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grandpa-boyfriend · 2 months ago
it's so insane how rick loves morty in his own way but it's so subtle and so so so so much based implicit meanings rather than outright gestures. but it becomes so clear when you view his "expressions" of love in their simplest form.
creating rickbot? rick didn't want morty to be lonely or to worry about him, even when rick himself was upset at morty for "treating" him like he's "boring" during the knights of the sun episode
the fear hole episode at the end? he carries a picture of morty in his wallet. he LIKES being able to see an image of morty whenever he wants. it might even bring him comfort. him putting it on the board was to also show how proud he was of morty, at the end, to the extent that he would willing part with something he obviously LIKES. (tho tbh he prob just grabbed another picture at home and put it in his wallet. it was clearly a school photo and they prob do have multiple of those)
like, this is something that is really coming across more overtly in the later seasons. in the earlier seasons, we saw rick go through cycles of controlling morty and then discarding him when they either got too emotionally close, when morty expressed anger/displeasure with rick, and/or when rick felt like he needed to "punish" morty for either of the two previous things (think the vat of acid or the two crows).
rick's toxic treatment and abuse of morty can be considered him "caring" about morty in his own fucked up way, even though it's not true love and care as it disregards morty's autonomy and feelings. however, for someone like rick to willingly exert control over another person instead of just abandoning them the moment they express something he doesn't like? that's basically him admitting he wants morty in his life.
rick becoming much more soft and caring in his own way in these recent seasons is a very subtle thing - but, it's like, once you see it, then a lot of things start clicking into place in regards to his character development and his relationship with morty.
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metrolist · 4 months ago
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100loudreams · 6 months ago
100 loud dreams - season one timeline read on ao3
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The printable booklet version is available on my gumroad for one dollar
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grimalkinmessor · 2 months ago
I don't think C-137 is Morty's actual dimensional number.
Because he and Rick don't come from the same dimension, and it's never stated that C-137 is the dimensional designation that Morty (and Rick Prime by extension) comes from. Rick says that it's HIS dimensional designation, and since he created the Citadel it's not like they could've given him a new number, right? Rick would've told them to fuck off. So if C-137 is Rick's original dimensional number then that means that C-137 is the dimension where Beth and Diane died, meaning that Rick doesn't have an original Morty. C-137 Morty never got to exist.
But, when Morty refers to himself as "C-137", it's directly after he's typed in the coordinates for his original dimension on the portal gun to take Summer there. But, in that moment he's also speaking to Ricks, Ricks that he knows are from the Citadel and that he knows know who his Rick is, and pretty notoriously at that. So I think when he identifies himself as "Morty C-137", he's not identifying himself as the Morty of that dimension, but rather identifying himself as "Rick C-137's Morty".
So what the hell is Morty's original dimensional number??
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loverorgrandpa · 2 months ago
People be like as long as it’s not a ship it’s fine but this is the official art. Technically they’re right- shipping is fanon. This shit’s canon.
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urfavoritemistake · 9 months ago
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i had a normal one today
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garmanarnarr · 9 months ago
Rickorty Week Day 3: Caught
1.2k | secretly married | warning for language
“Jesus Christ, Jerry, go get the accountant, would you?” 
Beth’s hands shake around the tax filer. She taps the sheaf of papers against the desk to try and straighten them but it ends up just making things worse, sheets fumbling out into her lap. W-2s. Proof of health insurance. Unemployment papers for Jerry. And that’s just last year’s; she’s pulled their last seven returns, which she keeps in big binders in a filing cabinet in the home office, like they always suggest. 
She can tell her husband is making a face without even looking at him. 
“He said he charged,” Jerry pauses, “what, two thousand flurbos an—”
“FILING ERROR. FILING ERROR,” the big stone head in the middle of the office says, again, thumping the ground for emphasis. 
“I don’t care. Call him,” Beth says. 
“We don’t know the conversion rate!” 
“I know that if we don’t file these correctly beyond a shadow of a doubt, our bodies, and our children’s, are going to get repo’d. That’s what I know, Jerry.” 
“Alright,” Jerry says. “Fine.” Shoulders slumped, he shuffles out of the room. The intergalactic equivalent of the IRS manages to be equally drab as its US counterpart– or maybe worse. Beth had no idea there even was an intergalactic equivalent of the IRS you could be audited by until she was pulled right out of her living room and into space like how cows got sucked up into flying saucers in movies. She’d had a nasty looking gun pointed in her face by an alien and ten minutes to gather ‘the needed tax-related materials’ to ‘rectify a filing error.” She didn’t even have time to finish her glass of wine. 
Now she’s stuck in this office under threat of losing her own bodily autonomy. With a lot of paperwork. And a big stone head in the middle of the floor thundering “FILING ERROR. FILING ERROR.” as it pounds on the ground like the Easter Island equivalent of a Turbotax fuckup. 
She has no clue what’s wrong. Maybe something lingering from the divorce? Unless Jerry has some bank accounts in Turks and Caicos he hasn’t told her about, she’s pretty much fresh out of ideas. She leans over in her chair, twisting her hands in her hair, wishing she had a glass of wine. Perhaps several. 
As she stares at her bare feet (she hadn’t had time to grab shoes) she hears Jerry come into the room, followed by small, light footsteps. When she looks up, a nerdy alien in a polo shirt and khakis is sitting down across the desk from her. He has weakly wavering gray antennae, like everyone else that works here, and a laptop under his arm. 
“Hello, Mrs. Smith. Sounds like there’s a problem you’d like my help with?”
“FILING ERROR. FILING ERROR,” agrees the stone head, loudly. Beth is starting to get a really bad headache and she knows it isn’t from the Cab Sav. 
“I think something is wrong with my previous tax returns? Or something?” she says, pushing her stack of papers towards the accountant, which the accountant eyes, twirling one of his antennae between his fingers. 
“What planet?”
“Uh. Earth?”
“Ah, I see. Earth tends to be a particularly tricky one. You humans can never make up your minds. Makes keeping accurate records a pain.”
“Frankly, sir, I have no fucking clue what’s going on. Pardon my language. This has never been a problem for us before.” 
“Well, Mrs. Smith, if you’re willing to go line by line with me…”
“For the last seven years?”
“I’m paid to be thorough.” 
Beth’s going to pull her hair out. 
“Isn’t there anything you can do to just, like, make it faster? Please.” 
The accountant does some sort of equivalent of pursing his lips that might translate more clearly with different mouth anatomy. 
“Alright. Let me check my system for any inconsistencies.” 
He opens up his laptop and begins typing away. 
Gingerly, Jerry rests a hand on Beth’s back. “See, honey? Look at him go. I knew he was worth it.” 
Her phone rings, inexplicably. But of course, anything is explicable, considering what her father is capable of. She picks up on the second ring. 
“Dad?” she asks, as if it could be anyone else. She watches as the accountant pulls a small device out of his pants pocket and starts scanning some of the papers with it, seemingly at random. 
“B-Beth, sweetie, tell me something. Are your personal taxes being audited by the intergalactic equivalent of the IRS right now?”
“How do you know?” she asks, instantly, then winces, then hates herself for wincing. This is obviously some Dad shit. There are antennas and strange electronic devices and angry space bureaucrats, which means it has Rick Sanchez written all over it. 
“Ah, jeez, fuck, okay.” Her father sounds oddly panicked, voice strained.  “L-listen, don’t. Don’t tell those squares anything, just wait until I get there–”
The accountant looks up. “I’ve found something, Mrs. Smith.”
“Ooooh, he’s found something, Beth!” Jerry echoes excitedly. 
Beth takes her phone away from her ear and rests it against her shoulder. 
“You seem to have some kind of error with the status of a family member’s filing.”
“What do you mean?” Faintly, she can hear her father saying Beth? Sweetie? on the other end of the line. 
“Mortimer Smith is listed as a dependent, here.” He points at a line on his laptop screen that’s highlighted in red. 
“Yes, of his mother.” She shoots a look at Jerry, who’s gone quiet.  
“Hmmm,” says the accountant, squinting at his screen. Beth’s stomach feels strange. 
“He’s seventeen. He’s my son.” 
“According to our records, he’s been filing with Rick Sanchez since 2016.”
Two years ago. Beth’s stomach drops. “You mean, he’s like, what, Rick’s dependent now? Like Rick fucking adopted him?”  
Suddenly scenarios of Rick whisking Morty away for real, forever, without her knowing, are flashing through her head. Taking him away on an adventure that he’d never come back from, far away from her. Who knew what he could do. How he could make her sign papers and forget she’d ever done it. Her forehead and armpits start to break out in clammy sweat and she wipes her suddenly damp hands on her pant legs. 
“No, jointly filing,” the accountant says coolly, as if it is nothing. As if it is the most normal thing in the world. “As a spouse.” 
In a flash, a slimy green disk opens in the middle of the room. Beth watches as one long, long, knobby leg steps through, then another. The ratty edge of a lab coat and one gray hand holding a portal gun. 
“First of fucking all,” her father says, as soon as his head bursts through, “let it be known, I didn’t– I didn’t want you to find out like this, Beth . This is pretty m-messed up, even by my standards. Second of all, fuck the government and all the little snitching bitch peons that work for it. Third of all, before you aAAUGGHsk, it’s not, it’s not legal on Earth. So don’t worry about that, sweetie.” 
Beth is very still. 
“CORRECTION ACCEPTED,” says the head, mouth clacking. It had stopped shaking the table with its movement. It seems smug, in fact. 
“See, Beth? Not legal on earth,” Jerry echoes, cheerfully. His face falls.  
“Wait. What?”
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unclefesterdraws · 3 months ago
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"you like that, morty?"
"yes, rick, i do."
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grandpaluvr69 · 10 months ago
real reason rick asked morty to meta marry him was so he could fix a problem he's had for the last 14 years (beth taking jerry's last name so the kids also have his last name) (he should have been morty sanchez)
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grandpa-boyfriend · 4 months ago
new fic idea i'll eventually get around to:
rick randomly gets morty a stuffed animal of some sort. maybe it was a joke. maybe they were at a fair or something and he just won it and handed it absentmindedly to morty. either way, rick gave more a plushie and morty becomes OBSESSED with it. like he carries it with him around the house, sleeps with it, and even once or twice brings it to school in a backpack.
and rick at first tries to make fun of him for it, because he's rick, but then it starts to make him uncomfortable. like...it just reminds him how young morty is. it makes him think about how morty might need some more comfort than he's currently getting. also, like, why is morty so obsessed with some dumb toy??? why does he cuddle it nonstop and go to it when he's sad and pay more attention to it than rick?
(yes, rick is aware of how pathetic it is to be jealous over a plushie but he also DOES NOT CARE. he probably almost destroys it at some point but then stops when morty catches him. and cue a huge fight over it)
anyways, eventually rick finds out that morty was only obsessed with the plushie because rick gave it to him and it makes him think of rick
cue rick suddenly going from being jealous of the plushie to suddenly being determined to buy morty as many as possible and bury him in a pile of them
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gothmorty · 2 months ago
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fanbun · 2 years ago
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RickBot's death in 6.10
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grimalkinmessor · 3 months ago
Rewatching Rick and Morty (C137cest for the WIN Summer understands me) and yeah I know it's not that deep but I really think that Rick was kinder to Morty in the earliest days because he fucking adored the wide-eyed innocence that Morty displayed then, the open admiration, the simple worldview, because despite what he claims Rick envies early Morty's naivety—he then proceeds to ruin it because his intellect tells him that his partner needs to be at least somewhat learned if he wants Morty to stay alive, and Rick proceeds to ruin that naivety with what he sees as nonchalant relish but in reality he knows is just a natural consequence of being around Rick Sanchez. He's like poison gas and everything good and pure and happy rots and wilts into cynicism and violence if he hangs around it long enough, because Unity was right; Rick is better at shaping people into his own mold than a literal hivemind could ever be. And even as Morty grows jaded and he loses that precious ignorance Rick is still dependent on him because Morty has now been molded so perfectly to be at Rick's side that he's become another limb, one that Rick both sees as a nuisance and also knows that he can't bear to be without even as they hurt each other and abandon each other only to circle right the hell back into the same cycle of codependence they've been rocking since Rick first dragged Morty by his ankle into a spaceship. Rick treats Morty like shit more and more as time goes on because he knows he can take it, and Rick hates Morty for succumbing to a Rick-centric worldview almost as much as he hates himself for forcing it on him.
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positively-pro · 2 years ago
PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK to sign petitions and send your representatives letters about stopping KOPA!
The law could be severely misused and is open enough to interpretation that it seems like it could be used to take down sites like Ao3 and Tumblr for being LGBTQIA+ safe places. It would also likely require age verification for EVERY internet user, which would not protect kids, it would just give the gvmnt more possibilities to restrict and police our internet use.
It took me less than 5 minutes to sign literally all of these that I can right now. ♡
I saw another post about this, but they didn't want proshippers to interact, so I'm making my own.
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haahahrick · 8 days ago
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Yesss 🥰✨
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unclefesterdraws · 3 months ago
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ok so i think i saw a text post a long time ago of jessica wearing rick's lab coat and idk if anyone's drawn it, so here
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