#lake angelus
greek god epithets (pt.2)
this post includes hades, persephone, aphrodite, hermes, apollo, artemis, dionysus, and hekate. for part one including zeus, hera, demeter, ares, athena, poseidon and hephaestus click here
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-PLOUTON= of wealth
-THEON CHTHONIUS= god of the underworld
-POLYSEMANTOR= ruler of many
-NECRODEGMON= receiver of the dead
-NECRON SOTER= savior of the dead
-ADESIUS= of grace
-STYGIUS= from the Styx
-URAGUS= of fire
-NIGER DEUS= the black god
-CHTHONIA= of the earth
-CARPOPHORUS= bringer of fruit
-SOTEIRA= the savior
-MEGALA THEA= the great Goddess
-HAGNE= the pure/holy one
-DAEIRA= the knowing one
-PRAXIDICE= the exacter of justice
-PROTOGONE= the first born
-BRIMO= the dreaded/vengeful
-URANIA= of heavenly/divine love
-PANDEMOS= common to all people
-MACHANITIS= the diviser/contriver
-EPISTROPHIA= she who turns to love
-CALASCOPIA= the spying/all seeing
-PSITHYRISTES= the whispering
-PRAXIS= of sexual action
-MELAENIS= the black
-SYMMACHIA= the ally in love
-APATURUS= the deceptive one
-NYMPHIA= the bridal
-MIGONTIS= of unions
-DORITIS= the bountiful
-MORPHO= of shapely form
-AMBOLOGERA= the postponer of old age
-NICEPHORUS= the bringer of victory
-HOPLISMENA= the armed
-AREIA= the warlike
-EUPLOEA= of fair voyages
-PONTIA= of the sea
-LIMENIA= of the harbor
-XENIA= of hospitality to foreigners
-PHILOMIDES= the laughter loving
-PHILOMMEDES= the genital loving
-CHRYSEA= the golden
-DIA= the golden/shining
-POTHON MATER= the mother of desire
-EUSTEPHANUS= the richly crowned/the well girdled
-EN KIPIS= of vegetation/agricultural fertility
-EPIMELIUS= keeper of the flocks
-OEOPOLUS= the shepherd
-AGORAEUS= of the market place
-DOIUS= of crafts/wiles
-ENAGONIUS= of the games
-PROMACHUS= the champion
-HERMENEUTES= the interpreter/translator (of the gods)
-TRICEPHALUS= the three headed
-DIACTORUS= the guide/messenger
-ATHANATUS DIACTORUS= the immortal guide
-CHRYSORRHAPIS= of the golden wand
-CLEPSIPHRON= the deceiver
-MECHANIOTES= the trickster/contriver
-PHELETES= the thief/robber/rustler
-ARCHUS PHELETEON= leader of robbers/thieves
-DAIS HETAERUS= comrade of the feast
-CHARIDOTES= giver of joy
-CHARMOPHRON= the glad-hearted
-DOTOR EAON= giver of good things
-ACACETA= the guileless/gracious
-EUSCOPUS= the keen sighted/watchful
-CYDIMUS/ERICYDES/AGLAUS= the glorious/famous/splendid
-CRATUS/CRATERUS= the strong/mighty
-POMPAEUS= the guide
-THEARIUS= of the oracle
-PROUPSIUS= the foreseeing
-CLERIUS= of distribution by lot
-CLEDONES= of omens
-HECATUS= the shooter from afar/the archer
-AGRAEUS= of the hunt/the hunter
-MUSAGETES= the leader of the Muses
-ULIUS= of good health
-PAEON= the healer
-ACESIUS= of healing
-ALEXICACUS= averter of evil/harm
-EPICURIUS= the succoring/helping
-BOEDROMIUS= the rescuer
-LYCIUS= of the wolves
-SMINTHEUS= of the mice
-DELPHINIUS= of the dolphin
-ACTIUS= of the foreshore
-THEOXENIUS= the god of foreigners
-ARGYEUS= of streets/public places/entrances to homes
-VIROTUTIS= the benefactor of humanity
-AGROTERA= of the hunt
-PHERAEA= of the beasts
-ELAPHAEA= of the deer
-DAPHNAEA= of the laurel tree
-CEDREATIS= of the cedar tree
-CARYAE/CARYATIS= of the walnut tree
-LIMNAEA/LIMNATUS= of the lake
-HELEIA= of the marshes
-EURYNOME= of broad pastures
-LYCAEA= of the wolves
-LEUCOPHRYNE= of the white (bird)
-PAEDOTROPHUS= the nurse of children
-PHILOEIRAX= the friend of young girls
-ORSILOCHIA= the helper of childbirth
-SELASPHORUS/PHOSPHORUS= the light bringer
-SOLEIRA= the saviour
-HEMERASIA= she who soothes
-HYMNIA= of the hymns
-HEGEMORE= the leader of dances/choir
-ARISTE= the best/the excellent
-EUCLEIA= of good repute
-CALLISTE= the very beautiful
-BASILEIS= the princess
-HIEREIA= the priestess
-HEURIPPA= the horse finder
-PEITHO= the persuasive
-PYRONIA= of the fire
-BROMIUS= the noisy/boisterous
-MAENOLES= the mad/raging
-NYCTELIUS= of the night
-LAMPTERUS= of the torches
-HESTIUS= of the feast
-PHALLEN= the phallic
-ANDROGYNUS= the androgynous (of sexuality, he bed all genders)
-PHLEON= the luxuriant
-STAPHYLITES= of the grape
-OMPHACITES= of the unripe grape
-LENAEUS= of the wine press
-THEOENUS= the god of wine
-AGATHUS DAEMON= the good spirit (as in a ghost, not a drink)
-OENOPS= the wine-dark
-ACRATOPHORUS= the bringer of mixed wine
-CISSEUS= of the ivy
-CITIOPHORUS= the ivy bearer
-ANTHION= of the flowers
-CISTOPHORUS= the basket bearer
-DIMETOR= twice born
-IRAPHIOTES= the goat child
-AEGOBOLUS= the goat slayer
-MELANAEGIS= of the black goat-skin
-ANTHROPORRAESTUS= the man slayer
-LYSIUS= of release
-ELEUTHEREUS= of liberation/freedom
-PSILAX= uplifted on wings
-SAOTES/SOTERIUS= the savior
-AESYMNETES= the dictator
-POLITES= the citizen
-MYSTES= of mysteries
-CHTHONIUS= of the earth
-MELPOMENUS= the singer/of the tragic plays
-BRIMO= the dreaded/the vengeful
-CHTHONIA= of the earth
-DESPOINA= the goddess/our lady
-ENODIA= of the crossroads
-AENAOS= the eternal/the ever loving
-AGLAOS= the beautiful/the bright
-APOTROPAIA= the one that protects
-EROTOTOKOS= the bringer of love
-INDALIMOS= the beautiful
-KLEIDOUCHOS= the keeper of the keys of Hades
-KOUROTRPHOS= the nurse of children
-PHOSPHOROUS/LAMPADEPHOROUS= the bringer/bearer of light
-SOTERIA= the savior
-TRIMORPHE- the three formed
-TRIODIA/TRIODITIS= she who frequents crossroads
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mahoganydoodles · 10 months
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PRIDE AND PREJUDICE by JANE AUSTEN, copy for a friend.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
126,284 words | 452 pages
Bind of the 1894 edition of Pride and Prejudice (yes THAT peacock cover edition) that I made for a bookish friend’s birthday in December 2022. I adore the peacock motif on the original cover so I was absolutely delighted to discover all the beautiful spot illustrations, chapter headers, and custom drop caps by Hugh Thomson in the version hosted on Project Gutenberg. Which is why I’m so surprised I haven’t seen more binds that use them?
like was it a pain in the ass to download 150+ images yes, and remove all their backgrounds in PPT yes, and painstakingly size and place them in the typeset without the Microsoft Word Gods smiting me for my hubris yes
Anyway it was a bind for a beloved friend so I decided to try my hand at leatherwork as well, and I’m really happy with the color, coverage, and texture of Angelus leather paint (IDK why but Pride and Prejudice has always felt purple to me?) Definitely some learning experiences about needing to purchase thinner leather and JUST how much paring is needed at the hinges and corners, but all in all it’s a bit rough but pretty enough for me! 
For the bind itself, I chose more traditional, classy fonts (Garamond and Castellar) and much more subdued pagination formatting than normal. I just rewatched the 1995 BBC miniseries,  which has inspired me to hopefully finally case in the second copy of this textblock I have for a personal copy (it was sacrificed to the guillotine + couldn't be used for my friend's copy anymore)
Which reminds me: for everyone out there who’s watched the 2005 movie but not the 1995 BBC miniseries, RUN don’t walk to Hulu to watch it because I’m telling you, the 2005 movie is an artistic masterpiece and transcendental but the 1995 miniseries is IT! It is THE P&P adaptation and I didn’t understand how truly beautiful life could be until I saw this nearly page-by-page adaptation w/ the sole exception of adding a scene of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy swimming in a lake in a translucent white shirt. Which I think we can forgive the writers for because they were Right to add it. 
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astarab1aze · 4 months
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Nations & Their Cities - 2
Capital: Margrove
Cities: Braemare, Montrose, Arborden, Hagscroft, Rumfort, Rockhill, Grennock, Kildarling, High Gate, Bloodswell, Netherly, Wounshire
Sights: Highgarden, Cicatrician Hills, Mad Hag's Lesion, Loch Lettie, Pseudocilium Forest, the Feyrie Graves, Margrovian Viaduct, Par'Sylfie, Cain Fort, Carnival Rock, Bledsoe Creek, Kobold's Split
Capital: Ru Gravis
Cities: Lupatera, Praetoria, Venefica, Venavera, Infernum, Imperratore, Melmalum, Cornix, Melmanus, Lupa Stella, Sicaria, Fortuna, Pallens, Cat's Cradle, Impetua
Sights: The Pale Watch, the Hellmouth, the Descent, the Devil's Pit, Umbral Sepulchre, Tenibresian Steppes, Simulacral Towers, Domine Lupus, Blackthorn Brush, Hellhound's Brace (prison), Lake of Fire, Port Angelus, Lux-en-Tenebris
Capital: Colline-de-Ven
Cities: Occitienne, Touxlon, Ysère, Paliseux, Pon Cleux, Vonveille, Pommefore, Clementina, Beaunaire, Grainerie, Ville Aimante
Sights: Wind Collector's Ridge, Port Lumineux, Palais Corveaux, Ossus Promenade, Canal de Lumineux, Mon Claire, Caldeira Ver, Grotte du Dragonne, Blue Roseraie, Salle des Mort, Veines du Monde, (part of the) Cicatrician Hills
The Barrowfells
Capital: Knottly
Cities: Deepfall, Drath, Dresden, Nurada, Wellburrow, Fellhammer, Baelfrost, Pangold, Irontown, Soot, Knothung, Denthelm, Donar, Southport, New Grand Eyrie, Steelfold, Armora
Sights: Southern Pass, Iceflow, Khuthd's Burn, Splitpeak, Vulka's Forge, Barrowborn Mines, Simmerflow Mine, the Forge-King's Monument, Tor's Hammerstone, Vale of Fire, Knife Ridge, Run-Off Caves, Surfacer's Tradepost, Balroga, Goblin & Myhala Tunnels, Helforge Bastion, Knocker's Trove
Capital: Argesh
Cities: Marakeem, Khadisha, Cyrus, Tereeza, Myr, Efirit, Gisul, Khesi, Taissyr, Eleeza, Fherah, Sahari'el, T'shari, Jada, Urzza, Sahti, Qamar
Sights: The Eternal Desert, Imperial Highway of Argesha, Tomb of the Maleficar, Odesza's Spout, Fountain of Manah, Uzzani River System, Lakes Eashal and Laban, Ahmari Steppe, Temple of Holy Mother Sahari'el de Sunjat, Alfil Bato (pirate city), Alqarnus' Cove, Qamari'el's Labyrinthe, Sabaari Forest, the Taniyn Ashlands, Port of Dukhat
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seachelley · 2 months
🎶✨when you get this,put 5 songs you actually listen to,then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers🎶✨
I’m not sure what is meant by “actually listen to” but here’s the current loop of songs that are scratching the itches in my brain:
Resucito (remix)- Angelus; we started listening to this ironically cos we found it funny while practicing the actual song in Lourdes but now it’s stuck in my head and won’t leave
Long Face- Interview with the Vampire; I’m predictably obsessed. Nothing else to say
La Bamba- Los Lobos; I’m a 30 year old Goan woman and I want to dance in my kitchen
Strencir Zindi Nayt/ Besame Muço/ Lav Sitori / Historya Dönamur/ Yestirdey- Hursid Yenigün ve Grubu; this absolute banger from my childhood came on when I was drunk and sleepy and delirious on a flight, so I had it looping for the whole one and half hour long flight. I do recommend wholeheartedly
Say Less- Graham Lake; I dunno what it is about this song, but it’s had me in a chokehold since I first heard it like 3 months ago
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24th April 2023 - I love hiking
Happy Birthday to Father dearest. Fortunate to have had a single bar of reception at the hut, enough to send you a message already but still wanted to give you the birthday shout out.
Todays a slight detour from regularly scheduled programming as I left the TA trail yesterday, heading 16kms up an alternative valley to Sabine Hut. The plan is rather than making it out to St Arnaud today as TA routes, to instead go up the other side of the range and climb Mt Cedric, eventually make it then up to Angelus hut, a hut I had missed out on from a previous adventure with friends last year due to poor weather and unfortunate circumstances. Sabine Hut was lovely, situated on Lake Rotorua, shared it with a nice crew last night. The huts are busy again. The day was nearly all climbing, from 450m at Sabine, up to Cedric Pass at 1,800m and then back down to Angelus Hut at 1,500m. Once I made it above the bush line, the views quickly became unbelievable. Sun out, clear sky, panoramic views of mountains, valleys, lakes and tarns. As I crossed the ridge line, I managed to gaze on the ocean off way in the distance, the first time since I left the Foveaux Strait at the bottom of the South Island those many weeks ago. A great spot to eat my apple and meditate on all the amazing memories and experiences I’ve had. Today was a “I love hiking” sort of day. The unreal scenes didn’t stop once Angelus Hut came into view though, situated between two huge tarns (at what point do they become lakes?) surrounded by a vast ridge towering above. Making the most of arriving by lunch time, I had heard great things about Sunset Pass and potentially Angelus Peak, a three hour side walk with views over the other side of the valley. Dropping my bag at the hut, it felt like I was bouncing up the valley. The temperature had dropped a whole lot and I was walking through snow and ice, I have my suspicions it was below freezing and the wind chill certainly made it so. The pass was great, but I couldn’t help but look up to the peak at 2,070m and fell a little bit adventurous. Scrambling up scree and rock climbing my way up, I was again treated to spectacular 360 degree panoramic views. People had set up rock barriers to cowboy camp, sunrise would be so beautiful, freezing, but beautiful. I think I’ve perfected my downhill scree run, the Olympic downhill skiers haven’t delivered a smoother nor faster run down the slopes. Back at the hut by 4:30 for soup and relaxing finally. The last pic is of the peak I climbed, looking back at sunset (the one on the left). Huts full tonight and I haven’t booked, oops. Once more, a 10/10 day. Probably my favourite so far.
Day wrap up:
Journey: Sabine Hut - Angelus Hut
Side quests: Sunset Pass & Angelus Peak
Distance: 20.6km
Elevation: 597 flights!! 12x up the Skytower
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circifox · 2 months
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Dance of the Dying Swan
Another one of those pieces whose name was probably too long to put "Drawtober 2023" in front of. One detail I don't talk much about for Angel is the fact he's pretty multitalented. He's a painter, a pianist, and a dancer. Ballet was structured in a way that it was an escape for him with the struggles of learning how to rule. I do associate some swan lake pieces with him.  Omelet is watching him practice "the dance of the dying swan". It's not originally from Swan Lake and is a solo dance, but it has influenced some interpretations of Odette in Swan Lake. Here is a video of the dance in question (https://youtu.be/kJ4uowripdw?si=XTk0A7rjDmFt9Abb). There are many videos of ballerinas performing it if you're interested.  Angelus Themis, Omelet- Me (@circifox)
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nevermore-grimes · 4 months
𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
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DISCLAIMER: Any art in the collage is not mine. Credit goes to the Picrew makers and the artists.
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Nevermore Grimes || Tag
Aerith Lake || Tag
Amarilis || Tag
Anya || Tag
Kira Grimes || Tag
Alya Grimes || Tag
Angelus Lake || Tag
Loki Laufeyson || Tag
Thor Odinson || Tag
Peter Parker || Tag
Valkyrie || Tag
Pepper Stark || Tag
Tony Stark || Tag
Peter Quill || Tag
Wade Wilson || Tag
Wanda Maximoff || Not tagged yet!
May Parker || Tag
Nick Fury || Tag
Bruce Banner || Tag
Thanos || Tag
Ego || Tag
The Grandmaster || Tag
Elaine || Tag
Venice || Tag
Giffany || Tag
Desmerona || Tag
Logan || Tag
Scarlet || Tag
Inferno || Tag
Michael Afton || Tag
Chase || Tag
Amora the Enchantress || Tag
Percy || Tag
Scruffy || Not tagged yet!
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gunelle · 6 months
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Photos and text: @everlook_photography
1-. Taranaki vigil one fine october morning in 2014
2-. The Apostles flipped in perspective not in Photoshop. Australia
3-. The ole sticks at Port Willunga with bushfires out west. Australia
4-. The ole sticks at Port Willunga with bushfires out west. Australia
5-. The three sisters near Tongaporutu on the west coast of New Zealand's North Island
6-. There's a super moon coming saturday august 29
7-. This image was taken in challenging conditions at Landmannalaugar, in Iceland
8-. This is part of a panorama taken at Glenorchy jetty on a frosty May Morning in 2012
9-. This is the view from near Lake Angelus in Nelson Lakes National Park
10-. Up close with Horseshoe Falls in Mount Field National Park. Australia
11-. Waterloo bay Elliston. Australia
12-. Winter came early during Autumn visit to New Zealand in 2012. This taken from the road along lake Pukaki
13-. Wreck Beach Great Ocean Road
14-. A side stream next to Karekatr falls outside Auckland. On a nice spring day it was freezing dip but an amazing natural pool
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sylviaplathenthusiast · 8 months
hiiii <3
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,
Smiles awake you when you rise.
Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby:
Rock them, rock them, lullaby.
Care is heavy, therefore sleep you;
You are care, and care must keep you.
Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby:
Rock them, rock them, lullaby.
(golden slumbers by thomas dekker)
- melody💙
hello sunshine
sorry for the religious guilt in this one lol, its just a wonderful poem and its one of those days
Beyond the hills, beyond the yellow valleys,
The village footpath stretches, unmetalled;
I see the forest in the evening's blaze,
The fences twined with nettles.
There from morning the sands of the sky
Turned blue above the church's towers.
Damp breezes off the lakes fly,
Ringing through the roadside flowers.
Not for the spring song over the plains
Are the green spaces dear to me still.
I love with the love of the yearning cranes
The monastery on the hill.
At evening when the sky turns misty,
And sunset hangs the bridge above,
At this hour, you go my wretched country
And bow to the Cross and to love.
Gentle souls of that cloistered place,
Avidly hearing the Angelus toll,
Before the Saviour's gentle face,
Pray for my shipwrecked soul.
(beyond the hills, beyond the yellow valleys by sergei yesenin)
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Conserva Irrigation continues its growth pattern with new franchises in Michigan Ohio
If you live in Pensacola, it's just a matter of time that you have to do the inevitable and remove a tree. Tree Removal in Pensacola is a tree removal company that specializes in stump grinding, tree removal, and arborist services. They have been in business for over 10 years and have the experience and expertise to get the job done right. Fully licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your property is in good hands. Pensacola tree service is a company that specializes in removing trees. They have been doing this for over 10 years and they are really good at it. They also do stump grinding, which means they get rid of the stump left behind after the tree is removed. They are fully licensed and insured, so you can be sure that your property is in good hands. Conserva Irrigation, No. 119 on the 2022 LM150 list, adds franchises in Ohio and Michigan. The latest moves continue the company’s rapid growth strategy. Conserva Irrigation of Cincinnati is the third franchise in the Buckeye State and Conserva Irrigation of Greater Bloomfield is the third franchise in Michigan. Conserva Irrigation of Cincinnati David Gammell and Jason Katz will lead the franchise location which will serve Addyston, Camp Dennison, Cincinnati, Clarksville, Cleves, Fairfield, Franklin, Germantown, Hamilton, Harrison, Hooven, Kings Mills, Lebanon, Loveland, Maineville and Mason areas of Ohio.  “We are excited to welcome David and Jason into the Conserva Irrigation family as one of our newest franchisees,” announced Jake Mathre, director of franchise operations. “With their past business experience and network, we are confident they will have a significant impact in water efficiency and education in the Cincinnati region.” Before Conserva, Gammell spent his career serving the K-12 education field both as an educator and an account executive, providing IT services to schools. Gammell grew up in Cincinnati and now lives in the Mason area with his wife (who also joins the franchise) and three kids. Katz previously worked in manufacturing and logistics sales. Katz is a native of Cincinnati. Conserva Irrigation of Greater Bloomfield Martin Brown will lead the franchise, which will serve Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Bloomfield Township, Commerce Township, Farmington Hills, Franklin, Lake Angelus, Milford, Northville, Novi, Oakland Township, Rochester, Rochester Hills, Troy, Washington, West Bloomfield and Wixom areas in Michigan. Brown, a native of Birmingham, Mich., previously worked in real estate. “We are excited to welcome Martin into the Conserva Irrigation family as one of our newest franchisees,” Mathre said. “With his past business experience and network, we are confident he will have a significant impact in water efficiency and education in the Greater Bloomfield region.” The latest acquisitions follow the recent addition of franchises in Clearwater Beach and St. Petersburg, Fla., and Tuscon, Ariz., and Rehoboth Beach, Del.
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strongcrimsonwings · 2 years
|[ Location pt1 prompt.]| [  WATERFALL  ]
[  WATERFALL  ]:          after taking a midnight swim together in a secluded lake, the sender and receiver notice a nearby waterfall, and things proceed to get frisky while they explore it and each other together.
Angelus and Caim swam in a lake, enjoying each other’s company and being clean. It was then that Angelus heard something in the distance. “Caim, do you hear that? I believe there is a waterfall nearby.” Caim nodded and they both swam toward the noise. Sure enough, there was a waterfall not too far away. Angelus sighed and turned to Caim. “Well? Shall we explore it?”
Caim nodded, and they both left the water and began to walk towards it. When Caim was on the riverbank, Angelus decided to wash off more under the waterfall. She knew that Caim was watching as she raised her wings to wash underneath them, and as she raised her tail to wash underneath herself. She saw him staring at her core and chuckled.
“Oh? I see you’re enjoying the view,” she purred. She came around and nudged Caim with her nose. Caim responded by holding her head up and kissing her. Angelus kissed him back as much as she could, wrapping her wing claws around him. Caim licked her neck and bit it, causing Angelus to moan.
“What’s this? You wish to please me under the waterfall? Alright, then.” The dragon obliged, standing under the waterfall once more with her core facing toward Caim. She felt Caim lick and touch her core, then reach under and touch her peak. “Ohhhh,” Angelus moaned. “Caim…” she felt him plunge his tongue inside of her, shuddering as she felt him taste her. She kept moaning and grunting as he pleased her with his mouth and fingers, and she felt empty as he pulled away.
She then heard him inquire about using his manhood, and she nodded and told him she wanted it inside her. She felt Caim shove his manhood into her roughly, crying out as he filled her. “Caim!” His name fell out of her mouth over and over as he rammed into her, pleasing her like no one else could. She finally cried out in pleasure as Caim sent her over the edge, soaking him in her cum. She felt him fill her with his cum as well, and panted as she came down from her orgasm.
She came around to Caim again, nuzzling him with her nose. She saw that there was a cave inside the waterfall and muttered, “Well? Shall we explore further?” Caim nodded and zipped his pants, following her inside. She chuckled at his lewd suggestion that they could explore each other’s bodies as they explored the cave.
“That is something I am willing to oblige you with, Caim,” she said, rubbing against him. She felt him rest a hand in her cheek as they walked into the cave.
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Typhoon HVAC of Sterling Heights MI
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We provide affordable HVAC service which includes installation and repairs of heating and air conditioning 7 days/week. We provide quality heating, ventilation, and air conditioning service to our customers. We work all types of projects including residential, commercial, or industrial. Our types of service include installation, replacement, upgrade, preventative maintenance, duct sealing, or repair for products including air conditioners, electric or gas furnaces, programmable thermostats, sheet metal fabrication, humidifiers, boilers, air cleaners, ultra violet lights, water heaters, zoning products and other home services.
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Livingston County Anderson MI | Brighton MI | Bullis Crossing MI | Chalkerville MI | Chilson MI | Cohoctah MI | Conway Township MI | Deer Creek MI | Deerfield Center MI | Fleming MI | Fowlerville MI | Genoa Charter Township MI | Green Oak MI | Gregory MI | Hallers Corners MI | Hamburg MI | Handy Township MI | Hartland Township MI | Hell MI | Howell MI | Iosco Township MI | Island Lake MI | Kaiserville MI | Lakeland MI | Marion Township MI | Nicholson MI | Oceola Township MI | Parkers Corners MI | Parshallville MI | Pettysville MI | Pinckney MI | Plainfield MI | Putnam Township MI | Rushton MI | Tyrone Center MI | Tyrone Township MI | Unadilla MI | Whitmore Lake MI | Williamsville MI
Macomb County Anchor Bay Gardens MI | Anchor Bay Harbor MI | Anchor Bay Shores MI | Armada MI | Armada Township MI | Broad Acres MI | Bruce Township MI | Cady MI | Center Line MI | Chesterfield Charter Township MI | Chesterfield MI | Chesterfield Shores MI | Clifton Mill MI | Clinton Charter Township MI | Davis MI | Eastpointe MI | Fraser MI | Harrison Charter Township MI | Lakeside MI | Lenox Township MI | Lottivue MI | Macomb MI | Macomb Township MI | Meade MI | Memphis MI | Milton MI | Mount Clemens MI | Mount Vernon MI | New Baltimore MI | New Haven MI | Point Lakeview MI | Preston Corners MI | Ray Center MI | Ray Township MI | Richmond MI | Richmond Township MI | Romeo MI | Roseville MI | Saint Clair Haven MI | Sebille Manor MI | Shelby Charter Township MI | Shelby MI | St Clair Shores MI | Sterling Heights MI | Utica MI | Waldenburg MI | Sterling= MI | Washington Charter Township MI | Washington MI | Wolcott Mills MI | Yates MI
Monroe County Ash MI | Azalia MI | Bedford MI | Berlin MI | Carleton MI | Detroit Beach MI | Dundee MI | Erie MI | Estral Beach MI | Exeter MI | Frenchtown MI | Ida MI | La Salle MI | Lambertville MI | London MI | Lost Peninsula MI | Luna Pier MI | Maybee MI | Milan MI | Monroe MI | Petersburg MI | Raisinville Township MI | South Monroe MI | South Rockwood MI | Stony Point MI | Summerfield MI | Temperance MI | Vienna Junction MI | West Monroe MI | Whiteford MI | Woodland Beach MI
Oakland County Addison Township MI | Andersonville MI | Auburn Hills MI | Austin Corners MI | Berkley MI | Beverly Hills MI | Bingham Farms MI | Birmingham MI | Bloomfield Charter Township MI | Bloomfield Hills MI | Brandon Charter Township MI | Brandon Gardens MI | Campbells Corner MI | Charing Cross MI | Clarkston MI | Clawson MI | Clintonville MI | Clyde MI | Commerce Charter Township MI | Commerce MI | Davisburg MI | Drayton Plains MI | East Highland MI | Elizabeth Lake MI | Farmington Hills MI | Farmington MI | Ferndale MI | Five Points MI | Four Towns MI | Franklin MI | Gingellville MI | Glengary MI | Goodison MI | Groveland Corners MI | Groveland Township MI | Hazel Park MI | Hickory Ridge MI | Highland Charter Township MI | Highland MI | Holly MI | Holly Township MI | Huntington Woods MI | Huron Heights MI | Independence Charter Township MI | Jossman Acres MI | Keego Harbor MI | Kensington MI | Lake Angelus MI | Lake Orion Heights MI | Lake Orion MI | Lakeville MI | Lathrup Village MI | Leonard MI | Lyon Charter Township MI | Madison Heights MI | Milford Charter Township MI | Milford MI | New Hudson MI | Newark MI | Novi MI | Novi Township MI | Oak Grove MI | Oak Park MI | Oakland Charter Township MI | Oakley Park MI | Oakwood MI | Orchard Lake Village MI | Orion Charter Township MI | Ortonville MI | Oxbow MI | Oxford Charter Township MI | Oxford MI | Perry Lake Heights MI | Pleasant Ridge MI | Pontiac MI | Rochester Hills MI | Rochester MI | Rose Center MI | Rose Corners MI | Rose Township MI | Royal Oak Charter Township MI | Royal Oak MI | Rudds Mill MI | Seven Harbors MI | South Lyon MI | Sterling= MI | Sterling= Township MI | Springfield Charter Township MI | Springfield MI | Sylvan Lake MI | Thomas MI | Troy MI | Union Lake MI | Walled Lake MI | Walters MI | Waterford Charter Township MI | Waterford Village MI | Waterstone MI | West Bloomfield Charter Township MI | West Highland MI | Westacres MI | White Lake Charter Township MI | White Lake MI | Wixom MI | Wolverine Lake MI
Washtenaw County Ann Arbor MI | Augusta Charter Township MI | Barton Hills MI | Bridgewater MI | Chelsea MI | Delhi Mills MI | Dexter MI | Dixboro MI | Freedom Township MI | Geddes MI | Lima Township MI | Lodi Township MI | Lyndon Township MI | Manchester MI | Mooreville MI | Northfield Township MI | Pittsfield Charter Township MI | Rawsonville MI | Salem MI | Saline MI | Scio Township MI | Sharon Township MI | Stoney Creek MI | Superior Charter Township MI | Sylvan Township MI | Webster Township MI | Whittaker MI | Willis MI | York Charter Township MI | Ypsilanti MI
Wayne County Allen Park MI | Belleville MI | Brownstown Charter Township MI | Canton Charter Township MI | Dearborn Heights MI | Dearborn MI | Detroit MI | Ecorse MI | Flat Rock MI | Garden City MI | Gibraltar MI | Grosse Ile Township MI | Grosse Pointe Farms MI | Grosse Pointe MI | Grosse Pointe Park MI | Grosse Pointe Shores MI | Grosse Pointe Woods MI | Hamtramck MI | Harper Woods MI | Highland Park MI | Huron Charter Township MI | Inkster MI | Lincoln Park MI | Livonia MI | Melvindale MI | Northville Charter Township MI | Northville MI | Plymouth Charter Township MI | Plymouth MI | Redford Charter Township MI | River Rouge MI | Riverview MI | Rockwood MI | Romulus MI | Southgate MI | Sumpter Township MI | Taylor MI | Trenton MI | Van Buren Charter Township MI | Wayne MI | Westland MI | Woodhaven MI | Wyandotte MI
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krumple38 · 2 years
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From a recent walk- Lake Angelus. (at Nelson Lakes National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnbAq3mJ9zh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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starofmhera · 2 years
Writing portal for naughty penwork and general writing shenanigans
Characters with shorts / open asks
I write all sorts of things with the good promise of reality remaining reality and fantasy remaining fantasy. Happily married and exercising the ability to daydream.
For the "Menu", see below.
heck grammar. have fun.
Tod (OC- mundane anthro verse parallel to reality) - k9 ex-military ex-cop turned coffee shop and couch-surfing average guy trying to find a safe landing between the promise of further experimentation or the american dream in the wild. His "Dossier / Driver's license bio" is _here_ (To be created)
Kakiri (CFO's DAUGHTER) - World Jumper / OC - Everyone's favorite bougie blond who grew up in the Big Apple. Her stories will feature bumbling adventures of good intention getting her into harmless fun, and perhaps a little darker fun too. Her Driver's License / Dossier is here *to be created*
(others as they are discovered/called out from above mentioned writings)
56 - Original world, codename: Drukilis - The story of a Cold virus (inspired and dreamed before covid) that mutated humans into a hivemind zombie colony within the dried-up Great Lakes that were once home to a Mega-City, Angelus. Post portal will be created as questions are asked, tag will be hipshot3beat
Power Incarnate - The Forgotten Hero - Zelda / Original world available - tag will be redtrimoon
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jontycrane · 3 years
Angelus Hut & Relax Shelter
Angelus Hut & Relax Shelter
One of the best huts in a country home to over a thousand of them, staying at Angelus Hut is a highlight of any trip to Nelson Lakes National Park. I’ve now spent four nights there, in March 2016, twice in March 2020, and again on this three day trip in February 2021. One of the many attractions of Angelus Hut is that there five different routes to reach it – Robert Ridge Route, Speargrass Track,…
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travel-in-pictures · 7 years
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Tasman, New Zealand
Light breaks through the clouds and head of Hinapouri Tarn on a dramatic morning.
by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim from Australia 
Source | Google Maps
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