#last quote is from freud
evesmascarade · 2 years
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Suffering sweet like sickness scarred to a laugh, she’s my witness starting to crack. —Oliver Riot
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empirearchives · 1 year
“God will forgive me. It’s his job.”
— The last words of Heinrich Heine
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Pick a Picture Reading | PAC
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Pick a picture 1 - 2 - 3 Hello, sweethearts. It's an unusual reading. I picked quotes for each pile that will give you insights or enlighten you.
Pile 1
“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”
— Sigmund Freud
“Who told you that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in this world! May the liar’s vile tongue be cut out!”
— Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita
“Revenge may be wicked, but it’s natural.”
― William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair
“Evil is just what is positive; it makes its own existence felt.”
— Arthur Schopenhauer, On the Sufferings of the World
“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.”
— F. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment
”The pleasure lies not in discovering truth, but in searching for it.”
― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
“Who are you then?”
“I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.”
— Goethe, Faust
Pile 2
"In order to know the light, we must first experience the darkness."
— C.G. Jung “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
“A woman may possess the wisdom and chastity of Minerva, and we give no heed to her, if she has a plain face. What folly will not a pair of bright eyes make pardonable? What dullness may not red lips are sweet accents render pleasant? And so, with their usual sense of justice, ladies argue that because a woman is handsome, therefore she is a fool. O ladies, ladies! there are some of you who are neither handsome nor wise.”
― William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair
“They spoil every romance by trying to make it last for ever.”
— Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
“Here's my advice to you: don't marry until you can tell yourself that you've done all you could, and until you've stopped loving the women you've chosen, until you see her clearly, otherwise you'll be cruelly and irremediably mistaken. Marry when you're old and good for nothing...Otherwise all that's good and lofty in you will be lost.”
— Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
— Leonardo da Vinci
“Don’t worry about people. People think what you want them to think.”
— Theodore Dreiser, The Financier
Pile 3
“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
— George Orwell, 1984
“To define is to limit.”
— Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
“Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait.”
— Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
“The world is a looking-glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it, and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly kind companion; and so let all young persons take their choice.”
― William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair
“If goodness has causes, it is not goodness; if it has effects, a reward, it is not goodness either. So goodness is outside the chain of cause and effect.”
― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
“Hardships make or break people.”
— Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind.“
— William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
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asgoodeasgold · 1 month
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Matthew Goode "has that fire behind the eyes"
Incredible praise for the performances in Freud's Last Session, particularly Matthew Goode, in this interesting podcast about the film (link below). I must listen to their podcast about The Offer because they loved Matthew as Bob.
I have extracted the most interesting bits from the transcript (that is, the MG bits 😆).
I do agree with them Matthew is at par with the great and the good and that he was snubbed by awards more than once (but I think it's more than twice!).
I love that they have picked up on his non-verbal communication. I love that quote "fire behind the eyes"!
Interesting they think his lack of visibility despite the brilliant acting is because he is in a crowded field (many good actors in his generation). I think it's a bit more complicated than that, a confluence of circumstances and choice perhaps 🤔
📷 Freud's Last session (2023) stills from Sharmill Films
Freud's Last Session, A Discussion | Cinema: A to B (August 2023)
I felt like the acting was operating at a higher level than the source material.
2.46 Amazing neither of these guys got any sort of other nominations for acting and I'm not talking about necessarily Academy Awards but I'm talking like maybe baftas or something else. I think is kind of a shame frankly this is like the second thing I've seen mat Matthew Gooden that he was completely like ignored via nomination
3:35 … the acting's tremendous.
5:11 Watching two masters work and I'm going to use that with Matthew good I've seen him now on enough stuff and how he can change and how he and he holds his own with Anthony Hopkins I did not feel it was like Anthony Hopkins was at this level and Matthew good was at this level or what like you know low that was a little bit lower or whatever like they're equal like they are it's a nice repertoire or you know reper of the two of them going back and forth and I'm just super impressed
5:40 I mean obviously we talked about the offer already I think he was amazing as Bob Evans like really just changed his entire personality to really mimic Bob Evans and here he's nothing like it he's very reserved very intelligent very academic like he really pulls that off I mean Matthew good I really feel like is one of those like that unknown I want to say like the poor man's Benedict Cumberbatch but only in the sense of the Poor Man's because he's not as well known as Benedict Cumberbatch like he's got that acting chops of Cumberbatch he should be playing roles that Cumberbatch isn't heck he's been in movies that Cumberbatch is in imitation game …he held his own there I mean so Matthew good is amazing and it as so fun to watch him
14:13 Freud just wears his emotions on his sleeve and then good is really great at having that restrained but that fire burning behind the eyes which is something that he did so well in um The Watchmen yeah so really spot-on casting
14:31 I mean yeah and he he was able good was able to like internalize a whole lot of that but yet still like you said kind of show it Through The Eyes through the facial features of Lewis's has great respect for Freud
16:44 Matthew's like holding his own and countering properly and yeah they're they're good they're good together
16:52 I'm excited to see what Matthew does what what he goes on to do to see if he starts getting some bigger roles and more important stuff I mean he does have a small body not I don't know small is the the right word for it I know he does have a body of work already but it's not as robust as Hopkins you know and it definitely hasn't the same trajectory as Hopkins did yeah and he I think he lost out roles that went to Christian Bale yeah I can see that or like Bale's a little older but I just looked up Matthew was born in 78 so I think it's kind of just a circumstance you know luck of the draw kind of thing yeah cuz he reminds me quite a bit of Bale the way he kind of moves and Carries himself and the British actor that that category is kind of crowded with like really good actors I mean if you look guys like born in the 70s like mid to late like that's just a ton of them it's super crowded so I think he's run into some of that yeah and there's I mean obviously there's only so many roles and people.
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arieswritez · 10 months
HII! i just wanna start out by saying I absolutely adore and love your mark fics so much, I’ve been eating them up 🫶. but i wanted to ask, in your yan! mark alphabet, you said mark would be more rough if you’re on the masculine side. do you think you can go more into that?
hi :v!!!
i think mark would be rougher w a 'partner' (partner in quotes cause he's holding you hostage 🤭) who's masc because of daddy issues. . basically LMAOO.
if we're talking about alternate!mark, despite the fact that they took over the planet: he still feels the need to prove himself to his dad.
he may not show it but he still holds a lot of anger towards nolan. if their fight still happened in that timeline, mark finds himself having nightmares about his dad above him, pummeling him into that mountain and he wakes with a start before his dad can deliver the last fatal blow.
it causes friction.
maybe nolan and him bump heads from time to time. heated arguments and icy glares in which mark is always the first to back down on. because the truth of the matter is that mark is afraid of his father. and sometimes he wonders if they're real partners or if what they've got is more of an uneasy truce.
regardless, conquering earth is something mark is letting his father do because he wants his approval.
he wants to be just like him.
of course, that insecurity - that resentment - bleeds into his other relationship w men or masc!presenting individuals. it's an ego thing. a need to puff out his chest and show that he's stronger than said person. that he's better. that he can bring them to their knees.
he's going to take out his frustrations and do to you what he couldn't do to nolan.
sigmund freud would have a field trip with alt/yan!mark i'm telling you.
it gets him so, so hard to see someone who's supposed to be strong reduced to whimpers and tears. he loves to tear them apart and watch as they try to pick up the pieces, only to fail in doing so. to watch them become an empty shell of what they used to be. he wants to be the reason you wake up in a cold sweat at night.
he really is his daddy's son 😞🫶🏽
also good luck if you're taller or just slightly bigger than him in any way. . let's not even mention if you're older. . it's NOT gonna be fun. for you, anyway.🤭
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camusscigarette · 5 months
do u have any headcanons for hannibal :3
Hannibal HeadCanons!!
Some trigger warnings maybe? It gets a bit..smutty at the end. Just a bit. Nothing too explicit.
His favorite designers are Christian Dior and Elie Saab. Why? Well, Dior has a unique way of creating such feminine clothes that captivates the eye while Elie Saab makes everything look so ethereal and mythological, it inspires him to draw both Bedelia and Will in such clothes
He went once to Lebanon for the purpose of visiting the last traces of the Roman empire and somehow managed to befriend a nice elderly man on the Beach in Byblos where he offered him a Glass of Aarak and from now on, Hannibal invests in Aarak. Because as the elderly man told him, "Aarak tastes better when you eat it with raw meat".
It's true he's a vile man in his own and twisted sense due to his acts of cannibalism, but Hannibal absolutely hates a lot of well known Serial killers. Why? Because he thinks their motives were weak. He finds their killing styles vulgar and absolutely untasteful. To him, killing is an art. Done is a messy way and disfiguring one's body and leaving it in utter ruins is foul. He thinks that, if you want to disfigure a body, turn it into a statuette or something artistic, not clumps of flesh.
He thinks Rosé is a wannabee Wine. It's his least favorite wine because he finds it rather simple and so vague in taste.. It's a knockoff White wine mixed with water.
He loves Bvlgari. Why? Snakes. He loves snakes. Because they remind him of Bedelia but also Will. Snakes are harmless unless provoked. And their bite can either be deadly or merely a scratch.
He's been to Romania many times, even speaks the language. Finds Dracula's castle boring. Loves Castel Peleș because it has every architecture in the world from different societies and civilisations.
His favorite chocolate is Terry's chocolate orange in Dark Chocolate.
He'll always be the big spoon. He finds that holding tightly onto someone he loves reassures him and his anxieties. He likes to tend to people's injuries as well. Bathing them. It's more comforting to him then them.
He secretly loved Bedelia but she wasn't enough for him. She'd never allow her person suit to slip and dwell into madness like him and Will.
He liked Avatar the Last Airbender AND The Legend of Korra. PS. He thinks that Lin and Kya should be a thing.
He's an existentialist, but absolutely HATES Jean Paul Sartre. He'd much rather prefer Simone De Beauvoir and Fyodor Dostoevsky's existentialism.
He enjoys Albert Camus' works. Often quoting his letters to Maria Casarès to those he shared a liking to.
Thinks Sigmund Freud was right.
He low-key has a breeding kink..lowkey..
And overstimulating. He likes to test other's limits by pushing them over the edge, even when he knows it's becoming painfully unbearable.
He hated the Cookie-Croissant thing until he was forced to try one and absolutely loved. Still publicly hates it but secretly..
Red nail theory? Biggest victim of it.
He doesn't like any modern artist, but you'd catch him singing "Happiness is a Butterfly" in the shower. Because "its speaks to him"
He indulges in self flagellation.
Hope you liked it! Part Two?
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non-prophetic · 7 months
Deleted my hater post about the new Contrapoints 3 hour Twilight defense video but I'm still thinking about it tbh 😗
I mean I read twilight when I was like 13 and something of a pubescing white """lady""" myself, so of course there are points of the video that hit home, but overall it felt like a mishmashed gish gallop white feminist defense of what boils down to an extremely straightforward and unambiguously racist white woman power fantasy. In particular the way Contrapoints touched on racism with regard to the "cuck tent" scene and then dropped the entire topic before going on for another hour about gender and hierarchical power dynamics as though it were a separate and unrelated idea....wild.
Girl is reaching so hard with this one and I hope she catches shitfor it, but the comment section last night was already full of dumbshit surface level comments like "bravo, your use of classical lietmotif" and "amazing symbolic aesthetic use of black contact lenses," its just depressing. Contrapoints doesn't care to highlight any social issues except the ones that disadvantage her personally, and she will use 1000 quotes from the many heroes of Western culture, Freud, radical feminists, and serial killers to prop herself up while she steps right over any oppressed group to do it. Breadtuber queen
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lesbianchemicalplant · 10 months
the phenomenon of tedious people reacting to any depiction of eroticism between women (even erotic art made by and for wlw) with knee-jerk handwringing about Male Gaze, even at this point being well removed from the academic use and original coining by Mulvey, made me want to look into whether the original concept was similarly homophobic in content, either explicitly hostile toward lesbians and bi women, or at least implicitly homophobic by just writing us off as irrelevant
so far it looks like we're first and foremost written off but otherwise explicitly distrusted for Taking Up Masculine Voyeurism To Consume Women. e.g. as Mulvey is quoted here:
In “Personal Best: Lesbian/Feminist Audience” (1984), Chris Straayer also argues that lesbian spectatorship is misunderstood by many feminist film theorists as an alternative form of the male gaze. He posits: Lesbians have persistently been misassigned a male point of view by straight society. Sexual preference is confused with gender identity. Freudian and Lacanian psychology fosters this misconception by its denial of active female sexuality. Lesbians are a vulnerable target for any theory that terms activity as “phallic”. One conclusion apparent from my survey of lesbian/feminist viewers is that they are not consuming sexist imagery from a male point of view (Straayer, n.p.). In this passage, Straayer theorizes that understanding lesbian desire as a woman’s masculinized disposition in the phallic stage of psychosexual development is wrong since it is heteronormative and reinforces a “denial of female sexuality” (ibid)51. This denial of female sexuality is evident in “Afterthoughts on ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’” (1981), where Mulvey notes that masculinized female spectatorship can only be active if it limits feminine behaviours and takes up a “phallic” gaze (39). As she posits: The masculine identification, in its phallic aspect, reactivates for her a fantasy of ‘action’ that correct femininity demands should be repressed. The fantasy of ‘action’ finds expression through a metaphor of masculinity. Both in the language used by Freud and in the male personifications of desire flanking the female protagonist in the melodrama, this metaphor acts as a straight-jacket, becoming itself an indicator, a litmus paper, of the problems inevitably activated by any attempt to represent the feminine in patriarchal society. The memory of the ‘masculine’ phase has its own romantic attraction, a last-ditch resistance, in which the power of masculinity can be used as postponement against the power of patriarchy (ibid). In this passage, Mulvey theorizes that the only way a female spectator can gain an authoritative “phallic” looking position is to adopt a masculine position to help her situate her spectatorial desires in the “fantasy of action” (ibid). However, as discussed by other theorists the lesbian spectator does not limit or obstruct her looking by suturing her gaze to a masculinized or “phallic” perspective.
idk maybe if I weren't sick of so much of the legacy of Epic Second Wave Feminist Academia I would be more generous but from what I'm seeing the homophobia/misogyny does run through from the original theorization to the modern casual usage of “some of you/us dykes are horny for women which is really male-identified and predatory of you/us”
but if I'm misunderstanding or someone can point me toward clarification about this I'd appreciate anyone letting me know
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lumpyorganelle · 5 months
Wisdom/philosophy quotes
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"If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.” ― Hermann Hesse, Demian. Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend
"The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong." ―carl Jung
"we are threatened with suffering from three directions: from our body, which is doomed to decay…, from the external world which may rage against us with overwhelming and merciless force of destruction, and finally from our relations with other men… This last source is perhaps more painful to use than any other. (p77)” ― Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents
“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.” ― Albert Camus
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
“Despite men's suffering, despite the blood and wrath, despite the dead who can never be replaced, the unjust wounds, and the wild bullets, we must utter, not words of regret, but words of hope, of the dreadful hope of men isolated with their fate.” ― Albert Camus, Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays
“It's not all bad. Heightened self-consciousness, apartness, an inability to join in, physical shame and self-loathing—they are not all bad. Those devils have been my angels. Without them I would never have disappeared into language, literature, the mind, laughter and all the mad intensities that made and unmade me.” ― Stephen Fry, Moab Is My Washpot
“Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.” ― Socrates, Essential Thinkers - Socrates
“The more you struggle to live, the less you live. Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing. Instead, surrender to what is real within you, for that alone is sure….you are above everything distressing.” ― Spinoza
“The essence of independence has been to think and act according to standards from within, not without: to follow one's own path, not that of the crowd.” ― Nicholas Tharcher, Rebels & Devils; A Tribute to Christopher S. Hyatt
“Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self-commendation. We think we make the picture hang straight on our wall by telling our neighbors that all his pictures are crooked.” ― Fulton J. Sheen, Seven Words of Jesus and Mary: Lessons from Cana and Calvary
“One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version of you that is expected by everyone else.” ― K.L. Toth
“All is mystery; but he is a slave who will not struggle to penetrate the dark veil.” ― Benjamin Disraeli
“Dreams have only one owner at a time. That's why dreamers are lonely.” ― Erma Bombeck
“What really frightens and dismays us is not external events themselves, but the way in which we think about them. It is not things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance.” ― Epictetus
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kivaember · 8 months
For the AC6 prompts that you asked for: Rusty bringing Raven to Freud’s hobby shop in the Coffee Shop AU?
this will happen in the fic proper but you know what, i wanna do a little drabble of this too SO HERE YOU GO! something short, sweet and silly, as all coffee shop aus should be uwu
The moment they stepped into the hobby shop, Rusty froze when Freud abruptly popped his head up from behind the counter and said: "You."
"Uh," Rusty said.
"No, not you," Freud said, standing up properly and pointing at the little shadow that had been trotting on Rusty's heels. "You."
Raven did not look peturbed at being pointed at so aggressively. He simply waved, like this was a normal, everyday occurance.
"I can't believe you've shown your face here," Freud said, and for once he wasn't smiling. He was, dare Rusty say it, pouting?! "After standing me up last night!"
"Hah?" Rusty said. "What?"
Standing him up?
Last night???
Rusty's jaw dropped slightly, a jolt of betrayal stabbing him right in the heart. He hadn't known... was Raven and Freud...?! But- no. Sure, he and Raven have only been dating for a week at most, but he would've thought Raven would've said if he'd been dating someone else before-
"You promised me an arena fight! A battle of the ages! You promised!" Freud whined. "But instead I had to fight Rokumonseeeeeeeen....!"
...........and just like that, Rusty understood everything.
"Freud," Rusty said flatly. "What have I said about wording things so suggestively..."
'I never promised that,' Raven added, his expression just as unimpressed as Rusty's tone.
"Yes, you did," Freud said, his tone snapping from whiny to sulky. He even crossed his arms, his shoulders hunching. "You said, and I quote: 'I don't have time to deal with you right now, Freud. I'll fight you tomorrow or the day after, or something'."
"..." said Rusty.
"..." said Raven.
"...?" asked Freud.
"I keep forgetting how you're immune to social cues," Rusty said pityingly - then actually processed what Freud was rambling about. "Wait. Why do you want to fight Raven? You're in the Top Ten and Raven isn't even ranked."
Freud looked at Raven.
Raven looked away.
"...he gives off a feral energy," Freud said, his disarming and enigmatic smile flashing to life. "And the feral ones are always interesting to fight, coming up with unpredictable moves and the like... you know?"
"No, I don't know," Rusty said slowly, before deciding to drop the whole thing. He'd long ago realised he'd never understand the strange and incomprehensible mind of Freud. "Anyway, before you got all weird, we came here for a reason..."
Gunpla. Of course.
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hwei-theories · 7 months
╰┈➤Dreamscapes Unveiled: Hwei's Surrealist Artistry, Guided by Van Gogh and Freud
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The last line of Hwei's short story is "Awake, I dream of my next piece." And that is just perfect. The line perfectly confirms Hwei's connections to Surrealism.
Especially: I had to think of Van Gogh's quote: "I dream my painting and I paint my dream."
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The line "Awake, I dream of my next piece" from Hwei's short story encapsulates the essence of Surrealism.
Hwei's statement reflects the Surrealist approach to art creation. It suggests that even in his waking state, his mind is immersed in a world of imagination and creativity. The phrase implies that Hwei's artistic process extends beyond the physical act of painting and delves into the realm of dreams and the unconscious, where his ideas and inspirations take shape.
The quote from Vincent van Gogh, "I dream of painting and then I paint my dream," resonates with Hwei's line. Van Gogh's words highlight the intimate relationship between dreams and artistic creation, emphasizing the artist's ability to transform their inner visions into tangible works of art. Similarly, Hwei's statement expresses his continuous engagement with his artistic imagination, suggesting that his waking thoughts are filled with the anticipation of translating his dreams into his next masterpiece.
Freud's dream analysis, a psychological theory that emerged around the same time as Surrealism, delved into the interpretation of dreams as a means of accessing the unconscious mind. Freud believed that dreams offered insights into hidden desires, fears, and unresolved conflicts. In the context of Hwei's line, it can be interpreted that his awake dreams symbolize a connection to his subconscious, where he explores his deepest emotions and artistic inspirations. Hwei's art becomes a window into his inner world, a visual representation of his unconscious thoughts and desires.
In the case of Hwei, his embodiment of Surrealism and the influence of Freud's dream analysis can be seen in his ability to translate his inner visions into living works of art. Just as Freud believed that dreams hold hidden meanings, Hwei's artistic expressions become a medium through which his own subconscious desires, fears, and emotions are communicated.
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asgoodeasgold · 5 months
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C. S. Lewis is having a deep and serious conversation in the woods with JRR Tolkien about religion.
It's beautifully shot and I love all the shades of green from Matthew's stunning eyes to his clothes to the nature around 💚.
I am still waiting for more people to have seen the film to do more complete edits (gifs, collages, quotes etc). May be after the UK release mid-June. The wait is killing me 😭
📷 My edit from Sony Picures Classics / West End Films Freud's Last Session (2023). 2nd pic is on set still from SPC.
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psyche-pulse · 1 year
Eureka Mind: A Journey into Psychology
I am a second-year psychology major who finds myself at a crossroads between my academic interests and the life events that have brought me here.
I was always the one with a million questions as a youngster about why people act, feel, and think the way they do. I clearly remember watching my family and friends, attempting to understand the hidden feelings that lay underneath their smiles or the causes of their sporadic outbursts. I had no idea that these harmless observations would spark my intense curiosity about how the human psyche functions.
Ah, let me take you back to that crucial day when I realised psychology was my passion, the day that changed my life forever. In the eleventh grade, our class had planned a special activity: a showing of "A Beautiful Mind."
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(Photo credits to scoopwhoop.com)
I was completely entranced by the nuanced depiction of the complexity of the human mind as I sat there, enthralled by the captivating tale of John Nash, a great mathematician fighting schizophrenia. The film showed Nash's mind's genius as well as the intense difficulties he had while battling his mental illness.
I felt like a stormy sea of emotions in that pitch-black classroom. Not only was the heartbreaking narrative on the screen enough to bring tears to my eyes, but I also came to the realisation that psychology provided a fundamental insight of what it is to be a human—the beauty and the hardships, the brilliance and the fragility.
I was still feeling the effects of the movie days after it had ended. My teacher and I got into debates about how mental illness is portrayed, the complexity of the mind, and the stigma that frequently surrounds mental health. I became fascinated by the idea of learning more and discovering the science underlying our ideas and feelings.
I immediately recognised psychology as my field of study. It wasn't simply a decision about a job; it was also a deeply personal voyage of self-discovery and a resolve to improve the lives of others. I wanted to learn more about the views of famous philosophers like Freud, Jung, and Skinner, as well as the underpinnings of human behaviour.
I came to know and understand that psychology was more than simply a topic as I studied more about it; psychology was a lens through which I could see the world with empathy and understanding. By bridging the gap between what we perceive on the surface and what lurks underneath, it gave me a tool to solve the puzzles of human behaviour.
In my own life, psychology emerged as a guiding light at dark moments. It assisted me in overcoming obstacles, comprehending my feelings, and developing deep relationships with others. Throughout my academic career, I gained an understanding of how important it is for each of us to have good mental health since it is a crucial component of who we are.
I write a blog on this fascinating subject. It's more than simply a blog; it serves as evidence of my passion for psychology and the long-lasting influence one movie had on my life. Through my thoughts and experiences, I wish to inspire others with the same sense of wonder and compassion, inspiring them to delve into the mysteries of the human mind and appreciate the magnificence of our common humanity.
Welcome to my psychological universe, a place full of wonder, empathy, and development. Together, let's set out on this revolutionary adventure to learn more about the mind's mysteries, one tale at a time.
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Few of the quote from the movie which I totally adore.
(Pictures credit to Pinterest)
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cinnnam0nngir16 · 2 years
Plath's "Daddy" and the Electra complex (p2)
Applying the Fruedian lens to the poem Daddy sheds new light on the relationship between the speaker/plath and her father in terms of how the progress of the Electra Complex challenges a woman to adapt to the traditional female gender role. The Freudian lens creates a wider context and aids us to further understand the psychological side of the poem-- and the connection between women's role and society. 
According to Doctor Cherry’s article, if the Electra complex is not resolved in early childhood, the child is likely to seek out partners who remind them of their father figure. In Plath’s case, her father’s death stayed a mystery to her, which she spent the rest of her life looking for an identity and a companion who resembled her father. In the poem, the speaker states that she knows what she should do to resolve the nagging pain of losing her father: “I made a model of you, a man in black with a meinkampf look.” The man in question is the speaker’s husband, someone with the look of a German man with moustache - the word“meinkampf” is a direct hint at Hitler, which correspondes with her previous description of her father’s appearance: a German, a Nazi, a facist. The speaker is casting a near delusional control over herself, a masculine power that resembles the oppression her father brought to her with his sudden and unexplained death during her childhood. Doctor Cherry called the need for control a fixation caused by the Electra complex. “A fixation is a persistent focus on an earlier psychosexual stage. Such fixations, Freud believed, often led to anxiety and played a role in neurosis and maladaptive behaviours in adulthood.” The fixation the speaker created is a sense of masculine control she needs to sustain herself. It is rooted from her father’s absence in her early childhood. The electra complex within the speaker was not resolved because she could “never speak to him”, which led her to have a long lasting urge and anxiety in wanting to be controlled throughout her womanhood, she longed for a sense of security that she could not get from her father. We can see that there is comfort provided from the security created by masculine power and control.
The speaker of the poem fits perfectly in the description of a woman who is affected by her unresolved feelings towards her father, which as a solution she then shifted the fixation onto her partner. “The vampire who said he was you, and drank my blood for a year, seven years, if you want to know.” This line is again, directly addressed at her deceased father, however about her husband, another figure who feeds on her blood and tears her down. The metaphor of comparing the male figures in her life to vampires and Nazi indicates a similiarity in the imbalance of power in her relationships with men. The woman is a vulnerable, fragile victim who lives in the shadow of violent, blood sucking predators. The sense of comfort in security and control from males also happens to be destructive. The father and the husband are copies of one another, the same appearance, the same destructiveness towards the female. However, it is clear the speaker chose to create a model of her father: she demands a sense of unhealthy patriarchal control to sustain herself, the Electra complex has infiltrated her values and desires. To support this theory, a quote from the critical theory book Through the Literary Looking Glass (written by Sian Evans) stated: “So that to both genders it is the opposite sex parents who is largely responsbile for healthy sexaul and psychological development in a child.” The speaker’s unhealthy subconsciousness in seeking a partner is majorly influenced by the absence of her father and a lack of communication, let alone her conflicted feelings towards her father, which reinforces the theme of the poem: love, hatred and loss. The need for unhealthy masculine control can be understood as a failure in the developmental stage of a young woman’s sexual psychology. The Freudian lens of the electra complex is a prominent psychological aspect to the poem Daddy as it explains the reasoning behind a woman’s troublesome relationship with males in her life. It explains how the electra complex influences a woman’s subconscious desire to seek for a partner who displays similarities with her father figure. We can see that the speaker of the poem, and Plath herself fit into the diagnosis of the Electra complex, who was greatly affected by the disastrous outcome of it in her adulthood. 
The poem explores the relationship between a daughter and her unresolved attachment to her father as she grew old and cynical. The psychological theory of the Electra complex has been a commonly used theme in association with femininity and adolescence in the literature field: in poetry, literature and films. From Sylvia Plath’s “Daddy”, one of the most prominent literature works which explored the theme of the Electra complex, to Dolore’s confusion and her emerging electra complex after her mother’s death(from Humbert Humber’s unreliable narration). Women are constantly placed as the subject of desiring a fatherly figure who could give them a sense of comfort and love which they barely received from their own father, the modern approach to this could be interpreted as “daddy issues''. It is certainly another societal construct to put women down. Here is another quote that criticises the idea of the Electra complex from Looking Through the Literary Looking Glass: ““Upon widespread objection that the initial theory was too gender-biased, Freud adapted it to a far less satisfactory female version.” We can see that the idea of the Electra complex and daddy issues are indeed sexist from a modern approach: how is it reasonable to justify a woman’s depression and desires for security by the strained relationship with her father? The ideas of Daddy issues and the Electra Complex are outdated and misogynistic in many ways: it is the impact of toxic masculinity that fluctuates a woman’s behaviour and values in adulthood. Not to mention, their desires for masculine control and comfort are often results of their insecurities and frustrations that were embedded in their childhood due to an irresponsible father or an absence of paternal protection and love. Freud’s Electra complex theory, as previously mentioned, is widely associated with women's sexuality and morality. As an extension to Freud’s sexist theory, commonly used phrases nowadays like “fatherless behaviour” and such are highly problematic. These concepts sexualise and objectify women who as children had complicated relationships with their dads, and associate their childhood traumas and unfortunate experiences with promiscuity and lack of self respect. We should acknowledge that everyone has different responses to negative influences in their childhood: some may develop significant growth while others may suffer from long-lasting consequences. Framing the electra complex and daddy issues as negative feminine traits is horrible and unfair. 
Applying the Freudian lens of the Electra Complex to the poem Daddy conceptualised the complicated relationship between womanhood and fatherhood. It enriched my understanding in the feminine longing for a masculine control: the psychoanalytic lens of the Electra complex unveils the depth to the frustration, confusion and depression behind Plath’s life and literature through analysing the psychology of a young girl and the reasons behind her emotional baggage in adulthood. Ultimately, the theory of the Electra complex is a paradox which positions the woman as the victim, however associating the outcome of her trauma with negativity. Critically speaking, I believe applying the Electra complex lens to the poem elucidates the psychological aspect of the father-daughter relationship, but it is not a valid theory to justify the toxic masculinity behind the female oppression. 
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notes on chapter 1
"I saw a film today, oh boy..." These lyrics continue, "The English army had just won the war...", Another reference to WWII.
Pg 3, first paragraph, on authenticity. Existentialism? The "Every day" is inauthentic, and self deceiving. - Sartre. Heidegger, unheimlich. Unheimlich as "uncanny", but also "unhomely" (Freud expands on this, but is a common interpretation of unheimlich as an idea)
"...the house on Ash Tree Lane." (pg 3). Ash trees have mythological and literary significance. They can symbolize immortality, protection, 'both the world and ourselves... the inner and the outer..." The World Tree in Viking mythology is an Ash Tree (its name is Yggdrasil). - Yggdrasil is also known as "Odin's Horse", or "Odin's Gallows", as Odin sacrifices himself by hanging from the tree. "Ygg" is one of Odin's names. Makes you wonder if the House on Ash Tree Lane (The World House, as it were) also demands a sacrifice.
Paroxysm: a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity. (pg 3)
Pg 4, another reference to Dante, specifically Inferno, both in the original Latin quotation, and in the translation in footnote 4.
Another reference to existentialism on pg 4: "Even today many people still feel The Navidson Record, in spite of all its existential refinements and contemporary allusions, continues to reflect those exact sentiments." (referencing the quote from Dante)
"There's nothing there. Beware." - pg 4
Circumambulation: walk all the way around (something). pg 4
Dissemination: the action or fact of spreading something, especially information, widely. (pg 5)
Aberrant: departing from an accepted standard. (biology term as well: diverging from the normal type.) (pg 6)
Garrulous: excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters. (pg 7)
Reticent: not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily. (pg 8)
On the last two definitions: the House makes people act in ways contrary to their nature.
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I aim to live in the here (ahem hair) and now...
despite entrenched familiar obsessive compulsive disorder behavior
distracting me courtesy countless what if scenarios,
particularly before undergoing
voluntary drastic makeover
as iterated in a previous poem,
and briefly recounted here
as foregoing Samson personification now please don't blame Delilah!
Once the decision made (two weeks ago September twenty fifth
two thousand and twenty four) to finally liberate yours truly (me) (cue the following Jean Jacques Rousseau quote)
"Man is born free but everywhere is in chains" accommodating torture chamber ala complex edifice, (albeit invisible) erection
as tangible substitution for undersized male member (Sigmund Freud would be smiling) heavily weighing down mine psyche from harried styled uncombed/unbrushed hair
evoking an immediate message of nonconformity, at last fixation nipped in the bud immediately after beautician
rubber banded and scissored
hirsute trademark feature, a characteristic larded with immense security
unequivocally not only constituting a major emotional sink, (but additionally posing environmental danger as a potential superfund site) long overdue for cleanup hyperbole incorporated to jump/kick start courtesy tipping figurative hat to faux generative artificial intelligence,
which amazingly
immediately delivered segway vis-à-vis refreshing lightness of being after bird's nest gratefully shucked off loosed a horde of dreadlocked exhausting fretfulness (in addition to a rash of undiscovered biota) linkedin to catastrophization, whether the water would unexpectedly cease flowing while richly shampooing shock
of prized tangled mane, or the electricity would suddenly witness a power outage disallowing the hair dryer to function such irrational worries (despite the unlikelihood of either unexpected inconvenience to occur), nevertheless quite tiresome sustaining outrageous thought patterns
exacerbated anxiety buzzfeeding
like nattering nabobs of nativity and undermining peace of mind when week after week, month after month finally brought to a screeching halt such debilitating mental exertion suddenly ushering deliverance videre licet a lightness of being,
and immediately allowed, enabled and provided much
sought after psychological relief likened to a gust of fresh air,
I vouchsafed to myself and the missus to abide by much easier to manage more fashionable impression, thus swiftly tailored relief arose once bedraggled unkempt ratty and infrequently unwashed coiffure
shucked off once and for all, no matter such drastic similar
transformations of appearance peppered the life and times of one long haired pencil necked geek,
whereat hands of time would elapse bajillion times inadvertently drawing unwanted attention to out of vogue nineteen sixties hippy doo invariable readopted as security blanket to stave off uncomfortable risks
foisting interpersonal experiences upon head and shoulders of deplorable basket case unwittingly referenced from Hillary Clinton.
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