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just found your blog and I LOVE finding someone who understands and enjoys discussing riverdale for what it is, and who analyses it from a similar pov as I do(rare). I found your description from a previous post fascinating “jason is not a person or even really a character; he is a myth, an amalgamation of conflicting testimonies, a memory and therefore a mirror.” I’ve always seen jason as a symbol of sorts, rvd’s inciting incident, the uncovering of its shadows. I’m curious about your take on jason as a myth, the meaning of him and his death. essentially I find your take/description a lot more thoughtful than mine, and would love you to expand on it?! (sorry if you’ve answered this before, and I would love a link to that post!).
ty! i dont think ive talked about jason much on this blog but the jason tag from my liveblog might be of interest! i can say some more about him by way of summarizing my basic thoughts, under a cut because it got long lol
re: the description of jason you quote, everything about my reading of him stems from the fact that he is dead before the story begins. the show, whether intentionally or not, supports this reading by rarely flashing back to jason. in the few short flashbacks we do get, it's always because someone else is narrating their version of events leading up to his murder. in those scenes, he rarely acts, he does not emote; he never speaks, even when people are asking him a direct question, as cheryl does at sweetwater river: "are you afraid?" (i will say in fairness that this is consistent with how riverdale tends to approach flashbacks overall; usually the people in the scene don't talk because someone else is narrating. HOWEVER imo it does really stand out in jason's portrayal in particular.) all of this makes it hard for the viewer to get any information about jason for themselves, because our usual technologies of omniscience don't seem to apply when it comes to jason; the very format of the story prevents us from being able to meaningfully access him in the time before his death.
because of this lack, all we have to go on are the words of those who knew him, which may or may not be truthful and which produce a conflicting portrait of the person he was before he died. according to polly, he was a saint; according to alice and hal, he was the devil incarnate. we're told he would never hurt polly only to be shown that he cited her as a sexual conquest; we're told he was a model of perfect behavior only to discover he dealt drugs. these reversals are reversed; the drug deal which at first is cited as evidence of his dangerous character is later framed as the last resort of a boy attempting to escape his controlling parents. ultimately everyone has something different to say about jason, such that their testimony tells us more about them than about jason himself. that's what i meant by jason as mirror; people look at him and see what they want to see. they use his story for their own ends, to push their own agendas and ideas about what kind of town riverdale is and what kinds of people live in it.
this leads us to jason as myth; jason's murder ruptures the previously dominant collective myth about riverdale, namely that it was an innocent and picturesque small town. of course there were people whose experiences proved this to be false even before jason was killed, but by and large the governing structures in riverdale managed to marginalize and suppress those perspectives in order to preserve the idea that riverdale was fundamentally and essentially a happy, good, and safe place to live. after jason's death, the town as a whole has to find a new story to tell about itself; they have to find a way to incorporate this atrocity into their collective history and also retain the ability to go on living in riverdale. in trying to fix the events of jason's death in place, in order to find or create a story about what happened that everyone can agree on, the town is scrambling to recuperate its own image, to stabilize its identity.
the story that emerges from this struggle is that jason's death corrupted riverdale. this allows the town to preserve untarnished the image of innocent, wholesome pre-s1 riverdale that it held so dearly and allows the residents to sustain the hope that there might be some way to return riverdale to that innocent state, if only they can figure out how. after all, if riverdale WAS truly innocent at one point, even if it's innocent no longer, than surely it can be so again. some residents earnestly believe this to be true; some are more jaded about riverdale's redemptive potential and simply use this narrative as a means to their own ends (see hal terrorizing betty via the ostensible project of cleansing the town of sinners & hiram and hermione consolidating power while framing it as a return to a safer riverdale).
however, whether sincere or not, none of these efforts have anything to do with jason as a person; none of it is about honoring his memory or remembering his life. for the town's purposes, he is nothing more than the crisis of collective identity and reckoning sparked by his death. as ive already said, this is repeatedly reinforced by cinematic choices made throughout the show, by the fact that we arrive after jason is gone and are never allowed to meet him or hear his account of the story. even when he furnishes the clue that solves his own murder, via a zip drive discovered in his letterman jacket, he does so through a video that proves to be a clip in which jason never speaks and is positioned so that he faced away from the camera. his only movement is the result of clifford's shot, his head falling forward onto his chest. his own accusal of his murderer is wordless, motionless, and does not give us access to any interiority; it does not help us to know him better. ultimately, we can make no judgements about his character, because there is no character to speak of. within the context of the show, he is what others say about him and do to him, and nothing more.
#jason's JACKET on the other hand... now THAT'S a character.#fwiw i think there are a number of fun and conflicting ways to read jason‚ some of which afford him more complexity than ive done here.#ultimately riverdale rarely gives a solid answer as to how 'real' something or someone is; its project is largely about -#- the exploration of reality as something that is (a) collectively constructed (b) relative and (c) subjective.#ultimately‚ jason‚ like riverdale‚ is capacious -- he can sustain multiple conflicting readings‚ multiple levels of reality or substance.#after all‚ it's schrodinger's show :)#asks#jewels20#riverdale
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तमिलनाडु में सुरक्षित और दीर्घकालिक घरों के निर्माण में उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट की भूमिका जब बात सुरक्षित और दीर्घकालिक घर बनाने की आती है, तो नींव सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तत्व होती है। और एक मजबूत नींव में उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट का अहम योगदान होता है। तमिलनाडु में, जहां तेजी से शहरीकरण हो रहा है और आवास की बढ़ती मांग के कारण निर्माण गतिविधियां बढ़ रही हैं, वहाँ घरों की सुरक्षा और स्थायित्व सुनिश्चित करने के लिए उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट का उपयोग अत्यंत आवश्यक है। सीमेंट क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है? सीमेंट एक बाइंडिंग सामग्री के रूप में कार्य करता है जो इमारत के विभिन्न हिस्सों को जोड़ता है। नींव से लेकर दीवारों, स्तंभों और छत तक, सीमेंट यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि संरचना स्थिर रहे और बाहरी दबाव जैसे मौसम, भूकंप और सामान्य घिसावट का सामना कर सके। तमिलनाडु में, जहाँ मौसम की स्थितियाँ बदलती रहती हैं, जैसे भारी बारिश और उच्च आर्द्रता, वहाँ उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट का चयन और भी महत्वपूर्ण हो जाता है। घटिया गुणवत्ता का सीमेंट दीवारों में दरारें, नमी और संरचनात्मक कमजोरी का कारण बन सकता है, जिससे समय के साथ घर असुरक्षित हो सकता है। उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट का उपयोग करने के लाभ 1.स्ट्रेंथ और दीर्घकालिकता: उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला सीमेंट यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि संरचना मजबूत और दीर्घकालिक हो। यह विशेष रूप से उन क्षेत्रों में महत्वपूर्ण है, जो अत्यधिक गर्मी ��ा मानसून बारिश का सामना करते हैं, क्योंकि इन परिस्थितियों में यदि निर्माण सामग्री मानक के अनुसार न हो तो नींव और दीवारों की मजबूती प्रभावित हो सकती है। 2.पर्यावरणीय कारकों के प्रति प्रतिरोध: तमिलनाडु के तटीय क्षेत्रों में उच्च आर्द्रता और नमकीन पानी का प्रभाव अधिक होता है। उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट का उपयोग इस नमी के प्रभाव को रोकने में मदद करता है, जिससे स्टील रिइंफोर्समेंट्स में जंग लगने से बचता है और घर सालों तक सुरक्षित रहता है। 3.भूकंप-प्रवण क्षेत्रों में सुरक्षा: तमिलनाडु एक भूकंपीय क्षेत्र में स्थित है। एक मजबूत और उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट से बने घर भूकंप के झटकों को अधिक आसानी से सहन कर सकते हैं, जिससे घर की संरचना में कम से कम नुकसान होता है। 4.दीर्घकालिक लागत बचत: हालांकि उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट की कीमत थोड़ी अधिक हो सकती है, लेकिन यह लंबी अवधि में लागत बचत करता है। इसकी ताकत और दीर्घकालिकता के कारण कम मरम्मत और रखरखाव की आवश्यकता होती है, जो कुल मिलाकर पैसे की बचत करता है। सही सीमेंट कैसे चुनें? तमिलनाडु में निर्माण के लिए सीमेंट चुनते समय प्रमाणपत्रों की जांच करना और विश्वसनीय ब्रांड्स को चुनना महत्वपूर्ण है जो उच्च गुणवत्ता के लिए प्रसिद्ध हों। सीमेंट को एक सूखी जगह में रखा जाना चाहिए, क्योंकि नमी के संपर्क में आने से उसकी गुणवत्ता में कमी आ सकती है। यह भी सलाह दी जाती है कि आप पेशेवरों जैसे इंजीनियरों और ठेकेदारों से परामर्श करें ताकि यह सुनिश्चित किया जा सके कि सीमेंट विशिष्ट जलवायु परिस्थितियों और निर्माण आवश्यकताओं के लिए उपयुक्त है। निष्कर्ष अंत में, उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीमेंट का उपयोग यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए आवश्यक है कि तमिलनाडु में घर सुरक्षित, दीर्घकालिक और मजबूत हों। सही सीमेंट का चयन करके, घर मालिक यह सुनिश्चित कर सकते हैं कि उनके घर की नींव मजबूत हो और उनका निवेश आने वाली पीढ़ियों तक सुरक्षित रहे। तो, चाहे आप नया घर बना रहे हों या पुराने घर की मरम्मत कर रहे हों, हमेशा उच्च गुणवत्ता की सामग्री को प्राथमिकता दें, विशेष रूप से सीमेंट, ताकि आप एक सुरक्षित और मजबूत रहने की जगह बना सकें।

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"In Sacramento, California, an estimated 6,615 people are experiencing homelessness, a number that — while still heartbreakingly high — has declined 29% since 2023, according to the latest Point In Time counts.
But a new project, which has been in the works since 2022, might bring that number down even lower.
A new 13-acre property purchased by Sacramento County will soon be home to the Watt Service Center and Safe Stay.

The county broke ground on the mixed-use service center this week, which will provide shelter, emergency respite, safe parking, health services, and more to community members who are unsheltered — meaning they don’t have a place to safely sleep at night.
“We wanted to do something that is not only larger, but a large-scale campus to provide more than just the shelter,” Janna Haynes, of the county’s Department of Homeless Services and Housing, told KCRA3 News.
The Watt Service Center will have amenities to help meet the needs of anyone staying there, including bathrooms, showers, laundry, and food, as well as mental health, treatment, and employment services.
“You can also meet with your case manager, get behavior health services, look for a job, get rehousing services, a place for your dog,” Jaynes added. “It’s really everything you need, not only for your day-to-day life, but to hopefully end your homelessness.”
While the center is a costly offering, the city explained that it is ultimately less expensive than allowing the homelessness crisis to go unmitigated.
The land was purchased for $22 million and will cost an estimated $42 million to construct the center. According to ABC10 News it will be mostly funded by the American Rescue Plan Act.
While the center will have the capacity to host 225 beds in Safe Stay cabins, 50-person capacity in Safe Parking, and 75-person capacity for emergency/weather respite beds, it will serve countless others outside of the 350 total people it can house at any given time.

According to a press release from the county, “conservative estimates” have found that over the course of 15 years, the center will serve 18,000 people.
In 2017, the city found that the average cost for an “unsheltered individual” was about $45,000 a year, considering public systems like county jail, shelters, behavioral health, and more.
With the projected impact of the shelter, that cost lowers to less than $3,600 per person.
“If you break down the funding, it’s actually not that expensive,” Rich Desmond, county supervisor for District 3, told ABC10.
“It’s a heck of a lot cheaper than letting someone stay out in the community, unsheltered where they are extremely expensive in terms of the emergency response from fire, our emergency rooms, our law enforcement response.”
Providing what the county calls “wraparound services” not only brings down costs but truly helps people meet their basic needs.
“The really great thing about this site in particular, that we don't have at any other shelters, is the sheer size and the ability to really wrap everything people need,” Emily Halcon, director of the Department of Homeless Services and Housing with Sacramento County, told ABC10.
One notable feature is the center’s Safe Parking spaces, which are the first of their kind in the city. People living in their cars will now have a safe place to park, monitored by security.
“We know a lot of people who are unsheltered actually are living out of their cars,” Desmond said, “maybe a family that’s barely hanging on but they still need that vital transportation to get their kids to school or get to work.”
This support is especially helpful for those who are newly homeless, Halcon added, building on the amenities provided in the county’s two other “safe stay” facilities.
While Sacramento County just broke ground on the Watt Service Center, officials say they hope to begin moving people into the facility in January 2026.
“Our staff is putting in extra time and attention to this campus, ensuring that it houses everything we need to end homelessness for people,” Desmond said in a statement.
Once it’s up and running, Jaynes told KCRA3, they plan to onboard formerly unhoused community members as part of the staff at the facility.
“When you have a conversation with someone who understands where you’ve been, and you see the success they’re having now,” Jaynes said, “it really does give you hope something could be different.”
-via GoodGoodGood, January 24, 2025
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Professinal Post Construction Cleaning Services in Indianapolis
System4 of Indianapolis offers top-tier post-construction cleaning services designed to bring the final polish to your newly completed projects. Our experienced team is adept at handling the unique challenges that come with post-construction environments, meticulously removing dust, debris, and residual materials to ensure your space is spotless and ready for occupancy. We focus on every detail, from sweeping and mopping floors to cleaning windows, fixtures, and high-touch surfaces, ensuring a pristine finish that reflects the quality of your work.
Our Indianapolis post-construction cleaning services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each project, whether it's a residential renovation, a commercial build-out, or a large-scale industrial development. By partnering with System4 of Indianapolis, you’re choosing a reliable team that understands the importance of timely and thorough cleaning, helping you make a positive impression on clients and stakeholders. Let us handle the cleanup so you can showcase your finished space with confidence and pride. Visit: https://sites.google.com/view/indy-construction-cleaning/
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Why Large-Scale Construction Projects Need a Consultant Quantity Surveyor
Discover why a Consultant Quantity Surveyor is vital for large-scale construction projects. Learn about cost management, risk mitigation, and regulatory compliance. Ensure your project is delivered efficiently and to the highest standards. Contact PEJA Surveying for expert consultancy today.
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My Bold Housing Solution: 1.2 Million Identical Homes over 5 years.
As we are all well aware, Australia is grappling with a deepening housing crisis, exemplified by Sydney's average house price hitting $1.15 million.
My very ambitious proposal suggests a radical solution: building 1.2 million identical homes between 2025 and 2030 (these days will naturally have to be pushed out).
This mass-production approach aims to leverage economies of scale to address housing affordability while promoting regional development.
My proposal outlines a standardized 150m² home design featuring three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an open-plan living area, all built on generous 500m² blocks.
Each energy-efficient dwelling would achieve a 7-star NatHERS rating and include solar panels and smart home technology.
At $450,000 per house, the total project cost, including land acquisition and infrastructure, would reach $729 billion.
The implementation strategy I came up with centres on establishing centralized manufacturing facilities for off-site production, securing bulk material supplies, and developing a specialized workforce.
My plan would require 60,000 hectares of land and deliver 240,000 homes annually through streamlined construction processes.
Although not in my article but rather comments that I’ve added to it recently, my proposal extends beyond mere housing construction.
I advocate for capping major city populations and redirecting development to regional centres, citing 24 distinct advantages.
These benefits include reduced congestion, lower living costs, stronger regional economies, and improved disaster resilience.
The strategy emphasizes the advantages of developing greenfield sites over retrofitting existing infrastructure in crowded cities.
The timing of my proposal is I guess particularly relevant as Sydney faces infrastructure challenges, with planned water rate increases of 18% next year and 6.8% annually thereafter to fund system upgrades.
This situation highlights the strain on existing urban infrastructure and the potential benefits of planned regional development.
The 1.2 million standardized homes that would result from my proposal would provide ample space for future modifications, including the addition of granny flats or sheds, addressing multi-generational living needs and storage requirements.
Sure, my proposal sacrifices architectural diversity for efficiency but I just think we need to prioritise fundamental shelter needs and long-term sustainability over being picky (1st world problems eh’).
Critics will surely question my proposal's ambitious scope, but with housing affordability reaching crisis levels and interest rate changes potentially driving even more Australians into substantial long-term debt, innovative solutions are desperately needed.
I personally think that implementing such a program 15 years ago would have cost significantly less, highlighting the growing urgency of addressing Australia's housing challenges.
Not to mention all of the building/construction companies that have gone bust over the last 3 and a bit years would probably still be in business and thriving!
My very different and potentially silly approach to housing development represents a departure from traditional methods, offering a potential blueprint for addressing not just housing affordability, but also urban congestion, regional development, and infrastructure sustainability.
While my proposal's scale is unprecedented, it underscores the need for bold thinking in addressing Australia's housing crisis.
I hope you’ll be impressed with the level of detail that I’ve gone to with the scope of work, bill of materials and construction blueprint.
Check it out yourself and let me know what you think in the comments, here is the link: How To Build 1200000 Homes In 5 Years - GLZ Woodworking
#Affordable home building initiative
#Australian housing crisis solution
#Economies of scale in housing
#Identical homes construction project
#Innovative housing development strategy
#Affordable home building initiative#Australian housing crisis solution#Economies of scale in housing#Identical homes construction project#Innovative housing development strategy#Large-scale residential development#Mass housing construction Australia#National housing scheme Australia#Rapid home construction plan#Standardized housing project
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Useful Tips for Becoming a Successful Agriculture Investor
Agriculture investment refers to the allocation of financial resources, capital, or assets into various aspects of the agricultural sector with the expectation of generating a return on investment (ROI). This could mean investing monies in agriculture land for sale such as coconut land for sale in Sri Lanka, or other types of investments. It involves deploying funds in activities and projects related to agriculture for the purpose of profit, income generation, or long-term wealth creation. Agriculture investment can take many forms, including:
Farmland Acquisition: Purchasing agricultural land for the cultivation of crops or the raising of livestock. This can involve both large-scale and small-scale farming operations.
Infrastructure Development: Investing in the construction and improvement of infrastructure such as irrigation systems, roads, storage facilities, and processing plants to enhance agricultural productivity and efficiency.
Technological Advancements: Funding the development and adoption of agricultural technologies, such as precision agriculture, automation, and biotechnology, to improve crop yields and reduce operational costs.
Agribusiness Ventures: Investing in agribusinesses, such as food processing, distribution, and marketing, that are part of the agricultural value chain.
Research and Development: Supporting research initiatives related to agriculture to develop new crop varieties, pest-resistant strains, and sustainable farming practices.
Input Supply: Investing in the production and distribution of agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, and machinery.
Commodity Trading: Speculating on the future prices of agricultural commodities, such as grains, oilseeds, and livestock, through commodity markets or futures contracts.
Sustainable Agriculture: Funding practices and projects aimed at sustainable and environmentally responsible farming methods, which can include organic farming, agroforestry, and conservation efforts.
Rural Development: Supporting initiatives that improve the overall economic and social well-being of rural communities, often through investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
Venture Capital and Start-ups: Investing in start-ups and companies focused on innovations in agriculture, such as vertical farming, aquaculture, or agricultural technology (AgTech).
Agriculture investment is important for food security, economic development, and job creation in many regions. However, it also comes with risks related to weather conditions, commodity price fluctuations, and market dynamics. Investors often conduct thorough research and risk assessments before committing their resources to agricultural ventures. Additionally, they may need to consider factors like government policies, environmental regulations, and social impacts on their investment decisions in the agricultural sector.
How to become a successful agriculture investor
Becoming a successful agriculture investor requires a combination of financial acumen, agricultural knowledge, and a strategic approach to investment. Here are some steps to help you become a successful agriculture investor:
Educate Yourself: Gain a strong understanding of the agricultural sector, including the different sub-sectors (crops, livestock, agribusiness, etc.). Stay updated on industry trends, market conditions, and emerging technologies.
Set Clear Investment Goals: Define your investment objectives, whether it is long-term wealth creation, income generation, or diversification of your investment portfolio.
Risk Assessment: Understand and assess the risks associated with agriculture investments, such as weather-related risks, market volatility, and regulatory changes, whether you are looking at land for sale or any other type of investment.
Develop a Diversified Portfolio: Diversify your investments across different agricultural sectors and geographic regions to spread risk.
Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to identify promising investment opportunities and potential demand for agricultural products.
Build a Network: Establish connections with farmers, agricultural experts, government agencies, and industry stakeholders who can provide insights and opportunities.
Financial Planning: Create a budget and financial plan that outlines your investment capital, expected returns, and cash flow requirements.
Select the Right Investment Type: Choose the type of agriculture investment that aligns with your goals, whether it is farmland, agribusiness ventures, or agricultural technology.
Due Diligence: Conduct comprehensive due diligence on potential investments, including assessing the quality of farmland, the financial health of agribusinesses, and the technology's potential for scalability and profitability.
Sustainable Practices: Consider investments in sustainable and environmentally responsible agriculture practices, as they are gaining importance in the industry.
Risk Management: Implement risk management strategies, such as insurance, to protect your investments from unforeseen events like natural disasters or crop failures.
Continuous Learning: Stay informed about changes in the agricultural industry and adapt your investment strategy accordingly.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Understand and comply with local, national, and international regulations and tax laws that may impact your agriculture investments.
Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of your investments and be prepared to make adjustments or exit underperforming ones.
Long-Term Perspective: Agriculture investments often require a long-term perspective, so be patient and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.
Seek Professional Advice: Consult with financial advisors, agricultural experts, and legal professionals to ensure that your investments are structured and managed effectively.
Successful agriculture investment often involves a mix of financial expertise, industry knowledge, and a willingness to adapt to changing conditions. It is important to approach agriculture investment with a well-thought-out strategy, and to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges in this sector.
#Agriculture investment refers to the allocation of financial resources#capital#or assets into various aspects of the agricultural sector with the expectation of generating a return on investment (ROI). This could mean#or other types of investments. It involves deploying funds in activities and projects related to agriculture for the purpose of profit#income generation#or long-term wealth creation. Agriculture investment can take many forms#including:#●#Farmland Acquisition: Purchasing agricultural land for the cultivation of crops or the raising of livestock. This can involve both large-sc#Infrastructure Development: Investing in the construction and improvement of infrastructure such as irrigation systems#roads#storage facilities#and processing plants to enhance agricultural productivity and efficiency.#Technological Advancements: Funding the development and adoption of agricultural technologies#such as precision agriculture#automation#and biotechnology#to improve crop yields and reduce operational costs.#Agribusiness Ventures: Investing in agribusinesses#such as food processing#distribution#and marketing#that are part of the agricultural value chain.#Research and Development: Supporting research initiatives related to agriculture to develop new crop varieties#pest-resistant strains#and sustainable farming practices.#Input Supply: Investing in the production and distribution of agricultural inputs like seeds#fertilisers#pesticides#and machinery.
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Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #24
June 21-28 2024
The US Surgeon General declared for the first time ever, firearm violence a public health crisis. The nation's top doctor recommended the banning of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, the introduce universal background checks for purchasing guns, regulate the industry, pass laws that would restrict their use in public spaces and penalize people who fail to safely store their weapons. President Trump dismissed Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy in 2017 in part for his criticism of guns before his time in government, he was renominated for his post by President Biden in 2021. While the Surgeon General's reconstructions aren't binding a similar report on the risks of smoking in 1964 was the start of a national shift toward regulation of tobacco.
Vice-President Harris announced the first grants to be awarded through a ground breaking program to remove barriers to building more housing. Under President Biden more housing units are under construction than at any time in the last 50 years. Vice President Harris was announcing 85 million dollars in grants giving to communities in 21 states through the Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO) program. The administration plans another 100 million in PRO grants at the end of the summer and has requested 100 million more for next year. The Treasury also announced it'll moved 100 million of left over Covid funds toward housing. All of this is part of plans to build 2 million affordable housing units and invest $258 billion in housing overall.
President Biden pardoned all former US service members convicted under the US Military's ban on gay sex. The pardon is believed to cover 2,000 veterans convicted of "consensual sodomy". Consensual sodomy was banned and a felony offense under the Uniform Code of Justice from 1951 till 2013. The Pardon will wipe clean those felony records and allow veterans to apply to change their discharge status.
The Department of Transportation announced $1.8 Billion in new infrastructure building across all 50 states, 4 territories and Washington DC. The program focuses on smaller, often community-oriented projects that span jurisdictions. This award saw a number of projects focused on climate and energy, like $25 million to help repair damage caused by permafrost melting amid higher temperatures in Alaska, or $23 million to help electrify the Downeast bus fleet in Maine.
The Department of Energy announced $2.7 billion to support domestic sources of nuclear fuel. The Biden administration hopes to build up America's domestic nuclear fuel to allow for greater stability and lower costs. Currently Russia is the world's top exporter of enriched uranium, supplying 24% of US nuclear fuel.
The Department of Interior awarded $127 million to 6 states to help clean up legacy pollution from orphaned oil and gas wells. The funding will help cap 600 wells in Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, New York and Ohio. So far thanks to administration efforts over 7,000 orphaned wells across the country have been capped, reduced approximately 11,530 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions
HUD announced $469 million to help remove dangerous lead from older homes. This program will focus on helping homeowners particularly low income ones remove lead paint and replace lead pipes in homes built before 1978. This represents one of the largest investments by the federal government to help private homeowners deal with a health and safety hazard.
Bonus: President Biden's efforts to forgive more student debt through his administration's SAVE plan hit a snag this week when federal courts in Kansas and Missouri blocked elements the Administration also suffered a set back at the Supreme Court as its efforts to regular smog causing pollution was rejected by the conservative majority in a 5-4 ruling that saw Amy Coney Barrett join the 3 liberals against the conservatives. This week's legal setbacks underline the importance of courts and the ability to nominate judges and Justices over the next 4 years.
#Thanks Biden#Joe Biden#politics#us politics#american politics#election 2024#gun control#gun violence#LGBT rights#gay rights#Pride#housing#climate change
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Scientists found an amazingly well-preserved village from 3,000 years ago
Text below, in case article access dries up:
LONDON — A half-eaten bowl of porridge complete with wooden spoon, communal rubbish bins, and a decorative necklace made with amber and glass beads are just a handful of the extraordinarily well-preserved remnants of a late Bronze Age hamlet unearthed in eastern England that’s been dubbed “Britain’s Pompeii” and a “time capsule” into village life almost 3,000 years ago.
The findings from the site, excavated in 2015 to 2016, are now the subject of two reports, complete with previously unseen photos, published this week by University of Cambridge archaeologists, who said they cast light onto the “cosy domesticity” of ancient settlement life.
“It might be the best prehistoric settlement that we’ve found in Britain,” Mark Knight, the excavation director and a co-author of the reports, said in an interviewThursday. “We took the roofs off and inside was pretty much the contents,” he said. “It’s so comprehensive and so coherent.”
The reason for the rare preservation: disaster.
The settlement, thought to have originally consisted of several large roundhouses made of wood and constructed on stilts above a slow-moving river, was engulfed by a fire less than a year after being built.
During the blaze, the buildings and much of their contents collapsed into a muddy river below that “cushioned the scorched remains where they fell,” the university said of the findings. This combination of charring from the fire and waterlogging led to “exceptional preservation,” the researchers found.
“Because of the nature of the settlement, that it was burned down and its abandonment unplanned, everything was captured,” Knight added.
“As we excavated it, there was that feeling that we were picking over someone else’s tragedy,” he said of the eerie site in the swampy fenland of East Anglia. “I don’t think we could smell the fire but the amount of ash around us — it felt close.”
Researchers said they eventually unearthed four large wooden roundhouses and an entranceway structure, but the original settlement was probably “twice as big.”
The site at Must Farm dates to about 850 B.C., eight centuries before Romans came to Britain. Archaeologists have been shocked at “just how clear the picture is” of late Bronze Age life based on the level of detail uncovered, Knight said.
The findings also showed that the communities lived “a way of life that was more sophisticated than we could have imagined,” Duncan Wilson, head of Historic England, the public body responsible for preserving England’s historic environment, said in a statement.
The findings unearthed include a stack of spears, possibly for hunting or defense; a decorative necklace “with beads from as far away as Denmark and Iran”; clothes of fine flax linen; and a female adult skull rendered smooth, “perhaps a memento of a lost loved one,” the research found.
The inhabitants’ diet was also rich and varied, including boar, pike and bream, along with wheat and barley.
A pottery bowl with the finger marks of its maker in the clay was also unearthed, researchers said, still containing its final meal — “a wheat-grain porridge mixed with animal fats” — with a wooden spatula resting inside the bowl.
“It appears the occupants saved their meat juices to use as toppings for porridge,” project archaeologist Chris Wakefield said in the university’s news release. “Chemical analyses of the bowls and jars showed traces of honey along with ruminant meats such as deer, suggesting these ingredients were combined to create a form of prehistoric honey-glazed venison,” he added.
Skulls of dogs — probably kept as pets and to help with hunting — were also uncovered, and the dogs’ fossilized feces showed they fed on scraps from their owners’ meals, the research found.
The buildings, some connected by walkways, may have had up to 60 people living there all together, Knight said, along with animals.
Although no intact sets of human remains were found at the site, indicating that the inhabitants probably fled the fire safely, several sheep bones were found burned indoors. “Skeletal remains showed the lambs were three to six months old, suggesting the settlement was destroyed sometime in late summer or early autumn,” according to the university’s news release.
Ceramic and wooden vessels including tiny cups, bowls and large storage jars were also found. Some pots were even designed to nest, stacked inside one another, Knight said — evidence of an interest in aesthetics as well as practicality.
A lot of similar items were found replicated in each home, Knight added, painting the picture of completely independent homesteads for each family unit rather than distinct buildings for shared tasks — much like we live today.
Household inventories often included metal tools, loom weights, sickles for crop harvesting, axes and even handheld razors for cutting hair.
The roundhouses — one of which had almost 50 square meters (nearly 540 square feet) of floor space — had hearths and insulated straw and clay roofs. Some featured activity zones for cooking, sleeping and working akin to modern-day rooms.
The Must Farm settlement has produced the largest collection of everyday Bronze Age artifacts ever discovered in the United Kingdom, according to Historic England, which partly funded the 1.1 million pound ($1.4 million) excavation project.
The public body labeled the site a “time capsule,” including almost 200 wooden artifacts, over 150 fiber and textile items, 128 pottery vessels and more than 90 pieces of metalwork. Some items will go on display at the nearby Peterborough Museum next month.
Archaeologists never found a “smoking gun” cause for the fire, Knight said. Instead, they suspect it was either an attack from “outside forces,” which may explain why the inhabitants never returned to collect their possessions from the debris, or an accidental blaze that spread rapidly across the tightly nestled homes.
“Probably all that was left was the people and what they were wearing; everything else was left behind,” Knight said of the fire.
But the preservation has left a window for people to look back through in the future. “You could almost see and smell their world,” he said.
“The only thing that was missing was the inhabitants,” Knight added. “And yet … I think they were there — you certainly got glimpses.”
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Transforming Visions into Reality: Exceptional Commercial Construction Services
Cura Group FL, a leading construction management firm in Florida, is proud to offer its exceptional commercial construction services to businesses across the state. With a commitment to excellence and a client-centric approach, Cura Group FL has transformed visions into reality for businesses of all sizes. The company's team of experienced professionals has a proven track record of success, and they are dedicated to providing their clients with the best possible service. Continue Reading Please visit us at- https://www.issuewire.com/transforming-visions-into-reality-exceptional-commercial-construction-services-1770665549219983
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The Great 2024 Millipede Reveal
Last year I decided to take on a temperature crochet project. This kind of project involves working one row for each day of the year using yarn colors that correspond to either the highest or lowest (or both) temperature of that day. It's most common to see blankets made this way since the end result is pretty large, but you can make other things too.
I chose to make a giant stuffed millipede! The pattern came from Projectarian and is free right here. Throughout the year I've documented my progress, which you can see in my temperature millipede tag.
Since I planned on using both the high and low temperature of each day, I picked out 20 colors for maximum variety. (Yarn: Caron Simply Soft)

And now, after a year of work and a week of putting all the pieces together: the millipede is complete!
This big boy is 90 inches/228 cm long. That's over 7 feet! It's longer than my bed. I don't even want to know how much it weighs (a lot).
Construction photos and final color statistics under the cut!
Every day last year when I did a new row of the body, I also did a row of the belly, so they were both finished at the same time.
I also made the legs throughout the year: 192 total! They were attached in a gradient from black to white to black again, and I really like how that turned out.
I waited all year to make the antennae because I wasn't sure what color to make them. In the end I went with Sage because it was the third most used color throughout the whole year, but it wasn't used at all in the head section. I'm happy with that choice, I think it pulls the whole thing together nicely!
And now some final end of year statistics:
#1 Most Used Color Award goes to our reigning champion: Pagoda! It was the high 42 times and the low 81 times, for a total of 123 days. Special mention to Kelly Green (2nd place with 103 days) and Sage (3rd place with 97 days).
#1 Least Used Color Award goes to Soft Pink! It was the low for 2 days last January and made that lovely pink stripe on the head. Special mention to Plum Perfect and Lavender Blue (tied for 2nd place with 4 days each).
Every color was used except Black and White, and honestly I'm okay with that.
Six days used the same color for both the high and the low, forcing me to pull from the inside and the outside of the same skein.
It was a fun project, but boy am I glad it's done! My next challenge is figuring out where this beastie is going to live in my room.
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Joel Miller x Reader Just Coffee
fluffy Joel drabble to help clear my head. I was a barista for 8+ years and loved my regulars, so this is like a little slice of my life when I worked for a family owned coffee shop in the downtown of a city. Hope you enjoy! lmk if you want a ptII cause im thinking hot car sex w these two after their first date.
Inspired by that tlou (game) scene where Ellie asks if Joel used to go to coffee shops, and he admits, ‘All the time.’ And when she asks what he would order, he says, ‘Coffee, just coffee’
Vanilla latte, iced—extra pump of vanilla, three pumps of caramel, swirl, whipped cream. Chai latte, soy milk—hot, extra hot. Cold brew with sweet cream, shot of peppermint. London Fog—extra foamy, not too hot.
"Coffee. Just coffee."
You could’ve kissed him right then and there. And he was handsome enough that you wouldn’t even have to close your eyes. He must’ve caught the way your shoulders relaxed, how the sigh left your body like a weight lifted.
“Comin’ right up,” you smiled, ringing him up as he slid a few ones into your very, very empty tip jar.
‘Just Coffee’ guy settled at the small bar, joining the usual morning stragglers—people who took their time with their warm mugs, occasionally ordering a bagel or a scone to go with it. He sat next to your crossword regular, an older gentleman who always had a puzzle in front of him, filling in the blanks with unwavering confidence. Always pen, never pencil.
You left them to it, but your eyes drifted toward ‘Just Coffee’ now and then, making sure his mug wasn’t too low, wasn’t getting too cold.
The morning flew by in a blur of orders and chatter, the shop filling and emptying in waves. By the time you checked back on ‘Just Coffee’ guy, he was gone.
A pang of disappointment sat low in your stomach. You wished you would’ve gotten him talking—he had that air about him, the kind of presence that carried stories. The people who sat at your bar top, the ones who weren’t rushing in and out for their nine-to-five caffeine fix, were always the most interesting.
You were surprised to see him the next day. A smile lifted at his lips as he stepped up in line, cash at the ready in his large, dirt-greased hands. A man who worked manual labor, clearly.
"Coffee," he said, his twang deep and velvety. "Just coffee, miss."
"You got it," you said with a smile, handing him a warm mug of your house roast as he took his new usual seat at the bar.
"Dammit—" the man next to him muttered, scratching his chin with the tip of his pen. Steve, your crossword regular. Under his nose, the day’s puzzle sat partially filled in, his brow furrowed in frustration. “What in the hell is the ‘process of leveling or smoothing wet concrete’? Seven letters?" He called your name, exasperated. "You got any idea?”
"Steve, if I knew anything about construction, I’d be way further along on my home improvement projects," you called over the hiss of the milk frother.
"Screedin’ is the word you’re lookin’ for, I think."
‘Just Coffee’ spoke casually, like it was second nature, his voice rolling low behind the lip of his mug. Steve blinked at him, like he hadn’t even realized the man was there, his wide eyes darting between him and the crossword.
"I think that might just work! How do ya spell that now? S-C-R-E—"
"S-C-R-E-E-D-I-N-G," ‘Just Coffee’ said slowly, the drawl thick and steady as the letters tumbled off his tongue.
You smiled to yourself, glancing his way. Knew he had to be manual labor. But before you could turn and ask him about it, he was already stepping off the stool, giving a quick nod of thanks, and heading for the door.
A couple of ones landed next to his empty mug—more than the cost of his coffee.
He didn’t come the next day.
Or the day after that.
By the fourth morning, you caught yourself lingering by the bar, staring at the empty stool where he sat. The coffee shop was just as busy, orders coming in waves, regulars dropping their change into the tip jar, Steve grumbling over his crossword. But something was missing.
You’d gotten used to those hazel eyes meeting yours across the counter, the quiet weight of his presence. The way his dark, unruly hair framed his face, always a little windswept, a little messy, like he’d rolled straight out of bed and into a long shift. His hands—rough, calloused, dirt still lingering in the creases—wrapped steady around a warm coffee mug.
It had only been a handful of mornings, but somehow, he’d settled into your routine like he belonged there.
And now, the absence of him gnawed at you in a way that surprised you.
You should’ve asked him his damn name.
By the sixth day, you convinced yourself it didn’t matter. He was just another customer, just a passing figure who needed a caffeine fix before moving on. Maybe he found a different coffee spot. Maybe he’d never been the type to stick around anyway.
But on the seventh morning, as you wiped down the counter, movement by the door caught your eye.
You turned, heart kicking up against your ribs.
There he was.
Another worn flannel, same dirt-streaked hands, same heavy-lidded gaze scanning the shop like he hadn’t been gone for a week. And when those hazel eyes finally landed on you, a flicker of something warm and familiar crossed his face.
You pushed off the counter before you could stop yourself.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” you said, trying to sound casual, but you knew he could hear the lilt of amusement in your voice.
“How are ya, miss?” he drawled, stepping up to the counter, cash already in hand. “Been busy.”
You nodded, trying not to stare too long at the way his fingers curled around the worn bills. “Let me guess—coffee, just coffee?”
He huffed a quiet laugh. “You got it.”
As you poured, you finally asked the question that had been itching at you since the first day he walked in.
“You got a name, or am I just supposed to keep callin’ you ‘Just Coffee’ forever?”
He smirked, tilting his head slightly as he watched you.
“Joel,” he said.
You smiled, setting his mug down in front of him. “Well, Joel—hope you don’t disappear on me again.”
His fingers brushed the warm ceramic as he settled onto his usual stool. “Jobs come and go, just depends on the day, hunny.”
Hunny. It was damn near like honey dripping from his tongue in that slow drawl, thick and warm. The way it rolled off his lips curled low in your belly, heating your cheeks as you turned to the next customer, hoping to God he didn’t notice.
The middle of the week was always slow, which worked in your favor today. By the time the morning rush faded, you found yourself wiping down the counters, clearing dishes near the bar, and finally getting the chance to ask Joel about his life.
You rinsed out a mug, letting the warm water run over your fingers as you glanced toward him. He was nursing his coffee slow, one hand wrapped around the mug, the other resting loose on the bar. His posture was easy, relaxed, but you could tell there was something there, something deep in his bones that he carried.
"So, what kinda jobs come and go?" you asked, keeping your tone light.
Joel glanced up from his mug, considering you for a moment. “Construction, mostly," he said, rolling his shoulders like the very word made them ache. "Been a contractor for years—fixin' up places, layin’ concrete, buildin’ what needs buildin'.”
Figures. Those arms—strong, steady—the kind that looked like they knew the weight of real work. His hands were large, rough and calloused, the kind you’d feel long after they touched you. But, Joel was a customer. You weren’t thinking that, of course not.
"Guess that explains why you knew the crossword answer last week," you teased, tossing the rag over your shoulder. "Steve still talks about it like you pulled magic outta thin air."
Joel huffed, shaking his head. "Man’s usin’ a pen for a crossword, and I’m the one impressin’ him?"
You grinned, leaning against the bar. "Hey, knowledge is power around here, Joel."
He let out a quiet hmm and took another sip of his coffee.
Before you could press further, the bell above the door jingled, and you got up hastily to take the newcomer’s order.
“Don’t worry about him,” Joel called over, sitting up straighter, setting down his coffee mug as his gaze flicked toward the man.
He stepped inside, his dark hair long, face clean-shaven, dimples deepening as he took in the scene. Something unspoken passed between the two of them—something that made it hard to tell if they were coworkers, friends, or something else entirely.
Then the man clapped Joel on the shoulder, grinning wide, “So this is what you’ve been ditchin’ the mornin’ crew for, huh, big brother?”
Your brows lifted. Brother.
Joel exhaled hard through his nose, eyes narrowing with obvious irritation, but his posture remained loose—like he was used to this, used to him.
“What ya got for me, Tommy?” he asked.
You barely had a second to process before Tommy’s attention shifted to you. His gaze swept over you, warm and playful, before he leaned a little too comfortably against the bar, ignoring his brother.
“Well now,” he drawled, flashing you a grin that could probably talk its way out of a speeding ticket, “if I knew this was the kinda place Joel was sneakin’ off to, I would’ve tagged along a whole lot sooner.”
Joel muttered something under his breath and rubbed his forehead.
You crossed your arms, biting back a smile. “And here I thought he just liked my coffee.”
Tommy let out a low chuckle, tilting his head. “Can’t say I blame him, darlin’.”
Joel let out a long, long sigh, already done with whatever this was turning into. He stood, tugging his jacket over his broad shoulders before clapping a firm hand on Tommy’s back—firm like a warning.
“C’mon,” Joel muttered, steering him toward the door.
Tommy let himself be dragged, but not without a final wink in your direction. “I’ll be seein’ you around, sweetheart.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that slipped past your lips as Joel shoved him out the door with far more force than necessary, the bell jingling wildly as they disappeared outside.
Joel glanced back once, shaking his head like he couldn’t believe the last two minutes of his life before heading off into the distance.
You just smiled, shrugging as you wiped down the counter.
But things changed after that morning.
Tommy only needed to step through the damn door before Joel was tensing at the bar, a muscle twitching in his jaw, his coffee suddenly the least interesting thing in the room. He continued to show up every morning, still ordered just coffee, still sat in his usual spot—but now, his eyes lingered on you more.
And now, he stayed just a little longer.
Not by much, not enough for anyone else to notice, but you did.
You noticed how his gaze flicked toward you between sips, how his fingers tapped idly against his mug whenever you laughed at something a customer said.
His brother joined him more too. You noticed the way he cut Tommy off real quick anytime his brother got a little too comfortable leaning against the counter, that exasperated “Tommy” carrying a warning underneath it.
And you noticed how his tips got just a little bigger after that morning, a couple extra bills tucked under his mug like an unspoken thank you.
So when a week passed—no sign of Tommy this time, no interruptions, just Joel sitting at your bar—you wondered if today might be different.
And it was.
Because today, as you cleared a dish from the counter, Joel cleared his throat. Not the casual kind, not the I’m just readjusting in my seat kind.
The nervous kind.
You glanced up, brows lifting. “What’s eatin’ ya, Joel?”
Joel exhaled sharply, shifting in his seat. “Yeah. Just—uh.” He scratched at the back of his neck, avoiding your eyes. “You, uh… ever eat anywhere that ain’t this place?”
Your lips twitched. “You askin’ if I leave my own coffee shop, Joel?”
His jaw tightened, clearly close to regretting whatever he was doing, but he powered through.
“I’m askin’ if you’d wanna get somethin’ to eat. When your shift is done.” He finally met your gaze, voice a little gruffer than usual, but there was something hesitant in his expression—like he was braced for you to shut him down, “With me.”
You leaned back against the counter, arms crossing as you took your time, letting him sit in it for a second. Watching the way his fingers curled around his coffee mug, how he resisted the urge to shift under your gaze.
Then you smiled. “Are you asking me out?”
His eyes flicked away, like he really hated how direct you were, but you could see the tips of his ears turning pink.
“Yeah,” he muttered. Then, after a pause—“That…a problem?”
You bit your lip, shaking your head. “Not at all.”
Joel’s fingers flexed against his mug. “Good.”
You grabbed a napkin and a pen, scribbling something before sliding it across the counter. “Then you’re gonna need my number.”
He eyed it, then you, something unreadable in his gaze before he finally, finally reached for it. His fingers brushed yours as he folded the napkin, tucking it into his pocket without another word.But you swore—swore—you saw the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he took another slow sip of his coffee.
Part II is here :)
#fluffy Joel miller#Joel miller#Joel miller x you#Joel miller x reader#Joel miller tlou#the last of us#the last of us fic#tlou one shot#Joel miller fluff#tlou joel#joel the last of us#joel x reader#the last of us hbo
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Sun in the Houses of D9 Chart
1st House
When you have the Sun in your first house that partner must be one who helps you find your uniqueness and express it. This is a person who most likely knows they are right about something, firm in their beliefs. Something about them is very large, maybe even radiating and they might play an active role in your life guiding you to the realization of your own magnificence. Be ready for someone who tells you to be all best version of yourself possible, and respects your boundaries. Or mirrors — so that both the strengths and flaws can be reflected, providing a chance for greater awareness.
2nd House
Sun in the 2nd house means your future husband is someone who seeks stability and security, especially financially. Expectations will likely run high for loyalty and commitment, too, as they may either come from a place of strong financial means or be very good at managing resources. Can be the practical, pragmatic earthy side of a partner who appreciates simple pleasures and finds sense in building and curating comforts in your home. The may assist you discover your value, particularly in relation to self-respect educating you all about having a sense of worth in the relationship.
3rd House
A Sun in Third House — If you have your sun here, you will probably be drawn towards someone who piques your curious and communicative side. They could be a listener, a thinker or someone who enjoys the exchange of ideas and ideas. In this connection, communication is at the heart of who your partner will be, they will retain a razor-sharp wit and be inquisitive (even if it may seem challenging), and possess agility in being able to explore new directions. They might work in communication, media or educational fields and they will challenge you to be connected with the world. This partner provides enough of a spark to keep your mental wheels turning as you venture throughout life.
4th House
With the Sun in the fourth house, your compatible partner is likely someone who attaches great importance to kinship, heritage, and sentimental security. They may have a profound, nurturing essence, and they’ll probably bring warmth and solace to your shared domestic situation. This individual might have strong familial bonds or be intensely linked to their origins, and they will prioritize constructing a protected and loving home base. They're likely contemplative and emotionally astute, valuing internal development and a sanctuary-like area. With them, you’ll feel at home in your soul, as though you’ve discovered someone who offers deep, unwavering aid and foundation. Additionally, this person has the ability to connect with others on an emotional level through thoughtful discussion and a calm, gentle demeanor. While home and heritage are priorities, they also value personal growth through respectful, insightful exchanges that bring greater understanding.
5th House
The Sun in the fifth house indicates that your prospective spouse will be amorous, artistic, and playful. They'll add a spark of passion and enthusiasm to your life, and they're inclined to like art, self-expression, and spontaneity. They could be someone with a lively, childlike personality who exudes optimism and charisma. This spouse values romance and is prone to express it in dramatic or distinctive ways. If you want children, they may be very involved in your children's life, adding joy and excitement to family gatherings, or they may urge you to express your creativity through collaborative projects.
6th House
With the Sun in the sixth house, your spouse could be someone who exemplifies perseverance, resilience, and a sense of service. They could work in a healing or service-oriented field, such as healthcare, education, or community work. This person loves hard work and will most likely provide structure and support in your life, allowing you to keep healthy routines and balanced obligations. They are grounded and may have a quiet, unassuming nature, expressing their love through acts of service rather than grandiose displays. This relationship will most likely be one of mutual support, in which you collaborate to attain long-term goals and inner harmony.
7th House
The Sun in the seventh house indicates that your spouse will have a great effect on your life, most likely someone with a strong personality and leadership skills. They will exude confidence and may have a charisma that naturally draws people in. This someone may be highly motivated and accomplished in their area, even appreciated by others. They will look for an equal partner in you, with whom they can create a life of balance and mutual respect. Your journey with this person will feel like a meaningful partnership, with each of you learning from and growing alongside the other.
8th House
A spouse who enters your life with the Sun in the ninth house is likely to be mysterious, intense, and emotionally deep. This companion will provide transforming experiences to help you discover hidden elements of yourself. They may be highly perceptive and drawn to psychology, spirituality, or healing. Expect a deep connection that goes under the surface, where passion and difficulties help you grow together. This person may be financially resourceful, and they can assist you in managing shared resources. You'll discover the power of vulnerability and deep, heartfelt connection as you explore life's mysteries together.
9th House
With the Sun in the ninth house, your spouse is likely to value knowledge, philosophy, and adventure. They could have a broad viewpoint, possibly originating from a different background or having a strong interest in travel, spirituality, or education. They'll motivate you to grow and widen your horizons, allowing you to experience life from other angles. This companion could be a teacher or mentor who will inspire you to embrace your beliefs and spirituality. Together, you'll start on a lifelong adventure of learning, growth, and purpose.
10th House
When your Sun occupies the tenth house, it indicates that your future partner would be someone who is not only ambitious and industrious but also earns respect in their workspace. Such individuals are most likely to be career-driven wanting to change the world in some way and even take up an exalted position. This person will help you to fulfill your dreams and motivate you to think about the dreams in the far horizon. Such ambitions will be round you, and as important they will regard the joint legacy creation, with them, you will be able to achieve a way of living, which is meritocratic, and dignified. They can perhaps be the more level-headed of the two and, as a couple, you will forge an interdependent bond of respect, ambition and stability.
11th House
The placement of the Sun in the eleventh house suggests that the person could have a spouse who is reminiscent of a best friend- someone who resonates with their dreams and aspirations. Such a person is outgoing, modern, and may be engaged in some kind of organizational activities. A person like this holds friendship in high esteem, and this brings into the partnership cohesion and cooperation. This person may broaden your horizons or motivate you to achieve your goals. There will be common goals and values that will act as a strong foundation of your relationship, and you shall be happy in creating a world that integrates your uniqueness and the objectives you wish to achieve.
12th House
With the placement of your Sun in the twelfth house, it is likely your future partner will be someone with a very soft heart or perhaps spiritual or even enigmatic. Such a person may be involved in some self-healing or inner work and they will most certainly assist you in exploring the more obscure aspects of existence. This mate may be more suited to being on their own, enjoying activities such as silence, contemplation or creative art. They will provide you with emotional stability and tranquility, teaching you that sometimes it is necessary to turn within to appreciate one’s surroundings. You’d share a love that goes well beyond the physical level, towards greater principles of existence such as love, life, and the spirit. This bond will probably have an ethereal quality.
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