#laki laki
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shobrin · 1 year ago
Laki-laki yang berusaha keras menjauhkan keluarganya dari kelaparan itu banyak.
Namun laki-laki yang berusaha keras menjauhkan keluarganya dari api neraka itulah yang langka.
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sepoianangin · 1 year ago
Gradasi di Beberapa Hari Ini
Kecamuk pikiran yang menyebabkanmu sulit menulis lagi
Percabangan opini dan distraksi dari si bidadari malam yang mulai mengelilingi, hingga ke siang
Meski semua itu tak mengganggu dan jangan sampai mengganggu hal lain di hidupmu
Berbagai macam warna baru yang menabrakmu di waktu berdekatan
Hilang seimbang hingga berdiri hanya dengan satu jempol kaki
Berusaha bertahan dan melakukan sesuatu yang mesti dilakukan
Sangat berusaha menekan bel permintaan tolong hingga datanglah pertolongan sesungguhnya
Uluran tangan yang membalikkan hati manusia rapuh
Menenangkannya, membawanya pada kesibukan yang positif
Menggiring selalu ke jalan semestinya, tapi masih sering bingung mesti bagaimana setelahnya
Karena pada dasarnya giringan itu sangat bisa di "iya" kan dan bisa juga di "tidak" kan, tergantung dirimu
Menyadarkan kembali kalau semua pilihan benar-benar ada di tanganmu, tanda manusia adalah merdeka dari belenggu
Tuhan pun hanya bisa merekomendasikan, kita yang menerima atau menolaknya, dan ajaibnya tuhan selalu sabar untuk membawamu lagi ke jalan sebenarnya
Dan kau memilih untuk meng "iya" kan-nya
Yang memberimu banyak percabangan pilihan kebaikan yang bisa diakses
Dan kau memilih yang paling unik, hingga sudah selesai sekarang
Tinggal kau yang memilih jalan mana lagi yang bisa dijalani
Menjadikan hidup ini penuh misteri dan adrenalin
Konsisten, itu kuncinya
Hingga nanti berakhir di tempat yang benar-benar bahagia
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hargo-news · 8 months ago
Warga Kabila Bone Dihebohkan dengan Penemuan Sesosok Mayat Pria
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Warga Desa Botutonuo, Kecamatan Kabila Bone, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, digegerkan dengan penemuan sesosok mayat berjenis kelamin laki-laki, yang terletak di tepian jalan. Belakangan, korban diketahui adalah Lonang Mohamad (29), warga Desa Limehe Timur, Kecamatan Tabongo, Kabupaten Gorontalo. Dari data di lapangan, korban ditemukan ditepian jalan dalam posisi mulut dan…
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aksaraaya · 1 year ago
"Malu sebagian dari Iman". (HR.Muslim)
Ini cerita yang mengingatnya membuatku cukup berdebar, karena rasa malu.
Tepat jam 12 siang perjalanan dari Cileunyi menuju Bogor menggunakkan Bis. Lalu, tiba lokasi boarding school sekitar pukul 16.20
Disinilah aku kaget dan baru sadar ternyata hanya aku perempuannya seorang diri ditempat ini, semuanya laki-laki. Ini cukup menegangkan seperti tiba ditempat yang tidak seharusnya aku kunjungi, menjadi bingung bercampur canggung. Sampai akhirnya ada satu laki-laki yang sepertinya panitianya, btw ini acara pelatihan yaa. Aku bisa masuk ke lingkungan tersebut setelah izin terlebih dahulu ke satpam dan diarahkan menuju mushola, dan aku ikut solat dulu. Lama menunggu sampai tidak terasa waktu menjelang magrib, karena ini area santri sehingga musola nya dipakai untuk solat berjamaah. Kemudian aku diarahkan oleh sepertinya guru disana, seorang laki-laki juga menuju ruang rapat. Ini perempuan nya masih sendiri. Dan sekali lagi aku merasa "malu" karena setelah beberapa menit menunggu disana lalu diarahkan untuk menuju kamar peristirahatan ketika waktu magrib, posisinya ruanganku menunggu ini berhadapan dengan mushola, jadi kalau keluar mesti melewati santri-santri yang sedang mengaji dan siap-siap shalat magrib. "a ini ga apa apa saya lewat?" Kataku sambil duduk sembari menalikan tali sepatu, lalu jawabannya bikin deg "ya kami ga apa apa, teteh nya gimana?" . Duhh "malu sih" kataku haha awkward bgt. Sampai pada akhirnya aku menunduk dan jalan cepat melewati semua santri laki-laki tersebut yg memang usianya sebenernya dibawah aku terlampau jauh malah. Tapi yang menjadikan aku malu adalah: aku malu menjadi objek yang jelas terlihat oleh pandangan, yang aku tau mereka pasti ialah orang-orang yang bisa menjaga pandangan. Tapi aku malu, karena pakaianku tidak sempurna menutup aurat sebagai seorang perempuan muslim, aku malu jika mengganggu pandangan mereka. Rasanya ingin hilang aja dari tempat itu, dan yang memalukan juga ternyata aa yg awal yg kukira panitia itu ternyata ketua pelaksana nya dia dipanggil "ustadz", sebutan bagi guru yang mengajar disana. Lahhh:( wajahnya tampan dan masih muda, kukira siswa lohhh. Ya Allah, ingin hilang. Sampai pada akhirnya sekitar jam 10 malam barulah tiba 2 perempuan yang ikutan juga. Dari sebegitu banyaknya laki-laki, perempuannya hanya berlima:( ini pelatihan IOT dan Robotic, dan ini boarding school khusus laki-laki, salahku yang ga survey dulu sih. Tapi berarti ternyata aku masih punya rasa malu, imanku masih ada kan ya Allah? Aku merasa malu diam ditempat orang-orang sholeh, tapi memang menyejukkan diam disana, ditempat orang mencari ilmu. Dan pengalaman baru, tempatnya keren sekelas anak SMP sudah pembiasaan bhs inggris+arab , IT, dan network. Alhamdulillah punya kesempatan pengalaman disana, tapi ntar research dulu deh kalau mau ikut ikut teh ah :( berasa uji nyali soalnya ketemu laki-laki sebegitu banyaknya.
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captainuranium543 · 3 months ago
Fairy tail headcanons nobody asked for part 3
For a place men aren't allowed, fairy hills seems to really hate enforcing that rule. Evergreen can regularly be found having movie night with the thunder legion, natsu and gray come over to train with erza once a week, bisca has had alzack over almost every night, nobody gaf tbh.
Cana straight up cannot play most card games, she's been cheating so long she doesn't even know the rules anymore just goes with what her magic tells her.
Erza is a real pain in the ass when she's sick. She can take such a ridiculous amount of damage and keep fighting but one cold and it's so over. She flip flops between insisting she's completely fine and being a pathetic Victorian child dying of the scarlet fever asking to be taken out to the garden to see the sun one last time.
Unironically they've had to get freed to put up jujitsu shiki to stop her from getting up so she could actually get some sleep
Natsu and lisanna used to play wolves I don't take criticism
Wendy is exceptionally good at pick pocketing and nobody knows where she got that skill. She can take things off while you're looking right at her and it's rly unnerving
Laki is the one always fixing the guild after fights and because of this she's actually one of the strongest maker wizards there are from the sheer practice.
Lucy has the most random knowledge. Growing up she spent a lot of time reading and would sometimes just pick a book and go without caring what it was about. She could tell you sooo much about the reproductive cycle of earth worms guys
Levy is extremely interested in magic just in general, as a science. Part of the reason she started using script magic was that it was rooted in almost all magic types.
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andromedanisa · 4 months ago
laki-laki bekerja seumur hidupnya.
aku pernah membaca sebuah kalimat yang ketika membacanya aku menangis, kalimatnya kurang lebih seperti ini, "laki-laki bekerja seumur hidupnya."
lalu setelahnya ada keterangan sebuah ayat QS. At-Taubah:105, "Dan Katakanlah: "Bekerjalah kamu, maka Allaah dan RasulNya serta orang-orang mukmin akan melihat pekerjaanmu itu, dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allaah) yang Maha Mengetahui akan yang ghaib dan yang nyata, lalu diberitakanNya kepada kamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan."
itulah mengapa para wanita diperintahkan untuk taat dan berkhidmat kepada seorang suami. sebab laki-laki akan bekerja seumur hidupnya. sebab ia adalah seorang qawwam (pemimpin) bagi keluarganya. maka ia bertanggung jawab akan hal itu hingga akhir.
betapa melelahkannya dunia, namun ia harus berlelah-lelah menghadapi itu semua. seorang wanita sekaligus istri itu juga melelahkan dan semua orangpun akan merasakan kelelahan selama masih didunia. aku paham, sebab aku sendiri ketika sebelum menikah juga bekerja.
aku masih ingat betul betapa melelahkannya menjadi seorang pekerja. sekalipun pekerjaan menyita banyak waktu dikantor. memang bukan fisik yang lelah, namun hati, pikiran rasanya lelah sekali. setiap kali lelah hanya bisa berdoa agar Allaah menolongku dari kondisi yang demikian.
setelah menikah, aku menemukan jawaban atas doaku yang dulu pernah aku pintakan kepada Allaah. kini, begitu lapang dan tenang. maka benarlah fitrah seorang wanita adalah rumahnya. apresiasi kepada mereka para wanita yang bekerja ataupun yang memilih berkarir dirumahnya.
kini doaku lebih sederhana, "ya Allaah, kuatkanlah pundak para suami, para ayah, yang bekerja sebab Engkau perintahkan kepada mereka, berikanlah kemudahan atas segala urusan mereka, lancarkanlah rezeki mereka, bahagiakanlah hati mereka dengan keluarga yang menyayangi mereka, berikanlah surga kepada mereka yang bekerja mencari nafkah yang halal dan meninggalkan yang haram sebab mencintai keluarganya karenaMu."
oleh karena itu wahai diriku, banyak-banyaklah bersyukur kepada Allaah atas kondisimu saat ini. banyak-banyaklah meminta untuk keselamatan dunia dan akhiratnya, teruslah untuk mau tumbuh dan terus belajar menjadi seorang wanita yang tenang, wanita yang sholihah, wanita yang tau kapan harus bersikap kepada suami, wanita yang selalu menyenangkan hatinya,. teruslah berkhidmat dan taat kepadanya sebab Allaah telah memerintahkan itu kepadamu.
sejatinya para suami atau ayah itu mencintai keluarganya bukan sekadar ucapan manis saja, melainkan tanggung jawabnya hingga seumur hidupnya bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya. jangan banyak menuntut kepada makhluk, sebab hanya akan kecewa pada akhirnya.
berkhidmat, taat, dan patuh kepada suami adalah bentuk ketaatan kita kepada Allaah sebab Allaah yang memerintahkan akan hal itu. wanita dan laki-laki memiliki peran dan tanggung jawabnya masing-masing, dan tidak ada kedzaliman akan hal itu.
semoga Allaah mengkaruniahkan banyak-banyak kebaikan kepada para suami, kepada para ayah hebat di muka bumi ini. "ya Allaah, kumpulkanlah kami kembali bersama orang-orang yang kami cintai."
terimakasih untuk pembuktiannya, terimakasih untuk tanggung jawabnya, terimakasih untuk semua kebaikannya yang jauh sebelum aku memintanya. atasa kebaikan Allah kepada diri ini. dan aku bersyukur atas semua itu. semoga Allaah menjaga pernikahan kaum muslimin dimanapun berada dengan ketenangan, sakinah, mawadah, warahmah...
sudut ruang || 22.42 || 07.09.24
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mequetrefis · 11 months ago
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Battle scars ⚡️
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foreveranimegirl · 2 months ago
Brandish turning Wendy and Carla small/tiny and it didn't really make a difference. Also, Lucy and Mirajane getting all happy being small in a big bath pool but Lisanna 😆
Bonus pictures:
Fairy Tail girls having fun 😄
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imyourcoopid · 6 months ago
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Laki Olietta from Fairy Tail dragon force design.
Commission for @meganeviolet thank you so much for commisioning me 🫶
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bumblebeehug · 3 months ago
I wish we got more like. "Random" teamups
Like in wendys first job, she went with happy and freed. Or in the clock arc, when they were "randomly" assigned teams like Wendy and bickslow and Erza, evergreen and max. Gray and freed etc
I just think it's cool when they mix it up a bit lol
Yeah I definitely wanna see more dynamics. Lucy and Max team up — they work well together magic wise! Lucy pulls up with Scorpio and her stardress, Max just goes loco with his sand stuff. Get Juvia into the mix and we can get an awesome Aquarius-Scorpio attack amplified!! And the three of them would be so fun, Max is just crazy and talkative enough to click with Juvia, and he’s sane enough to reason with Lucy, AND we could see some Juvia and Lucy teamwork again (which we always love)
Jet and Wendy. Sibling dynamic as per usual, but I feel like they could match up attacks really well? Just a vibe though
Natsu and Freed. At first I feel like those two could clash, not work well at all, but once Freed gets the hang of it (Laxus-ish-strength with Bixlow-ish-personality — not an impossible task) he could get some really good tactics and enchantments going. Natsu x brainy partner is always a good move! I was close to put Levy and Natsu together bc they are technically childhood friends, and Levy also has that brainy thing going on + she can use script magic to get Natsu some power ups, but I feel like Natsu would bring Levy’s potential down a notch. So Freed it is!
Gajeel and Laki. They’re freaky weirdos and they become BESTIES. Gajeel loves weird people, and weird people are attracted to Gajeel like a moth to the flame. Gajeel collects weirdos like Pokémon cards (if he can manage Juvia ha can manage just about anyone)
Gray and Lisanna. I just think it would work! They mentioned Lisanna and Lucy were a lot alike, and Gray and Lucy are a great team!! And they’re both creative when it comes to their magic, I feel like even if it isn’t the ideal match (nothing tops water x ice) they could practice and become really in tune with each other. And they’d mock Natsu to death, which is always fun in my book😼
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onepiece-polls · 8 months ago
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 1 Side F
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Propaganda under the cut.
Robin x Ace: Both depressed people who wanted to die and found a solace in Luffy. Plus I Just think they would have bene hot together.
Lanis: They opened the pumpkin cafe together during the time skip, they're just speadrunning a cafe shop AU. Also a shandorian and a skypeian who witnessed the fall of god.
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sansan9 · 2 months ago
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Laki: There’s a tree out there growing wood for your coffin. Erza: Bold of you to assume my body will be found.
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genevieveetguy · 8 months ago
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Leila and the wolves (Leila wa al ziap), Heiny Srour (1984)
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moltensmusings · 8 months ago
Since you’re doing a lot of side characters too, I’m curious about what you’d do for Laki and Vjeer!
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Thsse two have been ones I've been avoiding as I try to figure out how I'd do them, though this being the push to figure them out was nice.
I've known since 2022 I wanted to make Vijeetee more clearly influenced by Punjabi/Sikh visuals.
I might alter them later but for now I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
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captainuranium543 · 4 months ago
Ft headcanons nobody wanted part 2
-natsu will occasionally get genuinely jealous over his friends owning appliances for heating. Why should they need those things when they have him, if they just call him over her do a way better job then any of those stupid gadgets. He finds out gray owns a hair dryer and immediately becomes a jealous ex girlfriend. He confronts Lucy in her apartment one night acting so serious he she doesn't even get mad that he broke in, then just goes "care to explain this?" And puts a lighter on the table.
- Wendy is very very quiet. Creepily so. Not elaborating but I think you can imagine the kinds of situations this leads to.
- Mira's eyes glow in the dark and it creeps everyone the fuck out
- erza has the worst hoarding problem. Her dorm room is entirely piled floor to ceiling with boxes of meticulously organized random items she refuses to throw out for some reason
young Mira: "alright this is ridiculous why do you even have this"
Young erza: "say what you want but when you need 746 packets of Mcnolias sweet and sour sauce and find your supply baron I'll be laughing"
- levy is one of the few members of the guild who actively sought it out to join. Before fairy tail she was an orphan and a student studying magic. She left to join fairy tail to learn more about magic in general from real world experience.
- laki will sometimes build creepily realistic wooden statues of her guild mates and leave them around in inconspicuous places so when you find them they scare the shit out of you. Sometimes she hides them too well and it takes years to discover them.
- Lucy has actually written several unpublished novels and the only other person who's ever seen them is levy. Lucy thinks their crap but levy carefully annotates every single one.
- laxus used to occasionally be forced to go on jobs with erza and Mira when they were young both to help and to make sure they didn't kill each other and he hated it.
- I think I might have said this before but I firmly believe levy, Lucy, freed and jellal later on all form a book club because they love reading, the problem is they all have vastly different tastes in book so they can never decide what to read each week and usually just end up playing Scrabble and talking shit about their various teammates
"please guys trust me this one's good"
"I am NOT reading Colleen Hoover Lucy and that's final"
- this one's based on city hero but I personally believe erza and Erik find a shocking common ground over motorcycles. Erza likes vehicles in general and Erik took up bike racing as a hobby, since discovering this is the longest they've been able to be in the same room together without someone throwing a punch.
- Wendy visits lamia scale regularly still to hang out with chelia. she usually brings romeo and they all go out to do whatever dumb kid stuff they want. (Tbh I just like her having friends her own age)
-lucy sometimes randomly lets her rich girl's heritage show in random conversation and it's always jarring. You'll be having a normal chill convo with her and then she'll look you dead in the eyes and ask you what colour your personal carriage was growing up.
- Natsu is genuinely a really good cook he just has a terrible taste so nobody wants to eat his food. For reference he only ever cooks his food because he enjoys doing it to him it tastes fine either way.
- if you had asked the fairy tail guild who the scariest guild member was in early season 1 the answers would have been erza, guildarts, laxus etc all the usual suspects. Once season 2 starts however the answer is unanimous. It's juvia. Juvia is fucking terrifying when she gets mad. You don't realize how scary water can be until it's filling your lungs and as your vision blurs until all you can see is her merciless stare.
- Mira and freed can drink blood for demon reasons. gray can too after getting devil slayer but he thinks its gross. Surprisingly so can gajeel because of the high iron content.
- gray the type of guy who's bed has only the smallest thinnest blanket on his bed and usually it's on the ground cuz he gets too hot
- meanwhile erza is the type of girl to have so many pillows, blankets and plushies on her bed you wonder how she fucking sleeps in it. Mf has a NEST.
- Lucy isn't even surprised anymore when she finds people in her house, she doesn't know how they keep getting in and honestly she doesn't care anymore she's to tired to deal with it.
- freed plays a lot of really fucking weird instruments. Idk it just seems like something he would do.
- bixlow can speak most languages and it's always really surprising when he randomly says smth like "oh yea I can speak ancient nirvid no prob" like that's totally normal
- if laxus and freed ever did get together (in my heart it's cannon) evergreen and bixlow would be their biggest haters. Yea they love them and they're happy for them but also EW. GROSS. GET A ROOM.
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