#erioh kure
count-alucard-tepes · 3 months
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Alright…so hot genetics run in the Kure family! Omg I would risk it all for young Erioh Kure😍😍😍
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hoe4rairai · 6 months
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I think Raian is on a destruction mode and won't stop till all is done ...
I am happy but worried
Gramps Erioh said Raian will surpass him at his prime and that means Raian might have unlocked something beasty after being defeated by Gilbert a year back, when he retreated at the mountains..
All I know, is that Raian is back with only one mission and I hope he won't get killed ...
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itshirohi · 4 months
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Kure Erioh~
This is so completely random but uhmm 😳I feel like I'm finally getting good at drawing.
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Chapter 20 - Ken Doll and Barbie the CEO
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With support from her partner, Kisara and Ohma returned to watch the third match. The odds were equal now, and the Kengan fighters had renewed hope. Now that they got familiar with the ring-out rule and the countdown, they can show off, as they deserve - After all, Purgatory was shit compared to Kengan.
Once they arrived back at the waiting room, the fight had already started, and Julius was fighting that guy who matched his colossal build. As soon as Kisara saw her friends, she almost completely forgot about her haziness and started smiling, greeting them with a lazy wave. Before she could blink, Raian was there - Thankfully, her partner pulled her out of the way before that dumbass could pounce on her. Five times. "Guys, stop, I'm getting dizzy." though her vision blurred slightly, she was able to chuckle. "Seeeeeee~♪ babe? I told ya you could fuck those fuckers up! You fucked them up real time!" he cackled like a freaking maniac, but he was hilarious. "It was a collective effort, I don't deserve all the praise. I learnt from all of you. It should be me, thanking you, for quite literally seven years of help. You especially, 'Tsuki. You started all this, my best friend. My win is yours, as well as everyone else's." the man smiled at her, and walked up, patting her hair. "Hatsumi would have been proud watching you fight." she smiles sarcastically. "Oh, yes, of course he would have - If he wasn't training in some mountains in the middle of nowhere, in China. He went training with Rei, the same as when he started training me. I wonder if he thinks Mikazuchi Rei is actually a girl." she started laughing again, only to cringe and clutch her sides. "Kisara." she heard Gaolang's voice, as he stepped forwards. "Thank you." he held such a sweet and tender expression as he thanked her and extended his hand for her to shake. "I don't do handshakes with the God of Boxing, brother." she smiled back, clenching her hand into a fist, and bumping it into his right Godly fist. "I have been blessed." he couldn't help but look away in amusement. Through all the praises, Kisara went to Agito and extended her arms to the side. "Do I get a hug, AG?" the girl gave him a playful smile. "You should have been in the roster from the very beginning. I know what I trained." careful not to hurt her, he pulled her into an embrace. "It takes almost being beaten to death a few dozen times to get this good." Kisara laughed, making Agito shake his head - It had taken a long time, getting full control over his two sides and eliminating the delay - But in the end, he succeeded.
"Hey, boss. You mind if I watch the fights from here?" a boy around Ryuki's age came in the room. He had silver hair, and a boyish, innocent expression on his face. Judging by his stature and the few visible scars, he must have been a fighter. Kisara's supposition was confirmed by Yamashita Kazuo, who agreed to let him watch from here. "Ohhh, are you Ryuki's friend?" Kisara quickly made her way to the two boys, putting her hands on their shoulders. "Ah - ! You're the lady that fought just now!" Koga stared at her with awe. "Kisara's my name, great to meet you. I take it you're training to become the next big guy too?"  the boy grinned, though he seemed bashful. "Yes, Miss - But I know it will take a while. I just started, really. You guys are all super cool and strong, and I'm nowhere on your level." he was such an innocent boy, sweet darling. "Hey, now, you've got all the time in the world. At your age, I was a shut in who never left the bed. In fact... I was around 23 years old that I actually started doing any kind of physical training. That pretty man there - He's Nitoku. He studied to become an author, you know? He took up fighting barely 15 years ago. So - Not all of us start at an early age, but it's never too late, you know? So, chin up, I'm rooting for you!" though Koga was feeling overwhelmed by all the encouraging, he couldn't help but be attracted to the battle of the two beasts that was taking place. The impact of each and every blow was so heavy, that even the people of the audience thought they were being thrown flying away. "Hey, hey -- This doesn't look good at all! Our guy's getting pushed back!! Gosh, are they even human?!" poor Koga's face was dropped to the floor, crestfallen. "Doesn't look good? For who?" Wakatsuki scoffed at what he had just heard. "I've fought him before, so I can tell - It'll take more than THAT to bring him down." Julius managed to land a blow so hard to his opponent's gut. "Ohoho, yes, that was a fantastic fight, though you gave me a fright close to death. Half your face was dragged across the cement wall, it was insane!" Julius received a heavy blow to the head that sent him down to the ground - He almost got stomped down, but he blocked with his arm, delivering another blow - The enemy fighter was sent sliding across the floor, and continued getting plummeted... Or so the public thought.
"Wakatsuki... This isn't looking good." Ohma stared in shock as the opponent took a direct hit to the cheek, only to spin around and land a punch so powerful that it sent Julius to the ground, and the countdown began. "...I knew this would happen." he tsk'ed in annoyance. "He  shifted the flow of power to reduce the damage." "But... That looked like your Redirection Kata." Kisara muttered back, earning a nod of approval. "C-Come to think of it... The first time he knocked Julius down - His fist made an unnatural impression on his torso. What if that's because he was going limp?" Yamashita pointed out a very good fact. "The Water Kata. That Pineapple Head relaxed all the muscles in his body to disperse the damage." Ohma agreed. "B-But how does he know the Niko style techniques. C-Could Toa Mudo be a Worm that's infiltrated Purgatory??!!!" the four of them sobered up.
On the count of 8, Julius got back up. Though he attempted a punch, he was deflected and sent to the ground, only able to block the rain of punches. But from that impossible posture, Reinhold was somehow able to lift the man slightly heavier than even himself, whilst getting hammered down, trying to break free. "JULIUS!!! PUT UP YOUR GUARD!!!" Takeshi was his one eternal rival - And his biggest supporter in this tournament. "It's hopeless! His opponent's techniques are first class! He's not an opponent he can beat with brute force!" Koga looked like a gasping fish. "You're underestimating Julius, kid." Kisara smirked. "Only people who have fought Takeshi and gave him a run for his money can properly develop strategies to beat down strong guys that rely on martial arts as well as their own raw strength. I bet Julius sees Tsuki in the ring." she jabbed at her best friend. "... Let's not." Wakatsuki grumbled, anxious for the fight before him. As if predicted, Julius knocked back Toa, making him fall on the ground, and he even made him cough blood. "WHA--?! WHAT'S UP WITH JULIUS'S FOREARMS?!" as Yamashita rightfully gawked, his arms truly did look... Odd. "THAT'S -- THAT'S MUSCLE CONTROL!" if something could make even the Tiger breathless, it must be fantastic. "I've never seen anyone control their muscles to that level before...!" "That's... Pretty insane. Think you could still defeat that guy?" though she meant it more as a joke, they both were wondering the same question - Although, neither has forgotten how modest and nervous Wakatsuki usually easy, even going as far as to downplay his own strength.
The two fighters were back up and took their stances. "He's preparing for a counter! He'll have to approach with caution." Wakatsuki declared - Everyone, on both sides, as well as the auditorium, were feeling tense. Julius was the first to rush, ramming like a high-speed train - And with a single punch, Toa had broken the concrete ground with his head. Impeccable. All the Kengan fighters were cheering loudly, gleeful at the fantastic sight before them - Although Toa must have landed the counter, Julius spun his forearm to repel Toa's block. He flexed his muscles to their limits, then released them all at once - Similar concept to the Blast core, though its usage is entirely different. On the count of 10, Julius Reinhold, the Martyr of Muscles, was declared the undisputable winner of the 0% fat fight.
"That was AWESOME, Julius! A great match to witness, as always!" Kisara praised the man, who grunted and nodded in acknowledgement. "That win was totally you. You pulverized his techniques in just one hit." Ohma recognised his achievements. Once again, Julius scoffed. "The truly strong need no technique - But more importantly, Tokita Ohma, I don't think that man is a member of the Worm you're looking for." Ohma nodded his head. "Yeah... That looked like the Niko style at first, but it was something else entirely." he agreed. "You've improved again, Julius." Wakatsuki praised, raising his hand up. "I'll be cordial with you, but only this once." in their most epic fashion, the two strongest men high-fived, the sound of that clap resounding like pure victory for the Kengan association.
"So, now that three matches ended, it's finally time for the Purgatory to choose first, and we counter, right?" Kisara asked, though quite a few minutes have passed. "Yes, you are right... But why can't they just pick someone already, the hype is dying down fast." the manager grumbled, staring suspiciously at the Purgatory. "But we have 13 matches - Doesn't that leave one out?" Naoya asked, counting on his finger.
As if on cue, Alisa came forth, announcing a special match, as all lights went off. It was a timed match, and instead of the ring edges, the fighters can only move inside the glowing light. You lose if your whole body leaves the bounds of the light. In this match, the countdown doesn't apply. If, by the end of the 5 minutes there is no clear winner, the match is declared a No Contest. Gaolang was the first to speak, saying that the Purgatory had every advantage - Kisara disagreed, and she looked at Misasa with a mischievous smirk. He looked back at her, and with that leisure smile of his, he took off his blazer and announced that he can go fight this one. "Who else but someone small, fast and agile like this silver fox do you think can properly fight under these rules? If some big-ass meat head comes over, he can easily play around him. You wouldn't want another Julius and Toa match under these circumstances, right?" Kisara countered Gaolang. "If Miss CEO has so much faith in me, how can I back down now?" Misasa lazily chuckled. "Maybe I should go. I'm a rookie too." Masaki serenely spoke. "No." Yamashita was solemn. "I'd like you to go, Misasa." after so long, he could see how match ups can be made in your favour. He trusted Misasa's confidence, though he's never seen him fight before, the way he saw others. Regardless, despite his small build, he was chosen as the Eighth Fang, so he must be strong, especially after Katahara Retsudo himself praised him so much.
According to Alisa, the Kengan team was 'tricked' into choosing first - As it was a special fight, the two teams had to pick at the same time. But no matter. Misasa had his hands in his pockets, and looked around. The ring was empty, save for his sole presence. Ohma was reminded of Kisara's No-Fighter stance, and found the corner of his mouth twitching up. This guy must be the real deal. The Purgatory will underestimate him, the same they did for Kisara. Losers. "Don't pussy out, Biiiiiiiitch~ ♪" the Kengan fighters could hear nothing from the two Fangs shading each other, but they could hear Kisara's uncontrollable laughter. Raian recalled that one day he trained with that damned Fox girl, and all the tricks and taunts she pulled on him. He wasn't sure whether that little shrimp guy was doing the same thing, or simply had a personal vendetta against that meat-head fuckwad, but it was going to be as good a match to watch, as the red head's. Still, he just wanted to jump in action and beat the crap out of those fuckers already. And kill. Raian craved violence.
Once the fight was announced, the meat-head went in for a punch - He was fast, and followed up with more hits until Misasa was at the edge of the light. Though Naoya was impressed by his speed, despite his large build, Ohma was disappointed to see such an amateurish waste evident from all his motions. "Now, the fun begins." Agito heard Kisara giggling ominously, jumping on the railing to get a better look of the fight. The meat-head tried to palm Misasa's face, only for him to side step and end up behind him, punching him out of the ring - But he failed, and the traitor turned around and somehow cut off at his shirt and chest, drawing a bit of blood. Misasa seemed irked off. The motion the ex-Fang made with his hand looked as though he was using his thumb's knuckle to cut, the same as Lihito used the pads of his fingers to pinch.
The light's spotlight was getting smaller and smaller, whist the enemy's arrogance was increasing a hundredfold. Kisara was sitting on the railing, dangling her legs playfully and grinning at the display before her. "He's toying with him, what a cute dork!" she felt so easy-going, unlike young Koga whose grip on the railing bar seemed to be so tight that his skin turned bloodless pale. "Toying with him? Miss Kisara, I know he's your friend, but look how close he is to the edge of the light! One small push and he's gonna get propelled out of the ring!" the poor boy gasped in anxiety, only to see the red head point her finger towards the fight, as Misasa punched the enemy down to the ground, his face roughly slamming on the ground. "Ahhh, that was rough...." Misasa took off his shirt, throwing it out of the light-ring. "I can't stand being talked down to by a piece of shit like you..." Kisara wolf-whistled at the blond fighter, only to receive a mischievous wink right back. Kisara laughed, and laughed harder, as the foe got back to his feet, shrieking and growling countless curses and insults towards the Eighth Fang of Metsudo. "Come on. It's time to go to Hell." Misasa got in a fighting stance, flapping his hand as a gesture to get his opponent to attack him. "You are just a bat who thinks he's a lion." Misasa effortlessly retorted, watching the traitor lunge at him, and he retaliated with a knee to his chin, making him stumble backwards, before rushing forward with a barrage of elbows well aimed. "I've never seen a martial art like this before." Ohma muttered, leaning down to Kisara's height. "That, my darling, is just about one of the best martial arts known to mankind." the girl giggled, snaking an arm around his waist to pull him next to her, so she could lean on his body. "It is called Silat, and it has mainly soft movements, and can be successfully done with weapons also. They use elbows not only for attacking, like in Muay Thai, but for blocking and parrying also." the red haired woman explained the theory behind it. "Look how Misasa used his elbow to parry and derail that idiot's straight punch, and now he's using the other elbow to hit him over the head, at precisely his weakest spot. We are adorably cute and small people, my love, but we are capable of defending ourselves, even against meatheads like Yumigahama." the girl giggled playfully, watching as the blond knocked him off the balance and getting him in a one sided beatdown, attacking from outside his awareness. Misasa was capable of out-maneuvering his enemy at every turn, and no amount of size difference can make up for an attack you cannot see coming.
Spinning elbow, 12-6 elbow, elbow uppercut and a karate-chip to the wind-pipe, they all sent Yumigahama to the ground, writing in agony. He didn't even realise that his large frame was working against him, as the ring was shringing at such a rapid pace. A psychological wall that was getting him caught up and unable to fight to his fullest.
The foe cockily got up, getting in a stance, laughing at murdering one of Misasa's subordinates - Took out the trash, he said - If only he knew how angry Misasa was, deep inside his heart. "I don't wanna hear another word out of you. Just shut up and die." Yumigahama kept throwing punch after punch as the younger one dodged perfectly, yet still got nicked here and there. Despite all this, he wasn't landing any hits, nor was he able to throw Misasa off his groove.  His moves don't work if the opponent sees them coming, and Misasa was a master at foresight, and was always one step ahead. "He's strong!" Wakatsuki exclaimed. "Misasa excels at fighting in tight spaces. He's turned his smaller build into an advantage." Agito nodded. "Look, Wakatsuki. Misasa is carefully aiming for Yumigahama's vitals. Misasa's cultivated the skill it takes to bring down  opponents with bigger builds, and with his movement restricted and nothing in his arsenal but simplistic attacks, Yumigahama has no way to defend himself." he noted skillfully. "That's right, you big, brawny guys~!" Kisara looked over her shoulder at them, a snake-like smirk on her face. "All it takes is a little ingenuity."
Finally, Misasa got fed up with entertaining that idiot, and the light ring was small enough to his liking; As Yumigahama aimed for a grapple, Misasa used his elbows to hit his wrists down, before the joints of his thumbs shoved hard into his temporo-mandibular joint, dislocating it. As the enemy was shrieking in agony, the blond aimed an elbow shot to his cervical vertebras, and another, right in his face, making his teeth fly out - With one last punch, Misasa slammed his head down onto the ground, making push out of his face and skull.
"IT'S OVER!" the red announced. "THE WINNER OF THE SHOWDOWN IS MISASA!" as Misasa made a catwalk prowl back to the stands where the Kengan team was waiting for him, the first to greet him was of course, Kisara, who high-fived him.
"Way to go, you little tanuki!" Koga almost shuddered at the ominous look those two seemed to emanate simply from those vague, enigmatic close-eyed grins addressed to one another. "Much appreciated, kitsune lady." he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, looking at the others. "Good work, Misasa." Agito praised him. "Oh, don't mention it. I was just lucky enough to hit his sore spot." the blond chuckled dismissively. "Hey, don't be modest, that was a nice fight!" Naoya scolded him with a laugh. "That's right, you little Ken-Doll. Don't go around playing down our fearsome might!" Kisara nudged him in the ribs. "Alright, alright, my apologise Barbie the CEO." Misasa chuckled lightly. "Okubo and Miss Kisara are right, you fought very well!" Yamashita Kazuo smiled at the Fang. "Your display was worthy of the name of Fang. The Master will be pleased." Agito nodded, pleased at his successor. "Hey, guys." Koga called out. "I don't want to say Misasa's win wasn't impressive - But don't you think those guys are pretty unfazed?" "Yeah... It seems that way." Ryuki also spoke in a light voice. "N-No way! Their ex-Fang of Metsudo just lost! They should be screaming on the inside!" the manager exclaimed in shock. "No. My guess is, the boy is right." Misasa spoke as Kisara was applying cute, smile-face and animal plasters on his cuts. "Do you know what Yumigahama's record in Purgatory is?" he asked, only to look down at the red head. "No, not the salamander, I want the pink seal -- Oh, and that blue and purple panda." he cleared his throat, looking back at the manager. "Nine wins and five losses, wasn't it?" "Five losses? But he WAS the Fang of Metsudo, wasn't he?" Nitoku was just as surprised as everyone else. "So you mean there're still at least five guys stronger than Yumigahama?" Okubo sweat-dropped. "Purgatory is... Unfathomable." Kano grumbled with a glare. "With weakling rules like the ring-out, are you really surprised freak-loses can happen? Just like what happened with Gaolang." Kisara reminded them bitterly, only to flinch at the obnoxious laughter of the Kure fighter. "I LOVE IT! That makes them all the more worth killing!" Raian cackled like a maniac. "No killing, Michael Myers. We want to win, not lose because you can't restrain your blood lust." the girl scolded him. As they kept bickering amongst each other, Purgatory chose their fighter, a man called Naidan Monkhbat, otherwise known as the Hawk of Ordos. "He looks pretty strong." Ohma admitted, watching almost lazily. "Is he... Mongolian? He reminds me of what we see in movies." the Masaki lookalike approved her theory. "Yes, that's a Mongolian Wrestling uniform. It belongs to the Main School in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region." the boy spoke his knowledge. "So... Is he a grappler? Have I gotten that right?" the single girl there asked. "That's a perfect match for my Sambo." Nitoku fixed his glasses, fire surging through his veins. "No, no, it's time for a wrestler like me to shine!" Naoya, in his clown outfit, smirked arrogantly. "I could go out, if you like." Masaki didn't look up from his book. "Sit the fuck down, Richie Rich." Raian's comment made Kisara chuckle.
Naidan smirked up at the Kengan stands, and flexing his arm, he showed off the white tattoo of a disgusting insect. He was a filthy Worm, reporting directly to the head. Kisara gasped in surprise, whilst Koga and Yamashita yelled in shock. Ryuki, however, took his shirt and faux glasses off, and stepped into the ring without a warning to anyone. The Dragon King promised his friend he wouldn't kill this Worm monster... But it seemed the Mongolian had a death wish. Did he really want to get killed, or was it his arrogance speaking?
Ryuki was a tall, well-built boy, even for his age, but standing in front of Naidan, he looked so small and vulnerable. Naoya and Masaki seemed to agree his style must be something close to Greco-Roman Wrestling. As Alisa declared the beginning of the fight, Ryuki, in the blink of an eye, disappeared, leaping towards the enemy, only for him to get skillfully kicked down. The boy landed like a cat on his feet, before leaping again; Instead, he got tripped and forced into a cartwheel move, dizzying him slightly. Ryuki realised there is no way he could beat him in a contest of strength alone, as the man before him was at least 30 kilograms of pure muscles heavier.
Whilst deciding on a surprise attack, Naidan affirmed he wasn't an imposter, but the real man named and called Naidan Monkhbat. Interesting concept, if not, a little fearsome. Ryuki went in for an Uncoiling Serpent fist, only to get effortlessly punched in the mouth, and sent backwards. None of his moves worked - The boy was far too direct, and his set-up process was sloppy at best. He was far too easily predictable. Even when he was being held up, not even his toes touching the ground, he tried to hit his shin into Naidan's temple, but he got caught, the enemy's hand gripping the inside of his knee joint. Kisara was reminded painfully of Ohma's fight with Seki, a long while ago... It was a most frightful memory that she didn't want to remember at the moment. She was afraid for Ryuki's life, especially in the merciless hands of a Worm.
Naidan back-slapped and dragged him around, punching and kicking him without as much as breaking a sweat, yet all of these hits were nothing but a warning for Gaoh to get serious and actually bring forth his killing intent. "He's holding back on him, all 'cause I told him not to kill him...!" Koga gasped, nervous as he watched the fight - Seeing his best friend being slammed into the ground, bleeding so heavily, only made him realise furthermore how weak he was, compared to everyone else. He has so much to learn. "His opponent's strong enough to kill him, even if it weren't for that." Ohma reassured the boy. "If he is strong enough to report directly to the head of the organisation, I fear Ryuki might have no chance." Kisara muttered softly. "His movements are as precise as a machine. There's not a bit of waste. He has the unique 'Clingy Muscles' and 'Stunning strikes' unique to a grappling-based martial artist. His resilience is extraordinary too. This is going to be a tough fight." Gaolang spoke, and Kisara couldn't help but nod her head in agreement, remembering Cosmo and how tough he was, especially fighting against that psychopath Akoya. Grapplers were something above her comprehension. "Nobody on our team could match him in pure strength, except for maybe Julius, Wakatsuki and Raian. Ryuki can't win the fight the way he is now." "Not even you and Ohma?" Kisara blinked in surprise, only for the Boxer God to miserably shake his head. "Agito?" still a negative answer. "What an insane man."
With some mental gymnastics played by the Mongolian, Ryuki was now questioning his own convictions and morals. His grandpa, Gaoh Mukaku, told him to kill all Worms as they are evil, yet at the same time, he wasn't trying to kill him in the ring. Going as far as to claim that the boy was questioning the validity of his grandpa's claims, Ryuki's mind was completely blank and gone beyond the human realm; He began attacking his foe on an instinctual level, and it was clear he was doing far better, enough to get Naidan staggering. Ryuki was so much faster and unflinching than before, so swift that even his opponent couldn't see his hits.
Still, the Mongolian and his mastered 'Bird's Eye view' was fantastic and on a whole other level than any of them put together. It was a different kind of Foresight that Kisara couldn't understand the mechanism of, yet could agree it might just be a little better than the initiative she was taught. She wondered if she would be able to keep up with Ryuki's swift moves, as she, too, was speed and agility reliant.
Naidan hadn't broken a single sweat bead during the entire match, not even as he was holding a struggling Ryuki up by the neck. "Neither you, nor I, can escape the karmic cycle of killing - So if you won't kill me, then I will kill you!" the opponent shouted at the boy. "Is it because of your environment? Then, let me exterminate the Root cause." as Naidan glanced back at Koga and Yamashita Kazuo, he completely missed Ryuki's lightning speed as he got slammed in the face, only for the boy to get behind him and feint him, then get hit with a soft strike in the cheek, to the point they were both on their knees. "I'm never... Never letting you hurt Koga again." Ryuki growled like a feral animal. "YOU WILL DIE." "BRING IT ON! ONLY ONE OF US WILL LEAVE THIS RING ALIVE!" Naidan laughed boastfully, whilst both Koga and Naidan's Purgatory friend yelled in disbelief.
Gaoh incapacitated Naidan with a thumb deep in his foe's eye and slammed down into the ground, plummeted down with a barrage of berserker hits and punches, only for Alisa to order for a count down. Ryuki was deaf to the refere, and Naidan was holding a death-grip on his neck, unwilling to let go of the one who had to kill him. The Omega. Both fighters were beaten and bruised, and the match was approaching its end. Naidan grabbed the boy, snapping his shoulder, dislocating his joint - No, rather, Ryuki dislocated his own shoulder to be able to land a good punch up Naidan's chin. In his suffering, he received a rough shin kick to that agonising spot of his joint, making his growl in pain.
Gaoh got flipped on his back and his waist was straddled; The Mongolian started strangling him, and not in the fun way either. His windpipe was on full attack. From sheer desperation, Ryuki pierced his thumb deep into Naidan's eardrum; Tears were gleaming and streaming down the boys face, only mirrored by the satisfied grin on the opponent's face, as he grabbed the finger killing him and driving it even further, into his skull and brain.
Naidan fell on Ryuki, half-dead. His friend leapt out from the stands, grabbing the Mongolian and begging him not to die, calling for the doctors to come over, yet barely any of his shouts were heard by the deaf man, who could only warn him not to trust the man calling himself Nicolas. "These fucking Worms only know how to bring misery to this world." Kisara growled, hopping off the railing and kneeling in front of Ryuki, bringing him into a tight embrace. The boy's fingers were gripping so deep into her flesh that she was afraid he would rip the flesh off her bones. "Shhhh, it's okay, Ryuki, it's okay. Everything will be okay. Nobody is upset at you, I promise. Nobody, not even Koga." it was almost weird, holding an almost exact copy of her own fiance, as though he was his little brother. Kisara was rocking the boy in her arms as though he was her child, one arm around his torso, the other hand caressing the mess of dark hair. "Miss Kisara... I....I'm..." the boy was trembling violently in her arms. The sound of running footsteps alerted the boy, who looked back at the two new-comers. "It's okay, Ryuki, just calm down. Let's get you fixed up. Miss Kisara, please help me get him to the Infirmary." Koga looked down at the two, panicked. The manager, however, was feeling intense guilt over being unable to save  Ryuki. "Koga... Boss. I'm... S-So..." but the soft, weak voice of the young boy was drowned out by Naidan's friend, Liu, who was out for revenge. "Wait a minute... You think I'd let you leave, did you?" the glare of the Taiwanese man could freeze a lake. "YOU DIE TOO."
No matter what Yamashita said in an attempt to stop this Liu man, it was in vain, for the enraged man created an earthquake where he stood. Liu Dongcheng, the Serpent, one of the Three Demon Fists. How adorable. "W-Wait a minute, let's just all calm down--" "GET LOST!" Liu attempted a punch down towards the whimpering Ryuki, but in a split second Kisara rose up, using her Aikido to grab the foe's arm and making him fly on the other side of the poor boy, landing on his feet. Though Liu was shocked, being countered in such a way, he tried to hit the red head - He remembers her, the one who killed another one of his Purgatory friends - She deserved to die also. His next hit got deflected, but not by her, but by Ohma, who somehow appeared by her side in the blink of an eye, his eyes focused, yet his body completely relaxed.
Raian, too, came by, smirking like a mad-man, followed by a raging Naoya and a silently wrathful Akoya. "Look, I know how you feel, but if you start this, we're not gonna take it lying down." Tokita spoke with a bored flair, putting a protective arm around his wife, bringing her closer to his side. "YOU'RE ON! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" the enraged Taiwanese man had to be held back by his team mate, Jurota, whilst the other three were there to de-escalate the situation. "No, no, no, we'll back off right away, pardon the embarrassment." the blond called Nicolas smiled nervously. "Let's just keep a level head for now. This isn't the smart way to go." for some reason, Liu started at the one dressed for a nice beach time with absolute dread. "They've got a point. Naidan was acting strangely back there. I don't know what he was doing, but..." of course, nothing could calm him down. "If you get this competition called off, then Naidan will have died for nothing. Is that what you want? To let your friend die in vain?" Donaire, the one who no doubt was the captain, called out to him. This man seemed to have just about the same vibe as Ohma; Confident, assured, strong... A true leader, without even trying to be. "I'm killing them as soon as the competition is over." Lie growled at them, turning on his heel and walking away. "Well, looks like things are back under control." Naoya sighed, glaring at the Purgatory fighters. "They don't want this match called off any more than we do." Ohma nodded in agreement. "Things are looking a little too lukewarm." Raian grinned wickedly. "Raian, no!" Kisara snapped at him as she returned by Ryuki's side, embracing him. "Raian, HELL yes!" he lunged to land a punch on Jurota - But not only the brunet didn't even flinch, but Lu Tian casually rose his hand, blocking the fist. "You're a lively one, aren't you? But save that spunk for your match." as Raian tsk'ed in annoyance, remarking their strength, Naoya yelled and scolded the assassin. "Raian." Kisara called him over. "They're strong, aren't they? Very strong. To block your attack like that..." the Kure nodded at her. Sighing, the girl got a strong grip on the boy, but before she could get him up, she got dragged away forcefully by the assassin. "Nah, sis, ain't gonna let ya rip your stitches open." Kisara's cheeks turned a hue pinker, realising her awful mistake. "You should know better, Miss Doctress." "I... Might have forgotten I just got stabbed. Not that the pain isn't lingering, but I suppose the Worms pissed me off too much to remember." she sheepishly chuckled, only to get picked up in Ohma's arms. "Enough with the Worm-stuff, you dumbass bookworm. Just because you got some new moves and put a little muscle on those skinny arms of yours, doesn't mean you can overexert your injured body like that." the man smirked down at her, though the disconcerting feeling was eating away at his heart. "I just got you back, I'm not letting you escape my grasp, you little vixen." "Technically speaking, it was I who just got you back, not the other way around, you stupid gym rat." she brought him down in a kiss, before she was brought to the Kengan waiting area and put down. "Hey now, enough with that lovey-dovey shite! No need to make us all jealous!" Rihito whined at them, only to get swatted away by Raian. "Shut up, shit head, leave them be." Raian cackled, glaring at his menacingly. "There's still someone on the stage." Gaolang spoke all of a sudden, earning everyone's attention, before looking at the single Purgatory member, the man called Lu Tian, who easily blocked Raian's punch. "I guess he's next." Ohma grumbled lowly. The other member of the Three Demon Fists, the Centipede, Lu Tian. With a somber look on his face, he displayed a circular item, looking very much like a bracelet bangle. At once, Kisara gasped, her head snapping towards Agito, who was grinning at the direct provocation. "Agito -- Will you be alright?" she stepped in front of him, her hands gripping his arms. "My apprentice won her fight. I cannot lose either." he spoke simply. "I am as prepared as always, even with this." Kisara nodded at him with a smile, bringing her fist up for him to bump. "Alright, Agito. Show those fuckers who the Emperor of the Kengan Matches is!" "You've got it." with a monster-like grin, Agito confidently stepped in the ring, seizing up his opponent, challenging him with the Gu ritual bracelet.
It was going to be one hell of a fight.
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bunji-enthusiast · 3 months
Hello, could you please create a story involving Thor, Hades, and Leonidas with a gender-neutral reader who is similar to Kure Erioh from Kengan Ashura? One day, they are sparring and the reader suddenly activates their special ability to consciously remove the brain's limits on their muscular strength output. As a result, the reader instantly beats the three characters, leaving them questioning what the reader just used.
Oh yes yes! I love Kengan Ashura! ❤️ And to add on, I might've manipulated the story a bit, but the premise still remains the same.
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What The Hell?!
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It was rather odd, one would guess. But it would make sense, once you arrive in Valhalla, your reverted to your prime from when you were alive. Your best years, you loved it all really, it was by no means that you were a believer in any and all religions you heard of - but you were content and happy in the afterlife. Whatever your achieving role may be.
You met Leonidas, the famed king of Sparta. You two hit it off great, holding similar beliefs in how one should choose how they should live and how they should also die. Your instance of death however was simply untimely, only dying of old age. You two recount tales with great energy and boast of your victories, others around you find you both to be similar in the sense.
Only a few times you had sparsely had gotten the chance to truly spar against Leonidas, you had found yourself winning, yet also beaten the times you had sparred with him. You never really displayed the full extent of your abilities, not wanting to knock the king of Spart unconscious. He was truly a worthy opponent however, strong and unyielding like the legends about him say. Anyone could ask you about him, and you could boast with pride that was your friend.
A few days after you had last sparred with Leonidas, you ran across Hades. The king of the underworld, he was professional and well-mannered, you could find yourself getting along with him. Even if he wasn't loud and boisterous, his words and mannerisms had unbashedly swayed you.
After a while, you had asked to spar with him. To which he had turned down your asking, preferring to not engage in combat. Hades was very eloquent about it, so you could give him that much, and stepped away after conversing with him for a little longer. Your time here in Valhalla had given you a great many things to think about when it came to gods, many of them were great, but few are respectful of themselves and others. You wonder if there was more like Hades, or perhaps other humans like Leonidas, warriors like him simply wouldn't be here for no reason usually.
For some time now, nothing new has happened. So you took it upon yourself to merely wander the ground you find yourself upon, taking in all the sights. From when you were alive, you didn't do so very much, only focusing on your duties as the head of the Kure Clan. At times, you also wondered how your grandson Raian Kure was doing, hopefully not getting himself into trouble or killing needlessly. Yet knowing him, it was the likeliest possibility.
Soon you found yourself at a forest clearing, sensing clashing of power, as if it was spelling an impending doom. You certainly didn't want to die for the second time. You took a few more steps toward the bursting electricity of power, seeing a red-headed being swing with ferocity unheard of on Midgard. You were wildy impressed, as you have not seen many besides Leonidas and a few others to present such a ferocity of power. As if for a moment, you felt a pang of jealousy in your heart.
"Hey!" The red-headed being turned to face you, "That's certainly an amazing display of power. May we spar?" His eyes cast you an incredulous look, as if he was looking down upon a mere ant who disgusted his eyes with its mere appearance.
He doubted you.
You sighed in disbelief at the gods incompetence, within the minute of walking up to him - you could quickly discern that this was Thor himself. It was all in due part that he indeed had strength untold and foretold, but even a mere human could accomplish such strength, or even something as close. You wonder how you could convince him of being able to match him in combat.
"Very well then." You smiled, not unconvincingly to the naked eye, only one would truly have to look to really know. As if you had teleported, Thor's eyes widened in slight surprise as he looked around for where you had went. You end up right at his backside, removing the limits on your muscular output and punch him, knocking out the thunder god.
Later, two beings had came across the unconscious red-head on the ground. It was merely by pure coincidence, but now they wonder who was capable of such an attack, on Thor himself no less.
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rotdistressxox · 6 months
Headcanons: Kengan Men Falling in Love with you / Confessing
P.S. Gaolangs' is a little long I know...sorrryyyy
Ohma Tokita
• Had no idea what the hell love was. He's rarely experienced attraction, but love ?
• Meets you, immediately gets a smile on his face because he appeared behind you and saw how cute you looked when you got startled by him.
• You were working for Kazuo when you two met. Right before the Annihilation tournament.
• At first, he'd be the one teasing you because of how jittery you were around him. But that changed as soon as you got to know him.
• Ohma was a good looking, strong willed, yet thoughtful man. You admired him with all his flaws included. You fell in love when you two accidentally made eyecontact after he had one a fight. He gave you a smirk and all you could do was feel the heat rise to your face.
• What's this? His heart beats faster when he's near you, he wants to be with you 24/7. Can see a future with you?
• Kazuo tells him it's love.
• Yup it's love.
• Niko, a passionate lover of women, failed to elaborate what love was to him. So he goes to Kazuo for answers.
• Is very conflicted on what to do. He doesn't want to picture a life without you, but also confused about what you think of him.
• He confesses first, albeit in his own unique way. Aka you and him were teasing eachother and he accidentally admits that he wants a future with you.
• You, feeling the same way, ask him to close his eyes. He obliged, and you took that chance to kiss his bruised cheek. Also admitting that you felt the same way
• Never been happier in his life. Now its his turn.
• "Can I do something?" You nod. He pulls you in by your waist and kisses your lips as best as he can.
• Not bad for his first kiss, not bad at all.
Lihito / Ichiro Nakata
• Love at first sight kinda guy. Can't help it
• Sees you and is immediately head over heels, face first in the ground, on his knees pleading in love with you
• One sided, you hardly know this dude and are taken aback by his strong advances.
• He doesn't give up on you, takes every chance to flirt ask you out, compliment you
• He eventually notices that he's not as attracted to other women anymore, seems like he's got his sights set on you.
• You can't help but also fall in love with him after a while. He's such a dork. Always excited to see you, always thinking of you. You can't help but sigh and accept your feelings
• You see him change his approach to flirting, instead of coming off strong he comes off more sincere.
• You accept when he asks you out on a date
• End of the date. It seems he's planned this whole thing out very thoughtfully. You had a genuinely good time and felt your heart skip a beat when he looks at you with a smile
• He confesses first, but he knows what he's doing this time. Holding your hand with a blush on his face, he lists everything he admires about you.
• You interrupt him, ready to cry at how well that pulled on your heart strings. You confess as well.
• There's a moment of soft silence between the both of you.
• He picks you up and spins you around while joyously laughing. You hug him back as he spins you. Nothing in your life ever felt quite as right as this.
Raian Kure
• Enemies/Rivals to Lovers.
• You were a family friend of the Kures and Erioh had offered to train you. Both you and Raian were in your mid-teens
• You two couldn't STAND eachother. Constant bickering over who was the better fighter. He threw insults and you threw them back
• Sometimes your insults were so good they impressed him. He caught himself smiling sometimes when you two had a screaming match. Damn, you were good.
• You developed feelings first, maybe a year after you two met.
• As you two got older, Erioh saw the bond between you and hounded Raian to make you his S/O.
• Erioh made him realize his feelings.
• Raian got noticeably more protective of you while also getting on your nerves. It confused you at first.
• The whole family knew about your dynamic with Raian at this point, even Karura supported you guys getting together
• After several years, you two were adults and STILL weren't together
• As you two were bickering while sparring as per usual, one thing lead to another and-
• "I love you, you fucking idiot" "I love you too you shit sniffing douchebag"
• You had him pinned down, both panting as you finished your thoughts to eachother. Starring at eachother while sweating
• Grabs the back of your head and smashes his lips onto yours. One kiss turned into a rough makeout session, the two of you fighting for who got to be on top. It lasted an hour before the both of you said anything to eachother. Afterall, you guys had years of romantic tension.
• With his lips swollen, neck covered in bite marks, he gives you a teethy smile. "About fuckin' time we said something, huh?"
Gaolang Wongsawat
• You write and run an extremely popular article/blog about the latest and greatest fights and fighters.
• You're well respected among the community, let's say that.
• You hear about the Thai God of War, it piqued your interest so you book a flight to Thailand to see the heavy weight boxing championship.
• King Rama spots and instantly recognizes you. Calls one of the security guards to bring you over to the Royal Suite viewing area.
• Wants you to meet Gaolang and exchange numbers so you can write an article about him. Something about it bringing more tourists. I mean, that was your plan in the first place.
• After the fight is over, King Rama escorts you to the locker room. And there he is, sitting on a bench with a towel over his shoulders. Sweating, but not harmed like his opponent. You have to tell yourself not to stare too much.
• King Rama introduces you, Gaolang nods and agrees to meeting up at the palace so you can interview his properly. Long story short, you have his number now.
• A day after, you and him stroll in the royal gardens. You scribble things down in your notepad about him, but half of the time you're admiring how handsome he looks.
• Of course you catch feelings first.
• His voice makes you weak in the knees, and the way he says your name makes you wanna turn into a puddle.
• The interview was a success, the two of you say your goodbyes.
• You text him a thank you, and he responds with "It was a lovely experience chatting with you. I hope to read your article soon". Major butterflies as you slide down in you plane seat.
• Another texts appears as soon as you land- " Will you coming back to Thailand for any other fights? "
• Is this what you thought it was? You responded with a "maybe, it depends"
• Things escalated from there, weeks later you've booked another flight back to Thailand to see him fight again. And then again just to see him. Soon he was paying for your flights. You stayed for weeks on end.
• It started more as a fling, he felt attracted to you the more you texted him.
• He is a certified yearner. Every second you weren't around he was thinking about you.
• It was your last day in Thailand before heading back. He had taken you to a private beach to spend the remainder of your time together. You both were in the water as the sun set in the distance.
• He held you up against him while your legs wrapped around his hips. Holding onto your thighs tightly while your arms were secured around his neck.
• "You mean everything, stay here with me. I don't think I can bear the thought of you leaving again" he mumbled into your lips breathlessly.
Yoroizuka Saw Paing
• You are an aspiring artist looking to explore the villages in Japan. Hoping to capture the essence of them and learn their cultures.
• You heard of The Village of Dawn in Kyushu, and ventured out into the mountains.
• You found it with the power of sheer will, it was actually pretty easy since you started to hear something like battle cries coming from within the forest.
• The people were quick to accept you, they honored your cause and learning the culture. The Chief lead you around, showing you various traditions.
• "SHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" A voice boomed, almost shaking you off your feet. The Chief chases after you as you go off in the direction of the voice
• There he was, harshly swinging his head into plates of pure stone. You had never seen anything quite like it. The Chief introduces him as Yoroizuka Saw Paing, the villages' representative fighter.
• Saw Paing turns around with an unyielding smile, and a big red spot where he'd headbutt. You knew from the start that he'd most likely be the subject of your painting.
• He is overjoyed to see a person from the outside care about his village and people. Thinks what you're doing is awesome.
• You eventually get used to his loud voice and personality as you follow him around, sketching his various poses and facial features.
• He catches feelings first. He's never gotten this much attention from a someone before.
• "Hey (Reader) watch this!" "(Reader) look what I can do!" Saw really likes showing off for you, like a lot.
• Keeps you in the back of his mind when training, and it only makes him smile more.
• He is so dumb, but so lovable. Just thinking about his big dumbness in general makes you kick your feet and squeal into a pillow
• It's the day of one of his fights, he vows to fight for his village and for you.
• He hears you cheering him on, and that only fires him up more.
• Of course he wins. He leaps out of the ring and runs straight to you, sweeping you off your feet. Infront of the whole crowd, he kisses your lips with a fiery passion of what was to be expected of the strongest Lethwei fighter the world had seen.
Kanoh Agito
• Has never experienced attraction or love for anybody or anything (besides hot baths)
• Katahara Metsudo hired you as a body guard, that's when he met you. It was rare for him to hire bodyguards, as that wasn't his usual way of finding protection.
• Didn't think much of you at first, like he did with all the other people he meets unless they impress him in some way.
• If you're a woman, he'd expect you to be more 'fragile'. He hasn't really seen a female fighter before.
• Either way, you unknowingly prove yourself to him by saving Sayaka from assailants. Your moves were swift and precise, and you were able to defeat them without leaving a huge mess.
• Not only that, but you showed no fear when it came to him. The other body guards remained wary and cautious around him, while you didnt seem to care.
• You treated him like a human. Which was new coming from someone he didn't consider family.
• As a man of few words, he felt like he could have real conversations with someone. He opens up about his past, like the human Gu ritual.
• He gets his first hug ever from you. And he, awkwardly, tries to return it.
• For a few days, he thinks about what happened between the two of you. He tells Metsudo about how he feels around you. Metsudo laughs "Well then, tell (Reader) everything you told me"
• He avoids you for a while, which leaves you a bit conflicted and hurt because you really did care about him.
• He finally pulls you aside and repeats what he said to Metsudo. "I have a...strong regard for you"
• You laugh and he gets confused. "So you're saying you love me then?" You tilt your head.
• Love. That's the word. Love. He nods while humming. You smile at him, you never really considered him as a love interest. But that could definitely change. "Then say it, say it with no fear. There's nothing holding you back"
• Now that he had the words, he breathed deeply and looked you in the eyes. "I...love you"
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• The two of you met at the training gym most Kengan fighters frequented. You were new so he kept a close eye on you.
• You asked him for a spot on the squat rack, which he happily obliged. You were clearly experienced and didn't seem to need a spot with how easily you lifted without failing.
• From then on, it was small conversations here and there. Small greetings then going on with training.
• He garnered a very small crush because of how dedicated you were to coming and working on yourself.
• Honestly, he started getting distracted. Even when he was bench pressing 1000 pounds he zoned out while looking at you.
• Dropped a weight on Okubos foot while watching you practice striking a punching bag.
• He wanted to get to know you more, so he asked for you to be his part time Gym buddy. Of course he couldn't replace Okubo, he'd be heart broken.
• You couldn't keep up with him when it came to weights, but he could definitely jog with you and teach techniques when it came to fighting.
• Lihito and Okubo watch him closely as his usual mature and tough personality clearly was absent when he was with you. "You leaving us bro?" "Don't tell us you're in love!"
• Wakatsuki didn't care what the others thought. No one had ever made him feel this way, especially at his age.
• Asks you out on a date. You had such a deep admiration of him, so you accept. You could definitely see yourself with him.
• One date lead to another, then another, then another. People thought you were official, but nothing had ever been said between you two about becoming a thing.
• He was so nervous, way more nervous then when a fight was about to start. He almost sweat through his nice dress shirt while you sat accross from him, talking about whatever. Today was the day he wanted to ask you the question.
• He'd completely crushed and bent the silverware in his grip like it was tin.
• Quite literally shaking, he loosened his collar and bit the bullet. "I knew from the first day I saw you that I couldn't love anyone else the way I love you" he swallowed. "Please, be mine"
• Your heart lept out of your chest. His golden-brown eyes looking into yours, pleading for a response.
• "Of course I will" You placed your hand on his.
• His shoulders visibly untensed. He took your hand in a gentle hold and kissed your knuckles repeatedly, his way of thanking you.
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bokutosbiceps · 9 months
‘tis the season | kengan ashura
gaolang wongsawat/kanoh agito/kure raian/tokita ohma x gn!reader | fluff | ~1k words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit + obviously cursing bc rai is involved my piece of shit man
a/n: welcome to my xmas special for the kengan boys !! as usual, i chose to write for my fav men. it was sooo hard to decide wtf raian would do because he would refuse to do any of these activities but i think what i chose fits him p well LOL.also I’M SORRY OHMA’S IS SO SHORT BUT I THINK IT’S CUTE, m’kay, so pls enjoy 🎄
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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gaolang wongsawat finds going to the christmas market with you to be the perfect way to spend his evening. the first stop that you two will make, which is a must, is the coffee stall. he’ll pay for both of your coffees and tip the stall attendant just a little bit extra since he’s feeling the holiday spirit. then he’ll tuck his hands into his pockets and you’ll thread your arm through his and thus begins your journey through the stalls.
gaolang holds you close as you trudge through the market, appreciating all of the pretty stalls decorated with lights and tinsel. you two will stop at every single food stall, and gaolang insists on sharing all of his food with you. he thinks it’s cute the way that your smile reaches your eyes and scrunches your nose when you bite into something that’s hot and tasty.
otherwise, it’s mostly silent, save for the quiet murmur of the crowd around you and your excited comments at anything cute your eyes may land on. gaolang is silently taking note of these things, because he will be coming back to the market without you to buy you each and every one of whatever you showed any interest in. 
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kanoh agito is a man of many, many talents, including chopping down the christmas tree for your shared abode. you and kanoh make the long drive up to the mountains to pick out your tree, and you stand back and let your eyes rake over you man while he swings his axe against the poor tree of your choosing.
he sheds his coat and his long sleeve, leaving him only in a tank top to allow for full range of motion, spits into his hands, and grabs the axe like his life depends on it. agito, all rippling muscles, swings the blade of the axe against the tree like a pro, using his hips to add extra power into his swing until the tree is hanging on by a mere, woody thread.
“were you a lumberjack in a past life, babe?” you joke as you watch him tie the tree down to the hood of your car with twine.
“lumber…jack?” agito doesn’t stop what he’s doing but he throws a questioning glance over his shoulder at you. you giggle, remembering that this towering hunk of man still has much to learn about the world around him. you walk up to his side and give the twine a good tug to ensure that it’s secure before turning around and leaning your back against your car.
“don’t worry about it. you were just chopping down this tree like such an expert, i thought maybe you’d done this in a past life.” you watch as agito shrugs his layers of clothing back on and comes back over to you, leaning on the car next to you.
“i’m surprised you noticed my axe technique since you were too busy ogling me.” agito smirks at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pressing you into his side. you gasp in fake embarrassment.
“i don’t know how i’m supposed to resist! you took off your coat on purpose!” you tease.
agito just chuckles and leans down to place a kiss to the top of your head, whatever you say, doll.  
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kure raian’s least favorite thing about moving back into kure village is the fact that he is required to decorate the house with christmas lights. erioh gets on his ass, starting in september, to remind him that he must decorate his villa to keep the village looking nice and uniform for the holidays.
“the fuck do i care about uniformity and niceties? we’re fucking assassins, not little ass elves.” raian grumbles as he untangles the string of lights. he continues to mutter and and whine while he fights with the cord and you’re watching in pure delight as you lay out the corny, tacky decorations you bought for the front yard.
raian brings the ladder down from the garage wall with one arm, his muscle flexing and relaxing as he brings it to the spot under the peak of the roof. 
“get over here and hold the ladder for me.”
“can i get a please?” you raise your eyebrows at him, knowing full well you’re in dangerous territory as it is.
“i ask my bitch to do something for me and i get lip?” raian huffs a laugh, throwing his head back in an exaggerated manner. “just get over here before i lose my shit.” 
you laugh and obey your husband, dutifully holding the ladder steady while he quickly and cleanly hangs the lights on the edge of the roof. you’re surprised at how efficiently raian works, and how it actually doesn’t look like shit when he’s finished.
“i’m proud of you, rai.” you smile at him and press a quick kiss to his lips when he comes down from the ladder. despite the annoyed frown on his lips, he’s quick to snake his arms around the small of your back as he looks up at the roof, seemingly proud of his work. he nods in satisfaction before turning back to you.
“now, why don’t we go back inside and you can show me just how proud you are, hm?” raian’s hand drifts down the small of your back till it reaches the top of your butt. you just shake your head and smack his hand away. 
“we’ve still got the yard to decorate, stud.”
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tokita ohma is okay with the holidays, because the holidays mean it’s gonna get cold, and the cold means you’re gonna turn on the fireplace, and turning on the fireplace means he will be napping by the fireplace. ohma really only finds it comfortable enough when you’re with him, though, so he’ll wait for whenever you’re not busy to pull you onto the carpet in front of the fireplace.
he wraps his body around you, tucking your head underneath his chin and bringing his knees up behind yours to effectively keep you trapped. lastly, he wraps his arms tightly around your waist and pulls you backwards until you’re flush against his firm chest.  he lets out a deep and content sigh, and you can imagine that his lips are curled upward into a soft smile as he closes his eyes.
“don’t leave, ‘kay?” he mutters before letting out another sigh. you chuckle softly at his request, wondering how on earth you’d ever even be able to escape the strong embrace of your lover. but it’s not like you’d want to anyways.
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taglist: @ohmaswife | @kamesama | @thebigevilsamp | @itbitesback | @aloelotustea | @hoe4rairai | @himbo-in-limbo
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jannahime · 1 month
Hello, I was wondering where Ohma Tokita caught his wife touching herself and was whimpering and moaning his name want to slightly choke her and being rough with her and she really enjoys it.
Yes I can do that for you! I will use my OC Satomi again for this one. Sorry for it being so late! 😭
Demon x Demon love
Ohma Tokita X Reader (oc) Satomi Ishikawa
Synopsis: After three years apart from his wife Satomi who thinks that he is dead, Ohma finally returns home and gets roughly intimate with her.
🚨⚠️🛑🚧Warnings: rough sex|unprotected sex|Selfservice|cream pie|vulgar language|NSFW|🚨⚠️🛑🚧
🚨⚠️🛑🚧18 and up only!!! MDNI!!!🚨⚠️🛑🚧
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Word count: 2,253
Ohma had finally settled down with his wife Satomi who was one of the first female fangs of Metsudo, a powerful fang at that.
After the first Kengan tournament ended and Ohma got a heart replacement surgery he couldn't wait to get back home with Satomi to their cottage and their mile long forest property where there was no neighbor or human being in sight.
Not that Ohma hated people but he liked the fact that there weren't any bothersome neighbors around them.
Once doctor Hanafusa gave him the okay, Ohma wasted no time in dressing up in his denim black jeans, his black camo shirt that showed off his detailed muscular physique and his detailed abdomen.
“Someone seems to be in a hurry to have some nice romping with their wife! Are you planning to play hide the cannoli-”
“Shut up. My sex life with my wife doesn't concern you, you crazy quack.” Replied Ohma, annoyed at Hanafusa’s teasing as Ohma put on his jacket and his wedding ring.
“Maybe so but I didn't come in here to tease you. I wanted to ask if Satomi knows that you're alive and does she know that you're coming home?” Asked Hajime Hanafusa with that sus smile of his.
“No she doesn't. But it doesn't matter. She’ll ask questions and I'll answer them. End of story.” Replied Ohma dryly as he walked past him eagerly heading towards the door.
But he is soon stopped by Erioh Kure. Ohma clicks his tongue in annoyance and sighs heavily. “What is it? If you're going to ask me to-”
“No….it's none of that….. I’m here because I want to help you and your wife Satomi reconcile. You know……she's going to be quite angry as well…..don't you think she'll be upset-”
“Regardless how she feels…..it's mine and her business not yours or anyone else's. Is that clear?” Spoke Ohma harshly looking down at Erioh with a cold blooded glare.
Eruoh only nods his head and says nothing. Ohma soon walked out of teb Kure estate and he continued to walk down the mountain to the main road.
However Retsudo and Misasa pulled up in a fancy car and gave him a ride back home to Satomi.
He fell asleep the whole car ride seeing as it took a few hours to arrive back to his home. As soon as the car came to a stop he woke up. He gave Retsudo a few stacks one was a thank you and the other ten stacks were to keep Retsudo’s father Metsudo, from interrupting his alone time with his wife.
“Keep your father from calling Satomi in to work and from interrupting my alone time with her.” Replied Ohma firmly as he added another stack.
“Done!” Spoke Retsudo with a satisfied grin. Ohma got off the car and followed the trail to the inside of their cottage. He took the key out from under the mat and he opened the door.
“Omi?” He called Satomi by his nickname for her.
He closes the door behind him and locks it. He sees one of the cats that he and Satomi rescued come up to him, meowing at him with happiness.
He smiles a bit as he pets Oreo and Chip for a little bit. “Mmm……ah….. oh.” Ohma hears some soft whimpers coming from their master bedroom.
“ Ah…..ah……mmmm…..oh yes……ah….Ohma.” Satomi whimpered softly as she kneaded her right voluptuous breast and she slowly thrusted to fingers inside of her wet heat.
Ohma looked a bit taken aback but he could feel his shaft growing hard. His lips parted a bit as he looked at his wife pleasuring herself.
Satomi arches her back and she leans back on the bed writhing in pleasure. She fucked her hips a few times as she kept fingering herself. Her juices began to spill out of her wetness.
“Oh god! AAhh! OHMA!” Satomi moaned louder as she fingered herself deeper. Ohma’s breathe hitches in his throat as he swallowed hard as his heart beat grew faster and faster.
His eyes glowed red from his demon transformation wanting to take over him to feast on his wife. “I'll be damned if I let you take over.” Thought Ohma to himself as he let out a low growl. He bit his bottom lip hard making it bleed a bit from trying to keep himself quiet not wanting to jump in yet.
He unzipped his pants and he began to jerk off hearing his wife’s consistent moaning and calling to his name.
He began to breathe heavily as precum began to spill out of the tip of his huge, thick, and long shaft. Satomi bucked her hips faster as she fingered herself deeper and moaning louder and louder.
“FUCK!” He growled loudly ripping off his clothes and slamming the door wide open revealing his bulging cock twitching at how aroused he really was.
“O-OHMA ……YOU'RE ALIVE……….WHA-Mmm!” Satomi was silenced with such a rough and passionate kiss.
“Omi….I know you want answers right now….but I really need you right now….I want you right now so badly.” Ohma let out a deep guttural growl as he devoured her mouth wolfishly.
“Mmm!” Whimpered Satomi softly into his mouth as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. her lipstick smudges on his lips.
He pulls back as a rope of saliva connects to each other's tongues breathing heavily.
Satomi looked up at him with such a longing look as she flushed red. Ohma looks down at her as he licks her lipstick smudge clean off his lips while smiling lewdly at her.
“You're enjoying this aren't you…..” He chuckles softly as he cups her chin and licks her lips.
Satomi gasps a little and then she Whimpers softly as Ohma bites her bottom lip.
“Ah….” Satomi moans quietly.
“The mark on your bottom lip is red…..it's going to get swollen soon.” Spoke Ohma with a sly smirk as he began to kiss her jawline tenderly.
Satomi leans into his kisses while stroking his chest. Ohma's big hands gripped her small waist tightly. He trailed his kisses down to her neck. His kisses on her neck were passionate and wet making her moan loudly in pleasure as she felt his teeth graze her skin.
“Ah…….Ohma…..no……no hickeys….Ah!” She gasps softly as Ohma bites her neck.
“Why not?” he mumbles softly into her skin as he continues to bite her and suck on her skin enjoying her taste.
“Ah …….ah……Ohma….I don't like…..when….. people……see the marks you leave on my neck……Ah! Not so hard. Ah!” Replied Satomi in a quiet whisper. Ohma's hands roamed her body as he trailed his kisses down to her collarbone.
“Come on Omi……you like it rough….just as much as I do….. Remember…….our first fuck at the Kengan tournament…..in you're hotel room…….we broke the bed…..and you couldn't stop riding me.” He chuckles softly at her while playfully pankong her voluptuous ass.
Satomi giggles softly as she kisses him again. Ohma smirks against her lips. He slides his hand down her stomach and then to the crest of her pelvis. She wraps her right leg around his waist.
“I was going to use my finger but….I think I'll go right on in.” Ohma growled possessively as he gripped her ass tightly and he rammed into her making her arch her back and moan loudly in pain and pleasure.
Ohma begins to thrust into her roughly, tightening his grip on her ass. Her right leg wrapped around his waist tightens even more. “AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! FUCK! OHMA!” She mewls louder and louder. Ohma growls with dominance as he wraps her other leg around his waist.
“I'm gonna show you just how much I missed you so much Omi, my dear wife.” He grunts as he thrusts into her aggressively.
Satomi screams in pleasure, moving her hips equally with his. “Ha! Ah! Haa! Ah! Oh! Ah! I missed you so fucking much! Ah!” She yells at the top of her lungs with so much pleasure.
Ohma then throws her on the bed and he crawls on top of her looking down at her with those dominant eyes of his. Once again he devours her mouth like if it was his last time he was going to see her ever again.
Suddenly his eyes glow red and he lets out a growl. “O-Ohma?” She says a little nervous. Ohma realizes what's going on and he shakes his head frantically looking down at her a bit terrified.
Once again his demon transformation took over him. He steps away but she hugs him tightly.
“I'm sorry…..it's just……ever since……the tournaments…..die some reason….my transformation….wants you…..I don't-”she silences him with a passionate kiss.
“Let him out.” She replies in a soft whisper.
He looks at her puzzled. “What? No…are you crazy-” Satomi cuts him off by kissing him again.
She pulls back slightly. “Ohma…. you're not the only one who can transform…..my demon transformation has been craving you as well.” She replied in a soft whisper. Her eyes began to glow a light shade of neon blue her hair got a little more disheveled and she grinned at him slyly.
Ohma sighs softly in relief closing his eyes nodding his head. When he opens his eyes, they turn into a deep shade of crimson red, and his smile grows into a wide yet excited grin. Just like the grin he gets when ever he sees or is about to fight someone worthy.
His veins pop out and his skin turns a light shade of red. Satomi's transformation demon smiles just as wife as his demon transformation.
She opens her legs wide open. He growls and grips her hips tightly. He enters inside of her without warning and he thrusts into in such a barbaric way.
“AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! OH! FUCK!” Satomi's demon growls in pleasure as she as she hung on to him tightly.
Ohma's demon laughs and he bites down on Satomi's neck making Satomi's demon whimper softly. Ohma's demon then licks the bite mark on her neck to soothe it down a bit.
But Ohma's demon continue to ram into Satomi mercilessly gently gripping her neck at first and then a little tighter.
Satomi's demon eyes rolled back as she breathed heavily enjoying every second of Ohma's demon being so barbaric.
The next moment he pulls out of her and then he turns her around and enters her entrance from behind making her gasp loudly as he continued to thrust into her barbarically from behind.
With both of his hands gripped her neck tightly as he thrusted into her at rapid speed that every single thrust hit her cervix.
“AAHHH! OH GOD! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! OHMAAAAA!” Screamed Satomi’s demon in pleasure as she squirts her nectar on his shaft and out of her while he was still buried inside of her.
Ohma demon growls louder as he releases bucket loads of his cum deep inside of her. Filling her up to the brim. Ohma’s demon transformation soon fades away me so does Satomi's. She whimpers softly as Ohma continues to pump his cum deep, deep inside wood her womb, filling her up to the brim.
“Ah……..oh…….ohma……ah..” She whispers softly as Ohma collapses on top of her from behind, nuzzling his head into her neck. While continuing to slowly rock his hips into her still pumping his seed into her.
Satomi’s Whimpers were soft and quiet as she felt him continuing to pump his load into her. Her legs trembled and shake from their intense passionate love making, his cum spills out of her as he's still buried inside of her a puddle of cum already surrounded them as they stood on it.
Ohma’s cum drips down her thighs all the day down her calves. After a few more minutes Ohma finally stopped rocking his hips and he hugged her tightly from behind in his collapsed position on top of her, he still stayed buried inside of her.
The two breathe heavily trying to catch their breathes. Satomi turns her head to the left side where Ohma cooked her chin and he kisses her passionately and deeply.
“Mmm…..” she moans softly into his mouth.
“Ohma…..I love you…” She speaks softly smiling up at him as the two were covered in so much sticky sweat.
“I do too.” He whispers back as he kisses her temple and her cheek.
He slowly pulls out of her making her whimper softly again and his shaft is covered in so much cum and his cum leaks out of her like a waterfall.
He lays down in bed and he brings her closer to him hugging her tightly. “Rest…..knowing my demon….. you're going to be sore tomorrow. You’re not going to be walking for quite a while. “ He chuckles softly.
Satomi smiles as she looks up at him. “Thanks for the tip….and thanks for giving me such a good cream pie…” whe days kn a seductive tone as she kisses hia lils ans then she rests her head on his chest and she goes to sleep.
Ohma laughs softly as he kisses the top of her head and inhales her sweet scent from her hair. He was finally home with his beautiful wife and now he could live peacefully with her.
The End……
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Could I request Raian being hit on by like a cute lil gyaru type of girl out of nowhere that is like both a really big fan of him and wants to literally have his kids. Like literally yandere for him. Like how karla is with ohma, I’d love to see how he’d handle such a situation. NSFW/SFW either one works for me👀
He would shove her into a steel wall, face first.
If she lives, he rips her heart out and punts her corpse to the dogs.
The thing y'all don't seem to understand is that Karla isn't actually all that into Ohma, she's only attracted to his strength because she believes he's the strongest available (I'll concede that she probably also thinks he's aesthetically attractive, but even then, she has an idolization issue because her family is established to push Kures with higher emission rates to marry into the strongest families possible.). Ohma sure as shit isn't into her, and is shown to be annoyed by this sort of fangirl behavior. You're somewhat delusional if you think Raian would react any better, sorry. But I'll try to humor this.
Actual Hcs:
He's not gonna be into some loser who has nothing better in life than to thirst after him.
If she's at all strong, he'll fight her. If she loses and dies, she wasn't worthy anyways, and he'll just be annoyed that she doesn't put up a good enough fight.
If she wins (and therefore lives), he'll briefly experience a character development arc and several existential crisises (crises? crisodes?) before either banging her because Erioh forces him to and then punting off the responsibility of raising the kid to the clan or killing her in a sneak attack and never thinking about it again.
Either way, he's not gonna be in love with her anytime soon, sure as hell not if she's stalking him and talking about babies constantly. If he's particularly merciful and doesn't kill her, he might do something especially petty and punch her to destroy her womb exclusively so he can gloat about how he took her dream away.
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hoe4rairai · 9 months
Is Raian really Evil or a Man With a Twisted Nature ?
They call him a psychopath, a devil who enjoys killing with one sided dominance attitude . His late grandad said Raian is beyond fixing !
We saw what he did to Lohito and that English man in their battle ... how he smiled like a lunatic, completely dismissing the guy's crying sister.
But what he said to the audience was just the truth .
To me, all I see is a man who enjoys fighting strong people, who loves to dominate people who are willing to stand against him. I know he roughed Lohito up but he did so to send a message to his opponents. You see, not everyone thinks the same way, some are creative 😅...
Raian torn Alan into half and laughed about it, yeah I know normal ppl don't usually act that way but who said Raian is Normal ??!
Raian fights against the Warm, they are literally the epiphany of all corruption. The man fights for a cause ...
I saw him mercilessly killing ppl and snapping necks like hay sticks , those ppl he killed were direct threats to his clan ...
He accepted his defeat by Ohma and accepted to train him.
A scene when Yamashitah was alone, Ohma joined then, Erioh and Raian stopped to talk to them, have you carefully listened to what Raian had to say to Yamashita ? Sadly, everything he said made sense and it has so much reality to it .
Raian has a filthy mouth, he enjoys violence but do you really think he is Evil ?
Have you thought about his childhood ? How he was brought up ? being the strongest among the kures surpassing his Grandpa in his prime ( if you didn't know how Erioh was in his prime go back to the earlier chapters and surprise yourself, he was stronger than Raian and for him to Say that Raian will surpass him at his prime, is scary yet exciting.) Maybe knowing how strong he was since his childhood, he became who he is right now, strong, privileged entitled annoying fuck. They only made a killing machine out of him !!
Raian is intelligent, technically every assassin should exceed smart ppl IQ .
Does he hold emotions, I believe he does but he can easily exoress only anger and deadly excitement , the rest of the more vulnerable feelings are still there but he either doesn't know how to deal with them or hate dealing with them .
I think Raian isn't that scary but he is someone you'd rather avoid if you aren't mentally strong enough.
What do you think , I like to hear your honest opinion about THE DEVIL ...
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Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian
Chapter 1: Shut up, Raian
“Oi brat, wake up.” A large fist rapped on the Japanese-styled door separating the man and his neighbor; the occupant still fast asleep on the other side. He waited impatiently for a few seconds before knocking again.
“Hey,” Ohma Tokita raised his voice this time, eye twitching slightly as the sound of Kure Raian’s intense snoring somehow increased in volume.
Noisy idiot.
It was the middle of the night, the only light illuminating the room was thin, slivers of silver moonshine slipping through the curtains. The lithe fighter had about all he could take from his neighbor’s incessant snoring, if it could even be called that. It sounded like a motor engine malfunctioning, dying down every now and again only to suddenly start back up. Raian woke him up three times already, three times in the last five hours, and at this point he was on the verge of throttling him in his sleep. 
As expected, Raian wasn’t exactly the quietest roommate, but it wasn’t exactly like he had much of a choice. The main Kure mansion was mostly full, with the only room left at the end of this hallway a joint room next to Raian. Ohma could guess why his room was the only one unoccupied. Raian, the troublemaker that he was, liked to train late at night, meaning midnight or after, and oftentimes Ohma could hear him smashing something at one in the damn morning, a peal of his familiar cackling laugh piercing his peaceful slumber. For the sake of the old man Erioh who let him live there without rent, he grit his teeth and bore with it. And boy was it hard sometimes.
There’s free food here, Ohma reminded himself. Free food and all the strong fighters anyone could wish for. 
The first day he had moved in after his surgery he had found Raian squatting and looming over him at three a.m., staring down at him with a silent, toothy grin on his face right next to his futon. Ohma never thought there would be anyone weirder than Kiryu Setsuna until then, and in a sleepy haze he threw a sloppy punch that Raian easily dodged. And then that fucker proceeded to jump out his window. In his defense, Ohma was still a bit woozy from the medication for his heart and wasn’t expecting Raian of all people to break into his room, otherwise he probably wouldn’t have missed his target. Karla he had expected, which was why he made sure everything was locked down before he went to bed. But somehow Raian had managed to get through the locks without a sound and then proceeded to leer at him like a stalker.
Regardless, Ohma had grown accustomed to his weird habits as he himself was not exactly normal. But these past two days Raian had begun snoring loudly and constantly, and he was at the end of his rope. Or else he wouldn’t be standing in front of the backdoor, freezing in the chilly winter night in nothing but his boxers.
Damn, Ohma growled as Raian let out a particularly loud rumble, opting to just break the lock and deal with him before he was sentenced to another sleepless night. 
The bolt snapped easily under the pressure of his hand, the door creaking softly as he slid it open, revealing Raian spread-eagle on his back in the middle of the room. Somehow the demon Kure had migrated from his bed to the floor during the night without waking up, mouth parted and drooling.
The wool blankets were strewn around him, tangled around his powerful legs and barely covering what Ohma assumed was his naked groin.
Really? During the winter? Ohma sighed.
He let out an irritated huff and padded towards the younger fighter, nearly tripping over multiple items thrown haphazardly on the floor. Nudging him with his foot, Raian just snorted and rolled over to the other side letting out a string of curses under his breath. Several prods later and he was still snoring soundly, and Ohma subtly wondered how he hadn’t been murdered in his sleep yet. The Kures had a lot of enemies, and he was sure Raian had even more than the average clan member.
“Hey wake up,” Ohma stooped down and shook his shoulders hard, finally waking up the resting boulder.
Apparently Raian wasn’t used to being woken up in the middle of the night, immediately lurching forward and pushing Ohma to the ground with a snarl. “What the fuck do you want bitch?”
“For you to stop snoring, moron,” Ohma squeezed the wrists that were holding him down, eye blazing and rearing for a fight.
“Oh yeah?” Raian taunted with a wide smirk on his face, applying more pressure to his grip and drawing out a growl.
Pulling his leg back, Ohma rammed it into Raian’s stomach and threw him across the room, sending slight tremors through the walls of the house from the force of his kick. It was a miracle none of the other Kures were woken by the racket, but then they were probably already used to whatever unholy sounds came from Raian’s room at night.
Barely fazed, said Kure lunged forward and met him halfway, locking hands and wrestling each other to the carpet with an audible crash.
They rolled across the floor, knocking over any furniture in the way and spitting insults that would make any sailor blush. Normally Ohma was relatively immune to threats and curses, but something about Raian made his temper short-circuit sometimes. Perhaps listening to him “snore” that loudly for over a week had done it.
Eventually, Raian was able to get the upper hand on Ohma, hard knees digging into his waist as he rocked his weight back on the other man’s thighs. His body weight kept him pressed down on the ground, though Ohma could have easily broken free. 
But he was feeling generous (tired) today.
Ohma was almost tempted to smack the sneer off his face, but he knew that would just escalate the fight. Honestly he was surprised the whole place hasn’t been demolished-excluding the fist-sized holes in the plaster-and waking up the entire neighborhood wasn’t exactly on his to-do list.
Just bear with it for now, Ohma thought grumpily. I’ll slap the shit outta him in the morning. Just you wait kid.
He had completely forgotten about Raian’s state of undress until he glanced down, suddenly bucking up his hips and trying to push him off. It wasn’t like Ohma cared much about nakedness, but he’d much rather not have a grown man sitting on his dick when he was only in his boxers. Especially not Kure Raian, who was fully naked like the weirdo he was.
“Get off and put some pants on dipshit!”
Raian’s grin grew impossibly wider and he stuck out his tongue, forcing Ohma back down with his ass. “What, does it bother you or something, you perverted fuck?” With a harsh bark of laughter he roughly ground down on Ohma making him hiss.
“Son of a bitch!” Ohma swore noisily and redoubled his efforts to escape, whipping his head back and forth. This was giving him serious flashbacks to Imai Cosmo. Except back then his adversary was thankfully clothed.
“Uncomfortable? Or just excited to see me?” Raian thrust his face close, making Ohma bang his head on the ground with a solid thump to avoid being headbutted.
“Motherfucker,” Ohma grunted and turned his head to the side, too tired to deal with his bullshit anymore. His eyelids felt heavy, he had barely slept the last two days after all, and training over eight hours a day definitely didn’t help.
For a moment the only sound in the room was their panting, and neither men moved. 
“Going to sleep already?” Raian’s breath was hot on his face, so close that Ohma could smell the scent of the udon he had for dinner mingled with a faint trace of sweat and cologne.
Cologne? Since when did Raian wear cologne?
“Back off, your breath stinks,” Ohma groaned and held a hand between them.
“Oh yeah, you fuck? How about a closer whiff?” Raian cackled.
“For fuck’s sake-” The rest of his sentence was abruptly cut short as Raian surged forward to collide their lips together, or at least tried to. A jolt of pain shot through Ohma’s mouth as their teeth clashed, the familiar metallic tang of blood on his tongue.
Raian latched onto his bottom lip with his teeth, biting down hard as Ohma moaned in pain. Grabbing his shoulders, Ohma tried once again to push him off, but Raian had his biceps in a vice grip and neither fighter was budging.
Fine then, if he wanted to play rough then so be it. 
Snarling, Ohma shifted his weight onto one side and rolled Raian under him with all his strength, placing him on top this time. It shocked the Kure enough to let him go-finally, he was about to chew through his lip, and damned if he had to answer questions the next morning.
“You mothefucker! You call that a damn kiss fucking brat?!” Ohma roared, blood spilling from his cut and dripping down his chin, where it splattered in crimson pools all over Raian’s chest.
“What, like you can do better you dumb virgin fuck!” He flung his head forward again, but this time Ohma was one step ahead of him and got there first, trying to force his tongue in his mouth.
The ensuing battle for dominance was nothing short of a gross mess with an excessive amount of spit and blood, but as Kengan fighters it was nothing compared to the battles they’ve experienced. As expected, neither gave an inch, at least not until Raian suddenly grabbed a fistful of his seaweed hair and gave it a vicious tug, strong enough to pull out a clump of dark brown strands.
“Fuck!” Using the opportunity to slip into his opponent’s mouth, Raian’s victory was short-lived as Ohma took the chance to exact retribution by sinking his teeth deep into his tongue. Huffing through his nose, Raian saw red as Ohma bit down even harder. 
Sharp stabs of pain shot through Ohma’s back as Raian dug his fingers hard into his muscles, which Ohma returned by jabbing as hard as he could into his bulging biceps.
White hot agony exploded behind Ohma’s eyes as the delinquent rammed a knee into his groin and his legs gave out, his forehead bashing against Raian’s upper lip. 
“That...was for the fucking tournament…” Raian wheezed between breaths, chest heaving with the other man still laying on top.
“Shut up...Raian…” Eyes shut tightly, Ohma could feel himself drifting away in the darkness, too tired to even bother getting off of him.
“...You weigh...like a goddamn truck.”
“Shitty brat,” Ohma’s voice was barely audible and he didn’t respond to the poke in his ribs that would have normally pissed him off. There was the soft sound of rustling as Raian shifted underneath him before falling still, hand relaxing on his shoulder.
Giving up trying to fight back the darkness threatening to engulf him, he let the sound of Raian’s quieting pants and warm body lull him to an easy, dreamless sleep. He could always beat him in the morning, after all. 
There was no more snoring for the rest of the night.
“What the hell?” In the doorway stood Kure Hollis and Reiichi, who were sent to find them after neither man showed up to breakfast.
“Should we wake them up?” Reiichi whispered. Raian twitched from his position on the ground, face scrunching momentarily but didn’t wake. 
“No, I don’t want to deal with waking up that devil Raian in the morning.”
“Why are they covered in blood? And why is he naked?”
“I don’t know, but don’t tell Karla.” Hollis sighed.
“Don’t tell me what?” Speak of the devil, and she shall arrive.
“Oh fuck.”
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lunaasher · 2 years
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Trick or treat
Raian Kure x reader
Note: happy Halloween! I hope your days been going great! Enjoy this little Halloween special with Raian!
Halloween a holiday where you get to carve pumpkins, dress up and go to random peoples houses for candy. It was one of my favourite days of the year. Karura was a big fan of the holiday as well. Erioh just loved to see the Kure kids dressed up, he loved that other kids came to his door. Some even dressed up as a Kure clan member.
As a kid Raian loved Halloween but now that he didn’t get to be a little menace. destroying pumpkins, egging houses. His mom would always get after him when he did things like that. Now he had to wait for kids to come to his house so he could give them sweets.
“ quick raian there’s more kids coming!” I spoke happily. Raian grunted as he stood up following me to the door “ trick or treat “ the kids yelled out happily “ aw look at you all here have some candy” I said as I stuffed their bags with treats. “ happy Halloween!” I yelled waving.
“ weren’t they all so cute” “ I could give two shits if a kids cute or not. I just wanna throw candy at them yelling to get the fuck off my land. “ he grinned down at me “ haha mr grumpy pants. Your ruining Halloween for the kids” I said as I pinched his side. ” now what are we going to do once all these kids are gone ?” “ oh god, no it’s hallo-ween not fuckyourpartner-ween” I whined.
“ come on your my little witch you got to cast a love spell on me or something “ Raian teased as he snaked his arms around my waist giving my ass a small squeeze. “ Raian” I frowned “ what~” he mocked me. “ be a good vampire and hand candy out to little kids and then maybe you’ll get a taste of your little witch “ I smiled up at him.
Raian grinned from ear to ear his fake fangs on full display “ alright “ he leaned down as he spoke in to my ear “ you better promise that, (y/n) “ he kissed my temple roughly as he went off to the the door as small hands knocked on the wood of the door
“ trick or treat!” 
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Chapter 22 - Crimson Spider Lily
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"RAIAN, WAIT!" Kisara yelled after him, but it was to no avail. "That idiot's going to get himself killed!" the auditorium was filled with cries of disdain at seeing yet another murder before their very eyes, while others were wondering whether this blatant murder was going to end up with a Kengan Penalty. Kisara was happy she was smart enough to kill the Ogre after being declared the winner, thus, it was an altercation outside of the match. Still, whatever, or... Better said, WHOever Raian noticed, was bad news.
Back in Katahara's room, the Patriarch declared the Kure Clan was pulling out of the competition, and they will be refunding the money for the contract. Nogi was angry, but there was nothing that he said out of anger that could shake the old Kure leader - After all, no contract is above family. Edward Wu, despite being Toyoda Idemitsu's guest, had to be killed - It didn't matter that they were going to be direct enemies of the Worm or Purgatory - Nothing mattered, except revenge. The leader of the Wu main clan urged Erioh to hurry already - Though neither of the old men had any idea it would be the last time they ever see each other - A friendship stronger than anything earthly, yet death takes us all, and life was truly a harsh, cruel maiden.
"Ohma." Kisara called out to her lover. "I'm going after Raian. I'm worried about him." "You know well enough wherever that brat is, there is also danger, don't you?" the girl nodded, making her husband sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. "I suppose I know his strength better than anyone. Fine, go ahead, if anything happens I'm sure he's well capable of protecting you. Still, I want you to run away and come get me if you get overwhelmed, alright?" "Knock on wood!" Kisara gulped with unease. "Still, I have my katana at me. Might as well use it if needed. Hopefully not though." she spoke, looking absent-minded towards the hall that might still be leading towards Raian's secret destination. "You know... For a little Psycho Brat like him, Raian has been a very important person in my life while you were, well... Dead. I owe him more than I'd like to admit. The least I can do is check on him. He may be physically stronger than most, but his emotional outbursts are going to lead to his downfall if he forgets to use that dumb brain of his." Ohma recalled the frequent voice and video calls that the two had during his stay at the village, and he almost felt himself cringing. The times Kisara would shriek her desperation into the sky, urged by the Kure brat, or when he'd encourage her to cry her whole weight in tears and irrigate a whole flower garden were the times when his resolve felt the weakest, and he wanted to run to her and reassure her he was still alive and very well.
He had been shocked to see how well a snotty brat like Raian could cope with Kisara's supposed loss of her fiance, and how self-destructive she got; Frankly, Ohma never imagined his death could impact her to such a degree, but to have the ultimate confession coming from her on a late night ( As the timezones were so damn screwed between Japan and whatever country she was in at that time ) that were it not for Raian, she would not have been able to smile again, let alone muster the strength to laugh; Get the strength to get out of the bed every day, no matter how hard it was to cope with the awful reality of the excruciating loneliness she had been feeling until not too long ago, and realise that perhaps there is still a reason to keep on going, to see the Sun rise just one more time, to see the starry night at least once more, or to take in the smell of the flora, or delight yourself with the thrill of the birds... It wasn't easy, but it wasn't impossible either. Not anymore.
In theory, the man had a lot to thank Raian for - Not only for being taken care of for so long, but being helped to train so thoroughly, and even for the tremendous emotional and moral support that he offered his most beloved person alive - But like hell was he going to thank that snotty brat. It would only get to his head. Perhaps one day, though, when he gets knocked off his high horse, and Ohma wins in terms of numbers at least, during their sparring matches.
Kisara noticed that Akoya went on for his fight, and considering she couldn't care less about his fight, nor of that flamboyant blond guy's, she abruptly turned to the rest of the Kengan fighters still remaining standing in their assigned chamber, and she threw them a leisure peace sign and a grin. "As the designated emotional support of the group, and also, the coolest fighter that Kengan has - It is my duty to wish you all fantastic matches, and tell you that I'm proud of you, no matter the outcome of your matches!" she spoke cheerfully, before sending herself off with a lazy military salute, imitating her Senpai. "I'm going to look after Raian. In theory, I should be back by the time Psy-Cop is done with his match. In practice, well... That honestly depends on what he's up to." "Hey, hold up--" Takeshi was the first to voice his concerns, as well as everyone else's. "You've already been attacked once, and you're a prime target for the Worms. I'm not sure you should go out there, all alone, even if it is Raian you're searching for." Kisara, however, winked at him dismissively. "Let me worry about that, okay, Best Friend~?" she blew him a kiss, before skipping outside, towards the hall. "You sure she's going to be fine, Tokita?" Ohma looked at the Kengan fighters, all of them present ( with the exception of the odd Masaki ) having become such indispensable parts of his wife's life, without whom she couldn't imagine her life; He, of all people, knew how much she would gush over all of them, in their own way, and how much she appreciates and treasures them, equally, for everything they did for her. Ohma shook his head at them, showing his uncertainty - But has danger ever stopped Kisara from going above and beyond when she had her mind set on something in particular? "I'll just hope Raian finds her before anyone else."
That wasn't the case though, for it wasn't Raian who found Kisara first, but the other way around - Not the way she expected to ever see him though. Raian was on the ground, beaten up to a pulp, and in a pool of his own blood, laying with his face down, like a pitiful, overused ragdoll. "R-Raian...?!" the girl gasped, falling on her knees besides him. "Raian, what the hell, get up!" who could have done this, she kept asking herself - Raian was one of the strongest men she's ever known; If even HE could get beaten up to such a degree, there is no way she would ever, in a million years, stand a chance against the assailants who could get him in such a state. How could she protect him, when he has always been her protector? It was Raian who protected her against Tanji three times, he who protected her during the coup, and he who was eager to help her instill her revenge against her parents, who betrayed her - And most of all, it was he who went out of his way to text her all the stupidest things that he heard, all to make her smile, as he knew very well the struggles she was going through. She could never repay this emotional debt she feels towards him, and especially, she could never reciprocate the way he did for her. "Raian, please, get up! Don't scare me like this!" she kept trying to shake his shoulders, but he wouldn't budge.
Suddenly, a few footsteps echoed casually towards her; Based on the look of the three men towering over them, they must be members of the Westward Faction - They were really scary, and their powerful pressure sent a chill down her spine. She almost felt death knocking on her door, just by the way they were looking at her. "To think Alan tripped over a pitiful pebble like this." the one dressed more casually was the first to speak. "I guess we expected too much of the kid. What do they say in manga at times like this?" the one dressed in a suit smirked at the other. "Hey, missy." the one wearing an animal print shirt lit up a cigar. He must be the leader, Kisara realised, based on how buff he was, and how overly confident he acted towards her. "Tuck your baby boy to sleep and tell him a nice story so he won't cry from getting a boo-boo playing with the big boys in the playground. By the time he wakes up, the world will have already changed." the woman dared say no word, simply settling for tightening her grip on the Kure and nodding almost meekly. Not only was she in a clear numeric deficit, but the power imbalance tipped the scales... From Heaven to Hell, an infinite distance.
As the trio turned around on their heels and began to walk away, the warm body that Kisara was touching disappeared, and Raian had rushed forward at unimaginable speed; And though one of those three kicked his foot backwards to slam the Devil in the face, the brat was grinning, having used his forearm as a shield. That was the only successful maneuver that Raian succeeded, however, as Solomon Wu slammed his body like a golem into his own, smashing him against the wall and easily avoiding the cutting palm that the brat attempted at his face, as Fabio grabbed him by the underarms, turning him into a punching bag for the former. "Those guys are my spares. I possess the ego of Wu Hei, thanks to Huisheng. Huisheng's a little tricky, you see - You could theoretically use Huisheng on the entire clan to mass-produce Wu Heis, but that'd just lead to anarchy, cause Wu Hei's personality doesn't like serving anyone else... Then again, if the successor dies, Huisheng stops there - So I need spares, like them." Kisara cringed painfully as she watched her friend get nasty punch in his pretty face, over and over, and the knuckles of Solomon Wu breaking his skin, splattering blood everywhere. "There's also Alan, who you killed, and one other, meaning there are five of me in the Westward faction; Though we call each other by names out of convenience. Oh, wait - Guess we're down to four." "PLEASE STOP IT!" Kisara yelled, throwing herself over Solomon's arm, and keeping her whole weight to block his elbow joint, and keeping one foot straight over Fabio knee, while the other was firmly planted on the ground, she was somehow capable of keeping the fist from connecting with his face. "LEAVE HIM ALONE, YOU FUCKING PSYCHOS!" The trio laughed in unison at the girl, only for Solomon to overpower her with such ease, and elbow her in the diaphragm, slamming her to the ground, far away from them. "Silly girl, you think you're a real fighter, just because you fooled around a little and beat up some guy from the very bottom of the barrel? How cute, ain't it?" Edward Wu taunted her, watching as she was coughing and wheezing on the ground to regain her proper breathing.
Raian took advantage of the moment everyone's eyes were away from him, and he broke free with the activation of Removal - With one swift move, he was able to launch a punch to one, and a kick to another; Yet not only were both parried, but with Edward joining, he got kicked down from three spots, at the same time. What a disgrace. "Now that's what I like to call Perfect Sync. We're all ME after all." Edward laughed, cigar still between his teeth. "You're mad, aren't you? Is it because we hurt your mummy crush? Or maybe you think it's unfair, baby boy - And you'd be god-damn-right that it's unfair, and we're gonna be unfair, and fight you three-on-one! We can begin with that lovely lady over there too, just to get a rise out of you." that cruel chagrin of his was quickly wiped off by none other than the Kure Patriarch, who came out of nowhere like the true Master Assassin that he was, and impaled Fabio with his sword from behind. "Make that Two-On-Two." the Mighty Demon, Kure Erioh, had arrived. Fabio wailed as his torso was ruthlessly stabbed, yet despite such an injury, he hadn't died - Instead, he growled in anger at having had his brother killed. What a mess of a monster.
Kisara thought the Kure were strong as hell, but these guys too... They were complete maniacs, to say the least, and very, very scary. Despite his best effort at releasing his Guihun at 100%, the Patriarch cut him in half, vertically, with a simple, swift move. Kisara had formally trained in kendo herself, yet she couldn't even dream of matching the elder's assassination and sword skills overall. For once in so long, her interest had been piqued, and she found motivation to learn something more, to push herself further, just like she trained with Hatsumi and Agito previously, and master, as much as possible, another fighting style. "Edward Wu, your head is mine." the old one spared no time to waste, as he lunged forward to attack, only to have Master Wu Xing, the Head of the Chinese branch of the Wu Clan, the Master of Phantasms, engage in a surprise attack - He avenged his uncle, and now, it was time to avenge his beloved.
"Stay behind me." Raian growled, pushing the red head behind him as he started properly fighting Solomon Wu, who wanted to break free and aid his other Wu Hei sibling. "Raian, be careful! Don't let that sucker provoke you!" Kisara exclaimed, only to see that he wasn't taking any advantage over his opponent, but instead, he remained in a platitude of evenness that irked her. "Raian, you're wasting energy on unnecessary movement! Get a grip already!" the brat was glaring like a monster at the foe before him, and he was getting distracted by the main fight of the three clan leaders. "RAIAN ---" "GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK ALREADY!" Raian roared, his voice resounding harshly through the halls as he kicked Solomon so painfully strong that he sent his foe in the direction of Erioh and Wu Xing. "HEY, GRAMPS!!! MOVE YOUR ASS!!!" like a cat, Solomon ended up on his feet, very close to the main Wu Hei iteration. Raian roughly grabbed Kisara's wrist, dragging her to the other two. "YOU, SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY AND KEEP SAFE!" he was outright fuming. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL!!! GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!" as if to anger the brat even more, Wu Xing and Erioh shared a look, and with a simple nod, they activated their secret techniques - Evidently, both with 100% capacity. "HEY, FUCK OFF, GRAMPS!!! HE'S MINE!!!" "Can it, whipper-snapper!" the Patriarch snapped at the boy. "Miss Kisara, if you will, please keep this brat away from this fight, he'll only get in our way." "A-Alright...!" thought the woman couldn't help but look with confused bewilderment at the old man, it was her turn to grab the boy's whole arm and cling on it. "Time to become a parasite. Sorry, kid." "What do we do? It's two on three now." clearly, Solomon wasn't counting the woman as an opponent. Great mistake for later. "What do we do? Simple!" Edward smirked at his counterpart spare. "We just bring them down to zero." what a simple reply, yet the execution was going to be hellish.
But Kisara couldn't, with her 50-something kilograms of a body, to stop the powerhouse of an unstoppable force that Kure Raian was, and though he was careful to shrug her off without hurting her, he was able to easily evade Solomon's punch by diving underneath his arm, and springing towards the Westward Faction leader himself only to get punched away with ease - She looked at the gargantuan man before her; She had a lot of very tall and well-built friends that towered over her like the Empire States Building, but the way he was glaring down at her made her afraid as never before. Oh, how she hated these fucking Worms.
The only thing she was able to witness was Edward Wu throwing away all three of his opponents with such ease that it was almost painful to witness. As Solomon turned his head to look at the three fallen opponents, Kisara quickly dug her hand inside her large pants pockets and found the opioids pills that she gulped down, and an adrenaline shot that she quickly injected in her body, and a lidocaine shot for her stitched up wound. With all the doses being a little over the superior parameter limit, she was sure, soon, she would be able to fight properly; Or at least serve as some sort of decoy. "You troglodytes are nothing like me. You've just witnessed the power of the conquerors, who've spread all across the world." she could see the way Edward smirked like the evil mastermind that he was, but her vision was getting blurry, and her mind was getting a little foggy - To be expected when engaging in a slight overdose of so many substances - They weren't even supposed to get combined, it made so sense whatsoever, but it was all she had, the very single bet she had. "It's high time you accepted death, losers." the woman yelped as she felt a merciless grasp oh her beautiful, long hair, roughing her to the ground to kneel. "Taking hostages, huh? You're an embarrassment, Solomon. You're supposed to be Wu Hei. Act like it." "Sorry." Solomon grumbled, his grip on her hair tightening. "Here, use this, have fun, but take care of the clean-up. I'll get us some 'legs'. Meet me outside when you're done." Solomon easily caught the knife that he was handed. "OI, LET HER GO, YOU FUCKING COWARD! COME FUCKING FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!" but Raian's eyes widened as, with a move as fast as gramps', Kisara slashed away at her hair as if she was some kind of Mulan going to war, and with a twist and two slices. "FUCK YOU! OHMA LOVED MY LONG HAIR, YOU GODDAM FUCKASS! NOW IT'S ALL CHOPPY AND UNEVEN!" came her first concern as she cut Solomon's body in half, before decapitating him and kicking his head towards Edward, like a soccer ball. "I DIDN'T FUCKING TRAIN FOR SEVEN YEARS TO CONTINUE BEING ALL OF YOU, FUCKERS', FUCKING DOORMAT!" Raian's seen Kisara angry enough times - In fact, he was sure he's seen more different emotions on her face than even her husband - But now, she was livid like never before. "I DIDN'T CHANGE EVERYTHING ABOUT MY FUCKING PATHETIC SELF, TO CONTINUE BEING TOUCHED BY THE FILTHY HANDS OF DISGUSTING WEAKLINGS LIKE YOU, EDWARD WU, OR ANY OF YOUR FUCKING WORMS!" her raw yells seemed to stir some kind of inspiration in Raian's heart. "I'LL GET RID OF EVERY FUCKING SINGLE ONE OF YOU! YOU WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU'VE DONE TO US!" "Gah, give me a break. You're angry at the wrong people, missy. If it weren't for Xia Jing sending the Tiger's Vessel that heart, he wouldn't have come back at all. Without us, he'd be as dead as years ago! The way I see it, you ought to sell your very life, body and soul to us, as gratefulness!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DIE!" though her whole body was feeling so out of it that she was close to transcending through some kind of parallel universe, and her emotions were scorching with wrath and hysteria, she was able to see a familiar member of the Kure familiar, having come out of nowhere, a knife in his hand, ready to assassinate Edward Wu. Feigning muddle-headedness, Kisara sprung forward, pretending to slash at the enemy to offer Reiichi the opening he needed. Unfortunately for the both of them, the foe had senses them and easily immobilised them both with an iron grip on their weapon wrist. Kure Hollis also appeared out of nowhere, threatening Edward Wu, who had activated his Guihun, and throwing the two away, started throwing a barrage of punches at Hollis, who was easily drawn backwards - He couldn't release an output above 80%, and Reiichi's was even worse, at around 50%. There was no way either of them could accomplish anything at this rate. Everything remained on the trio's shoulders.
Neither of them gave up though, as one by one, Kisara, Reiichi, Hollis, and even Erioh and Wu Xing went ahead to attack the enemy, only to get tossed around like they were nothing. Reiichi seemed to have lost consciousness, whilst Hollis was stumbling, barely able to get up in a sitting position. The Patriarch had used himself as a sacrificial pawn for the Wu Leader to stab a needle in the artery of the foe... But it had failed. Kisara was the only one still continuing to get up, ever time she'd get swatted away like a fly, and thrown away like a broken porcelain doll - She couldn't feel the pain any longer, or rather said, she couldn't feel anything at all. She hadn't known the plan of the four prior to all this mess, nor that they catalogued themselves as 'Assassins', and they bet on provoking and baiting Raian to bad that he, the strongest Combatant of the Kure clan, would go so crazy that his powers would go beyond anything imaginable, including Erioh's in his prime.
Still, she needn't know the plan - She knew very well how Raian was so emotionally problematic that you could play him like a fiddle. She knew just how to get him to react so bad, that not even his own clan could recognise him. She watched as Edward Wu, with a rageful aura, snatched the needle from his neck and threw it to the ground. "Now you've done it. You've pissed me off for the last time. Pathetic! You're all just PATHETIC!" Wu Xing watched with wide eyes as his most potent poison wasn't kicking in. Hollis, unable to keep his eyes open from pain, growled, realising the opponent used Removal on his artery, and Reiichi, unable to get up from the ground, was unable to comprehend how their very old fossil of a grandpa was able to stand toe to toe with such a monster. Raian was still on the ground, and Kisara and Erioh alike could feel the dark aura emanating through him. "A single Removal user was able to defeat four of the same kind. Clearly, you don't need either Removal or Guihun or whatever the hell you call it to defeat a monster. You know what Ohma said once? Humans aren't so weak as to  need saving from heroes, or be incapable of defeating monsters." "Oh, really? Is that so?" Edward's maniac laughter would have made her run for the hills, if she wasn't so doped up on a shit ton of substances. "You think just because you killed Solomon, you can kill me too? How fucking stupid!" Kisara took off her blouse, feeling feint from the heat the turtleneck was causing her. "Oh, yeah? Fucking watch me, you fuckass. Some weak shit like you can't defeat me!" of course, she was bluffing, but it was the only way to get Raian so thoroughly fucked in his overly-emotional brain that he would snap beyond comprehension.
Every time she's rush at him, she'd get so easily countered, that it would have made her feel pathetic, were it not for the whole damn Kure clan being just as easily slapped away without even as much as a bead of sweat on his forehead. He picked her up and threw her to the ground, he roughed her up, he swatted her and even kept such a tight grip on her neck that he threatened to snap it like a dove's, only to break the concrete ground with her. Each time, however, Kisara got up, albeit, wobbly. She feared all the effects would wear off soon at this rate. "You really want to die, don't you, you stupid bitch? You doped up on all sorts of shit just to get to the same level as the weakest of either clan, but you don't compare even to scum. You're not a fighter, and you'll never be. You're being ridiculous - What are you trying to accomplish? You're giving these guys a break? The fossil's spine is broken, and all the others are weaker than children. I'll squish all of you, like the cockroaches you are - Starting with you, then that fucking brat--" "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE INSULT RAIAN EVER AGAIN!" the boy's eyes widened with shock at the unexpected turn of events. "I'M THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO CALL RAIAN A FUCKING BRAT - BECAUSE HE'S MY FUCKING PSYCHO BRAT! MINE! HE'S MY BEST FRIEND! MY REASON FOR LIVING, MY PROTECTOR, MY FUCKING SAVIOUR -- A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT LIKE YOU DOESN'T GET TO SPEAK OF HIM!" what the hell had he done to garner such superlative compliments? He just made the girl laugh - And he hit on her all the time, while her husband was right next to him, and would hit him as soon as he hung up. He lied to her for almost three years about her husband being dead. "You call me weak and pathetic? Sure, go ahead, because that's what I am! Everyone knows I used to be a shut in who was afraid of people and lived on too much coffee and a meal per day. I used to never leave the house and only study all the time. I used to be the most pathetic thing, struggling to even open water bottles, damn it!" Kisara took a few deep breaths, her hands on her knees, unable to keep herself up straight. "But once I met Ohma, my whole life changed, you know? I found a reason to get out of bed and actually live. I have so many friends -- And they mean so much to me -- And my husband is back too -- I can't die here! Not you some fuckass like you! I can't die when Ohma's come from the dead!" "You're speaking as if you're some kind of irreplaceable beauty, how hilarious! EVERYONE is replaceable!" Edward laughed so loud that her ears were ringing from the echoing - But she yelled even louder. "I'M NOT FUCKING REPLACEABLE! I THOUGHT I WAS - I WAS SURE I WAS -- BUT I'M NOT!" she growled at him with such emotion that it made Raian tremble on the ground. "Who would call Hatsumi, Senpai? Who would be Tsuki-san's best friend? Who would play Mortal Kombat with lil bro Cos? Who would laugh at Akira for accidentally showing his nudes to his childhood best friends? Who would be Gaolang's personal cheerleader? Who would teach Agito about the real life? Who would Raian protect from all those fucking creeps - And of course - Who would be Ohma's little crybaby dumbass bookworm?!" though she tried to hide her face with her forearm, tears were streaming down her face, and the chopped up short hair was barely able to hide anything. "I DIDN'T SPEND DAYS IN A SHADY PUB FILLED WITH CREEPS JUST TO FIND A MAN I'VE NEVER MET IN MY LIFE AND HOPE HE CAN TURN MY LIFE AROUND! I DIDN'T SPEND YEARS OUT OF MY LIFE, COMPLETELY CHANGING EVERYTHING I STOOD FOR, JUST TO FIND MOTIVATION TO GET OUT OF BED EVERY MORNING BECAUSE I HATED MYSELF SO MUCH THAT I WANTED TO END MY EXISTENCE WITH EVERY SECOND PASSING!" "Ohoho, look at her, getting emotional! Let me help, then!" Edward grinned, lunging towards Raian, only for Kisara to defend him with her sword, slashing a small cut on his cheek, just under his eye, before forcing him to turn around so his back would be facing the Kure boy - Whenever he was ready, he'll have to hit - And HARD. "You don't get to touch him." Kisara sneered at him. "He's protected me all this time - And I'll never be able to repay him for everything that he's done for me - But though I've never told anyone - I admit, without him, I might have killed myself." Raian felt his breathing stop altogether, and the single attempt at getting up seemed to have ended in failure from shock. "I hadn't expected Ohma's death to strike me so hard - The suffering, the loneliness - I was so fucking alone, even more alone than before, that I had to ask Agito to force me out of the bed every day, because I wanted to do nothing but fucking weep every day and night." her raw, powerful voice turned into soft, desperate sobs. "Agito didn't understand why I was so upset, he just didn't get it  - And everyone else... Nothing worked... But it was Raian and his stupid ass texts and random video calls, and those fucking selfies, that put a smile on my face for the first time; Without him, I don't think I'd have gotten over the extreme self hatred that I had, all because of this -- And you think you have ANY right to shit on that boy? I'll fucking wring your neck if you dare even LOOK at him again!" "Fuck, you're really hilarious, aren't ya? If I knew I'd have so much fun, I'd have had the others over to have fun too! What a shame!" Edward bent down at the waist, closer to her height, but still towering over her? "You're wrong. The shame here is that, no matter what, I CANNOT get killed!" Kisara grinned widely, mimicking the Kure boy. "For one last time - I Want to play a game, y'know? Just one more time, I promise! So like --..." from the bottom of her lungs, and with all the screaming techniques Hatsumi taught her, Kisara shouted Raian's name so loud, that even the other Kure members thought their eardrums would rupture, only for the softest rumble of a chuckle to follow right after. "Will you teach me how to kill again?" inching her forearm further up, she lifted her uneven fringe to reveal her face, and the wicked expression from her face that seemed to piss the enemy off. "I'll teach you how to kill - By killing YOU!" before Edward could rush forward and destroy her, Kisara lunged forward to punch his liver, only for the enemy to get surprised with another powerful blow from behind; So powerful, in fact, that it even upped his own strength; And it worked in perfect sync with the girl's, as he hadn't been allowed any split second to react, before the two went in for another attack, from the opposite sides; This time, she threw a kick at his legs, whilst Raian punched at his face, and so on.
Reiichi and Hollis both could only stare, awestruck at the display before them - Yes, they knew Raian was a fucking monster of a man, but after they fought four on one and lost so pitifully, to be capable of completely fucking Edward Wu up, with the help of a simple, normal girl, who's dosed up on a shit ton of of different substances, just to keep herself up on her feet; A woman, incapable of using any secret technique, nor was she the creation of some ancient clan renowned for selective breeding of warriors, assassins and what not. She was just some girl who so randomly befriended the psycho brat of the Kure Clan, and somehow, got under his skin so much that she triggered his latent strength with her words and actions alone. "FUCK YOU -- BOTH OF YOU!" Raian roared through the place. "WHEN DID I ASK YOU TO PULL THAT SHIT?!" "You Goddamn cockroaches, why don't you stay down when you're beaten?!" but as Edward shrieked that, the two hit him with a punch in perfect sync, and with Kisara back in possession of her sword, she sliced at the enemy's torso, whilst Raian used his finger to assassinate and slash away at the artery, slicing half of his neck while at it, and to end the overkill, they both cut him clean from the other side also, watching as the pieced up remains of the once leader of the Westward Faction that was now on the ground, in a puddle of his own blood, like a chopped up fish.
Reiichi had been shocked out of his mind, still unable to get off the ground, seeing that Raian wasn't weeping on the ground anymore, beaten up to a pulp, whilst Wu Jing was shocked to see someone so strong, pounding at the enemy and not backing down at all. "You excessive strength breeds overconfidence, that's why you lost - And one more thing, remember when I said, if I were in my prime, you'd be Child's play to me, and this fledging you're fighting will one day surpass me in my prime... If he hadn't already." though exhausted and feeling his life slipping away from him, Erioh laughed from the ground he was laying on. "You never stood a chance."
Raian and Kisara both were panting with difficulty from the effort they put into this ultimate fight. "You took me out, I'll give you credit for that - But this is only the beginning of a massive party." Hollis was able to get up from the ground, and even support Reiichi up. "It's a shame, I wanted to join the party too." With a swift move, Raian punched his skull in, at the same time Kisara stomped the heel of her boot in his face. "Shut the fuck up and die already." though the boy had almost felt his legs give up from exhaustion, he had to catch her from falling. "You're a fucking dumbass." he growled lowly, helping her sit down and helping her rest on his side. "I just hope I won't be getting into hypovolemic shock, okay?" her chuckle was pained, though her mind was still fuzzy and muddled, getting off the medicine high. She hadn't realised she was drenched in blood as though it had rained crimson, or that the boy was holding pressure on her wound. All that over-exertion had taken a toll on her, but without the danger sensors of her body warning her that she was outright killing herself, she had no clue - And given the circumstances, she couldn't care less - Although, her body was getting weaker by the second, and it wasn't fun. "Give yourselves a rest, you idiots!" Hollis snapped, only to earn a curse from both of them, although he could barely hear the girl's voice. Her tired glare was enough of an answer. Wu Xing had taken off his darling locket and licked the picture of his beloved before holding it dearly to his chest, at peace now that he was able to instill his vengeance. Hollis and Reiichi looked at each other, saying they had to call the others so they could say their farewells to the Patriarch.
Karla was the quickest one to kneel besides her grandpa, holding his hand lovingly, whilst Ohma was frozen to the spot, his brain incapable of comprehending the sight before him. Why was Gramps dying? Why were all the Kure in such a horrific state, and why was Kisara looking more dead than alive, and painted scarlet with blood? The youngest Kure reassured the old man that all the Worms hiding in the arena were mostly captured, while the others were being hunted down by Uncle Horio at the moment. Hollis was the one entrusted to handle the rest. "Did you know about this, Fusui?! Why didn't you stop him?!" "OHMA!" Karla exclaimed his name, urging him to shut up already. "Grandfather's decisions are final." "Ohh, you're here, great grandson-in-law." the Patriarch chuckled, only to receive the same reply as before. "I told you I'm already married." Ohma sighed, his fists clenched, pained to be see the old man in such a  state. "Ever the jokester, aren't you?" Erioh chuckled tiredly. "Tread carefully - If my hunch in correct, you're contending with a foe that's far beyond you." he was met with a graveyard silence. "Raian, I suppose you wouldn't listen to me if I told you to stay out of this, but you couldn't have defeated Edward Wu on your own; You needed not only us, but your future wife also, poor darling; So improve yourselves together - Surpass yourselves, and be of help to Ohma." "Fuck you, Gramps. You just had to get one last lecture in, huh?" Raian scoffed, only to have his head pulled to rest on the girl's chest, his hair being patted and played with. "Don't worry, Grandpa. I'll be taking care of this little Psycho Brat." Kisara chuckled tiredly. "Katahara's going to be very upset with you." "I couldn't let him die before me, could I?" he chuckled. "I know you will, Miss Kisara. And you will be a great wife some day. I know I had the right hunch when I saw you that day, ready to take the whole world in your hands." the old man's praise made her smile with gratefulness. "You can't give up yet, Gramps! I'll go call Hanafusa - He can save you!" Ohma desperation was met with an exhausted smile from the Patriarch. "Ohma... It's too late for me." came his last words. "I wish you all the best."
The graveyard silence that took over them was disturbed only by the soft weeping of Karla, who was being embraced by Fusui, though even she could barely bite away her tears. The uncomfortable silence had urged Kisara to use Raian's shoulder as propping to get up to her feet and stumble to her husband and cling on his arm. He looked down at her and noticed her gesturing for him to leave with her, allowing the family to mourn the passing of their beloved Patriarch. He helped sustain her weight and hey went down the hall from where they came from, only to be surprisingly meeting with Rei and Hatsumi, who seemed to have finished a round of intense fighting themselves, and a tall and buff man with shades, wearing a white suit and a fedora, expensive and luxurious, and he was jovially grinning. Kisara shuddered lightly, seeing the similarity between him and Edward Wu, but there was none of the malice.
"Oh, dear. I suppose I won't be getting my bonus for combat, will I?" was he also some kind of combat assassin, she wondered. Ohma shook his head. "Hey now, forget fighting - Angel, what the hell happened?" Hatsumi rushed to her side with a handkerchief, wiping away the caked blood and sweat from her face. "Well... The Worms were tougher than we anticipated." she muttered, her eyes glazed over and a little unfocused. "How's Erioh?" Kisara and Ohma shared a look, before shifting their gaze down. "He sacrificed himself to help us kill the leader of the Westward Faction. There's only one left, and in hiding." Kisara was the one to speak what Ohma couldn't. "Hey, Senpai? Can you take me to Hanafusa? This time, I actually think I'm getting into decompensatory shock... And I don't want to get in the fourth and last stage." her broken smile made the man frown, though he spared no second to pick her up and do as instructed. "Why didn't you let Tokita take you? I thought you'd be glued to him." that ditzy smile of hers made him realise he was right. "Let him mourn. Erioh took care of him for years. He's upset and needs some time for himself." she spoke simply. "And I really think I'm dying." "What did you get yourself into?" Hatsumi sighed, placing her on the bed. "Well... I couldn't let Raian die, could I?"
As Hanafusa took intensive care of the girl, it was up to Ohma and Karla to go to the partying Kengan members and informed them of the World Changing blow that just happened, under their noses. Kisara, however, was content just being half-asleep and speaking all sorts of non-sense to her Senpai whom she missed so much - She even called him a jerk for leaving her so alone for three years, though he knew it was just the unconscious sadness and loneliness speaking, and she wasn't actually upset at him - Especially after following up with whatever stupid gossips that she found out from Raian some time ago. This time, at least, she very gladly accepted the fluidotherapy, but it wasn't enough, and the I.V. bag of isotone crystalloids helped little with her condition. She needed a blood transfusion - Time for all her friends to get a quick blood test, huh?
It was already evening when Ohma came over to her and slumped in the chair next to her bed, holding her hand, watching the blood getting in her bloodstream. "You could have died." "Nahhh, no way." she grinned, happy that her body wasn't bloody, sweaty and dirty anymore. "I just got you back - There's no way I could've let myself die, y'know?" "My feelings for you didn't save me back then." he grumbled grimly, making her sigh dramatically. "Hey now, what's with you? Enough of this." she grabbed him by the shirt, urging him to get in bed with her. "Let's change the subject. For example - Do you still think I'm pretty, even with short hair? I think our hair is about the same length now. I hope it grows fast." "You dumbass, of course I still think you're pretty." he shook his head at her childishness, though it was very appreciated. "Aww, you're such a sweetheart!" she snuggled into his side, though the arm receiving the blood was awkwardly extended to the side. After a few good minutes of silence, Ohma spoke again. "You never did tell me what you put in my bloodstream back then, when you found me." he said, making her raise her head slightly. "I remember having the inside of my elbow bandaged up, and some bag hanging from the ceiling." "Ah, well -- Basically, the same thing that I'm receiving right now, to aid the body after losing blood. I'm thinking that maybe you didn't really need anything I did to you, but I was panicked, okay?" she smiled tenderly at him. "Though, I don't really regret it. You got better really damn fast. I was happy - Whether it was from what I did, or your fantastic body, it didn't matter to me." "I did feel fine." he nodded his head in agreement. "It must be what you did. Or at least, I've convinced myself that's the truth, and I'm fine with that knowledge." "I gave you my blood too, you know." Ohma's eyes bulged from the shock. "I never did tell anyone... But I was afraid. You had lost a lot of blood... Though that might have been from the water on the ground too; And you were very pale and cold. Dad used to have some old emergency tools, for historical purposes, and I tested your blood, just to be sure - And I transferred my blood to you." "You're kidding." Kisara shook her head. "You're insane, woman. You're insane." "Yes, well... I guess that's why you love me, huh?" she chuckled lightly. "Soulbound and Bloodbound, huh?" "Why did you never tell me?" she simply shrugged. "You never asked, did you?" the look he gave her made her chuckle - He was adorable. "I don't deserve you. I never did." he sighed, his embrace tightening slightly. "I'm really sorry for leaving you in the dark. I regret letting you go after Raian, but I also owed him for supporting you while I couldn't. I was always there - I needed to hear your voice, to see you - But it hurt, seeing you so upset all the time. I wanted to go to you, but I was so afraid you'd get targeted by those fuckers" "Oh. Right." Kisara cleared her throat awkwardly. "I, uh... Hoped you wouldn't know. I'm ashamed." she smiled wryly. "But, uh... It's no big secret that I'm so in love with you, and without you I was so damn alone, that it hurt to breathe. It hurt so much that I got in an even worse depression than before you met me, and I wanted to die so bad - At least in the first year and a half or so.  I don't think I was able to thoroughly enjoy my travels. I forced myself to imagine getting in a relationship with any of my friends, especially Agito who was physically there daily -But I couldn't. Every time I tried, I would still see your face every time, so I gave up. Thank goodness you're alive though, I don't know how long I'd have been able to keep on going." "My God, you're pathetic, you little crybaby." he cradled her up in his arms, kissing her face all over. "It was hell without you. It's fine though. I'm back and ready to hold your hand and guide you through everything - Properly, this time. As your husband." "Whoaaa~! So romantic~!" she chuckled, nuzzling into his chest. "When's the wedding?" "You said you liked Spring, didn't you? When the Cherry trees blossom." she felt herself swooning. "Oh my God, I love you so much."
A few days after the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament, the funeral for Kure Erioh took place in the Village. It was a beautiful funeral, and so many people came to pay their respects. Though Ohma hadn't a suit, he was able to borrow one from Hollis. It must have been really hard on him. Kisara let him and Karla mourn, while she tried to comfort Raian, somewhere far away, alone, in some corner where he was punching away trees and what not. He needed her emotional and moral support, almost just as much as she needed him, prior to all of this damn mess.
Three months passed since the funeral, and Ohma was called over by Koga to train and spar together - Of course, there was no one better to learn from but the ultimate Champion - And someone with a fighting style so similar to his best friend, Ryuki's - So he could understand him better. Ohma praised him for having started his fighting career properly - But Ohma couldn't outright go back to fighting yet - He promised Kisara he'd remain relatively unscathed for a whole two years, until their wedding - She wanted her long hair back after all, and in a little over a year, her long hair was going to shine as gorgeously as ever; His Majesty. Until then, however, he was dragged over to travel to whatever place she wanted to see - Well, he couldn't complain, it was actually fun; Though his favourite part of every trip was trying out the local cuisine. Dork.
Their wedding was everything that Kisara ever dreamt of, and she had the prettiest dress there was; With her hair so long and slightly wavy, and so many flowers put in it, she looked like such a Princess. She had Sayaka as her Maid of Honour, and Kaede, Rin, Elena, Rino, Fusui and Karla were her bridesmaids. There were many options for the Best Man, but they both agreed to have Raian the Psycho Brat as the ultimate man, though of course, all of her other friends were the grooms' men - And Inaba Ryo was the ring bearer, and he was so cute! Hatsumi was the most drunk of them all, and was clinging and laughing at a tipsy Wakatsuki and Rei, though everyone was having fun and drinking, even Cos, who was being urged to drink by Kureishi, his master. Retsudo wanted to help with the photoshoot, but Katahara was the life of the party, and even photo-bomb most of the pictures, much to everyone's amusement. Koga had fun playing the DJ, and had some help from Ryuki, as they were the youngest attendees, but Saw Paing was the loudest and most cheerful supporter of everyone there. Agito was, by far, the most out of place, but he had Misasa and Rolon by his side to ease him up - A drunk Agito was hilariously adorable even! And Kisara was happy that it was thanks to Agito that they could create a sort of bridge between Kengan and the sane Purgatory fighters they once fought. Medel was chatting up wth Gaolang, Kaneda and Himuro, while Seki was having a drinking contest with Jurota, Nitoku and Adam. All of Katahara's bodyguards, including the Heavenly Wolves also, and the Kure clan was invited over to have fun, but, without a doubt, the happiest for the wife and groom was Yamashita Kazuo, followed by his two sons. The old darling was crying and snotty, saying all of his best wishes... But as soon as Mokichi announced the moment everyone was waiting for, Kisara threw her arms around Ohma's neck with a small squeal and pulled him in the most passionate and loving kiss they've ever shared - He hummed in amusement, his arms holding her tightly in a tender embrace, and everyone whistled and cheered for them, throwing flowers and what not.
If only things could remain so beautiful and jovial as the day of her Wedding, for just about each and every one of her friends, but unfortunately, there was only so long she could allow herself to keep ignorant of the Worms still lingering like a plague around Japan, and even the whole world, when they keep pulling terrorist attacks around Rome, or try to infiltrate the underground - But it was time for a well deserved punishment. Xia Ji, especially, was going to feel that on his own skin...
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Kure Patriach Demands are Flipped?!
Erioh Kure: Excuse me, young man?
Emilio: Yes, do you need something sir?
Erioh Kure: Well, I heard you defeated one of my family members and a proposition.
Emilio: I believe you’ll have to be more specific. *raising a brow*
Erioh Kure: Well, how would you like to marry into the Kure family?
Emilio: Um, I don’t know- wait, you’re related to the persistent assassin? God, what the hell?!
Erioh Kure: Now now, I come baring peace, and you seem keen on war.
Emilio, nerves: W-well, she won’t leave me alone and it’s not as if she isn’t attractive, however…
Erioh Kure: “However?” Boy, don’t get wishy washy with me, or my family. It’s either you join the family or we-
Emilio: Kill me? That’s not selling me.
Erioh Kure: What do you want?
Emilio: Uninterrupted sleep for a week, proper training partners, and a proper introduction instead of sexually harassment. In writing.
Erioh Kure: *sigh* Very well, considered it done.
Emilio: Pleasure doing business. *leaves Erioh Kure*
Erioh Kure, angry: That arrogant bastard!
Emilio in his first year of being a Kengan low level fighter would be introduced the Kure family after two years of steady training with the Kure would reach super human strength in addition to marrying a female member of the Kure family.
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ojisanmansion · 1 year
Would you consider finding more from the kengan series, there's plenty of good picks there including the chairman metsudo and kure erioh back in their middle ages.
And there's more in the manga kengan omega
Yes I'll put them on the list and add them to mansion
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pyromanticart · 3 years
Erioh Kure
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I wanted him looking back at his younger (sexier) self through a mirror :):)
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