#kure hollis
aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's Food - Chapter 20
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile / Previous
Chapter 20 - Punishment
The noise from the headphones wasn't loud enough for his senses to miss the girl's presence at his bedroom door. He got up and took out one of the plugs.
“Whaaaaaaat?!” he almost growled at his cousin.
“Congratulations, Raian” Karla said, clapping her hands and sitting on one of the chairs at the table in his room. “When I thought I was the queen of shame, you came and usurped my place. I'm relieved and impressed, thank you.”
Raian was confused. What? Just because he also scared off his candidate? Which happened to be a thousand times worse than Tokita?
“What are you talking about, Succubus?” Raian sits down “I didn’t destroy half of the old man’s mansion…”
“Ah, but I didn't destroy anyone's integrity and dignity” Karla raises her eyebrow, looking at her nails “so I think at least we're even…”
“Pfhah, if you're talking about that Mouse, I just did what you wanted. If she needed a punishment, I created the perfect one. Now she will never mess with us again.”
“Punishment?” the younger assassin raises an eyebrow “And what exactly did she do?”
“Don't tell me you don't know, girl. I overheard you and Hollis talking in the office two days ago.”
“And how much did you hear, Raian? Listening to the conversation of others is bad, you know…?”
“I've heard enough. And it's not illegal when they were just talking about something I should have known from the start. If they wanted me to torture her, they should have told me right away, instead of making a fool of myself.”
“Torture?” Karla blinks on purpose, her fingers on her head “now I'm curious, Raian, what the hell did you hear?!”
Raian was increasingly confused. He took off his headphones and turned off his cell phone's music player.
“Uh, that damn Mousie and her family betrayed our clan and she was sold to us so we wouldn't end up with them... Hollis was an idiot, he could have solved this by killing everyone instead of handing her over to me so that I got rid of. Well, you're welcome” he smiles mischievously.
Karla massages her temples, suddenly stressed. How could that creature, basically a combat genius, one hundred percent Removal, be so stupid and inconsequential?
And the idiot was still feeling like “the big shot” for having solved the problem.
”Uuughhh… I’m glad her family had really fucked up first so we don’t owe anything, otherwise I would have punched you myself, Raiaannn…”
“I didn't do anything wrong, you're the ones who got me into this mess!”
“She's right, Devil” they hear Hollis' voice before seeing him “this would be a case of harassment if they hadn't done something to us first.”
“But, what- Moral Harassment?! Are you a criminal lawyer now, Hollis? One more charge accumulated, what the fuck?”
“I don't need to be a lawyer to know that humiliating a girl in public is harassment, idiot” Hollis rolls his eyes “and she's not to blame for anything.”
“She didn't do anything about the fraud, her father did” Karla continues “her father has already been punished and is being held in prison.”
Raian grunts “It doesn't change the fact that she was sold by her father, practically as a slave for us.”
“She didn't was sell out, idiot, she sacrificed herself to save her family,” Hollis corrects, “she made a deal with us, that she was going to subordinate to us completely, she was going to take over her company and working for us in exchange for we not murdering everyone. Unlike you, we only shed blood if we have to, and they are more valuable to us alive.”
Raian stares at the two of them, a little confused but definitely surprised, mouth half-open, still sitting on the back of the bed. He could have said something constructive, yes, but does absolutely nothing and lets out a huff as he shrugs.
“Meh, it's not my problem. She was still a lil’ mouse who wanted to marry me to gain an advantage…”
“And you could gain rights to the Yamagami company, and erase once and for all the chance of them turning against us again! Beyond that, she is from an ancient lineage that we could have taken advantage of” Hollis crosses his arms, “By the way, if you hadn't scared the girl away, or rather, humiliated her and destroyed her integrity with all the clan, she might still had a chance with others in line, remember?”
That thought made Raian growl, for reasons other than the man's complaint, so many that he had to hold back and say to himself he didn't care for that bullshit to calm down. He didn't want to think about her… not anymore. That moment in the lake never happened.
“Should have thought of that Before throwing her at me, idiot” he says low, threatening, and waves his hand “Now leave before I kick you out. She's already gone, and that's it. If they make any other foolishness, I'll go after them myself and finish them off, as I, the Devil, am made for. End of story. And don't try to find anyone else for me. A lesson is only learned once.”
Karla gets up from her chair “Great, we're talking. But you won't get through this with impunity, Raian.”
“Bleh, bleh, when you take the Matriarch's place I think about respecting you, Succubus” he rolls his eyes as the girl leaves. Look at Hollis “what's the matter, plush wig? Are you sad because you lost your secretary?”
“No. I'm just in awe of your ability to fuck everything up.”
“No, uh-huh, I fixed your shit, it's different. I do not fuck up, I make things happen and get the job done.”
“Whatever” Hollis shakes his head, uncrossing his arms “but what amazes me the most is that you, unlike Karla, who is actually sociable, shooed away the only woman who really seemed to care about you, especially one who asked about you when you were outside. The only one who wasn't even afraid of you, and actually missed you.”
Raian was quiet. He watched his cousin leave and close the door. He growled low.
“Fuck” he silenced his thoughts in an uproar by what he just heard “I don't need her. I don't need anyone.”
“Here it is” the man handed the papers to the lawyer “all production assets, company shares, and legal rights, everything is now in your name, and with replacement indications for Mr. Akito Yamagami, his brother, as soon as he reaches the age of majority, in case something happens. And here's the Seal, miss” hands over a small box “all banking and accounting processes will be in the system starting tomorrow.”
“Thank you” Ayami bows to the person in charge “I will do everything possible to be a good CEO. As I am the daughter of the real owner, several of the employees know me, so I believe that an event will not be necessary…”
“It's a shame, normally a party cheers up the employees.” He shrugs, adjusting his sunglasses and leaning back in his chair. He was a very burly man, his hair thinning with baldness.
“Yeah, I know, but under the circumstances, I don't think I’m in the mood for celebrations. There's a lot of work to do before smiling.”
“I know, Miss Yamagami, I’m fully aware of your situation” the man nods “anyway, I hope your family continues to provide us with quality products, as is expected of your clan…”
“Oh no… my family hasn't been a clan for generations. But yes, the league tradition of our weapons is under exclusive patent, I sought to renew it as soon as I found out.”
“Heh, I foresee more of this good future between our families, miss.” As he is seated, he extends a hand. She holds it politely but squeezes it firmly “Thank you for continuing to do business with us.”
“I still hope you continue to accept our business, Sir Horioh Kure” she nods, as she drops her hand and straightens up “Excuse me now…” She bows again and leaves the room.
Horioh watched her leave, fingers joined, and watched as she closed the door. “Hm. That bastard… I didn't really believe it when I found out, but now…” he shakes his head “hnf, bad luck for him, indeed.”
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 18 days
having a hyper fixation on a character that has no content is like being randomly very hungry in the middle of the night and going to the kitchen only to find out there’s absolutely nothing to eat but you’re literally so desperate and hungry so you eat even the smallest of crumbs
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jannahime · 25 days
Hello, can you do where Raian meets Zara aka (Zack Foster sister), and she is crazy just like him. Where Raian and his brothers heard commotion and screaming and saw a building and they saw blood and Raian was interested. When they went to the building, they saw 2 males screaming at the women with a scythe and she sliced them into halves and she was cackling crazy just like her brother. Raian was not only intrigued but was deeply in love with her and they both have a connection. They are both crazy and want to kill with bloodlust. After that she turned around saw Raian and her eyes went to neutral color and she waved at him innocently. Raian took her with him and they get to meet interact with each other. Around 6 months, she was nervous to her skin to Raian because she was also burned like her brother and she had bandages around her. Raian saw her and she jumped little bit and told him she was scared to show her skin. Raian told her (his style), “I don’t give a flying fuck what you look like underneath, all I care about is what is underneath with those crazy beautiful sexy eyes”. Zara tested up and kissed him and she showed him her true self. Raian carefully touch her and he kissed some scars and Zara reared up more and kissed him more.
Yes I can I am very sorry for taking so long in answering your ask! 🙏😞
Psycho Love
Raian Kure x GN Reader, Raian Kure
|fluff|Blood|limbs chopped|a little bit of 18+|
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Word count: 1,638
It was already 3 am and Raian and Reiichi and Hollis were out on a mission that required three men. But Raian thought otherwise and he was very annoyed at the fact that he was being babysitted by these two.
He wanted to be on his own, and he craved carnage and a good ol massacre. “Why are the two of you here with me on this mission? What the fuck was the old man thinking sending you and Reiichi with me on this mission!? I can fucking handle it!” Growled Raian with annoyance.
“Look Raian….grandfather Erioh said you needed backup and we're doing just that. After what you did to Alan….Edward Wu himself will try to kill you or he'll send someone to come kill you…. we're just here to cover you while you fight the big boss.” Replied Hollis with an indifferent expression.
Raian just snarled and continued to walk away fast to the point where he was now jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Suddenly his ears caught a blood curdling scream and a sinister grin appeared on his face.
He soon glided from rooftop to rooftop towards the scream. He now heard psychotic laughter and it began to get him quite curious and excited at the same time, wondering who is unleashing carnage at the moment and why.
When he arrived at the scene, he saw two grown men from Edward Wu’s clan shaking in fear from a small, curvy, and feisty looking wild cat with a huge scythe that was covered and dripping with blood. She laughed like the maniac she is as she threatened the two men with her scythe.
“Look at you two grown men trembling with fear now! Look at the one on the left pissed his pants! Hahahahaha 🤣!!!” Her maniac laugh echoed in the air.
Raian’s sinister grin grew wider and wider as the woman swung her scythe and chopped the two men up like chopped liver leaving nothing but bits and chunks swimming in a puddle of blood.
“Wooh! How fun!” She giggled like a schoolgirl who just got a date.
When she turns around she stops in her tracks and she sees Raian Kure towering over looking down at her with a smug grin and a smooth look that says “woah mama.”
“Who the fuck are you?” She asked with such a diva attitude, popping one hip out and leaning on it with her one hand resting on her hip and the other carrying her scythe over her shoulder.
“Raian Kure at your service doll. And you are?” Raian spoke smoothly to her being a flirtatious thug.
“....It's Zara…..Zara Foster. So…..what do you want….Raian Kure?” She replied dryly.
“Oh come on! lighten up kitten.” Purrs Raian as he plays with a few strands of her long messy hair.
“Back off creep….don't touch me!” Spat Zara at Raian as she threatened him with her scythe to his throat. He only raised an eyebrow as he continues to sincerely grin at her not being bothered by the fact that he was being threatened by a weapon to his throat.
“Look doll face-”
“It's Zara!” She hissed threateningly at him.
“Whatever. My point is…..it seems that you and I share a common interest.” Spoke Raian with a small chuckle.
“Is that so?..and what might that be?” Spoke Zara sarcastically as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.
“Our arousal for bloodlust.” replied Raian with a cheeky grin.
“Is that right ……” She spoke uninterested. But soon more of Edward Wu’s clan surrounded the two of them. The two began to smile and cackle in a maniac way.
Raian attacked from the left side while Zara took the right side unleashing her mighty strength and chopping off limbs and heads from the right bodies dropping to the ground one by one.
Hollis and Reiichi looked on with bewildered looks as they saw Raian and Zara dance in joy in a cesspool of the Wu clan's blood. Zara’s eyes were glowing red with bloodlust and Raian twirled her around up in the air picking her up from the waist twirling her up in the air.
Soon her eyes went back to normal and she waved and blushed at him shyly. Months go by as the two begin to date. Fusui couldn't believe her older brother found someone who actually clicked with him and was just as crazy as him.
The fact that he was asking her for advice on a gift and what to wear on a fancy date. “oh my god……did I die and go to heaven or hell…..who are yih and what have you done with my brother. Where the fuck is my crazy bastard brother that I know?” Fusui replied, still shocked.
“Shut up! Hurry up and tell me what the fuck do women like so I can fucking get a present for my girl! And is this outfit good enough or do I need to get fancier clothing?” He replied dryly.
“.....just get her some red roses…or black roses…..and what you're wearing is fine if you're going to take her to Cheddar's. That outfit is fine.” Fusui replied, still shocked.
“Um…” uttered Fusui.
“What?” Replied Raian with a snarl.
“Are you going to introduce her to us one of these days?” Fusui asked, a little anxious.
“Fuck no! Why the fuck would do that! Plus I don't want to fucking look desperate into marrying her….at least not yet.” Growled Raian in annoyance as he fixed his tie.
Raian didn't come back last night, in fact he didn't come back home for a few months. Fusui and everyone else got worried. no matter who texted Raian he wouldn't pick up nor reply to the messages and calls, he would sometimes read the messages but he would leave them on read.
Everyone worried that the Wu clans got to him out a few weeks later he showed up with scratch marks, bite, marks, hickeys, and a bitten and a semi swollen bottom lip a little bit of red lipstick smudged on his lips
“Where have you been…..did you seriously get devoured by-”
“Yeah and what of it grandpa ... .oh we and by the way you're going to be a grandpa AND I'm going to be a dad…. you're welcome!” He walks away humming to himself in a happy mood.
Erioh almost had a heart attack as he clutched his chest uncertain how to feel. Fusui fainted and everyone else was still shocked.
Months prior:
Zara was a little nervous. Raian was coming to sleepover. He didn't ask permission, he literally texted her telling her that he was coming over and that he wasn't going to wait on an answer.
Zara was blushing and a nervous wreck. She knew that tonight might be the night as to where it would be an intimate passionate night between her and Raian.
She was self-conscious of herself. She was full of burn marks from head to toe. And she felt like he would be disgusted if he saw her skin.
He kicks the door down without knocking. “Hey I'm here.” Replied Raian nonchalant.
“I have a door knob and a doorbell you know.” Zara replied with a sigh.
“Yeah I know.” Replied Raian nonchalantly.
He pins Zara to the wall and kisses her through her bandaids. Zara moans softly but she tries to push him away but he doesn't let go.
“R-Raian…..ah …..wait……mmm……” she whispers softly into his mouth.
Raian began to tear open her bandages. But Zara pushes him away, roughly jumping a little. “No Raian! I just don't feel comfortable in my own skin! I-”
“I don't give a flying fuck what you look like underneath, all I care about is what is underneath those crazy, beautiful, sexy, eyes of yours.” Replied Raian in a hoarse tone of voice.
Zara gasps softly and she kisses him back just as fiercely. Raian manages to tear off all of her bandages and then he kisses every scar on her body from head to toe.
She helps um undress while he rips off her clothes. He kisses her neck and jawline nuzzling her ear with his lips whispering dirty things in her ear.
Zara chuckles softly as she tilts her head back giving him freedom to kiss her neck and jawline. He soon cups her chin and he devours her mouth, their tongues tangile with each other.
He soon lifts her up in his arms and begins thrust into her roughly. Zara mewls quietly as she continues to kiss him and wrap her arms and legs around him tightly.
Raian had more missions to do but it was the first time he ever ignored them and spent his time with Zara for many months.
Until Zara got morning sickness one day. She took a test and she found out she got pregnant.
Back to present day:
When Fusui woke up she looked around. “I swear…..did I just hear that psycho older brother…..is going to be a father?” She said still shocked.
“That he is….oh my…..I hope the baby grows up to be powerful as him but not as deranged as him.” Spoke Erioh in a sigh.
Months later Zara gave birth to a son and she named him Zack after her older brother. Zack had his mother's black hair and Raian's demon eyes. The many prayings of Erioh were heard as he wished for Raian’s son to be different and Zack’s IQ was high. The boy was very smart and spoke at a very young age when he's supposed to be talking gibberish.
The boy grew up to be one of the most powerful lethal weapons in the Kure Family just like his father Raian Kure.
The end…….
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More Kure Clan Family Hcs
- Raian and Karla are close in the sense that she's currently the closest to his level so they spar a lot when she's not busy w/school and have bonded over the years.
- Fusui tutors Karla in her weaker studies.
- Both Fusui and Raian are excused from the family duty of having strong children. Fusui was initially freaked about it but given her strength levels, it was decided that it's optional for her since she won't be able to pass on a massive amount of Removal ability. Raian was pressured until he nearly killed twelve of his cousins and almost beat the potential bride to death, so he's excused until further notice. (The bride has made a full recovery, and ironically thanks to Raian, realized she wants someone who is at her strength level and not so far above it, and left in favor of fighting various people around the glob in the hopes of finding her future spouse).
- Karla still has this pressure piled on her, so she equates finding someone very strong mildly attractive with needing to have babies with them. Her true feelings about Ohma are actually pretty neutral beyond 'he's tall and has nice hair' until he lives in the Kure village. If not for the obsession, she'd consider him kind of like a friendlier version of Hollis.
- Reiichi likes hanging out with Karla more than with Fusui. Karla is more willing to go along w/his vanity, while Fusui will playfully insult him (he gets very offended).
- Hollis is usually the one put on 'babysit Raian' duty. He deeply regrets ever agreeing to it because they never send anyone else nowadays.
- Fusui likes sniping more than most other methods of killing, but she'll never say no to building long and ridiculously dramatic booby traps.
- When Raian feels like being nice, he'll call Fusui and ask her to make one of those where the ending involves him dropping in on the victims and slaughtering them.
- They're all supportive of each other in very dysfunctional ways. It's almost sweet if not for all the blood and violence involved.
- Fusui always bets against Raian if he's ever in a non-sparring match.
- Hollis used to stage drills for the younger Kure kids by going to a local mall, renting out for a day and banning all civilians, and then telling the children to play 'hide and defenestrate' or 'chaos tag with weaponry'.
- Karla's birthday and holiday gifts to everyone are always personalized. She does her best to keep up with their hobbies, interests, needs, wants, and preferences. Her wrapping skills are pretty sloppy though, so she has to ask for help with making it look nice.
- Reiichi started a list of gifts they can get Raian that the entire Kure clan tries to add onto. It's insanely limited so their usual gifts are ten-v-one fights or kidnapping various fighters and bringing them to Raian in the hopes that he'll have fun fighting them.
- Fusui is usually the one asked to organize family events. She's much more efficient than anyone else. If it's not her, it's Hollis and Reiichi in a team because Hollis is only good at just putting things in their places, not thinking about where to put them, and Reiichi gets distracted too easily if no one keeps him on track.
- Lots of waiting lists on who gets to use the sparring room/borrow which weapons from the family armory.
- Everyone even remotely close to her wanted to attend Karla's high school graduation, so the list was narrowed down to parents, grand parents, Erioh and his wife, Fusui because Karla asked her to be there to keep everyone in check, and whoever was willing to defeat the other potential attendees in combat. Raian beats almost everyone else and shows up with a very awful banner reading 'Nice job, Karla! Now slaughter them all!'
- She would be more upset if Fusui hadn't been holding the other side of the banner with a little thumbs-up and if the reactions of her classmates weren't quite so funny.
- Family photo album of everyone's first kills, marriages, exciting matches, and times they've achieved their peak Removal and pushed the limits.
- Everyone under the age of 18 or capable of activating the Removal past 90% gets a little sticker each time they improve.
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raisinlily · 4 years
Where y’all sitting at?
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I’m sitting with Raian 🥰✨💕
Also for the Ren Lovers:
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kenganwritings · 4 years
Carlos Medel, Kure Hollis, and the Falcon as Dads Headcanons
For @kissingscorpions, thank you for requesting! 
Spoilers for Omega!
Carlos Medel
He’s a very loyal person, very protective, and especially this way towards his children. Talk shit about his kid, no matter how mild it is? The offender will get a glare, and anyone who continues will get a bloody nose. If it still continues... hoo boy. Better restrain this guy before he gets the police called on him.
As protective as he is, he’s also a strict father. He wants his children to grow up with good morals and will make sure they understand that. Carlos’ way of speaking though might start some arguments during his children’s teenage years though, as he’s pretty crude.
He’s also very supportive in whatever his children wants to do, urging them to be creative and do whatever they can to be the top. And if they fail, no worries- it’s just something to learn from and try again. 
Carlos encourages his children to try as many things as they want, because there’s nothing they can’t do if they put their minds to it. And besides, it’s fun to learn about new things.
Should they decide they want to get into any kind of fighting, Carlos is more than willing to help, but he’s a very strict teacher. But if his kids can go through that training, they’re gonna be some real good fighters, if not champions in their fields.
When it comes to family bonding, Carlos is all about that. Sundays are family days, and he likes to take his children out to places where they all can have fun together.
Kure Hollis
The Kure clan have some... interesting parenting techniques. They’re a very close family, and the first lesson they teach their children is self defence. Hollis is no exception to this.
From a young age, he makes sure his children knows how to fight- whether unarmed or armed with light weapons. But of course, he also teaches them not to hurt people who can’t fight back. “So using Kure clan techniques on other kids is a big no, okay?”
That’s not to say he doesn’t put a lot of emphasis on book study, because the Kure clan are typically quite balanced in these sorts of things. Sure they’re primarily assassins, but they should be smart assassins too. 
Hollis didn’t really understand Erioh’s protectiveness of Karla until he had children himself. He’s not as hardcore as Erioh, he’s not going to beat people up- but he is always quite worried about them, and has to hold himself back from doing everything for them because they have to learn independence. 
As one of the best fighters of the Kure, his children will most likely also grow up to be a fighter as good, if not better than him. It’s not like he’ll push them to become assassins, but it isn’t wise to cross anyone who is part of Hollis’ family. 
The Kure clan are generally quite close to each other, but I like to think Hollis’ kids are close with Horio and Reiichi, and their kids if they have any. 
“The Falcon” Albert Lee
If anyone comes close to how Kure Erioh was when doting on his newborn children, it’s Albert Lee. He forgoes rationality for romance, and really spoils them a lot.
Not that he isn’t strict at all because it’s still rational for his children to grow up with good morals and good grades (hopefully), but he doesn’t want to place the pressure of being the son of a wealthy trading company owner on his own children.
He’s definitely teaching his kids about being a ninja, and watching all those ninja shows with them. As young kids, his kids would probably declare that they want to be a ninja when they grow up (and Albert will be lowkey so damn proud of them).
It also gives him nearly just as much joy to perform magic tricks for them. Seeing the wonder on their faces as he produces a bird from nowhere, or suddenly mend his child’s broken toy in a heartbeat- he really loves it when they demand how he did it. He would probably reply ‘magic’, until they grow older, when he finally teaches them the tricks of his trade and ‘passes down the legacy’ to them. 
Honestly, it doesn’t stop at ninjas. He probably supports his children’s obsessions as much as he can, knowing the feeling of absolutely loving something as soon as they get into it. And who knows- maybe his children’s obsessions might become his own, too.
Albert, however, doesn’t want his kids to have anything to do with fighting. He especially doesn’t want them to know about his job as a wrecker, and would rather they be kept away from that kind of world. 
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kenganparadise · 3 years
We already talked so much about breeding kink but what about the aftermath? Like, after giving birth there's the postpartum belly and things. So, who do you think would be better comforting their s/o if they felt insecure about their body after giving birth? Headcanons pls and since the Wu/kure clan boys would make their s/o pop out as many children as they can I would like to know how they would react 🤔
I cannot stress this enough: postpartum bodies are fucking gorgeous. Here are the Kure/Wu boys that REALLY appreciate that.
Hollis and Edward reaction to their S/O’s postpartum body-
• He loves the way his S/O looked before, throughout, and after their pregnancy. He knows the the body changes throughout the stages of life, it’s unrealistic to expect a body not to.
• he especially loves it if the gained a little extra weight. Particularly around their hips and belly. He’ll spend hours worshiping their body- it’s the body that gave him his children. It’s the body that has made life possible. He wants his S/O to know how much he appreciates them.
• He sees the stretch Mark and potential C-Section scars as battle wounds. His S/O’s body nurtured and gave life- then the fight the battle of birth. He honestly has so much respect for them.
• pregnancy and childbirth is not easy feat whatsoever. He honestly has more respect for his S/O then he does some of the other Kure assassins.
• I cannot stress this enough, Edward LOVES the way his mate’s body looks. The stretch marks, the added weight, he adores their post postpartum body.
• like hollis, He views the stretch marks on his mate’s belly and hips the same way he views battle scars.
• His S/O’s body postpartum is the physical proof that they’ve given life. He thinks they are gorgeous.
• He really doesn’t like it when they say awful things about their body. He will spend a long time worshiping them and running his fingers over all their stretch marks and scars.
• He is the one to blame of course, seeing his lover’s body change, he knows it’s his fault that he impregnating them.
• It’s a major turn on though, every time he sees their body he wants more children. No doubt by the time the couple is done they’ll have a large brood of children.
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kure-indreams · 4 years
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“Once upon a time, there was a human girl stolen away by faeries, and because of that, she swore to destroy them.”
A quick sketch of Jude because I am so dying to reread The Folk of The Air trilogy, but I’m still trying to finish the books I’ve already started :’)
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hoe4rairai · 2 years
Raian Kure headcanon
What Would Make Him Cry & His Breaking Point
Responding to @himbo-in-limbo 🥰
- The short answer is predictable to all Raian lovers out there: ( He doesn't cry nor he has any breaking point ) ..
- But let's read between the lines and dive little deeper into Raian's disoriented personality. For me Raian isn't as bad as some others, like that man the Father of Baki ( I don't know his name because I truly despise him ). Raian does have a broken link and it might be fixed if someone understands how he developed his well known sick & twisted behavior but no one was ever successful enough to be this close to him, nor anyone bothered or believed that Raian has an actual beating heart ( except his partner ) and Fusui his younger sister ( my bestie ❤️ 💙) who can midly understand and even if she knows and can quietly tap onto some of his hidden misery she'd rather act ignorant because her brother's wrath can be unfixed and she truly loves Raian.
- I believe it all started when he was a child around 4 years old when his parents noticed his level of power and perplex behaviour. He wasn't the extremely violent kid but he was always unsettled and his hyperactivity was just too much to take. His mother was able to handle him for a while but lost control over him so she sent him to the disciplinary boot camp after school everyday. So that for him to get out all his energy and come back home to fall into bed warned out and almost dead and for her to focuse on her house hold, her husband and his younger sister.
- His mom never intended to neglect Raian but it all fell apart when his nature started to show more aggression towards the other kids at the boot camp, he was expelled a lot of times and was punished even more times. As a kid he never knew what he was doing wrong to get this treatment and he wasn't in any position to attack his own mom or anyone else except kids his age and sometimes older kids whom he easily nailed down. ( RAIAN WILL NEVER HURT HIS FAMILY THAT'S JUST SIMPLY AGAINST HIS OWN STANDARDS AS A KURE ) .
- I believe This is were his breaking point started to grow.
- I believe every unstable person has a sad story to tell 😔 and Raian is no exception.
- Had he ever cried secretly and silently No.
- Raian isn't the one to shed a tear on anything or anyone, heck I truly believe that his tear glands are blocked .
- however, though; would he still feel that he had a tough childhood, ummm no not necessarily but he somehow thinks he could had been treated better.
- fast forward to the 25 Years old Raian. Raian didn't cry on his gramps death but you can tell with his body posture that he was sad and disappointed.
- I believe Raian has his own way to express sadness, it could be extreem to some but for those who know him well like Fusui, late gramps Erioh ( 😭😭 I am still sad btw ) and Hollis who btw is the number 1 to go to when Raian's S/O has questions about Raian ( they talk about him secretly though ) .
- Some Nights when Raian is alone while in his bedroom, listening to his music and mindlessly tossing a ball against the roof wall , he gets memories of how they punished him ( at times they used to force him to stand on both his hands on a hot ground for long time until his arms give out and can't take it any more, other times they forced him to run a 10 KMs running track 15 times none stop, and as a kid who was exceptionally stronger and active more than almost everyone his age and even 10 years older than him, he started to fight with others, not for dominance but to blow off heat. He think of those memories and shrug but with a rather sad smirk and then he whispers to himself with his deep hoares voice : ( They made a monster now they got to deal with the monster )
- I believe Raian can resonate with human feelings ( He sounds and acts like a lunatic while killing ppl ) but that's because his adrenaline rush is like 50x stronger than normal or even kures .
- Raian's partner / part time lover, can see just a glimps of sadness in his eyes specially on his birthdays. Btw, the kures appreciate Raian but from afar. His parents are just used to his feral side and lost hope in the human in him but his partner can prove them wrong.
- His S/O can see deep buried feelings but there are no regrets nor disappoitments reside in this Man's heart.
- Raian can be sad , happy, angry, longing for his parnter touche, seeking attention, missing someone and he can develop feelings of love and appreciation too but the way he express each feeling is different from most normal humans.
I am not lunatic but I can deeply relate to the childhood I pictured for Raian ( he's a fiction but when I write about him , I see a human a scary MF one that I love )
I hope you liked it ... and I welcome more ideas, I hope I won't disappoint 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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That's how he looked and it says volum to me , the way he felt seeing his gramps giving his last breath 😭😭😭
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 22 days
shoutout to content creators
stop making your characters so hot people are ovulating here
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's Food - Chapter 16
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile /Previous
Chapter 16 - Standards
Ayami didn't hear from him again until she learned he had left, in the next day.
“Raian? He's been called for a job” Hollis explains, at the office when she arrives “he's probably not back for a week or two.”
“Two…?” Ayami leans back in her chair. After the leave time, the work had piled up, but she was managing “all right.”
“You seem more excited,” he observes. Her hair, normally tied in a bun, was now slightly lower, with a cute barrette, and her clothes seemed less tidy, more comfortable, but she was still the well-behaved type.
“I'm feeling better, yes sir, thank you” she smiles a little, typing “because of the problem you had at the dojo, I managed to talk to Youko and now we train Kenjutsu alone. I have no problem with the students, but it was a complicated situation.”
“Yes, I understand.”
“But apparently after what happened, no one else seemed to bother me. Raian…” she pauses a little, feeling her cheeks hot, but tries to speak more calmly “Raian has a very convincing way of shutting up others…”
“Well, in spite of all their regrets, everyone respects him after all.”
“And… I… I think I managed to get along with him.”
Hollis raises an eyebrow “Oh, really?”
“I don't know for sure, but I think I can understand a little bit what he's got… he's very confusing, but I… I'm sure he's interested in me now.”
Hollis smiles “that's great. Finally!” he raises his hands “so you think you two…?”
“I don't know, but at least I don't find him repulsive and annoying… not the way I used to.”
The Assassin crosses his arms “Look, Ms. Yamagami, I don't know if you're awesome, or if you're crazy. Anyway, I owe you my congratulations.”
This made Ayami giggle, shaking her head.
“I'm not counting victory yet, Mr Hollis, but I'm seeing progress” she smiles “even more so because he defended me... and…” would it be too much to say that he even addresses her by name? She had decided to keep quiet about that “and he still teases me, but not as much.”
“Well, I'm sincerely rooting for it, miss. Not because of the circumstances, but because I really thought that kid was hopeless, but forgive my sincerity, you work miracles.” He nods.
“Please don't start praising me at this time of the morning” she jokes “the Devil will show up and he'll start scolding you.”
They both laugh, Hollis shaking his head.
The week has started well.
“I’m hoooome!” A female voice echoed through the house, reaching the office, causing a commotion in the Kure mansion “Did you miss me?”
“Who is it…?”
“Ah, Karla” Hollis looks at the door “in a little while she will appear, and will meet her.”
“Ah, the future leader?” Ayami immediately organizes herself, straightening her chair.
“Yea. Ah, you don't have to be so formal, you'll see.”
“Hollis!” The girl shouts, already laughing. The girl of age similar to Ayami, in a dress with a beret and a coat “Hiii! Is everything ok over there?!” and she arrives hugging her cousin, who doesn't react beyond a contained laugh “I hope the village is not difficult to deal with again…”
“No, surprisingly it's not that bad… but just because I got help” he indicates Ayami “Karla, I want you to meet Yamagami Ayami.”
Ayami stands up and immediately bows. Karla stares at her, and approaches quickly.
“Hello!” she smiles “‘nice lady, are you the new secretary?”
“Lawyer, Miss Karla…” she smiles cordially “I'm in charge of inspecting and registering the processes.”
“Uuhh… lawyer, I like it” she smiles, bowing too “nice blazer.”
“Thank you” she nods, going back to her seat as the other turns to her cousin.
“Karla, I want to warn you… she is a-”
‘Yes, how is the progress of the candidates?” Karla interrupts. Hollis sighs.
“We got one for Raian.”
“Really!?” the girl widens her eyes “So you did it, and he?”
“He didn't react very well, as expected, but I think he just needed to get used to the idea.”
“He didn't hurt her, did he? He's pretty violent, worse than me.”
“She's right on your side, Karla.”
Karla widens her eyes, and looks at Ayami, who looks back and waves, suddenly shy.
“Oh…” Karla looks her up and down, but strangely adorable “so it's you, Miss…”
“Yes, I imagine you're not very impressed.”
“Not exactly, what surprises me is that I don't feel anything in you… I mean, yet”
“Don't be fooled, Karla… she's a Yamagami…”
“Ahhhh, one of the fallen Swordsmen… My great granduncle was a fan of your swords. Grand Granpa Erioh too.”
“Yes… it is our tradition…”
“But I still don't feel anything in you. You don't look strong… just, well… fertile.”
Ayami wanted to hold her tongue, she really wanted to, but she couldn't resist and let go “I don't feel anything about your ladyship either, but I believe your adorable appearance and smile deceive the unsuspecting very well.”
Karla stopped, staring at her and squinting slightly at her eyes, until she lets out a raspberry blow through her mouth and starts laughing. She laughs out loud.
“Oh Hollis” Karla holds her chest, controlling her breathing “you found a lovely girl. At least you have a sharp tongue, that I recognize. Don't worry, I'm not belittling you. It's tradition in our clan for the main bloodline to produce strong heirs, with strong partners.”
“Karla, make no mistake, she is strong” the cousin appeases. “Yes, she doesn't seem to have aptitude, but she proved to be a good swordswoman. Last week she faced several of the Kenjutsu students who challenged her. And she emerged victorious.”
“Yes, but the thing got out of control and they attacked me in a group” Ayami still hadn't gotten over that.
“Hmm. Interesting” she approaches again. Ayami bends a little to the side as Karla approaches “So you must have something hidden under that soft skin and those helpless doe eyes… because… honestly speaking, don't get me wrong, it makes me want to hunt you. So… innocent.”
Ayami blushes, smiling shyly.
“So I think Raian feels the same way, because when he's home, he keeps chasing me… and teasing me, and looking at me like he wants to eat me. Just like you're doing now, can you step away just a little?”
Karla takes a step back, and blushes violently “Oh my God, I'm sorry!” she covers her mouth with her hand, changing the tone of her voice as she changed the tv channel “I made you uncomfortable, sorry. I was just testing you, we're talking about marriage candidates and we're talking about Raian… I can't just let anyone pass, you know? He's not an easy man, and you seem so fragile to me…”
“I'm not, believe me” Ayami smiles, more friendly “I, uh... We've had some disagreements, but I think I'm managing to deal with him well... I don't know how he's going to be in the future, but Fusui already calls me sister-in-law and she seems to want to support me…”
“Wow” Karla crosses her arms “okay, I think I can give ya the benefit of the doubt. Again, sorry for being so… protective…”
“It's all right. You're not the first, believe me…” the lawyer sighs “the teenagers who challenged me at the dojo all said the same... and well, they made fun of my body and my abilities, but that wasn't the main reason. I consider you to be a thousand times more reasonable.”
“Thanks, I guess” Karla looks at Hollis “well, if Raian gets off the list, I want to talk about mine later, since I'm next. That psychopath might be a stubborn pest, but I'm looking forward to mine.”
“We'll talk about that later, Karla” Hollis nods “for now, concentrate on your work, as you have done wonderfully.”
“Okay, I'll be there too, I just got back. But we'll talk later, Miss Ayami” she smiles “I'm rooting for you too. Until later!”
Ayami waves as she walks away. And she sighs wearily as she gains distance.
“Sorry about that, miss…” Hollis starts.
“No, it's ok” the lawyer sits back “Honestly, next to the Devil, this lady is just a little intense.”
“Oh, true. But she can be as devilish as he is, when she wants to.”
"Is that how she scared Raian's friend?" she couldn't resist.
Hollis opens his eyes “how do you know about him?”
“Fusui told me, and well, it's not a secret here, is it?” Ayami types some things on the computer, and looks at the older one “I don't know anything, so I won't judge. Oh, and by the way, I'm going to spend the rest of the day here Hollis, I've got this backlog so I don't think I'll need to contact you anymore today. You have new agents to check, don't you? Along with Mr. Reichii?” She looks up, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, I have” he gets up “once again, thanks for the service.”
“And I thank you for giving me a job. Until later.”
He nods and leaves the room. Ayami waits for him to leave before leaning back in her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose.
One more to say she couldn't handle it…she wondered when it would stop. She really wanted to know if she'd made any progress with that time at the lake.
It couldn't be possible that she hadn't…
But as much as she was afraid of what might happen, she wanted to kiss him again.
The week passed, and another.
“And that's it for today, Aya” Youko announces, holding her friend's shoulder “are you ok?”
“Yes… yes, yes. I'm feeling a modicum of progress” Ayami smiles “I didn't know I remembered so much moves…”
“We often don't forget… for how many years did you practice Kenjutsu?”
“Since I was five years old, but I stopped in high school, because of this problem…”
 “Wow, more than ten years, you certainly have some experience. Don't worry, you'll soon de-rust. How is your resistance training going?”
“Doing well, but don't expect me to get better in just three weeks…”
“I know, we are really fast at that” Youko and Ayami laughed, then the friend continues “but that's it, Ayami. I still don't know how to completely control your Frenzy, but we'll find a way. It would be a very powerful thing if you knew how to lessen the side effects…”
“I sometimes wonder if this would really be necessary… I am not a fighter, nor an Assassin…”
“You never know. Remember the warrior in the garden” Youko smiles at her “now I need to go too. I have an assignment to make. Wish me luck.”
“Good luck, Youko. Come back safely, okay?” She hugs her friend, before parting ways.
“Thank you, see you later!” She leaves. Ayami smiles and returns home.
A short walk, and she was back in the area of ​​the houses where her room was. Overall, no one bothered her anymore, she felt more satisfied, and she was starting to adjust to it all. She just missed her family at home. She wanted to know how they were, if Akito was paying attention to his duties, if her father was behaving in the deal… She still didn't have much news, and couldn't contact them yet.
She sighed, trying to get that thought out of her head. She was overthinking it, but just a little longer, almost there, and she could get rid of that debt for good.
But at the same time, she didn't feel so foreign to the idea of ​​getting married anymore… I mean, even though he was clearly dominating, at no time did he force himself on her, not even that day, at the lake, she did recognize it. It was a moment of mutual interest… and she couldn't deny that she liked the way he looked and acted. He wasn't the most handsome in the world, but neither was she, so they were even.
However, as she touched the door to open it, she found herself thinking of that solid body pressed against hers, and felt her whole body react with heat. Oohhh… that… okay, it was good, but he had to control himself. If he invested again, she wouldn't resist...
And she didn't quite know what it would be like if she didn't resist.
She opened the door, and almost screamed.
He looks at her, not looking too impressed by her shock, but then smiles that sly smile. He leaned back in the desk chair where he was sitting.
“You really are inattentive. Even the light was on…”
“Hello Raian” she tried to risk it, catching her breath, closing the bedroom door, now she wasn't so embarrassed with him there.
“Heeeeyy…” he smiles more, maliciously “did you miss me?”
“Who misses the Devil?” she jokes, leaving her bag near the table “but it's good to know that you’re back in one piece.”
He smiles smugly, shrugging his shoulders.
“Heh, easy-peesy” he laughs low, then watches her still with her Gi “you were training.”
“Yea. I've been with Youko” she lets go of her hair, putting things away, before picking up the towel and heading to the bathroom “unrusting my skills.”
“I can see it” he observes her, and gets up “but you’re still the same yet.”
She raises an eyebrow “You don't expect me to get fit in just three weeks, do you?”
“Of course not, only in six months at the bare minimum” he gets closer “but you still have this face…”
“An Innocent face?” she completes, looking at him “of a helpless Maiden? Of a deer in the spotlight, waiting to be hunted? I've heard this before…”
“From who?” He narrows his eyes, suddenly tense.
Oh, he really is possessive, Ayami thought. This could be very good or very bad, but she would have to deal with it. He sighed at the thought that she had a lot of things in him that she had to learn to deal with.
“It was Miss Karla, she arrived here last week. She practically looked me up and down and said so.”
“Huh, so Karla is here” he straightens up, still a little frowning, but no longer hostile  “she has great instincts, but she's a crazy feral bitch in heat…”
“The dirty one talking about the poorly washed” Ayami jokes, and laughs when he looks at her “what is it? You are considered the nuts in the family too.”
“At least I don’t look like I’m in heat all the time…” He huffs, rolling his eyes, hands in his pockets. She noticed one thing when she finished settling into the room.
“That’s Weird…”
“What?” He raises an eyebrow.
“I've been here for five minutes and you haven't made any jokes about me.”
“Yeah, so what?” he turns his head to the side, confused “Do you want me to start?”
“No, that's not it... it's just that for the first time I'm not feeling like I need to defend myself” she smiles “have you changed your mind about me?”
Raian narrows his eyes, a slight threat in his tone.
“Okay, I get it now” she raises her hands in surrender “I just wanted to know. But I'm glad you at least don't call me Mousie anymore.”
“Hnf, I’m not in the mood” he shrugs “But you still are a Mousie”
“Will you stop liking me if I said I got used to it?” Ayami smiles when he tenses up, staring at her as if she were prey, almost wanting to growl. She chuckles as she grabs a towel and a change of clothes “that's what I thought. Excuse me.”
He disarms, looking confused as he watches her go to the bathroom and close the door.
In fact, Raian found it strange that she didn't look at him with a bad face, or annoyed, especially when he had come just to annoy her, but as soon as he saw her and she talked to him, there just wasn't any mockery in his head. Today all his brain wasn't cooperating, so much so that the most he felt was an absurd urge to go with her to that bathroom, immediately remembering the lake scene, but it was already clean and just didn't move.
But a little last-minute impulse, and he was approaching the door, a little too late, there was nothing she could do. He leaned against the wall, half immersed in thought.
“Hey,” he was saying, but he heard the shower running and a satisfied sigh from her. And he heard her muttering. Thinking she was talking to him, he leaned against the door and pricked up his ears.
But he didn't hear her speaking Japanese.
“[No, he’s not crazy, he just believes that]” he listened “[He sees her everywhere, he waits for her standing, a rose in his hand, besides her, he doesn’t wait for anything else…]” the voice was soft even in the reverberation of the bathroom as she hummed the tune.
He didn't mind the sound. And he recognized what she was saying, remembered that she had a French dictionary too. Hmmm
“[Beautiful melody],” he said, in French, a little too loud for her to hear.
She stopped the music. A moment's hesitation, and he heard her “[It’s one of my favorites.]”
“I thought you only listened to podcasts.”
“I knew you had tampered with my MP3!’ she raises her voice, he laughs low.
“I said I knew a lot about you.”
“[You Crook, scoundrel]...”
Raian was a little surprised but laughed out loud.
‘Ooohhh… what a dirty little mouth. So in French you curse, right?”
“[Only you will understand, and you do ten times worse, wretch, you messed with my things!]”.
“[Now, in war everything is permitted.]”
He hears her huff, and step out of the shower “You really are a… uuurgh…”
“Try to curse in French, maybe something comes out” he laughs mockingly, leaving near the bathroom door and lying on his side on her bed, as before.
Ayami takes a few minutes before leaving, wearing a loose shirt like a dress and short shorts, tidying up before reaching him. She sighs that he's lying in her bed again, but she doesn't complain this time.
“You're not really going out, are you?” she says, in a tired tone.
“Only if I want to…”
She rolls her eyes. And when he approaches, she sits on the bed next to him. He smiled.
“Yea. I already was before coming here. And since I can't beat you, I'm joining.”
“Join…what?” he gets confused. She looks at him and lies down, throwing herself on the bed, almost on top of him. He sits down so he doesn't get covered by her in the single bed “Hey!”
“Well, didn't you want to stay? So, handle it.” Ayami relaxes, hands beside her torso, closing her eyes.
Raian pauses for a second… Seeing her in that position…
“Oh yea?” he smiles maliciously “I want to see if you can handle me”
He positions himself on top of her and holds her wrists, pinning her to the mattress. She opens her eyes and widens them, looking up at him as she realizes what he was doing.
 He stares at her, eyes squinting but still a smirk on that almost permanently frowning face. He chuckles as she cringes and tries to wriggle free, anxious.
“So who said I can't take it?” He holds her firmly in place. To see her like that, looking like prey trying to get out…
“You... Let me go!” she whispers squeaky, but he sees that she had drawn up her legs. Oh, she was getting aroused, it chilled him even more, instinct taking over.
“Just now that I caught you?” he jokes, bringing his face closer “nah, you're exactly the way I wanted you to be, Ayami” and brings his nose closer to her lap, over her shirt… the smell, mint and berries, her smell were just like a prey, like some little rodent hiding in the bushes…
“Ahhh” she moaned, then blushes violently, looking at him “N-not yet! Hey! No!”
She finally uses her legs, trying to free herself, and he chuckles low, trapping her legs too.
“I love it when you despair like that. But if you want me to leave… ask nicely.” He looked into her eyes, she was still curled up.
“Raian…” she whimpers.
“Repeat this tone, only softer and very sexy.”
“No, wrong one, try again.”
“Seriously, I don't want to do this…” she almost begs.
“As if you were an innocent maiden and I hadn't seen you almost without clothes before…”
“ …” She is silent. He laughs softly, but the laugh dies when he realizes it.
“…Wait, are you serious?”
“Get off, please…” She doesn't want to look him in the eye. He stands there, surprised, seeming to wake up. “Shiit, what the hell am I doing?!” he thinks as he let her go. She cringes as he gets up from the bed. 
“Okay, okay, I'm out,” he grunts as he stands up, hands in his pockets, uncomfortable, and she sits up, wanting to get away from him, still blushing.
The two spend a little time like that and he grunts annoyed “ooookay, I'm leaving, it's gotten boring, good night or whatever” and he leaves the room, closing the door behind him with a little force, and she hear his footsteps leaving.
Ayami takes a while to calm down, her heart wasn't letting up. She felt as if she was facing an abyss and had realized that she was about to fall. She knew what could happen, but suddenly she felt so much fear, freezing her skin, that it overcame all excitement.
She wasn't so afraid of him anymore, but he was still intimidating, and at that moment she didn't know how far he could go in those “pranks”.
But now she knew, at least the Devil had standards.
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Next Chapter Here
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Hcs for what Ohma was up to for the last 2 years
- Shitton of physical therapy
- Extra-shitton of regular therapy
- Attending anger management therapy alongside Raian
- Lots of eating contests. The people closer to his age participate because they're genuinely thinking they have a chance, but kids are allowed to enter too.
- Going on field trips with Fusuii, Henzo, and Reichii to normal society. Hollis freuqently supervises. Retsudo is called in for an extra set of eyes anytime Raian crashes the party.
- Learning how to correctly say people's names.
- Getting banned from Claire's after he and Raian went too far on a stupid dare and started fighting in the middle of the store.
- Started playing weapons bingo with the family. If he wins the prize usually gets given to Fusui or Reichii, unless one of the kids really wanted it.
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It’s Christmas Eve and so here’s the last nail art of the year. I decided to not use the traditional christmas colors and go full on girly like for this nail art I did last year. 
So for this mani, I did some gingerbread man, candy canes, stars, hearts and candy on my pointer and ring fingernails. I know I draw a lot of gingerbread man and candy canes for someone who’ve never ate neither of them but they are a staple on Christmas. On my middle fingernail, I did some stripes to represent a candy cane and finally put some pink glitter on my pinky fingernail. 
I really like this mani, it’s definitely my fave one of this year.
Check out the previous 2020 Christmas nail art :
Polishes I used :
Sinful Colors : Pink Smart
Sinful Colors : Yolo Yellow
Kure Bazaar : Love
L.A Girl : Inspire
H&M : Nutmeg
Claire’s : Brown
Yes Love : K027
White Polish
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eli-corvis · 4 years
The Devil Amongst the Dead
Summary: It has been some time since the Kengan Annihilation Tournament and while many believed Ohma Tokita [The Asura] to be dead he is in fact still alive. Hidden in the Kure Village and recovering from his heart transplant performed by none other than Hanafusa Hajime [The Dissector] himself. But this story is not about him. No it’s about the Kure Clan’s strongest but most out of control member. Kure Raian [The Devil] and what would be his usual assassination contract takes an unexpected turn when he is sent to an island city with just as much crime and corruption as The Inside. This city is called Roanapur. Known to many who live there as the city of the dead.
Prologue: The Devil Approaches
[Six Months After the Kengan Annihilation Tournament]
Black sclera eyes slowly open up to see a clear blue sky. The scent of sea salt from the ocean is heavy as the sounds of seagulls can be heard overhead. “Hm, must be here already” thought the young man as he sat up from where he was laying down from. Rubbing his black sclera eyes and taking in his surroundings to still be on top of a shipping container on board a cargo ship he stowed away on. He looked around to see he was close to his destination and from a distance he saw a large headless Buddha statue carved in a tall rock and beyond that further away is a city resting on an island.
“Heh, so this is where the bastard is hiding” he scoffed to himself “about time I got here, I was getting tired of hiding on this piece of shit like a fuckn rat ” he said as he stood up to get a better view as the cargo ship approaching the island. The man on board this cargo is none other the Kure Raian. A member of the infamous Kure Clan that has been around for 1,300 year. Looking back on the events that led up to this Raian started to wonder “why did the old man pick me for this shit?. Normally I could’ve been sent off to wipe out a crime syndicate, a terrorists cell, or even some elitist asshole with enough money to hire a private army. At least those got my blood pumping.” Irritated that he could’ve been on a job that usually left a trail of body has Raian pissed off at the fact he allowed the old man tricked him into taking this contract in the first place.
[48 hours ago in the Kure Village Around a particular city, 500 kilometers away from Tokyo]
Kure Erioh the Patriarch of the Kure Clan was given an unusual commission for a contract by an anonymous client, to a place he hasn’t been to in years, Roanapur. An old Thai port in southern Thailand, where the deserters and the losers of the Vietnam War took refuge and were joined by the worst villains and criminals of the planet. Prostitutes, drug-addicts, mercenaries, killers, and psychopaths of any nationalities compose the population of Roanapur.
Erioh’s knowledge of this crime infested cesspool is limited due to only have gone there during his time as The Fang. Any useful information is hard to come by without a inside source. But luckily for him he has just the right man for the job. Having his great-grandson summoned to the main room of the Traditional Japanese house, Raian walked in and approached the head of the Clan “What do ya want grandfather?” Raian said clearly annoyed at being called upon, Erioh didn’t seem to care of his grandson's annoyance. “I got a job for you Raian, something to get you more active since The Tournament” Raian arched an eyebrow at this “well I’m not interested in whatever bullshit you got for me, get one of The Three Stooges to run your damn errands.” Raian referring to Kure Hollis, Kure Reiichi, and Kure Horio. “Their each fulfilling their own obligations at the moment. And I’m sure that this contract will not bore the likes of you, if i was to send you, their is nobody more suited for this contract, or must i send someone else take this contract.” He said while stroking his chin in thought. “Perhaps this might be that too much for you to handle you spoiled brat.”
Erioh said mockingly while giving Raian a challenging smirk. Raian returns the smirk with a murderous grin of his own. “Better watch it old man or I might just kill you right here and now” he said as he took a step closer to his elder. “You can try boy, but as I stated before, I’m not going to let some snot-nose brat kill me just yet. Besides I think you’ll find that this worthwhile if you were to listen for once, I can be sure of that.”
Erioh calmly said as he stood up from where he was sitting and headed towards the door, Raian adamantly followed right behind him. “Ever since your fight against Tokita Ohma and Hayami Katsumasa's Guardians back on Ganryu Island you have not been active in these past six months.” Erioh gave Raian a glance over his shoulder as they walk down the long halls of the Traditional Japanese house. “Yeah so what, still haven’t give me a damn good reason why I should take this job in the first place.” Raian angrily said “Patience Raian, patience. First you’ll need to be informed on your target” arriving at the back door of the house Erioh opened the door to reveal Kure Fusui.
Raian’s younger sister and the liaison between the Kure Clan and the Kengan Association, she turned around to greet her grandfather “Hello grandfather, how are you doing?” she said to while walking up to and embracing him in a hug. “Oh I’m doing just fine don’t worry about this old man, tell me how have you been my dear?” Erioh said being the doting grandfather he is known for amongst the the Kure Clan. Fusui smiled and perked up “I’m doing great grandfather, and before you ask Karla is doing good as well both in school and at home, and Mr. Yamashita though still broken up about Ohma, he’s done quite well from himself these past few months. Speaking of Ohma, how is he doing?” She asked curiously. “Oh don’t you worry my dear Fusui, Tokita Ohma is doing just fine and with the help of our secret healing techniques, he will recover in no time.”
“I’m glad to hear that” she said with a smile. “So what are you and big bro up to?” she asked just noticing that her older brother was standing there with his arms crossed. “Remember that special task i asked of you before you left?” He asked. Fusui perked up “That Roanapur job right?.” Erioh nodded “Well from what I could gather I’ve confirmed the target has been spotted there but it seems like he’s hired one of the local gangs as hired muscle, so getting to him quickly won’t be so easy, and even if you manage to take care of both of them the other gangs will most likely jump in, which will make things more complicated” she stated “Well that won’t be much of an issue, because your brother will be taking the contract, won’t you Raian” Erioh said in a taunting manner.
“You sure about that grandfather, I mean I have no doubt big bro can deal with this no problem but-” Fusui was then interrupted by her brother “Hey now the old man has been very persistent about this shit, so tell me who’s the fucker that the old bastard is sending me kill and I might just consider it.” Raian said eagerly “Oh, umm alright then.” She then pulls out a laptop from inside her bag and passes it to Raian.
Raian takes the laptop, opening it up to see the screen presented to him.
[Contract Briefing]
•Target name: Dr. Alton Blonsky
•Age: 59
• Occupation: Bioengineer/Geneticist
• Adjective: Eliminate Dr. Blonsky and destroy any and all research found and eliminate any and all who would stand between your adjective.
• Last Confirmed Location: Roanapur, Thailand
• Target Price: $50,000,000
• Target information: Dr.Blonsky is a Bioengineer and Geneticist and researcher for genetics he has went into hiding after it was discovered you was selling his unethical research on the black market for the highest bidder. Years after his disappearance sources have spotted him active in the city of Roanapur. He is seemingly under the employment/protection of the local criminal organization.
• Payment Method: Upon accepting this contract the first half of the payment will be sent through wireless transaction method of your choice. And receive other half of payment upon completion.
[End of Briefing]
□Accept □Decline
Raian closed the laptop and handed it back to Fusui. “So some mad scientist is selling trying the secret of immorality or some shit right?” Taking the laptop back and placing it back inside her bag Fusui shook her head and said “I don’t know the details on what he was working on or who’s he trying to sell his research too, all I know is that some very big players are going to be interested in buying whatever he has cooking up, so whatever he’s making it must be a really big deal.” Erioh then stepped into the conversation. “So, Raian tell me do you accept?”
[48 hours later on the Ports of Roanapur]
As the crew of the cargo ship started to unload their shipments and do an inventory check Raian snuck pass all of the of the crew without them even noticing he was there. Now heading to the main street through the docks he pulls a piece of paper Fusui has given him before taking off with all contact information he will be needing during his time here. “Don’t plan on being here long but this shit will come in handy when I need it.” He said to himself as he reads off the address for his safe house with a side note at the below saying.
“While you’re there can you do me a huge solid and pick up a modified sniper rifle I ordered there, it should’ve been sent out days ago but since you’re there you can do it for me please, appreciate it bro.
-Love your favorite sister Fusui.♥︎”
Raian could only scoff while reading the note his sister left him. “The hell does she think I am, her errand boy” reading the address the only thing it said was The Church of Violence “I don’t got time for this shit” he said as he balled up the piece of paper and placed it back inside his pocket before walking off towards the direction of his safe house.
The city of Roanapur is known for many things, one of which is being the world capital for crime and corruption, for criminals and madmen to thrive. But now The Devil has arrived, beware for the man know as The Devil has come, and he will destroys any and all that stands in his way.
Author's Note: Hey ya’ll, if you haven’t figured it out yet this is a Kengan Ashura x Black Lagoon crossover the idea kinda popped in head one day and I was like “how am I going to make this work” so days of brainstorming later I’ve my story layout but the question was who am I going to send from kengan to the den of criminals, and obviously my first choice was Raian but the i thought about it some more and thought about having Agito Kanoh, Hatsumi Sen, Muteba Gizenga, Kiryu Setsuna, hell even Tokita Niko came to mind. The setting of black lagoon takes place in the early 1990s so it make a lot more sense for Niko to be there timeline wise but after talking about it with another writer here I stuck with Kure Raian, now this is my first fanfiction, like every but that will be no excuse for my writing to be shit, like spelling mistakes or grammar errors or major OFC. I’ll do my best to stay faithful to each character. And since I’ve picked Raian for this story, I’ll be making some small changes to the black lagoon universe to fit with the world of Kengan. If you haven't noticed I implied that Kure Erioh has been to Roanapur in the past, who know I might just make a side story exploring that plot point...maybe. Ok that’s enough of me ranting for now, until next time.
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kenganparadise · 3 years
who do you think in kengan looks submissive and breedable
bruh all these men- look very submissive and breedabe. No I will not take criticism.
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Do you know who Raian's mom and dad are? I run the incorrect Kengan quotes blog and have a good one, but need to know his parents names.=
(I just wanna say that i love the quotes your blog posts before i answer)
So! This is not entirely clear
I can tell you that Erioh is probably his great-grandfather, and that his sister is Fusui, but it doesn’t actually mention a lot of big connections. 
From what I can tell this is all we have on the kure clan family tree:
kure Horio is the great-great-grandson of erioh’s great uncle. 
Kure Hollis is the great-great-great-grandson of erioh’s great uncle (so probably Horio’s son).
Kure Karla is erioh’s great-granddaughter
Kure Reiichi is the great-grandson of erioh’s second cousin.
Kure Yakusha is erioh’s granddaughter and Karla’s mother.
Karla refers to Raian as her cousin, although it is unclear if this actually means cousins or once/twice/etc-removed cousins.
Fusui calls Henzo “brother Henzo” but this may also be a joke on the large family.
Closest bets are probably related to Horio/Hollis or one of the unnamed relatives.
Sorry if this doesn’t help, and best of luck!
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