#laurence sanders
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artifacts-and-arthropods · 1 year ago
Strange Bedfellows: these unprecedented photos show a leafcutter bee sharing its nest with a wolfspider
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I stumbled across these photos while I was looking up information on leafcutter bees, and I just thought that this was too cool not to share. Captured by an amateur photographer named Laurence Sanders, the photos were taken in Queensland, Australia several years ago, and they quickly garnered the attention of both entomologists and arachnologists.
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The leafcutter bee (Megachile macularis) can be seen fetching freshly-cut leaves, which she uses to line the inner walls of her nest. The wolfspider moves aside as the bee approaches, allowing her to enter the nest, and then she simply watches as the leaf is positioned along the inner wall.
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Once the leaf is in position, they seem to inspect the nest together, sitting side-by-side in the entryway; the bee eventually flies off again to gather more leaves, while the wolfspider climbs back into the burrow.
The leafcutter bee seems completely at ease in the presence of the wolfspider, which is normally a voracious predator, and the wolfspider is equally unfazed by the fact that it shares its burrow with an enormous bee.
The photographer encountered this bizarre scene by accident, and he then captured a series of images over the course of about 2 days (these are just a few of the photos that were taken). During that 2-day period, the bee was seen entering the nest with pieces of foliage dozens of times, gradually constructing the walls and brood chambers of its nest, and the spider was clearly occupying the same burrow, but they did not exhibit any signs of aggression toward one another.
The photos have been examined by various entomologists and arachnologists, and those experts seem ubiquitously surprised by the behavior that the images depict. The curator of entomology at Victoria Museum, Dr. Ken Walker, noted that this may be the very first time that this behavior has ever been documented, while Dr. Robert Raven, an arachnid expert at the Queensland Museum, described it as a "bizarre" situation.
This arrangement is completely unheard of, and the images are a fascinating sight to behold.
Sources & More Info:
Brisbane Times: The Odd Couple: keen eye spies bee and spider bedfellows in 'world-first'
iNaturalist: Megachile macularis
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weirdlookindog · 10 months ago
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Rebecca (1940) - Spanish poster, R-1969
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soberfaggot · 1 month ago
Working on the Romance timeline at 4am because I'm crayzaaayyyyyyyyy.
Basically, Season One is from Laurence's perspective and it's all about the reader getting to know him. Actually meeting Roman is pretty late in the season. I'm also trying to map out foreshadowing and consistent character work.
The Season One section is almost done. I could post that in a bit.
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kazashiniwielder · 7 months ago
Okay, so Twisters came out this weekend, which means I had to watch Twister again, and I really need to gush about this movie.
Twister is one of two disaster movies that I can watch repeatedly without it getting old (Armageddon is my other favorite). And part of it is because of the characters.
Jo, Bill, and Melissa aside; who were all magnificent characters, I adored Jo’s team just as much!!!
Tim ‘Beltzer’ Lewis came off like Jo’s second in command. Usually when Jo went off ahead and the group stopped to gather data, Beltzer seemed to take charge. He was usually one of the first people Jo called for and would be the first to start giving orders. Beltzer is a bit of a nerd, having quoted Star Wars in his excitement when he thought they were going to get ‘Dorthy’ up. He also a bit of a goof, saying ‘he was without apparel’ when Bill kept insisting he wasn’t butt naked when they met. It is also clear Beltzer has been doing this for a while because he was part of the retelling of stories from the early days along with Dustin and Rabbit.
Haynes travels a little with Beltzer for the first half of the movie. The two have a close relationship as they are usually together in scenes. Beltzer physically moves Haynes away to give Jo and Bill space in the beginning and even holds Haynes to give her comfort when Aunt Meg got hurt. The two also sing Oklahoma together when everyone was excitedly chasing after the first tornado of the day. Haynes for her part seems to be one of the data technicians. She helps monitor the data reports and she knows what she is looking at, being the one to identify that the F5 tornado at the end of the movie was going to shift before anyone else did. She is also usually handling data print outs.
In the next vehicle you got Robert ‘Rabbit’ Nurick. Rabbit is a pretty heavily featured character and part of that is because he is the primary navigator of the group. The cab of Rabbit and Sanders’ truck is full of maps which Rabbit uses to help find the fastest and most efficient ways for the group to chase the tornado. Rabbit has to know the area well, has to fully understand how to read maps, and how to quickly adapt. Rabbit is also particular. His first scene is him snapping at Sanders due to one of his maps being folded instead of rolled. He also tries to sooth others, explaining very patiently to Aunt Meg that she can’t drive herself to the hospital due to her car being in a tree.
Rabbit rides is a car with Sanders. Sanders is one of the younger members of the group. He is still pretty excitable, being one of the people to chime in over the radio when they were looking at a tornado and having nothing useful to really add except that it was ‘beautiful’. Sanders also helps with data analysis and navigation.
The next vehicle is probably the most green members of the group. Joey and Laurence. Both of them know Bill, so they were there when Bill was earlier, but they are more inexperienced than the rest of the team. Laurence was probably on his first major field project. Jo had scolded him at the beginning for not properly maintaining the equipment and he referred to Beltzer as ‘Sir’. He is only one to suggest they throw in the towel after the first close call and when they are taking cover in the drive in, Laurence was the only person to try to hide in a car instead of underground. He also froze in fear and Jo had to pull him out. So he likely hasn’t done this before. Joey in addition was a little inexperienced but he and Laurence were monitoring the satellite data. Joey is also a little looser in his priorities. When the others are excited about the data they were getting from ‘Dorthy’ finally flying, Joey yells ‘we are going to be so popular!’
The two also appear to be close. Not only are they in a truck together but at the end of the movie when Laurence collapses on the ground in relief, Joey immediately starts playing rock-paper-scissors with him until Dusty interrupts and Laurence then clings to Dustin’s leg. They are younger, more playful, and Dusty clearly enjoys that.
Speaking of Dusty, let’s talk about Dustin Davis. Dustin is probably the most goofy one, and the craziest after Jo and Bill. However unlike those two, he doesn’t have a death wish either. Dustin is one of the older and more experienced members of the team. He knows a lot about tornadoes but he’s very unorthodox. He knows the principles and the concepts but he has no patience for the scientific terms so he makes up his own that make sense to him. He is also the most outgoing of the group, going out of his way to look after Melissa and try to make her feel welcome to the group. He keeps the rest of the team smiling.
Then we have Jason ‘Preacher’ Rowe. Preacher is another older more experienced member. He seems to be in the middle of experiences, with Dusty, Rabbit, Haynes, and Beltzer on one side with Sanders, Laurence, and Joey on the other. He likes upbeat music and judging from his name and his ‘finger of god’ comment, he was likely religious.
The entire team are very intelligent individuals. They are working hard on their research project, something they are on one of their last field projects for if they don’t get results judging from Dusty’s comment about the grant money running out at the beginning. They are all adrenaline junkies for the most part (minus Laurence) but they aren’t crazy either. The entire team shows they know when to have fun and when to get serious. They know when the danger is too much and when the risks are not worth the potential rewards.
They are also a very ride or die team. Jonas was portrayed to be an enemy of Bill’s. According to Bill; he, Jo, and Jonas started in the same lab together (it’s quite possible that Jonas was part of Jo’s group when they met Bill and eventually Jonas split off to do his own thing). Jo mentions that Jonas would let Bill take the lead and then swoop in and take his ideas or the credit. It has created a huge rivalry between Jonas and Bill, which Jo’s team clearly takes Bill’s side on. Jonas doesn’t once acknowledge the others but they are quick to make fun of Jonas and his team.
The entire team also adores Jo’s Aunt Meg. Aunt Meg is the team aunt. They all adore her and she loves them. She knows this is what they ‘live for’, so she uses her home as a rest stop for them. A place where they can recharge and regroup. They come by for showers, changes of clothes, food, and momentary rest. She cares for them all and they care about her. Knowing she was in danger, the entire team rushes out to find her without a moment of hesitation. They all try to make Meg feel better and even look after her dog while she is in the hospital.
I honestly always loved this movie because of the chemistry with all the characters, how they interact, and how they all weave through the story.
I will probably watch it again soon, but I just wanted to gush about how much I adore these characters!!!!
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nicki-lewis903 · 6 months ago
I think sometimes the best films to watch during autumn and Halloween season are some of the classics; mainly because the black and white film format just adds another layer of eerie atmosphere. Case in point Rebecca from Alfred Hitchcock. This film is based on the novel by Daphne De Maurier which is about a young woman who meets widower Maxim De Winter; he they meet while he is on his first holiday after his wife’s tragic passing. Her employer knows of the late Rebecca De Winter and we get our first glimpse of this faceless and overpowering character that drives the story.
Our main character and Maxim wed soon after they meet she doesn’t want her leaving without him. She accepts and is delighted to see his home of Manderly; a manor just as imposing as the not forgotten Rebecca. No one holds onto Rebecca as much as the quiet and unsettling Mrs. Danvers, the housemaid for the late Mrs. De Winter. It’s amazing how everyone doesn’t look at the protagonist as more than just a minor inconvenience who stepped into this world and doesn’t belong. That’s how everything is played out at least and it makes you want to know just like the protagonist just what made Rebecca so captivating.
The film itself is stunning to look at. Another film that has this dreamlike haze; but being filmed in black and white makes it feel more nightmarish and gothic. The set design was so grand in scale which aids in making us and the protagonist feel intimidated by this life we’re thrown into. It’s no surprise seeing as the producer was David O’ Selznick from productions like Gone With The Wind. The cinematography is stunning with the silhouettes of the characters being illuminated by a well lit background and in some moments they focus the lighting on just the face of a character to show in moments of heightened emotion.
This film is worth checking out this autumn, if you love gothic atmosphere and films that feel like an eerie trip into another world, this would be for you.
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vintage-every-day · 2 years ago
''It’s blackmail, pure and simple.'' 
𝑹𝒆𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒄𝒂 1940: Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. With Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, George Sanders, Judith Anderson.
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letterboxd-loggd · 8 months ago
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Village of the Damned (1960) Wolf Rilla
July 5th 2024
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halloweenmoviewatchlist · 1 year ago
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Rebecca (1940)
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somelocusts · 1 month ago
SomeLocusts's Movie Game
My family and I have this game we've been playing this year. We started with a movie, then picked our favorite actor from that movie, then watch another movie that actor was known for, then pick another actor and so on and so forth.
Here's our path so far.
Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) -> Sir Michael Caine ->
Sleuth (1972) -> Laurence Olivier ->
Rebecca (1940) -> George Sanders ->
All About Eve (1950) -> Bette Davis ->
The Little Foxes (1941) -> Patricia Collinge ->
Shadow of a Doubt (1943) -> Hume Cronyn ->
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) -> Lana Turner ->
Imitation of Life (1959) -> Juanita Moore ->
Ransom! (1956) -> Glenn Ford ->
3:10 to Yuma (1957) -> Van Heflin
Stats so far
Favorite movie: Sleuth
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Favorite performances: Glenn Ford
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Least favorite movie: Shadow of a Doubt (I can see the appeal but it's not for me. Not a big Hitchcock guy in general tbh.)
The path continues to Act of Violence (1949). In the meantime, try the game yourself and see where you end up (and if you can escape the inexorable vortex that is the Hollywood Golden Age). See you soon!
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halloweenhundreds · 6 months ago
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Rebecca is one of the ultimate haunted house stories, ghost or no ghost. Its relationship politics have sure aged but it remains beautiful, haunting, creepy, unsettling, and frustrating. Amazing cast, direction, and design.
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cinevisto32 · 1 year ago
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Rebeca (1940)
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thewarmestplacetohide · 9 months ago
Dread by the Decade: Rebecca
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Plot: A young woman marries a wealthy widower only to find herself haunted by the memory of his dead wife.
Review: Though perhaps a bit slow for some tastes, this film is an exceptional exercise in subtle unease and manipulation.
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Source Material: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier Year: 1940 Genre: Psychological Horror, Drama Country: United States Language: English Runtime: 2 hours 10 minutes
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Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers: Robert E. Sherwood, Joan Harrison Cinematographer: George Barnes Editor: W. Donn Hayes Composer: Franz Waxman Cast: Joan Fontaine, Laurence Olivier, Judith Anderson, George Sanders, Reginald Denny, Gladys Cooper, C. Aubrey Smith
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Story: 4/5 - An effective slow burn built upon convincing intercharacter drama and quietly shocking twists.
Performances: 4.5/5 - Everyone is wonderful. Fontaine is lovable as the kind heroine, and Anderson is very unnerving as the obsessive Ms. Danvers.
Cinematography: 4/5 - Great shadow usage and an especially iconic final tracking shot.
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Editing: 4/5
Music: 5/5 - Perfectly suited for every story beat.
Effects & Props: 5/5 - Fantastic pyrotechnics.
Sets: 5/5 - The hotel and manor sets are just gorgeous and ornately decorated.
Costumes, Hair, & Make-Up: 5/5 - The heroine's costume ball gown is especially striking.
Trigger Warnings:
Emotional abuse
Incest (not shown)
Discussion of suicide
Brief ableist caricature
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undeath1245 · 8 months ago
Headcanon full names for the TD contestants
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I figured that I should share my list of headcanon full names of each of the characters of Total Drama, with a couple of exceptions here and there (i.e. Chris McLean, Blainely O'Halloran, Alejandro Burromuerto, Cody Anderson, Harold McGrady, Devon "DJ" Joseph, Dakota Milton, Lightning Jackson, Cameron Wilkins, Nichelle LaDonna, Valentina MacArthur). Results may possibly vary.
Original Total Drama contestants
Gwendolyn York (sharing the same name as the York Region)
Trent McAllister
Duncan van Jensen
Courtney Ferrera
Heather Yang
Lindsay Berglund
Tyler Greenwood
Bethany Collins
Geoff Baskerville
Brigette Heinemann
Justin Carroway
LeShawna Martin
Isabella Crampton
Eva Alexandrova
Sierra McAnthony
Katie Bisonette
Sadie Jeong
Ezekiel Brimstone
Revenge of the Island contestants
Michael Holmvik
Zoey Abendroth
Brick Hopkins
Scott Bronson
Josephine "Jo" Arnold
Samuel Braxton
Anna Marie Lombardi
Dawn Nicholson
Beverly "B" Norwood
Staci Murray
Pahkitew Island contestants
Shawn Romero
Jasmine Abbott
Sky Rouleau
David Corduroy
Sugar van Hoffman
Amanda Dufresne
Samantha Dufresne
Topher Fellows
Ella Grimm
Maxwell Hunter
Scarlett McGrady
Rodney Fieldston
Leonard Hammersmith
Winslow Beardman
The Ridonculous Race contestants
Devin Letterman
Carrie Brennan
Thomas Wesley
Jennifer Walcott
Brody Simpson
Stephanie Fairchild
Ryan Carmichael
Rosalind Sanders
Josée Guillaume
Jacques Beaumont
Emma Zhong
Katherine Zhong
Stuart Rockford
Theodore Spudman
Dwayne Broker Sr.
Dwayne Broker Jr.
Kelly Greenwood
Taylor Greenwood
Jay Henderson
Mickey Henderson
Ennui Craven
Marie Crimson
Tammy Lundgren
Laurie Delcroix
Kristoffersen Miles
Ellody Newton
Marie Poindexter
Chet Levett
Lorenzo Antonelli
Gerry Drummond
Peter McLean
Total Drama Revival contestants
Caleb Edwards
Priya Rouhani
Millie Baldridge
Hezekias "Zee" Wanchai
Julie Martinson
Mary Kate "MK" Chung
Wayne Rupert
Raj Samaroo
Bowie Davison (based on the late English pop star)
Emma Wahlgren
Damien Laurence
Ripper Alderman
Axel Emerson
Chase Rodgers
Lauren "Scary Girl" Metcalf (sharing the same name as the actress)
Why don't you share me your fan name ideas?
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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Alan Watts, spiritual entertainer:
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“Although my parents suffered through two horrendous wars and the Depression, which hit them hard, I cannot imagine being born to a more harmonious and unostentatiously virtuous couple. Yet I feel that I never quite gave them what they wanted. I don't know what that was, and perhaps they didn't either. But I was a weird child. I was a fantast who believed in fairies and magic when all the other children had given them up for twaddle. I preferred watching birds to playing cricket. I adopted a strange and un-English religion, and went off on my own to a far country.
They said I had "imagination," which was good but dangerous, and the neighbors would speak of Mrs. Watts as "Alan Watts's mother." I told anyone who would listen endless tales of fantasy and of blood-and-thunder. I would conduct funeral ceremonies for dead birds and bats and rabbits instead of learning tennis. I read about ancient Egypt and Chinese tortures and Aladdin's lamp instead of "good books" by Scott, Thackeray, and Dickens. I have no idea how I came to be so weird, but never for a moment have I regretted that I forgetfully reincarnated myself as the child of Laurence Wilson Watts and Emily Mary Buchan, at Rowan Tree Cottage in Holbrook Lane, in the village of Chistlehurst, Kent, England, almost due south of Greenwich, on the morning of January 6, 1915, at about twenty minutes after six, with the Sun in Capricorn, conjuncted with Mars and Mercury and in trine to a Moon in Virgo, with Sagittarius rising, and under bombardment in the midst of the First World War.”
~ Alan Watts, 'In My Own Way: An Autobiography'
(Ian Sanders)
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kwebtv · 4 months ago
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Sneaky Pete - Amazon Prime Video - August 7, 2015 - May 10, 2019
Crime Drama (30 episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
Giovanni Ribisi as Marius Josipović / Pete Murphy
Marin Ireland as Julia Bowman
Shane McRae as Taylor Bowman
Libe Barer as Carly Bowman
Michael Drayer as Eddie Josipović (season 1)
Peter Gerety as Otto Bernhardt
Margo Martindale as Audrey Bernhardt
Jane Adams as Maggie Murphy (season 2, guest season 3)
Ethan Embry as the real Pete Murphy
Bryan Cranston as Vince Lonigan (season 1)
Victor Williams as Richard (season 1)
Karolina Wydra as Karolina (season 1)
Jacob Pitts as Lance Lord
Michael O'Keefe as Detective Winslow (season 1)
Virginia Kull as Katie Boyd (season 1, guest season 2)
Alison Wright as Marjorie
Mike Houston as Dennis
Tobias Segal as Sean
Brad William Henke as Brendon Boyd (season 1)
Jeté Laurence as Ellen
Justine Cotsonas as Shannon
Kevin Chapman as Bo Lockley
Jay O. Sanders as Sam
Chaske Spencer as Chayton Dockery
René Ifrah as Wali
Jasmine Carmichael as Gina (seasons 1–2)
Pej Vahdat as Raj Kumar Mukherjee (season 1)
Max Darwin as Tate
Jeffrey De Serrano as Ayawamat
Malcolm-Jamal Warner as James Bagwell
C.S. Lee as Joseph Lee (seasons 1–2)
Ben Vereen as Leon Porter (seasons 1–2)
Domenick Lombardozzi as Abraham Persikof (season 1)
Debra Monk as Connie Persikof (season 1)
Joseph Lyle Taylor as Frank (seasons 1–2)
Michael DeMello as Mikey (season 1)
Desmond Harrington as Joe (seasons 1–2)
David Kallaway as Bako (season 2)
Jesse Lenat as AJ
Michael Oberholtzer as Colin (season 2)
Jennifer Ferrin as Joyce Roby (season 2)
Miriam Morales as Teacher (season 2)
John Ales as Luka Delchev (season 2)
Sara Tomko as Suzanne (season 2)
Chris Ashworth as Miro (season 2)
Justine Lupe as Hannah (season 2)
Efrat Dor as Lizzie DeLaurentis (season 3)
Jeff Ross as D.C. Doug Decker (season 3)
Leonardo Nam as Alexandre Park-Sun (season 3)
Ricky Jay as T. H. Vignetti (season 3). This was Jay's last performance before his death in 2018.
Darren Pettie as Chuck Johnson (season 3)
Stephanie Faracy as Dotti (season 3)
Charlayne Woodard as Hickey (season 3)
Amy Landecker as Lorraine Sheffield (season 3)
M. Emmet Walsh as Tex Hopkins (season 3)
Patrick J. Adams as Stefan Kilbane (season 3)
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glapplebloom · 1 year ago
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The new songs I listened to this year...
Song’s Eligable for this...
NOTE: I have decided to disclude Death Battle and Death Battle related songs since I feel those would be too easy to fill up this list since I do tend to listen to those songs. Songs used in fan made Death Battle Trailers on the other hand will be okay.
Shatter by Code Orange (Premiered in 2022, but only heard the full version in 2023)
You've Got a Friend in Me - Disney Friendship Mash-Up presented by Thomas Sanders
Priceless from VHS Christmas Carol Live
Moon Girl Soundtrack
Greedy Greedy by the Kuromis
Big Balls (Cover) by Scratch21
Ayleeyuns by Scratch21
Delivered Us The Moon (Feat. Tony Mac & Sega) by Jakeneutron
Lil Nuggit by Chi-Chi
Ordinary (Cover) by Anna
Jack Hornet Vs Dr. Eggman by Freshy Kanal
Rocket Queen by Team Shachi Featuring MCU
Happy Sounds by Kyle Allen Music
Smell of the Game from Guilty Gear Strive
Just the Two of us by Neco Arc
Look at This from Helluva Boss
Red Flags by Tom Cardy Featuring Montaigne
Song of the Dead by @kana-boon
Kindness by BB-Panzu
Evil As Can be from Broken Karaoke
Nerdy Prudes Must Die from Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Our Love is God from Heathers
Komi-San Vs. Wile E. Coyote from Rabi
A Little Theorizing by the Stupendium
Wah & Only (Waluigi Rap) from Mashed
Sidechain Fever from Scratchin’ Melodii
Voices (2023) by Rev Theory
Unbeatable from Mario’s Madness V2 
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#10 - Look at This from Helluva Boss
I enjoy Helluva Boss. It’s crass but there are definitely worse shows out there. And I have no real connection to Fizzarolli’s voice actor, who was apparently Beetlejuice for the Broadway Play. Still, between this song and Two Minute Notice he has proven to be my favorite singer among the cast. Hopefully things turns out well for this series as well as Hazbin Hotel.
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#9 - The Beyonder from Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Talk about a Glow up! The Beyonder was pretty meh despite being so powerful in the comics. But Moon Girl really showed just how entertaining he could be with the right people behind it. Laurence Fishburne does a great job with him and honestly the Music Choices throughout the show was great! I got the soundtrack too! So here’s hoping Season 2 continues to bring banger after banger.
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#8 - Rocket Queen by Team Shachi Featuring MCU
So I found out this year Capcom did a crossover with some K-Pop Band and they were going to take down the game based on it this year. Never noticing this, I decided to listen to the song and I enjoyed it. It has the energy I really enjoy in songs and even though I don’t know the lyrics it was well performed that I could enjoy it regardless. I also love the Sax part in the song and the music video.
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#7 - Red Flags by Tom Cardy Featuring Montaigne
This year, I’ve seen a lot of memes based off one part of this song. The original singers even did an Uno Reverse version of that part so people can have more options. But I wanted to hear the original to see why this was memable. And MAN, I feel like people overlooked the HUMAN CENTIPEDE part to focus on the awkward date part. The song is hilarious and I am glad I gave it a shot to listen to the full version. The Meme is definitely underselling this song.
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#6 - Nerdy Prudes Must Die from Nerdy Prudes Must Die
I feel bad for putting Starkid on twice but man, this year showed off their best stuff. Their newest part in the Hatchetfield Series was so fun and the best song in my book is the title song: Nerdy Prudes Must Die. I also like Hatchet Town. But man, the main song is so fun for a villain. And the whole “who will pray for me” bit was definitely selling how much of a threat he is.
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#5 - Priceless from VHS Christmas Carol Live
I instantly fell in love with the VHS Christmas Carol Live when I saw it early this year. It is so good, not only did I get the soundtrack I also downloaded the Live Performance so I can listen to it all on my i-Pod. My favorite song from the entire thing is Christmas Day, but it is pretty much combining the best songs from the show into one. So I’m picking Priceless because that part really gets me on Christmas Day. I recommend everyone to watch it.
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#4 - Shatter by Code Orange
While he appeared with this song in 2022, I never got the chance to hear the full version until this year. And I love every minute of what I listened to. I was listening to this song so much even before Bray Wyatt’s sad passing. He was taken from us too soon. I hope whoever is close to him is alright. Still, this is a great song and while I don’t think it is great for a tribute to him, it is great to listen to and remember the great stories he given us during the time he was alive.
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#3 - Happy Sounds by Kyle Allen Music
I’m not much of a gamer. I’m more interested in the stories of games than playing them. So My Friendly Neighborhood was definitely a story I was interested in since I was curious how they would do this story compared to many other games. To my surprise, as Game Theory suggested, it's not a story about corrupted souls trapped in puppets, it's about the puppets trying to save a world already corrupted. This song captures that story in 3 minutes and I love it for that. I would recommend this song and the game in general.
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#2 - Song of the Dead by @kana-boon
I will talk about my experience more in the One Shot next month, but this song is the reason I saw Zom 100. The song is full of life and energy and it's everything I want in a song. And if you want an English version, I think Dangle did a great job transferring it to English. Regardless, this was a song that was instrumental into me trying a series I would have probably passed by. Definitely give it a watch.
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#1 - Smell of the Game from Guilty Gear Strive
So how did I find out about this song now of all times? Well, I noticed Evo was actually streaming this year and decided to give it a watch. It was before the Guilty Gear Strive and during the countdown I hear people singing the chorus of this song. That got me interested in hearing the full version and I don’t regret it. The Lyrics may sound random but man, it really gives you the energy to sing it out loud when you do hear it. I get teared up a little bit too. So thank you Evo for letting me get the Smell of the Game.
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