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shipthelambs · 4 months ago
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tikkamasalamd · 1 year ago
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Visit Tikka Masala Restaurant and Enjoy your favorite Indian dishes 🍱🫕🥘 Or Place your order online at - 🌐 https://tikkamasala.us/order-online 📧 Email us: [email protected] 🎯 Follow us on- https://www.instagram.com/tikkamasalamd
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gagagrne · 3 years ago
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Varivo od jagnjeće džigerice i boba Potreban materijal: 450g jagnjeće „crne“ džigerice 1 veća glavica crnog luka 3 manje mlade šargarepe 3 čena belog luka 1 lovorov list 200g suvog boba 1 kašika gustina mleveni biber, so, ulje 1/2 kašičice aleve paprike 2 kašike kisele pavlake sveži peršun Priprema: Luk sitno iseckati i na ulju propržiti da postane staklast. Džigericu iseckati na kockice. Luku dodati na kolutove isečenu šargarepu, gnječeni beli luk, lovor i dinstati zajedno nekih 5 minuta. Dodati džigericu. Zajedni propržiti par minuta stalno mešajući dok džigerica ne pobeli sa svih strana, pa naliti 1l vode. Posoliti. Kada provri smanjiti temperaturu, dodati bob i kuvati poluotklopljeno nekih pola sata. Po potrebi nalivati vodu, ali ne suviše. Dodati zatim alevu pariku, začiniti mešavinom začina i biberom po ukusu. U malo hladne vode razmutiti gustin i sipati u varivo. Kuvati u zavisnosti koliko je tečnosti bilo u šerpi, još toliko da jelo postane kremasto. Ne treba da bude suviše retko. Pred sam kraj kuvanja, kada već isključite ringlu dodati kiselu pavlaku i sitno seckani sveži peršun. . . . #mojegrne #receptizadusu #comfortfood #instasrbija #instafood #jagnjetina #lambdish #arhivabloga (у месту Bor, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChVJjO9MaFn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reclusecolony · 4 years ago
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One of my favourites tonight - Bombay spiced potato and lamb curry with green beans 👌🏻🍛 . . . . . . #food #foodie #lambcurry #bombay #bombaypotatoes #indian #homemade #homemadefood #cookery #homecook #recipes #lambdish #curry #curryrecipe #followforfollowback #soulfood #comfortfood #humpday #happyhumpday🐫 https://www.instagram.com/p/CIBt4MtndNO/?igshid=qoqk3n51oa0j
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auyonreviews · 6 years ago
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If you are a true blue meat lover, then the 5 Spice Lamb Chop at La Sicilia Bistro & Patisserie is a must try. The lamb pieces are bony but succulent, the spices are tangy and tasty and its served with a green pea mash that is just yum. The portion is also adequate and the dish left me with a lingering after taste. . . #auyoneats #lasiciliapatisserie #musteat #trofiimag #foodie #punefoodie #foodblogger #foodblog #foodporn #allaboutfood #lambdish #lambchops #5spice #meatlover #puneblogger #foodlove #foodstories #shotonpixel #teampixel (at La Sicilia Bistro & Patisserie) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvTAzSXgars/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dj9py7bcer6t
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thezainabkitchen · 5 years ago
Mutton Korma | Mutton Recipe | Mutton Curry | मटन कोरमा | Mutton Gravy |...
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vhujonbewdley · 2 years ago
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Whether you’re enjoying a night out with friends or stopping by on your way home, we have a perfect place for you. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Our restaurant is open for dinner every day, 7 days a week. 🍽️ Visit us today! 📌Located at: 57 Load Street, Bewdley, Worcestershire, DY12 2AP 🌐: Vhujon.co.uk #vhujon #indianrestaurant #indianfood #indiancuisine #bewdley #india #indianfoodie #poultrydishes #lambdishes =#beefdishes #biryanidishes #seafood #tandoori #vegetarian #traditional #baltidishes #naan #sundries #fishdishes https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8oNIzs5Xq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dig-iga · 3 years ago
The films compares how so much more is said when it comes to lamb dishes prepared by loved ones, versus some of the less articulate accompanying trimmings that come with the meal.
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holycowfineindianfood · 3 years ago
"Tandoori Lamb Chops"
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Winter is here. Don't miss lamb Days. 
Here is Delicious Lamb Dish name: "Tandoori Lamb Chops."
For booking, please reserve the table online on our website at;  https://www.holycowonline.com/reservations/
Or call us on 0203 995 6000
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wwsophiesay · 4 years ago
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Well... Sunday didn’t really go to plan! Originally I aimed to do a workout with Amber, then tidy the shed... but in the process we realised the freezer had broken (literally the day before) which was full of a @thellowheathfarm hogget and beef.... so the following 9 hours were dedicated to turning nose to tail into cooked meals which could be frozen. What a mare! I made: Moussaka Braised lamb leg in cashew, mint and fenugreek sauce Slow cooked lamb shanks in a red wine and shallot gravy Shepherds pie Rajasthani fiery lamb curry Slow roasted shoulder of lamb with anchovies and rosemary Lamb stock Beef bourginon Tandoori lamb steaks Lamb chops avegolemono I’ve finished off the gravies this morning, and the stock is still on the go. Phew! #lambrecipes #localhogget #hogget #lambchops #lambleg #lambriblets #lambsteak #lambdishes #lambcurry #hoggetrecipes https://www.instagram.com/p/CN2Ky1orX-u/?igshid=88x6r7gzbs6
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tikkamasalamd · 3 years ago
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Lamb Chops
Visit Tikka Masala and Enjoy your favorite Indian dish Or Place your order online at - https://tikkamasala.us/order-online/ Email us: [email protected] Follow us on- https://www.instagram.com/tikkamasalamd
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gagagrne · 3 years ago
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Jagnjeća čorba sa leblebijama Potreban materijal: 1kg jagnetine (sa kostima) 150g leblebije 2-3 kašike ekstra devičanskog maslinovog ulja 250g očišćenog crnog luka 150g očišćene šargarepe 100g očišćene mešane zeleni (celer, peršun, paškanat) 20g očišćenog belog luka 250g očišćenog krompira 2 pune kašike gustina 1 kašičica mešavine začina za meso (crni biber, čili, paprika, origano, muskat) 1/2 kašičice začina „Khmeli Suneli“ (korijander, piskavica, menta, cimet, čubar, komorač, mirođija, neven, karanfilić) so i mešavina suvog začina po ukusu 1,5l vode Priprema: Leblebiju preko noći natopiti u hladnoj vodi, pa je sutradan procediti (kao pasulj). Predhodno je u vodi izmućkati rukama da otpadne opna koju ima. Jagnjeće meso iseći na manje komade. Krompir iseći na manje kockice. U secku usitniti crni i beli luk, šargarepu i zelen. U električnom ekspres loncu zagrejati ulje, dodati usitnjeno povrće, pa ga malo prodinstati. Dodati zatim meso, leblebije, krompir i začine. Naliti vodom, poklopiti lonac i podesiti na 45 minuta. Posle tog vremena pažljivo ispustiti pritisak iz lonca, otvoriti poklopac i posoliti i „povegetiti“ po ukusu. U malo hladne vode razmutiti gustin, pa ga dodati u čorbu, promešati i pustiti minuta-dva da proključa, pa isključiti. Poslužiti uz prilog po želji i posuti peršunom. . . Napomena: Čorbu možete kuvati i u običnom loncu, a osim dužeg vremena kuvanja, dok meso ne omekša, sve ostalo je isto. . . . #mojegrne #recepti #recipes #foodblogfeed #receptizadusu #comfortfood #instasrbija #cooking #homemadecooking #foodies #instafood #jagnjetina #lambdish #leblebije #chickpeas #corba #lambsoup #foodlover #arhivabloga (у месту Bor, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcKbUBisaW9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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malbecormerlot · 6 years ago
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Hands down THE best lamb of my life #workchristmasparty #lambtongolfandcountryclub #lamb #lambdish #lambplease #carnivorediet #lambislife #christmasdinner #winnerwinnerlambdinner #ilovemeat #ilovefood #food #foodie #foodpassion #foodphoto #foodpic #eat #eating #eatingout #eatingfortheinsta #malbecormerlot (at Lambton Golf and Country Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrB9P_zB2OD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oi1gi4qhvp2n
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clareepls-blog · 7 years ago
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#Easter #lamb what’s better? Credit must go to a very sexy Scottish man! #happy #easter guys 🐣* * * #easypeasylemonsqueezy #lambdinner #lambdish #springlamb #eastersunday #lifestyle #foodblogger #fdblogger #essex #foodie #blogging #bloggingstyle #bloggingals #blogger #bloggers #blog (at Great Dunmow)
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chefsouspression · 7 years ago
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Another order from #cascadeorganics #happyplace #chefslife #cleaningmushrooms one of my favorites #chanterelles . Come In tonight to try our new fall #lambdish . I’ll give you a hint, it’s served with stewed chanterelles. #meditate #mushroom #zen (at Park Kitchen)
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vhujonbewdley · 2 years ago
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Did you know? Eating spicy food regularly may reduce your risk of death from cancer, heart diseases and diabetes, a new study of over 485,000 people in China has claimed. Those who reported eating spicy foods weekly had a 14% lower risk of death compared to those who consumed spicy foods less than once a week, researchers said. To order your food online 👉: https://vhujon.co.uk/Reservation. #vhujon #indianrestaurant #indianfood #indiancuisine #bewdley #india #indianfoodie #poultrydishes #lambdishes #beefdishes #biryanidishes #seafood #tandoori #vegetarian #traditional #baltidishes #naan #sundries https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQUOrOsQfq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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