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captain-jale · 1 month ago
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Les frenchies, essayez les mots croisés en anglais , ça élargit vraiment votre vocabulaire
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francepittoresque · 2 months ago
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6 janvier 1852 : mort de Louis Braille, inventeur de l’alphabet pour aveugles ➽ http://bit.ly/Louis-Braille-Inventeur Inventeur du système tactile à point saillants à l’usage des personnes aveugles ou malvoyantes, Louis Braille, professeur distingué dont la vie tout entière s’était écoulée dans le dévouement, le calme, les douceurs de l’amitié, la pratique du bien, mourut à 43 ans
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petit-atelier-de-poesie · 28 days ago
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NOTE DE LECTURE : Le nom sur le bout de la langue. Pascal Quignard. 1995
Encore une fois, il m'a fallu du temps pour me défaire des mots de l'auteur et retrouver les miens pour exprimer mon ressenti. Ce livre extrêmement court est inégal mais aussi infiniment dense, et Pascal Quignard, toujours aussi énigmatique au premier abord, laisse inévitablement son empreinte dans l'inconscient des lecteurs. 
J'ai commencé ma lecture par la fin, à savoir le "Petit traité sur Méduse". C'est un récit très personnel de l'auteur qui, lorsqu'il était enfant, voyait sa mère chercher le mot, le regard perdu dans le vague, et le laissait lui suspendu à ses lèvres.  Je me suis trouvée moi-même bouleversée, médusée ou plutôt sidérée, par cet exposé sur le manque du mot, le langage acquis puis omis, sur le rapport de l'auteur au monde et au langage, au silence aussi et plus tard à l'écrit, à cette jouissance-là. Je fais le lien avec le manque et le désir, la vie et la mort, le rapport au temps et à l'autre, le rapport à soi et au sens. 
Puis je suis retournée au début, j'ai lu une sorte de prologue intitulé "Froid d'Islande" dont je garde aucun souvenir, et continué ma lecture avec le conte dont l'ouvrage porte le titre "Le nom sur le bout de la langue". C'est une fable au sujet d'une amoureuse qui devient brodeuse, et envoie en mission son amant pour tenir sa parole et se jouer du prince des Ténèbres et des Enfers. Il s'agit là comme dans un conte de répétions et de dissimulations, de mémoire et de mensonge, de promesse et de tendresse. 
Avant de retourner enfin au texte par lequel j'avais abordé ce livre, le fascinant "Petit traité sur Méduse", dont la magie m'interroge encore, comme une réminiscence.
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"qu'est ce que ça peut te foutre"
Qu'es que ça peut te foutre, ça te regarde s'occuper des affaires des autres c'est de l'indiscrétion, les diffusé c'est de la diffamation terme générique qu'utilise se qui en vivent, se qui en vivent fond leurs vie dans le purin et dans le fumier, je ne fai pas les poubelles tu va chier dans ta caisse et maintenant tu t'occupe d'un autre.
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cheminer-poesie-cressant · 9 months ago
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source : @cheminer-poesie-cressant
je distribue du soleil aux ombres de mes pensées, sa fontaine qui coule en abondance lorsque je deviens aveugle ; l’été m’engage à cela ; l’été me l’ordonne ; je m’incline devant sa source immuable d’un langage qui par moment reprend le mien ; plus rien d’instable ne pourra faire faillir mon pas de traverse
© Pierre Cressant
(jeudi 1 juin 2023)
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elisewritesstories · 1 year ago
C'est un grand manquement de la langue française de ne pas avoir de terme équivalent à "shallow water".
Je propose donc:
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abridurif · 6 months ago
Le langage, ce langage surtout, traduit l’âme (car voilà pourquoi j’ai choisi ce mot) et la parole (car lorsqu’on rend l’âme, il semble que ce soit ce souffle physique qui porte la parole) – l’âme ne paraissait être que le déroulement harmonieux, le prolongement en volutes ténues et nuancées du travail secret, des mouvement d’algues et de vagues, d’organes vivants une étrange vie dans sa nuit profonde, de ces organes eux-mêmes, du foie, de la rate, de la paroi verte de l’estomac, des humeurs, du sang, du chyle, des canaux de corail, d’une mer de vermeil, des intestins bleus. Le corps de Jean était un flacon de Venise. Je ne doutais pas que ne vînt un moment que ce langage merveilleux tiré de lui, comme le fil tiré d’une pelote la réduit, ne réduisît son corps, ne l’usât jusqu’à la transparence, jusqu’au grain de lumière. Il m’apprenait le secret de la matière composant l’astre qui l’émettait, et que la merde entassée dans l’intestin de Jean, son sang lourd et lent, son sperme, ses larmes, sa boue n’étaient pas votre merde, votre sang, votre sperme. Jean Genet, Pompes funèbres, Gallimard, 1953
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philoursmars · 6 months ago
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J'essaie de rattraper mon retour : ces photos datent de fin juillet, lors de la visite de mon ami breton, Christian (ici en ange) !
Marseille. Le quartier du Panier, vers la Place des Treize Cantons, où se trouve un boulodrome intérieur. On y apprend aussi un peu de langue marseillaise (chaler quelqu'un c'est le prendre sur son vélo) !
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nevis-the-skeleton · 2 years ago
Accents of my characters in my AU TFP
For a long time I thought about the accents and particularities of the languages ​​of each City-State in my AU: "The Polar Star". Because, yes, like on our very dear planet Earth, the Cybertronians, as well as the Colonies of the Transformers all have a different language, as well as different pronunciations.
And when the Autobots or the Decepticons ended up on Earth, even though they use a universal translator to communicate with humans, they don't use it to pronounce names. It's therefore often in these moments that we can hear their accents, even if they are subtle ;).
Vos: Vossian
In Vos they have a rolled "R" (like in spanish), and an almost mute "F". This means that when a Vossian speaks in another language, he can have a fairly pronounced accent even if it's very soft. The rolled "R" is difficult to reproduce for those learning Vossian, and the almost silent "F" can lead to confusion for certain names.
Example of how Starscream says the names of certain characters:
Praxus: Prax
In Praxus, the City between Vos and Iacon, the language is closer to Ia (the language of Iacon), but one of the particularities is that the "K" is pronounced "Ki". This makes a rather cute sound, but also difficult for some names.
Example of how Smokescreen says the names of certain characters:
Iacon : Ia
In Iacon, the "R" is an "R" that sounds like in English. On the other hand, the accent is placed on the penultimate syllable. For a two-syllable name the accent is on the first syllable, but is sure the penultimate when the name is three or more syllables long.
Example of how Optimus says the names of certain characters ([…] where the accent is placed):
Ultra [Ma]gnus
Kaon: The Kaos
The "R" in Kaos is very pronounced (like the R in German). On the other hand, the "V" is very soft, posed and a little longer. A name with a "V" then always sounds sweeter than a name with a "R". So, in Kaos, if you want your child to have a strong character, custom dictates that you give him a name with a "R". On the other hand, if you wish him to be calm, his name will necessarily have a "V".
Example of how Megatron says the names of certain characters:
Velocitron: Delt (this is the most used language on Velocitron)
At Velocitron, regardless of the language used, the "R" very often sounds like a French "R" (less pronounced than in German but still hard to say for the uninitiated). The "A" is long, it's the only long vowel, all the others are rather short.
Example of how KnockOut says the names of certain characters:
Delphi: Delphia
In Delphia, the "J" is pronounced "JJ" not "(D)J" (it's hard to explain but look for "J" in French on google trad and compare in English). The "C" is said to be "S", and it is always pronounced
Example of how Ratchet says the names of certain characters:
Jjask = (d)Jack
Starssream = Starscream
Caminus: Kalius (this is the most used language on Caminus)
In Kalius, the vowels are short which can make it sound fast. On the other hand, when a consonant is at the end, they accentuate it, which makes it sound louder than the rest of the sentence.
Example of how Arcee says the names of certain characters:
Anecdote of the accents in TPS (Transformers the Polar Star):
Ratchet has long called Jack: Jjask. And Jack took a while to figure out that was him Ratchet was talking about
Everyone thinks Smokescreen's accent is cute, which tends to annoy Smokescreen, who argues that he's not cute.
Starscream first called Fowler: Lower, then Flower. Not understanding the difference. Fowler was sure Starscream was doing it on purpose.
Starscream never managed to do Kaon's "R", which is too hard to pronounce for him. Megatron can't roll the "R" like in Vos, he tried, but it quickly annoyed him.
When Arcee before called Jack or Raf, they were sure she was scolding them because of the accent on the last consonant
When KnockOut called Starscream, the fact that he made a long "A" disturbed Starscream a lot. He long believed that KnockOut couldn't help but be flirty even when calling out to someone.
The tone on the penultimate syllable in Ia may be surprising to the uninitiated.
Smokescreen had a hard time pronouncing his own name when he was young, because Smokiescreen is not easy to say. His Creator had done it on purpose, because he didn't want Smokescreen to speak Prax but Ia. He considered that Prax was a "formless dialect".
When Megatron calls out to Soundwave when he's angry, the soft "V" sounds like Megatron isn't angry anymore.
Shockwave doesn't really have an accent, he speaks several languages, and knows how to speak them all perfectly. This plays on the fact that after his empurata he forgot which language he spoke, so he learned them all (in doubt).
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raisongardee · 1 year ago
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"C’est pourquoi le simple souci d’enrichir son vocabulaire et de parler une langue claire, vivante et précise constituait déjà, pour Orwell, un acte de résistance politique quotidienne."
Jean-Claude Michéa, Le Complexe d’Orphée, 2014.
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 1 year ago
Also : In french they decide to use "Tu m'as fait mal au cœur." Wich can be translate as "You hurt my heart." OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG^^
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eloilith · 3 months ago
How and which langage ?
I have a genuine question, i don't know if i write the story of my game in English to start or in French since French is my mother langage. I feel frustrated because i do not know if i should try to write the chapter the two langages at the same time. But at the same time, i also have a problem because i do not know if my vocabulary is enough to write.
Does anybody have any advice to write in English ? My game should have a dark academia aesthetics
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francepittoresque · 1 year ago
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ÉTYMOLOGIE | Godelureau ➽ https://bit.ly/Etymologie-Godelureau Jeune homme faisant le galant auprès de la gent féminine. Molière écrit dans l’École des femmes : « J’ai peine, je l’avoue, à demeurer en place, Et de mille soucis mon esprit s’embarrasse, Pour pouvoir mettre un ordre et dedans et dehors, Qui du godelureau rompe tous les efforts. »
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petit-atelier-de-poesie · 3 months ago
La conscience sublime le rêve. Le langage éduque l’enfance.
Pascal Quignard. La nuit sexuelle. 2007
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lainternet99 · 5 months ago
I am in my pyjamas, about to go to bed when I realized— I almost forgot to write!
My day was very relaxed. In hebrew, we watched a movie to practice ourselves with hearing the language being commonly used. I didn't like the movie that much, but it is for educational purposes, so I have no choice. We were not many in class. I almost finished my answer sheet regarding the film, which is a good thing.
Then came german class. We learned some numbers, as well as revised adjectives and conjugation. This time, I actually learned something. I learned how to say "thirty" (pretty much all the numbers from there to 100) and some exceptions to writing some numbers. Class was very much fun, I won't lie.
To finish my day, I had french. I thought I had to write something due for this class, but I had mixed it up with NEXT class. We reviewed another fairytale and discussed what our assignment would be.
The day was over and I had done an interview for a job. I think I did good; I hope I did. After that, I attended a small info session regarding a possible trip to Berlin in May. I never went to Europe before, so this is a good oppurtunity for me. The total is almost 3k (if I count personal expenses)... which is why I NEED a job! I am not the richest girl on the planet!
I do hope I get the job and that I get to go to Berlin. We won't be staying for too long; a simple 10-day trip. It's not that bad, honestly. It's just longer than my 3-day senior trip to NYC, with entirely different people in an entirely different continent. Honestly I'm hyped for it. A lot of us showed up and we were all interested. The majority were girls, with a few exceptions. I hope that if I were to go, I am not with any boy. Not that I'm a misandrist, I just prefer being around girls. I feel and get to be more comfortable.
Anyways, it is getting late and I must sleep; I start at 8 A.M tomorrow!
—— lainternet99
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trailofleaves · 1 year ago
"Le paradis vers lequel vous vouliez retourner n’est rient d’autre que le reflet d’un excès séculaire du langage même. Mon chat domestique, qui m’est philosophiquement utile, n’a aucun subconscient, car il ne dispose pas d’un langage et n’est donc pas tourmenté par le vestige d’un rêve. Par conséquent, il ne rêve pas non plus d’une expérience intense qu’il regrette."
— Stefan Hertmans, Poétique du silence
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