teshadraws · 2 months
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nightfury-2001 · 10 months
If I was on TNR (god forbid) I would have made it so Jörmungandr simply did not fit on screen at any point in time. This beast is so Mind Numbingly Large that you simply cannot show the entire dragon on screen at one time, not without it tightly coiled and zoomed out, and even then I simply would keep some of off screen. (Also it would not be in a pen it would have been closed off within a section of this area so it couldn't run rampent but still exist and eat. If it HAD to be closed off I would at least give it that)
Yessss Jörmungandr definitely deserved to be large enough to where its full body couldn't fit on screen. Like why even call it Jörmungandr when it's only this size:
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(Yeah - they should have done something like that or just given it its own entire realm that was closed off from all the others, I think that would have been cool if it was actually large enough to deserve the name Jörmungandr.)
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spacenintendogs · 4 years
"Sell orphans" HUH?? WHA?? Wolf just likes money he's not morally bunkrupt people are wild--
LEGIT. here's the person (i cropped and scribbled out their name and @ bc?? they have their full legal name and their pfp looks like a photo of them so) but yeah they were responding to my post asking what ppl like abt my art
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and this was my response to them:
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they told me it was ok and that was that sjsjssks but yeah idk????? it still boggles my MIND
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frostedpuffs · 4 years
Aw dide I remember shadow of israphael! I was super sad when it ended- I'd really loved it.
i never watched the full thing bc it was so long but it was entertaining. i dont remember much of it bc that was like .... 8-9 years ago but i do remember just watching those vids for hours
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Please tell me more about this hypothetical Starfox RPG
OH I AM SO GLAD YOU SENT THIS.  I was actually prepping a post with some ideas but then I got sidetracked and was like “Ehhh idk if anyone would wanna hear this anyways” but thank you, this validates me and my wild ideas.
So, the hypothetical Star Fox RPG I’ve been thinking about is turn based, a la Final Fantasy X and Bravely Default style with the main cast being on-foot for basically all of the game.  I know RPG has become a broad term but, imo, RPG will almost always mean turn based combat... idk if it’s just because of my first real RPG being Super Mario RPG for the SNES or what (that statement makes me feel old) but, yeah, the style I’m envisioning is more along the lines of true turn based with you navigating as the main character in an overworld with various zones that you can explore in-depth.
Anyways, I’m toying presently with the idea that various characters have various talents/strengths.  Kind of thinking about doing a branching class system or something akin to the older GBA Fire Emblem games where you could experiment with various party compositions in various playthroughs or maybe a skill tree but... maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.
Like Bravely Default, your entire party of four would be in each fight, with a game over happening when your entire team is wiped.  Characters would have unique specializations.  For instance, Fox would be generally good with guns and melee and be a bit of an all-arounder.  Krystal would have magic abilities she could use to cut through certain enemy armor.  Slippy would be decked out in heavy combat gear (perhaps one of his own inventions?) and be able to debuff enemies.  Falco would be a ranged unit, preferring the backline with a heavy emphasis on critting opponents.  
ROB64 and Peppy would serve as support.  ROB could be phoned and have supplies dropped in.  These are general supplies like healing items and such, with more impactful items being found planetside in various shops encountered along the way.  
Familiar faces could show up as NPCs.  Bill, Fara, Katt, etc.  Minigames abound could happen-- maybe even a racing minigame as a nod to that one ending in Command.  
Star Wolf would appear as a secondary, minor antagonist, competing against Star Fox on a mission and occasionally stepping in to interfere with them. I think it’d be kind of nice if there was a segment where Fox had to team with Star Wolf.  Maybe even unlock Wolf, Panther, and Leon as characters you could swap in for Slippy, Krystal, and Falco-- having the ones left behind chill in a hub area.  Think the campfire from Dragon Age: Origins, if you’ve ever played that.
Back on the subject of classes, I think what I’m envisioning is each character comes with a class for themselves but they have various options they can become.  For instance, Fox starts off as a “Mercenary” which is just... his base class with his melee and ranged attacks.  Later on he gets the option to promote to two different classes.  I’m not feeling super creative atm but we’ll call these promotions “Mercenary Leader” and “Lylatian Warrior” or something along those lines.  Mercenary Leader grants abilities where Fox can call down the Great Fox to provide support or even call on the Great Fox to laser some enemies.  Lylatian Warrior would give him extra attacks that maybe have additional effects like slow an opponent so their turn is slightly delayed or maybe apply a damage over time effect.  This would help them branch out of their niche roles and let them be a bit more flexible in combat as well as give players the options of choice as to what they have in their party depending on their personal preference.  
I could probably scream about class specializations for hours but I’m not entirely sure people want a novel about my out-there RPG game idea. 
As for a story?  I don’t really have one except I see it happening around the same time as Assault.  I’m leaning towards “Star Fox gets sent to x planet and has to save it from some evil figure and by doing so, they have to explore the planet and help various groups out to eventually achieve their goal”. Generic but I know if I get too involved with the storytelling... well, it’ll turn into yet another fic idea and I JUST CANNOT HAVE THAT RN lmao 
Safe to say I’d probably invent a completely new villain for it.  I don’t even think I’d use Andrew or Pigma, but maybe grant them each some form of cameo. Star Fox has a great cast but they need a bit more diversity than the same 4 people causing problems lol
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xenosaurus · 5 years
Fire type?
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protocol00 · 5 years
Yo! Yer alive, did someone use the dragon balls to wish ya back?
Come on, that’s silly... I’m just immortal is all.
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shadowbrotherhood · 5 years
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“ Yeah, they are. She let me borrow them for a photo shoot. “
“ Chaos, why? “
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busket · 5 years
Happy birthday I love your art!
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fairymascot · 6 years
Chloe plays like she's a cool no nonsense punk rebel but the second a cute girl smiles at her or tucks her hair behind an ear or HEAVEN FORBID compliment her sincerely she's total mush
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silentcartoon · 5 years
GIIIIIRL long time no chat but that PONYTA THOOOOO
FRIEND you sent this to me when I was feeling down and not up for communicating so FIRST I APOLOGIZE FOR THAT.SECOND.POOONYTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 
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teshadraws · 2 years
Oh this latest chapter was so HYPE!! The flight, the battle!! GIRATINA... NIA..!
Thank you!!! :D Hype was definitely the aim, so I’m thrilled that the chapter delivered!
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nightfury-2001 · 2 years
I cannot understand how they took something that was bound to be adorable and made it the most unsettling, ugly baby animal to grace animation.
I KNOOOOWWW RIGHT the baby Furies should have been so cute but instead we got THIS. Why are their faces so flat and square and weirdly humanlike??? Why are their teeth so large and round? Just why 😭😭😭
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AND IT'S LIKE THEY HAD A CHANCE TO FIX THINGS SOMEWHAT WITH THE NINE REALMS BUT NO. We're getting this and just what the hell it looks so ugly but in a different way than the original Night Lights....DreamWorks why..........😔
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Even the "official" baby Night Fury design (the design used for baby Toothless in Titan Uprising) looks pretty strange because it has that weird flat face thing going on among other things because of course they had to base it on the Night Lights....
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Surprisingly the baby Light Fury design (also from Titan Uprising) isn't completely terrible though lol. The face just doesn't look as flat or strangely humanlike and that goes a long way in making it look better imo. (The feet are ridiculously tiny but that's also an issue with the adult design)
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avannak · 6 years
What do you think Eret would name a dragon, if he (for whatever reason) hadn't ended up with Skullcrusher, who already HAD a name.
How did I miss this question?
So, honestly, I believe it depends on what kind of dragon Eret ends up with. It could be a rescue from Drago’s army; one he feels a kinship with.
It could be a name that represents something they both feel: Freedom, Hope, Gratefulness, Future (those are the sentiments behind the name, not the names themselves). One mixed with the unique traits of the dragon.
It could be a water-based dragon. One that ties him to his roots in the sea, with a sea-based name. Or a northern-based name.
Or... it could be part of the family. A family name, if you will.
Eret. Dragon of Eret.
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goaterz · 5 years
Lol soft nostalgia for our "Teenage PPG AU" we had as teenagers to explore Teenage Feelings we had is Evil Now
It’s fine if the girls are snogging the Arr Arr Bee tho cuz it’s CANON
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Maybe you can substitute Stegosaurus biology with that of a rhino's? They are very different species but the build is roughly the same!
Oh that’s a good idea!  I’m gonna look at that, thank you!
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