#langdon family
fundieshaderoom · 4 months
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: May 2024 in a Glance
Gracie and Aaron Keyes welcomed their second child, Brooks Davis "Davis" on May 6. He joins an older sister.
Savannah and Cole Labrant welcomed their fifth child Beckham Blue. He joins 3 older sisters and an older brother.
Isabel (Trewhella) and Jake Patrick welcomed their fifth child on May 29. She joins 2 brothers and 2 sisters. The name was not announced.
Audrey and Jeremy (Roloff) welcomed their fourth child, Mirabella May Roloff on May 23. She joins 1 older sister and 2 older brothers.
Tori (Bates) and Bobby Smith welcomed their fifth child, Weston Slade on May 29. He joins 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters
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Madeline (Langdon) and Zachary Garcia are expecting their first child, a boy.
Kristen (Baird) and Zach Clark are expecting their third child. They will join 2 older brothers.
Brighton and Reed Robertson are expecting their third child. They will join 1 older brother and 1 older sister in August.
Rebecca (Robertson) and John Reed Loflin are expecting their third child in November. This child will join 1 older brother and 1 older sister.
Jennifer (Hartono) and Joshua Toto are expecting their second child in December. This child will join 1 big sister.
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Danielle Seewald and Lawson Howard got engaged.
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Gender Reveals:
Katie (Bates) and Travis Clark are expecting a baby boy.
Tiffany (Espensen) and Lawson Bates announced they are expecting a little boy. This was already accidentally revealed several times...
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Name Reveal:
Karissa and Mandrae Collins have chosen the name Arrow Chosen.
Artemesia and Isaac Anderson have chosen the name Dietrich.
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Relationship Hard Launches:
Marjorie Jackson is dating Phillip Todd.
Jason Duggar soft launched. This could be Claire Langdon.
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ahs4vrslut · 8 months
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When my mom brings me out of my room on family gatherings
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luaalz · 1 month
Curiosidade: no Brasil, esses caras tem a mesma voz (dublados por José Leonardo)
Fun fact: in Brazil, these guys have the same voice (Voiced by José Leonardo)
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dyns33 · 2 years
Fluffotber 27 - Michael Addams
Michael Addams x reader 
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Michael was going to kill this man.
He really wanted to anyway, and the only reason that parasite was still alive was because he knew his goddess wouldn't be happy if he touched him, that he might scare her, and that the doctor had promised him that this nightmarish situation was only temporary.
As soon as he heard about this appointment, he knew that was not a good idea, that something terrible was going to happen. It reminded him of the time he had to go to the dentist.
A marvelous memory, all these instruments of torture. The blood. This scared the poor dentist, who couldn't understand why he wasn't screaming in pain, and ended up administering anesthetic.
When Y/N had entered the room, he wasn't so much himself and he hadn't recognized her. It was as if he was experiencing a miracle for the second time in his life, reliving their encounter, dazzled by her beauty.
           "You are a vision."
           "Thank you, Michael. Are you okay ?"
           "You know my name ? And you worry about me ? I don't even deserve you to look at me, but I'll dare...Marry me."
           "I can't tell if you're serious." she had said, laughing, the most beautiful sound in the world, putting her hand on her mouth, displaying her wedding ring.
           "Oh, no. You're married ? I should have known, I'm not worthy of you. But no one can be worthy of you. Who's your lover ? I have to meet them, I have to make sure that they treat you like you deserve !"
           "Michael, we are married."
           "... What ?"
           "You are so adorable, my crazy darling."
He had cried a lot that day, unable at all to believe that such a perfect creature could agree to unite with him, before becoming normal again. He continued to cry anyway, because even when he was normal, he had a hard time understanding why his goddess loved him so much.
This situation had been a bit amusing.
The one he was in now was not. He suspected it wouldn't last, since he had experienced it himself, but he didn't like it at all.
The operation was not complicated. Necessary, but not dangerous. Even though he didn't trust it, Michael didn't want to lose his Y/N, so he had accompanied her to the hospital, and she had been put to sleep.
Except that when she woke up, she didn't remember him.
Everyone was now trying to calm him down, repeating that it was a temporary effect of the anesthesia. But even if it didn't last long, it was torture to see her like this, staring at him with lost, slightly frightened eyes.
She jumped when he knelt in front of her, taking her hand to kiss it, saying he was glad she was back.
           "Who are you ?" she had then asked shakily, and her world broke his heart.
Part of him was a little hurt that she didn't fall in love with him right away, like he had fallen in love with her again last time.
Then Michael had hit his head against the wall, remembering that she was a goddess, and that he was nothing, and that he had been very lucky to be able to seduce her.
He had been very scared then. What if she never remembered ? What if she no longer loved him and left him ?
He wouldn't survive it.
He couldn't destroy the world, because that would mean hurting her, which he couldn't do, but he would throw himself off a bridge.
It had only been ten minutes and he was already considering which bridge he was going to choose, his mind clouded with despair.
A nurse patted him gently on the shoulder, but cautiously, not really knowing how the man who had screamed like a madman before cowering in a corner of the hospital hallway would react.
           "Mr. Langdon. Your wife would like to see you."
           "She remembers me ?!"
           "No, not yet. But she would like to see you."
It wasn't the best news, but it was still some good news. Y/N could have asked him not to approach her again.
When Michael returned to the bedroom, she was watching her hand. She had to take it off for the operation, but her wedding ring had remained by her bed, and she had put it back on, admiring it for a long time.
           "You gave me this ?"
           "You must be rich. Or mad. Or love me a lot."
           "I love you more than anything, I'm crazy about you, and I'll give you all the gold in the world, and more, if you ask me."
This made her smile, and for a moment, his goddess was here again.
           "I believe we are at school together." she said after a long silence.
           "We were. It's been several years since we graduated."
           "Hmm. Is it true that you look a bit older. Am I... Am I older too ?"
           "No. You are still the same, eternally beautiful."
           "Are you always this intense ?"
           "No. Yes ? I don't know, I'm not sure what you mean, my queen."
This made her laugh again. Michael couldn't help but put his hand on hers. This time she was not afraid.
In a trance, he stroked her fingers, her handle, before approaching his lips, kissing her again, before continuing with her arm.
           "Cara mia." he whispered sadly.
           "You really are crazy, you… Oh. Oh, Michael. Michael, I'm sorry."
           "My Goddess ?" he asked, raising his hopeful eyes to her sweet face.
           "I think they gave me a little too much anesthetic. You must have been very scared, forgive me."
           "You have no reason to apologize ! One word from you, and I'll kill every doctor in this place."
Of course, she didn't want to. Y/N sighed before taking his face in his hands and kissing him, making him purr.
Although Michael knew that everything was going to end well, he had feared the worst. To be married to such perfection, to be happy by her side, to have the pleasure of being able to touch her, talk to her, look at her, that couldn't last forever, he would inevitably be punished one day.
But not today. Y/N remembered him, and she still loved him. And as soon as she was cleared to leave the hospital, he carried her home, promising himself that it would never happen again.
           "I will have to see another doctor one day."
           "I will ask my father to use his powers so that you never get sick again."
           "My adorable fool."
           "Only yours, cara mia. Even if you forget me, or if I forget you. Always."
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anavie-12 · 2 years
oh to be violet harmon.
young and beautiful.
hot guy who is obsessed w me.
living in a beautiful house.
no responsibilities.
rlly living the dream there bro
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fundieshaderoom · 1 year
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Langdon
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Ryan L Langdon- June 1972
Lori Lynne McCreary- June 24, 1973
They share 6 children and are based in Connecticut.
Madeline Elise- November 1, 1999
Claire Elizabeth- November 1, 1999
Emma Grace- November 16, 2001
Henry Brooks "Brooks"- October 26, 2004
Ella Katherine- September 5, 2009
Wills- April 28, 2012
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Madeline married Zachary Garcia in January 2023. They are based in Texas.
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thefundiemuseum · 1 year
Jason Duggar and Claire Langdon Courtship Speculation
I made the mistake of visiting the DS subreddit (as I do from time to time), and I saw that folks having been following Claire Langdon’s Pinterest as part of the Duggar-Langdon Courtship Speculation. 
That sent me down the rabbit hole of looking at evidence of Claire Langdon and Jason Duggar’s supposed courtship. 
So. . . here we go.
The earliest photo I can find of them is from Katie Bates Clark’s wedding in Dec 2021.
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Then they are seen together several times in spring and summer of 2022.
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Around this time, there was also the blurry photo of a blonde young woman (Claire?) talking to a Duggar lost boy (Jason?) at Lawson and Tiffany’s wedding, but I don’t think anyone was officially ID’d in that pic.  In May 2022, Kelly Jo Bates posted a super detailed IG post about Claire’s graduation, leading to lots of speculation about WHY she cared so much about this girl who wasn’t--as far as we know--even dating one of her sons.
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After the summer of 2022, things go quiet for a while. There’s a Langdon wedding in early 2023 where the Duggars are in attendance, and then more photos of Claire and Jason together in the spring.
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And, of course, there’s the thing that started this stupid rabbit hole for me: Claire’s Pinterest.
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While I can’t say for certain what “Comers duggars” means, I assume it’s a play on “comer” in Spanish, as it’s a collection of recipes. Is she planning things to cook for a crowded family gathering? Who knows.
She also has a bunch of pins of RVs, which would be very on-brand for a new Duggar bride. 
The only thing that gives me pause is. . . what’s the hold up? She’s graduated. He’s doing construction (I think). They’ve known each other quite a while. It just seems off compared to the usual Duggar courtship-to-engagement-to-wedding timeline. 
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emmodii · 11 months
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16/11/2023, 11.04pm
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lex-cursus · 1 year
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Made in his image
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2starsmoved · 1 year
𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 @playingods
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" i know you wanna kiss me. "
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princess-nanaz-sims · 2 years
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deerntheheadlights · 2 years
i think if Violet and Tate ever did the whole marriage and family thing, they'd name their child Keats
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coffeebookslovegt · 2 years
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La mente ve lo que quiere ver
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eagans-world · 5 months
Ok so not all that big just wanted to check, so I lost my grandfather a while ago and me and my mum were talking about him and she brought out a whole press release thing for one of his old bands??? So I just wanted to see if anyone can identify this stuff.
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My mum could only identify my grandfather and some guy she called grubs/mark.
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nakeddeparture · 6 months
Anderson Langdon (Barbados Family Planning Association) - Barbadians are living out scenes from the past - Barbados.
STIs (from intercourse with animals). Low birth rates (stress from trauma and sexual partners). NCDs (poor nutrition). Centuries old problems persist, while you wear ties and lipstick and have entertainers as your gods. Naked!!
Like/share/comment/subscribe on YouTube (it costs you nothing). Press the notification bell 🔔. NEW WhatsApp #2527225512
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evanpetersmybf · 7 months
All he asked for was you
Tate Langdon x female!reader
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Summary: Tate loves you too much. He would do anything for you, to keep you by his side, to make you love him forever. He would cross any line to make you his, it doesn't matter how evil it is... But was it really worth it?
Genre: ANGST!! and some smut
Word count: 5,104
Warnings: Obsessive, stalkish and violent behavior, implicit toxic relationship; mentions of weapons, murder, mental health issues, family issues, school shooting; use of Y/N, swearing, cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected p in v. (i hope i'm not missing any...) NOT PROOFREAD !!
A/N: English isn't my first language!! Sorry if I have some mistakes and if Tate's a bit ooc (i tried to keep him in character as much as i could). I wasn't sure (and still not) if this is good but I spent days writing it, so I had to post it.
A small playlist with songs that inspired me for this: monster by meg and dia, pacify her by melanie martinez, all i want is you by rebzyyx, skyfall by adele, psycho by doko, paparazzi by lady gaga, dark red by steve lacy.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ཐི ♡ ཋྀ
Tate never believed in love, nor was he a romantic one. 
In fact, he despised it. How could he even believe in that feeling when he never felt loved by his own mother? At least that’s what he pretended.
The blond always had the facade of a tough guy, although he couldn’t fool anyone. Constance knew well he was a sensitive boy. Probably the most crybaby ever to exist… And the most unstable one.
Now he was here. His chest going up and down, breathing shallow and fast. His eyes were darting around the room, looking for something or perhaps someone. Some silly tears were rolling down his cheeks while he anxiously fidgeted with a ring on his finger. The clock on the wall continued its tick-tack. The time kept running. His heart kept beating. It was getting late.
He refused to look at the wooden floor. He didn’t want to accept reality. If Tate did that, he would feel like the biggest monster on Earth.
Nevertheless, he couldn’t stay like this.
He had to do something real fast.
Today, 18:40
You were supposed to arrive at 19:00.
But he remained there, next to the corpse of his rival. A bloody ax beside the dead man’s bleeding head.
Whom he thought was his worst enemy, was someone really dear to you.
Well, Tate fervently believed this was something justified. He couldn’t stand that fucking asshole anymore! That scumbag needed to be put back in his place. And Tate only did that. Furthermore, he actually helped him. He took him away from this shitty world. It was a favor.
He had already killed his mother’s boyfriend, so why was he feeling guilty?
Maybe because his victim was special to you. Because his death would hurt you. And Langdon swore to God he would never let anybody or anything hurt you, including himself.
He loved you.
He wanted to be the one to hold your hand forever.
Tate snapped back to the present and frowned. He picked up the weapon, putting it in his backpack. He didn’t even mind cleaning it. Then, he proceeded to knelt right next to the lifeless dude and cleaned the blood surrounding his body; afterwards, he dragged him to the basement and…
A knock on the door.
You arrived.
He left his dead foe lying limp on the cold basement ground and quickly ran upstairs, straight to his room. He also left the backpack there.
Tate spent the last twenty minutes cleaning the mess he made in the living room after he atrociously smashed your friend’s head, forgetting that had poor time to get ready. 
He desperately looked for clean clothes, scrambling the entire closet in search of fresh garments while he cussed at himself, at his mother, at that freaking boy, at the entire world but you.
Finally he found some jeans and a striped shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror after changing and cleaned the tiny drops of blood that stayed on his face and hands. He never realized he left the bloody clothing on the bed.
Another knock.
Tate opened the door, immediately throwing himself at you and giving you one of the warmest hugs. His demeanor with you was completely different; you were the only creature capable of changing his fucked up mind into something more beautiful, more peaceful. The issue was that it only happened when he was with you, otherwise he would be aggressive and rude as usual.
You got the best of him. 
“Missed you so fuckin’ much, babe…” Voice muffled since his face was buried in the crook of your neck. Tate always did the same thing; clinging onto you like a small koala would.
“Heh, me too, hun!” You spoke with the same soothing voice he adored. Tate giggled and placed a tender kiss on your jawline, then another, and another, and another.
Soon enough, he was peppering kisses all over your neck, making you moan softly. Oh those sounds. He could hear you melting under his touch, his embrace, for the rest of eternity.
He loved making you squirm, making you laugh, making you feel loved.
He was way too sweet.
Only if you knew.
Four weeks before today…
Tate has always had the bad habit of stalking you. Yeah… He wasn’t proud of it. But can you blame him? He’s constantly afraid of you leaving him. He wanted to make sure you never did so… Otherwise he would die. Literally.
Don’t ask how he would die. You already know the answer.
You two were supposed to have a date, albeit you had to cancel your meeting.
And that, of course, made him overthink. It didn’t matter how many times you told him you were going to study; he felt betrayed, as if you were rejecting him. And Tate hated and feared rejection to the bone.
“Pretty please? Please, Y/N! I don’t wanna go home early, mom’s gonna be there and-and–”
“Tate, I can’t skip this. I have like, a test every day next week and I must study. I don’t wanna fail. Please, sweetie. I promise I’ll make it up to ya’, mhm?” 
He rolled his eyes and whined, almost throwing a tantrum. He didn’t try to manipulate you on purpose. It came out naturally. “But I need you, Y/N! Why do you always do the same, huh? Am I not that important? Don’t you love me any longer?”
His childish crying continued for a couple of minutes, until it stopped and the blond agreed a deal with you.
You thought he was calm now, but no. How naive.
You went to the library to study as you said… Without noticing he followed you.
Quietly, he got into that maze of books after you and hid behind some shelves.
Tate noticed you sat on an empty table. Thank God. Oh?
Who. Is. He.
A man Tate didn’t know sat next to you. Really close. Too close for Tate’s liking. He tried to think he was a stranger, that he wasn’t going to talk to you… He was wrong.
He clenched his hands into a ball when he saw that idiot talking to you, and the worst part was that you followed suit. It seemed you two were friends or something.
How DARE YOU talk to another man? No, how dare you talk to another HUMAN BEING!?
Tate was insecure 24/7.
If you weren’t there, Tate was falling apart. It was simple.
No Y/N, no happy Tate. Was it too hard to understand?
Three weeks before today…
It was Friday. Tate was impatiently waiting for you outside the campus, hanging a small bouquet of flowers he picked up.
Once he spotted you coming out from the building, he waved his hand and embraced you tightly once you were in front of him. He gave you the adorable present.
“How did you do? Did you pass your tests? Don’t tell me, I’m sure you did.” Said, grinning from ear to ear. He was away from you for an entire week. How did he survive? He didn’t know, but he was glad to have you with him again. “Tell me about your life in the last days, baby. Please? I feel like I haven’t seen you in years!”
There he was, the one and only drama queen Tate Langdon.
You talked about the tests, about how the teachers were being a pain in the ass (which clearly triggered in him the intense desire of hurting them because they stressed you), and… About a guy. The same guy from the library, with whom you spent the entire last week studying. He couldn’t stand it. He saw him as a threat to your relationship, especially since he was an old friend that you met many years ago. 
As the days went by, you gave him more reasons to hate that jerk. Why? Well of course because you spent hours at the library doing homework or studying with him. Or even hanging out with him and other people.
In reality, you went out with him to a museum just once, and then skating with other colleagues. Nothing compared to the time you spent with Tate; in a week, you would hang out with him almost daily, and if you were way too busy, he would go to your place and spend the night there. He was so attached to you to the point he had to see you at least once a day. And that’s why he was so jealous of your friend. Tate couldn’t stand the idea of you sharing your life with someone else who wasn’t him or your family… And he also got jealous of them, but he was handling it.
Two weeks before today.
After Tate’s pleas, you decided to introduce your friend to him.
Probably a big mistake.
The date was really awkward; your friend tried being nice, and Tate acted surprisingly kind. Of course it was odd; usually, he despised all of your friends and treated them badly, yet this time was different. You were stunned, however, you tried to ignore it and instead got happy as he finally accepted a random person as your buddy. 
Still and all, he hated that moron. It didn’t matter how much he tried liking your pal, he was jealous of him. He was getting on his nerves. He denied the fact that you had more love for other people that wasn’t him. Tate desired being your only one. Your number one. Your entire world. Because that’s what you were for him. And he was willing to do whatever to keep you with him.
Tate exchanged numbers with him and meticulously plotted a plan to ascertain he would never talk to you ever again. At first, it came out as a simple “I’m gonna scare the shit outta him”, nonetheless, it turned into a darker idea, very likely involving physical violence.
One week before today…
The last few days, Tate won Peter’s trust. Ah yes. That’s your friend's name. You were glad that he finally opened his warm heart and began to meet more people besides you.
You thought he needed a friend, an empathetic person who could support the blond when you weren’t available, that way he would feel less lonely and depressed.
They went to the cinema, to the arcade, even to a music store. Everything was going according to what he planned.
Eventually, he invited Peter to his place to play chess and other board games on a Sunday afternoon, before you arrived and had a date with Tate due to your anniversary. 
Today, 16:00
Peter and Tate were eating pizza and having a great noon, talking about their lives and random stuff, like school and music. They both enjoyed Nirvana, and since Peter played the guitar, he agreed on teaching your boy how to.
If it weren’t for Tate’s twisted mind, they would’ve been best friends.
The guitarist wasn’t a bad guy. He was a great buddy that really appreciated you and the crybaby, but Langdon had something else in mind.
The men watched a movie. Tate didn’t even know its name; in fact, he didn’t even pay attention to it. Instead, he was focused on his next actions, plotting them carefully.
“Crap, mom’s gonna arrive soon…” Tate mumbled with annoyance, biting his nails and tapping his foot on the floor. He was lying. You were going to arrive, not Constance.
“Damn, bro. Well, I don’t have a problem. I wanna meet her.”
“Huh? No no no, you shouldn’t. That bitch is crazy.”
Peter scoffed, disagreeing with Tate’s rude manner to call his own momma.
“Hey, you shouldn’t talk like that. I bet she loves you!”
That pissed him off. “You don’t know anything, Peter. Your family is different. Your life’s different. You won’t understand!” He yelled, standing up from the couch and now pacing around the room, trying to keep it calm.
“Dude, calm down!
“NO! I fucking won’t!”
The screaming continued for a while. Tate revealed his unstable and crystal self. Even something so insignificant could drive him to the edge, like what happened today. That definitely surprised the other one, who used to think that Tate was a sweet boy. “I dunno why Y/N is dating you.”
“What did you say?” Tate abruptly stopped pacing.
“Y/N. Y/N doesn’t deserve you.”
“WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT!?” He pounced on Peter, gripping his neck with one rough hand, applying enough pressure on the sides to stop the blood circulation in his carotids and make him lose consciousness.
Before passing out, Peter, getting pale, managed to croak out: “Because she deserves better…”
Soon enough, he fainted, giving Tate minutes to think about what else to do. 
Your boyfriend wasn’t planning on murdering Peter today. No, he didn’t have time. He also was supposed to meet you.. But this was the perfect excuse! And not only that; he indirectly admitted he was in love with you! Or that’s what Tate interpreted with his delusional point of view.
Peter didn’t feel anything romantic for you, he was just worried Tate might be too unhinged to be your partner.
Thus, he went to his room and grabbed his backpack. Then, went to the garden shed and picked up the ax that belonged to his father, and a bottle of lye.
He had to get the job done quickly, nevertheless, he lost track of time.
Tate came back to the living room, just to notice that Peter wasn’t there anymore.
“FUCK IT!” Langdon got nervous. What if he escaped? What if he told you that Tate was crazy? He couldn’t allow this, not at all.
Thankfully, or maybe not, Tate found Peter crawling towards the front door, the poor dude still feeling dizzy after being choked.
Tate didn’t have any mercy.
“Where do you think you’re going, lil’ piece of shit!?”
Tate finally did it. He brutally murdered Peter, smashing his head several times with the ax.
He got rid of that little issue. He took him to somewhere clean.
Once he assured the other man wasn’t breathing, he dropped the weapon on the floor, making a loud metallic thud.
Tate was pinning you down on the couch, the same couch where your dead friend was sitting just an hour ago.
His hands were traveling all along your body, tracing sweet patterns on your skin.
Eventually, his fingers were clumsily pulling down your panties, not minding to take off your skirt. “Did you bring this for easy access, baby?” Tate chuckled and buried his face between your legs, holding your thighs in place; his lips plastered messy kisses over the warm flesh, biting it and leaving tiny marks after sucking.
Your reaction was alluring to him; he enjoyed listening to your pleas, to your whimpers. If it was for him, he would spend the entire day making you cum over and over again.
He finally got rid of your underwear, tossing it aside. Without further ado, the boy spread your folds with his large digits, and continued to lick your throbbing wet cunt.
“So fucking pretty… So wet for me, huh?”
His tongue lapped your small clit two or three times, then, traced a zigzag and circles on the sensitive nub. While he devoured you, he inserted his middle and ring finger, pumping them in and out of your cute hole, curling them and hitting the right spot to make you feel butterflies.
Tate could feel his arousal growing; his erection being restrained by the tight fabric of his jeans. He was desperate, yeah. But he always put you in the first place, and that included pleasuring you before him.
After a while, he replaced his fingers with his tongue, fucking your pussy with the agile muscle and now rubbing your clit with his thumb, applying pressure that sent electric waves through your body. He stopped using his tongue on you and instead looked at that stunning face of yours. He was delighted with your flushed cheeks, with every single gesture you did, with the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He wanted to take a picture of you to remember this moment forever.
His thumb increased the pace, while his free hand lifted up your blouse and tried to undo your bra. He couldn’t. You giggled when he groaned in frustration; he was too horny to think straight and that’s why you helped him to take off the garment.
Tate sighed and after that awkward and funny moment, he kept rubbing your bud, using your own juices and his saliva as a lubricant, intensifying the sensation. His left pinched and pulled your nipple, making you gasp and twitch beneath him, whilst his mouth abused your other one, greedily sucking on it.
“Tate, ‘m gonna cum! I-”
Tate cut you off by kissing you harshly; his tongue invading your warm mouth, exploring it and then nibbling your bottom lip until it bleeded. He licked the tiny drops of blood, savoring the metallic taste of it.
Unable to hold on any longer, you reached your orgasm, coming undone while Tate kept caressing your pussy, decreasing the velocity while you finally calmed down.
He left you panting; your heart beating so fast just like his.
You tried to sit up on the couch, breathing deep for more air, but the blond prevented you from going away.
“Where do you think you’re doing? We’re not done yet, you’re gonna cum again!”
Tate carried you bridal style and went upstairs straight to his bedroom. He threw you on the bed.
Without stopping looking at you, he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans along the boxers; his dick already erect and throbbing, the veins thick and the tip leaking precum.
Using the clear liquid as lube, he stroked his shaft for a while, jerking off to the sight of you. He groaned and whimpered, closing his eyes as his hand pumped himself.
One of your hands went to your breasts, massaging them softly as your right went down between your legs, slowly teasing your womanhood and coating your index finger with your arousal, using it to rub your aching bundle of nerves.
Tate’s dark room was now filled with both of your moans; Tate calling your name several times and you begging him to fuck you.
He couldn’t stand this anymore. He NEEDED to be inside you, to feel your warmth enveloping him. “On all fours. Now.” You immediately obeyed, feeling as eager as him.
“Look at me, mhm?” He positioned behind you and rubbed the tip against your wet folds, teasing you for a bit. Afterwards, he slowly entered his cock inside your slit, moving it slowly at first. His thumb went to your clitoris, toying with it just like minutes before. He picked up the pace and fucked you fast and hard; his cockhead brushing your cervix. Grabbing a fistful of your hair, Tate pulled your head towards him, still with the deep thrusting.  “Fuck, Y/N! You’re so pretty… So fucking precious, so fucking mine!” Moaned against your ear, voice raspy and agitated.
Panting, you stopped looking at him and instead looked to the bed. Why? Who knows, but you did it. And you saw Tate’s dirty clothes. Dirty with blood. A lot of blood.
You froze. Maybe it was red paint? 
“U-uh, Tate?” You muttered, feeling already bewildered by the sight. You tried not to jump into conclusions, although you knew Tate and he has always been… Secretive.. And aggressive, of course. 
After your boyfriend heard your shaky whisper, he stopped moving, even if he wanted to keep going. “Hm?”
“What’s this?” Tate sighed and pulled out from you, not understanding what you meant. 
“What’s what?”
Without saying anything else to him, you grabbed the shirt and touched the weird stain. It was still fresh. You took your fingers to your mouth to taste it; and the metallic tang was too obvious. “Tate, what the fuck is this!?”
You threw it at him. Freaked out, you stood up and picked up your clothes, putting them on again, all meanwhile Tate connected the dots and realized he was probably going to get caught.
“Wait, Y/N! It’s not what it looks like, I swear, damn it!” He yelled and grabbed your arm, not wanting you to leave like this. He had to save his reputation, he couldn’t let you think bad of him even if you had all the right. Because, why the fuck the fabric was soaked in blood?
“Then what is it, Tate? WHY DOES IT HAVE SO MUCH BLOOD!?”
You attempted to get away from his grip, struggling with him until, somehow, you managed to do so. However, you tripped with his dirty shoes and fell, realizing they were also stained with the red liquid. “Tate, what…? Why? What is this?”
“Nothing, I swear!” He didn’t have any excuses. Saying it was paint would’ve been lame. You were too smart and he knew lying wasn’t a good choice.
Feeling overwhelmed with the matter, you went downstairs, walking as fast as you could. Passing through the living room, a very familiar bag caught your eye. It was definitely Peter’s. You decided to grab it and realized it had his phone inside. Something was off.
Tate was standing behind you; fists clenched and heart beating like crazy. He tried to approach you, still thinking about what to do or what to say. 
“Tate… What is this doing here? Peter’s here?” 
“Huh? Yeah… He— He came earlier and had to go soon, he left this accidentally, yup…” You could see him fidgeting with that ring on his finger, again. 
Tate scowled and grabbed your chin, making you look at his dark orbs. “Tell me, Y/N, do you trust me or not, huh? Look me in the eyes and say you don’t!”
The struggle continued for what seemed eternity. You trying to run away from the house and he trying to make you stay. “Please, Y/N, just listen to me!”
“You did something to him, right? I know him, Tate! He would NEVER leave his phone like this! Is this a joke?”
“Why do you care so much about that asshole!? What has he done for you!? Tell me!”
“Oh my, you’re jealous! I knew it! All that crap about being his friend was a lie, right? Tate, you’re being delusional! I can have friends, I can hang out with whoever I want, whether you like it or not!” 
Tate pressed your cheeks between his thumb and the rest of his fingers, squeezing the flesh with his veiny, big hand, pressing it tightly enough to leave the mark of his long digits on it.
“You can’t! You’re mine. Only mine. Since the day you were born you were meant to be mine. Not his, not anybody, just me.”
“Tate… We should end this…” You thought this was the best for both. Being in a relationship with him was draining; always being careful to not hurt him, make him jealous or mad. He was such a sensitive boy that always took everything too personally. He felt everything a little too much.
Since the beginning you knew he was unstable and that he had many issues, but you tried to see beyond his sick mind, you tried to understand him despite being so different.
Tate felt so safe with you. You were the only person who understood him, or at least made attempts to. 
He felt rejected by the entire society, even by his own mother, until he met you and he had a minimum spark of hope that the world didn’t suck that much.
That’s why he clung to you. That’s why you were his everything. He would lose his mind if you leave him.
He felt like dying when he heard you wanted to finish the relationship.
He couldn’t breathe. 
Some tears were now falling to the floor, his eyes puffy and an ugly frown on his face. His mouth twisted as he sobbed loudly, tugging the hem of your shirt while he begged you to stay. He was crying like a newborn, like a baby who had to be apart from his mother for a second.
“No no no no, you can’t do this to me!” He whimpered, his speech cracking as he tried to hold you close whilst you were stepping back. You were slipping through his fingers, you were leaving him.
“Tate, if something happened to Peter, I will never forgive you! Can’t you see you’re hurting me?”
Tate swore he would never hurt you, nor let anyone. But here he was, finally snapping out of it and seeing the cruel truth. 
“You’ve been hurting me the whole time, Tate! I tried to understand you, I really did, I tried to help you, to save you from yourself! But it’s impossible. I’m losing myself here with you, I don’t even know who I am anymore! You don’t want help, do you? ‘Cause it doesn’t matter what I do, you’re never satisfied! You suffocate me!”
All those words were like daggers penetrating his skin, touching his nerves and making him die of pain. You were tearing him apart, just the way he was destroying you.
He finally let go of you, feeling a tornado of emotions. Tate felt depressed, mad, resentful, like he was going crazy. Though, he knew he had to leave if that’s what you wanted. He couldn’t bring himself to break another promise.
Thereby, he confessed his crimes to you. He explained he killed his mom’s partner a few days ago, and that now he had killed your friend. Why? He was jealous, he was scared you’d left him. You did it before you discovered the cruel reality, anyways. That’s why he told you. Because he couldn’t lose anything else.
The situation was utterly disgusting. Tate was sick. He murdered an innocent man and then proceeded to fuck you, as it was the maximum test of love, as if his life meant nothing.
You knew he wasn’t what people often considered “normal”. But this was definitely more than just being a “weirdo”. Tate needed psychiatric help… And being arrested, of course.
“You make me wanna puke, Tate! You’re the evil!”
Without hesitating, you left Tate behind, running as fast as you could from that living hell.
You just wanted to cry, curl up into a ball and wake up from this nightmare. You wished it was merely a bad dream.
Tomorrow morning, you’d go to the police, but for now you needed to sleep.
Monday morning, 11:05
You couldn’t sleep all night. You spent hours thinking about everything, about how this looked like a cruel joke to you. Eventually, you fell asleep at 4AM, and didn’t wake up at what seemed almost midday. 
An intense sound of police sirens woke you from your slumber. Startled by the loud noise, you rubbed your eyes and went to the window, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening outside.
Police cars and SWAT vans were going in a specific direction… Towards Tate’s street. It couldn’t be, right?
Did his mother find the corpse? Or perhaps something else?
You looked at the clock, realizing it was late and you had to go to class. 
After the most painful night of his life, Tate decided today everything would be over.
He had to cleanse the world… To take people to somewhere else, to some place full of peace away from the piss and the vomit that runs down the streets.
He was doing this not only because of your breakup, but also because of many other reasons. Your split up was the straw that broke the camel and drove him to the edge.
 After shooting the school, Tate left the place, looking unfazed about what he just did. He was unhinged. 
He peacefully got into his place, went to his room and stayed there for some minutes. 
The blond sat on the edge of the bed, leaving the gun right next to him and stared at nothing. His gaze was empty, but also there were some tears threatening to spill.
His mind was a whirlwind. Some part of him was satisfied, but the other was confused, wondering what was he thinking, what had he done?
What would you think of him now? Were you even there? Did he kill you too and he didn’t even notice?
In the end, he recognized he indeed was the evil you said. Damn it. You were right, again, as ever.
Tate wanted to hear your voice, to comfort him, to hear you saying everything was okay. That he’d be okay. He desired to hear “I love you” from you once more.
You went downstairs to find your family apparently mourning you.
They thought you were at school when the shooting happened. They believed you were gone, but here you were. 
Eventually, they explained to you what happened.
The first thing that popped into your mind was Tate’s wellbeing, still unaware that he was the culprit. You were afraid something terrible could’ve happened to him, you were regretting your last words to him, but you also had to get him prisoner.
Your heart dropped when they explained to you he was the shooter.
No, it couldn’t be possible. 
It was possible. After all, he had already killed two men.
Even if you despise what he did, some part of you still longed for him, still was in love with his once kind heart.
A terrifying feeling of dread filled your body, making you feel numb, as if none of this was real… 
After running to Tate’s house and seeing it surrounded by the cops and the SWAT team, everything stopped. Constance’s distressed cries and pleas were heard from outside, followed suit by the sound of bullets. It was over now.
Tate was certainly a troubled individual who dedicated his entire life to searching for something, to feel something, to feel loved.
All he asked for was love, to be loved, to love. All he wanted was you.
But at the same time, your love led him to an never-ending obsession that ultimately broke both of you.
He became your biggest regret.
All he feared, all his nightmares came true. Everything he was so afraid of was him and only himself. 
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