maybe he has found his missing piece in you.
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swolocup · 5 months
New thought:
Oliver wood owns a muggle camera.
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Am I going to elaborate? Yes
Oliver totally got one from Percy in their fourth year during Christmas.
Oliver was talking about how he wished he was able to take photos of the team so he could make a bulletin of their set up.
Percy was happy to oblige and make his friend (boyfriend) happy.
Some of the photos also have just goofy things of the team.
For example:
The first photo Oliver took is a blurry photo of Percy in the Gryffindor common room with a large smile on his face holding a book on the “Greatest ministers of all time”, a gift from Oliver of course.
One photo has second year Fred and George pretending their beater clubs are swords.
Another photo includes Percy in his bed, hair tousled and he is clutching his stuffed bear. (Oliver keeps this photo in his pocket and kisses it before every match.)
There is a photo of Katie Bell going to swing at Fred for turning her owl into a bell. “Look at your Bell, Bell!” “DIE IN A PIT, WEASLEY!”
There is a photo of Percy studying, nose scrunched up and glasses on the very top of his nose as he looks down at a book he’s reading.
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raphael-angele · 5 months
Nico's Big Sisters (+ Moms)
Nico: It's alive. IT'S ALIVE!
Katie: Nico, no yelling in the garden
Nico: Sorry, Katie. But look! The camellias I planted are growing!
Katie, sees the plant: Aww, look at that. It sure is.
Nico: You think I can make a flower crown when they grow?
Katie: More than a hundred, periwinkle.
Drew: Hey, Silena, you- What are you doing?
Silena: Oh, hey, Drew! This is Nico. We're in charge of taking care of him while his sister is away. Say hi, Nico.
Nico: Hi :)
Drew: Okay...and what is he-
Silena: Oh, he's just painting my nails. And he does them perfectly. Look *shows her nails* Who would've taught dark purple looks so good on me
Nico: Can we paint mine green?
Silena: Of course! What kind of green? Sage? Forest? Neon?
Nico: And then he said, "I don't know her"
Drew: *gasp* He did not.
Nico: I heard it myself.
Drew: Ugh. He said that he doesn't know the girl he's cheating on his girlfriend with? What a jerk
Nico: Mhm. And then, after he drops his girlfriend off in her cabin, he goes to the other girl's cabin and pretends he was coming back from archery practice.
Drew: (°o° ) Ugh, how blind can people be?
Bianca, walking up to them: Hey, Nico.
Nico: *gasp* Bia! You're back! *goes to hug her*
Bianca: Why don't you go grab your stuff?
Nico: *leaves*
Drew: ...di Angelo (¬_¬)
Bianca: Tanaka (¬_¬). I hope my brother found your Cabin's company well.
Drew: Oh, he's more than entertaining. He sees and hears things all around Camp that no one else does.
Bianca: So he's your gossip messenger
Drew: Exactly.
Bianca: Hm. Remind me to tell Chiron that he's not allowed to stay here for too long.
Drew: Why? Jealous he's gonna want a new sister?
Nico: *coming back* Got them!
Bianca: C'mon, Nico.
Nico: Bye, Drew!
Drew: Bye, sweetheart!
If Hazel was rescused by Bianca before Nico was older than her:
Bianca: Nico, this is Hazel.
Hazel: Hello.
Nico: ...hi *waves shyly*
Bianca: Hazel here is the daughter of Pluto
Nico: Your papa is a planet?
Bianca: No, Nico. Her papa is our papa's other self.
Nico: But papa's name is Hades.
Bianca: And his name is also Pluto
Nico: So, she's our sister?
Bianca: Yeah.
Nico is staying with the Jacksons while Bianca is away:
Nico, helping Sally in the kitchen: *cuts his finger with the knife* OWIE!
Sally: *sees what happened* Aw, Nico. I told you not to use the knife. *gets the first aid kit*
Nico: Sorry, Ms. Percy's Mama
Sally: *patches up the wound* There. Now, why don't you go get the peeler and peel the potatoes?
Nico: Mkay. *goes to get the peeler*
Percy, entering: Hey, guys.
Nico: Ms Percy's Mama! Percy's in the kitchen again!
Sally: Percy, you know the rule
Percy: Mom, you can't be serious
Nico: She said that the kitchen is a No Percy zone. *pushes him out to the living room* Stay! *goes back to kitchen*
Percy: Mom, it was one time!
Sally: How do you burn pasta while boiling it?!
Hestia: Aww, Chiron, who is this?
Nico, walking with Chiron:
Chiron: This is Nico. He's a new arrival.
Nico: Hello :)
Hestia, picking him up and cuddling into him: Aren't you just the cutest!
Nico: *giggles*
Hestia: Is he claimed?
Chiron: He's Hades' son
Hestia: Oh? Well then that makes you my nephew!
Nico, admiring her: Pretty!
Hestia: Aww. How 'bout we go make some smores, hm? Have you ever had a smore?
Nico: Mm-mm *shakes his head*
Hestia: *gasp* Well, you need to tas one now. Let's go get some marshmallows and some chocolate and graham crackers
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flamboyant-james · 1 year
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I care them
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audreyscribes · 8 months
Ω PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS: 🌾 DEMETER: Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility, of the Harvest & Sacred Law, of the Earth, of the Seasons, Nourishment & Bread 🌽
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, the ground beneath you bursts with vegetation. You look around you and notice that among the vegetation, it’s your favourites. Your favourite flowers, fruit, vegetable, and plants. It’s almost like Demeter had been keeping an eye on you this entire time and this was her bouquet for you. A wreath of corn and plants sit upon your crown.
Your siblings cheer and help you take the bouquet of vegetation, taking the roots of each plant to be planted later on, and the rest is gathered. You’re introduced to your cabin and siblings with a small impromptu picnic of said-bouquet as you all break bread together. As you sink your teeth into the nearest food, it fills you with energy you’re not sure how to place other than it’s good. 
There are plants everywhere in your cabin and the inside of the cabin is almost like a botanical garden that is also never uncomfortable to sleep in. You look around and you see plants hanging from above and/or rising above. Your bed smells like earth and flowers, and there are vines curling up around the frames. As soon you touch the bed, your bunk bed bursts into your favourite flowers and plants, providing you a little bit of comfort. 
The wreath you were given hangs above your head and it remains fresh. It’s like a soft reminder of Demeter’s presence.
You help with the camp’s business of growing and maintaining the strawberries they grow, and you find out you and your siblings all get a small portion of the profits. It’s almost like an allowance for doing your chores. 
Being a child of Demeter, you get along with the children of Dionysus and Mr. D. 
You also get along with the dryads at camp, being the child of Demeter. There’s a sense of love and respect directed towards you. If you don’t know, you’re later told by one of your siblings, the dryads, or Mr. D himself. 
Let’s just say, Demeter is very, very terrifying and you know when they say to never mess with Mother Nature. 
Do not mistaken for weakness and unimportance as a child of Demeter. Demeter herself is powerful, and hopefully no one earns her ire. 
People might not find your particularly threatening, but know that when the time comes, your hand that has handled the tools that till the earth, is just as practiced as a sword. 
Flower power to the max. You can sprout the plants beneath your feet, from the smallest of weeds that can tear apart stone through their cracks, to the network of tree roots beneath your feet that grow and grow. Fungi are also on the table and boy, there's no way more terrifying then razing down enemies with the power of fungi. You carry an assortment of seeds with you and let me tell you, a whip made out of Rose thorns go hard.
You looked at the miniature garden beneath your feet. You quickly take in the fact the plants around you are your favourites. Your favourite fruits, flowers, herbs, plants in general. You can’t tell if it is the pollen or dust, but you feel your eyes prickling at the fact that maybe, Demeter had been keeping an eye on you when her claim brought about your favourites. 
You felt the wreath of corn grow on top of your head, the vines and leaves moving and parting your hair behind your ear. It is soft, gentle, and deliberate, almost like a mother’s touch. 
You see a bunch of campers take out shovels, spades, and other gardening tools and begin working at your feet, gathering the plants. A girl steps forward and she had her hands on her hips, giving you a smile. 
“Don’t worry about the plants. Each new child of Demeter’s claim is different and their plants are a representation of them, so we like to gather the plants to celebrate. My name is Katie Gardner, child of Demeter and cabin leader. Welcome!” 
You introduced yourself before catching some of the children of Demeter talk excitedly about what to make with the produce they had gathered. “So what’s going on now?”
Katie gently guides you to the Demeter Cabin as she explains. “To welcome each new addition to our cabin, we also like to hold an impromptu picnic if its early or late enough before meal times, and we use the plants from their claim as the centrepiece. This also lets us get to know each other, a bit of an ice breaker if you get what I mean.”
“That’s actually pretty cool” you said as she led you to your bunk.
“It is, right? I know we may not seem as cool compared to the other gods, but trust me, being a child of Demeter is just as great as the others. We’re just…more down to earth.”
The reaction you gave to Katie as she let out a laugh. “Got you right there” she giggled. “Come on, there’s plenty to show you!”
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orchideous-nox · 3 months
On my birthday this year, I sat in the food court at the zoo and explained Rosekiller to my mum and because it was my birthday she did not cut me off. I rambled about the pronunciation of "Rosier" and how Karkaroff says it different to Crouch Sr, how Barty took polyjuice potion to turn into the man who killed the love of his life, how Evan left Moody with a lasting reminder of their duel and Barty locked him away in a trunk for months. I told her about Evan's obsessions with teeth and bones and dissecting animals, and how Barty is unhinged but will help Evan with his science experiments to make him happy.
It was perfect.
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glenscowboyhat · 1 month
"yeah, the wranglers would make great aunts and uncles. babysitters, though? that one’s questionable" - lol, yeah! Maybe Dexter would be a decent babysitter... Or so Tyler and y/n would think and then would be proved wrong?
yesss i could for sure see this! i can see y/n and tyler coming home from a date night and their living room is full of ripped up tissue paper, like for gifts, and tyler’s like “where the hell did this even come from” and dexter, from a distance, is like “i don’t KNOW! it keeps finding stuff to destroy!” and all tyler can do is stare in disbelief at his mess of a house while y/n laughs at dexter calling her child “it”
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{{Just imagine, that as Husk gets closer to Angel, he begins to incorporate more pink into his wardrobe. It starts off subtly: a handkerchief in his pocket, a new ribbon on his top hat, and eventually even a pink button up.
Alastor takes notice, but because Husk isn’t outright defying his orders, the Radio Demon doesn’t want to cause a scene - in fact, as Husk’s demeanor shifts with his color pallet, he’s been far more agreeable.
Husk didn’t realize how much he would enjoy the color alteration - not because of fragile masculinity, but because of how happy it makes him feel. Pink is soft, pink is affection, pink is Angel. It’s nothing like the violent and oppressive red he’d been forced to wear to cater to Alastor’s control over him.
But then one day, Husk slips up. He and Angel accidentally swap bow ties, and Alastor finally snaps. It happens around the time the Radio Demon is preparing his grand betrayal of everyone in the hotel, and as a result, he puts Husk in a full crimson outfit. After all, Hell is forever, and so is he.}}
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eternalslover · 1 year
Where are all my Shang Chi lovers like come on
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2close2thesun · 2 months
ok you know how no one sees katie ledecky and is like “wow she’s really good… she must be a daughter of poseidon!” like no one is suspicious or anything.
in this essay i will explain how percy jackson should enter into the olympics—
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willowtreebee · 5 months
Keith and Pidge have such a close (sibling-like) bond, you cannot tell me otherwise.
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Keith barged into their bedroom and announced that he had the best meme idea.
(Yes, Pidge taught him about meme culture.)
This was a hilarious idea-
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