#bahasa indonesia
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ubaylukis · 4 months ago
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pitbull-official · 2 months ago
I'm not sure exactly what to title this, but I wanted to talk a bit about how emotions vocabulary works in Indonesian because I think it's pretty cool.
To start, let's think about two different categories of adjectives. There are adjectives that describe how we feel, and there are adjectives that describe how things impart feelings onto us
Example: scared (how I feel) vs scary (something that imparts scaredness unto me). Tired vs tiring. Annoyed vs annoying.
In Indonesian, the former is generally a root word like the following:
Takut - Scared
Bosan - Bored
Tenang - Calm
Kecewa - Disappointed
To turn it into the latter, all you need to do is add add the me- -kan circumfix:
Menakutkan - Scary
Membosankan - Boring
Menenangkan - Calming
Mengecewakan - Disappointing
What's cool about this is that you're basically turning them into transitive verbs (me- -kan is a verb form usually associated with transitiveness). This means that you can use them as both verbs and adjectives:
This film is scary: Film ini menakutkan
This film scares me: Film ini menakutkan saya
This music is calming: Musik ini menenangkan
This music calms me : Musik ini menenagkan saya
I've always noticed that the lines between parts of speech are kind of blurred in Indonesian and this is a great example. Out of curiosity I asked a couple of colleagues whether "menakutkan" is a verb or an adjective. They all said adjective right away. Then I gave the example of "film ini menakutkan saya" and they said oh, yeah, that works, and it's definitely a verb there. So when you say something is scary, calming, boring. You can really think of it as saying this scares, this calms, this bores. Which I think is very fun!
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vexacarnivorous · 2 years ago
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my duolingo has started to join this year's dracula daily hype
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yellowandnothing · 2 months ago
Fanart based on the Netflix promo + original book cover for "Gadis Kretek"
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tfw you just want to make good quality cigs but you were born a woman in 1960s javanese culture. also history happens ❤️
(g30spki jumpscare)
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aramasan · 2 days ago
Narasi harian, hari 54.
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Minggu, 23 Maret 2025.
Egois (KBBI)
Egois juga dikenal sebagai egosentris, yaitu pemusatan terhadap diri sendiri.
Orang yang egois tidak peduli dengan perasaan orang lain dan yang penting mereka dapat apa yang mereka mau.
Perilaku egois sering disebut sebagai tindakan tanpa moral, karena orang yang baik akan memikirkan tentang orang lain selain dirinya sendiri.
Lawan kata dari egois adalah altruis, yaitu orang yang banyak mengutamakan kepentingan orang lain.
Contoh sikap egois; Selalu melakukan berbagai macam cara agar semua keinginannya dapat tercapai, Suka berbicara tentang diri sendiri, Sombong, Keras kepala.
Mala tidak hujannya datang.
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bowlofmie · 2 months ago
I’m a big lover of the a6 Kinbor notebooks because while I do love many things about the Hobonichi, I use the Uni Jetstream as my main pen, not a fountain pen, so the big perk of the Tomoe River paper isn’t really applicable to me. Also as a student the price point is above what I’m willing to pay and I love an undated planner because some days I use 8 pages and others I write one sentence haha. After my partner passed, I wrote around 30 pages a day for a while. I like having all my things in one place, (journal, planner, homework, quotes, doodles, project planning, junk journaling, etc.) so the Kinbor is perfect for me. I think I’ve used 4 or 5 of them?
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This is the cover that made me decide to try out Kinbor! It’s so so cute! I have a little felt doll of my lovely partner in the little window on the front :) I currently have my sketchbook in here with my notebook itself separate haha
Typically I reuse the cover I got with my first one or make my own, but I decided as a treat I’d buy myself the one I’ve been wanting for years and it was on sale! Waiting for it to arrive is a little torturous if I’m honest though lol thankfully I’ll only have to wait around another week. That’ll also be good timing with school starting up again!
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Here is an example of how I typically use my journal :) I love combining all sorts of things in my pages. And this is my main pen! I’ve gone through the black ink twice and had to replace it haha. The Uni Jetstream is so nice oh man I love it! This one in particular was a gift from a friend which makes me love it even more.
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meowbrown · 6 months ago
Exploring English words ending in "-tion/-sion" becomes "-si" in Indonesian
Communication → Komunikasi
Activation → Aktivasi
Information → Informasi
Condition -> Kondisi
Migration -> Migrasi
Solution -> Solusi
Discussion -> Diskusi
Television -> Televisi
Version -> Versi
Fun fact:
Many Indonesian vocabulary ending "-si" (e.g.:administra-si) also are known from the Dutch vocabulary influence "-tie" (e.g.:administra-tie). List of Dutch loanwords in Indonesian - Wikipedia
It's a great example of how languages evolve and borrow from each other! 🌍🗣️
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ehkoi · 5 months ago
What to do?
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ubaylukis · 4 months ago
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kitaorang · 5 months ago
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😼Ada aku kesah
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wordsinbahasa · 11 months ago
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ku.cing (n)
Apa hewan favoritmu? // What's your favorite animal? // Quel est ton animal préféré?
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insomnishnik · 11 months ago
I feel like Jason Todd would love it so much if you call him "cintaku" or "sayangku" Unprovoked.
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grafikita · 5 months ago
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Nirnama oleh AsyrafAzulia
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hanbingzu · 1 year ago
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✧ S.HB Bilingual SMAU snippet!
Where in a junior architecture major got together with her senior who’s also the leader of one of the organizations in campus, Sung Hanbin, or who she likes to call “kak abin” !
- languages: bahasa indonesia & english
- pairings: sung hanbin x fem!o.c
- featuring: Liz & Rei IVE, Gunwook ZB1
- warnings: cursing in b.indo, the personality i gave Liz IVE in this story DOES NOOOTTT apply to her actual personality irl AT ALL, i love her guys, she’s my ive bias, it’s all for the story😁😁😁🙏🏻🙏🏻
- a/n: this is still beta, so anything can change because it’s bilingual, just tell me if you want some things to change or if you have any requests❤️❤️❤️
- find the english chat translations at: @mioujon !! (SUPPORT HER GUYS)
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( english version of the chat )
After Hanbin went downstairs to the meeting room, he saw Liz and Rei talking to Gunwook, when they saw Hanbin approaching, Liz walked closer to him, “Bin, look! Prop kita buat besok di jatohin cewe kamu” ( “Bin, look! Your girlfriend broke the prop for tomorrow” ) She pouted, trying to get Hanbin’s attention “Ga mungkin, aluna dari tadi di perpus” ( “No way, aluna has been in the library the whole time” ) “Ya aluna rusakin nya kemaren kali, dia doang yang masuk ruang meeting” ( “Well maybe aluna broke it yesterday, she’s the only one who came in here” ) “Dia masuk kesini karena aku suruh ambilin handphone, dia ga bakal berani nyentuh prop, Liz.” ( “She only came in here because i told her to take my phone, she wont be brave enough to even touch the props, Liz.” ) “Just because she’s your girlfriend, you don’t have to defend her like that” She scoffed.
“I heard my name, did I do something?” Aluna asked when she entered the door “Hello? knock?” Liz rolled her eyes “Lo kenapa sih?” ( “Dude what’s wrong with you?” ) Gunwook whispered, gently pushing her shoulders, Hanbin glanced at Liz, but his eyes quickly softens when he looked at Aluna, “Did you break a prop?” he asked nicely “Huh? Which prop?” Aluna asked confusedly, “Aduh jujur aja sih, kemaren kamu ga sengaja ngerusak prop event kita kan?” ( “Ugh just be honest, You accidentally broke a prop for our event yesterday right?” ) Liz said to Aluna, trying to make Aluna cover up her mistake.
Gunwook saw Liz coming out of the meeting room all panicked yesterday, and he came inside to check the room and saw that she have broke the prop, but she’s putting the blame on Aluna now. Being the good friend he is, Gunwook told Hanbin about what happened the other day, giving him a clear explanation of the truth.
“Oh..Iya, itu aku ga sengaja rusakin” ( “Oh..yeah, I accidentaly broke that” ) Aluna spoke out hesitantly, Liz have always been like this towards Aluna, the reason being that she has a crush on Hanbin like all the other girls in campus, and she thinks that she deserves Hanbin more than a stupid junior, meanwhile Aluna has never been the brave type, especially towards her seniors, meaning that she’ll take the blame when it comes to these situations. “Tuh kan, udah dibilang!” ( “See, I told you!” ) Liz scoffed, showing a satisfied expression, “I’m sorry, I’ll make up for it” Aluna sighed, Hanbin could only look at her, it hurts him to see his girlfriend being like this, “Yaudah aku pulang duluan ya? Besok aku gantiin kok kak” ( “I’ll be heading home then? I’ll make up for it, It’ll be done by tomorrow” ) Aluna forced out a smile before giving a bow to Liz and the others, walking out the room to go downstairs.
Hanbin sighed at Liz, chasing his girlfriend out the room, “Aluna, kamu harusnya jangan mau disalahin terus” ( “Aluna, you shouldn’t take the blame all the time” ) “Gapapa kok kak, daripada tambah ribet” ( “It’s fine, just get it over with” ) Aluna replied “Aku aja yang nganterin, udah gelap di luar, bahaya kalo kamu pulang sendiri” ( “I’ll take you home, It’s already dark outside, it’ll be dangerous if you go by yourself” ) “Udah gausah kak” ( “No it’s fine” ) “I’ll just order a cab” Aluna smiled, walking down the stairs, “Babe, be careful, yeah?” Hanbin spoke out “Iyaaa kak abinnnn” ( “Okayy hanbinnn” )
Hanbin aggressively opened the door of the meeting room, “Maksud lo nyalahin orang gitu buat apa ya?” ( “What was the purpose of you blaming things on others like that?” ) Hanbin shouted, “What do you mean?” Liz acted shocked, “Gausah pura pura goblok, kalo besok lo masih gabisa ngaku, gue bisa aja ngeluarin lo dari organisasi, ngerti ga?” ( “Don’t act stupid, if you still can’t admit that you’re wrong by tomorrow, I have the power to kick you out of this organization, understand?” ) Hanbin spoke out aggressively, showing a panicked expression on Liz’s face “Prop nya benerin sendiri, gausah nyuruh-nyuruh cewe gue ganti” ( “Fix the prop yourself, don’t ask my girlfriend to do it for you” ) Hanbin sighed, walking out of the meeting room before taking out his phone to text Aluna.
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( english version of the chat )
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triplefool · 15 days ago
Lingua franca 2: Indonesian
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Indonesian has been the official language of Indonesia since 1945, an archipelago of 18,000 islands and over 700 languages!
It is a Malay language part of the Austronesian family (Hawaïan, Maori…), and is spoken as a native language by (only) 20% of the population!
The rest learn it at school in addition to their native language, whether it is Chinese, Javanese or Land Dayak (of one of the native/indigenous groups of Indonesia)
Some see Indonesian as the most successful lingua franca by permitting intercommunication without oppressing minority languages/cultures (very different from the West!)
Indonesian is also deemed by many linguists as ‘easy’ due to having no declension and little to no conjugation as English or Mandarin Chinese, which is a common feature of lingua francas
An interesting feature is how the plural is formed in Bahasa Indonesia (the Indonesian language), that is with reduplication > For example, “buku” (book) becomes “buku-buku” (books)
-Martono, Dewantara J.A., & Efriani, Prasetiyo W.H. (2022). The national identity on the border: Indonesian language awareness and attitudes through multi-ethnic community involvement. J Community Psychol, 50, 111–125. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22505
-Ridwan, M. (2018). National and Official Language: The Long Journey of Indonesian Language. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 1(2), 72-78, https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v1i2.14 
-Sudaryanto, M., & Rahayu, E. T. (2021). The Indonesian grammar test: What foreigners need to know. Psychology and Education, 58(2), 4391-4402. https://doi.org/10.17762/pae.v58i2.2828
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ubaylukis · 10 months ago
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Masih ada buku tentangmu, walau kau tak lagi bercerita denganku.
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