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The "Americanization of the global internet" post and slow deterioration of local native culture gave me an idea: many users don't even know there is native language communities on this website, so if you know of a regional group/"subculture" on Tumblr, reblog/comment with the tags they use so people can find them and connect with other folks from their countries or speakers of a language they'd like to learn
I will try to update this post with every new addition to hopefully make a comprehensive list of Tumblr regional communities
Edit July 29th: the post has reached a point where Tumblr won't let me add any more links, so from now on all tags are plain text to make it fair
The list so far:
• Czech
#česky, #hezky česky - general Czech language posts, frequently featuring user-written poetry, art, sometimes politics and current events, warning: often contains vent posts
#čumblr - Czech but frequently used by Slovaks as well, primarily memes and fandom things, shipping, art, cultural things, frequently overlaps with #česky
#obrození, #obrozujeme - memes and fandoms as well but with more emphasis of maintaining and developing Czech culture, is a mostly humorous parody/self-proclaimed continuation of the Czech National Revival of the 1800s, overlaps with #čumblr and #česky
• Slovak
#slovensky - general Slovak language posts
#slumblr, #sumblr, NEW - #ťumbľr - Slovak, general posts, memes, fandom and culture things, sometimes overlaps with #čumblr
• Polish
#polska, #polish - Polish, general posts, art, politics and current events
#polblr, #polishposting, #polskie rzeczy - Polish, more humorous general posts and memes, often overlap with the above
• Ukrainian
#ukraine - general Ukrainian posts, often in English
#укртумбочка - mostly used by artists
• General Slavic
#slav, #slavic, #slavposting, #slavic stuff - mixed Slavic, usually cultural things, memes, art and photography, sometimes politics, sometimes visited by other East Europeans
• Irish
#gaeilge - Irish, general posting but especially cultural things and memes, often features posts for language learning
• Welsh
#cymraeg, #tymblr - general Welsh posting, memes
• Romanian
#romanian - general Romanian tag
#romanisme, #vlandom - Romanian, mostly memes and humor
• Hungarian
#magyar, #hungarian, #tumbli - Hungarian language, mostly quotes
• Finnish
#suomitumblr, #suomitumppu, #suomipaskaa, #suomeksi, other variations beginning with suomi - general (shit)posting
any and all swear words such as #perkele, #vittu, #saatana, #helvetti and #paska - shitposts, overlap with above
• Dutch
#dutch, #the netherlands, #netherlands, #holland, #nederland, #nederlands - general Dutch posts
#nedermemes, #dutchcore - memes, shitposting
• German
#deutsch, #german stuff - general German posting
#BundesTag - memes and humor
blogs like @official-deutschebahn, @official-german-medienlandschaft and other official-deutsche- blogs, "because THE joke of German tumblr is to act like an overly bureucratic public institution"
• Swedish
#sweblr, #swedenposting, #svea rike - memes, shitposts, fandom stuff, sometimes political
#svenskt, #sverige - general Swedish stuff
#all makt åt tengil vår befriare, #sa du sten - used mostly by @svenskjavel
#borås - posts and memes about the city, "kinda like Swedish Ohio"
#lesbisk, #bög, #bisexuell, #pansexuell, #hbtq+, #hbtq, #homosexuell, #asexuell - Swedish queer tags
• French
#upthebaguette, #french side of tumblr, #whatthefrance - general French posting but especially memes, comics, art
#bagaitte - French queer posting
• Greek
#greek tumblr, #ελληνικα, #ελλαδα, #γρεεκ, #ελληνικο ταμπλρ - general stuff
#greek memes - memes
#coses de la terra - general stuff
#беларускі тамблер - general stuff, fandoms
#артшляхта - art
#itablr - general stuff, not very populated yet
#welcome to italy, #italian things, #italian stuff, #italy tag, #roba italiana
#sanremo - for the Sanremo Music Festival, also #domenica in but only after the end of the festival
Italians also frequently gather under #leonardo rai, #medici, #i medici, #montalbano and #il giovane montalbano
#eestiblr, #eesti - general stuff
@unofficial-estonia - blog
@useless-denmarkfacts - blog
#español - general Spanish (* I noticed some Mexicans using these too so there may be overlap with American Spanish-speaking countries as well)
#citas, #frases - quotes
#humor grafico - memes
Scottish Gaelic
#gaidhlig, #gaelposting - general, art, language
#المغرب, #Maroc -general, often photos
• South Asian
#desiblr, #desi, #desi tag - general South Asia posting, memes, humor, sometimes also used by Arab people
• Indian
#dabara tumblr, #தம்பிளர் - suggested tags for South India
#русский тамблер, #русский tumblr - general stuff, memes
Sri Lankan
#අරගලයට ජය, suggested tags LKA or #Lankablr if anyone's interested
@useless-indonesiafacts - blog
# עברית# ,ישראבלר - general stuff (sorry if these are broken, tumblr keeps fucking with right-to-left scripts)
#عربي - general
#كتب, #كتاب, #كتابات - books and writing
#auscore, #straya - general stuff, culture, memes and shitposts
#auspol - politics
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
#māori, #te reo māori - Māori tags
#brazil, #brasil, #Come to brazil, #br posting, #meu brasil brasileiro, #tumblr br - general and memes
Turtle Island (North American) Indigenous
#ndn, #ndn tumblr - usually about culture, memes etc
"If you're looking for something specific to your tribe, try the non-English spelling of your tribe's name (Tsalagi for Cherokee, for example)"
Not location-specific
#jumblr, #frumblr - general stuff, history, discussions, posts mostly in English
#romani, #rroma, #rrumblr - romani sides of tumblr, general stuff, history, discussions, mostly in English
Please share around wherever you're from, US American local cultures are welcome as well, especially indigenous (though that should go without saying)
Reminder that this is a post made to allow people to find others of the same culture/language, be respectful and do not use these tags to target groups and spread hate
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jokeroutsubs · 11 days
[ENG translation] Joker Out: Playing on the main stage of Sziget means the success with capital letters for us
An interview with Joker Out published in the August 2024 issue of Rockstar magazine. Original article written by Viki Erdős, photo by Viki Erdős. Translation and review by X ddrflctns and X brnbergeron, proofread by @flowerlotus8.
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In the former Yugoslavia they have won the 'Artist of the Year' and the 'Song of the Year' awards several times. With two albums under their belt, they entered the Eurovision Song Contest with their song 'Carpe Diem' last year, which put them on the Spotify Viral Top 10 list and then on the Main Stage of Sziget. We met the Slovenian five-piece Joker Out before their first concert in Budapest, where they told us: their biggest dream came true by playing for us at the Island of Freedom on 8 August. Read more of our interview on rockstar.hu!
What's your first impression of the Sziget Festival, now that you've spent a few hours here?
Jan: Actually I already came here yesterday to see L'Impératice. It's definitely the biggest festival I've been to, yet it doesn't seem too crowded. I really like the atmosphere, somehow despite the noise it's calming, and the line-up is incredible!
Jure: It's going to be the biggest stage we've ever played on.
Bojan: I didn't even see you on the stage during the soundcheck, because there was so much smoke! I turned around and just blinked 'where is everyone'?
You posted concert photos from 2016 on Instagram just yesterday. Did you ever think you would play on the main stage of Sziget?
Bojan: Performing at Sziget was always our biggest dream, we somehow thought that playing here, on the main stage would mean success with capital letters. I think we always believed that it will happen one day.
Last year your Eurovision performance brought you international success. How to imagine this? Are you getting recognised on the street, for example?
Bojan: We're constantly being recognised in Slovenia, but there are other countries, for example the Balkans, or Finland and The Netherlands, where we have a big fanbase. So the bottom line is that it's all unbearable and we're huge rock stars. (they all laugh)
Kris: And to top it all off, we are doing an interview with Rockstar Magazine.
How do you handle fame?
Bojan: Oh, it's all terrible! I can't even have a cup of coffee without being surrounded by people! (laughs)
But seriously!
Bojan: No, it's super good, in my opinion, our fame at the moment is perfectly manageable. We’re not recognised by a crazy amount of people yet, and the people who do recognise us are usually very nice. Sometimes a few fans wait for us at the airport, weirdly specifically it always happens in Finland. They tell us about how our music helped them getting through tough times or how they found new friends thanks to us. Only at times like this, we realise that we're getting closer to our goals, that music is no longer just for our entertainment, but also for the pleasure of others.
You recently came out with an animated music video for your song 'Šta bih ja'. How did you come up with this idea and how did you find the right artist for the job?
Kris: It was quite liberating to make a music video without having to be in it. Jokes aside, I thought it was a great time for an animated video, which we've never done before. We had a lot of gigs and time was tight, so it was a perfect move. We've been working with a lot of our fans over the last six months, who are great artists, by the way. We keep an eye on what they post, and we're always completely blown away by it and try to collaborate with them whenever possible. For example, they've made merch and a cover for our single for streaming platforms. The new music video was also made by one of our fans.
How much do they freak out when you contact them?
Kris: A lot, I feel like. But they try to be chill about it.
What is the story behind 'Šta bih ja'?
Bojan: We moved to London for two months to write new material, this was the first song that was written there. It was the first time we really felt what it was like to be away from home and miss our loved ones. In additional to how it feels to be a stranger in a new city, the song is also about what it's like being in love when you can only keep in touch with your partner over the phone.
I've noticed on your Instagram that you like lame photoshopped pictures. Is there an expert in the band responsible for these, or is it a team effort?
Jan: That would be me... (laughs) I don't even know how it started. I always use the same picture, it was taken for our Eurovision campaign, we all look hilarious on it. I noticed that our faces fit perfectly on any picture depicting people. It started as a joke, but now it's become our general marketing strategy.
Bojan: You've already extended the scope to foods, animals...
Jan: Yes, last time I photoshopped Nace onto a sausage.
Earlier this year, your concert film and it's accompanying live album was released. Was this a big dream come true?
Jan: The concert film and live album itself was not a dream, but playing in the arena where it was recorded was. It's nice to relive that experience.
Bojan: I haven't watched it at all. It's really about the fact that we had the opportunity to record and release it, and we took it. That's how the market works. We had to have something to spend our money on, so that we would have as little left as possible. (laughs)
Your festival season will be over soon. What's in store for the rest of the year?
Bojan: Before the tour we had already recorded most of our third album in Hamburg, but we knew that we would need to come back [to the studio] for a few more session. So we spend all of our day-offs in the studio, but now in Ljubljana.
How would you describe the new sound in three words?
Bojan: Makes. No. Sense. (laughs)
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I know this might not look too flashy, but this might be my favourite stamp sheet. These Estonian stamps are a language tree of the Uralic languages.
Going anti-clockwise from the bottom middle stamp, we have:
The Samoyedic Languages: Nenets, Enets, Nganasan, Selkup, and Kamasin
The Ugric Languages: Hungarian, Khanty and Mansi
The Permic Languages: Komi and Udmurt
The Mari and Mordvinic (Erzya and Moksha) Languages
The Sami Languages (Nortern, Southern, Skolt, Inari, Lule, Ume, Pite, Ter and Kildin Sami)
The Baltic-Finnic Languages: Veps, Karelian, Izhorian, Livonian, Finnish, Estonian and Votic
Languages in brackets weren't mentioned in the stamp, but I thought I'd elaborate anyway
Edit: put Ingrian instead of Izhorian. Should've known better, sorry
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mapsontheweb · 7 months
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Names of European countries in Hungarian.
by european_languages_
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paddockbunny · 2 months
I tell ya, Lando fans are defo some of the most toxic in F1…Y’ALL ARE CRAZY!
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sapnapsimparc · 6 months
if your language uses accents/umlauts/funny letters, do you use them when typing on your phone? for example á, ä, å, é, è, ú, ü, ó, ö....
and maybe tag the language too if you want
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osteochondraldefect · 2 months
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i love spreading misinformation about what happens in this podcast aka.: bunch of thangs i drew but didnt feel like posting separately
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borealopelta · 27 days
fascinating thing i've been noticing while reorganising my bookshelf is that books in english consistently have the titles on the spine written top to bottom (so when a book is lying title side up the text can be read left to right) while all my hungarian books have the spine text written bottom to top (so the text is upside down when a book is lying title side up, but if a book is standing it can be read more naturally (to me) with your head tilted to the left). i have no idea what the reason behind it is but it's 100% consistent across every single book i own & it's making me wonder how other languages do it, so:
visual guide:
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chilean miku 🇨🇱
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
studying Yiddish is so interesting and surprisingly simultaneously isolating and …. Deeply enmeshed in the world because ok. First off the Yiddish Verses Hebrew drama is imho a pretty recent controversy shaped by modern national politics that elides the extent to which Yiddish and Hebrew were contact languages for hundreds and hundreds of years. In the Ashkenazi world they mutually reinforced and defined each other. But Yiddish was also definitionally a contact language! What it was, a crucial aspect of Yiddish’s power to negotiate Yiddishkeit and create a home of Yiddishkeit was in the net of connections and translations with Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Russian, Romanian, German, Slovak, Dutch, Ukrainian, and so forth. These were all part of the ecosystem of Yiddish Culture and Yiddish linguistic culture, and so while working to reclaim Yiddish culture there’s all these silences in the ways Yiddish was not Yiddish alone but that so many of these languages have so few Jewish speakers left and there’s been so many connections of this linguistic echosyatem that have been lost
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Fekete részem • X/0 • Lakatlan ember • Hol voltál? • Éjjeli tánc • Kötelék • Fuss! • Vigyázz rám • Menedék • Egyedül maradtál • Éjféli lány • Viszlát Nyár • Viszlát Nyár (Acoustic version)
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How to say "I love you" in your partner's language - Part 1
English: I love you
Spanish: Te quiero / Te amo
French: Je t'aime
Italian: Ti amo
German: Ich liebe dich
Portuguese: Eu te amo
Russian: Я тебя люблю (Ya tebya lyublyu)
Chinese (Mandarin): 我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)
Japanese: 愛してる (Ai shiteru)
Korean: 사랑해 (Saranghae)
Arabic: أحبك (Ana bahebak)
Hindi: मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ (Main tumse pyaar karta/karti hoon)
Greek: Σ'αγαπώ (S'agapo)
Turkish: Seni seviyorum
Dutch: Ik hou van jou
Swedish: Jag älskar dig
Bokmål: Jeg elsker deg
Finnish: Rakastan sinua
Polish: Kocham cię
Hungarian: Szeretlek
Nynorsk: Eg elskar deg
Dangme (spoken in Ghana): I suɔ mo.
We'll add more languages in the nest posts. Ask if you want to add your own language or different phrases. We're always open to feedback!
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kkulbeolyeonghwa · 1 year
Month wrap-up
Korean: 383 words this month, the biggest amount this year! This was my main focus this month. Picks of my favorite words from this month:
교대 交代 - taking turns 당청되다 當籤- - to win the lottery 마땅히 - properly 석화 石花 - oyster 일당백 一當百 - equal to 100 warriors 출하 出荷 - shipment
Japanese: only 57 words this time! I feel like I've studied more though. I've gotten better at listening! Favorite words:
いれい 慰霊 - consoling the dead しけ 時化 - stormy weather at sea でんち 電池 - battery よてい 予定 - plans
Mandarin and Cantonese: I haven't focused on these much this month. However I've been listening to both languages a bunch.
Mongolian: I haven't logged the words I know because I'm learning it with a different approach. But I've been studying it a lot and am learning a bunch of new words!
Toki Pona: I can now understand written text 99% of the time. I should practice writing next.
Okinawan: I've learn the Okinawan version of every Japanese word I've studied this month. I'm progressing steadily.
Other languages: I've been learning random words from other languages too. Notably Hungarian (Which I haven't learned at all in the past). Maybe I should start studying it regularly!
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mapsontheweb · 8 months
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Hungarian language in the Carpathian Basin.
by geomapas.gr
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one-bunny-a-day · 2 years
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today's bunny knows many languages!
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