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desperate-times · 8 days ago
more like daylight savings crime
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desperate-times · 12 days ago
though it causes me a PHYSICAL DISTRESSMENT to ask for help and the idea of receiving such aid makes me hunch up my shoulders as if I am trying to crawl inside of my own chest cavity, I am indeed asking for help via this handy gofundme linkie, and yes the anxiety of sharing my greatest vulnerabilities had me awake at 6 am this morning but the, the, the idea that people who care about me would like to help me not have constant panic attacks and spiral into depressive episodes due to financial concerns, that's, that's a bit nice, if by 'nice' I also mean 'brutally painful in a way that makes me want to cringe away from my own body because I am so unused to the feeling, and crave it so desperately that to receive kindness simply by asking for it seems unearned and unfathomable' but listen, you loser, just fathom it, just try fathoming it and see what happens
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desperate-times · 12 days ago
If you choose other it's gotta be along the lines, like that game where you have to paint a map and the same color can't touch, don't come to my house all like "uhhh i played pinball"
Also there's no "none of these" option bc if you didn't become obsessed at some point with a kinda nerdy easily addictive offline game that will suck your soul until you can't think about anything else but the game for weeks then you are a fucking pussy and I don't respect you
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desperate-times · 20 days ago
Have you played the same video game more than 10 times (from start to finish)?
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desperate-times · 30 days ago
thank you for ur service (not unfollowing me)
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desperate-times · 1 month ago
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desperate-times · 1 month ago
image transcripts:
It is worth remarking the way minstrelsy marketed racialized images of masculinity if only because they have become so familiar, indeed ritualized. In North Toward Home (1967), white Mississippian Willie Morris remembers "a stage, when we were about thirteen, in which we 'went Negro.' We tried to broaden our accents to sound like Negroes, as if there were not enough similarity already. We consciously walked like young Negroes, mocking their swinging gait, moving our arms the way they did, cracking our knuckles and whistling between our teeth" (81). I would maintain that this dynamic, persisting into adulthood, is so much a part of most American white men's equipment for living that they remain entirely unaware of their participation in it. The special achievement of minstrel performers was to have intuited and formalized the white male fascination with the turn to black, which Leslie Fiedler describes this way: "Born theoretically white, we are permitted to pass our childhood as imaginary Indians, our adolescence as imaginary Negroes, and only then are expected to settle down to being what we really are: white once more" (Waiting 134). These common white associations of black maleness with the onset of pubescent sexuality indicate that the assumption of dominant codes of masculinity in the United States was (and still is) partly negotiated through an imaginary black interlocutor. If this suggests that minstrelsy's popularity depended in part on the momentary return of its partisans to a state of arrested adolescence -- largely the condition to which dominant codes of masculinity aspire -- one must also conclude that white male fantasies of black men undergird the subject positions white men grow up to occupy. This dynamic is, further, one whose results are far from given; its appropriations of "black" masculinity may or may not have racist results. But in thus mediating white men's relations with other white men, minstrel acts certainly made currency out of the black man himself, that obscure object of exchangeable desire. The stock in trade of the exchange so central to minstrelsy, that is to say, was black culture in the guise of an attractive masculinity.
(emphasis added in op)
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eric lott, love & theft: blackface minstrelsy & the american working class
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desperate-times · 2 months ago
i just learned the youths have redone myspace with spacehey and wow, what a blast from the past
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desperate-times · 2 months ago
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From Woroni, 1986. 
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desperate-times · 2 months ago
down detector confirms it's not just me, whew
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desperate-times · 2 months ago
nvm, it's still happening and i also can't reblog anything
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desperate-times · 2 months ago
i think one of my broswer add-ons broke tumblr, so if you see a bunch of likes from me on one post, it's because the like wouldn't stick, grr
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desperate-times · 2 months ago
i plan on becoming a child prodigy at 44
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desperate-times · 2 months ago
i am feeling just a little oogy and i hope it doesn't mean i'm finally getting the flu everyone else in my house got last week (and is still recovering from)
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desperate-times · 2 months ago
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This is one of those things where the discourse is just completely broken. Both of these takes are shit and no one is concerned about the actual problem.
Republicans want to bring back incandescents because they just want to trigger the libs and have decided light bulbs are woke.
And the "LEDs are fine" crowd are throwing people with flicker sensitivities under the bus. And, no, you don't have to be "pretty far on the spectrum" to notice a difference. And even if you did... why in the world is this person so dismissive of the millions of autistic folks?
LEDs, for the most part, are superior to incandescent bulbs. Collectively they save people billions of dollars in energy costs and greatly reduce fossil fuel use. You have more options for color and brightness. You can control them with your phone. LEDs are fantastic.
Unfortunately there is a design flaw that makes LEDs hard to use for certain people. Due to AC power, most LEDs have a 60hz refresh rate. Meaning they turn off and on 60 times per second. With incandescents this didn't matter because the filament didn't have time to lose its glow between cycles.
Most people cannot see this flicker in LEDs. But there are millions of people who are sensitive to it and it can cause migraines and discomfort.
The solution is definitely not to go back to incandescents. There are flicker free LEDs and I think with some regulation we could make sure all LEDs are flicker free or at least make sure flicker free bulbs are easy to find and not priced at a premium.
Thankfully there is a group testing bulbs to find the ones that will most likely cause no discomfort. They call themselves the Flicker Alliance and their website has a pretty decent selection of tested and approved bulbs.
So if you feel like your LED bulbs might be causing you distress, that is a good resource to try. I think there is also something you can do to make sure the LED drivers are using DC power, but I haven't really looked into that.
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desperate-times · 3 months ago
i hope im a positive influence on somebody’s life
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desperate-times · 4 months ago
reblog this to put a leaf on your mutuals head
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