#la maga
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parasofia · 16 days ago
Podría hoy tildarme de intrascendente, pero cuando algún texto mío te abraza, algo del mundo delira y me obliga a creer. Pienso en posesiones divinas, y a su vez en algo más de mí, que solo sale a bailar con vos.
Cuando te pienso y caminás de esa forma, que no se conforma en el suelo, que rompe también mis sueños, les quita las ataduras y no precisa la trascendencia para contarme que sos real. Trascendés y transgredís a este idioma, no parás de enternecerlo; y cuando no te alcanza te ponés de bufanda alguno de mis relatos que dejé a término medio, le das la tibieza de tu cuello, sin pedir nada a cambio, la paseás como trofeo que se ruboriza en cada esquina donde Buenos Aires, se regodea siempre con vos. Porque sabe en algún punto, que inobjetablemente sos suya y que nunca podrías dejar de serlo; lo que no sabe Buenos Aires, Sofía, es que dejar de serlo, jamás sería una opción.
Y yo me esfuerzo en contarle, cómo fue que esta mañana tenía pensado morirme, aunque no pretendía que fuese por vos. Que seguro fuiste a pasear por el centro buscándole el alma a un tachero, o estarías testeando tus teorías curiosas, por no decir absurdas e infundadas, como que cuanto más gordo es el florista, más perfumadas sus flores son.
Hoy era un domingo melancólico lleno de heridas sangrantes que ni imaginaba tratar, y casi me creo que sos un demonio, por cómo jugás con mi sangre, por cómo te manejás en las noches. Pero cuando te roza la cara el sol, sé que podés convencer al día de que sos más que él.
Me molesta que tus uñas acaricien mi mundo de esa forma que le roba melancolía, porque éste precisa desmoronarse, y vos sos tan imprudente que lo apuntalás con tu pelo y yo no sé qué hacer.
Hoy amanecí con ganas de morirme; pero no tenía en mente que fuese de amor.
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vacaciones-permanentes · 5 months ago
"Nos besamos como si tuviéramos la boca llena de flores o de peces, de movimientos vivos, de fragancia oscura".
Rayuela- Julio Cortázar
Como un primer beso, jamás se olvida...
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jozzsun · 8 months ago
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favouritworstnightmare · 1 year ago
Y así me había encontrado con la Maga, que era mi testigo y mi espía sin saberlo, y la irritación de estar pensando en todo eso y sabiendo que como siempre me costaba mucho menos pensar que ser, que en mi caso el ergo de la frasecita no era tan ergo ni cosa parecida, con lo cual así íbamos por la orilla izquierda, la Maga sin saber que era mi espía y mi testigo, admirando enormemente mis conocimientos diversos y mi dominio de la literatura y hasta del jazz cool, misterios enormísimos para ella. Y por todas esas cosas yo me sentía antagónicamente cerca de la Maga, nos queríamos en una dialéctica del imán y limadura, de ataque y defensa, de pelota y pared. Supongo que la Maga se hacía ilusiones sobre mí, debía creer que estaba curado de prejuicios o que me estaba pasando a los suyos, siempre más livianos y poéticos. En pleno contento precario, en plena falsa tregua, tendí la mano y toque el ovillo París, su materia infinita arrollándose a sí misma, el magma del aire y de lo que se dibuja en la ventana, nubes y buhardillas; entonces no había desorden, entonces el mundo seguía siendo algo petrificado y establecido, un juego de elementos girando en sus goznes, una madeja de calles y árboles y nombres y meses. No había un desorden que abriera puertas al rescate, había solamente suciedad y miseria, vasos con restos de cerveza, medias en un rincón, una cama que olía a sexo y a pelo, una mujer que me pasaba su mano fina y transparente por los muslos, retardando la caricia que me arrancaría por un rato a esa vigilancia en pleno vacío. Demasiado tarde, siempre, porque aunque hiciéramos tantas veces el amor la felicidad tenía que ser otra cosa, algo quizá más triste que esta paz y este placer, un aire como de unicornio o isla, una caída interminable en la inmovilidad. La Maga no sabía que mis besos eran como ojos que empezaban a abrirse más allá de ella, y que yo andaba como salido, volcado en otra figura del mundo, piloto vertiginoso en una proa negra que cortaba el agua del tiempo y la negaba.
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darkfairy9622 · 1 year ago
Preferíamos encontrarnos en el puente, en la terraza de un café, en un cine-club o agachados junto a un gato en cualquier patio del barrio latino. Andábamos sin buscarnos pero sabiendo que andábamos para encontrarnos.
Rayuela- Julio Cortázar
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socialjusticeinamerica · 5 days ago
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godisarepublican · 29 days ago
On January 8, in a Russian attack targeting an industrial facility in Zaporizhzhia, 13 civilians were kiled, the single deadliest strike the Ukraine has felt in the entire war. Meanwhile, the Governor of California together with the Mayor of L.A. has already killed 27 people, armed only with their incompetence. They killed just over TWICE AS MANY people out of stupidity as Russia did with high tech military ordnance.
Your vote matters.
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orth82 · 16 days ago
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Sending every one of you beautiful humans love, strength and comfort in these darkest of times. This, too, shall pass. And not a moment too soon 🖤✊
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DTIYS please anyone who'd like to give it a go 🫶
Feel free to pass this along to anyone who needs a terrified yet determined guardian angel by their side today 🤗
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Who ever made this is a f*#kin' genius!
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beauty-funny-trippy · 1 month ago
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Gov. Gavin Newsom of California said President-elect Donald Trump may seek to withhold federal disaster aid to California because it is a blue state, as multiple wildfires rage in and around Los Angeles. "He's tried to do it in the past," said Newsom. "He's not just done it here in California. He's done it in states all across the country." Former Trump White House official Mark Harvey said that Trump refused to authorize disaster aid for California in 2018 because it leans Democrat, but finally, with much convincing, reversed his position after learning that the affected area was in Orange County, which for generations had been a GOP stronghold. "We went as far as looking up how many votes he got in those impacted areas … to show him these are people who voted for you," said Harvey. Trump also withheld wildfire assistance for Washington state in 2020, and severely restricted emergency hurricane relief to Puerto Rico in 2017 because he felt these places were not sufficiently supportive of him. “It was clear that Trump was entirely self-interested and vengeful towards those he perceived didn’t vote for him,” said Kevin Carroll, a Trump administration official. “He even wanted to pull the Navy out of Hawaii because they didn’t vote for him." Olivia Troye, who was Trump's Homeland Security adviser, said “It was shocking and appalling to us to see a president of the United States behaving in this way. Basically if it doesn’t benefit him, he’s not interested." Trump is so cruel, vindictive and petty, he delights in punishing Americans while they're in the midst of dealing with devastating natural disasters — simply because they did not vote for him. He is clearly unfit to lead the nation. Trump's vengeful abuses of power are not the acts of a U.S. president. They are the acts of a tyrant.
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animetittymousepad · 1 month ago
Friendly reminder, to all Americans reading this, that if you see an I.C.E. vehicle or officers to yell at the top of your lungs. Even if and especially if you're a citizen and a raid would not affect you, yell "ice raid". Yell "la migra". Scream so everyone in your vicinity knows that the piggies have arrived. Make their jobs as difficult to do as possible. Raids are rumored to happen on the east coast of the US moving West. Fuck the GOP and fuck the police.
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parasofia · 16 days ago
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elowai · 14 days ago
I have a Latino bf. His family is wealthy and fled Venezuela (2010-2014) and immigrated to the US. Some are citizens, others are documented with temporary status. Either way — THEY ARE GETTING DETAINED BY ICE (La Migra). Worst of all — SOME ARE BEING SENT TO GUANTANAMO BAY. ICE doesn’t care what US Passport or type of Visa (student or work) you may have — THEY WILL TAKE YOU. His aunt is fleeing and we don’t know what will happen to her. They are taking people off of planes, on the street, and from their homes (no matter how legal or Trump loving they are).
I am so ready to throw up again. My bf still thinks he is safe to come here in the Fall for law school. He isn’t. He would be on a J1 visa which doesn’t matter here in the US anymore. You will be sent to a camp (like Guantanamo) or any of the other ones being built down south (private prisons being constructed aka labor camps). YES — THIS IS HAPPENING!!!!!! This is what is being reported. I’m sick to my stomach.
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ortofosforico · 2 months ago
Thank God it's over!
At last, the fandom can have sole child custody of the show.
If nandermo had been canon I was ready to say something like- they've been edging us for six years and it paid off!! Or- slowest burn ever, but they didn't.
Mah, nothing really changed, pretty uneventful for a finale.
I laughed at the maga joke because it was so absurd and unexpected, but considering the political climate of the US right now? Meh.
No tied ends, no resolved plotlines, I trust the fandom will put all the potential to a good use!
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eugenedebs1920 · 30 days ago
On the eve of America appointing its first king let’s take some time to reflect. Reflect on history from both long ago, and that which is more recent. Peer backward from where we came, we can not go back there, and tomorrow is uncertain, yet somehow strangely familiar.
There’s a phrase the mainstream media likes to use. Trumpnesia. Some mental health experts suggest that as a collective whole much of society’s memories from the pandemic, 2020, and generally the chaos and sh*tshow the first Trump administration was, have been forgotten, hazed over, spotty.
I would assume many who voted in this election were unable to in 2016, their attention focused on much more simple, enjoyable aspects of life.
Honestly, my recollection is subject to rolling brownouts regarding the Trump years. To be completely truthful, I was a savage, and I mean SAVAGE whiskey enthusiast and imbiber during that particular period of this train wreck I perceive as existence. Which may have contributed to the fogginess by its own accord. Nonetheless, there’s more I remember than I’d like.
Every day it was some ridiculous sh*t. Every day it was Trump’s obnoxious voice, or an all caps tweet, dodging accountability, blatantly lying, immaturely insulting, pathetically justifying corruption, every day just cringe worthy embarrassing behavior on the would stage, out there for all to see. It was humiliating!
It was like, have you ever rode in a vehicle where someone refuses to buckle their seatbelt? Despite the “friendly�� and relentless coaxing from the safety feature of said vehicle asking them to do so? Just a nonstop, endless, mind piercing, fury stoking, twitch inducing, ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding, till you’re at the point where your most attractive option is to drive the vehicle off a bridge to your seductive looking watery grave, rip your hair out and punch yourself in the dick to experience something less agitating, or unabashedly berate and howl at your fellow rider, informing them that whether or not they agree with the act, that siren song of a security alarm will not cease until they buckle their f*ckin seatbelt.
Like your neighbor forever using a gas powered leaf blower, day in, and day out, from sunup to sundown, even after the sun has ventured from the east in its determined pursuit to scorch the earth below it, until, in the western horizon it sinks, slumbering to recuperate in preparation to do it all over again. Like being in a house under construction with multiple wood trades, running multiple compressors, seemingly timed to where there is not a single moment of serenity, stillness or silence.
You know? Maybe there were external factors that encouraged my excessive enjoyment of the beautiful, sharp, warm, brown liquor. That which puts out the fire but keeps in the warmth. Whiskey. Mmmmmmmmm.
I digress, and may need a drink.
The utter perturbation one experienced before consuming the news. The dismay at the conduct conducted. The oblivious disgrace brought to the highest office in the land, a once honorable title now in possession of a reality tv personality who fooled half the country into thinking he was even remotely competent or worthy. The shame in the fact that this was a representation of you, your country, and your fellow citizens.
Who the f*ck had the dishonest audacity to, with no hint of humor or irony, declare a lies “alternative facts”!? It’s staggering!
That was every day. This is before the pandemic!
For f*cks sake! The pandemic?! What a disaster! I mean… You could see the frustration, concern and puzzlement of these experts, doctors, and scientists, as Trump would undoubtedly voice his highly unqualified and childish opinion on the subject. His narcissism overriding his ability to allow folks who dedicated their entire adult life to complex sciences to explain and inform the population. I felt bad for them.
What a nightmare! Intense, all encompassing humiliation. A recurring, spiteful, patronizing stale joke. Some darker, irritating and moronic sequel to Groundhog Day.
Well. Here we go again. Only this time spiked with retribution. This time schemed upon for years. This time validated and emboldened by his “reelection” and the absolute immunity bestowed to him by a compromised Supreme Court in all its self righteous perceived wisdom. This time carried out by a far more vindictive, hateful and degrading man.
I keep telling people, this is going to get worse before it gets better. So unlike that jackass who somehow is impervious to the insufferable seat belt alarm. Buckle up.
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bloop247 · 29 days ago
if you remember nothing else these four years: don't be a snitch
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